HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-12-11, Page 9tit A DRAUGHT OF DEATH FOR AGED MERCHANT. Suspicion That Poison Was Placed in Bottle of Beer. Nee, York, Dec. 9. -An Inve,Rlgat'on Leg the coroner into the redden loath lust week of (koripo F. Legh, tvtsulthy manufacturer In Brooklyn, Iles developed oonedereblo of a mys- terg. The Invertlgntlon 1s' pr'oeexi- ug Leyte was over 70 years of age test Ir said to have pioneered an es- tate of more than e700 000. 1t was nus custom to teat lunatb In the rear u( hie place of buminoer. With his eiughtorr he mettle hes home In upart- iuiMtts above. Ou Tuesday the lunch - tees was brouglrt as usual anti Leyte went into the cellar for it bottle of beer. Hu took It from a case con - tattling twenty bottl..e On taking off the top he found the twvee feat. but drank pert of the ,Liao. It tasted bast, and he called to the office boy, whew he asked to tante the beverage. which, he ca W, wait bitter. The boy pout the glnrw to 111.1 nos and said the samo. Leyli MOW, and etarttxl ammo the loom. Btxlienly ho belle and died to twenty 'Mauler. Thu doctors found that his death probably war caureol by a strong Irrtteuit poison. At fling It war Me Ib'vtxl the Muff Isul been place,! In the bottle for sere -keeping, and thit Leyte had taken the fatal draught by mistake, but a 'study of tho whole effete Is said to have convinced the coroner that tbe top of the bottle I had hien taken off an 1 a large quantity of polienl wax poured Into item beer. The jeer that remained In the bottle slid the glare uoed slowed a quantity of sellmont. 1n autopsy will be porforwe, anti the content* of the bottle analyzed to asdrrtain tho nature of the poison. COAL. STRIKE INQUIRY HAS RESUMED BUSINESS. Several Witnesses for the Miners -lance their Statements. rcrnutoo dermalch. the proceed- ings r of the Coal Strike Ii:quh°y yet.to'r- liy were of a more or lege demiltury, character. 81x witticism, were on the rtnnd during the two missions. They were President Mltchu l , two photo- er'npherr, two miners. and the wife of it miner. Mr. Mitchell was on the stand for a short time only, anti was walled to show that alt) per cent. M- armite to waged del not mean a cor- responding increase In the price of [roil Teo peotographurr produced I.i,utugraphs they and tukeu of the 'owned. of mineworkere hi the 11••zel- toe. region. when territory wee un- der nivestigatie tu.luy. 11'. U. hettry, free dout of 1: 'real muton, said the uteu working fur Cote !trot. are pall au average of 67.20 n s't'alk, and all cuutract minora are re - enrol to stay in the winter from 7 m. until 3 p. m.. whether or not they have enough care to fill with :-o.al they have mined. Ile roti a flack. awl et,lets at rho Uoxe mines and that ho was on It for new moutt r, be- t: our Ins refused to work a breiart A 100)1 netted Ilam only 6:1 u week. Ile ,) o cosyslalncd of the docking eye - tent lit the examination of Dettry. Mr: harrow brought out the statement that the Coxe company had returned to re-employ upward of 44M) keen a- tm the ,trite was declared off. This :umber war eubsequently reduced by Ilio comenny vonernting to tnke back 'some of the men ut first barred. Mtkr elidd.lek. a Hungarian miner. ',soloed that he Puree about $.!,O .. et year. Ile also complained of the !.eking ryetrm. Ila eubtnittel lir s ego etntienente for the last year or which Stowed the Ltrgest am - one of money ho received for any Iwo weeks to hove been a little more than Il8. \Ire. Mary Boland. the wife of n miner, was the bast witness. She told :t grrueral story of poverty and eal.l the money earned by her husband was nut buffielent to keep her family of 'seven children in good health. Will Hasten Matter.. e'Ii re were no developments this moruiug looking toward it eettle- melt outil iu the anthracite tommiw- slon. Manure of petum are edit cur - relit. iet liana of the attorneys 00 either elate protect to have any In - RA mutton on the *abject. Thu nom• mire sion threaatene to adopt rules'. which will hasten matters, If the at- torueys for both sales do not agree un oouto ept•edy method of presenting 111,e etntletice Rita other data re - biting to we've. The lawyers here hold *event' conferences, end it is likely tlat they will soon come •tit sortie t.rsleretandlng. Bill to Pay Arbitrator*. Washington dk•ipatch: The Home pursed the 101 to appropriate $5O.- 0011 to defray the expen-tee of the autinaclte coal etrlku commisvioo and then adjourned until Frtaay. There was some criticism of the feature of -t1.e bill allowing double ralarl••e to members of the commie - &Ion now in tier employ of tl,o Gov- 'rinneat. and also because the bill left tl.e amount of the eompenmatlon of the members to the Preellent, but all nm,is.lments were voted'lown. The bill vane Irtsr,vl wttlantr d1V►siw1. Mr. Griffith (10.1.► ufarid an arlte:ipi tuht to protide for the payment of the rxpeusce of John. Mlteb •lh the Prer4lunt of tiro l'nited Mine Workers. He ex- tolled tire senl"e of ..Mr. Mitchell to Itrb.gdng the strike to nn end. Mr. Cannon pall a high tribute to Mr. albtch.11. who. he said. was a fellow citizen of lllieote. but said ho dk1 nit believe Mr. Mitchell would errtoree noel" a "cheap John" pro- poeltion. Tho amendment was voted down. NEW RAILWAY PLANS. %cistern Read Via Onlarkt Roans lo. Rtlfalo, D.x'. 8 -The Incorporation los this State of the Niagara Transfer Company. of Buffalo, to construct n rtmim railroad between Tunawan'u and &f(0. ", arid the appltoal.on ILeI at Ottawa by the Niagara Grand lI i.ntt Belden Company for an extou- don of date i'n wit ch to complete its works, taken In connection with the feet that Canad'pn t ugime•rs have Men making a muse' of the land on the Canadian tole of Nagar opposite the north end of Grand ]slants have ghee rise to many nt- 'sore. It Is stated that k western t+o.ad will seek entrance to Buffalo through the Provlcmn M Ontnrlo, that a new bridge will be built scream the Niagara River tet Tonawanda, anda'that the Niagara Transfer Hall- way will be the connecting lank with an easterrlrosd. A speelal to the Re- tirees from Tonawanda says: The th tset with a which the Northern nettle contemplates building..acroei Orand island to T,ennwandn. • DEATH IN THE STORM. Vre.wle Wrecked and Their Crews tatty . JLttlerae. N. (..,'Deo.. 8. -The ob- server of the Weather Bsre.tu re- porter that tho four -masted schooner We.'iey M. Oder went ashore near Ilattcra4 inlet life -Raving station .mrly thin morning during the storm. lihn wan pounding In the Rurf about n anile off More until 8.0 ante when the fnremhet went orrr, carrying overboard the Mat man. Almost im- mediately -The Went To pietelfe. -TRW Ilio -crating crew coukl do nothing to etre the crew. No bodies have wash- ed ashore yet. -YOnkara 11 --Xe Dec. 5. -During the t,torm to -day several barges that were helm towed up the river broke adrift. and one of them mink. Three brother, were un the barge that rink. One ,hoe drowned and the two other's were tonne on the beach 'n ern-eer'ontselous condition. ng•' on:'.P.T. Dee ;e.- thh' driving ssaow, Lk+Rel" Iltek.un. 11gorl fourteen, walked Into Rondout (sleek and wan drowned to -day. while returning home with her little broth- er from n Moro with ',upplles for the family dinner. RUSSIAN BEAUTY JAILED. Doweled by Huahand fellsrealsdisaeltm With .Veld 7 ‘1,1111A, Dec. 9.- Ryfka Oftebhneii, a Russian adventuress of extraor- dinary beauty aml daring. has pot been sentenced to three yearn and a hall In prison here for blinding her former lover, Rubin 8tamo- v1es. the son of a wealthy merchant of Ler:, Poland. 1'yftrt -rats figiy wttt1 Nestler, had stolon a large auto from her fa- ther. When the money was gone Ru- bin rn0nrrted her, and she blinded) him With snlpnrto acid. jdlEy wes remit.W Alt.orte gA a Ut sentence, bit, by making love to a whole eerlea of nfflrinls, elle elcap- - let. wed, nater eetrarmlinary a.Hea tires, reached ('armload, where she ^sit up ax a reigning Moiety. Ti., lhhi*lnn patine discovered lief. niRl, in order to rsrnpxe them, ales suddenly married an Old beggar tet Lemhnrg, thee becoming an Aux- Irinn snbjeet. lute left the beggar Inwnedlntely after marriage, and Im- mediately resumed her eareer 1n arl•rh:ol. het Ruhln's brother got her nereote. and aha has been nen- tencraf to prison In Anetrla. Anreng her admirer'', 1t 1a now male, were nn nrohdukn, and two German prinr't , who merle every exertion to Ret her free. A Hungarlan noblemen "( trent wealth, deeded by her l'e^hity, has written her that she cna get to Ihim when released and he will marry her. Ile calls her not wee the most beautiful creature Ilr;nghat a heroine. E"'"'" MOOSE'S NEST IN NEO NAT, WS IN BRIEF ti a4 V V•f�3tiV ii• 4ANl►IAN. Mr. Oliver MoCT.ary died at Loathe', Ont. Mr. C. C. Robinson liar entered the Toronto Mayoralty contort. Tytu flee Toronto men charged with personation wore remanded a week. Local l:ovte•finent, officials must fu future giro guarantee companies' bouda Queen's' U iiivereity trustees rati- fied the appointment of Rev. Dr. Gor- don as I'rinelpul. Edward Walker, a London milk- man, was arrested on u charge of pertronatIng Un the referendum vote. 11. Bremner, the prisoner In the To- routo Juuutlou shooting affair, wait sentenced to ftfteeu yeurs in the Iseult eutlary. Mr. W. T. Jenuingr will report to tho next Torouto Council meeting 011 a generrl vystem for the ontraooe of radial railways t At O'goielo Hall on friday. before Jmai'_es Street and Britton, argu- ment was heard ou two charger of hiring riga' agaicst 1►,uatd Suther- land, Conaerva.tive M. 1'. 1'. for South Oxford. Judgment was reserved. BRITISH AND FOREIGN. Intense cold prevails thr,.u;,hout (treat Britalu. The ednca.tise' bill mused its 'sec- ond reading in the Meow oaf Lords. The Cuban lltwtee es( Raprerentu- llvavr ,will' prabably rejrot the pro- pusetl treaty with the Milted Stater. -46e--8tste of IINaots iwr deelare.l a cattle quarantine agatort Ontario, Quebec. Fenusylvaub and New York, es well es the New England States. Trio British Board of Agriculture ilex In:tenurtd Ili ,willingness to re- move the embargo en cattle arriving from New Eugland ports whenever the American Department of Agricul- ture ceneiderr the outbreak Ir rti4)- prom ed. BOLO DAYLIGHT BOBBEBY. Bandits Loot a Bank in High Noon -day. BLOODHOUNDS IN PURSUIT NOW. Helena (Mont.) despatch: .t darn: bank robbery war reported yester- day from Bridger, Carbon County, Moet., the moat of Senator W. .1. Clark's ooal mines. Shortly after noon threw masked men entered be Stock Grower, Bunk, and two of them covered Cashier Charles Trum- bo, who wan alone at the time, with two Mute's, compellieg trim to hold up hie hands. no third robber at the same time centered tike paying teller's apart- ment through a Tido door. Frank Willi: ma, u messeuger, entered the brink uuexpecteolly, but before he could appreciate the idluatlon. tie, too, wan covered by one of the rob- ber.%, aud•oompelled to aMumn 4 Po- sition with his book to tho wall alongside Cashier Trumbo. While two of tho robbers kept their vic- tim, In this attitude. the third ga- thered up the available gold and currency to the estimated amount or $2,400 and plaood It lo a noddle bag. After warning Trumbo and Wll- tlanw to remain where they were and to reline no outcry, tho men Jump- ed to their horses, and started for the dole in the Wall country. whence it le supposed they carne. .t posse waif hastily formal and gave chase, but after exchanging a few abatis e'reral miles from town, no more way seen of the bandits, an they took refuge le the wood'. Illoodhoc de hero been sent for. and several posses will join In the scorch. BAN ON THE ORDERS. Further Action of French Govern- . meet. 1'a . Dee. 9.-1'reweri Comber pi e rented In the Chamber of Deputies to -day it Inst of 54 (talo, religions order: which tho Oovefnment asks the Chamber not to authorise. Ilia announcement Wan accompanied by ounehlerabin disorder. .1s path or- der race snmed"the members of the Clerical Right party chanted. amid L,ughter, "fray for u. ' M. Carnes, anti-Semite, r-houted: "You look, Id CoutbNI, ue thoughy'ou were saying AL M. Combed request the subject Wilreferred to a committee. The Bet of unauthorized congrega- tigne slitnntttett to the ('hnmber In- clude:+ the English PavSonbit fath- ers, thee confirming the statement that thea order would be nmoeg those super essi d. BURIED BY WOMEN. A Wonsan Said the 1'ra)er. and a Wo. nom l'trarhrd. t'h4ahgu 410 hp:itch : t coigne:Sty unique among funeral eereiceo was peerformol at ltowit 11 to -day. ellen the body of n women was laid to la . rty of her women frond,. A w tutu . 1 . ,11 stoma" .poke the words. of eulogy over the loly and conelgnel "dust to duet' nt iter open ernes. Only one man mood In the throng of niourneri. lir• vine 100,000 MORE iN THE WEST;' Populnito,, It)• Find or Vent. V.'lll 'thus be Augmented' A imllpeet. etnn., ler. 9. - re- tort" leuued by the Dominion Immi- gration ihepartment Indicate that fli'O iopntneem of Mnnitntts meal tee Territorlei will by the end of the present year have augmented by fully 100,000 souls. Front ,inntenry to October 31 the E elm o ei of the tvytreee in tee a askel.l pyipytber oI Immigrants registering at but he took no part in the ',AmpiieI11innMIA n^7TTTiBe. Tree reeernit i•1tee. It was tee funeral of Mrs. for November have not yet been 'tttsnlune lilies*-Monwln►s,._wlw_ aatearolge hat It at 90 year' 111 nee, the dnnghter of 1e estimates! that the number. 0.111 Captain ,loeeph Oliver, of the Conti- be In the neighborhood of 5,000, nentnl Army in the devolutionary . melting n total of 69,100, with nn - War. Following her 'not wish, she I other month's arrlvelu to bit aiktel. teas burtel as stated. These figures do not, however, show __ the total nrrit'al^. The officers were wont to satinrite that fully 21 ter CHICAGO CHEMIST WINS FAME cent. of the immigrant's wero of the %herr Eninomy Felled. hclrnit Free Tires. Matt TDoll--What t!I( ynlr fall out Celia_Why, we hadn't been en - ;meet a were k hernre he gait baying try', enol 1,: , tight the candy In it MINT beg. A Many Stockingl'd Com- motion in a Car WHEN THE NEST FELL OU i Newark, Dent. 9. - A woman who thought rhe would wear her last winter's hat Just one more reason catered ruct.oas the other day 1u a Clinton avenue trolley oar. Before blurting, t:owntowu for her shell ug she went to the attire end draggW out the old hat aryl put It un with- out a close Inepectlon. Then she txranhtl the car, iu wheel there w•ae u0Uui1g left but etau.ling room. Ali the pwarsen,ferr except Sergi. Brown, of the Fourth street police, mud a small boy were women. And of (tourer they all spotted the new comer's hot and knew its vintage at a glauc•e "She's it parlor trick lady." sud- druly excla,nt'd the email boy to Ile Mother. "8110 can move her bonnet without shaking her head." The bonnet wits purely wabbling a little and there was also an uncanny upward movement. The toy's mother ctlliel the attentba of her noighboi to tho moving prat, and the word parsed down tbe line of seat, so ev- erybody was more or leer prepared when the real c'tl.tin ty a ane. That war when tho passenger, suspected of being a par.or trick pad y, felt eomelhing herself and began to wriggle. A moment later she shriek ell and then she threw Into winter's lett o•1 the floor of the oar, thereby Meaning five small, but very lively nice that had been torn in the hat anti might have been raleeTTn-it If the wonstu hadn't tried to make It du for two winters There were twenty women In the oar, and no two of them wore the ramp co'or or design in stockings, as Sergt. Brown disoovere,l when they ail Jumped upon the watt. and began to scream. He had half a mind to call out the reserves, tet the car war going too fast to get help then, so the sergeant fell to aloue to skeet- ter lough ter the mice and save the women Ho killed four of the beasts on the floor of the car and caught the fifth as It was shaken down nn a sent, from an elevation to which it had climbed, anti despatched It with his club. The woman who had morsel the ex cltement left the car at the next corner, and was last seen going into a millinery More. HORSE MEAT BANQUET. ilrrlin Huaaanc Society to 1►tue OR an Aged Animal. Iterhr. Dec. 0.- Distimenie ltd mem bens of the Society for the l'reten- tlon of Cruelty to Murals her�► Bent invited to a hone, meat dtnnie by the Flebseher Zeitung. the national organ of the German butchers, wit eh pyx it desires to *measure the ■in eerily of the society in issuing Its recent app^nl to the pubic to eat more horse meat. so as to be mer- ciful er ctiful to animate unfit to work, which would bo relieved! of their ',offerings if the ooneumptlon of horse meat 1s made more popular. The Fleischer Zeitung hes not yet emetics] any acceptance to the In- titntton canis. which were sent out on Saturday. The paper promisee to put an proof n horse meat feast as an ac ompllehol tx)osk can produce but the only material must be an aged, rheumatic beast. such' as the society .desires to emancipate. No young colts will do. The date set for the dinner_isDec. 15. • TO 81112 [LYING MACHINE Me' Balloon Theory Should be Abandoned. WEEDS Consumption is a man weed flourishing best i eak lungs. Like other we it's easily destroyed while young; when old, sometimes im- possible. Strengthen the lungs as you would weak land and the weeds will disappear. - The best lung fertilizer is Scott's Emulsion. Salt 'pork is good too, but it is very` hard to digest. The time to treat consunlpe tion is when you begin trying to hide it from yourself. Others see it, you won't. Don't wait until you can't deceive yourself any longer. Begin with the first thought to take Scott's Emulsion. If it isn't really consumption so much the better; you will soon forget it and be better for the treatment. If it is consump- tion you can't expect to be cured at once, but if you will begin in time and will be rigidly regular in your treat- ment you will win. Scott's Emulsion, fresh air, rest all you can, eat all you can, that's the treatment. and that's the best treatment. \Ve will send yob a little of the Emul- sion free. 11. sure that this picture V 11,6 form of a label to n the ONE HUNDRED MILES AN HOUR. Loudon, Der. 9. -Sir Hiram Maxim, of the firm of Vickers, bone & Maxim will sail s!�ortly for the United States, where he Intender to remain for about two years, primarily to try by breathing his native air the b a native of Maine) to cure a trou- blesome throat complaint, the re suet of an attack of bronchitis and laryngitis six months ago. The ato- one4try object of his visit Is to pro - "wilts experiments with the view to the building a flying machine. Ile contemplates making an experiment- ittg ground In Connecticut, or on Long Island. Sir Hiram believes that the ern o: successful flying machines, with which he Inas made runny' experiments. le Very near, al- t hcugh,much work will ba tercel:wire before free tugh flight in practicable Ile adhere's. to his often expresae'l else, tlwas--tile-se etk7et of the prob- lem will not bo found in lighter -then - ale machines. go saje that a major- ity of tho present experimenters numbering about a . hundred, -are working on the Mattoon theory. but he Le convinced that Inventors have porno to the end of their tether to that direction, He does not think that anyone will do better than flan - to, Dumont, who Is entitled to ,,very credit. He has done much better than the French Government exp''rto under Col. Renard and hie brother, Mayor Rennin!. A euecesefnl machine, file Iliram maintnln's, must travel fast -at a speed, Indeed, which would tear any balloon to Mecca. The mini- mum impel of a truss flying machine welt -gate ir, 718 4:,' M e to 1ioiii' and the maximum 100 miles. The enrage spe'etl probably will Natio to he that of nn express train. Sir Hiram nidi that if he dors not Wee of 4rourhine blmurlf k,n may ha. come n eonetlting engineer on tht subject at the Bt. Louts Exhlht- 'u tiense atibresgb- 14 - be, fee tho plazex offered by tl exhlhi- tloe management It is obvious that he will not accept an official posi- tion. Sir 1D:ram will call in about n fortnl)fght. Aesemeuts Reconciled. independent C14101, and oM not reels- 1'n•ezr.. Lionel 8ulphnc. But That 'e! ter, at the Immigration (Kites, this I percentage is therefore .ridsd to All That Happens. the net tato'. ('I teago, Dir. 9. -Its Alexnrder Millie professor of general chemia- try tet the Unlvereity of Chicago, who his been devoting himself to n'xperintenting with 'telpher for ner- nral ninths, has succeeded In estab- lishing. the Jact, heretofore unknown to chemist that liquid sulphur can he frozen at a certain temperature. Although the discovery ban no eommerclal value, It Is coneteered a Chemical triumph. •In other expert - In the wily of nnnlyting 'tel- pher. I)r. Smith hen determined cer- tain laws wnlcll may have much Influence upon Its future practical n',en. Ile has separated the amor- phous, or 'mild, from the eioluhle, or Ilgiihl 'sulphur• end learned mnny facto of their natures under verde,' conditions. The Height or HM Ambition. Detroit free I're". irate Pettier -Here yen are, Just coma' back from college, you ;volute eeapegrnce, and the height of your ambition b1 in smoke e:gnrettrt. Alge Junior-Younh wrong. wipe ; my ambition la to get signwettry to smoke. Goo'( (inert, Nth l more 'Tern ht. ,1 jletr you are going to Merry old Brea erre.' "Brea w "liar the hind's sake:" „ Yea.. Paris, Der. 9.-1 reconciliation lees been effected between the Aero Club and Santos-ihtmont, the well- known aeronaut. He, Count de la Vaulx, another aeronaut, and M. Deutsch, the donor of the prize of 100,000 francs for any aeronaut who could nail around the Eiffel Tower In it dirigible ninthp, were guests of the club at a dinner to- night. and received mends In re- cognl'tlon of their effort's to con- gnrr the preterits! of air. Santos - Dumont le preparing to renew hie experlment1. There le nn unconfirmed rumor t lint the lleiglnn eteumer -Leopold hes foundered In the North Sea and twenty-eight persona have been Wownel An offiolnl deapateh states that ibis gluten of Aehln one probably killed Ino it uklrtnl.h wIth the Vetch rip"sT' thin sent ngnlne. the Aolinese al t'edil. Wand of Sumatra. • waptiee�rr d eerrr bons. .f Lmul.,os you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto, Olando. Sac. and e', all dnrjglat& HALF ARE COUNTERFEITS. startling Statement in -gargling Amer - WWI Silver Dollar's. Washington. Dots .9. - The state- ment was made at a weoting of the Chamber of Commerce by Fran - cid C. Moore that or 40.0004)00 sliver dollars now In circulation, It im within tate realm of parIbII:ty hat not lees than 40.000,00(1 are ccuaterfelt, Mr. Moore predicted this 'date - :peel upon a report made to bleu by the president of ono 01 the leading banks in this city that of 350 'sil- ver dollars turned Into the -nub- freasury by tho Institution of which he Is the head, no fewer than 170 were confiscated by the Gov- ernment as being countortsit. Mr. Moore's remarkable state- ment came as a protest to the re- port of the Committee on Finance and Currency. to which had been referred the question of suggesting measures that would tend to pro- vide against a money situation such as we. have bad recently to deal with____----- t The Ingenious IChlnree. Peter Sands, of Oastie 'Valley, cci:- pleted rebe-tttly a tour of the world. Of the people he asnrorsed with the Chinese moot lmpreesod him. This 1. what he says on this topic: "They tell.y(u the French are econcoleal and ingentnuo. They point out to 'you hots tho Fronolt train rats to clean the flesh from bones that are used In m+nufaoter- bng. and they declare this people, wtten they kill rate, nee their sibs for gloves, their fore for eapac. their bonne for toothpick* tend their tnidone for geolatine. All that may be true. - "But In certain parts of China they have trained gulls that fish for them. and a good gpll will tette" Its water from 80 to 100 pound* of fish n day. They have tralne>'dl oats 'that kill little blain for tb'ee-30 or 40 birdie maybe. to an animal. And they have trained dogs that, day to and da ont, work like trojane keeping Gib crows out of the rice fielder' THE STORY -911r1=1)10- EEB. M. S, Barnes, of Rat Portage, Tells of the Trials of the 'Early Settler. - Suffered Terribly fbront Kidney 4' plaint. but. was l4pecdlIt Relieved and lured by Ibekt'n Kidney fills. VOTE FOR LIQUOR ACT STANDS AT 205,285, With Many Returns From the Counties Yet to Come in Total Vote Reported :- 1-0;t _ r28.8is AUAIN I . 76,469 33.346 3o6.3$5 Majority Nor Total Vote ribronto, D,o. 6 The Tela ttioutsts of the Provluoo wont a dtcided Victory in the vote of yesterday upon the liquor act of 190.b. 'Chis morning the figurer are ro in- cwnplete, owing largely to the iw- p.e.'act arrangements fur collection. that there la no metbod of ascer- taining whether or not the total vote cart for the act will be mutti- eitlit to put it Into force, but it le lutrdly exlwctoil that the requisite total txf 212,723 rotor ,tvltl ebe reachetL The returns receitud from all points up till this morning give the total toter cast um 107,502 Jur Ute mot and (From F'rtday s Daily Timm) 65,368 ugainat it. Ther is a major- ity tori 4L'.13a. Thu telegraph com- {taatua *tats ---that complain selnrna iu moat of rho oonrtituenclee are root uecludktl in this loth!, the bed con- dition of tl.o country roads having made It impoestble to gather the emelts of the vote Tait night. In 1110 l one111 urachi. Conatitueucy. For. Audiugtoo... ,., ... ... -- Sextet, S.:.,. .., ... ... 846 dtockviile... 1,448 eruct, l'e. ... ... 1.004 datum, N... ... ... 1,689 arleton ... ... ... 645 Oufferin ... ... ... 2,511 thin' s ... ... ... ... ... purl m, W......... 1,193 aur hcam, E ..... ... 1,455 Elgin E.. ... ... ... 1,196 tl,tdn, W ... ... ... ... 2,895 Essex. 8 ...........870 Frontendo... -- Glengarry ... . 739 Grenville ,.. 719 Grey, C....,, ... ... 46'9 (irley•. fl... ... ... 656 883 Kelton ... ... ... ... 1,150 Ham Ron, W... ._ ,1,661 Hamilton, E... ... 2'.265 Hastings, W...... 1,004 lldstings, 4926 Hastbnga E... ... ... 8811 fCuroil, E ... ... ... ... 113 Huron, 8 ... ... ... ... 1.496 Huron, W... ... ... ... 1,413 K In tt atom... ;tat Portage, Out., Nov. 28,-(b,ec- lal.)-Everybod In Rat Portage know -A.11 a rrnrat'.. Jo a her oL .- former llayor and one of the oldest inhabitant" of the metropolis of New (Meade. Though ucrenty-nine years of lige, Mr. Barnes looks younger than manly mill rY man( Tarter JrLriTrn, and is poesessed of ,wonderful s[taley and ac.11t14. A pioneer od Ude diet rick, lir. Barnes trite many tales of early life In the militia re New Ontario, but none more itaterreting than the folleswing: " 1 wa" terribly troubled With Kitt- ery Complaint. I weltered severely with pains acmes nay back, and with n weaning, burning sensation when un luating that nvaa vary painful. Though I had Ilttlo faith In pro prlctnry mMlolnne. Ilad a l •x ter (kwkl'e Kidney Lille In the hoose khat i had procural for my wife, and com- menced taking them with gout effect. " It wan not long till my acquaint - tomes started to greet me on the 'street with 'Hello, Mr. farnes, how voting you are looking.' Thew ware not amts,•. 1 felt sm.'hrt, test, and feel younger and In better health that 1 have been tor years. My Kidney Complaint ,wets completely cured by ikxb1. Kidney Pills," The Dentin barquentine De lets landed at Phymnuth Tuesday 18 of the crew of the Norwegian steamer Kong Slgerrl, who were rearmed by the De I,on when the Kong Oignrd was on the print of mink' As to the Bay of Biscay. -....1.483 Lambton, F .... ... ... ...1,073 Lainbtoa. tl►............... 1,(111 I.linnrk. S. ... ... 1,041 Earmark, N... .., ... 1,153 L+ole... ... ... ... 1.211 Lennox_.. ... ... ... 1.643 Linenln.,, ... ... ... Middlesex, W. ... 1.881 M ddlereet, E...... ... 1.249 M4ldlesec, N...... rs59 Monek 846 Mutikoka Norfolk, 4, 793 Norfolk. N. 332 Northumberland. W1.0447 Northumberland. E1,633 Ontario, N. 1,743 886 3.998 . 1.513 1.918 926 1.573 1.482 , 872 1,065 Ontario. 8. Ottawa Oxford. N. Oxford, 8. Parry Sound Peel Perth. N Perth. 8. Iteterborb'. W Teterboro', E l'reecott .. 457 Prince Edward Renfrew. N. .. . ... 1,233 Renfrew, K. Rnassetl ... 1.0:50 Simone, E. .009 Slmcoe. W. 337 Stormont ... 1; 45 Toronto. 8. 3,843 Toronto, N. 8,757 Toronto. W... ... ....« 4.424 Toronto Vietoria, W. ...1,279 Victoria, E. .. 8,50 Waterloo, N. ° ...1,074 Waterloo, B. 2,037 Bellnett ... 1,080 Wellington. W. ... 1.460 Irvington. -. - 4�+1 Wellington, f4. 2064 Wentworth. N. ... '712 Wentworth, 1+ ... -- York, 'F. ,_,... 306 York, N.- 1,x08 fork, W. 1.105 Algoma -- Port Arthur ,.. 312 Fort William 1s88 8 5. Marie 800 lilplssi ng. E. ......... -- Nlplsxing. W. ••• -- Tnta 11 ..... ... ...107.: 02 Against. 100 354 936 411 882 507 256 543 309 10- 133 397 1,38_ 1,885 859 72 452 55 665 502 852 785 1,805 1,567 719 284 318 70 933 (172 130 266 1,575 236 454 567 301 565 370 i.32 395 204 143 Kinget en ... ... ... . 7,483 1,575 Guelph ... ... ... ,,.� 11.083 710 Smith's Falls ... .,,.., 62'2 164 w'httby ... ... ... ...... •166 til Potrolea ... ... ... ... 4.15 207 Dunnville ............201 81 Renfrew ... A. ,.. ..e 242 124 Ferree ... ... ... t183 72 Hamilton ,... ... ... 3,907 3,372 Oshawa ,,. ... ... 438 145 Ottawa ... ... ... 3,996 4,617 Aurora ... ... ... 178 83 I)t, eWs 225 238 Milton 118 97 591 171 Peterioro ... ... , 1,065 541 Stratford ...... 7'74 796 405 557 Sandwich ... Maj. 153 155 402 275 53 390 4.617 7_t 784 199 576 1.152 443 541 1,072 3'28 752 647 837 1,039 142 744,1 5,145- 2.282 2,583 232 6 2,766 1,488 1,389 455 915 896 174. 61'2 57_3 831 551 529 65,363 How the ('0,rs ted Towns V'eted In the cake' and towns the total :oto atilt was about two-thirds that onet in the general election of 1898. i1•4ZR-4hesee seep tier. of-.L.one oa, Catharine% Ottawa, Belleville, Ihln- Inc. Kingston, Berlin, Waterloo, Stratford and AlexandrM, tho ma - /Drily In each town and city woo T1pst (vivo of tho let. In neveral con• ilituencicc. notably lehath11113 ST: Thom:ae, nail Brockville, the vote wen close.--.-llaFsn-.aro. figures For. 14,747 :313 673 193 423 667 513 391 181 :1115 .951 760 8(101 802 510 852 890 676 1856 234 319 419 .t ge i n tet. Toronto 18,183 fern nipton..., 131 Bow ma °vire 82 Welland 103 Cornwall 83.5 Brockville ' 513 OrIliln .e 185 St. Liry'a 155 Kincardine 168 Orangeville 7 sit. T,homi' 85 5t. Catharinee ........ 082 •4tnit Ste. Merle 529 Woodstock 585 Ingersoll 393 Owen Wound 552 Iiorlerloh 283 Chatham 658 Dmantford 966 Clinton 179 Onnnnogne elfee ikerlin 1,131 Pembroke 317 3(3'1 Coburg 876 276 f^Cev111e nen 605 N,p•in^e ,, 1135 119 Waterloo............300 635 Toronto JI,nctloi . 610 275 Ilnrrl" ... .,. ,.. 476 402 I.nt: lon ... ... 2,818 11,522 Alexandria .......... 112 161 Counties et Its Complete Returns Coubtltuoncy, For. Against. Brockville .. . 1.757 750 1Vellington, W. ... 2.086 618 I'e t e rboro, E. 312 105 Bruce. el. ..... , 1.601 1,259 Elgin, W. .. 2.685 1.488 Brant, N. .... 7744 423 Wellington. t ... 2.015 1.158 Middlesex, ...N .. 2.002 470 Dufferin 3,143 369 There Is lltt change In the vote of tfie eltrss-fr. „ yeeterday'e fig- uroe, and there a e few of the other eountb•s from eh etc anything like full returns have en:received. 1O SHARKS KE LY BITE ? Some Emile to Show Th t They Do t'ery Much. In the mummer of 1901 at the United Stator Naval ,Uoqtttat, Ca 1te, Phi1- amirte Islaudr, 8 Mi K., a, reatiee, .drat class, C. 8. N., was coo lercent seem an amputation of tlw middle third dmf the left thigh .when firer maw his case. This amputest r . had been made necessary by a ahark Be, In which the entire lose of the eft log and p quantity ed muscular d .other tissue of the thigh was roved, 'eating the tgwer ex.tseml Li tlto femur exposed. The man .was, at the time et the accident, swimming with a firing party which had encamped about three miles from Iloilo ; tide parl,4 Wan in charge of Lieut. J. F. Liv, of tho v. S. 8. Auuapolls. Similar tiring parties are regularly taken ashore ler .target practice with small aiaus, and at .the same time the occe- e4wt 1s made use of to give the men drill and exercise in /swimming. In oonversatlon ,with MCK., his tuts( etatcment .aver W the effect that while swimming near the boat, he rvddenlr felt himself dragged under water by ensue powerful force. Not realizing ,what It was, his first im- pulse was to resist and swirl to the sur:ace. lie then felt a terrible crunching at his left knee. but he states that, owing no doubt to the excitranent, he did not think of pain or ceperlenee any. %a Unexpectedly aa tho onset, he felt himself released, and then he imam with all his re- maining wtrength W the boat. some ten or fifteen yard" away. Ile then understood that his leg was gone. but dauntlessly keret up hie one and nay aim, to regain the boat U port - stile. He was honied aboard, and his compat11one, by pressure on the femoral artery, temporarily con- trolled the hemorrhage. The patient was rowed In this condition a dietnnco of ahoat two miles to the ship, and 1000 after his arrival the surgeon amputated. The next case occurred In :he middle of October, 1,01. A 56aluewa Moro by the name of Dahkus was in hie Deli weer taking tile catch with Ila hands, when a shark (call- ed by the Moron kayton), which hail boceme entrapped. hi` him In the right thigh. carrying away a large part of the extensor muscles of oke Ing. This shark' that Mt Deblois was caught by the other flskier m111 about. and the fact that Dahkue was bitten le vouched for by these eye witnesses, In addition to which there were prints of tenth that proved their statements. i men- tion these facts with such explicit - nese, as a certain gentleman has published the offer of a reward of $1,00(1 for, the production of an au- thentic case of 'shark bite. The minden on\ the front of ille thigh we T rte through giIii down to the ne, leaving nn ugly gap about tett 11 hew by sIx Incites in area. The ext case is very similar (o the for • oing as to the methodist receiving the Injury. namely, the subject w• hit tee while to a Deli weir, -hr -w ohark ~mitt therein; but In this ne the man was bit- ten on the f 'e. On Readily ttter- r.00n. Pune 6th 1902, while taking my ideate, 1 w milled to atteml this man. a Mol .tea by the name of Apy. filo nose as hanging by a shred, and there were prints et n *Mirka teeth ave the enti'o right cheek. It had , ppened lee: than an hour .before s rsaedxl me, and 1 immediate! went to work, etltching the none 1n place:, noel otherwise repairing the :Im- aged countenance. HP CAMP to me dally, and • hs wotu'ds healed by firer intention under Iodoform dreaming. - J. A. Guthrie, M. D.. 17. 8. N., In New York Medical Journal. - - A Female I.000m0(tve. Tho first locomotive which over IB u. 1esi 01,ft O1 was the now -. cele rated "Pttrtleer." Ito Bret trip was merle Nor. 3O, 1801, over the tea miles OI road running west from Chicago, the beginning of what was k•'ow•n al the Galena & Chicago (felon ; Galena at that time being the leading city of the west. The road ((tartest from a pont at what retell now In the corner of Klnde and Halstead 'streets then outside the city limit', of Chicago. as the Obandl had refused to permit a rail- road to enter the otty. Thin road began badness with six freight oars, one ptnsnene'.'r conch and the "Pio- ner, In 1850 it had extended west • tar ae FIgtnt 111.. a distance of 4; test. witch made It one of the great way system. of the age. From t meagre leginning, hut with good men Ok of it, the little "Pioneer" Maack the way for what is now the Chinn , g Northwestern Railway, ono oft a grim tent Systeme In toilet - emcee -Freely 'The Pioneer," In Four. Track News for December. Ignorance a Notable Veeet. Summer Boarder - -Leek of 'whom - tion In a great driewhaek. farmer Jones. Farmer Jonee - Ain't tt f Why there's men amine net here who are fifty yetatw Md. aril never saw corn planted.•-Detritt Free Press.