HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-11-13, Page 7.. _.. -., , AFTER Zo DAYS' SLEEP i i NELLIE CORCORAN v%Idth bur tareu taken ru fur war I'tile comictlou of talo m.0 at the Nov leli Arslsem tart week. Ilet'llar,l Fr+tscr, a r0u of Geuerrl k'rs►rr. It member of the lachelors unit other Swell ehltli pleaded lit y un be%eral counts, unit war senteacel DIES. to len yours lot lwtunl mtrrituJe•, it Arthur Thorold, it ne clew to the- late- lute• Ili.obop Thorokl, a tutor at Eton. "tilde the mail" hien, and wilt New York Girl's Case a Puzzle to Medical Experts. - - • An Autopsy Will be field to Seek fur the Coast of tier Allenoint--Moor Girl In Moment* lot Consciousness Expressed 1•ear 'that bbo Would be Buricd Ahvo "hale Conscious, but Unable to Communicate With 1 hose Around tier. w lati•aced to fivo )ears. Tito Magistrate, Justice (irauthum, hl lei's""" 'enlrne"' suit that thio tsar he ,of the meat lrtai ad eerier that en /►r .say p' other Jy. I had sere beu•u calbd up,►n to try. Hire were e two met), beariatg unmwr that haJ hoursm !a►i ltile field uptl the foruand rRl til vrry Isrnneh of Ilfe, 1110 had Illeladal guilty to ono Uf tho attest dlitcrOdltablo offoncer krw)wn t', the law. Frawer'e case, the Judge mull, wA■ the worst Lao ever heard tit. 'Wi,ne m0% lift In high socla, hrj haul been Icading a double Ilfe, loud debauchlag others. It war thereforo ell/ hok.r'a duty to Inflict tilts full lw•no ully' o/ lhlaw. The Judge thank - tod tilt) Brltir'it rtuvat captain who fur - New York, Nov. H. -Nellie Corcor- an, who for 20 tttys lay in a stale of caw► In tit. Vincent's Hospital, diel early to-duy. tier care was a" extremely puzzling one to medleal praclltlalerm throughout the city. 'rim girl fell Into her rotate of un- trc.rlsciuurnesr At elle h0elio where she %vas employ441 its a Servant. At Ilia- lamplital heroic (•(forts to deter- p,lilwe the coffee of hor coudltiun, met wide little success. Iful►dr+dr of Phy- sicians eiAInlned her, and every known method tried to awpken the sleeper. but wall little smCosdt. Tway' or three, tlan4► rhe aur aruured and `vl"e a few words, selyli/g alto waa j' Sleepy, and agalu btcamo uuu cr,- Selour. lass auy topswill be perfuruht•d by a>tIS ra( oho city's funding phyNlclnnN, in all effort to solve the• my.terious cantle of tele girl's death. +Jiasa Humility Sow h kod hardly "look - all. Ou-that clay &list on tut previous maturdity ala war Itwake for a few iours. but could slot describe 1wr ,q•mistom■ to , the ldtyistciaus. Ifer teultrreture tear hilth ' yesterday, au.l her pulse Sault Arad weak. elle umluned a great d 1, and the doctors thought Olin Ne trying to tlom- tI)uan-ate w•Ith t sb0rt her, an d urine tlor few wnA g Istotr14 lest rii,turdity site said t11at she bud beau tr)'iug unavalllugly tot raw elf this NI. -Io which uppnwrnd he , 6ix, faired she would . buotd eat.%" whlle• conscious. but u Ill" to ev,u11"unicat" wlth lheirte a t her. 1+'/.L loo day ralowid 1K &lip a wb,'- t ,,r,,,t hero- had brei Italy lnten Jon u. t ry hrr Wnrn Atl oftort4 u r,.u.t, her Lnd Inflect. At that lam i:.r- plw+ke of le.a+ntt ..nigh i1hp dr.•u.1,41 Ship l.ossibility. V %% Turk. Nov. 9.-1,e,rgr•(.11ir alv►- ,.1 r'ao. N.•Ilip Uorooraal's rkall J, eft. a .. 1 W t� t l stS1 x for 1 Itor brain.- o 1 1t .;I -",%.r -if -_111c ' ow .t, s•1akh1 1.t a t aaf 1 it - tranee in which sill. Itol la -in for _l ,Illy.. They brut th, it i -if -c for cul lAug '''/$1:• T1si.460y;-Mit For. Theulur• Jan, way. wlw was the principal esp- ,nitor working with for. Herevitt M 1'Ir.g.•r. puthu:ogast of tor, It -alto 1 P p.'llurat, in slur prtamrpre of the i -•nttn• staff of tot. l liv ent'.c llos/tl- I Tnl, nip: many promin,-tat ply W4afA". • • \, re eta re,, , - to tri e. "tl Li ma crLl•p any aourIfaien tuay be,• form(l1 fts to tae n.l,..e nit the 16:11tient'e co wlitoou its It • %INttil daring lire. It Ili one of lite s.0.t trmarkablp e.t.it7r lou r/•(vr•1," N1,hln tau or thrcohour* after the rloppl►Ig of Lilo heart tho wholeof til„ mu.e!ev of the body eohgiletety lost their electric excitability. If, t hen, wh(•n el(etrlclty la up;rlil4l there Iso not contraction, death haw occur - reel, . . Mr. CoreOrnn stuff eat that hob.pllal white the dnetorN ware at work. Mrs. Coseornl, is prostrated. "I Nhould Ilk'. to giro my flunghter it rrapwr•tnb)r, buri.d," until the Gttln•r, "but tilts truth Is I Hare twit the nwrm(r.r to :. 1 #-earn but til. or r6 nick, it Int' more than 1 cue du to keep Ii of, • hulwer lout of the ((titbit tile, evidence wilich ted to the #-xfouNurn• by intercepthlg letterm nol- dremw-1 to oho memberm of the crew of US vpoon-L . I11%4-ilgalkwir by the polices -W to this di,cu%ery of such appalling In - films' that It brcanu- it meritAlr qu"r- tlo" of public policy ft,# to how lar they 0161:141 procwrl In their en- qulrlfw, %vhicft had 1,41 thrift to well- kaow•r, cr)mllry hourrN, privatio yaclltx, Asst other •luarterr of the nil Nit wealthy laud arlalocrutle clr- clrr, It n'Ilr a14NN1 IrnrowNt that the chief figure lei lhim critub at haul was it wt,ll-kuowla twbb Ulan. wlwo line, already, lura referred to. It Nhould he ink -1, lv ordor to prr%e)il e•mril•lnn %%lilt a inmost) part w)... j,;,,,,,was 1. ^r.... `_ i) �� 'it I v. I _� `� 4. I . I "�';, ,,.,I . // ,_-. . /+ . op IMIE I. TF'Jillf;% J \F tl ' t 1. O. F 1 It t NTI'OR I lu r life- awls , , waw pt:t on th.• til+- - - - . eN( the t-tl,l^ lot A.1:, p. In, ri:lo had --- -tent 'I prottot Stped dP%t l- at i, -SU a,a;. jjj��� Ilei ��{ ��(� !!((11T Ka Toxteth divisions. Tito large fn- ,.ndlfr t(.I lrri%att, gfwstp ail i IP levulnrd rert renndal, that LAP c­ Fll;a). ll. r mnthf'r iuwl 'father Y _- 1Y I/sY1Y! . iII a lrRr•!rtitRF amB Is-f4w ai( tt.n leers. . w,'1.'ut the berlrllo w•Iwn the vet al gens. to bat date to dissatisfaction •jenteel try Mr. Ulntl,tono% lip %vas Ipert. fluttering not fd'krring for -'--- - formerly A men( r ,if i'urll±tment, ihr a weeps, b came dimmed. nn I win House of Coumonm• Road nt lbat tom eras regarded ar rim fi..l wit. MAwn tilt- haimt-m0rtent Charged With Causing Ethel t't- alll:d.sro1• mt to 1 111 lilt• H 1„Np fie C.unmon.:. t'x,aminatlon was ma -le til,• do;+tor•( war,. htrf►nil. Tilnv It>utwl n bream. {� t blanche t}ingfle $ t)eatf�( i I1,• IueN 'lit Id,ch :.f(Irc. and marrhvl thi• dna ter of oar 0f that ,%etcltllt.t hamdles In ihr hc.oltfay, well abuol.h:,t, nrwl coal_ p',t.,t with other bralus of sitnil,ir Juuetlon with other Liberal e11c/•tseen -arid., IV,. W al,r► rich he lit" 4r •n right. ac. nnturn) Sent fully de%elolwl. acting am interprf-ter. kir. I'Itlley TI,t- hatter nNf•nm,rf m1 h omllaons F'little •r than the., the examirint"/w1 slow, l a stilt(- of botllfy health ab- _ �( TWO COUVTS IN THE BILL, 1 -hnI— (hitt, awc'ndhag to t - current %hr,•1',n In t•lublawl, it craw brroglat s4):1.141.% hs•ompntlbl,: with r%en th^ M.Xy.•%tion or- dllwas.. Front tt.r holt A,11 -r. Not. iU.-Tht. grant I to the atteptioll .or tilt- kit Hh 11aj--Kt)'s .Itct•l,•n enm that t ri of- o•rown eat h^r hr:ul to ihr w•dP of bps % n ti r 1 ail f a r5. torn a v real h tuts u 1 t 1 ,. K w ern r � 111 r %Iw► % n {. rw, R 1 w 111, nit foot Nrllle Corcoran w.is is lwaltnd A FJ lish'Ute lits, oar of wu10'll ' le"vo V'Iglalpl am Scion n4 hr is le n'It• ral young wolnnn, with'mt ,A.,, w'(" f:Rain•t I.- lawl Porr hunt. , to lrn%el, ne,cr to rviurn. -tr' a11FLtest taint of r%en that moat oftioguig hilar ,with man-CauStht^r. crud. The, iToukhobors worn by fnr the heaviest tri%Inl Alh13e"1. 8110 was like A w„- fire( ';. gr -•c. The bill n0trm that i X11 `'l•t.•mber 11th the d�fvndant i.lt RAILROAD STRIKE NEAR ? 111111! learn who Bred Ilvrd out the ;lilt o4vin -if lir,- nnrl Md Most of old age• and w ilf:..ly. unlawfully -'ant f' I(/n:o (Nly d ,;,oIlth t.r ole ha the resent coal strike. r%Ttn,rsrtton, nv i thin was that gager- 11"' i- rat •ourage and abet un'1 ear- 1 - Big Trruhle- Ahead lair 1'. 4 Ballway ,.t e/Ml most rumnrtnlolr ort of P il•t Ytri.•1 11TH -be 7)1nRtr tat t'lhel •r Fere, 1.tnes. tic• pnnp. Throl�f strange 11 awn lito.logs nod Lhn ante in Illogic (ltd tarn Aof there, ( hie -ago, III., Nov. 9-41sicago IN ♦oma• priwrsa n ilich t do but Att,mp- hnn. pa rk; ri pe, rsuan •.+ 1 mala nil 14ed Isi ener. i o rtt••nent nb•tUng load t►Naist.auer,,o threatened with another railroad strike. .tlwNrt Nat thmrsand satich- NiothRR _t,► *xpMfn. NrHfr (�ec+t►raBl--Utsr1 s. lou• hn witty ,s y i .1 ysts. Klc"'i Try 11fP -tforr_ Krotr nlre fire Slow coling nn what means to t:ml- �o enforce tl►eir- Tpmana+ her F do n She enm Shrunken dawn a with intent to tako 1wr own life. vert It, throvt, for higher nvtlrp". Thp remelt of , I,,.O llerlf 1:.0 to 115prOutrle alta Nip Cisd girl than anutopmy mhowe.l Shift r ,l-li•, m onl count , clvirg;•r him fill• %CLP will nut be known until was per - v►hd:• Pi the bristaacrilly t (•t nlrt that t►rlrin normal not far not wpbs u►ia. flag 11'Ne Dngf, to take i Dison. sill•• third count Ntal'�s to -more»%. t•ftich n strikr, labor leaders mats, norma FM Lila "Rrosbjy t1sIL1^" rTx>fir?'L!►!*.*„ lL.tt.11•_•ull felonou,lycut lac throat - ftp%2-. %%'Cnlrl burr• for lmrnrdiatr (dfera a.f p.traly'staR U3c rnlitcay LuNlness ty.ls mored. alto enm a worn-oitl i,Tf • wfanran it is th;, oplarahm of t,h:A- 61 • Th" fa.rth count Ntaten til It lit llitbti of rertntu •ons f -r,�,Y-Atra�.-_W.--t�,h�, "o 1 srirtg roc sf. financial 10414, onl • to (p, w �,• t "w r n . 1 1 ter .1% ► INI C. IIF• II h 1"r h t it 'w tt tui w Ipl i li ren- -it-- rat l II Ir SIMI that, o M I tw tl I .not t r li rat i r 1 Nor N r 1 t r h r % •s m 1 1 I, t 11 10 t ., h •1♦ Staining e ( fnr tRl t J w. s iter to i t n rrtralbeltal rtlstrraN pati terror. Shoat oN of tftkaug for Nam,. sac did then Slade an general. Tfm •he' Iw•IOt1R/r1 l0 that /tine@ of II %'mtprl- - aDt l I'•N• 1 r, - _ Th- )itry fallool trio find lntpul to men hair .dcm;intlfo(I An IIt-_ „) crensr of 1 --ii cents pp, hour. e.irs.np jtlrntwnotknown nAltto-hyp•lo llealrildP them' "'vers throwing themrlves kill In K.•nt'm case, Awl brought In --- ---------- _ +„t.. ^ Nltata o(_,copna, arAd had pnm4r41 n cirirg•• of nrti•laughtrr. fair Willett DEA TH OF JOHN IMRIE. 14•)01111 Lite, ptltp of melf•rrstorntime. its., nmlraun11 foonsa in -in XPI. _ _ - -. _. _._ _ -_ When the End l'wmr. - '41011-h-Csi adisn %erose Writer DMs 'kill' 1*1tiny It wife thaaght that til^ THAT ,.hangal by tbr• rent earth ¢ quakes 8RITISH SUNNI 4. St. awls past. ioam, and the favorable altitude of fire#_N w1 anw near. Tim heart iN•nis ►r- Iw)adnl on a Train. till! 1; b otos" lot oft 1 0 matter, IINe b m tt r, r n it oil n rat t 1 f fl InthomR tormrrly (r % u ►u Men Benito. all on t hoard the I,nxcx brood k1Pf•pl detonstho►Ir and , m nlr Jl'. JO.iul tmrir� mpni/x parYne� of .'11ta, fnlntrr And falntrr. and Ir the p f t l teat ' vp q nuke fvhCcke. r ed earthquake confined t eel and could o not Ko they roads ,hl' firer of Imrle, Graham next Coul- 'ntug wrre nimomt impcerceoptilrl,. Mri,, C(wcoran, til, giri'm mother, Wilt ThetO slst> mos it visitation at piny, printery. Church mtreet, 71or- :It h.'r pl�le dnrf►tg the nicht, Anti\o. Win "ym her dAngliter toh:•r $tjrtling Degeneracy in Ars- o."Ite, filed At the family rnAden(•,,, ., -� Clinton ntrcct, ride hrrnre mpN>ket Tr.tally aNToTdaifti : _ ------ --=------ mklnight Tlonrvday night. .% w^t•1: Yamltlq. I nm d 1n I can p,P } g. fCciaf-1 rim rah . I e Sra+r--*44..4 w4443 w►r- thr n tbert- Jmd been a sh(m-er of about thret- lilelnpn of Stashes, preenmably nlyods. Jolin Imr1n wan Isorn In Wnm- At twonty mineleal gnat one, o'darlr went^ - grow, Neotlarvl, In Jun,•, 1M16, awl at- - In that morning liar do:•torw, who had __ - - 'T'1'_""T"r tits ltpprrntir orbip to file, -•----- t"t"' "•�r�t+^Q. tr„y% int, EXPATRIATEL'r Win""g lradn in that city rnrne to I., ie, r hrnrt ball eon ppsl4l Ten 1n 1 neo. RtethlwfeolN• cool'I refit dPl.-•t n I,Ou(lon, Nov. 9. 11. In 1mpMasNible lh0 r f011OWIr1R MR tea r as n far, ----.soaaL-lllaturaIV..caougll. qr' P the t L• startling moat 1111 11BA1 ho arlartal bflRlnes, Cat M+shfngr frann her Ln dell hat( alt I rrnrly 1mraprepptiblp, %rhrn the ftp- pridrl;cr or de rnrrncy in high K R 311•. D. L. Grohn"r, fonnea n ptirltu•r- fNnrnnno of drath had loon prrsrnl whlch to-dlly im the talk of All I •.11111 which lines r%astvol an Imrlp, fir'1- 'for rlaym. there Was Som- _lulrht Of Lofi(lon. it In a matter hlnckcr )-:Slop arid ('ompeny rror ,.ince. Air. `10 whrttn•r or not it wan n entaninlrle :It pr.NpPthlcid nnfinaticn or nrtnnlanet, :u111 morn rxlenell%e than the Ile,e- mnrrl4l Million F:lisntw,til 11c - of tll.F city, nnt•l oho with fire Imt;r. land entree( RcnndUl of I.I. }earN monto nml two detughtern Ili "rnhim. In the fatly morning th, heart ngo, and involves nfimem of wi,l,•r lin wam flan Author of many verses warm vtill sheat find thn form rol,1. than English reputation. do nil- Orongly FIrottlsh In ehnrnetrr a,I al"It. n(Aw•Itlt tnmling "oft"' NympFn/•ntiment. I'nwm of Ilfrlcnnneow, this doltors de- horrent ie, tan slot), so widespread . el•L,1 to atnke acre before lRgtinning are its rRininCAt:unw, that It loa4 ce.pte, for the year were $:I,'.)07, atl•1 tho e>peallturts *;),bol, leaving. Drs a%Itopsy. I been deeldod to @top the full- expo- FFROASTEDF� ACTOR WINS. Testa for like Ath. I euro,'and No avollL to some, extent, -_ They npp'le(i the blase of s candle a great nntlonal dfmgraca anti the N m else R Pfi It- ritMh Jar Gave d . Ju s ,,, the• Innen tor. No bltntpr rpsttltpd. po'lution of the public .mind. Justice o temrnS Aptalnst 1Pwlq%wptrr. When a hllirter IR eauepal there im lift -,will Ihera,fore only Sees partly exe- Lor,0lon, Nov, 9.-T)S tronnager of Ttlls is a ensiom which Was In use elated, find In Its place will he 4qh- a fifth Mtn trnvellinvt rom1A►ny, ) nnarr,lsof y,,, ago An analysts ref Toronto: %I c•1'readdents: Bight het 1plehop ]tills, Kingston: Dr. who nl4n Acted In a piece, stm'IRht Ih;• wc)od wan ma.ln it Nl.nwr(I dpntll. ntituted on un(►fflehil drerpe of A Ftnit naninat tile Weittrrn Morn - A ple•re of told, polimbrd etrpl wan bnnlsbm,ort which will expatriatA Ing News for dnmaflerr because of bo'd to that 111w. Ilnd moisture ftp- tit (pant onn prtsminent peer. An- "'ant "'Iverson eritipinm.r Thr evillrnve llenrnq on It It wont,, hAve Indleated llrn, hat n0 mrsarnph Appeared. I other mtill ttrentcr namo, wit" clesnlly nhowrd that thn critle WAR fully natlfled In bin remarks nal J min ftvphR'AmOarnph Wns appliFOj t0 ihr w of e Indicated, In to 114r Miami n 1 n the r%presNlOn rmpinyp.l ny the• might lore w11d march more,. The wrlost, twit it slrownd no movpmenti 0r that blood In thn ArteT . The body y � pollee in the en Re, 11nRkd 11% '"'All' �tinlntlff plfvl(Mml that IARC rmr, w rat tho alms pop,r Ravr n 1014 t nrne(1 river Anil a atethorrr TRa W dnl. Net lemm than 10 persons hove wi kim r IfIM ''rh t •e ri been I(Irnt n 1 Ilvortshle noticp of he t Rnmr pl aid Llai for as wppllpd t0 ihr nMlmmrn, near the ""111. the- arAln nrtrry. It rpvpA'M I ah ) Inf rfame"s roterb" They Are nearly treMpts n work Ammmte4l to ithonIt C_O', wh!M 'low 111"Y amount- •'^ life Lnet fie nil Ili, Plectrte lrat• l all own of advarecM )Spare, wealth)'. net to tiOLI(X)lPse, 1/Pea ARp tit the fttl- tfhry was ea(4I TI14r (t1111rMrld -has* with amt mnelTltrpPs of ArlNttrtwntlr pend- I favornble nntk,r. A mvmpOff, }Buy nherrhlte certainty betwllpn Ills and IIeR, RmvP damagps against that pnpar for 4 death t I , , TAte only public action In the case 1730 cad So" , . ,THE DOUKHOBORS' MARCH STOPPED,I The Army Placed on a 1 rain by Force" at Minnedosa. TO BE RETURNED HOME. Thry ltr4.istell liar olthrn+ With lAwked Arnim .Suttee Fighting Took I'Iwr Belb rt, They Were All F;ntra4►eO-Mole Work for the Moanted Polf(w. ULmic:•Jana, Nov. V. -Another chapter Lai the hlstury of tho Iklukhouors' l)llgrimnge to convert tho world has closed, but with the ending ' to he ountlnued." Ort arrival of tho Ikouk- holgr army here oil Friday they were Inclb)' Mr. Pedley and Mr. SpePrS, uiio lid them to the Skatlug rlttk. Tiley forineol outNlle and wing it P.uho, then, were led hat prayer by,ume (.f their number, bleu then addresstd the cillxrnw, asking them to Jo soon - thing for Jesus by lhellling them alulcoA with foal. Then tit -y wcut WSWe and Ip or• flood a hair nllnuta it this "I'll,Inge Sunk to the floor of oho 1111d1111d the tM•nUt WUN titllM>ntICi1111N. ,i utl, eight minutes after the eustinea lead Won SturttKl Mandarin Was proluuo- cast dead. I;le cage eoutahning this iotly war thon holated treat this ship byi a crane snot loaded ole n bsrRf•, tq Willett It war towtsol at twenty l,illell wit to at,a► alio! suit 1111 sag" b(Ang weighted with ,it 5,0110 11 Fmwly of old railroad I1,91i. Maexlarin wag tho largaal t,lrp'IAut i•I captivity at this tha01t)I:+death, atst had ►iron with the) Actin :1nd Walley circus, for 2I yea rx. He weliehed flvo tons, and stood nine feet toil inche:e high. TJne ofephant re- cently had become unmanageablp, r(-n(lering blip destruction necessary. THE EDUCATION BILL Willi the Aid orit'losure, 11 M@)facial Br•Ibr• Chrl.ftussim. Loudon, Nov. U.-1'ailitamcut Ir uluki►uf stagtdy prt►gresim wltb the education bill, which, with thisaid of the drastlo cnforeeuwut of ctur- ur•o, will be prlerel before Chrlstew►r. Mr. Balfour is in turn conciliatory anti inrlexibie. The acceptAu:•e .of an nowktlaent w,eurillK to the hilly of the Church of England control over religious edticatlun lit tilts church Schools Is an Important concewrlon to tiros(• who dr(vtd the influence of the dognuttic Unit AttuIliftle clergy nud the radival nlnteontrnts. Amendments Uro adopted with envy glace bamnsn the Ilquae of Lor -is can be- dependwl upon to recon4tnu•t ole bill la conformity with the w•Isht•m of the nisllofol. BRITISH BULECTIONS ENCOURAfiE TME LIBERALS Cleveland and East Toxteth Re- sults Disturb Balfour. (treat Pulling Dow n of Majorities -- Ritualists plgured In Lost Toxteth and it *floor unJ Chamberlain Tiled Vainly to Restore flarmony - Bullet's [litter Ifnemy, Brodrick, to be .Shunted Out of the Clovernmenl the Latest Pulawal Kumar in England, but it Is Doubted. Loudon, Nnv. A. -The Vberulm are that they entered tenon It vigorous Jubituut oyer the powultr of the by- ea.lystilru against Mr. Taylor and clt4:tlonom In til" Cleeland ,old Ensi 14vluuuvlt 1'niollsts Irrinxl an it p - Toxteth divisions. Tito large fn- lwsnl for uld for this Liberal catndl- state. Premier Balfour and Coluulal creamo in the Liberal ►ttaJority in the Secretary Chamberlain Intgrvened, Lleveland division is generally ad- bat were unablo to restore liar- mlttat, crcp by the Cunaervutire or- 1'riny. Tho curious slooetaelo was I then proaented of a Liberal Beckett gens. to bat date to dissatisfaction up by "onaMonformtstw daily de- w'fih tilt- Mucatiou bill, whlch is "ourlcing the elf-rleal tendencles of HIM' Wi4itilnpr Its way through the tho Education Bill, yet having the House of Coumonm• mupport of the fashirtanlblesclergy acid gone So fur tie to support A Liberal In a neigliborinR oonstit. their congregatlone. in. the F,ae-t Toxlelh divla:on the Bulk•r'm t. it. toGo. reduction of the Unionist majority Moth by-elections taken in coo - by over I,5Ut1, was Rrently due to a Juuetlon with other Liberal e11c/•tseen curlous leatuite, unaamocl.'1tej with term Interpret e4i by the organs oL eurreut 1,o1.tenl controverslcr. Aur- tilts party they favor as being Sure STOPPED SABBATH TRAFFIC, blig'lim44(%a that the, (a goo oral will be tin Taylor, who Jnst uutnagtxd to will .k•f/utrd 'Should n gooeral election t�tRtat.-;tad.-tiskes 4L prslniaentpart tuko �,L•tce. That, however, le quite i %veru interviewed by lir. 1 elle}, who - -__ :n 1,ll,r sol, to whit)ll the division ) unlikely, and It would take a good tried to Mod out -oho leaders 3T:r �w-hOro Won ill Fourteen Cases Before oclolllfr. against the Fti►asllrts, prrncticrir eaw1e41 the crura/1e faily "ht Toxteths and Cleveleads to even apptrl rably dlxturb the sel)Pmee u -ere tried, but Slip D,)tik- - Tote _iiXth-t_An-get tint the lloukho-rouTmuna- whkh r'cently pndtd is the tragic f'luanituity of Mr. nairour's large, Labors were cunning atA troull not __J__11_ ollffn. St. Callulr►nes; hey. Atfrel (lent) of John Kensit, tho anti- solid majority In the House Of COm- bilt'. AL Last Mr. 0- icy l.crruaded Legislature. Rltmallst ltga(ler. fu fact. lar. Taylor mons. I In tilts connection an Interesting totem to pick out /wn. man from eachhad %1111190 to meet team and talk ,over �' gone So fur tie to support A Liberal In a neigliborinR oonstit. political rumor Ir current that the bituatk,u. About " o'clock kir. Pulley, Mr. Aevc.-rr and live liwkho- PUT STOP TO SUNDAY BARBERING ut-ltcy agatmet a C..at r%alivo high uhurchraan. This War Secretary Brodrick is soon to be gracefully ••etlre,l with a lw•erag" boreh41 a (wuh•rei.ce W the balcony lot itrink, ou% or the lho3khubors Toronto, Nov. !a.-Accurdirig to th'e Stirred Up the Itituall". r aDiffe office. There seems but slight ground to beileve it is foutde'd acting am interprf-ter. kir. I'Itlley report of lite Exocu►ile Committee of East Toxteth to retch An 0%tt-nt on fact. fr" every mitans to fhid out the preme"ted At the annual u►eetiatt - --- real obj•rct of their pilgrimage, and muuy urNl amu.,l y true oho ro'aeit. glee•►a p}• oho L.wklrolN,rs. of the Ontario Lurd'ii LreeAlliance, whish met fu Jer%Is Bireet n:aptlst ACOS HARBOR hc►Iw>re•--Jawiwct- titteir lFwUl---_Jout-' Ulocklitltr•._Tnrmto�.lter- Dr- Mac- - Ldlaature- DEEPS:EDuuav%•err They blou%%ctl that Stacy were well Church y"Ierday morning and nf- 1~01y eentee'lled Ovary Ina# of that Toronto; -cid-.-Urclulutrt. Toronto; mrriy In trio ner%ict. (ef the Neil :lu - Jpa"',w_ uyu tejttsxed lu ily l:imses; crud. The, iToukhobors worn by fnr the heaviest RPT. fir. rootlet, T(%rfento: Rev. Dr. mile ptnerdp,l the It•r0n t0 the p"eted lou curnerit meats, stiytng they terrluon, the etfurts of the alll- fatted Statre to negotiate the mar - d ,;,oIlth t.r ole ha the resent coal strike. anco during the hart }tvtr were Ali- IBY oee,ful. Tile name of toe hetres4 in EARTHQ - gtlpstl)n Jet so not dieclomesl In court. -- -- From is t tsaret h'r,nl this Wter%Iovv St war uppartrtt rrcled largely to pile regulutiun that religion 'wan not thufr onl} ohJrct, but that.they vvere going to and problbitlun, whenever iwosridkle, .SHOCKS.minors • ' force the Oo%ernmrnt to give them u[ Suutbty labor, and to organlshl -- `_ - their ova law+, or they w(olout a tramp te, wai other cloth ry, but as after opposition eat tote Legislature p t"tela efforts of elpctrta rantway Isrumvt- Strange Phenomena Witness#- by Pas- h, tLrir th.kningroother a•untr} wan=d erm to operate .Sunday enrr. In tllu hu%e Colvin, Mr. Prdipy Jechlyd they mu=t be_ bitlsnek In the %lllugrr snit latter efforts, the alliance wall rutxeSrful In fourteen inrtuncew. In tSengers on the Luxors kept throve. Tor Prilley Ti1d till tm the matter of Sunday labor the Sri- - - ---- - - ---- thv} must pr pare to return nett day, cad that he woulat g Ll"k with liance was luStrumental.lu having utl end to kLtuduy work an but- gat( FrnAct.Cfi, \,%. JO.- Captain laa 6A.11 ell AXeti, and 'there ,are t.f'111 w'1111'll ', b rmed to N tl p n of}' tl In put hrr NII,K)w, Rlldet tllrlr f,orm CI re,- Thumerwluu, of tlof iCa►rmfw 1.1no l other rvlde"cps of the v ence or trtrpurnrll}. Ne%t morning' t1wy n •non s r o ti a J Around til tuu'n b('9- %kntnnpe to a movement of the mob- ,tvaunshlp a Luxor, frons Ilnnllhirg, nubterrunrnn shocks. As rrP%tonal reported, the Luxor, while l anchoreit pf• lad n gtilg 9s_tI1P did ihr 1t:1}' Irr'(ne, blot err bakers •i b k rr to have n(Lt work an 13su Blakel'11N tgril{w legal w'HS rEAF1eFe/1 1/' KI N ri hot I , 1 til lar s r 0f I (k• n w 1i11AleIl/uLa, oaf San Bonito. war corrl•rtl with o'cloc latch lad to ult,af lot ut)ul a 'sKary on aoieunitt-or-tit- -lie lls9 be(•ll coilNk)PMlily ashes from 111P %'Ole11a c)f Mount Qn/,mfu{u orw 11 I t o'clock. J% Thin a brpKlk waw Sunlit tive work done by the Bakery' lin- ,.hangal by tbr• rent earth ¢ quakes -yea 4. St. awls past. ioam, and the favorable altitude of along that lifirl lot lhP c.mxl. Where When thirty mtlee at after Iw)adnl on a Train. till! 1; b otos" lot oft 1 0 matter, IINe b m tt r, r n it oil n rat t 1 f fl InthomR tormrrly (r % u ►u Men Benito. all on t hoard the I,nxcx brood k1Pf•pl detonstho►Ir and R• I• When t discovered disco to J t hp we }r 7 re AN tile result of o thorough dies- cursluu, it was decide,) that trher,, p w %lea► 1 in lilt- harbor p 1 ear r 1h re 'In w• r w p f t l teat ' vp q nuke fvhCcke. r ed earthquake confined t eel and could o not Ko they roads Lost carer nr0 undertaken by the n d rel tot 1 sp%rn f• l N � a Itut» nnJ the ThetO slst> mos it visitation at It silpfht show of forcliag their way Pro%f"clat ' Alliance, or with Ito bPnCll hats been shortened by the ru}made o; hints and bntterflles. At out, but were held bark by police out. Nnnctol, all financial reslionm:bd- 'rlrmic dlsturhnnc;•N. Tho anises oil Kniffla ('nliee tho following morning were keret In abaci the sliellal train of sec emtSty eu+t it t and petrel Ity' connected with the proceedings the ricer or. creek that (lona• rly ran tbert- Jmd been a sh(m-er of about thret- lilelnpn of Stashes, preenmably cars of Northwemt kfouotrd Polies- shall by borne by the alliance• breis the oNg1 afar iter wrrrkf-1 picr14 from Airnhnt Quetdaa art iced. kir. 9lteerr entered the rink tttsax or Till~ 1'reete-ni. and asked them to go quietly to the Thin clutir wax Ixcupit-A during the _- -'- ---- - t.rain, but zehroff. silo hits been ex. hortng thpm Pver Since thPlr aftirroon and lwirt of the morning +O R t(j i'(Ij SHOT AT RABBIT, .or realirrrrtoremalt-to-ngaintr_ied s' `01: by tow Presi,lent, lee%. Jar. -.• Otiwrs prcreut were: Jtpv. MARRIAGE SYhDIC�TE to hold them tpgt•lht-r. .Mr. ,peers Robert M irtin, HeT-Ift tbest kl~e end_ the Spootteld 13aerrl R{BIM s A1. Rra611od Ztrroff, and. In ml'It#- of ills- alai Its•, Dr. Wil-cn, Hamilton. - _ C'wtharlurisMan. Anrl (scaled run hila out of the the rink end called to til" police The r:port of til" Treutouirer, Me-, Jalr. C'. Copp, rllowetl that the re- T a Interesting Story 1 o;d Ill a 1lraeetNklge, -Bess--10. - 1tc;W n4. £'asterhy find two boys t to bring the rrRt. iFoung em. 7410y went alt all right, bat out- ce.pte, for the year were $:I,'.)07, atl•1 tho e>peallturts *;),bol, leaving. Ge+nl]Il { p:oval eat Meller's will, near Vtt,sr- "mi, maw a ral►blt nttar tho side they lorkpd themselveN together by every man hugging another. mak- w1111 a fma11 bnlanco from theycar OU't, camp oil Sfltarday. A doublo-harrelled inic a mond body. Then the rxclte- prr%Itotnk #6 on h:usl. shot -gun anw procured, and out, of pr t, or gunboty. watt colel ed til. The cel treatpnm turned aexl helped the px>Ilce, but l wilt, t►Merrm fin the Yeas. ; A BARON'S SUIT FOR BLACKMAIL turgid,>nb, n ihr F[x ,-Irdo lionte boys shot at, tho rabbit, h Pont work for r while to get JbnlNurixorN taking T1w following o4wer.a were eF,•ct- Lei; -1 I't"Ilout,_I-te%'. Ytim:I(Nll Caven, &,rllty\t,,l'.,2Gf-7Tm 'relal:(vols of The gilts kicknl badly and nearly ku(ek,d the Ixay down, In apart, sed_ four and live men to gI111 one IbukhMar from Toronto: %I c•1'readdents: Bight het 1plehop ]tills, Kingston: Dr. 1'nr ll Itnn-har•1 Von ituene11hfau,;,,fl and tr%- i"g to regnIn himpelf the seooni btr- lhas interlocked mass. Ti;py had to .ILA'. Cation in, Tor6itto; Jt: v, tor. Jobs tot), a mpmbrr of n ffom0u.f u,tJ ancient r'•1 wa;( n/cldentaily disehargr!d. Lha gobow-over. Acme wetet quietly when broken AwnY, the L.or.lou; Iter, Lr. Titcnlls Tot unto: German fnmL`y, with the oro pnllnl a)utenty hitting Eamterby, who war only' low whits majority J( y Jollght every Inch Cf till- groumt The o Mi4, A. C. Ittitherforn„ Toronto,; Mr. K. "tru•riAg.• o: n'Ilonle;' will(II flAnne(d n .yarda dl4tant, In til.. IWnt•k Tier unfortunate man dfe.1 sce"O w&m CHIP that lens never been ,1. M udolmbl. Torunto'; A�'rnn- :or Ilial, S.trnla; Final. E. 11. Bron- ;,i, ll, I:f•, I., til,• Il,It( titrtA,•m In J pour hour,+ later. F;nnterby wan un- equalled In the Idmtory of Canada. A stInlit)orll `oil ttawu; d;cretary, Iter. J. (f. 11?J- t„ obtala n ,rlr:, wile, lrrlle uiarrir,), = yams of ago-, rut.► Caine Mullett. moll of people. 1't- I fighting fiercely with pollee and cl- �h.,nre r. Toronto; Treasurer, Mr. bpeu um:le puo'le through n proseen- from tit. Catharines. tizens, not In the usual way of war- fare. John• C. Copp, Toronto, Committees were sppoiated an tot- stun for hlacktuall, br,u h► Ir the R } but Just to be If -ft Alone and 4w.,1: Urganlaatlop nal 1:elul cellon- loaroti pgaintit ltenu:a"n 1'fucus. lour- SIB RICHARD allowed to R(' their RAO. Olin Citttep Rev. T. A. Moore, Hamilton, Jlev. its 3trndetRMfn and ,VTOti MPridelSohn, CART WRi6HT had an W. fi. li:lotna. MI. Forcwt: Rr•v. W. thret, trudr„n%••n 1%h o were AlPrltherm t;ar Nenrly Hirten (kali H. Hill. k>•, Toronto: R,.Y. C. 71..4cott, 41 tlee „londirnl,e. Tit-- tri tt Mite Just - a I"alcholeor had his ankle broken. I-Gridon: Gov, Dr. Wilton.,tL.ttnllton; conir to pt., c•I.ow, al l t'u• aeet,mt,d ' Anti there erre many other manor Ilev. 11. It. Horne, Floret i- Rev. J,A. Btrlu,ton, art,• n(luittl,l.-_ M de. Privy CouneillqE.bv ftiiNl.npso, A few of the 1►onkhobors l'u111nRwoal, Ft r. 7. J. Thi tt,•tim0n% �h.%%(-1 that nn r•% -a -- J went to the eanelo-s Alone, but the Flat,, O-halTa, Mr, O, H. Hale, Orillaa; s•o:%k t' n:un'd Eli h•r, living in situtt- p/ NK mnj,)rlty were, carried bn,llly, Mr' H. P. MboeP, Acton': WL ;. T, Bart, if It -i to Fran %oQuit- f\Inpp Edward, D dragged. pushed along, or load --d to `t• Aright, ltrantrord : llcr. P. A. ar%v, u nohlew,.tu•IA r.•nt-ling LAI, terlln „-.-,..- .a r,• --....-.._--o._ .-' ---.,.-_ 11:Ewpn. IBer:lne T.er_ f1 f• »1,lo,v.., ...,_ _--'---•--•- - - .. . est l r tile e men t 1 11 let. i ate latae R r course was {allterly ol3pusnl by the Ilonik. •.' -• • r ,, tai• �orNo: g( -v. F)r, C Iwwr3 Turuntu %\ \' - t is ru r tiro • +,f •( 1 it rm (' as lag that la vital. Ja ui 14-444W ufixu ytuxr IMborts, as they strenuously objected to facing drawn by hormes, I I1,:P"-SSc uh'B Tiw: T1,17WIZIM, -- -_-.-_ _ -M;lerrs. J 5L _Brown. ^•t. .(r Ott•' t #tT,:,Otl-IOU. tolrt Ialtu.Juueiv, Almobbolso" Fought Fiercel). Huml:ton: J. C. Copp, Toronto: TiFomnm {t'rmt. Torontrt; Robert Kit. , 1•'aau Con tlnilxa%. pot El,slcr Sn - Tote _iiXth-t_An-get tint the lloukho-rouTmuna- goat•- T.%r So1aL_ Rev- lint- chtl-Fol \11(11 Martin Von lftlrnt•Il11,111 , A, bore, the )f)O yards from the rink to tile mtntton ended ill victory __J__11_ ollffn. St. Callulr►nes; hey. Atfrel _.L.raladan Art kllery. Tile baron, accur-Jing tri a for (lie Government forces, but the Onn(M-r. Toronto; lie%•, J. ll'. JT: Milne. Ottnwa ; Mr. 11. 3I. itolmatm, stAtf•Ineilts blade IRI court, ngreed to Kl'o EisryL•r 5 iklnlabo'ror Army again formed for TAT111r. Atilt %T�Kn- ler that- oft' Gn'•lph: Air, Milch lokrn. Turontn. -LPpfa1-3ips?s..1. per cent, of 1.114. money utsthe hetrc.x hr nits to wntf In the . fnr the mti(fent fighting occurred. 'klcke/l A. f'atpretrn, K,C; It. G. 3fartnitormoi. Alex. 111111m, and t,w, l (iii7f-lifn rLtj� t pgr� illdc'�•. a►wl he klgrl:d Tho I)oukhotwrrs Tonight, and citing to P%Prything they could t, K O'3fprara, Toronto; if. E. Irwin, ll'eastofl' reMWori nftl hills fur IF:J7ir,Ot)G. till polldthow.i TintMilF:INNIPr Ret h01.1 of, ihr, railings 0( the e(Nlches Legislation -Air. J. K. Macdonald, r"14(41 tlT )II# -i tn'nrr:an from n numrr- 0119 hc10111C them (Not. It wits nn Ian- fqr Toronto; Prof, .F. Ft, Farmer, Tpron- gn,elr ,of larrMNnN, %)#left Ineludexy pilicuw ni,.l till. two 1f.•"dl.lir,hAN, An,,lM>ssihllily one p,dicptnaA to load n houkhtdxsr, some taking #I. to; J:;,v. For. Langtry,Tbronto; It"v. itJ. Cady, Tbronto; Mr. G. it. Mric- Vnroo loll \hlerwhhswaxnn,•rl an pro - many an fi%r oe six, and than clubs flOnnell, K. C., Kingston: Mr. I), J. 941,41 tcith fit,. c;,,,,with w'biph hp. till- had to be IINP(l to make -lie Dwik- 01)011ogh"P. Ottawa : Mr. Robprt INfa.l e%p:'r:Nes of his J.lurn••y to tilt, 1'1witwl Statos. hc►Iw>re•--Jawiwct- titteir lFwUl---_Jout-' Ulocklitltr•._Tnrmto�.lter- Dr- Mac- - Ldlaature- Noon am clahtN41 off (one place th-y caughl At another, And Intent +(tub- Loren, Toronto; iter. R. martin, fd"mllton : 3fr• J. J. Afactaren, K.C., -[lits- wax A Indy as maid, w lei had io•en fur- or 1~01y eentee'lled Ovary Ina# of that Toronto; -cid-.-Urclulutrt. Toronto; mrriy In trio ner%ict. (ef the Neil :lu - Jpa"',w_ uyu tejttsxed lu ily l:imses; crud. The, iToukhobors worn by fnr the heaviest RPT. fir. rootlet, T(%rfento: Rev. Dr. mile ptnerdp,l the It•r0n t0 the most, and use41 eery 7 1f i1R1RB1fpa S{Rarllog, Toronto: 3fr. (I. F. Mar- fatted Statre to negotiate the mar - vantage. Although tint on the uf- fenslve they certainly mnden great 7M01rto, and the mrmbrrm of the Legal Commtttep. oee,ful. Tile name of toe hetres4 in 7Ta>mT"RRR 7 .Lav - gtlpstl)n Jet so not dieclomesl In court. -- -- of admirntlon for thn fight the) tint up, t'Ictor,v At 'Inst crowned the (:o%ernmellt forepte, next ib1 llrwfkholarrp wrre all In Tile conc•hrN, and although they toed to gra the windows open, nftpr a Inst, feeble Stand they capilulnled, and the Governtriont w•nm %ietori- (w1R. _ LLEPHANT STRAN;10. Pont to (Math Wllt a Two -Inch llnw- Fire and rltratn Winch". NSW fork, Nor. J.-Itig Mrtn•larip an, rlrp:innl of the iBarnom Areal Ilmll- cy' circus, anw execeltrrt by etrangn- Inf Ions Intit night In him ens,•% on the mail( dirk of tho etertm4111p Minne- npAl^, of the Atlnntle Transpw)rl Line. A two-loach hawser wax plarol an A loop Itromfol %Inn,lnrin'.s Trek, and "rich rrnl of the tin wTpr Ivan fneten.d toil the, drnm of a Stream winch. Thr cnglneR were ptnrtwl at the mame Slavic. Sisal ran MOwly at first, until lift, ha W,,er wap taut afRwit tho AM. mral'm nock. when the Pprkvl wan In- crmse(1 and this hawser gnlckly tl�bteo.a. i itcports from the. varlons branches were mndn verbally by the following: London, Air. J. G. litunrt ; H3tmllton, air. .f. E. Brown : LindRnv, Itev. L. A llughlron : 1[t. Forest, her. W, (). Ilaiins ; Orillin. 3fr. (1. H. Bain ; 'Po- ronto, Rev. RV. It. Hinckm ; Roeltwood Rev. It. Parry; Kingston, It,•v. IW folrilp; Weston, Mr. F1. F. Irwin ; Branttmd, Rev. T. A. Wright. The Executive C.ommlttpe irnm 1n- ntrnotrd to eonfpr with the, i)ominion Executive touching the nlyMllntmellt of an addlikmal Nerretary Mr On- tnrlo. If 1411rh AmRrlclAtn secretary IS acenprtahlP. to that Ikomtnlou Alliance, that hodY will tear onn-quarter of then Ptpenia. I . Mangled b) at Train. CohourR, Ont., Nov. 9.-A boy shout 12 years of nRp. Anti balling from Port itOM. fill hptwpen Ills cars of a wpst-hound freight train Abovit 5 oelork tMs evpning And was terribly manglpd. At tho time of reporting ills namn has, not becn aa(•rrtnlneod. HP, in efl@elalny with two othpr lit. it" "No wPrp rKIM on thn immpers, when the akrmw tollu�tnit the either two boys went on to tllptr AemPs to Flirt dew• I t I I ' i.egnnintnnrr %rhilp In the d,nited l Stitt" of 3htrlhft Wamhington lierkel, it willow of moderato w•enith, who, nceor ding to the German vvernitr, he mnrl-101 Joc. La, Ili./M.:•'hive like rtar- rhtga:thr thorrin.hnR been tieing Willi biv ultra on lit.+ rstnto dent, S(•Itwob. blrr, finnrn•rr. fin him return to (iPr- mnny Mron Lon 1(nt•nphhnnsr•11 hand to restori %%nth the hu'ders of hex 1•111m. A a)mprominr enm npgottnted with ' I lreliq and tilt, Atr"dehp)hns, who near- rrnderr•d film pnlprr on the pnlympnt Of c0mpnratl%r1Y install suns. Matron Von AfuPnoubbituor•n aflerwnrds, ne- cnmet) Dwain corn or Irlit,knan11, And the m•tticr tens lltllm 1,rfiught•Irnto ronrl. Ilejolfef) as t'uba's Frerdom Nfailrl,l, Nov. 9. --At 11,1111410 yeater. 1t f it, 1 y the Jory In the trial of I+nbino Arerue• lender of the AMonomist vire r 1n that i11 lin nn • 1 lm%•I•.r I f.e R Arbil , y l was•ht f ( Irprr I with baring sent to I'roc l.)rnt 11004cwlt lamt Rpring it ennariattelatrory de•Rptttett on the granlhgl of Cohan in,lute ntiene-, rt,- turnrd a vardfct of not gnilty, and the Court altorrhargrd the prisoner. The pkih:le rfrrived the dPclRfen of the ocinrt with exprrtlrlons of not g. 1"tFoy . I MARINE E OFFICERS1 WAR MEDAL. f I- Mlaff, Xov. 9.--wlIh-Ti1S #146won Of some pwosaably slgu{Ilwut decarta- Iions to 1urtuglcsc Land Japanese of- ficlLlw, the 10119 list Of Ills Majeety'm tJrthday honors is cotgparstivi ly uu- interesuug. dome promotional in cuu- nF'otn)n with tbo coronation cere,- uloulSa and tilts laude African %vlar, u"d beenanso of. eervi"a's rendered to -Z0tumrrc8_Malb Min I'arlieZI ere nu- "OuAced. No new pt-pragee Jove be. -it rented. Kir Richard Cartwright, Cuna(Unn Minister of Commt-rce; Lord l ifrelattoke, Cllniruulrl of tele rtcellt C„Inlllbn,rlon oil London hocks, and til„ retiring Lord 3tnyor of London, Sir Joseph C. Ilim14dalo, are among the new Privy Counoulllorp, The new Iwtrow-teles Include Alea- ..n"tJcr.IL-.IirOwu. IL 1'-_ and provWcl- tklvernor of tilt, Iku,k lot Enginladi Among other honors ru,corded in the Wit Is the conferring upon tile. Jfap- r.neme i'rit-ce Arfsignwa, as coronation vdnit0r,ot the, decoration of Knlght paWon of the Booth. Sir James 1:. Mac- k •y anti Consist 31atkilak n, rx-Prt+m- ihr Grand C'r/rss of ria. -l��lrefiinel�At�l ria,Ororge. tS,L 31n('h:ldu And Captain FPrreht►. of the Portugtivae lu►vy, who have IN)th filler) tile. post of (iovernor or MostInbilue, land Vloocount Castro, (:ovprnor of 1110 Monatmbiqur. Cow- WIIIY, ArP mndn Knights Commander t)f St. Mtchavi anal St. George, (;rat (;orj:►o, the prt,s•nt Governor elf .lfo- alaSbignP, IR made a Ktlowlt Ckonr- mander of tho }lade. (tear Admirn; "hate on, R. N„ is npputntrd extra r:gnerry to ills Mrtjesty, King! F.dw•anl lots approved the ref tahilehmpnt Of it new ineftal to he aw•nrdett officers of mercantile msr- tnr srrvjng on clo►rtered troop trans•• portK f Naval lipersai Flt. John's, Ntht, Nov. 9. -The Rrtt- lab crulatrr Charybdis will salt on .fnn- 1 or is f tllp {�' • 1 NL 7 int r Il R New toll Milan, fishermen rr'rrnf talking for tilt, Iltrltkh natal rpIIprve Those man W111Nrrvp a six-►tonths' irmining oonrNe. 'Min recruit• tnklsn Illy file Clutry"s are #-bub:e In number the party previooaty taken. Halt of t hos a wtil Join that fl:yfsii{p Ari ideas. SIMI the other halt wit retrain aboard the .Cb#JYW . . , , I , i