HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-12-11, Page 7ERNS: I
or I'rodn:e
W. Acheson&on
Jackets and Furs
��./OUlt stock of Ladies' Jackets and Fur ('oats and
smaller Furs is probably the largest selection
we 'IONS ever shown in a single season. Styles are
the, very newest and trimmings and linings are all
No. 1. We place for special December sale a number
of positive bargains.
la loos, fine 'dewy skin., high anhan, for ner'e seam q'i 1t 4 II.tng, rep-!•� �t/e
tiler vale« 125.00 to $28.00, oleari0g •t, rmeh lett-s;4/00
OL ell weal beaver elotb, In black and navy, lined with lee rearize 1,
I aloe react a $6 60 anp
Ion $7 00. new clearing, eenifo �,�,SS
,, SSA °
M•1y *Lyles in Brae tut r.•oeived fur 1'br•tu,•e month, beautiful 'Resale
and ae m.rd.ret• o:iow. sable Ko. at $6.00, 117 00. $8.50 $950, $12 00,4015,Uo
650.p•rds aur• linty union Carpets, yard nils and to all sew &algae,
fa soba. of War, brew°, (reeo, red and tura, perfectly reversible, regular
'Glee 463 and bo., at per yard.... ... 35C
2, 3 sa4 4 garde wide, la • large range of 116114014, ht per y.rd,i
'p'1t' 40c
V ., Aieson & ,ion. •
L trial : Mr and lar( John Kiefer me '.d
yeeterd•v to 1).u.sl het.'. fum neer Hoa -
C isles: M es M.11 e, Kippe's bee Wows
a position •t the hums 0l re 1.1,0, .e aegis -
tact ma'ron
Cliotoo : Gee Do'er.y, who left town
meetly for D•tr.d:, hes g.•o. Dn'o t6. bee.
lag business.
Clrotoo : Nelson 11.11, V S , I. is ben tip.
pointed se u•p.,1.,r 1. r •tttit, under the
nonunion lope: loo A•, t,
Clinton . este. Nu ,• 11 '1. , $.righter of
J•oub IIiu,i, a laid up to T ,ronto Hoept-
tsl, n:h . wild •It•,k .,f diphtheria.
Winah.n, Tho., Ifo..rth, beaks, ,f
Oak •die, . hp .es twee' 41)•1 at one rim, .1
Meek ler Se, t"s ,sok, •Yiorb.m, hu com-
mitted ..,vide.
Walton J Rea MoMiILan and IA telly
bare removal 10 • 1•ino east 01 Diastole,
which h. as di to -nage dunce the cues n(
y.ar for .eo Ire.,
Exeter : Mre. i?!.z.beth Kabo, wife of
Conrad Kuhn, died oo M„rid y, Noy, 24 b,
aged forty -nim. year.. She will ler much
missed as a respected citizen.
L slob. H seri LI sI., yewr:ca•y dentist,
eh town last week. Herman Boder,
jr., puroh.e.a Mr. Litt`,'. rl,tiunen re mod
will Deny o. the vote•tavy deanetry.
on Rev Dr. Medd Is reeoveneg
from 'be edict. of bar repeat attack of pu.u.
moot*, but u o 10 cuff nog acutely teem
1 .0.mm*tory r I.umstism. lie s . till at
16. home of 0,. brote.r e. tows.
Helmer.: Tbe truce e, of Wats' ,oboe',
C.rr,elt, bore .eeagd Chores btewerr, •ser
of Rev. A. 17 11'emor', of Balmer., for
tsaebsr fo 1903. at • salary ed $300. Tn•re
were ore, 80 *ppltoattoas u Macrae t, the
Grey . C,ogr•lal.tloo..re mended to
Rev. %V. A. nod Mir Smith, of O 1 Spn.g..
Ontario, on the snivel of a baby daughter
on N .v. 22.d Tin reverenAseau.m*s is
• forms resident .f Orsy, '1'ru•ma• Smith
beteg 6n f.rhR--
Boemiller : Jas. Jewall, Jr . was had W.
Sys taloned •'bort time moue by • melee of I ,
steel. o.arht colt no that organ, and Ismweek went to Loodo a to 000.alt al .mutant
wee uo•bwoe l. to sout of the tamed eye at
•11 Ir a to be hoped that the mein may
be fully restored. His la'her accompanied
him 1.o Leaduh,
%.1100 : Lt, J. 1d. Armetreng sod ISS ly
removed lest week to H•rrutoa, where too
doc:4r 0111 emetic*. w o wish Loom .uc.
Dew DeLr. and Mrs. A mettoos Inn
minty 'rum 1r10ade bee. atter their reed
debug 411 tem yearn.
Bro.nle: Mn. C. H. Swallow, of 13.yMills, Atense. Isag.t B (..ray'.. Mall
guest. Sin u a daughter of Wm. Herne, a
lormer well kknows'resident of Bro..tle.
Mr. Swallow is •aoompwied by 6.r Dine•
M. t. he old sot. a baling little Ai4o•oa*( ,
le hal . An •. velem. gee plant h.e boss
beGownsman,laid oeotog Lt web most of our
Alpines pine.. The following will pave
L ,Sr hu Id.oge Irgo4ed : 6f ,..r., L ,opsit
way, Hsan te, E;limier, Mltobell, Heath,
IL:Weald sod McAllister,
Brit eels : A Unum shower party was given
at the resident,. of Mr •od 1/r.. J.L.ckle •
f.w tub's ago It hon- r of Mies Lyda
Crooke. Everybody had • rood turn •t
the party and the (.Log hem, p.r of it was
helloed do.orip;io t. M es Crooks rauo+ved
• lits •apply of oboist, irk.,.
Mayhem D..tb vatted the home of
Jae Collate us fueed.y of bet sink. t,kin•
away Mtn. Cullom at toe age of forty sex.
DSaeed lied ben • greet sufferer totogob
• hogeri0( dampen, the leaves sae sun
10.1.1:nd to 1foAhd
t,t.r'. eider. Pipes be
Joon, mad two daughter. -Lars, Irwin, o•
H•rrietoe, and Mn. McBride, of this town.
L,adesboro: lain Raee R es
ley, L,od-
boro, 5110. gradu.tu( fres the Eeriest City
Hemmen sod 5borthau1College, Ino iu1, hes
a„ c fted a pewter' in the Mhos of A K.
Retain, berr.s•er, Alymer. M.o, Lou
Procter, (i y b, •les. gradaaee, bee souse:-
1 • peanuts with tkr Read Drill C,.,
Br00wle . A fere le In prospect h our •a•
erer.etog toiioomon,.1 Leckie, tobre, leo.
•Iiareourg •cel Berlin to look into the
0111001 of the b,1 . sugar m0oufsotorlss.
is wt i likely take • ram lea RN le
uweebip, Keut Co., to nes abs o, tea an
perhaps drop mento Duo or more auger ler-
one. In Michigan.
Exeter . W bot m ght have proved a cery
orlon' blas .re everted a1 trio Molest e
{sok o1 Monday afternoon last week.
. p'•oral4t For two dos to(ore going
Where to Get Them.
Silverware and
80L1DAY 600DS.
In Xmas ;;mels we never M
before offered such low prices 1.
as we are uttering in all lines
of Silverware. Table and •
Pczcelf-c-tmeTy,-_ _Carpet
Sweepers, Skates, Hockey •1
Sticks Pucks Razors 1
N hn:e deckle, youngest eon of N. D Hurdon,
manner of /Adroit•. Burk, was playing
wound to the house be dl.uovereil smoke
n the room'. He 0011ed his mu her, who
.pne nprntor a t hreet door found that there
as • tl.:, and with great pte.eooe of
mead eh. no for w,* er and soon had the
%daze under control
Cl.nt.°. Ong of the vers old residents
•.1 this locality peeped .way .t the adverted
a5• rf .Igivy-awn years ami eight muotbe,
'n Hon lay, Nov 30 h, lathe piereoe of Yrs
Foli.n.I, endow of the late Jobb Po lead
D.oe•esd wee formerly • restdeet of M.afortb,
hot had nettled Isere for a somber o1 years,
• t etewee neiriety .-. Seed ...Went- -B6►
es • memh.r of the Ostuio, and 1
baro .nee, Fred and ,lob., mad W. Folios,
( .II00w: four d.ugbt..rs, 11ra. Fred Leek -
.00n, Meg. R. Il.mmott, end lin. Cella,
Seefewth. Mrs. E. Campbell. Aix Saabie,
Hewer : Mr,. K' se Sbew, rel,, t oft e
•. %Vn, She*, died 1n Exteer e. Sunday,
h tel', aged seine timbre* years .n I 041.
ostb, i)eoaeeed was formerly • well knows
d e. eemed resident .f Clletoe, owning the
1000... reel Sh. reoeatiy rsturoed iron.
am r ohs, when .be resided ter newel
ears with her pea l..hw, George R .bin.o.
1 , ,
Shears, Scissors, Carvers
in cases,Sewing Machines,
Coal Oil Heaters, Stoves
and Ranges, and thousands
of other articles suitable fl r
the holiday trade.
Hockey Sticks aad Skates
Heckel Sticks for the smell boy.
" Skates •' ••
e. fucks
L.ulitii lest plated Hockey Skate.,
,. „ Sprint!
" •' Spring
Razors that are Razors
We halm a barge ern' It of tie• I,,.t
maker of Remote cher tore
Right in Quality and Prime
Shears and Scissors
N h:n r• )°0L opentel up a hinge .14.
111111 Ila ..f fell. , s11,,.,.'. alert 5,•I..tlr•
•u,t.. L,!.. for Christ mo, gift.
Be Sure to See Them.
Pa ken Knit... fn une 10. up
Aur:uns from $1 to RI .50.
Shot t;c.n.4 from 47 OU to 111) 00
A11 kinds of ammunition
Get One of Our 8ig Calendars
1111' I,e9Lding Hardware
:Hid Move Men,
About Drainage
You know the deadly consequences
If a house L badly drained. Only
a madman ora criminal would him-
self incur the risk, or subject others
to it, for one unnecessary rnirtute.
But do you realize the danger of
a badly drained body? Are you
aware that it poisons the blood, the
Wary fountain of We?
Const patron la Bad
Twenty -fiver Adult Do...
23 Cents
'The only mewling of her family Ig Nils
ne'r6Wrbto.I are her d*ughtere, Mr.. 'Thos.
±Jolpley, of 160 Huron toad, and Mrs. W.
Hairdos, of Exeter. she-leay.. aeon* -na
e Ins 1a the Abet
Brussels : Abut 10 o'clock S.lorday
0orreng, 29 h tel•.., a: her home, Alexander
Street, Hassel., the spirit of le lbs lla l;tl
wtf0 of Nsil Milroy, took its (1 set. Th'
mese of her demi.' was typhoid feyrr, of
four week*' duration, followed by beat* to f-
ore. she was fitly- Atom yaw of age.
Mrs. M .11oy wn • daughter of the 1•t•
Joseph Dill and was born rn England, oom-
tog to Canada In her girlhood Soe we. a
resident of fitness's for the put twenty
veers, maybes here from H'yth. In addltloo
to her husband she is survived by two am e
(Pan', of Memphis, T.00r..ee, end Wm., of
London) and nue daughter (Mrs. El Cole-
man, Toronto Jnnot1o0.) Another daughter
( Ian. Jae. Stollen) died of typhoid fever to
the same how. • few weskit ago,
St. H01sea; Although William J. Mc-
g ellen hal been troubled for years with
nu burr, tbls , mneuo/ty was 51 united to
hear that-. he had •u.tdeoly expired ori
Saturdey morning, Noy 29.6 1. mesons he
was engaged apintiae wood at has own
door, when be was emz-d with heart 1a lure
end died to • few minutes- He wee of a
.faiet enumerator/ diepoer too and the Mph
et sem in snick. b41 WWI hold wee evidenced
by the large fuoenl oo stood•y afternoon,
A 911111 end four °Mikes survive, the latter
bolog R,y. (;. Mtt,31114a, of Clandeboye.
James, farming nor hu home, and Riobud
sod Albert •t dome. 17ie daoa6tse is Mn,
M: Haloes, Dear 1 ordyca. Tee de.peet
•ympetbe twinged ones in
'hu boor a trial rt I bfr.
t ih Ala./alien was to
li * ,.!sato-:bed year.
\\ (DNYtIDAY, Deo. 3rd.
M n Joao Oray is oo the sick Inst.
Wall Turney Is up from Toronto oo a
Mre. Ina II.roley bee returned to
M uhagee.
Cliff ,rd Pugh, of Brussels, spent Sunday
.l hie Dome here.
Dr. C. A. Tome, of Iiruseels, was la the
v•liage uo Friday.
Mus Jessie MoK.II.r ie blotting her aunt,
Mrs. J..1Amami.
T. (51*,er, of Toronto, le suiting at the
home of John Bargee.,
Peter Wheeler sod R U,krtdge k Son
6.,e retu•reed from the West.
Mre. Smith has re•oroed hem a visit to
h., lough,,, lin. (Rev.) Hotolon,
Rey. D Perris, of Wiueham, 000upled
the emelt In 1b. Presl,yt.,ua church len
H Peiter5ou lett int week for New
\'oak, where he intends resenting .0 ler ure
Heresy was • re0er•1 favorite rod cern fre
Muth mn.ed. His many friends wan him
vq:00s In the land of the 5,.,. •o(/
Variety (•emnlal.i rid Female Trembles
hrsea rewelr a"`red by D 44',,
kldar) 1.111..
Napeoee, Oars. I) o. tt.-I5p.oi•I. )-Oesof
the moot fr.rt.en ly mentivoed proofs el the
es of memos! ao,eoo0 is the ogle et
Mn. John C Herrin, of thte place. For
ever mg years she suffered with female
weaksese and Kidney Trouble, The pain
was teertble and her Kimseys troubled he
a, tlfat she could aoi'ber eater•m in bee
poi, a or t.6n any social pheuuree whatever
Her ur.ne save her great trouble in p•estsg.
la addi•nuo Ole bad the he*daobes, pales
aid we0kbee• of female trouble.
She erred six boxes of Dodds Kidosy
Pill. •t d wa. completely oared. Th••
n.J Ora yeua ago 'redo, .he lee.
e000d sod wen • woman •e there is in
Napaoer. Needless to say she always
reoommttdo Dodd. Kidney Pil.•,
Angler's Petroleum
Emulsion aids diges-
tion, improves nutri-
tion, and increases
weight antstrength.
It is pleasant to take,
and agrees with the
Thousands of well-fed people
cannot digest and assimilate
their food. They therefore
get insufficient nourishment,
and are slowly starving.
Angier's Petroleum Emul-
sion with Hypophosphitcs of
Lime and Soda is for such.
It helps digest and assimilate
the food, cleanses the stomach
and bowels, improves nutri-
tion, tones up and invigorates
the entire system and thus
increases health, weight and
strength. Physicians pre-
scribe it for persons who are
recovering from any illness
that has left them in a weak,
w run-down" condition. Get
a small bottle, take according
to directions and watch re-
Angler'. 9etr0lrom Iltraalsbe le sees hy despots
eerywken. Normo nee the a•re• .n.i 1.10f me
a.rlfai nlifer'.. I., , 44.11 ,• Small. we.
i our, aACSOas)Ia, V. t. A.
SATURDAY, I).c. 6'h
Tn. f•rmtr, 141 .this elu1nny ere loud in
their prates of t;. %V. Fielder, 'he 'moiler
fuiemao of D, Caotelon, the apple slog of
*cetera Oo•erlo. Mr. Felder lies for the
post tbartesn years beam the prlomp•I
eppie buyer in this p.rt, He bee always
welt, hes gene of mem packed eyery barrel of
settee In bought and did bis own work
with 1 eett.f•otton both to the farmer
reed to hu employer, 10 telt, so complete
is the 000ldeoce expreeeea In (nerve Fodder
'Mit no other buyer seed come int, this
tart n0 the future.' » BEN
MONDAY, Doo. 8•11.
HotenevILeg eettooL.-The true 001 of
1! ,m.evrn. puaT, rallarrive enR.g,.T
Nelms Tr•w tribe, who .l present ie a 'mad-
ras Loado• Normal school, ea teasber for
T903. Iii.-Tiewertha teurht that go t005
tear some two toe . sod gave .0 excellent
satiefachoa that the retrpeeers .re glad to
hear the hie 'enlace hove nein b. en 5..
outer!. H• tie a yen,g man of theentrees,
ntegrttyand is nearside( te.oher. The sal•
lar/ w.11 he /350
1,Np9rA1. POLITIC, - It le uodetetood
that T. t'viroh111 o II retire from the r Ove
*bill and from n nominal life a the otom of
the prevent, veer. He h.• .greed ,M fawn
el 1? l*ddlulty to well, and Iwo,. site
110 •6'0.10 n1 •11 1•, of Said Thal Samuel
4 g. fly end John Middleton will 8.o.ldi-
latu for the new. ehl . 1'n.) have both
h mu..Ialp.1 *tem 0100, ban are (nod
men o,.t • ....Et .01 between them final I b
en In wee' 1114 0 .0, • IA to env even' the
ntste.e of the town.h'p stool 1 b.. will
lmked after by the .nceeesf,ll oanif,d•le
Pleoplta 5libieh . sed Mile Erne. Nese
How a,efghtly, aometimee even dues•.
lee, sed a, tinily vasty n.' city eg to ,h.
midi ter. They me merely .. ev.d•noe of
impure, poisoned 1 Ind, end lowers $ wileh y
Of if r elssatory preens, whroh dao the ,
riniokly rhea/eel hy telt ng Ferrero.* et'. r
greet.. Fifteens cleaes11 the Heed of el
InIso.s end ernptinn., makes It rich In red
en pieties east mesilest themselv..ln Abair
thy, rudey eomp'eaten. Te h.,. • pare, vat
•k a pod good *amyl's' n •Imply en
Perron.. regnlorly 1'40.50,. per Ma, or
.it hoses for 42 50, S Drolleries, sr N. C.
Pelson A Co., A seta. Dat,
Tty1)r. H.,nlltwe'. Mt0dreke Pi1N.
Mr, Rale WIN seep tai t ere Mere
l'erdldeses Aaaoa.0.4.
Th re i. to he s Mugge is the .ol.re ell+
.s 4111 of lSiSeaford.-tack,nn,ith,M..Kr1, p
Ity 51ou to tau e..anly, 044001 Ti*. 11.
t krleolli --rseys: Y . Trades.* S Beye,
oro of floe p niemlr.r•, inforws re lnrt
ne wall not seam be • 0wdid.1 , Yt. H•y.
*ee Dina a member of the vounull ever mune
;ne now Gouty uuuuuil art arms tufo force.
Sia vote,go, and be think. 1i• on boon
there loam enough. He 6.. also been Wet
lea 411 ahs dbuUty and dun eat. there/ora,
.an any o6anoe of again 000upyntg the chief
'heir fur SUMO veer. 10 fuer, red bite,
neo cqu•atiy, doubled to drop out sod pian
note prune else • thence. Mr. John Ii
McLero, the other member, will agate b. •
tndidate. Besides b.v,og been lo the
'•'uucil rill ler the old me, M,. Mc Leyte ha
peen [Moro coa1lou••usly SUMO 16. obeng.
*WI Mede tr the oleettoa of uuuuty 10,10.
n1•1110uele. He is, therefore, one of ,e
oldest members of the comical, and steads .
mod chance of blur selected Warder.
'hould he be rsturoed to the next 41011413.1.
r. MuL•eree lung expense°, and •beuty
•m needy qu*lty hien for the position 001
•• hope w hose the pica u e of •xtodlag
• 115•.1 u1,'tone to J•oo.ty. Amooa those
wb spar• to county uouocil honors, we
nes.. beard meottuo•d the Lames of Mr.
John l). Orley., of MoKlllop, and Mr, B B
(Juno, of Sealorth.
11,e Luckoow Sentinel eiy.: We under-
stand that Mr. Juba N. M:Keoz e, of
Aehd.ld, t1 gu og to be • u•od da . for
County Couooil,or this year. Mr. Mc-
Kenzie bee • long muote.p.l experience both
le the ooaoty council and towo.blp oouuoll
aad will make • good representative,
141 dtvieloa No 5, ovmpae.d of TuOoberry,
H'0(06 aad Wrua.ter, k.bt. Mills, one
of the p member., will probably seek
re-sloc.iuo, and Asdr.w Doig, .1 Howtek,
010000oce ta*c he (1 a 000414.10.
Asthma tan be Cared.
Tbou.ode of tesiim.a a oonclu.N.ly
prove that A.thm• cam be p*rm.umIly
carat by u.'l•In.g C,'nirhoe.ne, a vegetable!
•.'o.puo that deists uysateine 1Le germs
...amnia the delouse. Ceterrb.z,oe g,v1.
unmeliate rebid to the dtetresator Dough
• 0 * .u0 .oatto5 ..ne,uone, makes breeching
.Roy and rs,tul.r and Dumas anduturbud
e'en), C,tarrboz,es CUM Asthma that
doctors ere usable even to relieve and can
ones you. The Catarrbozos0 Mester le
matte of hard rubber, fits into the veil:
pec ter, on be seed at( work, ler church, Ie
he sites'. Ib bed -any 91•00-a1 Say time
m,latha' •se' m rot (guuanteed), prior
$1 00; tr'IpI Is 1. 25 Uregrieta or N. C.
Po eon & o,, Klae.to•, Ont.
Try Or. send...'. lluleaks Pelle.
An Dineen asked Me employer for a
fay'. ho:td•y to go to • friend's wedding
lie did not come *ask for • week, whim, to
'ere amuses •et4u,ehmeoe, be appeared
swathed In bandages and walking with •
cru:o6. On Delog aced to ea his
unwarranted absence he r.pl'ed, "lute,
your Honor, wine I got to the ohuroh door
• mw was there who said he was the beet
moo -and, b•rorr•, he we, too'
"Let sleeping dogs lie."
Beware of the "bar-
gain" shoe!
Why is it sold at a
"reduced price" if it is
worth full oricc?
Leave lottery shoes
carefully alone, and look
for the Makers' price,
stamped on the sok of
the sure value shoe -
"The Slater Shoe"
lieodyter Welted" -- J
MK. SIiA MIAN, Sole Agent, Goderich.
Those thinking of tektite • hostosss moans
Nwld Rot • journal of the Llstowel Buel-
•.ss College.
*0 f heuntati.m of the face.
L'ri, Acid left in the blood
by disordered kidneys
lodges along the nerve
which branches from the
eye over the forehead, and
across the cheek to the
side of the Dose. The
cause Is the same AS in all
Rheumatism- disordered
Kidneys. The cure is like-
wise the same--
The Divlsiod. n
1*tween goo f:sod (odld.t.Dt
Drugs and Medicines
to *trone ly defined here. '!he iodlt-
Iere°t Ived .r• never ordered and
Dryer permitted to form part of oar
et., k. Oa1, goods r f un lout ed
pur.ty *re otferod to euvumere.
Our stock . t
Proprietary Medicines
I. vary love, Prices are I, w.
Mill Wood
The a1 ove is cut into stove wood
len;:th and will be delivered to any
part of the town the stases day as
Orders received by telephone or
left at residence, 128 Cambria street,
will receive prompt attention.
'Phone 98.
C,wlerich, November 21st. 1899. 53-3m
THURSDAY, Dec. 4, 1902. 5
Jordan ]1cBlock. K I M'S Goderich,
/ Ont.
Cr C
The C's on 15 backward.
"The Season Is Backward"
Which is the reason we have some winter goods we would
l like to part company with, even without profit in some lines,
`such as : -
JACKETS -All our Sew Jaoket., black
sod grey s•mb6ttlae. L leach, hoed and
seined velvet collar, u-.n.t styles.
$6 00 Jeeko s fur $4 00
7 50 Jackets for 550
'4 Irons Spools, 5,.
10', to 20, Vlore*. 011
26g to 753 Toques for 153.
12s, Tier, men's, boys', eta., 100.
OVERCOATS.- The stook 11, melting
dewo but there are nearly 100 yet of •l1
klo4.. Tb.y ate gutag-it would w a
weeder of they were no'.
Overooets as to v as 99•.
$ 5 00 O r.r000to for $3.50
700 01h/roo•ts for 600
1000Ureruoatefor 7.50
Same outs on Viscera and k.den for mea
or toys.
MILLINI?'RV-R.aiy.te-wear, ae well y
others trimmed to our owe workroom,
r,5ul•r value $1.50 to $3 00, all at one
price $1 00
JACKET AND COAT CLOTH. -About 200 yards must bre °leered at
reduot/oo.of f.'om ooe.(uareer to one hall, some •1 leu than half
M lahfre BUSY STORE.
Lightness of a
Dorothy Dodd
On the Scales.
Agreat many interesting facts may
be discovered with a pair of scales,
but it is doubtful if any single fact
will be more interesting and valuable to
the average woman than the weight of
her oboes.
For this tells her the number of
ounces that utust be lifted thousands of
times each day, and a tittle calculation
will show that Attie lifts tons of shoe
leather • day --no small labor in itself.
The "Dorothy Dodd" shoe saves the
lifting of more than one and • half tons
every day. A pate of "Dieuthy Dodd" shoes are several ounces light -
than ordinary shoes. The feet are just so much more comfortable,
aori you are so much leu tired.
wer7Sc•, .
Plit,a pair to the test.
They cost
N, B. -Of course we will give
you particulars of the k4,000
Prize Contest
Wm. Sharman,
r., kas exclusive sak at
MISS CAMERON wishes to
announce that her annual
has commenced.
heady to w,•ar 11 His greatly reduced.
Your nits •l. In the millinery Zine can be supplied very cheaply by
cal Itog on
I I Cor. Il•milton and Newgate streets.
Miss Cameron
Established 1890.
Phone Main 430j.
ie We111n,zton Street East, Toronto,
Main Offices -41 Broadwfay, Nett York; N State Street, Bosnia,
nought and Enid for OMh or on margin
I'atloul•r •tranuos g n to Bandies S.ourittse ttarket latter• mailed duly
14-s :ea't'wsweptteat• di?iTEOHid.
Tt* nutter was
Yo hoylaar• thorough know`dge ofoGammefor n:id as 08.e1t•eee
weak. Th.
r:_ -'
PAT SEPT. 1900.
Perfectly Ventilated, Perfectly Remlient, Absolutely Nei/esteem.
1t hes hurdle* to lift or carry it by.
1. much cheaper and more durable than the beet hair mattress.
It tonna get lumpy, and will not sag from use.
1t is the most beaky areal must comfortable Mal1rees mode.
[.`Call wed examine Its merits. Sold only by
Dealer in High:Grade Furniture, Furnishings and Art Goode,
Flue Upholstering dune to order. Eget Street, (IODERICH.,
The Jing of Pang.,- " DUCH'S HAPPY THOUGHT "
RE day has gone past
en a wise woman
will put up with an inferior
cooking apparatus. She has
heard of
LON DON, ONT , has notated more et0deeb to profitable reaffirm, during the past
t••r Mee • v Sell of in the Wee. We weed( ., pleased to •e e., ton year
J W. WESTEitVELT, Principal
No one who hugs Orneerie, ran afford to overlook the bargains
which en offer on every lawful beanies day. Our Groceries are
of the ltest'lun'ify, and the price. are es low as first-c1aeo4 goal•
can be bought at If you ere not already dealing with u., melte
n trill purchase, and nee if we cannot snit you.
��vtr�aY- dz CO.
ga'Uootl. profoptly delivered. Telephone No. 91
1 b C.,,wesesd Or.n
and her neighbors tell her what it will do.
if by chance you do not know the merits of The " Rappy
Thought" you owe it to yourself to investigate. See the Range,
look into the firebox and flues, weigh the covers, ante the patented
dampers, the ventilated, illuminated oven, the corrugated oven plates,
•nd all the different features that make this Range so different and
so superior
Ton don't know tree household comfort if you don't know
The " Happy Thoagbt " Bttnge
Waif, fhe Nanerfacfaeets for Murhated Catalogue,
CHARLES LEE. Goderich, Ont.