HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-10-30, Page 5THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO. TauttaDAT, Oct. 30, 1902. 6 W. Acheson & Son Our Mantle, and Jacket Attractions. Wu aro showing an immense range of magnificent 1;ar- Blunts and wraps fes' fall and winter. Every style fashion- able for this season is in our selection, and an attractive style and finish is about every garment superior to any shown in former seasons. Values are excellent and modest prices are the prominent features of this our stock of nearly 200 mantles Carpets and Linoleums. Little looney will possess unusual buying power in Car- pets and Linoleums department this month. Special lines ,lust received and qualities sold generally at much higher price. English Tapestry Carpets. 27 mnotter w!d., lea new well assorted hogs of no -to -late Daturas boatlons. soluble for Wrlur, d101og room, halls, etc., rrgu )ar', sp•ol•I a' Reversible Carpet. and pretty tom - lar 60. and 6.5a • 500 36 Ioobof wide, heavy motor, baad.ome ooloriogr, new deolgo•, at Scotch Linoleums, 2, 3 nod 4 yards wide, • strung range of good 8or•l, block and tl able for dirtier room.. kitohen. or hall., eW., special ler yard lunch' ner yard 250, 85o and 400 le n•tteror, .1,11- 860, 400 and 500 HotterIck'e pattern. for November aH now in stock. 1)nfltrator on sole and tashloo .best 1st W. Acheson & Son. • ' WOODMAN. SNARE THAi TREt•" iHI Res. U. Mao/ebl. yea , ebaaghal, Moat "Ames r.1 w'"ah'p hos struck its roots deeply into the Cohen mud mad Is I•eteoed newly to the nonce. .1 Chinon wanly. The first not of wonh:p rotorded to Chines. history N the werehip of mentors. Th. Emperor Shoe eye ht. •ooeslou to thy throne of Yeo wor.h'pp •d la the temple of the Ac• oompltaned Anoeetor." S.oh ere tee word. with welch De. Bloigett einem' a paper be. fon this oenl.retm of 1890 1a Sh.ngnal. 1f that paper he adduced an overwhelming array of .v.doaos from the anoleat book. of ('t tos to prove what moat m:N.o0artes be- fore that bad r•gaidei as matomatio, y t , that this 0.004et1101 worship of the Cronus woe ',compatible with the mooeptmom of l•brleti.aity Among Catbolln todenl there hal beta ■ .rr.0 tempo' aur on the point 1m bonen tnal by 000donloe tb. *or ship el •ooestors lbs wools empire might be win aver t• Me faith. Bat 111 that woe ancient history with the Catholiw. Ater long controversies and many papal decisu.se, .0 tetra' wor0,ip was Weiner bamubed Irom tint Cot hello church tre Onto. Why 'hoe dui Dr. Iiodrit lolmloate' ora 11.3 •Do.ntral .0 s.0 p or ratb•r *galas% Its toleration hy (.0, to sane.J Was It -II ' against • mw of straw ? No, sot exactly. Barre this coeferete' tomb platy IP. W. A. P. Marto. then pi intuits! of obs Tung Wee Kea., Potter, soominoed that hs was ■ ni01 to fame the m•1eet100 •m0o0 ' I'rotestanta wh'oh bad boon long dead nod buried •meog t0• embolic., and h• oould ti .d no beaer areoa for hie purpme th•o the •vpev.ehteg oonfsrenos at Yheogbat At tr.'s time I)'. Blodgett was tb• Nestor •1 the .I,sioosr a to Pekin', anti hy no ' means Mimed to lh• hope, of Dr. Martie. For s1 that Dr. Mvnn onerlebed wee the hops that in mine uneapluos.l way the two al a.e.•:ral eue.nip remit bo retain* In • modelled form. Nave 1M. R'lodoett M- I ..ed ch.' It wait netowlble to me City tie ''u. oo, •o se to mak• it harmonise with ''niidlsn1 v. sod beelec. that •oy attempt to do eye was mot nely vino hes d•ngerouc litoc, het pr.fared t►e poplar which will re- main .o tits olwtcal document Gni sob 1 ' I• is to be f..un4 to the rsoorda of the c ,ol..renoe of 1890 1t Is soh that Thomas Carlyle, tl.e sage of Chelsea, when walkwg one day wills • hood In Hyde I'.rk c'.n6Jed u him his admiration for the I' into•* as On finite: pito We to the worn. Ha bawd this opines r the+• tenet -see ler th.br •,Delo . i1d the . invention to •grieol!urs 1) ,tholes. the ••m• 'dame app. -steel sooty strongly to the • t'mptthtes ot Ur. Mures. We hsys hod 1rd. under ('omen •ohol.re thea Ito, hot never any so pnlohod, nr .tile to •apses themselves web snob Amery ID .peeet. or writings. Tee porting si3* rel nsc.str•I wor . bfp •rpe.L4 very stn. gly to his tm•g'na tion. Nevertheless he knew ' hat as It stood It was uodouh edy •r.1 ueb'o•hlogly idola- trous. He was too good • •ohnl.r to say. se was said one* !a.t. year before the K teal Aetatie Ateretatbee. that is was & baauttful and harmless Durum, It had its ',hope * he, bat onforteo•tely 11. teuh.tio old* was namely ace dents) and no part of its e•awoe, which, as we have, mad, w.• Idolatry Or wodrp of other lhu lbs •oe anal, I1•. J. H. In Ifront fa jest DOW lotteries 00 • voluminous d • 12,0101 of CM Cb nese religious 'Teton,. 13' he I.'oly I..ud the fourth volume with leo nr eat more to fol hes. B• b.lieven •hat th. worship 0t the n'.,l i• toe key to the r;nlhat. r.hg•oo end n the Tolson' •Irma ly no' he disco tem Uhl.. me idem about tho dead w 1h .r '.t detail There la nn enurtatn sound to the • vol- ume' on ohm real nature o1 •nu etral wor *hip. Rat we 103.33 thte another motive mnvrl Ur Mvtin in bis 3* sou. oleo fortol oration of •0eeer.l worship H.' eaw that WI worship was the ore+tree► obetae!e to Chines. •0o•p• mho of Cnr•m' lofty. Mission. arise did net att•ek tt Miserly, bet rill who brooms ('nrort•ne thaw that they had to re- move the dusty •ocmulnl isolate from their n iches ' Th • they did willingly and with. out protein, tar tit., ko.w tin wail how idolatrous this .o oailtd besutdal ou•tom hat hominy. Bat tin. prooeed+ng was • gnat 'hock to their nelghborm Ur. Moon Ibought that 11 you allowed 'him stl'I to worship their •0011wre, multitude, would crowd l0to the ohurohes who rata•+ Oa oome eta 041 choir aoon•trol tablet*. Pornaps 0• thought the progress of Cirlstteosty too Mow, sod wished to re tonne a seemb!iog block. eto he ap.loolzo1 fur 1!. adorned it with dowers of rbetcrlo and crud to bl• b•stbruo to spare the a0r"- tr•1 tree which he said should not be torn up by the root. Pot the fruits of it were too bitter to the ty.. of Ib. hearen, so bio appeal fel up,o unresponsive grated, and died a• moo as it was limo. And not. us. reserve Ily. 'Oben is row praei.cally anao• tin ty among thn.0 whom it 0000era,, miss nasal's sod Chine. Congruent. that 1. bru'.taoity can hays to toleration for that wh,0h o ro directly oppo•.d to Ito two . easooe. The tree as a upas tree and should die. Already nes au the outermost leay.. ate *ere and yellow. Toe rent Is only • Tenth's of time. We do sot need to lay as ate to Its for, it will des • natural death. ME CAN PROVE I T. Mr. t bather le Prepared le ea10Iaatlale aloe Trinket IMO S.tement be baa Made. H"tssy'a KArlpe, O.T_ 0 i 27 to (4poou !.-The open letter of M•. (.eorg• C Clatter. of .11a plane, motioned mo tt.e dedy neper1 moue time ayo, hen or•at•d faits s esneation and ooe,!derahie *r.owry from those who do not know (3Ir. (. ,siker. His trundle ase well aware that he would D ot put hie name to any •tet.meet that in ooufd u, sab.t•nr,a• in •s er)'A•rtteater and to these who db net know he 'announces that he i• ori ir.d to aebuou•u the trot► el *wort astral its mode I •i t • /tor be said :- -•'1 was Istel of with kidney troubles and was se bad that I ooul-1 not do O day's work. My back was very sora I had heavy, analog a, m. and Jolt, bloated eyes. 1 mea very weak sod much redwood in weight. Sag boxes of I).idd's kidney pill' cured me oompleuty soil 1 have not now the el:shuts'. ✓ of back who or kidney tremolo." lofrlageweent of • Trademark. In an sown 1a tb. H'gb (;oar! of Ju.tim Lar Oetar'o reeeo'If Intel before Chsnoellor Boyd •t Toroate, the plater Shoo Co. nod Chu. E. Slater, pres•dea', of Moatr.al, of the famous Slate ohm, ob•a ped it 14 lament fo res,0atolog F, .1 W tl k•nsos, a boot and oh .e dealer of O nen Sound, (cpm advrtIIteg, •ff•nog, expos:i n Iona'• or selling b'nre or shoo. not made by 'b. S'ater Oboe t a., as ' Slater .hoes", "Si .ter good.". or "ion '41.1er shoe". 7 he Cnaaellor also ordered W tlktoeeo to soy 11. heavy costs of the actino. 1t seems Wilk'amn we offenoe fir sale show mad• by • m•anfaotorer a Montreal whom fume ~somewhat*!miler to the Slater Shoe Co. Tbismahee owns up from Mutational and rain .ytdeam at the trial and appeared to be laking after the d•Isece for (Vtltinsoo, but the Chamellor alter hearing the evl- d.eea decided that so one, cc' -pt the Sta- tor leMr Shoe Co , hod • right to u■o the Dame "$Lear ohms," "Slater goodr," "the Slater ✓ hos," or boy .tmtlar same to c0ooeo'loo With 1oltm sod hens, and that Wltktt0om hod en right to nee any name n1 000351 to commotion with boots and shoes which might soable him to p.m i R • ohm aot o1 the Comi toy'• mak' a• hying of thele. make, n or to any way to reap (he b.n+fit of the reputation whmh the :Cater eke, has •oquIr- d throughout the Dom:sloe of Canada. seaforth : Mrs. Hugh Bell, formerly of Ihs. town, died at the retdeno of her son, William Bell, in Blyth, on Thursday, 16th inst. Mrs. Bell had reached the gond ago of 'wren. y..sven year., and hoe death was not due to any spa0ul aliment but to the grad sal wearlog out of the oonstnutboo. THE SHOE PROBLEM has been suc- cessfully solv- ed t)y the manufacturer of COUNTY CUR RINCY. 13.usee's : 11 Is proposed 10 give • luno of $0000 to 101 woollen laswry. Clinton: Chas Wolin hoe disponi of all b'. a malts mid posses tint h• brought down 1ro:0 the Northwest some three weeks ago. Brussels : Josses lrwlo, late proprietor of rho Brussels Herald, has purohas.d a gru- oery business to Toronto, and le removing U • faintly to the olty. Hemmen : Mies el•r• A. Meadows, dough Ler of Mrs. Joao Merthows, John .tout, Breesalv, was molted to maffbage to t 10mo1' Mt. John, of Telluride, Colorado. Eteter : Mrs. Id. J. Wblte sod her Ma huts children left last witch, is oompooy with her sister. Mise ('hrk, for (' eon, whire they will ,,,Id. to future. (hot on : Mr.. John K. Murray .od little daughter Jeanette hav• r.turood to their home to New 1 ork after an intends! 03.31 with Mr. Munay's mother os. Huron street. ('3•„100: Uttar. K clout received a rho king up bowies.pr•lolog hie wrest and Oip by 'Loping 0E1 nine wet I 00 the sidewalk, which laid him up for • low days. W Ingb.m : Dr. .1. N Chisholm, Rey. R Hobh• and Jcho Young look Mr. Hogg to Oho hospital lo London last wseh. 11 le hoped that the treatment will prove bene- ficial. Brumfield : P. H. Murray, who war engineer at the Illy th lour (Mil for the past nine mootht has porob•eed the Amerloon hotel In Brucebeld sod left last week with his family for Its new home. SSforth. Ur. W. B. MoKeobole, of Van• mover, British C,lombl., attained his aunt, Nn. M Thompson, last week. Dr. Me- Keohnie had coma from the mut to attend ahs husplWe at Toronto and C61mgo. Brumfield : Mr. lie. Slmpen, hos lett for Sault Ste. Marls, whore he hos • good p001Lloo l0 •.tors. Ur. At,.. Murdock has goo. to Muskoka, where be will promise msoimlDs ; his many friends hers wish him •11ooe•s. Olinto, . Mre Field, Tsesw•ter, sod two soon, hs•* been speeding • week with the former• sister, Mrs .1. Motd•tb. Thy ars •12 their way to M'tohel', where Mrs. Field has bought out a store, std will reside there 1t mho future. Brucefield : Oa Thersday •v,oieg, (Locher 10to, • very pretty *eddies to'k plain •t the reldenos of Peter McGregor, of this vlllate, when els only daughl.r, Mies Lotto, was netted In marriage to B. K. H'gr'na. of Sunny. Brao.Beld: S. Grainy, who disposed of !vs 10,0,ture ~teem to Wlowh•m two years ego to B.'1 Bros, •ol wbo has slum Moo rending to Bty` b, has parch..red the interne, of W. P. I)ymood In tie firm of Dymond & Mitohell, furniture deal.rs, 33',.Mary. (iorrle: Key. and Are. R. J. Garbutt, of l,orris, moan Ih, death of their elhet 4.ogbter, Mho i -e, who died on Sunday, 19 h beet„ ag.d 11. Nee was taken ill rat We4ne.4ay with sppesli,ltlI; oe Friday an opor►tloo was p.rformed, and on Stod•y she Dossed away. (Tinton: While ptckla. •ppl.s for P. Straub on Monday, 'tom lwpplurtoo, 'e twelve -year -,Id boy. had the mieforioe• t, have a I'mb e0 which he war shading break, pr.oiplt.tinq him to the ground. H• was badly shaken up, but after r.g•iol•g his wind he wee •bfe to get up and walk. Wtogham : Miss A. ('orolla. Na,Dooald, daughter of Hoa. Dr. M.c1)onold, deputy •p taker, of Wingham, hen rootgoed the gem eral •cc-.'•ry+lfp of the Youog Women's Christian Aseoci.tloo .t Ottawa, to .c0ept the po•iuon of tra•elhoo secretary for ohs Yru4eats' Voluoter Movement for Foreign \1 +,ton• Motet am • FrIende of Mts EleanorJoha- •tnn will b t please 1 to boar that she te Dot suffering so ly now, though she Is sell oo•n1e to move without wtet•n0e. Her daughter, Mt.. Dolly, was In town lot week and d+epned of her moth.r'e prole ly t• ldla. Paco.. lot $875. (ler. Jo6aatee resld• io Loodoo. Cluton : A few days shoe while Mite Kano.dy was v,sitlo, •t B:sck.I 's hotel, Hooeall, ohs hod the mlafortuoe to fall head lint down the cellar, alighting g on her ehoul dor, wblah was d1rloosu'1. Srte •Iwwnio - eel 101.10 1 'plod«, but a yradumlly tom. *ring. 1t was a wonder she was 01e mon seriously hurt. Vesforth . Mr. hack, of the late hem of I),ck, Whet & C •., of Toronto, wan to town let week. Mr, 1).ck has been nego- 1 .110g for the purchase of the VaoErmond eonhen mill, to this t wa, for some tome, sed be has a1 Ioogth arranged for the pur- "hase of the propar,y, pronding the to neo grants th• rimmed aid. Neafonh : S A l)loksoo, B. A., barrister, site.. has Dons to Red Uer, N. W. T., w here ho will beam the practice o1 law. Mr. D3okeon 1. a bright young man and popular in anolaI and athletic otrole, Ho has take, •ery ormiit.ble ooure.s at Tarot - to Uiveratty nod O.gO,d. Hall and wilLno- doubt.dly mooted in his oho.: Youths. Varoa : On Mooday, O,toter 20th, •t the rMldeoos of he hroth•r, Jameson •veous, 'll'. roto, Jssopb Morrow. meroh•e1 of Fol!- artee,it iia esesetleth year of bbye. i . ember of years ago Mr. Morrow beeght out Ih. store nod hueio.se of the lots J. R. Sword and carried on • pomnl foots for ten vers ; he then •old est b. J. T. Cairns n od moved to Fullartoo. Etats,: A vary pte:y hos. wedding w•■ celebrator' Wednesday evening, °o - lobar 15th. at the midmost of Mrs. Sims, 1495 Ru,eall street, Detroit, Mlohigar, when her deagbter, Mies Elizabeth W. Woodall, tormerlyy of Exeter, wee united to marriage to William Sweet, of Introit, formerly of Crediton The bride won a gown of white bathe., and her ebur, Mies Bella Sims, who acted 10 brtds.maid, was attired in white organdy. Mr. Ell Sweet, broths, of the groom, •..lobed ae groomt• man. whloh /Iv the Impreesbe that he has beta day. whoa 1.1, ountal.ed wuuh tn... was Lrlg it mud uheerfuI for hems lb ao Express r•pnr.er, who ea. him •1 the goal thea 0.0-0 mug. its said that h,. 000.1 wait Arthur Stylo, that h• was ae i' .ghehm.o by birth, had *ems 0110 10 obit coa0try about thirteen years ago, horsed 1st annex. and wor k.d u. dor • bard Iaekmaster, who at gee Lime hit hem eat the head with • board, Minute be ouuldu'o do the work of that more rugged inert, and he finally left • hard j,b to swoop. the perssoutnoos of els employer. fee mon mound r•tlooal whim es told of his greybait.i father, to Eogl•nd, now livtog retired after serving ee • B:Itts6 Army Sarasota to ludia, Style told o1 his hay.og removed ale sduo•too at Kior's College In Kogland, bow by loo Glos. aopboathio w O'udy be had impaired his health and them Dame out to Cao•da to toy larmlog u • moan• o1 rerorfog tale laogimg es. lin •p .kit eat b• btgh (.m ly mmsaotloo. 10 h:oalmod, bow his had boon logo tock of alter coming out hots. and In his •ppareotlp Iuuld wom.ote .`ted other light on bis put history, wblob, takes with blit ..Hund appear•nos and the oattured style, of his ooeverwtloo, Impose one with the hens? that he Is a man of good 000n.otloea, who has boon made tbn playthlog of • not too kindly late, and who will prob•ly finish up In • lu,atlo asylum Canoe elanlllte mg ■eador-hes. Po,sons •000mul•te to the blood nod epees,' ivory moment to all parts of the body. The brain teoomu congested. nerves Irritated, sod the result is that awful bead albs. F.rrerome le nature's own remedy for beadachu.; It 1. • blood strengthener and purifier of uncommon merit, • looting potent toato, and the greatest 1o•igaraot and boat h maker knows H.dwb.s newer bother people tinal tits Ferrcz,oe after mob meal. Bey a boa from your druggist for 5ii • Ry mall from Pedant & Co , K.og 11130. Out. Ur. Hampton's pins Den livor complain'. STOCK SALE• teealt of ftrspenl.a sale Meld by James Smell Last Week. Th. stock rale hold by James Stoll, of Hallett, Let wink was attended by a •um- ber o1 well-known .tookmee Irons d'ffsr.I parte of the Proylans. The teoyy rain m- uttered aoaewbst with the emomes of the sale. Th. following .ales were made : 009,, AND 110110100. Quinn -33670 -roan, aged 6 puts nod 8 months, .old to J, 1. Flatt, Hamilton, at $4"0. Rislto Primrose ,•Iv.d Dm. 10, 1897, sold to W. 0. 'Petit & Jon, Floamao, for $22+0. Rosebud -halved Nov. 22 1899, sold te J 1, Flat,, for 3305. Seabird -calved, Maroh 12, 1896, sold to Tyndall Bros. Hulett, lo• 3125 Loy Red -calved, Uot 10, 1899, sold to F J Spromle, Markham. for 3200. Bella -calved Feb 10. 1891, sold to Mr Aunh Goderloh, for 3115 Helena -calved. Jon, 10, 1898. mildly W. G Smith. Maple Lodge, for 3125 Suorioe-Dewed, 0.1. 10, 1901, sold to W. G Pout & Soo. for 3100.. t,oml.-calyed, Deo. 12, 1901, all to J. i%.Ilootr, Kaanaoote, 3200. l'nmroee Peart-o.lv.d Jen. 18, 1902, sold to J. Wall•oott, for 3200. Roe Moy-solved, May 10, 1902, mold to J. 1, Flan. for 3120. Duby-8728-,•Iced, Dee 26, 1885, sold to W. U. Petit & Soo, for 350. BULL. tevel.11e. Is filewraissatasa. Shoe the lotrodaotton foto Newfoundland of the new inhaler remedy, • detarrhozono," the tretmen• of mt•rroal dismoee has neem entirely rerols'toioned, The old-time staff and internal m.d:rno has been oast a ids sod everyone In inhaling Gat arehnRooe; it (neon the head and throat In two mtouur, snit b very agrr,•ble and pleaun' to 1151 _Caerrhoaoua in . woodet 1.1 ours for 1.enaatle,-...,-..atlas+ nat. rrb, timbals, f.r000hltlr, tai rtoouflr. inn de•tne.,. ft rrh.rss qo ck!y and curet perm tinnily. We •del.e our loader to try lister rh'.rnee p.4 31 1O "td as 26 . hrrral.to .1 Pfo at'.,Kapt'..,list. U 11 hitt ou'roma, lake au to: 'moot pile Antors They combine every nlement of shoe perfection. In PiT, STYLE, RERViCE anti COMFORT they are HARDLY 1`.(JI7Ai,1,E1) and NEVER RURPASSED. MA NV WOMEN are mule nervotu and irritable by them pinching and cramping of • ill fitting shoes. Rech women should Inge no time in becoming acquainted with they+ shoes. They are modelled on scientific lines, it that, while being "a. Aasy as an old shoe," they fit without a wrinkle and please the eye with their graceful curves. Ask ns. the conditions of the 95,000.00 Q.een Quality prize content. REPAIRING a E. DOWNING, Red Front Shoe A SiD STORY. B!tet Motdrg! 9 -calved Jas. 88, 1899, W. U. Pette s Soo, 3400 Rod Rover -calved May 16, 1902, Jas. Ooreieb, Halley, 380 Reisht star-eelved April 16, 1902, J. B. Idsdtay, ()oder,ob township, 3305. .Ji ilt:ilion Brave Soy -299'J- tabld 1897. W. G P.ein Sen, 3850. The following tborobreds beloagtsg to W. Doherty, Clinton, ware •Iso sold• - Minnie Irene-s.lvet ,)an 16, 1892, Jas. Hoover. Knit Waw•oo»n, 3150. Lovely Mary-oohedNov 8, 1897, J. i. Fiats, 3200. R,d Roo-o.lyed May 31, 1900, J. 1. Flare, $170. Rona Beouty-29914 -calved April 29, 1897, R. Smith. H.y, 3160. OTHgn STOCK. Champion -rose boll, salved Deo. 6, 1900, owoe I by H. Snot', Loodesboro, was bought by W. S,dl, at 370 novas Hero -42386 -owned by Ja+. Mhob- brook, was bid 111 at $80. Morning Sur -Full, o.Ive.' Jan. 31, 1971, owned by W 8oell, sold to 33'. Gray, Hut lett, al 3100. Evans/ Star -boll, Delved Feb. 28, 1901. owned by W. Snell, sold in J. Thompson, (i.n.'.►oce, for 3100. Wateoo's Cho:cu-twr-year-old boll own- ed by W. Granger, woe bid in .t 3150. MoKdlop's Pride -bull, 8 months old, owned by Jos. Smith, cold to Jon. Barr, Hallett, for 385. Utx a Duke-oslvsd Jae. 9, 1909, owned by Geo. Snell, sold to r. Walker, Wtego*m, .t 360. U vtmrele.l Mom from ?tear *look Wander leg Abeam a1 woodaleek. -oma alarm w • ocu.ni.,nod aw'ong Woo,' s . Ws Fast K.d ,nadent• .11 i3.e night of O .h t' 20 t,y the •tt*a.o •C0r,0e 04 • •h• Lily dictated ma. '1 midden •g., who from h. ni•no,r In •hieh he oil dr..me1 ser oral pool. whom he met on the •treat *as evidently :nuns. I'he polis were notified M 6.41 him du tog the min ego Ile had ev:dontly di.apperrd At .bout anv•n next morning the man op pawed at tbe resident of the (1h el, on light n root. Ho was oh voting from the emu of • long niglt'a wandering •hint the oily. He waned proteti an, he sald, Coon • d•Motiva who was degg'n4 hi. .:.p.. H• hod town waiting for it former ems Rlytb honied and rine ha left h• was heing hunt M about rhe a'0otry by • d.t.nuve in rho employ of adonor in Blyth, • h wanted Ms toffy for thedo•erAing (thief Zoete took tat man le and rave him his br.akfast. Thee to to ik Nm before the Marline., whoeew.1a11f.d h1*. tor *8.10(0 Melon ae to 0ls meatal Matas The man i. .yidontly .nay, and that his Store. • I. • sal on + it In Hotted by Msrd.md Store. fester.. and tbe story be 1.8., both of r ASHFIELD. SATURDAY, 0.1. 25 Amosg w+bo entleotm', roll for tt • township of Ashfield, 1902: For county porpova $ 2,353 37 For township pulp °es 4,208 23 For pobho school purpose- 3 490.98 For sep•rats 'taboo' purposes 771 51 For speotal school rats. 2 239 96 For school debenture. 641 04 Icor Uoogeoar.o deals.-....,-.•,-- 43.49 For st.lute labor.... 51 01 For drain •wand. 32.09 For Irmo of tote. 4 06 313,835 73 A.hfi.ld council inn to on November 8th for 1 Mutineer.. W M. STo'nan', CI. rk. "Bitter is patience,, hilt its fnlit is sweet." Inconvenient is b(tt better order by mail, than accept substitutes. Get the shoe you know, - "The Slater Shoe" Those honors *bleb we bespoke a few weeks ago fur the Uedsrloh .tudeut own Nugget to Toronto ars already Doming 16e'r way Miss Id. 0. ('ulburse the been 'loot- ed "orophst tit" of her ulnas •t Varsity, nod Stuart Prltobud a keeping goal to the Trtmty addleal football team. Sec? heumatlsm. V Urlo Acid In the bleed. Unhealthy kidneys ars the cause of the acid beim( them if the kldnwysaotad as they should they world strain the Urio Acid owl oldies swim and rheuma- tism wouldn't occur. Rhes madam u • Kidney DM ease. Dodd's Kidney pine kava made a great pert d their reputation .iu4 g Rheumatism. So get at the muse of those fearful shooting pains and odd, aching joints. There V but Das stns Way- Dodd's Sidney Pffls M Tho Iliad efli Runge.- " bsok*, Mali's Thought" From the worst worry to the highest Satisfac- tion. One stepping stone The. -__` , "Happy. . Thought" Range. (.a'.s t.shoe-/t ____....,__.,..„-- ----='yeiS tt r,1 . w ,.t•.a t. -a • The V..tIl.t.d IIl..t.ar.d Oyes. Leave your culinary troubles, worries and expense behind you ; enjoy the economy, the convenience, the absolute reliability of The " Happy Thought. " The best friend the careful housewife can have. Just a touch to the patented dampers and it is ready for any work. Its efficiency will be a revela- tion to yon if you are naingdhe common kind. Ie thin not worth investiga- tion 7 Send for booklet to THE WM. DUCK STOVE. CO., Limitocl.4.0 Brantford or call and see the agents. NY 1111 LEE & SHEPHARD, OODERICI-1. iolo - 1YM. SIIARMAN, Sok AXeit, Galeria. Fi1.L4L TERM -Iso T3* LIST.7WEL Rearms on norm v. nary. 3, lege. Twhnnnrro, (temmMrelal age *horthend. Terms resenahlemend ler Joanna'. fund. is may onto, at arty lime. 1'. A. FLEMIN9, A. T. MoIIVTTRE,Free 11“ 'tit Huron and Bruce Loan and investment Co. GODERICH, - ONT. St:minma-PHILIP HOLT, K.C. RAvl.kntt-THS CANADIAN RANK OF COMMERCE. OUR SAVINGS BANK. We ares prepared to receive 1)epoolta from Truateeo, Patent. or Children, in ammo of from Fifty Cent. to Three Thoues,rl ihtllaro, and allow eompouml iotev.nf, *dried enure wor monsin at rater am agreemt upon. Cheque ore given Uepom.iton, so that they may draw upon 'bele depoaitw at soy time 3 3.t newt 4 paw - *test sMMat sllow,M nn Deposits.o-cordinq to 0rttt0Ont end time left. N 11 -1'. recant to a Tate Alit of i'arliament married women and miners hove the right to d+pnit nod draw int money in their own name. 1)epouito eon he sent hy mallet the risk of mender Remote from yyourhomme0 temptation to burglars and Intel for the flames. - Aa the Company make* loons only on Knit clan* farm property, depositors have thn mtrongemt security for their in- vestments. reets Block. Jordan McKIM'SI Goderich, Ont. WARMTH IS A NECESSITY. ('eel to out of the question, but MoKlm'e warm woolens w111 611 the b111. Ila the prints will.utt the lean•ot pookst-book. BLANKETS Our "nobble' blank.t :s • lugs, soft oold resbter,at per p•Ir 32.50 "The DAISY." • very large pore wool, full moored, fime, soft fluffy finish, the klod you hate to gel from ouder of • oold morulog, •t per pair......... 3.3 25 UNDERWEAR We bare two 'penal.. at 50 •, bear,/ raahary wool lined, •11 uses, •1 260 to 500 Pure wool Shlru and Drawers, msebrlmk- able, ribbed wrists and ankles, t31n kind you Ilk• to get into, for 500 Men's natural wool, the best value you ever saw, at 31 00 HOSE Lodi.' ribbed Home, spooled, at per palr 25o Boyo' ribbed Hoe, spsolal, per pr 25o to 45o MILLINERY -I To hand lino week a lot of the totem :Mapes and newest trimming., and they popelar prlo.e. See whin a ole stylish up titn dots bot Mem Paukard esn give yea fat 31 25 up Mas blob as you weal M we.. W. are pleated to hay• yon ell whelks or yob hued to purchase or not. JACKETS -- Our new mats for ladles In grey or bl•ok at 35 00 sod 37 50 are the 'met prodoo. Moos. W. b•vs • tow lest season's se greatly ndaod pines. OVERCOATS - Ws b•ve mo room to ktop • stook of orals, so they MUST bet olerd, no manse what the prim. Ws Das save you 31.00 to340000a0045. NEW 1U14A PATT'hRNS are the hest. NEW IDEA MAUAZINF:, 53 • spy. M°KIM'S BUSY STORE. Rubber Heels That Hold 1! • Dessasp Csuhlee lbeb-wear like lather - wive you a firm foothold and you can walk far without growing weary. Sampo pair, ane. As shoeseakera, oowrite direct NO NSW •hook' be without the DUNLOP CUSHION PADS They prevent .lipping -laminae -sprained tendons -cracked hoofs -bat ling and cankers. Sample .eta sent direct. Any blacksmith can put therm oo. WRITS POR CATALOG. The Dunlop Tire Co. LIMITED TORONTO Appies, Boys aid Girls WANTEQ The Maltford Evaporator is now ready for business and wants any quantity ot good peeling Apples, for which cash will be paid. Also Boys and Girls wanted to work in the Evaporator, to whom good wages will he paid. Come quick. BECK & 6OLDTHORPE, SALTFORD, ONT. Sept. 4, 1902. TO BORROWERS. Thin Company he prepared to Iran nn the mhorte*t notice any mum upon first elate *scanty. Tornio are made t0 suit borrowers. Straight baso and mimpl interest. hiORTOAOEH PURCHASED -For further particulars call at. the Company's offiicio, corner of Market Square and Nortl. Street, ()Merit -h. W. L HORTON, F. JORDAN. Manager. Preoident.. Wm. PROUDFOOT, Vice.President. DIRECTORS Lo*n NTRATH,v.3A. J. M. RoRtRT,. FRAwt:1a JOSDAM. IL i uret.Or Wo. PRnwu►ooT, Balmy HORTOM. D. J. NA/reel. P*IWP HOLT, K. 0, + A Great Snap I. oar Mager Soap, at 5o. • pound, of which we sell . barrel • week. This isn't our only soap, as we carry everything that can bo found to ao um to -date grocery store, and our price ere right. The farmers know chat they 0.0 alway* get from as • snap for their proluoe. We draw the line •1 no l.gitimau trine - everythlug goon : (il...ware or potatoes, garden stuff or ohntoset table China. We deal In all of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., Radford b!o.tk, Ou Isrloh The:Division between good:and Indifferent Drugs and Medicines Ie strooely defined hers. Th. I.dll. format kind ars moor ordered ed Dever permitted to form pert of oar stock. OoIv goods of uodouotd purity an offered to customers. Our stook of Proprietary Medlolnes Is very Imre. 1'rloes an low, F. JORDAN, MEDICAL HALL. THE OLD RELIABLE. Att KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THE HEST Scranton ilail Coal IN THE, MARKET Al (hal weighed on the Market t10a1.e where 700 gel MOO he. for • too. WM. LEE. Ord.,. 1.3 t. at LEE D Store promptly attended M. i BROPHEY & soy rte 1i&DINO - H MMILi•ak yhyRAO,*. ate► Orden earerally onoade4 N ae all boar•. ■1110 or dal. Skarbee Street. Mill Wood FOR SALE The 4 ova is cut into stove wood ielt,th and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day ea ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at rrsidenae, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. G.xterirh, Novem her 21.3. 1899. 63-3m stet.I Shingles either Galvanized or Painted Are Always Thry ora more er-onomic•I1 Relle. bled+'rahleanal Quicker to apply than any other•, fitting emir- " ately -and therefore n+t es ly laid. They have been thoroughly tested in all kin.le of climate+, invariably proving }'Ire, L/htning. Mum and Weather Prod. if ynw.e lwil4ir.g.rna4 osewef mtir faction hyrde "ng Fa•rt.Atr,l for roof-fullestthe information if yo.. writs Metallic Roofing Co., Limited, M3EtftAtl 5371*, T17RORIU, (AMl1U3. RO1t SA1.14 HY Lee & Sliepkarl 00 YOU BUY GROGERIES? No one who buys ()roceries can afford to overlook the bargains which we offer on every lawful business day. Our Groceries are of the best quality, and the prices are as low as first-class goods can be bought at 1f you +re not already dealing with us, make a trial purchase, and see if we cannot, suit you. ISTaCTIM=Ydr• CO • THE (IROCERR, WEST SIDE SQiiARE. Bar ;clods promptly delivered. Telephone fetes 111