HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-11-13, Page 44 TRORSDAY, Nov. 13, 1902. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO -3tlft�lytlrtlrtbtbtMtlftMN+►btbtlfWtMWF 2 GET IN LINE! t. 3 You will (Rut 111113111 f1"1"9"IthtR show (;,t iso liar. Keep right up with the procession. Wisdom The way we have he en ladling Overcoats and Suits If you clearly ies ndicatthat our 'style/ are right, and the valuer' prepare exceptionally good. 3 for cold IF Our heavy Suits and Overcoats are Weather now in stock, and ready for '11_,„ at once. your inspection. Iterhtr#°oats and Suits sol the beet maternal, cut to the latest it)le•. Oar :800, 59.00 and 510,00 Itvere.ata are rut's' the beet ualute we Love ere offered. Oood ling Costa, the very latest style, in dork any frieze sad eI,vlot off 'ordeal pockets, cuffs oo rlsayes, at very shore prion. BOYS' CLOTHING. A very largo stock to solos from e1 boys' Suite, Reston and 0v/footle. s ou will do well to .x.mine our stook SPECIAL SALE OF BOYS' OVERCO S. Just 10 boys' Overooatr, In moo patterns of grey tweed, wittweed linings and moll tailored, will make • geed tootle, mind go id wearier co.: for t • boy. Sires 23 to 27 Regular price 55.00 Sale prloe $3.50. 1 hey •re fine in every teep''at, Solt Sud comfortable. hast W. O. PRID , AM. Perfss hills, Clothing Hesse. Mao'. C4her, hurnt•ber Dao 11.tc.r. 8e1. Agony for Christy • Hats. as mum= EVERY THURSDAY MORNING RT m. 1111011111111C1111011 YODRRJOH. THURSDAY, NOV. 13. alit NEW MINISTERS APPOINTED. THE, announcement is made that Hoa Jamas Scsasau0uhas boon chosen to 611 the position of Minister of Public Works. mule v$oantlly tee resignation of H n J. L TARTS. $cTHRai.AN&I has had a good business training seal, as Yiitister of Marine and Ftshenee, made • gcpartmental hosed For years previous to ilia s perfumes' the onorous duties of Liberal 'whip mit woo e hairiest. of the Railway Cumttt.ii tee of the Boum. The opinion among those w:'o kik.* Mr. SCTHaaLAND well is that the Departni it of Public Works will not suffer in his ha a, and the belief is strong that the pelicy progress in regard to the transportation problem will be carried 0111 to a meat satis- factory conclusion under his auspices. Ron. RAYMOND ragvotTAuNI, formerly Mayor of Montreal, will succeed Hou. .IRis deTaa&LANP as Minister u' Marin* ,"el Fisheries. ' SNAP SH01S. -The Itoukhnbors were looking for a miracle aril FKAN• PEDI.LY gatherer! them itt. -Tote export testimony in the• Sifton case should Its .uflcient to pot export test'. mons' out of biediaras. -This isn't the tune of year for Doukho- bor' or anybody else to disport themselves out of dean in pajamas %nil barefooted. - Lantana's anti -military attitude at the tai ostial cunterentis doesn't emit the teat her- bed brigadiers who edit the Tory jou nate. - Cp to the time of going to press the svidionue m the e'uetion sour . goes tee shun that our (ri•nrlw the enemy hue lwon doing . :l the crooked work. - )tR W il.i'RN Let and Hou, .1. I. TARTS Both spike at the lAval dinner rho other even ng uul, contrary W the opinion of the qulduntu -n, the elements di 1 not melt with tervent heat. -Now that it is officially announced that • Minister of Public V, (irks has been Ap- pointed, our Conservative. ,rutetitporo'ies will not h, any better pleaw -d than they were before the annouse, men' was mule. -Frcm the evidence produeetl in the election court%, up to the time . f going to press, the Hon. (1 W. Riess in 'o be con- gntu'ated upon having obtained a majority of even one, with the corrupt influencee so strongly against him. -The election court &seisiors have brought melancholy days to the utotum of Tho Hamilton Spectator, and levitation" to Ilon. 0 W. Kona to "gat up and sit" are not so fregnent in the columns of our es- teemed aomtamporary - We Congratulate the P.sitmaeter.(:en- rral upon having • surplus in hit depart- ment, and think now would be • good time to knock of the postal imposition on newt- p•per*. It isn't o heavy tnbute hut. like the mosquito, it 1n very annoying. .-The Toronto Telegram, in a tale -wed artte'e, endeavors to create the tewprewn ouu that Col. MAW Hernias n dead Iwemiu•e the Colonel in a recent interview paid, "1 have given my life for the Empir tool that Snit the only etriWment the get ant. (' dowel bait made that M didn't mean WHAT Ours too nlalaA'YTN and mody. At the clo.e of the Bret loos day t he boy wee .Ged•d t? ,to on an errand I and It eau found that he had not boon Ino limos early morning. .1 esaroh wu made, sad, contrary to the •pect•tloo of many atones protect, be was not out playing. but la the coir• where he had *peat the whole day alone Nothing his heart out on the bay. el„w:ANATI. MARRIAGES. GoiJwl0 Smith : Mario Corsltl'I new oov- ei, "Temporal Poirot,- revives t.'. ler t thin disguise the streets story of a worganstto mintage contracted by the Prince of 5% elm w hen be wu Hoke of Yotk, with the ,laagbNr of a 11.111.5 naval otti»r. No such thing as • morg.Iatto marriage is known to B ritish dew or custom. The term Is for- .Igo,.peclally liermap, and denotes a mar- riage of di.paragemeot, In whtoh los bn 1r - ,froom glues his lett band to the bride, to token that he don not Imput to her his rank or •e):b!ng attubed to ot, The mor- ganatic marriage 1. valid so for as It goes. But a marriage cottraot.d by anyone In the tine of automaton to the Brltleh crown sed under 25 years of sae, without the royal obsent, would. ostler the Royal Marriage Lot, bet sb.otut.ly void to law, tt.ougb mor- ality mtght growo upm o wood union. We may feel pretty sure that the junior members of the Britf'.h roysi family are to watchfully guarded that bo olsndeatlns marriage of soy sort can have taken pito,. YItsl xR Ye,K K.1' 01711 ,riro tolosrDii.. The K,chmood Religious Herald : As was the custom u1 \het day,-' says the the Rev. A. 14 ('absolve. ".he people all 'togged this old preacher to appoint • day ,f fasting and prayer 1 'r rain, which he did. A' the •p;uiot.d time the house wu orowd• ad with people, all anxious for redo. Alter reading • (shutter Is the Bible the good old troths. prayed as lotions • '1) Lord. thou doer Ge• our tad condo too' Our streams a•s (Dud up Dor groes s parched up' Our crops are withering'. U Lord. we oeld rale! Vat the Er "onto '•rem like bras. and ilio earth iron. We hes .nd besee.h thee, O lord, to send ue rale' Rut we don't want a mtzd,n'. dnzx'lu r.tn, tor that won't not wet our ground. Aod as dou't want a d►Ihiag, spleehing redo, neither. for that would wish our hillside* away. But, 1) lewd, do give us a't old faahloaed, steady ground *siker' that the earth may bring forth food for may and Moot, and Brother U„ublethead Bob Burton's pond may 511 op, sod his mill be able to mush the Dora, and he may make • few more rune of hie still ler the Moofit of the brat hren.' The good old members all reepooded with a hearty amen to this, thloklrg it ex- pressed their want. •10olly. WELL MERITED GROWTH. Among the publto•tloes that yams to our .zohaoge desk this week is that little annual meweuvvr. Uo14'. Almanac, published by The Dodds Mulleins C i , Ltmtt.d. This is its eighty tooted appearance, and Its growth in the estimation of the public Is attested by the trot that to the eight pure of Its lift its oiruulatloo lite grown front thousands to may millions, tad that it is now printed to massy laoguages and it found it tlmuet Seery I ogl,L welshing home as well as in D early evert quarltr of the alvlbc,d world. Dodd', Alniaosc differs somewhat from other publications of the klasd to that it is Vied from cover to Dover with s,elnl islet - The data, weather Indication., o pnptr.d by expert sclostlstl and e stablisttrd a reputation for &otomy, • the &ot lasted joke that mads tilt _roar, almanac • byeword to banished rout Its colonies, whlob are filet instead with simple etrusbforwa•d talks oo the rules of health and iotoreador a000uots of Genie of the warlows our•s it have boon a000mpllehed by Dodd'. Kidney Pills and Dodd'/ Dyspepsia tablets. And 11 might be remarked bore that peo- ple who ire prone to oyetlolk such reading simply burins the cores an 'the work ot what they call • proprietary mall ins, de- vote much of their time to gorging their moods with less interesting, lees won- derful and far lees tru'hlul matter Int" is "Imply soother exemplification of the Nostra! tendency to dodge that which 1s auto! in the way of'moms matter. But aside from its value as • hook of ref- erence to the healthy sod s'ok alike, 1)1td'. Almanac le • wooderfu' ev.deoos ot how an I enterprise will flourish whet) it le founded no merit. As the otrculatton of It/dd'e Almanac has growo from thousands to m111- tooe, so has the domain of 1)0d r. Kidsey Pills extended. l-levea yews ago they were placed on the m&rkei in Toronto. atter years spent in the torestigacoo of Kidney Dame and Its ours has led to their dieoov• e•y. They had ...their own way to make, and they mode 1t. As one may or woman was benefited by them he or she toll anoth- e r. Tour fame has spread till it covers one 000tlneut sod Iiia made Inroads Into civilized country in the world, and the Dodd'. Medicine Company has brown Into one of the largest coons roe of Its kind, and wet might even say one of the !wrest lofiu- .soae for good oo the American continent. And all this immense etruoture has been built by the baode of those whom 1) d l'e Kidoey RIIne have raised from beds of sick• nom and tufferlog. Each cos told cabins. Thal le the secret of It all. But it is cot the Intention hen 11 go foto tee theories oo which Vold* Ii'merl es moi k n or to election any of the we ,.ler(ul cure. they hove accomplished 'Fuse are almost common knnwledg.•. for, like Dodd's Almxo• so, Dodd'• Kidney Pills and Do to. L)y.pst- , is Tablet,. bate Nand their way roto every community and into almost "vary home The intention 1e simply to welcome Uodd's Almanac for 1903 and to commend .t to the 000.ddoratloa of the public goner - ally. motion eta , law w Reducing Rnmber .1 Ctamtnalsena "Tee decision of the Deportment ot }Act- uation tome time ago to •bo1.h port 1. of the public school leaving et•mtneitlna has haus received with gnat I•yor In all parts of the 1'.nvOoo." was the sia•emeot male by the $Bolster cf 'E location yesterday. '' There have been two or three protests to- m tvetd from teachers, bit, generally seetk- tog. there is a 1.nden:y tbrouahout 15. world towards lea taint, the oambor of ex- • mioetloor. In* witc, of thn h: to ►'ton I).putmeot is to hate as few merely oomp.titlyis examinatioys as pastille. tlashfylor extm:.thou• are, hot evil', aeometwy. sad certain requiattet mutt be re quire 1 of teacher.. I let as from doctors r r winnows. Our beet teachers est they set the hest work when the ',talents ate no compelled to work timely for the ends of ti exetattQSNee." 'It, theme--wit.-ob)'otsd to the abolition of purl 1, of the public school leaving examination, Mr Hsreeu•t `pointed out that troyieion it made that \lie 0000ty couootl, on Ihx recommendation orthe publiosoboal in•pec'or, has aa'hortty 'o ansa for promotion or leaving ex►m- io.tlnhe, and that Io several oonottes this provioon has teem taken al outage of -- Toronto (hobo. PRAY full Tiit IDITOTt• St Thomas Times : Mrs. 1Vetereoo and Mr,. ('avers of the Oatarlo W C T. IJ made • good aoggatloo the other day whoa they propo ed that the Association pray for .Innis The Lord koows they need It, not because they are more wicked than other people, but bemuse they Deed so muob pttien0e and strength and self-control to battle against the various purple who come in W tell them how a newspaper should be run; and ter argue with others who sok for , the booniing of some buttons scheme which. they aver, to purely a matter of Dewe, and of dealde 1 interest to the public; and to pacify men who ren inul of the law and are mad all ever beosuu It was put in the paper. Theo 0011111 Oewspsoer moo have a lot of trouble in proving to people that they h.ve to pay gool money for paper and Ink Lod prot•'.e and motive power and type I sating. and therefore o0noot afford W give away the paper fret, and that it is absolute 17 neoe.ary that th•yaell opus In order to (keep bread to the copboard old escape beteg .ens to j for debt or vagrancy. Then there Is the tax g&M•rer to appears laud the Insurance mao to pay and the gas bill to settle regularly, besides other trtale Incident to life In Chu troublesome world. Ob, yee, by all means let tree ladles pray for the editors, with speolsl petitions that the tootles. sorlbes may be eodowed with patteooe. IMNOMI. Winnipeg Fres Pratt: Oie Chlor le ears at any rate. Very few of the Duple who am holding forth in load -mouthed 000deim- setion et the Dookhnb"•e end 15r.1r' •. re will over be the victims of rellgloos mania. le TT AST wGNDaR! Toronto World . W. W. Bach wean ..y. It ie notioeeble to 0000eellou er.th the refer. redoes campaign that old time Liberal tom- piwan a workers were not taking the Inter- n et oternet In the matter that they were w..at to do previous W the last election. NO HI'RRT 4011'T IT imednn AdverNear : The I. ,noon Glob, espressos a fear that (wade may some lay 000eidtr the possibility of ".sating no for boreelt " So the may; and it .he dose de- cides to sat no for herself the wu.e old moth. is snowy will net say "ray." fliers will be so repetition el eke American revelutlos. Jut sew the tread et Comedian wntlmes/ le strongly toward nationhood withls 11.' shote .t the ltrttl•h Empire. That memo nor fixed destiny. but se one nen predtos work *111 happen a hundred years from new. Tea 01101. ANI, THS the Akehloe. Glebe . An Atohlean mal hat Mal r.eantly. (savior two oblldren, • .1,1 el R mod • boy •f 0 The kiwi nstphb.r. as- sembled to the p•rlov. hold the tial e. their Mg, and wiped away Isar tars, and made M mu* songs pr.mis .1 della and books I .1. E D•vle, formerly of Goderich, who has conducted • drug badness at Wierh&m for the put four yeses, hat sold out to Walton MoKthboo, and lote.dt, we under- stand, to go to Toronto. J. J YOKOM 1 ALKS• St Oland wrrrhant Iril. II.e Dodd Mal. ■ ei rill• Hr.ux•t Rork .plentlld 111.814 b. Welland, Ont., Noy. 10,-(Speolal.) -Meir. .1. J Vokom, the well-known grooer tad prosieloo m•roh•nt of this plus, has come oat with a statement that Is of,peouliar In Wrest to all thoee soff.rlog from kidney dig ease i0 any form. "I hs'1 been suffering Isom kiln', cool olawist for a year cr more,' 51r. Yok-,m states. "1 hail • very depressed tasting in my head, little or no appetite, a constant feeling of languor and 1 loot • lot of weight. 1 spent money on medicine, and doetore, to no benefit, and 1 was greatly d.4ecoursged. "Ooe lucky day I heard u1 Dodd'. Kid- ney 1'. III and started to a.el them. They did me good almost from the first, and fits boxes completely cared me. 1 &m now ID splendid health." TAILORING... 1 ha,s we sod my Now `d:oodt el - tongs, Trouserings, eta for FALL and WINTER Wear. If you Ire getting Si yew .luring suit, ▪ I.ght over. o*t, or anything ro my lice, 1 osn please you le goods, fit and price. tegRrsely•w0de 1 talking 1n 510.5, H. DUNLOP, STREET Th. King of Renf;es- " SUCK'S HAPPY THOUGHT" THE day has gone past *lien a tyiSe woman alll put op toith an inferior -cooking.pparetns. She has beard e,f The ",THay hought" Range, Lightness of a Dorothy Dodd On the Scales. Agreat many interesting facts way he discovered with a pair.of scaler, but it is doubtful if any single fact will Ise more interesting and valuable 10 the average wooer' than the weight of her idiom. For this' tells her tho number of ounti s that roust be lifted thousands of tions each day, and a Itttle calculation will show that she lifts tons of shoe leather a day -no small labor in itself. The "Dorothy Dotid" shoe saves the lifting of wore than one anti a half tons every day. A psir of "Dorothy Dodd' shoes are several ounces light- er than ordinary shoes. The feet aro just so much more comfortable, and you are so much leas tired, l'ut a pair to the test. They cost $3.75. N. B. -Of crouse wu will give you particulars of the *4,000 Prize Contest Wm. Sharman, Jr., has exclasile sale at GODERICH. ONT, Ren.waed.■tneral aprtng•• The hitt ore "St. Catharines Web" at S'. Catharines, 1 )tt., and the Mineral Springs at Peeatou are tut oomlog to 15. front as re 'o-tt for thou .-'skins heslih. The hotel and bath a000modatioo are ex, silent, and both are coy of acute, being titillted dir- ectly igectly on the due of the l:raod Trunk 11 r- cnptive booklets, fol 'ere, a'.d toformat on on •pplloat'ot to (Irani Trunk "seat, or by eddies sing J. U. McDonald District P.. mover Agent. Terooto. Wm. DsTldeoo, county clerk, Stratford, has t.onved • letter lion flee. Hobert/no, St. J tb., N. it. one of the conimtas:000rs, staring that • mooning of iha railway csttlr g lard commiuion, will be held In the court room of the court house, Stratford, on Sat• orday. November 2q h. to hear e lmplainte f bowers and stookmeo from the couotln •t Perth, Heron, Bruce, Waterloo and Oi'ord in reg.rd W pr.oeoo style of oattle sumd., try ` .. tf i .171•:;;;X;,, ix+.. -1 TO ADVEHTIBERB. Notice of cnangw must be left at thio Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must he left not irter than Mon - .14.y noon. Casual Advertisements acoeptwl no to no. n Wednesday of each weak ImusEJ e H. CO L BO RNECashTurK Pro/gce A New, Bright, Fresh Stock. DRY GOODS .lu•t what is wanted for f%11 and winter trade. No old bankrupt goods or old -trunk that can be bought at half price, but a two/ up.to dein stos<k attghb fur spot CIWI iso the best mtrketa and direot from the manufae Curers. And you Dau buy those goods here at the lowest possible price consistent with fair dealing, for spot cash or produce. Itlsok tinder Skirts, 51.00, 11.50, $2 00. $2 50. $2.75. Itisck `.tattoos •lets, 91 00, .11.25, 51 50, 51 75, 51 90, 52 00, $2.75. Lodles' Unite Vette and Drawers. Vesta Item 151 to $1.00. l)rawc a from 25o to 11 Wass* Uodetve t. from 12o to 50,. Mines' Draw ere Is !siding makes Mea'..i d they.' eblrum and drawer, in all the 'Iodise moles, anion and •11 wood. Men's wool flacon 1 cot', sixes from 34 to 44, great value. Better haw, won' -'load, bCo, bit and 750. Men's all wool Nova Soot's make, tr- ohm kabls from 50o to 11 25. A Roman'er with each &hitt that It will r shrank. Our Amerloao made Wr•pper.ttou at 10a sod 121 fast *color, are the beet la the trade. Hock end grey Dress Skirts, tailor made, end out to the fittest lathier', from 52 90 to 54 75, made of all wool bowespoo. Deese Materials In ti• latest solarlags, 54 to 58 inches wide. Homeroom, Vest - elan., Katket Weay!", Gordo. Sergio cad other new makes, from 604 to 51.40. A tine ae.nrlmsil of lista Coate made 1.7 th. 5 u'.tltb Rubber Co , from 83 50 L. 512 00, length. from 56 to 60 etches, These are the test you Is to the trade. Great value in Ladies and Children's cashmere and all wool Host. We owry th. omit Imes of hteckloge made at the OuderIcb Knitting Hill. ('OSMOPOu!LAN PATTBRNS FOR NOVK1HER NOW ()N VALE. J. H. COLBORNE Do You Know?' We bey, man, memoir .sfr0 0'4,1.11 •ea*sn. Pure Spices, as M.ICK, CINNAMON, leINDERM, CURRY, PEPPERS, eta '0 You have an ad,asiage io lu)tng thaw rota os for w1 ma lest therm and gu.r•ni re them abeolot.ly pore. They are cot w everywhere. M.4501:rja acTSOiENTtvIt' LIVER KI DN I 7BOWELS► S TFiE SYSTf CLEANSE EFFECTUALLY; 0150.5 LOS ACNESY E RS' am& fE OVERCOMES STIpIITI� .OVERCOMES CON PERMANENTLY. ITS 3 �° Ge7' r'EC15,1 • FIl EIC!AL EFr A MOST acceptable • Christmas. Gift Is a box of " i %rie" station- ery, stomped in relief with a monog; am. Vs engrave a steel die with ay three letters, as shown above: Stamp from It 120 sheets of choice note p•r.r: Aad hersish en•elepe. to Match fors total cost of 14.00. The"die" wittiest a Wenn • Trite for our sew esylegire. Ryrie Bros., Jewelers, Yonge and AJel.ide Streets, Toronto. FLAT CORKS. JAR RINGS, CANL)V BOTTLgS, WAX, trig, oto. Beatemall STOVE -PIPE VARNISH. Brghtest Lustre, Least Odor, Easiest Applied of all Stove -Pipe Varnishes. Preserve's the pipes. Excellent for all exposed iron work W. C.LGOODE, Chemist, BEDFORD BLOCK. . Knives with a Character ity'.slit�► R MYNAS&CORNELL ___-__UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS, Etc., %%vet s,1" of ',,carr. GODERICH, - ONT. Night WL promptly aaswerni. PRETTY HANDLES Blades that hold Edges GOOD You will like any one utile:4' knives. _One, t or more blades, and every blade righ as well as eve fight. - Q_thret price RAZORS, too, that are right quality. - .1sk for the. German Ring Razor, only S1.25 each. every i,lll' guaranteed. N. D. RO UGV I E, The Cash Hardware Store. Goderich, Ont. Apples, Boys and Girls WANTED The Saltford Evaporator is now ready for business and wants any quantity ot good peeling Apples, for which cash will he paid. Also Hoye •ind Girlie wanted" to work in the Evaporator, to wham Good wages will I. paid. Come Ilei:k. BECK & GOLDTHORPE, SALTFORD. ON T. ubberlTeels That Hold A Great Snap 1a aur Ganger snap, nt So, a Donss& o1 which we sell a barrel a week. This Isn't nor only sup. as w'• mrry everythlog tont uta be Mobil :o •n np- to•date grocery stere, and r tr prone, are right. The termer. khow 11.1 they ciao always get from us • poop for their prodam. Wu draw the Ione at oro - tinnthnimer-T'sets'e - sTern hlug Olmeware or pottiree, garden stuff or choreal table China We deal In all than, T. G. LING dr< CO., R. Ir rd ble st. i'e'orlch PAT. SEPT. 1000. THE ONLY VENTILATED MATTRESS IN THE WORLD. . Pei -teeny Ventilated, Perfectly lieeditnt, Alaolutely Noieeloss. it has handles to lift or carry it by. It is much oheaper and more durable Unto the best hair mattress. It cannot get lumpy, and will uol say froni e, It it the most healty and must comfortable Mattresset outdo. iltfrCall end examine its merits. 501.1 utile by WiLMER SMITH,. Dealer In Higli (trade Furniture, Furninhiugs and Art Good . Fine Upholetering alone to order. PAM Street, GODERICH. - Ittrmmmmttttttmttt tttmmtnttmm /he (orrwewre, Ova. and her neighbors tell her what it will do. i1 by chance you do not know the merits of The "Happy Thought" you owe it to yourself to investigate. See the Range, look into the firebox and floe,. weigh the covers, note the patented dampers, the ventilated. illuminated oven, the rnrrtlgated oven plates, and all the different features that make this Range so different and so superior. Yon don't know true household comfort If you don't know The " Happy Thought" Range. Writ, the Manufacturers for Illuof.a1ed Catalnu„r. "n;e The WM. SUCK STOVi'; CO .'•iwR:°,T*awn 5014 ►v CHARLES LEE. Goderich, Ont. e, !Ranh" C0.hion Heels wear )&r leathrr give 1„u a firm L.oh,t,i and you ran walk far withnnt growing sager,. Sample pair, 10c. .\II •M.rmaker,, or .rile dire/. NO NORM! .1, ,. 1.1 is. • {.Mot DUNLOP CUSHION PADS '1 hr, prevent .hpp;ng ian.enrs• sprained tendon,-, rag ked Mone-hwlting and ranker.. Sample ., t, .ant Jiro t. Any hta,k.mith un tui them W14ITe Fmk CATAI.MI. The Dunlop Tire Co. LIMITED TORONTO A handsome steel siding for all kindsof building purposes 1 supplied either Galvonired or Painte OUR ROCK FACED STONE is fire and damp proof"-r.uata all weather t-onditions-is very ren. t.onahly priced - And can be so easily applied it give. universal sati'faction. Find further facts about it in our catalog. M.tallie Roolhig Ile., 111ttfled, whotw•te Man„r•eso.•ro• Toebnto, - - O&nm/a Irl' t1.Y-. lit CHAS. LEE " Eureka and • --411110 WE: make a great _ many kinds of Bread, but the kind we are particularly fond of is our Homemade Bread " Get a loaf from Oar agent Sao how white and Tight and sweet. It is. Our bakery includes, among other improvetnentt, patent oven" that lake oar. bread to suit everyone's taste Once a cii.tomer, •I ways a customer. E The Parnell -Dean Steam Baking Co., Ltd. W. P. WESTOBY, a 3 a a a 3 a a I I z EAGENT, - HAMILTON STREET. 3 74UllululuUlU111�1u1111�111u1111U11�1�