The Signal, 1902-11-27, Page 4TuuiL4nAv, Nov .7, 1902. THE SIGNAL : GODERIUFI - ONTARIO tk Convincing Argument The large numb,,r of Overcoats we have sold this season goes to show that we have the right goods at the right prices, end the styles are up-to-date. We have two makers' goods : W. E. SANFORD, OAK HALL CLOTHIERS. and the TWENTIETH CENTURY BRAND. Nothing need be said of the former Ramis, as they are so well and favorably known, while the latter have gained an enviable reputa- tion for men's high grade tailor made clothing. Our popular selling Overcoat is a long, loose -brick garment, length 48 iuches, vertical pockets, velvet collar. • prices in Sanford's goods are $8, $10, $12. • prices in 20th Century goods are $13, $16, $17. MEN'S FURNISHINGS DEPARTMENT. rhe very hest is found here. Wolsey imported unshnnkable TTuder- two piece and combination, the best Underwear that comes to Canada. Hata. Be sure and see those new Caps. New Ties, new Shirts. You not desire batter goods than those we are showing this fall. See our special 25c imported black worsted Socks. See our special 25c imported ailk spliced black cashmere Hose. W' C. PRI DRAM. Not Fitting Clothing Huns*. Mai Clothier, Fornteber and Hatter. Selo Agency for Cbriety's Hate. iht is PU LWHnn 1Y THURSDAY MORN1NO ET D. McYILLHPNT iRIOB. THURSDAY, NOV. 1r. 1108. riE RAILWAY MEETING. meeting held on Monday even - the Court House to discuss the o railway clueetien was well at - by the representative men of wn, and the matter was thor- discussed. The address of L WALbsg, manager of the Ham - Grimsby and iteamsville F.tac- md, was replete with facts that 1 the construction of the He- ,ruce and limy Electric Rail - He -explained that their road m of small beginning, but had up until during the past sea .ey bad carried 300,000 pawn. d over 600 can of freight—the ing regular C. P. R. oars with rity of from 20,000 to 80,000 n eighteen miles of road they slued $64,000 from passenger tad $14,000 from carrying and the road today was such proposition that five additional 'ere in . Dune of construction the surplus earning. of the .ght he Aakail, said Mr. WAL ' electric roads were such ying investments why did not actor- take all the responsibil- 1,1 etruction'I The answer was e. It took time to make it took money to con- t could hardly he supposed e or six men would • ad money to build a road yoing to benefit the whole e the others stood idly by • ly es much benefit from in real estate and business The same argument was 1 in Hamilton, said Mr. WAt- n the H.,(). & 11 was in course tion, but that did not hinder many from asking astraight $25,000 and getting it. The .did not offer preference stock, people of (iodertch were -get - easy thing when they were Preference stock. After 20 oro would be nothing to pay •tbere would be $2,500 a year ) the municipality is another feature in this n. Some years henoe the C. say make up for its pet neg- sderich by constructing a line rich harbor. In that even: per cent. preference stock of P. A O. could be disposed of at r given as an inducement to •the O. PAL We cannot Imsny railways In Goderich. t report o! the railway meet - urs on page 1 of TEs t SIGNAL this week, and should be taro- fully road by every freel.older before his vote is recorded. ELE C TRIC SPARKS. -Let 0.4 make the wheels go around. -1 he eloctr c road will bang 1'rogreew end Prosperity. -Vote for the Huron, Brew and Grey Electric Railway. -This is the electric age. Let u. make Goderich the E'ectric City. -1'ievidence help.. those who help then.- «•'.-.. Vote for the railway bylaw. -The oloctric railway during construe - Goo will spend $1,000 a week in tiolerieh. -A vote against the electric railway by. law will put tiolerieh back another twenty yen. -300 vote. polled on' Friday will give the town electric servioe with the remaiuder of the County and bring the C. P. R to ( ioderieh. the world's broad He'll of battle. In the bivouac o1 life, li not like dumb, driven cattle, Be a IS in the strife " -Every titan and woman in Uolerrch who is a freeholder Ilam an opprrtonity of helping the town along by voting in favor t,f the Electric Real. -Some men in town are against the el- ... trm•7ai.way because they fear that Gmle- ri.'h will prosper so much that they will not bre axle to keep op with the pro.aaou. -When the Great Eastern Railway, of England, and the New York Central K. R. are changing their systems trom steam to l,my, twderich slsoaTrTgo ii 1 and for an electric road. -Aft r the road is constructed, if the road pays as well a the Hamilton, Grims- by and lieam.ville road, and there ir no re., 111 why in should not, $30,070 a year will le slant in Goderich. -The building of the electric road means the herneasing of the River'dait• land, and the herneesing of t e Maitland mea', a heaper power to new mauulactur- iug enterprises to come to town. -A track fe. m the Square to the ceme- tery a tint K ngcton street and the Hur n road a contemplatw•I by the oompa A left line along Fast street and the S.Inere, down Weet street to Wallington song Wellington to Britannia, thews to Vic- toria, and along Victoria to Fast street is ateo on the cants The latter proposition will give splendid facilitiese to the south - went part of the town, and will rice ea•v ecu a• to the summer IjpLel. lien yea sal 1f net do you want, to see' I. so les the Prni and he will make you nee th. re is any au In you. Belford Ho'el, n.o 9 h de 130, lot lualv•. Dungannon, Deo. 15.h; Rlyth, 16th and 17th. 1V. C T U. SPACE lob Union edits reading matter ander this hadlnirl w to mark your b.11ot 1 es ' about prehIMt'on take the first :a a to prohibit. its vote on December 4th you ober the bay or the bottle. 1, material of the bat -room is the finished product is the drunkard. ,a desktop man in Ih'e wbole i'e would rejoice to .ea h e son nr be °minted 'moos the anti. - among the brewers, Aar Issuers, and bum'. We haus no middle course allowed u•. Wil most either go to the polle and vote .molest the Aar--oome on iDecember 4 h. or, matter what thei000nvenleoo•or(specular hewer, b,r-keeper', keeping the bar -room to the lent to minimae its Eight and curse. 1t e hope every elector will went his heeds of respcnelhili y for these moral pent house., the bar -rooms of (Steno. No healthy man was ever bene6t',ed by drinking whiskey. Don't privet, 1 that yru are a inch mao all of the time. taper rejoice. and the devil Granted that the tempers', di people ars "• /rhea a boy ekes his first dltok lunatics, would you not mush rather be • , Fnrorage, Smola to do good than a ealoenatic to do pias yea value your boys' and I NUM ,',Are rem, ye t•mpution not of AAtK TH■ ears. , ,ij olo.leg the bar- nom' of Oat Many • mao'. attitude to the drink husi- nse• auddeoly citation' from • d•enifle4, jodlolal, philoeophtn disapproval to ear of active, warm, tl,oroee oppo.'tion, by the simple revelation that 11 1'. hs bey and not his neighbor'. that the t•.ffo U after With remarkable composure he will mark the down ward sup. of his sarhbor's bey, anti feel thv he hos rellevel is soul with !Wm Aot of 1902 Is the nam ill }a1 prohibition ern, rn•ot. oom- ' details, upon which electors phd to ants it YES OP. NO ruty 4th Friends of sobriety rota Mt ;,'OTE "YES" " ON DEC. 4rH the t.! 10. lie Are You in Favor er of the bringing into fore of elle Liquor Act, 19 2 1 oht mmOUR VOTE SHOULD BE RECORDED AS ABOVE whether you vote or not, you count in favor of the „I Barroom YES NO X pal t"„rilese seder wh'oh this vete 1s nw tis this every .I.eter most rs a rIs hoar el prohibiting, or be to ,, The (:lyse• thi' alrereanye that every teed hie woes In layer of Is the plans •j.natatlee : "It. 1e ton bad,” Hu. wise he awakens N the flee Chas hie hey to 1n the meshes, then hie ahlaNns te the dr nnkard•auaklna harness takes a peso Ileal tars, sad M dowsed. alba* seine pre t .sloe shall he giver the boys AROUND TOWN THE do Herm. There bare Dwq • •umber of inquiries from outside parties io re,lard to the rummer betel, stitch's now io the bands of the assignee. Sense of the rospoo11,• purchasers bare looked over the place, end • few offers have been mads tor 1te purohese, but so tar the lorpecters of the e state have not seen fit to ',wept uoy of them. Cu," Intr Ton tuuT -- Do aot forget the W. 1'. '1'. U. uosoert and medal ousel, to tie held tale ('Thursday) eveolog in V,etur• Opera House. The program, whiob is pub Imbed lu another celumo, is a premise of • ✓ tun mules' 'sod literary treat, whish oo one should miss. Mr. Boehmer, terllo's leading soling, and the ponseeeor et a riots tenor voice, will assist the local talent. The plea of the hall Is at Kldd's bcuk store, and sate should be r.eerysd early. Km MR T'o..N CLIAN.-Aunlsa asks us to draw the attention of the town author Rtes to certain disgraceful roil disgusting -laogoage and ploturee en Loose and oo the . ranoliublo sidewalks la cations porticos o1 the town. He sake If lbs town constable can mot look after the ruffianly scribbles who are responsible for obese outrer.oue tit. tattoos of decency, and surgsets that • re- ward he offered for their apprehension. N e trust sbst, having Lad their •tteetioa .Irewn te this matter, the •utherules will ',Ye active measures to punish the offenders and prevent such practices in the future. LITERARY S(x'IOTY.-The G. C. 1 Li Mo-l•ty held lin regular meeting on Friday e veolag. The program lnolemed instrument. ale by Mr. humor* acd Miss Lyke ; reol- t.tIone by Wee Stratum and Sem. Bean ; statism by Mr. Bela ; quartettes by Mrs. I'u.more, Mies Martie and Mean. Thom- son and Moore and a well -rendered chorus by the glee club. Editor Horton rad the Inset Iesue e1 the 0, C. I. Journal, and Mr. O'Loughlin presented the Model School Journal. The order of Impromptu spends brought out' comber of the Modelnes and some of the Collegiate pupil., and Principal Strang ala made some loterestlog remarks. A BCeioma ClIa' .Y. -Last week Me:-srs. Beckett & Steuoton purchased the furot- ture and undertaking butane's of Rhynaa & ('ereeii. 1'be new firm Is oompoaed of J Staunton. late of Welland, and H. B. Beok- ett, lam of P•Ih•m. They are men of ex- pa/sacs In the business and we bespeak for them • share of the trade of our town and oouotry people. From The Welland Trl- bno. we take the following in regard to one of the members o1 the firm : "J. Staunton, oho has beim with A. Lawrence', turotture dealer hue, laces the first of the week for t,•, Inr,c', where he and 11. B. Beckett of P.Ibam have bought out Rhyne & Cor- ne'I furniture business. Mr Steatites hos been lo W•ldsod for twelve gars and 1s is I, .uorable, straightforward mod reliable business mao, whose word le as good as his hoed, and we predict for him old Ile part• on suooea la their new undertaking. 51r. Simonton'. departure ie much regretted by ha r.umerow frlea,le here," Mr. Rbyr AM remain with Mourn Beckett & Saturator' f. r a few week.. Mr. Cornell, "we under aced, le to remove to Toronto. Coins,. -Prof. 5. L. 'Taube, maoutaotur- leg rptl0.00 and eye specialist, cud Miss L'tllau Taube, endues optician and special- ist`, it refraotloo, of Torooto, w111 be at the F(.•df' rd House, Go•lenoh, from Deo. 9 h to 13 1, inclusive. Dungaenoo, Deo. ,150 , rtiyil,, Deo. 16th and 17th, and will test eves and enl5 glasses to all defective eight. No matter what is wrong with your eyes nom and see us and If you ono be suited we can m.k• the glasses for you. 1 am one of the oldest opttoians In Toronto and have beex established sloes 1473. Oyereeventy- flye Ibonsaod cane have been eucomafelly 1,eltte4 by me, many oases where others have tailed. Tee advanare I h.ve over other' it that I gnod my own lenses. and as eo0olr g speotaoles is • profes.loo and sinews, .1 le sea Off epectaolee, ut r quire' years of labor end study to be able to oorroa the errors of refraotloo. yea have twee,y-nine veers of my experience and also • lady sp. t .t,.t on retraction. Come alio see ns and get your eyes tented. ('all early a Vol may require • wood testing. Consul- tation free. For retereoces and testimo ntal• see olroul•rs. Toronto adder.. 254 R uhmosd 11. west, H. WA, 61.o TEO. -1n 1.6. repent elec- tion. ;s which our neighbors) soros the line liar • teem disportlne tbem..lvea Abram Cor, ear .11 Goderloh boy. ego of the late lisorge Cor, '.+id now a resident of North Dakota, was s candidate for • district oommr•stoner• . hist. The Bathgate De oorat made this to•tre-tis' eommeat upon bin candidacy: "Abe Cox,of Lincoln,ts the edidate of the it mtcrait of the fifth dntrio , tor the poen. t.00 of oommisetooer. Mr. Co is an early se 'ler In diet motion and is highly teepeo.- e 1 .0 e11 of the towns of the estrum' where is • i• .ell known. He has not Mel parti- cuterl) prominent ooluically but le known a a p•ogreeeive and successful farmer of • hoer,, • • tarn of mind and a liberal educt• (too 11r. Cor Is not aggressive under tbe common aoospt•ou of the term but is br- e er..v•. That i., 6e will not antegonlee for the site of astagooiem, but bin the ooarage to .red by his oonviotlons. r1 elected to his • filae he will be a faithful, capable and u ston:skieg offio,al." 'The electors eyidently • es I op Mr. Cox in the same way, as they ; us him ar 16e bead of the poll, giving h .m •s opportunity to show that Huron boys, rte world over and In ail kinds of post ores, are built of the right 'doff. Ingo IN Hie Youtr, Maritima,. -Thum- day •'terror• tut the remains. of Harry G. 111;Koz e, .00 of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 11eKewz'e, were deposited In their last rest - tog place In Maitland cemetery. The funeral, which took p:aoe from the family reo•deooe, loner of V c.orla and lirook streets, was largely attended. Huron Lodge, No. 62, 1. 0. 0. F., was present and tie Woelm.n of the N0.14 war• represented, 'he deceased hn.mg been a member of both orders. Rev Jas. A. Aodersnn, pester of Knox china, h, cooduoted aerators at hours sod gr.'s, and the 01Jfellowe' burial els was le turm.•1 The pall bare -s wets rix members of the 1 0 0. F. Much syoipethy is ere 1 with toe dere .sed'e pervade and sisters rn the leee of their only eon anti tom her . He wan colt' •n has tweo'y .eventh year, and h.d rive° promi.. o1. e,eful and honorable life For the past few years hs had been working in Toronto, but 1 months ago he had to glee op work o0 s00000t of the iodate of his health. Tuber auto,i. heti battened itself upon kis steel .m, and although every vary ant attention was !summed upon Lim the disease could net be sh.k.n elf. Herr, had truly trends among be young poop's of the toes . ho deeply regr.t I,* rarly re.•h. Ra.. U A M' KKNr.o'. AnpKkee - There ea • fairly good attendance• ase Koos obitch 'sr Thur•dey ,venter, when Rev. r:ooege A. MoKa x e. Congregationalist nils st.t of Strath.!. 1, was announced to speak on prohibitors Rev. J. A. Andenoo, putts of Refs church, sated es chairman, and with him cm the platform, la addition to Ms 'mazer of the et, nine, w re Rte. W. U. Magee, Rev, Dr, D.oIel and R•v..i W. R-,h-nann. After brief remarks from the local o'ag,men. Mr. M,Keee's was in oro lucetf and his address of fifty minutns. length was listened to with cleric In remise Hs dealt with the prohibition gasstinn in a general way, with hardly any sperifio re- ferats to the Ant wh'. ti 11 at pr.Nat Mater* the lect,rs. He dimwitted slashed se • p- 1 len which lends so strength or forts to '1'n lad.vtdu,l who nue It, bot rather rebr h,m of sinal•. •ud he declared that In IIsi l ndos'rIrl end rnmmerolal struggle npoe wh '•h (',rad, is entering her 5005 need an undiminished supply nt energy and skill and p twee If they are to sienee.d la the strife. The man who abtelee from the nes of slro\ohs 1 tines has been retool to be 1M best man and the safest swan In the varies. pannit4 of lee. The spooks told of the terrible ravers onmml5tel by the IIgner waffle In Regisad, 61e blrthplana, and with termini rh.serie briarstibed are leu of ehe bane of tbssssds el drunkard• who every year N• to e5ersa) MmasYsS as a resell ef the H. B BFCKETT ammomi J. STAUNTON .{,. At'1NI1 bought the Furulturn uud 1'u,lertrktnti bin -,u,.- „I J _ RHYNAS d CORNELL we respectfully 'solicit a .outiuun4re .f your patronage. y 1 C" All Furniture Delivered in First CIass Condition. • Practical Undertakers and Embalmers • Satisfaction Guaranteed. Night and Day Calls Promptly Attended To Night Bell at the Store, 11 , nr.t '1'1..,utmn.',, Idu.iu Store • i .► BECKETT & STAUNTON 'PHONE 49, NIOHT AND IIA\. IAB -111111 _null=l MOIL Refetr OR to the obju mon that the present Lot might Doe be 000aIdered! the ideal measure, be urged that time be no hesitancy to putting Into taros the m of prohibition now obtainable, le delay ...slid give the 1 quer Interests time to •trengtbeo their plea en in the oountty and make their dislodgment still mon difficult. During the evening yowl solos were given by Mia Brown and Jae. F. Thomson. 1'us Goltgtut 11 ELst ATOK. - At tae re- quest of Mr. Hoot, manafer of the Goderiob Eteveter and Trenton Co , we publish the tellowutg letter received by him from the managioe director of the steamship com- pany that owns the Rosedale. "The Roae- dale," writes Mr. Hunt, "Dam. Into God rich harbor on the afternoon:of the 15th inar The leg was pot Into operation about 5 o'olock, and •e 12 o'clock the men quit work, although every Inducement possible was offered them 10 finish unloading and alt,. the Rosedale to returnu t Win- ter F r lila um oo Sunday moroiog. As 1 am of the op'nlou that • great nudtber of (i -device people are Igoor•ot of lbs impsrt.ace of det.lnion • boat as this tame of the year, I bave salted Mr. Hagerty to •►low ms to prlot In your paper his letter. I feel that .1 (Jodi/nob is to be an up -to -lets harbor it must do me others do, if we are to lilt(' our own to the frnat rank, and run an up -,F dare elnaator." Tile n1, Lau itliAc t a CH1, AL.0 lyrm R NAVIOATl0N CO., LIMITED islet Toronto, Nov. 1816, 1902. John!. A. Hunt Ka, Manager, Ti. he Oodcrlcb Elevator k Tra•slt Co., Ooderl.h, Ont. Dear Sir :- I am In receipt of your letter of the 17 b Inst. and ince all your remarks regard - Ing the unloading and detection of the Rosedale at Goderiob last Saturday night, and I mots that the steamer did cot leave there until 4 o'clo.k on Moody moronic Whtls 1 cheerfully acquit the management of the elevator, and yourself esp.,lally, from any share to tte detentloo of the Rosedale iodiylduelly, I must express my surprise that the mo should be allowed to rake charge of the unloading of 'remelts in this fashion. It will toiure the port and your elevator yen' maoh. 1 managed an elevator In Toronto many years ago, and bats seen a good deal of workman, and 1 th.ok that the Godorloh Elevator Co, should, before the °peules of navigation, nest veer, only employ mea with the understanding that It was the eleyator •athoriti,o, and not chemistries, who were to dotal' los hours of labor at tbe MLystar. At Fort William and Owen Sean& they work all day Sudsy, and while -I am not as advocate of Sunday labor in any way, and wt uld never esp., : our stamens arriving dur:off Someday t 1.ht or Saud.), menial/ o be touched until 12 o'clock at night, I w ooly think it i• out apes. for • large ' termer to Le held ,tier from 12 o'clock oo Saturday Mehl tach u a few home work would diol ber) until Monde), morn ,nr. As primal arran1emrrts stand, 00 other spot on the Sirs ea.ept Goderich allow. . r .s to be done, and, of course, the natural ,,.learn e u that 11 er.41 hurt your busloeim very muol Your. iroly, - JOHN H. (.1. Hao AKTy, ANNOUNCEMENTS. A $20,000 00 stook to select from. But tar 16o, dried apples 50. Geo. E KIM:, Wlogham. A (i VITUS HINT. -Alter. Monday, Decem- ber let, all accounts due the late hrm of Lee h Shephard sill be banded In for collection Go to the old reliable oyster house, Victoria Restaurant, West st:cat, far freak, oyster., Told In bulk and all style.: stews, Ins or rs. Conteaaon.ry, fruit, tob.c- om and Dia *. C. BLACKNTON I. proprietor. Our MI "WAIN.- Ao.ther bankrop' stock. The sebeenber has purchased from the assignee the b•ok, 061 .look of George M. kJaoSweon, Gadult h. This a'ook U all new, °home and up5 o-let• goods and will be offered very obeapl This me at . Ie w111 comment. today,. Tnitrdsy, V h N' vein- • her. We h•vo also just received at the Coderlrb Bargain Store another stook of boo a, same, rubbers, eta -a ince stock. 110 sell cheap . all the time. J. W.Satrhla NON -JURY ASSIZES• rare raises on the Despise' Row Thiel were Reapeaed el. There were, fire oarpp• co the het at the non -jury Ammer, whfoh were held last week by kir. Justice Mac)t•bon. They were disposed of as lancer: Watson v.. Graham et el - Aotloo for I board and eaopites. W. Proudtoul, K. C., for p111,; Mean. Higgins & Douglau fur date. Judgment was entered by ooi.eat. Bank of Toronto ys. Mcl.tren.- Action on • mortgage. W. Proudloot, K. C., for pill ; J. M Best (•tester}b) for deft. This use was withdrawn by 000reut. Brownell ve. J.cobo.--lotion lose' tilde an alleged trust .1 14, Best (Seafront)) for plff.; F•. Holmeted (Seafortb) for deft. Judgment enured by consent. Berry et a1, ye. Deye -Action tor an 'ojanctloo to restrain the defendant from carryleg on a drug store to Luoknow. N . Proadfoot, K. C., and P. A. Malcomeoo (Luokoow) for pigs.; Hugh M':rrtcoo for ye11. Hie Lordship heard evident)* son :carved judgment. R.i ty to. Reidy. -Ass action for aiimoty R. S. Hays (Sealant)) far ;tiff ; defimd.ot aot represented by oouasei. ?be autocc was nettled. the defendant conveying to bin rile I the piautid) a hoar' and lot in Seater t b .cid to be worth $350, each party to pay his or her,owe amts. LEEBURN. Tt Ispat, TI.re wi, a danolog party •t the PuteI Farm Friday, night of tut week.- Mrs. eek:Mn. Craiet.. of Goderiob, was the gust of Mr.. A. H. Clutton for arms! days Int week. Jar. and John McManus hays returned from their trip to klenitoba, when the took up a Geyer: meat s.utlan of lino, oo whiob they will sett:e le the near tutors, 1411.'' • party of our yoorg people, under the care of H. A. and Alex. Horton, enjoyed • pleasant easier at het-eyiew, the beauti- ful residual of Juno Hillier, os the banks of the Maitland. 8.4 bavoo win made Int w U 16' * Sap fold. off H. atoMao. sadA, :. tAat- toaly-dog.. The former barrier' b:r test and badly tortured and two killed, and the latter had nine dieehlod sod two r n- ableaolmsls had to be killed. A Dud farmer found two dead in hie it'll mud two mor. that had to be killedhvwv dry Ie loJke.l op•at night now Th. Blitig of !fangos -'>t "Duch'• Nappy- Thought** From the worst worry to the highest satisfac- tion. One stepping •toatl>t\ The "Happy Thought's Range. 'hone Se IJ , 11COLBORNEI IF.Ypro / Cash or Produce' DRY GOODS A NEW BRIGHT. FRESH STOCK Black Under Mklru, 11.00. $1.50, 12 GO. $250.112.75. Black Sateen' L1 al.tr, $1.00, '1.21,11 50, $1.75,111 90, $2 00, $2.75. Lodi•' Hader Vain and Drese v., Vona Irum 15) to $1.00. Drawer: from 25) to 11 Mwee' Dodarvata hos 12o to 50,). Misses' Urawurs le fiddler make' Men'. aid Boy.' suets and drawers in all the leading makes. uoton end all 'toot Msu'' wool fleece 1 rs', sizes Irmo 34 to 4.1 gnat value. Batter Itaw, wont -lined, 6CO3 65.. 'tad 75:. Men's all•wool Nova Soot's make, u' '.hnok•ble Iron 50: to $1 25. A gu.raotee with oath shire that it w:11 not shriek. Our Anearia• male Weapperettes al 104 and i'l;,', feat -ager, are tbe best 1a the trade. ('OSMIPOL1LAN PA1'IBRN5 F'l)ll mil; v1BElt \t'1"UN V%LF' Mirk Dud troy Drew SkIts, teller wale, sad cat In the later: i.ah'on, frown 90 to $475, made of all enol hooespea. 11•e.a Material* is the latest onlorings, y1 to ;)11 talkie wide. Homeepues, 5 eat. Wats, Basket Weaves, horde, Merge, and '!her new matte, from 500 to $1.40. A li'te assortment of K do Ceuta made by 6a K,otarts Rubber Co , from 13 50 to $12 00, leagthe from 56 to 60 Inches. Thus are the beet geode Is Oise trade Great ealce In Ladies" and Children's o•,bmtro at•d all wool Har. We osny the teat Ina of Eteckinga made at Os LI Wench Kumla* M.41. BARGAIN DAYS g B RG AN D YS_ SA •, N014 iV AND MON.. DEO. -1; /e..•-:: whtlu nearly our whole Stock will heat 1;4r:aiu Day Price, that means big reductions in everything, and lots of goals et leviathan wholesale price•. Remember the Dates ' Nov. 29th and Dec. 1st. J. 11. COLBORNE 'Phone 86. mtttttrttttttrttttmmtt►tt►ttMtttrt ASg good as that his = When you hear a merchant say Salve is its good as the I--( rest assured that dub Happy- Thought is the leading Store and that others aril tryis.g to clidal it but have not as yet been Mille to flu so. The fire lot' of the 1LiPPl TH'l ,,ui 14 de,1. and narrow, %loch gives it a great heating Nurface to oven, I will bake ani cook with very IRO, fuel --It -ia the re that slices dwell the fuel Lill. .1 dollar saved IN FtE is a dollar made. - '• 1 \'ve a full line a.f HAPPY THOUGHTS, and you it i 'ite.1 to. cull and examine theta, whether you intend pure nim; or not I have a utI line of CI).1L and WOOD HEAT- ERS, which lea. he. market in price and quality. Also n imbibe of second-hand Ci' and Wood Cooking anti 1leatiIl )4tt/ve., "tit' \1rtt,d and two Coal Furnace,. Thought ,lin can appy Kn es with Character PRETTY HANDLES a i i LEE & °IIE!'IIAID). u will like any one p or more lades, anti every blit rig lt. 3 Blades that hold Edges (1001) KNIVES these knives. I),tle, two, three aright, as well as every Price RAZORS, too, that are right qua itv:-\ Ask for the German tang Razor, only onL\tlaranteed. $ .'2.! euulL CR ry ►tillltttrm r„ rTHREE .. A8r. ADV'TS ACTIVE AGFNT4 WHEN PLACA r THE SIGN, FIFTY-F1FTli Y TAILORINC.,I - • 1 baro received ssy Nes Suitings, Trout etc., for FALL WINTER Wear. it you aro getting a new w • light overcoat, or anything I c.n plus you in good, fit jgacad)-yids (1,181■1 la H DUNLOI A Great Snap_ . N oma (iterso, pouod. of whiob was nI a bar TIJ. Isn't our nary gasp, e everytbttrg that ora be faun to -date er0o•ry •tor•-, and are rgbt. The t.nnwre koot ince slwyc 1.1 1r00. w • ger produce. 11'e drew the I Lgtumale ira.le - •veryth Gl•seware .•r pedi'ow, emn •chofo.a L•bl« Chts•. Ws of 0.r n. T. G. TIPLING & C ti •(ford block. lChllop, Mitral tire laser FARM AND IMOLATtlt1 TOW 6RTY INSURED. Yeti, of l'opert) roes • I up en (Al • • oaviegK' ASu piK\&TOK' J. It McLsaa,p►ea • •'r. rraar, ism. I:moua1. M. late. W. O. He •,cat• Jae: g. errs. J. 41, ()r'ere, ) 1 re t.tea. W •l Hror.lrn tt, oleNr- of-loM'Y : 'r. It. Be) e. Ye•r,rth, Aarewis, n' 1'en, riolmssvllle : James tent.: It. Me]111tu, 8e • Ilarlook holden sea fray eusres'oli vu .erd, reeelpted as Mr. fonts s• Mclean Aro.. Palace Clothing nch J BROPHEY & -- TK,C`I.IApl•'• - I' %VAILy tA\. L)k:..l' VIE'r V.\11100tH\\\cYx. \N. D. ROUGVI The h 'Hardware Store. (ioderich, 0 rte Vearllerrd Ilbeslor,4 Orem. ACTS 4ENTty KIONOrs S"BOWELS, S TME SYSM CLEANSE EFFECTUALLY; OISpE pI. MEApA E ERS OVERCOMES STIPgTIt HABITUAL GOPPERMANENTLY. tT Bf EN AI EFECtS, Duv TME GENUINE-MAN'F0 BY 0.11 N11 IaJSYRUPC `oFyv,ttr .,w:"aacr;•Q rlwticey int ro 0 rns lett tit Att t*Iu(rwStS Pflgt 30c meow Leave your culinary troubles, worries and expense behind you ; enjoy the economy, the convenience, the absolute reliability of The " Happy Thongbt. " The hest friend the careful housewife can have. Just a touch to the patented dampers and it !steady for any work. Its efficiency will be a revela- tion to you 11 yon are uslig tbe common kind. Ice this not worth investiga- tion T Rend for booklet to THE 'WM. BUCK STOVE. 00„ Llmlted,r'elrpvantfeed nr call end see the arrests as14 67 C.C. LEE 0ODERICH. With our handsomely illustrated newcatalogtte '.b •raster portion of your t:nristmas shop- ping may be done at home. writ.. for it and i1 will h. sant to yea. 1ns of charge, by return .wail. 1f on receipt of arti- cles ordered you are not prrfr, Ily satisfied. year money t. ill tw cheerfully refunded. t1 f•RP,imtmnittnilnlnlarrai $13.15 °DF""" C81CAG0 I' I I I I: \ I'V ERNATIONc1 L Live Stock Exhibition 1429 to Dec 6, 1902 1 it LW: .:u,..I going Itee. lei, 'god so I 31,1. and i slot res toning from 1'hi. ago to, ... before Ile., 7th. 1992. )TNE BEST SERVICE. Nplmulid road -bed. henbane, wide lade t•w,•hee. luxurious thntnp .n,1 Cafp parlor rare, l'tdlman Meier*, mid the (n•• tithe mr,M install a comfortable• i••nr' • CALIFSAll WINTER RESORTS. '11.1,:p b•nnet to -tel- naw nn Mel„ F'••1 f'.r n mil month•. Arrangetirrnd. merle f• r partio. nr angle paaw.ngere. T eked*, folder; incl all in(ritmation um gets. 14 51r1K)NAI,Jr (Ir'. P. Aa Tn. A•, Torooto, T uwa TIAN Apntr Ceiwl'MA. Mill Wog FOR SAL. o00 Vcut IOtt0 t .416 and will he delivers( :ort of the town tbe sem :.r kred. t orders received by tele .,ft at rtaidence, 128 (Jambi ll receive prompt attttutior 'Phone 9S. PETER McE h. Novetsher 21st. 18:' HELLO THE RELIT ALL KINDS OF CCA ALWAYS OP THY 116-T crafltoli Hard 15 TUE 7MARKIN' V coal eelgqhM on the Ma *bete rou'tret IOW Iby. fora ton. WM. Oyler" left 60 LEZ & Sal SIOrL ramptip attends! THE ONLY VENTI Perfectly .Ventilated, it hat It 1s much cheaper and more it. ie the moot Its Y' 'all and 'examine ifr m !halm Pitt l-phol•M.ring done to on!