HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-10-30, Page 8f3 T',numar, October 30, t:02 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. DRESS STUFF, MILLINERY, JACKETS AND FURS. THESE are the departments we would specially call your attention to this week. The markets have been carefully searched for the latest styles and best values. Come and look them over. Dress Goods and Silks. New Camel Hair Cloths. New Zibeline Stripe Cloths. New Broadcloths and Cheviots. New stripe Waiting Goods at 60 and 75c. Nee patterned Satin Cloths for waists. New Jackets and Furs. Bargains in Sable Buffs, regular $12.00 for $:4.50. Handsome Csperines, $3 lf1U.UU and $12 UV. Ladies' Raglan Coats. Really the most serviceable, sty- lish and comfortable coats on the mar• keta. $10.00, $12.00, $15.00. Millinery. Never have we shown such sty- lish tylish wearable hats as this season. Ready -to -weer trimmed hats for ladies, tomes or children. Men's Clothing and Overcoats. Beyr' Overcoats tuatie on the lat- est model of the mens ktyle, in grey and cheviots, lined and well made, $4.00 to $8.00. Boys 1'ea Jackets, Boys' Suit.. Men's Qvercoats. The Raglan waterproof Fall Coats are comfortable and stylish. We have them in greys and new bronze shades Heavy Frieze Overcoats. Dressy Cheviot Coate, til, 48.50 and $10.00. New Suits, Pante, Short Coats. toweemeo, John G. Clic tse, appeared 10 oar midst aft r so abeanoe o1 six years, from his reaiJeoie e'er H.m'liou. He mans oat • bootees. trip in view of selling or r.-leastug Broadview for u miller term . f years with ooe of his beobelor tenant.. la tour of lo• .pect(oe they cane unto • large Isaiah of ripe raspberries', of which both freely psi - took. Thea both took their handkerchiefs tied plotted • onset spieoe, the foster to take to his nelkbb,r. round the Ambitious City, to show that Huron tweets, oould grow • ae000d trop of raspt.rrl•k 10 • year; while the hscholar t ht., tot Sur hie hem. 401 for someoue els.. 11 i` Jolla tells us - to •tel•, as he would here duos r. too to nl" vouu( days before he w•e csetbt by Cupid. While 1. ll. was bet. he saw • .ember ot old nayhbag and friends. ST. HELENS• BArcnuAY, Oc . 25•h• Mr.. Chepmer, of S. TOop• es, who hat heed Mittel( 'nettle In this stoutly for • few days, has reuun.1 to her hu:na. Mr. B. ti N sylnr hat bent very I dura log the pest week, but we are pla..ei to know that she u auw la.prorlOg io health Mus M.ggia Mututiste.e, of Gollob, who for some time h as hewn vwtiog Woods In this via.nity, leas es fur her bo.a.e 0.1 'ner- ds), Moet of those when u se' 11 est on the bar - vs el excursions have returned, all staining to hewer been wet' pleased with their tr.p and with the couotiy. The Itev. Mr. Stranger, • miolosary who has beat 'whoring fur snme yeses among Ib. loll.os and E tie maul o1 the told north, tock the eervloe to the Eplsoopalus Mongols last Sunday and gave • very latereelitg and profitable discourse oo the work dons in that part of our Lommioa. PON FER'S HILL - Miss Matg:s MoPosil bas returueJ from Doulop. Miss 'vision, of Kipper, *pent last witk at Braside. Chs. Newton spent Saodey ander the parental roof, Mus Lilly We goo, of Clotoe, spend Suad•y at home. M s Emma P.cksrd is recovering from her serious Mussy. Mr. end Mn. Joh. Morrell gate a fowl supper to • :motor of their Mende roe n•mht last week. Ulm Maude Pickard, of G.It, is here at preset, beets, been tailed borne e° aecurot of the Blass of bqr meter. T'hoe. YuDooald, st the 7th con., might have hom seriously i.jared the ether day, Wittig from • tree while pinking apple*. Every kin. o ens On•erwear. Small Wares. This department is always up to date. All the wanted kinds are here of Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Belts, Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, ete Special belt. made of watered st1► with oxi- dized silver buckle at DRESS MAKING DEPARTMENT. Now in full swing. Suits made to order. Dresses or waists. Satisfaction guaranteetf. MISS SUTHERLAND comes to us well recommended and her work so far bears it out. Never have we turned out better wotk. GIVE US A TRIAL. It is well to keep in mind those free premiums give on cash purchases. Smith Bro!s& we PORT ALBERT. 'I rAT, test 21,1. Mee .1.s Quaid is away 00 a.vfeit to her dsurbter in Wlogleam. A. V. I. melt, of Toronto, spent Thanks- giving with his faintly here. Yr. sod Mrs. Elbert Mol oneell returned from their weddlog trip Iasi Thursday. Miss) I r. MoMillao, of Ihe(loderloh Col Imitate loseitute, war among the Thanks giving ylslters. Rev. Rural Dean Mediate, of Seaforth, will officiate lo the Kogtl.b church next Sunday alteration. Mr. McGee, ere, lett for hie home 1n Yee• forth this morning, after a viol% with rola- elves In this elmolty. Tho.. Wilson, yr., had oho mlefortuoe to lose a vetoable tow last week. Paralysis was the oaoee of Ite death. We are pleased to note that MIs Jean Dunbar and MIs Mary Gray, who have boon ill for some time, are progressing fav- orably avorably t swards oonvalescroe. Th. entertainment when by Miss Mildred e l• Campbell o. ThankIn g ' evening In the Gddtellew.' Hall was very eucceistul from every point of view. Tho hall was well filled, and the sudisooe wee favored w,th a program whtoh delighted everyone then. The their was 000eplyd by I' F Hamlin, who dlsoharged the duels. of the poslttoo molt •oe'ept•bly. Ormen sol,. were rivet by Miss. Rye Mr.('ouneil, Cecilia Cunolog- ham, Evelyn H•ydey, Ina Hamlin, Resells Soho.nbals sod Blanche Oliver end Will Mace, pupils of MIs Campbell, III 1 all ao• quitted themselyes In a creditable manner. A eon* and chorus, "Cousin ,ledediab," and • vowel duet by Evelyn Hayden and lea Hamlin were ale° well rendered. S 1 of God.rioh's best talent also 'eye splendid assistance. Miss lea Harland snag a num- ber of songs and ehermed ey.ryeme with her sweet •aloe; and ,Semen F Thomeoo made a great hit with his vocal aeleotlo•a, whuoh were admirably rendered Mime I. sure Rrvdges and Edna Stratton recited and were enthostasttoally applauded at ovary . ppeareinee. They are both clever el000• Monists It was • very enjoyable evening throughout, and Min Campbell has the thanks of the people of fort Albert for the pleasure which the entertainment *aye. BAYFIELD. F.IDAT, Oot. 24•.4, 1902. ENT/ aTA1NYtNr - Th. ootert•Iomeot given In the tows hall hers under the man .gemwt of Messrs. Munro and Campbell, o1 t:oderioh, was well •I ini.di and was 00101 the most suooe.slnl over hold here. Will J White, of Toronto, the well-known en- tert.ie.+-, was very ama.ieg is his mimic stove and recitations, •c.1 keot the so 1- wove In the beet of humor. Was Maud Good - Win, 01 Cllotoo, was well r.o•iyed In • Diem - Der of reoltanooa. Prolum ers Campbell and Densmore, of l:oderloh, gave tnetromeetal selections o blob were a treat Indeed. The m re are to be congratulated on the moose of the 005tett. DUNLOP. MONDAY, Oor. 27.b, 1902. MIs MoCaugtan, of (loder,oh, was • transient quint hen on Saturday. Men...John Haldane, of Toronto, haa re mostly written • tort, "Tn. Knight of SeowJon," which treats of life in Auld 9ootl•od. A Toronto tiros 4.e moonily g,v.o an order for • mood Dumber of ooptae of the work tor sale 1. Toronto. Her s enterable husband, Mr. John Haldane, wrote the manuscript at her dictation early 1s the year. During this summer Mr sod Mre. Haldane have resided n Grimsby. The 1)un,.nnon scribe le perfectly oorrect ID his eng4stione In nlereooe to funerals They "Mould be sharp on time, and *speci- alty to the 'slater all f 1. e'oould Neve th• starting point not later than 10 A. w. Fifteen minute. at the bout ail cru et the grave to le is long enough, sad mentor's' service. can be held afterwards to aey of the churches, where there will also be sheds for the borate to stand in inatead01 being tied .m • lenoe, shivering with the cold. We oar beer out our Dungannon friend In his .tate meet that 4. knew of several who had moo. treated severe illness at funerals. NILE• Trs.oey, Ort. 28. The following is the repots of .u'ea shool section No. 1, C titterer,. West Wa- eoos.h sod A.btield :-V Cleat -Coon Bab. Is, Mamie Gusto', Gladys Pentland. IV Class-Wllll• Glrvus, Ruth EMU. (a'sl'). tor, 111 Clea -Elmo Otrvm% Melva. Cory•, Harvey Pe.tlsud•, Cella Mc11.ats•, Roy Kerte, Geo. Ryan', Rrg. Rya., Kea McNee, Vera MONS. Jr. 111 Clare-Coehe K:1 - I s', Ernst Mcl.web., Willie Wilsoo. 11 Cb..r-Iweaard Mel)watn•, Mabel Wilson. Sailor Part 11 -Viola Y000ge. Janie'. Part 1I -R Oleo'. . Put I-V. lotto', E. l:mr, \V. By*a, H. Mol;waln. 'Promoted to out oleos. Honors -Fiala 1 ;rvin, Melvin Cory. Most regale'. to atteodano', W. Wilson. But behaved boy, Victor Young. Best be- haved grt, Viola Young. Girls' swing one tined err. Bee *newsier@ tb.. month. Y. C.rj, IL-fiye, C. It:.blln. ti. Ryan. H. P..iland. Teta attending, 25 J. Muleroso, Teacher. LEk.BURN. Mon DAV, Ott. 97th, The first move a the retereodom o•m• paten to our midst was a meeting bald at the Temperans H.11 on Toved•y night. The delegates edested to meat their follow' temperance workers t. God•rlch for Fridey afternoon of loot week were Hamlltnu Mo - Manus, Alex. 11. Cloven •od Hoiry A. Horton. Ls.t summer we meotloned th.t felt. Ltnkister had meek •o artesian well and Itt••r pur-herd a windmill to pump the water. ale bar now made noonsot tone with hie house and else with his horse s:eble, o0 the weer °an he got l0.tantly. kir. Wer - .ell, 01 (iod.rmh, with a staff of workmen, put In the pipes no Tuesday of list week 'rhe onoe feminist. forth of our farmer As_PORTLAND-MIENT CHAS To arrive inside of one month. Mr. Jobe* Gledhill, o1 the 13,80021111,0 Wrel•. Mill., (wee beet week's account of pro pored work.) 'e .,Ing the largest f oon-.ty of moment need Ie this part of the county. Lest year after ourohastnS what he theuebt lee would r. quire for what work ha was then doing, 4e was per..sdeJ to try • smote, three barrel., (slow with some 40 or 50 berets of tern other Arendt of well knows oemrnt) of the Peninsular Portland Commit, made at Jackson, Mtoh , by the rotary system kiln. The result is as follows • Mr. Gledhill says: I had occasion to make a hole of consider- able size into what I nut in last year, and I find that your Peninsular Cement is the hest. The concrete is much harder, having a shiny flinty surface compared with the other concrete. I shall require 300 barrels or thereabouts for the new bridge abutments and cement•dam, Ind i will buy all mylCement fr(>tm you. Cement has beoeme iettremely herd to get and the prime Au gens awry net Thee gees sass °..meet ehonld plane their order at onee, so as to get It when wanted, By an arrangement we offer the above Cement at a vel y reasonable figure McKJ3NZIIE & HOWELL THR PLACE TO RUY Alert. HARDWARE CHEAP. NAST *101 SQUARE. DODERIOH. MORR IS. but sotbiei will be dose until the regular oscine of tbs hoed on Mrhdsy eiveatog. Wm cue ladebted to N. U. Morrish, cf &ho Palaoe d.ut •'ort, Sault Dt.. Mara, 11101., tor • oopy el ens 4au0 Ste. Marie J 1'. speciel Innen, d. scribing th• (0- augupatlon of the r o v Doom, system at the Seo, one o1 tale must t: g.otlo uodert•km►,e o' tae age. Yrs. Jams L.Tsro`tu!l (t..ruteely Mos Jou M•caalr, of C,e, L.00k) will heel 1 Ayr tire& tort•uupfdal reception on Thursday e lt•nroo .ad weenies end l'nd.y ■iter aeon, N•.e-rl.lte•r 6 h tut 7.b, wet ..f 11- erar4.un As tie, & and ilorl Tusd.ye td sok Siwe.' h. A U. 1. H. cfIi i.1 pe ty that visite' l..u,tetloa use/ 1! spiry n ght 000urt.d el Suo•riatotedeo&J000*. ti weal R)sul1' Feel/moo, Buildio • Serertuteadea1 It•as. and Tramo.s'or 1', .I. !Ascii. They to "peottd the o.w station build.og, whieo IS gueoelly approaching ccom:'o :011 AUCTION SALES rill'&.DAY, Oot. 30.h--Anotioo sal. of • de.,rabks feeidesse, household hunk .r,I furnishings at the p -tau Ree, W. pt. lot 951, Neereau et., oommeuoing at 1 oe.i oak .heap A, Wutrat.Y, proprietor; THO*. lil'SDKT, auctioneer. SATURDAY, Nov. let.-Clear;a* stcli n soil of forty -levet herd et fire• -aloes cattle a1 Mr. Tlh'a bate, hear hntieh Fxoaeee hue1, commesoleg at 2 o'clock sharp. RICH. Pokers, propro'or. Tnoa. GCNDILY, a _ e .IO.eer. THURSDAY, Nov. 611. -Clearing emotion sale of farm nock sod Impismmnrs, at line - lop, smmeuoiog at 2 o'clock *heap Gso. Fct.rutle proprietor. Taus, Li t. Dar, amt tro0eer. 1't'raUAY, November llth.-Authors dale of farm, farm nock sod impl.manl., at conoes:ou7, W. D.Set¢iraslop• Dew Loyal pm -affix), oomm,arlag et 1 o'clock sharp. We Joe's, proprietor; TRW GUSHILY. ascaooeer. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 12th.-Uur.orv.d e ar moo sale et (arm .took, impl.meut., koushol•l fur.ttuis, etc., at lot 5, cot 5, Ash Aske, c.ainomeing A'. 1 oblu:k. Joan POO - Vie, aucvoDoor. WIL. KA(yaa, propr;.:or. W. C. T. U. SPACt• flee C.der's* Tales Mile Sean&.. Mistier toiler Ole Yeslllwg. SAYE THE n.)Y.. 4.0 ,,.e 0.1111101 be run without b'ye. "The dluukart', of today were the ahil.re. .1 • few years ego, the children of todsy mast furnish the drunkar1a of a very few veers hence," and we wCl then be singing, "1 hrow tut tl • life Joe," when It would h-.vo born mere prudent had we put up the guard hoe before they became overwhelmed by the flowing tide of totemp'rsooe y Wmmmmmn►mInmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmm% £ A Gigantic � Mantle Purchase _ f Over one hundred new mantles bought at half the maker's prices. _ A purchase that was only made possible by the double outlet we •-- have with our two stores. Mantles that we are going to sell for less money than stores all over. this country paid for the same garments this season. You ask, How can we do it? The story is short. The reason is • simple : A couple of weeks ago we cleared out the entire stock of one of the E leading Canadian makers of ready-to-wear Jackets. These were their ea-- overmakes and garments that had been made to order and for some --� reason or other were not shipped. They were offered to us for half the prices that their whole season's output had been sold for. If we had not had two stores we could not have t:.itertained the offer for a mo- ment, for there were more mantles than any single store hereabouts MESSRS Si DUN slI KTr,R t'ATE.'11 ISN. ill. 11 the refereed= • prohib tory law? No, but It Ie the mese. by which the tom. pomace people Ii ipo to secure • prohibit,ry I goon law. "The Liquor Aot of 1902" le tie law desired and . desirable law ; the r.f,rendem mew the method o1scartui this dearth's law. . (2). Why is •'she Lao r Aot of 1932' • desirable law! B.eeu.t it reveille ills, el. of Intoxicanta for beverage purpose.; it oleo.s tar -noon. Gad NI for .Lips .rd la this wiry rem.ves the tempt.:lea from oar 3•)105 men, 43). What is the poealsy for the first con w lot lea! Not leu than $200 and the emceed not lets then ste mouths io jot. (4), Cats obit law he sof hoed;, 1- soe.1 sad-couatrue arty_ 1•w-a.a be me forced The enforcement to this nese u. pet soon the Attorney -General, who is the chief law occur of the drown. Tn. to.•p,a,- or for the prov.tr:e •• well as the tespett ,n ler r:dtsps take orders from him, - Mon DAY, that. 27. (5) How many vele. are r, (tufted to it xDUIau.-Ai flee o'clock, on IS edited- bring Ibis lew 'n'o ',tomato's'? day, O:t''bw 22 n1, . very pretty wedding 216,000 or 1..t tock plane at "Sptuoe Ayeaue kerne,' (6). C•u ih a vete bar pollee! Me el., the re,i torsos of Mr. .ed Mrs Adam Yes, 1( the tcrpperaooe people w.11 forget llathd.y whets their daughter, Min Cori.*- their patty prejadites and Doll a .o;ted la., wee married to Thomas Walker, of Tote, Brussels. The oelmuoy was redeemed by the Rev. John Ileitis, of /Worse', Th. b .use be.og attractively demented for the n ,earn wlta plants and •n'umo kayos Tn. br.de wee *teen •way by her Paths r and behest vcry sweet and granola' in an axgais- tt.*own of ebbe air/Andre trimmed wan ht. semen and One .n.h10.. ••1 chiffon, with the ce•tomery veil and orange blossoms. She carne 1 • bouquet 0f white tomo. and .ep.rsrae fere. Mies Florence Yonne/ mode • treaty lute fl.wer-girl in • dainty whir• mush. gown and owned pi.k °smarten.. Tn. wedding murob from lnheagrin was played by Mist Jessie HelNd•y After the her -m say • rewptloo was held, •nn, follow log the natal coogratulatten., an ea,.l'ent copper was .erred in th• dint'* -room, . weer• the deo. rations wore pick and whit.. rh. trade'. travelling dire was • t.rlo,- m•4e suit of navy blue obey 01 wire • blouse of pale green silk soil &look tette' hs,. chi, large number of b'aut.ful and useful sots. tea -tiled to the p pol.ri=y of up•, yea0S couple. Among the guests from e dietetics' were Mls Walker, M,, and Sirs. ,Lok Walker, Alex W.lk•r, Dr and Mr., M• Keleie, Mies Sarah MoLaughlin and J. BMoL.oghl, Brasools; t4. Leta.. levtoto.ou, Hlythla: Ma and Wu. Qadoaulk. Young sad Mtw Ptoresee Yonas. -Yr: mail" Mrs. J+alt Young, the Misses Mende sad M•u.e Sellew.. Willie Sinew., Celesta.; Was E. H.y Ire, Mr H.ydeo, Mier Hy.d. moo, Mr, Hyndman, Newbetdgr; 11ra end Mtn 11 bertann, 'Torrent; Mr. and Mrs. John Fraser, BevS.ld; Mise Mary Clog, (/llotoo; Alan McL•a-, Harr mon LOCAL NEWS 'IN ;BRIEF That little taste of .now mean. winter no'. far swig,. Provide sera Inst the oohs by order- ing your winter overcoat new. and satisfy four erten'° taste br having It made by I. J. Pridham. the poopie's clothier. The oouood of Golerinh tow0eh'p meets next Monday, Nevemher 3•d. The noo-joty ase 755 for the .0.oty of iluron will open en Tuesday, N.•v,mher 18.1s, before Mr. Jones. M,Manoe. ft. I) etrioh & son are .hipping • oar load of don. to Montreal this week. The Star Intend floor 1e maatog its *my In the Est ern m.rk t $'L30.tuatrabutesi sa 4+d.rlob.a.&ob•Il asl th• t'nlp.rtag. Mission of Affronts and the N, t,a..t is 'r&elitl y scktowlo.ged by Geo. Bu.k.n, . ' a*swore as ter ger . , is poe tura oe mastoid dlreetor and organist le Knox °harsh. W. o.dernen 1 ho w1(1 lake • position •1 Mitchell. Rernrts reeely.d this beet from Detroit, where James Rei 1 is ani■ 000anhleg . peotallsi.In regard to his health, 'ndloato th.e he is improvise/. rag concludes of the lawn howling e.mnenrMf hoe Seer delayed 1,4 I ed weath- er. .1 D. ( Pt:none bei wen the first prix., .n.1 the noted s still to be settled. u. der eh had Its Ant teat. of winter this .eek Tu.odsy terms( there we. • deist, Lorry of stow, sod yew today meriting walks .ed Isla-'.nps were coaled with while Among the geode lost in Ile dr,ll shed Are Int week eras • quantity of artmaolal nese D aewoo be entre, to far. W. Thompson and movie' $3.000 or inert, wh eh were .toted thee.. Mos Firreemo 0 Graham, of (i.tdsreh I fell..late',unmet', hes towhead her pen I Mains 1..,r-r.•6's'e en epee, and William J. Taylor was.00ceinfnl on hle ap- peal for feeler heavies, part 11. Prevision bee been made her the pupil* r1 St. Patrick's ward settee'. which s.. Aar-. . d lett wee*, at the other tilted rawest., theme 'Meg In N , 1'.tre k'. ward ettendir e the St, il.v dr. wart eehro), end these .n' et. (Resp'. ward 1teartt01 .at. oedema'., I The 1leieal heard hes dilewe.•d the ht•ing 1 op .1 the te.wn 4.0 Wmpwar.ly as • tank* .1, • Tbs ldeeets-Netder•' rne'p•i.a. T.runte. O:r. 28.-Sierettry I) chi?, of the L'o'o..-Holden•-Aeoeoiat o • ht. Issued • c ratter to butelkvepeu ,and noses. on ahem Obemmil Ise *01 call .-ours pay- ment d t1•- rete• -neon - abet s.roo'a•loe. Por o1 the ow tar se as toliewo: I was i.struo' e 1 to say that Mt as. e r - m.ent.f 1100 for each member if the •reel• t. T, roto w.s not rely to • the p.rpnen of tarlyteg no .II• ra0•p►let .0 th • ells, hat a's) to &vein' those districts throughout Ontario when no I(oen•re are to exlerenne, of whore the Homing holden ars s few in number and flu so lithe boa-oes that it would be bmpfsetLle for t.hamle .eons baste sufficiently to thrdn,hly orients,' their dtetnot. "The ma+r ntaeat te to tr:ure a raj ,rt y of the ere Gel vete. cal. upon .he measure, end by do n'ea et00 soy lu,:her at''•ttou for pr..babeason ot Herat -1 tw.4.b:tiewr-440, lurtbermere, stop what is tuned to nom., If • mrj ,nay s ,erived is ,ryas -.n •y tattoo for Ie4's'otorn to do away wi h t1. r ebbs barroom In bore's and the to ad este by Ilqu..r a, roes." M.f wt triol. -Longer, ()etcher 27 -Freak Heim, of Wingh.m, who was le jetted by • tall from as e.cvator and war brought to the Vittoria hospital fur treatment. died this morning from unoo0sioe of oh. brats. '1 he st mains were sent to N nightie' for interment. could handle. Every garment is new. Every garment was made for this season's trade. They must,not'interfere with our regular stock. We want to clear them out quickly, in fact, must do it, and ON SATURDAY, NOVEI1BER 1ST, commence a sale of mantles that will be without a parallel in the an- 1 de-` nals of mantle selling in Huron county. ' This is not the end -of -a -season sale of a few left -overs, but a sale of Enew garments, every one of which was made for this season's trade and ` not one of which has been in our store over two weeks. Do not let this chance pass to get a new jacket for about half price. EOne like it is not likely to come again soon._ •- The earlier you come the better the choice. -481 = SALE WILL START SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1ST. 1 ` For easy selling we have divided them into the following lots. Here ` is the way they will sell : Jackets at $2 75. r 10 only Lashes' Short Cloth J tt:kets. These are medium weight germ -tits, suitable for wearing with separate skirts or for early spring or fall. They are mule from good broadcloths and smooth finish materials, are liner) with good mercerised sateen., cut in ear, coat style., have pearl or c:oth button.. If bought in the regular way could not be sold for. lei* thaw $6 to 48. On Saturday, November 1, you can take your choice for $2.75 BEN6OU6II COMING HUMOROUS CARTOONIST LECTURER '3LLKI (tLtlLLl5A3, IINTI-:It TA I4\I1NT 1101. - Mer -- LOCAL sl~ - 5 only Ladies Military Goat.; 30 and 36 inch- es tong, .ample garments, no two alike, made froth goad quality beavers and friezes, lintel throughout, merle to sell M 16 to $tt. choice of lot $2.50 Mantles at $ : Mantles frir a five dollar bill that the maker sold for more money early in the season. Nubby and comfortable garments, well mane from good materials that will give satisfactory wear. Threegoarter leugth, x •mi fitting, velvet collars on some. made frotu 'maven tankfriex•w, b'ack, grope, fawns, every one new this season, worth regular $8, shoat 20 to sell on Saturday art, each $5,00 Mantles at $6 50. Many gurt'oente et this price, Made from good quality beavers and covert cloths, blacks, greys, fawns, all 27 inches or three quar- ter length., boat or high collars, every gar- ment lined and made for this season's trade. 1f bought in the -regular way $10 would i,e the price of the cheapest mantle in the lot, commencing Saturday you can take your choice of them for $6.50 Mantles at $7.75. only Ladies' Ul.teri, very stylish gsrments. They are male from good heaven and frieze., waists are lined. These ulster. could not be sold for Tess than $15 W $18 evil' if bought to the reguTarry a . It you want one of these very comfortable garments for little money this should 1* your chance, for Saturday they go on sale et, each $7.75 -r A few extra good gareienty that we have " not enough of to lump at one price, will be put on sale et prices that will he from $3 to $6 lees than real value. Thane coats are nearly all fewna, sone are sotto lined, and are the cheap - flit rot of mantles that he :e everbeenin the - - - store We do not want these mantles to inter- fere with our regular stock. They must be sold and sold quickly, and have been marked at prices that should see most of them fin•f new owners before the week is over. A Few Extra Good Gar r l ents. SOME MORE SPECIALS. Les, than a dozen items telling of that are low enough to call bargains. Not at %lore than the price we ask for it. • Blankets at $2 50 and $2 85 11111.▪ - 411111k ff dee- es- OP' e- Either_linc is worth more than the marked price However, we can afford to sell them under value, so if you come here you can sive a little money on your htanket buying At $2.50. Conti quality white wont Blankets, soft, lofty lintel', double. bed mho and good weight, colored herders, special value, per pair $2.50 At $2.85. Fine quality while wool L"anketo, doable 0.4 size, good weight, woven from clean, pure yarns, .oft finish, colored borders, will wear and wash well, very special valet., tier pair 52.85 Mawr Harris Homespuns, t�3 .00. .. _ E.The genuine Harris Homcspuns WILL LIMIT (ir)1tt'Rt('ll AL (MUCK IN VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE, Monday Even'g, Nov. 3 TICKETS, 25c.: RESERVED SEATS, 35c. 1'I in r -f 'fell at Ki Id's It,ok.tore �IIRp FRESH t_ OYSTERS ` AT THE shoddy or a thread of cotton from one end of the piece to the other. All clean pure wools that keep their col- or and wear well. Oeouine Harris Homespun*. 56 inches wide, firm strong clothe, soft chevi't finish, make handsomer end cervi. eahle snits and skirts, pot. yard, $1 00, pop dor shades of grey, brown, blue, green Reel black, per yard $1.00 relialde merchandise selling at prices one in the list but would be goo(1 value Vests at 25c and 50c. Not a store in the Ian(' sells any better vests for a quarter or half a dol- lar. Some, but not mary, may sell as good. They are not anywhere near here, An immense purchase of ladies' underwear bought direct from the mill gives tis the chance to sell these gar- ments at these money -saving prices At a quarter. Ladies' ribbed Vests, shaped, full size, good weight, soft finial), open front, neck and front nicely trimmed, extra special value, at each 25c At half a dollar. Ladies' ribbed plush -lined Vests, winter weights, shaped, opentfront., neck and fronte nicely trimmed, soft finish. This vest is away ahead of the ordinary fleece -lined garment. it has all ita geed points without being clumsy or bulky, the most comfortable kirffibYfrfllrwtsT't t►isgt'. "1'ss11' :': 50C Drawer* to match either ot the above. Skirting Serge, 75c. Heavy Serge for suits or skirts at 25c a yard less than value. Enough saved on the material to go (suite a way towards paying for the making. llea•ey Serge, suitable for suits or skirts, ell wool, 56 inches wide, hard wonted finish, will not catch the dust, easily worth $1.00 per yard, special at 75C Two Big Underwear Bargains. Two bargain* in 1 i nderweer for men that trade our way. You'll not match those values At 8710 ---Men'• Aeeae-lined Shirts and Drawers, heavy weight and go -td fidelity, will wear an I wtah wall, sn .1 rel duly at 50 •, a *penial per- e'h'an eetblen as to on 1 them fete beat, anI von ere the gainer, ohoioe while they lest 372C elinnld hring a generous share of the un(ielwear any place else. IAt 508. -Men'. flew* howl Shirts ami Drawers. estra *ml gnolity, evenly woven, will, 0014 we II and give,000Ilent wear, we 1 merle aid Antrbed, would moll in Oar •gnrar way at 75c an 1 ASn rash, but you can bay then here at each . SSC BALMORAL CAFE HODGENS BROS. Bt MORD BLrtLK. ?IIU�u11111U11�U1U11111U1111UU11111�1u1U1111111�1U1111U11111� -+ a A a a A A a a 1 a