The Signal, 1902-11-20, Page 6&le/ trine77V-Ca,
4Le-4446% nr-nv rate 449 e&
+'1 auk 1 ery curry; hut, net a ion
to pk'ate you. wether, can I gi.t.
up the "'enema- with of my life, eve
knots'," Then, wailing 0 little, he
Makin' "Ther") are too thing, of
w Writ a elate }M himself the beet
Harr -a berme mud a wife. Now, rue
deur neither. 1 limier ytot a re ,IMO!p-
ytutoteti; halt It cannot be helped. My
r 1$+irg_ hg_. made, en es' ethalLAMeinee
wife!. and to ether." e
lie rertpiilly 'mreew-4rhnt nil;-iity-a___
Fur thirty yearn he had_$itua le lee [eg�lem
Itlm mother In all things', Iron tit Intl
he hat taken the bit in hie 1teeth
eith a Venire/thee.
"It will be the mod fooled' thing
you ever dh1 !r. your life." Mee ways.
141tcrly "!nu will, inn rry nen' ignur-
ielet • reek! amply \iveituwr she here n
pretty fare. 1k of interrupt me.
:taurtee," fete rertu ts, wavtrig--11-i r
hand. "You will mar v her. and re-
pent it. in el% nle.rltIl
i do net tlknk Nu." h returnee. in
It hew voice, a tender 1t alt in him
"Nonnettett'.' uric+ head}' Ice det.+lth
pallentle. "flew will yon like to Mer
>) your wife totally Ignorant i the
r)lala0nl things. of Ml.e i ty i Yeti will
he 14141144 well of nil the Mt•'t '' a tel
awkward things mho will do 11,
seta. I tell vac, \laurl:'e•, 111,14. !hal
that girl 1s totally unfitted in
. terry pay to 1m+ your wife.•.
IF- ori} alailkti Ida ltt hit autt tb:nkn
of the ititl he 10-. A wo I:e.trly.
• "I slit not want n fashion plate for
a wile," hitt allrwerK "I want 0 wYnvest%
to lave mo itnd ale unl,4. What doe.
II. alalter__alxlul shot beuells-itu.a-
bug a Alison Moclety :' If my wife pl• it.en
:me %tent need any one flee erre+
Lade leermot tonere all patient .• w itlt
"I wink Idled neter seen her ru+a:"
the trite. "You would suave nulrrie'd
Ilan nue Iota fur 11. r. She eentengllettem
the eriimeen, ngilatol face, and then
meet grarionely premmew new lips on
tearer -0 forehead.
"My dear ebiki, ;von need lull lie
efrahl. Nara- go. eletarire will explain
Ilium -if. You wilt find him in tht>)llr
rnry. It11t"-tud here she Maker it
ulama! effcvtivu yuuae.-"if i Hemmed un-
kind yesterday_ remember. 1 all hid
root l u• r."
reeve,. a Ottlil have married Florae'
'Well, I eupposeetoa will take your
Own way. Good -night, Maurice ;" and
Sir Maurice sits alone la hie "4..1a'
mud thinks of the tente• when Geode.
will he him % ery tin 11 Wilde his
met her triode einem! amid Int ter tette,
the 'solitude of her room Irver her
of her eche:nee
It le the elety ef the bail. and Sir
Sliturke. line Well *renter tinsucceine
fully ell the merlon% te catch ieley
idea, few it few emeneute. 're Ids
bserk lee leer Int.e. 4101.4 1111 no
'tear' to be femme. aid petentle the
greater pert len of 1.4•1. time trey
by herself. poor meta liim very -
frighten,. her now , all the
frank. tot eet eniurittlewhlit of the old
1111A-4 *menu goer. In deimair Mau-
rice mew to hie Heather.
'Meer venem mike. tett nie whet
14 wrong with (limey. She wtone speak
tit 1110 or look at me."
Lady Dermot t•onstelerm for me -
'none and tureen. to the. ewe:Motion
lint it le whored. to :mike the beet
et 0 hlitrInenia. There in no tow
ill 0441On:111g the lita tell. 'for - Maurice
ham made up him mind. •
"My dear Maurice," her Intlywhip
N ape between fad feline; tree'. "of
u▪ ucableration. I men never Nay it
le with my mallet Ion t !kit enn•
-Inlet this' nuirrIngp; but I will or
further orposit intl."
'Anal It Willi he few my Iteeprointees,"
haps is dome net rare for RIP In the
tad tinee."
nee mhe (Wake of Hie pittione eitatne
• mleery her mord.' lee/eget into
"tam 4%111 remember 1 did it for the
tweet," Ole muff, 1pr
o, 41.4 1001401 1111141 Flo 1111 your fu-
ture. IN al. It tram my wl and I teed
"You or -111 Need leer here to me, nio-
ilb1 11 five minutes' private oonverea.
"Very ',cell,- levee Itemise nnewent,
NISI then imte her halide on hie /shoul-
der,' and leoke tip into hie fae.e. "TIM;
great !ohm 1,0 111P, Nfattrice,
forwent nitwit eour making a
tamed near riegsee'
lie eloope aid Inmates her.
"Steelier, I on not' n le in
love elle thly and ant lif It the Treet.
1 Wit:ruler hetve pleaded you in the
'• 1 (1111 liolse yalt will lit rt rel.
for ce•uturit•r. By the lime her lady-
etil, bar flulshed drem.Iug. rbc is re-
melted to be perfectly charmed wltb
.lent Alaurele'r r.mautie love -match.
And rbc meth clown the etalritarc, her
black velvet role trailing behind her,
1110 1)trmot diamond* biasing on her
became, ill her (lair, awl tell her routed
arum; alai atop traco e1( auueyateee
line left her 'ante/Ale brow.
".ttul wlwt de, y pet thick'." rho
wbu,ts•rl to Mee Bray. smiling vary
/Sweetly into tient matron's' rubicund
ot$tutenunee 1N1 with uteu blow mha
entailer cut the IIu1MW of the ethereal
Pray fere%er. "My rote haw found tout
time he t•.uunot Ill u Indiana our lit-
tle tiywy ;told the yeanlg people ret -
1l. et all lh.•wtr•Iter thaw aftl•rueuu."
111, ' nod Mown go the corners
•4 %Jr. Itray'1 010.1 rxprerritn
Month. "(th." reticule i.: (tray ;
nod her ttpw Aen/llme a !curve of iKe
appointment. the ktt't ami j: weary
u11 hes' mnewl.1, lenient riming and fall-
ing with greeter rapidity than us'
tial. "Anti you are dlaappointe.l, Lady
hotfoot," whe,gete mit tit hid, look -
lug at that lady's immovable 01111
l elle nee.
"Disappointed? No. I am charmed.
ellpery In the deareet little thing in
the work': and. lf nes dear ley he
happy what mere I wish?"
"011, of eourse, that etery thing'
murmurs Mee Bray, vaguely. emoote•
Leg out tho fate Id lite dress. and
thinking what a fool Win Wale' to
go to the expense of coming leo 'him
Sir Mu Ilgiee engaged. the mil.%
1 aril Ina 114041 Vitiate Wad gone.
Laity 1 (Mee proeeette
"meetly regale :
"Thee le all In tenifidenc.•, of cone:ire
I have told only you, fur 'I waw really
afraid you had all been thinking
Sbettrieo Nam neglecting "meets
Mut tn.-fully. nth! I know yoti Will
intik. ory allowance fur a 111011
la lobre."
Philtre Ill taint) 'S eyesit fas ate, that Mre. Bray will t 1 it to every.
Tont` illin-flaMelf-lertrigitte-ine
"I alit going %way ter -morrow. Olt emifieence. of cotter& And thin id inlet
'please-, %lint Katherine, don't what elle wants, for the sooner Mks
wee him to-dety:" Blake hear* 11 the better.
Her litelyeritip only smiles, and, way- Down e01110 the Misses Bray, ar-
rnyed no Night and Morning, ono in
big her hand, @aye
''Matirieo waiting -COMP!" black net and with thOentalldS Of
' Whitt. :le emorydrOli. she- 20,11. tk; 1110011if and sitil NI all over her, afiel -the
other in pale blue, adorned plentifully
1111' 11011•11 her, end am all hie life will
he think ed her lee she lookm toelay. with rmi"..
"Very pretty :" nitirmure Lady Ih.r-
in her sweet, liniment matienhootL
mot. looking them over, nal think -
hie very Hirai of womanly perfection.
lug thnt in all her life ratio ham never
And hie whole heart melte with a
seen such elrentiful looking girls.
great. paimiettente teederneom an lie
111.1 then the other gUests aptwar,
leeke at her facie Htw eyes never •
meet lea -they are fittlY1 on the floor all i" c"'"t"1"---"" ehle'rlY c"1"
imel 1114 0 courtier, whom chief tea-
- and lie can sem her needle trein-
tolitlae Not here oar, he apeak to leer,
el lier0 can be nee the north that wIdtP silk 'stockings, a great pro-
fimion of rufflem hanging over Me
make her Ida very int 11.
't1et hat, eipey, and come MINIS, Olio of which bottle all enor-
telle!' he mese a.tter it heel peewee
hinee4111.1net he le quire the fait obi
See Sittueme. with a teetwsl of neither
beau, mei affect. a little tempering
t oughts., rushing through hie brain. „,
1.14 ae-ite her 'many to come out wit" tut, mittofill 1.110 ettY,I
'lumber of fast Hauge that he would
not dare to Telt aro 011 III hike ordin-
ary teethe*. Tlien there tire two
emit lee nr re' yo I ILA pawed, tile, pain-
/elle attateselatut. ot-thele-st.-Mlys /elk
eithes, and their garteen do ma event
to work nroperll, auel require et
good deal of Nett% bitehlitg. And
presently t here appear's another
coedit' to the Dermote, who has mule
a great mastery td, her dress all
arty. and It. thew out to be the White
Cat of the fairy tale. ansl a very
;wetly dress, too. "It Le to be hoped
you will find a prince." remark.' Mee.
Bray, rail! fuming an.1 palpitating
over the WWII of Slr Mauriet.'w en
gagentent. wheretepen one of the
winch ulnuest looks; like the forerun-
ner tot un atteck of aproplety. and.
to rover IAA centurion. lip retaken a
fierioue dive at the poor stex.king....
"I hope tee" pus, the White Cat.
Iteel finites sheetly on her drain.
And then tee Jewel Itimmelf etalke
in. looking etewy Melt n goodly mate,
" When the butter xvon't
come put a penny in the
churn," is an old time dairy
proverb. It often seems- to
work though no one has -ever
told why.
When :slathers are worried
.because the children do not
gain strength ,and flesh .we
say give them Scott's Emul-
It is like the penny in the
milk because it works and
because there is something
astonishing about it.
Scott's Emulsion is simply
a milk of pure cod liver oil
with some hypophosphites
especially prepared for delicate
stomachs. .
Chikdren take to it naturally
because they like the taste
and the remedy takes just as
naturally to the, children be -
Cause iris so perfecttradapteti
Fcr all weak and J -sale and
thin children Scott's Emulsion
is the most satisfactory treat -
wit lam.
redone 4 the deeper. tin veter
that lir behind len (ammonia:tee
eel weal user to be alone with him
Ile %talks er le where she hetet,
mei Lakes her haat.
"Yrs. plea he 1111311. I hare Nome -
Hew to &my to you toelity, iIipey.
nal I wane! -rather testy .it outedilet
feet. by ialirMelVem. than here."
ita.1 ehe looked lap into hie
fem., elle meet hare gummed his
meaning; but her eyem travel no
further then his boots; RIO mhe
no +Meet, eV hope gnawing at her
.trel e41) together they wnlle noway
te the wood& where they hale
often WM 1111Pred before, meter the
lentleme tree& on by the stream,
the eerie..
There his (elle hie lave alory
bill IINV 11 wey, • bit by bit, t:11 attired In the deeps of. n Spriniteli ma
takes liio (41irigy mood.
and /die. it int him tied. kismet -oil
her lime nwakee. from leer eirenne.
:41.1 141104/4 N her life itroui.1
ha s is been ss it hoot hall.
Sla melees 1114 11101
11rP1.1111g-r110111 1 hilt teeming. ids (nee
"IL 1st all right : iehise 114111. Pr'n11-
best to Ire my wife!"
"Heel pet the 'slighted Arial on
the eitioject ?'" 14 AN Lady !lethal.
totally tumble to cOliCeil I her stie-
gis et. tit.; but itleame 00 not eitheet
ale to be very effunive in my con.
gra ttilivtiona."
Ilia t:tee chou Is over as hie iao-
ther'm chilly' hews fall upon hie vale
"You will be Med to her ?" he notice
elnewt plendingly. "You won't let
Inele„rt 1111:r07.,1hfa Jolt are 110t 'Weaned.
"Oh, I rained premiere to con-
tend my feeling,. 1,11 ille 41114.1.1, rind
1 ele, not teuppome that either of
yell %%ill merle rarer. Mee return&
beee• rakes' Lady, nermeorm wrath.
feel great eatiodne•thon 111 knowing
thee I tried to prevent thine lam
11PVier Waite me alterward.
mei three' thinking with paremianitele
111111.4 "M0t1IPIN I never knew how !skirmishing in all direetione.
110 lipy (walla feel till to -day." .i.nd very (Inn 1)81 1 it 11I. If plenty
"1 tempter. not,' she, equine. enre- of people. tl bloke of light, any
Imody. eVerer ideate are not very amount or dancing in a good lioneet
orIgiikil, Maurice. Anti now I meet eountry Ntele. and plenty of flirting
rhir for Illy 111,1 I, I. 1 U011.1.VT. I'very mete up a good hall. then thin ix un -
11:111 1111,11114.1 on (lemming for the doubtedly one of the finest Priam,i-
het 11 lirfore dinner. no that they pens of the kind.
my Nee merh other's continne' to There 1 01 It W110144101111. 11PalthY
ekwe, an411 stir Maurice avalkoe out of
the Tr III. M1OW, repturoted adoration of one cor-
ms of the reom, no steering
"He la cry much In lova now with
that Ellie foul ; hut immelbly he will bockwarel, with rapt, agonised coun-
tire he long before they can tenement, through the crowd. The
marry, sew lathe and f mpg .0.11,10
It Nwinging pain anti roam! 11 WI
n1111111, 11(0011 thilleer 11 11 WI 1.14 .111 11PP rm.
Wit La.le
rind won. erre at w gee, ei.reem... h11 Porte of genteel:me
mon of the ;erre In e 1111.M. The Keene ie Indeed
tador. alt velvet and Kota lace ate,
little belie ;testi him ,shapely
Inge: anel V1'6.1; Sir Nina -lee Iserenot
keokee ree n ell /04 144. 1041k14
TIwy n11 ntiteare merle Mime,.
Jerome'. and welk the length 14 the
hong de. wing roma and there 1.. a
moot deed of humping and eluitt.f:tri-
tog. in the gulden 14 %%allele
nolles1 One path rytof. how-
ever. male quickly, am Mr appearm
end taken refuge 146.01110 141 11S Der-
!" grade Stree Bray, look-
ing at Gipsy's drew.
It los that of a Spaniel! peaaant :
reel the wimple, pretty (sedum'. emits
the weerer well. Mlle appearn very
tanall, almost like a elide, in . hew
editor( gny math -eat reaching to her
iiiittlf41, and. with her velvet boellee
met white chemlnetle iota her dark
eyrie 'old bosh% mho looky 1 lir char -
eerier Ow. he Intended to repreeent.
"Very pretty :" they oil ray ; anti
Sir Mauler, thinks* lele darling bah
meter we lovely 11A 1,111P 111/PR 1 0-
Righl, 1 hot rw.w light in her
Nee itud the deep ceder her
Ile eel, trend et gny Hemmer,. with
her by and hy, and nil the world
will MVP /IOW beautiful Ms little
toweetheart Call be.
lento" the nem.
The gee mate tire in the drawing-
' recite -the %semen. at lend talking
over their sea einem for tit -114111.
Lady Dermot goon to her 1.W11
1 oula. anti media for lilf10.).. who ep-
ee -era psfe-f :loot end whle-e.f ed,
Iler future daughter -en -Ina Leidy
licralat tenni, her all tiler. from heed
to front. end tenet 'tenet to the wild,
aweet beauty 14 her ewe. Yen, OP IS
Ivry beautiful -there la elotebt
/Mout tient ; nrid her hely/slap Melts
nee 4110 11111k011 IIP emifentelon to leer -
eme• denr. and salmi the door, -
Abe my*, in end, milky rotten : noel
Bliiity obey e, like it frightened
ehld. roam* forward tO the table.
1,roty Dermot taken the two email.
nerveme benefit in her cool clasp, and
looks Into the downenet facie.
"Leek at me tier dear." noel the
grnve. "Pr"," Pere look up for
a emend. "Matirien le In tite library;
he telephoto' to meek to yea"
Lady leermert'e entice he hard and'
her weeder nee "diet In n wrote' she
girl boo nil veteman'eu shrinking (rem
facing the Men Ate fovea, hut whf,
let.r large, dark eyes, ti lel Liely
le reed ea 111101 hat feel, an mhe lonits
inti • tilt! girl's* mire, treiNting tem%
that Mainece might hate 41(.11p emelt
trter«... Aloe she neinarte enemy 'Fe neat
when elle sited. very mleyly and 0,41
"Tana you, Aunt lentlimine , it la
good of you to wait me so mach imp -
!engem. bevause I kesew you love him
her ktipuledge that who fa not be
wife -elected by Mauriee'a loather.
Lady Nermot klAR011 her more tint -
11:00 110111P 11.
"Ni/1 11r.OP 1111n 11111.1l* 11111 oWn ehylen,
my dear , it teen, with pm now to
mike his life et happy ene,"
Perhowe *flee nII, Me marriage
with feipay mey Ma be such et lend
thing In the ensl. Illpay will be very
plinbles. very obedient -aim will want:
n great deal of help and guidaneel
and who la better calculated 10 help
end guide her than Lady Dermot her -
Neff ? Very lately, an filmy le eft young
end Inexperienced. Meturire will he
well plenand to hare hler mother funk'.
premeneen Castle. her headquarters,
Howse. eject' hose been the dower
bottom of Hsu Dowager Imly Dermot'
'Yon. air; at, least that.
We will semi yell
Sample free.
4ure thst this Nowa in
the torn. ot • label is en ths
Arra,pe. el ever Witt* al
• Chemists.
Toronto, Ontario.
3w. and th on . 111 druggists.
The Moss With a Hobby.
New 1"ork Time",
hiabhy riding nm a 11 occupation un -
woe, thy td n man with a full intellec-
mny be ea hOre at tinier, and hi com-
leanly NO voted by people teeth 11
itie-ere and no paramount Omura. but
titter all he be the mien who accent-
pliehes moat, and without hie Meant-
ent purpose erne continuities Melee -
t in the -pert tenter propaganda to
ehich he devote,' him.4.11 many of
the influence,. which make for pro -
green. 11 ml from which the- human
gregnte benefit would ceases to lie
"Dr. agate, lettenie's lietrainerg
liread Ten," writes Sir F. Believe.
of lee 'cute %Vie, "etutlf1,4 mo to get
rid or an obetinat.• smell ; feel
very grateful UP 1110 eleceverer of
tiller ens...Heine."
Like a Ileinerara Team.
% enrenber of thee her .it !tette' le.
whiles arguing an appeal at tine gee-
orai term. of It, Supreme (alert. wan
preemie:In elf .11-..ent made hy the mewl
to lee fs; of lonv. Panning
abretrelly. lie etelainied, with marked
"It will. perhapa. bre resistible In
me to remark that the. enure et rale-
ly remind." me of n firmer:tea team '4
'' (V hat 7''' exclaimed the preilitIlltar
Judge. "What kind of a team may
'11 Na1.1 to be comrosed of two
mules and a jacketed," war the reply.
Ten Dollar Excurnion Via New York
To Boat on, Worceet Pr. Pet m r,
espringfleld or South Framingham.
gond ten nevi.
&gaits for full rarticularre.
Breaking it Jeanne.
e•litredo Tribune.
"Well." @Old the anxious young lien-
. "res, Henry." replied._ _Abe new
the MEM Thing ellen reins chest mini
tleiding thee/Ong-aro ynn that an an winter
rot., threnteus. roe the atantirb 0111 1.1.1114.4ft.
Perry Dante" Pistnkttler, Ong get. OM et lire
pest Is twenty -foto hours. 25 and 50 reale.
An Eye to Bustiname
washtneterr Misr -
"The Puke," maid the Patrolman
gentleman. "belongs to one of the
lama eminent and Intl-11(.01AI fam-
ilies of our time."
"Indeed!" responded the
millionaire, weth interest
!hie father-in-law ?"
Mlle Had Stotelt•ione.
Cashier -I can't home' .that Patsy*,
...lora 1010111 11 Berlin lady who Wall
tile well-known "cures" in leer•
tonne, ithe /C11 1 1. her a letter whittle
purported to LW it prescriptitne for
her tea einem 4 bere, and which she
preemie...1 to dr. doctor at the
etenes." It read an follOWN : "Hap,
'misfit bellatiau• ilerf I, elle. 101 .
The doctor teeniest the helm again
a ril tan- that tile lettere Wilell pat
iii proper mike,- ran ete fellow.;
"Rupten die de. thins 1.1r11141 1 hell. 1hr
dee. Venezuela:at 7" In Engin& them:
1 hOrtnaglily Well. There ill liat Wag
lite muttt•r trill' her. But pall out
sloWly, SO that her Innautiol may
hare a eireuple of menthe,' redt, by
ellielt mewed he 11111a nerhaos he re -
domed to health. Do you under -
/deed r
The doctor shook hie head debt=
melt over her. and ordered- tire
ingiatliet of the weed expertise, bath&
%talent and reet.-"New York Tri -
..The Grave %era fough-lo 'Ia. ery 4.1 lot,
turnol lungs far werea. tate thew merry lit
the fermi."( A11..1Co Loma Bolomo. 441111.11 1.41
need with good ellert, es ell 111 C.411/111111111011.4.
The heaportance or ihremmar.
Wantedl-Elperiencell 11111 SP far
hot t led baby'.
Wanted -An organitytt awl a me
to blow the mime.
Bulldog _for eateee_eitile_eat. 'tee-
thing. %ere fond of children'.
tleman with et gold head, little
Wanted-% lay- to he partly rmt -
side and partly below! the 00101 -
Airmail hale non" going on. Doh%
Lost -emir Malt elate arelewit v.
:nat. with a bent rib.
Brown, Nevis & en.. furriers. {mg
10 71 11.11011I1e0 that. they well make
up gowns. rape.. etc.. tor laeliee
0111 at their own skites.-Little
thieve of 111111P, lug completely rued
euffering, by the judecionx 1111P of MIN-
Tian above fact emi he verified by
writing to him. to the parish pviest
any of hie neighbor&
Merchant. Pt.
May 1:2th. Mott
For a Snit Corn.
Kilt corn IR certainly a ter-
rible sorrow. Have the poor Mali
bathe him foot for twenty minas*
lee ery hot eater, n repply an
ointment tnnele of equal porta/ of
pulsate. nee, an I deeply t•erate. Mike
cotton batting, end put Mr corn
foNieep foe the reight.-t•hleate. Iter-
Lnoboo Sim In liniment eiinsphidady removed
a-eurli. From 111.4 hares. I take pleasure in
reeommendlnir the reniedt. s• It nein with
mysteries,. prompters, tti the rein," al Iroln.
2:0114 1111,411.11r1ibrommeln.ieru.L.
Hold by all• erliegen..
Boot ma T'Ottner beg.
fongresismen Leery. of Iowa.
.ny e that during the last sierseitill
of Congreem a down east member
mtiagreted hint that mane or ow
"And where would .yott begin 7"
nektel Leery. The Yankee thought
it would be good idea to ;int
helm, on the free lint. It xtrteek
the Iowa man that lain romillteseind
;meld not favor that -ent. 1.”
raid: "How would pixie people lee.
free bootee and elem. ?" Tile Yankee
hastily replied : "011. thatee mine
et different. thing. anent* end shoe.
haven't eteengh ',retention now."
Tie. Iowa 'man maid "Sipleen".. and
walked away.
Mertikey Brand Soap removes% .11 stains,
rust., dirt or tarnish - but won't wash
sloths& ere
Learned ilim Lemon Well.
Neve York Timex.
les -What del you learn -at mtemei
toelay, Bobbie'?
• 1.t AM C111,1TV
FRAME J. enrstor mnItea oath that 4.1. the
weldor partner of Ove !Inn 1.1 .I. cadre I
, business hi the City of Tofrolo.
1 '044 ty :Onto t lint ,141•1 Ana
will env the won .4 oNL HUNIPRED 1101,
I.A1114 for •neli and every ease 01 CATAIIIIII
that Callao. IA. eured by the itise
Rworn to before me mod autmerned le my
presence, hi. et it rely of feeedmher, A.D.. 1 Petit
Notary relate
Hales eiotarrh Ire taken Internsilly Hof
hP A1R11P11 11111 cheque net hetet
chase... Ointment 111 eertnin
and usury form of nrhing
blendInfrand molt -tut ins. piles.
the mannfartureno hnve protranteed It. gee tore
timonials In the daily Immo and ask your neigh.
boro Whitt they think of it, You enn it• It and
gob your money hack If not cured. fivr ft het. et
Or,Chase's Ointment
Photo Paper.
Prints at night by any light
Romplo doyen. 4 11, with poetise*
Devalnpor •nr1 photo. walled for
enniollan Arent
the system ta..nd for Initial/minis. free
Fondly ilia an• the beet.
Sunlight Soap will not
burn the nap off woolens
nor the surface otf linens.
Ask for Ike Release Res. est
t ion Pert land Considered the Wiper
traffic. toll/wee, „purity, eborintenda,
child labor a 101 the I.10111 strike. Vet
WO etre bola that when women get
together they talk of nothing 1111
dregs and their imighborw. Out upon
yuch %Ile slanders t.
Slimier', Liniment the beat Hair Re-
storer. 1
Filled Want.
teems° Post.
110 WW1 cutting an item from a
me% simper.
"It telho how a home, Was robbed.
he 0%14/duet&
'Whitt good that do?"
friend inquired.
nee, till* Nunn. WILY T1 11111011 IN illr
men tear •t church eitle hie wife."
1 41y. "you haven't ein nuplieate
copy of that paper, have you 7" •
Minard's Maimed for Rheumatism.
l'oet of the Peem lllll neat May Han
- into Haien Billies,
At present the idea id to outlet et
venni with keke. but 1 bate utt. bleu
that them wile meet he dime. men -
level Ofilial bo the sarly one that void
finally be rentable. 'ene tide at Pan -
emu ea eighteen teet ; the title at
Poem eighteeu inches. When our
Sagint-ers get aortae tutu the Culebra
ably. report that the locks and
are great imp...anent& here
look mem a Iteil-leVt I canal UM IS for. -
gone Lancia -ion. elnking the tie
Wise mat 04;11144qt feet Worm , than
Hie peewee etirreyoe eel' fee item re.
mlillon dealers at 0110 clip. Be-
fore we hate illantered the probleme
of heelth. rat& wind and tide. &WAIST.
11 14114041 414/1111rAk
ram!. the fined prothart of Coeetalnitie
flit islito junta fowl for-
twee,- eoverneor of the Pre:niece .4
1'11 1111 MIL 111' oaths, dint partiew
lkeeneleit to, or the Canal. and fill or
moue But teen this spiendel, 'won't -
gauge rti'dotolrui it eta lemmata liesti-
itter Wong pawning' riser to 1111 1.10.
.11 FM111111.1 HMI Colon.
or 27400 -Very rui-
lie. An my guitial friend. Ceptaie
Heel the bitzzarde. 1 11P street« of tem -
11.111, of the ellie teeter; involved lie 1
IWO leo of 4'1111)310 UP 1 OVeretlIto,.
./. Critical diplomatic relittloule with
rain only VOTTCO111/. WWI great m-
ei. neet am' tolerittiou• 1. The alma-
nrleitted extImittem moot. The mod
that the emit 1.1 thee eadertakeig
With the 114.11.141 (Juliet' te, Its op-
eration will be to reer llov..reement
adored aP2,001kiithe year. aline the
tarittx remelting from the world's
triode see, on the mime tertimede.
111V RA Hotly a7.0101.110 se; t loof ring
Minard's Liniment Cures Let Grippe.
NeW011)&1106 1'0111 I IA by sold in the lee
tercel of the Mrfoticarfto.
intiu•atIon% 111 jourunlo.m nye not
generally looked for in Eerope, bet
Petrie of Intl. had been .111111g a few
things hi that line. which hare _been
distinctly hoer. le nest is a
Cevernal for beggars. It heels haw 'Heel
the illettiliett lit frato•rnity, en.' the
price of which im 5 cents a copy.
gletice it. would immittra
ChTillre-WITY-TTIVITOr TOM- eons
•iiiilering the /114410.1111.1 1.11.1411/141.414.4
M1.141.114 of 110 render:4, but present-
able the eilitorm know what they
The ;libertine -gamete furnish inter -
meting rending for beggars tempor-
arily out of a Yee theagli it im
difficult to ungereteindejlew
play the flute a little.'
mon will tell hid blind centres. of
ta. vacancy.
Here IN 11.11011ter' simple of 0.11 ad -
vet -fleet! Viten ney which require, -
"Iva -toe-
In nildillon -to "tele." of thee kind.
notices of forthereming i•hriettenings.
burials and tathelnee or rieh
ISSUE NO. 47. 1902,
Mee. Winslow's Scotian( Sirup should
always be timed for Children Teething. 11
soothes ter child, aoftetes thsguee, Qum, „kw
auk and ia the A'S ranedr fed Diorite*.
?pi: tilt/ KTA It LIFE 1stril 011,13
a‘gelit 1 Mali ..r W.11141111 eight ekes
8181111111 01110 VIgig
A 4.111.141114W 4%111 igre1411v taverner theirs atile,a
1.1111. Write tailar intriiralros. Johnson
thOi01 attention. Send tor hoods. lllll •
amid CENTRAL illUMNESS COLLEGE, Toronto., Cis
The tlyallty •tn ni 1r0111 041.4111 la
Ocean. %our back 11 not sattafavi..ry
Agents, Montero%
revs:say. wage mewls housing
1'1mm% feedliased Entracte.. Hone
111111141•1/. rOnsiepoialtiivido soil pr... 1.1
ly attended 1.0, Beeswax 1411.1 1111.104
Iltiney wanted. WIll pay 2:". rents la•r tor
Feet, sp,1 Stirrepstokes ill T. ll
110/00 • A1110 year First 141181 MW144-1.•1
UP. m Inter lair lour rtareinist I tura
Stork ntolt mem nt-noatterille viten
111.411 411 tract."11 hitter) noisetaii
1440 IiiM olderti. 14~111 1114. III -
. 1.1.141
Inch.* or solid 1.01 111 I
Co_ Hamilton, On .
5 cent Cigar
Horse Health
Miners' I
tirsy Pressed
Pahl Out • Mil
eeteuton, Nov. I,
reset Oast u
Orlin it t the !strike
much of file
ye his etateutent
history- and to
leader leader. At te
gos el it went. Of 1
WO: lo•rd and the
to, the three
11:ealtal Ile eater
ping, and told
would like to be
littelsett up to the
that preceded the
He claimed that 11
and li01,-1111100
,eist before the
tee ametiug aeon
torte a over to Mr.
ruttuiustion. 'I h.
%%we're be A44111,
to keep all agreen
Stets veil the Weil
tor. take peeceden
daemon, lie maid.
. hoe laid a ere out
tie ileux et an
..11 hout nein
rood 'tete.", hold
bee: Mr. Mitchel
4i4A true that the
1111 UhNli 1.1 1.11 la**
nue elsa-t he call
Mr Mitchell e
of May Nth
that. WC. porno
ee metathetic -Jae iat•
maimed thid and I
is the ...bit Ulaileitis
ago vuomt to stipei
si 40111111
-.It taken the le
bite mem Ikeda A
T1141 W11111
sig.( erettl way
Allem Peet it. lie fee
erganital fire 411 I wet
the venire: by•
lethal cialltellt .1
there 7- itskeel Wile%
mil that 1,0.1m4 lei
Ile nab theft *Lau
1., arbitration. Ile
waif 111 favew of in,
lot 11/ UT% or of eat
WI:121.1,A at thief
hearty gti hoar in ret
• lieets from (cattalo
elell gave lateen he,
the industrial oonitin
1/4,1 inherent tn
Ilan lie dome uow.
:tar.] some questa
44 41.11 iensur
attenteete os 11/ 011 1 10
edhetel ley district
lent It provided
cortel 111 thc mint
hex et the Called I
tem, he meld.
what tel lut t thee
. hem% during the la,
one of the most imports'
'hinge for every immer •
Blood Purifier
will build up a run &MA 410C4C
It fence up the system, rid -
stomach of bots, worms and
other parasites which under-
mine an animal's health.
Hapoinesn !s th- shr,ee of pals. and in
A. TOOT44Aree141,--141-A
gar may know %%here to go to
woxecute ION vermilion with 'encores,
Soap Mete. •
No vain mai like,. to owe hie !dead
pulleel up by the root,' end nis
creed broken to Orme.
Michele n long train.
Pogrom. fortune. nro nnough to
harden the' heart.
There ham /feral no I age in the
find some melt of bloodr distant to
Pon -not deiiver your stinging re -
pp All MORS=
Itedersed bp best [span on•dle•lj
lapelled te 11.1t1sh soldiers In South Arrhata.
For all Threat end Oland Trembles. Lumps,
llllll s, Old Soros, IlIfisees,FeIons,
Ilth•rai•tlaw, twookses. Sprains, Devises,
011es, Cuts. Sees root, elouelsy
Se1d Oruialsts, Ste. Tel It *ems.
Minard's Liniment in tho beet.
Reporter Obeyed rum ions, Vet Hin
Work Did Not Pirate.
editor of ft grt ahead London evening
A ie annialine glory told of the
newspaper. who. In the eternal rush-
ing to peens to get ahead of the
oppoteitIon. W014 comanntly impres-
sing upon libe reporter,' the neer&
*Hy of condensing all news.
terrifie holier fixate -melon tted tak-
en piaon on hortn1 hit; retip lying
you oatoh the 1 1.40 train from Lon -
at Port mom th.
don bridge he there xoon af-
"(lot down there am hard as yon
jiist wire noi pomp_
thinw for the fifth edition. hut boil
it down."
.torl the reporter went.
Anon after n Weinek that after-
noon they got a wire from him:
Meier effort y. Engineer full. Funeral
to -morrow. Ro flowers."
fails forum Thousands who hays hee •
dared incerabie at baths and 1.1 AMNON.
thrown swartheir smashes. Was awl e •••
Isagesees accompany entry bottle.
A MOST acceptable
" Christmas Gift is a
box of Ryrie" station-
ery, stImped in relief
with a monogram.
Ws meow s Hatt die witli
ler Ares Wars, as ahoy.
Stems fetes k 1 20 sheets of
dear awe rarer:
And hands\ snett•sta re
matte, for a teal test el 114.00.
'TIN ter nue INV 11•111114.16
Ryrie Bros.,
TO0f11 and Adelaide 0011101,
lillatnt Intim him rally
Dig lint the ATOOD0
Mr. Mitchell if 11111
Mt" to Illtelp.lne t
fraction of the Jaw
romel Mitchell RIR
'If -Mr glen erred§
"1 the hilted More
)ea. There Wats no
/sent of a United MI
elpillsitill. Ile eel
et. however, that n1
strike were. not co
Ili" Idea or
riliS,‘1111:11:rn 4:51;1,61:Cali:14:41ith:11:1-41441"H1:ItIant:44,;rhn:mt
lini:::::;::t1,1"1111:1,E111:1:.,4:11 lwl4h.114)14(.1e:h;11:::::taintithil
/merest that lie kn
an'l fin Rammed
teson non?,