HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-12-11, Page 64 Tuum.DAV, Dec 4, 19022 THE SIGNAL : GODERICU ONTARIO 'ems" ", W I N T E R ,,A WINDS i cut through like a knife. Pneumonia Turks in every gust. Sickness and fi- nancial loss are prevent- ed by dressing warmly. Von can easily do this at comparatively little ex- pense. See our warm and stylish Overooste. Overooate load• for style awl comfort iu an immense variety of materials rniI yndilk., "swell" in .appearance and low in price, with e eeI1ent capacity for wear Come in and choose. Prices from $6,60 to $ t3.60. Christmas Ties. ErceUent Christmas gifts, arolt they. W. Invite you to mall and Sew our tory lane and ex,e'lent range of heckwer. we have the reput.tion of c.rrying the best and mos up to -date Tie . and this season we even surpass our usual kirk standard of exetIlen e. 1 Our pat erne are re chilliest. You oan'i get them in any other atop in town. W.C. PRIDHAM. atl roux, le rvMILUn EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ■y a. IIea11eJ(IIDDY GODS:MOH. THURSDAY. DRC. 1. 1E . RESUL r OF THE REFERENDUM THE result of the referendum has been a surprise alike to the supporters and opponents of the Liquor Act of 1902. The supporters of the Act did not poll the vote that would make the Act operative, but they manifested e strength over the Province that is a warning to the liquor interests as plainly as was the handwriting on the wall in days of old. That there has been a great growth in temperance sentiment of late years all will admit, but our temperance friends need not lay the flattering unc- tion to their souls that the vote of last Thursday was wholly a tribut%to tem- perance sentiment. There was a spnnkling of the leaven of politics in the vote,wbich helped to raise it mate- rially. It has been said by somebody that the intention w as to "put Rosa in a hole." but, be that as it may, ear- nest Conservatives who never before voted for a Liberal measure went cheerfully to the polling booth and put in a solid "plumper" for she On- tario Liquor Act last Thursday. New that the Province has decided the questiou there is a duty that the liquor sellers owe to themselves and the public, The license under ti Bich they carry On business is governed by certain restrictions and it should be the duty of every licensee to keep with- in the letter and spirit of these restric- tions. In the past, unfortunately, the restrictions to a large extent have systematically been ignored, with the result that temperance people have been compelled by the open violations of the existing law to eLdeavor to put the liquor sellers out of business. The hotel -keepers can easily improve the existing *tate of affairs and will find it in their own interests to do so. Meanti©e the temperance folk will continue their course of education. It prohibition is not a possibility, or a probability, in the near future, theen- forcement of the existing law is .1- wa i L dere. and as -oma Via and the restnetiont increase by sta- tute it may be that the neoessity for a prohibitory law may not be so appar- ent in the future ss, owing to the non enforcement of the existing law, it has been in the past. There is stork fer both temperance people and liquor sellers. The work of the liquor sellers, in their own interest, is t• live up to the present law, end the work of the temperance people is to see that they do it. Six days is enough.to labor in a bar -room, rest as it is in any other place of buei- pick a 1oa -see To std and assist him That is 'by A H. U. CuLyctlut'n tis been chosen s an editorial write on Editor W IL- I.iroN's new paper. COLt1DuIUN is so all round newspaper man, with Elle literary ability, and u white as they make 'em,'and if Eti tor W,u.i.uN exercises equal diserim. enation in s'ecting his entire staff, he will, mdeed, be able to turu out an ideal newspaper. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAVING TA !No THX PROFITS. Detroit News: We may never aaaex etude, b0► the todlsatioo• r. thst we will anter a large persast•re of the dlvldwde. AT eu MUCH A LINO. London Advertised : It may be d Ai •alt t• say who te the greatest .aa la the Britisb E np•re, but the Toronle papers seem to o.ve agreed on Dr. Orabyateth•. ANVTRIR Ol.a AT OUR RANANA GILT. Hamilt.a Spsotator: Commotio a Me- 0.11tonddy la Allis( in the whiter months by beadle, eleotrte railways, which shell radi- ate from Godertoh .vea as l:oderIch'estraete radiate (rem the btlzzudly /guar* le the Orator. .uRRY .HR rt'Oat, leaden Ypte5tor : Soinetim s h Ie not well to dimmer threes too lolly to the eo- sr.l cumpaoy of a "publio oosvey.00re," but to adopt the time-h000red advice of the aroduotor, aol "behalf, u snob " Net loop aro wmoeoe was heard le • 'buss to soy loudly. "N••, tb.y did no: like Jretried too damp, too oold, and too many Rieman ('aIbellos " A lady oppoelio struck to with the suggestion that they might b• happier 1a a place where It was "sot damp, rot imbibed .e Ricotta Cssboltes." Thea the lady got out. TME WILY MAT. Et, hanger The heel that 0lonet offer all ►h• beauties of nature and all the luxuries of life le yet to be disoov.r.d. At lest, 11 5., Dot bees advertised. Bat It is not every resort when the what le w •000mmodatlog se at a place In the Highlands. A traveller on fele arrival there risked, "le this s goal place, landlord, do you think, for • pervert aff.oted with s weak ohint •" "Nene bettor, sir ; otos better," was 5io aooer•,lo, reply "I bare TMs - fillelleillooded, you know, by the dotter N NW, le a plate w5• re the south •lad blew.. Does it blow much hon`"Totts aye!" was the reply ..'• aye the teeth wind that blows herr.' " rhea how de you 100.0,1 for Ito hlowlet from He north at the present time!" sald 15. tourist. "0, that's sully secountre for, .r," was the reply. "It's the souu wled a' the same, sir, list on It. road bans WAIL" ateCLT Or TM■ vOTa. "Gee,'' said the B,►tle, bltaklnd hta eye., "Ws .'r that jolt as awful surprise yes." said the Gork, with • sad, sad emit. ' Taal shield hold u fnr • while." it'ell," replied ()Id N3, "Jew wait • bit and the you'll ser." "That's right," said the Corkscrew, turnip abut, "Rot what's that nine,' 1 bear a about. • '•too did," said the keg of Fresh tape( Boor, "That vial s p•oblbitloa obeer.' The (.1.ee sod the Syphon had a delete With Whisky aad Sed• sad Whisk, , Straight. "Ila -d leek," odd the Claret t. • flee Ale. "Hard funk." sold the G. le •eaweel wail. ' Beoos rap r' a.M eke Akdalk•,' Lebo '.Terra right; that's w," said the Pep Ike Sherry Thea aeswerert Goof OId 'F43: ' Listen • lot.., sew, listen to me. Why Should i Re the metre of all this fees And nave tbs pimple always moss A.d blame me for all that'. bad li'hy, I try to make • fellow glad; I, ft blue op from oat the dump.; B .See hint op be take ih. jumps; 11.52 him think fee's a mIlhoealr•, tied shed • 5.10 o'er the Trow of Oen. Tee deist ;Saturn over viewed Are 211 my work.; they're briebtly hus F .r instance, take the 014 Soak'• .es.. Tnere'. • tin• fer the 6..,s roes, And there's many • *tan who lee am f. Who tures Io Item, tad bhp troubles se They take him away to t5o hoarse keens. There •n se trembles 1e the grave be; -Charles F Hey.ettd le Tercet• T111 Ta1ATINI CDMA, To -e'e Wo,Id A majwlty et the • .. ()star,* may net he sets to swam 0 Mlles, hat the people Sty. It Is task need. re da away with the neons, sy, he one le end have r...thlrg" es 1.N Trier clews to the net .f ta. heir - ..II. I t t• an etre present curse frac is ly responsible fer .er Saeed mop sl d • d.. 1brou.h 1t •ar rental ease 01s ed tato the examines *boob •ve.IMy ger them 15. viouma el ale h.11.b, en „r,flteble r t a -se Ab.li.b It mid w. „• gest extent, shell di the •vIl .f let.m• T5. prortisone of t5e trestle, ovate. In 'scull r t• this mintiiest. 0•Iy 5 re dee • mos 1«i obliged 1. sok his Mead to have drink soots •tms be meets 51m. Is EA.- tad mad se the Europa Cootie... it t. 'rffereet Over then • meo twos sad 1, ye • delak /..' Mussel' aha 5. waste ono. R• de.mi sot feel Is Iaos.beal epee him se to vit. .•ery friend he meets Is R.In'.r np, t... N. d..s sot een.edr r that tomes* he bap- •.ae to M th'rety everyhrdy eke want 5t blesty .1e,,. in short, the A.s.raa Sy. is.., wi h ahs loins oo..wp lea at aeolal .h IigsN.e. wh1A It lege!•.•, bas ass tat a ".Id ea the tap!re na the other .Ne of the Atta.tle, es Ithas en Ilia potpie her., .d t te fortunate 1.e them that 1. ham n,t. it ,a relator, .1 Fruiter Rai'f..r, .f it,.gl•oA, sba1 .tee 1. • golf .lab, of shish he ie pr. - sweet, he be. taken • gem % shed la lever .I SNAPSHOT& -Up W the tiros of going -to press we have heel) unable o determine whether 1'h, I3amiitol) Frptctator voted for the Roy or the Barrel -SCTn►RLANn, M.P.P. for Youth Ox- ford, has es. aped, .ike Job, "by the skin of his teeth. The judges gave him the bene- fit of every doub',, and he needed it evert time -The Ifyuot sellers of Dotal to. after the notice tbat has been nerved on then, ,-an now do theme tea a good turn by rigidly carrying out the present liyu r law. If they believe the exteting law in the hut in their intimale they should use their every endeavor te beep it. -The result 14 the vote. rel the Ligeo• Act of 1902, reminds no .4 the old diev,htt, song about the battle of theri(Uuir 1tusoe ray we won. Rowe env 1 ut. erne. Rome say that. none w•e. at e . But of one tit g 101 marc That atl4hrriffl/.,r A (mitts their was which 1 saw An' we tee an' they ran, At.' they tae au' we ran. MA we ran and ' hey ran awe', SI, M1 Mem. •w■ pot. 11..1*, Utiles. • example le • salutary .N, aid IL .1511 wen a followed 1. ibis .usatry. la aur imams, w. b.11sie that wooer or Inter the trsatsn( habit will g.. N•dJobs Sema men pe•eewlos • very high ..use of their re•pou.lb lily to it.. r fellow creatures wr11, t.r ei.mpt.'e ilk•, emu to *oohs. I y rur a" -• '.' wine wee who do druk rent (00 The d.t •014 w• ease t0 treats • Ace, • dared Tun"K ...dao know. And tt• ,tlu . Seal respect 15\10. Al Tales 0.1 tend Th Oats sod ptsst ) o•r Ilur. Th . 3226 stool mise ..al Tet ptr .se Vim Ian 'e. • an. •e' •a O f 0e 05 a 7 1 Christmas Gifts IN FANCY FURNITURE I'hose 81 J. 11. COLBORNE lashTotPoir:eI XrIA.s 000DS W. Ac Jackets U1: ail small we have eve the very ne No. 1. We of positive b; LAUIEV A8'l1tACRAIl L Is lea/. fine. •I»..y .ken Wm vale. 425.00 so 428. LADIKS. JACK E:TS, (It .11 wool buyer elntb I' Mae. resider 46 50 5. UINX AND EARLE RCAF Mary eiyl,. to 1 .s psi sed al m .d.r.t• 0:10.*. CAKPNT SPECIALS. 660.wd• mitre beat, y ul to orders of Woe, brown, velum 453 sod SOo, at p. SCOTCH UNOLEU MS, 2, 3 aad 4 yards wad*, to •, ate COUNTY CURREI 2uloh : Mr and Mr.. Jobe yesterday 10 1) .u.el hal.'. 1. "II. C wee. M ea M.11 s, )(tope a putties at the b,u•e u1 re u !ant 01'100. CIia1LOn : ON Doherty, w reoeotly for Detrolt, hoe winelag buunw. CI:otoo : Nelson B.11, V. S. pointed .n u.pe.t,r 1. r •Stet I,umm:oa !ono ::1•11 AWL t.'b.too: We. Nun 5Ile, Jaoub Monet, is lead up is tel, ei:h ■ mold atteak of d.ph W1.15•10 : Thos. Howarth Oak•,llr, rho w.. employe] • oleek Io $.,011's b.ok, • ta.bei witted estuld.. Walton J.,us. Malt allies b..• removed to • bum sae wbIa► be .11 m•a.ge demo Yew for Geo. (lest. Eseter : Mre. Xt z.betb Ki Cetrsd Kehp, died on Mood .y aged forty -otos year.. She et missed as a reelected citizen. /.blob: H.rry Little, y.',.rn eh town lac. week. Hero jr , puroltu.a Mr. Intl+'a u.n will o.rry oa the vete-terry der Clio on it,v D-. Medd 4 from t be effro:• of to repeal ale monis, hue is n .w muff r,e. a. 118.mmetcrr r ieum.uem. tis the home of bis brotn.r is tow, Bdmon : The truer,-, of 1 C.rewk, 1.•2 .2:1,; .1 Garner of Rev A. 1' Y e.,-, of 1 t.be-1.: , 190.1p30.;::..1:ry of wereteo+80 io k alver:.•en..ot Grey . CooVuul•tlone ere R•.. W. A. and Mt. Smith, of (Averts, ee the arrival of • b. on N .v. 22.4 Toe d • former resident of Grey. Tru i,mng b,, father, Reom,ller : Jae. Jewdt, )r , v eye mimed • short tune .toe b steel. saeght colt to that erg, week went to Lomdo t to ooa.ul e p'olaltat For two Joys tclot XmasPres \\1) Where to Get Silverware HOLIDAY 6O/DS. In Xmas goods t before offered such lc as we are offering in' of Silverware, Tal Irocke>i- tbTlery, Sweepers, Skates, Sticks, Pucks, Shears, Scissors,! in cases,Sewing Ma Coal Oil Heaters, and Ranges, and 11 or other articles sill the holiday trade. Hockey Sticks and IL• kr,, Sticks tor the sera! -'-- of e•eryh.4y paying fer 51s ewe refresh- -Taste is .ire thing Ignitor Wnl.lsr.• W.sa de.•kt g too with • WM. r ♦ho with any saw in Canaria- he .,"n me.ntf.r, ha leafleted epee plias he bis al gtisarantee gores with every *tote RANGES WITH AERIATED OVENS are ma•l,' by the oldest, largest and moot extensive stove builders in Omne'la Consequently they hay,.eh • largret sale. Oarperson Hold by leading dealers everywhere F IF J. H. WORSELL - LOCAL AGENT CODERICH TiE IIURNEYgg■ •TIi,11EN CA., I.VIt.'r, Iamiltes.Sen tertta. iase.aver. gl tesla'•. A•alr el. lF • *111"PTTT41TTT,1T410,T1"P"TTI1"1"/TTTT^I"T"TT"MTT'NTt any tread that can be made. 1 ry 1I, 1 vu will be sated the bother of baking, besides having cleln-made bread. Daily delivery. W. P. WESTOBY. AGENT. - 1 he Parnell -Dan Steam Baking Co., Ltd. HAMILTON STREET. 1 �11111I111U11��lUIl111111 luulfi " Skates " '• " fucks I..uliee' hest plated Hockey ., ,. Spring dierrnv " riprirg Razors that are Rai We hive n hirerain. k makes of Ramon, that are Right in Quality and Shears and Scissor! 11', hate just opened up .,n 1111 0t u( (army Sherr. , -"' 11,1,, for Chri.tmos pert. Be Sure to See The Peke, knives from 10,: up Alr thins from 111 to 41 .SO. Ride, Inert $4 00 to an 60 Met 1:401., from 17 (t0 In 41J 00 All fond, of Ammu„ition Get One of Our Big Cal ALLAN & MC The Leading liar and Stove Men, 00DEF