HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-10-23, Page 7AboutOne-fifth of Them Be' come Fanatical AND TURN STOCK LOOSE. sU-ange Forut til' Itrlikiuuw NLutia IA•d ,I Irrw to Itt-llux• le. Work ('all Iv .,I- 11"r.'. t-11"r.e" lir ,u Eal fh-mh--Goveru- orrut Sells 1114• Stock. Yurklon, Adss, Oct. IH.-Yurkt,hl,ir pn)Irabty the marl coo moloulitau rural centro Is, the t'auadlun Wont. .lit lenut lweuty languagew are spoken !n Ile dirlrict, and them IN u habol lit the stn,.id, whero till vortd of foreign c,.tnmtw adore queer-I•,okhlg flgure•n Real faces. Tho morcfinuto employ cungm•tfwt Ihnguints an elerkr, till.[ is Ilia-hing bubluese fa dote•, for the w•ttit-mmuls extend In ,all directions (lir f)um tWeive to thirty miler. At {,rew alt everything Is autwnlinattrl to . tbutuLeYemt around by recent acllunr 8f -some • of the lk,llkhWwur, 1".= wtuvineut reaches to within thirty sties of Yortton. As Ir goneruliy an escort of onl 100 turn. Tho amt uikh+r Rumor d4� nut attawk it, riot (UJ limy dusttny uue of tate eighti hrldgnr between (V -rause anti Li 1'Ioturla over watch the rallrow run". Tho robs -in so .r'd Lod �ee , bol the Government dill a1rO. Prnrtdet'I ('amlro'r forcer tire. rchand to a, 11X1 wen (frets 6,1X10), midi. lieuural Malo,# cilli has ,LXXX) Iformurly 11, OOU) In lire field. It wets not a rout but It methodical retreat. PREMIER BARTON EIOO1 ED. 1'eo1.14• Opt"r;,•d w fire fwirral Tariff I -4N of'1'romble Ahead. vydney, N. 'S. W., Oct. 17. -Tito ox. a/p-•rutlun agsinrt tine working of I)so Federal (;onetltutioa reached it clituax t0o-"Y, when rloloue domon- .itrallons were uwdu against Prime 111nlrter 1lurttm, who bar boon boat - (d In the atroets here In eonamittenee of the gerlentl dlscentent of the crowd with the Government. The Imuledt'uto cuuro of the troubles I" the iwraNNl"R 4dtiinistratlond of the }•alor$nl tariff. Meer•chautx are taken to the phot' court,# and fined for trivial clerical Prrore, much at- describing Itnporteti condensed milk As e•.mWtt from bwitseriand lurtowd of Norway. Mr. Iforton'" reply to thomo Will) have compluiutd haw born nun-twnunittul. lilt n,4trerwal a weuting tit the 'ruwn Iful) t,"noy. Ile Wit" fre111e110y interruptwl fly :t hirgp ndrx,rity, which el, Lung^rut( I'll" that he described thein ILA An- archinta, dlNlovulirtr runt trait (mr N. Tho p•rmons to whue rn th"e mune" wervo nlrplied, retuliateJ by clu•erhig fur Mr. George Itri,l, tto(, dor O tke ^Federat Opp�oje_ttiun. YII`rL1/S POW-- YL . ..rmmw,s 0 r RK0091)[1) TO lx[COTIONG Tried, Convicted and Hanged Two Hours Later. VICTIM WAIVED DELAY. The l'nrwtl tt'uuld /'i„baht) Ila%e K{wmd Him Uw'rn,uhh. it' tile Iltd O bjeefed The Go%'rraor v+lag TrM- ar•aphe•rf 'go and the Hanging Arran”. Nacogdoches, Tex., Oet. 1".._! Jim Buchanan, colored, the murderer of the Ificke faintly, was tried lora yes- lerday, a Islam, of guilty war accept - e -(t by the judge &rill fixe negro was legally hanged within two hours af- ter eentencn had been passed. 'fon duyn ago the dead boditw of Furwor Ilk -kit, hlr wife and daughter were found In the Hlcko' Immo and a week later Jim Dachanan was ar- rested and oontemod to the triple murder. Ituchartan was taken to 8tireveport to escape lynching, and later was re - a a nationalist rn. It J- ...-lemur tur•rrrrrnf wa„ is eortrplere- I In touch with thew y (ample, cot- ------•._... _ tell+• •-.•• With i,ondon, Oct,1B.-XINm lCatp I,iv-term promfmoon• notion. min Motes dt at R'I r hanks, LORD ROBERTS COMING. n" of Lire rt-+gngement de- rlarPa that rotprnte'f tl,ln rr•,ort, lir• Inst ad• IngrlOn", ( n tut"tth' of tin fnmmrsex-nnel'now tilt, at- p h the frim rs have Irr(,n rnllpd ti have tile flan tells to twee tfie wllJtla urgaal- . llltl BRITISH citta befog to the ptt(ct Utnt they Plorrr, Thurmdny hirdofay. ham jnnl crtrbrntrd hnr 107th apron Rhe Ir in fnirly the to 'feltk•. Intmat•d In Dr. It. A. 1'ynr, M.P, P., FORM e,unpw•d on night tit itevil'n Lake, with tho of hpf0th, still cocci with mind unnffpptrd bo- In0Im" MontH90 a mal ren zatlotw of the various tit too well of file OoverntOent troop, which Is 'I" to be dim pur•lws" peratwd- inR tin Isonkholwrs of that dlntilrl gond whnt woifld naturally be rx. on rt' nraf n numhpr of farmers anti, rv_ luToo Toronto, Oct. t'O.-"When I riving with Lord itf "WillPrtm to the peraonal cour- "" of Preatdo,nt ('antro, Who twice, to join them. It In almo malt] that peeled they harp threctrmed that If thalr in normal old nge, hiblted 1 Lending mpolenl Journal ittllinen to thntn a n(,N• atyle of milk nway Valued and equlppxvl with modern "It" a Acrnlrs-r rifln In fila hand. nh"r(ced .1enw►nd* Are not compiled with the can. ocrn'fIOn to Point aft that of it was elatm(xl Hatt tfip lining likely the can WAN me cnnatrnetnl that rCplipd: axis, nee him Again,' hat he 'i don't at the head of his soldiers, i" (onmldemd a merious for they will burn tiro town. nearly Th,psn the nil centrtsnrinns are woml i, it orrnm not srt b)pet to the ChanRpa to f. Kinglte of %art r�lam and other ungttws of Narfaro. Ili time of war the national mtlt- TO RETREAT gnipt and regtitnrity of their trmprrnitirr. accounting for their superior purchased Abny rtf fistl• fnrmprn military the coin, gtvIng tl'Pir wand my In C:tnruln lhµt I tary remerve will be placed under the It is thought that If the Donkho. longpvft nota' "Coley Army" lm really on tllep y for notpor ` 58. Thr nprpwPintntlrr of the ertNl endeavOr to pt,v Uwm It vi it. 1 w111 try to Curry tint illy tox rpvolatlon 1n tvrenrstieln, who In at Pre"Itt In Curacao, Nayn the reb direct control of tlw federal govern - rOfnl"tny U. S. NEEDS GREAT ARMY. 'ie" diwapprnml after hr had miw�" el Lisp cnnw tins Prrurel the pro That I0 what i)r. R. A. Ilyne, h I noir nsnn(krnesl the fight after Acing rnnvinnhl that Ln Vletorla in perotwding UNv profile, to go \ through the. 1 6"'Kn"m-to went for purpoese of offunelro &list --- defoaelve Opamtlon. n.n" tin r ,loot (• PtpAnnfil" err( after Proof- ('antro lie,,re w It elesl to have bend to meet any emergency whichch Before the Immense Hordes may arise enough modern army, &m- ('ontmander-In-('hlef of the of lin F;mplrn, would vhilt munitloo, clothing and other equfp- mel>t to supply the regular forces of the Mad Mullah. conadrting In time of war of 100,00(1 tin rnna, nttl fr.gnd Oily ('anadn thick laypr of antvdn*t. I men, and a force of citlsen soldlory tubi, t'pvohttlonl*ta Ont. tit Ln Vtetnrla. of 150,000 men. N'aal$lnftlon, D. C., (kit. 19.--flCcrP- FOUND DEAD IN BED. Sold lied lit' an 1141 Lady hr Brartf- Alyd. Brantford, Oct 17.- Mrs. Bridget Welch, an old tally who Ilve,t alone at No. 7S Rlcltanl"on street, wait found dead in bad. She war last oven alive on Sunday, when ,cite attetmletl chureb, and it Is ■uppu"al that elle. had beetle dead a couple of days wheu tilt' dblcovory was nutole. The fact Lbat rhe had riot boell reen'for ovine time alarmed ilia neighborm. who went to the house. Through the win- dow they could sou tfw body, anti the polico were notified, 11. l'. Don- tely broke into the howre and notl- flwi the coroner, who decided that nn immo"t was unurce•sanry. 'rhn tie - canoed Nan about So years old. ON IONOON BRITISH IN CREAT PERIL. t'ul. ('oblor Arka Iter Itriuli,rtwutrula- Thr Native Attlee WWI) Shaken - Fitly -two firitlsh Killed --Much Anxlrty Felt lair list- Safety or the firitlrh l'olunlm. Loudon. Oct. 19. -The Fomign Or - lice her lssuivd mu undated dempatch from ('u). Vobboo commurall(g craft Of till, cuiumud, or Brinell forc:w oyoerat- ISPOKE IN UNKNOWN TONGUE 111-Wrr lit 1.011er Ikry trislrrlr brixrd Wilk hula•retalural Power, tit. Thomism, Out. '2'U. -At a conUir• coca of Latter Iluy huiutr at ltldge- town a few days ago, it it related of }alder It. L. Evaur that while hu Nam bearing tevtimouy hu began to epeak In an unknown tongue. Lader the Influence of theoplrit he %AN Impelled to different parts of the room, .peaking over the he•uda Of b,,veraf of the brethren, ,%lilt tears rtreumiflg down I&h face, and otherivldo exhibiting troy- eholugical lufhteuc¢ and power. The pr(,bence of the spirll war No gr1,Lot that all were melted to tearo. . ono Could deity the pro:eilue of tiro mighty Influence. it reminded one of theq Uuy of Pentecost. ,rho congreicatlon then knelt fu pruyer, and when they rose Elder Evan" Wait given the Interpretation ie. Kogli.b, and Ile walked to the mane inti is of the room relenting ht English what he had spoken ht the tongue. While glling the itlterpretatton it wait dimeovered that Ktew trt La- mont, Samuel Bacon, Joseph Shaw. Moroal Traxler and Grant Wt. Johq were ended le. diffrrpnt officem in the church, nud their ordination was attended to before the cunclu. Minn of the meeting. Ing agal utt ilia Mad Mullah In S,mal- throu The tlBrits was Consul eel 6AlT WOMAN MUflDEREO. through the. British Via.• -Consul at Berlr,rra, Somaliland. The British furore engaged were composed ell- -- Orel, 'at uati%o tr"w mud levier cltl. Cubbo rays; Mrs. C. V. Morton's Dead dt[y futea rcaohta! Fuego thlsmurin Ing. When about elm, day's inure), body Found in Buffalo Flat. north of Mudug It was attacked Ls the thick burn. Two advancer wen,Prices Nigher, Vages Lower matte,--arid--flus enemy --were treater, - baet Lr the norutug. 'their tartar HER BOARDER TRIES Su1CIDE kuo%%is, a farm l)f rellgluur waula had "-red socrotly to the jail at Hen- as Winter Draws Near, were heavy; ental we captured IOU '11,d roto of tbl+r° people, who, l� t Jerson, where ho was guarded by tutor. Our force ,then procoWed to Dluffalu, Oct. 19. -Trio body of Bra after ehaluriug the buffeting" lir de_ His Coli mption Cure Given olilltia. Ile was brought to Nacof{• collect udmals for, tramlpurtatim C. t'. Murton was found in a flat .ld.tto, Rumsda, w, wiiigly aro IIi at dcichce to-oLn or p ►.urptwer, oral to yiln the detach - it, and the rotectfou merit at flus rtu0 Jtle. la tbu atter at N" 1L; F:4glo street, Irate yen - "'a vv 14 to troublo of wtha wort. t0 the eneral Public CHURCH ARMY MAKES A PLEA• It rt"n141 be. masks clear that the. of flue companies of titato troops. rwut a rccouualrrauc.� WAN wade, terday afternoon. On the floor near 'rasp flat not llif.•t:ted the whole lit -- UPun his arrival here the negro Loudon. Oct.1!►� Thn onttouk for uqd peter Tharp fightLn�. the. enemy it woe George J. Willing, aurlorin the D.•ukhuhurr in the Nurthwurt. war turned over to Sherltf Spradley, teem aguin driven 141 f. from wits, bullet ling,woundsm It muttering c who told tlw xlu le Ito would be lv- the coming winter in most luumy Ttlpro etre In all Tour s. flit rixetitr, SAYS HE HAS GREAT . UCCESS. I n s g I d'tyrl; regrOt to repo Lice tut- h,d, go may stet Mr". Morton had two# to the rm,rtheast lit Yorktun, in ell a rl�tll' trial. The town began for Lilo pxrror elaoLus of London. Ill ltnvlug cubualtler: Cul. ". , • and tl.e .l,ahtabuhte and the. Bwatt Jtiver -NPW York.A.Oct. i;U.-Dr. Goorgo 'D. to till alt rapidly, telggraph wires tilo mat, emlentlals of foot. fire VaJA, Angus mud itfty 1t Ul.x1, t►ceu stile Ill the heu1, and appar- wt'w tut, the. railroad trucks were ural about IOU en w0uut}nl. file catty Jlt-Il cavern! hours before her %"Ib•}., rpN{rIX %lily, one to the Barney, u( A,,,. 4U1 Third sheet, torn up for a short dlrtauce, aNptt and work the prompoctn are the least � body was dimovered. Willing hsD earth, (par D- ii, t Lain anal one t:rtx>kgv$, %.lN, anutxtnctd that he trollhorp•ful of recent year". Huth coal latter Llcludu Capt. 13uwurd , uJ ,prof list' woman and then attempted %u -"t of Rurtlw•rn, In the valley lit lu�utiilt,l Mftr Ewmn bis v,'ttle we.• announced that um alttis•• Sm.4att•howan. 'There is nu data U' al„1 bread are hl her than the. l.itvt. Everett, but 1►utb cru JuintutiercuJusi, germ, rt•cerul muuUl" would he mode to got {w,r,#owsluB y were well. Thtra were,sev'eral I,ns"ernwua ter' cur w ruiclde. Mons Nhlch ubrulutely awn•ct w- Logo, to pn,vo that cwttaiwptiuu our 1tuChaulan, last year; but It u when the trwle the truumpurt and r:dirig eawels. The Four weckr ago Mrr. C. V. Mur- tim:n,w rnny Ir• stifle, but UI(r much u('t tucuruhle, hnM uuvv galea to the tNstrlct ecrgrt was at once con- nud tabor ounditloas that biro to furca mitt ntuln the bttxkadu Camp to ]. aceowptukd by her 17 -year-old 1 • eleidin : Thi 1)e•v11'r IA'ke xnd Nockt blot. Iutt4uLL Jur 'uriug,--iho vel"t. A jury war eOrpetw4ed with- r rebel at Lilo out,:et of till$ will- Itrnuurrutv_.nui. w1a advaucu to at Jnughtrr Florence, engaged t► flat on, I's 0tlwrll . wttleme•nls have flat been much dr,.sn4A tyrrmme. He claims to out 'telly' aaF the negro's pleat of t aro examlued that the most real tuck LIM cn wty.•' till- third ri(x.r of No. 115 Eagle nflrt•.l, atut these number about iuttl- NnmrKht .cunvr 1( many canoe( guilty Has atx"pted by the court. 4111;1e•ty 1s aroused. Is, The w'1cc-(;uurul' alga tele•graphr atr"t- With Mrs. Morton was 000. j ;;,1101► 1mYoll4•. In the Amidnabrfn.- lest. by www" ter thin furnlulu, 14(.1 IN- T11e Judge ordered that the death Tito King'v Ilingar, with the nonce- the b'ubst'&uoe or a later Jomputch J. Willing. a moulder. ,Liars. Murton _Ur•w-•lit lir. Uasll, tot Yorkt,ni, who ,l"rt►, their LI it he sus the crib rued aroll kJe be. execullun un November fluent partlroaemelrt and curtailinguf from Cul. Swayne wlitch soya that "d the neighbors ho was her till - , hat Irtd 'Duel' tri, til with them fu tot final '&Lill petuaau.nt relief from 17th, but many people announced (°hu ourt�nation fo"tivilier, ',rulued as u result of tlm+ fyghting at Erego band. Later oite adwitted hey was - 1hD l•r(�t•sdowrl capadty. eNtlmdtoe tubercutur,gftmr. . that they, would riot allow (to -lay. nuiny,und,.di"loeatet trade. This ou (1st. 6th, which war vert eckere. trot. Florence, the daughter, had that the. nuwlw•r ♦ffeot(d u trot le. n rep .rt that h) -c11I make to The asRro cringed to the offieprs �v an Closely%011 weJbytilt' return Ilse S,ma!1 loch" uro courldernbly boon with n vaudeville troupe. tour- mort than a:, it i cent., lir, bit;*, 75(1 title lbdicul-h-urtlat in a fev da�r lir the Ife- arm( when a proposition ''front :•tart),e. of burp;,• uumtN•rre r!.nk,•u. Tho Mullah, vvhu td said to ing 1'ennNylriutia amt Wr"tprn Newelf ttr x,(1(10 total pryrulath,u. 11f1lw lg rt„ Ntat•ult•nl 11la•L _wlilliq th0 N'aN male to him fluff he twneri•nt to of resrrvl+teespirelmen, who be. lt, cumwuticutiun tvtth 1(nil,utxl York. hotlll, lir Swun Kiser cob -ii ,not W iafft ;..ar Is— lute alte"'I"Al carte fluu- Ire Irsngexl tinmrdfatoly, he gave hid wrrn thrown it" thealready over- L:gcr•, In lilts direction of the Webb Mrt,. Morton's mulden name was mach W knbwu, though �r. F'red Bred culaw til cunrurupt4at. Of themb Moment, waiving Ilia right fur :14) crow.l,Ll ltrlx,r rue et. When tire, aur- JtivPr, lg briugtnlg up nluforcement" Elisabeth Dunkin. (lisp t•penl the Le�alhardt, who tine acted no inter- thirty p•reotib _w.•ru NWfering from 'eye delay under the law after men- iner "oldler flocs re. drift inw the Irutm ull Ades, early year" of her life in Galt, Ont., ]tutor, thinks that tial, the lklukho- tit" di$w'ase In the. third or wur.,t tert•e of death had been IrroaOanced, rauk r of the lines o led he ft- Col• `SWA lie i" much ham :tri a and also the r ht of taking an a PI y f worrt. �' pare- and her polfis, r ore living there Iof I them are thur nu or 7:,0 .turf R ll+ -t t its- tial twenty -elite g P- Iy throw.+ etrN,ther nutn put of •,vt>rt. owing to the necerrity of feria,.- now Bcaldt+s, she is enrvired b Ixmtl aro the Inlgbrr courts, J lit kiln 1,f,00. Other nuthurlttew rI-. ort the �i$•st thirty, n1rN4ee-rt of the. Thu Church Army, wl its Targe {•orhug the woutmluol and N•alg('• two ,11r'tere, a Mrs. Wolter Itr61rrr4 ganl this an alm,vo the mark, brit It w'e(nkl thirty unit .•lght of the fort •A Jury was selectetl on tine spot � He Is retiring on Bohotle. lie near y pt' e'R P guilt "Setts of liitror humps til over the R of 1 otomiac avenue, thl:t city, and ,might lin no ntnrly cnrrl•et at- Iro(� Dr. }tarn(•, 'N formula ig I•lwPb•, alai and upon the n, re's tea or y that (iW further ro;iuble lruu be , rrble 14) Nrny Mutt 1,7AX) out of 7.5110 he r',Ypinlg it dtra,, a that it.. other heing ror*,ivool he wall lounged to an country, c n most deprfvo bottom- P'+ brevionn In Oalt and 1 it known , Out. K eter In auolr tlmerr of de fgNloa. 7?ce dispatched (rum Berbera fortLlvuh• Prevlat" to 18t1b she mus known as }NAPM•, lir L'O {tar coal., tram decWtd /•ihybtclaa e•crr dioenroYal it. The, onlylml'r'frv'itteJ scaffold ams the jf•ere of Pr' ' number of the deserving Pta(x'd fu Gnat Peril. Llsslc Mlle,', having riot to k • v or till" any at(,ck, to uedichm+.11.,ed b euwProt d of the .the snob. Before the hanging Major R unemploy- ntntritwl u man ntio,tain fro;n like uso, of ILII meat thro.i krer."P parts, arta I&W ortho, I'ainen. Commending the f3tate fd turning thero for tenlis,p)rruy a+► The seriuun reverse in S,omall- of tlwt name; In that year Phemar- prrs4ncts tit food and wearing Ap- ,wild-, tutu one aorulgwud, xiud known truc>l)r. Nent thiA message to l;ov- niptaneo Is quite unlx•ecedente.L and laud places the. Nmall British forces tiled Thoma" Alexander Gormely, of u" Trikrewda.-AtL},l to the krewb error Sayers: alrra(ly overtax" the funds anti ac- tiler,, of nboul 3,000 menuf doubt- Pickering. Ont. Hct- (Liughtur, Flor- Iwn r, •"fel to Ilya a ,-y of rigid "Tlip prlwloer Iris waived all rights M>nlinuolultons, Out reliability Ill, all exeeedingly "am IN u child by her former mar- adhrr• nr" to whet they brllrye IF L, one of tis., rtnsagnr d►Nint(•ctnnts Rfits rerilour rhualipu. ianght to tit- Nerlptun N. know it le. Orient, , etldvodll,mul.•. and want" to IN' hanged at once. T1le Board of Trade's- last offlelal 1 ridge. Flormico In 17 years old. '1.O•„•-, wade tilt, rine ll( cud, p..rm Will be l4one by sheriff. TIw ,IlatrMt report tit 'the Ilariror Ik'pnrtmpnt. ti$ncc the be•giudug of ('ulogal [hlrin Vie t I s scent thenlri^al ilinNd LIN it Kuw•k t/MINI•, i 1 •, which Ilan Jwuyoe w bccoud cam g R r ' Tit"_ L4»tk_h_otorws nen n•.thi If next _ k,, -.,-In (tin M-11"al wools ju' F- 'u(tt sheriff my ltd" Is IplF&I join been Intoned, also tells lsnitte• "galllyt trip hi Penn"%Ivanfa situ Nevernl ----- �_ 1 lutve..written tilt order for iierlff a egrron-frit tale Ol the grnrteral elate the 3lullah ,Inst Mai little ;IAs bels time" drew on her mother for fumL,, - , .n isllcf, our ill cant. ulmntt tTui( Thu kry Hannan, uec,•nlinrt le. Ile.. ttw_Ythtr atreritft tn- batt:-+H+i+tuyrttwut--lt--nirya: _ Renal of lhr. rx dation. The lie- "_n+l_tpt rumu asking for money were ate Nhn Im lel to thrP.• rtmgger- Ituroe,'. funnultt fur lie, caro of prtwrner tit oltce. Telegraph in "Tile couttnued drelino Is nOw not ,belit ebp&te em teem to "Trow that ft -"fret lis ria. Wprtona reonin ye" - :it -1 r•llsl.,nM le-lu4m turior-I their a•tebuw rtiou. Is, hante.P only worwt than us tvtr a o, Intl b he %%an- rptrenting from the I lit Ntex•k bm,r,e n J.•%v weo•k» xR,. Nath n t P,Nwpg.tb•• Y R tnr/dnr. btrungeNt. dl.htfeetnnt, if it call Ile In reply, Major Itiatnon wits, In_ below the eaverage for thid period .tun frontier uurthwurd when the i..1mi.l,or. n L lwynuUh_ 1ft-1' MVI-S�) Yet' lib (atk•r from the In filo lent ten year". Added to fills, Mullah attitt•ked him tit fres„ - - - it m (.f tike - (mai%, no they ; th. i,. It Ntroliul.. mm -ruble" rarlx tic .will. 'ttwtriet judge to deliver tis" twisoner rales of -wager cv,ryw'hai� - J.k•c�er-aha..MtLllalu tv-lir. , . •tqt�-- DOWN it wrong t„ do+is list .y. ri .' lh.t). I•N,a In n Nix pr (lent. r.rlrition to the sheriff. The disitrlet Judgewas tumbling down. The effect Of recent ported to Lave libollt 12',000 men QDWN Qt-' ld" rlc, l+t lu(g us tlm y rgj.ytd IHr- krt-Nmgrfn iv•!d"c,.l (u " t:e{moriz •r, reluenne,l. to lint all MM or(Mr" milli nitemutions in wageN, wl"•n arn"hl- tutulll Armed. it large Percentage 11 C!��� ����� I r Irl• ti - n••I r- Cher), were plenty , et- r t •r Lich inrrtrurlioluf to 1Onjor lWilem in writ- erect Milretively, In Pour (mit The lit NhOm were armed wilt& rifle,. I Pettit nriir�+y rrna •v . t I ii• and furce.l into tlw hinRgl'ri4 N!lt&r r•le.n w tit rn no 'g 11 in li"rib p that hu uue itis- - vvork n TT - -- --r---- R' __t_ -_which- look - 1 l- - - ildgwd to Lilo 1 -xi w, fisc [-tie" tN-&ted in sit ait-tight steel (net month affected 1:N.99T work. muudi- about 3:,.011(1 men. �tiu, title9WIClm r the I)nlnlnlnit ImmlRrn- Cabinet. rtes in this oolrntry, of whom lf7f,*!5o large force harubriag him, (:uluuel Disposition in Other Colonies tion Ikyoartm tit thought It ,vrgrld. he THE iJURCtI CLIMBERS. had to submit to reductlonw,"' tiwuyne h:uN to retreat to Bohutle, bettor for all cugorrnal U the et.rek Acthig mucin ng nttf urllnnry l s- flow the hard.tlmes have been 150 wilem. and probably s(111 JOU L p t _ weer•+ regt[1ded UP and sold, the mfM&ey ill(Vetunt acts, the krewamin In forced Kobl"41 G.""Irrhans'" ltralelkncr lir- pre(roln on aniall tradero rnny be miler fin thee to Burgo, lino ll IO _ to Establish Boy'co% M 414 tiro%] /n trust 'to tin, dlq►wred W aJl 'P•trtm-++t`th4-yatlait'r lustg", R of eN tin Ikn font, ' o Ito dlmet, killing, nccoitling to Dr. Darnrj•'s for•r IIA--Yi-flat, iw1wed by the mount recent bankrupt- pal Ilr'illrin-lruatler_=pore i ,--- __, t11(„t;, all tuix-rculoAn erm,,.. Toronto, Oct. _O.-Tbc ('Y retnrna Iiahkruptcles gt_ ward must be maoio nater a scotch - Tills was done. R Thr porch climb- caned !n khptember numbered ,4:iR, Ing anti, and over an arid And lungs at-'• m,ub UnLlhubltablo for ors who uperntal so sllocesstullyat which wan 74 more than In Septg•n• ye."Jlerr desert, even If the retreat DUTCH ANTI-BRITISH ATTITUDE. - - ermM off rill kLalr lir a sick ruom le th-met icrhrx Lir encs.- un►tnnrRy tuaJe tut nlTialiitpliit fur 3 Qu•aa.'s bot of flet year_ ►N successful. The rav'emt apxle3 Loudon, U t. 17.-Tbc general uttl- 6EN, GASTRO VICTQRIQUS, gumv, niter a strong dO,,tllt dant Paik, nml who came very near be- i Le Telt--Oil -Ila er uewu it fuciv Or tbohapei�op i*a�rTlnmento limit•- Irg cnt:gfit by Pollcemna Thomna STRAWBERRY JAM WAS FAKE received. The entire expedition ('mptuuAsal by Mr. Douglas. Comwls- ” I claim for this formula;' sa}I Dr. will have to be repeated on a mash blotter Of Public Wotk•r, ton -f title re- 1'hUlApg (. 701 on Frioiuy night, have Int _ fiirur•p yeounluy, tint In all en1►n- ger conte. c+nL dlsctetlltablo conduct toward my crU•eN of eorrmumptLer it Nill b,, Iefl lilt elty, "not the police are con- Gluew•, Turnip". Millet ee•rdm And t'ul. Swayne is Acoompnuied by tont Milner, ltigh ('ummirwionor in uritis. rlfertivr. (hu, inn ren act a fLlrnt that there will be nu uwre Analinel'olortox(. over twenty while offfeerN and bus South Africa awl Governor of the Rebels Defeated After a Seven glancb hrnv annul- Jt Im, and I have rolob:•titrr r o wnutted by these pnr- Molittral. Oct. 17,-HP01tt Officor 1' Ith him come Max1w gulin and Tlurmvaul (,Of lily, are, okays Uk• Cape I I pro%ed (1111111K the la, -t four ye,trm tivular tarp in this city. Tae thlaven Lnbergo to -day rpportel to lisp earn(, 7 -Pounders. Town corremp odlent of the Times, Days Battle. ern- Practk•a1Jp tint] how r•rficlent it (100 Health 141nr,1 that In nddition Tito Jtuflah's sueeee" will set tilt• cretatinq a Jlrposition on tto part L+. So far.iio I know. Ism tho coni., ILMP-11 n frctg,,t train bound cast to fludsnst ndulternnts In 19 alit of whole Ogaden and Dolbohaala coun- of public nlrn up country to boycott po)icrictan ie. that cOfintry who (,q_ 'lit x o'Ci¢k on SNturiny' murolnR, _1 samples of tx►twnp that h" had try nflam(,. Trade relations at lint- tiro Cape altogether. ir.r►t the kn,solr for general rime. 1 ut•(urding Ll) Information r(Crlval by mound Ntmplen of mtr.awnerry jam kern ant! Dulhur,have shown an ,#aur- This, says the correspondent. In a TERRIBLE BATTLEFIELD SCENES 1 q Y lir, pest a yrrte^tuy. Prior to (env- prewervos In n number of store* p'rations of 1 lips,I) n nnutit of thew un bents tit fi an,t thous decrease since the u ala ictus ni(tter for +t cummurdty no lilt timpoi,"- k Toronto tiro. Pun14 dashers In which thoroo w,iw an utter absence the Mullah cut Off Access to tine rich largely depetlent on the goal -will tlnshlntrtOn, Oct. 19. -Tire Cunaul- ----.— Pp:•nt nn heir In tiro vicinity of Eant of strawbrrr►pw or aaRar. markets of 'Ogadon $trill Dolbahauia Ito neiglrburs rid u t colony must lieucral of Vptyq&ela. In this city, Front etr(•rt. Upson learning of "The coneol-tion In cos rge.f of It wits announced by Lord tans- be. han rec•e•ivrd tile following despatch. LEASE WITH OPFION tis.- folate tht. men bawl tuk:vn, le.- gllneomp, turnilia, mill"t secdm arm, downe, Foreign Secretary. fn Tarda- Is "tg(f»I by Dr. Torres Cetrdenam, Leri-•_ --- 1-octur Stalk wept !t number of analinp cOlor(uK," reds Dr. I.aborg, asent [ant mummer that the Itall"ue LOW Mtlnrr Inks nrpntty, been rotary to the Prealtient of Venezuela: To 1'nirhaw• olid Parlismenl 1'n-prrly t•1(graln" to vatii(mts Points, boll uP "Thin staff In mnnufneturod right were c) -operating with ('of. 8waynp, most bitterly attacked In the ('alp• "LRMCKN, Opt• It(.-(leneral Castro - (;lot by G.T.H. tun Int.- hums bink niR�t oro word here in Montreni." tint no the dpNpntchr■ made pub(tc ('OO(y Hoump of Atew-mmy, nml sir (',+mmunieates swot of the nrr( -,t Ili the me • or the re- An offiehsl analysln will hr made to -(Gly do not mentlun Italian helps .lC n UOMon Aprigg. Lire 1'rrntirr, ter a! -eq pinlC •Ictory at- TDrOR1U. Oct. IH, -Tire tprnln under ('r>c,•rc of the Urymsur Jewel", worth &rn.l It IN not unlikely ilgt It Is el, ham heen naris blast's b, Ilsezunp r, QJlyr hl.Nnly battle. Three wlrlel►_ r 7 prowecu• ppo"ed that some local dlffl- thmimnnd eaaunitipm In clue rebvi -fie-'�=+r+u ueTerumauL has. III tlpl Nast balm reverived here. tion will follow. - cully was found in arranging for the has not mup,lIlet( to the denupclation" pansy,•, handed over the site of the old'1'ar- It lrnke,l out oil •4tnpdny that. in --- - ---- co•et(w'rntion tJW Illt7t Zoto thin den. In a telegram to tilt et,xtt• (M- liament "Iknlltiibgr on 'Ft4srtr Iltrpet tlrMRiem t„ rolw,ing tow house 44 Mr. BARONET IN rx,usCtI9E�SE, • Further 1'artticularm In A debuts on Oct. L, Hr. Lalna lnrtment, tlntod Caracas Oct. 18th, t" the h;rnnd Fronk l ullnny were itryoan. List• lrorelt c11m1Krn had vim- London, Oct. ZO.-Thor" is methal Pevorely rabutreil ttM Premier for'not :roll roxelved bore at 5 o'clock es- cunoutnu e I yeeterdtty. This ruin- ll(,1 the dwelling of Oarrge. (;cost- aerpnding horst Milner when the terdn y Isrelinoinarlen havit tut yet Asir William Maefiregor Ilam Vern I.iv:. to time madnioNs of the ltlad Mullah. � afternoon. Vtnlsfer Ikiwen lir faints. tit the oorthrn'ft cnrmer of Thu news which line reached I -m latter wait Attackexl "wills a bns- NIAIMI tint ttte revolutionary been tonics, lint tit" general nr- let. ayotic an.! 131rror etrretA, on tn. in Penury p,r Year". (nim that reumote eornor Of 'Meth, trslity nOL often experienced In tilt, "tray had lvdthdrnwn from near Vle_ rrusget"eat Iw us follaww: Fri lay ulgt►t• Lolmlun, Oct. !H. -Sir At illintq Ilou"e-" Ile a,hiNt that tiff• members east I Afrlen. 13crma1lfan<. is admitted tort", and tlsit it was believed tis- I, ear to run "1 yrxtit at n, and Hr. l;o(Nlrrh tin. when t Inst teabGrcgor, aged 7 wits ndtulttnt to Ire of n mcrloun dowriptfon, colonel on ths) oppoN►to side of the Hoump battle w � ,_H, a year for the first ten year", and night, trwit(,1 flet, matter 11 htl to the Westhain workhouse, Lon- Swnyne !s not- retreating from objertell to Lord Miln.•r brcaugc he - tiJGo rm le clan tut t- R y B MOPpaI their rmhpmem. Mr. Entail rTthnl ttNe (lorerntn"tit trot' roto Nt111 F� � (• — that t Irvem had been don, to -day. T110 n rv1 Wronet Ila## ,,I Io to the hlnterin, of Drhbh held Vnle tt term ; with option to {wrclntwn tit In tis(• hoteN, ntml t n n pus rm►a fxrn ilvf- ye- Tn imali LO-11oTi-oLTr, -Mrm (LIN• Y fL+� atemtxera at Valencia. A Inter Leis, stat- t1R n penury or 400 O r pd 10,1;, tilletiandn foriolmon, from =180,(1(X) til "al of fire y(,nrs, or artlrlrw wrrn taken. H" oxplain"d the Nulmrbr of tilt. olty. He hila but IPO"ttlon its, member" of the tact. Presumably he must then fall ;lfrlknndpr Bond) heel admitte(1 that the "MMM source., matted thnit the i:.'o(1.aX1 lit pad of ten year* or at that ht, dntm(thtor ens away at the fvw n Inth•es. n$ml these are not M1nek to Itunufi, the chic( Ilritbmh frou- battle had ended with tto (]octalve a price to Ile fixed by arbitration time at O.l tied till her vahlablps with wllliog to keep the old man. Kir tl r iw>et, 8 ► to 11,0 mUea ninny. Itnrno til, r(lidllon In ('aIle ('olony WAR result, at the expiration of the lenme. It; h: r, otherw.ne there might have Bern William is tis:• fourtW INtronet of hls Is 90 ml,'ca from Bor►x-rn, on the %wrong. • La oletorls, VenesCela, lkt. 18.- is alteRetbpr Ilkply tint soma rt(µ rortu'thlrtR mfNe mprlosiN to r"pert. lin^. The first inn" murgron 1n const. The Mu11mh must now )telt Tlx dplr►tp w&m on n motion to up► A messenger tuts arrived here from ulatfon ell! be made as to the star- Mr. 1rtwylrrhani dorm mat tiznece tbp 4icorRe IV. {wslnt n committee of (nvpmtlgntion , the actor of tIN, bnlldl s to be erected thieve" got In by climbs hin vor- allont 1S,eX10 to 211,(XIO men, of whom aeon" 01 flat engagement near nR About t-0 per cent. hart rifleN. into time Rnn.1, which wan carried. + tlolrn pFaeer b"tw(•en thyvrrnmrnt on. the property. arrinh. if.• thinlw they entered by �t��� ��,•�•�C Cep ss 11 a (b!onpl 8wn tip had n locally ralyetl It Is believed that the committee 1 t10011iand the revolutlonl"t", bulb$•- - -= - --'._ n rrarIler+r allot wa►4ap.-tie Ufomo-t, >�S-z,til]L�1-i;r_ls[si_ivJlLKrCA,%S. y ('O!O Atat,ftYZ a d tOJtaly ra fair wi'l (to little but "whitewash" the I inR now* that, after seven Allyn of flo„r by the "talrway IrnAing from -- K x4ol Afrfc 14 kL'lr•s, oy(,r X) white R6m1I. I lrrribla fighting, nine tle"rrrin! re- MARCHING ON VORKTON... the kitehen. It IP thasRht that Now l•brwx Partner" Think Thos$ i'be•t AN nn in•tnnee of tin ferlinK of [",(m Ifntler 1terMrnl \thndnlati, )m(I - tho (ioilmieritshin rotslmr took dnee offtcprn and MIMI, Maximo. ile wan the lin i in regusf to the rroeof i Y 1 Were 14%Indled. al•n endeavnrhlR curly ie. the year to t._ - T wnr It Holy t" n$entlone(f thint of n mh1►ndoned the field lrnvin retired • 41nnipe{r• Ort. i(i.-Th" Telegr"in txr•- - _ lra,.J�>.--ppaWrµ; t 'oma wax enterel. -�1 "ter. �ttl" flet. flit -A' u,n111", 1 tnertIng of the L mintdve council frOftt itidir Twa'� ZKis�ltloriw m c in p ,our N s . ..r L., r....., 0 .. i him ro".e. IA fthriut L'OF7 F strong, alt �t t tram �` -- on Hr It. 1 tis. ,i motlOn tluuskln Iia Victoria on Friday nlgftt. ,{much hem Yortlon: TtNru is n Mn4lslmw town"1111tH, E.Poet ofnlrlty e, coon n ossa Or rt- r n,n r.1renting In tile. dhreo-Mon of Villa strong manor current here that nn LIVINOSTONI:'.S SISTER IS 107. 'John to havn trete taken Into "Itis , caauntty )lost that tilt regiment which 'Jef"We, of the f•OIOny" ens rectal r 't,• ('urn. According iii I'n•afdenl Cam- arm Of I t by n rrrannery cum t hnr been cut up IN abet total So, till R I R y s lOd Iloukhoborn i" mar'eL- --v'fnT1m- Iwtny, xsnl they oar, K nlrh num- thrrr til t -.. ,I ps° - .,._ . . a vro a .r,mrt:vetrtw•..n AUM*raj..- tQ - I U^Itis try ns from the 1) f ..... —...-..-.,,y,,.,..u.o r•nw to 110 (M9room, and a vlsttor tn the sop ...-lemur tur•rrrrrnf wa„ is eortrplere- I In touch with thew y (ample, cot- ------•._... _ tell+• •-.•• With i,ondon, Oct,1B.-XINm lCatp I,iv-term promfmoon• notion. min Motes dt at R'I r hanks, LORD ROBERTS COMING. n" of Lire rt-+gngement de- rlarPa that rotprnte'f tl,ln rr•,ort, lir• Inst ad• IngrlOn", ( n tut"tth' of tin fnmmrsex-nnel'now tilt, at- p h the frim rs have Irr(,n rnllpd _ lin nn w naw titch to the as was citta befog to the ptt(ct Utnt they Plorrr, Thurmdny hirdofay. ham jnnl crtrbrntrd hnr 107th apron Rhe Ir in fnirly the to 'feltk•. Intmat•d In Dr. It. A. 1'ynr, M.P, P., e present- eft by Lisp bnftlefipld. 7110 rtclory y battlef e,unpw•d on night tit itevil'n Lake, with tho of hpf0th, still cocci with mind unnffpptrd bo- In0Im" MontH90 a mal ren on film Itecent Tell). 1 of file OoverntOent troop, which Is 'I" to be dim pur•lws" peratwd- inR tin Isonkholwrs of that dlntilrl gond whnt woifld naturally be rx. on rt' nraf n numhpr of farmers anti, rv_ luToo Toronto, Oct. t'O.-"When I riving with Lord itf "WillPrtm to the peraonal cour- "" of Preatdo,nt ('antro, Who twice, to join them. It In almo malt] that peeled they harp threctrmed that If thalr in normal old nge, hiblted 1 Lending mpolenl Journal ittllinen to thntn a n(,N• atyle of milk nway nd coming I rt-ntRrkewi that I should not "It" a Acrnlrs-r rifln In fila hand. nh"r(ced .1enw►nd* Are not compiled with the can. ocrn'fIOn to Point aft that of it was elatm(xl Hatt tfip lining likely the can WAN me cnnatrnetnl that rCplipd: axis, nee him Again,' hat he 'i don't at the head of his soldiers, i" (onmldemd a merious for they will burn tiro town. nearly Th,psn the nil centrtsnrinns are woml i, it orrnm not srt b)pet to the ChanRpa to f. know ahnnt tint• l' 1 have promfarvl et' tunny tit I by a prNln artback the ramie Of the rerolntlonlsta. W"letnatad, lslapa reports erre Girt milli n Con. "I,lernhte mennure. of incr•olulIty, and IlvPP gnipt and regtitnrity of their trmprrnitirr. accounting for their superior purchased Abny rtf fistl• fnrmprn military the coin, gtvIng tl'Pir wand my In C:tnruln lhµt I Of Curae(ro, Opt lis. -Ona of the hlisdon of the Ma- It is thought that If the Donkho. longpvft nota' "Coley Army" lm really on tllep y for notpor ` 58. Thr nprpwPintntlrr of the ertNl endeavOr to pt,v Uwm It vi it. 1 w111 try to Curry tint illy tox rpvolatlon 1n tvrenrstieln, who In at Pre"Itt In Curacao, Nayn the reb way It tin In connrxtimt with tem troublm, an ttwm tin Point, difficulty rOfnl"tny U. S. NEEDS GREAT ARMY. 'ie" diwapprnml after hr had miw�" el Lisp cnnw tins Prrurel the pro That I0 what i)r. R. A. Ilyne, h I noir nsnn(krnesl the fight after Acing rnnvinnhl that Ln Vletorla in perotwding UNv profile, to go \ through the. 1 6"'Kn"m-to - lie Arcked Priovide Jn n dsort List, Lhp fnrmPra all P" f Roberts, M. I', 0,111 of tilt- rryrmt that I.nrd n.n" tin r ,loot (• PtpAnnfil" err( after Proof- ('antro OR egal process nerennnry to *retire titles. Thn Dominion im• ae Arms thpr Air 9R.(N)(1,""Idle". medn an h,vhn atlrw, of �• forma 1n ('ontmander-In-('hlef of the of lin F;mplrn, would vhilt hod rMnsel to rornn oat tilt nitruk the, mlRrntlon Ament, Mr. Vrnrrpr, lin* (ncklnR n tin rnna, nttl fr.gnd Oily ('anadn thick laypr of antvdn*t. shovily. Dr. Pyngin n n,ualn tubi, t'pvohttlonl*ta Ont. tit Ln Vtetnrla. na•trnl Rn Inllmnticrn Of tltp Corn• N'aal$lnftlon, D. C., (kit. 19.--flCcrP- - et hrr(i Itnlrn�,a, hIs nwthrt having He adds that flay, revOlntlonlatOr Ptatlon"A near (o,nman, Ing horde, but be plaoes its numerl- tnry ani stmngtlu tit about 400 and nn- window )toot Is a ffrm befferer In the of the old adage• "In time Mlninter's 4� Irr-pn WiM commits Knk•hle, ,rte, the sister elf Bir .thrnham Hob. fnther of Nle hero Knn•la- *limp 1,^_O) turn. on(M+r the 'nOrnn" nd of 0"nernl tklpwltps no troslhlp. of pear" prepare for war," and to SpringflAd, M -me., Oot, IN. -Mrs. hnr of And 13,>ulh .%fr1(:t. i)r. Pynn liar, Ramon, are eir. "oorwrndhin for the retreat. of Me"dnza, Title nnihnritipa at Winnl{sR have Ism ,In newP from inikion con ffrmatOry mend report to Conifrr"mn will rMOm- nporge the rmMchnwn of mllltary equip. of W. Lorre, wife of the pnwtor bust Lisp FMst ('o ri,turnal from n trip to F.ng- irPland, leq n an they permitted n rarr•y(nR of the mrporto filet the 1)Onkholwlrn sent aefflelrnt to supply an army of Went P 1 l� 1. Bational antu nitt�tlad i,nrmli pr ttR mining and and slat lrrft>ra Awn'r hn called On Iwrnl Itcrb (invp 1►mmunitlon to the rnf"ent tO laavp CarReno anti tench La Victoria. �trn mnr•hinir on that pinee to ,Ip- or nranel fool The rmunrt N generally ^80.000 man, e1:M Another Inrpwi,rtant rpr(rornrnrlr+- twill today by MttRInR Herself. Rhe cele to'" enfre"Inst front melnnnhislln the tit lila bun*" In I,Ofl.ton.IA)r when lw►nrrrantiok 7h1e train had behoved to beta eananl, tion will rMate to the organitallon and 1 nervous prostration, Place, given alw,ve took NIS BRIUtnr H. Pressed Into Loveless Mar- riage She Repents. SHE LOVES ANOTHER MAN And hays She Har lions Ibr (:•axil FY- n,rto of Itev"neil fat Mn Prove F'rut I le•Nr A Trnrt•'dy of Hyuaro I,efd Marr. IDetroit, (k•t. 21U.-Itc>bert M. Larned, of Luning, and Miss Fannie Ise, of Huglmaw, a nitic" of Oov. Wise, were warrial at thef rerideuce of Lite Gov- ernor in Saginaw two week" ago, an,l IH leto than It wot* the bride left her hu"band In it eastern hotel and cause c(I Detrol(. Teo weddittg wait ono of the Noxiety ,-vent" of tho year In Kuginaw, Tho Governer • anti hl" ataff and many Sdato offfcialn were prevent. As Mrr. Larned is a social favorite at both Lanolnix and Saginaw the wedding gAts were many and oodtly. 'It -to said that tht> bride was rage),- -- oplw,ed to the wedding, and that It wait arranged by Gov. Biles and Larneol's father. Alttxaxgh It V gen- erally Nupttnsed that u glrl's wal- ling (lily h tho happiest cone of her life, it was a very Norrowbit one for Mr". Larned, arri Jr In malt] th.1t alto oobbed throughoSut tho ceremony. Tito newly waddled couple left K•ig- In1nw Immediately after the ceremony on their bridnl tour through the east. Tho bride wan oortNldorably de- preNNed during the entire trip and when she arrived at a lootel in del eastern city pothing the brhtegrcxnn weld do would eoruroln her. finally oue rimorning during , Larnel'd ul,- •eace friolu the hulel mha decided to lou'u. Stio wrote it little note to tier newly-nwde burband, and it In mild told blitz that oho, had made a miwtako lit marrying him, bad dim- (10verel It and Intended to leave film for goad. Mile cnmo to Detrolt.'Whin Aukld why Mic wan not with her husband Isliq maid her husband'■ new home wait not ready for samupaucy, cad she did not knew when It would be ready. When Information (wnterntaR -tire wpsration mea arkai for at both the bridn's and the brldogroom's )tomer no one would may its word. Last .Ttcurxday (tor, Kline' private 4mrstary and a sister at Mrs. Larn. at arrived In Detroit to Nee Mrs. Letrnnd anti effect it reconciliation, it P.ost:ible. tihp Was obdurate, how- ever, and pxitively refunel to re- turn With them to either her hu"- finr,d'w home orlhe reeldence orOo%. Ill i our. Love of another %tan, according to the etorr afltuat In K uginaw, Is sad ) ter have tweet the r"eoo why Mrr. Larned left her newly-ruadc huwtxin.l sO sue4lenly, and alms We reason why ett(r wa." rt' vl(olently oploomal to mar- rying Larne( In the nrot place. MRS. FRANKS' PAST LIFE. Ik•t(•e1►Ier 1'11r,sufng New cline to ('hip{i-wa Murder Mystery. Niagara Falb, Y. Y., Oct. 17•-11he .'uuudlart police aro looking up the t"ir-t record of Mrs. Jeaddo Frank the m (woan who was murders _&_t -Cb p.— lrewa on tIN- night of Sept. ::4th, In Ow hopes' that some clue may be -obtOlned to lire Identity of the man who murdered her; Thtrmorntng Lie= tectiven Greer and Rogers, of the Attorupy-G.•neral's office at Toronto, aril Chtot Malna, of the Ontario fron. tier police, were In the city and held a 10119 onefcnlues with Chlef Ma- 10ney. Chief Matas drslred to scan the plcturps In Chef Araloney's rogues' gallery. Thr? (4•tectdven harp learned that Mrs. Frank onco Idvfd here, 'and that them is talk reflecting on her char- teter. TIN•y "Till investigate these matters,' and will slit time mystery to line hottorm, if It IN possible lodo so. Tills afternoon the, detectives re- turwil to Tomato to hoist, up au� >thPr Crit Ot-thw r'arir, anti toFntor- rr tlLthey -III rrttirn anti rewirne fire search oil thin and tho ('nma(Ilan aide sf the rdvcr. At present they have thsnlntply no Alun to the mnnlerer. 16110 WITH BUNS CHECK 3iick Swindler at Stratford Finds Easy Victims. 3OUGHT GOODS,. GOT CHANGE. Stratford, Ont., O^t. 18.-titratford iorchants have been the victlms of '.N 'flick a rnvialfpr as has appeared pn) to Bumf- thus,, cheques with urged 149oaturel being the method 461stOytvt- with ane plfepplk)n' thloo rends took place lata On Wednesday, n that there wens no danger that he banks would havo an, chance of Lreu%ering the forgery, 'AN tho next Ay --)l as....lt-,b&Ak-hulkday.-. ctw, WM - *vial• a chfvpu" wan 1weeizonted to - f). F'lag(-rl ; ,. n prwirw tit grocer, nr $I I.:.0. drawn to, thn alis.•-. ..r ny •lam(" iionnoolt, and goats to the MELD IN NEW YORK. amount Of :61.;:5 wero purc)Namd, the Prrrw•nter of the ch(que receiving Man Kalil 1n on "#'* (' he tdanadirin 410.50 In change. A almilar operation M. P. with n chtgno hearing thn main" \pus York, Ort 1H-'lteyrhert M(,- signature was repxvtted at tt&Inh Milian. who Is snld M. St the Droll., Wholexale nal retail gn)c.rs, Non of with thla differenep, that only $1 a ratemlrrr of the ('nnndimn Par•tIa- worth of ttoxwls wan purchitnd. iCneo- ,nont. Rtes nrraly(nal In tiro Pollee tui Bros., of"tak, were alar victims to ('curt at .Lonely ('fly to-(hty on it it'" salmi ext"nt, and for the same charge of having rmhessled !61,30X1 amount, a $:I pair of elmyrs Wag from til* former Pmptoyprn, F. It. prurchnmrd. St. ('hnri-a A ('o., "'WOsnb• gi0•ern, A chi lir for 11.50, se. ppowed to be of Montrenl, Qup. A "ignIN fiy }'Mia Derlln, Devlin E I'olfeP (lour A qu"atl wan rn. to the filtoulp, %into presented by n girl At pp•tb pnrlmllctiontlnrNl List` the ('armd)nn Rank l)( Cnmmerco In Court dlPmlamed thve complaint. but favor Of (i(vr Allen, arNl r�lorao,d hill MrMl!IIn for Ur 1'nllrvp .9fatpa in ,lint nnmp. Th.• diff"r"I r in the nnthorltlecr na n fingltivp from jos tk,• bign$tl11re inn" Rt Often 010nov"ria, Will' tin n•etdt that this girt do- pwirt"I mime t11p mrsecterl haul. Will K11r lief -alae She Wan Well. The man cotta,rne%1 In dehatrltr•xl a* nisi" t 1% yrerw oid fire feet eight Rt. Paul Oct. ill. --Mea. } rr,lu A. or htnp Incho w In hrtght, medium Pom- tohnaon, of AflnnrRpolls, wife .of O. pletlon, it•rarin9 blew oreralrs, guprn- .lohnoon, a rnUwny contractor, In nev Roll rough Phoom, about to ifrintf Ault against a ( hk,Aito it-tlh the 01e4"lpt1cm M tho eh(gne Pa eon On thn novel ground that,-lIxond 'Folly. Lbw 1p, this, frando wore wh fA ppPprferm[n)t an operation for tip. not dimeorpred until this, ch,qut+il were lx twlhttls, the aorgmn dlerovrwPdl preaental at the banks on which that elle did pot have the disease, they mere drawn. v •