HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-11-13, Page 88 Tato dote, N,v. 1.1, 111:
THESE are the departments we would specially call
your attention to this week. The markets have
been carefully searched for the latest styles and best
values. Come and look them over.
Dress Goods and Silks.
New Camel Hair Cloths.
New Zibeline Stripa Cloths.
New Broadcloths and Cheviots.
New stripe Waisting Goods at 60
and 75c.
New patterned Satin Cloths for
ew Jackets and Furs.
Bargains in Sable Ruffs, regular
$12.00 for $9.50.
d 11�+00� $3.50, $$,
Ladies' Raglan Coats.
Really the most serviceable, sty-
lish and comfortable coats on the Isar
kets. $10.00, $12.00, $15.00.
Never have we shown such ety-
luh wearable hate se this season.
Ready-to-wear trimmed hats for ladies,
misses or children.
Men's Clothing and
Boys' Overcoats made on the lat-
est model of the mens style, in grey
and cheviots, lined and well made,
$4.00 to $8.00.
Boys' Pea Jackets, Boys' Suite.
Men's Overcoats.
The Raglan waterproof Fall
Coats are comfortable and stylish. We
have them in grey. and new bronze
I l envy Frieze Overcoat&,
Dressy Cheviot Coats, $7, $8.50
and $10.00.
New Suits, Pants, Short Coats.
Every kind of Men's Underwear.
Small Wares.
Stuart, Suggs!' Gay. Jr. Seoo'd-Edtih
Treleaveo, Sheila Treleavau, Ethel Cao*,
Roes Smith, Petri McNally, Emma Saadi,
kart Bulgy. w. Pr. 11 -Wady'. McLean,
Vera Derain, Clara Sproul. Itoy Medd,
Looe 1' otter, Genie Meek. Jr. P.. 11--
Etaeldietra, M. et,. Sudo, Mar the Begley,
Waite McNeil . 1.41110 Peatlasd, Hartle
Wholes. '511 Pt. 11 --Viola Meek, F.dlth
Stothsre, Laareaos Smillie, Clarets*" Smalls.
Jr. Pt. l--Fraek McArtbur, Roy Medd,
George fate, Howard (vers. Marvin Derain.
S. Mt K . i,14T Assistant Teacher.
MONDAY, Noy. 10.
Norr_�-lhylelou Court eras held bora on
Monday, His Honor Judge Doyle presidiug.
Ibe docket was light Miss Jenny
curdy true day IV bapprlied )e,spiain
her ankle, having Nipped at the dour step
oo rotor out of the Douse. We hops the
young lady will soon recover from the 11001i
dent ..The hot supper to be held in
Frothier church on Thursday promisee to be
a simper.
CoMIn •ND Goi i..---Rtohmoo'1 Sands
Wormed home last week alter b.vrur been
engaged for some time to l'hloago. He re-
ports having had a good time Mir I.a-
hell• Moore, of Huron tcwoship, county of
ISruoe, bottom panted by her niece, MIs"
(,'yothla smith, mid ler r nephew, Master
Cherie. Sa,a'b. epee" Suudsy with relatives
mod acquaintances bere....Joho Bowery, of
Tbes.aloo, and formerly • prominent farmer
In West Wawaeosb, retutoed home last
week after having hod an extended and
ptessant visit with former friends and so
iv...M .nose In this vlll•ge and violunty. He
tbiuks Duug.0000 •hau'. as prosperous and
neat • ylllaes es he has seen in bis trip....
Mrs. Ju. Soots, of fort Albert, one day
lase week was the guest of hr daoshtee and
soc-'u-leer, Mrs. and Mr. Wm McNally.
This depattmeut is always up to
date. All the wanted kinds are here
of Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Bets,
Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, etc. Special
belts made of watered SILL. with oxi-
dized silver buckle at
Now in full swing. Suits made to order. themes or
waists. Satisfaction guaranteed. MISS SUTHERLAND
coulee to us well recommended and her work so far bears
it out. Never have we turned out better work.
Itis well Ito keep in mind:thoselfree premiums we
give onlcash purchases.
Smith Bro's & Co.
SATHHn.y, Noir. 0.11, UO2
The loltewlop is the report of the pupils
of S. S. No. r., tIoder.ch township, arrant
od to order of merit, for the month of
Ooteber:--Forth clam- 1). Molirlon, K.
Jr/hasten, M. Mcllw.ilat Sr. Third -M
Ross, J. Johnston. 1. ,lohoetM, ll[. Wuhan,
G. Ernest.. A. Wtlhameea,--R"-Tlrr. Jr
Third Edith Wilson. H Elliott. Sr. Soo
Eva Wilson, Thos Johnstoo, dobe Johns
tea, Retie Blohse, Myrtle Johnston, R.
Jehsean, 1). Elliott. ,Ir Sec. --Roberta
Johnston. Ethel l<Imwtoo, 611,• \lollwdr.,
Rey Mollwatn, R. Willlameoe Pr. 11
Keith Kra, Mabel Wllhamws Pt. l -Wm.
�iWon, G. Mollwalo, ltob►. Mel lwatn,
Jemmy. Mcllwalo, Robt. Vow.rby, Flras"t
Pts"{, Emily Foot. WILFRID H. Ilgt.l.,
b1uNDAy, 11.0 27.
Lao. Puttoo has taken p.e.e. .n of the
On Mallow" on Mrs. l:eo. Symonds enter
Mined the youog people of the village at
her hems, where taffy -polling and games of
all kinds were lodulged in, followed by a
bountiful repast. All report a epleodtd
IAA 'Thursday •vesing this v Ilage was
honored with another daoor, which wasgot-
ten up by lioderloh people entirely Al-
though these dances are h.l.l hers nose oI
our vIllage people stte.d them. The even-
ts' of tins afors"•Id dames was • partion
Lrly lovely one, which was a saving
•o the dancer., for they did not need to hire
osrrl.gss u all of them arrived on toot,
with th• eruption of the m re, who
drove ever In • buggy. A little alter 9, the
arrl,sI o1 the vlollo.ets being anoou.eed,
Immediately the mese enthoetutlo of the
dancers began bonklsg engagemeole for ebe
marring clamors This was a menent of great
e•.pense tor th• girl., who eagerly w.tohed
ler partner" and envied the favored oars
walking off on the arms of then •.onrts.
The less fortunate ones had to &watt further
blowing', which did not nems In Ategube
but In reelley, tor to...Ms midnight the
rtltlemen were reinforced by • large nom-
dgnmens of sports Irom the (Atomise City,
whiobtlaoloded a few of the "elite" of thst
pleas. This was a supreme moment ter ►be
girls ; t0e retnfnroement being In the beat et
spirits they were eagerly picked op. Then
the dancing began In earnest ; in the whole
room there weer not • girl without a partner
to bot enm• had two, but granting that
they had as mitre partner the daises was
got through In • soleetifio manner. The
eight employees of the evaporator were
treated to • free 0000ert. Although It was
n ot • M.ossy music hall with • Kabelik ea
is stage. still the employees •ojnyed the
rare mute just as well. 'the night befog
it very warm one a few emits wieb their
partners ea no d•wo teem the hall sod took
• ',hors stroll as far as the bridge. The
stars were *Moine hr.11lutly and their re -
Hutton oo the warn of the Maitland was
• Iosely webs to behold. If there had only
been • law boatmoored to th• shore toe
moue would bare rivalled the (amens Rhine,
e t 1•:.et some of the strollers would nave
thought so, hot hemming ohilly they turned
from the towns spd went hat s eo the hell
ted were nano srsln swinging i.und the
ro"m with the rest. As the down was
dr twice neer it bruin to be sosouooed by
the extra orowing of roosters, who were
kers swsso all night by the unusual ac
civil), In the hall. The dance shoo was
broken up and iter• was a race.mongst Ore
✓ ants to ssoort the Otis home. When
dawn broke the hall wore Its usual tubal
appearance and no trsos" of the night's
revelry were left.
Monthly usmleatloo repot* of S. S. Nu.
17, Ashfield and W. \Vaweaeah. V clue -
Ella Ryan, Mabel William 1V --Daisy Ryan,
Robbie Haber. 1.+urs Kirk, Nellie Reao,
Willie \\ Ihon. III --Lulu Stet hers, Lola
ilnnkeld, Stella Kirk, Medford Elliott,
14v14 Nieto., \Ville' Neons. W.Ifred
Elliott, Martha Nixon. Sr, 11-I.eooasd
!toehold, Esti Wilson. Jr. Ii -Flossie
Elliott Part I1 Not mu Kbk, Welter
Nixes, George Nixon. Pare 1--Charlie
'Olivine. Ella Members, Merton Kirk, ('.nie
Duokel.l, Jimmie Moletyre, Emma Nixon.
AF.ent• IV Ada Ehio't, Ada Campbell.
Sr. ll -Lear. Moiety's. ToosI atteadlsg
30 W. J. MAI&, Together.
Ninon. The local &gooey 1. />etagaoeon
for Tits Niuvat in at the omos of J.U. Ward,
.I. 1' . 0oo'.Tangier. Rn, who will renelre
orders for suheoriptlons, advertising and lob
work. and le authorized to give nactidets for
,.mounts paid for the same.
Rrrour Tb. following 1. the
atandmg of the pupils of the jester .ilvislon
of Dungannon pottier school for the month of
Ootogec- Sr. Suomi- ('harlle McArthur,
Hu.l.h R'elkom, Levi ('raneton, I.ura
I9.her, May Stuart, Melville (deer. Maggie
1).xher, (lsores Smith, Allan Ivers, Roy
- -IC
We have just received the fourth car of
in a little over one month. This will
likely be the last to come to town this
season. We have some not spoken for,
but put in your order early as it iy go-
ing out fast.
FOOD or H E R B A G E U M for your stock.
Nothing humans without •oeuw. The welt
dreamed appearance of wearer" of Pridh•in's
t•llerlog in caused by t superior oelleucs
of his workmanship, ooiee.
btuen with the teas of
the best sud Weld matertele. All you have 10
do to sot the oeuw• In operation Is to 01111 and
have >our meswros taken.
Curl Campton ha. Waken a position to flee
Bell 'l elephooe Co '• ottioe.
The Dougbters of the Empire will meet
1a the law library of the court Ionise 00
Monday atteruoon at 4.30 o'olook.
C11•.+ C. Lau has pus is a full Imo of the
Queen wood heaters. 11 will psy you 10
call and re, them. They ars the most eco
000mlosl wool stove lu the market..
Shipping are booing that when the big•
wigs of the U. T. R come along this morn -
loo they will brlog • few osrs with them, to
rolls,• the blockade of freight a0 this
The Colborne brick rent has l+•,n pur-
chased by bleier", Mooiertl' .a 1 11 •t e, who
h.ve had combinable experouc., r., that
lane of work and intend to turn t tel a thel-
The Wilsons will be asked to contribute
to the support of • Y. M.1'. A branch in t.ad-
erwh durlog the oomiog wl.tter season. A
subsnrtpuou list 1s tieing prepared and let
b* e.roulat•d In a few days.
Iasp•otor 1'elabty has received official
notioe from the Liceoee Department, Toro, -
'o, •tatlog that all bars must he closed on
Deo. tuber 4th neat. the date for the t•k'sg
of ill, referendum vole, ond that the law
mut be strictly enforosd.
Pia Austin Chisholm hos received his
medal commemorating the coronation of
Ha Majesty King Edward VII. 1t tir a
hynJsome piece of work to bronze and will
maks a hoe addition to Pte.Ohbholsee
other military d.00rations.
'Iuntr e, Nov. llth.
T. 0. Hawkiss life fee Settle Ste. Mer e
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark, of L',yal, visited
relatives here on Ssaday last.
Mrs. 'halt and son, Edgar, of Donau -
non, a•e spending a few days at the home of
1'. N. Hsu,ho.
S. Hoon. NOTE, -The a:hoot house was
treated to a coat of paint last week ted In
uonerqueoce is mooh improved to appear-
aoce. Mr. Pillow did the work In 1.1a
initially geed style The following is the
result of the Ootober promotion cumin",
11oos. The nate' are In order of merit.
From Sr. 3-d to Jr. 4tn-Evelyn Hayden,
Hlcnobe ()leer, Jane Young, Roselle
Suboenhdz. Edo. lleeaetr, Mogi" Cue
ningbam, Ebel Brown. Sadie McC000sll,
Bert MoCoubell, Floosie Carrell. From
Jr. 3-d to Sr. 3rd. -t% Olio Draper. Jae.
kloMi.lar, Bessie Carrell. From Sr. 2nd to
Jr 3rd.- P.roy Heydeo, 1'00.. Gauls',
Rrruald McGee, Joe fellow, Wm. Swale,
I)analda Hamlin. From Jr. god to Sr. god
-S'ulsy Hyden, Lloyd Hamlin, Joe
Armutroog, Hattie Curial', Tom Yr ung,
Edd e Soboo.balz, Clarence Smith. Roe
MIT B. ANDER10N, Traober Num
Coonlegham, Robert Anderson and Waf-
ter Hawkins have bsmn rt-logsged for
the Io-oomieg year, at th.ir respective
•cboelr, n.mely, Ne 17. Athtl.lt, No 1,
Ashfield, sod No 9, A.bdeld, all at a
•ubstaotial Inoreass of salary.
Ti zoiio Noy. 41b,
The Ryan steamer vial to the asighbs•
hood for eey, rat days lost week.
A lu,enile couple under ten years of age
wsarlog masks made some Halloween ealls op
Friday night of last week.
Wm. Stirling has lately put o cement
d,or la h.e tors" .W le, Jona Sneer, of
Porters 0'11. doing the work.
.foo. and Alu. MoNevin have returned
from bis a th& and are new vitae tn.lr
osperletros" out there barveeting. They ti .d
a good time.
Jesrpb Cook bas ourobaseid Jae. Taylor's
Ofiy-•ore ierm near the Point hovel, which
for rveral years poet bag been ranted by
.1u. Kirkpatrick. The price paid was $4d
ao acre.
.las. ('hi•holm bas poroh•.ed the tneburn
Farm from Ileo Fulfot'l, to whom Mr.
Strecbw had sold it. &Ir. Chisholm will
sow be 00' largest laodhnldrt to Leburn
having roar farms one the 50 arces where he
lite.. two e1 the lake on either side oI the
road, oud .i.e 1 ....burn Form near h1e
homestesd, of • hundred acre..
'rt. tempt rim-• part y In our midst told a
meeting at the 'Temperance Halt on Moa-
dsy might sl rho can of the lout executive
committee, H A Horton, H. McManus and
A H. ('lotto° .los. Gook was .etiolated
• delegate to Dell opo* Rev. M. J. Wilson.
of Nile, and request him to come come even -
lag nut week to address a me -ting here on
the r.frre.dum Every voter for or
••.lost prohibition I. rco uest.d to tarn out.
and hear the question dioouseod.
MONDAY, Nor. 1(1, 1902.
• Goo. Fstford bought the Lupton term
last week item Wm. Straohao for $2.600,
and then resold It to .lames l'oi.hoim, of
umbers, for $3,050
Oar taweemae, Geo. Putford, {'stead el
bo'dlut em Wile 1n Leghorn on the 6 h fear„
het, it to one of our eity cattle yards.
There was • large attendance. Thos. Guo
dry. of I:ode:loh. wt -bled the hammer, and
R m I:nddon, I.+eourel, was clerk.
KRi'Rtv.n THE Arriol';TMRvT. - Lie
Knox, son of Alderman John Korn, of
l:odcriob, h•vlor accepted the offer of our
board of efuootioo, will wield th, blroh in
oar echoed hero f.,r the oomiog yeast.. H.
will he the 80)00.1 male to.oher in this sec
tion since It was flume about fourteen
years age, all thm otter tr adhere, with one
e logo io' , haying been
The Me bollen of Nile olrcult are otos
templeting the tullding of a sew ohuroh
nett summer.
'I'ne Epworth I.eseue of Nile M.lhodie%
church has mane a contribution of $10 to
the Weet Huron prohibition campaign hood.
Mttohell Recorder : Mr. Passmore played
the organ to Knox chetah on Sund.y and
gave excellent eati■'act.on His obsnass of
takleg the organ permanently are got'i
The new Methodist church at Hackett'.
10 A.hHsld 1. os.nng oornplotlor. The
Opening will take plane Notember 2i•d•
when Rev. 1)r. Batmen. of F:reter, will
preach mor.log -hod evertor, and Rev. R.
M. Whaley. R. A., of Sr. Belo Ili, no the al
lernno. A pleasing feature in o' nnea Ion
With the declination of th s new church le
that It is free of debt, far whlnh much credit
1s due the pastor, Rev F. J, ().fru
The special meetings In Vlotorl. Street
ohnrch have pees well attended during the
wren. ie.t Ssbtath rervieee were very im-
pressive beings* of tin pewee** en I power
of the Spirit in the after,*. a sod evening
• great number decided to tet v. God. Mr.
MnH&rdy will conduct s.r.ioss during the
week. the .0th w.11 be his last N.bbitth
bora. He will preach morning and craning
end address a meet m„ t ng st 3 r. M. he the
sud.tonnn, of rhe onurah, Subject; "rh.
Modern Pleasure Dune" (by miser ). 00
early 11 ynu would toi u e a vat. Farther
announoemeas will 0e male os Sabheth,
r..aetrlr .•aged dist.
The world 1. full el sickly, dependent,
tire,", enervated people, .11 hoping to be well
some clay. The serail rood M health is
along IM way et taking Ferrott.o after
meal.. Ferrnron• in • groat tippet tor and
enables one to oat plenty of a hnleurn. food
without fear of Indigeetton or dyopep.is.
This reales in the rapid fermatlo, of as
abundance of red, 'realm lig hlee&, whl.0
*111 fedora the eervss, 100r fifth and
vigor, and nourish and feed every orgoo of
the body. rem rue le an Ideal restorative
and I.eger•et. is le a tonic of unegsllcd
merit that anynn., ewe use *oh n.ncflt
Pries 50o. per bee, or els hoses for $2 50, es
druggists, er N l'. Pelson A Co , Kleiman.
terewaed at MathaatpNa•
Sostb..mptoo, Dot., Nov. 10. -Jona,
F "you, eotdorer o0 the steamer Earl, ane e1
tt.0 beet ut dating tugs ut tht..place, tell off
uuuve:I Rivas dock durlog Friday al bll
sod w.. drowood. 'r0. tinting of 01. eat
on Suo,lay told the alar. The burly was re-
ooversd .t troop today A widow and eight',
cbtldrea .ter y lvS�
Wowed Clemens, Mira, "The Nl.eral nub 1
Cur "
The &hove is the title of au idastrated
book'.*', trued by the Ursod Trunk keit-
way ouota.u.ng feats In regard to the ours"
*flouted 10 the oa. c of thousands of
rheumatic sell who yearly visit theN
noted bathe, and also gives muob utufal
'formation to reference to Hotel and Bath
rates. Mount U!uusoe 1. situated dlreoNy
on line of the Wood trunk • short diataaee
Irom 0), trot , anti is eerily and comfortably
reached by last and well {quipped trains,
from 504 oolnt In Cued*. Copies of Book-
let, Ilme Tables. and oily inlormatioo ou
appl.ca'ion to Bread Truck Agent, or by
addrrulog J. U MuDoi•Id, District 1'su-
eDgsr Agent, Tornio,
• steer West- foot one I.• seretblaa
0 .,r 1 wen, Dollars.
Kim:mediae, Ntv 7.-(Ypeoial.)-A fug -
t• ve deer, chased from its favorite booms by
euntsmee, struck town yesterday o•oroing
R,11 .' g that he was up stalest it he took
•o t'ae water, eon'h of 10.'0. T. R. depot,
.od swam out tote the lake. Two parties
he now beets west after him with lusoe&
lb swam over • mile at d a half from laud.
e st the pulls to the beat c,wgbt him.
lei deer was Isuoe 1 about a mite and a
h alf on, In the lake. He mos a hoe blg
buck. Is towing him home his head b -
oame entangled with the reps which pulled
him under water, *easing death by drown -
Temporary acoommodatlon tat bees
provlled et the 'Temperance H.li for the
pupils of the junior dlvieloo of 44 Patrick's
ward school, The smaller room at the hall
has been fitted up as a schoolroom and is
presided over by Miss Vesta Watson.
Toe remains of Henry B. Hawley, son of
Thor. 1) Hawley, who died of typhoid fev-
er In Les Aogelr'u, Cel., on the 4'h lost.,
were s.ot from there on the 1010 to Detroit.
Mr. Hawley, of town, will go dawn to Ds-
troat on Saturday to roomy" the belly. •
Miss May Craig is vie tin,( iu Detroit.
John Belo, Sr., arrives home per 'Ir.
Jose. tea Mocday.
0. F. Emerson, of London, has bele heti
for a law days tete week.
Woo. Stewart left Tuesday afternoon oo a
trip to Toronto and ttramptoo.
F. F. Lawrence sod (:surge t,rsham a1
tended the funeral of the late Iwo Rattan
bury at Clanton on Ssturd•y.
J. H. Shirley, U. S. Consul, returned last
week from llllools, whore he was tsklog
heed la the State eleotlooe.
A. Sande re' uroe 1 this week from Glencoe,
where he hu peon staying with his soy -10
law and daughter, Rev. Jae . ted Mre. Wil
Mrs. L,ekle and Mrs Cameron, of Stu. -
sole. who were asel.Ung Mr.. James L.Turo-
bull In her poet cuptial recr•p11oo, r.turoed
home on Monday.
A 11 Cordmgly, wee was recently pro-
moted to the position of cooduatt r on the 0,
T. It., with hue,'u.rter..t Palmerston, has
removed 4. family to thee pleas.
FIIIDAY, Noe. 7th, 1912.
The R.nmill•r branch of the Women't
ionlru:o w111 hold its text m+erl.g oa the
20:h, Ina' , at 2 r etas in Gledhmli's 0.11.
Mr. M. MAI.t.o\ . Yenretary.
CoIoniaItngPcture L'o
The Best and Most Elaborate
Program of Moving Pictures
Ever Seen In Qoderlch
Saturday Even'g, Nov. 15
and MATINEE 2:30 P.M.
The only. au1h.stt. nmplete lata -like
representation of the COPOnatlon Or
Together with the dazzling street Itagcant
of the King, queen aro" Court departnrg
from Wentminnter Abbey.
Ifl.rmg. Roaring Rivers of Lava,
A Lrill.aut production of that Linins•
fairy 1:.'.•.
An'I ()titer iu'ems.ely Intereettng anbjet•t..
Prices (Matinee, 10 and 20 cents
(Evening, 25 and 35 cents
-- Mair open &t-Kidil'. Rook store on
Wedoenday. 12th.
I •1II.W/1
\ N 1' RI 'I' I I:
e"n TIti
Live Stock Exhibition
Nov. 29 to Dec. 6, 1902
Tickete are good going Dew. 1,, 21.1 and
3rd, amt ..lui returning from Chicago on or
before Dee. 7th, 1902
Splen 1i.1 rut -1.•.1, 011id•oine wide vewti-
iode rti.,0 ,, hunronw Dining ant Cale
parlor .are, Pullman Sleepers, amt the fast
timo mule insure a comfortable journey.
Round-trip toured. tickets now on. hale
eel for nine months. Arrangements made
fer parties or single passenger*. Tickets,
foklers and all information from Agents.
.1 D. Idt1tONA1.1, C. P. AT. A.
F. P. LA W REN('F;,
Town Tr" ket AReon, (latent:h,
Did you, ever eat
Ice Cream in a
nice warm room
in the Winter
Try it Saturdays at the
has been suc-
cessfully solv-
ed by the
SIIOF. F'" j ifaN
They combine every element of shoe perfection.
are made nervous and irritable by the pinching and cramping of
ill-fitting shoes. Such women should lose 110 tiwe iu becoming
acquainted with thew shoes.•
They are modelled on scientific lines, so that while bating "as
easy as an old shoe," they tit without a wrinkle and please the
eye with their graceful curves.
e conditions of the $5,000 (H) Queen Quality prize contest.
Ask us th
II REPAIRING Red Front Shoe Store.
Ilog. Theeddl any or Mle*
I On Lading, all who teak part in thce0see
l wer.. stored with subp"spas to appear be.
lore the M.yor for iutrautlan of the 010111
lase. lo the eacaemont of the chaos they
had fuottea that they were ell uolloeoeed.
The man who judo the catch pleaded
pushy and was fined $20 and neat,.. The
others were let off
All water rates must be paid by
Dec. 5th, 1:10_', or else water turned
off and warrant issued for payment
of same.
By order' of the Water and Light
04.11 Collector.
Clinton : w &situ
Aooie J. Fiokeg
er to . R. Taylor was
performed by Rev, Dr. Stewart at the
b:ldes borne, in the presentee of only the
imatediote Ineodn and relatlyrn of the reit-
tract tog partite, on Wednesday last week at
ort o'clock.
Wanted.- Half a million feet
good sound hard and soft
wood Saw Logs.
1b 1.e dolmas.' a', our saw mill, (:ode
r'i b, or on tis.- i+,.oh North and South of
lloduich, in suitable planes for raftlog.
ID/hest prt:. in oath will to paid, •.
loge are waled. ( °wimpy's Boole to to
Goderich Lumber Co.,
7.4t Uedcdob.
TI:l.srnotl: \o. s
trail Dowa wE.T 0r
11 iIImt.T*0 •r.
HERE are more of the downright good values that
shoppers can find here every day, and that are
bringing us more and more business as the months go
The types tell of reliable merchandise selling at
prices that many stores would make a big fuss about
and call extra special. What you get here is good.
What you get here you can rely on, and we are always
ready to make right anything that goes wrong.
Very Fine
This IIINlerwoar is
made in the heti
underwear factory in
Canada and its mak-
er guarantees it ah-
solutely unshlink-
able. Ladies who ap-
preci at a fine,soft,com-
fort.able undergar-
ments' will find they
are- perfect , in -every
way. We never had
better underwear at
these prices.
Indic' flue woollen
o',Aorveste,•r Abed, full
s e.. Iona obey, h'gh
neck, neck arid front
eerctT!rtmmre 1, *ow. -
1,1N yards Flannelette
2c to 3c a yard Saved.
Every little saving counts. It
may not be much on a yard or
two, but if you have much to
buy it means quite a tidy little
sum. These are mill remnants
or we could not possibly sell
then this way. __ They would
cost us more money.
mill remnants 4c *yd., regular 5c
Mtlt remnants 5c a yd., regular 7c
Mill remnants 6c it yd., ytegnler Sc
Mill Tempo*. 7c. a sd., regular 10c
All gond patterns and fast colon.
Our Great Sale
of a maker's surplus stock
of Plantles.
en t, m• nh, each .... 75•
Lail •.' r,,, fine ribbed
...of Ire nndervesao,
very .oft Rei•h, pot I. et
!ono rdd. 'he n"surf
e.,Irws.r ere have
r.•,r it • peter.. A ewer.
fn r a eF, *soh. 81 00
Oilcloths, 65c.
We are selling a good
English Oilcloth at
fisc a r yard. it is a
heavy cloth, comes
in good patterns, dif-
ferent from the or-
dinary common kinds
and is full two yards
per running yard.
Not in either store have we
any record of such mantle sell,-
ing as we have had since we
Mantles. Everygarment is
Terff nd-was- -
season's trade. You cannot
make a mistake if you do your
mantle buying here, for styles
are absolutely correct and
there is money to bo saved as
well. We are selling :
Mandrel at $2.76 that if bought
regular world hove to sill at
Mantles at $5.00 that if bought
regular would have to sell at
$14.00 to $9.00. -
Mantles at $6.50 that if bought.
regular would have to sail at.
Meters for $7.75 that if bought
regular we could not sell for
less than $12.00 to $15 00.
Underwear Selling.
1 7 nderwear selling
Ins been brisk the
last- two weeks.
Soon it Will be too
late to buy either of
the lines we are sell-
ing now at 371c and
50c the garment
Such values have not
been given in Gode-
rich before, and
stocks are nearly all
gone. ---- -- -
shirts and drawers
heavy weight and good
q nahry,
menhir 50',
special for November
at ooh 37'.
0,1en's neavy flout -
lined antler shirts end
drawers, meet of It
W001 Been., Mees that
.ell all over at 75, and
$1 00 per gummed,
choice of lot for No -
Fi0 i
Coverings, Ila.
Ifravy print, In Dat
t•rne made epochally
for comforters, dark
and bright o'dnre, roll
36 leehss wide, het
colors. per yard .... . 10>
English Shakers,
12 1=2 c.
Agate ani remind you
of the English Vienne/.
into we are gelling as
120. Nue pattern•,
fast colors, good to
war,heavy weight and
very w11., per yard .. 1210