HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-10-23, Page 6ru- s ere 410 A 01 1 � lit Y eLew /44'Lgi r GIPSY'S MARR1A61E 4-44444-4,444444-itia "Poor 'Maumee! If you bud seen hila with th... wild child in tow, ehn stacking to tui' elbow told wuntog to spend the evening wilt hien In the dieing -loom alone! Oh, her de- votion Was touching; and the ex- preeeiun of Mauro•e'r fore, uwiug to her curious manners and custom. at tpble, waw ludh:reua ht tee extreme! Yaurtce, do you suppose your b'•adtf- 1.d\young savage had ever seen t► real diol r -table before ?" "1 will ask her," he say., to a voice cru cold and hard that at causer Miss Brake to Look slightly easy and she'\drawr hack as hie tall figure si eleJtoly \ towers up beside her "When 1 sem present," he -says, iu the same tnnP, "1 will feel greatly ob- liged by your choosing tomo other Neat 'r% ell il(lilch to vent eour ear- rarnl." '\ "I will talk of whatever 1 like!' elle retorts. His tenger line roused her out of her usual languid totter "And yew kuciv you were ashamed of your roueln yoUrrelf, Maurice. 1 waw 11 all the etching." "Your powers of obeervation oto you marvelous credit," tie return., Fla hluod at boiling -point; all the more we bee/Lula of the truth. of her last words. And then be taunt 10 tiladye. '' ou will be kind to her, 1 know," 1h, toys, the anger dying Out of hils tortes ;"you will not anne at or frighten her. line 11 little men than 'ehild, ta+ldy's, and rho hay lived no very quietly that rho know.'1ng of .es'Iwly, as the disgustingam loth - we live In 1s called." "Yens are a pretty devoted el to the .ham yourself," interrupt(m Mies Blake, looking haughtily at h11 broad rhouldere. "and I had no Idea you were such a squire Of darter, Maurice," rho adds. laughing and e bends between .oldieR upter white the blare ht. her taco alai lu of the firelight. "1 must Laugh when 1 think of Mies Dermot's drew.-INoke1 up the back, IhL•tfys, and with a great tuck in It ! Forgive me, Maurtee-t cannot help it 1" Ile Ile thrum round, and oven In the firelight rhe can Mee the anger that 1.priegs to his eye.i us he Ways in the seine hard voice: --Arun you writ frrrgtre -well' 1 de- cline to remelts and .hare your mer rhuent." Ile tike. hie Iriepi, his manner etiff l.. 1'.Ireone except tiledyr. Ile will ilea eYPU Watt for hid horse to come round. but goer auk ant Menem In thio hell. preferring to remain there be - himself rather than slay in the draw• - o g-rtwm nos( tetra 111 any more of Flera'r cutting remark*. Mrs. Blake follows him Out directly. ",)ortiiy, Muur.oe," she urges, 'and 1 wall sant n messenger over to Dru- In:enr'en Ctu.tie to ray you are here." But her temper hart leen too tlrur- .ntghly ruffled to cilia down we. r Thank., very mtigh," he replies, "hut 1 really cannon stay to -night, 1 _JLa_11,11 ova Intel. and noted for any_ lin has often before this dined at Rivers In his hunting coat, muddy bates, ',plashed breechtr and all ; but • etctrte 15 as goo.1 as another; se tee.' he does liot Wish to stat. Mel Mrs. IU.,ke seer the tall. fine man she totally hope* to (Mil .on -hl -haw walk out of the house, anal, with n curt geoid -night, swing him - meg Into the snd'1' and ride away. Clf.e. TE1t VIII. Ne give Straight up ,to where liipsy 1s sitting talks to her, and Mame her p1otugrnphei nod books; and Lady Dermot, at the other end of the nem, catcher snatcher of their convr»sttion, rind even wanes of laughter .,utetimea; 111111, asei..g her run laying 'email( out to L• •grceable to this. wild young crs.t- Owe. rite alumskwetheet-tisst-lesels Biel lord left h1e nhs+e in other hands than here, and the money.1ts,. Presently, still watching over the top of tine book rhe Le pretending to read, She Beer Sir Maurice making toward the piano. and hears hon urging (:Ips to wing. The girl, ne rely and faltering, afraid to refuse, yet utmost more afraid to eompty with his request, wits down on re music stool, aud, with her rural. herein on the keg. looks up. "1 more learned any newer," sloe etym. simply. "Uncle Ben had an old. old plain, and the schoolmaster iu the town taught me_ by notes. Oh. I really caunot play." "'tut you can .ling," Sir Maurice, urges, not so much .became he steatite for the rung as lwcaus•; over 1 tide quiet corner he has her alt to himself, and can watch her un ol.eoteel. And then she singe, not a song. but a hymu. • -Eternal Father, strong to rare, tt'ioae arta bar (sound the reatiees WaVe, Hh, hear'ns when we ery to Thew bur tlewe In peril on the sea!" I,:tdy Dermot stn rte as the notes ✓ ile end 'swell, sweet, wild, and un taught, like the stinger ; and not un ill the In.t note dies away due. Sir *melee speak. tier, hasn't rine a lovely vo ..7l. e a' 1l nnrwere. "T w," lei ly 1 rune i UI r ou "It • ul rt a t . uta P Y p Y .•.Iinlet , luttr it year at whtell; it would train your vole and be au :what:tallr to you in many ways.' 111.1 teep+ry answers grits ely. look - ire down through lite shadows of the lamps Of fatly Dermot as rhe Uncle- Be.. Weld that F- had mite there. voice.. ante that .he used to sing 111 the theatre. I think he saki .hr Is'kinger) to toe opera company.' - it it - Isnubal,Pil fettle* -ow -Nw- white rug at -her 1 . Lely Dermot c -mild not have rpr )g from her eh.ilr twill) greater a tray thin She dove now at (ilpere 'ttlespeech. flit----Mfruriee-Might~--ae - he -lock*. .o.wn alt the fearless brook and fe- l:et:eta eyes, nit elle alltIOUIICe. .o .imply' the -to l.+uly Derinot-awful fust that her mother wit* a pubic sings r. "Heaven help her, pour cheer lie thinks, and moven away use ills mother approaches and pee- wees to give her niece one out ofl the ninny Immune rho will have to Asan.- - . --- -_- _. - - "My dear," she begin., quite sweetly, "1 will ask you to ming ..gall directly; tout before doing ms., you won't Ise angry if 1 give you it little bit of ado lee? You know, dear, U: it 1 ant to be lake a mother to you, and alanr ee Ir to be your bro- ther." rte Muuliee'n feelings are not brotherly as he hooks at (Hp'y'a et.lrtied eyea. Lady Dermot cun• annex : '11 was very fortunate that only Maurice' and 1 were here Juet now, wash yuu nunuuncml that your mother had ben on the stage. Now, 1.091, Illp'y t There 1. nothl wrong lei being on the stage -it •elmply A profewslon ; but 'how shall 1 ex- plain It 7 In solely there are cer lean taws about birth, breeding. rank, et camera, and people would sea think ao much of you If the timed you *preen. from a -tow Men."' "Mot her 1" breaks, shortly and Merrily, from lair Mnurlce, an he reel .omrlhing gathering and deep- ening in Illpay's ince. but. with a gesture. Lady Dermot proceeds: "Door child, I du not want to hurt you fy,ellage. Voter dear mother was 1 fes mire, nil that was geed nn11 Tait.-avas not -mow --ilia- sapie Sir Maurice proceeds slowly town the avenue, Flora's word.' rankling to bole mind -"Her frock hooked down the back, ars' .a ,luck In it." What did site mean'.' Hem could she have a tuck In her back? he argue, crossly. Fr.nn among the evergreens a fig- ure emerges we suddenly That- 1,1. lessee Invert- e, ahs' the cigar he I. Heisting, drops from hie fingers. "What the deuce'„ he ejaculates, letting some of his temper feat Ln these three emphatic words. "Maurice!" "Flora! Oh, 1 beg yo" pardon! i didn't know vela it waw," he tome ughzes hastily, as the toneere of her v'o'ce fall on 111' ear; and then In the ahueowy twilight he can dimly .a. her face looking up Into lila. "IW you want me?" le asks, In lite 'nowt " bIauree(," wlte Nays again, raining het Inc.' M. that !mean Sen IIP. clear- cut feature% and her soft, low ruler t i bre t,w is .he apmtka, "why are you e, . :mgry with ma'" ' 1 ant hied n111Ty, he returns.. sur - pr eied, and not nllogethrr pleitee,l nt the turn matters are taking. "ton will mitrb cold, 1 -'lura, 1.t+tndingt vv Ithvot a bat." , ' We ern dao old frient4l to quar- rel," On chants. "I\.rgltee me, Man- tle . If 1 redo nit\•thingtooffend yea." Ile Le not quite nee, but 111' /Mirk, taw le ori ills Jib .„Shenk. (pi ckly. "Whet nonsense+ all thle is ! i know pin (11du't mann to offend me, Vlore. .ug. -atm thing of . that , WTI.;„end, ne \,Nl ewis. w'e• lire too old rienthe 0 (nacre: anent, n trifle. Shall we shake kind.' .' els' make It ap ?" "Yew" stir aimed wh'spera,\Nt?Pte'h• ing out iter hand to him. rout. though Mir Mnurkle whnkes hnrdll, end feels the warm. clinging pressure Meer round hlo fingers, he Is des, .err end angry at heart to let his farewell be anything but .tiff and formal. It la Gipsy'. frier that le in his mind as hr rides home; and to -night hr 11. Yee even 114/1lre.N any one of her ismernnt, untutored ways, nor how slay it Ind nwkwnrei she M daring that terrible "riled In her. the dinner neer. 1f.' only 'eaten." to her .oft vok'e. noel wntchea the piny and it ormetnt of her (enteral. with nn echo to her every word In hln own heart. Lady Dermot. noting Intently the etpres.lon of 'his Inc,'. renllsem that, when her Pen mated, hr will male with whom he will, and not ns oh. ebooite& "it 1.1 only the novelty." mho nays to hrr.rif "11., e.ti tire nt her In A week." Bot when Kir arteries contrary txl his wont, comes into the drAw- ing-resew dlmndt Imme•tistrty &loner, hie mother looks grave. ile rice, quickly, donate hie heart beat. fester us the catcher sight 01 her white, minerabie face ; noel he walks over to .°here .he W Mantling. Oh. Ileum. ut"U thee door for me!" rhe begs, well mute yceruhlg In her gaze, ' No, 1 will not;' Ile ammeter, firmly. "Als1, Oipsy, you mus. sever try to have us again." " Let me go -)h, let use go !" .he pleader igali, the tears flowing fast. " 1 am your friend," lie ray r, very gently', LLldl take+ her c.de1 bunds lu lilt warm clasp. " You believe that, uijey 7'• , Tow"_with a frlghteuo.l look at " And you are angry because Of what my mother mill to -night 7 She never meant it In the way you took 1t u1► -1 know that, Ripely ; and my mother was right in what Mlle thought, but wrong UI what elle sal.'. Von will leant all that by furl by. (hl up to bel mow, and to 111 rrow you and 1 will talk all this over" and, e* she hesitates still, he wide. " 1 -w•UI never tell any' bee that I found you trying to run away.'• " I will go ♦o -morrow," she ways, sorrowfully. " Maurice, you all feel aehamed of me bvcau,e I cannot talk and do things like -like other peo- ple-" Heaven knows I don't feel n.lutteed of you!" he nays., quickly, adding, la a Incotune, "If you only knew what 1 eh. think e" -unci he texas down nt her as elle Mande w1111 unhappy, h ellgtwnt faro I.eklhg up at his. "Gipsy;" he widowers, sud- denly 'promise me you will never try to run nwny without first roe - sole hitt oesolttug me." " I prowler," she whispers back, and then .ire steal■ away up the stairs again. Lady Dermot, edjoylug her_ Lep little dreams of the scene that has been enncte l In the depth., of the night in the hall. gm makes her odyn peace wlth•Oipsy tyle next day. " Tan mi.underet od meelast night, my dear child," .tie be. , s ; and tipsy flu.lhes. " You could scarcely like. people to think lightly • 1 ,your mother, would you?" " No" -In n 'smothered vplce , m Gipsy : rine Lady Dermot goes o : " Well, dear, people are no I naturist, tlutt, if you. In your inno- cent way, sn11 one hnd been on the stags, they would immediately Invent alt kind* of stories about her ; and eve, Otpsy, dos- If you love her mem- ory, you will 'let your dear mother's name rest.. It 1r no slight to her not -to menton tho fact that site was on the stage : but you might .o 'a greet deal of harm by doing 0. Do you under.tand me?' " 1 think so," falters Ripely, With it very dim perception of Lady Dec - mot's meaning; an.l w) the tette et dr C'11A1'TEII, IX. "%Vital are you thinking uf, John :"' 1, le after dinner at black Abbey, mel Captain Lefr .y awl her fnei' .h.d,n hex etre eating over the wal- nuts two 11m wine. Mr. her her been .,tanog ateu.hly int., the fire for the Leel tell minutes, with au expressitei of deep thought, anti thought not of Lite pleurantest, to Judge Iron the e.tprcvwul,n on his fetor. "Out with It, John .'-nn.l Captain Lefroy retiree to .in easy center, by the fire, laying 1,1s hanthenue heed back agsulrst the leather cushion.., anti waiting for .John leer to speak. "IMie W greatly changed, Jin," lie any'., presently. The worn are spoken aloud, but, mese are of la following out hits own lhouglhtte than in answer to ally di- rect qu*Msapa. Captain Lefroy frowns. - "1ou mraa liladys? John. It In not no fault." John Ker looks` Et Tie ederm dulettt fare, and a nigh escapes tum 'Jun, make her your wife, and go awuy from here. Buy a yacht -do anything to get away." There la not another man living .sortie krc to .peak as he doe., and he goes oil eteathly now. "Jinn, old man. you don't mind my lecturing you ; but the sight of her face ought to be enough. Jim, believe me, she won't be here long, If mitten go on an they are going now." A deep flush tinea to Captain Le- froy's face. John Kcr, with a grave face, w atrhe. him drinking gime titter g lass of the old tort that has lain so long in the Itle.ck Abbey cellars. He has dnlnk only Water himself for many year.., and by precept and etample has tried to convert bin friend. But Captain Lefruy is in ile mood for eomeel. "My father drank (hammer to e1'nttee he .ay,., with rrhlere laugh, "and my grnndfnlher, ton. I am the elra,l- eeet Lefroy that raver owned tenet .slebey; but i whippetive i mull go the any oaf my forefathers." Mr Ker does not caro to continue the cunvernntlon. "(«me and hate it game of lol1- 1innee" ('aptnln I,nfrny allggeeets pre neatly. 'Yon are dull company to- night, John.' Then 110 nettle, gravely, "1 wish Olndys had fallen In love with yew Instead of me; yon would hat . made.._h r. a better hillrbande .I..hn, than I tura' could." • A. John dire naddenty enface; b1s Imre! to half conceal his face, the men who bar won (,Indy.' Inc.' ewes the whiteness,' that has spread from iwow to lip over the grave face. and a hook of ineffable pity end sorrow comm. into his own eyed. (To he COstieuad,) SEVEN YEABS IN BED This Wonderful Ease Borders on the Miraculous. Nothing Like It Has }:ver been beard of 111 Nrwtbundla,ul, whore the Storey contra Bono it has t'masted • Ilerofuuud Serum( Ion. totter', Cove, Now Bay, Newfound- land, Oct. 0,-(81a•clal.t-Thar part of the twland bus been thoroughly aroused by the wort mlraculous cure of a man named Jewish Bum. For eight year. tier wan had been ailing and for .'von yeary of dile tame ho was unable to work. He had Back Ache and K4inoy complaint ; lu fact, he was, all Daum anti uehe.. Ho heti boon treated from time to time by several doctor., and although lie always carefully atteaaled to their wercral prerorlptlo.r, exactly as or- dered bythem, agot elle( but ►hno r em, , was slowly growing worse. Finally he went to the hospital where be remained for seven moathd, only to be sent home AN au Incur- able case. Ho has trod every remedy he could hear of, electric belts, liniments oils and other medicines, but all of no avail. No one ever thought he cuukl ever be well again. However, one day he picked up n newspaper ocutallIng an account of how Mr. Rkhard Quirk. of Fortune Harbor, haJ been cured of Lumbago by Dodder Kklney Pills, After read - log the. Me. Tetroti male Up hid mind to try this remedy, and at once began a treatment. ale ureal altogether tweet boxes before he wee able t., gee to work again, but how he 1s able to attend to his dally duties nee strong awl vigorous' as any matt along the osstwt. Zr,JBoon be a fl.hrrman and is at present engaged at lobster Itdiing with Ill) thought whatever of his ore time Bark Arlie eel other pellet The people here regarel thin cure as Mille short of miraculous. A %Nelure Habit. 1Pklla4.lphla Iteeord.) Wigwag -That man over there has been asserted four timers. Oldbach-Wadi. I .emote,. there are mei with an abnormal craving for excitement- Mlnard's Liniment cares Burns, etc. A Pre) er. A little girl was spending the summer at a fashlcnabie watering place, and one morning as .hc played) upon tM• veranda of the hotel where her mother wan stop- ping sloe -heard et lengthy (emcee- s/item upon the tableau,. of lige tiny and the ahwdule ueeoe•rslty of rtyllebllese in deers If tine hoped to be a success lh *octet,. One lady werrt so far as to say that styl- bsHness tons far morn Important than beauty. That night es the child said Iwo usual prayer, sive added, wlthgreat earueetnees, "And. O. dear Lord, do please make me stylish," -July Llpplucott's Magazine. A HOOK TO HOIRSIEMEM-1 fee bottle of English Mpavin Liniment completely removed *curb from my hors. 1 take Westmont. in recommending the remedy, as It arta with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses nJ hard, soft or caltoued lump{.ss blo.el spavin, stints, curb., ea tray, .Hari Kea A PUZZLED ITALIAN. Dldu't Wart Memel* to Bleck Bouts With a Chair. Soaking wet, .and 1 eremblhng a rat that had been throwu tutu the river sad thea pulled out, • rad- iaoet'' Ilan visited the llty Hall yest y anti srked to see the May wbeu told that the Mayor did come to h1. office 011 Sun- day, Italian explalnrd that he waneet1 to ren the Mayor 10 have his boOtblaok 'leen** rtralghteued out. "l'o'eitn hear ten wen make full on data lien'," he raid. 'Data 11 - teen' reed like damn fool. Duda been' ray for blacka bootie with one -a chair. 1 not blacks boots with n chair. What's se mat' with data Mayor 7 Ile wanly make fun me ?" Th.' watchman In the City hall ghu,ued at the Urease paper. It was worded its follows: Know ye that 1 do hereby 11- ecut. Salvatore l'biaffitclla for the blacking of boots with one chair. Tibia 'Inure is for one year, un- less ruspentteet or revoked. itb Luw, Mayor. 8ttivatore explained that he had n bootblack stand In Brooklyn and i Posted lir 'beeline paper over had 1 1 it. Then 111e customer* begun to guy him clout blacking bots with a chair, and told ''aim that tuts b- eeline did not alit h.rize thin 10 Uhi a brush. He was told to come and see the Mayor on a week day - \. Y. thin. Minaret's Llnlmeat fins sale every- where. SIIYLOCK Shylock was the man who wanted a pound of human' flesh. There are many Shylocks now,, the convales- cent, the consumptive, the sickly child, the pale young woman, all want human flesh and they can get it -take Scott's Emulsion.. Scott's Emulsion is flesh and blood, bone and muscle. It feeds the nerves, strengthens the digestive organs and they feed the whole body. For nearly thirty years Scott's Emulsion has been the great giver of human flesh. We will send you a couple of ounces free. SCOTT a BOWNE, Chemists. Toronto. Ontario. y.c gad Si s• t all druggist. ns. tae rw. I ----- Why dkta't_you- gtee Una fellow a Week w•hwm be eteppod on you? F:lectri' Eel -it would be a waste of energy. If those bathing cult■ don't shock Mw there'. no use la my trying. In washing woollens and fiantteb, Levers Dry leap (a powdo.t will be touted very @Weisetory, AI Rule for Buccese. What 1s. your rule of busks en-. your maxim 7' war asked of the Wall street baron. "Very almple," he answers. ' I pay for something that ( can't get with noa1•y that I haven't got, and then bell what 1 never had fon more than it carr (met." -Life. Messrs. C. C. Richards & o.: Gentlemen, -My daughter, 13 years old, was thrown from n sleigh and in- jurer! her elbow no lordly It remained Miff and very painful for three years. Four bottles of'MI\ARD'N L1e1ME\T eompletely curet her, and she liar not been troubled for two years. Yours truly, J. B. LEYFQQCUE. St. Joseph, P. ele Aug. 18, 1D00. A Loss -lost Clty Moused at least. The atte of the lost IntiLen city, Ma.coutens, which wax reported as having :.'0,000 Inhabitants. in 1071. tuts been determined b) the labors of Thomas Cltthero, of 1'ortage,Wls., now extended over many years, 1 tvew the lar Tele n nil ah sprains. _ - gee Total 11%111, Farmer, history, so far as felted States ter- e'ar.""'' ort. ritoryle c oncern.d, and the desert 1 - Sold by all druggist. t rank of ' life an your father, Itnd you need not volunteer that piece of Information for the benefit of lite public. Nobody Iter.' knows who .our mother was, and y-Ia1 noel not tell item. Ton nre net vette', dear ?" she nib.. abruptly, its oho became eon.Nonn Of nn awful ,.illInees 1:1 the girl's manner. r__r.. Ormy mf n 1f(4et111(d ; lend then ,Ie• dark eye. Melee, and the storm break.. Her tired rwelos, her hand. .1 Me lightly as rale lanai,'" up. ' "'Hy mother !" 1h. gasps. "To Io Ululated to pone 9f ray owj, mother !"-the words breaking ou Oho it wall, to evil In a tempest of bitter crying. r at ler ..rings forward. OW coni( yob Tse NO cruei to Iter T" he .Silts, eternly. "nippy, wit11--" Bit Gipsy lues flee to the ,Pclnslon of her own elorotnen1, And Sir Mau- rice retires to the wmoking-room, tete:' ieyond 111,tt,ure at the len- tptege Ils.I by his mother. Terre Lslrs later n girl, with a elate fare and eyrie .11 Nwollen from crying, cone retailing down the sutlrease very .dilly, shading her' ermine with her hand, ('reeping on 111401i aero.ei the shiny oak floes of the hall. .1111 gore straight to the hell (ler, end, putting the enmity, 011 n chnlr, begldw trying to unfasten the Pork' nnil bolts. But they nre very stiff, and her Immix nre weak nn.l PRn11, rind the big key .111 not 111.11. Har Mhurlce, coming from the emek- Ing-room on lea way to bed, beceenee swldenly aware that Rome one 1. . 11rring le (ha hall : nm1 thee he nrelu n leer of light alining nnro.a the pol- l/thee' floor, and at the Nnme moment hec p.rcPlvee 111pny'n ilnwll, hlnek- ,hrotsled ttgnre, wllh firm,. nprnl.el 10 the mnsaive bolt (lemma the door. "Gipsy !" he eyries. In it quirk, nnr- primal whipper ; find, with n .tart, .he torn. (tied Peer him. " Vele were going to run amity 1" says Sir Han - 11.. Very Alan, ,N. Y. Herald.) 'Tine pain of living! The pain of hieing!" sighed the 'octane. "Who Will deliver use from -it- ?"1 At that m 01 a doctor entered the room. Minard's Liniment relieves Neural- gia. It ,roes Very. IN. Y Herald.' les loco that makes the world go IrOOM 1, We're well aware of that ; But tlu•re'et the ubrequitel kine - le makes the world go fin 1, steps the Cough sad Works Ort the (7o14. Laxative Brom° Quinine Tablet sureaenld In nae day. No cure, No pay. Prim 25 genu. (:loves In lee. A new kava for a fire o'clock tea ix to drop three or four whole cloves Into each cup Just before pouring In the hot tea, leaning them there for a moment that the eee.ntlal oat tee ev-tr'eelall -Thr tea may he .erred pith the cloves hi It, or, If one Is 'art Whale about Its appearanee, the lac C up nifty be pound into another through the et;t, r strainer and Ur. •lone removed. Stied lemon 1a to en weed wtth this ten, and the min- RerunsZltag of _the Reruns 1...d.&ious. Mem of the Jeenits In the (Norse 0t 'the seventeenth t:eritery-;--tf.ere.", with Marquette and hole In 1673, are said to have been verlfle.l +DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED bylocal applkatlons as they cannot reach Itdiseased portion of the ear. Thereto only one way LOCUM. ,eaf¢esi, snd that le by ron- etltutlonal remedies. Detainees M eau.wt by an inflamed condition of the ,,torous lining of the F.mtau•hlan Tube. when tide tube 1. in- flamed yes hays *-rwltbtine round or imp.e . f.ct hearing, and when It la ',linty rioeed, Deafnea la the "milt, anti unea. the lnanln- mntlun eau betaken tont and this tulle reetor- . 1 to Its normal condition. hearing wit) be destroyed forev-e; nine cases out of ten am rauadd by e'etarrh, ..itch is nothing bat an Inflamed condition of the mueoun sumacs. We will give hue Hundred Dollars for any caw of neatness 'caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured) by Hall's Catarrh fare. Mend ter circulars, free F. ,I . (' H E N C Y & ('0., Toledo, 0, Mold by Druggists, 75.' Hall'. Family Pill. si, the best • Immune. "They've got n lot of typhoid fever in Washington." • What cense. 1t 7•' "The Potomac River drinking wa- ter." "Drinking water? I ',pore that's may the reason the Congressmen Dever t get CIT -7 -Cleveland Plain Dealer. A Vlaearler. "There in it email. nrnrtaey-/•,1 bey lit leg' In thief city, who. 1f he do men't Ince. 111. Ilfe through Jn.t retriloil n. will grow rip to leen great financier," e11.1.,rel Jones. "Far some (line Inc wife Ill. p Iseessel n yellow pup tint tmw 'm earthly Pectase for ming: Reit .he thinks that he Of the finest .leg In the city, aria errands motet of her time hngging him tine kl.eting hl. dirty little no... Finally, the tog- llturrl.fn became a0 unbearable to h ll' tint i rePdvol to end the nnlaanen. Chewing (0 meet it small. cross- eyed boy one shay, I "obi to hltn : '• _Sion liege _btky„.__Ikk. atilt 4101 earn half a crown ?" "'Sure,' Paid he. "'Well, then,' maid 1. 'yet go rip to my honer, watch your ehatmer, and steal the yellow car that ya1 will find Imaging around there. When yet get him, bring hire, down to my office and get year half-crown.' "Within two bourn the bey wee bock with the car tied ld it rope. "'Whet will I do with him ?' Ife nodes], after I palet blm. ."I don't carr.' i snaprs.l; 'drown him If you want to,' "That night 1 dtmo0yertl my wife In bear., nal I was Informed between .ohm that poor, dear little Fleto Mn. MInsIng. 'Me next day ehn had an ndve•rtl.ement Ingertal In all the pipers, offering one pound reward few hln reetnrn. The third tiny the meet fine Joofnlly at the door an.( nn- nrnunorvl that Fido had been found. "'Where?' I asked, ooncenling a groan. "'.1 111 tie boy brought him 'week,' eh.' nnswerel. "What kind 0f a boy 7' f Koko', .n.ptc in M y. " 1 men cress -eyed toy with the ,i.04t bonnet fne* that f ever saw on a boy. I gave him* pound,' " Nothing to Equal it. Everyone has beard of St. Jacob* 1)1. for Humes-ttlmm, strains, bruises, lame Zack, and all muscular artier and pains, boa few knew that there in nothing to equal at for relieving for softening the harsh, halloos skin which frequently forma un the soled of the feel. ,anyone metering from s•nrltlye WAN 011 the top., sides of the feet, 0r between the liner, Mandel rub et little Se Jacob., til on the sore qct every night. The lmme- ,Uate relief obtained is 'Imply won: derful. Nol hoadeho'ti should be without Rt, Jacobs Oii. 1t will b1• wanted after cricket. after tennis, after it day's boating ; In fact, it fee the athlete's frl'nd. All rhemisls Nell ant, JwewAw A4F•wwtf s-lt(t-epat bettte le sufficient to prove beyond a doubt the above ointments. IllculL lige One night at rapper my little bro- ther wile eating 111 apple. Soddenly he lifter) up leht ryes and said: "If a giant me a little boy, how Keen woWd he some to the core?" There 1a w warp Thing as a harmeeei rnetb. The bauble gnel from had to wore unless': eheeked. Alen's Long Itnls*m cure. the worst of saltie. 11 alleys fnfiammauoa and cleans the *1r ea•••R..• A Joke Kith*, Way. - IMmsrt )tet.' Friend -Teo call that a Joke? You'll never be able to sell it. Humorist -Well, In that case It will be a Joke on ow. "L OOP, and tf you do sell it It will be a Joke on the eslllor."" Nat Yon Cannot Nell "any old tMelt" merely by ndverti.lug. hinny liniments an wivert1.Pd bleb one. Perry Davie' Painkiller, hsat atom, the teat of slily year.. Teeing It b more ',Nailer than ever. 25 and no epee". Otherwise engaged. Madge -Do yo1 that& the minl,ter offsldre any of lee congregation by what he saki genii Sunday golf ? Marjorie -O( course not. Nobody who playa golf was there. 10 ciliate A COLD 1N Oleg DAY Tab LaxntIe. Promo Quinine Tablets. All Mi lard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Illstory of •a ale Klstrrrd rawnlly Unique In the blrtury of freaks In the six fingered family u( Dresbaele Minn. The. faintly now ('omelets of Mrs. linsklll and ten children. The peestlaetty IwP14P*g. 11. tide arother're stele. Mr.. Gentiles malden. name was Olive Cooper. Haw does out know where ehe WAN tern, but the family 1. probably of New 'Cork origin. 1410 re- itIe111iwr. dotty' Tttlttt llIW"TOEi `a' wgn- derer with the Cooper family et as early age. nM that the Coopers were haeket makers and venders; they tine'nt from New 1'0 , to Oen Fran- cisco severe' times. In the Cooper family there were ten children ; five of theta had six flinger' and five heel not. The great. met peculiarity In tliat every alter- nate child, In point of age• has the extra finger, And tlertm..who are not six fingered are 1APe.med with en ex- tra toe, anti those who have .lx Over Inc.. webs between their toes. Ts* extra flingers and toes have well de- %eloped nails. So mach for the Cooper family. Exactly the same condi- tions are found in titer Gambill family. Mrs. G*.kdn wan nwtrrlel to ?Arleen. (instil thirty-two petrol ago and Ire. resoled In I)reidstell mince then. War la the metier of nine children, four of them listing the extra flin- ger and four the extra toe. •••••••• • ••••N• •.4444 6••• KLEPTOMANIACS, • • OR PLAIN THIEVES •• • • N•••••••••••••••••• • •N• "'111e u,o.t remarkable care a klep- tomania first ewer tame to in 110- tice, and uta Gel came eery near being lay solute" mid a detective the (alter day, "uteri rred Nevem' eraser ago. 1 gen then employed ier a large department Store an lVaahlug- tun. One dee during t'w winter hol- iday .5111011 a n.d1-drrrs.d woman euteretl the store enrrytng a muff and umbreelia. as sae lst*md by the leather guests deport moot 1 raw her skilfully 'swipe' a 1ss•ketteok from to number that 'were ou display. She placed the pocket -book th her mull. 1 fotloa-vd tier to the elevator ala ten up to tow third floor. Oa the way up site diroovtrreeI that I wag fol- l.ointg her teat when see' left the elevator rete managed, %ithout my e ning ter, to placce the pocketbook that she Iradieslola•n between two bole* ten t`.he 41011 counter. Thin, Hoa- rder, 1 failed, to melee. sue nitre Ink. came downetalrs l told the pro- prietor In her hearing "that she had ltulen n pocketbook. "'CLS proprietor looked at me hor- rereetrlekeu, elide the lady, turn- ing about, demanakd to knows west i had mid. I 1) 114 50 certain of • my ground haat 1 .'}sated the ae- venation, aiserenp.)u the proprietor wool to me; "'Oh, no, you're mistaken. This lady and her husband are friends of mine, whom 1 "melanin fr, quetrtly: "1 was l'eliug awful .laky, lint bet1e no c(K'krure that elle head 11,, pocketbook 1 int o.• it 1.,1.1 fruit and 'tuck td, my first statement. 'file lady wit' terribly Indignant and the proprietor heti a regular cave of trembler. Whti1. toe- a►r.mnitiuw all worts of apologies. she was re:nl- ielg the riot act to me. litre loll rp. that 1 'wtshl.t pay- for tine dear- ly;' gave orders to the Nor walk- er to telephone. for her husband, and insisted on being searched. Things' were Laking pretty equally fin ms.. when n thing hap- pened that chalgt•'el 1hP eompleiloa sef .idents very materially. 1- llC e•..I that she had a stet the posi- tion of her halide in her muff "sev- eral tine', aria that she had alma plaewl her umbrella lea11tng ag:tlUvt the counter, aud thinking that �e might have slipped the pocketbook down Into the latter, 1. without raying a wired, reached over, picked up the umbrella, an 1 turned it lip - . Ad.. town. The pocketbook did not drop out RN 1 had Ptpeeted, but. what was better ,till, eight pnlrs of kid gloves, from which the tags had never been remen.l, rolled out upon the Thor. They were not tak- en from nor olid th', belong tooter More, but from the tags 1 recog- nized them an belonging in an- other establishment where de.tlt In loves next 'door. ee was beginning by thin time to t+tt 1i soh, awl without 1 ming any time I went for the proprietor of the store next door. 11 a rite • in, Iden- tified the god., 11 lid stul.d that the lady had 14.'1 in h1. Store, but that she made no purchases. Al thief thee rite broke .1•,w:r and *Walt 'An ery, and, d Iring to . bneb,patters ell amnud, 1 imide' n hurried trip up to (be thtrl Iln.r, lokrwl over the dull reuniter, iter, f.nmd til:, pocketb.s,k site lutd stuloa, and brought It hark In triumph. e It turned out th•,t her Ilu.tand war a wealth,- nttn, and could have pstrrhaned her most anythlag she __needed.Kir. 1"k a .Reye.t co-mylW.-i, ertlfr'sned that OW wan n kleptu- m'th.lnr, anti th tl see rou11 not re.let th, temptntoh to take things. Her hi.hl lel, wive wise veining down to poll a off as an impudent black - ,d 1l,,' J eh of pitying( ter the g1ivP, and p.s•ketb sok nn,l of hudilnK tiring■ up with the tt. Met arkeep ere. If !hart tett.*. to 171ateelfa�d 1lie rh:1r•ge I had preferred against tens 1 .ly, lo,' •g me J do w iIt1 have been the lightest of all the .cows that would have feltlrial,)rdQdownn given .15 Than aloe 11:1+,14+, earl n drpnrt- mere- store. detective frequently ens to stand by In 'silence and met thing. .to1wl rather than take the co IP - y o 0w la Ilse .'rent Ica ttp,Mrtook to eppre., ben.' the g.nle..) 'hheplom•Inlnes' who do lb- stealing."-washInkton Post. ISSUE NO. 43. 1802, BUTTER AND EGGS POULTRY, White Mesas bought outright, Chew, d•uurb and extracted honey Uoodl tartness. for handling. l'unel5uueey solicited. ('orresp.auleurrinv ted and prompt. 1yy attended to. Bw•ew az aud Buckwheat floury wanted. 1.111 pay 15 Ceuta per I1. Pur b.rWati. JOWL J. Me 69 Front lit. Bart, Tweets Mrs, Wto.low'e emetIUne a7sup Mould always be used for Children Teething. 1, seethes the child, Softene the(lum�bw wind voile and 1• the bat remedy fur .E.„14)itHALE-M()MM. UV 7'H M: i'I_IiNT moose beet land 111 Bay Couutr, both ...111 and cleared, In good i&rml'Rht coulwua fly. Apply to L neatly, Oliver, Mich WANT1D- $1VERALBRIUHT PL'OI'I,ti who sea earn at I.nrt tiffs.. '.dist, wetly; ..resat of Dar reprI5 ftati,N mete over Ave dollars Ie a daytatdeWerl01 nor collecting. The century digs Co., LW., Toronto, Ort 1)OCY1CT MAUNIYYINO UI.A tY4-MHI'1's 11 up like a hada, for exeminlug fine work or the small things of creation; le Invaluable to students engineers, mechanics, tailors, t ,, cloth, rte.; sent w testing any addressa for 95.' 5 for el.o0; o.gynte wanted, W51ar Lamp and Mag. Co., Hamtltou, U.1. IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP. The quality standard from Oman to Ocean. Your money back Ifnutynalaswry hone 1 LAb'LA)l , Amato. Most,e FARM FOR SALE that meat desirable. property known as the Zimmer Farm, !situated claw to btu, Ifuglon Junctl.•n; containing N7 arm, 1ir.t ...ndy loam; abundance of fruit; two boos., and nutbuludbhgs. sold la w huts. or 10 nen. lots. Laity terata. Apply MIMS r.IMMFIMAN, 5a Wellington et. south, Il awlltnn, ilorse health is one of the most import.::! things for every homer consider. Dick's Blood Purifier will build up a run down horse. It tones up the system, rids stomach of bots, worms &teed other parasites which under- mine an animal's heglth. So Cts. a package. LEEMINO MILES 1 CO. AGENTS. - - - MONTREAL. "CYKO" Photo Paper. Prints at eight by any light anatpe dozen. a .5, with 1„ • 1 iesrlop.r nod phot.., mailed 1 /told by s_ k/1/'\s." 51a lJnwn. �e tt' 1'11 n:ellnn .(gent TALENT MAKMCIII ICSPa V. If you hare a s ".int !Men!, develop It ('AN Vol' DRAW:' learn 11.1.1`MT1l( , fess TION and /arrear Your salary. In...tt.. tore In demand. Large • bledee „Nen•d. atsd.ntr drllgh led. 1'on.plete rnorr stn. re.,.fnlly tangii n1 hems during q,ar' hours. (11'It POP int Pr In all roonnrnt.i: subject te, Iorludlumtl l'eLh••ggra�.hr 11111 1.1,. '.Zs.* tMitifi , arethorough naiTronipie4 We guarantee them. Preowned eepeelulty I..,' home etude wren• for nd.•.. rlptn• eatah,r,:' .heti i me. There (tin Gee& Imre eg WHAT'S HOME: WITHOUT MU81C 7 Prom inner'' dlrert 0e pnrrhn.er, saving over hull In p11,','. •1'o I, tr.'dne. on? font 1n one row LainatIon 1,.,rument'*0 5111, on re. rrlpt of toys dollars chip oar nl three toren- wont. with Imo roe lion book. litany will re- member three Instruments Ma on' rxhlbltlun at tete et II weltion. Mame nre sn1i1, rptall for t we've do Inn. O,lv llmltrd nand rM sales .111 b. tendoton thio p1.a M latrr4netlnn. burnt Jdsalc 1'0., 111 (eros. ARa.le, .,son• I ,, ante • Hint ger 'epee Vast. They twit in the heimmork. he and ..pips If," Pil.ntv�1 the Illllr Hort. tits., sw1oRing the hour. away in A amt the t.'nrher ftlld l0 i14111* In her islppy manner pdemlar to torr... tremae. 1n reeler o rerttt.'r her coin F-innlly Ito' whiNls•rnl In her ahrll- Correspondence Department Central Business College, Toronto, Canada ' Diamond Hall Diamonds. THIS Is one of the' Ryrle' Specials in Diamond Rings, No. 969. Our price for it is $75. We personally guarantee the quality. Il 1. te.n.Ut M IR Seta. .,r sfhw I.4I . to estbsum o .ear We deflect. this safely to ear sddre.., end refu.d the full prier of you are not perfectly p,isted. {'one for our ter lllestr.ted ea.- slot•e. Ryrie Bros., Jewelers, tear end Adelaide Stotts, Toronto. • Not What Mbs Wanted. seised it slats of A tenrher Wait lnstrnettr* infante, and was lotting the children finish her ..nuns." tie makeesu a they understand. I The blot had eyes," ills Maid, "hu• r It ventldn't-" Bee," cried the children. iL had (re, but IP couldn't-" " Hear," wild the ,Ina.. It had Iles, but It couldn't -" Ppenlee vette the e(fllrlren. It had a nose, bid It rmtldn't _" er.igyt. relied t►. weary If It Inns to curs. I Mor far: R. w: Orore's signature loon rash hot, 255 . _-_- "lout are Mie 11 tench " New York ('erlrsl snit Hudson River Railroad. The above- num. Is a household word and the .,)leder evr.•,h•mv /If the rood .hon1,1 1.• inserent to lttra,•l newt Tenet. bot nes that the ant. Is the .rime to New 1 ark and p,dnte root rot It ether tine, too further n•• Mm MP. Lullun .fno,ld be mutes 1:,.,.• hely 5111 1,11 yon It Is tar twat. "KELPION /I •• ,,saes TI.' mitten inn•• hrr hand demure ,ee•e`h for n few ni nnles, while. a worm bloah spread rites. her In r. blonde tedeme by hest Seiki lsedl..l leersela, "1 -I'd 'either be n pet r," she nn- swere•t errmn'e m.ly A long 4lrnee rnmte,l Then. tee a hen ill u fel arra to the Set tint toil tin fotdle'l testi to the .ming man, nal the cants nre low out Be..11.d to British .Skil..... lost h *friss. ler all Threat and Mood Trimble', temps. *1 ,Ohl ter.. 01e..a,.'.les., 111a 01 [e...ns Pimples, Stiff Joists, t..."..tlun, 1.1.1*.. katealac Bret.., Plies, Cuts ler. r... PI.rrielI ..Id bp Dm/gists. tie. Tee 1t eine., Piles To torero to yen that fl ('Asr9 Olntm.ntUwrert stn snd nbnlnte em. fir .soh end every form elf io hula. bthdatee gond pgntrndlnV rile'• the mannlietnrer. her. gsnrnnt.rd 11. Mor les• I 'mon tel. In the dally araem and ask fair neigh hors whet t. think eit. Von can welt sIt and t.11tlJJos...rmMhaMAr0k.nIfset ,UA.rtaert (Id,TmoMYn.taAs Dr.OhaIle's Ointment