HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-11-13, Page 5W.__Acheson & Son
OUR new Dress Suitings give correct expression
to the host New York, London and Paris styles.
Our selections are made to meet the nerds of some of
the most careful and neatest dressed women in Can-
ada. New, bright, up-to-date goods opened in stock
this week.
lilacs and .* y Vtt.Nlos Wien' C'o h, smooth, r.cb MOO), *ll pure wool, fur
costume" or.q.reIeskirts, 42 to 44 ludas wide, very spa"ial at
(Slack and gry (Mewls% all wool, oorreut weight for suits or unlined skirt,, 54
to 56 mobs wide, m1 per yard.
Cony ot Hom, spoor, 56 )..h.. wile, West of Eouland goodtine pure wool cod
rough finish, is all Isling d.sd* and of Lor., at per yard . _ ....
Underwear Specials.
40 drre11 meo'e heavy there -hoed Uod.r.ear, chime and dr*wers, 01/41
looked seams sad ire fist wool or Dutton Near, all saes from 34 to 44, at Dell
Table Linen Specials, •
A .peotol purohs, of time halfwit Ilam TSN* Clothe, fell b!esehed, pun
linea stir da-n..k sloth., fully twisty Nr sent. seder 'ignitor n.
vai., , zea
2.26 and 213 yard.. •t 1.25, I.50
Linoleums and Oilcloths.
Scotch Linoleum., 2, 3 and 4 yards wide, In new block the
tern., good wsght sod pseleot got �l", •t par 'quart, yard
sad Sorel pet -
S.:otob 0i101011o, 1 sad 2 yard* wide, at peer yard
W. Acheson Sc. Son.
25c, 35c
he Oolertoh Union edits reading matter
uador the beadlog,1
1s IT 1)11. IIT'
W'. A Moots ay. B.A., 1) 0.,
W oode
1 am opprs.*ed with the thougbl that In
my own beloved proviso* there areeomany
Christian people who neem to regard so
.lightly the.wful guilt of Misusing, and Chu"
pro toothier sod perpetuating the 1 gnor Ladies
1 appeal to all who 10.5 the low of Route or
th.• tier of Ood before their eye..
1e1,right to
foster, and ea.
coura e a troth , that t b acknowledged to
have not moo r•deembg quality, but snots
A" • Slighting, damning norm oto eviytblag
ILat to pun, boly .o4 v rump to etiolate"
1. It right to IteeoN • mare to well livor r
owl them collide him front on11roh for defog
that which you Iloensed him to do' 1 •m
aseumiog of pours that so ohsrch would
..omit a rumslter Into ito msmSereblp.
Is it right to peas reeolutloos ro Assam.
Wee,'yaode mad Canf.resom dasouoolog
(he liquor tr•ffio s a do agmlost God and •
oriole &palest bumanny, and then tors
round ani 'Motor the cootisuau. . of the
troth •, Or refuse to vote Waist' It!
1. It tight to pray N (. 4 to roomy* A
cer•aio iyIl, and Om vote to build it op,
strengthen tud'p•rp•tu•w It'
1. it right to pray. • Hdbw.d no thy
o.m.•," and thee to vete -(to_ Poem. that
Waco whet., at,,re every other pl.u,, God's
name Is rrol•o•d!
1s it right loopy, '' Thy K • nadom c )me,"
sod them vote b home" • troth] 10.1 11
• .ontrary 1. the WorA t f God," and 150
thief hlodrena@ to the p g eee of the
(.-apd at bones sod .brn-..l•
le It her to p ay, "Lead 01 one few
t.mpwt4oe," and thou legal x , temptation of
11s worst form'
le it right 1, pr.soh judtoe sed chsrity,
and then hutsee • troth: that Weeks b.•rt",
d-eo!at., homes, and fiat the loin with
tuverty, m'•.ey and crme'
There )o but roe &newer to them gnest ios,.
To Homiest wrong-doloi 1. erotic We moat
not frame mieob*d by a law. 1 P.. 94 : 20)
T., tree that beings forth evil fruit a not
to be trimmed. proactwi, and beautibel,
but "out down and oat: into tb. fire,"
(Mato 7; 19), "Lot se man pot • stumbling -
block, or an .os;ot M hl) le his br'thor'•
way." tR.m 14; 13). "Pear i.. Litt!o with
ncht.eueo«s thee great novenas, without
right." (Prov. 16; 9). , W oe to him that
hu'W►tb a tewe *115 blood." t Hab. 2; 124
y..te ydast Hoene* and for proh.tntb.o on
ON. 4:h.
11y Key.
Yata1 aptlug Trlp.
Ii.oasfeld, Ont., Nov, 7. - A serious
0hooll.4 aocld.nt happens,' about • mile
from here t6', after000r, whoa Mr, Philip
Marry, proprietor of the Americo') Hou.,
&co:lenoly shot btmoelf while ou hunting.
It is not expected that he will ro:over.
111•4 Nast NI. (bill,... •
(Immo. Oat., Nov. 7 -A man named
Clair, of [reroute Juootlnn, moms Iter to
find his wife, who had slops.] with • former 6
V„ardor named Henry :\roh.r, Ho woe •
snooesslat In finding Archer, mod • firm m.
flood, to whioh it le said that Mrs. St.
(lair toms part agale.t her husband with a
hat pin. Finally S•. flair lett, taking his two
ohtldrea, whom their mother bad taboo
with bar, book 1.'l'oroato Junction.
A private letter from Mr. W . A MacKto-
rou, chief of tb. fruit dirtsloo, I/omtoton
llepartmeol of Agriculture, who le now in
Groh. sl
.n'alut :� ,
m tater
note" ea the dotelopmeut of aghoult11ral
shows la that sultry. Some of hie ort/1-
u111m. veva herewith ere well worthy of
00'100 by those totereeted to •4rioultural
"duce poi in Canada.
"Oat atnktar Mature of the recent Royal
Show at Corllelr, F.oe , woo that all but
two or threw of the butld1egs were "imply
(rams ooyrred wttb canvas, to whet woof.
the Mow toot plain under a ssriea ot long
Note. Toe advantage of this system 1s
that the framework can 5s token down, and
the tents sbipped Iron) pout to p0!ot, and
seal many time. a the sensor. Tbis ar
na4eme01 also maks It possible to toe
Mounds for an szhibitlon *5135 ars rt.aolred
during the rest of the Tar for other par -
foe e.
The %onto are arnaged In • oorep0ot
and syetsmatio order, 111 ILIA a way that
y.sitors 6115 go to nus dlrsotton •earl return
la another ssingalways now srbhow The
classes ar• arranged to block., not to long
There aro four alarm of &grloultural
sh..we to Great Britain :-(1 t The large
Show, d.vo0d to banding types and imp:r-
meet" : them are open to tate Kingdom.
(21 Local shows ; for the benefit of N00nt
farmer, and bandere to the neighb)rh,od ;
there may tis ,•ertaln open competition, In
them shows, and the addition 01 'motions
for bort 'culture, agriculture, sports, oto , Ie
optional. 131 Fat .rook Mew" for the en
co0r0g.meot of 01gb ole":suwber's meat.
The civet ones aro held a' Birmingham,
(weds and Norwocb ; the finale a 10 speak,
Otero the *moor. 10 the titre" former com-
pete. mak• place at the great Smithfield
show 441 Specific shows ; them are bold
for the ben•ht of one or mon tarttcular
brooches of agrloaltor.l, suoh as da ry%gg,
tr,1tta, poultry, hone" too. A goof type*,
MI. slum of show is that held at the Agri -
cohort! Hall, London, Ammo, throe 000-
seootiv wake for special breeds of bores,
s" follows 1 lot week shires, 2m1wools,
baokaey., 3rd. week, thoron*bbr.d hunt-
ers and polo path.. 1 los of the beet of
th.e• spomtio shows Is that bell •t Ash-
bourne. Ilerbysbtre, • great e5tre hove °ou-
ter (owlet to local euaditlooe, fine gram,
climate, etc, 1 ; here they have (terminals
dtvlsione of the Show : one for postal
c1•..., (24 foals bred by teean0 farmers, (31
foal. from stallion, belooglog to loo.! breed-
Another notable "bow is that oall.d the
mart hors* parade held lo Leiden, where
polres are given for t1s beet aiogle, pair, 001
ooro, 11041 Lour hors Nome ; the.• meat but
Otto Sed N vs61ois without lead. No new
harness or vohlclue aro allowed ; the turn-
out moot have been mod op to the dater of
this show, Whit Moody. The price. are
■even for the best working condition, the
o5jeot being to encourage carter* to wk•
oars of their animal. and • pride to their
ppearanote. This is th• most commend
5lt of th• "wino shows
There are many loo.! poultry •bows and
Tillage shows of varying tmpor'ao. ; at
some of them prize" are given to the school
ehirdreo for the batt oollootleos of nam"rt
grasses, wads, eta. This also le fount to
be a very satisho tory -id bo *lactation
Private landowners also sometlm•e hold
Meow, for the ens owr&gemeat of a,rioultur•
awes, tbdr Noor f oinsre, un ler Iooal
farmer,. Chief •moo* them Is the show
held by the flake of Portland, known as the
"W.lbeok Tenant Farmer"' Show,"
The secretary of the Royal Agricultural
Soolety state• that the year 1790 saw the
be/Inning of agricultural allow" to Great
Partlonlar •ngatri.s about the 'Poniards
adopted In judging •took at thea shows
ailed to elloit a definite statement on this
polos. lo fast the offfolall thenuelve, were
et any too clear. to what le or ought to
• the standard. They "pow, to have fall-
• Into the may error of $looking on the
viz, as toeing the end and goal of th• oz.
Ibltor'e ambjtto., On toweling the matter
,mewhot closely, certain of}icial. admitted
mat too little attention was paid to either
tramps are Like aerelan.
Trey some a eerpeolediy and when Iasi
.doom'. Be armed with a os"-mlou4 curs
1a a bottle of N.rvlllo., whioh relieves
mum and stomsoh W ns le five MO -wee
In oolio. primmer oompl.let, darrhom,
Indlgeettoa and nausea, nesvilla', b a remedy
-remarkoble potency, and sots promptly B
sod earbfm0torily at all timer. TIN oomorl-
tlno o1 Poison's Norville. expressos Cho high•
at medical promos 01 the age, *Slob
a00000a ler tiro lopertor m.rpo Penn 25c.
Hamilton's Mlle are golf Ile a
• \\
Mirth Mrs t1 m MoRheP, MY, was o
highly re.psored re.nhnt of Myth for over p
• yosr:er of • century, has pnne to H.P. h
worth, where .he will make her booms In fn. t.
tnri• with b.•r snu, Mr. ,Jobe 1'. Harr .:k. I t
Fall and Wintery
We have just opened out a compete assortment of the following fall goods :
Hope roe., Cattle Chains, Mut I Fixture,, Axc,, Axe Handl"•, ltubk1aw', \-cot
Name Naw Meta and Jointers, darn Door latches, Hanger. nod Trask T .ad
`trap Hinge* gorse Blanket*, Horse Brushes and Curry Combo, Mi'te and t.Idtrw
OA' Gods are the best. Our prices right. Give us a call and
we will please you.
Wo have b larger stock of Mass this fall than ever before, acid we ere
in a position to melt at prices which will compare favorably with .any.
Our Glass is the best of good British Glass.
Did you see our Stoves and Ranges? They sell like hot rakes.
The Loading Hardwaro and Store Men.
Rowell Oriole at Honest Prime.
Te'ephon* No. 67.
Although the medicine business
Would, above all, be carried on with the
nttuwt cuuacteutfuusneas and acum of
responsibility, the unfortuuete fact is
that in oto other L there so much bum-
bngauddec.-eptdon, The anxieties of tire
sick and Weir relative' are traded upon
in the most shameful manner; impossi-
ble cure. are promised; many prepara-
tions are &leo lutely wortkleas, and some
are positively dangerous to health.
As a consequence, all proprietary
remedies are regarded with suspicion
by niftily people, and the good suffer
for the bad.
from Mia little oavrloee, Thee evaporates,
rue by 1) X. Munroe sod A Aekwtth, was
o, mpletely destroyed. It was an old built -
•o, but well put togo,he.; the less is peril
:overed by lueurao„o. Over a doom boos
ere threw. out of employ meat.
Wloghaw : Oa Huo.lay ev.oi.R, 21111 Inst,
•\'iib am ora Moore rat at big home ore
Vtatort• street, aged eighry year". Dou.e-
e t hod boon a r.ldatt of Mitcham m 1or
eats three years, uoming hots from 8...
turth. He was • re.ldeot of SeIurIF for
maoy years and filled the poaltioo of llbrar-
m•a Io that tows for twenty -ay. Team.
.sealer15 : Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Willi had
• n•mrow esoapa from befog sutfu,►t.d by
For these reasons we announce thatu one sight last week. Before retiring
Our proprietors arc the principal share-
holderq iu
which will, we an sure, be an ample'
gt.,raatee of the truth of every repro.
sentatiou mule concerning
The Iron -os Rarn.dy Co.. Lid.
Wolkervtlle, Ont.
the educational vola11 of the chow or the
cub result to the farmer. •t large.
to the catalogues and prize Iia judge"
are warned not to be lotlumoed by the mar-
ket value of stook to making their •ward.,
•oil • high otliclal Mated test In hie opinion
little imitation was p.ld to the e.0omio
t aloe of the ezhlbt1., and that farmer are
sometimes misled by award. so as to pro.
du. an ',Wile which le not remunerative.
Wtth regard to the Smithfield show Miley
nave begun to make Improvements in the
dtrootloo of market demand.; that IS to M
*zoomed, as the object of the show to to •n•
curage the prodnotloo of hutober'o meat.
Formerly price were give. for &olmde tour
year. oldbut 1.
tel the.
Yhas been cut w
Y do 0
to three �.0d under, and no prizos are Ores;
for oowo. The result ls that they get tower
of toe "allow" animal. whlob used to be
Neu there: yet they "111 p1,, swards In
some oases to 001malo which would not be
eo0ght for by a bot her
The Smithfield judge" are breeders, and
the lemon. learned by farmers from the
judgment have to be picked up without th•
Monett of soy oxpl m*ttoo o1 reum,• from
the judge.. Farmers are supposed b le..ro
from the .how that *quit. types of antmab
oa0 be made to put on Nab at • certain
rate, weight for age.
Tann le also a daughter . lam, which the
'Ledges ylew and rank ally' and afterwards
when killed. The .'aretary aye that the
average result 1. that the same manual ie
ranked Ant bu'h alt.' and deed, but obese
are exoeptis., and some db,eatlsf.otio.10
,..moottumoe. to this dam one judge 1.
usually • homer and one a butcher; them
have slmll.r Idem for the block teat. Helf-
er. must b. killed If they mire a prize, this
te'og a meat .huw, and not a gan•rd or apo
rtoultoral .how.
Eduattooal awNmgs are oil but un-
koowo. At C.rlie'o there were demon,tra-
•loo" of dairying 9,00•s.m, but no word of
erplac.tlo0 .muted to 5. given. Goofier
leads theta all for sotive, eoerg.tlo, Inu1b•
gent eduosttoo, fat Io Britain the farmer
seem, to be 000sidered highly honored to
bolo" allowed to .zhl'ar, ani they let bite
pick up some crumbs of Information If he
ciao. F. W. Hou.ow,
LIT' Stock Commissioner
Blyth : T. W. Scott le at preeent lot
Perry Sound district oo a .leer hooting
Cuotob Jobs Torrooe sod family bays
removed from Egmoodvills w their home on
the Pickett farm adjoining Clinton.
WInghani : Harry mod George Andes'
have gone to Chatham, wbere they will
Borer the Canada Badness College.
Blyth : Mn. Roblin Kelly, who .pent
the Net Ave mouths .1.lting with her too at
Rogan Pa., British Columbia, bot returned
to Blyth.
MoKillop : There Is o b10 sople crop to
McKillop this year, but the quality le not
brat -clue. Most of tho farmers are feeding
them to their pigs.
Smlortb . Thos. K14d met with a rattier
serious occident recently. He fell from a
ladder while ploktog apple" and broke •
small boo, in one of 51e lege.
Se•fotth : MIw Lizzie Ktdd, daughter of
the late .John Kidd, of Sealsrtb, was mar
ried In Wiontoeg, on Oaeob,r29;n, to Ed•
ward 8 Stevenson, of that city.
Bewails : It to said Barrister Stoolair hu
purchased the oommodloo, reeldeooe of Jho
1), Ronald, Turnberry street. Mr S,oalair
and family have been living there for soma
W,ngham . Walter Davidson, goo of 0
Davidson, of the Juootboo, has been to Galt
/1,epit0 for three week., suffering boa"
rhaum•t,m. We are pluu.l to baro that
he t1 Improving.
('ilotoo Joo. King, the junior olerk of
the Molsos'e Back, ba, been Iran•terred to
the branch at London. Arthur ,lohosNoe,
who le oeo0pylog the risme poeitloi In that
olty, w111 Dome bore.
Se.fortb : U Sperling shipped hie tomb
tars to Edmonton last week and levee for
there shortly Mrs. Snarling and family
have gone to Toronto to visit bet people 12.
lore leaving for the West.
Grey : Mise Sarah V. Mr,Lwghllo le In
Toreelo keeping nor mo'her oompaoy. Th.
latter utaderweot In oparatioo tor the re-
moval of a o0Mraot sod will have to remain
10 the l;uieo City for a short thus.
Clinton : The Clinton Knitting Co. ars
'reactor • dye house, 11 feet square, whioh
will make quite on /4411100 ti their already
song factory- The smokestack to their new
boiler was erected by J. Meller. It le fifty
feet high.
Bayfield : Oa Thursday, Oat. 30 h, Mr.,
l).nld McLeod pawed away. She had been
an invalid for a good matey year., but her
death was unexpsabed. She woe forty six
year' of age. 85. leaves three sone, betides
her bereaved husband.
8o0Arlk : Jolla G. Leith and family have
rerorool from New Llokeard aril have taken
up their rstdenoe here. We understand
Mr, Crich hog disposed of his property In
New Untarle •t • good figure .and will re
morn here ae a reindict of Smlorth.
Wingham • Died at the residence of Mr.
and Mr.. A. S. Stewart. Prince Albert.
N. W. T , on Thursday, October 23rd, Mlle
Engle Marshall, &god twenty four years.
DeOeased waif the fourth daughter of the
late William and Marion Marshall, at ow
time resident' of Wtogham.
Grey : "Bl.sdnss never team* singly"
somebody Sae sold, and 1t loot," •e if 1t were
true, ea word soma from Lather, Iowa, *hat
the *lee of Rev, E. Vino: SmRh, formerly
of tyre township, has p ted her husband
with twin sone They were horn on Ort
Auburn : Mb, Symington left last week
for .Spokane, Wash. We renter Mr depart -
nre very much, as Huron Imes nen of It,
moat mermit1 yooeg ladles; nor aortas!.
rat&t societies will M sorry to part with
her, as the wag an narn.t worker and al-
ways pawed off with groat honor.
`eaforth : Word woe remtvo.1 here MOO
Aay et last week o1 the sodden death of
Joseph Shanahan, of Hay Ulty, Mlohigoe.
Mr. Shanahan drooped deed while /peak ea
M • man on the "trent. Mr. Shanahan
lied In Rmferth and rlotni'v for many
yarn. He was • brother of Mrs Jno. Mo
Anhnrn t A .none nenflagretlnn 0ooarred
here on Hallews'ae and leek ►be small bey
Mr. Ureic filled the furnace as usual with
octal and oloead o0 the draughts to the
moroing, when they awoke, they brood the
house tilled wife ga., and Mrs. (hang was
quite 111 for gouts tome, but la now ,,oever•
Ethel : OD \\ edoeediey, (Mosher 29th, at
5 o'clock, about forty loylt•d «11.1.5 wow -
bled at the reeiteme of F: !ward •od Mrs.
Ftetoher to wleaaes the 1010,1 ge of :beer
e ldest d•ugbtes, M1. Elsaor J., to Hobert
J, R 0361., of Elmo. The omem000 MIA
performed by Rev. H. E. Curry, of Mook•
ton, assisted by Hey. C. 1'. Wells.
under an arch of evergreen' and mem.
Blyth : On Friday somata', (rt. 31st,
death omelet visited this home of Mr.. John
Bute and owned off Mor youo«e"t star :slog
son, Capt. John Bine. 1)eoeaaed had not
been in goof health for 1 years pest
and two month" ego came to bis mother',
some bon su5Ktug with that Incurable die -
omits, l000mo1or ataxia. Het gradually grew
worm) 0nd pored 4utetly and pc•oefol y
U.borns The funeral of Samuel Madge,
of Gabon• township, on Monday sl'400oo0
of last week, was out of the largest es0 1n
this neighborhood for many year". car.
Mad.. was 111 only a few days, and dlod on
:Saturday morning. Hs wt" fifty-three
yens of nos and • widower, Sia who baylog
predeceased bin) mould y.ar, A family of
moven ohildrib survlvs, the eldoet of whoop
I. married to 1;oorge Hackney, of Caborue
Or.y Mrs. L.w.00, 5.1) ooh., In beck
from an 'enjoyable •b
b It with ra
1•t lv
I)rbsooll, Oklahoma Territory, U. S. She
brought home Drodurt" to the shape of
broom ooro, kstlir corn, .orgoum, sweet po
tato., eto. Mrn Law"oo say. that terri-
tory 1e making great grid.o enc the towns
g1011 04,0040 111. n ogto. 0.t., wheat, bar-
ley and °oro are the staple orope. 'limber
is secured le the 000yone. Broom ooro
fit. hm
$55W r too.
Chown : 1Nao R•1tenbury, for many
year. proprietor of the H*tteobary Hou.,
Ullnoom, died o0 Tbur,dsy jut iet the
Homewood Sanitarium, Guelpb, where leo
had been tlhated for nervous trouble. He
was the oldest reeldottt of this town, which
was founded by Lila father. He w&, unmar-
ried and had r.tlred from Lha bowl bueloewe
.vera! years ..o. He le survived by two
■lat•re, Mu. Russell Reid, of London, and
Nn. Rao., Clinton, and one Mottos'., .lot.
epb, of Clinton.
Brawel.. On Hallow'en night, the lsrgs
glom window 10 J1me, Fox's drug store
was broken In two phos by stones, whioh
were from all appearwos &brow debt)
crawly at the window.w
T o hole" .bout
the 1, of of a half dollar, were made in the
gloss. Mr. Fox addressed t5e 0000011 oh
Monday 01gb1 telattye 10 the 0111t,r and
they decided to offer a reward of $25 for
the o)nviotioo of ibe guilty part!.. About
two years ago thea game window bad te be
replaced, owing to a stow beim' &brown
through It by some unknown person.
"Gather thistles,
:.xpzct prickles."
Haunt "bargain
sales" and expect dis-
• Good things don't
go a begging, and
insurance is worth
Sure value, up to
the Makers' price.
"The Slater Shoe"
(iep$year WeItol -1
WM. SHARMAN, Sole Agent, Goderich.
-Tan LIIADt10 -
_VVAWIGX Vkyet tort aha
. monA. %.tY%.
Orden etlwfbtty alfr.ded te'.r all
bear, slab/ or dmf.
Noir Meg atre.t.
Baffles en 11e110AT, SEPT. 1. IgM.
Two course., Gomm. veld and Shorthand.
Terme reasonable. Send for Journal.
Students may enter at any time.
Pres. See
,e 9%/
The Division-_.�,.a,�
het ween good;aod ladlffarens
Drugs and Medlolnes
Is strongly defined hers. 1'h. 1od11-
f.rent kl.d are neer ord.red and
never permitted to form part of ser
Mock. Only goods of mounted
parity are offered to eoatomnrs
liar stook of
Pr'oprietar'y Msdfotnea
N 'tory large, t'tleee gra low,
N. Y. Ben.
Due fellow who t,6te the fight alone,
.Luh moves a word of ohoer.
With never • trteod he Melo to lead,
W it h never • oomrade Door --
'I'1. he has omd of • stalwart band,
Acid • heart out gives. to moan --
He attugglea for life and morel than lite
TIN fellow who fight" •lout.
The fellow who hobos the world Mono
With meter a tattier'. smile,
With never • mother's kindly Looe,
Hie sorrowful hours to gall,,
Wbo;joloe;the tray at the dawn of day
Aod battle. tall light to gown,
Must Deed be Woos. for the fight 1m loog-
T5• fellow who tights aloes!
A6, bitter enough tbe oombat b,
Wtb every belp at habil,
With friend. at Deed to bid God spiel,
With spirita that uoderetand;
But fiercer far Is the fight to one
Who struggle. •loos unknown ---
05, teray• and grim 1. the heart of him,
Tbee fellow win fights alumel
Goa blew the follow who fights alone:
And arm hie soul with etr.ogtb,
Till softly out of the battle root,
He 000yuerlmg moms at length,
Till far and near Into .very ear,
're. fame of tits fight 1. blown,
Till friend and foe to th. Timor know,
'f he t.11ow who fights alone,
I.d.ssed ems a.4 Threat
And .uoh disease" of the respiratory organa
A. bronobitie, weak lung., ooid in the Lead,
and owl catarrh, are treated with 101:4.4.
Otto s000ese o0 )trtotly "cmenntim prim:toles
by Catarrbozo0e Toe modn:•ted vapor of
l.atarrhozooe quiokly travels*. every air
passage pomible to be reached by any treat-
ment. All moonier, polo, oodmtl0D and
,otl.mmattoo are at moue dispelled, and by
means of the boohoo puwere of l'aterrbozooe
the vitiated tissues are quickly restored.
Whore l'atarrhortoe 1. used oolde last only
tic Mont', ooagbn ball an hour, and
.tarrh, ooneumptlo0, asthma and 0000
Moto. b fiee as from fireAt Lal will o00vtDoe
•o ooeofthe tar111 men of '• r oz o .
s q t G N rh o•
Ceete $1 011, "mill woe 25o. At druggists.
or k'ol.00 & (2o., Ktegetoo, Ont.
Dr. Hemlttoo'e pills sure oouttlpal ion.
ie Rhsumotbm of the bast
The -rause u Cris Acid
in the blood. If the kid-
neys did their work (Moro
would be no Uric Acid and
nn 1 -mil go. Make the
kidneys do their work. Tho
sore, positive a clod Criss
cure for Lumba
Tats Itltyr
ScrilI011 Hard Coal
At coal wetgghod on the Market %sales
whore ioniser* 70110 Lbs, ror • ton,
Orders bit se Lu $t gzzPHAAD'a
Ston promptly attended to.
the Huron and Bruce
Loan and Investment Co.
We are prepared to receive Deposits
from Trustees, Patent* or Children, in
sum, of from Fifty Centre to Three
Thousand ik.11ar, and allow compound
interest, added every six months at
rate* s* agreed upon. Cheques are
given Depositors, so that they may
elms, apes s rdeposit'at ane. '
3. 3i and 4 per cent. interest allowed
ou 1)epoeiia according to amount and
Urns fait. •
N.B-Iebr,uant to a late Ant of
Parliament married women and minors
have the right to d,point sed draw out
money in their own name.
1)epotita man be sent by mail at the
risk of *ender.
Remove from yout houses temptation
to burglars anti food for the Barnett.
A. the Company make* loans only on
first clans farm property, depositor*
have the stem/pat security for their in-
This Company t, prepare( to loan on
the shortest nit c. any ,um upon tir*e.
i•1*., security. Term* are mads to sui
borrowers. Straight loan. and simpl
M))RT(4A(1N 8 PURCHASED -For further
particulars call at the Company's office,
corner of Market Square and North
Street, (loderich.
Manager. Pn.ident.
We. P1i4UDFOOT, Vice•Pswaident,
i.r.an S NSINVOx.. J. M. Roagrrt.
FROMCnt JOI•1AN. H. Infinite
Wa. Nutt:Drol. Hasler Roams.
1). J. NAfawt. Pettit. Hot?, K.
TaollsbAT, NOV. 13, 1902. 6
Jordan ]flc Ii(I1 M'S Ooderich,
Prices You Like to Pay.---mip-
$ 5.00 Men', Overoo•1 ter . ....1, 350
7.00 ., 53,5000
10.00 •• " 7.60
12 00 " " " 8.60
Seams too good to too trw, sepeolelly jam
at the time of year you want the goods.
Our excuse for the loob,h /ooklor price, out.
tlog le that we aro solo, out of the over-
uoat bestows. We want the room, not the
goods. A few boy,' overcoat. at even a
grsalar reduottoo
Fling - V. want to turn & lot ot nine
0e04 furs Into money and to a short 11me.
WINO you site *bun and the prince we will
do It to guide order.
Nook eoarfe start at 51.35 Boob. Nioe
far ruff., *110 tall', as eaoh ruff $1 35
Capering. start at $1.75. Ear oaperin•
norm collar, fur tall., at each 51.75
$1.015 - Trimmed Hata -- $1 95
A table In our millinery room of now hate
of our own trlmming, same /flyby and mat"-
rlal whioh regularly ooe1 you $3 50 and
more, all at one price $1 95
Don't Wok fhb is the lowest priosd hat
we bar.. No matter how limited your
money le we have • hat that will soli It.
Men's Hata -Mee'. lar fell hate
hard and soft Chraty and other make"
leather sweat bands and good blocks, pek
$2 00 sod $2 50, to clear at 7
Little Things at Little Prloe•.
1otti•1 Lahore for marking houoaloh
Anes, .N„ warranted lost Dolor,, letter.
lett-A, B, U, O, K, P, R, T, st 1a dem*
Rope linea tor Lanny work 3 for bo
Rope silk, for Nagy work 2 for 5e
et lot of Booths wool . 2 for bo
A lot of Zephyr wool 2 for be
A lot of maeding, Io oolong 12 for 5c
Glae«ow twill law thread, 200 yards •i
spool, moat Dumber. 1n stook at 7e,
It le used fur knittloo and orooheitler loose
fringes, doylies, mats, etc.
A lot of 10o Irl,h lawn handksroblte
kematnobed and embroidered, at 5o
Man's and boy.' ales for 10o
2 pair wool .ox for 25o
A lot of .lath .pe at loo
New Llso Magazine 5
NEW IDEA PATTERNS are the 131441'.
x+++++++ *44+++++4t
HERE is one stove that stands out distinctly and
re -eminently above all others. its differences
�" P
have become historical. The aluminum -lined
aerated oven, together with many special improve.
• meats and ecouomical conveniences, have made
the greatest
and most
cooking stove
Sold by leading dealers everywhere.
Fully f;uaratiteed,
McKillop II Fire Fite litslfrtsoe Co.
IOW to. of Property Wore, up to Jauoarr,
Orrle•gRA AND bIR(LTarre.
3. 15 MoLeon, pros : T. Praiser, vlos-pree.
Jas. Connolly. O. Dale. W. O. Broadfott, J.
Watt, Jas. ffsaim, J. O, Or,eve, J Beanewela,
director; W. H Broalfo,t leaf° -tit, lnepeo•
for of loose.; 7', ll:. Hay.. 864fort5, ,'y.
0001 7 e
3. W. Yeo, Holmeeville; Jam.. cumin
S4mti10 Hill.; R. MoMillwth
, nesfort
Polley -holden tin pay oseesmento sod asl
their cords receipted at Mr. Costs'. MClinton, �r
at ol.ean Bros.' Palace Clothing Store, bode
Established 1890.
1111 WOO
The above is cut into stave wood
ien4th and will be delivered to any
part of the town the same day se
Orders received by telephone or
left` et residence, 128 Cambria street,
Will receive prompt attention.
'Phone 98.
ch, Nuvemher 21,1, 1899. 63-310
• Aaln 4303i
W. F. DEVER & \CO.
18 Welling -tori Street East, Toronto.
Main Offices -41 Broadway, New York; (*State Street, 8osta.
Bought and Bold for Cash or on Margin
!'articular attention Riven to Canadian Seoarttle" Market letters molal dally
m) 00 application. Corrin on
p. p din. Invited.
There never w.a such a demand for Ladies and Oestle�sa
having • thorough knowledge of Oommerdd tied SkausL,s4
work. 'rhe
-.+� _� f Y� r. r•'- �: ��:r- l'•'= t- 'moi -_%.,-�=
LONDON, ONT., has aasISwd mon .
students to profitable pltlone dwrloq the po 5
7..0 15.0 • v School 10 the Weet, We would he pleased to .,.let yow Partlonl•n for
1 tots,
J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal.
To the Ladies.
The opening of the fall millinery season finds my stock,
as usual, oomplI ,,,in the . vpus lines pertaining to
Isdie*' headwear, The most novel effects in shapes and
trimmings are to be found here, and our work in mak-
ing up orders has alwsys been satisfactory to my caw -
Ladies% are invited to visit my showroom and inspect
my stock at their convenience.
Miss Cameron,
01.3m Cor. Hamilton and Newgate streets.
No one who buys Groceries can afford to overlook the bargains
which we offer on every lawful buainea. day. Our Groceries are
of the beret quality, and the prices ere ae low se first -clots Rcoda
can he bought at if you are not already dealing with us, make
a trial purchase, and wren if we cannot suit you.
t3(3oods promptly delivered. Tel phone lie" 91