HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-11-20, Page 5TERNS: Cash ur t'rollute DS H STOCK ry Drew Skirts, tallor,mnde, latest laehl°n, from u JD to all.wool homespun. lab In the !atom ooloringe, a wide. liumeepuns, Veal - Wes, is, turd.. Serge' mud se, from boo meet ot Rale Coate mads I,y Robber 0.., from 13 50 t„ from 56 to 60 lathes. These ds In the trade. la ladies and Cbildree'e II wool Ho... he Deet lin. of Ftecklogt derich K.Ittlag MITI. R NOW ON MAL) MONSTER AIN DAYS . m DEC. 1, Price. that tueuns big Ilea❑ who:eeale 1„ice*. and Dec. 1st. RNE email IPE VARNISH. test Lustre, t Odor, est Applied Love -Pipe Varnish'', the pipes. Excellent Ion ron work. BEDFORD 0' BLOCK, . Blades that hold Edges GOOD KNIVES s. One, two, thr('t' well as every IH'ici. ly .31.23 each. every VIE, erich, Ont. MATTRESS. t4221*.• - F��� N THE WORLD. --- Absolutely Noirelv.., hy. mattress. and will not sng from U. Maitre,. nate. SMITH, Furnishings and Art Goal, Rost Street, (;(I IRRi('Ii e a great kinds of - the kind articularly ur Brea etig d" -I light and vwer,t r.s patent mons feet.` e r. V STREET. 40. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. W. Acheson & Son Carpets Suuaniiaiiy Reduced. ! Reduction', of leo to '20: a yard on wool aid union Carpet/. These are fine, revertible, clean stock, splendid patterns and good clear col- orings of groan., brown,, reds and blues, in a good choice. The only reason for reductions is that the stook is very much too large for this season. lard wide heavy reversible Colon ('arp.il, is 1 do igns/r1 40o goods as ................ .... esin lar o and Eire heavy uaioa Cornets, yard wide, copied from beet 11 00 fleshly and mond le coloring effect., both sides r ant, good value at 80.4at per yard 40c sari wide extra heavy all pelt, wool Usrpete, l• g..d p*Nars., regular 80,, at per yard ... .. 65c 30c COTTON BLANKETS. 20 mite. is white, with blue semi pisk berdero, j.jshl. bed 11N Mastake, melee 86o mostly, s' per rat/ MO., 65c DRESS SUITINGS, N.w uoveltts. just in stork, 50 to 56 inehoe wide pebble Cheviots, smooth and rouab ffnisti. to watghts suitable for unlined •alta and skirt., in Macke, blue., browse, grams end grey,, •t tier yard lit •2"1eates,d I'ATTRRNB for December cow to stook 'Themshow every variety of './meet for indoor .od outdoor . use, •meets) u'*rumss for elders 1r e., band frill Nov, Cies, tucked and .lot seem effect-, drop *boulder e //WA, new Norfolk eft of . Deoemba Wilke sheets tree. 51.00, 51.25 W. Acheson & Sone C4. UNTPOtIRRENCY. ' Wt., befog very soiree, and is roof &- mood. Sealant► s Cies. Absrb•rdt is opening • I It.ytb : Mus Zell& Carder had the misfot- drua Ston is Ileo 1. *rdeu block. tune to .Imp on the term i, la bar father's Salortb : .lama Arobrhal l moves foto lawn and badly sprained het left ankle. hi eue n toems wt k w airoot leoce, on \'h tune Bru•. rl• : Yrs. R. N. Barrett sed fancily ed to La machete : Sherman usy, of town annual willoresit: eirogham home.l Mr Beast rr.tt• Ma e' annual the death o1 his mother. who died In R dge• tunsor.ai pastor there. town, aged fifty rex I'Itatoo : Csotelou Bros. boys sent alit reoeotIv (Wahl) 10 •m•11 buy.rel 6000 pounds of batter sod 800 d1 zea of egg., the Morris: W. et Cloakley and family, formerly ontromb, who moved westward to Bret duo • few years ago, have returned to Oaterlo and are now resldeo1. of Toronto Seafortb : Roy Alice!, who has been seale• tams in the deotrlo light work. hero for some time, left lest week for Toronto, where b.teSaws, Axes' has moored 1,.1 oily. la an eleottieah l sah• ltmhmrot to that•t y. Clinton : John Hill, of the Base lime, who bee not Mesa miming ing the host of health and Files. for some time pact, de formation to the region of the appendix, is a mato laid d up at the boepltal, andwyol.g treatment. Turoberry ; Wm. Cralokehaake, of Turn - We have just opened out terrytbls,;iclamtoe Some ltyof Koorhe ,atlpryogrehsss6aived tht.ermer, oI . ,labia our Fall Stock of Axes, noe la the basement of hie large barn laid Axe Hand 1 e s,Buck etch °.meat. 'There were 3000 ignore fest to all. Saws, Cross -cut Saws, Uuderbcli towoshl p : Oar weII•kaowo apple king, as he is lamtharly called, Oso. 'hepp•ri, has 8otebed packing 2000 bleu. 10, Mr. Lou., Exeter, sad hoe taken Ag- atha'. o°straotfor Dr. Unna, Cllntoe, for 1000 Obis. Brussel. Tho,. Norton, cd Listowel, was calling 04 old friends to town a few days ago. He te pushing the beeinwe of Gilham & Martin, of L.atowel, at the present but w.11 return to the Ualversrty to complete 0I• coarse. Seatorth : A. S!aw.rs of the Stewart mlll- mg Company, hale parche.ed the K dd rem Mace on the corner of Market and Hi ,a .Saw -sets, Files, etc., etc., ;Intl we think we have the very best value to be had in this part of the -country. Axes, Wt' have a leader in the Daisy Axe at 6Sc. This Axe is known all over the t'ountry,'and should be re- .1,011.. where be now resides. 1'o• tailed at 75e., but we will C oroWrty was porgy hewed from the Bonk of ummorw, for $i,5uo, st'Il them while they last at et.1(', Re sure to see our Crown Jewell and 666 hand -Made Axes. They are the best Axes to he had this Fall. Saws a•uortn . Huwb Steobeoann has a rows - onset it, 6.. ionise which a out la full broom. Tots is the third time 16,. year that 11 6•. been tin bto.m, sod although the bads are sot as large or as numerous this time as on Iles brorf 000a Lowe they are perfr.: ft mere. Exeter U. Remo received mho sad pews on Monday of last week of the death of hie eepbow, Wm 'l s) for He was • frequent vis- itor in Exeter •ndhad many friends who will regret te Marmot his death acid whose sympa• .by 1. limeadeto the eorrowtog relatives. Seedersh : George E. Henderson, of the Comgtwmal note), has • troeloal runny of In the Happy idea Buck *Moe het V pretty proud. It 1e • bam•ha tree on whtob are tobrt en beaame and still More are growing. The bananas are g.ow te� spleedid:y, and bid lair to go to the full same. Se•fortb : An old and muoh respected esldeot of the town died 1n the person of re. D, Mersa this week. Mn. Moran had hem an ins slid for • longtime. Two daugh- ter., Mies Moran •n,1 Mrs, J0401 live lo town, and three coos In the Southern Stet... two of the sons were home to attend the tuo.rei. Blyth : Mus Flora W.Noo has gout, to W tooipeg. Her father eccompenied her as far.. Tomato. Shortly after M Weteoo'e arrival .t W loolpee then was married to glance M. West, foreman of The (Marlboro 1;awns, sod • termer member of the Myth Stsadard staff. Blyth: Hugh M. uerr)e was •ertouely mimeo about the hese and shoulders recent - ly He was riding in • wagon when the mat broke and be was thrown out to t6. ground. Hu injuries bare 'lace omen atm to the hone*, bat we are glad to !Oars M 1s recovering. Saw we hart! a world- beater, while ill Cross- cut ross- cut Saws we handle the Racer, Premier, Mon- arch, Champion, New Improved Champion and The Peerless, ;itis in thea we give you the best pos- sable prices. Files - All kinds of ISil stock. if We lead them it In a 10c. File. A Complete Stock of T and Strap Hinges, Haman James }:Ili, while driving his bores one day reoeoUy, bed the misfortune to have lc kick him on the knee. Inflicting • Barn Door Roller s, • p.infal wound. Tbc horse, w`li,oh le nm Thumb Latches,Cow ally very quiet, w•e Iseltog iso good the to play It 6.5.') oyer tboda,hboard, oboe Chains, Stall Fixtures, injariag Mr. solo. Horse Blankets, etc. Mor,. (bo. ob 16. "1.01. of 16. .on took piece at the comfortable residence We of Alex and Mrs, Forrest. 1st ll.e, when •e can please you. o.mpaoyof Iver 011' hundred guestsaesembl• Give us a call. .d to wnnee the marriage ceremony of their alooed eldest daughter, Mies Rebeooe, to Silos Johnston, of Morrie. Brussels : Robt. Oliver and Mie F,prs Ma ititrrie, 6011 o1 this Inoaitly, won mar iifiitit•L►ordon, North tl,ksta, tin other day mid returned to Brussels on Saturday of feet week We wteh them many happy years. Mr. Oliver will resume hie position as etrahout-mee for K. Gish sm. WierMws t Mr, sacci Yee. tl \ °shill lel. es Monday afternoon of lett week on an ex - ALLAN & MCIVER 9 lls' (.leading Hardware :illi! Stove Men, 1ODERittf. IRON -OX TABLETS P'OR INIDIOL>TION "I was run down very much, but I am thankful to say that Iron -Ox Tablets have put new life into rote. My wife, also, is taking the Tablets. She finds great benefit from them " E. STONE, 32 Brock Ave. Parkdale, Out. tended v.it to islet ,es la the Caked States. Their;:deetioatloa at present 1s Marion, Indiana, where they w.11 •pend •o0te-:Imo with I heir daughter, Mn. Potts. They expect to return next April. Bru.e,u : 1'be 100 acro farm of W. H. Kerr, mar Bru.el., lot 3 oma. 9, Grey, has Mea leased to Um. A. Bert, *tittle deal- ers for • term of year,. Mr. Beet will nom plate the esedu,t down and will mare the farm and stable feed stook •e occasion de meads He will cautious to real i• lo Brut- es!. but will put • tenant ea the farm. Morrie: Wednesday afternoon of last week wedding bells chimed at the real - dome of Jas. Fulton, 8th line, Morris, when in the preemies of about fifty guests Rev. A. MoN .b, M. A , of Welton, tied the mat- rimonial bow between Harry B Moeller, a well-known young mac of Brussel., and Hiss 611oo1• Fui'oa, the estimable daughter of !be host and hostess. $ealorth: The Woodstock S,otlo•I-Re- view, of November 6 h, makes the loth,* tog reference to the marriage of Muo Belle tin.•ye, • former Seaforth young lady. 'bliss ss Belle Grove, only daughter of Mn. t;eorge Duooan, was married .t her horns o0 Reeve rreet, 16). afterx,000, to Robert J. Hartford, triremes of the upho,e1.rtag de. pertment at the Canada furniture factory. Wroxeter : The many friends of /oho Hone, formerly of Wroxeter, but now et the Soo. will learn with p:os•ure that be has been appointed sheriff of the oouoi) of Chip- pewa. John bas been very s000eseful In his nominee, time he left berm and oon afford te rake • real from had work. We understand that \V. J. Holler, formerly of this village, will take charge of the business, while Mr Bine le upholding the dignity of Autarkies taw. Seaforrh : Atter • Iingeri0g lllneee of some months Mn. Mofirsger peeled away at her home last week. It will be remem- bered that her husband, Duncan Mt:Gregor, died rather saddeoly last winter. At that time Mr.. McGregor wall so 111 her recovery was very doubtful and she has never been 0.•'1 &nee For nearly Ofty years she was a re.ld•ot of this motion. She was born to '.pe Breton fitt\ eight years ago and came here with her parents when bat a 1,11:11. "he leaves two daugbt.•r, surviviog her, Mrs 8. ,,,.) Srnith, jr., ot MoKillop, and tam Mct,regor at home. Hensel! - The death of Mrs. J. McArthur which •.:curred .tier • prolonged Meese, ie the cause 01 much regret. Mn. MoArther epeor the summer to the West, lo the bop. that 1t would better her health, but Instead The very best medi- cine for the relief and cure of chronic coughs and bron- ut au doiag oho got worse nod boil to be brought home. Sbe leaves • levan ha.baad .rod you0g faintly to mourn the 1.w of .• mathte. care sad love She was a member of U•tmei Pushy.enaa oburuh, 1)10e.sed was a dsugbter of the Isle ritettneo H•'l, of (loderioh, and wee . roster el We. (R.. ) J. H. Dyke, ut Erin, both bloom merited •1 the acme idna, about fifteen yeas me READS LIKE A MIRACLE. Newfeuedlaod ■.• anrr years of Soifer ems Cared by O4.410 a Kittery rills. CuVel's Cove hew Bay, Nfi1., Nov. 17 -(Special) - Joueph hood, who for elgbt year• was all aches and pains, who bad back ache and kidney complains, who alta movers menthe le the hospital was discbarged as incurable, who had tried electro belts, liniments, alb and other meOi,l1s to no avail, is book at bis work again, and pwpls of thu minion are talking of little else. Dodd'' Kidney Pills did It. kir. Boon read i0 • paper how Mr. Quirk, of Fortune Harbor, had baso cured of lumbago by 1'bdd'.Kldney PJB, set gave deem a trial. He used twenty nae boxes before be was entirely well. hat he 1e well why and working at lobster hailing without ors ante or pain oleoy ktod. TEACHERS' REQUESrs. rrepe.sbe et the 6dsratleul asaaNatbs Laid Refere Mbbtr. Th. committee stipulated at the last meet- ing of the Ontario }:duostion•1 A•eootatlon to brim certain matter* before the Educa- tion Depsrtmeat waited ea the knower few day ago. The changes asked for were embodied la the following hut, pawed •t the meeting sf the Assoolation last spnoq: 1. Toot the age limit for teachers Le raised from 1H to 21. 2, fest the training tam in Model •.boos• be bogtbeoed. 3. Thu the graduates of the Ootarks Normal College, who ar• not oleo gradutun of a Mo.lel or • Normal school, be not a1 - lowed to tomb to • Public sobool, 4 That Latin be not oompuisory for either jasfor or seater leaving mambas - tions. 5. That 16s basis of the apporsloameot of the l.egul•ttve great be °hanged, maim It dependent on (.1 aye •ttod•oce, building and equtpmeut, (0) salary veld, 1'tl 9uah80.ttcn of the teacher employed. 6 That • system of tsaoblog the mein° system be adopted. 7 That the B.bie be not totroduoed at • text -book. 8. That lees time be spent •t enthral - 9 . That sew literature be rete red of en - tram* candidates. 0 Good w ares niake \quick markets." Threctimesasmany 1"C"r sold in 1900 as fn' 1896. The value of the first pair, like the value of the last, stamped on the sole by the Makers :'The Slater Shoe" '6obdytar wrlfte WM. SHOW, Sole Aged, NOTICE ! TO lilOM IT MAY CONCERN. Wanted,- Half a million feet good sound hard and soft wood Saw Logs. To be delivered a; oar saw mill, God, rich, or no thn beach North and South of .oderlcb, in sul1.his pl•ctn for rifting. Highest price In oath will be paid, al lege are scaled. (e:np.oy'e scale to be Meal. chitis; dry, harsh Goderich Lumber Co., throat coughs; irri-`' ':odors°". tating coughs of grippe and consump- J. J3fifflJJfi & SON tion; whooping cough; croupy coughs of children, is Angier's Petro- leum Emulsion. It soothes and heals the In- flamed and irritated mem- branes of the throat and air passages, promptly relieves the cough, removes foul mu- cus, makes breathing easy, and puts the respiratory organs in a strong, healthy condition, so that they are able to resist further attacks. It is pleasant to take, agrees with weak stomachs, aids di- gestion, and has a healthful action upon the bowels. Angier's Petrolrnm Emote*. 1. !Menet sod pea e' rola.' I.y phrairiane, wed 1° boepfbb, .rod s., by Brow e,. everywhere. Ai'reil PR 6!ff(MiCAL COMPANY' BOSTON, MAS5ACHUlatT , 11.1.*. Atom.< -- -•----- ��tb th tb rh lie if/ iiliiti ilii#iiliit/ Oiiii diel ihili iii iii iliiliibiliib Ili ilikbOiib iliibiwiliib Ili 1$4 •� isSOUV'3NIR t 2Ir: RANGES tl• 1r CODERICH 11"01! NTT!Ph!VVIVIVIVI VPIVI !IVIvIIVOVVPI!h!!iMIVOVV.14!!14, 11 't is Well to Remember that tnviniitrt• ut,,,, „Illi ,•eOr WITH AERIATED OVENS are made by the oldest, Iarge.t and tuna estrruive stove in Canada. Consequently they have the largest sale. Our p.reon- otn, t• sold by leading dealers everywhere. builders J. H. WORSEII TIIE GURNEY-TiLDEN CO., Limited. RemiltM. LOCAL AGENT •..,..ter wN 11%111114 wtww,p,t rwrwwte, Mearns, - T11. tsADig(z - mot\ve16\ U't,rltc\ortarxd mofa\tMCYkk. Ordert carefully attended b" al e11 ■.■r,, wlsbs.. dem. •.5rr strep(. FALL TZRM - 1N TUN- - A.tgfes do IINtfitdl', SRM. 1. INC Two nou,'.e. I'ommeretel and Ahorehead. Terme reasonable. Send for Journal. stndente may enter at any time. 1' A. PLEMIN,,. A. t,. McINTYRK, Pres Se The between won;:a.d IodlHerrns Drugs and Medlotnes 1s rtro°sly defined here The fndtf (sent, kind are re,., ordered and never vermisted to form part of our stook. Only sonde of sedopblM parley ars offered t0 0ootnmera clot stook .f Proprietary Medfoines le tory luso. Priam are kw. F. JORDAN, MEDICAL HALL rabbis/mg Remedy her treats. Surae people bays cramps primly often, .o(Aers oozy now and mato, But wb•o yts do barn them It's • mighty quick relief fru want. l'olsoo'e Ns:villas is as sure se death to eller• urampe Is dye .voode-It's taslars- tsnI°u•, tint a few drops u ewee.med weer rod ins pain is gone. Buy a bottle 'el Nervtline today, rod( keep is beady. h.reilio, ie a comma household neo..aity and only aceta 25 estate 11r. Hrmiltoo'e mandrake pills curs coast!• potion. in alter M RlheaNl... Kinoardlas, Oat.. Nov. 14.-A young roan named Harry Row, mod twenty-one, employed by the Farmers' Elevator Comp my, was gonad dead today. They were loading gra a urs cue, .od Hoes was shovel- ling Into the omute, befog .lune 1n the bulJd- Ing. He 1e supposed to have been seized with • weak spelt and to Melo fallen head foremost Into this wide, Iib being mance whoa be was dlsoovered. He was • young man of strong physique, although subject too weal spells. Row to Rea.Ufy rhe Ceaplexl.., To have • .oft, smooth skin, frre from eruptlooe and pimples, the blood must be healthy and pure. barozooe invigorate. enfeebled blood, and o manses It of all lm. purities and poisons ; .t brings uutor to the Ips nod ohtets, brilliancy to the •ye., whitens the teeth sod ewsetene the breath. No tonin con -wee with Ferrozooe m rapid anion and permanent result. Try le, Price 50o. at di us'gete, or Polson & Co., Kiugetoo, Oat. Dr. Hamilton's pills cure headache. oman's eakness A woman's reproductlye organs are in the moat in- tense and continuous sym- pathy with her kidneys. The slightest disorder irides kidneys brings about a corresponding disease it the reproductive organs. Dodd's Kidney Pills, by re- storing -storing the kidneys to their perfect condition, prevent and cure those fearful dis- orders peculiar to womea. Pale young girt worn-out mothers, suffering wiv.s tiled wom.n entering upon \tb. Chane of Lite, your `bolt fri.nd V Dodd's Kidney Pills TAILORING... 1 b.ve rice ved my New 'sots of Snitings, Trouserings, etc., for FALL and WINTER Wear. if you are getting a new .p•,.g mutt, • 1 .ht overcast, or anything to my line, I osu please yon to good., 8t and prise L,'TReaohyJaade el.talag 1n .rock, _DUNLOP, T.,E.,4 HELLO THE OLD RELIABLE ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THE il(r4T Scr8111011 Bard Coal IN TRK 1MARKg7 AI e'oel woigRhad on the Merkel nosier where tor) gni 566, Ina, for a 1011. WM. LEE. .H left at LEE de 3EMI:IA=11 Sour. p-nmplly ,trended tit. 11" Baron and Bruce loan and Investment Co. GODERICH, - ONT. Sordctmn-PHI1.11' HOLT, K.C. RAo.riti.--THE CANADIAN BANK OF CO M M ERCR. OUR SAVINGS BANK. We are prepared to receive Deposits from frontes,, Parents or Children, in sums of from Fifty Cents to Three Thousand Donato, and allow compound interest, added every six months at retest as agreed upon. Chequer are myon. Pepos,tor. no that they .Spay draw upon these deposit. at any time 3, 34 and 4 per cent. interest allowed on Deposita according to amount and time left. N.11 -Pertinent to a lab, Act of Parliament married women and minor, have the right to deposit and drew out money in their own name. Dormita can ie sent hy mall at the risk of sender. RemnvO from your house, temptation to burglar. and food for the flames. As the Company makes loans only on first clues farm property, depositors have the strongest secnrity for their in. veetmenta. TO BORROWERS. This Company to prepared to loan an the shortest notice any sum upon first cls a security. Terme are made to mai borrowers. Straight loans and tempt interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED -For further particulars call at the Company', °Moe, corner of Market Square and North Street, Goderd°h W. L "'ORTON. F. JORDAN, Manager. President. WR. PROUDFOOT, Viee•Prealeiset. DI RRCTOR8 Loan Wresmt'nBA. J. M. Rolitttrs. FRANt:N ,iIRfAN. H ih•Nlnr. sew. Phoneme?. gxNRy Hnrl'mN. D. J. Naorat. Maur Jim. K. II TROYDAT, Nov. 20, 1902. d e Jordan Block. Mc K I M'S Goderich, Ont. Cc, To the first one handing or sending in the correct moaning of thin puzzle we will give onto dollar in cash, .IACKETS.-Toe new eami•St.Iog beak, etraigbt og, , to grey bi.ok. Lfroaf, worthJacket•*7.80, for 16.00nod Danced, . 6 00, " 4,00 About 20 close Attlee Jac/sets, In blank sad osier., prime were 15 00, i7 50 ,std l 11000 • I Il at one prim $2 b0 UL8TSRS, It/CHF/MS sod ()VBS. COATS. -W. sr. going ou s of Nese goods as uulukl♦ as puaslble. Little prime will help ae. Boy.' siert se low ea 11 50. Men'., worth 15.00, for $3.50 7.00. " 6.00 " 10.00, " 7.50 MILLINERY. -The Newest at Bargain Prices. KACKEI '1 ABLE --We have added what we colt • "r•oket tante,' to the moire of the store, 00 wbloh we will daily pleat odds and sods, job lots, etc„ of goods as under Frit w. Every day you will find bargains on it. A lot of men's sad boys' Shirts sod Drawers. prices were 35e, 40o and 500, all at Idea's Hoed (:loves, good value at 500, all 11 2 doz,n wool and silk T sues, fancy co,ors, worth up to 75o, all ae FURS AT 121j3 Handkerchiefs 4 for 25111A lot of 06114, n'. warm oasbmere 250 and Hoed gloves, good Value at 10o to 15.,, to oleo as r� 25o Ladles' t elle at 39c. A lot of *mall and medium site, good value is 500 25o to 650, for b0. RACKET PRICES. MCKIM'S BUSY STORE. every day. A pair ear than ordinary ah and you are so much 1 Lightness of a Dorothy Dodd On the Scales. A great many interesting facta may jak be discovered with a pair of scales, but it is doubtful if any single fact will be wore interesting and valuable to the average woman than the weight of her shoes, For this tells her the number of ounces that must be lifted thousands of times each day, and s little calculation will show that she lifts tons of shoe leather • day -no small labor in itself. The "Dorothy Dodd" shoe saves the lifting of more than one and half tone "Dorothy Dudd" shoes are several ounces light - The feet are just so much more comfortable, tired. Put a pair to the test. They cost ° $3.75. N, B. -Of course we will give you particulars of the (14,000 Prize Contest Wm. Sharman, Jr., has excJ.sire sale at GOOERICH. ONT, lickillop Mutual Fire Iasar'ace Co. FARM AND ISOLATED TOW', PROP- ERTY INIIURED, Value of Property Iasur.• 1 up in Jaeger,. 1901 .Y Hx,.4l,fgs.ol Wenreite AND Dlaa1TORa. J. H. McLean, pros.: T. Feuer. viol -ores. ; Jest Connolly, O. Dale, W. 6, Broadfoot. J. Watt, Jew Evans, .1. 6. Grieve, J. Itetmeweto. directors: W. (i. Wok/Poet. Soafo-tb, ineoec• tor of looms : T. E. Hays, 8eaforth, secretary. treasurer. .ua318, J. W. Yeo, Holmeeville: James t'omm(ag Ngmondvtlle; It. McMillan, Sesforth; rt smith. Harlook. Polloy-holden can pay •s.eesmente and get their cards race(pted at Mr, Coate'. Clinton, or at McLean Brae-' Palace Clotbing Store, Glade rich Mill Wood FOR SALE The above is cut into stove wood len,xth and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at residence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER'McEWAN. (:,derich, November 21st. 1899• 54-3m Established 11800. Phone Main 4303. W. F. DEVER CO. STOCK AND BOND BROKERts 19 Weilincrton Stroet East, Toronto. Main Offices -41 Broadway, New York; 11 State Street, Basta. STOCICS, BONS AND GRAIN Bought and Bold for Cash or on Margin. Particular atteotioo giyon to Canadian Sem:rttles Market lateen sasitkit (4 p. m ) on appho•ttoe. Corr.epoodeuoe Invited. i GET READY. Tbsre s sew •ucb s demaed for Iadlea sad O..6...s h•ylns •thorn h kcowlsdf(s of G . 101.l sad 8b.oebaad work, The - LONDON, ONT., has •saleted mon modest, to profitable positions dorms . Peet year thea a v School la the Woe/. We would no pleased to assist yon Parrloal 1 • pests!. J. W. WESTETotVIILT. Principal To the Ladies. The opening of the fall millinery season finds my as usual, cempleto in the various liners pertaining to ladies' hewdwear. The moot novel effects in shapes and trimmings are to be found here, and our work in mak- ing up orders has alwsyi been satisfactory to my esa- tomer.. i.adiee are invited to visit my showroom and inspect iny stock at their convenience. Miss Cameron 01.3m Cor. 1[antiltor' and Newgate street.. 1 Milliner. 00 YOU BUY GROCERIES? No one who buy. Groceries can afford to overlook the bargains which we offer on every lawful business day. Our Groceries are of the beet quality, and the prices are as tow as first olaas geode can be bought at If you are not already dealing with us, make • trial purchase, and me if we cannot, suit you. STVRznr- Zt CO_ Ti1E (IROCIGRS, WEST $IDR SQUARE:. qe(;oode promptly delivered. Telapbooe No. 91