HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-11-20, Page 2The Signal � rurtAsro RVRRT TId111111i MORNING III! D. Wetl X-VIDor. , 1'1P117m%Y, Nal% _u. Iimrl fur the Indians, and worked Ii% cuujusietion w'Ith lhr mlrmiunarltiN to exclude Intoselcautm from lh cm tile, to eblabllsh mchool• low their educa t ion. I'ur lit• lit.0t ten years K. .1 lokw- Reou had not leen oriels In e%lflene,, (Ile, age had come upon hull, and IIIb work. Wait. dour. But It would be u grows lulurtice to allow such A work. Hs wall lot u timi",trver, with one ere on fila Imjse anti till, other on the cluck. 110 dkl lair duty, and made the intorltrt■ of the burl- netls lais'owa Th/•se wen` the mneretse of Wr su ir-par Hu didnl't list! fu 111.0 boJ howl ; hu didn't loaf in bias uuulloal; 110 did note, Complain that the• world deuie4 bmf 4 ViNtnce. - f11MON JAMES 11 %w %O\. 11.M.arn. . 111 r ,a, 1 M a' In leM aWART. - All Fold Built died lit O(tit%%a It man to tori tattle 10 tits gl•lt%1' - . freef tlnya air/►. And the 44-«14614-1, without mention ls( what, he did FAH %I) ip,miNasT I moot"191 oumNlbciug the fart suy1, that b" fyr Vuuada. Nr Iu1J nu family of Hualoe.s write of ala llnw and e,mdn. N w Jowl no liti,m 1 rl•htti%4-N, lie o(t.111,11•d lie- tm u, ha%tllg 4r%er u,irrivd, but N'Jay. for visample. ►blulld a'e par- a room tot `Slater oitr14•t„alai h4- hu Nas lite Im1fio-last lit tilt, work nett the l'nited Hinter to isiundal” our warketr %%ilk theirlLgricultural 11;40>ei uruuud ihp rily se) glli-tiy, lar making distnnt ro•gion4 of Ua,- proolurts?-Lu I atria. zru.l wod•mt41 to hair pit. jll ole hush, as, a4:a urerssl bill In iter w!LUrr, a°`I %Vhy slluuld we prevent a ('auN- that frrr-F,rr1• r,Onid -tr41 uuJlhtug ill fkawkilia adlbtAcle, from lh� ,little from buyhtg w:<tat h' wants alwut J fin itself fit,# affairs. Part fruit I'atli of thesbe %%hoote labOra should l0 bUV wllti Ilia m"Ip•% ? !•t quirt u1J llutll, .iIWOR Jlame•.0 Jralt'wrl, build up the 1'VUlltly. lie lived hour trod fu snot• - elf i snore loathe l'. B,. Vx-ll. P. I'. wild V% -ll. Y., did :nuugG t0�%titins gtelLl rad sot- e pro W, tiUslr of ihti markert, It may !w pro n great demi of work Ili hi+ day , N hick Isfeactory reseultr from him lubor4, (iron fila lilubl4- to buy prlgh Ila* be,•u 401 the utmost tmportaucu unit he dialler%ell n high place upolt iii linileti KU1trN, lhFwlgG Kimilur pro- tls C'•►uaapa. 11trn UI S,-� tluud, he lite honor roll 401 vikiindiunN N•hu ducts tire being exported from ('late- c+nue to cassuada wliMl a baq. He• "hu%e done what they could." all$ to the Unit dl Austen or ulh.•r wae u.numttd uu booth father's link] -------------- INTOLERANCE. cuuntriea. It pays to bell Nova 'wdller'd rider %%till old $•otrh fuel- Pier, Ids mute rlul graletfatmer moving lir William Osll•r, of Julrlla Hop- Kawtln cool in \err )wpgMnd aid lit 1NIua raja a Ionia prrbwl lielr-prer.ump- Una (•,icrr,ltye 1laittaDore, tr la l',tn_ buy Coat for Ontario. from lleusisyl- tile to list- rotates urml hulraim orf ndlan by birth. In a pap'r_read be,•- %ruin and Ohio, -bolter than to the ancient hsntso of Weugurry, fore the Canadian Medical AarUclu- carry NU%IL SCORIA cess to Ontario Ali 16131 Mr. IHtw"k wan appsdutid abin. the follo"ing paragraph all- atilt Prullsylvallia C/IAI tO New E139 - by tilt Camultan Goveruuu•nt to plan pears: land. Canada Imporla }I:I,_by worth aa:d superintend the con4truvtl m (of "Natlunnllnm halt too•en thn great of burley, paying $97_ duly upon. works ou like>St. Mout iiia lth'er, Quo` eurax of humanity. lit au Othe. Rehypp, Lar-tho deosin of hgnorutmce.ursuwel It, but ex els $1.17:1,_1/, of w•hlch px bel:, to eym`n up lhn pine dimtrlel. In inore fildelo, pro 011.1101141; to ,o utlwr 158:,,1)':7 goer to the United atute,F. 1557 Ito %ear rant l.r e%pdunc tie,c t)nmrdeshrrl do an;leld esurr/•Ivem more We Import :1:'_'1,1,78 worth of beans country lying ljet%%P/'n I Ike! KU1N'1'1'.IP rrrallll .Fur Nlwm Ju the ho41atnlns unit 4-x rt x,;18,510. 11'4, Import and tile Saskutchow:ua River, anti lit ring Itgher than for tfie succeLlgul butcher of talar of thuum►lds 4,r paolr 1+,41G,5(i0 burhelr of Wheat, of obi^ -!1 � report upon Its adaptability fur set- follows w'ho have been made to liars 101.783 buslels are entered fur •_._11townt. _At�lmt thllr, tbr_�rtl�- though- the fire to them Moloch of home• consumption, nqd we export, ittttonaltlrm t vier of the blood, orf 18,71.'56...5., bun,11r1.F altogether'. Are \.est war littln klm,wl4 unJ lir. Ihtii- the,plasm rather, It release riot lit the Import $711,/35 of bacon and hams, sour retort did much to diNrel the rice, and eager toAlay as of yoro Idea, disbeminuatld by ties- fur traders, ,4a otplite of the precepts of relIgioll mhoulders and ddeet, And export - that the tali «try was ett•rlle. Ila%ing 'and the practice of dem/xracy. Nor is 41IAA7,350 of bacon and $_83,7141, ce,luplet"1 that work• Cllr. Uaw.xja there any hope Of change; the pulpit to dumb, the press fans the fluma4l, of ham Kurel the men w,o� bu tb J y" relurl►nd to T1ree Itiverw, where Ilia literature pan.lerr to it, and the p1•1/- well an the men who Nell, know brother had been fleeted to I'arlla- Ill,• )tire to have it a1.. Not that till what they lure doing, Attl they`do IG4-11I. •111 15KT IIH \VMl huaF'k LO l.+l klc rt.lai4:to of nationalism are Isn't- uot._rp uln! an q y t1DOrU •'t cgldatiup" ' 1' rdrr.t fu % 640 r tu. r 1110 �U. tIl- 1.'C I1ar, {; 1411 her 11 p 1' IL 11 \%'It 11 Itl1U bV f 1 t- .l m i l -111 % 4,l Itsw L tIM newel M ft Tors n A r 4- f • _the a ,Ill tit - ltwn lL t t eft r 3 R om R -__-_ meat u pnglcr lohat of departure t11ptIL'ht lir what the,menuf haw nlnop l(f. Tbere b Ro "Illapedmtion" Isi f"r a n,a4 into lot- lntrriur, llll..h• h'% r e.re4 o I• 111a • v Ilnne nn 1 s�lff , 1 t mak f ll.'s tNslnpme. Tiro fnrraars o loth h'g tum split w•ho-ro the town of list 'Nil'ntry what it Ie? There is rolsm• Oulnrlu nlAl Manitoba Lnw� deet are d Arthur jilow• Attn'nla, at that -lilt"" plenty of room, for-.propasr pride t)[ Ir.nd and birth. What I invel;;h ug"ll"t any tariff increase. Why ' cU%ervd.0%nth forest anti having I11. ILgi,lllst las es curardl spirit of Intok-r- rlue,61J It by forced upon them tlgain,it blllabitnalN. In lbtkl ho began .the •Llre, IwncPived In. distrust ttnil bred their will? Ito they not t.nderstarul t1xl,blg of till- "1)uwl4sl route." None In ign orance, that makes the mental tilt lr own Interest ? C.in Icon. Mr. tau tmmja4 fur in the toll vi 1811► lit 4,t titude liscrennially antagonistic, etre, bitterly anlagonlstic. to every- The ti. tench them- thele trade ? lellige,co wag recelve,p of au (seat- tiling foreign, that mtlordfnatem "Why htlol.ld wo pursuit thcuilithe ".break among W haft -braced papula- tvrrya•hpre the Renee' to tie nailed, IFoppf lir the United) Stint.) to de- tiun of the IIAI lthrr twill teent. forgettlnR tic Idgher olnlmn of lite- man brotherhood." rustato rx.r forests," it another of lir. llalo1,Fm wall suleuu.)uoa by ,. This might Ro upon rfrord �al(uag Ln Pntrl,•'x glu`IFtionse. We do not. the Gwl-rtiment lit give inftr- with John W(wipy-'m "The world Is my t:rrry mtf k of coot cud by n Yau- muliou toil the bast wl1J 4" ,wrish" and Tlomar Palnv's "My lore In C'ana,ba Im bought ubd pale, Kral with lite• lulf-bred-, :auel 'ountry tm the wtorld; to Ito action it fol'. Tit- work L4 done taider reg- alao how to get an uribeel'.fuscx•• my rellir!nn," I t.latlunr tante by our Pru%lne'lal to title wane of the troublt-. Htt re- I•atglslatures, w•h)W-h derive it very im- comml•ndidthmlt ('o:onelde Ka L'ab••ny poitaut portion of ; tLeir rrvrnuee siert Jud te Johnson whould bo, sent K f ol, t loaf. loyw Tlarri't \easy 11!- hom timMr Ilcer►sew. gro4nA rents uut. Thl� furmere a Iron of tine hero aai rtamloge feet. Tl.e cost of of VlIatentlguay, had born on Mr, :1• fun Ili killing time lit flat way. eutaing nod motlnR ILe wood h �Ls- ---tidve;nnn•N staff to%AST--them 1. 44--k�-itko,4y to Improve you. la trtljmte+l rut wages to CauadLLu Ind barn I-mornor of A"wb.oin,au,i Inlaid. body- or pa•k„1. It Blues not labor Iarml aw price of,supphrr hung..*, _._.both wer- popular with tho half- utlrke`w Metria It FMrs riot! ttelpl in ('anlNla. It isa fKRr uommen•6L1 Uuasnction. n1. ie il.i, plrrbam• of brr,dm. Mr. Uaw•mt)u, Acting audrr to a realisation of the mierioutnee9r t011n ltas.lsslppi Govcrnmeul lustrucuoun, adlon/ sent of Int •, or Ph1 y1}u In gruapdrlg Olt-- ton toy% keep ton l•y r► Cnnadien. 11'0 'Ala, ter t na a trusty agents among tho blinds of porlunlNrw lnduuam uu tfip lion of route• to pre- Th•r roan lookltlg fur :e bat •'It Irul 3. its- Tankeem oto of our woouds by ,• making Sl uupro.itabl.c for item to 11. %cut any luutle•ring with their tor- - to put Into a paition of trust wh,•re olwrate there, but we mart figure, on ;alt y' Hr %%at dlrmtr.l W plo%Lle mains tlu•1e IN n future of pn,molini, doer cm.r own lo,1u wi:cn wo decide t�, of lruumlortution for the /onm+sincu ,,ot hunt fur ilhu a©ong th" groulws take) that 4,A.ree. When Ira Atrlc � kuoNft :w flu+ Rat River exjxditioo 040 tum sVicet. cornett. It dorw not 1m Ip to gyplt Igldtm. provtyL that our Rain would exeeed1. The country betwei•n Luke 5aperior W. tot (air lose, lit pitch will deserve con unit Fort Frnnod'm had nect,r Im•rtt A d curl aLLC_ ex. vnstu�iun'. '`Iso• - — teas erred _Yix1L—XL,dmt 1Ft pro%c-1. p!ovnt U, rontnudpatldn. s5toi IIS •1 nada 7 ttf, sUYing4-r llpul tip% burls -bark enuu/et Th. re are .o twiny batter ways of tlml" solgReete n luck of solid lCn-- 1-011. of lM•,Iufrom tilt) fur traof .1witiliug tmld hours, tax+. - O eanu, bnifi a frog 1 the .lural of Urlranr t Rem t I own' Qurhm,r. were brought lit Mur, Hit* It ever u,-carrai to you tit:it Ilan mala a•1pj havo risen lit losiliutrN ♦�tt�tttNttts�tttt.tttttttl 11111, and by if"- upie'uing of ua%tga- `of lies:or talk` we>al`h dl, nt)t �' M' ♦ t t tion Lt thpv Lad rl4atly 1:11 by toiling l Tlwy, bisstled. Ktuue lir =CURRENT COMMENT 2 lontm nml a axillar u[ flat mldrnm' eat a ►FIN) Mallei tai,m haul %Fry littlo chmnee In IIIc t • �tN N'I"C11, with ,nyrlg""m plk:ep.• Or w•I1001ing, lensing to W-5.1, ttttttt�tttHt to %o man ihrm, wero lranparrt"t lit curly talc ladle with tbo wolf; Juriell tern mrre"•LI111rm fair worst l,:tke superior. fly tip• "4,4 or .June. ,IMne lir them Wool other haldicaptl; en#,nd4-s 4,r the m stvras of trial by� t;r,erul Kir Jiulpw Uinefmrty, these lot they won. jury. clsn,twndrr-in-4164•( of tilt, furcem hl 1YIu1a felloww were "out Wllb' 111e _- I annda, gmvn tile, orelort ter nean•h. Young HerRwrt will, If mit At Mo-' ani the' Imp(►rilal tto,p/ ran I t'an.ulLem g:ulg:' lh.'y w1 r" preparing for bet - arty, pmt nought after by Illuminism i %ollmtraires under Colonel Inuw Lund) t+•r lhhlgN. 17w muury ,,therm meet. lite would 1t-, it drawing /sail am' %1"olm!Iry, ACM mrria4l thr,ugh to "blew'' in Cigar awoke lir swallu eivi "Tip' )fan 11'ho Thotaght H4, Wns w %•'ort lihey without n ainglf Reil- In Is•rr. they part towarel qualifying Murderer." of rile ,hint. They foun4 hlit t1wislorh'es to earn more. to ucl•ltpy _ wor l dimtamlodl ta141t-rm 4,t %vork on the' ratter poritions, to command tau Thr Untnrto neatboritirw cannot he Lain or also 1%lslsetm m•clion of Ilse• eu4fidvateo a l respect of employ- ton vigilnnt ht their efforts to k"l) INW10 tin rnnU•, 811141 them+ wall not ,r4 artel naso•lntem. Whil!r otherm pit the ,smallpox plague• welch is n mingle foe to rrp•uunter. Thr 01'1•- r7'il(dl lit •'rnpttalimts," RAI cma- rrlgrtcl at I'ott Huron. Tho pc•JPdr t,t ml of that im•moree tde frrtt suy- ldaiaap Fjt ieavhlg "his allow," they wltipupport thpus, In all proper mrrl- ;Ige, through 50:1 pltdem of wilder_ I:Iti In n capital til 1,114) &&all,' Of ca- swiren for that porpooev.. nene, toil i ore, Woolbplry, fn after P11(41y. Thoy boi*ht hooks :uhl yrtrrp, lit t.ry lisp muni" pvmlrnl of t•ItdJI 4,I thrm; they obtadne,t n know- The Proliddent of the British Board tral"wLMlt'IIDA area oho Nile• uml [:Figs' Of mpn lend thingm; they atom,( of Trntive doom nut nerd) to worry Ida mania or the unnmdbal voyageur,, tb•Ir Immix with Information that, head shout the Ontario bounty fell •v he hdd worked O.1 0- 14M#0F/ /o&at.• ,waw. -lo mtnko them mrcfut to otti- fa•et angnr. it will lit• imemo lime he- JWlve a. g000d account Ql_M&,II1Nt•IYf:n. _i:U.-. tJUt w.aa to make ltri•ir fps- pori C.nnndtt mupplit" heir hatme He - In Eac'pl. Mr. leawmn nrrl%ol alp• (tare. Threy realized that know- tnrtnd for m'gnr .toil Ilam any Rearplum tbaaks of for Imperbtl unit C'auln- ls41go LN power. 176cy attnfutd for exportation to Britwkv. dials Uovernmpnte. til- cugtinue4l fur {rower. _ moms yeenr•a in chargre of tie Of ennrNr they mlNs,•d fu lty bourn if yowl were a'voter, or had a Ilrrvtion mute• using 04- hunts of a Cr Tlaln kind of fun. Two hours n right to vane, at the election ten art the - mHitary ezls4ikirs"- ter Night --tura,, trlghtir n week, devofelt .M/ty :'!flit, yor-ha+•e � right to tranmlort cmlgrnuls to hail- hr n well-mappeil course of study, crept a ballot at the referendum iotrol, and employing manly In- Ioukm hnrd, duemn't It? But alley sotn On Dec. 4th'. if you have con- dlnnee and half-hrelda fn the ser Craw to Ilke, It ; there were difficul- tanuollNly remitted In Ontario minep vice. In 1871-7: he meted av honor tlew to he gut over, but In gelling that time. wry Indian counslrmponer with W. over them they felt the Joy of till 11'. Multiunit fa negotuati,g with victor, muff every obstacle surmnutlt- Rllsebery IN a believer In n fpd- lhe Indlnna of Italny itiver and thr ,'d made the ne%t tnak ramlor, Tile oral ryotem tot the United King- La►e of the Roalm, anti In IRT:% world Itrramn lararr to them; their Isom, with__egialiltjW-0-IgL_]YRBlanff, ---� - -- - _..._ .. - - it" Wela Joint colnmTiimfoner wit Io - - mTiii]'u rxj.rLh,le�l; their nnlbltlin wnm Ireland, boollneid and Wales. Much Linulenant-(;overuor of ManlRul)a In fired; their nhility to do thingm ons Imediem, If they were well handl0,i coocludttlg n treaty with the Meal lncrenmelk and rrmtricteff to local affnlrN. (eNlox Rlltt CIJI hIpcN'Ily LI'll/Rem 1,t- Ila,' - - CO.Irtoe file f1•Iluw I(lilfl lig Orl ill" might greatly aamlmt tile. 4-e fitral (i e • u In I T1 lir. IAa%vaein n ns el .t t, d . tit .represent Algumai to tlau-.14,11-«1, Legiadnture. In'IK7M he remign� to run for flirt (bmmonm, anti defeated CoI. .Arthur Itankin by n mijnrlty of over 41101 IN 1882 be head Icon William Dfel)uagnll for an replmnt- rest, whom he Ralson defeated. ile re- mained n member of the Ilouse or f'ummo,m until 1891. When In the iepgl►lat rr, lir, Imwson was n strong ndvlsrnte. of the conatrue_ tion orf cnhrnitntMo rcendm In AI- Romoti anal In the Commons he mn- cured lighlhouper, telegraphs, pont. til faculties, eft., wyhieh (114 much to develop the. dlittrtct. He wam from the very"flrat a starting mule porter of the mchemr frrr n lrlfnoteon- tinentnl rnllway, anti he gave missile attention to Ihr devplopment of the copper and iron ndnpm of i.nkr Holton. tlm allver• ip,trinar moan) nine of Thnndeir Bnp, nn.l the gnl(1 producing reRlona of lhr Imide %If the Woab. He Mend grant concern e Auint u, o 1 4-,,114, t 4,0 tic pre nary le oilrnrette with the mime grallce__p le, hnutpur, or m'lulrt tulocro 1a;ce with tic prime unerring akin at an ohJ,rt ten feet distnnt. fir could not dincnpa thr lnteapt prlier fight to thrstnme ple- turrmlurr setting or ve'•b thn same tones of auRhorlly na could the fellow oil the corner. Ile could not hnlw to le an etpert til craps or a connotes Outer of drinks lou ape, he wan •'a here letlkworml." Bat the than who wNntetl ►,,melody to fo l a gond peopeltion didn't min,l Ihp llooklmhncr•O at all. lie wanted character, braina, nmbltMn, gen- ": mnnl)neas, executive crepnelty , and he maw them In the ortudent fel- low. Thn eturlenl fellow•a Nelf-r4lu- eAtion w•an not In train. The plapiny- Pr'w eye was on film. and the em- ployer wass not allow to rfr that the youth Aimed hlRh, amt meant to tie- s•r%p mxresm: he was not only wiH- ing to ,to: he wltw alto to des. Ito %rnm Intulllgent ; the bionclr►IInR Infln- nrtor of his study Alta vlpeldle e,0 hil • much purely local work The funny Toronto World blames the llovernalorlt far contributing to the calnterfollt(ng of proper menripy by "the pNtrpult of n mtlnRy Jolley') in Inseuing Dominion nolep! Why didn't sQrnebody think of that bas fotre ? If the G/nmrnanent were gen etvttlm amt open handed In the nest- ter-ghlttQ nm R11 n Occasional titonmand or m.-nobol would want t n o the ounterf In . Down o It c R f4- with thin (AOnernenent 1 Anteing hie other glftm par"I Milner little a facility, almnwt nmlmu,linir its Rrnlnm, far mastering Inngungrm it Impmkl that within R very few we'• to of reaching *vith .%frier► hp w4,. err part►nelent In lhre Mitch Inugnnetn that. ho ons aloin to adtnerpren fllepni- ly with Mr. Kruger, tenet with hardly net r%rr•ptllsn flip leading hnlguclg,e;; 401 F.unq, art, Illernlly rat fit,, lip tnf him tonne. ♦ttttMttittttttt♦itiNtttttttttint♦int*NMttttttttt IN SERIOUS MOOD ♦♦ttttattttttttttttttt�tatt♦ttt►tNMttttttttttttttta N by " I alhesh, Ilccurd. lima, mmik me why L have My hourt to Chritt, 1 can reply : Liesteu, while 1 tell y4pil why, I 11 J' lintlrt wall drawn Int Ieligth 'l:. VIA'pk Ilia rape. I Wale Illlul,', i 1111„1 ,o rt-rtiltg yh:ta•.•I 1 hFvartl Of how l e lo%(.I tar \Pith u love. lit AW01.11 uu Crva" LAI liclaht aNa Ina &WVU All huntul k'en, I longed rut+h levo to allure, a. Alt% rewlght It thero - Cpuo my kneed to prayer- Ytml n I r tl ht Wilk m w a I lou a Thelm lovi hrist a C R N' m % a asr. o Ill hoar w r J P e n ' 4l , u the vromm Ikn ell ahtl pl Fur site. Inailal Ililu'there; 1 heard Ilia dying cry : "Father, forgive I" I Iz!w Iltm'drink d,4tth's oupe, TJlnt I might live, MY hu ld wits injured Upon my brt•ast-ln shame. Ito c:ll l td me, - - . 4,d In p•niteneo I came. illi beard any prayer I cannot tell you tow, ' Nor when -nor where, wby-t hate told yota ,uw. 7yln pritllege of youth lw that so much of lifts Is in $lac tulurc anis In working out their lite and building up the it o•hnraetvai they may avail ltt•nwrlvea of groett lesmens of the Bost. Tide su)lna barelty seemly to to upproprtato u, their c.twe unit set we Cannot tCll how soon th3 uc- count may be clomadl &knit the young mail may havo to say "Wbat 1 have written I lukve written." Lr•t the young these remember that they ore writing 41) a revelation of lh, lwwlvev. 1Y11s wor61'd pltot)- graphy stiow1, only the outwarti�form tint : u4- f e n - f mitR'e nest so a it o th I II w;l d ro .v et' al t. r 11 nn asr r e tri by ,tba l e e i s n ea• r ou ritrt h r 1 40 lrlfu 1 t- o 4, r P whoL! life all it unfold,i before Ood nal moil rf%eals oi.r mature and re - Recta Upon our growing character. The time will fonie wile,. naw far• as tilts sphere we. have to look back upon n nitvr'1 complete asset fixed. e,3) A jwtgmpnt of the ('hrlut. We, Hke folhtlls, lutve to face the que,stlon, ••What rAlrilt I do thrift with Jemmy ,.. t w e: r (' se, . t Ay OC tuft t anal fila bel 1 a merely that some, aggressive pmach'- er /:rives tw into a.lorner anal de- mnr.ia tl evislon. He tr here plead - frig for Hims,dr, it may bC throaeh a father's prayers or rt mother'm' tears Int also to tits owes lan-rson, so that we• enn fi`n'e Ilullllvl,ate know- 1141ge of Itim. "How I. slat with you always." Tiro fact of Cbrlat. or Ilia love and sac- rifice every young mon must face, It Im the highemt priv'llege and the gra%est reuponsibiUty. Over alit crops we must write our judgment of Him. Nott/ 1. the .time fur choice and decimelon, 1T -iris if, Job- to lour- render. ourmelvem And seek ILIN mtrength when the end rimes wil may bas Able to say with bumd- Ity, beat nlmo with some meas'tre of gratitude, &anti hope. "What 1 have written, I ha%e %written.'' -Prof. Jordon it. �- Ir 1 1"an Live. Ir 1 call lire To ma kr sumr• little fuel- brighter. ', and t4- give �•A mecond lumtre to moan tear dimmed eye. fin µludo fit fur ro.d•m, If pilula lure talo, to preepNare ll." It W 0, V:irt, mpylug, tail it Ir thio lit ulhY ,ldaclw than roru ganlene. Hotuo yesslog I-opie may, •'i can't be cheerfeal," ter 'I ,saan'l bo jowert-tem- lx•rtd,' or "1 cau't'bo (orglvbag;' all 1 e) , 1` a/ blldl fl r 111 if 111 f•,Y 1V 1•rH Im t r ,Np 11 gnorthe lit Ihele rout ganlrn, bf* %•nape 1.1140 rill Ix pmKa•. Rut "+illy 0 1 gn,ulKl cur bit Iwufi fh f r r 4-e w,' anti un,% ludtrt :•late. fin mail,, fit fur also duvello"L blur/prur tet vlwracter, If we try, with t"'s Wills, 10 prelwrc it for their growth_-- . It in toll of the great Cromwell that when ono r:ald to Ilam. "You, sir, know well tho unkulnese of piety," fin promptly re aliaxl : "I know ,something bettor -the pioty of umefuleers." Tho piety of uaefulnnrr Ise the kind thAt lite world nealw. 'nee piety that slur apart In cavrem or inonwo- trriot whflo there are wronfw tube .lone ; tho fltet,v that Is meateortiM alienist phylucterles and ceremonlalr while tho Christ In being cru`!iflod outride the city gateem ; the piety that a•cupiea Its pew only on ::,,- tiny used feels u otxufortablo mecur- Ity In "bploltging to rtho o•hurch," while It allows others tie bear the burdens unit make all the sacrifices, Is not tho Fort that is britigAng rho millennium nearer. silup>it, homily tiserulnesm, prompt- rvl by lot•, of God and man, maker Ixrtutlful valuta Relief they are weir collie everywhere. In tic church, fiat hoeue. the neighborflood. wher- ever their bleiaed preaence Roee, they •awaken thanksgiving and quicken drooping faith. The Arabs bnvo S roving.that All eunshine.makes the desert. Iden often sigh for entire exemption from care Aral m crow. If lhle prayer w"ro anr-wrnd they would not be the men that lhev tire. lit the spent, diark 1 rs sir ter f u td• to rw- 1 leu t hi rec o r til n t teryell t ►a atured. ther ds r y!M m O lou ant hall cter are brow ht 1 t 1, e c a til th R J sunshine. U,wl wendm till kinds of \weather to the metal which He would dewrlupo fa His likencsb: One lesion, Nature• let me learn of t hee, One IesKun which 1.0 ec'!ry wind la blown, r Ont- lesson of two duties kept, ort ,,1111% r Though the IouJ werVpr.Dglr11n their enmity - 1 Of toil unrivalled from tranquility ! Of labor that tq tasking. fruit out- grows • Far noisier whemea, accomp3tobcd In repose, Tuu great for haste, too high fur riv- alry I -Matthew Ar11u1,4 i J,- "Therb iw only one nutn wfionl Codddes not wL,h to hear slm:uk, ;we, that im flip ivan wlau will not tell ltlm all the truth. .ire yon lit great --grielithls Becoming, unable to sing tic song of reslguntiun ? Ib nut ring It, then; tell uud you cannot ring it ; tall film tluat you 'think Ito ham dealt hardly with you. 1 sometlues think that Ii the tcCILIkiast:Cal Courts knew• nil the things that I say to trod, they would excommunicate me." Christ Is not valud4l mt till unlery He is cnlued above ull.-Auguatine. Tlu, late breakfast. the, paper that ILLI tat come, lien rainy day• lite con- tradictlon, the snub, the 0AXIIA-them are lite termltew that eat out Alter character. thin little foxes that ,moll f BOB DAYS ON A H . Sixteen Luft Ship but 0nlvl Eight Survived. The Signal r PURLMaaD BTBRT TBUR8DAT MORNING DT D. McGILLICUDDT. •.J Terri of suberrlTtlaae Qa• nesw Ir ad• x866 ................... 1 1/ T,rseuuulha. .... r sixraontbr, .................. M fire year. .................... I r HAD ONLY 1 WO APPLES TO EAT. 11.M.arn. . 111 r ,a, 1 M a' In leM aWART. Afdvoruslag Rat". %%'ellisi til. N. ft.. NOV. IO. -- Thr K Lasa) rad other oa.ual wdvwrt *•,n.rrr iea per line fur flr.t intrrtl , ,, an 1 .I „" -I- 4-1gfi1 runhurs t.[ line 111'14'k 1,( tllto v r Ione (.rea,•ha�rb./atleatia"rtl Vn. IeI"x.,1,'91 by ISrilirll rlt4url"r M:Ihg;+trutr, %%ho anonra."il «•ale. %%tiro pdcke,d hp ,.Il It raft by l he Hualoe.s write of ala llnw and e,mdn. N w Itrlllmh alar le 1( „ul I\`ugutn, err" year. AdvsrtWements of I,00t. Fouad, m%rmrM •eem•urd hart Tlnlrsday, nosily wdt'll lettuationn Vaoaat mltaa .Ima Nrst.d an( D"iuw• ('hancsn rV (roll '%%'list KIt1g lslnlle,, the Recent- lit anted, not ea,wellrs t Gn-a nunp,-mil, 11 par moush. tiro wreck. The turd been drilling Y Houston on limo and Farmt on R.I.. rat ao since Neova-u ger Pill, without any ea"Ami s lines. 01 for first nrunlh, Yb. p, .eh ftmml, except two apph•r, }S%oll Ill)- w uentcnontle. asrrt•rad. t4-. In pompom"" pie w'Ar Cut 11110 rixtilull pieces, there Arty ep—A.l auti,•e, the ubjeect lef whirl, iiia bio.e bei [lite" man alnl the Irle%t7ard- K pouaote the pwunhtry t of ear lodl,'d, rat or oornpeur, La be etaevlderod an advert l.s err on Rhe "oft w•Im•11 iL left the trreat and oharaed a000rdingly. wroo•k. 'Illree ad 1140! "less hecaelle Leoal te*llrw in aunpnrell type ane wn%pit nruddened by drinking title water and wild, no notion ler than ado, l.00al nollur to ordlnwry reading tlpe tied I v4- bOa d. iF'UUr Ufherr and letleed V r r wain Wr wort, l ono, lM leer Iia %has ,uta of t vmua ,n the rls-war%1rKr alledl r sir fM oharc au t oboe. ►w d . 11or N estlfl/%r ►„a and exposure. Tic rurvivorr suffered baaerolwt t"titutleY, half mao. agonizingly o, the raft. Thor web - twelve feel hung tiv seven feet wide. 9altrrusers w►o fill to rescelve Tm■ plea,% It cull limit mabul"rK,4l. ,owl every wmularly by man til anima a fee,or Ly 4-.o •wllet" us of Wo toll at a4 aser•ir a dxL. y ll(4► ewl-pt over 1t. drenetni•Igf till tx!- p«! t cultwtatr. 01, itle night of Nor. title, when ao►aetmn of addror L dao!r.1, War talc cartawayr maw tile+ light" of a lbe It'd aad the now addr9r nLuald ►v rt••o, NIvainere, and rlwola4l franticslly. -- Tlle mtutliner towered a Matt. whlrh •ebanbor•n Vista.*• pFamsed within fifty yardd Of till• raft. J./.I,* Tontine. or Gndeorl,h. L.n h.rw .n Then, nithougll lh,mw, uta the raft Minted LecAe I'm,,dllna Amens h,r,b-1,.w Continued abotitin the hoot tUrn-A R• "hips of Ooderao►, Cosibunts. AnLt•',1 ..,d wawaneah. Mimi we tilt track to the mtealner, rip Lnoal puatrnaatOm over th- dialrtct wr, e',a. pr►rplitly not linvtng heard lherrir.: empowered to reoblve .uGaorrptloa. tw' Tas for bulla 1flt-r lII1N, deN ,Ulllll•IIe,Y relLd ill,• 1 9,umAt_ Ali oemannimteses want be ad.1'..4 w D. MCUIl.Lll'UUI,T. Fecepmsiad of the "aft. Unn of them Tons a;.m„ tried t0 appease )IIF hunger by Chew•- TOIOvbaos Call u, Qodarieb. ,'� Ilia his handkrrchlef. -._ __ _ When the FloenQ,tte'r . how t atollgReide lilts raft only one of t +1x1}!<1i5ti11%1'. 'rF '` � t'.1tp_ ehlip-wracked men awns able to island. -- All of tilwo werO W a mupt eaaael- THAVIRLLINO Qgt1DJL , Rated rondtth,n, and thr•fr fae"Al hands -- -_- - a,Il Iegs arere raw frons exi"nre to GRAXD TRUNK RAILWAY. ties- sun and water. .UI IReellp Of find- -- \ ung Lila r,•malning forly lair -ma a1WTL trout tit- Elln►nallitj• 111AN brei nbau- doned. THE MARKETS Totvtntp Former-' Mar -elm. Nov. 17.-I%oa•ipts of grain oo the street on Raturday were Learner. with prfcee 1(ri rally firm. 11'hent unel'anga'ti, Nith ler Of :100 bnrh- else of Khtte at 71 o TSc ; :It10 bush - Ole of aviater tit 71 ) 7_e. and _lJ ) busl,elm of twxtee at . Harley nc- tive, :'•000 buphelr rt•I1 ist e,8 tau :.04-. Oats ore unchanged.\wtill Keller of 100 bushels at .', 1-\" to Sot Buckwheat sold at 5e, 1 _c fix one Joliet. Hay -las silently, _o lends welling at $14 to $IO a ton for timothy, anti mt is to $9 for nAxed. }Itraw Im it Inom1. I}u " 1 �I><ed ,........................ all and R1. oeML................ Iced ... .... Hall rad sx .....................aaM 11.M.arn. . 111 r ,a, 1 M a' In leM aWART. Maill and R _ hN 1 as 1 Ia itw.\ Vt,rd / Is r tot .l,l%p,n DRKTISTRT. - ��• NICBOI,ILON• L.D.K. pmwTtt al'uMa. �orn..�ooye u. pont nal" side lli.v, al ewe "A Retdaa Nark " /pse W ty. rt Tsars Rxl►riesos. �. LM. MARIE, n D 9 1 n.s.— ICTAL . Surypom Ment an.) aurrered lhnt" far all dewW oporat+nl.a Yroo + vaaeet r-fy the rat ural Wtb • sip.nwl, (Ie1r1: t'.r,^� N� .t. aid square lap of Le:raaes ala t, ,a . 1'rtephonc No. SI• - f \ _ ,\ WY HA1Hit I.O. .L.U.p. L},let. a S.Irlrr•,a.3AIrtow.r W tlr J V 14,. ball. alert approval mrtheedr hl ,JI a.•j,., r. I ort& of n4- orn dpatlatry. Iurludh,R pp,a, • lain Inlay n Mrlt,ae, nn4 I•rnwn n,let whiz. curl both IrIt eld and In p..ovele ln. Aprgnl mlttortoup pald� .0 pletoerrmnun 4,l pater•1 ,tort,,. _. lit .,Me4- hernn.rly 4wispWl Req h• Turnbull - - - - - _- - - Iry ora tell farm. with g(xld de \r1Tt'Y.- %c K. THY. I •bEAnlliJIFI, .trel.tlalo, will til. err•e,ur ennead for butler &fail PCC.. Tole lat- ,.m n.:~dare; truth ltT ter wAd 4,t :e,0 lit :L:,c a dosl•n for uptrr. 0dlsna I fremh. Choice pcwuul rullK. _O to 1_•ra. Turkrym aotd tit I1 lit L.' 1-_c per I;— rlrh. %J; x.;th.It,t,y Ib. legrtables la fair mipgtly at - - `�� vteady 'rireot M -N„ a,.. r•. 1. M )lel a, w v H.I IO 1 llom-Rr,l Iptgm firm. -r lit 0y to 11x.35. F C PION, a0: RARRMI11M., S U FOII"%%jus: 1m aLr rvtnge of quota- ie d .F"tuy,ta. Omoe oro edlow .tljnia : Bail.84 Oedoriek. Wheat. white. bei,dls•1. 71'i to 7_c; O. JO N/741N--RAAIUNTIR, moLl- -4, rid. 71y to 7_e,!: dill :prong. On to At. a;bw. rnrMloe,. , aqq Ulterior Rea O7c ; do. ga.w•, 611114- ; o:a tes, bl'sh-I. W.,y lawn. 01115-: ( r. Haanatm aoa /t Awdrow to 36r ; her rley; lea ,,I.,l, 4,S tar 3o• ; rye,•, tea• Otdarrah, lit $4 bu,da,, 51yr; buckwhrot• tm"Jul ROUDFOOT R AT1� nAftli T1Ra 5414e; hay, tinK.thy, per ton, $11 t40 P salie-non, notwrr enbllc Jmrt"n fame *1G; enn, hdx,d,.ppr tea. $R In slj,); 71arltireSoumAc. 4-o-•; Iporth 4,t ern str:Iw 14• >R •, r. 1 • , door moonan. 0106& Pii Yen& to 1t- 1 .t. uale 1'�i FOU of e'Om(UrL to ail 11C11111g I tar grapem.—Jrnn,tn 11: Da11CO(R.- ` ,awent00--oGnbaraa{r-- - - - - .'"_ hlxtarl, pm -r toilNh.1: 1lwlk-. aliwsorce Nen. 1. t-7 w. i1WVDtlKIT. LC.IfISa OI - (•h r Nnlpr iracwnrn �lo»t In tv_ #7M; flu. l-)• = *a to $41:AJ; r. d - p�ier g bJ' ELI7,A[3ETE1 CAUY STANTON, d/n(r, $S:A)111tSO.IN); timntby.�l ''It'KIN1401.&GARRanW. Aitltt�7l.l • to 1111.73 Appl(1'. px•r hid,` A1,00 14, AI, e►nr►v,llolio,644 _ r{p,. 1od.rfrb 111.:,1}; dremmd4l 1 w, F I . Utrkire 1'11art.•Oa w,`I.1-H It' inn IrpFl 1uw (h•:td. Her' �le.s.•allr iw Gitru In soR 158.IN1 to *m.�3; - _._. -..------ .. _ - 1 slronR b4, 1 Lu flan feallrn, o4- ,gKe d. ire n, a0 le :IS; ; Iwntl ,r, •lairy, ))ILII' HOLT. R. '.. flARCI. tt. sol t e air. \olAror Ihd 10, etc OMc en.e- dw \lbrld b) met Inlintmlr Frt•rud. 17 to L_v; ,I'A.. crovatn,'r%, L.0 t" _5c. tleft,nd Wilehing loll. Nov. 17 -ilii& Helen 1 •.ort IfX aapptan. Itlone,y aQ lea .r L,. Tile right agnhlNt A mingle Ito- IL l;:ele,uer, wilt) 1401' nuuly yi:tr•.� Ton.nlo Live• tttrm•k dark 1. ratios of to Iermt. victim mtrnin.'N nu4 asKteov! at;41 with k.111alm•th fitly Fzj• rt rweilr,.•hoh•e, perew,, 11 .iti t 11 ro ---- - . Joy life, thpugh blare SUualup in her life work,.nl Investor- 1o,nediure , . ISI to ,was (BAR- BRAOIR - flAllR►m'IrC, -: An row+ 7:3 rot .p v miller nMarr and oretvey,tad'r• e , 1'erhnpls of much that se•em4-lh tear 1.:J w'r%Ics ro honor of lh• latter'• n,rrheree export -1w Ie a , w Haaniton street appl+wit,e Ihr Ioll..rn and tnlr Read"• am luterrmting rtatenrent tit- Uutrher.' rAtIIM p;c�ktrd •-•_ I em '0 1 ,, 8otto1. Uoderlch. PAT& a fund+ to lead oa To ,1N on earth, %%'ill not have ,hay : nu,rher: eat -10. -110,,1...... . 1 ,,, 1.o 1 Ir, �tg�an ►t it tear calk. le Mre*L FWMOW been in vales. ' Fir•mt of .all." tile• wlmmkpr ma 1.4, tlulrhe. acute. till :I ti ,o J ,f, now eYkeL _ _ "varryin a melne:l I_ (calla tilt- denrl 10 eamat,a. .. . K K Hull export, brat),. .. ,... . a -s ru I lls V• wAhe,.I V�ea: •lpr►a a- AFr The pllrrat jelly, to thse hying, Viet, wimhrnl it kna%o'n to�aaht As" to .t a of io •atwer tot one.•ra and rat AdrMt Moost near to heaven. •Fir rom Vista, mho laird 4,r a ll%Nl• It fearleml do fccdinsa Y 7$ to 7:4, reoomwlamwoes of bill, a1lJavi. all •eltrar do .10........ . tloas, d•psdtlou" or *,laws- dam,:amuwa it asr rotrlh'm alloy. N.•rvnr a 'Zi,c. A_ wurkt•rl fur the Eesd.n, N:ort.kae;i ' " .. 1 7s to •: kl �,, 1 YS to 1 :a =41"1ret,a� Yy actlaa, aw:t w Kone Ni lea b 14 bidding clouds give way to \ wt•Irure of the rncr, Red b l e%e l that do medium.... . ;1 7i to I ,p, tbo H Court of Jratiw, :114- fan•t loot ArTw( and mhinp. any poasiWts future a u1J nod wunp.p do I jbl . 13 to 3 ;., by ottls,rto, sir la any Cowat7 sir Peru&" Nta•ken cheire Gowrx AL ►: Ysaolooa ee,fwfslll ac/ pose 1/ ,and 'twill bas well take care of itmr•If. In purnuallve of - -• ., •t to J ii 8toeker+, raanlor' 't ii to •r fs ataewtdd. Rsalde toe pad P. O. add"Itr- • if un that day of dayN the nngetd 1.m idrla it carts her •nropmt a fmh Nhek aowti 04th rI n to m n, Bonuses. out. sow tell thAAt bar tfrfless brntn, when rhe 9heeq ewlN asrawt 7 s; to t to . Of mo±: "tile! did her beat for one oleo I b• /ione wait It. Ihd Rt) to Bltek,.,tlu tat..... _ . t w to f 7e, 1LOAR/ A)t� >o1/OLlC1 - of thine." Coeur 1 I .ivereatty. that t might t ull.. each .......... . ......... ' v) IQ 7 h IsLnbs, per cwt . .............. i 10 L, 7 7s % .-Hplen Hunt Jackpnn. ss•rvr Irnco mat;; nmtnkin'l hrlp� Cahea• Marr)lid................ 7,01 IQ 10 w ,//ONrV TO LkND-A LARGE AMM N1 --- 1nK t0 r rtvn Rett the trial) art,•r Bop rkolee, p.er cwt Nen to 0 asp ,l of rhate tapdatnr lnrartmrnt at In•• Itemember in the mpirltual life dead,, 4,a � Ims rltwnys ,Loup i life. Meet rbt.l.wewt .. to 0 ft M1 mt-`tm1 expe•Laeon 9r-btWa morta •• aha• telt that n Isain Hke hers t-1 Hr`. ti, err act s -s to o ,w Apply t0lrirbisw.ml k Oars.,». - thern aro rr'crrn tianl,, bat thrrc are over", pereat - •r m e Ire neii for till tinno In flip n , e A - ''l0 is, a eI - no LOIblaym. TbtiL mshp)I bl 4,k tp� sir e,'1 nmmwto, pier cwt 1.., :o OW ACfTtUf E1CR/N(l. brit ,,tele, and too homF+ nrlt•rn•nnl Iw' 1l wont, Rlcr t e world ter the fir do&LAartruciale . ._.. » W to le - Rea MMA9 OONnRT. ACc.'Titrir.vIt .A\to eternal -Faber. nim" the scl- t b' resord of r 1 is IGAtor•0odsrlrh,Ont. r+mh.at'ind•�I iwading N'hfe, Nwrkrlse. lhinke: artKrog tin." to In any. tout of aha alunty. To ale e%erywhere and everylhtng - ---. ,4 rnllmvinc nrr tilt• ,+,e,ng .lulsta- ---- --- _ - - hn aymp>ttthy and yet rwntenl In r,�I C r t mm at luapp,:tnnt a: heltt r••nl ars TnHv [NOI OIYIRAL Al'e e,1: �tr'i lie or pathy mad whet yon mo) . ! .GEORGE: A. f ENTY.DEAD. t 4,y; al andl.nd dal-atrr.GlAeo,.b,u•a. Hwe not ih[ii G) kuini both w f4- iiia a-_. —__. - _... . _. - _ _._" Ina bre eooalderaDlm se,�m rrarm•a n tar .^• nn, 'L1tQlt:'...`.filo. nasewta[ toad., ba Is re • Iz1'J-n t" els Virtue anal ft) dwell with h appinoss? : Was- Noted 'War t'"rn•.pm,ud.vtl +Ind New -ork ............ i-- _ Itor _ Illus .Ith Waning► era.fa.ron a!1 t'aA•- -il. L. KIPw Mlmon. Authorol'IIo)ya• ffln,km, miles . ............... -- 4 t..a Iar r,• atrnaaed to ►tae. mann I-41 .4 e rtodrg otaL or wit by man tow adrir.r ---- Iw)utoln. \lit. lO-Mir. t;rd gr .1. T•Awln at 74 -t 1177:{-1 edea lf-to...irt ply attended W 3„fr.1 1'erhnpir wormhtp and drvotton are' tt,mty, the wale=known tmrre. ox,OerelyAregesra. (Anti MPP to us. ilerhapN they are difrl- I anti unllor, dli.f to -day oil b ed A dalreets on Trade, - cult. It matterm comparatlVtily pit- hid ynclit at Weytrmneth. KARIUARRRtCX:00& tor• to Cbrist. What He, rsterms IN not I __- The moil tend. among Toron- our die eltlon�buL o,lr a IL If_tpl lit Jobbing oumem continuer br_imk.- ��{{���O� �1[ARB11Q/1.J p9 a (i .._ Tltc_lul _ licu� 1 _lpctly.._w as_lxuu .t1Y seaaonaM . itletil aai n s la oto . • �mB67sloil�r Yea tiny will 1m %'Iclonw oar untnmrd or srlflNh, he 1'13- tiled wlucatel lit Weptmin- ,&fail by, refit vrm %rho algm•nr to ounsiothnppm or tr•nrfnlm,mm of dlmpxt-Islr•r Seloo l nail Vninbridge, leaving pm, jrrrirncltrg larger tntdethnn eltlon am but ropugnnnt tls Him.! lht, unlrerselty loll flat- Cr,mr'1 wlfb" 1 yrnr T;m• To'I. of if the will In true and sincere, and out taking n degree,. pit- lona In tllr L lm*vIlNilniln ALFONSO SEEKS SAOASTA. bent toward trip olmdlonce, rven a pur•sr`yor'm df,s,•trt,ent. nn,l un tor•- FAL g In w esah• trade. rfr- _ rough and unemotional temperament Ing invrallfid I:onip %ram raim141 to the files at Montn•nl 11 pant week has OIvM Him w F'n'e Iluwl hr Keen• will not dlmnmy flim. It Iw Mater anal of pnr%rynr. Ila wILN an charptr tel'n fairly mointnl , The it, from flan t'nteltlerso f larcrla of trail Cabine•r. worklnR through tj'P will in niter bf mnernl Jltotricts. ,%frrr mom#, yrnl'e gtjlela to pnrt\ntoeko 1 , _Woo, ales \ladrid. rim. 17.- Klrrg %Ifni•„ the d inomltinn than workinic through mli•nt In mining euppratfons in Italy T aotive. M1'IntI rather. t tJnp o le:ul r,tru►tryl 1'rlme ltinrmtrr +1a'' tare dlalomltlnn to Altar tht, will.- hr Mcnmr• ape•elfal dd,rmoilloondent of bS Robert }:, Kp,d•r J11Cs1pa 4,l dont- Hurl 4,a-Apeyp,ape_ pp,,, Ion enumr4l an in�ramed e,1 and for t:t -with _ lio-zi-amstrtiction_o� Lit"_ --- \nmllo Minn, hrnru,n_nermun nal hint} K,kxTx 'nraT rt.faTTrr r•mperi_ anlrinrt, aml glTCA little a frrr hnnT The natural Petit or life•, nail the Tun'o-Me ,Lin worm, the .It hantlnml rally airy lamm rrtmrrt mala much to the mnttnr. it Im IMlierrt 111:et AhytlMnl, e t r4Htktnm Wait cam better tIUM the prouse iag _-oral, Oren. We tar will Troot lter rrttntnrrl ;N moral pm1'p►opn at 1110, nim rllfipN'nt• 1 1%'lu.lraalrro rt- ort buminr•as 1 r t0 y The n/Rnrnl grid or lirn IN death In wide (;AAI x Ji An the Tyrol He i 1 lee• War Office. Nrnrw Kngnpta 1.m a 1110 pecern no%ela. but I•Utrrly till, narrnge. At N'Innk,"g the Inrge rn.It4lwrrrinR to emtpmly In the. naw common Igerch ; but what we Pall ,_ - - - _ ". I.. _ _ -_- tnI r ) n 1nr r f 1 n anottror Rem. 1 rnth !asr• P ;hen, may not ten the end gf all • 1t may bas hat nnnt1nl+-r-beginning. ThC moral purpom, with which wo llrre thum loialmen thN matter of firmt impiortnner. AN perpnnahty prrmint And tri,mphm through denth, sn moral pal'pnm`m will live on whin natural impnllarie am loot. 'Ihr moral end of living ma.t fin "Inward" In the heart of man. It must be, mommlthing that will mould t e character h and form and ns - f h Ion the man. The Value of the moral end IN Incalculable,. and its net- tainmrnt In tM, only treat, hippitepmo for ifp. Thn mtandard by which %re determine thim moral #,till In moin,e- thing nbmol,te, and not within flim competence of tiny mnn or of nip men to niter or abollph.-ChrlNRlan Guardian. A fnmoom F.nglimh gnnlrnrr once heard n n40tdrman comlrlatningly may: "i rannot IIA%n n rile,, garelen, thr,ugh i harp nft,•n trfidl, torr,alme the mill round my rnstIn Ill ton pmor for ttaw•N." ' Tllnt IN two rryt,N,n at all," rrp11rv1 the gnnlrnrr. "Y,ml count gu to work an11 /Dake it hettmr. Any grewend ran thor of blanks, fo Fr►}m, ref %chieh fin ottimulate general bnettnpam Activity. wtnte noire linin "veoty. (%older weather Inn more or less _ __---- +tte►ppte/1- teff lrrr•rrr lw m it, atlR" l 91Pu of mr aplmnble aKlo nen mhnw R C WAITING EOR K4TCHENER • pwrRe rxpwtnmlon. At Paealc C wmi p"olntm tmdm Im green]. firalroo of real London, Nov. 17.--.t despatch to palate continue to attract fallen. the totally Eoilleceme from CaltutUL mnys tion, city Index and farts prolertiom that there Lm eonmideralilp Rarest to ehatyting hands fr/a•ly. Mrnney to Afghnnteltan, which fa int-Totiming. Thn tight. Initerryt Io whnlrmraln clreleN Lrothrrs of tar .%maser urn IntrlgldnR Al Hamilton thin work has centred 4,t llalhl. Tile military mntaruvrep,tre largely In the movement In mmason. likely to Jose plesid oned for lhemp ren- able goadm, Tl'e mortit►R trade has nines, anti an nrmy corps will le held been fairly aclFve. Retsllot•N, now In rt- r tr r nttln mm we to m the fro" p all t r t11At the rw•Amon Iw ao lar aAVancal. in came of nerreacty. Thr arrival of arm preparing for the large males I;rnprnl Lord Kitchener, w•ho will nm- ref gro,M expon,cted during the nett same mupremp eommnmd of the troopa mix eeks. ere is a fslr Ingnlry In india. In aw•alt/d with Wimp impre- fear 1Miday gooatm. RONitlfe" condl. tirtetr. __ _ __ it"')*, NN rMlawted to Rrendertreet's, Wounded hs the ,arm. arp healthy, and ohm outl(a,k for the tmmp,llette future 1m Prnmiming. At ISAy(It-lff, Ont., Nnv. 1O.-Thn Re%' Twtndon thpre Into boas, a fair move. .T. (• nnrrdlner, of BayflciJ, while merit this wook In heavy goods, from not r:seek Nfioartlex on the± river on johhers' handet. ftntAAlmrs arts cerdeir- Knturdny nKvrnlnpt met with n me- ing frostily. Ottn%vn wllnlmsalm trade rpre nforldent, '%'h11e atepphlR out otrelea are well mntLfled wltb the for the tont him Run was neri'l."t- progress of burinans IA sateonAble ally disechnrged, badly wounding hl. �a left arm. Thr naneelo minr Rpring h %flet The Wocwkrt,m•k woman who venot t•noepnny'm \rnrka were damaged to Nalrl to barn fallen hplr to $:1.�,fNN1 lite' rttent of $10.000 lsr $13•(1X0 oSpMives that It Is olnly ft) IN's -«11th by firs. of that agate• r, 4- 1,,. 1 than that whleh war falml le pati« In an Intervlrw today. e(anper.L V%'eyler wall : •'I am wt the 'Ilmpiml- tlon of lienar Ragalta; T wluall 11111 form nn oblftnerin if any onrrlutlon r:, 11 ito tourml." C.P.R. FAST ATLANTIC LINE. Ilt•lieved That (•ompaay' tin- Gl%1" Order filtr Font- t'emar•la. JfoMrwal T11wKntolt-Altha,gh Ila,• high tip 0ffklnlw of thn C. 1'. R I%i I not Admit it, It In udneratood that :u, ne('r'nt of the company hole Mon qnl- Mly l oking over the grertM ship. imilding ynnlm in tilt, old country will' a view to ascertaining the condltimes $iw to in.t, r, tlmr%, pricey And the like nn.l It 1s ptntpd confidentially by tho,+r %chi nrr In n pa,mlll(n to kills•% that if the eompany hnA not netually given nre nyder foor ruler fact wt('Am• � arm for flip Atlnnlle• trade It will Very alorlly do an. , J v } elu,•r ilnlntelnnole, p>°1„.IArI, known nm "Priner Cupid,” wnm el^t't- nl {bewnhan delegate to Ito V• Ila Vrsrgr^aa. _r .4 WOMAN'; Often Leads in rv• tlrwolactlrs, Ilirzlners, PAlplla anA Uther Ilial touLr f o%,.n,mn'a .ra1•rr 114,14 1110 ,tally au muot I) W Ito would ,ff'eO roll) 111%0 rtralu. 1\t- w,wk lit•.,sail women eve t,f Idrr. tiro. L. .,.i 11 %,,•If knows, I p epa,,•k, out., w s.e;gr "f hope. Jal,'r,irwal Iter to 1'. ul%l•k sat.I. ''Ye Ing to gl%ti illy great gool Ur. 1.1111, IIrYO done m 1, 1 rare mrly help t A , ocpl,, of years gin to gh'e wn)', r i,ta.,ulLu, with uta-' .yo;pl,aar Of tout: til,,, h 'uulrlatted. Ir• grlu-w ao-1 A very h,+,t 1 Ilsolawht tl 1".. I. Wny, lout It I"k' n. its 1 t onthn )1? 11. +ort tr•g,tu •lit 1, ;,t lit" leant ex, u,,:l:t nay broken ,,,.,;It ret In. unit I t,..!,I a bol of well An :,%alt In f:nglu (111,...1 wl'itt,•n uln 1',Iik I'111d load r•,uh lei I be,. termintd •� Trim; -St" tits u - Noll :A a dl,rust•t 1 uu�l "I'. unit Nft ,, f.•w week. lir r , U ly left lite . iltlll ole• rut brad• fares that Ila e'rvlolc a,nm-fi1.1. u.ra-1 nit 1 t•oe 1sy lu,':.f ,irk wit way+ 11.1 ratl•fe.l iom: Pink lifts I ael ltloougly r<•40 olh.r eduy( null ter. %% Illlam%* a raNnp:k-11"1 J,.al Illul.tal"Jd of ooh.I frig ,: n un F we ersfn.m ally Of lev 4,t.-rrpldting f1 baa.d.' Witt- will ---a -f-,tr - treat w 0: Wth tintil Nr• ngtb. Imila 'Ila .. sdtfn4p 1 ;% lir wtu. tar.• mor' fu . Inti low th- it ,•i►- rte,• Hutt th • full Ihlu� Pink !n. 1. f h,ue l ion th,• w'rn1 hex , in buy. if ye, k'rp thn..r• pillm m' �It,lu•' le, `11•in" 1'e,: an; th y will tri n Ca► •• r.tw par h.x �t-p4appir-1 gp.r her IWO aw :.t: old Altnnr•yl ' 7dl r Gnpl or "Is. - w .16couui fur I ?ire. Brown till wM, unorrs wrath wil6etn! Tomei u y�nu ,, krrp Y."Ir an lir 11now•n lowly vO-I 11 r, v - %l a mins, t,•r,,.r ,.r Ih1• rnl r,,, , � r ,I" I tell tt,1 s• , r hspnnr In ,. W, grly', et41 yam. un -lav cnanhr, •, Crnlw T, if.ei•4f-A Lnn•1 s,l Its,it% Like " anti %,o al , 1,•rk•. I.II i In Allow MAIN rw,!.hrr rranemhere . totllrr nKr4i-tp s al ,t hrr, I.II1!e Mina Frfc h'lnn. fin rill it ft/'. oat 0f rharity. "1'm In nn nota' that girl fast nigh "hi•I phi Jilt you Tlirte'm the t n din . r. ani i can't .hr LI yrs lir uo '!h,fil,,, mll'I MrM N11r•rrl ll Ila Ithoun ' 1 net Y were sial. by .tar Tot John. THE PINKH IM41 1%, GRP,t9 TMI1LIll MIS. Francett c Il4th St„ N.Y. G tillx)nv to the h1 sands on Mrs. P Khan Lydia % dip' %sem first in' all oc,'r the coon their curative el( after year has n littlegroupnf ern lr pd by the »c Rla%rn into hlmdreda of thous rikrpfiriemn #IRVe lm by a mighty f t0P grrat. genial pinkham'm Y1xt• and her other Ile, IM(olig t',le wnnw attractlnF the alt( torr dieing IN:lel and •inking pen Ifets able Mai ``I11!, thelrtom in a earn alien ,stow m-evesel