HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-10-23, Page 1THREE A's e e
fil, uu1uuuu144uuiuuIuN
OaOttiiOu, Ooh $1 , I971
Feu W boat, 9 63 t. 63
t lour, f•ndleeper owl.... _1 10 lay W
Your, total. per ewt -_,_-. 2 8t to f SJ
line, H ton-,---.-..._.. ....... ._ )7 00 to17 N)
Shorts. a toa ...... __. _--• 20 1p to CO
ts.• eanings, per owl 100 to I W
It) e, per bush........ 060 to 0 61
Buckwheat, per bush 0 55 to 0 tit'
()•u. le bah torwt a6 M 0 di
Pena.• bash... ..._ ,._., e9 to t 60
per bush .... ............. 0 3/ to 030
Her, ton Dew. .. 6 t0 to 650
Poetess, 0 bush.,
Huller...., ....... _........�
Cneegre, per lb....
I•: ria, (reek .Avsatee bL....
Wood _..._..... ...,......
Hides. _...,-..-..... ••••
Pelts . ......
1.1re tion
I Primed Hoge. ......
Hem. per lb...�..... �, .........
Lard. pot IG ....,..
Drowsed Haat Ribs queries
leased Beef. hind
t'attle, Export
:10 to 035
0 I:i to 0 It
O III to 011
0 16 to 0 16
000 to 600
500 to 601
o tl to 0 to
501 to 5
013 to 016
015 to 016
0 11 to It
000 to 0110
5 tel to 5 50
300 to tie
J Vietortc or Kist street, between my home
and the peel', library. a dllaretd brooch set
with garnets sed brilliant. Ylsder eel be
colt abl rewarded o0'leaving 1: at Tum esu.
t uCos or at my hoµsa. MltH. M. M.
E. Oars turret.
underetgoed. lot pt II. eon. I. K.D. Col.
barns, on Oc►. 10th. w brow., hone, wan one
white hied too and wolle star on forehead.
°weer oaa Aare animal n1 pr..v.n5 property
and parted eaA. MIT('HR(,L. 0641
N CS •
d Ewers
term Indebted to me lWenulvM DIe se
count, sed seUlemot must to mode. This
n ot r.• la tae haat. except from t coeet, which
prose ding will be taken co November H ,
without soy exemption Contra aecosntn
must be presented et once. Y. J, 1411D10AM,
th. Tailor
V mg from the Alaade telex the ferry
witlwut pantomime. shootea. or Otbetw_
trespasses( upas way Parc of the prof any w
b• wrested and prosecuted
Ridgewood Peru,
mimeo: TCRIon (rTtrta9 100.1 EYE
5YI](•l A t.IMT
All khdil of Spectacle. ant Rleila.w•., made
to order Semite attention given t) fitting the
order* by mall promptly attended to He.
ware of parties using my none. cm I employ,
no traveltlsg agents whatever
t(atterectlon t.ttuarsnteed. R.iobl.ehed 1471.
isresuming her closet i in the Fieteher-anude
method at her studio on Havliton street.
For information apply either at studio or at
r,wHocce, Ht Patriots *treat.
Orho int J►got hurck
Pu it of . r, A. E. P
Voice. Asglem esteeel. ,ano, Vett
organist sad mu.I7l director of North street
Sfetbcllat church. taaobar of Plano. pine or
san and 'hearty. Pu Ue prepare.' for all so.
amleation• ofy the Toronto Conservatory of
Meek. Will bac pleased t0 reale., applies'.
note from all three Teo Milne such Inetrue
lion at Lb new studio over Thomson'• mottle
store. ('a. of Pinoo for pnpeloe .may he or
ranged for. 6711
For Bale.
clam u 0 sere farm, Of miles from Wing
ham me Lucksow real ; ,erg• buildings, hee-
l; well unoerdrelod, good barn. orchard.
Yarm Is in good stole of cultiva'lon. Apply
toGKtJ Tit tMNON. el)derlok. or to HEVRT
I IIOMeON, WIsghata. (14,:f
let la Hie village of Luckoow. One,
each contains seven rooms and Is used so a
tentery, is situatel sear the Post °Mos. The
other is a dweltlag hot.., with seven large
rooms. Roth houses are In firstClaesrepair
.'poly peesearalte or by letter for further par -
'Polar. to MIPM KENMETHA. or Mile
1. Wm, Stncban, of Louisville. Kr.. of
fore his form for sale. being lot 5, leeks Shore
Road, C'o.borne town•h'p. This desirable
term le eitn'tted tear mine from the I' owe of
'tiodsrleb, convenient to Pott (►etre, school
and Church. It containn gap sores of eon.
clashed, well watered and an under .•glti-
vaion. Offen received until Nov. colt, IoM.
For particular. •opl• to MIST MARL'
WHIGS, Cambria Itoad,Ooderich, Ont., or to
C 17 West Ky. 8170e1,
Louisville. Ky,
hat an acre o' land, on Pietas street, eau
he taught for lli eeota on the dollar If snap.
ped up now Homeeerkere and Invertors
would do well to inveslha e.
Reynold P. 0.
11 The submorlbtre offs, f re sale the reel -
dente and hoeutifal grounds •dlolning in the
town. f Rodertth, owned end oecupled by the
lion J, T. Darrow, who is about to remove t 0
Toronto, Toe property embrace* seven of the
teem b Tiding lots in the town, containing
nearly two sore., sod to enyene not desiring
so extensive o gardoo onuid be advantageous
1; Stih-dlvided and sold as building sites.
Possession st any time. InepectIon invited.
Terms ooehalf cash, balance os mortgage at
kited at Ooderloh July 24th, 1904
Vendor's Solicitors
LAN to st George's ward. Apply to L. E.
,ile, beingthe property of Met Hobert
Whitely. containing At serea, being nom weed
of lot 12 In the 5th connewtnn. and I accts.,
Port of lot lila the tth menession. Oodsrloh
los'ship. This c ere' claw farm end Is situ
Merl about four m:lee from i.oderloh. Title
Portent. Pot particulate apply to the under -
Datek lad J elY. MOL
11MImisaj1oe, eta
ANCtt and real estate agent. Milne, tee
door east of P. O., Oederloh. Agent for the
meting mutual Aro tamales* eon .enter and
.oding stock eomt•nlea.
Momenta* and msesfaetut;ng risk, t
oweet meet Call at omen.
Boo and Aneo"&neonate dmerle up, Interlines agent
Melding* rented and roots crenate&,
Fire In•etenoe In eMtlsh awl Canadian
Offs a to 1'rnedform k Hays' oMe. North
trent Nrderinh. tll%tf
l, • 1. T. NAFTEI., GENERA!, IN -
Fin, Life, Emote Heal mote meet.
Annidn,tnnd Piet* (Ilea In•oranee
effe•tal en mutual or emelt plan at lowest
-ale ni.elne.
He , h owlish and (7tnadlan con.peneve rep
vee ed.
(IT • sett door to Ostrow k (earnw. Oar
Hate s Remittal street
Projects for the Advancement
of the Town.
$Peelle reeling me Tweeds, events' Sean
Freposities. for Made ark cad Se -
ase Farlorles nod as Electric
Railway for deederleb.
There was • late• and represented•e
tethering at the public meeting held in the
town hall on Tuesday evening for the par•
pose o1 dteousdng • ur000sltlon for lbs re-
bulldhoe of the organ factory cod alto for
the oonsideralloo of the 'agreement pro-
posed to be Instituted b,twesn the town and
the Huron, Bruoe sad Grey Electric Rall
way Company.
Mayor Cameron presided, sad la his In-
troductor), nonwhite referred In some dwell
to the doaiola poeitiou of the town. At
the clow of 1901, he said, the town's 6aao•
tees were not to • favorable ooudition. The
munioipeli'y et that lime bad $90,000 ander
dlsoouot; but that liability was today pret•
:toady wiped out. Tb. amtuet under die-
on0nt by reason of the elevator .!air,
$50,000, bed been retired ;the 123,000 In
000aeo'lon with the granolithla wok• had
bean arrests for ; and the remclniag $17,-
000, a guesting debt awed by tis• estimates
being ese•ded, had been almost wiped out
Mr. Cameron msolloped other 6uooc:•l
ttansectlons el lbs Iowa whioh were bolos.
straightened out, and stated that by the end
sf nett year the tows would have • clean
.beet. There was tto reasoo la the present
Gannet position of the town to prevent tht
carrying out of any of thew proj,,;t• for the
town's advanoem•nt which were tieing
brought before them.
Mn. Saunders was 'tem asked to present
big proventlon in regard to the fee_
Wry, and in doing eo he male the prels'ory
n &cement Chet Vire bail been • real lose to
his company by the remelt fire. By the fire
two vears age they hod lost $3,4100, and tte
lest tine had cawed • net tom of $32 000
over the losoraooe, and he quoted • written
Situations Vacant.
Waitting Factory- None nerd apply ere
05ot thse steady suiployeneat. Ap-
ply at os musemusettemusette at the't'umpaay'e Ofnoe. Rat-st,
Vh',atfltltwet 1113-0\MRi. S. A. MoOAW, 26 St.
Peaoh. qI Wanted.
I. School se, tion No, I„.A •hg•Id and West
Wawanoeb Application' fleetvel up to the
third of November, sating salarT, Duties to
eotnmence Jan. 3-d, 1913. Addrses WM.
HA11.1h, Dur•eaneon P. U. et
wood, dryor geese, foe emelt. THE
airs WE. HINTON. Mssager.,'Golerlob.
era for 75 cords of cordwood, to be d•
livered a' lite gaol In the town of Ooderlob,
will be received by the undersigned o) or be-
fore the 27th feet- The wood mount be all
maple and beech. piled In the gaol yard and
ii.livereet before the nest dor of March, 1931.
No tender neeesarly aooepted
W. LANK. Co. Clerk.
listed Oct. 13th, 1902.
Nottoe to Creditors
Si, tAa Mailer of Ise Bmfnl. of John Mnrrivoa
McLeod, late or IA. Town of (Jotlerich,
in the County or Huron,
Notice Is hereby 4•ven, pursuant to the re-
vised Statutes of Oatario, 1i.7. C. If), that all
creditors and others hal ing claims against the
eget* of the Reid John Morrison McLeod, who
died on or aloof the nth ear of Ametier. 1919,
Sr. required on or before the 15th der of Nov
ember, 1902, to send by poet. prepaid. or de-
7PA. to C Seeger, tloderich. Ont.. solicitor for
die executor of the last will of the sale de-
ceased. their ('hr titian and surnames. sidrea
see and .ieerriptlons, the full particulars of
their chime. a eh'ement of their ac:ounts
and the, netoreof the eneuritle• (ifaay) held
by them.
And furl her take notice that after such gut
mentlond date the sat T executor will pr mad
to dletribnte the 'meta of the aeressed arm ong
t e parties entitled thereto. hiving regard
unit to the 'Aimee( whtoh[he shall then have
notice and that the suit eeeootar will not be
tlahlc for the said asses or for air part there-
of to any p•reon or persons of whose clams
aououkal no. hays been received by him at
the time of snob distribution.
Dated 6 h October 1901.
Solicitor ter James Wiliam. executor,
Court of Revision
Notloe Is hereby given that a court will be
held ptneans to the %inter' Wet Ant, (Ile
the County ludg • of the Count' , urt
of the l' .only of Huron, at the Towle ip
Hail. Carlow. on Weinctlay, November 12 h,
1902. to hoar and determine the several oases
of errors and omissions In the Voters List for
the munielpality of C 'thorns townslt'p for
$911. All persons boring briefness at the
Court aro required to steel at the Gni 1 time
and planG-
Dated at Carlow, thin Itch day of October,
Clerk of the said tewnehlp and constituted
For Bale,
onantlty of oil newpapers for sale
Apply at tee cel )e. If
Pubuel Kotula
►J the undenlgbetl, and endorsed "Tender
for Drill Hall. London.' will he received et
this °Mon until Prfday. 7th November, led,
InnUulvel r, for the wnstruotlon of a Drill
Hail, Load in. Ont.
Plans and spociflcetlone can he seen and
form of tender °Malawi ret this department,
and et the one,. of Meesra, Moore & Berry,
Architeote, London
Peewee tendering are notelet' that tenders
will Sot be considered messes made on the
form @impplied, end signed with their Aetna'
leach tender meat be amnmpanled by en •tt-
eepted .teens on a chartered hank, made
Payable to the order of the Honourable the
Ainister of Pnhlio Worts, sena to ten per
cont. tee p.e.t of the atnonet of the tender,
whish will he forfeited If the party tendering
decline to enter lato a contract when celled
upon to do so, or If be fall to 'templet* the
work nontreated for. If rhe render be Sot se-
amed the ehegt,e will be returned.
The D•pertment does not bind itself tom)
rept the torment or env tender. a
Hy order,
itepartment of Cohen Works,
Ottawa, 17th ()-totter. 1151:
Newspaper• inserting this advertisement
without aetbority from the Department, will
nes be paid for is.
Mehemet of the adjuster of
Oasadlea Underwriters' Association
support of hi. insertion. Our
the thirteen year, of the ('onpas
esisteuce they had built Op an Important
dairy, and the loss was sot only the C
piny'• but the town's also They bad R
eoty-nine employee., and iiity•eve of tis
welts either married or youog moo suppo
tog their parents alid paying taxes. '
Company hod airfare paid cash for th
goods end hail as high • standing as •
factory In Canada, and their property
unenoumbered--touts which he mentlo
to show the ratepayer, with whet kind
people they were dealing. Their bum,
wee in • prosperous state and was °oaten
erowing, and during the last twelve moot
bad amounted to ever $56,000. Their w•
hill was over $24.000 • year, and 1
month (September) b,th the •mount
their output sod the payroll showed •
their inor.,.
To equip • new factory such as It was
tended to build would oust, It was satinet
137,000, and In addition a tugs sum won
be required for the purchase of !mobs
What the C,mpany asked was that t
town should give them • loan of $25,000 f
fifteen years, without linden. After t
end of to• mooted year they would o0
meat• to repay in• loan at the rate of $2,
• year. A c•loulat on showed that the oo
of lbs loan to the town during the title*
years would he $4,000
Mr. Saunders then introduced smith
proposition by stating that Mr. Meaniese
for many years aooi.led with tee Dohet
Organ C� , a short time ago was negotlalo
for the percher,* of honor
the leoderioor
but on e000unt of the large amount of nth
goods than invitee which were made hereas
did nut see his way to aloes the purobe
H• then entered into negotiations wlpercaleother eopanias with a view to peroh
Altar', the fire Mn. Saunders cemmunloate
with Manning, Ma s 0R. sod the proposition w
made that Mr. Saunders ahnuld reduce h
noose{ for a loan to $20 OW and the taw
should be asked to give Mr. Manniog • le
of $20,000 to start another festory wait
would give employment to seventy -live o
one hundred men. The oost to the town o
the two loan, would be $7,000
For "'murky oo the low to his oompan
Mr. Saunders ea:.l the town would have
tint mate ere on e fully -equipped teat°,
worth $37,000, and bailee that they ha an
aeour.,y of the monitors of the pas
who had lived all their Uvea In town ant
bad, be belieyd, mods a suc
cus : f them
badmen. Mr Ymnlers •xhibitd ardor
which the Company had reostyd for them
goods and correspondence showing bash
which was available scfotent to provld
ampl. work for the foolery as Soon as th
wheels turned. There was plenty of hum
mesees In the woodwork lits for ofactory
that was why h• mentioned Mr Measle
s connect os with tbe proposed for • n•
organ leotory. rine Gods'ieh Organ Com
pony bad alma large orders for organs an
there was ample bas nese Is, a leo ory mak
tog orgies only. Mr. Manaiu,1, who was
nor able to be present that ••ening, was a
man who stood very hIgh in the trade, and
M wmentos, pot stop at making gs, as It
was his ombitloa b go lain the masof..ewe'
.f pianos oleo. Mr. Maondsr• Rain It a loan
sore granted to his oompany they would
c,mmeooe to rebuild at once and would
agree to employ eayaty-five hods Mesy
of his further employehad gone to other
plasma to take work, but they bad ail piton.teed `r<o omits tsoa to him it the Company
rebuilt. It was'mporteat that the 'entracte
on band should be held, and If the Corn-
eille reneweuse
ed aoranof the passing of
the loan they oould take Mr. Smeeth'e mill
in the meaotlmer
e, Ocher towns were °R -
log them inducements, but he bed lived all
h» life is Uoderieb, he liked the tows, it
was the beet town he knew of to live In
I sePlaaw), and h'. was anxious to stay here.
It tiny could get • factory ectli cunt to moke
the goods for which teotr•cte were •vall.ble
they would be the !arrest tiro) h the world
mailer closet goods, if they were not a!-
ready so.
Mr. Saunders ooncla.-ed his adilre_a
. m dot hearty opplaaes
Mn. Solders replied to a gcestloo put by
Mr. •rang by stating that both his port-
ub li
o. r., Mn. Clark and Mr. MacKay, had prom
not to say with him; but the Intention was
t, mak• • good joint clock oompuny, h of
t.•', with •mpg• capital to run the bun:nes..
i; .e. Porter asked Mr. !winders to state
weather manufacturer' hen were bindd
by Ire ght rates, and Incldente,ly stated
that et a largely attended 'natio* lbs prey-
tos eyeufng the Board of Trade had ex-
preemd I s eympo.hy with either er both of
he propositions made by Mr. Saunders
Answering Mr. Porter's queer ton, Mr.
S,)oders sold toot Mr. Mooning had slated
chic same objection in 000versaton with
him, sod when to told him (Mr. Manning)
the rote he was getting to Landon sod Liv-
erpool Mr. Marmite was surprised. Oode-
rich was as well ntu•ted for freight rates as
pierce to the stet, and the mann/sourer
here oould Bove in the oost of lumber by
having It brought hers by water Mr.
Siondere stated further that in rebuilding
they would have a separate building for the
finishing room, so that the danger from fire
would be lessened, and, replying to another
que.ttnn by Mr. Strang, h• told they oould
put up the new bulldog quickly enough to
bold their trade.. His statement that the
Company had never mimed • pay• day was
rewired with applause.
le -
Mr. Strang said that although he had all
his life been opp'ed to hoeusloe he remit
aired that there were exoep.,onel circum-
stance* In this owe. 1'hs C Merkel Organ
Company was an leelltarlon of wnloh the
town wan proud, ani he believed it deserved
Me assistance of the Caen. The owners
hod lived and merle their money here, and
their bustaees gave promise of timidity and
stability, sod he waived all objections to
their proposition which he would otherwise
have hal.
Wm. Campbell exploited a mom of the
lois whloh the town had air•teiced In the
destruo►los of the organ factory and his
opinion that such Indust',.. should reactive
theasetiamene of the municipality. Other
towns, a. he knew, were sexton, to getthe
foolery. At a meeting of the Board of
Trade the previous eveolrg • resolution was
onaelmouely pasted calling upon the town
to give the sedstso0 repeated by the nom
pen•. The .rejection in onnienrlon with
IM summer hotel loan, that there was no
prevision for repayment until the end of
De term, did not hold against thin propo
Winn, es repayment w.Utd commence
after the semmnd year. Mr. William.ee,
the mnninipal auditor, had given him a
■ sa'emeot showing that the town was giving
tbeoempeny tinting the fifteen years t'e
sum of lie 000 to the way of interest ; he
bellevd that 11 the enmpsnv were to a.k
tor • straight boon. of the amount they
wattle get. It He heart the toe,' pnewell
would submit the bylaw and he helleyd
the raepevere would not he astray In ap-
in resngponse M a angeestino from Mr.
Porter, Mr (lance ell stated that the town
would receive $500 a year to aihonl taxes ea
the property, •mounting In the liftmen
year. to $4 bOO, er mere than hall the
amount ot the hennaie it/Mitten re this
Mears wenld be the taxes on the property
of She men employee, In the (eatery.
Wm. 1'randfcot, K. C., said Is did sot
seem sgesesry ter saysms to make a long
speech to .bow that the feotery should be
rebuilt and that toe town should help to re-
build It. It was quite evident that Mr.
Saunders tied enough bnntsass outside of
lbs organ business. Mr. Manning and his
associate bad • oowiJerable amount of top-
ical and if he could be induced to take hold
of the organ business here he could guaran-
tee to employ esyenty-dv& men ; indeed, be
knew that if Mr. Maiming could not double
the In two years he would not want to
start a lemony at all. Chen they would
have two teetered' motorist of one. Mr.
Manning wee • good business men and was
known to many (loderloh people. Abe oat
of tis• luau would be email and costly horns,
and the Inur,esd number of mw employed
would be of great autstenoe to the town
After Mayor C'.meron had spoken bristly
but strongly to support of the propositions,
the following resolution was submitted sod
uneaimou.ly passed by the meeting :
"Moved by W Proudfoot, seconded by
J H. Colborne, that in the opinion of tole
meeting the proposition made by A. Sous.
den & Co. for a loan of $25,000 should b•
aooeptied ; and, further, that an offer be
made to W. K Maiming & Cu, of a loan of
$2 ,000, repayable la fifteen years without
Interest, on an:el aton that he establish en
organ factory to employ not less than aveo-
ty-fiye bands ; sod in area of the offer be-
ing eooepted the loan to A. Saunders ACo,
be $20.000, they to employ eevntydy•
Mayor Cameron then int rock mid one mat
ter of the proposed electric railway, static
that the town would not be asked to non
tribute auythtn, towards It except as lb
railway should be built mile by mile.
1). McGillicuddy addressed the mentor
reo•itiog the efforts which hod bean mad. I
the put to sours additional railway feel!•
trees for the town of Gederioh, efforts wino_
from various cause' bad alwaye felled t
give us what was so necessary for the ad
vanoement of the tows. A charter had
o cooed by the oo4pshy and already
12.000 nod been spent by tee p'omoters to
he prelimenary work ; and now, having
gone eo far at their awn expense, they asked
suatanoe in building the road and rev
og the town the better facilities ',both it
toiled, Where electric railways bad been
tail, they bed greatly benefitted the sections
which they reached. The road between
eget-soli sad Woodstock, which paralleled
wo steam roads, had been a dos paying con-
cern, giving a semi-annual divideud of six
Sr coot., and it earned no freight. The
ideation here was to hull l the roadbed and
quip It with rolling stook so thee it, might
e ery freight end melts onneection with the
4. T. R Their obarter reached to tbs
ootberly limit of Huron amity and In the
ortb to poem on the Georgian Bay. The
✓ eject had been euomitted to the township
f Avhfleld and had been approved in the
w ere section of the township by a tura
aiority, but owing to jealousy on the part
f the village of Lacksow, bac.uee at first.
he railway was not to touch that point, the
disdain/ portion of the township wee W-
ooed to cast as orarwbelmlag vote against
he bylaw sad defeat It. The question now
o r, Is the 6,wa of Godertor as loyal a the
illeg• .f Lockoew le Nokias re ate
wn 'aerated Thie was a town
hat should Inmates end multiply cod
oald to lbs most prosperous town on this
eke Huron idiom Berlin and Colliog-
ood were Ineteoosi by the speaker es
wet that had assisted themselves to pros•
rite, and I:oderich should not be 121112111,1
ear or other plaoes, Mr. McGlincuddv
ad the draft agreement which It was pro-
tested should be mode between the town and
e company, whereby the taws is to take
50.000 of five per tent. prefenoos et oak of
e company, Continuing, Mr. Mobtlll
tidy said that if Godsrinb showed its in -
toot in the scheme hatcher' would take
Id of It sod push It to oomplstlon.
Mayor Cameron sold that h• and a few
hen had gone tato this scheme with the
ea of doing something for the town.
hey bid not get • abetter to pan It up for
le; but they believed It they could build
• road it would central de the honest" of
• district in Iloderloh. Any ottlzen who
seined to come into the project with them
cold be welcome and onuld get in on the
mood floor. Oniy as each mile of the road
es built would the town py anything. It
as nh•lous that as they hai no capital
moons mutt do this preliminary work,
d it rested with the peop'e r f the town to
y whether or not they desired the con-
✓ u5: ion of the rood.
Mr. K•rnlghen &eked how ft was intend -
to get care sorose the river at Seltfnrd.
Mr. Mo(i.lhouldy stated that the county
noml had given perenisaloa for the use of
e bridge, the engineer haying stated that
could be strengthened and wideud fur
• trsff m
Wm. Campbell spoke to favor of the road
1 reported that at the Hoard of Trade
.tin, the previous evening the proposal
the railway onmpaey had been dlsowmsd
d heartily endorsed.
A resolution moved by J. H. Colborne
d ee)ended by A Saunders. endorsing the
and of Trade immolation in this mater,
as oared unenlmomely.
The Mayor st std that one or morn meet_
▪ would be held before the polling day to
ones these matters further, and the oath -
ng then dispersed.
meat. The old frame structure was soon
enveloped to flames and wee totally de
stroyed, tu,letb•r with the oonleou. lbs
S1, l'atrlok's ward aobool, the adj mining
building, also took fire, sod for some reesuu
nut very evident the brigade was unites to
tete it from •!most complete destruction
Ins pupils •ojoyed a holiday yesterday, but
will soon be aouommodeted 'lumbars.
Then is $1,100 lesume°. on the drill shed
and contents and $1,000 on the school butld-
Ing. Reck & l;oldtborpe'a loss aboye the
Insurance le $1,500.
l'HE LUNAR E,Llrek.-Those who
deed their their slumbers last Thundsy night for
the parpuee ot observing the lunar eclipse
were well rewarded by a splendid view of
the phenomenon. It was a beautiful, clear
nista, end 'he conditions were extremely
favorable for the oboe Ion of the coupes
from beginning to cad, The bright, silvery
orb was gradually eooroeohed upon by the
dark shadow until its whole surt•ee was
obeoured, and during the period cf total
eclipse it was of a smoky red oolor. ley and
by the watchers saw a height edge emerge
fun behind the shadow at the eastern lode,
the landscape grew el and Wearer, and
when the full moon wee again visible It
seemed more brehant even than before the
eclipse, It was • most lotereettop specta.;le
and a beautiful one as well.
A Rlo Snow cit G"uaab H. -Thos. P.
Kelly's Big Amen -an Lady Minstrels will
be at the Opera Honee ter one performanw
0o Tuesday evening nest, Oot, 28. This Ir
fibs of the foremost ettreotlens before the
le uublic, end they are playing to ercwded
houses every chore, The temper), is • large
• and expensive one end includes many of the
foremost vaudeville performers of the stage,
•moor wbicu ore Borkbart end Berry, Nef-
a lie Burgess, Cora Wright, Thornton end
York, A. L, Salved, Lino ted Ridley. Em-
ma Zeph, George Revere is3-i aborw oI
O twenty of the n•ndsomest and most shapely
youtg ladies on the stage. To• Landon,
Ontario, papers, where this company open
ed a three days' engagement on Thanks
giving Day, was loud in Its prate. of the
merits of this attraction, saying It was the
best ever sten in that city and asking them
for a return eugegement.
A Ban Aoripxi.T.-Sault Mtg. Maris Rec-
ord : A. a result of an Doc dent ,a• the looks
at an serly hour thin morning, Kenneth M.-
l.'.ulev, • young man whose home Is at
tioderich, Ont , and who was employed as
wheeleman on the steamer Empire Oily, had
to hove hie lett arm amputated near the
shoulder. A line wee put out from the b,at
to • post no the pier, and the strain was so
great that the fart leader through which the
line ran, was pulled out m.i struck Mc•
Auley ox the left arm aboye the elbow, al
most esvenng It, eo that the arm only held
together by the skin. He was hastily
placed aboard a tug and token to the power
house dock and from there te the ht»pitel.
Toe young man displayed great nerve and
itit•ted upon walking from the dock to the
hospital It was found that the arm oould
not tie saved and the amputation took place
et ono.. McCauley Is rooting gamily and it
as believed that his oomplete recovery is
only • matter of time.
loom"' Cowgm9etogge Arrolvroto. --The
v000ncy on the board of license ootemiesioo-
ere for %Vest Huron clause' by the death of
Samuel Sloane has been filled by the ap-
pointment of W. R. Robertson, of (lode -
rich. Mr. Rnberaon hes the quallfloatiooe
toe • •eeeae•(rtl weewpa•ey of the prertiee,
and hie appointment will be well reoeivd
by the publmo.
Htw DIATH WAS MOORNen,-Two, dotes
died on Friday near the ooruer of Victoria
and Nsw,ote streets, preenmohly of vents.
One of the deoe.eed canines was Frank El-
liott', dog "(teorge," well karma as a re -
dateable and suno•esful tighter. This hero
of a hundred "err.pa" most have been a
faithful friend a• well se o dreaded lo., for
as he lay strewing with death a little ur-
chin who was welt hum cried ca if his child-
ish heart were near the breaking point.
oGoorge" was noteoretty ; •, far as he ex-
hibited his °haraoeer to the pah4o view he
could not even take advantage of the old
saw, "Handson o u as handsome does," hot
perhaps he hod his good po ti's after all,
No t).v,Aotoo vire it --Tbs poatoffoe on
Thankegtvin, l).y was open for an hour in
the morctne sod • hour 'n the afternoon, se
Is usual o,. hmfid.y•. Naturally there was
a big maim to get to the wickets, end to
make maters worse the western door, for
some reason or other woe net opened, and
the people hod to to In and ens by the same
door, Thee while omit were •hnying their
way in others were trying as hard to push
their way set, with minimeasily imagined.
Then was no neesirn for snob a jam,
whu.h would have been avoided had the
other dont Anse opened, and the peetrfioe h
antherltlec scull do well in future not te id
repeat the error whish loaned so moth dig-
°omiort on Thursday hal,
erti.t. .4eeyera Flea ,--Teenier night, r
shortly before 12:30, the Are alarm Balled
alteration to • 1I.r. In the old drill shed en
NeleM street, neeepled by Rook A Gold-
thorpe as ea appleevspegeyy etaMMlth-
POLICR C4II'RT Cava. -James MoStookerd,
an empleyee of one of the factorise las town,
wee before Magistrate Seager on Monday
ohorped with being drunk and disorderly
and with erecting • dist urbocce at the borne
of Mise McDougall, of the Salvation Army,
on Saturday morning. MoMtockard, It ap-
pears, oame here from the States a few
months ago and, coming under the Influence
of the Salvation Army, was "coovertd."
He Kwame engaged to Mise McDougall,
who Is well known In connection with tbs
Army, but a short time ago thi young wo-
man found reason to change her mind and
told Mc.atockard the mach was off. Mo-
Stockard did not take his dismissal easily
and atter en unmcnecolul attempt to re-ss-
tebh•h cordial relations he got drunk and
made • violent demonetretton at Miss Mo-
Doogeil'. home last Saturday morning.
After oonsiderto1 the case lbs Magistrate
Imposed a fins of $10 and oats, with the
option of thirty dare to gaol MaStoctard
Paid the ins• Polito Holt, K. C • proeecu
ted the caw, and A.13 Alaodonald appeared
for the defence.
A HR''Rt.aa W►bultan.-The resid•noe of
Mr. and Mrs. i)ayid Woods, Hespeler, was
the scene of a pretty hone welling Wed-
oeday, when their eldest laugh -s , Miss
Jennie, was united in the holy bonds of wed-
lock to Mr. R H. McConnell, • vaporous
Yung farmer residing at Goderieh. The
ceremony took place et high noon in the
preaenee of about seventy-5ve gnats, and
the R.v Mr. Jamieson, pastor of the Meth.
oilet church, was the olholsriog clergyman.
The ('ride looked pretty in a oestume of
wblre organdie, trimmed with insertion and
ohierin, and carried • hourloet of carnations
and rotes. The bride's coaetn, Mem Burke,
of foronto, was bridesmaid, and also wore
• charming costume of organdie, tnmmed
with lane and insertion. The bride's goof*,
Mr. William Woods, 0t Bdwood, was beat
man. At theonnclue;oo of the oetemony a
beautiful biIdol repast was served Among
the guests from oat of town were : Mn, anti
Mrs. Reid of lirlmehy ; Mr. Hallman, of
Waterloo; Mr. and Mn John MoConoell,
of Guelph ; Mr. Mollonnell, of Goderioh,
the groom's father ; Mn. Odeon, of Gods
rich, slater of the groom, and rola, ire* from
(leant Valley, Kellwood, Ferree and other
pointe. -Galt Reporter.
A Dot'nm.■ Axrttvtx atY.-Mr. and Mn..
.lnhn MoTavish, of Huron township, county
of Bruce, spent some days In town last week,
the guests of their brother -le law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs R. Henderson, cod they held
the thirty eighth anniversary et their wed-
ding day together. Mr. and Mn, Robert
Mesdames were 'serried en the 17ah of
October, 1864, by the Rey. Dr. Un, at the
home of R Pinkerton, St. Andrew's street,
Goderloh ; and on the following day, Onto
her 18th, 1864,Mr. and Mrs. John MtTavl.h
were married ay the Rev A-. Colwell. of
Clinton, at the horns of her father, Wm.
Lofft, Goderioh township. Mrs. McTavish
received some valuable gifts, and among
them one worthy of mention was a gold pin
eel with a ruby and merle given her by her
brother, A. LoIR, menhanl, of St. Mary's,
Mn, McTavish prizes the gilt because It
wen bought In Sheerneeson the Sea, in Eng-
1an1, her birthplace. Mr. and Mrs Loth
visited hie 01.1 home and birthplace while In
England et the enronatlon of King Edward
VII Mrs. Henderson also r•osived some
betu.,fel gift, no this anew y occasion.
Mr. and Mrs MoTovisb lilt for their home
feeling they had spent a very pl•aeene time
with their relatives, Mr. ted Mrs Render
Ins Consery $loot..., -The I imolai elec-
tions to the enemy oonnoll will Chits plane
next Jane sty, and in will not he long before
oendidates will haus to •nominee them
melees. Ex warden Holt hes armoured that
he will amt offs, himself for re alonine, sad
It la ned•rstood that Mr. Chambers, the
other reproseeteteve of this dletrlet, le to
retire alao. Mr Holt hes had an experience
of twelve years at the oannty onnned hoard.
eying first harnme a member In 1)91. a.
*Doty reeve of Gederioh Wh.o the oonnty
enact' was fins eenetitoted In Its oteeset
mem, in 1897, Mr Holt was on. of the rep-
'sente►eves sleeted from I.his district, and
he wee re Mooted la IPH) and 1901 in tee
latter year the oteaoll planed him In the
Warden', chair, sad having Ihns reaebd
the Maleate patinas ta easnleipel Pelades,
end having given a lengthy period be the
servo's of lbs county, he will reliogoish his
plane as the representative of the Matelot to
someone else whom the ratepayer, may see
mit to eleot. A number of cameo are men-
tioned in oonoeotlo0 with the apptoachlog
election, among them those of Et -reeve J.
N. McKenzie, of Avhfleld; Es -reeve Alex.
Young and Harry J. Morris, of Colborne.
fake was a report that Warden Patterson,
who is one of the repreeentetivee of the
Wawanosn division, Intended to retire at
the end of the protect term, but this report
has been contradicted, and it le now stated
that Mr. Patterson will Dome back to the
oouooil If his noose manta deslre him w their
repreeeota'ive 000e more John Torrance,
tel No- 3 division, is credited with an Inten-
tion to retire John Brigham, ex -reeve of
Mullett, Is mentioned a& a likely candidate
for dietitian No. 2. and A. Leitch, the pres-
ent reeye of that township, oleo is said to
be casting hu eyes to the dirtcties of the
county oounall,
A series of special serylose le to be oom-
meoo•d shortly in Venom street Methodist
The annual harvest thanksgiving services
in ooanectlon with St, George's church will
be held next Sunday. Rev. Mr. Berry, of
Parkhill, will tffichte, end the music will
be appropriate to the occasion.
Services In the baptist oburob on Sunday,
Oat. 24th, will be conducted by the pastor,
Rev. W. D. Magee. Subject for the morn
log "For the Truths Sake" ; In the evening,
Why the Gospel is Rejected " A cordial
Invitation Is extended te the public to at -
.end thus wrieces,
♦o appeal la behalf et St. James' oburob,
Mont�egl, which -Ts_ tom! -,Years has been
th i with extinction under an over.
whelming debt, we. made throughout the
Methodist ocsseotion In Canada on Sunday.
The sum of $50 was •pportlooed to North
street Methodist church as its share of the
amount to be raised, and the contributione
made on Sunday, with further some ex
rented, will, It t- hoped, make op the
dewed amount.
The anoivereary of the opening of St
Peter's church will be celebrated next Sun
day, The oburob and altars will be doer -
wed. Rev. Father Northgrayee, author of
'fb• Meeks' o1 Modern Infidels" acid
editor of Toe London Catholic Record, will
*peak on the apostolic immersion at the
afternoon servloe. which will be held et 4
o'olock. 1'te obo,r has prepared epeol.i
made for this occasion. Everyone is kindly
invited. Toe •onivreary servio,, will be
held at 8 A r., 10.30 e. at• and 4 P. w,
Aool y eervices were held last Sun-
day at Victoria strait Methodist church,
and the oo0gregation had the pleasure of
hearing a former popular pastor, Rev. Wm
Godwlel, now of S•. Thomas. Mr. ;ahem
ocoapud the pulpit at both morning and
evening seevlces, end preached good sermon•
t, large oonvregetlone. A collection of $170
was requested for the church funds;
$154 was contributed, and the balance will
probably be raised by to, uhur subscriptions
Rev. Mr. Godwin aomplimentd the ono
gregatlon upon the improvemeota which
hove been made In the church during the
past few year., saying that if there Is aey
piece on earth that. should to made beamu-
tul and attractive itis the bona* of God.
Joe. HMIs has taken • position at Strath -
J. E. Beet, of Seofortb, visited friends in
town over Sunday.
Harry Robertson bee gene to Stratford,
where he has a poettlo0.
Mrs, %V. C. Halal, of Exeter, is tien-
t v her mother, Mr,. Rusk.
Miss Ieotef S'raohen, of Clinton, spent
Thanksgiving Day le tows.
Mist Jessie Robertson was limns from
Exeter over Saturday and Sunday.
Mme Ethel Farrow, who teaches et Grand
Rend, spent a few days at home the pest
w• ek.
Miss Edna Gamic was home hast week
'rim her school In the southern putt of the
Mies Ellie, of Hansell, was the guest of
Mr. sad Mrs B. Switzer far slew days the
put week •
('ounc, I.n Humber spent Thank•pl•leg
Day with his daughter, Mn. R M. Comets,
at Stratford.
Miss Gsrtrgie Graham, who to &Headley
the Normal Nohool at Loudon, was horns for
a few dere too week.
Miss Allis Johnston, of Orllhs, and Mime
race Johnston, of Berlin, were home for •
w days the past week.
Mrs. C. H. Cook and eon, of Detroit,
bays returned home after • visit to Mr. and
Mrs, C. R Schulze, Saitford,
Mn. J. V. Tuthill, of 125 Cowan ave.,
Toronto, and her daughter, Mrs. J. De.
llruaby, of 309 Crawford et., Toronto, ars
visiting at the residence of their friend,
Mn. (Capt.) (Jlbeoo, Beyfleid road,
Vow that theooal strike is settled we won't
have to freeze, hut along .bout this time of
year we may expect a .acid snap at any time
and you will appreciate • good overcoat shah
as you earl get a. Pridham • tailoring hones.
At the monthly meeting of the King's
Daughters collectors were appointed to oall
on the public for their anneal subscriptions
to the I' rcle.
The West Huron Hoenig board mot last
week and transferred the following
11 Gen. Buxton to Alex. Robinson,
(blench ; Men. Robinson to N.
!Retiree, Auburn ; James Macdonald to
Neil Macdonald, Klntaml,
�HCttY,Ay, Dae. 23rd,-Aeotion sale of
• °hole teem In Womenfolk, at 2:30 r. te.
at the Auburn hotel, Ashore, Ont., the
form formerly known cc the Boyle home.
steed, lot 23, eon, 5, West Wswanoeh, 100
cores. T. F. MnCAtottgy, proprietor
TROWAS Know v, neatfooe,r,
Farrier, Oot. ?Ruh,-Aaotion sale of farm
stook, consisting of good Korey, Inoinding
three extra well bred roadster fillies, rising
3 years old; good nettle, ineludung cows,
heifers and steers, and hogs and sheep.
Property of W ai,Lntoroo ULlvee, coon. 2,
West Wowmosh. Teat. GogDRY, auction-
SATURDAY, Oct. 25th. -Clearing annties
sale of forty head of first-ola a °stole et Mr.
Tilt's barn, neer Hellish Exoba.tge hotel,
onmmemteing et 2 e'alook sharp. Re -matte
Parma, proprietor: Tyros, (Mitek•, Aue
THi'Ranay, Ott. 30th.-- Auction sale of a
desirable realism*, household furniture
and furaishines at the promisee, W. pe. let
961, Newgate st , oommenoing at 1 o'eleok
sharp. A. W HITam.Y, proprietor; Tens.
fJU rDRT, tuottoeeer.
TRU/MIDAS. New. 6th. -- Clearing mutation
sale of farm stook end Implem&sa, at Dna-
los, onmm•onleg at 2 e'eleok &harp. ORD,
Frrr.rnRh, pnprleter. T'enw, QIiNbRY, •n°
SOME of the more foolish of the
oral newspapers are chuokhog with g
lisp glee over the retirement of
J. I TARTt from the Cabinet, and
give the impression that Mr. TASTE
dismissed by the Premier.
These papers simply pervert the facts,
wilfully or ignorantly, and in either cars
art not, reliab o gwaee to their readers.
There are always vultures who delight to
settle down upon the carcass of • lion, bet
they usually make sure that the lion is dead
before they settle down. In the preeeut
case our gleeful contemporaries are a little
"too previous." It is quite true that Hon.
J. I. TASTE has resigned from the Cabinet,
and that the Premier has accepted his resit.
nation, but it is not true that Mr. Tatra is
dead, politically ; neither is he sleeping i
nor has he left the Liberal party --an some
of 'the minor politicians and short-nght.
ad newspapers would have the people of
Ontario believe, and as our Tory friends
fondly hope and pray tor.
Run. Mr. TASTE has carried out hie oria
ginal intention by submitting his resigna-
tion to the Premier at the first opportunity
after the arrival of Sir Wtt.yttu Latrines
In this country from Europe, whither Ile
had been for some months past Sir WILe
rain has not had a great deal of time to ac-
quaint himeelf with the question et ram.,
but has deemed it proper to aomilit the ree-
ignation of the Mini.tmr of Pu' lic Feorks.
There is no personal foaling iuvolved [s the
resignation or its acceptance. There is no
room for ghoulish glee on the part of Libor.
ale who are opporet[ to Mr. TARTS'. views,
and there is no reason why the Tories
should rejoice that they have succeeded in
capturing their strongest opponent,
Hon. J, I. TARTS ie, first of all, a bey
paper man who believes in a progress!
pulley for Canada. Atter that he in
etateeman who has endeavored to do mon
for the development of this oountry the
was ever attempted by any of his predecese
t on in office. He Is in favor of trade an
tariff reform suitable to the times and con
ditione. It he cannot have a free band as
stateemen, owing to the holding back of th
toil -enders amongst his colleagues, then h
must needs grapple with the great ques-
tions through his power as a newspaper edi
tor. Anil that's what he will do.
For weeks past Ron. Mr. Taws las beet
from end to end of Ontario, and in some o
the other Province,, feeling the public
pulse. Ho ei in touch with public, anti
meet to a greater extent than any otlre.
Canadian statesman today. Him backing i�
not confined to the members of either party
but comprises leading men in trade, coin
merce, manufacturing and farming. He
hat nailed, "Canada for Canadians!' to hie
masthead, and ilia tight along that line will
be well worth watching.
Meantime, to those who think TASTE in
dead, we need only say, look out for reerel
About J. W. besgesgh, make will ea at
Victoria Sputa Ewe, Noy. Eed.
Unique and mirth -provoking. -Globe.
Without • peer.-T'ormito World.
Versatile genius. -New York World.
Onecontinual roar of laughter. -Quebec
Simply inimitable. - Victoria, B. C.,
A delightful humorist -Woodstock Sen.
Pungent witticisms, - Winnipeg Free
The pencil is apolitical power in the hand
of that brilliant cartoonist, Mr. J. W. Ben•
gough -Pete.boro Examiner.
Mr. Bengough's versatile talent enables
him to entertain an audience very delight-
fully with pure, clean amusement. Come
again !-Lakerede, 0 , News
Extraordinary genius. Hie mimicry in
words is not second to his imitations with
the crayon. -Whitby Chronicle.
One of the most delightful evening's en•
tertainment held in this city in a long time.
It ie certain that Mr. Bengough carried
away with him the thanks of the entire
audience.-Belleyille Ontario.
Why give away your fowl alive? Nee
what we are paying, Dried applee, 6o:
batter 16o. A $20,000 stock. Gen 1t.
Ken.a, Wlogh•m.
Go to the ohd reliable oyster hoose,
Victoria Reetaitrasl, WINO Street, fee free'
oysters, sold in bulk and all styles: stew.,
fry. or news. Confectionery, fruit, taboo-
ed' and olg•ro. C. KLACEOTONR, proprietor.
SATURDAY, Oct, 18-b.
C.A. Tebbutt spent't'henknglving Day all
his horns near Clinton.
W. R. Miller, of London, recently vivl'ed
at Stn, R. K. Mlller'e.
woo C. B. Cordon and Mime M. Mool'hq
son visited friends to Lip know this west.
Mote beery (;lark, Mese Silas Rutberfrw 1
and Meson. It Miller and T .1. O'Loughlin
are spending their ThanksglNng holidays all
their homes In this vicinity.
The theta of oar genial hatcher, .las.
Saunders, of Ashfield, are drawing to •
-lose for this year. Mr. Sannders has seted
es hat -her for two "beef -rings" beeing
their headquarters hers
t toe of those pleasing *yenta, which we
feel it our pleasure to rotor I, look place all
the home of The.. Todd on Wednesday
evening, Got. 15th, when hie daughter. Is
the promote of about one hundred and
thirty gnat&, wee united le marriage by
the Re•. Mr. Whaley to H. Thompson, et
the Canadian Soo. Roth the yeas, people
are well and favorably known la •let& viola -
Hy, as was .o some measure at. lust esstHled
to by the nomernns ttoasly and be•atifwl
pretend' of which they wen the recipiesse.
Mr. and Mn. Thompeore intend shertly
leaving for their home le the See, where
Mr Thompson hells a r•nnineretly peel -
lion ea book keeper for a large wholesale
hardware eetahllehmeat, We extend eo Mr.
end Mn. Thompson env *lobes Mae they
may have • lung, pro•per•oe, and happy
voyage tree the sea of married life.
Mee DAT, Oet. 70th,
Mime lank worthy spent the holiday, at
her hem. in Mlbheil.
Mrs. Hall sad Ml.. Neale Hall retuned
hese on W edseeday tram Writ mho eta