The Signal, 1902-10-30, Page 3Miss Gannon, Sec'y Detroit
Amateur Art Association, tells
}oung women what to do to
as oid pain and suffering caused
by female troubles.
ren conscientiously recommend
Lydia E. I'Inkham's Vegetable
,Compoundt crtu wth femto ale weakof nessand,uffcrlug
the troubles which so often befall
women. 1 buffered for months with
general weakness and felt so weary
that 1 had hard work to keep up. I
bet ,hooting pains and was utterly
mieeralle. In my distress 1 was ad-
-, .ed to use India E. I'Inkham's
Vegetable ('ompound, and it was
a rd letter day to me when 1 took the
first dose, for at that time my restore: -
tem began. In six weeks I was •
(hanged woman. perfectly well in
every respect. 1 felt so elated and
happy that 1 want all women who
suffer to get well MI I did."- Miss
GcrtA GANNON, J59 Jones b;t, Detroit,
I'orrenpending liec'y Mich. Amateur
Art A„oeiatlon.-js000fal,ltff rlrt"d•f
OA. tetter •rwlM r•palA•aou ca•wut be protWent.
it it clearly shown In Oils
young lady's letter that Lydia E.
Pin kham's Vegetable Compound
will surely cure the mutterings of
women; and when one eonaldera
that Miss Gannon's letter lit only
ens of hundred% which we have, the
great virtue of Mr,. Plnkham's medi-
cine must be admitted by a11.
Chantccialr's Chatty Description of the World -famed
Resort—Gossip of the Place;r People and Fashions—
The United States invasion.
A Forest of Fontainebleau report: Arun town, with a large military
Again 1 baro the gond luck In college. and this giver a bright air
cella of halcyon days', real warm to It, while at facie reason the forest
b full of cheerours. A rad feature
sunny weather, rpoat In perfect sur- is the prevalence of rhoottug accl-
ruuudingr of forest and river wen- deists; to begin with, almost any -
(ay, with seine as blue an (auudlarl OOe etas have a gun If he hardly
skim overhead The leaves are knows one end of it from the other,
For 25 coots you can take out a
turning (art, but Lass Pearce,/ be- peened for a Sunday, the day par
excellence for la chaste, and no on
that day eepee(ally there In a large
preponderance of ignorant ',pored -
emu. This was brought home to me
on leumtay last with forcible effect,
for as I was walking along the edge
of the elver I stet two sad -eyed men
tarrying 0 halo little ten -year-old
boy who had Just been
nhot by a l'htasseur !
In a way it wee an accident, but
the man had no beefiness to be shoot-
ing closet to a [albite road, the little
boy died la n couple of hours; three
gnu to fail, and the gardens+ of the
chateaux and humbler dwellinge are
eel gay with flowers/. Ytwt,'rdny
wo drove to 'lilt ant lntererll,g old
lith century church with mot curl -
our and weird carvIngr and the res
mated of han.tsouin brasses. Mon -
Meer le Cure who took ea over polut-
td out Ito autlqultlor with great
pride, he did not refer to the green
mould oo the walls and the general
air of dampacss and gloom pi-rved-
Ing It. iia had suc11 It kpod, Inter- doctors, hastily rumutoued, saw that
rating face end genial wanner. I no human skill could avail, and the
poor little child, who was upending
hi• holidays here with hie grand-
mother, bol a palhetke little village
funeral, and he laid in the small oeel-
etery, which le hemmed In with line
trees, a perfect emit, though luuely
perhaps, for Dotty Acre. The man
tthu shot him menet quite heart-
broken, and truly 1s far more
to be puled than any one ride.
Of motor accidents I weal not ruck
for they seem equally prevaleut ou
your slate of the water. There le
such a vigorous look -out taut just
now, however. to detect illegal . ew1
and so on that one Loper thin real-
ly delightful form of locomotion may
Loon be attended by fewer
I have area a great many Ladles
could not help picturing whet hie
life must Ire dnrlag the winter
month% In that tiny Isolated tillage,
with ewly "simple" families for puar-
iselonerr. Ile war very communicative
and told nri that to the sce..on many
Anirrkanw visltel Ores. "I think," he
remarked naively, "It must be be-
cause of tho river. .Americana are
Ilke the canards( (ducks) if they can-
not be near the railway they like
to bo near the water so that they
can take a bleat and tali home!" 11e
le dlstres.ed because they have no
musical hstrument to ►peak of in
tho church. ant cannot afford an
,American organ because of the enor-
moue duty. "+'east un petit pays." he
reuuarkel p•.athelically, to 1 pro-
mised tonne my Paris remade if they
have nny or them a eecutel-baud one
to d1. pate of.
Then wo drove. to Nemours, most
picturesipse, with its winding river
and retrain with quaint old brllg'.
spinning both. Vletor Hugo was
devoted to Nemours and has erre-
make the lair ratify use ..f al- 1 ten ce.talleally of Its beauty and•I. :: owtnera; cologne, 1 ounce; ptacefulne:as and of the comfort to
ba•arbrrrte of gods. 1-4 oltsee ; rose be found at the old hoetelry at
enter, 4 ounces. 'nib lotigta will not which wo putwed for eoffee and
hurt your hair V you only nee 1t of-. create cakte's. Robert Louis ttteven
ca.lunally, say twit* a week. The ton 'tem.aleo had. mach to may of
biearbeerate of soda is very del lag.' these environs which I have thought
but lair to be fluffy must be dry. it brat to describe iermewltat diffusely
Once a week apply to atm hair and as It
&-alp a little eareltne, to counter- I
May Help Somme Hamilton Art Yu
art fisc effect of soda areal alcohol.
who come over with the hope of flnd-
tn exoellent lotion to make earhaiIng palmuable quarters, with cote -
grow la mesio of : drafaams;
t 1 (ortatrle Inns at reasonnhte priers,
Anm . spirits of wiled, `: dram■ ; tloc-
tur•e of .antlwr,lem, 1 dram : rose-' aol p'rlapr town limn and money, In
awry oil, 4 drop.; rose water. 1_4 _their quest. I halo met a goal
pat. In olve too camphor In the many arti.ts here -French and Am -
spirits re( aloe, add) tee .l1 and the' et lctn. and delight in letening to
rantbarttleik awl lastly the rasa their pilnter,i lemon. thtnngh 1 teet-
otaler. Shake well before uring. fetes the *tittles. 'argot' Ie very often
Nampo° the hair nem in two weeks+ quite unintelligible. and the tonnes in
with a lotion mad. by boiling a hone!- w hirl it an 'agreement by no mean%
fie each of box ant rosemary bates mue.cally mts+lulated. mai quo
in a mane Of winter about 20 min- tuteez-veus? Il y.s, invade their
utero strain and stem told add half bwtintr you moot take them ns Sou
a R,11 -01-••••44-1e-1rr►4- cwt aaol,- AA- -Lacy
tie In the water. with which the lhem:Kites, (hey are the worst people
hair is wealant. Always rine bale Ilting for talking "shop." Alexander
with clear water. 1 Harrison, the Paris- A' pointer,'
Lola on s Arts Wssata. was here ter two months, painting
all the time, anti Mr .Albert Iktklt-
Not Long ago Emile Zola was in'• ,;ihoo, also a l'hlladelpolian, it st4I
111.1 to lecture before one of the here and doing most excellent -work.
meet arst.rcratic it omen * cline an srnn,. „i W heat ic Ageing t'. an
Patin. and to their ninute next he libation In 1'artanf pictures 1 , .Amer--�
begin toy teeing them thnt with nil leen arttats—alt deeoreted naen w
their pretensxwq they knew nothing have mad. their mark nett aro ern
.4 literature or politica. ('ontlnuln.1. the highway of Knee.... I1 opens on
ale Maidrrt4end to be intrdcstel in Oct. eeth, and will be tory Interest -
i leg -well wort h a ttait from any
theee questl.w.s, but really you are Iiamttonfans who find thre e.item In
VW. 1'cmr dr17111 are Reay d..ot.'I ''eels th1s fell.
O. ho,llsI, ntnusrmrnt nisi useless ac. I An nmumtng and lntere ting feature
1 emu, Ihtrrmlnable totict'making, se- of our sojourn In the st 1s the
Snood with dressmakers, lunebteots, 'week!" market la th0 rlllsges. At
sentare, plot bras, ., Ifter•r I Font.inebieaa It le
hetet en, receptions, balls sad tee- I
litre*. Quite • High Tressed Affair.
1...0, eased your time 1n gossip Lou pick tip quaint pottery, and
which in stoma when It is not week. bljonterle, and really good tare end
et. I bilks. The Shops semi all their rein -
Vol grovel with astonishing nine.. rants here to be .okl off, and you
my tr. gala admltteeee Into mortal get marvellous bargain". in the way
rtmles above your own and cannot of realle goal .bks in short lengtho
n.n esil your asinine contempt for ' for shirt waists nod so forth. Each
1"^l'i'e supposedly brtew yourwelte.. i tt'hngn market has Ila awn 1plititheil
not le the sort of ee, n inal,„ty . merrhandlse and charaeterlslic Naeem
mver@arult adwlt, to become at all uul-
1 do not ns yet ren any nvi,+a-
Ilonal changes In the way of tittle
novettler, though the Out foto roue
forth, "more bluff." The fact 1.,
the graceful, slender. "eternally-
feminiue" figure has become .0
part end parcel of the "nouveau
dente" (new century) ■omunn that
If tltkre Ir to be any mtelificatlon
of the close clinging /cyte
Hound the Waist and Hips
the change will have to be very
^gto subtly and eautiourly In�lunaled,
or 1t will be rejected at ono°. cin
far, the difference has chiefly
shown Itself in coati" and outer
garments generally. which are all
the time growing in their propor-
tions; tiny figure. ere •Imoist ex-
tinguirhel by them, and what et
trausformetlot It it when the
wrap Ir slipped off and the wear-
er'* rwelte and Mender silhouette
is seen. 1t in almost worth while
being 'smothered up for the sake of
the contrast. Buttons aro In full
force, and will be an important
factor. Such beauties one sees• in
all manner of parsementerle effect'',
to be arranged or dotted about in
groups+ or singly, with fanciful bulls
and ends depending from them.
Plain moulds covered with velvet
or faille. In the style of the mod-
leh pastilles, are used.
Evening Shore.
-I am now jotting down items b1
their order from my note book -
are shown in cloth of @liver, to re-
place white satin, and little t iu-
deceits gems they are. rather high.
In Louts shape, with high heels and
as tiny paste "bottle" or ball, o0
the toe. A new lace Ir guipare in-
crusted on net, the latter of the
color or .one of the material o11
which it Is to form a trimming, Au
;ter garniture 1i" put►ile hofe lar ,"
were, ta►tttoned 1rons -tieulf.
slender wooden bead... mach a0 you
see on the liberty beetle, but tinted
In all sort% of shades, a somewhat
bizarre hien, but then novelty and
.tti•avagance are the keynoter o
the coming setason. is
quite "vicar you," and the plain -
at matorlal"le conjured and work-
up and transmogrified till tis
m her would not know it. Where
will t all end? May be la- a return
to it plain mnslbis, sandals, and
mute, of Mme. Bee/toiler'sday.or to nfordlan simplicity. Nous
yerro0s! ..t n pretty chateau lunch-
eon 1 saw ,charming picture lost
carer used a$ menus. Tho guest's
name on the 'address; side, the Ilot
of dishes on tide other. Pictures of
the hunting and .bootleg scenes In
the forest of Fo • tainebleau were
most appropriate nd reasonable.
11 enclose one for e Editor to
bear me out.) But the ea may not
be new to you, in your nd where
the crop of original nolle is is al-
ways so fertile and abuada t. Next
week, from Paris. i hope , tell
of many new farhlons. whic
appearing. so feet. it fm with
ficulty that one secs then/.
perfection that one is filo to classify
It among the modern arts. The cut,
iit and workmanship are well -night
faultiest', 1f you go to one of the
good houses where the cult of skins
ranks moat highly.
Parisian are Mooted to Fun
They are chilly mortulr at all times,
dreading a "oouraut d'atr" al a cat
does water, and loving to muffle
thlenureIves up in Wry and coquettish
fur g urwentr. Ito French furriers
know what to required and expected
of the m and are prepared to give 1t -
at their own prices --Lien enteidu-
for their ideal in this respect 1s high.
lists dace not creep. d the fur furore,
and many are belug 'town either
made or trimmed in it. A pretty Louis
XV. shape of miniver has a drapery
of soft wpinaeh-green velvet, with
white dahlias arranged under the
brim; an Ivory long -hatred felt, very
supple and silky, Itis a narrow brim -
edge of sable, a drapery of cream
lace and a tuft of golden-brpwn
chrysanthemums "en cnchepeignt•,"
and yet.6nother of the same peersw-
slon 1s to otlrery chinchilla, with folds
of panne In a deeper shade, and a
cluster of yellow sunflowers under
the brim.
Moire Will be kluge
and rather square In
the boas and stole* will much
decked with plssentroterle ortlametts
foul tapir, but stuff,[ heads 'are no
more! The fur blouse, well again be
seen. but in a more Imposing sextet.
-fuller, with wider sleeved and
vette and In a mixture of (urs wit
rich pa.sementerte ornamentation
and fanciful buttons. The realokin
vont to Its native .lmp'leity le ulna
considered good /style, hit must be
brought up to date with pngata
eleevee and, if posmilile, it wand of
numau leads. What rl,tht have ye.. twoPk'• You buy delhrloue .averts,
t.1 1.11.0,1101 to phlkasophy, literature fruits and cake, thn Ialt"r cookcd be-
tint politic*? I fore you and offered on the cleanest
The• Naihvtlle (Teas-) Amer:can,ln of plates nr white paper, so that
iceit.liieing tin above, and comae. , everybdy eats a little "emelt" In the
rr:nhty mown. says: ''''Tr --would seem 1eter►al*- e( 61,014 11-
t 1 mlaay there
that the fashlonahl, women of Par remark, e:% petulant,
le are much thn snme n% th. faih- torts no British mlbJ'ctN need have
"cell.. women of our elites In the the slightest doubt of their reception
Unite.! ,:tatrt. Zoe' 0.111 utter some by tho inhabitants of the Forest
wlsde,.ome truce when he tries.' not one black nr moro,n exprresiun
- have I seen, much leas heard one un-
An tetra -ming finery Prone an lee-
bindle MHtlemeat.
Atli word. Teen the gp:'.y tramper
and bargemen Kite 011' a pleasant
• [inn entre while the tillage folk are
real vicar... all ready and ntger to
chat and tell their fatally "hiotorl-
(Prem the Logberg. in.) "item,' tnlereslrl In our snap -shoot -
The renders of I.ogberg tette long log no 1� Ifre then copy Is fling' to cemie
been familiar with the tirtum of their and V yet admire the
Dr. Williams' Pink Title through the wn y'
well autle.ntlacatel wereo inielielted eters of the olive branches, 04Fgive
in these columns moth week. Ai'.ny the babe n "1011' In R• -frit fief, they
of our readers are also able to t ouch aro i cur clone friends for life! The
for cures which have come under rMidren r. ttniele have eery pretty
their own observation. Thio week coloring. fnlr heir aid bright, mnn-
"Lneherg" bis rreehel a letter kleeel inm+. Ther get plenty def milk
from one of Ito refuters, Mr. B Wel- nn.l egge stud crusty bread, hut net
terson, a promperons farmer !king mirk cies, fancy. The hauled are
at Hrn, is which 110 gives his awn ell eprotleesly clean, and decldnlly
experience In the hope that it cony tnsteeil : nearly everyone lam n
! supply .of Planing rapper pot',
benefit memo ,ether Ptrffrr"r. its. a1el .v
'kaltermnn rny0: "Some years ago and Pala". m'twtly hetrh*,mt with n
1 war mnfferinr su greatly Irmo
n hong pedigree. They tie not, 1
rhenteatI*m In my ltn,bs. that I Wan sorry to may, go
to for
fpr n long Unto ithable_lo do any the pietnrexpne costumes of the
wort i tried .'Ji7C
In many *WA t oh Norman and! Prelim p Reentry, and
• n
M:,• ti" x'mrr tooth by Ci ' mei afters7^41teiv (last-.-.':jsiar.mrse'.'..ltaa,
elms Ana mcihelne presroilleet bydee- Mimed .the wemwen am decld"dly
tor,, but wlthont obtaining any homely. and wrinkle eery quickly.
benefit I Whim ppgp • fink o F ntaineblenn itself Im n Paschal-
ildirpr-lifti.the I.ogt berg nm tntf ?Tm trIRm, 1.17Wrn't"d tri lvwrortaaer
Wine: a cure for this lroehle, and- with Its toreot entoarnge, and its
l:xquh.le (arm or it !ether
tleterminel to give It a trill(
taught a dozen boxes and before
half of tbem were n„1 1 felt re great
ehnngo for the bettor. Thin Improve-
mens contlnnal from .day to tiny, and
before 1 had small all the pilo 1 wail
romplrtely cured. Mimeo (hat time 1
harp never had an Attack of thio
tenable. After this i uwnl the pile
In several other cases Unit no other
medicine how been No henefklel t0
tsa I feel It my they to pvnblkly
glen teetinony to the merits of thin
wondrrfnl medicine PO others sliml-
meth efflktet may he led to try 1t.”
I1 y'm.l are weak nr ailing; If your
nrrcrt aro lire) 0r JuIod, or your
blood In nut of condition, you will be
n ire to nes, Dr. Williams' Plnk Pills,
0 iH•h ere an unfallleg care for All
filen 1 sol nerve trotd,l• a But ba
*nrr you get the genuine, with lee
fch mate, "Dr. Wlllinmr` Plnk Pills
ter Pale Pcopl","' n.1 the wrapper
nrm,nl every box. Bold by e11 meal-
time dealers, or sent post atld at
f+(t'vets a box or alt betel for Il'",1f0 current 1y.
h7 writingdirect to (ha Dr. WII- The Revlon' are a, httt•ly In their
"' s Medicine Company, rrtpekvlhe, way n0 the pnlarr. a rd mnrvellonely
Oatnaive Fonhtinrblr0n le A VW -
era In Ito 1111111. It le *1111y an en-
chanted ptlace, with roman upon
rooms moot exquieltely demented.
with art teeaslrea wherever yhor
eye chances to remit. it inked many
many visna to nen It properly. .1
guide will rest you Ihr(ngh 111 en
our and leave our mind In a *tate
of wondering bewilderment, with
your feet selling after your rept+,
tramrlt 0ter lest 1",hi.diotl p rgnet
flower: Vert 11 yon rare to awe the
little giver key. it is effienelnae in
nnlneking the ddorn. and you gel a
man to go through the rooms, with
you. "In e(wneartments," an Lord
bnndrenry wnold ray. end that Is
the way to take It all In. and really
enjoy he beauty. Everything le
bentrtlfally kept op. 1 cloth] not help
remarking that althoogh there wan
nt leant one won lerfel hittnrleelock,
mnnntetl In scored. bnhi. ormolu, ole.,
In each rtas. they n: •r" fill going
— ni,it,. anoituc OR9i i-'t'T-VBT:CH?
tong Holland Paletots
for automolilIng. eut quite simply.
generally gimped Into pleats back
nib] front, And worn wtth a hat
fashionedIn Swede cloth. wlthi n
white lace ere. Underneath Is one
of the pretty little short. skimpy
frock,, ehowlnig !ugh ten boots.
ni In with a loather belt, meth as
nil the small French children wear,
ashI genernlly accompanied by n
wide. turned -over linen collar, for
the latter aro once more in seas-
on I the-Parliian ^cou ntierl' Erb porn's etrgante's hate their auto corder down In bneinnre or in college, it le
vary march on their high horse for tweet with panther Mlle, very chemic not because they are more delicate
111. moment,rt o're of the proproject- end lovely In color, but rather tot. In proportion or work harder along
ed arrival of n oerlaln American in ranch savoringof a bacchante, one legitimate lions than men, but be
001100 they pout a nervous strain on
their emceed precincts. The invader
and nnurper. am they deem her to themselyee in n tlio,sand linemen -
he. Is a cerlaht ^klly') White," who THE MODERN ]MOTHER wiry way*.
in 'mite of her gentle. soft sounding How to Pop the ejwentimn.
name is meat ns "avant e•otrl;-r" by Has Ways of faring lbs Roby that Our Ladies are growing (meter and
a New fork 'yndkate, to explore, faster. First therm was the "new
rutile, Of Hine eirenehneMherst Never Knew.
glrnn liven and makA
cheriehel new fnehiont. •-ystrmo of Many Mewed sacred traditions of,womnn," then them,: waw the dr-
cutting ,.ni g nein! orgnt:sitlon. Ih.' mersery Mtge heel. cast a0(le by tmnnd far the !etch -key, and vino
They would not fel se eat age were ties bold Amnu un oak the right to
ahs Intsrrding to carry the 'toll%
4aeek ytalae-L�..1t..aRpYata.the-thee ludo
1s to open n big L. S. venture in the
mitered precincts of Poria, where U.
14. labor will he employed under the
`-gnhiren a .sf hraerlsa- `uO°Woms, vides-
will enter ter the fair U. M. Orbs.
and whnt In worse, launch mongrel
Fro nen-America n fashion*. and
sable brought round the neck and
hanging over enrh front, finished
with 1n11e. Persian Iamb 1e dressed to
be es soft no sI k, end makes ver
/mart coats and mantelete bielecite
with hanging motive', of bMek pwese-
menterie 'Petit-grts" is greatly In
demsWel, but ratIi.*' net an adjunct
than for the entire contpozltloo of a
garment. For motoring the winter
coats wtl be 111 rough, short -hatred,
fur lined With vicuna, which maitre
then warm and eebstantlal. They
M111 he accompanied by a_Inr_toque.
If -
•••••••••••••• •N•4'••4'•*N
It it the difference between the
man's way and the woman's way.
The man had to buy a wedding pre-
sent tile other day. He war not
in the neighborhood of shops where
much things could) be bought, but
he did not worry about that. He
itetoaeei a inm dL Mabey 1n a tetter
sent It to a friend In New York.
with the following directions.
"Please get me u wedding present
with the inclosed Money. ,;et it nt
Mr. ftilverrmlth's or Mr. Artstore•.+,
and send It with my card, which i
Inclose, to Miss Blank." and there
followed the name and address
the spirit In which it war gree.
lie turned over the commission to
the first woman he met, with the
indefinite directions he had recely
ed. The woman used her own judg-
ment, bought what elle gleamed. and
bad It sent off as per orders. Not
one of the men saw the wedding
present, which had to be sent In
something of a hurry to arrive on
the wedding day.
A woman would have put enough
nervous force into getting a wel-
ding prevent to have laated her a
month under ordinary ctrcumetan-
cern. It weal,' be ninety-nine chances
rent of n hundred that In a Weiler
rano she would have wafted until die
wao In the neighborhood or the shopo
tele thought meltable for buying lbw
pr,'.rent herself, if mho had to wait
until the wer.ling wan past and
sr -nal It am nn anniversary gift. She
would have been uncertain about the
amount to wad, and probably would
ba v0 ep.tat t the. end twice as mull
naw who felt Abe °miafford. If she
had felt really obliged to commie -
Mon n friend or write directly to
the shop, she would have covered do
half a er eluents of letter paper
le tlslag direct Iona, and tikes It would'Niter-Wolin her heart Ti' - i
net on the present before 4 -wee
realmscot. There is every realto be -
(leve that the present sent by the
man wdwal,l bo quite air 'satisfactory
to hint amt to tho bride an anything
the woman could buy, hut they could
not change methods without chang-
ing nature. When women break
A Granton Man is novo Able to
flake this Antter.
Ito. inNrirntlr did 1101 Always (.rt
euro a ('berry Reply breaure for
Many Yrarr Mr. Fletcher $ulh+red
with Lumbago.
lira ntou, Ont.. Oat. 13.-(Wp.telali-
ilr. .holed Flea/ter, a well-known
farmer of this ulnae, who 'suffered
for 11 lung tine with lumbago and
Kulru'y Tluuble, Loa nt last found
Now, when his friends Inquire as
to has heriltll, he cheerily tells them
that he is well, somethhtg whtola he
has not been able to do for it long
ttpue till quite recently.
Mr. Fletcher tells the story of his
Maus and how he was cared, s. fol-
"I was troubled for a long time
with Lumbago and Kidney Trouble.
My urine was of a very reit color.
1 tried tunny metlelner, but could
get nothing to help me.
"1 eon/rutted the beet ntetleal doc-
tors In Granton and Mtklary's, but
they could do nothing for roe.
"At last one day a druggist In
Grantee snggr'slel Hornets Kidney
Pills as a cure for my Lumbago. 1
purchased a box and began to lake
them right away., The fleet box
helped mit anal I kept. on till at last
I waa artnpletely cured.
"I am now as well as ever 1 war.
and have not any trace- of Lumbago
about nese 1 0n1 pet [telly Lound and
1 thank (Nukl's Kidney tills for It.
"1 recommend them to all my
frit -nap, ani as for myself I never In-
''tentt tlsit nor !totem ..hnit be without
them, for 1 believe them to be the
grttatei t medlelae la the world."'
Mr. Fletcher le a man who means
every word he says atv[ Ie prepare)
to substantiate the truth of every
statement made above.
Thera weeps to be no atm of Lum-
bago, Backache, Kidney Trouble or
Rheumatism, that Dodder Kidney
l'lllr will not cure.
-... Thefriend_ reestred „the
Household Sclent'r.
Try alum water for wearing the
faded colors c.( wash goodie.
Both turpentine` and sleeted are
excellent for brightening windaw
glass. ---
Lace. or delicate materials which
are soaked In borax water db not
require. rubbing.
I' ---
ut half a nutmeg. beside the limedflattering, Into your next loaf of wal-
nut rake. ---
The whiles of meet beaten up with
an ounce of soda and used with a
molt brush will fretthorn gilt framer.
To clean stone rink') with chloride
lime, let the subatanee remain over
11 ht and next morning trash down
wl d water.
W 1 One Woman Observes.
Admire •n and love •ometistee In-
toxicate 11 a the heatiest wince.
These be t . • days' when we sive but
to shiver a ' perspire. .
Vold looks t a sensitive mon% are
like chilling bla m to a tender Wu -
Really great ' ' e seldom look It,
they lack both time nd Inclination
to porn
There Is nothing prog
the weather ; It does not
the ha rises
rive about
prove, nei-
Oceadonally it ie well to reak
good habit. Habits aid the we . but
they also stultify the will and rush