The Signal, 1902-10-16, Page 88 ?dGummy, October 16, 1002
THESE are the departments we would specially call
your attention to this week. The markets have
been carefully searched for the latest styles and best
values. Come and look them over.
Dress Goods and Silks.
New Camel flair Cloths.
New Zibeline Stripe Cloths.
New Broadcloths and -Cheviots.
New stripe Waisting floods at 60
and 75c.
New patterned Satin Cloths for
New Jackets and Furs.
Bargains in Sable Riffs, regular
112.00 for $9.50.
Handsome Caperinea, $3.50, $r,
110.00 and. $12.00.
Ladies' Raglan Coats.
Really the most serviceable, sty-
lish and comfortable costs on the mar-
kets. $10.00, $12.00, 71:,.00.
Never have we shown such sty
llah wearable hats as this season.
Ready tesweer trimmed hats for ladies,
misses or children.
Men's Clothing and
RIG' Overcoats made on the lat-
est model of the weu'o style, in grey
and cheviots, lined and .woh made,
$4.00 to $8.00,
Boys' Yea Jackets'', Boys' Suits.
Men's Overcoats.
The ltaglan waterproof Fall
Coats are comfortable and stylish. We
have thew in grey. and new bronze
heavy Frieze Overcoats.
Dressy Cheviot Coats, ;27, r8,50
and $10.00.
New Suite, Petits, Short Coats.
Every kind of Men's Underwear.
Small Wares.
This depattmeut is always up to
date. All the wanted kinds are here
of Underwear, hosiery, Gloves, Belts,
Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, etc. Special
belts made of wat,nred a::, with oxi-
dized silver buckle at',.ic.
Now in full swing. Suits made to order. Dresses or
waists. Satisfaction guaranteed. MISS SUTHERLAND
tomes to us well recommended and her work so far bears
it out. Never have we turned out better work,
nee of Goldthorpe cutters dote/ the work
with 'Phos. J&rdme estuarial.
The Ryan sterner wee la our midst all
last week Al Lenesdowoe farm while lbs
met. wee. at direr the windmill was set
is motion •ud the tank filled with the aid
or • nose if soy other thrt ring firm hays
been saved the Tabor of tomp:og end filling
their tank as ..oily tet u• knew. Over
1700 hellhole ut nets wet. 1 hreshed at
Laotsduwo term, beside ton r grana, Hee
Quaid and Jo.. 11.) ...el dose 4o ck work
cut slug the /rein bold'.
M,,i* .Oct. 13.
A,rlus,T -As Japer herr %ai
tog b. lie by bioytes bow 1. L.1 ,n last Sat
urday sight he net mob an se Ideot w ntoh
was oar y enough as i. .as. tout which
might hate resettled much more •snOudy.
Ila was 1101 &ware of the r.moyel art the
bridge over the emelt, which a Le og rebuilt,
end gems down the ail, at lull speed. A
enure had lien au.po.ded 1n the middle of
the road as • warning but be thou;ht It was
being curled by some pedestrian. \Vh.o
he reached the pia." where the bridge used
to be be shot duwu • (lettuce of loaner
feet and lauded among s lot of boulders
Hr lay there ti000namuut for the greater
part of an hour and when he .• tine to he
Aright usiea.ou5 earl was tekeo home. He
is yery badly t:ruieed, but will teoo,er from
the &coldest all right.
It is well to keep in mind those free premiums we
give on cash purchases.
Smith Bro's & Co.
Nortcst--The Ira atfeeoy 1n Dungannon
for TasB1u.vrt.1. at the odds of J.O. Word.
J. P.. conveyancer. ke., who will receive
orders for enbsoriptlens, advertising and lots
work. sod Is authorized to gins receipts for
amounts paid for the Mine.
T,'zsDAY, Wt. 14.
Clic., a NUTse.-lit• C. Rit►eelord,
pastor of Erskine caner here, nominated
e vening servos let Scuola, to the Methodist
•larch, Rey. T. McNair being •beeot
vide./ relatives.
Too Beer Yrs -Th. As►6d4 end West
Wownek Airtoulter•I S,stetv'e tsir bold .t
Dung•w000 tia Therad.y sod Friday of last
week • grand wooer, sail the directory, In
eluding the effi Oen, president and ofiiolele,
have recon to °vegratal& • themselves
0,1 BY O,s -WO deeply regret to hors
to "broolale the decease o1 Mre Matthew
Sproule, ono 3, Wens \\'•w•ho.h the sad
event took ,lar •s her lar• residence on
Sunday .vesica. The decreed had her 1n •
poor .1015 of health for • length of time.
Psu,ONAL.-When at DU&&&&non tall
show last Friday 0. Y. %V 'Lome, manager
of the flank of l'emmoros, (ioderieb, nil
Wm. Lane, t he popular oouoty clerk, kindly
mode your humble o.rrespo.dsot • short
yielt. Ws were moots pleased to see them.
The popular reeve and Comelier l'.
Taylor, of West Wawanrh, wes•euoosesful
e xhibitors sl
Dungannon The former took
first air, as fly. different .hose the fell for
as m•gnlflosot g.o.rsl purpose team. The
later took third prize for general purpose
span and also first for two year old gelding
• e Durean000. . ,.lee, W lb.,a, now mer-
chant at Kora, returod home on Monday,
13th, after taking to DonIoonoo exhibition
and mettle. friends herr, being .000mpaled
by Mot Wier (lerm.rly Naomi I/evident,
who hes been for some time vt.ltloi re-
latives ... Mr Co. .ram, sr , of Kielce"
township runty, Bruce. daring the latter
part of last week vetted 1.'e Aon and rseew•
d former aal°arotnoee, prominent among
whom were I). ,lard or and family. who
some years ago were righttieof Mr.
C 10 Klolo.. .. Miss Ida Erwlo,
of Rloley, is the proof her cousin, Mrs.
McNally, Nd is enjovIs. ber,df.
MONDAY, Ont. 13th.
Roy 1: eklster he warned for •noose
term to the Agri, allur.l t'.Ilexe as Guelph.
Frl•ley let w.• a holy day . Al... Clot-
hes', He had a renter of hie nelg)'bore
with theft team, whiting him to out hie
Ire and draw It to his silo, where he hui
or of Oeldthorpe's eine 0 tai englom to out
le eel stow it away in the silo, Thos. Jar
dtae, of I:'derlo6, beteg the engineer.
In this issue the "Lorre Farm" u ad.
sensed for ■ale. This will be • good
opportaolty for some of the eoteradeing
oeirbborieg farmer. to lover. as oar former
towoemer. N 111iam S.r•ohao, has tared be
•tteotloo to ratlroadlog, being foreman io
the L & N. bell. r shop. Loam/111e, Ky.
Following is the monthly ezemisuten re-
port of zohoel section 17, AehfielI and
Wee Wawenrtl : V Claes --0.1a Ryan. ;i4
per amt. IV Clue -Ade Elliott, 76 per
rot.; Daisy Ryao, 75 oar sot.; Robbie
higher, 55 per rot.; Ade Campbell, 53 pot
.sat.: (Aura Kirke. 49 per Dent.; Nellie
Ryan, 40 per oea'. Senior III-Seella
Kirke, 63 per rot.: Lulu Daokdd. 52 per
rot.; lulu stthere, 47 per rat.; Medford
Elliott, 45 per clot.; David Niriw,, 38 per
roe. Junior III -Willie Nlvlon, 59 per
tent ; Wilfrid E.liot', 56 per cent. Senior
11 -Lour. Molotyr., 64 per cent ; L d
Dunkeld, 46 per cent. Junior II -Feels
Elliott. Pet II -Norman Kirke. Part I-
Char11. N v.., Marto. Kirke, Jimmie Mile
Intyre, EIIa, Carrie 1)°okeld. W.
1. MAIa, Tenber.
TI!ta*DAV, Oct. 14th, 1902.
111se `tars Mackay, of Goderfok, visited
hen last week.
Carl Little, of Dungannon, wan the guest
of H. l'tohb.roe Chic week.
Miss Sullivan, of King.trldre, Is the guest
of Mus Ella Young, of Loyal.
Lee Potter, of footer row, filled the put-
ties of engineer on the Ryan steamer for
several deys here.
MIB Mina Horner, Met
l' ao.l Ella MacDonald,
Hill, ars netting here.
Herbert Calvert, of Shoppsrdtoe, was la
our midst this week and did ems quick
work t•arrant, gra'n at the thre.bin4e.
(jolt. • .umber of one reetd°ne took io
the fall fair at Itneganono lad week. Wm.
Glories hoses we • winner of one race
W. t' Young's mammoth silo at Loyal
e h.log filled w th corn thl" week. Gold-
tborp'e twitters dnlog lbs work. Jacob
Mosier le the rarer.
There we a large number of men with
teams at ',outride" term on S•turd•y last
drawing Dora sed outthink 11 op for the silo,
Magats Mat --
from Porter's
W. Webster left yesterday for Toronto.
Miss Nellie Jamieson Is visiting friends In
Mrs J. B. Hawkins Is sidison friends at
Se. Marys-
Mrs A.: 11. Shephard u v.a.tins at HA9,1,
this weak.
Geo. Graham has returned hum 6e
Western frit'.
Fred Kamm is home from Stratford t
spend a few
.1, W. \'aa.tter has returned from • two
..ekv' holiday trip.
E Campion, K. C., returned from tatoa-
go Tuesday meetng.
Gait Haldane, of Ayr, sprat a lest days
to towo the past week.
Rsv. Ur. Daniel will lecture at Lezk.ow
th • ( Charade) ) eyeoiog.
Mr.. aril Mies Consume Holt are epeul-
tog • Low days 10 Toronto.
Wm. Green, Trafalgar s' met. hu been
salts ill doing 16. Dau week.
Mrs. G. W. Tbomsoo Is visiting her
daughter. Mrs. Wright, at S.ratlor0.
1t, D. I: •ant is at Mit :he t to lay, taking
p.rr to the shooting tournament there.
Mee Birdie Hays he returned Isom a
versa u.joarn of two months in l'aicego.
Mt,s lean Gibson, of the reg'atry . 15 se
hat ret�tra.d 1.1 town •tier a mcn;L'. bolt.
D. J Turnbull sol bride arrived •t
Dome Monday evenlog atter tosir wedding
Tb• M a'..
\'ranrue, c,demo
J u. 0 citron and
;ram uwksoo are open
To arrive inside of one month.
Mr. Jesse I;Irlhill, .1 the ft'tamillrr Wrefen Mite, (rue last week's aeevael of pro-
posed works) 1. using the [arrest quen•,ty of cement used in the part n1 the r-onety.
lent year after ou•ntne nil what h. 0 tease n• would require tor what work he was then
doing. he was oersua1ed to try a sample, t ares termite, (.long with some 40 or 50 barrels
of ewe other Mandl of well koowe osm,nt) of the Peninsular Portland Gement, made at
darken. Mleh., by the rotary system kilo. 1'M result 1s as follows
Mr Gledhill Bays:
I had occasion to make a hole of' consider-
able size into what 1 put. in last year, and I
find that your Peninsular ('client is the lest.
The concrete is much harder, having a shiny
flinty surface compared with the other concrete.
i shall require :TIN) barrels or thereabouts for
the new bridge abutments and cement daiu, And
i will buy all my (lenient fAm you.
tlmewl has 11.onme sitromdy hard to gni and the prion he gone away up Those
goes M wee Cement should place their order at ower, r„ ae to got It when wooed.
By an arrangement we offer the above Cement at
a very restonable figure.
agar awe aQUARffs. GODERICH.
BORN. 1 dose 1. heirb bdom is the oiztbo 114°r T H E SHOE PROBLEM
IRSOPER Al 1170 Bathurst street. Toronto, traffic, wtiok seises to demuutzo the
as PHda1 Gobbet 64 11012. the wi 1e °I �efr, totally undine/ it fur the reueptloa
Uf. t on Hooper, of • dvl.hwc rt the "Truth which m■k, a free," sod be
nevieg that 1s the home land it likewise '
'row, , oil 01 001 lornnduble barriett
, nr•r, 1, ni diveureaca of fouls u o lm• has been suc-
I'utsedey OveMrl. N',tt, wife of u,„ve and unte'plul ohanoelo, while the sessfuliy.soly-
Itotertllars.lahS°, acted i lerr,e mxutb • ,.,.•o' •y .'.e...,. hatJtcao,+r-,1 for the Task
• 1n.,'0 t...01 011! missions re. ed by t h e
ANNOUNCE MON T S. solved tit, are, ,hs member. of the I.meloO manufacturer
M. Kt, rooter,'.,, • lir .nch ,o cue/ 1t1oo ewe uhlad,
NAIRN-1ry�Ooder oh, on October 121. the
wife of Mi. Clime. A. Nelms of • son.
dflt ADORAN •I •rlolbor. towegblp 01
ire t t Po. wmu fn-,un,l
nougn to yet ••.K 01 I'•.:1l,sd nam ..: th , W'eoa411 l in , of th;s f.el desire en pious 00 of__ -
tee 1,1 • .,, tool 1 n ptolofeiog alt tuts tow a' 1 i •
week. Theurpply 4 ea comely shut'. •+1 ( .he 1iquo• natfi:. Ft►tber rrso v,•d 1'•.' t
hard to get eel °esapi i.tifly it r. t.r 1 it s,, ytv., rr,ct:val enpreesio. 10 th, ,ams 1•. 1
Welted up tort. -ear ail SSP ow by Poor and effort t.l
s:s lar "IN o',1 r.Whb• .5.101 1. u lather the proli'u• oa cues doling 'he
Vtowrla ic.'erautaot, West .Ice., for 1,..• tided ;; mod ;s, wit oh soul n n %t'•, oa 1)
eye tire, acid 10 bulk rod all eiyk.: • rim, ,.,., t,». 4 • oath. pryer. veer
eye of Ione., fruit, tobac•
00, till otgare. C. 111.4 'I %TOS D. proprio. 1 a., t NesHp Oetrkly'testers".
ilium sale of boo' • au l Moms as bo
lioJ.,ioh "omit, .tot.•. '1,h» .u'•.enber 1 a. Nu m t• ter whether e1 Ions mining nr.
just Duroha..t anIron '1'orvur a.111 » 1,»nkrtoupt rm.d..fats, cur bi permaa.utly cured by
as k ei boots d a6ora. t,,.. ck
Cat r .1. zoo-, which sever fa le ter in 11 e
was puroh5r+d new within the lest six
, sees. The pleasant-Ir.t.d vapor o1
mouths. lura •era, kat All tics and up -
0 sae alleys intrmmettoo, prevents
to• tale mule. Th. stook hes just arrived, n'1 oar es ibs caerrh•I condition that rues
end will lea ready for sal. on Saturday wet, drills.' and relieves tient away. Tau.
18th of OatoMr, We sell cheap all the ands bate proved the rfli_uocy of Cater,h-
el J. W. HaupsRirs. 're., and with such • valuable remedy
°:) within may reach lheis is n., longer any
BOOKS AND PERIODICALS- tees in ler people to remain ilei. (`rt&n6-
141n• 1* r.commeo.lsd elm Ie' coughs,
Tun Kiting STORY BOOK -161. work i. n 1 ids, star, h and 1 resort- is. C smplele
.cries of historical roue collared est of outfit, 11 00; trial size. 25.3. Druggists. or
Eogleh romantic Metairie* is ItIusttatlen N. C. Poison & Cs., Hartford. Glans, U.S ,
of the reigns of English mo°arobs from the or Klogato.. Ont.
000que•t to William IV. 11 is edited by Hamilton's Fills oure constipation. Ask
Leurewr Gomm" and 'illustratd by Har
neon Miller. The hese earthen of the ra- Io *Ito 1Nsioiswl Court at (Woods, H .11
tures have been put ander contribution
and from Shekripeer., Sir Walter Sc., t, I..t w'rf • while 06. ee� ed case of Holme
n. tba turn of l:ederioh was reaohedo. the
Wlhi•m of Maleoreisary, lharler Msut.r-
lne, Joho Galt, P.eroo Erao, Lord Lytton, 11s:. no bun •ppe.rcl aad the cat au REPAIRING
I baokeray, Leigh Hunt, William Harrison 'Liuck '11 the Let. _.
Ainsworth and others bright gems of bl.toi-
,cal worth have bow •eieoted. As a , on.- • asem.e0 ani newel Tawwh'.0.
peadtum of Euvl sh roomette immature 11 _ A promptly satisfactory ours for cramps,
certainly should Sod • pews with yourg Y rho, hilt/ration, beer:Lulu, bilious°as.
and old. George N Montag & Cump[vy, sick stomach and summer oomplelot, is •
90 Wdungtorst'. West, Toronto, are Ihs few drops Net 1111E10 lar •weeteosd water.
publishers; prom 71.00. • N.niliss at etc 'relieve pain and •uff.riog,
erodicates _Iba orass ol_ the trouble and
MISSIONARY WORKERS- noses permanently. l'olsoo's Nesyitae is
the best g ioeral peeves' remedy fur inter -
Meeting of Ire t...isse
s smiler. e Brands nal pain. kanwo ; it acts .o qne ly that 113
tyema.'• Missionary ael•sy. household ,hood be without is Bay •
An important mooting of m giopary 26. battle sal !destine today, ti's all nab'.
workers war held at Clanton ou Tiled. , Id+metope fills cure con,tipatito.
\V.dueday sod Thursday of last woe ----
when lho annul octiventlou of the Laodvs
cuil,reace branch of Ihs ldetbodtsl Wont- nm 1j t1 f t be left t this
Mimi, formerly of La
are 1n town for • few
he Misses ETIs and
g the holiday as
ShrO�''rOMiGir v
They cowhide every element of she' perfeetton.
ere wade uervoue and irritable by the pinching and cramping t.1
ill fitting shoes. Such women should lose no time in becoming
acquainted with those shoes.
They are modelled on scientific linos, so that while being "ail
easy as an old allot.," they tit without a wrinkle and please the
eye with their graceful curves.
us the conditions cf 'he 15,000.00 Queen Quality prize contest.
Red Front Shoe Store.
A 1 TM
au's klisslooary Sudety took p ace.
BALMORAL `° °°° `°a°lota
Office not lister than Saturday
1'M first session °prod in the °clan, p�
.'teat churob at 10.30o'ulock Tuesday mornNll�i CAFE noon. The Copy for Afters
Mon -
tog, 0,tb Ihe pruldw', Mre. McMeobn. In ...s be !eft not l,ter than MOO•
toe rate After the opening, envier the BEDFORD BLOCK. day noon. Casual Advertisements
appointment of oommttteei was taken up NuIi _ aoaapted aro to nog n Wednesday of
W Loa the roll was read seventy-two del.- us-iiiiii=RE,111111 1111!=iim_
gate reepooded, which we considered a tach wet•k.
very gtol slowing
The atteroioo session commenced at 2.30
r. a. with devotional cxerme.o. 'CCs Io m•.
•fico of committees we. contacted, •fief
which reports were to sired from the dte-
trwl organ z nine out of eleven dottrels
report ioy. R -v. Mr, G Hord nil Rev. Mr.
Manning were o.tuJuced rod ad.lrued the
couysa aro. An organ r.','s con',' ecce was
next opened and must lu'erestingly cooduct-
sd by Mr.. Densmore. .1 irreg. of sym-
J. 1'. Labs, of Hamaton was in loan patty war emit to the snot -president. Mre.
Co y co Tueeder. tt6hea Ambitious O,ukson, who has heed ander ettl otic. for
many months, so. was unable to attend the
for a week and returned to
li Allot, B. Matheson aed A. Mo urban,
of L°ekoow, .pest Sueday at the Miter's
home, Keays street.
Mre. Dailies Holmes and ohdd,en ha
ia.o°d Mr. Walnut. In Wiest' sin, where
they will in future re ids.
Ureottop were received from deter m-
oieties repressotd 1s the persona of Mies
Irwin, fart the 1!reebyten•n cr,urch, Mr.
Dunlop, tor the Baptist .churob, and Mre.
erste, for the W. C. 1, U. litre. En-
g son, of `i relied. gays the ah1rrss in teat
O. W: Rhyne returned b s. week from popes 1 he memorial service was led by
Harrison Hhcra m. r,onsl pal teen
tired of Mr.. Colemin, W'yom're;
H W. Alex fader Telt. on Monday for )Ire, bolsoo, Leviers; Mre. Wigle,
S,ulr Su. Marie to attend his father, who L.smleg'o • Mre. Raker, Lambed ; Mrr.
se (a the hospital there with typhoid fever Hambleton, u:koow; Mre, Losd, Wing
Mrs. Hollior•ks and Meter Harol l r - ham; Mrs. Ha lie, Mrs P.n land sod Mrs.
turned home the week alter s visit as thee. unsaese Mre. Gilbert,t; inn.:
• of Mre. HollIRrskis wear, lderra•d .Mre. R.'ngo°gb. roell; Me. Lloyd,
1dr.. John Aoheeon. ford, Mre, Coe 4, God.rtdh; Mre. 0.'-
Armstreog. Savoie:
Culotte, whore he graduated, with high Mre.
•tacdtov, at 161)01:04110 Embalming C.lage. veto t
, aneH•.
Heory HamMir he I,ca'e1 at Lsd.o, lord, vllle; Thome.
Ail. 'rte. where he le rode Ming • jewellery Mre. Kane,
nod tp.iod bottoms. He Is • ctp•ble
0 ,u ,g man, and we wish him recast.
A. Hesse Thom s01, Ise o1 Ay' -
mer, bare become residents of Goderiuh,
and are oconpyleg the 01111.0 on St. Pat
r '6'• street recently teo•otd by F. W.
I)oi v.
Sneir.f Reynolds he boo appointed re-
turning ethos for Keit Huron for eke Diking
of ti a referendum. Newton ('ampbeh, of
vteuheld, 1s the returning Illi er for Wert
1) it. McKay returned home Monday
n ight fr..m 6'. trip to the Wert He wet,t
e frrwest as h:!mentoo, 11e hkea the
°sentry we': rough, hut found It hal tome
Aledmenteges as compered -with I )Mario.
Stratford t Herald : U. S. Commercial
Agent Jobs H. S6ltley, of Ooterlch, we
In the oily this foor°000n for the first time
and called upon Consul A.ylert at the loos!
Consulate. Mr. Shirley Is the .°co•seo• of
Nr (;eJtoe, who wee locoed at I;nderiob
for many years, and nails from the State of
T. Imetr e Tear AppM1e.
Nothing will stimulate • keen, hea'.tby
relish lot foal insure good digestion and per -
foot assimilation lite Ferrez,ne, which 1s
toe most roomful tome and health renewer
knows to seed i'.1 .e,eoor. 1'srrov,ne le :a
positive cure tor anaemia, impure broad,
boil., pimple, i°diR,s iron, dyspepsia and
all•oh and bevel trnnhlee. herrozoos
Meaner, strengthen. nil purifies the blood,
it I..v,gorstes the bout :Ind news., banishes
sickness 0. 1 pain sod makes ailing people
well Try • or or two of Ferre soli*, the re-
melt will be a survey Prises 611.. at drug.
gists, or N. C. Polson h ('o., Kingston, Ont.
H•miltos'• 1'.Ile ogre .ioostlpst ion.
Fan,av, Oat. 17dt.-Anotion rale of farm
stock and implements at the proprietor's
premises In the vtllaee of Dung•nooe, nom at 1 *'oleo► 1, M. W M. Id .41.1.0r4411,
proprietor. JOHN POEMS, aoatione•t
HartIRnAy, Oct.. 25th,-Clearleg &Rothe
.ole et forty head of firs •,lass otitis a! Mr..
T. is barn, sear British !Nablus. hots,
rm'nrtwins at 2 e'oleak she1D. RICHARD
(Tres, promisor: TnO,. t.IONDRY, Xao
THURSDAY, 001. 3016.- -Auction eels of s
de.lrabls r.sid.000, household futnrtsr:
and !ernuhioss at the premise., W. pt. lot
951, Nmegara st , oomm.ncing at 1 o'.I ,ok
. harp. A. W.[TRt.v, proprietor; Tnne.
(1I'NDRY, an°
termer, tie '_'1st - I.:steer v5 vele of
term stook, implements and household Int-
oner' of Wm. Shire, lots 13 and 14, row -
cession 1, t: 1) Colborne. ommmrnotng at 1
o'o'.00k .harp. Mr. lOske has reseed b
farm and every, hieg must be sold Tiros.
(,1 NUR', auctioneer:
'1 HcRAna', Gut, 23:d,-Aeo'loe Bala .1
• choir 1•rm In W•w•nrh, at 2:.10 P. M.
M fpr. Anhorn hoisl, Sebum, flan., eke
farm formerly known as the Hoyle home -
steed, lot 23, oon. 5. West Wawannsh, 100
• gree. 1'. F. Uet'A,'nKRv, proprietor
T.InwAN RRowi, mutterer.
FatnAv, (tat. 241h.-A,atlon eels of farm
stock, omeettn/ of rood hetes.. ioolndisg
three extra well bred ro.dtter fi111.., rising
3 years old; good cattle, !sd.di°g .Ow.,
heaars and steers. and hep and sheep.
Property of WRI.l.tgoToN Ot.ivna, oe°. 2,
Wet Wawanoeh Trio Gryno,, notlen-
Mexnay, O1. 20 --Clearing .at. o1 'arm
.took, Ierledleg a ,,mbar of noraw, first•
olem dales onws, pip and other reek, farm
Implies! nt5, Ale., the property 01 George
leithwalte, •t hie farm on the Home toad,
liderteh township, two mils east of God
U .mmueion was aim stared by Rev.
M Maori ng nod t;lffor and the dexo
ptes 10n ad; nerd to th beemeot,
where supper was served by s ladte 01
Wesley eon Oaterio seer chorobcti,
A' 8 r. w roe meeting was reeumel'l, wi,h
R .) . 1; fford lar the uhur. Mre's\Mr.
Meet, pesedent of the Loudon besoob. love
an 044,',ee, revere/log the work o1 the psi(
sear, and Mr,. Goethe Wright, tree preen
d-nt, epok5 on the present area r mt.
• retry work A oar one alders of wel-
come to the delega es, in le Koch many DIN, -
bee of the (', n on nx,ll.ry took tear', was
✓ esponded to by Mre. Lawrenoe, of Y afortb.
M se Morose. the Society'• mestere y
among the ('h Hero and Jerome.. of British
C stumble, cave the adders of the t.'.n fig,
r wort anon
an 1 trresero .closet of her o
o g
the Orientate at the Coast.
1 be to iso is on Wednesday nil 'l'nur.d.y
were held In We,ley church
Oa W edoc.11.7 muco DA rooters work ,r-
ou ed matt of the time. 11 was decided i0
holt next yezr'e rip tree at S;rs•turl.
In the Meteor a cnneecratlon erv!ce
mai helm. led by Mrr. M.•Uem°e, nf. Sarnia.
Tie -Round l'alie Ta k" by Mrs. Bulwp
Wail successfully conducted, eo1 some Talo -
able suedes ions were elven A report on
The Outlook thaw,d tf et were 1021 sat -
act Oboe to 'Lie missionary j''ut0A1, a. in
crease n1 136 during tin per ye.r. A to
1 „ t, of Th. I'•1m Hraogh .howl the ant -
seri ption het to be 3,102 an 100resee of 266
Mrs. Tennant, supmott a lent art : h..1. -
perlmnnt of testy metre g(ving, gave • tete r
whiob abased that the pies of systematic
aed proportionate vision le melting oohs's°
tial progress amaer three whom the draw -
sesot reacher. Symposiums on the gut• t►--
tlone, "How can we Induce lades •o berme Lodes' c.,hm•re hese, p!eln.,,fe finish,
,.embers"•-- "How 0013 we Ine ore,•one a.._. doable bride, Ful' fa,hroa•rt, h nil.
rtmon i y'"--''1lnw can weionreaaespirit Old. ex, -
eerily embroidered la .116, three
try amongst remises?" broneht 1. r ° many gn,htic•, per p.1 ..... .. . 360, 501,60o
nggestJnn. and ter !moat, s.
At the'.Vedneeday gran, meeting . Two fioofl Lines,
feature of the proof em war a flag drill given '
0. -
toy the oh 11ren of the Methodist Sunday
•chnols wider the 1 edemas of Mr. 6loroh div -
One at 25c,
Mrs. Wright mads the preentstnm of a the other at 50c.
library to the St. Thome Mir -
glen Odds for rektor Ube larger in, r'aee Both are good. You'll ll try
.dans/_-tka,s ar...azd the Ondsr1°h 61.s.iu,
Band reeitvd ,he , which we. pre 11 long time before you get any
t Or • iurn. for Ihs largest Ir- that.
•r.5I5 In i s le , all 6. s"n,ely. rim:
Herd replied for she Sr. '1 nems Cuele
you pay more. for them than
sod Mist Rnh.rteon for the M e -,E They 91'e malkail at
ytwe flsed,
Mre. Bros, who has taken a deep and e I AT 25 CF.N, S, -Indies' esahmrre •
the Interest ,n the work of the Scatty. 1.0.., an d *eUelt, e.•l - 6»i h, if .uhf•
was made the recipient of a life membership .- boo's, well gear well. ribbed or plsin,
oertilio,te, neatly (menet, the presentation per peer 25°baieg made by Mre ('oan,nen.m, .nil Mn. AT 50 Ch:NT' .11wo, I c..l
MOM eche H' mere here, very fins gidt:y, soil 0 -
Mre. Fred hmith. of London, eat a re•o-
lutten express. or shack• to ell Is h+ bolo,,. 1•h, 1111 Ant ler ter w,,ght, titled or
trlbated to the gayer nn of sr convention plots, sp.lice/ bee,, real good *Wee
Om comfort and treasure of the agile• at per pair 50a
satin. Ti. resolatlon was Iepied t y a Wiest nnAesveSu, fieee hoed,
• 10.d'n vMr, open trot's, nicely trimwo1,
On 'CnwnAat m. noir, after d-vnt•enal Blankets, $l.eslf% r't'e. gx,d gedity, apstel
e xercises and roaring, work, the top oda r bargain 01 each 250
enmm(tt•e and brier of kers mate read. }ICI's is another blanket
The question of admitting members of Mr- Loire: ribbed vest., coon
clop and Epworth Leers to tat •nsill.rbt bargain, ;111(1 It is a good One, hints, pearl hattans, nook
with full power to tors and fill office. on You are not libel to find trimmed with !see and hots
p.yment of twenty-five cert" WAS the sob t,nhhnn, fl •sna Ilned. en ezrp
loot of considerable direteslon, and the mo• another to equal It, tin.dly good garment fir
lice was finally referred to the mission Fine tor silty whits won' Ale. kAta,heav winter won, each.... .....h0'
hoard to be dealt with, Y
Th° elpotion of officers reeled u follows: • ere, id,
.oft lofty Oellentnl ,rd herd- Oil lrgw's vita in all wool,
Hon. president, 51... items, St Thomas; ere, will ilius otrellent wear, p r flew noahty amd gaol oalnes
pr.IMnt. Mn. McMeshao, London; first j p 72 50 at 12,,,..,
eros prnellawt, Mr.. Wright, Leedne; eo-
and Moe president, Mrr Fowler, Louden;
COPYRsewrs &C
Anrnne •ending a .ketch sod d•eerletlnn May
utrkly u,Yrla.ra oar ,..Il i.0 free whether an
•nn,. i te i'r 'haply p to t.nle r', ,mmunlea
et net I ond�•nttal Itnndtn.+k tM Palmate
MI''tents Oldest
an throughency 1,Y�v i to. receive
.y.,141 snare. without charge, to lbe
Sdentinc .lmertcan.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Tamest nr.
m1. 4,.,, .d any .recuse }wroal. Terms, 51 a
rest; l..ur m'n+tbs, at. bele by all newsdealer.
MUNN & Co.e6' New York
breech oma••, tin •ar
ir et- Wanston, D. '
r,nt►11mmi11m1tt1nmmmmmmmmmtt1111m' "m111112
xa� BNS wsei orta
■!►!1',!871 -BT. .�
Titin; store's business policy is to sell reliable merchandise at as close
prices as is consistent with quality. No matter what the price in-
ducement, quality is our first and foremost consideration. / No price re-
duction will tempt us to buy if qualities are not all they should be.
You can depend absolutely on what you buy here, and if at any time
anything you buy does not turn out to your entire satisfaction let us
know about it and we will gladly .make it right.
Quality for quality, we are satisfied to have you compare our values
with any you will get anywhere. -�
in every department of the store we are ready for fall business, and
whatever your dry goods wants may be you can supply them to your
profit and advantage if you come here.
Black Skirts, $1.00.
I Auother lot of our great line of black sateen skirts at
1 $1.00 just arrived last week. This is the biggest skirt bar-
. gain we have given and they would be cheap at $1.25 or
Ladies' black lateen uu.erekire, mode Ir. o good '105167 feet black
went', bright silky finish, hard or soft quality, fu I sir., cu In the
newest acyl.., wide Humor, with nerrow ruffle, sandy worth 71 2b
sod 71.50, Our special prix, eeib. . Si (x,
E Cashmere Hosiery. -
New lines in fancy silk em-
broidered c shmere-hose came
in this w 1. - They are
intuited at popular plaices and
are the best vahles we have
ever shown.
Children's Reefers.
We have got.the prettiest and nattiest child- -
ren's reefers that have ever been in the store.
•Judging by the business we are doing, there are -
none to equal them in town for either style or val-
ue. The best time to buy thein is now, for the
assortment is better than there is any possibility of
being later on.
Nati, refers and three quarter meta for children, made
from frieze sod roach tooth". out 1n the very latest style
and nicely trimmed, 'led or unlined, each 72 25 to 7.5 00
adiest- Underwear.
1 ran no risK li you 'buy your mfrs' to
underwear here, there is no question about
This season's stock was bought direct from some
of the leading mills, and you are not likely to 'find
such good qualities for the same prices anywhei e
else. These qualities are all good and the best for
the money that the ready cash can buy.
third •los pr .Lien', Mrs. Matson. t.onden;
re°nr.hng srtretary, Mr.. Anhnt•.n, (rode
WA, oorrespondtne 056101ary, Mrs Cen-
n n.hame, Emmert] n' ; treasurer, Mrs. Ton -
sant, Wielders
Thi Iollewtng rrenhr'.len was nan,n on. y
8011, Guy000, aaotineee°° •( 1 ‘"1"4.Ale.l .sees to thegesttimatesn of Chris's Mat 7J111�1u11�1U1111l11U1U1lI1U1111U111�1111���1111UI1U 1u111U1U�
1.441,.' ribbed woollen vett,
•hapd, ■oft liaah, open
front, nook and front tetra
seed w116 lar and heirs rlt
bon, a garment that wnwld
not be 511 of the way at 75•,
eerie special ►alae •t each .50i
l.tettas' rlhhod vests, fine coal.
Sty. soft fin ,h, satnral color.,
11111 not shriek it oarefnlly
washed, pearl buttons. ler
ant hall. rl113oe trimmed.
each ......75, and 71.00