HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-12-11, Page 1of Boots and
en chosen with
to how cheat,
t to how good
Ie money.
lee, al popular pi tr ,
ii a leather Legging..,
burr we hart, A tout -
g in Our
fur I.a1(I.uI•re.
nt Shoe Store.
ody tbat unless such
the productions N toe
111 be materially l.seeoed
a oonseyu.ote decraut f,
eetiny the resolution uao
weak'• meetings w.ir
by all obis adders* on
, Palmeri •, 14.1' P.
be 1s.titote were toter -
Is. Toe 'slatting wre-
aks takes a eery &Wive
k, *aye • 0ue0b•r of add: -
to t a memh•rebip,
tit 1 I M
ewe •e FAT •f
i ITe % 0T.
ill be here.
opt place at
but holiday
1j the store
Suitable for
per reaches
le for holi-
\ ou will
COM ti '.OU
- y
are always ac- -owe
Ivan gifts and
a lady who 4
I them. Kid -a
here can be
hdonee, a8 we
finality only,
very pair that
•1. We are -or
ial display of
nes and novel-
Xmas gifts. T
loves, thin, soft
doom fasteners,
fawns, browns
pair fully guar -
special value,
y French Kid
n soft, pliable
ting, felly par
s and black, per
eel French Kid
om choice select -
.own, one large
medallion clasp,
revs, fawns and
ncy Work.
(hawing and
ens are among
vats. We carry
s and different
I inches. They
one tT Ti -bed
nufacturers and
:arid Coats.
ive(1 a fnw sant
the new Monte
ley COMP in grey,
1 black heavers,
.$10.00 and $14.00
�'� , �f A : DL�EMBER 11, 1902..
token a t 4 arta+ u toot n
LI1 LAW NO 40 t)5r 1902, 'IF 1'tto
TOWN t}e' ow/Stile/1.
A � 0LI BRARYoft NW'T t fit el A0daa(1'CH•
Of ,'lig g1.1SCTU,tJ1.
871951 llo /0 of 1'902 of the Town of Clode-
rleh.. bs law to pro: de for the e*tabl.ehm-u:
of • Public 1J firms la the Town of ' (lorlu 1,
Whu'e« silty electors have ppeilllooed 'h.
C0Ouc,l of the sold Town of Joleri,b pr at 1051
fur the 0e1bll.ume0t of a Publlu Llbrar,
under .h• Public .rbrartee Aol,
13 It l
t'uua,ctl [bowie 10' ►Idt7 own oft6 it said
chi ilial pin
0mme the •o,.ut of .ho eyesore to w•, en to ibis
Bylaw • Pu ono L bears b. t4..' lashed iu this
one with the ',natio
(Ona 4
M Pun., 1.
Awl be -It further .nailed that t5. 00tes of
the aleatory be tak.0 ou rel. Bylaw •s M .a
da.. the Ste day or Jaouar7. MDI, oommenotut
at o'ebuk la its. mJ•'alog and ,mots ,0,1.51 us
tit 'lye o'olook b t1l atter -,un at the t4/ a--
meatiooud pieties:
Ulrlslo o, Polt'.g Place, Deputy Refuting
1 Malllytnont',Wai( on Bbup, Wm Mo('lywmt
Y Viresn . Food more Chao H.ts
4 town Hat, ltd. an fiver,
t-ttuauln,a•'. Shop. J. f H•tr,
.5 Mfrs. Walton'. ,Shop N. It. Watson
h Brophy's furulture "lulu, Barr, Walesa
-;)eu0l, Neville'. (louse, John Crawls
Tial os the 1rd day ,.f J..uSry, l9 t) bear at
hie office in the Slyor. •Moe at slevua o'clock
in the fOIY•Wn, 10• il.yur Marl *,point to
writing withal by him two persuta to a'lu.d
to the final sunuuul5 up of .he Vetot by the
Clerk and one lw-r.uu to attend at each •)flan
Woos on beh.11 of the persons lrrereeted 1•
and deetroos of prom -Aiwa the paw•h'u5 tat.
Hslew alas • Ilia number 0h n0h,'(oft ,e
pergolas au ferreted la •1.d desirous of opposing
rho messes of this H71aw.
Tbat the Clerk of the sold Maeirlpsl Cur.
;oration .halt attend at the Clerk'. ollloe at
tt., hour of eleven *relook In obs fur.aoun fro
the .i4th day of Juicer, 1141, tdium up the
number of votes r«
rg•Inst the Bylaw.
respectively for ,tad
law which vela be taken tote 5on, Aeration by
the Council of the Town or Gorterloh after one
month hoot the eleventh day of llecomher.
no!. bo,na the date of the aro publioatioa
ther•of and the poll. for teeing the votes of
the eh ctore will he held at .tos hour day •sti
16•00 namal le ilwa sold Bylaw.
t writ.
111$ LAW NO U. 1902. OF TS TOWN
PANY AND RECTIFY Telt 1341.568
Whereas In 'Near lit 7 the Godeor:•tb
!mister Co, proposed te the munielpni cor-
porate* CoY the lows of Ooder iota to scrablIsh
ft sew mill within tie* weld to vb. mail in cos
sideratioa *Moro! applied to the sall foroor 'L-
oop ald that, sold manufacturing tot ibl eh.
mem by et empeteg from tacatioe for thf
Porton of te3 years. notnnosocing with theeald
And tie bcreas the said rorporatIon agree( tn
tcrant try trod exemption bot the tosthort
her. ofcce ad nood to ran:, ing it too lame
hos been Olreal sued linoroper. and it la espedi•
set to rec fly tho sent.
council of tem eery rotlin of 'An jcwn of
04Nictu h. aod It la heroby en tcto 64 folio re.
1, Th• reel nemete, building., machinery ar.t1
edam' Pawl., II imam* Pert uf tbe Reid saw
the•sof or to c000estioo therewith for the
porn 400 of the said set•t, shomest. . ball h.
sad Ow Banos aro hereby do. hired to be sx
mat from mualelpel Aftles ion wipe,* ech,,,,
late* and rates for tonal Improvemont w irk.)
from and 61.er the Hoz toy. and rue an,i .
lee toe milidoe of the bald period of troa year.,
during the sold them.
TM. Hi law shall tato Oran 05 the day
This vette ot t elymmrs of them d town
of flotertoh entitled to .-4se thereat, eLAII
taken on thus ftyl.w at ties icti ...soma time. •nd
pieces. that le o oey, on 31,4a). 3tb 357
Or January, Itlat. oommeming at the hour of
tone o .look on toe fureeoost and oontiniong
Ilvet o Mock In the ott'e. in or tho sem
div .by His following [trinity Iteturn,ng 0111,
Si Davide Weft!. DIV 5. Afeely .10111 • Shop.
tem 35.-cAris int, Returning . Pinner,
- UMW/. Hater.. lfe•oraing Officer.
Pa' rick Ward, lily N 3, Tow• Hall. Rd
inteage s Wino. la Om, 5. WM Wallop.
:stow ft. Wive it, ItritarningOthoer.
guru:lure Stare. !lorry Watson. heturrit4
fp Andrew. ti'aid.flo v. So. 7, Denis Nevide
s 156131131Sy. the 'rel day ,71 January. Ift`l.
eliet Motor or 71 sold town shall /mood at too
C40110,/ Chamber of the esit to en at teo
*dock la Dia 1. reboon 1.0 appoint rer-ons ,to
Weed at the cork*, IS -411.w olacei orosaid,
eat 1r the flelel ,thminios wp of the v01,4
the( ere, on be.sif of the World up later."
*Heald Couro o mottle, at Imo oarlOolt
&wen too ot Toomey, 'ho iit • der of handl/a,
IV, u gum ftv 4bft siumber of 'rotor! given Ito
sod .goinn this 11).ese
Dr, at lb. • otinoll Chamber. Ootierich
Reed Met •n4 socead (Ilea this Ilth day of
litho, which has been shoo lat000molora-
Boo sod whom w II too florally poised by thr
Council of toe Munictuality iho wrest oi
fee ;assent of the electors befog obtained
Wier. I after one innette from tho first put -
1/1/0110.1 In th• SIGNAL newspaper trot tits e
of Moot' floc publication wae 1101,
41-WAL=1.4•110010.7. -.Will 141 Febefl
owe e 1.05•45d:y.d.sai at the boors and plain.
ay, and we
r the goods
sly szet,
own -Amu 4
'131"1111! TrITIVill'llt
whore.. io the year 1906 the reoderloh
_Ranting Vamory proposed to the MUnbelpal
verporoi1011 of the town or eirdorich to rehab
_oil° • knitting racier/ within tho -aid T0110
Awl 10 PT ploy ten hand, therein for the 'MOO
°t t•i. Jeers. and te oonsideration veers*,
WOO 4 to the sai4 Corporation to all helr
wig manufacturing witabilehment by exempt•
lug It from tairatlos for the said period of •en
tears. romirtro; log with the sold y ear I 691.
Ann whereas 'began' Corporation agreed to
1111411h• told exemption noon the terms afar, -
laid bet the method here:tame adoPind In
'wiling out the taros la warm *JO ""Pr°P•r
... _ttellecif of the Corporal., tea of the Tuna Of
(min -lob and It le hereby ens ned as follows -
I -TOP Mal estate, builifines. machinery aud
•th•I twolaratt forming part or the said
Oct Moot urine este bliehment sod immediate-
ly used to the operation thereof or la °none°.
oes thnewith for the purport.* of the said es
tt•11•100rnit shalt be and tho some ore heroby
solarod to be otemot from manicipai taxa
tfoo lexceet *cahoot taxes awl liege for local
Isproyetnont works) from and after the 70ao
Ilthminesit•tessblusnt ah•Il fail to otrIP 07 oh
',LINT. Of ten employees in Omit- sold ninth
,_'.°10•ill On moth and star working dar 4nr
en lee roar (Nave and
Ise la muse of flint or
and save
il shall he Wanted.
as the OA
secerseary tot
vir AN TED -6L11, AMR OR HAIM-
"gi*t the .61,1 Town 011m WM, HIS TOM, M Mager. tioderieh .
.00h avow an, h
welshment melt het
the Mid MS
71 I", in reveal dsts
Tao Bylaw shall
Mike hat peal
st fiedvp,► entitled to vote eb teen, shall b.
►wl •• uwt-, t m..
P .r, that le ..es Her oe lit .04 ay. toe , n
4ay of ,lett sr7, 199, comae tarsi .• the. hour
of al a de' eh 1a s1• fo .mets awl coo, lealot
U.1 Oro Wilma a thI t.f ern°.4 or ha.au,
day or the following ne,,u r Rr..troiu(,)dl-
ro e.
1sr-tt4v54•, Warms:0ts. 1 M •Clym , t'. "bop,
IT in M,.4 wont, Itn'u-n at vm,sr
8t. Dana'* Ward, U v Y. Valetta • Food il.ro,
Che.. Hate . itoturoloa O r,
8t Peirink• Word, DIY 3, Town Hall. t1
Vault very, Ite:ur .L, 0 -fl er.
8t. Pterlck'e Ward, Div. 5, R*noimta'o 8ho),
Bt Oearrjiie. Ward,rU,r. b.nIng MrsMie, Walton's 9hoR
Y. K. Wet« •, Heturgtag 0 goer
8t Andrew 5 War •, Div. a Hrophee'a Purol•
tura "Pore. Harry Wateoa,'e5'aro.u' 0 S •'.
81 Andrew Ward, Ihv.7. Dennis Nevt,le's
11.ta •. J. ('reign., Re ursine 0.11),r.
5 Oa
d. the 4t, d
0uar, 1
'hsM xoft
r 19 9
1 To •,
ea t tr
C.,413011 'ir
all .
of at
• be
( s4/ her et the +std T,we a tea
•elan. In the to shoo. to • 90(001. 1„ 0* 55 0
attend at the vat boa toll tor ploye aforesaid
and at the final *ormolus u0 of tl • rote. by
'u Clerk on b half of in- pur.rn. int vested
In sod 1rmnuting 0' opposing tun pwlus of
thus Hsl•w tau otively,
d The Cie', of the said Town shall atteo.l
at the sold Council Chemotic at ten o...Lick lo
Ito forsuooa of Tuerla7_ du • Nth day of Joao
•ry 1195, to sum rep t5.'.'umb,r of voter 51.0.0
rousteaimagain'. te CLuto 11 Cnamber, Oolertoh,
fu's 9.h day of 1),oemoir 1942,
Head • first teed seuoed time thus pt51 day of
December 11411
Take oatic, 1ait'he shove le • trueMayor
a orup•uts4 Below wraith ha• talon la o,;ooy ..
con -
sidereal -to .,d whi.h will be tidally 9.1.01 by
the 0•aonil o' the Iuotoip,Lty tin the creat
or the assent of rho «lector, bt•in4 °busto•t
thereto, after on 0)510 h tram ilia Orel publl
moon act the Yb: Y •o. ,•w.pap tr. the due of
which first pub.tc*tlon .'vat Uea lf•b, 1914
sod that tb. votes of thiole,' ore of (lee a
sluototp.11ir w li by takre theaoua on ice day
and at the hours an, plata th wet* ti c id.
WM. MIreuct.LI,,,,
tloosigunt. Doe. it Itee
Fab Wheat. 9 ay to 63
row% etyma'. per 31 to 2 35
Shortie. IP too NI 00 101)01
Harlot,. per hush 01Iton 10
Potatoes, IP bush. 15 to u 50
00 to 00
11 to 0 PI
11 to 0 LS
Ales imams. • 11 -tit.
V log from Me Woods mom the forty
arrestel sad prosecuted,
Z 0. ATT 411410
lildgewood Pars.
CI MINIS of 010•01464•4 tool Roe tierces mode
•.oOrdor Spathe a. bestial triton ,1 fitting tme
Or4ene by mall promptly atteoded to Es -
wars of parties using my name as 1 employ
.31 RICHMOND sr•ccrr Tatrisl et,
anauranoa ate.
loot. coot of 0.. mode -doh. gavot for th
oierrot rates Call at olio,.
Hook% and s000nmo reeds
lie 'Mote rooted lad mai °Mooted.
orno.- l• Praia Ifoot nye' Mace North
1.• • MIRAN owl Reel Mame agewst.
trim Life. Amoide otand Plate Mass tneuronce
-if ottel ern muttuel or cash Pen at lowest
atm tomilige.
Beet hagfish and Canadian componlea rano
resent WI.
Mins new door to Dioitioson Sc narrow
1` one esuggy left. Heal !tole wil weer
I.,n ter that, faetmy, 0'101..4 Mani matter awl
Xtr boh deigh. (.r sale eh,a,. Apply to J.
BRYD std, Eon stress.
t-+Aiif- OR' KEIS ':-Tfl -j.-
` otitis MI sore form. ,9{ miles from Wins
es lsnknow rot ; Isere bui doors. fair.
io well underdralne4. wool bent, orchard.
Warm to to go .4 at de of oal'Ivs loo• %pply
to it0. THOMiOV, Oaderlob, or to HEY HY
TIf )1t$OH, Wfoghsm 01 tt
11HAT 1ii0 $TUNE 1401791/ wire
half an acres n• land. on l'nrton streetran
be bought for 221 moa on the do,lar If enap-
pe4 to now Homrse. hers and Investors
woutt do well t., investise e.
TRRO. 3, MuOltHol:i
91t( Hyllolll P.O.
town of Ooderioh, owned an I 01000(0d by the
flan J. T. Marrow, WhO AbOnt ,C111,100 10
Toronto. Th. property embraceo seven of the
Barest bailditto lots In the town. oontalning
nearly two ore,. sad to anyole not deeding
eo 'retentive A 0110,1011 0011151 be alvantagoons
sob-di•Ildioi and sobl as building sites.
Poesea.lon at any limo. Inspection Invited.
Terms one half cook belanoe too mortises at
per awe,
93 tll Vendor's itolleitors
V Palos Wog the proporty of Mro Robert
of lot 12 la th Mh coneefelon and I acres.
part of lot Illn the 1th concession. Goierich
ow nehlic Thhi a are, riots farfri see la alto
ated about Pole miles from s,051•011h. Title
tiorfort. PM? particulars apply to tho under -
Dated 2n4 Jelly. 1902.
free r •Leas app •'sed N Ib. Foslew
fovea-cemp•at Safi. • OkoasA
The r.go a- moor as of tem ►ow.$ ono*O:l
wet not w rot sr evs-ipg e11 the n;
bar. he no pr.eet1 stisrertlili51uillx
uoy, w u •to a.wm0,
1'0. u e k regi hle oerttflmtu of the
04141 00 the o•gau factory and •leetrtc rad -
e.). bylaw., shah hey already btea
mined by Tut B(uNAL.
A watts 1.I workiuj h fu -s for the two
town pahoemes, sob mood by Thai Id. -
I.vo, vac referred to the 11,0•01 61 oumm,t
A 1.o nmuo.m Jo0 Irom M D.olyns
h (; ,fro*, 11 mere gal to A. P Mote
✓ of
10 the to vo
al an d
• d,1.
.1.' oe nary, advised Val their. 'bo •
v..y of 'b• ).rued of load is (omit oa 'C
4.• • 'me anerr.a•.y .1 • o rhe p ..,p,r
o ar p too of (bit bud, .ad fn.,. woe .l1.•
slung)' 04 .ea 10 'h. (tut 'hs lots town
,.o Ise" of in. et.,D,o.l1 pint adjoin
not, • por'ina of the °emit may.
Cos publ'u llbr.ty boor.' was vouJ $
from sits animal appiupratioa.
A eommao,oauon from M. A. Hanna t
Co., Cleveland, O., to rsoly to • telsgra•o
from the town ol.rk, stated that taste ora
1.o pusubf 'y of delvertag • •ergo of uoal
bate now for the town, on &Ooount of the
ea Dl nit .e of isa.raooe vs the loin of Noy•
5mber. They offenl to deliver 500 Looe
J! Massillon nose rue oast .t $4 60 la bond
t. s, b. core •t G.:o• oh, of 500 :one of 1V-,.
8 P'labere mins ria a• $3 50 5. o b. oars
•& G,Jertoa Ia o'sa t. The soler and Ilk.,
oummit es was Koval pow*r to &t in too
At ropha•noo from J. A Hatk,, taxation
O. T R .'shoo &goat, fur *"out seventy
4t• Si, t
• N Of
too, was mot to the
r•W5 celumlLtww with power t, aa,.
A 'root of 825 was motto to the Hero,
Poultry sod P.t•M,'rok Association for is
*soual show •n J•eu try usrt,
The p.v roll of 151. Gro ling•"•, amount-
ing to $405, w.. referred to tbt Ire corn -
The tollowtay auoos0te wore refsrrieJ to
ha aoaoo comma o.: C J. II.rp.r, lead
pe, oto , $79 6l ; Tui Sweat. twintiog.nd
taken Byl.w Nr 40. for the est4ol,.hmsat
"0 • prop.r bike* of 'male publics library woe
iirrvt.too..ly passed &ad will nit voted es
by the rai4u•v5'• at the .lo'5oa. too Jan
us•y 5.n. By .w Ni 41 *PO,Pan0R Po l
4/t pi.os., dwpu •y re'.ur 1.54 vfff ors, oto ,
for the mue.uto•l-l't'to5• •.. ,.ad throe
'lien an I stowed. Brl•w N' 42, •ppolutlag
K WW1 Pesten s1. t Too., *obit& *owe
000stables, was ptw.J. Toe duto• of
:hese oaart.b'us are to see to she .olerJ.-
tem of the bylaws of the town and to per-
form 'huh other dual« ea may ba directed
by toe 0)0060;1. 0.. o,bttsole as to be o0
too, d sty foam 12 r.at to 6 A. S. awl from 8 A,0,
on 'r 12 oJJn; h- o:b.r from 12 0o4a to 12
.n'• 4/,Amgh,, w.tb as hoots intermieNOJ
i un6 ,
a t • 7 .
o r w. lino sr
• to
be o
. n . y•'u-fary .ot Montoya bots«o 1h• hour.
here of 7 .0 / 9 r r E.oh a to r..oreve $400 mud
d.- • s1..', 06,01 ye.r
0' Pu.s1.y eyonlgg bylaw N,. 4.3 to
had oo dl m • .• -c .n, ' a from tot., nota r.aga-
'ail. .d ., sn. G .'e .ab L i ono sr C,, .n 1 t. 'See
coy the a.'.e, •rel by,..t NO. 44, troth •
•tnlslrr tlf•J5 ,a rota ma to 5515 Uol.nob
'cot ono l)o, wolfs pr aye I.,aalty pestle I,
T ley .Ito wit biracial ouJ. tater, 5 O. Toe
uOo.sl000fpl.).or•hy'root •t'.00 top of
the h•rbar 0.11, ou the 0 ,efolat, tor Ins pro•
.e)eioo of propertyal the harbor, was lett
wt•h th' water said lib: oo•gmittee, and
the ..ms uo.ml't•e w ..utb4' 5,d to plan.
on aro light .t tb• euroe, of 1'. Huakswp'.
Woo, 1a S A r tram', word.
olvorrtatnto $59 79; J. H Worsen, ikon.
,'see. 82 05 ; stun moot N orl4, 8t. Tnom..,
bo duo 816 80; Ti. Soot, pr,eriog an i
•lvsrttesog, Sit 11; B.ahsn.n• & L •wenn,
work sod ma•telel.$1367; Nin. K•rkbrdo
irvies heti., 1110; W. A Itaeymoo•, 0.r.
Daatoong, $2 39; Uodertve K to o• & If .
,.yule Ca., grata tree, s o , 869.70 ; Coos u.
L,e. suodrter, 83 85 ; Win. K•rkhr tor,
o aakemitblag, $16 50 ; D.okla«e & (arrow
tat (Jsrsnw so 1 G.rtow, Lill of oats 1a
art of Holmes vs. town of Oodetiob,
flits sp«.al Willett telt reported tbst ,hey
nal reoe.ved •pp'ica'lo0• for rbc poe'!on of
a got ws'chm.o, v&ated by the re•igo►iloh
of Jos. Toomii., owl sec .m•nents i tb•t •
day awl s o.vh• pohcsm,s lis appoiate 1 at
• .sl.ry of $400 per year ..on ant lb.,.
'hey each bo aupt:tad with • sags sad ovew.
oust, that ,bey be o,w satly o:o,hed w
iuiform wbil. os du y, sod that the r "alit«
nit Mogi lay bylaw. R chard Pool.o sad
rooms.' MaLe•n wen, recommended lir tbs
po,i'tuor. The committee also roeommea J-
.1 that t by lsw be prepare' sod p««d tor
the r.mor.l of aloof" from the nlewalk•
•1.0•n tho ate limits sod on Hoot, West,
Norb and Sub strut,: Toe rspu-t woe
'1 he tollowlag oommeolostloe woe referred
so the speoml oomm••rs.
Koohee•-r, N V.. Nov, 24, 1902.
The sear •' of Oo'Ierj0 a, Ontario.
Osoo $ta -Ws ore looking for • sit• to
novo a else foo cry for the mas0f4Jtur• of
. Iles of '•i;oq fy.ar torn shoos," for whion
here Is a g m&rk't Its both C.o.d.' sod.
t)rai B.sr..n, bar tehtoo goofs at oreteor
.re a••a'Ir .II Imported la a those own:tie*
tenni *Ito U01'e4 &ale..
Weird' employ on se ave'ags from
thirty.eve to forty halide for eleven msothe
to the y oar. with to averaaa yearly try
•o;l 1.l 1130,000, barb of whi.b well be large.
tv leorswe4.ft•r th ors. year.
W s.• we want fq obtsa le • ooh boon.
,11110 000, for Which We w41 eg.cot. •
mortga,o oo oar pleat &ad mock, with •
or•'vuse is .aJ In4rtireee toot at the
kotratloa of 0«h y,.r tattooer hoe boss
isaOmg'a&)*df4as.* w.,k ages.•..•♦ she
.cin ,.' $1 000 be wrtst.0 eft 5.'4 motto's.
You ai i mottos hole. asked amoseti to
het ave per Dees. of per roll for i6o an
fears that mortdsle run..
Sl-,oH your oublelpeiry "wire t. so ere
an lo4ar.ry of this vows apes teems •ed
4 -audit.*** heves* •.ris.4 oro wd4l be Diorite i
'AReiy TF4-16y-4 V. four awl est coo vete -
.aee.. aad shlfg*, Yours truly,
W. Y PATTtasoo,
120 Mele . Rooh.ster, N, Y.
Toe a•. ofvillthe town hail was grouted for
he poultry show own moo h
A downtown rog•r.ling the 'boo'ory
"..00hs , atement to he mood before the
coif of this month led Councillor 'Thompson
o remark that the ProvtnnsI auIvor's
report should have been received by that.
:em!, and that it should he pabltebetl •loal
e105 the doom°al stat.m.nr,
Mayor Cameron e•1+ he hal receival
word Irom Mr. Wllllsmson that his report
world be here ties fullawfoar Monday, 1.
weal" he too lengthy • doomoet, bowers.,
*be pundtehel w •th the wirtcal statement;
WfiTeltt b. prhis.1 and liiitribu•.J sonar
Tree proo.rlov of the .Ola aid ovorooste
few the pohermen was rsterred to the spsol.I
c)4/ nitto,
ss1-4/p1y.to.aa.•agaug from. M. M.. ..
hmo mode with Mr, Dollop whereby the
••••• of the si-mory wool terettoste on tits
we were pot through task final ruling,
goo I anti seatrol.
be • opwitI mmtino on Monday emitting
lot general hasinue and the ononoll then
Spells! meotioge of the tone 000,101 were
hold iti Monday sod Taco's, evisologe to
Meets off • he miintomal slats.
At Mood.y *muffles meeting Ilion
Csmiren oriel thy', lo line with Auditor
prepared sod .ohmittaul to the rote]) spire
at toe approsohing Moo' I me bar the pithing
nf th• water soli !Ohio syrtoams of the
town toilet a °commies ten None of the
move la Om motter. sad no sOtlnit was
Met baffles tasobsr of piano, moo oro
/an end theory Thopil• prepared for all es-
amInstions of the Toronto tionsorystory of
Mottle. Will be plisseort re memo.% tootles -
toms from all throve pet Gosh initell0-
Woe at his new etnillo aver Th*014011'11 Mos le
store. thee of town° prorgice may Ili ar
roamed for 670
DM/ AT 11(51 I'o,T.-Weal b« bee
eeir• a 'uv liatiu:0 J•0301 tlurpby, o
G. T. R., esu k 114.1 in • rear end cull
• .sr Mo'r,sburr early Teaday morn
Murphy woe the teary otter who ..vel
m,mbere of the Cs•aii•, Pre.. 1coer
from duster 1«t your w0eo re:arutng f
be t 1l•r,ltme •x to, sten All the mem
of ohs Pros A..o)i.uoL w111 mourn
death of thaw hereto Murphy.
Inc Sotausiuv BANK Thor 11Y. -Aum.
9,n .a co W gk DI the .1 Cno.os Wedneed.y
of lest week for the silver oup g,v.n by the
yoverd,po H.alk, Chinon, «a -trophy for
the mark.,nen o1 the county. D ldulver
*red N. D. 11 ou,tvie were pre«0t from
(i , ferwb. Toe oup was woo by Juba
U .t1 1e, of 8 &torah, but a• it lune& be woo
live rimae before b.00m.o4 th. property ret
.ny todlvidual t h I'e will be • go. d many
,re ',hoot's* for uta.•r mbwwn. Toe nom.
colt... will be at Cltawo N11 moo h. Toe
wowrher was uof.varable for Root shoot og,
•s4 with a pr.etnle •.f 'i w.aty-d.e the sig tree
wars : D,4 le 18, G •ab... 16, k .e. 16
Us,•lns 16 Holey 14, $•,I4/« 13. 14cfrer
13, Ireland 12. Muerte 12, Rill 9, Doss. 8.
l0 a 'en-brd i wkrabbts shots Mofver got
h. hear «t .Dore.
Li re•
I t -e
whose 11 (*Jarred ou the 29 o ult. at the
I.j.5155.1011 them. lip, woe ao old one mo.:11-
e.p.wed res.deu of item tows. fibs woe
'hod 10•01 years ago. SU to survival by
three dough -era, Mrs. W PrOCUor,
later li•tair la British Columbia. Mrs
Dosokh wag e.xty eight years of age. The
the towers( being a tended by • large
noroher On Fred .y morning last Jahn
W 8,101, of le/ ford, dlod lo hie sti•V-
11.•E rases eel: ono k for inter yearn. He
• m.rrogi. Toe Femme. were in
argil services.
rn. Rovakoorao sti. -nye voting On MM.
Lot, Tn. mar., 'or. atoil far from moo.
bit the /wow. tigaree for the *bele
orroose arts; Fur too Ao-, 162,180; orowellt.
86 974 Two wmis roquired mok• the
•ni .11 era to 00 proaabotty thee toe
motho • moths ordl hood the yore an
f shod. 1•00 oppose the Aot. Tri•
oroh.bwoo•ts. ere rod,' wog °woe the big
ore worairloo comfort from the look Mar
'hit AC1s not peeled. lo the abeeam of
he ors sksiog ter'. afloat fionris, woos,
Hume. The moo •n was:
Weighers -tor 286: wasiet, 118. Cot 601'44 -
tor. Mt sipinvor.
we only sues.04Dlee• re: ftrfte tor Wws
perlo 1 millet at tots ltotrioo which was
held in the weir -Choate on Monday eyeoing.
C1404, 0.34 a tele 0Mote were repreeented
by otos ores ['nue tretuld pronatly h•ve
butt a Wood many more presont Mit for the
(Moir. The bosoms, of the alveolar was Moo
oonsideratioo 05 woo •od means of locating
Iasi] ardente! reureved from the Novae'.
awl to toot mot bl.i or Book, who er.•
potato to Torooto the n,ic. morning, era.
delegated to finery tow Ptheiclant Porte of
the Vet ' dotsuoieti to of Taproom in tho
Visit to the tni. w.o lc ft ,to Oxon.
gentlemen will report to en adjourn./
mentos to Mt neld to the oourt houm nor
1110100 to .p md a few wicks' with h • old
Hotta room WZNT APR!, -Copt. W. H.
Frontier Polio', aim ved home Monday
night, !nohow well All I Sig0e4011 at or a
year's service in th• Ha spent
seven smoke to J. inland on the way how,
weeka of whioh h• put la is attiendanoe
furiough. sod rornoin In town too
months or es before leaving on his retnro to
rIca. hoe eel tViod good bosh h there,
he likes the %entice, and he thinks a het •
more of It will not hor; him, itichongh thaw
Who have apent • nomhnr of years in the
oonotty find It Wittig upon them. Capt
Gond' y pato in a itood word for th• British
ofti ler, who he Moho dettervea someththe
better than the opinion of 131M Welch *mime
to oblate thle roontry. ff• has been
immolate -1 th many Magi Ph, S 'etch and
loots Aker. ond hae loped th•nt almost
without est:toot' 70 fins, unattaaming, le able
follows The country ho die wiles as one ot
log the notives with abundance of 1004 In
the en too of traits sal mak mg thair
salwitotenoe owl as to cultivate an
a most Inerarlitothle 111E111041 The British
faros did ei. ti•ve any •11010011 ts0
514•1 aeries the peat year, bot l:.sitale
t1oodry woo fertiteate Neenah to he gest
with Mr/ 11•11111111 SIM wage est el
Kamm: and so sow all the too that woe
*moo. The trensporI .here 61.11 by 4/00,14
of *•ave u.rr..as, the rook and (uwkty-
kro+mg tsgetetfoo and the be.,, ,ins GI
to. wet ...sea mskue the boildlg4 sae
m•,n's'a-ng of road. Dnea,ble. -
['MATH os A PATatAKLU -Te v.y Mat
moo sit g.v. , to ei..ea toe .11011 d spas of
life by twenty -fire year■, and to .1.11 fewer
to g'vea w hooey .0d cheerful an old age «
that through wbt .h our late townsman Will-
iawSoormaa wowed to his maty-etath vont.
Until r tow mu gibs ago he was abs. to be
•haus and •veal to work to bL ga'Je•, and
he retained his faculties to the e1. 1. For
some weeks put his atreogtb hod been tail.
tagand many L
Imre death nabs«
y mord
with . mope atty. power that w« really
marvels We he edited ago o and sgaa Th.
80.1 sth.0-t'on nam, on S.tordey, all leo
h,pt pesetas y away to lb. eyeoma Toe
•«moos were o0'.reed on Tuesday in kfo,,.
I old u.metory, R,, Ur. Utot.l oonJoo•iog
he urv,o« acid the p.11br.rere betas/ Rob
or,, Gorge, Welt, r ao•1 Joao Ybarm•o,
00111 of deosared. N m- Sbermae, jr , a
ar.o.t.00, mud Wm. Campbell, • son -l1. I.w,
Toe d.ce.red waw born in Y.il.v, Hun'ln.-
dooabire, Raglan 1, oa November 13 h, 1807,
on' ewes rherelore ninety five years of age
on the 13 b of last month. When yet
young, his parents removed to Spald.ag, la
Llodoloshu., whore he leara.d the trade of
builder Afterwards, both in Spalding &d
to M.00heet•r, b• cam -d oo building some-
what eeteonively. Io the spring of 1852.
of er •9coding . winter oo • farm moor ftia-
o.rdae, he settled an Uoderioh, and as the
'rano of he 'tooth w« 004 of the older
r..i teats of the town. H. way a Methodat
and a regular •11.o loot at N .rib street
u ah
aim h
t • io r
h m•Uee
of old agti
mop upeo him. Io 9011150, he was • CIO
•ervativr. Ho wee twice marri•.d, and
leovay • w.dow and seven .51 1 free to
m ,ura for him, sod beeides thew
Lhirty four graidchtl Iron and ,weary.
on.grsat-grsodohdlr.n are loft to perp•,,
este his mom0ry.
trefehrated avoissell•to Cameo cored Their
Work to Geelarleb en bender.
audimons greeted the evan-
gelist. lost Sob Bah, all they °posed thou.
monpaiga after aa enema* of tea Team
Evongsl et Crossley preached to Koos
chortle arid Rev. SL. Hooter to Nortmst.
meeting for yotuon people wee held, and at
askett both strong -lists candootod the ser-
e', , la N oth strmt church. which woe led
so rived og Moores of makers sad •
wide spreadiog letterset, whmh appears to
he toot-0.sta¢ eyory night, attest not only to
the ourivalled popularity bus to the great
nu d these *googol's:a have apoo the beans
of the people to whom they m.nister. rowe-
ls, anti Hooter oppose' to be the 1-gititruito
they strokinsoy reonnolo en the 000duot. of
their grim' multiage For nearly tweet,'
years Iberia Csnedion evangeltets of mercy
aud moos bove gone togotbor oyer our land,
weeking by sprieoh and song to drow away
the mama from sio and !goo them to th.
&vicar of men. Tens of thousande of
hearts hese Loma starei by their fearless
appeals and counties, multitudes h•vo testi.
fl•td from time 11 time that through the .5.
for4 of these men of 1 the whole ourrent
ot the r life hod Men chimp.] and a beer
future apemen before thorn. Crossley and
Hooter •re now koowo all over *Me ociotl•
of treat, ihe,r t r•iess energy, thole thrill-
ing soots aud, above all, their loft, And
..0 too masms, who never WI to flock to
Gear tbe.n, %stmts., In obscure town or Plea
ropolkimu Oentre. Thew) meetings
leof este in i terse from bight to night nn
111 h• largest boilding prow.. toodetjuitte to
ocoommod•te Cho crowd*. This Wel LhO
ores in PlEladdipnia and Jackson, Mich.,
112.lb:tato that the same will he true of this
In orioneotlon with thus. eorvioal • gene
r•I comma.tore tot. risen formed, with the bd.
.thrson; general secrootry. J. E. tom; se.
P Brown, ti Coy, lucerne Barrie.
Too services week will be held in the
Pros by,orsan oho rob, where Rom E,
Hooter will potato) on Monday morning, and
to Norio so. oad Knot *butane. on Sunday
Mr .oinit. Row. ff. T. Crossley wall 000duot
msswomweite-feirw A. Aottoreos *ill Mkt -
pr Nortb-st. Methodtss chorine pulpit ao the
4.51104 time.
A roll program Is promised for ntott weak :
Moeclay-A Joyful A Gement.
Tue. toy -A 80,11100.
Fricloy-S odento tot Scholars and Voting
Mee and Women.
The (Mioh.) Daily album h•s
91110 4 good deal of 115oe se reports of the
',hos ony. which began on ()weber 31 sod
claw' last Wedoesday night. Thared•y's
compamentary *got remote towards the
•vangelista were used A low footmen' will
goy. on Idea of the whole:
ore and were looked upon with ourioolty,
pad Dom* 10 sendear themaolvoe to every
dividend in tho wart ondis000s bioh the,
or.gation which tolod the cupaotty of the
Firer Methodist o•.nroh twos a A zing tooet•
moor to thie appromation of the oherohes
and Honer hose a000mpilehod. The albsid•
r1111 Who wore present will to day' to 00014,
when rhos, aro men and Ironton, speak of tbe
Gemmel., and Hooter morittows Mr. Crate -
ley, who*. song* and wools eon mayor hs
forgottem. thrtiongly sang "The loot Mile-
•• ono," with its ton ler wraith. "Not (food
lit*, Rot Good Night, W• All Beall Moot
OWING to the retirement of Judge
liIAsaoN, on account of ill -health,
wpioh every friend of the Judgede-
plores, a new appointment has been
made, and we are pleased to bee that
Junior Judge Dons has been raised
to the weDior judgeship. The Gov-
ernment is to be congratulated upon
their action in this instance, as Judge
t),� w
� . 1
1. alma
been a
act I
u u noel
upright and painstaking Judge, and
hie elevation meets with an entire en -
donation from the people of Huron
c runty.
Another matter for congratulation
is that PHIL IP HOLT, K. C., has born
appointed to succeed Judge Doll. in
the junior position. Mr, HOLT has
been for many year., one of the lead-
er+ of the bar of Huron, and hie ele-
vation is approved of by the county
bar end the public of this county.
For some m oaths past be has acted as
Deputy Judge during the enforced ab-
sence of Judge MAueON, and the man-
ner 10 ttilich he has performed the du-
tit)i of theottice has given the highest
Senior Judge DOYLK and Junior
Judge Hots', we congratulate you.
the so -ileac* for • libaral atoms', by Rev
th• touching familiar solo. "My Moth•r'e
btok to obildhood days.
Rtv. MX: ttGeor, referred to above, was
firmer!), of uodet,oti, and le well remem•
be, e in Huron musty.
five. Mr. Iduator'• falling rood
humor and pouf trity are referrei
sod his t of pseudonyms is th.
nominations were represented. Mors was
the "geoersr of the S•Ivatioo Army, a
p•Itart of the high order," and an "bishop.'
•11 on tho e.me platform *pealing waroi
words for Wow a. Crowley sod Hu tier.
cootribotioas were mod• to liberal mounts
for the IPID•41101 of the meetinge.
Minors. Crossley mid 1144t0f, with emo-
tion. thanked tho people of Joakson for
warm hospitality, ard the moettag closed
with th• litmeauto• saint*, sad "God be
with you 1111 we meet again."
How/oleos Crossley and Hooter or11
*peak to Ingo only oext Smithy itt 3:46 r
syt 'be iloora Hou • oa "Samosa Siete'
loa [fly rit oe and boy in his Woos aboard his
tareanted In /Coax otturob oo Friday evening.
•1 the pre ooximonion eeryme. At the
close the pastor recsivo 1 twenty ene new
members into full oommuntho, msk,ne •n
aiditioa of fifty -lir to toe membership dur-
ing the, yew.
Wednesday,Dec. 17
You Liked Thou. When They Were Here
Before ; Tell Your Friends About It.
Prices -25o., 35o. and 50o.
Pfau open at Kidd's Bookstore on Monday.
Christmas Hillidays
New Year's inn
All stations in Canada to and from De•
toot and Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Kock
it,s•k, Suspension Bridge bud Niagara Fella
way firstocloso fare. December 24th and
25th, tickets good returning from destino.
tont not later thon December 26th, 1902;
and oleo on December 31.0., 1992, and Jan-
uary lot, 1903, ticket agood returning from
destine ion until January 2.1d, 1903.
At loweot one way tiretoolase fare sod
ono third December 23rd 24th and
25th. and so on December 29th, 30 It,
31st, 1902, and January 1st, 1903, good re-
turning from destination not later thin Jam.
uary 5th, 1903.
To Teachers and I'upile of schools sod
i (alleges on surrender of School Vacation
.. Hallway_ Ce"tificate atoned by Prinoipal.
' Gotten VATICAN .41.110 LIMIT -At I
way first-claas fare and 0110 thir 1, f you De-
cember 6th to 31so inclUsive, Umtata good
returning from dootiustion until January
19th, 1903.
Tickets, folders, and all information from
Town Agent, Ooderich.
soarritimo NM) -We h•ve leather
tireeing mune with toe the brushes, oomb
he moo woki any kind oi brudr sod mirror
they °bootie. Wo alio b•ve on e'.g.nt line
dEftrent odors of parttime, from
15 to 81 per ounce. 'Teo diffeione odor.
of methee pnw Ism and 1»ttleti perfume
from 5, to as • bottle. A:1 neer goods gni
nem moss. Cell and gee th•m. JAegs
Wwios, Prescription 5).-tig ,ora
pert ormolu,. of J•ma fiviffi ths greatest
bragedion, at Moobesh. Many able
and listingoished 01116C, ololmod that John
Or,ffith wow(' reach tbe very bighnet pin
nool• of fame, and so o• tits, for todoy he le
the leader an this trout ranks of legitimate
*taro lo every oily whore he Ina appeared
ontousiaotio •tolien 3401 him) gor sold hie
toe's moot brelliaat tragIJ star. The date
of hie performanoe In this teen le 'Diem lay
ember flth. 1902, William Sharman. ar., In
his 96th year.
19,2, Will am 0. Jones. meroha t.
The funeral will take place from his late
Prime's and acqualntanose will please ao •
coot this intimetiot..
IInas • Confectionery
♦eew4' +s...
ave a look
at our stock of C
consisting of
hris-tmas Gifts -
and dozens of other arti.
c es too numerous to mention, especially adapted for X-mas Gifts.
We think it will be to your interest to examine oUr stock be -
fora purchs-sing elsewhere.
Watch and Jewelry Repairinp carefully attended to.
C. A. Humber & Son