HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-11-20, Page 7M[TCHELL ON
-"^'• , .,•e. •..' •,..- , tics gnth -rid h, tb:• I llltl-.l Mill..-
10.1 1 cvllantlon
stili -Misr rtx:lter the develutsnmul tit ,
the 01 11L1 lruw the "tit tit its
inr'r,'" it.k.•A %%I
Vent. of till- grnlanle. -r. Ill.' 11.• 11
01,-r a little hratt fpm Seib it"t'
wi.l lhnl ties Intel bile rrttwruw fur +h/-
ha1t h srhleol. url- tern+ ..f ns.u'.r..
Lit lt/__, rolerr+ to the ex_
/ iwnrm- a(( eration. and to the rum-
Th,• µV11:{:,• ritt(• who:•.. :I . ,%(•rftg•
,'west II IIs N'olAr1l Artwrtrd uln Iltr
i1e111-6.1 wlth Ih-'s elf Oh-' IUItIerN'
Prlrull%e�v saaall pr.)iltr, and declarta
alto the far tall
ns•rraal) of LO per fent. Is unjust,tl-
titleret en
Fine 1 hem for
Way to tfwrtdrlatghwru.
I./Iving,. Nov. ]6.�wo waWul-
mother' and daughter, of the nlwe
1Nilmury urWir.►Llon. Lie touAil lrq. tilts
kill Inine•rs, !,a -the,sol
. t„inf ,nv-.,
-.I little- totter by staying that he Mu.
liguia.l the neerptaner elf enr prn-
'net In fa%ur of comptil.ory uNaud..
:J.1+•. tit++ rrL.re"n Kh'ru In aU1y14)rt of
, g tit
of Ovington, were arrvrled at \Vul-
i,allrly tau Incur UI Irritating ro v-mlo #-x-'I-ri(...
of von I. Tlue- ten 1 I nr .%
. tr,wt. from tiotirwhy that .luhn Mit-
ar•nr bl %ngue herr Iii -fore tit-• ,trlk.
4:11e11 g:,v-• when be'.wam eIaLkiiie.1 by
11f 19111). and mine• worker. ...,•.
the Ill-log-trialoomr11hwf.on 1n 18J:) Woo
bulbi to return to it would be %'.r,•
illt' %IvAaaud 1144t.beltig founded on
ummatimfnctor,. ,
Triday urolug. They
%orlun oil tn
l4tlnrds)'01 1'rueepedifeg..
limn lie IWtw nos', Ml.. 311tcho4l wire,
11n.. Nov Iii—I1r'.Ni.lellt
N�r4 K)ma, gUrallUtlr aleUl lllfl'r-
-_.(L:ClAt' %%lt.h r.14 -,taws men qu-1 film
n,•.• 1„•-
Lora' /•►1 ro 1 hls l -i.,
fialtllA t
Attack on Medicos.
heft London at Thurm lay, utkina
,Lt y.
Tilt- strike lead,•r w,I,; 1„I•I' I'
. %eutN,n tat Edwardlssillle, in January,
- -
1 ;Aetiossay Lu, lett lhu .rlutrmrut urn
ars Nuuld mono An inpr.••11.. '+f Ile
for tictotr to Handriuglianl.
kopov Illlthing about any Nuch rt.(1.•I-
%%Its u.kel if lir thongot lent N'(e,i
two vxllll'ils. One rlaUarnlagr
wli ilia, e
Ile (,lir f10 refilled. 111, t'llriN'f .i
The rullway Official* Ll)vallle ru-i-
Miner• k i •
s" Leader Empha� is lt�lly Des-
ltf tilt' 1.111111+1.1'('414 the 01aU1WIV fear
,belt+ •11•ALI*, InL"fd oet the lima+ wtork-'fl
fairing ]X)l. lila
piciont, shit aluesition!d (iome. The
µ'omen multi they N'lashed to rpe'lli
to the Killg
Attack Made as the King Was
-4.A 1+►-•�`wNl'.-lL-t-..Ll► 1-w.....
Ii4ut11.'r a1[ la%t:rnl
,Ins6eed of w.Lrkm,•I, I ilio
,I"'101 final" 111m really front till- 1'r11_
They but Ill at.
approves of
�� / •
the PrdCtiCe
to rater
IN -101 1w,r,el•.lillit to (he Bray 1.1111 feel-
,f otn,,ltm)J, h'heor
'r'm',-ii ' , N„%. 17.' -Thal II(Nini Uf
kuLlth- t•au111theiulri-I rat tint 41 :it-
luuulyd their like Iti-
were arrested.
terivaralm ill, I, tie till (INylum,l am
1, Ilse undtoiiN, ly Inmluu•.
Going to the Cathedral •
rx lthl to .entails n miner ill pit rat
41u rrltu 1. ,gu” u( U%1rt eat lm chga rlt•d
risat,.li -,I
to the t.-trikiug (vgP41%eem ,J the
out r•lrlrl of
%ewtigullou cvttductel lust, w(v•k lift',
Tf O\Ington►, wuahor nal
,Laagfiler, lit"I lu N/N' Yurk fur
k:a. Thera waw no taplholl of ulli.il-
r•(x•hi moral nt amount in ro mbar.,
c"Olia Nu+•v during rhe rtvl•frt w,IleAt,
.Jur ct4alucl of l 111'clulut all JluitlLl,.-
five',Pllrm. Afterward llauy wuu4tu
that All the meet ecru«e(i
of more
it 1p
nisi u,epsmnrll,' denote pro-le-•rity
mr•rhtus crimes diari1rR the'
taffies weer not connected with 111+
like rl',t,., lU6aaultr Mimi dfrlurb;Llu:or
i'vsl, and 1NrrticuLtrly w 11,jn rudereuce
_____1 ---
Khy tit;• toll comtoui3O h;"1 ndvnneell
I .
alf Vru•Lnma khot" being neulllm•re11 at
to Alto cllaa.l'go a1ndu by W. Reety.
They: strayed at Wolverton nes
- _
1„dg,- limy Pressed film fur A .1Iralllht Opinion and rte U,ve It--ninetra
aylnvanlo-rf IA.xly.
dt+uu of thu nlaxlkal frh:ul' • of thv
approach nigh(, salt attidaptwtW
France's Enormous Deficit Causes Some Alarm In Political Clrcl•s- Prince
Paid Out • Million and a Itslf In
AW Uuring the Strike --tic is Opposed
"The plvflt of roll wined by 1h4.
(•Oogn/ny during the tell years pal-
1-u11urNity of 'PunNLto, t.lwl %Sergi.
(R)KIlellug and his stinal 44 Levine, tool
uppn11u•h ilio King on TrlrLty N'latle
lie, crus out mhouting. Into King'r
of Siam to Wed a Daughter of the Emperor of Japan British Nava
lu lompulsory Arbitration, but
favors Voluntary Arbltratlun---AFttw
tug Devember al, 1901, lines aver
ugrll 1L0'J cents tun after•
1114.11 104L•tse.+l t%6tll uawuxr:Lut+a
A•'%f•rity w dly►creiflg a hotly of waif-
slit(,( detective, tiOtieislill their
behavior, ordered their ar-
khan ea Probable Curd Roseber Sald to clave •Stroll felt Active
Y - Y
References to Forrnrr bikes and Mr. Milcliell's View of "Untalrness''
clkil'gi,4i off tux(w oil coal lands and
cul students at Use efrnor of College
Ally In Lady eroiabro.k.
deprel•Lltion, but trot ineludlug tiny
at,urgem fol• royalty, which m'epre-
lArMt anti ty,uleair uveuue.
A tesut 400 ma,dW-ut eaudeatr, after
rr, Nov. 15. -Tiered nllUl- U1N' IF7J,l1
ads talon
.v'; Nov.15.-1 rerldoUt M.tt,
tit It labii•,, lW%'e it fight Joe Udverlieri-
Mantel file value U( coal In the KI•Ulllll.
'Ilia 1.01, for a (tit), of ten hours,
1.,m•lldtng lilt) welling %%'Lila theLr pre,
((,taus. ,were IrdaP. "rhe
1- K
wCfU fired f the King Ur t10 t]el-
T o h o witty
n dlUaliwl which In to rorty ”
rbrll war oalle/l ur flu+ first roil-
nkid q urn
Imotw1saro til (to
loutnlet mint-rr earned nm u%eruge
hag their wllegu coags and whfallttill
The �UI'111P1'll Ii1a1' SUN ftringwB;.SW
Tun In F:uKlnnd.
flluup tit ening, ar IIIc Maywty
of uruunl dcfklts breaks the re-
awed, and fur a period tit
4 J' yvntre-
lieho, tit the rtriku enquiry
-f t
lust (heir fel+'lair, and t" Ir ullu•r
ant y
u1'"' me-" know wean, ar.• their it -nils
of �:f.14 per rLly ; rltille(t lutlorrrr.
their unlVrr«icy yeUm.", 8f+rgl. GuuF]-
l it3rrt
woo pr(xccating to chef Cathedral to
t pre e-
sucu Ir absolutely without
y prece-
may'. Much of _hlr terlinwuy eitle•r
Lisa ►wlto arm tl.i"r a+leyailfw,-_,.
,hays ,$111for work an Inrground. 'Nip
thin br.tylof t, 1110•
si ribillo that history of Potato
utteud a To Daum In memory of thv
wi•nt Niter the Tawe ground eo%er-•d
here Its whero J11,I9-! tardy Int-er-
rates for oulwtie Labor a%ernKe us
Thew JtAnIng other Apidif•y thus had
know'm Iw the Northern Star aim one
late, ttuepn Norio lietarlette. No one
A Royal Betrothal.
b, klo, rtulemeul or related to hi.
p)M•d. There wain it bland ,Mlle On
follc)w►: Skill+"' labor, $1.98 4'1111-
beefs doing mit=(chlef. Thu Board Is,
of tit.• rotlwrncues of finunea
wuY hurt.
Loiodon, Nov. 15. -Tho Evening
1klstory and to Sir record us it
the fncn Of flats Jurist, anti hill voice
skilleNt h11or, $1.26: Iayr, 77 (watm.
Mot pre'aared to c1.tr+ur-! Ouutelblg few
I It waw brousiht out lie 1901, by :I
Tito man who flrnl $ho mislaid in
Nevis unnouncem that the Crown
lender. iter dencribiug the
km(oth,and 1derLmuul no; he
The+ a%erage annual curial of
flies, declAou. Put )Wer e.•n6ure hilu for
Firlwhire grower, who l,artel with
,'efface of Siam in engaged to the
of flat' Cntlyd sine
Amked lir. Mltchell:
'',,'lint ilio c(mwissfon Mould Ifku
adultm were 1775._5.'
UonUll IN tike of the
' fall, u/eth,wl of Al lh11l,' the m(•rgealit
bring in no Meuse usll•
Ira's J
a tow tutor at, the(eaU•aonUnary prove
of ItI,ICU a tun. Tllb im 61)txat 10
an itatiau. leo mtoad 1n front ol ilio
ll:auk of Rrtl.;relm. oil the Run Roy ole.
of the o tilperor of
11'orkerm and rhe, ballouai br,LLrds;
to know, ter. Mitchell. Ir, foam your
made of chains
luluorr that their fmu'uingn tare In-
tool ter! t
lied lie Riling their riding ,whip/, its
Aldllinf,{r 1 poluld, til which -rate
Tbo other cartridgrls fit him retulver
Japan. princess to fourteen
wears of uge.
L.. .Lilt the three dlrtriutr in the
organlutthon ggry,ruvu of the uN" of
sufficipat to usirinfain tau• Aulerl-
de.erlbeal. fu lite elldencv. The mtu-
taco po0n'L+ w,'re pur'ha6ed by 'Il,
Pmov("1 ,to he bULuk, w., it Los lira `mumeet
Navy Changr► Ahead.
.oathratcito tired have Illonl llufuur
title+ Neals)n, the IO,youtt, in tke
manner dearrfbed, aYtaring burinesr-
van AlnnAnrl of livinia anti, von,•ern-
iuK lira• enlptoypes of tiletptilgh (,mil
deuta ,w'Pru /Ibeyhlg the requcnL to
dt,ilerve promptly. - Thr -y olfrrmi flee
Lite,olmmidr.+ dealer. ,'rum thin two
PwntNlm there will -tate, grown -Able your
that dale„ field \verc ritually barn-
1�, gyro JW,a �t-alrimtn(lJiA ely or-
Lou loll. Nov. .15. -Th+ n.ltuiralis Is
teeth U tW.'wberwhip of. jw( IIipe,
luell to refuse the 11YCPmintien of life
A Nii%tlaton Company. tie~ flgnr•er
r'«ittafa•1•, and, bl till- 41-inioll -t the
130 P0undl. I �
reNtid. unit tie Ivillve had rUme lLf-
-'Ua.lt1+','Ing tllE• aa1\IAsbdsty OI.Udapt-
II.•,UOO. }Le explained about top-
to null-11"Wn w'nrkn,t-n?"
:11•e gl%ell: •'(lilt 11f :1,111:1 illinillew.
coulilli,►LUl er". ;;h,4%%f%t a%eredlugl%
Tit-, dealer wits Nu pleated Wit,
flrlltl,' )11 renculnK Jilin from elle
iug u mt-tllnlre closely re6ewbligg t.te
Lilly the
and tUlti N
Mitchell answered that the,Urga11-
H70 owl' their *wit houses -le. Platinum'
goal! tl'iUp•r J'.d /+self rAaltr-A. Yet
tho r/'mull lll:lt 111` bought It fair-
balids of the crowd. 1'1'1 ga%'e the
navy p1-/tounrl bill, pastied by tho
prllll. .ust4rna
Lsatb,n 1110 never ullwov.d 11f .urh
will be- found fu 1141, and hoose or-
the Aergeitat lored wevernl of blm Allen
tlaar.qutultlty tit TSOO a ton, WOOL
A1mvilonn Congress. A departmen-
,%„III.' like to be Paid by wel;cLa
n fey, Julhtv_t�rtty ea.l____
pane lu SS7. Tim eulupuny otrns unit
PU(,j tit, Lr will,►,,+ uu the eh',u'do,rs Oi
Lot the rule f(Ar t'Jl1_'.
Thu rival e,artogr. v,gy.lKt.vol of yes,-
tul committee lr tatting and tsar Matt
u„l, ,r,T ref -by -cru•. Tots brought --Mr.
r tm, ' nu anmN'er to the
mann-te�o T�-einpo,,irn 471 honsem
Ilse ntuolentm ax thr;t tterp )cutter
-- --
erut cnrrLagor, besWPs that of tho
gesubmlttwl `to It varlou► reports re-
11rtr1101 up to the tearluum usiectin %
the prpaegt rtriku,
quemtion. f1) you uPl,lrsve! of t14•
Witll,lntwal from nal.wilsm Nems AMe
:opt tin average scatted of ?1.775 a
Thin %luli-nee woe entirely tel Juatifi-
la,blp, and uu uuw•arrantabie nbura• of
Klgeg, containing the Visitant aril Cuul-
M. fof F4tllJorfS Yilac4 and t'rtuoress
rding the workings of than new
emkan system• It am multi the
,hat preceded
Ile clalwed that tiro InI4e Nurkera
right to buy ilio u-4.0(of Iifr,
thlnRn nvca•amary to prolong life? Do
t,helr lwwerl,, alrl the romfalsesilsterm
feel troland to exlre:N to 1'nd. Reele
Albert id Ft-ibdera, the Prince” Cle-
w'.titLl, atrl aldp'-de-a•nmp kind ladles
cOtnmlttee is likely to adopt a plata
by wht4i Pngjneprs now ser%ing will
i"I'l out t1,:el10,lIUU fur relict ,lure
yaw a141novts of it,l,4:"
:urs Id" u.sua•irxte•, Al l to him situ
(of huflur.
retire with Ian honorary line rank,
1u• rhe cluAin mat"LL. to •tion
� g t� t
The Jadgo Ifad gr,w'u an, t-nruP,4t
uN lip
lest., tit,.Lr Rimpre regret tlu►t their
When examinPal by the l:ollce Ru-
Isla that In rho future engineers will
be Reflected from the cmield Of till!
aoJ nun-uuw4 wen alike.
Imseei,.lel itself him thiel• wa,
raimed and Nhow''d k'sn"
I+ff[rf+rr culnmlt,t.d xueh a grave;
English T00 Stupid t0 Aban-
bl,.0 confessed that he Intended to
training t.i Brltnnniu, un%I thrc-
g P
Ir t'roma-Lxoenaaatiuts.
I4enN ale he elllira the-et"enthrn. %lit-
OI`ell sal
cf Judgment.
"To mark file tilaal-{11oveLl of tilt
C r
don Monarchy 1
shoot Ktng Leopold, and said he held
lnnrchist bellefm.
after will hoki elimultl%e ,'auk. Ono
ter+ difficulties In the
.LI -t IN -rule list- u1juurolwent of
reldrntly bestir Impressed
w tit thlr lm
Charges of Treason May Yet'
/•ondncl of Sergt, l;anllLuR rural of
Itub,tno la a lootkrr s r. lip was
of great way
the is tiro Britannia's lack
tar Ns.Ndng nemrlou AtllcWrll war
port."." of Ult' InattPr.
tho example met tabs tm•n, the
horn at liinnrdom, near in
o[ plan
I.Iro• l over to air. Wifaux for cro6"-
sena ht: llteln,id him %oicl• in u high
kt••r IV he nook• anmwer:
be Preferred.
dir(rtm LIa1t n fine ter ween d+lym•
be. tti141oae1 %"it S,'rge,ult Gould-
18;9, and bur hurl lived in I►rnr-
of turlUtlrw to naeommodate a rlr-
flelenl ntanber of cadets to supl►ly
.'tsrulu¢tlou. I lie• t flit" Wall.
makers, be bull,, Intel ut•%er rolled
,E::1 hutically, nes'•
iti and three tiny^' pa c4a•h "Pon
safes. -
Ifrantr'. Big IN•tich.
troth en•tionn of the berviee.
to keep nn agrerweut. ,tgrtwwruly
.%t them motnt, a -I mfristuent Lour
IIA%flag INbt'11 r{'1►chP.l. 1111• CUI1114Wm1,a1
t'ourtablem Guthrie. 1.141 21114 1V,�1.
"aro to tile C:lsp elf t'1111m 111 bye sable/,
Braless -'Is,. �U\'. }i1.--�1-•terLLL Anar
Pia r1A, �IUi. ]5•—TiIO IALCrf Please
A INov.xry' Partisan.
te.t%++'rel tile seen aged ole opera-.
Anlr,linre,l that it would go on in
the wave Ile of opfr`itolt th21l tilt-
chlstr hate bee: arrested since the
of the national financial iatuath,n
L 1"It. Nov. 15. -Tit- dl -lad of
the +Jwlkfcal ntmowfihere land been
ter« take ptevedence user title 1-.,n-
the 414,ruing nn(1 heft tilt- roout,
complaint 21Kainmt that offico•r %%-lite
attempt by l;rrune Rubino yesterday
hit" bt•4-n made the subject of careful
dlrprlied by the appearance of a
,.utuuou, he aid. Thp tu,tue] that.
wrr,atuu. 1'75. \.n. r7 ..I'ro,i,lo•lt
Xrw lock, Nut. 17.-.Ym a ,.'wolf tit
snit, arosrn. _
to nsrllrrinnU K1116 LroiNJ.d, but ooly
.•xuminntlon by lf. plus Leroy-Hax1u_
new trader. unlikely, Lady Colebrook.
qoI elm out ue'l
alltlttell. of the Miner,: Viii -m. re-
the nesp til«4111 of %%idlUal Putter front
••Thr• Roan) of Volnnlimatonerm p%-
two of them il:.ve 0eeti detaftied by
lien; the well-known pNditleal econo-
Not tllr!e Uirrueli's time Ms n wo-
t►l1Lux rauwiued fir. alrarll_
111111-i tin stngel tu.;Ll •1 Nell rliN
i1 hNoF nn.un lit rrh(a+uln-ly IrrIuw
press the hope thnt Aa future
the Police. Rabiuo, who hale b•eu Ault-
flAwt. whomn figures ialieate that the
m n- taken Salah an active part In
• ell ulmiut mei Uuge re\ Ihblllm 11( tar,•
coa%enin of tbn (•roll .uikr rum-
hr N,IN n wreuls•r of tear Ntituua►
thallowe'en demon«trnt'onas hP o10-
Jrrted to lilt r examination, lens
eoMlltion of tike trnawlry isi evpn
inner litlt,al clrclos. Lad Co ebrook
Iw Lad,t,
tvu«titutiu,p• holding une :u til.
m,..au„ uI thy+ l.urk:u%ueln+i conn-
(ewtrJnu•I s r%.dagubimt %her,tiike•rm
f4«w,rx anti other Ilplida of vllwa-
uddpll'ten film pevioum odutament. Ile
a-or,;r than Pxflrictaill. The tulal tie-
is slow, is the acs Ex
air. Jt Ailil unit It
t, tguru ton..•. Atn,l ill. rr.ns-
of the Ilod.on %ollby Traction Cook-
ti hall Inmtitations In Toront wit:
latld that ha, bad melectr•o King I.al,-
tacit n•Risternl on October 1 Is
of Lo -I
IMnatan." of Lord Rosebery'a party,
wa« true that the i•4romlltutun-lo.•A
evuurlilt lhe) b� "*;.%elf•. Alkv%etoA1,
peaty. ilia agitr.tluu foam cartoon atuuuK
law. their ' i0•st efforts - long
Ipiil front ialamwother liuverp�.g.isfor
R1GS,3110,,000, naL if oro add to this
wit"rever Plle goes; an -I aha
__--4-A Auuvide fol" the ditolpliuiug u1
which wax 1p nn -ItoiliLlv:. %, a._
tit:: ptex...-VcL-til iJoe-a4tiu:autl t.4L•rr+h
the very sensible It" ---4 Pa-
118-1-musiguatiwt b"C"L a cif I" Liku"""'
t:+p 'alencipney of 1144,,7110.000 for
nlmovt (:vpr wl►ere. championing
Y ail 6 the
a esuw who ta, •y u.data• It, plot n ie
cont)"+f•d air alftalo•11. %%Illi ilnm
hl ttum city 111 re f.IM• the' Jldllllmml1111
dureel by Prof. Iteecr, w-itl or
fwndnrl teuvant-As him dauglel,•r, Colin-
tt;ijl. tilt] if to lhe:a- two mums be
rx-Premier's ral.tle. Society credits
all unwrittr21 Lew of the (.1 •nuiz;+-
)esus, tJ.ui be l:nu he te1l.iwet.
h.•.•r. ua the I ane-• Friday
to w.tsibership of anyone who am n
lupuaruur til of l.ri.4r -union. TLi6, ll
ub.rt of roodoving tilt- loirtero
dilonlerly panellm•t uufoa'tunate-
tests t.Onyilt. tit 1110 time, of leer 1110-
ther'r tieuth. IVhen Pretested by tilt'
ntidcd tho.iesue of six year bind/
tills titlrntral a fascinatin wo-
Air Nltebell Nns nooked if it %ua%
m'/rnilta. inortk'ht watt, hive it U-11111-
tier air lurant•fat. ,.Polk.,
will Ile sue 110' N'ay u,
is tlout
so 0-,
hen•lo`orr oaurrwg ou thu holt-
fu: farther for his
to ilio loop of over 14S.t300.000. It
malt with Peverel defer4lous, which
, all -.tial: thAlL at .till• 1'a41CIALruli
ol llAly pith tit" Ilntiuuul urlu•rl..
anal 'AhiCh
be, frfqtwnity
t rpfrrrpd torr nyder
t11 hal.
- lrUlldf! (o•lNreel
flip .InLitr wtunA and the Nntiuual
The Mn,or, being nhwilt +�
at 11ur
lt/'mpl.11,1111L111 rn14 tient IIIc frlh)w'-
.A archfwtr in 1wAodun did not think
will Ise, w`P1 that the total deficit
w4ti which M. Ilxlrf'r, rho Finance
have mwi,rred from SirHenry-
Y Cam
trll•Bannermnm's eseclfom of tl►c Lib-
•melt' 1wtiuuiled to call A coa%elw-
rv•frr.h ulrnu-r, t lar,ti•
numb r of 1-elpon+ tgR?r;1 ,1% «Ua!I
Crotid. At prlw•It there are w•c •ell
large palrtmon of the inquiry. doa,e$
mu 11 of hrul am a wlttalot member of
Minister. 1s (vrnfrontr.i rpaehrs tit" ^sell pert,'.
%tart. for ihr purpsaP of rsilinK a
In fill,' in the 1orr:0or -ie+
regain ntr ;n tali" wily wives lure nrrn
not tate part In lilt- finlinas, lot
the therhooti. lie fall therefore,
.,Iapialheelc stl lkc. air. Mitchell
of buJll.
ilAlg. in leu• 1_pe 11f gallnn„�' n,hnit .
tailouginlr t11 Jaipur uutou.t heat their
full auleurmi� Lite gleneral prinvillilrm
dfrl l 1 to bhuw- tiepin Lieut white they
-- -- -
awratrl ilia, :old that the Nurk.•r»
lance tle the nisiUlljt. Erol;' At few
Iltemlm•r«hip will Im,t Ir• lenewt-d til,-
4161 .town.
could Illy .talk un.: never art,
in'lin•,I/ituw111eUN fell Nl•1'e ,imler
-..,rtLNtac-at Lit«• that+. _ _.. - --
of. them N -era• kllrce,xe n1,
to Sir rcmminntiam--ret
Ifrmm tlll•y g:c„ 7aAtlUr111arpr that they
.fir In. n to .w•]y.._tll.�lllliuu
The illllr(rt f•frart of t11P fines IN
Irroro'im1aA•tunt to the pglice than
i% IN) Ile\ r (Illkr.l. CIIUtd at -t. lb' I'"
intaogldt>t) -hilt in iaJuduu to kill I:iug
"The':):' n«kat .U. U droll. "If ,til
I' f•:Idf•1• to,L•,y. Mr 311104 --or',
they ben
to w ldch rlley WI:e"R. it i0 will that
flip en14nmt of Ploy to tM, ImmPdLatP-
Ltiwurl, b t ulsuuluucd th0 prey. tit
fr,ew-•Ili I. Nufiierlor to the "";
&L -k.
, d:
1 It u.-tittm, wbl:e keeping tuany tit-
ly wlthho40. 'tell yetirs• w-rvk!P with-
INcauam, Ill Ung 1,411 p(oploo were tool
11Ur1. LUN" l%Alllt Ile' IIII 11Ult„I
::,Iitrltlel.l 'lltlmlder it wit.vo
al r. alit ehf•'I, der ,bell 111i1.k •,',li
.i%'• tilt! r►gllt tf„i.k fell' Atli It14-1.4-as,•
«rullle nasal (slid lite• Nat -onus (:lard,
he it,'ftl 1' alen, +1■ lhlrr
out nkiievorohict PntitiPn A mPmt)er of
fifes art nn fA pNaV Uf u)
est lipid to nisi o;on monarhical itivu..'
Tll,•II µ'INS d kali. cif• hlllg 11f
w4e4 the agreensetit. in it,
I- Wages. w11.•In if Krrentr,l. w11,11.t
ell, izo,lllb
e( lstlpport \-ll. n11t Is- Jf•UPNIrdfL•'`1.
air 1pru
pr MlicemIncrease
Cent/ per (lay. Po11CPmen ,,'Asti And
Italy, but IIP 1 l] Irl( IltLwe f•IIUUgb
b I
tiltu 111Uu%o fivilm Al.11 sto,ml r'
"1-11•:1.6, tee 01/011 of li%lletr, In i'in-
May P,,e_-(-uop not• ','Mason,
(wthrie` betsvp alren,ly NPrwPrf four
for whp•li it-; IMnerit relight
Ill to Ket to 1 orno. '
The police have a%arlained til•• .%fl -
. T1401 lilt 61,14111 w114I amkfA he tNl- 1.1
tiger.• ,Attesterol w'ayle Ir
,.• is rat tt,mmin IN elf tie.. 1.011•?,
nP.r•fN•ntaU-r I r
Thr• ge--re
Allonl)• .N. Y. N41w. 17.--1t wells r4-
t.. uythl tlrU Maf-,nr somal
accrue- tel thrns under thio rule if
lucks Braccl b•re ](t' maid daft lit'
atraefcllt. flP hunity siaL1 taut til •
Now wttiII,
I+r tion
at liken' air :ANI111N/ p•rs.mm in
mi i
Ile to, ami•
Ile to, .1,Ij1U:ult-'.#.;Irr"I
thew' finrm w'elr Pnteret in the con-
deet book. Amsuming Rt►od ron(lurt
heal l,r-vtous'y know• ItelbFllo ill Lon-
rjnni where hr IuL 1 dP [wltcMl w•r.•raI
g atuzAt 4ll not coral li-r'ile. pr
' lu," t', a for a Reu6,r+th wtrlk.
r tatel It letlr• heti µ'bra are «tAr--
g :nit It Iv alible hlatnrrrcnUll
uthrr (tf 1C 1:11. Ot till, \nlinn:U l:a,trvl
I:ov (kit
for the next six yearn they would
rcvolutio11. rs U, the elk•e•'
Climbed on op of Car, Rode to Station
the caa,lrat by a tularayuuu. ,
•, rl.k for- li11nt, wrlgeek in n•Ulra for
hadconf,rre0 with it rognrd
ing ilt,' rd%iruhitlty tit LringinK tri. -a-
then have received 10 vpntm elate per
Identified at 110"r.
tory Lad ad not lu cite+u'1 I.
,!Icer tutor.
ou ch:%rtpole ng.rl"es: the utheerw of
Ian years thus'
J'• which, In the four
IQIQ would nsvan tt1/Q each. TO Ida
itOm0. Nov. 1t1.-Thp alio try of for
hum it..ntitird the
an lipped Awa
.. ns dal touieut 1111 lLrm at It.,
016JI•r•t is) %lidbil %,alk.
.,.-......_ I._ , . _ .. .
the mehrtirrLl;(y talm,r unl. n wbielt
. - .
whn han merve•.1 atenul tl ere ea re.,Away.
interior lNwulaut
Y .
______-____ _____ ._
anuu loa,Ncr..tu
I licit. N. Y _. %U%". 17.—t-alll Z(awal-
unl,-r it. .tlilir no I , mutt aeskl fi'l'ls
omit' n-. •rltur it. K atttt furry~
low IaLtgt._A21L+-• iuhlLAII.
rummi.Niun .hoNc that nhl� l
inr'r,'" it.k.•A %%I
Vent. of till- grnlanle. -r. Ill.' 11.• 11
01,-r a little hratt fpm Seib it"t'
wi.l lhnl ties Intel bile rrttwruw fur +h/-
ha1t h srhleol. url- tern+ ..f ns.u'.r..
of an .,,,puny officer Win wiser leaking
Th,• µV11:{:,• ritt(• who:•.. :I . ,%(•rftg•
1141 see, It 1
AgAirw ComilvltMory Arlljlrmliola•
oT I!l:•14n pr•r ,enr f,,,• Ili:, Intel,
workers. wage« of 1'0• rers IN•btai
II lir Nus thou oULalup+l wily regar•1
i1e111-6.1 wlth Ih-'s elf Oh-' IUItIerN'
11 Ile larbrtratiou. Ile d1•f•IiLr,el tout Ill
in the ealeuhllinn.. % prnt,.t to ail
1 e,ar w lin-or 11f i4 but ulet til a.,ql-
• M 11 -, 11f N'
1 n1. 1 1 1 half of n ho H:•Im, l �.
1Nilmury urWir.►Llon. Lie touAil lrq. tilts
kill Inine•rs, !,a -the,sol
. t„inf ,nv-.,
-.I little- totter by staying that he Mu.
liguia.l the neerptaner elf enr prn-
'net In fa%ur of comptil.ory uNaud..
Io.1twli or the- leading •'•Inlutl.t
_lir. iIic11x ut thin pout tunsrlued
to I'll." lite rale 1r %vag.- ,.1 ,h,.
i,allrly tau Incur UI Irritating ro v-mlo #-x-'I-ri(...
of von I. Tlue- ten 1 I nr .%
. tr,wt. from tiotirwhy that .luhn Mit-
ar•nr bl %ngue herr Iii -fore tit-• ,trlk.
4:11e11 g:,v-• when be'.wam eIaLkiiie.1 by
11f 19111). and mine• worker. ...,•.
the Ill-log-trialoomr11hwf.on 1n 18J:) Woo
bulbi to return to it would be %'.r,•
-04iset, evidently, was that Marn.•11
ummatimfnctor,. ,
1014 it uifivreul tole at that time
l4tlnrds)'01 1'rueepedifeg..
limn lie IWtw nos', Ml.. 311tcho4l wire,
11n.. Nov Iii—I1r'.Ni.lellt
N�r4 K)ma, gUrallUtlr aleUl lllfl'r-
-_.(L:ClAt' %%lt.h r.14 -,taws men qu-1 film
n,•.• 1„•-
Lora' /•►1 ro 1 hls l -i.,
al r
l elan u N"Itw uU1Pd to n remoluliuo
7urp'lhP ,tette romhni..i,e 1
arike I
n -Mgt's•,, by dimtrict N.P. 1 tit it coo-
,Lt y.
Tilt- strike lead,•r w,I,; 1„I•I' I'
. %eutN,n tat Edwardlssillle, in January,
till, iuerptt {p tit v%nge,, to tit,- to
it lorel'y llr'l that All veru that
1 1
% ) rr'
t l tie the tx•
hc Ill-
ars Nuuld mono An inpr.••11.. '+f Ile
Allinfw mutt 111"
1■I's of the VnIted Mine, WorkrrN' 11e
of t
priceort' ter (•mrRnlrt^rm. '
kopov Illlthing about any Nuch rt.(1.•I-
%%Its u.kel if lir thongot lent N'(e,i
Imen. far, en11J
Ile (,lir f10 refilled. 111, t'llriN'f .i
IT, anomer to n qurwtlo11 alitrlo,ll
tion that Cannot41fflorl to p+1y L
lultutte,l that tiger,- wens means c .,-
hive 1hirinR tiny lnxt tar
11tH I'll .111111-1 Ku loll of b'1 I
nibs.,” Ile saill lie' thought rII:NI
0lrlkp Num
--1u1l++lly-1aA4w- to toll tit 11, le•
1-Inrm{l li%%iug 'wn rfl tltllt t nu
.- __s
-4.A 1+►-•�`wNl'.-lL-t-..Ll► 1-w.....
Ar, Vticox reftre$ht-/ him to"uwry I114'
ine, rd I,
I e(pllred if hr nl
,I"'101 final" 111m really front till- 1'r11_
aT►iflra n I •\
rll•mntktn of Guvvrnaar Atono in unit-
Alenl louna of 1446aw.
- i oat
aMt. tike, a, ,•
teal ition nest 1
1 sl,. tin 1 1
Tit, a, Ir 1•.1 It
Tt. Kiln mp Kfl” t k I:.
. r. Mitchell ,
trh +1been I Al,If anything land ti
111a•gllt lilrri• ltourri work a lel,
I"" to diesel :Lan men guilty (of In-
frnelloA the
rx lthl to .entails n miner ill pit rat
tit law. There wam 7511
rlmr.f. Mitchell nnmwpred, that nn
;?vex). to w-hicln 11 • 0.11.1 I"). refill lr-
__ �•-tFl(' into ni'roll were birinl+iIrm
ell flip VldtM Mine Workerm M Ani"r-
.. mat nll.sl,of tiy elf- _lht.'.S]}lovii_
aur, ltnit nay of the unt ill
k:a. Thera waw no taplholl of ulli.il-
r•(x•hi moral nt amount in ro mbar.,
mint of a unlied Nitrate 11orkerre%cept
n th01 ild Ktip tell that miner,'
Isn't on l.•poNll In the F(trrst ,'fill
t7p%pul.om. ale ReAd hp %-nit Inform-
14 however,
Is `417:L110O, hR snf'I slid
that All the meet ecru«e(i
of more
it 1p
nisi u,epsmnrll,' denote pro-le-•rity
mr•rhtus crimes diari1rR the'
taffies weer not connected with 111+
aniong th.• miners. Mr. Mv%'riah :,sk-
1 third art -low of
t',I i rf road„nt Mit„Im•ll If hr knew-
Khy tit;• toll comtoui3O h;"1 ndvnneell
HM Idea or Falretrsw.T��
prl•r, of r11al "bier i1w Mtrike.
_ r. rax ooll Mr'. . it
'U If there had lo)t ,tram n great dmiller
closing down.” air. %tih•h.•II
,d, 1s)yrlettlllg done during tier str.
"N11.” • replINI the l:nv,rr,
The shirt of 11/11 minPevf)rker�
to rr'p,•ty thr rompatiirw flier the
st('rr"1 that lin knew (.r none operty
ri,.u,. ..-- . . . - -.
tier strikers dr1tu11gr11 dor-
`_ _. _,.._ . . ,
Syair, Wllrcex then rind n rfyort
n neW. weir of rolrlhttlonm lopv"I
1 i -I ketrA J1fM
-44 Lti-
Ic a $ 1,1 which hnsln^orf nI •n of tilt -
(,sen hail hppn warne,l agnin'al "ell-
ti'c Ill "Ina-urole in men then at work.
lir. \111,11'.11 %%nor nlek,l If It, knew
aIkit"111K II.Imnil thin cam-, and he an-
"'Ar"I Hutt Ile ,M0 not, tho,lKll Ile
MAY 11111P rivul ILb.ail it In thr
"' n sPip,•rea ILt the (line.
tft.r w•Vrral other qutlnnm Mr
Ullrhell ,Vero asked whuirl+hr meront
'a!Ien he ralinti n m.',n unfnlr. Mitchell
I,r'xk erf•1 that a mnn wait nnfnir who
bpok like place of nnolhpr mnn who
else cal e$tMke to b' ttrr her comrllt'.O•i.
11'Pn h" WAX 1►skfvl what he. meant
►+heel ho rall„cl n hu dne"le nkan unfnlr,
'kiwi hn a,WW„ nail it mnn who (11.1
"r,thlnR to antrig„nlze it nation m1n
fret was 11"lliew to gut n prosper
„r Pars+ n( wagnesl and improvema,nt
I. 111)Ilinow d to Ilrryl•ottinq.
Rn(• 11"Naw Abraut selling to lion -
1t "f4 men ?'' ,
la i hart' nP%*- IxtAnell upon that..,
'"►rod Miltnhwll, "but. my- own %1+ors
m flint i ItavP a right et gx adhin
n." n lltr-now to gxtrad it with
No i rhmltrl, sal, naturally, I
at t41 Will) It with mw /Physa, rend
fIMIh av enerthp, Thp mrinbnrs
N-Iw had a.rcrd whD 1'11u11ruty F'. _lila le asTn tiiTs wns, N•nuTf�r+ n u
L'altim; at,tlutbig lir resent .env c:• In *111). indire'lly nl•xl the niers wool l
1rlrrrving urd.•r during Uu• .trikr un low, _5 av,ntw a flay for thr•rw months
lit:: vrvm a Ter o li,g null In delay-lu pf9ra)tiun front wr(rlNl-
Thr• I.b.oi Topoyunoll U) ilii. elty q+imm to firest� lapel r'oneetaill"Fi. Am nu
to -ger f ulna ayeso nrni-,I NIIIIt asp•+ Varwilary Indirect kettles woall these$
had Creta liken. Ile Nitbl: "The tint -ham
on Sergeant Goulding b -walls• he
ham mi-rvel 25 years. It IN tulderottell
ler air liar r%1r.el.ilen or tills man hills 1hAt the Vommimitioner•n will lukv
, ).imt,,loren offi•ially hregeght to nay Net- 11mw06re/ to nvoll them IuJusliep to),
u nikm 1 have dol ns c'•t boll al a,l- the men, it toping fo•Il that they
f• I
.11Ut,•-trt rCaTlltill, Ilttfl lit 11 'lt-
NINIIIId n,1( 114, IM1re secpri•1,• Ipin•
tar, toad rnutmrl ,may Nhal will be. ilebeel than tier otfit•Pr whose order@
}1111,•1 w III tnktt it np ala quickly am 1110 toll leapt they followe'l.
loosmrti rml tuvrodignte it thur- lar. R. A. 1:1,eve, heirrl of tilt' Fraa•-
onRhly." i.lty. who, Vill n prominent part
14:1111,111--,11 Itu)e,dl• in the stents that loll to talc 1a111•!e
r,11, i ., :n,lo % Y . ,%"% if; -Th., inquiry was a/kool by n r^1►
U.'nomlto.• .of fit•• . 1'aafie.' As%pla_ r-'ow•nlrtth'e him opinion upon the
bay lram b:rn. 11% s•etehon gall 'lay enr- h+lRment of the Poll -p CommtArl11ners.
rtellging' detail. oMm
f the )teoit "1 asatlAlir.1 with It:' maid Ile.
1,gi,ilist tar• `.rhrn,rta,l, I::silica:• Itv'.Ve. "nye merely doslrral to vindl-
Compn'+y• Thr ho, c, -1I officially cnlr tlw clinrfacter landcond6ct of the
gni. little effect at midnight, 'tut stulento of the meati--ol (faculty, lint]
%%,11 ac/nnlf% b1 rvlfurr•r••I ,:at 6 Ilogt hew twen (lone by the Invpvtl-
'rbm•k .t,► nl..rrt.-r xm,rniuK• !#iv gnlion. R" &Imply deslyd virnlic-a-
r re obtnio ry it."
'l tilt w Ilia 1 1
1101. .
ant r-enr m'•u, one 4rjnn each nninn. l _
%%ill winch tho eni'm ain't will "br IN This a Iteprimal :'
.,tde4l toy-othe!•w If neaeaeary.
j;%a r Jl,1I rt1 twill fm1110 riling nes fin•• ,0 alto«r
• n1n%r un"
.•rxa-tu1.11anr..hin_wiun rIrd;o% r% µ hL•har.• al e l +las, figuring oil
hli.fl ( Nle ell:in %till by %%;,, iw,I t,ot lh- poll •e court Iro,.+kw reohiltot dtw1N-
o ri ngnin. nod will 1)o toycottel lr(n,01' oil Sulunlay night to If-r-
ir ifs• wa rnhlg is i I';" regardi-el; If bort Brown, it Dental t'ollege «t,:-
,ny enlplovee entilhnte•m t11 aide of deul. 24•yrnrm (If nKe, using tit 67
Irr bring ttnrned, his employer will Ornyrgeavvisti(•. Brown haul ids shonl-
h1 no!Jfte'l to li.ch arge h'm. There de r d40o:ut,-I In SIN attempt to
:err, it IN entinrntola _.`NK) l+i•rwi,ls get away front Policesuall Iridis -He",
I\ l(r -ft cr.---ilTtnI'll n•7fiodesnep fr-)tto wllo P116Ated hhn for rettuffW to
tfir- IfPni-rHl-a,p(+alvic au-locairaul 1,44 awve_00.. _ . __1 -___
works Ihnt the, tire dl-PNvutryll ittown, nevor,lnlg to the Informit.
upon the cars. tion it. tho mulls of the p)hce, wan
6, , rex- at the, corner of
s -rel t tri , 1stn hdlD IICPO
tis nt o lm• 1 I l l
It hR R
telal tilt• boycott to the else, of gall nrvi IK-Catil strepta, when the fine.
and rlectrie fight. hath 11r which elf -sewn appraach+4 and told film to
:it,,. mninlalned luul controlled by fail oil. Itrown d(•f in red he %-u;
tit v�chrurrtadv Ilnilw;nv :'o. wnhittR for n enr, ani stn word
Thr Tniiir'i AOreritTiTylina nrrnn = 1^1 f6 it'nothrr antit arse• bffh-eY iT,t*T
fvl for the, Importation of 70 enr),- film hale•" arrewt. Tire student, It
title- Au carry men to and far,:is 1v mni,l. reelittfd, nal fn the niterrn-
wnok; tion 'film khould„r wit dlmhlent,vi.
- _ - _ _ ._ Itrown, wan takon irrtmrdlately to the
F:mergpa•y flo+pitnl. where Ur. St•Irr
A MAGNIFICENT FUNERAI_ witty cilli( -t to attewl him. At :1 o'clock
yrwtenlny afternoon Brown wits Able
Alwei- el' 1'n mous ('hinrw \far• to len%e the, hospital. nnl wills tnken
to No. _ lobre 0lntlon. where fir.
slay i'oll(llttir-d—WAthrera)1O--__ VV111a.ott -ot. tk,�_--3tp}al _LulleRa_ at
elvinKllnl, Nov. 16. --Thr fnnvral of Dental 8nrgeonle roam wniting to hall
Lul-Kun,Y'i, the fiimmlp Viceroy of film ree.t. Sergt, Watwon drew up
the leafs, nest Brown went homy.
Nankfn, wWtt t .,it p'nci to-dny at fir Witt nppenr thaw morning In tit%
Nall w'ram the occamlon rive tiblort- r'otfi r t'onrt to naawrr a charge of
Nhthell'm Point of 11tinn11p, 1•t'..*' p, '-""`munt,e„'e a ..'""
"Y'ar "hellhink hrroklr lo,•l M' on flit, twirl of the forrign rupre-
m(wrrnger Ipo,m revelve Not st Iter
(lily. nal tlu y work viery dny. The
brn,kl-r bois-41 nut work c%vr• &iy.”
"No. hr.•nkf•r lluym nre not allnw•ei
to work )-ver,- tiny lay till, rompin,.
twill they hn%e to live etery lay."
rr•pllrvi Prrntdenl MitehPI1.
After the opening of the Inlerninit
sesston chilrm•an Gray. for lit:` corn
ml"rioll. n(hlrrmmel John T. I,^nc-
hnn, nn" of thr nttornryw for thr
I i.on-union m"n. At y1•rt^r-
tifry'w twoodon Mr. Ile n^hnn
will hp reprettntel the, ncxl-
nhion men work Wrorkol duringthe
rtrlke. nal wnntel to know what
thrlr manta/, would be. h,roro thrrom-
Jnshtt• bray wlald tier commission
co,110 not give n de•Iminn unta inter
It had e,nr,•folly conplder•(I thn twit-
trr.f •
(•,MI Colnpftn)'m ABegatlon.
I'Ll'kidrlp.hla, Nov. 10.--1111" mt.tlr-
Ment .rr the i,rhigh ('out A Nn%iwt
tile" Collumin,%, snhmittrol to tit,- nn
1hrnrlte a sill wtrlkr cnmmtmmo)n fall v
In eespl m at Arrnnton, lint in slit-
o%%rr to that 0,IM'14wM of the' mhuerw-
an aro made lnMlle IWWP tu-"Y. 'Pits
-rmrr• ervv:--Tyr.••-?.n++-r..e
("Irteire wain of lmnlenme length. tend
the ent,Nr lub•w, ny commo,al of the
D)% ngrr I;mprrs", were enrrled (till
%lilt Iml"•riml pomp. Noarly n gnlr-
lrror, it million people line the roule
to rite, Jetty where tilt, rrmninm were
rmholl$ed by n Chtrlrsp crlltmer, w'hi,•h
%ill hoppr them to Hunan. the lint' VP
prlelare of the drcenrtpd oetate•lllnn,
Tear forrion man-of-wnr lying off
Ow city fired tnirule Rung daring tile.
prolrr(,Pm of thr fnnernt prnrranton.
Mltlhp in Constal„Ilary.
I<InRlrton, (int., Nov. 16.-A letter
fr4nn month Afrk+n Iltatrw that lot
'm"11 Anil two offk+erm of Troop No. 17,
of tier, South African Conalnlnllary,
m'Itinlyd No renponn are Riven. but
ih,, writer P•,petpd the dioml•a•►1
froomox-miefb of nil the offt,nd"rn.
tarot. 14r%%•r1I, ref Oltnwn, WAR In
M%mnrnnrll e _
All (irn•rn t iron on P valnell horwp
1"`lollging . i n F:. F I CIIIVrr, of 01 -c -I t
Ihrrinalon. M i,va., r•vrnlel it 1e"-
ernl piet- nndPr thr skin arts Ila
Illmor/ver. ','hat 111. 1' If IIeI• lives. a
Priest Wheat lie Married.
Oltawn, Nov. ,16. -Word wave re-
reived lo -day Id MIP saiclde [it Buck-
Ir►ghnnt. Que., rvf Thomam Cooke, In,y"on
of .1. T, C. C anket of that town. ..
wait fontold drool with n hnllet hole In
him tnilie , and a revolver was total nit
by hie wlde•' Rst rnngetna•ot bet"'Pen
Ilam fnthor and rrlrllher, nn0 nn at-
leReit revelation In cxvrineetlon with
a mnit (or wP,strAtloo RMI Allmclny.
Lit which his mother IN pinlntiff. Anti
fnUlrr defendant, Is weld to hnve
M. yrl on him mind. Hull la*yr•rm
way teat at tho tfa w of hbt marringP
(WAP Wam n Cel(holie prirmt tit
Tht'ee Rtvers. Thp drrencp plend thin
fast, and urRw thnt lite wife, whose
ran lilt" n dame Wnm Nm1,111, hall no
claim. as tillage, lawn of Q11ohne (M
not rPrognlse of morringrs am
valid. '
The won Imilllel (rf t him famFly )ds-
t,w fur th4M first or
rale rpently, and
It nllryled that Clip nnfortnnatA
lar"Itlon In which hr found him-lelf
led to the auloldee
8111,1 11'• iN desrrdNNt ill their rP r,ls "
I licit. N. Y _. %U%". 17.—t-alll Z(awal-
INV., tit ilia, 0tatkm. T11P .Albany of-
Iut t vaueed tSwbillst, 1(t' ten ren
d'•nua'd to It lulu[ l••rin or anti +111-
ski, ek- ptiwml,-r who w/4Y hrnrml-"I fu
fieer ulml otherle went ]suck after
Zowulskf etp•clilig,to fhlol him dead
matt for Nleltlintti tat Wilton fit d 975.
Cfevelaad. Ohif., anti wall iu ad►•trKo
or hijnrnl, boat not, truce of )aim'was
lint (fff•ctpd him rmrispe to Etlttln d,
of an .,,,puny officer Win wiser leaking
folnal thewaKh ilio wvareh rose kryrt
where Ili- iw mnpPeo/,d to have in
MIKA him Anur•Iti.tic principles. 111
)-fail it, AllNtu, to an,w,•r a ribsrgo
tilt till after dayllght. -
fathl r was A INuria/tM cotunomnI
ter grilled Inrccuy, eNcapcd from the
It has sinco been discovered that
fYlunrtlor, trot Rubino valrlp fp•rvin"
. itl!wrvtvrn mlivcial Junt w•e"t of
Zuwnlaki ellmtsed to the top of the
hl the nnny %%-list cion lenined to five
eh +sit; tit uu early hrwtr thin morn-
'awncfe Iar141 rxlo to thin city. Ifo re-
nmlnral too the roof till Junt bofurc
•wparw' deteution for Writing n rule-
verrlcr urwrgN lobe wrtk4". minae lets_
for train +tnrtld and then drrPglel
Inst It:,ly h(' has rialli'lel rnntlnlwumly
Tilt train wasal"xal fivo,mil,wfr'leu
off! nal earnlm"1 In the darknew". 1(e
III Se•ollaiml Airl l:agitata1, first lu GbLm-
aas ruulllug, fifty wife"
' WAS crest by- a messerwer, ley a few
gu%v and nftf•rwnr0m lu London. Sumo
an hem;ilIlk I se- p•rn it
minutes later warming himmmr INi-
yetrs nom he %%as ucrumed U( tre•ach-
to entcloset. t;rt Ir. mfuUtr• ,or
oNif• txin of the switch engine", tend
rr • tay Lis Allctrchlrt frtpud/ and ex-
two Inofficer' looked for. hhn
It IN su xos(•al that lits left before
pN Ilrl from their ranks►
And Ithnl tike door wn0
.kryllght on n freiglo1. Huw hpVROOM
n fe\V dam' r Yt��•`
k)ckddt hale prisoner had r•w
clarnlxrrr"1 frcxak tike wlgduw to the
7V BRIDE 64,
Caped hat window. A few
top of tho ccnch Is thq womler of all
minuterale. the train star-
railroad' mon here.
Two Ina,alrs .,I . Viaw"Ili indaNtrial
House Secretly Marrird. _
SI. CntllArtnem, Nov. 16.-A rather
unusual tne ;vent
place last Weak In tlcity
Ininateis of the lntnty ln4,.Ttrw11
license, Henry Wevens. aged 76, and
F:Ilsnleatl .lane Campbell. aK(•'I 114,
r rte v a • e. fi • ro-
oyer rinhl lin lv an sol 1 % n f
cal clrrgynann. niid none of tho of-
ficials of tier Impose losmier that much
an event NVAw to oeevir.
on the happy (lily the guy yePun t
brkM asoma p•rmimmfon to conte to
nal" city to %iN)t .telrnda. rule `ten"
llowel to loaco lite fiI omcbat the
Death Roll in the Explosion Case May
grtxmo Askrtt toave tit nn one and
Nur iW-ver missal from tile insttu-
tion. Since the yceojing the ha ey
Reach Sixteen •
couple have eivaltlnuel to reside at
the home.
- --- -
New Yurk, Vot. 1'f.-lleruuul Kuu.'- Irkty tiro wry the fly was an onlin-
W T '
rr /
I if it r sear 1 wt of
mel i 1 -old n k
ur.•Ixlttlr. The rhv itinse iir-
1 1 . Iris
Ili •Vr •t
Ikfeat of Itrs•rs (liar to Appalling
tcHnacco denier living in the Bronx,
i r 1 Irma fLls ltl(eCtral with
MN-Irlppb&,q Rpratw.
lints Islet lemn., -ttrrr eNetts of n fly
. DrAth Roll May y tewrh 114.
&-I lite, Nov. 14. -Thr Lukrel tel-
Lltr inflicted last Wradnemday'. A lrw
New" Yorir,. \tic. 17. -Frank O'Con-
tiviger prinlm from the ud%nnct-
11 airs tater it w'lnall rfi'A,madrt by the
new, 17 ,r•nry of nge. thrid to -defy of
sheets a mummfary of teen. lle•wf-Wit
bite devrl(iim"1 nkt11 a sm,011ing, whish
hljurbw surf, -rayl at the flrelworkw ex -
1-ifN+Lnn ht Alna kkif"te (h Mrc-
Weak. �itruggle iletwrrn R(N•r
nnl 11•itnln." it wlym the work .111-
pvtendrd o%Pr the Pnitrto eheork. The
faun amu,. Ho 4v ,ho fittra,nlh P,palaal
pLAN►fonatl-l), llKII& dl,, land frit nit-
sncplling ronttnul-4 to quad until
to dire aosn resin o[ that nrCldenl.
ly rrpronrh-•s Englrtnd for pr.wok_
the 1whole uirier portom (d the rh1o1•w
LM1,Niriall rtt .Bell 'tie H+x:pitat maid
Ing the Witt- nnl for coin" ttiag
Moly yvnm listrnlyd.. The donors
lo•oha, that the t tit of .Tnm,w
Fenton, colored, an er %letlm of
ernelttes In cogelncling it, hlal tit
--1 --OT-
Mntt/T of
peolvir, witi 11 nP m t m Uµle
PN•1lprl f`, of %t'tl(ml he Nn �" that Illhle
finally I)— %ictint fll,d. Thr 1•hil•l'w
n fe\V dam' r Yt��•`
eheirnelrrk i% pro exIremel,% rale
rmeang the fighting, Masers ,i -l-
---- - . _ . _
Ito rownrfllce, lack of di.ciph"",
Jalll%were. t( nil et ivit rkj-r:t• JADES KEiR=HARDIE
Iron overt' to he vert with nm,elg
than to nn appalling /)gree. lfad
there not. aleck .so...afttuA .Lrallota..4a
their own camp the Boers would
rr%er ll,%%e brerl mo utlrrly defente,l.
nirawl'nh•"orTwhuand quadrupteU States Insures
fn V
St. P(Aprstnvrg. Nov. 16.-Neww Iran
}heal 1,.en recch'al or a rpmarkabl+ 111nN0a•I". No%. 17. -The police have,
fillnlly ht tie,, cllinge of hozenkown, t(rrpwlarl an Englishman. Jampm
1'ntil r(eently it rlrnoleatr"1 of fntilpv Ifilrdip, oil nnwpirion of his having
an: motho,r nnfl three p►tres M twine, boreal connected with the tit lempt
tont It ham twen Inrreneireat by the inade Nntardn) by Rnhin) on Ilip
Hart It of (lu nlruplete►- three lays life of King Lcoltold.
on" gtrl. .UI the Infants rare olive tlrnse(eb, Nrrv. 17. -Tete given Ibinlle,
nal npprr(•ni,ly thriving. n•.hr, WAR arrrnlrrl on eanxi,loi,o tot
Onl) (:toll• Prrehn Itial !laving pl.rllrtpntrel In Amirs,llist in-
tilgu"Ia, tur,tm oat to by .inm(w Ketr
Lotmp ion. Nov. 16-ThPrefr.wlonnl Ihtratin, M. P..' the forme► chnlrmnn
1'w)lferm' Asmoehltlon, which emhinrpa of Ulu el
brlortadent Water party And
the-1pndinu p.oromrir)nal players IIAs lvptl known Inhowr' Infkiler. He wn)r
(W leol After A dle$u
r,wMn of the new ,llharquPatly rplen0al, land kxlgPd a
rest)ller somal ball, thnt it 1-4not roontlrLttnt at (tin British [Mixtlon.
enlltt"el v" to them AdvAneempnt 6f Hnntle, tram nrr,t0t(,d rat the ffotpi
Koff nm n gnmp of Wit It nryt" that Wntprloq. Aratpnrrntly tho loollroe werp
only gnn re
ttpirw h
tltw li
lle law"] in hKrtrraut of hies Identit,%, Anti In 1gr)t"
opn ehArnplonphlps next yeeir. art film pivstPe$t he wnA taken to a
CLlra,to MnehfnimtokUnion will t,Lk• Ix'<4'a eta•tlrin.
In "hnn,ly men" now and level frio- 'no Clip Their Winga,
tion. ' ' rt. P.-tersbltig, Nov. 31 -The Jig•
__ -. __ __-_,.. _.,m_
to Hamper United
nce Companies.
i.lr, of (hn Intprk)r in preparing
to rpel ep the taws governinil lite Is-
0uraner, compnn'es. with thr ob;e•t
of curtaintog the Activity of for-
elirn rompnnips. T11rss, ewpecinlly the
timprionn. are mericntwly nfferting
the Mtdness of the Rnlsation com-
,,sous Two Royal Tourisme-.
Singig)m Ntralts 8ettlemcnin.
Nov. 17.-tt n recent null0twe the
King of Siam Pxpf'Pwx%i to Commie-
sioner Rnr►ptt, of We St. Loulw
F;xlopltion, lits PxtrpmP plelaaurr ell
this rrrppt'on Aeconlf!rl the f'row'n
Prime, Chow•dn Mahn. V'ajim%urth, In
thilnitrvl fititiPm.
lgnenrm 8trnits MettlPments.
Nov. i7 The SnitA.n of Johore. Mn -
Illy Plninwnln, will nnakp n tonr of
Amrria In 1t)(H. anit will viatt tilt -
St Louis F;cposltlon.