HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-10-30, Page 44 TROSau•r, Out 30, 1902. OF SPECIAL INTEREST. Never before have we offered such good values in ready-to-wear Clothing as we are doing this season. Oae could sc•roely believe that he mould get such good clothing for so little money. Take time to read our prices, it will pay and pay you well to investigate oar offerings. O V ERCOATS AT $8, $9 and $ 10. - Ragl•nette Overcoats in frieze and cheviot effects, edges double stitched, raised seams, vertical pockets, good linings, velvet collar, length 47 iuches, at $8.00, $9.00 and $10.00. SUITS FOR $8, $9 and $ 10. Our stock of clothing at the above prices Is especially good value. They are made by the W E. Sanford Company (the Oak Hall clothiers) who are noted for their good -fitting and good -wearing clothing. Let careful buy - en who seek the best returns- for their money investigate our $8.00, 1$9.00 and $1,'.00 suits. We welcome inspection and oolspariron. The more you compare the stronger becomes the conviction of the superiority of our values. MATS. MATS. Just received a shipment of the mot up to -date American Fedora Hats' These were rent to us without our ordering thew, but being sash • nice shape and good quality we kept them and will make • special price on them for this week ° at $1.75. Move quick. THE SIGNAL : GODERIOII ONTA RIO Europe for the p.rtots of making • careful study of • problem "bat t1 of ootest aptly is tog Iotareat 1• America He tall, o1 the way the Immigrant* are dealt with by the great toteigu ireusponattou uompanIS , .bese became It is to doe! with the Impel pewlble bumso targets, bow they travel on the railroads, bow they are f.d •ud housed at the great terminals •t Hamburg sod Hans, and of the uu.tment tney receive ea the brae voyage acnes the Atleutto Col. Cattle Guild, it , who was • well known speaker derma the late premde AM can. paten, wet esel the work el "1ha5pellbied• or." Tb. emitter le notably strum/ to t -• tion. J. M. Barete's beautiful .1 "The Litt!. Weite Bird" Ie oeoaludd, cad it will take Its plan "moot the very beet work Mr. Barrie has yet done, Mtr. Wharton ooutributts "The L'ily'. Maid's Bell," • ghost story In • vein mew to this .000mp'hshed author, with • vety teal ,Heol f my•tsey. 1t te itluetr•t•d by N •Its, Appleton Clack. ''Harry of Eugl•ud" by YusJails idarrudtt Is • dashitg stoly of the New Yore horst show, wnn a vay a:- trsat're element o1 romsoue •rd seat.mISt. n 'h Illuttrattew by Christy. Sewell Beed, author of ' Chieftato," tell. o1 lite •dves- tur,s that bale) "Sella', Sae of Pathe,' se • member of • fasting cevalty trap Ica tet l'i,il Wu. There us lilas'.raiiae by L Maynard Dison. W. C. PRIDHAM. Perfect Fitting 11 ttnlsg Haute Mea'. Clotbh+r, Furnisher as a 11 otter. Sole Ageooy lot Gbtenty's lista. EVANGELIST MCHARDY wait 'menet /portal Nestle's' al Vlelerle Street Setheeost gnreb. Rev. Itobsee Meflsrdy, le', /f 1'oruoto, will "eels the p..Mr, lite,. J. W. Rob'oaaa, Ia Vs.Mrl$-e!. Mstbedchetah, ()edema, begtceleg neat SeCay. Na,. tad. Lightness of a Dorothy Dodd On the Scales. Agreat many iuterestioq facts may be discovered with a pair of scales, but it is doubtful if auy single fact will bo wore in:ereatiug and valuable to the •versge woman than the weight of her shoos. Fpr this tells her the number of ounces that must to lifted thousands of times each day, and • little calculation still show that she lifts tour of shoe leather • day-uo small labor iu itself, The "Dorothy Dodd" shoe saves the lifting of more than one and • half tons every day. A pair of "Dorothy Dudd" shoes are several ounces light- er than ordinary shoes. The feet are just so much more comfortable, and you aro so much lees tired. Put a parr to the teat. They cost $3.75. N, B. -of course we will give particulars of the '4,000 0aatett. /SSA• e L $i rroe• II-• EVERY THURSDAY MORNING) ■T �. NeelLaJtWRSI QODERiOH. THURSDAY OCT. M. 1902. WEST HURON ELECTION SAFE. AT Osgoode Hall on Saturday last the formality of declaring West Huron safe to the Liberals was gone though. As is known to our readers a petition easiest the return of M (i 'CAMERON wases- tered and efforts were matte to discover evi- dence in the constituency that would war, ant the;.nat being attacked For months peat agents went from municipality to munici- pality seeking for twume &gainet the present member, but not the alighte•t vestige could ire found. This is a particularly good show ing, and Rest Huron is to be congratulated upon the result. In this connection it will be drniemireeerl that immediately after he e'eotiem there was a great hullaluloo about alleged oleo tiara raaoalities, and it was claimeel that the courts would n.ake some terrible exposures Well, the courts were invoked, and it is very satisfactory to know that there were no disclose es in West Huron. To tete con- trary there wax a specific statement made by int of the lawyers at 0agoode Hall, which was coneurn.t in by the opposing lawyer, that West Huron was one of rev. oral asses which had been entered in the that ipmething would 8. found to warrant going op with the trial, but that althouvh every effort hal been made to procure eyidemce, ping of • comp:umuing sbaract• r multi he . Which is very sat- isfactory SNAP- - Atter the storm comae tlsa calm. - Mr. TARTS say., "I will .day, 'au re volt', not '•dies'.' - Now that The Toronto Globe "tad The Toronto liter have decided to treat Tears fairly, the small fry in the procession should follow mutt. -Thal letter of T•Rrs'it is a model of democratic simplicity, plain statement and suppressed personal feeling. it makes "good Dopy, -The Galt Reporter affirms that during the put air years the Liberals have increased the national debt by en 839.706 The Re porter is either egregiously ignorant nr willfully mendacious. -It its now claimed by his opponents that there have been better Ministers than TAnt&. Well, that may he, but we do know there have been a large number of worse heads of departments. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING - BOTH ARO IN yr. Brookville Reosrder : In speaking of the • u•In.•s in Sou'.h (Mimi', not one Comesr- vett•o paper hoe oommeoted on the taro that the main lo..rument In the deal and the man who pocketed the earth, 1• the mite wh• four years •.o was the 1'oos.rvative eaadldat. In that oontl,ueaoy. He offered lea play Judas with bio fellow f' 11.., the tonal member, and .upply evictor, s to awes, him for • prloo. Jeoaeon, • Liberal, e wallewd the belt and entered into the deal. Neither parte bee anything to De proud of In the trainmen toe, and surely the Coseervatl•ee ought to be tee heartily ashamed of their ea•o•wdldat• and the man they shouted for four years age, to /lest ever Iva treachery u • thing to be a.lmlred. merely Menem h. pulled • Liberal Into the mer with blur. Clinton 11rs '1 hoe. Tinting, Detroit, le visiting her old 1' lateen friends, being the gust of Mrs. Jae. smith. CLEARING THk SLAYS. twelve Sere Ilerele.P.UUesaleeaYeN- Aswan Them Weil Nat ea. (Toronto Star. sat vrda).t Twelve petitions aol eight mom p.dtioae dismissed, the demo deed for four, tad tax toes poised for t so weeks wag tae emelt of • netting of the K eotion ('curt, which luted lege theta half an hour, today I' tank 'Jost We mine's. to dispose of tilt ,r.lve Lott Lions which ware dtrmAK • sword of • little lees than • miou:v each. Toe petitions dums.id were divided as follows : Against L berate : Stormont v. Id Wes'. Smith Wentworth • D amnion. Wset Huron v. Cameron. South Norfolk • (:barites, °roes petition South Bruce v. Truax amt arose-petlttop. (:entee Sur, a sgelne1 Davidson anti ores. petition. filmiest 1'.,ntervatIves Addi"ge•n v. Reid. West Hamilton y Hendee an1 oron- petittoo. h:.t Hamilton v. ('.r.o•llea and orget- p. !!toe. Manitoahe v. Gamey and otow-petitio". Algoma •. Soy Di ami oro.• petition. South Huron against. E I bar and crook - petition. Two tr alt were set for Novemo.r 18 : t routenao a .tort Gallagher (C)ns 1, at King•tor, at 1 30 P. M. Halton .ralnst Bober (Lib I, at Milton. And two for Novemhsr 25: Lennox •,.feet l'.recalle, (('on- 1. •t Ne pease. Kingston •gale•! P.n.s iLlb.), at King- ston. The following sa et(tloos were post poned for two weeks North York •gatost Da•le at, 1 eros -p, t two. Leatr• Hines •veinal (Araks (Lour. y and orne. pet igloo. Eat 1.1',Innrtne r;lbiost Gibson (Lit.) .od most menthe). North Ontario against Hoyle Wenn) mid oro.s-peutio•. North 14aterlon against L.cknerWoos.) aid (woes peMNoo. S•elt the. Mario .,.test tlbo.mpt).l) Ills emit was oompoeed o' Justices Mac - lemma and ( r.er bar Edmund Bristol appeared for the Conservatives. Mr. R A. Grant for the Liter.I., and Mr. H. A. B - tnn for the Liberal petitioner In Howls Huron. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. 111171100161 MAGAZI•, AND RAVtew roe NotLenaa -This camber muutelne Iia ••cu •t •.e for ep-'o-fete Intoes'. Toe dime la R ums•la and elsewhere le 'tel y treated hy the editor, •ed to an srttole ny the Rev. J C Seymour. ern "Justroe to rte .lee," sad one by the Rev D. Herten .o " rhe J... in Peoobeey and ffietori ,"-. .ympostum .d g,e.t current Interco'. A )h.reoter',ketch of L.dy Henry Some •e:, Mai 1a soon to tent Canada, la also of oar re .t tnt.re.r. Amoeg th• ;Nostrvnd ar 'teles are "rove H'ghlenns of Ontario," "The U• ly Wo k of • Mis.io•a,yso Iona," 'In I),le•a•I,. ' "N••Carp!eoss of French I'•m.leg,"and •of erecter .5.leh of the wt., end witty Sydney Smith, all well illustrated. There are also watt.,. net "Tbe Futb's IL- +lu•mn," Sketches of tb• (tecual Coe- ferenco at Wenolpeg," by Dr. Cnowo, ''The Solar SI•••," sad • abort sketch of O. Camp- nell tlorg•o, The General Conteracoe and Whir timely toploe ar• awaited by the Attar. In this number begins, • story of Aviators by sea ani lend, of aheorbiog In- '..r.at, by Freels Belles. November and Deoen,h,r numbest; will be given free to new •ul•.or,bcr 'reroute : William Hrlrg•. Montreal : (. W. Coate.. Halder : M. F. Huestl., 12.00 • year ; dl 00 for •Ix months i('RIBwUE. FOR NOV1Mn111 --The open - Inr article to the November Sorlbn.r'e. "lo 'he Paha of 1NSlgratl n,"u by Janus R. Connolly, wit• recently mad• a trip to RNV . govt. An exrhs•ae says : --' He is one of the nest loved and most honored evangelists lo Tan ad• today. A most •ttraouve rpt taker. extorter., Beset, pathstiu. stirring alt the • mut eras of the soul. Hi citreous men as ratioosl b tinge, 000v:smog the Judgment, arousing Ole cunro:eooe, and taking nowt: - elan of the heart. 1;,4 bas boaored It m with Brett succe's. to bis reverie meetings to 0.14 over 200 portions woe converted, .std this is only wta' hoe happened from hie teeth up. Hs began preaohluir at the age tel nineteen and • vett Wee he had obergs o1 a revival where over S00 were 000yertsd He hu l.bor..l three years to E'tg'aod and has coneiuo'ed eery tae in many of the Auto: loan Cues. He is most petal erly . 1 r..t orally 8 tot fur the work. Tbs. meetings a l;I be oeattnued through the week, every •ten ng cro•pt Saturday, o- mmeoc•og at 7.30 o'u!ook. Everyone a eat o..tly lockedu .steed. NEWS OF THE LAKES. Tit. U.,n,lo on •urr.y steamer 11,ydeld ler oowrpletea tor ascaron', work and it Ivy lug up at Owen Soiled for the winter. 1' is rpnatal that the weaver United Empire, el the Northern Navrv•uow V.•., 1. 4• tae rebuilt at Colliege'o'el during litho commie winter. Soo News -Record. During the aumer w 11 the at 'taw M sal, 11. wee tea ne 9 o -SI ,cblpioieen roS'• ,n commaoo_ f t pr. Batton, she used loin set tit. 11. it I).aoo, of the Dominion Filth C :, Ie triols of epee", and as • role the lst'er *Mild get • 1 mit the hat 01 tee,atr. "Pei 1 ke to get rP• the D.xoo n'•,".aid Copt .i• Batter, cal r. h. Fed 1..e g van t;t. steatite, 0 .lira e - 1. w week. sou He ea ted pan en It for aim hoe opportun Iy -o 114" 8- 1) inn • rue, 1 u' It did not m me ant 1 Wedaesd.y, whet _ he Ito greyhounds of Lt. tooth et tae woe • ar Resod 1 land b b u.d for the Soo, . dt.t"noe el about twrot, aV. mtbre. Tb. OMfrs's wee eiteh.ly in the root when the race below but gradeally *her .-nal ths di lance bdot e• .h• ten, n1 thee .t er the 11 ton w.. pa -.e?, let gtipn'4 it .o the• w'en •ar ••1 up .ttile copal ller •b•ha. 'ons en etahl m mutes . brat of - hr Mom ('apt. B,4e.o !• natarvlly e.a:rd see' tact that ho now has • tea., 'h.• ran ou'lu' • steamer that h.4 k"pt rto b .1 I-, the reef en many Urn. '.^to... C.1, .1 Dias O •nley and the o. her , fr tsra of he 1) tea .1 • a'I flattened though that the 0..,frage is • be' - ter eget, and ''aim that in the raps tksy were htedieepp.d It the two west •ells, there may beawletus toy 'lime. Permawe•t Cure ler I(ewralale. Experienced sufferer. .t.te rr.t no rent - •'v r.li'vrs •earalgi• •n qo ck'y as • hn, .upl.o son at Polton'• Na v time, the strongest hnlmeot made. Nat vitae is met• -- M" ly very penetrating tori has • pawertal,L loll r rice neer •euralg:c ptln•, which it destroy' •Imo+t at once. Nei v Iann se htgr.- ly rr•ommeoded for rteumstum, lumbago, •otet,et and tom hoe,. H.' -ter ry a 25, •11 right. No pill. like D. Ramllto•'.. Tomorrow Dight 1e Rall,ws'ee Gather veer VieweSi and pnmpkles, sed don't 1 rgat your Tate. Wm. Sharman, jr,-,-bas exclusive sak at GODERiCH, ONT, T6 -the Ladies. The opening of the fall millinery season finds my stock, as usual, complete in the various lines pertaining to ladies' headwear. The most novel eflecte it: shapes anti trimmings are to be found here, and our work in wak- ing up orders has always been satisfactory to my cus- tomers. Ladies ate invited to visit my showroom and inspect my stock at their conveuien,ce. Miss Cameron Milli n€r. U1 ;tut , Cor. Hamilton and Newgate streets. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of cong' ■ must be left at this Otiice not later than Setnrday noon. The Copy for changes mast he left not i ter than Mon- day noon. Casual Advertisements sooepterl ne to nor a W.o.lue.day of cutch weak. ACTS Gown. LIVER or.KIDNE BOWED A ZME SYSItti CLEANSESEFFECTUALL ; 015°1-60L05 itgs Es 5: P OVERCOMES STIPATIOPI HABITUAL PERMANENTLY. 1TS BcNEFjGIAL E GANCTS, flus TME GENUINE-MANY.dY Cairwitilityme ,yy.vrl M)Rs•�� rtv1 VONT is (? v ` �4 a1 Y-_ • L ? Sat: Et Alt Dc')66NTS PSICt 30.! PIN lidfOj r OUR NEW illustrated cststogue, which we send free of charge to any address, offers an assort- ment of gift articles almost unlimited. The Pansy Stick Pin Shown above has the natural color effects hard enamelled on 141. gold. The centre setting is a perfect diamond. We guarantee the safe delivery of this to any address for $8.50. Ryrie Bros., Jewelers, Tong old Adeieid• Sts., Toronto. Ickillop Mutual Fire Iusar'uce • FARM AND ISOLATED TOW' PICOP- ERTYINSURED Value of P. coney leen rel no 'o !einem y, 11101. .. al,eestela 5. otrickles axe DIRZC'1'ORL 3, H. McLean, pre• ' T. reamer, vloe-tres. ; Jee. (,,seedy, 10. Vele. W. O. H,nedtett. J. "tett, Jae. Kvau, J. O. (0, eve, J. Heneewet., directors: W tt H •u a Ifo it, Mean) -11t, inspec- tor of lose"e ; T. 11. Hays. ,•.tomb, se. rear, trees"firer. Anwavw, J W. Yeo, llolmen•illn; Jame. ('omm'neq Esmond vlll. ; It. McMillan, tiea(orth : R 8mttb, Harlrck. poi vy-t older. ran pay amesernant• and gel tear cards reeelpte4 at Mt. Coate'. Clinton, or Moluan Rms. Palace Clothier( Store, Gude gua KNtabll.hed 1800. COOKING OF MILKY FOODS SOUVair }i Perfect Phone Main 4303 W. F. DEVER & CO. STOCK AND BOND BROKERS. le We111n¢ton Street East, Toronto. Maio Offices 47 Broadway, New York; 41 State Street, Boston. BTOCIE 3, B►)NDS AND -GRAIN Bo ght and Sod for Cash or on Martha .-..era.. 14 _,....Nref Riny The Thal Difference between Lamle., mod Purptives cannot he too clearly onderstood. The former we GENTI.P., the boo VIOLENT. A LAXA- TIVE smith thr organs; a PUR- GATIVE takes rhe work out ef aeteree lune A64 every time that nature AIL te peony' ite roper functions it le Mem Reposed to perform them. Purgatives. therefore. are et beet • necessary evil. hke ea 4111141ti4 te reline the Stomach of undigested hod IRON -OX EIMMEMINENNEammin TABLETS MO OS MOW La strenrhentng Ipotesi of delsilltating. 110111 - 50 Tablittx. 25 cent, IT4hL!iI. COLBORNE JJRY GOODS SPECIALTIES. Tk1IS: Cad or Prlluce Black Under Skit to, 41 00, 41 SJ, 42.00. 1I2 50, 42.75. Bleck Sateen. W stats. 41 00,11,25,11 50, 11 75, 41 90, 42 00, 42 75. Ladtei Caner Vomit and Drawer•. Vesta from 15) to 41.00. Drawers from 25o tet 41 Men's aid Hoye' Milos and Brewers in all the Ioadloe mak. e, union and •1l wool. Yen's woof dome 1 iced, slam from 34 to 44. great value. Better beer, woof-!Ined, 6Co, 65o and 75.. Men's •11 wool N'v. Sootl• make, tie - ahem k•ble Iran 50: 10 41 25 A guarantee with each shut Oa at it will sot shriek. Our Amuloeo made Wrapp.e.ttee a1 l0o ani 1211 •, feat oolor, are the beet 1a the trade. COSMOPOLI CAN Black ani grey Drew Skirts, tailor made, cad out i• the bleat t"sbtn", frou, 12 90 to 84 75, made of all soul hoaeaouu. Uro•s Materials In Ibe lateen colorings, 54 to 58 tu:hu wide. Homespun', *151,., Ratko.. Weave*, (-°edit. Sola and othtr ossa makes, Irons 50a to 41.40 'A floe amortme"t o1 Rile (bate made by the S.ottbb Rubble. Co , from 13 SO 412 00, breaths from 56 to 60 Weber. Those ars the bort /sod. is Ittu !gads. Great Value 1n Ladies' *Ad Ublidten's cashmere and all wool Hoer. We Darty the tress hoes of Flocking. made al the (loderlch Ketole/ 51111. PAT LIMNS FOR NUVEt1BKR h(SV ON SALE. J. H. COLBORNE Do You Know? We 'memos, neome. r e s for the tall eessoo. Pure Spices, as MACE, CINNAMON, WINDERS, CURRY, PEPPERS, eta ou have ao 'Arsenio; Io hoylog these 'torn us for w• oast tett animated gu.rentes them ab.olstely pun. They ars sol se everywhere. FLAT CORKS. JAR RINGS, CANDY (BOTTLES, WAX, We., etc. • Beatemall STOVE -PIPE VARNISH. Brghtest Lustre, Least Odor, Easiest Applied of all Stove -Pipe Varnishes Preserves the pipes. Excellent for all exposed iron work W. C. GOODS, Chemist, - BEDFORD BLOCK. SPECIAL SALE OF ale BARBED WIRE Price good only for the month of October. 2 or 4 Point at $2.50 per Hundred. On November 1st the price will go back to its regular figure. BUY EARLY. We carry a full line of Hardware, Paints, Oils and Glass. PRICES ALWAYS LOWEST. N. D. ROUGVIE, he rash Hardware Store, Ooderich, Ont. GET READ YTea re sever was suck • deemed for 'Adios sod Genal, men roofing • thorough knowledge nl Commerolal apd Shorthand e ...rk. 16.. LONDON, ONT , has 6esl416d wore studest• 10 profitable poeftieos during the pa. )ear In• a v Sch- of In the SV..t, W. would b• pleased to ...let you Particulars a Par el .1. W. WESTERVELT. Principal. TAILORING... 1 hays receh•d my Now 'Meet el Suitings, Trouaeriap, etc., for FALL iad WINTER Wear. If you are ger 'Ing a new 'pHs' salt, a light over, ort, or anything in my 116e, l own please von to goods, tit and price. £V Reads -w• le 11alb1w1 In Marls. H. DUNLOP, w" " RHYNAS & CORNELL UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS, Etc., Weet side of Marc. OODERICH, - ONT. Night Balls promptly anewsrd. atmmm m tmtttnrmmnrmn mi %E make a_great- many kinds of appointingly too often. the difficulty of getting milky foods to "do" Mitt right. Milk is of an impree- eintiable nature and take. ..air to imelf everything with which it is ourtnunAer1 I1 you've cooked 4 roost in the oven previously the aroma remains equally in the oven find imparts its flavor to the rice pudding or custard ot other dish contain- ing milk that gore in neat This trouble in averment completely et ith sn nereted oven. rood cooked in this way to alwallu surrounded he pure. fresh sit Tien, ie n constent now of Olio health -Mein( element in and ant all the time, mokinir iniponeible the reten tion of any foul otters to dentroy the flavor of the mom delicate •nd carefully' DreVared dainty Th. Aerated Oven is found only in the Souvenir Range. Sold Everywhere. One will Last a Lifetime. THE MARSHALL SANITARY MATTRESS. SOLE AGENT. 141e by TIE 011IMEY-TILIEN CO., Limited, gasifies. Canada. PAT. SEPT. 1900. THE ONLY VENTILATED MATTRESS IN THE WORLD. l'orto,11y onti,aled. Perfectly Resilient, It haw handiest to FR or carry it by. It i. non cheaper knd more (hirable than the hest hair ma Otero'. It cannot get lumpy, and will not mg from It te thin moet healty and must romfortAblo Mattress., made. op- Cell owl examoits ment.. Sold only 1,4, WILMER SMITH, E 44 Gc, loaf from our agent. See how white and light and FIMPel it IL • I hie better, includes, among other itnprovemente, patent °tens that I eke our breed to suit everyone's taste Eureka and Homemade Bread " E The Parnell -Dean Steam Baking Co., Ltd. Ilealer 1lightN1rade and Art (1017.1., Kest Stmt. OODKRICH AGENT. HAMILTON STREET.