HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-12-11, Page 44 TBOYpiT, Deo. 4, 1903. W INTER WINDS cut through like a knife. Pneumonia lurks in every gust. Sickness and fi- nancial Toss are prevent- ed by dressing warmly. You can easily do this at comparatively little ex- pense. 13e. our warm and stylish Overcoats. Overcoat. mad. for style and comfort in an immense variety of materials and, qualities, "swell" in appearance and low in price, with excellent capat'itt for wear Come. in and choose. Prices from $6.60 to $ 0.6U. Christmas Ties. ErleUent Christmas gifts, aren't they, W• invite you to rail and me our very Isr.e and exre'lent range of heckweer. We hare the reput.tion of e.rrying the beet and moa up 0. 11e Tie . and the .ea.on we even .urpass our usual high 'titular.' of extellen e. Our pat erns are ex date.. You oat's get them in any, other store in town. W.C. PRIDHAAell. is POatmwlm EVERY THURSDAY MORNING •T e. MenIM ACpMt•T oODZWCB. TSU*IaDAT, 1J C. f. HIOL RESUL r OF THE REFERENDUM THE result of the referendum has been a surprise alike to the supporters and oppouenta of the Liquor Act of 1902. The supporter's of the Act did not poll the vote that would make the Act operative, but they manifested a strength oxer the Province that is • warning to the liquor interests ea plainly as was the handwriting on the wall in days of old. „ That there ha, been a great growth in temperance aentiment of late years all will admit, bat our temperance friends need not lay the flattering unc- tion to their sou', that the vote of haat Thursday wse wholly a tributsto tem- perance sentiment. There was a spnnkltng of the leaven of politics in the vote,which helped to raise it mate- rially. It has been said by somebody that the intention t• as to "put Botta in a hole," but, be that SA it may, ear- nest Conservatives who [ever before voted for a Liberal measure went cheerfully to the polling booth and put iu a solid "plumper" for .he On_ tario Liquor Act last Thursday. Now that the Province has decided the question there is • duty that the liquor sellers owe to themselves and the public, The license under tt hich they carry on business is governed by certain restrictions and it should be site duty of every licensee to keep with- in the letter and spirit of these restric- tions. In the part, unfortunately, the restrictions to • large extent have systematically been ignored, with the result that temperance people have been compelled by the open violations of the existing law to eLdeavor to put the liquor sellers out of business. The hotel -keepers can easily improve the existing state of affairs and wilt find it in their own interests to do so. Meantime the temperance folk will continue their course of education. If prohibition is not a possibility, or a probability, in the near future, the en- forcement of the existing law is al- ways in order, • and as time goes by _ssutnioiiooa tncre•se by ata- -2ute it may he that the nacMatty for • prohibitory law may not be so appal, out in the future as, owing to the non. enforcement of the existing law, it has been in the put. There is ,work fer both temperance people and liquor sellers. The work of the liquor sellers, in their own interest, is tae live up to the present law, and the work of the temperance people is to see that they do it. Six dayr is enough to labor in • bsr-room, ,jest as it is in any otter Owned bind - neat. SNAP SHOT S. Us Sew Verve -wt at -.:..a in ?hese* we hate 'exn unable o ,determine whether The Hamilton Spm tater voted fur the hof or the Barrel -Sure' "ALAN M.P.P. for South Ox- ford. hare ,w' -aped, .ibe Job, "by the skin of hi. teeth. ' The judges gave him the bene- fit I f every duet., aid he Iterwled 11 erert Lime -The liquor seller. of tlnlat io, after the notice that ha. been Pervert re them, can now do therm., vee a good turn ley rigidly carrying out the prn.ent Ii.ln r IRM, If they boliwe the emoting law Is the heel in theit intonate they shoukl roe their every endeavor to keep i1. -The result of dm vote at the Liquor Art of 1902, remirwl. IIP IA site old .Iatobit, Deng shout the battle of iheriffMuir home sty ver won. Nome my 1. 1e* 1,011, Rome say that none coal, at a . won But of One the g lm mire That .t Sheriff glow A battle their coos ...Melt i now An' ere ran an' they rel, An' they ran an' we ran, Aad we ran and 'hay ran awn'. mlm. -There is ens thing leiter Wit Liao. asp do with any Mae in Canada--henen ck out govt) teen 'u sig and uaut That is why A H. 1). CoWcflutN as been .hewn a an editorial write on Editor W IL- I.IItOIr'. new paper. COGfolIOUN it as all round newspaper man, with One literary abihty, atel as white as they make 'em,'and if Batter WILLIM)N exercise. equal discrim• illation In se'ecting his entire staff. he will, Indeed. be able to tura out an ideal newspaper. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING TAKING TNI YaOYITh. Deficits News : We may never C.aade, but the tndloatioo• are that w• will •doer ■ lege per0enlace •1 the dlyldead.. AT eu MUCH A LINT. London Advertiser : It may b• d fb alt to say who 1s the greatest than 1a the British E•np.re, but toe Toronto papws teem M nice agreed oa 1)r. Oreab►.tetha, AN"THIR Glint AT O['a l.ANANA HILT. Hamilton Sp+ou►or : Commodo•o Mc- G.IIlosddy 1. filling In the winter months by building •lectrlo railways, which .5.11 rad) •ts from God.rlob elms u l;oderlok's streets radiate from the bttzzordly square 10 the Sealer. 'ORity London `IpeoMtor . Som•tlm-s 11 Is Set well M dlws.. Halms Mo lolly la the gee. coal cum pony of a "public osevey.oe*," but M adept the time-b000red advice of the onaduosor, sod "Imes', u •ooh." Not loom yo Mmeaoe was beard is • 'hues to say loudly. "Nn, they did not like Ireland too dant), 100 oold, .ad too many Roman ('.thelia " A lady opposite struck It .115 ►he suggsltos that they mirbt by happier to a place where at was "net damp. not cold and .e R,man C.►hollo•." Theo the lady gob out. TAM "II.Y 4 OT. Rtcbange. The lure! atm cannot oB.r all the beauties of eater. and •11 the luxuries of life Is yet M be di•oovered. At least, 11 hal 001 bees advertised, Rol It is not every resort where the win 1 Is so •000mmoda tag se .1 • place In the }f'gbland,. A traveller en Fab arrival Otero asked, "Is this • goon piste, landlord, do yon think, ler a person •Baited with • weak obeli 7' "Nazi• better, air ; n tea better," wart the peearsgInc reply. "I 5.,. been reoommmded, you know, by the doctor to settle In a place ash, re the math what] blew., Dom it blow muoh bare'' "Toots aye:" wee the reply ; , .ye the moth wind that blow. here." " fn.. how do you .000eal fer Its hlowlog Irom the north •1 the present dm•'" said the tourist. "0, that's easily •eoouoted for, air," wee the reply. "I.'. the south tried a' the same, sir, list on Its rose back mow" RINCLT OF ?de VOTL said the Batt'. blinking hie eyes, "Wm.'s them jolt en awful 'armies !" 1 es," ead16e Lark, with a sad, sad ,gull•, ' Test should hold 5. for a while." "N'.I1," replied I lid '83, "Jost welt • bit and then you'll s..." "That', right," mid the Corkscrew, turning sb,nt, "Rat what's that noes ' 1 hoar a .hent." '•1'ee did," said the keg of Fresh tapped Beer, "That mat • p'ohlbitlo. cheer. ' The Glass and the Syphoe had • del at. With Whiskey and Soda and Whiskey Straight. "Ila -d look," said the I;lar.t to • l'i.b of ale. "Hard look." said the 010. la a.wed.g wall. "l:rao• a0 t•' said I5a AMIGO*,' Lely be •'That's r1,b1; ihkt a as," veld tee Lha se 1►• Sherry. ---_.-. Thea answered (Met Old '83: ' Livers a fur, now, lista. to me. 3-% by Should 1 Bo the centre of all this lase And nave the pimple always ones A.d blame m• for all that'. bad • %t'hy, i try to make a tallow glad; 1, ft him ap from out the dump; ff •see him ap M lake the Pumps; 11.ke him think be's • millimetre, led shed • halo o'er the brow of Gr.. Tae timid Matures ever viewed Are all my work•; they're britttly hued. F Maumee, take the Old Soak'. moss. There's • Vol for the Semi roes, And there's many a man who hot se (dead Whet tura. M Rem, mad tete troubles est. fluky t•k• him away 1. the beano, yea knew. These are no trembles lo the grave Mimi." -Charles F Reymond le Teremte Star. To ',we World : A majority of the voter. 1e Oster.* may net he sole to moles prebl. tonne, hat the people have Il 1. taw ewe .ad. •e 1., away with the tr.sMe, system. he ". .me In and have rometblrg" 50.10,0 1,.s very Mem to the root of 15. kir-ream mil. It to an ever present curse that le large. ly responsible fer eat Weal mop of desalt• . de. 1bronrh It .or yentas woo are arse .d tato the rxowea whioh eventually res- er them the mourns e1 .le hAleu, cod ee- .,re8tablo o Ca-ne Abolish .t sad we shall. o• gear extant, obeli •5 the evil of Istem- perauoo. Tb. prsvaloeoe of t►ee treating system to .nub r le this *mitt est. Oely le re dem • mon feel 'Rimed to ask bas Need M have drink auris time he meets hien. la FA, - 1 sad mid es the Europese Cowles.. is 1. .tsor.et Over the*. • man gees and b vs a gawk 1,,- himself whim he wants oee. R• deco Sot feel it Ineambeal Epos Nm to 1a .he eery frlmd he moots to liquor op, Me. H. dose set oeneld. r that because he kap- sMa to he th'rety .veryhrdy elm w.D4 ha hireey alao in short, the A..,,'.. sys- tem, •i b She tale• moron len of acetal rib 11gtaeles. whleb It loveless, has •a fat • sold en Lae Is,po. no the ober .Ne of the Attests, as It bas ea the ample here, sad 1 to fortunate ler them thee IS bas nit. I. is related of Pri m' r Relfeor, of Regland, Net mea 1. • golf *has, of ,bleb he 11 pre- •idm/, h• hes takes • quiet steed 1a hues .f •vervhedy Myleg low de ewe refresh - mad. W bss detailing too with a fellow member, he Iselstad apes pelts; for his THE SIGNAL : GODERIUH ONTARIO eft, pet. Pc.&.. Relfen._a exempla Is a Mlatery one, and 1t Wahl well be hollowed In MIA .caakt le soy *vest, e' believe *bat Sona« or later the ii satins habit will ye N• signet Same mea p.•«e*.BI a very high muse of MOM respo5.1b lity to tier fellow creosotes w ill, for *sample's uk•, come to «ube• 19 roe •itogetn.r, while mea who do drub end mon and more learn to drlok Moue. The day of the "loos'' !fisher 1e Seeley, aied we may yet S« tie ague when 10 defer - mos to pebho optalou the ludividtiel who treats another may be •ubjeoted to • doe. Aso, meantime, the men ebeu'd be 000- • dared a public mom, who alma drink to a you -g man, to • laborer with a family dr - :modest up to ham, of 10 a person who is known to be • v:otim of the al ,bolo .bit. And we repeat that mo believe 15m the tie flag 05.100 b•• oo proper plan* ire our ane. •1 System. and t0.1 at. wooer our eslf- respooting *farm* tate • mealy Stand .galoet 11 the Dotter far •II o, u *rood. A BILLION DOLLAR PROVINCE. telae or entad. Farm Property .ter el..e., Ie. Me. Uularle 1. now, iron. an ag loultural [La'tdpelut, a billion dollar Pr„v.0oe. TM vale. of all *le lama property to Oot•rlo, .iter haying ranged in the oto• • uodred the saada for Imre, has at last Awed the billion m.1k, the tote' fur L5o f ear endues 1901 colon pleceJ by the Itursau of Industrie. at $1001,323,296. 1'h • 's made up ot $585 345,294 0o land, $226 575,228 In buildlnte, $59,897,513 1a im,'lem..W, and $129 4961,61 lo live stook. The Warms* ever 1900 le ab rat twenty Am sad a 5.11 millions. Teets has ham • steady lases.* .ver atom '97, wbea the to- tal One Rimed as a I itis over 5906 000 000. 'nits 5.M a det•r.•s• of $5.000 000 as oom- oarea with the year before. Io '92 the to - '.1 was placed at $979.977,244, whtob wa 'tearer tb. 5(111,. mark figs any out, totted, Iear upM1901. The big Iso,«.• mer 1900 took plass 10 I.ad-$11,000.000 is round *aures. Build - Inn Wormed to the value of 57,000.000. I ve stoo; , $6.000.000, and Imptem•au two anti one-half mimeos Middlesex still rants as the premier meaty. The fa m land Is Middlesex le •ala•d at over $30,000 000, Harem coming cut with a v1a.t,00 of twenty-eight and o.. -t alf mubow le be'Idugs, MluPhre*x a oleo aimed. with • total of $10 902,0f0, Huron solo comics •seeud with $10,643,000 10 implements I,r.y t.kwgnt port'Ian, with a foul valuation of $2 709 000, HL -o. coming sof#. with $2 690 000, Siloam third, with $2 672 000. and Mlddlmex ranking f urtb, with • values, 0 of $2,636 000 Is live eamb, Mdllie.ex is brat, ar 56. 764 000, Horan once to .Ie taking s1 ouod platy, with $6 716 000 Lumping all four o'awes of farm properly toad ter gives Middlesex • valueto•ro of $50,367,000, and Huron A total of $48 640 - 000. VALCL HER a' ar. When It Som« to value per aore. ho. - •ver, quite • lot of counties rack ahead tl both Mtodleat and Huror The valuation per •ore le the oountles aa,ch rank among the first 1a as follow, L,000lo ..550.54 Wentworth 48.00 York W 30 Oxford 46 06 Halton 42.26 Kent 4141 B ract 40.61 Middlesex and Huron are rated at $39 67 end $35 80 respectively. L oo, 1 i and W.etw.,rrb, ot oeur -., owe lti.t, high rating to the fruit ,ndotry Yak's b'gb stanJnog is doe to the 'eidetic* of the merrop Otter) ally f Toronto In the 000017 Lmn,; Orford'd h'.5 oleos le attribu'abl• to dstry.og, coli'. Halloo, Kest, and Rent owe their place• In part to trait, but mainly to highly developed •Mnd- ard •arlanitars. 0e. of mm. main 0.1h is of the loor,•ss la the value of Ostarlo farm property Is Lound In the bsco* hog Al hough the number *old or daagbt•red In 1901 -1,973 405 --was 83 000 lees than for the year bslur., the vela• e1 the hog• tilos disp«.d of we. $17 548.490, or wady $2 000,000 more than I. r t be year before. Other ilu.e of live stook •1n. helped- The venue.' the tattle sold or •fanghrsed In 1901 was $20.286,00(, se tcerra•e of two and • quarter milt,•n. The y.lae of tb. heroes deposed of was $1,347,582 u Increase .f over one -ball • million. Hh.eo ware it spo•.d of to the value of $3,103 000, •0 1 '. of • quarter .1 a million, ane peu'try wait marketed or earn 10 the vale. of $3 496,000, •n tooreaes of over 8300 - 000 The value of the e5s«* output matt illy demised le 1901--$10,814,000, as compared with $11 682 000 tbe veer b, ere. ot-a ArrLt INDCoraY. The aerobia, of apple trees of 15 yews and ever 1s piaeed at 6,777,035, se leerew of o'er a quarter of • mI: on 1n the year The number reader 15 years to put at 3,392,. 000, a dight 4.ere.,e as mmptied with 1900. The figures 1a the latter oaea w•11 be quer - Ilene/ by aeyeoe who h ea obewved how rapidly trees gra help, set not Ore, (I;.erglan Bey dietrio') leads 10 adult trees, wit% 362,229 ; Huron room Of- nnnd wt'h 360,900, and Kent tb,rJ, with 309,829 In young trees bortbumbeaabd-' which is mum to he nee of Qts great apple -dre•tie's of teat ProvMser=t =cogs Mata. with 235 751 tie nearest *permed' to Hite ►�.g Risme. which Rite (hey, is partly la the 0.ergaa Boy dieteleb, with 192,489 WHAT T1ft PEA w'aVVIL bat; DON,. The extent M whioh the wrevl) has pushed the pea crop north 1e Indicated by nos table. Brune to 1901 rat over a million bushels •' pea, Umooe 921 766, •on Grey 865 411 The next nearest, anoremb to them evens was le Huron, with 594 000. 3'nrk, wh'e't pew 656 000 ballads i0 '94 prodon.d 262 412 last year. Hoodoos ,Nada at the head of the Fast In (Mane, with ea ..'pat to 1901 of a little TO ADVEHT1BER5. Notice of oranges mast be Leat at tike Offlee not later than --Ei ,day noon. The Copy for changes mast be left not 1• ter than Mon- day noon, Canal Advertisement, aaoeptsd MA las aces .W'du erlaie each week. rte. e`r;a.. ,p - "I Christmas Gifts IN FANCY FURNITURE Elegant 11 icker, Ork and ylali.rga'y Ruckert, Polish* 1015 . nil Mahogany ('entre 'tablas, Est v (width*, int a'eluurs, Ladier' hest. is Oak gutI klahegany. Music 0 bloats, Picture , tt „I ltsuk,ts, KwpM. late. 3 E BECKETT & STAUNTON 1112I:OISsSaR$S0 R- V1N,k9-4 CORIFfFirL-- Priectival Undertaker* and Embalmers Night anti Day ('al s promptly attended to. Night lie 1 at Store, west side Square. 'Thous No. N9. ever 51.000.000 writ. Leeds tome* next 5l b $944,269, and Orford third, with TAIL0R$887.217. riot a must be rememb red Or•ord hua large 000de5.ud milk factory, and 1. largely eogwed io butter melting a. well1 key.nM:fed my New%sea t lial.eMAdviceN e Advice arel ewnenra, Est meat.p•risgly, and take very little sugar. Avoid latutloante, keep away from decimalise, drink water abundantly, and always rely on Nay Ito. as • quirk relief of Rbeumatlo pains. Be:og time vim.s stronger iban ordinary reenotl�er. N.rvlltue'. power omit pain Is Pimply beyond bed et. It cures .Iso Sumacs, Lumbago, N.oralrts, and adLampate, whether Internal or externs'. Lam price 25, .moo E 1(1 OS, LIVER • oN BOWELS C ii N S CTUSYSTN ALLV5 oISPE :oLoM�t�WRS' OVERCOSTIPATION HABITUALMES Cor PERMANENTLY IT:B E N EF�° GEt ICIAL EFI • BUY THE GENUINE-MIN'F'O BY Ll i'4RNIaPSYRUP'a Jar tt'e "t..'`'sC�s"v atYN O'm1 •7 Sst r f6Y sift 0r.":•' ",1', PRact 3oc. P(R Eor, f Jeweled Brooches. INC... a IMae 84 J. ftCOLBORNE Icash Kt nlri:eI X1A5 GOODS Just returned from Toronto with a Bee selection of (;Itristwa, staple and Laney Dry Goods, which will be plowed Lefore our curtowers at special price*. Handkerchiefs from Se to 75c, Seita,- Ladies Ties, Ladiae' Collars, !Athos' Gloves, Ladies' Wilts and Skirts in both black and white, Lelia!' ilumespuu Dress Skirts in black and dark grey extra value. There are just now left only six !Adios' Ooate-.•foist long and two *bort-which will bo sold at whatever they will bring, for they must go at tome price. Our Fur stock never was in such good shape for Christmas trade, All our geode in this line were boeght hefore tits late rise in prices, w which eaub that our tlgures for theta aro actually less than present wholesale prices. We never lied such succe.s in heavy Dress 1Laterials, ha Home_ =ancon, Fri.ua., Venetians, Itseket Vieth* ami other heavywiif lit goods, as we have had this season, and tl-ere are a few lines still on our tables of 54 -inch to 5S -inch wide goods, in the (rest colors, from 50u to $1.10, which you can get at right prices for choice goods, all new. We make a speciaky of wen's, bops'. women's stud girls' Under- clothing for this season and our Sale. have been very large in these lines. Our stock is still' well aseortell, having been added to this weak in many' lines. Men s Shirts and Drawers, all wool, Nova Scotia wake, from 51./cto $1.95, warranted not to shrink. Wool fleece lined, :roc to 75c. lwdiee Underwear f. • in I5c to $1.95. Girli from 12c to b0c. Boys' h from 25c 10 30c. fuots all wooi white Vesta, a choice lot, up to 25c, Hosiery and Gloves in,an et variety, and as to pricer they speak • for themselyee. Wu haTalha-Godericb Hosiery in some of their best makes, Also their Mitts. Wrapperottes iu both Canadian and American maker, fast colors, 10c and 12bc. Flannelettes from 5c to 15e, both light and dark colors, plaiu and striped. We have • few rinds of all wool Waisting goods that you can buy very cheap. Cosmopolitan Petitro• for salt. Irwin, n Sheets to q ye away. Suitings, Trouserings, etc., for FALL and WINTER Wear. if you are goatee • now sprang au*l, • light overceat, or soy thing to my line, 1 ono please you in goods, tit and priori. serteady5ade Indians In stark. H DUNLOP, ; :LI.T A Great Snap L our (;roger soap, at 5o. a pound, of which we seli a barrel a week Thu l.n't our only soap, al we carry systytbing that oan be found in an up M -date *roomy store, and our pnc« are right. The termer., know that they 0.0 always ret from a a snap for their produce. We draw the line at no leg,limate trade - •verythlug goes : 1;I.eewwe or' potatoes, garden stuff or ohnio«t table Chita. We deal In all of them. T. 0, TIPLINGi & CO., 5. 'ford block, GelerI,h 1 BROPEEY & SON - TU1 LIADINO, - tet‘.VIA D.rec\err ul*dt leraere urvr■uy •'Irsded 1. at .n rams. nimbi or say. flseb.e etreel. lickllbq Mai Fire I1tlsara,.ce Co. FARM AND ISOLATED TOW' PROP- ERTY INSURED. Vs;uc 011' uperty Insure l up In Jaeasn, 1101. . e3,1140,973.0e WvmCtml AND DIRYATOMs. J. B. Mclean, ere. : T. Prater. aloe -time- : Jos. Cus.o" , O. Dale. W. 0. Hruadtort, J. Watt, Jat, Tames, J. U. Or eve, I Hemming a, dlrectu,; W. Henvltnrs, deafo-eh, huoec- Ir.r of lose.* ; T. Z. flays. 8e•torth, eoa.tery treasurer. AUK:, IS, J. W. Ym, Holm«viil.: James I' umotior KemoodvUlo ; It. McM 11.0, Seafurtb ; H ' anti. Harlook. i'oliCy'toid..'u 01s 15) assessments and get their cards reteipt.d • Mr. Coati Clinton, or et MoLean Bros' Palace Clothing Story, Gods ria 1i 7'HE Brooches here men- tioned may offer a dc.or- ■ble suggettlon for Christmas buying. Each one is of artistic merit u well as surpassing value. ate.-1i�ie .r -ss. -l. r3trr end nCellet daOp .f lar Pearls sad solid tt No. 13317, a $10, la a recocco morn'? Omaha la solid Gold, mounted with a Om Amethyst surrounded rich Pearl.. No. 133415, at 124, 1. a Pearl "Sun Surat " of exquisite beauty. No. 13400, et 142, la • Clover Leaf, paved sIM 5n. Perls, lining for ns nitre s beautiful Diamond. We guarantee safe delivery, and cher, luny refund the full price If • sakenon N la es, way unsatisfactory. torturer ear se. r.t.inrn. Ryrie Bros., Jewelers, Tense and Adelaide Slreeis, Toronto. HELLO THE OLD RELIABLE OPflsvF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND y THd 111'r Serailtoli Bard Coal 1N THE MARKET J. M. COLBORNE ALL HAlL! TO KING CHRISTMAS. The Season of Laughter, Love and Song Now for Christmas Gift Goods ! 1, usual, we 1..11 some ut the tla wt sol p1 rtaest and new tot _„-,t. wi 11., markt-t. Perfumery LI teautiful I„ -w .tyles tell ;year awl uusurpsaeable w velar. Next and pn;lty packages at' lit' to Larne r ail better at 35c to $1.ff) Beaune,. tit for printers. M51,M0 to $3.00. No gi t more a. teptab'e Limit a dandy perfume. It alway. p'eabc,. r 6.e0 pe0pk. Beautiful, Up-to-date Manicara. and Toilet Caine, in sterling sift sr. etc. sum THING NEW.-Dkimam sew m gifts cases Si;ser baulks. V.r oke. Oift Pipes, From 51 00 to 54 00. Lager ('art:', Cigarette I saes, et. Dont fall to rim tie 1.11.t 1'411 ,u,.1 sue them uu yvur uruuds. Wilt 1.11.1 truly Lr 1514 w /a4. - ase o o • W. C. GOODE, Chemist, QUALITY VERY 111611 Christ= mas Hard= ware WE have made large pur- chase. of the following lines of Hardware, which make the choicest of Christ- mas gifts. Skittle. H.. ket oto k0 and }ito_key Peek. Ili»yoke, '' .' a 1ting Rod . and Fi.hiug Tackle. Cult . Rides, Iteto vent and Ammuniti in. Shear', S' i.aor. rad Embroidery .winters, Fine .0.- *'utlsry and Cory? s. Si vcr•plat,.l Spam, and Forks. - Pocket and Jack knives, Renews Pu -,r Stran. and Brusher, Carpet Sweepers, 8.d lntm_ tt ringers and :(Neat Cb Pers, -Ifirostrill4WcfrillffaThrid Nome BLnitete. It wiII AV Vnll to Ymm lne our stock._ leave your some with tie fur rote of our haud.ume Ca'enelars fur 1903 N. D. RO UGV I E, The Cash Hardware Store. •Ooderich, Ont. • A I 1 nal eI {h .'l nn ohs Mwk•t Seal.. where 7001l7171),I M. firsIOn. WQ'M . LEE. 1+i$r in left .:t L! bk 981r�»9d Poore n-nmty t v alt.nd.d 10 4me tl+wwwwiii iiiNne•ii wNiw iliitiwNiNrNrimilou ni entioio•omioAtike•o halt: c,..:r `i ' It is Well to Remember that c j (►j.` l'� `� I�� it ;� r, SOUVI3NJR 3 �r. iF 1 Iv,i4,t-.9, RANGJ3S . • "• .4.,..7-4.....--r--------. E-• 3 ;I f=_•taxi WITH AERATED OVENS C 1 i are matte by the oldest, largest and moot extensive stove builders >F F. in Caoa'ia. Consequently they have th ' Largest sale. Our person al kttarantee goes with every Mote Sold by leading dealer. everywhere !F iC 3 Tilt ierlEY-TIL)EN CA., L'aitA, Ratniltlpl.we a.1 eta. r M ins's.' Terenea, M•wlr .I, i lituTtNTTloloTTo1 olutuf fkT�� ��TTtoMiffolvf n1ulvfkTMotufT^ItF J. N. WORSELL ne LOCAL AGENT - CODERICH Ltd stmttttittttttttttrtttttttttttttttfttfttttttttt? _B-ake'rs'-- Fact... A great inany people think that they can't get Bread at a Fxakery Its good ns they can make. That is a mistake, especially while wo are in business. EOur Homemade Hr(i3ad that you are eating every day, is as good las any bread that can he made. Try its You will he saved the bother of baking, besides having cleran-made bread. Daily delivery. E lhe Parnell -Dan Steam Baking Co., Ltd. 1 W. P. WESTOBY. J AGENT. i�11111U1U1U1111�u11U�lll lel llj�l�fi a 3 HAMILTON STREET. 1 t�1 tett OI tt• last • •1 .ver M attead•l Tie l' and w• sites: I1 i Yl Y s trim tt 1 F SW" allied tb'- of ,3,1 /Mita Moot 41Y 1 01601 ,d by orlde M tl renal wait' matt A. the I A den loot ex« dal '3, 1e ht 1r