HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-12-11, Page 2"
lhiv Jeor btuve Iowa thruu tunes thuds
�-= - "-+--- - -- - --
'Inca last year.
s g
The SigilAl
•lou', hal Also fabs. peoples .of awur-
ken could probably, get *tree hinla
1 wethod life, and m1'. INXOsi el&lmr
to have lighted tits kitchen fire IS.-
++♦N+++++t 6++i+++e++++64I++++4,++++++++NNDN++"*
dion capital and eonnumed by Cana-
,italer` who delivers 1 a rhdrt-weight
contradiction. of Wo textile trestle
from then, vat.
6;f tlMom mince he &ad wife well
city, the fnaaltoum PenaftT-l►r'e-
w rxiyl,re,ao
ms.. ail CflD, U:e ('. 1'. ll. la ltd Com-
Iliad. omen
BATTLE O F W A'r E Rt.,00
ls D. MOOLLAav„ot.
wi-14orer, .acres Hutt hyla u- the cod
"ills dlon," the tnpflte which be-
►ung. to the Prince, of Walea, Is uau-
Some aleanings From a Litt'• Knows Page of History
twoedy are necewurily of first-class,
sof Jones this year aur coyupn"y rubl
1 el;)JIIOJ uerps of bthul, and the galea
Lilly translated "I serve," anti tra-
lhiv Jeor btuve Iowa thruu tunes thuds
(if Inas. year. He evlhnates that luud
has Lucretaod In value 50 Jeer cent.
(+cutch tweeds made ' J Cawadn! of
'Inca last year.
wool grown In Caaa4a. wovt•n by
mini) for tin working .n whowl
Canadian ertltfams, Involving Cana-
1'rol Hinith, a St. Louis cowl
dion capital and eonnumed by Cana-
,italer` who delivers 1 a rhdrt-weight
diaus, Yat advertised nes nranufac-
tured abroad! 'lint i. one of the
IoA of wiui to o puatron, has been
contradiction. of Wo textile trestle
riiitel $,OJ In Ute police court of that
In Canasta to -day. Taut quatitittlil
city, the fnaaltoum PenaftT-l►r'e-
of twevidn are heing consumed in the
wr.ibdp by law•.
Dominion whioli aro m:uhurnelur(d
hero. and yet the factor.v manager-/
aro not punting the goody nes honul.
king tibarltw of Roumantn has a
made product.. TIleao CAUadian
crown mode of uwquo material. Il
twoedy are necewurily of first-class,
in fadatir d out of steel front a
quality, or they could not campxtte,
with- the Hootch article, and yet
Tarkinspaunun captured al the gory
Canada's niltnufacturerr are not re-
battle of I'levnn In the TkIrko-Itu•i-
celvdug credit for the great volume
titan war. T9oo orown was nrdt ut'NI
of business they have creates.. -To-
at the, ooromatlora of King Charlua
Ionto World.
In 1881. • .
Inibi la the Introduction to an ar-
-- - -
ticlo which toed on to say that the
Jucbill, the Lu"oust singer, line eun-
canadian Wanufacturerd Association
eluded n contract with a Europenn
will discuss u6o subject at an early
conipUtny- whereby Ile wilt be pal l n
(1n y. Surely it le time, mot only for
tri lain tutu of wonny when he 19+911
dhsuapdon, but for action, English-
lila wtce or It locconuea impallrod.
min have falth In them iplvev nud
At Talllmn. hire. Ntevenson hall a
their Lwn products. For a lung
A ,:Wry Is told of Arthur Iktlfour'r
lime, beef and bacon from Cana(]a,
rxpNerl( nee an secretary for Ireland
brought a higher prico In England
which. dllu.1trates both hie unpnpu-
if they wore labeled an of Englhth
juritJ and tho wit of the cehebrs►t-
laroductlou. But here, Canadian-
yd Fattier Healey. Balfour acted the
ntado hate mind cloth aro put upotr
pnteet on one oreaelon: "iW ole
Wo market with the pretence that
fri Ji really hate me al* much am the
sent they aro imported goods.
newspapers --my T" "W dear -*Ir,"
'"te manufacturer. and suer-
wall Father Hesiley'r answer,."It
rhanLa who aro portion to
they only hated the devil half ao
t he fraud ought to tie arhahue'l of
i nit•h lilt they hate yov soy oceuPA-
►lution •Ives. les there sticks a popular
tion would be gone." ,
prejudloo agalort Canadiau pro-
ase al* oodertoh. Colborne. Aehiald find
duct. ns tlwy think there ds ! Or are
Pro bttlent Roosevelt is a Jingo when
they frightened by A figmeat of
he erlcm out for more •htPt. Ile to
their own lninginatl0n" In Hamilton,
mare sen.lhle. when fie advocates ar-
we ls►re moren large order. given foe
t l: rottfon. T`ho United states people
nw,l.inery and other manufactures
Ili ve already shouldered no small
o{ Iron to the 10m1 produa,rri,
lo.td of usllktaribm. Of course each
though foreigners offered to dupe
att+loon produces Ln office seekers au
ply the goals for Irma money. Taint
ulop,tlte for more, but the men who
doom not indicate prejudice against
pity -well, they'll feel It more whcu
liomo products. Pdt tit. value it'Ito
fla•dh timer do trot exist.
tlanadlan tworalr, sell them at a
fair price under their proper name
Tho 4lrpute about tie boundary
and d^acriptlon, and the customer
loctweea CldiLfand ArytentlUa bas hese
will buy the goals without the old
settled try and and each
of %god Tore proldy- ayrtem may
rty appears to think that It had
be goal Aur ion
lilt. better of It. Now, how long will
o Toay-tuakets,
honest mea who make honest goods
egraot gale by tt.
!t be till the United states follbw the
example of j:he highly elvillsetl South
American Republics and agree to
Hoh. Edward Blake and Mr. Joseph
oabmdt the,Alaska bounitary question
Devlin addressed a Tenronto au•liettce
to arbitration "Uncle team can hardly
I" night on Aho gnestlrn of Irkrh
afford to be less confident of the Jut
Halle Altaic, the former referring to
tiro of tds claim, or lea advanced
the revolutions passed toy the CAna-
111 civilisation than thole little South
disk, Hou, tar Commonm In IBH;r Aad
American States.
1b87 against C4xrcion anti In favor
g�� Wtr.
tie Mores Rule. He •apposed Lite Caws-
archbishop Lange%Tn, o: At. Bont-
(Untfs .were Lid the .tame mill•] ptill,
futn. Payr that Manitoba and the
roti!' regard to the ;hearings of free-
1lholo f:tnndlan Northwest mny be
ilia, and 0011-guvCrllahnts- Ansi _that
uuinlonrel #among the must Iapity
thr, had the tame Anxiety for the
ami free countries In the world.
wa'1'are of the British Iates and the
lie (it)" not think very highly (d
Brithlb Empires. Taking up the talk
dila Doukhoboris, but the flallclans
of tlal(yalty, Mr. Blake •aid the flet
hr regards al* already good Caua-
rm(etleotion of )tit life w -as that of
,lona, thankful for good land sand
clition kiss It that It war taken by
the Black Prince from the royal hil. After having ellinboi over the high hes leaned over the chart and with
mint ref the blind klUg of Hohemin, hills which rise Above Bougivul, the u repll glance.
traveller rtopo s Lit IIIc little Iaiulet •faik In the Puritionr or Blucher
who was killer on the flelilf of Crecy. or La Jou there anti routs for u few .'t o b ate since his departtts front
It W a notable fact, however, that momeutd In the strulo of the vessel*- 1 y p
the lute Ur. wininut line, profemaor able chestnut il'e1.8 The vuroundingm s.he Elysee he had fo,lewed the
aro beuutitul, but mail and silent. l" mo%4aucuto o{ Blulter. lie know Ilia
u{ SII :dith Iltheory. a qt li thabrrg, ulNlertaking the ptlgrl'uage to Ilan- efA+•lite strength au 1 Ills p (mitiOad.
teJeclal this thixrry. IW hrlJ ties. the--rd,MiU title tr a neat Interertifig Th:tt %cry morning, ioreseelog, twt-
usotto w•us of Wetsh urlg4" and took stopping Plaop, et rptlt from which halls, what w•oLIJ happpen during the
its rise at the time when l:Iwanl 1. Otho can Interview the purl and day. be haat scut Llet t. de Bre: k
prevented hl• new-born ,West buil gather together the first elements lt) 1leditray tho Pocq brklge. Tia
to the 1\'elrh chirttalnr Lit Curnur- of un emotion wh!ch grown In luten- gen0"11 that commended the eu-
rty until the thrswl0ld of tilt' car- %home of Paris were ready anti wail -
%au CAstle as their future sovereign. tie Itself Is reached. It war &ionic lug for like odder. He had no dotcbt of
Ho hell the child tip In late army anti tills road that the Futp:eror travellud lite vtrtory; Ile wotld smash ahs lo -
1" 1815. 1•'urlher ou where It taken varlou. Blucher defeated, \Vetting-
exclulriod ►n Welch "E.ch din," mswu i► hood before reiteking the forest Is !Ington's turn would come next. Ile
Ing •'Tule Is your titan." 'Che exptan a- the Ppatt where he t,rn4x1 round to Iaad calculated everything, eve" the
tion Ir aeceptecl by many autlquart- take wall lust luck rat that be tsUf"1 a uali: st details. He war burst of the
ans., scone where lu the happy days of r -salt.
till) ansules,tot ho love(] to rnn,lile Taw five minutes during which the
Cattle can be nslpgoad to mtatr�al stone. Ani nearby still stands the I Emporor remained in the library of
bJ_ Aho Grand Trunk, and thence by I(rund old ohestuut tree under which m,bnal on foanning the chart while,
_._- - __ hes lltrod to chat with Ifernnnllu de walthta for the assort to lxh farmed
the Interoolonial to St. John or I(all- St. Pierre. Ill the .lade of title tree In treat or tho chateau are the moat
fu x. This Canadian Pacific Iran do- let us stir up the dent embers of the trngi0 In all history. A delay by H.
cured that, 'Inco It Is mot allowrl twat ,and recall the thrilling Liao- do 'Flahaut at the gates of Perla;
menti before the final departure for nn employee who might take n lit -
vers I n ■e n-
tu aced the outtle to 8s.. John u r Ht. Heletia: Ala tion, to exawiue the pre g
tit• brutal character o{ the game, It IN 4 weloc•k In the evenly. The ell by tie Dir d`Otrante; nn acchleut
al* ,how pWytrd. lu n letter to tit• artillery thun+lCL ! :,i tion ttlstance. to tato carrl&ge, a few moment• loot
as Timor, .lit it let bay. of Tho Pru+tdnne ulster Bluoher are at- ou the ronot, an Insilguificant delay,
y tacking Autoo+r%illlers. In basic, to nal lho Eu -terror would have left
yyracueo Un wrrlly. says: defend malmaloun against a sur- WhurkiLson wlthoult tin knowledge of
I am sure tslfat the sober sentiment pris-. the beldger of Chatou. Beaune th-) reltseal of marshal Davoit. Then
cif Utlr country mill Lariat upon a and St. Gerrftain are destroyed. t1h,ro would have been another
'change of football ruk-s. Football kr French campaign, the troope of
a gri,at gawa, and with much mOditi- Thr Ttxsdu is Sounding Blusher crulabod, the
cation, al* it would seem can be its the ,kill es. Cowacks ara Lia the
made easily, it ought to be the sup- road near RuoLl. malumison, where IteTe __Lir N'afrtrltxi
renal college athletic game of Ah• the Emperor r -ural after his'abdl- alai tho eagles once afore victork-
Wca1t11- houawtky obtalued and O4 ion. rtands in C:cumy 11 11 •nce. An �'
i lolly used may be a great Ioeuo3t, oppreealve enduess ►row reigns In Tin Emperor, t[ueteM of the tra-
tlal local• formerly be smiling and ,litotal overcoat• donned the tuale
to utherr Alan the yoarcr11ur, .but y of the hasvrhr•r. He buckles, on his
gnly a fowl Ute deposed 4overe.gn i
wvrolth oytalned itY dlbbtoaert means only a few fnlUnful followers re- � mwoM, pass.,ti rnpldly tlsrough tin
or 1•Y .tilt) crurhhag of others', :uta Laura. Quesin Hortense. Lucien liwj %ePtibule, walke,t to the outer door,
aycnitn u•od for iiirre 66io:kyi. Is cul )tine. mere took their departure the i anItitod, hat In hand. the crowd o{
tLby 6:+fore. iLtlti,aleou now tyPlfl•w leh(rrlug soldiers, hurriedly gave
a blebsiug to . ruck•ty. It les that Pomo orders nad was a' Lit to rm
abaudonmrnt and solitude. Ill V:tim J` V
sant of Ostentation that fires she clad the Emperor during three days�Into th.i arlddle when a carriage la
t4rult of araarelty and driver deeper bag the Pr'ovis:onal Government to n cloak of dant entered the courl-
tht %%-et;gu %d clubs cleavage. Speck- allow film to serve as a simple cltl- yard. •ti. do Flabavt allghtal, .p-
lug on the �uhj-•ct al Cldrk Univer_ sem so'dier for the purpose of girth- I preached the Fynperor, LUcov-ered and
ally ncenll t'. S. ticuntoy u Loring together the remnant of lair bowat wltla a p[ee`IL3•e that pictur d
J loodg army to roll back lhi+ Invasion. One = dtbpalr.
nail: Iatst effort made by l}eneral Broker It wag lalf-pnat •4. At 5 o'clock
\Thou .wcultli expend+f in a stogie before the representatives of the al {lin _9th o{ June. 1815, Napoleon
c%eulssg,ulpoo a vulgar, bralulpar cu- new power .was foded by Lhe lnlrl- WAS on the roar) to ex1!e,
tertaluu ms. n atLtoAint o; money the goes of Fouche. But
Inconi, �,tvhch woU1tl mean afflu- A SWek Lir Hope 3111 Hcmahted. I 00+.
ace lu t once %Tr o. famillra; when Tail: LI�{d0 OF
R 1.s. uatd su pr oto corners In the Flirnld,al %vlth Instructions from the
"(eesaarlea\ol 11 Lir for de,yoerate Enoltpmr, Gen. TWis►ut van• in Paris
gumblIng lU ,Also alk market : v: b.•u p ;••ad1Ag ,,inti the R'nr I1llnldlor, hixr- i Il L L�RCL��.
It Ir engaged, do an cufort to dt%bauch rtai ltiit+,at. At a dintance-Of nearly q
Ihtaion. Lir cont 1 legdslalured; a century tack lino detal!s of that 000000000000
%%Len it cunmi res lit t every Lhufg Is memorable htlr.rvlgw move one nl-
fur sale--legl tun and cOurtit, mcY.t to tears, and they form to- L'ilcu, people talk a jargon that j
public. --Officers, the ht city o{_ men day ale of tan most thrilling chap- ,cull be uetmtrlli Able to the unlet-;
and the honor %yotnea Lt is hard to tern La hlwtory. ii. de F16baut ;yr- g
ova►-esllmat! ul p!rfl % V h ►{ jnw- pealed to Devout In tie sumo of tented. To those in citrus lido the
!rods. • • t les here living r,utlonal honor. lie referred to the manager or the iced of ons rotrr-
ip sig, s, tic that; u•, lieu ,sae• ittin- campaign of Franco and the marvels pr.,� Is always "tile main guy,''
her moo &Lid Ion' l nsariohe perforinel ,.ILh o handful of m"n. %vh a chose In sabontinate io�ltioms
pulueed, who tainti ute the reelect Nuthing was lost, he said, In spite f
menace to our cxLvl ng socia order• of .the divastor of Waterloo. Bore aro' simple "guy..• Tho tents are
and whose wale of I e are the deep titan a ku"drexl thouwind mon wvrre oallid 'tops" by darns men; wend
c.:t reproach that Iles agnlnet rlo- under the wally of the roisilal. they are sub -divided Into the "big
thin Civilistallon. 11'urlhy of re Grouchy wvas atl%anchig by fucexd LO i,• tha ••animal tc,
rtvgOcet les a Zulu navarp than a r •h marchos. Perls nod, the entire arta• 1 p,'• Aho "kid
degenerate who finds ilia better u try •would rime at the ,:all of the top" talo "ean,ly top." and so on.
for his mnnty .than the Indulgence Eniperor. The batter, hour by hoar, rna rbk+ Shaw• %rioters the Ciloaar.an
his %leer and vanities. was, following on Lilo chart all lie
uVpmeutn of the anent}•. He know "irbr. fat women awl other cur:osi-
p crlpclr %s'lic'e llw coal]d trach )it- it k f k " v' o
000000J_ :001.1 ?�QQWO al utrlko tits Aloft .466, He W46
p con Idrnt of *uccees. Ile evoked the
AS Oi t_ Sot ES p %lel lea of ithe part. But
li 41 I ORiY. " Appeal %as Unheeded.
The )tin ahtL had nuthkag but Inault-
iug awor fur NaiOleun, detrotable
.vt(bs tit, t Mort forever atuln the
Till% chief ulstLletlon between memory the Prtnce of Eckmuhl.
twenty and forty mPeml4 to be that Durbig slit t inlervicw there w,ar
the youth Is buoyed with tilts tuts- grain untlot at Malmaldou. %edettee
dom of cvuceit, whereas the man Is Vj"tL,d abMlg se routes reported the
burdened with the conceit of wlydom. appearntiee of Wucher'N -ocoatd. A
It Is n %'cry vllly thing to general- 1; Ing cu'unu' oder Ute unle►N of
Iso (loot oue'r personal o:pNrrt•ru o• gen. C'olurnb wuP oting ,towanI lite
Nearly all Ate men I ktxrty ere Imre, Isliat(s►u, which as knowm to be
yet doubtlr*s I touch elbows with Jxxorly oit.fendrd. IS cher had eDvorn
the truth every day. to enpture the i•:mp or anJ to hang
At twenty ytu blush when a man hie hi {runt of iia t cops. About u
praises you : ax thirty you think hlm hundred tabcerd, r sea fautry of ttie
•t clever fellow ; at forty you won- Kuard and fine f:(,mestIV f grenadlerm
der what Ile wants. dant .tho depot of Ruell under Gen.
v I c ,our
is e I el* %well to 11 t h
I 1 n r old )ss.
% t r c itlr
Y t e e forme 1 h l
[ ak c R
ear Ir mind
wn a tv o ester onl b I
v r tr lid hi,n-
($u / (iourgaud, f3i cry, B r
tial you can't expect to collect sell- tfolon lone Cnpce, Phauat, • Brock•
drat Inwrence If the ro{re rnnps. (fiubrdrl uPlrrprrt nud n fav liu!1a11
The habit of exaggeration Is often mftcers ..•ere to Use crurtwa
morcly misdlrected Lhmilty. jbuddenly om the 8t. Oermain r d a
Do prepared from early youth Yu eL,uwi,r arnrtq, n clamor .which gr dn-
a cite the most eplerdld self-saert- all,% hierraseri, like ,thin roar at an .
dices, provided you do "Lit change pr,ac4iing atoriln. Thu ruldiers f
your mind as to their uttllty. IIrnJer'm di%P,ton�back frrlm Ven+!
The cynic Is the, most ooneelted of %were cheering for the F.tllpoeror. They
human beings. He believes all men had learnt fr.vr 144 +N ntinels that
acre knaves or fowl.+, and except• him Napoleon was a �\
Frlendt,dp 1• a benefit assuclatlon Prisoner se M Iso I.
iLmltod), which, by gulag bankrupt, T11ry sealed till' wally nd climbed
onables yox, to discover that you over Ilse iron tetiocr+. Offloe and men
am your own beat friend.
Persons %who have never nu^sed an lit tone grand eathusiartic sit tint
Illu'lan may have laid up a dol;ar or revalled the gko rang tLayd of humph
ttvxr, but all tholes money can utter ndvnnced tolivard their ehlet to Lit'
buJ' the delight-# of the drenwr. Lint %%ith towered e.igleN. ,e `"
1lTEt"mi r1WR to tits Ttrtuous man Dara renchold -Ij r dour of tit au,
! A
r r krtrx•trrt
-+10 Res►
lid rlsrZronme
vr10 lots lu Ilfe dixovnre that the '
princtpl-e he fought hardest for were thew knteklid nud hudly. firamn
is ly prejudices illonce: T!ico DertraMl opened the•
It to nn appalling possibility that door;wIthout ceremony.
ut fifty I mny pity the fowl of forty �i.ytted in fresitt e[ Utes window, with
-mysrl{-ne at �+n sent I cnnlot his hand under film chin and his
accauat for my folly Lit twPilly-five. q%PN fixes. ern bygcme nceuev, there
A compollination of pard )not trugcwly woote Alto F.nlpenw, mcrtlenlers. On hl■
dm that It frequently quicken■ lite knpem 'was, an open book, the Es4.tyv
IicIlm's sense of humor. rot M,ntaigme, nild b0FIRIC him wwam a
A pomPtmist Is not a pool many chart rrprind o>,it upon n large table.
things hes thinks lie ts, but ho io rmntte- Bare !" salol Mme. RPKA"It dr 8t.
thing he never thought of -one %who Jett" tj' Angel,, touching him on the
In constantly trying to stand to hie ern. Phe F:nytcror Jurncd &rwt4l Wte
own shadow. a man groctmeil f.r(A a dream. What
An optlmhrt In a good many things hail happened 1' All thfifte faces, yev-
tie lhli,kn the Ivn't : but ehlefly he Is Corday mn :+ad and m(urnful, now
pimply i► pprocan afraid to tele the pew mt-d full of hope and joy. lie Ilm-
truth. tested to lite ghouls oulslde. He roc,
- as keew-sews-e -iiia-Flola-Barr tawy- pt1tllied-,aside,, t e- ar rbalr, ndvaneed
b:r a bar to mlreeta, but am long trwvard ilio grow eau eo child
ns yowl keep It yon will .-lover feel Ise"out Ar.ceyte'7' They pro•we•i
A'AtrVrlr wholly a failure. -New York arraln'l him, and told him that
Hornld. llrn,vor'to dhvleion was outolde ready
_. for film to lead It to the enemy
rcrtr-'lfasrkrttte a free country, willing to obey the
to Canada. "I do not believe there law, and anxious to base their
Id mr>,r obj ctlnn to Irving alscontente(1 children educated In Engldah.
\Then inJaatice Is (tone, to be dlvv-
fectel when you have, nothing to ),n A double -headed tionandrum has
wvell affected to ; to be loyal to n been Cuing the roumda of New fork
goonslilutlon the very elements, the ,poropom of the marriage of Bishop
%list parts of which aro dented You; Potter. It Is this: "Why did Bishop
of ,inch you havo no prnctcal pn-
Fottrlr marry �(rr. Clarke t" "Un no-
jckyssent. Arcland was not loyal, was count of the wrdow'a mite.'• "Why dW
nut ,well afffr;teco, wag not cont"nted
t lite time ,%'hen Glnabttone took iW Mrs. ccoun marry BJlist Fetter'"
iso quealbn of Home Rule and "Un etecount of the bld,op'w mhtLo."
i% ( tent • Il
(u lrel tht•m self gc (ram .;eno1'nl Iledru-Powell, the. popular
live Asecause that great man's mind, F:ng.leh warrior, was at fi Iurcheon
hall studlo,l the au -J rl, bud bA-
cuene en to the truth of lite cava, recently where a celebrated pbyofr;'an
hocaus, he naw that the ,hvuamf td wits tit fellow guest. The doctor wits
Ireland .baa a just demand &nil that cliaffing the snifter, fail(] snkd : • How
Atte emisi r coakt not hope to Par- ,do yon feel after killing a man pro-
1'taauentk.s Lanln elniug nes to b(eume fewatonnit T' R P
01rutig ext t upon a foundation of J The eneral re Iced 1n
Jpaticr. It . r because he ,taw that hl-# characteristic milky tone: '•Oh, 1
wo pe tple tin; to be utewselvee ,don't ml id It much more than you do,
free and to b Vie orialualors of [dare say"
freebsm fur the est of the world, to
spread .the fist freedom the wide
erorl•! over, could eufly ucc'g,y witli Denmark )m* fro reason to Air
a clew heart and. clear conrclenee phased with the rrdull ct $tate e.u-
toe prrfitlan wvhich tl y ,txwated they col and mnnngenipnl (of ralpvayte
uccapl d ao long ss awls. tin u Ire miles I'm iy p"llhcw hue Inrndcd the mnn-
nder the
ui tholes sten titers, tit u
form of freedom, held t prlu>tical rg,went, nud ,wl'ille the length of
sttk jcstioa a peopte M .' U YatlUatL-sait+watvs r tiealiy tiM
to the Llmsflnce or frem1m tits Itfuln= -yo al* Itn'r ------
ashes. lie 1yd learned tints. he watt' Ya re ago Ci • staff
Ao make pe le loyal, Conten od and hos lard all increase or l,4OJ, :unl
frlrutily In to give them oom thing wages have ,been raked In s waw to
to -lire -loyal to, conlentrd writ and tntltc tmprtt ,61ut41. Fillets, .vpArn 11 g.,
friendly town.rds.. and hr, there . re, tlhc esu lleVay dcJ+a rlMent had u in:-
koAdty and .vvinety, bat &INo rantI( I y i•u.r of four (Miro" fr.uhal y':t lu
and prudently. to the snbatance, f '
b sues retyitut not In the form, the lace of .tit increasing truffle lilt.
stf{eyed that polullon of, lite Irlill rplurhas dwlndlod.to less tlrnn to If
questldn " --- a Illkru.
+ On reason ghees by lir 11'ellinta
CURRENT COMMENT 11hyt lit• C'anndinn 1'nclflri
fur the shortage of cars to carry
grain ra ward Ir that the vitro,
�+++++++++++N+ cannot ion uNhcd back toes r•had-
�lmalins, li apt'eading in Port y a
Huron, tltereTa�inR been TBii<tiQ1f
omen In ten days. There Is talk of w'r'twnrl {rah ht. The farmers, he
ckelaring the ferries closed, and the a,►Jr, are rich. and they are our-
1•ro%Lrhetnl authorities are cc-operst-' chasing many go ds from the es:lit.
!est wt[n...I-�,- In gueudLug bine Cody I mare fuel, more roceries, provi-
-4 ,town its r a • or,! + .cn,
set tcrma.l tit.: "kid slaw," an.l the
titan with the persuasive culecl Wis.
st,kr to enl.co people to enter Is
kt.o,vn as a -ballt.u' or a "ap-,l.rr."
Tito mels wlta eel pn•anut. rtes!
lonaonat,lo, palm -leaf fang nut Our -
%e, t ,t. k eta a: a km,jw•n as "LU,c!ier/.'
while that olars of elmoe followers
whose mrtho,is aro ouLtillle of the
{Malo of thy law are "guns" or
raft'ra' To got a p+•roon's money
without aivhns an eluivaremt Is to
•turn them.' A countrymiLn At elfher
a "Ituba" or n "ya)e." Thu mudainne
with a CIMUe are known al* "wind
)unman;," the train m••a, atuvwa
e r r■ are "rawr-
m nand o24 r lalriore
back4." The dstince, fiom otos town
to another to Always known a+ a
"Jump." The allow ground V ca I,d
the ":ot,` and the diuting tent,
where the c!►cw people get their
meds, nd the "camp''
An acrobat Is known as a "kinkor,"
rpt all dings.+ that are used In the
� 1 , N a 'tic
ran • Kach its Ann : ttw uJ
J.. W
,Ike, r.ro called "ohJ:ots." Tliwe ,Ile
Act ott taeir tricks and juggle chlh:rem
un thour feet Are "1:Wleys," and it
other o! jecta Aro balanced oa the
font they are "barrel t.ekerr." mon, y
it rs4(rret to its "coin," or "cuah,'
And the one who pays the sulal•:es It
ewtl"r the "ghewt,` or the "mill In
1tn," A frank V atllal "keener;'
l n anhwo is a ' tuk"y." T, Kot
n y qu.ck to to,;o a "ramp," snot of
t who are for:e.l to itutve. tlta)
Aly ' the burry." Thow who Lav(
boron mg In lite businems are "Ink
Inrn!mA " ami a nriw addition tc
ilio Pmt ' n Is either n "butt In'
nv New o res." oa
�• 0l* n' Jot c m 1 i h
nail xt nein " And they ray an In
_. 1
alone, leo. AU Ot wnucn In varJ
1 G 1,k1r l/J
The Opportunity WAn' ltplrnaNt..
itehwab to having a plalto tel
orlesr R'a cost of ;r0,
plemm�nt redding for he people of
till, Part 'who have g to ,101T,
in Yew York ARrW etmplrm are Not
,n-ry b��ee'i�sted of him to start. ft
waw l'ertalm thwt Ibo olhat AVIV !
noaveaalt rtolles dearly loss d
mini) for tin working .n whowl
Imtualintely on hearing o{ lila Add'
$nonce of the "old first famlllel' OX
Tabor pro,hi,Pit the goods.
Few who visit lbe Almsllouse appre-
vnnc•c' wmjA join taw+ movement. Tin
aolvals•o gimrd of Blucher could efte-
oothwm got along with music boiM
oL►te tin nffectlon lint U blooming
Ily bit crtAK%I, find Perls, on ;iPnring
mattng mprc fiuntirn(ts.
"1',•numnnutangl," which In Xstmponn
In that sterile wAi among the. old
lir" newts, w(fldd rlme to fi man. Tlls
'fir• Toronto WorlI Newspaper
for the "home of the tinging li �"
eoupins, There Are only ten of them
Ci►nmhrn dew I'wlrn with tin Prrnl"-
lorutl Gov•,rnment wooAl dlmappnar
e' inn has been Incor >rated i
M+sl Y Pe oy
to the name given to her new res -
in tit• great horde. of inmatpa Hut
somwtlmes one can sea a pair atroll-
to atm whirlwind.
kntters pnlrnt est Ottawa, with a I
C,hlUornlw h Mrm�tRohe'rtmi1onlmlPten-
1 down one of tho lou
� K Irwrndlnii-
Impr,m•ihl•t the F;roprrnr Ilmlenwl to
knew beforphan•f
nAprlta! of lta(10000. Tit-) tsealbera
escarp walking edowly, for both Lir
thtim. Ii,• all .that
Anti thov�ht WW-# 000stantly. Ilett
or thn Company aro 1V. F. Maelnam
enalan. Thr spot Is In one of the quiet-
t ,as are very (Peblp. old maul
haft a crutch or n heav canal, ht*
was+ it plo: s1Mn to mako Another 20th
nal him wilt,, A. Waal, If. Goya end J.
cwt atm of tin cwt blues mann-
cotoes Im nw ng w lane; but nw
forlvsiw K new wAr,
of iapoop
nine, find mtw•h like -thn old home
em, I(ord
Ann warm them, loser-iltr, aide by Nlrle,
io'rltapm w ds11 wee, oral Frsacn ver.
to Ilia liking. When an unusually loug
At Talllmn. hire. Ntevenson hall a
onn knows that, in Npole of their rage
hntwtrd, tired batt after so many
'rin prpvnlenco- of foot and mouth
honor -warning party at Vanamanu-
And wrinkiep, th(•re In helivren them'atM5;XI_ AIM ver mens y*srmrof mAr-
tl mAovo In the Nett Engbind states Is
tnrlgl rmently, where sale made wrl-
yrrt tlint which IN ever frenh ar,d rtfic-ev.
wweet and young. oar mny Nee soros)- in Iho vrimotibpf6. In the court yard
aumething demanding Attention from
comp All the leading social and lit-
tiara old rturni nn lir of I In tin gardnms the ser o{
Alin Canadian (l,rvern)npnt. There is
tear 1 ht.s of Han Fr,onelsco.
7 lg
stn chapel, r'Uhrn►ng from morning 1' F.rop^rpor! lsr'cwm* Irsttol*r find
a I'
Po ery ja ,tl.'lestlon fo.r r'gld asmas,res
_ -
prayer. Three ']rnonnlnntiono. the I loulrr. Coverts with dolt OP n.
of r=clu.l,wh. llihould Oro -at Britain
Moro than n few 2k1 (cttennwtnuoee
lissom \fes
F rolannpnl, the Itomnn Cittfimir. an,llBrmyc r. followewl try him offlrers, en-
the Luth*ran, have cif the library and In fiery pllhuxis
diut c.ut United States .beef. It would nre %%ovnn into til* of nMl
Nim Dixon, of little itrook,
pflaces worphlp,trael
est the nifnmlio0*e, anti there nrn called upon the F.mpwror to listen to
toe very Inepror.tant for nm to )sate the
lore Pell tip.
N..1 Thoy Is%%•n just nelphratel their
merry of the p000r who nrn depply dr- voMn of the nrmy. fler•k*r him -
""'f. tine spew the old (other nndlself. altheiligh charged by the Pro-
ase al* oodertoh. Colborne. Aehiald find
Igo:den welding. hnrinR Irpen inn r-
mother, snmptlmpn, Ln the little gro-!vialonal Government to hold (/a-
Imirra were 2b cap*. of IuerM?
fled fatty yrewre ager in the mono
c,Ty, whore they Rol to shore thr1WV(.. R+irisd In Adsanre and offer -
In OId London Iwet year and rwlly iill" Gringo? rievelAn.1 first w•tw
fpw nb'kpla that they mny earn roes o.1 Ib sword.
that mess br sent to thein by Tela -I 7nn F.1nforror•m ryes flfiahr,l. 191.
ort* of the eulprllp *mrwpe-d pM1en Ifght. ,It U that? pan l fronst that
+tvPm, And oar frrlm nanln the prey- rmllri few bin horses, his award fated
vigilance. 7'how* nlrl country ;,r". uwlthK Ms wrinkM a croon word to
enc* of that which do heantirnl and ikon neUorms of the cltassanra Wblls
111141 are 000*times sneered at am Alan other 1n All their limit cPntnry or
twndoor.-Lerma. W"Ifly. Warch not was peAting on him •pe M,
(tidiest eve bat Airy •tr nb
tint Cannot he nndgrl.by tho regu-
ltir (r'flcera tic it ' Ix -up,'• unit a whls-
tiile Is blown, est _ n wood of which
tach rysployee w state or
(olbt•i'ahnndy west and yells ' Hcy,
Rues, �rhlch L-# the o I to arms.
A pmjq;&1 victim 1 known An A
"sicki , `�tPp the comities ce men who
folMw tfin \circus, nrvl ann1Rg n
Rn.r" U to to intro lin h no wpn-
ponw on him brtore. they p .Pool 10
pat him mfon,•y. To "fripk" n . Ain In
to arm w lot of. husky rm oyer,
with wtnkan ani{ search the on for
"errNpke" nn,l "sura thing" „n,
There im no chanep for Arguments t
dila tlma if you now ones of them
worthless leaving in n hurry anti nick
him where he u lrhnwl, he will gpner-
nTTTv iaijr. "TT iRTi CJIZf 7CfkT'If1Rtf -
DtRr(at Free Prim % t
par' buehrl. 40 to Talc+: do. per barrel,
$1 Up $L'. Potato.•.+, per busflel. T5
to i)Or : do. pPr big. $110 to $1.15.
Lrading Wheat Markets.
Following are chi closing quola-
llons at dmpurtaut �vl!,vat centres
Doe. M by
ss Fla ton stud sepoa�
Oet'L Dodertrh. Peltate -fes for r�
mor!gag« st a pee seat.
. v. w A n . 1f}- % k r q +Lata. ala- al*, r
1 • Mm uA o e► f or ulte.s Lid ras,drW
ntegaiyntw ►aa. at•.:ar he w ••N•�.-
a,sa 4pe-1 tine. tselowa I:deestlans 'a ..
,no,wetn Lir wit w pr••eedLa W
New York ... 8O 3-8 79 d-8 N• Hi tb <art of J •e ten c..,e of A pp'•t
far Ontario, or 1s • 3 county or Dlrrs•
(1.Icago ... ...... ... ... 7?. 8-s.1 75 1-•t C' .M AU IrIt Ale •arat"llr and ar+m-04
To1•�•to ... ... ... ... ... 7,11' :. 79 1-2 stsscuted. stiald a ?.O. addroa�
Duluth tfo. L gasmoo.Oat
- Nor. ..•' - - 71 TJ ;1-8
1t,0Ax, A7r1♦ tots >vRCs b'.
Toronto Llve Shack Market.
Ce port e•tue. rMld. •xrcwt H SD to �i M IbgUNRV TU LKND-A LA l)g .aL01'�T
do medium ...... 133 l0 1 ,0 0{ prlwte tnsdr -nes Inrralt ant et Inw
do cow■ ... 3 CS M 106 t rata artd opo ,w on ares. -c niortg•,;, .
flutcberi export .. 1 till to 300 A 0 to --Pon k Darrow. -
bataher•-' cattio, pr.•krd 1 '4s. to 1 OP AUl'TIO!I IKCKIItIe.
Butcher: cat.ls choice........ 3 75 to 4 r3
Y 'k A.
Y itY AL
\t 13 OG. D
Aurdo los' tai ve rUr 3 8 I 3 7l'
•HO. A
e u o
e rirl,.Onl.
Kele- at
V I br lade
II. • qa
do comm hiss .. 4 s.4% to 3 be
Aulla erfrort, henry..... .... / u0 to 1 br b la any part of ILe oou,ll•
da dais. ........ ...... . . . . 3 3u to 4 le -- -_
do -,edio 70 N 3913 TgO`4 [NUy URICRAL Al • ,,-V k tt
do bN,k R. �....... . 1 "S to M . and [end Val netor. U.d•r `U•.t. U•
reeds.. ohort•�ap ....... . 4 21 to t 71 hs M1 aor,aldwablo •st.ol.tl,a a W acs.
do medl 7o........... .. 3 -.5 to 4 r3 u•,a•+rLs trait-, be 1. is • prbdi)+a 10 d,o
do light .. ......... ,t 33 to 3 7o an.rpe a stn thorough .•.L fa. , 1^„ all eon+
Steckler. choice ............. .. . :w to 3 2' bslana •ntra.Nd N it$m. Ur' "NS kit O
stacker•. common .. ... .. Y 4i to •' ; S attnn'. AaaL or sent br b,am M fila addr�
Li ch rows, each .. . 40 n to et to edarl•h P. O., r&c,fealr art•ee•e. M J(IH
RhecR ewes. per cwt 3 m to o fr *O)(• (unety AnrUontw. .----wo-u
Bucks.per rot...... .. .. res to t 50 __ --
_ _ _. _____-
Lamb.. par cwt. .. _ - . .. 3 Sn W 1 Of KANks"O)111 SACt 7�
Cellists, per hied ................ 3 d6 to 10 W
HoP `footle. par cwt....... _. 4 J0 N ! 60 WNIL {pmt KA O L it
!lags• light. per roll, ..... . 5 i3 W -eM wo one-st Uad«Yl �L --_ tr
Ilvs•,fat, per :wt ..:..... . .l 75 to 0 N - -
do-roree,.p`r cat........... -6 So to 0 W - --- -
do sows. per cwt 4 54 to 6 to
tintless. wrcw•t.-.......... ifN to 10 Ni t/lek•wowtf
Trade In Canada, A• t NIQ* E I
Ihuh's Itedr.r to -day soya: A V�Vj VAG
sPen.itierable ttembee-- 6V wont ___.__�_
wk°hoTeasTe�� are-ilTulef 7rg`urkng mp
tha y -ear's resu{tio, or wpa {n'.Pariaf . --.------ - --
to tk'r eo. and the volum! of humltleaq /M/ta----
pew,lUg Ie naturally Nom+what ro-
duced, but Ir ptili goal far lir ,wa. --1s.-WGMn of Affatrm, who hits n
son. B"alneN" In wholesale eircluo large corre•pandenee, Anti who Iib'••
at Tbrorrto Id fair fur the senor Nim le outllrp•s and restful thing -
Of the yenr. Trn le cianditloom in P
Hamilton and dfntr'rt conth,pe far- isbcat iter, bet" ,ado for her den n
Ornblp, *timnlated momethat law sereem wlilch pleaNem her greatly. It
more seasonable weather. The trout Jilts a beavy, aquare frame of mink•
and •.hoe trade, epprrlially, has
benefited, lay the dhnuge.. and these On till,. Ir ntretclvpd denim, and•owar
bars Upen a tetter demand for w•in- the d oondm la glued A rich. ,lull; red '
ter rcqulremente•. art paper. On Rhe paper In pninted
Bradatreet•s on Trade. n dre6ign of black seroUS, and ov,!1•
'19here has been a fair movement it aro mcatterpd certain wine. mny•
I11 Pram,mablp goads tit )v-itt)lesnle Ings, called from life Itelycrofters'
�I -n i stns -I _ pju past weak. _f noiwttl+c, and Irr*ete WL%_Jasga . hisel6- _.
P ""Na, .rm .;town by ntrek-l,iklnj art typo. Here are sone of them:
rR is tae pant wweek, It.90 hien very c„
-11 stow, man► departments Os. "•`tp(!ek will of everyone If S
trod. .J -iv ,g excellent inereri,4 mpronk of themes at all ; "Our of 11"
oVnr p vlooto years. -nip contlnurd IN very w6od.'t
est to p)1 nnv fnr.ther expatiation In
kelp us to go through the dark vel-
ley whoutee there Is no return, so
The Signal
none cull really gold*, along tie
-and be kind."
hymenoid path. Till. 10 a root
■ ruetura"
which ever>ono trio. to disgulve. Yet
u.Ir {Ile wsmu It Ie Indisputable. Leat
me' clave the lvnool, Ansi lhrrt. nm
they shuulu ire ruepwoLel Lit failure,
whore, pwrhupP, utherr have suo-
ocded, women flay little about It, snit
verses of saboortrUaa.
men motto light of It bea►use their
one month le ad.ana...................I Is
vrood la, the King -otherwise Uaari-
1'hrseoo"th-, .................... a
can du no wrong.
Ms aonute, " ...................
Ow rear. .. M
"""""'••� 1 w
ill dLrcurdut this lUsulublo problem
if howl to be hacplay though wnrriedi,
mercantile clrclert to the hotllr�iatio�v i
trade, whiels proendePe t bP rotteh
cue fluds the unfailing touch of
Advaru.ang s4tes,
humor, wvhich, U only looked fur, tilts-
Legal Lid other oa..al splrerUes,noan, te,a
lulutr every atbjeet, however solemn
ter "n. fur dr.%In-, rtlo., a, I'l ei-t- p -r u,,.
Lir ea h sui,.,••,ueot lawr.l„t. xis., ow tr
It may .cum. Fur 1t lar Leon Berk-
• non parea r ►I&
'ju y, ruggcsteLt sm0lig Lanny other
8 -taluses ur,l- of six Ws« and ,bd.r. lis .al*
lh1"gie, that the occret Lir c•on"ubhal
Advertisement• of TwrL loosed, ntr•rat
bll•b Ir a yhtery. Lilt ,woman, we urn
*ttnauono V.o•nt Mtus.loo. wnate,t•n(
lo'd• prrpetually invent .herself with
Ac,dnoos chances mot earscd:ut s
Mutt tujostuatrable wy'+terY which esu
fnmel"ates the lover, anti the huaaband
Ihses none roti, $1 par ta0uth.
1,miei o., 8•le and rants.. os Asia. rot loo
ex.:eed 1 lanes. tl fur fi-t se"oth. 6h% per .sic
Illi retuuht eusnartd, Wellbuund, en-
seyuemt month. I.ar ratru. l■ pro oati..n
l Lb. raven%h 1.
41aVed. Thio ouggealN tel uuluaing,
farelcal coenoiky. Ang*,Una, wrapping
Ma ,.. io
Loi o specs
wh�ri ;r
p r f •:a.
ash or Wmpany, in be atios'd-r.d an ad,.,r:,:..
neroell ht ms. sten would of course Ate
hent and ol.ar Lod a,,ernln`ir.
quite enough to brlug &%win est om:t+
to hook even if Jilts dinner %were not
Lnr,%! anN, es In aonpsrMl type one«Lit pd
word. us not toe ler titan rY•.
Local ..tin" is nnl,a,rr r•adir•a Vl s w.
to Ilia liking. When an unusually loug
cents per wor.l. No oouro b r 1•-o. ow% � i,
drwamakrr'a hill enmu In, alto ,could
Notwusforrhisrrb•iand e'I,er frdlitow .A
Of course only have to remark darkly
benevolent tarsitur0•rJ, halt rate.
that tate knew nothing of the says-
terles of it iaidv'■ tolhPtte to rnouro
Rnb.rrlbers who tall N rer, lre Tim ltnr.t
tie tmmediate and silent paympmL, and
ragu'..rly by tonsil will 0-.nfw a ta*msV_.r�-e,� -
to ctheuro further matrimonial peace
t"v""ors us Of the hot at se earl:; a4NN
! mn,lnne (of Udo yell, maybe et
�' tmaJ;Lo
poao'nie. -----
W ben a ebanae of adorer b d«iced d:'s
Judicious avo4dallco .of all family
Wo old and ►ho ts•w addrow should bo gl ins
top']ce, reference to part love affairs,
eomh,g engagementa, and Ute elill-
ra,busbse•a Itati-
dry" might be further suggested.
y_ e. Lo Tcuarl, or Ooderi. b, Las beer a'
Each wile. however, will d(Nibtleiw
panted local Trnraliing Agent for aka Town•
boat know what form of m ysleary io
ase al* oodertoh. Colborne. Aehiald find
anoint 1lkely to atkccelYl Ili her own
L''nal postm•otene over the district are alas
eANa 9th*, mart be sure, though, tU
empowered N receive •aeaorlptloas to.: t.m
adopt it film tho very beginning.
Sweet -
Wo mast never forgot that If man
An eMuaalwtioce most l,e drros id,
U. Lg011.1 Ic UION
but twee rognrtbl her as iii thin
U' [
Ts�raa tl�es.t,
anva a myalterlims pgrsonal.ty, %woman
hggkme pay 1b Oe6er ist. uaL
is lost from tltw matrlmonlAl happy
print of View. -One would like to
_ _
have the experience tit one who lin
trial thle rcclpe.-Lady'■ Pictorial.
--- -
jG1L 1GBAG��it
jjj Tll>a1 A
C` �w%F
tl..d : : t7rl ant
.11 ao/ j7peema............. . . : 7l* p i.
utrd.......... D los
. ....0
LaU sae [sprsr...... �.... ......... i6.N s.,t
xfatl .no. gspre•a..................... 1.If a esti
Hsu Lid Exprea..................... 11 r P p..
Toronto Fitrmcra' Market.
j{i.ed .... I...- . ... ._.3lipc,
Doc. 7. -Thur recurnA of grain were
not so largo to -day, anti price■ gets•
orally aro Loc,l.anged. Wheat stesady,
600 lx.slt.-Is of wnite gal red sell-
1-ig nt 6U to TW; 7W lAJlfscl, of spring
at til to 68.>, ua1 300 bus._la of
�tonus opgppossslINino Yat nrtoe.
Odd rilltom. Crowe gad setdrs Week a
gooro at 6s. to 65n. Barley is ,toady.
g�� Wtr.
there being baler of 1.000 IsLahela at
ke Yeael Rsperienen. .,ri..
43 to 47c. Oats quint• 700 buuhels
selling ut 84 to 3:0. Ryo 601.1 at
510 a bombed for one load.
t'.a3I1'ION, !;. ('.-BarribU r
Bay quiet null stnruly. there he•
Reiter, Notary, ac. Office
Ing water of :::, lo:uls at ills to $1:l* a
Kingston Ht. sowl siluare. neoit lla,
tort for timothy, Anot Lit $4 to $11
.per'is Restauraut, tioderleh.
for miteii. Straw form. ono load sella
lug at 811 n tun.
Dairy lir•,• to demand
_ __
O. JOAj N;MN-RAK KI+T7Sn. M+t1
pro Active an.l
•itue. t'omagto/tdas . t Luny .s
firm. HkAter, LO to 'SCq per pound
,can. Ott:: r: ('a-. Hematem an� tl1. Andiw
rolls, o o t eggs at :l0 q 35o a
ttreeu. U.yiseta. O::L 5A
do e -n for new Inkl.
\\'heat. 6U 7f1h: do.
ROUDiOOT aE gAT KAffillbfti-t9
white, tin reds
.Glicttoen,nd.+stn ►-�Ic� pr%':t0.I int:A
6.c. Ofsoe: N. Ui
tt9 to 70^ . ,'o. gno•r^, 6o. tb 45c;
do. epi Ing. 67 to 813!. OfLI& 4. to
Laritlmo Uourt, este nett
door:4[074 AL fddnc% Prireg Funds Nfend at
L. '^M
:.res: Iitrl•y. nniting. 4o. to 4Tc;
~ rKOi uIfOUP. fi C. ITIt'g
('o. fend. 43 to Liu. Rye. 51c; k_
wheat. arT-. Hay. $13 to $I6; loo.
rlovrr or mixed, S6 to $'J. Htra s
I KIN80N k OARROW. iiARltU loll,
� Attern re• 80I1cltoeN- Mc., 0odor,rh.
rk:aat. $11 ; r o. Its•nse, $6 Promised 11oge
, k,. L Dkkln•on. (hnrlMOarrote. LL.II...
per cwt.. t•7.51f All fs. Miter, po'Iaf
roll.a SU to BSc : clo. large culls,
oo 22 : d
, Itor. No t ry Publlo. oar_ Oaks Cast-tdr
l8 to'LOc•. 1 , d 1.:9/ to Sao :
t' rt Bouao square. Money to lu4a at lo.,
do. Lrld ,luck• "0 to t. c'hkk, ns,
n otisit-cwt.
pws +rales. u0 to 7s.)•. ►)Luka, par pair.
60.o to $1. T1.rk,,yoo, per Ib., 10 to
l +o. Geaw; px!r Ib. 7 to less App,iarl
---. _-.------- -
cll miRAO[R - RA r.." rF It 110..
ices. nets -y sed tan:. the «. Odir,e
•e Ares Cous:rr•
(tidiest eve bat Airy •tr nb
tint Cannot he nndgrl.by tho regu-
ltir (r'flcera tic it ' Ix -up,'• unit a whls-
tiile Is blown, est _ n wood of which
tach rysployee w state or
(olbt•i'ahnndy west and yells ' Hcy,
Rues, �rhlch L-# the o I to arms.
A pmjq;&1 victim 1 known An A
"sicki , `�tPp the comities ce men who
folMw tfin \circus, nrvl ann1Rg n
Rn.r" U to to intro lin h no wpn-
ponw on him brtore. they p .Pool 10
pat him mfon,•y. To "fripk" n . Ain In
to arm w lot of. husky rm oyer,
with wtnkan ani{ search the on for
"errNpke" nn,l "sura thing" „n,
There im no chanep for Arguments t
dila tlma if you now ones of them
worthless leaving in n hurry anti nick
him where he u lrhnwl, he will gpner-
nTTTv iaijr. "TT iRTi CJIZf 7CfkT'If1Rtf -
DtRr(at Free Prim % t
par' buehrl. 40 to Talc+: do. per barrel,
$1 Up $L'. Potato.•.+, per busflel. T5
to i)Or : do. pPr big. $110 to $1.15.
Lrading Wheat Markets.
Following are chi closing quola-
llons at dmpurtaut �vl!,vat centres
Doe. M by
ss Fla ton stud sepoa�
Oet'L Dodertrh. Peltate -fes for r�
mor!gag« st a pee seat.
. v. w A n . 1f}- % k r q +Lata. ala- al*, r
1 • Mm uA o e► f or ulte.s Lid ras,drW
ntegaiyntw ►aa. at•.:ar he w ••N•�.-
a,sa 4pe-1 tine. tselowa I:deestlans 'a ..
,no,wetn Lir wit w pr••eedLa W
New York ... 8O 3-8 79 d-8 N• Hi tb <art of J •e ten c..,e of A pp'•t
far Ontario, or 1s • 3 county or Dlrrs•
(1.Icago ... ...... ... ... 7?. 8-s.1 75 1-•t C' .M AU IrIt Ale •arat"llr and ar+m-04
To1•�•to ... ... ... ... ... 7,11' :. 79 1-2 stsscuted. stiald a ?.O. addroa�
Duluth tfo. L gasmoo.Oat
- Nor. ..•' - - 71 TJ ;1-8
1t,0Ax, A7r1♦ tots >vRCs b'.
Toronto Llve Shack Market.
Ce port e•tue. rMld. •xrcwt H SD to �i M IbgUNRV TU LKND-A LA l)g .aL01'�T
do medium ...... 133 l0 1 ,0 0{ prlwte tnsdr -nes Inrralt ant et Inw
do cow■ ... 3 CS M 106 t rata artd opo ,w on ares. -c niortg•,;, .
flutcberi export .. 1 till to 300 A 0 to --Pon k Darrow. -
bataher•-' cattio, pr.•krd 1 '4s. to 1 OP AUl'TIO!I IKCKIItIe.
Butcher: cat.ls choice........ 3 75 to 4 r3
Y 'k A.
Y itY AL
\t 13 OG. D
Aurdo los' tai ve rUr 3 8 I 3 7l'
•HO. A
e u o
e rirl,.Onl.
Kele- at
V I br lade
II. • qa
do comm hiss .. 4 s.4% to 3 be
Aulla erfrort, henry..... .... / u0 to 1 br b la any part of ILe oou,ll•
da dais. ........ ...... . . . . 3 3u to 4 le -- -_
do -,edio 70 N 3913 TgO`4 [NUy URICRAL Al • ,,-V k tt
do bN,k R. �....... . 1 "S to M . and [end Val netor. U.d•r `U•.t. U•
reeds.. ohort•�ap ....... . 4 21 to t 71 hs M1 aor,aldwablo •st.ol.tl,a a W acs.
do medl 7o........... .. 3 -.5 to 4 r3 u•,a•+rLs trait-, be 1. is • prbdi)+a 10 d,o
do light .. ......... ,t 33 to 3 7o an.rpe a stn thorough .•.L fa. , 1^„ all eon+
Steckler. choice ............. .. . :w to 3 2' bslana •ntra.Nd N it$m. Ur' "NS kit O
stacker•. common .. ... .. Y 4i to •' ; S attnn'. AaaL or sent br b,am M fila addr�
Li ch rows, each .. . 40 n to et to edarl•h P. O., r&c,fealr art•ee•e. M J(IH
RhecR ewes. per cwt 3 m to o fr *O)(• (unety AnrUontw. .----wo-u
Bucks.per rot...... .. .. res to t 50 __ --
_ _ _. _____-
Lamb.. par cwt. .. _ - . .. 3 Sn W 1 Of KANks"O)111 SACt 7�
Cellists, per hied ................ 3 d6 to 10 W
HoP `footle. par cwt....... _. 4 J0 N ! 60 WNIL {pmt KA O L it
!lags• light. per roll, ..... . 5 i3 W -eM wo one-st Uad«Yl �L --_ tr
Ilvs•,fat, per :wt ..:..... . .l 75 to 0 N - -
do-roree,.p`r cat........... -6 So to 0 W - --- -
do sows. per cwt 4 54 to 6 to
tintless. wrcw•t.-.......... ifN to 10 Ni t/lek•wowtf
Trade In Canada, A• t NIQ* E I
Ihuh's Itedr.r to -day soya: A V�Vj VAG
sPen.itierable ttembee-- 6V wont ___.__�_
wk°hoTeasTe�� are-ilTulef 7rg`urkng mp
tha y -ear's resu{tio, or wpa {n'.Pariaf . --.------ - --
to tk'r eo. and the volum! of humltleaq /M/ta----
pew,lUg Ie naturally Nom+what ro-
duced, but Ir ptili goal far lir ,wa. --1s.-WGMn of Affatrm, who hits n
son. B"alneN" In wholesale eircluo large corre•pandenee, Anti who Iib'••
at Tbrorrto Id fair fur the senor Nim le outllrp•s and restful thing -
Of the yenr. Trn le cianditloom in P
Hamilton and dfntr'rt conth,pe far- isbcat iter, bet" ,ado for her den n
Ornblp, *timnlated momethat law sereem wlilch pleaNem her greatly. It
more seasonable weather. The trout Jilts a beavy, aquare frame of mink•
and •.hoe trade, epprrlially, has
benefited, lay the dhnuge.. and these On till,. Ir ntretclvpd denim, and•owar
bars Upen a tetter demand for w•in- the d oondm la glued A rich. ,lull; red '
ter rcqulremente•. art paper. On Rhe paper In pninted
Bradatreet•s on Trade. n dre6ign of black seroUS, and ov,!1•
'19here has been a fair movement it aro mcatterpd certain wine. mny•
I11 Pram,mablp goads tit )v-itt)lesnle Ings, called from life Itelycrofters'
�I -n i stns -I _ pju past weak. _f noiwttl+c, and Irr*ete WL%_Jasga . hisel6- _.
P ""Na, .rm .;town by ntrek-l,iklnj art typo. Here are sone of them:
rR is tae pant wweek, It.90 hien very c„
-11 stow, man► departments Os. "•`tp(!ek will of everyone If S
trod. .J -iv ,g excellent inereri,4 mpronk of themes at all ; "Our of 11"
oVnr p vlooto years. -nip contlnurd IN very w6od.'t
. .ti.. -. r r . .., !,.fie.,•, - "� _ ..
. . ,
.._.� y S. . � . . h v � .essay
% ... . -
.. .. .. .�. a .. , .
.. r...., - _ . ,. -
est to p)1 nnv fnr.ther expatiation In
_ w yvtrr 'rare `"' " '''-
e! •ekpM `fior 4leppinrpa In the Mars•Ird
V.Ic'. hie ode est Toronto, tut the I
-and be kind."
"" . Either.
i Mcmpnt, ' QTertPI-10wl►,- has-' alien I
"halms the atoorip and thost "hntt flus
Jural now tin world of MntratA
fairly g(ysl, n j;dn + considered.
q'1N,Irwule nrn wt qupbec dnrirtg!
me' clave the lvnool, Ansi lhrrt. nm
a l w:al wm Its enter drela of brldeA-
to -he, In very much Interemte'] in
the p list week h hewn falrl active,
whiles iw l In solid glt"t-la.
"lNffkelatiom are thing" 1%Weh Il,"'
n work which la domlgnod to show
what aro the working,i of n wo-
to the demand f
deman v )tools.
,hat Arr."
man'N heart, send what in the tra-
T)ierr harp bran no Ian, to milt
rA In the district. Alt tlom at Win-
Yolk In"N ntNl II"t4•n turret'
k li
vall of liar soul during the pearled
rapr•g IN rano largely be g turned In
"Non are omly grunt n" they a""
of married lite when nhe finite tier
Idt.nlrt are asalterpd, and Lilo Boll-
mercantile clrclert to the hotllr�iatio�v i
trade, whiels proendePe t bP rotteh
kind." .
"We are aM elulldren in thee kin,l,
tmlp a deux which Ar had fanel,rl
huger than In prevteum yea TT•
garten oat God.r
would ha thln or that Recording to
her own temperament or imagines•
%olutnw it( lrud* in the leadln Psol•
Ile Growel trade neaLrem inn `been
„it het tae," any', the ,%osn,'-
{Ion, moat lop rondnetrd, tftesyhn, on
wvrll melntnined {law ptamt www or
who sits the m' "to rake 1113' ''1"
lirov wholly at varlalice with liar
ten days At Hemlllop tills wwpk- a
anal romol one of .Drown tiling,,. in ,ht
own preconceived (dean, tmaten, nm-
reported tip jlrn']wtroet'n, there
recent tryoxorhl dlff..rent onpx nm"a'=
I rlrntlona and„nlawl oven at tiara
bten n prrod drmspnd for sasonAhI
them corrwr lurroe to ml*. OceA "lonnlit'
with tier own comfort. Too pnbil-
Innes s.0 .nest sl<.rks, which the cooler
I turn pncot!rrr ming of tar ,•,r," n
tuition of this hook has naturally'
wether has. tr►nd* NMP lenprevelfln
aronrrsl and bring n drawls p',•t to vs.."
prot`oked comments of all klndm, but
Mt, w94 the AMh fay trade Iw )rasa
attltw Aothe. VwtuM
1 ,lade %vw onnkl tut ►sr ththRn Ilii+
(ho mnPrnmts of opinion seems t0
orf akhvrlMtic
that petwtnd np abrrv,n the p-•nt,• 1"
bo that thore 1o. no royal road to
NLRples slid nt imparted goods aro
A11 firm held. Tip outlook for
thea Wtrrp,t tato Instead rot the hlde-
happincow lei married life. Nomolhnr
inn n10re, than briefly clutlina to tier
trAdn t I the, rMnw Or this year In
num tininge wo hive to look At.
ww fnd grwNt itemlithta ltOnNt(intlr
rI itclhter how litho Phall avold the
pr-wnlmtnw. in .iAmilron tbern inn hppn
a gerotl mnvemPnt Iq the jrhbMng iced,
Mrfotsr our es aur 1nindo we'll'] bm
rocky nn which the mnJnrlt of mw,
this .wrook. Tho deaµnd from the
usrconselonPly InflowncPfl In tlme."
trhdonhtl 1%argnes Asunder. Fwu'h
mi'vlgalor of the deep d.ngltlo
rrmfr►try for %vinter "in And for thA
1101b1Ay w,nNfn Are gniti, heavy, wIM
Clsrrrnt f.lteratur„ given thin ,•(N
waters maws learn for herself how
tie her own croilt.
a Cnrltlnuntln" of the prweprlt artivlt/
� 4s. EAnkPrl far
nmPlr, of a boy', drmrrlplion "r
(inr:v,hu od "Ona elf l hns" (:no.+ l l' 't
Riper anti tnnnagoo
Even thn room skilful will solo Astray/,
I II the elnmp of th-P .war,
Ottawa whelwtale babble lag terse
(,r,• a drib@ -and -a -half long Anti miles
it i+ to be reared; but as Clone s11a11
Wtdt Watlrs.
hell a dog btgh.n '
. .ti.. -. r r . .., !,.fie.,•, - "� _ ..
. . ,
.._.� y S. . � . . h v � .essay
% ... . -
.. .. .. .�. a .. , .
.. r...., - _ . ,. -