HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-10-30, Page 6^cur,44: tdfrlacsa
eurstchri _ .ca +wm e.n teer 04i4.'1
�,�ut� ��rvAFiI,em llcci
"11h, John, old ft'„ u.l. L. 1l tap ' ti, rift' t., benefit the rent of the
tone Lefroy whispers. "I never
di ensued, never thought of emelt a
Gt orf•"
Joliet Krr looks up with a quiet
"Ant 1 Hever mood you to know it.
.lite," he answers, "She would never
Wive oared for me; but ,you know
tutw why 1 with ao_muDh_for her to
be happy."
• • . • • •
Mr.. Itloke doer, not ',molder herself
greatly bit -lewd tit -leer ubH'lr'1l -
or un.atlMfnet°ry and extravagant,
and inclined to he, COerlwaring stud
unpleasant at home. Having de-
clined to eater the ranks of active
roffseional life or 40 do more than
minima of the
t home, undo,
le not : aletl-
w r
n r a 11 L
Holl. Glalym her mother Harks up -
at, n andel failure. Ha ing en-
gaged h. owl( file y.•nrm ago t a 111.10
win htav bleu Iter mate.: M 'adiky
drinking himself to death, nil - 1s"
not the halq,leet girl in the w rid.
Awl now She will nt•Ither marry ,o
Iain Lefroy' nor telte hint up. M
Blake line not very great froth 1
the "reformed rake" theory: bet still
iwytholg would be better than tide
uielen engagenment. (ilndy es, on
the whole, is even more uneattvfat•-
tory than .11gy, for she has opinions
and views Of her own totally at
variance with her Mother's idem.
Glades liken lung iouutry walkm and
visiting the poor, and she org•tulo'.
mtwing-(•lasses. Abid takes up the
trr.ubles of ail kind's of quer
common people; and it an-
noys Mr.. Blake terribly to hear
neighbors tnying low Independent
Mlles Gtndyr Blake fm.
And then Flora, the io'autititi and
dignified Flora. Is not very *athlete -
tory either. She hie hearty --"thanks
to my tide of the family." Mrs. Blake
Wen way's, for all the Bhake•w were
bldrou.-n nil she haw wealth; thank*
to one of the l itoouy Blake nueles,
calms died eonvitnis'ntly and L••ft wine
of hew thouennde, the remelt of it
tattis-w.ewef5Plus3..na►pti-wee• ki
P10m1g11 In say. to- his eiy.stre u
troYrtnnghterr its• bort., 1'f1,1a. t t. Ih
with all 1 here nth rut taop$. Flora is
not Lady Dermot. a plan that was
proudly' laid hl lir• days when the
hclr of the Hm1Me of 1N•rnot Leel the
halon Flora used ter ter gttterunm with
their ki'smer. 1111.1 *hare them more
willingly than their swel•tmeatn
with each other.
.UMI DOW their U it counter attr&c-
(' m e', ,inti Six
'oe r moneran
U a Fru
Mauro hex not come to lovers for
a week. and 1IA* twt•o refund ti book
in on hie way home from bunting.
Altogether, Mr.i. Rinke is not n
the beet of temper* on n certain wet
itternoon n* titin thitike of all theme
thinge: nod, like sunny other puce
pie. when put oat anti annoyed,
ebc rents her tcmtrtelllt_h.tslwlly_ I t
ferett e*shjeet from the real Krh•t-
l;lady,, milting, makin
garments of Hauurl. fall
Inc meter, and the tinnier
on little petttcent, at wit It elle in
stitching M° inlustriouely', priories nm
fit n slllyert for dlscueniow lie any-
thing else.
'What 101 earth are you making.
lip;,.+(jy,s7" she begins, knowing ',m-
eet)/ well what the heap . nt Irluieb-
hreitinet Saeed manna.
• Pettiretrite for that pear baby,
11.51015." 1;hadys Answer* npolugPt-
itly. "Too knew 1 told you about
It." ,
. 1 knew' nothing mien( It,!"
lake *syr; "1 remember you
tm tthatde story • a -a I very
pr' s
1 kely t at baby lent DO right to he
ht tete iv . IJ at a11." \
'night no right, it meat luav1'
ah'thwi." • es replies, s U i1g ; anal
the smile an ye iter mother, whose
hent *perch brings tier one *tags
uear'er the reel Capes of Irritation.
"I bate teslas Orli Mulching away
at paupers clotlu'w and playing at
thew gaol: It tits n cosset mi.tnke for
'teem girls to affect to be Iucr•nttre,
ll telway* learn to remark.'
"What remark., mamten7"
A flu*II has risco to Gtadys' pale
Pheeks. and thtr eyes pool at her
mother are full of entreaty,. But
Mrs. Blake is determined to have
her nay.
"When Orin take to making poor
ebthes And visiting one wreteh
hovel after another It in general)
et Odgn that their own life IR not A
Nippy one. nal if anybody wile to
takes UM) Lruwbk, to leek Airtime.
tooter novo affair would nmually be
flnuud itt the bottom of their Nudden
font the militia
county, he Ix alwaym
,qm ilev! I Ile yo'ng Innn
1 lu h by
w t° add t 1
1 sent tranquility
tt Ihr 71
Inuun1 rare; and, believe wc, t;ludye,
petiole tire not glow to columeet uu
your pale eiteckr and this mania fpr
pool -ling the. neighborhood with
pi:tilt•outs and etllckitlgs."
1 du nut rare what they ray.'
Glndyr aurwers, with n mud .twits.
"And you newt not mind, either. mam-
eta _ so loll( as 1 have (lone nothing
wrong T /lo not eare e one hit -what
the world gape about mo"-rairing
her heal. There le no want of pride
la the wistful, beautiful eyes as elle
Relax- -If Jim and- t-sre- wettest, no-
lo,ly eine need mind."
"But are yell content T" ankle Mrs
Id kis ; talml Llady.i itis quiver.
(duly the quiet mobil could tell of
the laanj nights rhe heal cried herself
to sleep,, with Jim's engagement ring
ennead eider her wet Cheek -the ,one
kink that hinds ley lu him ; ata1, at
r steels,
Ler wotbrr'r worthy, her heart ■
'ani her eytw arrow wet.
tire. }dale mt'er the tears oaring,
11111 turtle. away with a short, un-
plratwut lanIdi.
'lie W not worth cry icy; tabout,
i; lid, it Whitt it pity you did not lure
your heart to Mr. Ker ! ito would
have mash yet u much better• hast
baud," 0114 finishes, unowtatiouely leo
ing 'the very worts mpokeu by Cap-
tain Lefroy htnoadf to John Ker.
"11'hat put sir.• Ker into your head,
m ma , ' beady. asks, thinking how
11t rly impos•itle't WOO 1.1 have been
Dr I,se tiny other
Mew. Bloke pauses,
avitIkrn atmd down, an
Grady.. 4 r
wio n e either a gr at Coquette
or eo a rely • blinded by your
idiolke inti than for tale lee -
troy that you cannot ase what 1s
eo plain to of ry one else, at ,Mr.
'.Ker la very fo 1 of you."
'.Oh, mamma, tope not !" (ltarlye
answers, ns the erim*on color lily es
her cheeks,. "And I' ant Lure you are
wrong. Air. Ker ne
(lint kind of wny."
'1 don't know what
n than Jim.
in her restless
stands before
ser •Iikel me In
'that kind o
wny' menus, Mrs. I1ike replies;
"lint he elew'a car. for ;on ; :urn 1
may ail well may Ural lru(li, t;ladyn
-it wolfed make toe far II pier to
did F110 yawl tfr. -Kl.r's ifs than titer to
taiptatn Lefroy. One Ma mrro� wan,
1 ,' other very uncle lige refer
• Poor tiiulvri And who mens t ut-
ter ons dno word In .'feoof her Iit01.
She turas away end {mike out at the
rain, uud says n)tldng, having learn\
el long dere tint in these house -ar-
guments silence le beet ; and the e11-
lrpnce of Flora puts an end to the
Flora, looking nR Imply Y In it Mark
'Ireton, lit up with trlmminRw of citm-
a)m, and with a orfmson bow laid
daintily on her fair locks, comes to
with a Book of pleasure on her languid
face. •
"1 see a dogcart driving up.tho ave-
nue," mho says, glancing Noddy
round the room to see It It Ir all
right. "I think It is Maurice; and it
lea mercy 'to ewe any ono 00 Moir a
wretched day. Draw that blind
11091 11 It hit, (iiadye-1 hate n glare,"
rued the beauty ham hardly nettled
tte'r.elf luxuriously in a dere 'loung-
01g-chair, with a Mook in her hand,
and in an attitude of perfect grace,
when the whi-le are heard grinding
over the wet gravel, and a trap gees
mpinuine by. .
" It in not Sir Maurice, but Cmptain
!A•froy nod Atr. Ker,
Gladys' flushes as Site catches it
leingime• 01. her 10ver'x yellow hair
heti broad elinuluere riming above Mr.
KM., who 1R 1ltddtRd 11p IMmisle itim,
enveloped In mackintosh Holl wraps.
Flora ( lorw, too, but with
"What n day for them to come!
t e seventh
Ofmemo*, v. a are iR sin en
c i
heaven of delight, liladyie, naturally;
but to not, to see other people lore-
makiit(l on a wet ,day Is depending in
the extreme;, she any. et -rowdy.
"Maurice would have amused m!,"
"Maurice lute lass pretty cousin to
talk to now," Iaoghm liituly m.
She would tut re been somelldng
more thun"lwattau 11 she could have
forborne that one little lilt at her
deter, n,i before the angry Milli
had died oat of F'lora's che.'ke the
door opens, and Captain Leroy and
Mr. Ker are annonate.t.
After ab, almost anyone ii better
than m, one to help to page a long.
rally afternoon In the country, es"
paclnlly a winter afternoon, when
there le nothing 1.41 see but the
gray, sold -'n clouds, an 1 nothing to
near but the drip. drip of the rain -
ow. from the black, bare branches
the tree.; Anil even Flora 1+ gppra-
elb. , and her welcome Is cordial.
(iilye given one brief glance of
hnppl n up at ('apt. Lefroy. the
hook o whom. eve.; thrill.' her
ilirrvlgi 1.11, n* they 'Nil i 1 this Brio
.acaart- •1V 1i 1_
It very' slay greeting elle give! Mr.
Ker today, had lite eye,' are qulek
to note the (doing.'. tett in it minute
....lite jt' neenelf Again_ anil_khtn he
aeumr email
fired under
ve, mott
From Libby', fnm"u,
Ant/11110k l to h.na
W• employ • thef
who b en expert in
to learn front last face U alta will
enjoy the ball.
"011, how eke." "What a charming
Ilea." "Delightful." It le u perfect
t•h oeue of assent.'
It was all Weer idea," laughs
(*notate Lefroy. '
" He war mad for a 'IwrWrtl' of
tome kind, and, as I think of going
away after the hunting for It yacht -
lug cruise, I thought a hall would
It.' a nice way of ending the season ;
but tt war all John'. Wear' he nye
again, looking 'into his friend's faou,
la whom eyes her a quiet smile,
" All my Lien, war it, Jim 7" be
,irks. quietly, and finds that he 1.
looking at Gladys to aro how rhe bee
tnk,'n the attwuuoemeut of Captain
Lefroy'r departure
I'm her fare dlw•hses nothing, and
oily Jim caa ono Uu1 expresdon of
her eyes,
" I idutn't Io away long," he Kays,
;tnntvering the unrpokcu question in
her eyes. "And the yachting cruise
trete J(,u'idea, loo ; !in 1. coming
ttlth myh."r
Then it 11 all right -,elm will he
• tionde n
1' 0 r d
a dab h
•afewLh 'm. an h
...tart, grateful tisk toward 1,
quiet John Ker, u'Ito MPPM lite look
aril understundr (hat to bis keeping
-he has given We man Mite hove 1t
t.; a etlrungo trust fix him, Nut he
nct•eptu It.
it w to bra fancy ball, What a,guto-
j.ct fob' a wet' afternoon --quite i)1ex-
ba altihle : fltit thh,k of a drew", It
eh:uati;tter quite new, perfectly 'wig -
'eel, aid yet thoroughly htcomlng,
(a retmething too delightful ; and mins
ltinke' gives the reins to her imaghun-
tion. Halls In the country aro nut
everyday ctplata anti the tittle end
the Rmeota Have to be eer!ouuly di. -
clewed, anti not to be lightly men-
tioned and done with.
'--- Ct1APTEa T. -
Gilley U now moulded Into an every,
shay young Lady, moving and Intuit -
leo like c)'irlyne _else Sir Maurice
Amon wtdles she would do tions '
thiltg ,lruNUu1, just to give 11101 1110
pleasure cif molding her by and by.
But the myiMeF.es of finger -glasses,
dessert-kuta•er, uud dinner-Dapkiar
are nit longer bugbears to her, end
the longi, terrible dinner -hour, with
its forme 11101 CPrelltouiem, no longer
maker her nervous And ,wkwetrd,
e ham ads ted
r• act i
ati;h ready t id
p n • wou-
r u turn a Iia end hem If t yy'r u
r h 11'•.
.ter* now how sits coal have existed
In the o11, days, when .% kande were
Nerved, untempting, unpnlatnble,
with no thought of captivating the
tattle or lite might.
She .m:len to -night as she !mike 0 1
the green moss, the white hyacinths'
ndorntug the tnble-they are so
tni'tty nal eo sweet, She Is de-
lighted with her dress, her lunch of
violets anti snowdrop*, an 1 pleased
most of n11 that no one can laugh
at tier now.
"Mrs. Bryan ham naked us to (nue
nt Bryan Court o.1 Thursday," Indy
Dermot remark+, " Gipsy Is included
ler the Invitation. She make. a point
of her going, j•1e1, to anngy me, 1 fetal
cure, knowing how nnaccustomel
Glory is to going. out anywhere."
Sir Maurice flushes nal feels lun-
cci etl.
Of coarse Gipsy, trill go," Ite mays,
shortly ; "and you must get her it
pretty drew, mother, an -t leave that
old fiend nothing to slay."
"I think -that Gipsy Is really too
young,'slt. urge.. "1 oan easily writo
Mrs. Bryan a note, nail stay that my
'dome is taw; young to go to dinner
punnet yet."
"Ent, mother," breaks In Sir Mau-
r'4w "yaw 4,441001. may 1bat,-.fur. U w.
114.91 pan Gilroy go to the lull'-'
-'rhe batt, my dtsxr. Mauro ! rine
eallw.L go to tut boli I nm not go -
"et.lmrone else oi►n take 11er, thea,"
illy. Sir Manr:ot+. A1.lftgony, hie de-
t•Tneet atinhI growing stronger from
4 tf.lwri t ion.
.tnu1 an lir fern) wages. Lady Der-
mot c.mracter sew the proposal nn
nlreur/1 and preprint.roue ; tut In the
POI yRr Mnur!C
f a hrv,' his way.
NMI r:s.ly irermot given In.
"You•iii eke the bell," Pie Maurice
remarks to Gipsy later in the even-
}til Gi sdtaker her head gravely.
Natural Flavor
Food Products
W don't peniles t'.n.,nty hen. 11s noes 1h.
very ,h't'.,t mnt•nel, A simply on r.wt
poetry shelves .welds, Ion to biro always at
Med 1M e•..ntltl, 1. r,he Tory lost meals.
0141oaoo, u. a. A.
Write tow .,tr I.r,►lel -now vn Mum moon
Tete•• To ):.T."
turns away an I talk% to Mrte Blake,
hotting those two Who are no dear
In I,Irn stnnding tc tltPr.
-141,1 you gest wet, Jho?" Gladys'
nmkm, with ewe't. womanly intermit
for her lover'• welfare.
Ile Dinghy at the Llan of rain hurt
1.-g him, and she laughs, to.'b int n
little nervously-, for the confrere/I-
lion with her mother only n lew
mtntre before hnu left a .ting he
"What IR the matter, Gladys?" he
whisper•, 'leading her Over to the
window. "1ko yam know, your Met-
reehad *nch it 'trance took when we
crime tn."
"11. wee nothing,' Mile Ammer". tale
illy, yet glare that he ehonld have
1 been no quiet to pee anything
nmLrm. Then, for fear of further linen
' tinning. she gore Meek to the group
by the fire ate! he follows her. And
'111 .Ione the obhlet of hie vied.
"1 nm going to give Plock Abbey
for the [lent Ball. ani 1 hate come
over thea afternoon to have n talk
about It. What do you wry, Mrs.
Blake?" he ants. standing np in the
midst of them, so perfect In face
need foam. in Me openly genre And
►wanly. and his eyes fixed on Gba.ye
Young Plats
Every farmer knows that
some plants grow better than
others. Soil may be the same
and seed may seem the sante
but some plants are weak and
others strong..
And that s the way with
children. They.are like young
plants. Salve food, same home,
same care but some grow big
and strong while others stay
small and weak.
Scott's Emulsion offers an
easy way out of the difficulty.
Child weakness often means
starvation, not. because of lack
of food, bitt lobesuss the food
does not feed,
Scott's Emulsion really feeds
and gives the child growing
Whatever the cause of weak-
ness and failure to grow --
Scott's Emulsion seems to find
it and set the !natter right.
Send for f tee sample.
S cott a Boerne, Chemists, Toronto, 0a110110,
soy. and ft' w; all druggist.
Judgment Day. _-
_TLe ficotttrll-Am.Mean- dells -5 Stoeg__
of a horse dealer In a neotch town
wlao hired a hors0 to a solicitor. The
h►ttcrr_elther through had usage or
some. other cause., killed the horse,
when the dealer inserted upon pay-
ment by bill U it were not convenient
to pay caelt. The lawyer had no o1r
jer.tbn to grant 0 bill, but said it
must bs at a long date• The dealer
told him to fit his own time• when
the man of law deew a promis*ory
sinking )t
un 'aIle day
note. k
m R payable
of Judgment. int. An
action ratted.
when the snikitor atkett the presiding
judge to look at the bill. }laying bone
no the )binge reified: 'The bill 1e per-
fectly good, and an tblsle the day of
Judgment. I decree that you pay to-
morrow." 4.
"It i0 very, kind of you to wish mi'
to go; but !Think I would rather
itot," ;he repel , with sadness In face
awl -snares,^-
w w a
'het 1 tits i
T" Ire., elf p
ihntsIr "near to her "All Ririe like
"1 nm not 1ke othegAgirls, 1 think. i
would be nfrnid to go hi the hall."
".afraid! And what mightfricht••n
you 7" he asks, with on omitted
"The people," answers; (aptly. "st-
oring nut Mitering. "They dew.. at
Calle-don't they 7-:t;lei i .bn'tkuow
how to utas••." \\
lilr Af tiiri.,c JOWL). Up.
"1 will tench you. ('oute Sloan, 1
will erten teach you the step. Yue
must, Gipsy 1"
ftntldcnly Indy ixerniot heeoulee
ronw•Mue that it revolution 1s going
on acct g n o ' the, chairs and tattles.
With scant ceremony Mr Maurice
Meade them here nn1 there, clear-
ing a .ince for the dancing tenant':
Aral hlttore Mie can atter a . ra-
monMtrnnee he ha ' pWAtrtt' -the'
piano, lit the candles, and 15 re-
gne'ting lila Smother to piny it walls.
It IN Of no 1114e refusing -rho is fore-
eol to r•otnply with n hno grace; nett
mite nee Gipsy. bashful anal blush-
ing,- watching Sir Maurice f geeing
before her on the carpet.
"It de quite ensy-come along.
Look, Glp.y-one. two, Uvree, and
tarn :' one, two. three ! Look - you
have nothing to do but thief!" gyrat-
ing; round, and round, and Gip.y
watching with smiling eye.. "One,
two, three!" '
She maker, two hesitating steps,
eliding her pretty new .hoes along
the carpet. ,
"i can't, \M11rict ; really I never
could learnt-
earnr'"Yost can with me"' ant hie arm
its round her waist, amt In fire min-
utes the dancing lesson 1s in full
1.1Ytf1[. - --- -
"Yon hare it !" erlen Sir Idanftct.
(WO, three : one, two. three 1"
They continue to dance on : flnd
Lady i)ermot seeP1 them gliding by
6e. e.,
*rule, like ell the Dermot., not tide
littlt' curly-haired maiden In his total•
wart eln*p. Rho eerie the girl'* child-
like, plenaed ince (hurtled and 'milling
nit the mttmlc and the rapid motion fill
ler with delight.
"i am (kiting it right'" Wooly cries,
joyfldly, feeling her fret keeping time
to the muerte.
"Anti yon like it T" oaks Rlr Menden
with n pakten tendernea. In his
(To be Cootianed,)
The virtues' of that old -health eft 1
and ea ly procured drink, better-
e w
not been elf tin thew
milk n h
day.. Phalelann say that It• lac -
1M sd$d 1. even more healthful then
the Weir acid of ora -gen and lem-
on*. it Is credited, tn0, by those
who should know, an hosing of value
t0 a rhenntntl • pit roe. It has been
found to Is' With ronrl.hine and fat -
tontine, n* well no reniarkehly ,'nay
of alone talion. if liked at nil It In un-
doubtedly a better drink to Rammer
than many of the carbonated, nrtl-
flrMlly Savored drink• that tare con-
sumed In altaost unlimited ganntities.
}`HO)I among the numerous unso-
lieile.t letit11iettioaIs winch have
been reeeieved In prlai.s. of St. Jacobs
01 we select that of Mr..\rtlwr. Ilar-
elson, of W"tllford Cres-rn: Fast, Not-
ttrghani, who euffared from a sprain-
e d knee for 3% yeitra. and being de-
voted to the manly oaort of football
he felt 1t a great dwttrh'attun that
la• ens unable to )ti In .a Ramo
for tint period. Ile tri many rem-
melles without emcees. u til one tiny
a friend perrumte! him o try Ht.
Jacobs. 011 -Tine Wonder 1 011. he
cane It -when be experiei?lced im-
tnedlute relief from pain, fol owed by
et permanent euro. He okays: "1 had
been metering from a very l'a'd
sprained knee for :t% years through
playing football. 1 ttad•been tinder
the doctor's care twire, nod had need
all kinds of ills, ,•rnbro:•ationm,•cold
wales bandages etc-. wlw'f1 1 wit"
recommended to try your talunbltl
tit. i rind mea tn►#trhtg 1 *-aaurlr
that it wax iwpOemil)Ir for me to kick
n 1r111. but after trying two I -mall
bolt leo 1 nm rleawnl to may my tees
I. now as perfect and 'strong as ever.
I Mould have written you lxrfore.
Inst wanted 10 gip.' it it thorough
trial. and aur glad to inform you
that nitre wring St. ,facotr+ 4)11 I
leave Iwver felt atesther twinge Of
Il who delight)
I in •n
All Fan• t m g
pain," I
{ I A
in athletic Cxerl'i0•d will rejoice to
read of via,. reliable ',reparation
which doe* away with the III effect',
of awcitlents which cannot always bn
1 he Best i.Ifler.
t what
Hiram -The
of i
int your," w i
went to
college r
ern1 lifting with the t11itanddumb-belie,"
Silas -Yes. but I al ay. thought
more of the other une'd lifting pow-
Hiram-Dhl he lift dumb -halls and
the %Ike ?"
relate -NO; he lifted the tgnge.
Tait. l,axatlr' 'nomo Quinine, Tablet.. All
dntg ista refund the money If It Ialta to cum.
E. W. Grove's signature bon each boa. gag
Mblit wr1P boar
Another thing we must rt'weuiesr
Is that iu rummer the halt beoomea
musty ewelllug, if toe are not care-
Hi girls carclurely pull down
le et night, run they who)
it, uud then braid it lu a
rititi or else {rile It up on top
11011t1 with u;teret hairpins.
the hair should nlweyr loo
at night, but never put up
on the head with 'mirpier, for these
break the hair, and 1t it bad enough
to have thew iu tho hair all day.
But the hair must be ventilated tat
night. Ii
you %visit to do It h1 lh,e
beet way for cooiues. of the scalp
ns well us %veinuton for the hair,
du it lu title tiny : Fleet, upon taking
the hair down, shako it Beetiy
through the Rogers• Then ore N stiff
bruit► tigurt.usei for titbetel fifty
meekest. Ther chows.' the hair of
it part of the dirt collected during
the day. After tide braid the hair
luimely In tunny little braids all °ter
the head, wluetl11
i the ends
p l
small pl"seer of hair coil toted from t leo
toted . Never with t•lartln bands, fur
these break and cut the tithe. For
Henn who w•Itnt to keep the Mair In
curl In warm weather .here 1s" a
recipe: Powdered Morax, 1 ounce;
gum arable. 30 grain's; spirits" of
camphor, ti drarhws. warm water, 6
ounces. -N. Y. freer.
Minard's Liniment cures Burns, ete.
aloderulaed Form.
Sunday Se1tooi Superintendent -
('h1i5.lren. what are we to tell Sat-
an ?then to tempts u! 10 Oomm.t
Ali 7
Children (with ono vis`-tlo 'env
back and sit down 1 -Chicago Tri-
How ellen. Walk.
And tell me. Amy. Why do not
g}rin walk testier than they do? They
Ian left rc Iter all the ol
d ♦ic
ee of
"toning over embroidery. *baying tn=
'titin triton 11 1a hal wmther. and
excretal O sewing. They play rut-
tio[ir.._Ea .anti tnhnlP nt hetet n
hundred prat cent, more frevih air
than dill their mother,* nevi graa-t-
mothera when they were glebe SL,
why do they pot walk better :'
it for Irak of ,'bill ? Or do you tet
it doyen to the Mit (recreant -els.. gen-
erations of tight-laced. tight -,howl
feminine progenitors? It Le quite
rare to HOP n girl With cheat well
forward, Moulders (lata bead effect
but chin well In, walkingw Its it light.
free 'step from the ilbp.\ Ment of
th000 we awe either tramp along
or shuffle. Why T -London Truth.
,, •. ,.,,,ass
aaders.d by bast English .sdleal j
gutplled is British soldiers In South alrl...
For •11 Threat awd Slane Troubles, Lumps,
Al , old teres, Ulcers, /d•n•, 581.
DI Eczema, Wimples, Stiff Jel.tel,
Rh•unttlsn, tents'., Sprains, Bruise*,
011•., Cuts, Sere rest Pleurisy.
Sa1d by ',regrets, Rile, try it sees.
Our Illustrated
Will aid you in selection of
bridal presents, brides-
maids favors and weddinif
rings. We have some neat
pearl crescents at three and
five dollars. Pearl pen-
dants from ten dollars
upwards. Wedding Rings,
11 carat gold, five, *even
and nine defiers.
e toe
1 �1"tai a10111o110 r.rn
Mlaar,l's Liniment Cures Dandruff
1 bite Will !'owe,
Wheli n mete known tla;at be 1s talk -
Ing tam much.
When it N'oulrim lungs bur t{ae lore
Of a (co, now.
Wit .r. a luau w1, hell Lie Nifstvonid
be leen ,eIn- lart1tis
turn ti 910411111 01111'1 help witching
for n Nano of her own. • '
\Chen °. woman •how• hum groat
ix Ir'r love of admiration.
When a man "eat help taking
thole to any nice things of hlmrdt.
Wheb a woman's vanity I,eu041105
nppnreut in the most ordinary act.
When a man feels that lite I. a
dreary wade set far as he Is con-
cern( it.
When it man of middle age likes to
take ra retrospective view of life.
Wimn a woman's influenee gnidem
n laau'0 -.nurse riespite him effort. at
reetala,re,-PLtbWtlpliia B411etta.
Stop. the ('meat
and Works Olt tits Cold.
Lasattvw Brom° ► 111010P Tablets atm • e,,IJ
10 nae day. No sun, No pay. fries _S cents.
Dusty ltholles-Dey sent hip Lazy
Dunes for ten years' hard work.
Weary Willie -Tee. Tart he got 1t
commuted to a death sentence.
l01tJLI1H SPAWN Lia, ww'r remotes
all hard, soft or calloused Lampe and Bleat
tabes froom Kornai, Blood Rpavin, Curbs,
Splints, Icing Buse, Sweeny, glides, Sprains,
Mon and Mwolleo Throat. Tough., etc. Sot•
by us" .4 ..aa aua1L. w.rr..latl the
`,moat wonderful Blemish cute ever known.
Bold by all druggists.
Nevar York ttselrat and Hudson
River Railroad.
The Above name 1e w bou.ehoi.l word and
the .nit'rt,r personage. n1 the run.! •hould be
inefficient L' 11ttr'u-t most people, but new
tint the Map tw the same to New Voile ne.f
points, a rn.t an be other 11111111 no further ',-
,-enmmpndsthn skool.l be sought. , Every-
body will t'!) you It Is ale beet.
Didn't Work.
Lick -i Wish 1 had all the money
there Le In the world.
Marry -Whet d14) you want to in-
dulge In Ruch nlaiwr'nae as that for ?
If you aro g'ltug W wish, wish fru
something you ern likely 1.. get.
Dirk -I guess you'iyt talking sent".
Lend ON, n dollar.
Berry -I said ertmelhing you are
iLtely to get. -Boston Transcript.
From fnclnrr dlre,•t to punha.rr, saving
over ball in prier. Tn Introduce Our her In
ors ensbinatlnu laetrument we *111. on IT
ewnpt Of Ave dollars, ship ors of throe !mitres -
fewest' With In•tnartlnn book. Many w111 re-
member th.sc Instrumenta k', on exhibition
at late ttpoeltlr.n. Mallow nn sold retail for
twelve dollars. Only limited number of bps
'.111 be made on tit w pins of Intr'mluel n.
14.7.1 Weak 1•n., do Toronto Arcade, Tot
to oat
ya +e. -.0F
Prof. W. Hodgson Ellis, Ofle laal
Analyst to the .lkomintOu Govern-
meql, dates that " Sunlight Soap has
"a thorough cleansing power, with-
out danger to the clothing or
skin." Worms who want weaning
done thoroughly canuot use better
than Sunlight Soap -Octagon Bar.
Unlike cumnwa soaps, there Is no
damage to the clothing, and no
danger to the skin ; hence the say-
ing: Sunlight Soap reduce expense.
Try Sunlight , Snap-(k•tagan Bar -
next wash day, and you will see that
Prot. Lille 1s right. He should
know. 211
111s Observetloa.
"Why don't you try to do tonte-
thing for your oouutry 7" anted
the careen oltlsou.
"Young man," answered Senator
entegituut, "l have read history, and
1 Hebei careened that all the trout
bier countries ever have are. made
by people who claim to be trying
to do something for them." -Wash -
legion Starr.
Monkey Brand Soap cleans kitchen uten-
sils. steel, iron and tinware, knives and
forks, and all leaded cutlery.
Wonderful t"atwe.
.any Berson who thinks he is nut
getting A Itttlhu'.t W0r111 w•1'il 111e
Fluidly Her..1 I aril WO kty Star, u(
Montrc111. this ...Amon. wind 1 ino
tiarh to ratixfy Tnoir two 'let ureic
"Purity' and ".alone," are genie.
As to which will proto (he wo„t
topuhtr It wood 1 he difficult to M-
ettle. "Purity" will certainly have ti
large support from an Artistic point
Of tiew, and U dlwervet it. It I• n
style of art moot polestar in Europe
anti Ctnertoo to -day. tett the other
picture, "Alone," Ir one that will
hold the attention of all observer..
Ile:tenor ant .td at the ammo these,
one Can not forget it. .1 rl'eorti-
hr.'lking huskies,. 11 prnil^ted for the
Fa ably Hertel! this .etttron,
No IIFASONA ALE MAN .!pert• to cart n
neglected road h, se der. But time and Asea',,
Lung Rolston will overcoat. the cold 11141
sits oiff rton.ittpunn.gnu h 111 reaand
lunge be mound nm a nes doIIw r .,r.
The Man Below Sees tlN• Mlllionalree
Veneer and He Thinks.
Muitt-mlllionairism 1s also probably
anlnvcrable In i'.rt for the present
trouble. The workingman hears of a
multi -millionaire e,cllitlg out for three
hundred millions, after drawing an
enormous income for - P eyries of
years, and Ito naturally thinks tient
he is not gelling his Mere, and to
get It "oust go on etrlk.' He does
not sew that the pile of to multi -mil-
lionaire Is exceptional. and largely
the product of protectionist tariffs,
for .shlrh hr wee very likely hlm+Plt
been delude) enough to vote. T114. iu-
coulPRof the uw:dle'1145, the turw••r,
ttr• prof Pidonn1 matt. the store -
korner. the ei'•rk,• have not been tn-
prvtsed like that of a master of A
trust, nor can they afford to tris
much more for their conal than they
have been rifling. Many of them. 1.
fact, are the Ltrt pe•uple on whom
the /Drew eon be re -amenably pot.--
(ioldw'In Plaith.
Hlnard'. Liniment for sale evtlr�
Cope Iseo's J.,biles liars.
Of the many magnificent and coolly
Jtlb'Po pre.enTi to ire Mitred Tcv,tlI)'
Poles on the uceaRron of the Miter
jnhl'►e• of hl* Pontificate Is the jnbel.'r
dire. Which ham ja*t been finished by
the ltologneee artist, Atigu.to Maid.
Ttie throe crowns are of the pureilt
gold, beautifully emboMeml, but aha
tinrn 15 of 4111rr Even thus the tiara
altogether weight' over two pounds.
in the (mr eat part nib there sMat-
lkets, repre•phj,ting til. i'eter•. flue
IX. and iso SI11., the three Pontiffs
who have reigned am Bl.iops of _Home
for over twenty-five years. The work
I. wonderfully rash and artbtic.--
i.ontlon Globs
A TIF.AOIIFIMl'a WINIS hit you In the
ave nen
o you h 1
r 1.
hark and the nest morning g
hero. hub well and erten with JYrr7 Davle.
I'n lnklller, Sud yon will be astonished to and
nut how quickly n11 wenn•a le banished.
Days When Oetok.vs (1.1 a Light
Prom Live Coals.
When minting first became tawh-
lonaM. in England during the reign
of Queen Elisabeth It wan cnstom-
nry for thu*e who user! the weed to
have in hie ontflt a pair of tote*ern
longer It he were a gallant of the
mart they were made of sliver; If
n mthetantlal merchant, of brans, but
\ if n workingmen, of cheap trim ware.
\ ey were n amenity/ implement
t the smoker. Matches were 'in-
k n, and the only available fire
y w sl
In o Aa tiro. was the biasing ion
ItAoa\tJla hearth. With the poker
s minim pi•e" of Rlowing ember wits
trroken'pff, which with the tongs Waw
Applied to th" frrwhiy'1•hargNl pipe.
Hundrfwle\of three Longa ars to tke
found In the collections of the nntt-
querinlr. )fMet of then are elnmey
object.. belt a few are Ro grncefnl
in outline anti arlhtle In workman
Blip that they *ems to be of French
and Flemlah rather . then English
Theile tongs. were revltee'I on a
email scale sono twenty year', ago.
when they were employed for hold-
ing cigarette.. The cigarette tong.,
were from two to roar.tneh's+ In
length. connected at the\mp;o•r end
by it smart spring, which\ke•pt Ihr
ends together when Inn pa*Ition of
reat-Wken-trsrvt the Smoker opened
them and eanght the' etgarettn be-
tweep the tape clomp up to the mouth
end. ' The contrivance enabled titw
neer fes burn the cigarette down to
iia Iaat,,ahitl.,aad. rotecto;l the fin
eters from 1he dlneolnring vapor that
protinreR the brown Mein upon (1t
fore and middle fingers. The new
�walsa wiowra--new+s.lai'n
Inrger and are Intended to hold
ripe rs as well it. to reach a coal
from the fln.'pinr'• to a pipe. They
are made of iron, steel and gun met-
al, and runny of the latter are gait
to be mannfaelnred from wnrahip.,
eannon rind other trophies of the Isle
war with Rfwtin.
Ate Nip Thinks r
h Looks.
in the mi:lenninm Of course, a w0 -
mon will be only av she think. she
Bots. -Town Topics. -
Messrs. C. C. Richard. &
Gentiemnn,-My daughter, 13 years
old, was thrown from a .neigh and in-
jure) her elbow so badly It remained
stiff and eery painful for three years.
Four bottles of MINARD'S LINIMENT
completely curet her, amt she has not
been troubled for two yearn.
Yours truly,
$t. Joseph, P. Q, Ang. 10, 1000.
111e1s Ahead Hair Brushes.
1 *pecinllst nay's that hairbrushes
ehonid be washed once it week, and
If used on hair in which there is
1eu0)i 11wn4roft twice a week le
tar! low t111eltitl
be wneitpel In cold. not hot, water,
to which cloudy ammonia has been
1Jdgd In thn, nroyorLion, of . ....'.s
taLleppoonfed to a quart of water.
tare should he taken not to wet
1 11 beck* of the Imo/dire , and
mhen weighed nnl rineel-a goal
any to rinse l hem properly le 10
nw' a shower spray on tit' m-thcv
should bs put on edge in the n1r
10 dry. Dooming combo, too, should
b• frequently cleaned. to comb
ripener being nand for the purpose
int I.wRI nppllentlnns nel they rmnnol reach
tier 1lmnawol port.1 n, of the rn r. Then!o only
one wny 14; coop ,lent ws
Ilint /mit
awn -
•t Inglonrsi rm.,l lr«. henfnrsa In ron.ed hr
nn InfInm.d rnndttlon o11 he mnrnuw IlntnR n1
tl,e I istnrl,tan Tube tt'ben tin, tube 1. in-
nnmri you bar. -, rumbling Ronnd es" Imp.r
fort benne[, and when It le entirely el,mmsl,
Femmes• I« the result, and miler the leanly'.
mnnon eon be taken out and tile teter.aor-
ol to Its normal rnn.IIt•nn, hearing w111 11p
destroyed for, ra. nine teens net Of ten nes
newt hy 1'.,t arch. whirl, is nothing hnt an
Inanmal ...minion M the mneons mirror'.
We w111 give alae Hundred Destines for eny
cape r4 Im•ataese ,ranesd hy entnrrlit lint
„ttnnot he wand by ling a''ntnrrl. /'nn. Mond
1 for ell,e.lnrw. free
1 F .1 calf FIN F\' i ('o. , Toledo, (1
Sold 1,7\01•1401•1s,
Hell's -Finally Ville ere the seat.
ktlnartl'a Liniment relieves Neural
Bakal ladles Pudding.
Three tableapnonfula of Indian
meal, whim! to 01 14. pint tor 1nlII
milk in
doable Zoller. Let eook five
or ten Went ear, then mkt Iwo eggs,
hotter the dee of nit egg. on. ten-
'Jnonfnt Of milt. 1,0 tnble-
mpnnnfula of auger. pelf carp of
melee/rem, !tir teeth .poop. nd.t Mme
TOM milk, half rep nt n hese stir
and turn Into n ronnt (Doh wall lined
with Metter L -t 11 hikes two !antra.
when it Is done If to he ettea hot.
eerTe At Once, it Jo his. p+rfertly aM1
Inn he entre with a 11tt1e cream or
hard *anew when hot. 18h.n coed, a
1111e ereem he preferable. Thl. 1.
goad Wootton eo MIA y pr•wp•ared, .
ISSUE. NO. 44, 1902,
YOU 1.1' et t , w bite lbws• bought outright,
('Inc,evComb and Extracted Money
(dote! Fein the for Ite,tlllug. ('onela„u,..,,„
.011.1 k.1 1' o rr,epoudeurr In, I Vll and prom,.
1,y 11tleudr.l
to It,v►wua 111111 Ilutkw 1..
floury wuu tad tt 111 pay 15 reale per 11,
I,vs.w wa.
Joatl J. YEW, G' Front Mt. East, i oris,,,,,
Mrs. Winslow', Soothing blimp 0..4
always be used for Cbtldr.0 Notting. It
wet hes the SAM, sof Mu the gums, ours ., ,i
eons and u e bed remedy for Ufarrh.nu.
11))04'Kr7 MAUNIFI'IN11 tl1.ANN '111
lip Ukw n kulM, 111. VI 11.11111111141 1111,• „
or the emali things of creation; Ie les t,
1" strd,ata eiuglusers, tunhnulre, tail...
tasting clot(,, • e.; sent to any nobble, , ,r
•'Sr, a fur 511N); agents wanted. p.,,,1.,
Lump and Mfg 1'11., Hnwlltuu_Ont.
Tit. gustily •o,udnrd from (heap in
()cram Your m 'y beck 11 not satWact"r,
1111atE a LAPWMK,
Ageulr Muutrvul•
That au.( desirable ,.ey.nrly (noun
the •
Zlmmeruun. Vara,. eituaed slow 1" Iter
lington Jaurtlru, redingotng :17 nems, hr«,
minify lunar; nburdaan of trues: two 1 ,
111111 Outbuildings. Sold lu whole or Lr
Iota. Easy tering,. Apply
M11414 XIMMY1tMAN,
LM Wellington et. south. IL.mllh„n
ISr i a a.c
3 cent Cigar
,,nn n,uo•.•,1 1'lenr (Lt,ua., I
Are You Satisfied
non your torment 1tnsl ttuet r 0' F: 1'A S
I'IIE1 AIEE YOi A7' 1'ltl'It None
lar n better Sud gun profitable our
1.mnn, I'F:N AND INK liltAWINU ler
ractkwl porpoises. Large .Marie,.
Early terms. Students dellgbted. 1.in-
Ldrtr count. innstered during . t,n.
ours. w'll UIVF A1.S11 4f'l.l.
/V11'k41*' da ell .u,lurrrinl web{,•cls,
telmrrephy and 11 hr Wail netters.
Write It., h..mds ,tn. catalog gl, In,e
tesvoo1 ara Department Central
pert' -mare ' 1.1n..
Busimess College, , Toronto Candi
00 11 ,,., ,t.
The Flow of Milk
will be increased.
Why go to all the
trouble of keeping
cows and get on;y
about half the mi11.
they should pro
strengthens the digetiion and invi-
gorates the whole system .o that
the nutriment is all drawn from the
food. It takes just the same trou-
ble to care for a cow when she
gives three quarts as when site
gives • pari. Ihck' a Blood Partner
will pay lack its cost with good
interest 1n a few wetly..
b0 cents a package.
Looming, Mils. A Co., Agents,
Photo Paper.
Prints et night hy any light
Sample down. 415, with parkas,.
M Ihvelopor end photo. aellnl 1'r
11:14.. Roll 1.,
S. VISE �17 °'.rnntnl w
''anndf'e, Agent
WE have lust is.ued a new
and handsomely illus-
trated catalogue, a tory of
which will he mailed to any
address on request,
wknet It Illustrates het a swell
penton of our store of Fiwe Jewelry.
esch deportment of our biotite. it
repre.ented by carefully selected
Our stock of SterlingSilver
for this season is of special
• meet. In it there ere in-
numerable gift pieces, mod•
e r a t e in price, artistic in
design, and embodying use-
fulness and duralility.
Ryrie Rros.,
Tongs and Adelaide ,Mets,
Not Fal, Very Drunk.
A ehrewleth Scotch woman One.,
trial to wenn her hnebnnd from Cllr
deem 'whop by employing her hroth"e
to net the pert of n ghnwt and
frighten John on hen wny home. ' tCha
are yon ?" asked the farmer, nit the
nppnrItion tote before him from be-
hind a hush. 'I'm Auld Nick." tin' 111'
reply. "Are yon. renily7" erclnim •1
the old reprohit. a tt h men1p pati *1
dine, Inutend of terror. "hfon, rem
nwn'. Glee et Rinke o' sant bond I
nm Morrie(' to it dater O' yours!"
Te were to Ten doe
(1i,..s Ointment lenosrtete
rind eteointe tore for ecce
end ,Mrs form M Itchlnet
bl.wdlnCand prof rodl Dona
the mannfvt erase he, a gums Mresi it. Moe fate
tlmrniale 1n the dally crews end .,k roar nelah'
brit, .hat t1., think 0' 11. Yui Mn Rae t n e
got rear money lurk 1f not rimed. ?Olt
*11 dealer* or Pow.'mgt. li AT" it: ('O.Toron'n
Dr. Chase's Ointment