HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-10-23, Page 5THE BI'GiNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. THU*$DAT, Oot. 23, 1902. .5 W. Acheson&Son Our Mant! and Jacket Attractions. We are showing an immense range of magnificent gar- ments and wraps for fall and winter. Every style fashion- able for this season 18 En our selection, and an attractive style and finish is about every garment superior to any shown in ---loriiier seasons. Values are excellent and modest prices are the prominent features of this our stock of nearly 200 mantles Carpets and Linoleums. Little money will possess unusual buying power in Car- pets and Linoleums department this inonth. Special lines just received and qualities sold generally at much higher price. English Tapestry Carpets. 27 mhos wide, 1n new wail assorted range of ur-'0-date patty vas sod pretty com- btnsuuoo. imitable for parlor, doling room, halls, •tr., mule' 60.• mod b53 • tool, .pools! a' 500 Reversible Carpet. 36 motes wide, heavy ardor, handsome oolortoge, new de.gnr, .t •neeiel nor yard 25o, 850 and 40c Scotch Linoleums, 2, 3 and 4 yards sold., • 'tromp range o1 good floral, block and 111. patterns, .cit- able for dining room., kltoheos or hall., etc., special far yard 85o, 400 and bOo BatJ..lok's potteries for November .11�w Is 'tock. I)eitoestor on male and fashion ohaem hoe W. Acheson & Son. AFRICA'S GOLDEN LAND, �d 0eth "ds Ib., l: ati.a for their 13 some W ashes where irrigation hu been tried the land hom proved to be marvellous- ly len le, while in the 'prom when a law showers fall toe desert for • time Ilarely blossoms as the rose. Except at some of the railway stations alter, plantations of e ao*lyptus Ireee h ire more or lees saccus. 1.11. r Ir.ne a seined e.rreapeade.t to fully bold their own epaulet emery odd,, tbe .nulb !Steles 1 b kare. Y/+teres-- Lard is tredve., sod the few weatter or, Ce..rleste■ el the Klerk home. Moog Me line, ten and twenty mile• 'aeons e)sorear •p.rt, 0reoopre..tvely bueend rnbn.pttat h•, tiletheir surrnuoddor,. Toe one redeem - ino lraton ciol,.i for Ute K.ro,. 19 it• wooderfuild clear, pure, hetlthy •. 11. ghats, making ra cluc•te nos of the fia..t a. tb• world for Mee •uff.yiog from pul- soliary trouble.. l be air 1a summer though hot in :he d•y'ta a is dry and the meninx* are cool and p:...et. Every steamer from Eogland erlvtog at the CASs brtog.lts teostbeotog role of oon.ump'tvss sod bealtb-.,e•k.re, •hr, •t•.r speeding a year on the Karoo, oro reran „to their n om s with • renewed lease of life Almost In the centre of this desert Is R..utort West, thes largest town tot the Karoo, and one that a typical of .11 the ethers. It is mach !Netted to by invalids. An Kuhns oonsumytlte on leodtog •t .ry et tie oust ports make. etreiget for It. ..n•tenum. 'l he little loon 10 eitnHel oe a dal sou•.•ked pen, brown sot bore a• lar u the rye can rewb• Its irregular woofs, ate gales. 1.4 :too root. ,:+rted wail . loom eummer, ocumuleti,r of duff, its kale. of equal, netnv hum, do not nt.k. Inrtluag spot to live to .via los soot Travelling from Capetown to Johannesburg le notal Corre.00ndenoe of Ter ay. NAI.J speak of Africa and goldeo o . .r. . S0•keepeare three handfed years ago. 11.4 he know of tae precious duet, the yet low Braine is the wade of the "euoay foot - troop," that are now', end have been for years, the p,aorful attrautloa to this maw - set and 01001 Md. IV, oceloseatlbeetroot'. tunes hays paved lino. then and Africa's n ame Is still a*.1a1d with dreamt of wealth, and at the pr.me n• m, meat le the quaver of the world to whish all longior e ye" are I.ekl.g, all veal areal, remises, ImolUa-seekers. are tures* their stops, H.r Woo toss el glow tag pebble. yielded within the 1,.; twenty rate, her shit -loads of ivory, her tales of ostrich leathers, her *buoy, woo! an 1 b dee. wine soil boo -y -all drio.11e 0110011 t, the ,.meting pest whet oomp.rd with the meted hundrede o' moil - lions sterling that have b.en untartoed or *till lie within reaob 1n th. Witwater.rand gold tier!. and the 6f y miles of new mete recently dreeovered. 1'o. Rend U rh 10 luttoo•, says the world ler and veer, tad !k+ ev.ry.e else I hove two 501imel7 awaillog peace noel •o oppotlu:nry to vtott Joh.r:mbarg to pee the muot-gdvertnied golden otty, o visit some of the min-. and 'le steely fur myself the prr.bablltt .. of bu,t- n eop utmost*. medlar the raw British rule. To the urdiasry civilian for *h. pest two an4 i httf yeass t0.1 moot ezoluslve of a Lhasa". is Titet, has net been more doted or less r000hebte than Jubase.hurg. N hen pesos eras declare.! only refugee, sod effectually Wrecked d the Inroad" gaBoer of the R e•�vrromeot offio:•ls mould procure permits enemy t . nor us sacred promote, but gradually enemy and our I: mads the Colonial rebels. the Footnotes. ..• bang removed and now Protan a gaently shaped little ralvanixed upno •.t .fykig the anthorltlee that you are sot building.to makedoubwalled and fill. to not an roomy to the new order of shines, time nand to make It bat mor oof, ..ms - e times octagonal 1. shape but mon generally annular, some twerps to sixteen feet in dismet.r and tight to ten feet to height, with tont oonloal In shape nr oblong, with lour protecting gables like • t'nicest) p.god•, pterood with look out bole. and nfl• opeo- toge 0o window., a low door -way, protect- ed by p11.. of nand bag., and the whole surrounded by • network of barbed wire fencing, and you have the ordinary block- house. A pair of well-bullt droved sone fortifies:loos, two and three eerien to height. with Iron loop -hole. sod doors, take the place of the small blockhouses at all bridges, mountain pewee, towns and place* tot rugg.d health. A large dam supplies the town with.utl:ent water, while • paterpal gover1mest has been euooseslal In contra - Wig • fiao plantation of esulyptne 1a the e elgbborbod, sod the villagers have don. w hat 'boy goo to improve upon mature by Rrowieg an avenue nt pear trees slung the mala 'Uwe and making their garde.. ..d chard. attractive. The first thing • traveller nestles. atter lesysg the (Meet la the Inmrminsb:e line of blockbeusen-!ike mile pow.-which.o and that you bays means o1 maintaining yourself oo arrival, • permit ref 1ii1id.- A railway ticket from C.mtows assts 160 end rJO return, and the distance, 1 )1-1 mile. Is Drawled over in 60 hour', giv- ing .n ,.verses run of 17 mil.. an hoar, In chafing °pewgs. Rut we mast remember we are not in s 1.n1 of oomoetltive time- table. so we should be content with the speed and solace oareelves with picture. of the pest, oentrutiog the 17 miles an hour with the trek el wagon of a few year. ego, when the journey required three mouths. After our permit hal been carefully 'cretin - 11.1 by the military anthnritles at the nil of 'anomie Importance along the line. The way barriers, we are allowed to take posses. ordinary tLwkoou•es are •t isterysIs of Olen of • oomp•rlmeot la the car half t mile, and in some places 1600 yards, A railway Into is South Africa to .t differ fm that the enemy In trying sty "cteiibe- of lest talion Irom the luxurious Panama. 1• Cods, .n 1 compared with the latter It ie very pre-1d•mi to in apperaeoe, but os the whole le fairly oomlort&ble. I )u • Ione journ- ey & compartment welch ordmartly holds six le reserved for four passengers. By an loges. Met newt vaooe to the panneelvig .,t the partition walls two eliding ,hell like beds Co be let down •t night, whirl-, w th the two hug w.1'-sphol,'ered ...t., make fairy eomfortahls sleeping •coommelelinoe. Each oar fs divided into several aurh onmpert- ment,, all oommnnicatlng L► • narrow pan - see doom rile elle, tweedier/ to the end platform,. Bab the ears are short and .0 eons:rooted that they [i!! & peat.t-amount efeicfiLiloe and profanation to the mooing m'Je than any railway oar, 1 hoes., •0 that In • long journey on. Is very glad %hell the hell -hoar stop i& made several doses • day for refreshments. Laying Capetown the first 100 totem of our way In through the row Pi.'etu, 0radna.ly attaining et height of 600 Mast, Ih.n ensr.rd for another 100 mile. through tett hilly, almost melntalnnu•, country owl; •n reach that drearit.t of all d.asry DI*.., the S .nth Afrloan Karoo, at is eleva- tion of .,me two thousand fret. Th& meet "(Or' le lb. garden of the oloey: ferny,Tha blockhouse system t. flue to Lard 0roheirj., y,reyarde, picture one llswb iC ltltSder's energy and *kill, and is lastly afore• (01)11te,) end mei r.1 prmperone towns oredtud with br001 Ib the est to •h sod with pnpulallo•• of from two to four those• at least • year sooner than if the Boers were mi ars allowed to continue then. hide -and seek Ma- pamed ,n t he first few hours' rade Limon them meet get themelvss within n8e range. E•oh ,mall blockhouse was bold by eight or ten men under • 008- oommlsslon.d officer, and here Irom month to month, under a bl.r'ne sun, with hie bgity-heel and hard -tact, Tommy -put Is his time as beet ho could, wattle• for the w4jy Rom whn early to the rams learned to rive the blockhouse' • wide berth. Toe coatrivocee mode use oi to give the alarm In ease the enemy tried to 01010 at might show that Tommy as not void of 101 motion. The wire 1.00.o for hundreds of miles on both sides of the railway. ,re "trans with empty jam and meat tine, and in some pt•oar when the Kars weremote I kelt' to 'attempt • crossing the a r.nda of fano:, are literally covered web the..ay:denos. of • foodless land. A tattier gold idea often snit ie • trit-wlrs'parallal with and • few pales from t h i railway feooe communicating with the blockhouse, on that when "tumbled e pos by the un.urpeotiug Mr. Roar It auto matu•liy tired a number of set rifles com- ing the direction of the wire. frewkee were also dog along the milw.y o the little garrison mold move out to any threatened point. , 11 •re Sou!h Afrtne •II Tike this motto. of eh, ,•.,lore, Ir m ght ne adv.nyg•nu.'y corn pard with net. beautiful western Ont•rin, In which aft •r among Dearly .very nary et 1 h" ,•; vii r d w ,rid, 1 e n none.i vmb!, give the palm for prosperity, fertility and the e vidence, of homely t crest, r .. Al,nut 200 miles from C.petown t0. one.h.rn Komi begin., and covers the sec - and Walesa, el retching some 350 miles from e"'' to w••', and tnrether with the north •rn Karoo er,ending tome 400 mil08 n+r10, to I Ito t) angel river. A hlelr., 1•ad, • 1,, $ of M•nl•tien •1 this seeenn of the y•nt -nee, ins esn 'snood the 000(000* h - tw°sn Ise mnnotnoy and the sooner/ of flee onset dh,trin•. Rs -r, uninteresting le the veld. or open ononrry, sneered and farrowed by deep, dry gnllter, the outlook changing at times to • land, ape hounded on all sides t7 r(nally barren hills sed k pie., reeks s.d prenlpt, .., hrowe, rugged and d*the'• of Isle The Karoo bu.b, which gives Its e&me to the dl•t.rint, ie • most unpromising leek'.• vegetable, more esperlelie when tarot brews by a ale month.' summer ens. 9tr•ege ae It may ..m, however, these 111alem-looking clomps of "neon. in the del est swasnm afford nourishment to gummed' ret "het, and goats, and oe•elonally •l we Pent through a phone of open ooealry • Ini,ed hook i. osIImid .Nngiling with sn- are for a very tare etllteio. One's fumy rem away with the thought that • green English poems with Ise *body hedges 0.d rieplleg streams should be reserved for .11 the gond sheep sed goat. of the Kama wham true e0 e).voriy pursue l dur,ng the early part of 1901, 1t sneer. the *hole of the r•Ilwsye to the twn new colonies, mint of the Ceps uses with their extent ,0 through to blabbing, together with eever•l hanbed mite, across the open veldt, and totals a mileage which 0.0001 he far •hart • f three thonvod. D. E Mol oNNrt.t. Toothache Cared la sae Mlw.10, &iterate some batting with Polson'. Ner- vihme and place no the oaviry of the to oh. Rah the palnfal pat o' the (ace with N.rylline, bled to • hot flannel, and the ton. Bothe willdiesppear immedleety. N t- vslfne le a splendid honed'. II remedy Inv ar•m,w, indigesttnn, Dammer oompl•int rheumatism, Igi., sad ton'haohe I'nwerfol, peestratleg, sate and plee.•01 for internal and external an. Prim 25t. Try N erviiIN. I'se 1)r. Helsillea'e tale far MI ma.nesa. Ib M 1110111 Mre the Rerrld .ass. An F.nel,stt town (tonnnll 1s In a stets e1 delighted amusement. An old meld II.leg on the Fermi wrote stoat ten day. sgn, cern- platelets nt a man whn bathed j,.1 opposite her window, at 6 o'oloek every morning Ttn monnll wrote to the man, who replied that It was .o early In the day ho had hoped no one nould take exnoption te Me bathlrr off trio Front ; hot that he world gladly go two miles higher op. Lest week, hewevsr, the nnanoll reeelv.1 soother letter of oma plaint from the Idy : "The man 1 wrote you about has goes higher op the bmob, hell 1 me .0,11 sen him will a Mlewp." COUNTY CURRENCY. Heoull Tne name of the Centennial hotel has been uh.oged to the (I,seu''. l 1 own lb' red 11e•mevdle messed brick has arrived oo the .mem for the new peetuthoe. F: 1 Mr.. M. J Who. held • sale of elm death of hare. Ferguson, of Chleago, lase Del) daughter of Mr. and biro Der, of Wloebam. Deceased way for some U,oe the ubltelne uk,elady 113 Maeu•'. Fur *for Maytag ,ytughap% she removed to emcees, where she was married • taw mouths ago to Mr. F.tguwo. Clinton : Owl.g to the coot aued MOON kat household .e.ut. lase Saturday, and of bar worler and the apparent 4.fiiaolty will heave for California at once. of .souring do ninth' help, Moss Sot/beams Clinton : Mise Kline Downer left fur New has lam compelled to resign her ponies York oo Moody of last week, where *he u teauber la Hensen school, after tiv• tease per post -graduate 000r.e 1t aurae year.' service. The board parted with her very reit*, '•olly. MI6. Luoy Stereo., of the base line, has hem engaged lu her • Morrie A letter from Heorry Mooney, of Wey burn, N. 11'. "T. , formerly • well known r..ldeut of Morrie, 51)0 he threshed over 10,000 bushel4 til vtou trout the retook la six days this year. 11e had 0 300 bush- el* of wheat, of which he sold 7,300 bushels at W we. per ousbel, giving bin a very 1 dy sum. They had over 2000 bushels of oat. also. Their Nein le o•Iled Stamp bank. Brussels : 10 • recent Nine of (0. Crane than Sportsman a portrait of Walter Harland Smith, as old Brum!' boy, 1e given. He I. oow the proprietor of the widely -known horse sale stables to Toronto known as lir.gd's Repository. Mr. Smith leu dime well and le worth coulderable nein. His f.ther was • oma -time cabinet maker in Brussels and will be remembered by the old resnt.nu. Brunel, : Principal U•mer,o has boo re. eag•ge4 for 10e oomlog year .t $tit7O Mis. loots'...l•ry wee also loureaeed to 1400 for 1903. Cllolus : Oo Wednesday of last week • hots the{ had been sold by Mr. Wath to Otto. 1.1., bake its owk while to the 0.ttle yard. Swlortb : There have been pard In to Me town treasurer of tame for this year up to last week, 19439. '1'6m whole amount to be oulleoted u 115 000. 8eaforth : The Brodloot & 1105 Co., of Seaford!, have dammed of their furniture store In Clinton to K.N. Roe, of Exeter, and Mr. Holloway, of Clinton. Seelorth : S Mentis, formerly of Yea forth, hu Masted to E lmo.tun, Northwest Territory, haying purohased a good hard- ware bustoeea la that town. itru...l.: We are sorry t) bear that Jao. It. livor, of 1t iooipeg, formerly o1 !limonite, I. 111 with typhoid lever at 0a boon., but we hope he will Noon be oinyl..eoot, tt'iogb•m : Dr. A.oew has gone to New York te take • post graduate news.. Oo 0u way he ►topped over •t Philadelphia to ate not 9,115r, Mts. Millie, who a 111 with (over. Brussel.: Ales Stewart, gale] .treed, tell from •a apple tree In his orchard ea. day ree.otly and broke his tallier bone, damaged .everal r,b. and was otherwise valise ap. S,.forth : S. A, D.cksoo Intends leaving hen io about a week for Red Deer, Albeit•, where he iateods praousiog low. Hod Deer I. ome of the beet town. between C.1 tory on Mend• Deceased left this motion gory end Edmonton. y• e Myth : Mies Maud King lett here om for Chlo•go over twenty years ego. The Monday of fait seek for Weshiegtoo, D. Deacon lemfly lived for some Sun on the C., whore ohs lnterodo taking • nouns of treeing to the nauooal tremor school for ma.fooarin and deaconesses. Clinton : Mr. Perkins, of the Clarendon Hotel, bas la his poseeesioo two medals, which he has woo •t two of the largest expositions ever held, for Ming the bait obsess -maker. Rank to the 80'. he took the gold medal offered at the great 1.Ir held In England, acid In 18J3, the Chicago World's la1r, he captured • diploma, whlob Is a pleoe.1 art, and • bronze medal 3jj inches &guars set lo plash and enoloeed o au aluminon case, for the best made cheese eshlbited. %t'logham : Robs. Deacon, • former resi- dent of this section, died In Cbl1go oo Fri- day, 1010 Met, and his remelt.' were brought bare for interment In the Wingbam oeme Choton : Norman Webb arrived last weak le town with Ole bride, and will .pend • few days w.th hie puent• before returning to resume his potation in Stratford. Hie bride was a Mtn Ansa Jennings, Walkerton, farm oow owned by John F. Ltoklster la Eget Wawanosh and the deceased, with his brothers, was •gago.l la the threshing business in this motion In the early Jaw. lie was married to • sister of the late David S. McDonald, of Zetland, and sou a brother of the Rey. IA l)eaoon, of Steal ford. Stephen: No little Interest has been takes Brussels : Rs.. Joo. Rn.., B. A., who is here for N me months past la • Itoo fence tmprovieg considerably in health, hopes to ease, which has been the subject of a he home fur Me first Sabbath of November. contention between two farmers of Stephen lore. Roo is somewhat better but le no: by township "Moe Lay lost Isaac Hill sad any means eojoyiag Mr outiomsry vigor. Robert Sweet are the owners of ad mining Iota., on the 9.h 0000easlon, the back porlloo of the farms being still uncleared std unfeooed. Mr. Hill wanted to eoolone his portion of the bush and Insisted that Mr. Sweet should build half of the line linos. '1'o this the latter objected, as be oentmded that it was unoccupied and named by blot. Mr Hill then called in three feooe-ylewers his school at Ducking and has gore to and asked them to aeal with tbe whole line Sobomherg, weer. he teach.. three olas..., fence in the cleared u well as to the as cleared l. junior and senior 3rd and the entranland. Tho fence viewer' did this and made .n award sustaining Mr. HM's oonteotion. Mr. Sweet oonteoded that not Ei*o.dylIk : John Termite., of Emend- orli ,h*old ne not be forced to build a line vine, has parehased the Pi:kett farm, on fence in the broth but th0t the front fono. th• Huron road, lu.t east of Cdnton, and should riot be brought moo the 000troverey take. possession on November let. The •n there had never twee any dispute as to It. farm Levens 50 agree, and the price paid Mr. sweet then appealed through his *ellc- wes 114 600. tor, Mr. S'anbury, of Exeter, to Judge 7.oriah : Whsle L. Foster was hitching Doyle, who be.rd the appeal Iasi wok. •.olt to • car the other day, the animal Hie Honor, alter reviewing the evide.oe, sot the upper hand, and too tbroogh the gave judgment to fayor of Mr. Sweet with barn kite the shed, when a Dumber of rigs orate and set aside the award. - _-- were. Tb. tart was badly .mashed but the horse was not hurt. and e1e.te... Matt,* : Stewart Seymour had the deem 1s just one cure and that is plenty misfortune to cut the toed., of bbrl.ht foot of food for the blood and gen... whine 10 while chopping wood recently which will ley best,sopplId lo F'errozone, than wbtoh no him up from his I.bors for some time. Ile blood builder, n.n-e tomo or ■trength pro• bad to have several stitches put In to draw daoer n better. Ferrozoze promotes healtby the lips of the wound together. dlgesti0o, which remits In improved motel - Exeter : Wm, Snell, of William street, t•oo. The blood grows rich and red, furn- ish.. nobility to the entire system, and the atom of Derv. foroe and energy increase. daily A rebad,itog of the constitution, new epinl., health and strength, all oeme from the ase 40Ferres,ue. This marvelous for le old by draggled.' for 50c. a box, or six boxes for $2 50 By mall from Poison & Co , Klog.too, Oat. Brussels : Tuesday' of Let week Charles Jackson left Brasses. on the home Cup ae Salt Lok. City, Utah, •iter oo enjoyable holiday of nearly three months with vela - oyes and floods. Mr. Jsokoo meompenied him. Morro: J. T. Curtis, formerly teecher to t0 Andereop school, 3rd hos, has given op mond sway, at the age of slay -ons years sod months. Mr. Snell was well known 1n thl. locality as proprietor of the livery stable otp,,.lte the Commeroi.l hotel, Irom wbloh be retired oety lest sprier. Zurich : Robert Steck has been rem - gaged as prtnclpal of Zurich publto social at • booreas. n.lary,of 140 Mr. Stelck'e salary is Dow 1440. eche &cheat beard e1 Zone!" evidently •ppreel.te Mr. Stelak's efforts. as is shown by the loorwe In salary. Se•lortb : Harry Stewart, of the 6rm of Ureig & Stewart, chi' tiler., of Nola town. was m•rnel In Toronto, on Wsdoeid.y of lass week, to Mies Tillie Fi Id, daughter of ;so hltz1erald, formerly of tsetorth. Atter a short wedding tour, Mr. and Mn. Stewart wall return to Seatorkb, Morrie : Robert Numb, 3rd line, is bank from an extended trip to Toronto, Whitby„ Oshawa, Rowntanville and other Entero peat. with relatives •od friends. It is forty year. Mom Mr. Some moved front that section to Morrie He noelod many ob•nkee..d kiss. oomparsnrsty few of the peep!. 11'trgham : 1'ns corner -stone of the new Holmes block. corner of Main and Maple streets, was laid ty Mn. R. Helmer, of Tormptn, with appropriate ointments., r■ Fildoy. A large sealed glee j,r 000t•lo• ,ng the lose ingdeafly pear re of Tot ooto and 'Menem... with the keel p•p'r., n10 'oil &neem. n a, CO'/I., OW., was pl•o. d in i he stuns. rf 0 "Certain ertain good 1s better than uncertain hope." Certain value, up to the Maker:,' price, stamped on the sole, $3.50, $5.00, is pled - ell every pair of "The Slater Shoe" Goodyear Welted. W:ngh•m : Word has tent reaIv.d .t WM. SIIARMAN, Sole Ageat, Goderlcll. /14Uage=1111111MorMIWIROM11111111011111011 THESE TROUBLES MIGHT HAVE BEEN OBVIATED BY THE USE OF A NATIONAL STOVE. ZTHF.RF WAS A CROOKED MAN. AND HF SMILED A CROOKED SMILE, i 8ECAUSE HE'D BOUGHT AKED _STOVE TNAT'HADNT ANY Si YL _M.&D A -COOKED Gorst.. - • ANb SHE. COOKED MUCH CROOKED BREADS SHE FED THAT MAN ON STOMACH CAKE TILL HE WAS NEARLY DEAD.: NATIONAL STOVCS.RA tt3 National Stoves 1t0BVIATORettOf Domestic Are Great U Difficulties. Made M QUICKEST BAKERS. FUEL SAVERS THE MOFFAT STOVE CO., Limd; lte Send for folder of the kind of Stn.ee volt Irina WESTON, ESTON, ON A.' J. N. WORSELL, HAMILTON -ST. SOLE AGENT, GODERIOH STARTED11'1 HIS LEGS. As Oshawa Cana wales' soled the Leval Oester. as Wella, Thee at the •oeptlal In Ter.ste. Oau.iwA, ONT., Ocr 20.h, (9peolal)'- F,ve mare yo Mr. Joseph bruwo, o1 the Orb•w• Malleable Iron Werke, began to feel a et ttoe's act so dome la the 0.l see of his lege This gradually Iocr.asod till be lost all power to hu lege and •ems He could not roue his arms to hoe head our steal or walk atones single step. Tits local doctors all treated blot cud gays him up. A Bowmanyille doctor them ad vied hint to go to the hospital In Toronto, whicb he did in Jeouary, 1898 He remained to the bwpltal for over lour settee. Twelve dootors there told him that nothing could he does for bin, so he was removed to his home in Whew.. He writes : "1 ueed slog. her twelve bore. of Dodd'n Kidney fells Lad by the drat of May I was able to Hart work again in the shop and 1 0.v. never boon Wok or off work a day dome " A Retort. Sail • vulgar little gut, who was sneering at another to moult/ that Caere very tar from mil 1, "You ain't Jot oo father, you slut got no mother - Yeti ain't nothlo' but a horrid 'dopted ch0d !" "1'm (mite as good as you," mum the mo rower from the other, "1 was carefully selected from a lot; Rat only look at you -your father and your mother Had to keen you 1f they welted to or pot 1' -George Birdoo)e, to Boston (,lore. Khalsa to the Ran, This ie an uofsiltog nigo of catarrh, an 1 if nor 0ne,•ke& will ultimately result to deaf- ae,e, '1'n, simplest remedy is Cat •rr00z in., wh on 1t loheled • few time. daily, pr.veot• the cetorrhat condition from epreadtogg,�, ('itsrt)iozooe quickly stops tte nogtog the .sr., hired robes, rives plrm•eeot relief to c.tarrb•l doable... For catarrh to soy pare of the system, bronchitis, asthma, lungs or throat trouble., Cstarrb.zaoe Is • species, and is guerenteed to permanently ours or your money book. Large size, 11.00; trial sire, 25t. Druggist" or Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. Ur Hsmilt000 t'tlis cure con.tlpatlos. Oodd's Kidney are the ody medicine that will can Dia- betes,L k1 Bright's Dis- ease this dip - 5511 sou aPIlls tchuer medsee lven DcyoocnuPttno iltrsDoddcuKriadnbel.lisl eas that without Dodd's Kidney Pills they an powerless against Dia- betes. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the first medicine that ever cured Diabetes. Imitations.-boz, name and pill, • re advertised to do so, but t0. medicine that alio r Cure iabato $ V Dodd'. tGd..T Pius. Dodd's Kidney RIM are Mr cents a box at all druggists. I Jordan ]1cBlock, Ii(1 M'S 6oderlch, Ont. WARMTH IS A NECESSITY. Coal In out of the queetlou, but MaKtm's priors will suit the Ieauen1 pooket•book. warm woolens will fill the b111, and the BLANKETS Our "matoblerei blanket Is • large, soft cold r..limr,•t per pair 12.50 "The Daley,' • very large pan wool, full scoured, fins, soft fluffy finish, the kind you hate te got from under of • oold morning, .1 per pair . .=3.25 IJDERWEAR -- We have two epeolale.150•, heavy sanitare wool hoed, •11 elms, at ... ..25o to 50o Pure wool Sblre and Drawers, unehrtok able, ribbed wrists and ankles, the kind you like to get lets, for boo Men'. o•tatal wool, the Met v.lse you ever sow, at $1 00 HOSE - Ladle.- ribbed Hoes, special, •t per pair 25o Boys' ribbed Hose, spooled, per pr 25o to 45o M To ILLINERY- band lam week a lot of the IaN•r shapes and newest trimming., and the popular prloee. Yee what • oleo stylists up to - date h•o Mae 1'sokard eon glee you for 11 25 up to as high as you warm to go, We ase pleased to have you o•ll wheth. or yet• unread to purobase or not. JACKETS - Our new orate for toadies in grey or Week at 15 00 and 17.50 tie the !.lest produo- tlooe, We pare • few lost se0oo'i •1 greatly reduoed price.. OVEROOATltI- We have so them 10 keep • stook of mate, eo they M UST be Mowed, no unman what the prim. We can save you 11.00 to 14 00 on a mot. NKW IDEA PATTh.RNS are the beet. NEIN IDEA MAGAZINE, Si • oopy. MCKIM'S BUSY STORE. The Vital Difference between Lazadves and Purpdves r.nnot be too clearly undcntoed. The former arc GENTLE, the latter VIOLENT. A LAXA- TIVEatdsn the orpnti a PUR- GATIVE UR- GATIVE takes the work wt er/ nature's hands. And every time that nature fails to perform to proper functions It L law dlapoeed to perform them. Purtativ.e, thetlefore, are at beet • neceeeary evil, l.k. en cmedc to relieve the Stomach of undigested food. IRON -OX\ TABLETS • are tot ideal Laxative, strengthening instead of debilitating. • 50 Table-tr. 25 Cents APPles, Boys Aid fiirls WANTEE3- The Saltford Evaporator is now _?f o- business andWiif% any quantity of good peeling Apples, for which cash will he paid. Also Boys and Girls wanted to work in the Evaporator, to whom good wages will be paid. Come quick. \\FALLT Tfla -ERM BECK & GOLDTdOBPE, 8ALTFORD, ONT. LISTOWEL /;(,-74', �t 7 Sept 4, 1902. Begins on III !MAT, 'err. 1, 1511. Two mums, (;ommeroW and Shorthand- _ iv Terms reasonable. Bend for Journal. Students may enter at any time. 0 A. FLEMINO, A. 1,_ McINTYRL, Pres 8e o Mcliillep Methal Fire Iisirua Co. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWS PROP- ERTY INSDRED. Valae of Property Insurel up to January, ION $3,1148,9111.41111 orrtcRRa AND DII{ECTDR0, J. R. Moleaa, pros. ; T. Feeler, v4e,yres. Jas. Connolly', G. Dale. W. O. Hroedtoct, J. Watt, Jas. Xtane, J. O. Greve, J. Reonewea, directors: W. 'l. Rroadfo rt, node •rh, 1n.pec- tor of losses ; T. L. Hays, Seatorth, seoretary- treasurer. A00NT0, J. W. Yeo, Holm*ville; James Coalmine Lgtuoaeiv111e ; R. McMillan, Seaforth ; R Smith, Warlock Polley-1'04dere ren pay 5eo•mante and get their nerds recelptd at Mr, Costs' Clinton. or at Molw,an Bros.' Pala:e Clothing Store, oo.ie rich Huron aed Brace Loan and Investment Co. GODERICH, - ONT. !molt -PHILIP HOLT, K.C. as -THEE CANAiHAN BANK 01 COMMERCE.. 11AN OUR SAVINGS BANK. Great Snap is our Ginger Soap, at 5o. • pound, of which we sell • barrel • week. This isn't our only soap, u we carry everything that oan be found to an 00' to -date grooery sore, and our prim* are right. The farmers know that they can elw•y. get from us . snap for their product.. We drew the Zine at to legitimate trade - everything go..: (il.ww.n or potatoes, garden stuff or ohneosst table China. We deal in all of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., Radford block, Oa leriob 1 BROP9EY &SON - TUB L.4DINri Vwnera\ D'vrettor,f and l+,nwo.kmera. a Rrder• carefully •.tseded 1 5r all \mere, nicht er day. Qeebee 5lreel. We are prepared to receive Deposita _ front Trustees, 1'atejy. j hildren in t -Xi of from i lity Cents o Three e intermit, d d e mei woix.. mt_- sited W o o d •Tolinlereat, added every six months at rates as agreed upon. Chequee are given Depnsitore, eon that they may FOR -SALE -.breacopon rho.. slepeomereb terry t',. 3ii aid 4 per cont intermit allowed on 11epneitst aecording to amount and time left. w N II -Pursuant to a late Act of Psrliamen• married women and miners have the right to deposit and draw out money in their own name. 1)epo.it.. con 0e nent by mail at the risk of .ender Hemove from your hou.ea temptation to burgletre and fond for the flames. As 1 he Company make. Irene only ml drat, clime farm property, tkpoeitors have the strongest security for their in. emit .met ta. TO BORROWERS. This Company is prepared to loan on the shorten notion any .um upon drat cl►. eecunty. Terme are made la.at horrowers. Straight loon. and .impl interest . MORTGAGES PURCHASED-F,w further particulars call at the Company'e office, corner of Market Square and North Street, Ooderinh, W. L HORTON, F. JORDAN, Manager. President. Wo. PHOUDF0OT, Vice•President. DIRECTORS : ie1Rn MTRATHa)NA. J. , M. RONURTA. FRANCIN Jo.eaN, H. Dustup. W.. PAounroo'. NitY Howt*,N. U. J. Nin,i. Pater Hour, K. The Division_�� between good:and lodlfferenl Drugs and Medicines le strongly defined here. The 1.411• lereot kind ore never ordered and Royer permitted to form part of onr stock. Only goods of andoaoted purity are offered to customers. Our stook of Proprietary Medicines la very lame. Prlose are low, 1t. JORDAN \MEDICAL HALL. 9 HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND ,H. ear Scrall[oa Bard Coal IN THS: MARKZT Al Coal weighed on the Market %%ales where you.get MOD lbs- for • ton. WM. LEE. Orden left at LX3 & gg=pg,ire Store promptly •etendd M. Thp a ovb 18 cut into stove wood i len4th and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders received by telephone or left it residence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER ,MCEWAN. Ooderich, November 21.0. 1899. 53.3m Are Always K� Mie ,ly^ it e l fel. b 1 e darahle and Quicker to apply than any othm, 6tt,ng •ccn,r- Mcly-oared therefore most ca.Jy laid. They have-bren thoroughly toted Ise- .11 k:., -tom -a0 dlmatt., invertelly pmvi0q� Fire, Lldhtntng, Rust and Weather Proof. if you're hu i W ing, ma ke gore of .etas faction hy ordering F.vT1.ANrg for the roof-fulk,t information if 301 write. Il{et.11ie Reee'8rig ea., Limited, 0N01ISAlt 0100., TORONTO. CANADA. FOIL `+ALK HY Lee &SUM 00 YOU BUY GROCERIES 7 No one who buys Groceries can afford to overlook the bargains which we offer on every lawful business day. Our Groceries are of the heat quality, and the prices are as low as first -cines gcods can be bought at if you are not already (sealing with us, maks a trial purchase, and free if we cannot suit you. '317.712.="2" az co. THE (IROCRR,a, WART 8I11E SQUARE. "(moods promptly delivered. Telephoee Neta 91