HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-10-16, Page 6Answ.d.1.1444:14,01,
'IR /Rd�Lel�ri A J
cls/ `"''it/ 0:
I(grsy mlurirate adeudI.t into the
tleptle of the armchair ; Sir Maurice,
peeping over film I)Pwrpep est, see* only
the brown and rd mingling in her
cheek(' and the starlike eyes flint
hunt taken his fancy, fuel thinks that
to draw mull mike her look more
Iwnntlful than idle ikons now.
%aa1 by and by Cllwy owes hitu
peas ti.r w•Ilrfowi, turning to weave
Isle halm with a smile as he rides
nwny. Then the brougham in itr.ter-
e*t-for Leidy Derwut in unsettle that
her uuf1N.(unpblt niter ellen be in-
timates• at prevent to the public-- and
they drive to the country town, ten
miles off, and g's straight to the
It dr all vary now • to
(:(pay, and the (getting of three
new (freemen at once In :tit event
Lot fills her with ex:aIto•ment.
Lady Dermot hilt paerfcet taste.
rind h.lerls idyll" toll material suit-
able to the young. girlish figure;
and, 'lit smite of It1'reelf, she 'lues
feel tut intrust in rhtwlsing pret-
ty things to mutt the 'inept, !te•ai-'
tiful face of this most uuwe•Icuwc
Then they repair to this ntilliiter'14.
"Would you Tike to t•liooms, n hat
y1/11 1.111.1f. (Pippo'?"
.After greitt'ly ,onaod.'ritlg 1he
tali* ly of hentlgear, 111e girl ne-
11*•ln a I'Itt' /1 11- trammel .title
black %civet and ostrich feathers.
"1 fancied she would whtcNt tit,
g+ttellI'st thing in the shop." thanks
Lady ih'ru.d ; but tllmel she
'.'ty it MI, sty di:tr."
1 he young hely attendant 1O. -
Inilue in adnliralwn 1111 the hal ,s
pill on ; and Gipsy tnrti 41 411).
blushing fncc lu her aunt for ap-
"Will It the, .tend i:ntherina?"
it will do only test w.•iI, a be girl
l.ok, n picture of 104elines., and
Mall n ieeunting hat makes' h.'r
mitre' lott'ly 'st111.
"1 Imre nett her pretty one. mitt*,
that w•otal just suit you." the young
• lady of the millinery depart meet
remarks.. .U1 I n.t that momism who
x1e.n11t1 etnni h1 bat Mrs. Bryan.
gokl-headed r+utr. ditg and all!
"How do you do. Lady Dermot ; tend
how do you ,do. lily l.'r ? 1 thought
1 .houkl fund you herr: 1 14:10 lle•
.orringP nutiidr." And down she
site, and. patting nip her hire'se.
rmotrdr Gipsy.
"Ali. eireeslig up the new inmate -
Dm; !
D m;! My dear laxly Derawh eht•.
n111 fake the 1,11.0.4' by short: ni'd
:air theirire lute hist ,his heart rll-
"1. beg yon is ill not putt weirh moist.
_M•110t• (11111 111y' 1111-•e`'11 111•:11 I. 11r'.
Bryan, Hips) Is 11st young even to
think of emelt things," laxly !ferniest
ea ye, milt amt Aire. Bey an
t•Ittu klee mn ielounly. 1
•lio young? Net re tat of It !
Kir alauriee will nom teavh her.
lily dear, leak tat the child -as
jeered not n peac•tri•k al lih} pretty
fuel tinder that hal!"
1lpwy Iles
not beard n word of
the cone ere) tinrt; the ha is natur-
ally tierupirtl till her attenthni.
"1 like that nealekln one," Lady
Deemed ways, Ignoring Mrs. Mysore
relu:arkm. "Opt them Irrth put up and
bre nght to the Carriage. Now, Kip-
s.. alt:it is n11."
Mrs. Bryan pulps mit her hotel.
and towhee (:jpsy on the are.
"Full of frivolities /dressily, lay
dear! Tut& won't know yonrnelf In a
week." „
"I hardly know myself also:" PC -
;Olen 011sy, with the • strange.
.&sweet nerluuinen. that Iles in her
',yen even when she ;wilee.
tt'ilh an mid rtpresdon 0s her
ewe here. Mem. Bryan tv Melee, I lie
qu:lint. slight figure 411.44nppo'artdIl
lifter Indy Dermot.
"A "Pry pretty eldht, wpat't m)
word!" she ways, half to herself.
Mennahtie the short ttiutre da)'
Is 011 the wane, a hunt yellow' light
Iwhlnl the lore tepee pru•hthuin)1
t In the fear well lhu 11.1 le *011
It setting. Tide Derma carriage
rattles through the et reels on its
homeward wny, well plied up with
pnruele, and Lady Dermot, slightly
fatigued niter her exertions, nee
back n nd tnkee a ti►p. And 1ii{ivy
thinks, natnrnlly enough, of till the
new addition. to her manly wnr,1-
robe, and a smile einem to her lip.
to ohs wonders what Kir Mnuriee
will any when he sees her itt the
stew Clothes.
C'Fi: PTilet4-1r-tF
Twp figures are riding slowly
Howe after the dny'e hunting. Ily
ensue thssnellsm Captain Letruy and
Madre Blake, generally find th.'hl.
.....,.-nelve11.:1Ah._thld„JfJ1gQ.,..lt.Ud,. when this
dry b over. They are tggT 'j tau e -
ly alung, n11+te ay Is with people
Who have plenty to may to each
_,, other . rind rte -woe mint .a._-ierrrg
ertreteh of road before them. &)
they proceed lelwtrely on the grape.
at the roadside. and hi the rye.
nt hie companion the han.Inoln0 ince
Of M. F'. 1F., looks more httpileo u'
et ea tlinn u.unl with the yellow
ligtht from the .menet 'shining in
kir ryes. They halve 111t-
citesevl the day'. mewl - this
•grate', rad gallop in the
morning, and the fox that lamellate!
to give them such. a goal run in the
afternoon, till. after tiaversing three
fields ne hard ai he could go. he
w to ironed. They have disclaimed
rip who WAN ont. and horse.
sof well a1 riders have hewn con
opted upon. And now n silence Iota
films upon these, a brief panne that
herald. a sweeter, more sacred sub.
0114.. with her face bent down
and this bridle loose In her- hand.,
seeks, not to break the charmed
.Ueeto.. And he watches her profile,
and toes not speak. Snell a Renee,
sweet, Contest face It 111 upon whleh
eta tees rest -the fee. nip a girl
aha tot, all her youth, look. as (1
She were meant to suffer, b.xtan0,.01
the gravy patience in her iinek-
(i s ) eye.- The roils of her hale
have become unfententel, and hang
her saddle. And hr, leaking at the
rltiulier hair end fair drooping face,
else.* uta norm a Mt nearer, and
1.1) s hie hand •upon herr.
"Yrs, J1111,' she ,anew' rr, ralriuiy, her
gray eye', 111 lob a (Ile a ler,tl,t, trust-
el- mute .--tat -_road.-L.-11Erilt.. pneregl
and Iesigine in Inv. ,tui leer lashes.
fall again et eldenl, .
-Wady., how lung are we to go
ol! lino flat. hr rat's, ween re
preach in We tares
'rhe ct,lur flies up nl her face. but
site MO It notl,iug. tI11•1 110 go aeon
"1 know I ant lel good 0aaxlgn for
"\u( geed 'weigh"' lin. Jew.'
"No, .1 am net. teak.. Every
one 'MOW 4 what 1 ani -a avast, e.1!
sort of fellow, .utl 1 knew tepees(
that 1 ahl not a moet.l by ;ilk", mean.
but 1 do lute you. Wady*. 4t0, 1117
.Inrlulg, i feel (tut tf 1 iota yoc
for Il.y wife I sho.A4 be a better
'Jam. 1 oust keep my premier,.' she
whimper*, with one piteour4 look lute
hie face.
"1'ee, i,,u promise' Your father
made you .'wear refer to marry
uta until 1 had givelt up drinking -
It le an ugly want• --tau' ,oust any
ugly welds .0,1sta, os; but .11.1 he
think, 1 warder, what that provider
weu(1 drive me to "'
" Ot,, !omit -lir 11 deitd"'
1'1141 Glaely5. lir'•keoly ; bit
Captain Lefroy feel,' his own wremgo
to.) keenly to thine of env thing lett
himself Just 110W.
"If you loved me ug I love you.
4,h!elys. you' would Dike me juel as
I ail, and not watt fur me to tx
come n Methodist preacher, or to
take the pledge and jolt a temper
awe band."
Every word of Ill* &speech hurt.
her sorely ; fait he. lkaes not see It
and only notices a tremor In her
voice, as elle answers. after to ver,
o1111 or two:
"1 eb not went you to be it Meth-
n'l.t 'wencher, .lien ; and 1 neve, not
say anything about my leve for you
'or you know, It well enough. nut
eh, Jlat. Jim!' her voice tweaking
sow with the a*aatl+g tsars; "yon
know what f peonage,' pupa, and
won't y(nt dr' It for my mike?'
''1 cnWt."' 10 nlmumt whispers f0.'I
Ing rather than geeing the etpresrlun
of leer rye.; and hie voice is ng trent
Mous as lu•r awn. "Gtalys, -1 swear
Will be different Erten wise 1 nm
when you are rely wife. Yon wont..
It. ahvnys 'war me thrii. and 11i
sight of your fit•" would help to keep
me el refight ; 1'stt Whtnt you are away
1 c mete.., Iielp, 11, and 1 get bitter.
null ( fuel try t11 be happy in n1,1111•
fitde;ol,'--lt, rldng his fluslu•d, frt.-
ti to taco to read 11 great 14,1 ut-
Iutth)' III hers, 'John Ker mild 110,
(and)14; hr wild that, (f we wee..
married, • It would make n'different
man 11f me; 1111d I think" -with n
Smile that ('liters the dark ihaidow
from his fuse -''f think you mlghl
hi lir ve John Ker."
.1i Ina Ker, his setnladtlu'at fl deed, him
Reuter, his adviser. the only real
lament friend that he has ever made
how many worts of wase and 'good
counsel has he spoken, in Itnam,ll
and out of Neiman!
"I do believe, Mr. Nair," 0la•lye
answers, :t ellghl flush Using t„ her
rho mks ; "at least, 1 believe Mom its
must things; hut he dorm not un -
di extend about yon and me,
The Dermot hrouglmm mimes rum -
ng niece, the pnlr of elderly car-
riage -Iterates trotting lelourely at
the rate of five rule% an hour.
Captain Lrfroy Wilde up Ids hand
and the coachman Oulil up. Lnety
Dermot, 1hum rudely nwakenrd out
mf her nap, pope her hritd out of the
"On, bow - _. _ .iby..._ .yam ---..- lu,
('npinln Lrfroy " On four way
home, 1 suppose 7 .And (Malys. loo!
1 implied Maurice n�'I (-'I1K,t n heat;
1 line nun."
Iilpay, salting heck I1 her corner,
I*'rps over 'Feely Dernn('w pstnruldct
nl Gladys; und the two girls' ryes
Merlyn roare roatrf to I he other
sloe of the rarringe and, bending
down from her ,addle, looks In nt
the window, el: It n smile on her
sweet, earnest (nee. -
" i hnvr heard pit much about you
from Maurice," elle mays, with re klnl,
friendly ring In her voice --for Gladys
t. by nature kind, and .he mourns tit,
*airs fed, timid Lok In the brown eyes
perping so 111:,14 out of the cnrrlago
'-trWrt Y ttrbt trim tMy mmrrrrhnt t(esrt
i Iv.ud.1 be your friend, If you 14'011141
let me\•'
iter frank, pleasant eyes look hull
Into Olpw)''s faire. and never owe
e 44((av to noticethedrree and
old, wlile-hrimmi„TTini-ins gnrm('ift'
that cis Opay's mind with dismay.
Site dope not even hook at this r.lttOn-
-elrrvtrt'-farm '4i+tlr,•-enr•i4,r--w4n•Mog-
lelifir, hitt smiles noel talk" Just ns
If (Homy were tirrsswr Tike every one
"Ile% lovely she Is!" Gladys think*
"tl hat a perfect facet 1 blew ,Ism
will sex her I"
nut Leo, Dermot I. pretty effrotii-
1111v hlt.oklug tap the other itItelow,
nal nw y e t Captain Lrfroy him not
stamen s:ghl of tho fare that has
taken (,Ia/i)ri limey. In it minute or
ten he rein* book his horse and teem
1.(tdy Dermot that he will ,tot keep
her hones etanding; the two 'Orin
rm'Ip n fat,wetl ; and Gipsy feels thnt
all the women in the world Into
t'hbh Mir tut• mime are not 1111141 140x1
cell Ike flora Blake.
"1)id you .c. her 7" oris. (11111ys,
ether: they are moving on again.
".►Im.. M1e 1s so lovely -Muth a sweet
e' f never look st any (nen Ind
piens," Captain 1.efroy may., with it
Inok in hta eyes which gives emphasis
to hie words.
Gladys believe* him. and they pro*
emed lunienhly on their way. At the
entre.of filter. they part.
"Wasn't yon come lap to the house 7"
1 I.n.M (patsy., "I((x Jim 7" .
"Not fn -nigh(." be replte. "John
Kris In coming; he 1•111 hove arrlred
" f am glad he W 0oininiI" (ilndyr
soya, MA then puller up &short itt n
little oonfnrluu, and adds hastily, ''1
Lke Mr, Ker."
He laughs it laugh that ham More
of morrow than mirth 41 it.
"I know wtatuhf Mean, Gladys',
very well. You think John will trey
m4. etratght."
I never said so, Jinx"
" Your face did, If Your worsts din
not. (lood-ntgltt, my own dear lore ;
but remember this -olio wont from
you we[glut mare with me than John
K r'r fougtest lecture. Once more,
gtext-night !"
There are cheerful voles.* Its the
inswing -rola When 1;lady/. enters,
her habit titer her arm. and her I, teg
hair Iatngitig I.x,N'Jy down her 11erk.
In Ihe• flre•lif•11t site cannot make out
for a moment who lis there , they are
oil grouped together opt the lil`arth•
rug -two or three men. Mrs. Rinke
ie an ormclu(lr, uul Flora hl 1.1,',
.endow iwyond, at the ten -table. Sir
Maurice Dermot comes out from alto
"Ilex' , 1111 are, Gladys! What have
you 4(Ulit with Jim'"
"Ile him gnats home ; he was exp et -
lig 11r. Kir," she answers, shaking
handlM with another 1ttt11rMulti In a
nal. cont. "flow do you do, 11r. Ilan -
Coigne 1" Aad thea, ter another figure
appears out of tit gltom, she et-
ciallnm. 'Mr. Ker ! Why. ('uptnln Le -
fro) thinks you are et Black Abbey :"
"I obeli lie there directly," says a
err) gated VOiee ;.t,n.1 the lined of the
speaker lakes here for a almond. "You
::re e.eht. Vas ltlakt' : 'come teatrir
the fire."'
"We found Mr. Ker here.", chimes,
Elora. "tinting over the fire with
lualtl mit."
' Having a very plwwtnt after -
1 txue," ply* Mrs. Blake "(iIit l7$, sol•
thought yo1 were toot."
"I1 west n long wet," murmurs
%da.t)11 who knows from her mother's'
t pier that elm is displeased,
"But ,ale must have crept along, •
;nugh• Flora. from Is'hl," her tea-
tray .. We came &lowly enough, Muu-
rce and I ; hut we have been home
tilt half an hour. anti .•Iby and Mr.
eet.eotgue were, here before us."
• 'ilr. volt we had no nelilceanent
t.. I ager on the rood,". Algy
rays. "nal !;tachy■ hod. yhlch makes
:a11 the difference."
11r. Ker. noticing the distressed
kirk of Gladys' face, comes a few
lin Iws closer.
"Hatt you a good day 7" he nskr,
.tlx1 then smiles as he lalds, "Do you
know, I am NO Ignorant about fox -
twitting that 1 hardly know how to
express myself properly. I unler-
etand yachting; but I confers I am
:et n lofts In a hunting country. Jim
it always laughing at my blunders."
"We hadn't much of a run," Gladys
answers, looking into his grave yet
pleam►nt face; "but I dare nay,
short we it was, It visas quite ,long
e4%041g11 for it goal many who were
lie Ions tart reply ; Itis eyes are
regnrding her intently, and the hope-
Iees tire) look on her face strikes
Wm. •
"Yon arc not well," 11e *lye gently.
"Miss Gladys, you are greatly chang-
es! from what you were rix mouth,
"Am I ?" she asks, and then the col-
or ensiles to ner brow. "Please don't
remaek It, Mr. Ker. 1 am quite well.
indeed 1 am, btrt I may have been
hunting too much or riding too hard."
"I will say nothing," he answers,
nal cloaca Ws gravy lip. firmly. "But
you will take retro of yourself ?'
it minute later, and thew in a
tow voice-''I'romise me you will, for
.lint's stake."
Ile Fail known her no tong, merely
he may any no much'. The rest are
all talking end laughing, and he
watches l;ltuty's unobserved, and
seta her ryes looking larger from
time hollow•■ andt'r thele ; and Net -
heftily who mita, her heath align -0y
towed, the fight treadling her grave
blew 11 Int molt hair.
"`hall I lerlttg you some ten 7" be
asks, and mite roomers nithout look-
out up: ,
'Thank )4111."
lett (1 Is Sir !llnnriee wino brings
her the ten, anti. Mr. Ker gets into
a chair +sway by himself.
"j have sten )•ver cousin," Gladys
satyr, as alio take the cup from ids
'Oh, have you? .1.0 what do you
think of her 7" he sinks. his (nee
urightr g.
la . long, loose golden plait down to lung betels 11 get boom.,
"$h" (s lately. Itault'c. i think elle
Itns'the most beautiful face I have
•ter wren."
"Who ie title paragon?" Flora In -
'Orem -Mine Blake halo left her tea-
tabl", end conies flier to the fire.
' Maud •e'■ ami e." etplatns (ll►:ly.
'1 Raw her to -day. Flora, you ,didn't
half iltserbe her ; she 14 tun knurly.''
Fir Mteuri-e'R face IR hraming nt the
wor.b1 of warm proles: 11 1m ms though
.he were preening some especial pre-
ionn poreaeselon of his own•
"I am so glad y'ou like her?' he
stye, heartily.
And then Mr. Ker and Mr. lAt-
'•olgne take their departure. When
they are gem', Mins Blake lends ,AI
10111 smuhJrot again, her COM
utpulrellt Ince tiro•d tow tM Kir
1lnttr:ee at Its /nst lamoinLug sante„
J,1st who re no. liglit itrIkrs herd.
".UTI mo you hdurlre Mnurlce'steem-
try rondo, 1ilielye 3"' she begins.
1'011111 slur 11114e Well the bitted rush -
ng l0 1tIR temple's, mile ,night have
d of p' 0 ; but Pew Mem not : and stir
M,uir.,P't brenml Is full of impotent
fury while the leauty goes one with
a sneering laugh -
(To be Contlnned.)
Soft and crooked bones mean
bad feeding. Call the diseas
rickets if you want . to. Th
growing child must eat th
right food for growth. Bon
must have bone food, bluo
must'have blood food and so
on through the list.
Scott's Emulsion is the right
treatment for soft bones in
children. Littledosesevery day
give the stiffness and shape
that healthy bones should have.
Bow legs become straighter,
loose joints grow stronger and
firmness comes to the soft
IVrong food caused the
trouble. Right food will cure it.
In thousands of cases Scott's
Emulsion has proven to be the
right food for soft bones in
Send for free sample.
' SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists,
Toronto. Ontario.
sec. and p.00; ■11 druggists
Hostels by Rule.
First Yolltlelne-Tru didn't ac-
crpt the retainer. tat n 3
Second PohttkInm-No. I didn't think
It was large eua:glt to be uommeI'
s crate with my reputation for hon-
A Nagging Cough drives sleep rindcom-
fort &war. Yon ran conquer It with Allen'.
Lunn Unlearn, which relies.* hand hrealklug,
palm In tM cheat and Irrltntlon of the throat.
Wye It freely to the children.
R. 4 0. N. Co's " Tr1-Weekly
Sorel -e.
The steamers will lento Ilimtlton
Tuesday'', Thursdays and Saturdays
at 1 p.m. mall Oct. 11th. Oa and
after ort. 14th the: will Irate Tae.-
tinyn an/1 Feeley* at 1 p.m. until the
end of November. t;roc•I'il rates are
offered to Slant renl-eingle, i7 ; re-
turn, 512, from Hamilton to Mont-
real. Low rntev to Intermediate
mote. There ts no finer wiliest 14
the year to take let the Ray of Mutate
and the Thousand `Island trip than
lulltlma, an.l vtlth the rale„ the Motor.
company are offering (-trey person
vlewkl 'take advaltago of same.
Pe.•Ile ••.•4••••••••••••••+
In 'prinking of 'binckhea.-i," et Con
ten/pornry now the following pleb)
Language : "Thee: are_irtil►!J dIF•i)
lore.. Deny it 1111 one Inn), lhi' d11-
'rusting fact remnlnes that this pone;
ire not kept opal 11, daily Crashing
if ti., fare with, WIDSM ant"r itnft this
hent temp, allied, b; ,,rink, hard rub
t br1•k, hard rubbing with a towel.
(1Ii, no, women whit know that at
Kr .1,19.111. AMA!, t.at►j-,,,,-.4.�1,1 .vnter
and )dent y• of monking• wI10 nti..w
that perspiration -1s an oily fluid ilial
.eek' to ene•nls• from the eyeteeth to
tiring to the mlrfnee• runny Imliirltlee,
ma' who know that the okhl lme
lhotrinnile of tidy a.werp, whim. tot -
hie nee three pont, will gull cling
to tut inherited. Ignorant %himw••r
that to keeep the elfin et the ince
soft and flute 'cold water and no
w ino' mewl Iso limed pn lit. fare. They
'heir the fame to seas It, anel their
grimy' cors' -skinned fares ntteet
the fart. S.me of them at fifty
dlsrover tlint womnthing Is the mat-
ter, Int would not properly ' was'
even then, tut hlre wimp (shrewd
Iva man to greame their fete0e and
✓ ib off the dirt and rah ort the
wrinkle'', Every age hen Its wrinkles,
and facial mnmtagt le Inrgely' n
wrinkle of the pregnant rise.'"
And then the writer mitre that.,
"for n face that has nrrmmulaterl
dirt for fifty yearn, a trend rninikent
tee fb rah with find: hotted, wet in -
dein meal 0nee o day, after 'tenon-
ing the nkln well with .oepy warm
water. then einem well with warm
writer.' If lbs latter In not done,
the fuer will h. neigh The ince eke
1. better than n eeette. All of wldrll
igr geed, ti•nelhle hygt'ne.-IMetic and
Hyplenlu Unsettle.
Alto Was Mrugal.
A modest mail had borne the
chronic pain of a troublesotue
tooth for days, loping that by ex-
ercising it little more ',•Maumee^
and patience eke might avoid the
expense of at e)rntal operation. Her
courage failed her at tart, how-
ever, and she resulted to go to the
dentist one evening to have the
tenth extracted. Being of a thrifty
t raleney, she Inquired of the eper-
-HOW mttch .M 34)11 charge for
tnktog out a tooth 7"
"Fifty cents-witit gnu a dollar."'
%.ai the reply.
"Then, 1 guewr CII 01111 ln. morrow
in the daytime" announced the pa-
pp 0 at,wau*
Enders«, by best aagi.k medleal j la,
Supplied to 'knish soldiers I a South 'Mos.
T.r all Threat ■M eland Trembles, Lumps,
abseesae., Old Sores, Ole.rs, 0shwas, skin
D I ces.ms Pimple.. S(1w J.a(.,
al,•smat(.m, lumbago, armies, wales.,
P iles, Cot., Sero Foot, Pleurisy.
Ii.td by Druggists, tit. Tr. It o....
Pistils of McLeod..
There le a dory told about the
late Dr. (.luau, of /noblemen. toy-
ing to this late 1►r. Jahn M'I.eoel,
of (Weal: "If the .M'I.eods do as
well In the (beech above au they
do in the tburcb below, they ars
I1 right." The M'Leudla are sow
Inlatere of the (Mundt of Scot -
id to the third generation. A
in of the Rev. Dr. 1CJ.eot1, of the
'ark Church. has been ordained to
fin beautiful Klrkeudbrlghtehlre
earl's!' of Dairy, and Introduced by
lis father And the minlrter of Morn-
Ingslde, Edinburgh. 11e was wisest -
ant to the Rev. R. If. Fluter, lu
the partedi of eat. \laholar, Aber-
deen, •
MInard's LJulmeDt for sale every-
' 'Co Hashf.l Lovers.
11 He rut with fur head bowed, and
a end, far -away look In btu eyes.
"ohat's the matter, 0111 man?"
him friend asked.
Ile sighed, pulled a 11ttle &slip of
paper from !dr pocket, and an-
1 saw titer ad., la arta of the
weekly papers. Read It."
It was abe follows:
"How to Win the Girl YOU L0:e.
-full direction* furulehed 1n plate",
"sealed envelope fiend one ehllling
portal order, or thirteen stampe.
Address -- --e
"Well, did you send for the for-
mula f"
"Yes; here a the answer: 'Get tt
million pound's and Ihe her look itt
Chen he heated another sad Nigh.
and his head dropped forward aerate.
-Chicago Jnnrnel.
leen It 4.
The Nannies of an F.ngtigh trav-
elerhid been exhnme.l for lnterm•nt
In the fnniely 'null. R lien the mf -
:t 1 song o;'en" t the on'oakers Mait-
re hnek in affright.
Why thea. nppenr to be she
rem,'ln'' of a non.''
"Yep," rr'pied n nephew of the
ltrommed. "ttlnt',• the son flint ate
,aim tip: ntw'J"'e lnmlde of him."
51101.150 PPS YI1r LIrfIM E74T rem ore*
nil hard, sort Of rannnewl Lumps and Mem-
1411r4 from horse., Blood Spavin, CnPoa,
Splint., Ring none. .worn-, $t*an,Bprnlns,
Kure and Swollen Throat, Caught., etc. Sava
Ilan by tine of on. bottle. Warranted the
moa wonderful Blemish Cure ever known.
Bold by an draggt.t..
Tata I.axatlre Brown Quinine Tattoo. A11
tlra gots refund) the money (11t 1a11s to eel'.
K. W. Uro,e'..tgnatan lama each boa. abs.
Could Not Tuck Illen More.
Bhlkm-you're putting the boy,
LLluy, early to work; • •
Jlnke-Yes, hr's a (lever lad. for
he's learnt eterylhing the leacher
114. has?"
'Ile has that. The teacher KALI, '1
can't hammer anything more into
that head of fila,"' -Detroit News-
Lovely Women of Kurope.
Every mitten hag it. pisco htr type
of feminine beauty. Tar :Uure•ieun
euman. whom Americans think In the
lovettedt of 1ht'tn1:11. %mild dry an
Itw itspirtimie pert In a broody whow
nt ('onntnttllm•(riP, H1 Alglern ur lu
\Arnim, where the facial features&
dregs. manners. ardente sad aty1r's
tare vanity nt tardaree wlth the Otte
eon girl or her couah's.
The rgyptlein airman .till clings to
n blowsy Oros. patterned wrmet1 (,tg
on the order of the Chinese Inietn'
loon. The march of elvilisatkm ban
had no effret upon the %omen of
Egypt. Bet (1 rots more to (Irene one
of lam bennlie's for n year than it re-
eled -es to keep n Enke Shore Mate
redden( clot t,o,d for l w ler the peel )l.
Good Things to Eat
rr� 1.0 44,'. tsm.w.h Iwlr bet.he..
roan plror etstt' I. j� wet..wi 10
Natural Flavor
Food Products
sae n. 0 (i•..rn.ta.t 1s.r.n.d. P44..44 •
pa.. awl I.141,1..4 oven 4,1101. n 1■
Ir nrN.ntlnn Int ,1ar ewv4.Un r4. n Ihe Iwo.;
I^trine,-* . ♦ wept► ea woe Minter elestesa
Mwr..441..r 4trrss tseo.sore 51.41:I. (1st.A tM ... t1.1.
■a.I• O.M T I ^,. M 5.14, it1r.4.1,i��.t-now t••
rat / 414 's Allis of 1M t►wM, malsi
n+. f•r 1G anis peaty.
flew York t'ealral avid Hudeeet
River Railroad.
The alrmr. nnmr la n Mmaehohd word and
the.n1erlor shot nem, of the rand shoal.' he
ennlrlent to at 104,0 Poen letele, hal now
the' 11m` rate 1. Ihe memo 1e, New York nmol
0.•111, west nn to „/h„r tees no fart br.r Ir.
w.mmr1116r eon ,h.,,,l.l 110 1,01111111. Every.
body will tell yea n a, the beet.
klnard's Linlment Cures Dandruff.
1'\e Milkman's Kaplaaaliea.
IKanlas ('Itp Stara
"My dear," gold the young husband,
'' dLI you ever speak to the milkman
about there being no a?Pam on the
ml'k ." "Y -e., 1 told him about it thus
mooing. and be has explained It mat-
Isfactnrlly, and I thank It Ir quite it
credit to him, taw." "what did he
nay 7" "fie mild that hr•elwayi (file*t
the bottle. no full that there is no
room on the top for the orlssm."
Mewrs. C. C. Rlcharda 4 0.:
Oeutlemeu,-My daughter. 18 years
old. was thrown from a sleigh and In-
jured her elbow 00 badly 1t remained
Miff -and very painful for three yearn.
Four bottles of MINARD'M LINIMENT
completely cured her, and she has not
been troubled for two years.
Yours truly,
J. B. LEVIC$((W.
St. Joseph, P. (1., Aug. 18. 1900.
1n Iteabt.
Offleer-.Are you merion.ly hurt?
('nury--e)[ 11111100 F'tanngnn"hit me
wet a brie*. but lK *Iwwao if It wont
ea1010u or If It WeM only wan it
hie Joker.
(,,'oral .ppllen l l.nu n• the. rni1n ,t rrarh
I tly dl.easnl portion of the wlr. Therein euly
one war t.. mare drufnerri.nu,l shin 1* by non.
.Iltutlonml rrmodlr.. Denfne.. M rnnett bis
nn lalamed r Mien 1,1 the mneou. IIn,n11 ,,f
the Eui.tttrhims Tale. when thin lute 1. In-
flamed you hire n rnlnbling noun.) or Impel,
feethearing. anti when It 1. entirely clotted.
Denfnnm la the remelt, nail uwhws the tannin -
mutton can letnken one and tide tube r..l,,r-
r'1 to It• normal road111on. henring w111 be
deetmve.l termer: nine rare1 not of ten are
ranges. by catarrh, which I. nothing lint a■
inflamed condition o1 this nu,t00,w.arfaeww.
We will glee (lie finadm.l Unllara for any
rotor of lhnfneu leaneietl by catarrhs that
rannnt be cured by Hall'. Cat nrrh Cure. fend
for circulars. fee.
F. J. e'If KNEY & ('U.. To1e.1u, u,
t:d11d by pr.genste,
Heli'. Fatally ('111. are (1M' Bret.
Unless the soap you
use has this brand you
are not getting the best
Ask torr so. Meoyos nae. set
It is neither recognlied in England
nor In Promos Reel( that cricket wad
originally a French gams, yet M
Jssus.eranl argues that thtr was the
oast'. The word "cricket.' le derived
from the F'ren''h r•Iqurt, which meant
a stick planted in the ground and
ocr' Ing as goal in one of the forms
of the gnaw.. ant It appease In that
amore in ti F'reis'II Ilo'nntetlt of 14744,
while, aerottling to Marra), we do nut
meet with the, word in Englloti 1111
1: DN. Two Ulmeratlong of the mlddlo
of lhr clghls'euth clod ury,one from ri
pxairtiug b' (layman 111 the Maryle-
bone Cricket Club, the other from a
Fvrnelt children* p'cture-book he
Gravelot, „whew that the two gene!,
vatted er:ekel in ane Mule 1indieud.
ero.so In the other were identical.
While in ernu"r It lost Ice perpularlty,
at lenat. ,among the upper classes,
like all gamer In the eighteenth cen-
tury, it, grew in favor In Lageand
will, the in•reasing Tuve of smolt
Among (hs g11nira represented In the
miniature% of the 1'hnnUlly prayer -
book may alio 1:P seen the tett Ile
mntl, wltleh war another form of Vie
Je•11 do eroese,1 ct.nsietwi in hlttin.t
a %Laden bill tth it mallet. It eat..
tometlmei call I pile m111 chi Italian
palls megliel, from pita. till! and to tl-
Irlr, meth 1, ant from Otte was of
t ourae d.rlvel our ,'all Mall, whrrr
the game wait played In the day t of
Pepys. Dallinglon, at the end of the
.1' tet nth century, had dep'oredthat
his eountryuen hail nett yet adopted
OW gran from the F'ren.th. In Scot-
land, however, It had been early
No Doubt About 1t.
Lnffaii-1've got n new con'nn-
drnn Do you know why I'm the mule
with it yore heart ?
Ifrofnt-No, 1 know you are, but 1
don't know why you are.
For Stiff sad Swollen Necks.
1(r. Hemmer, 87 tinay.ner street,
l:rlfaut. write,; " Hating freer n
call . got 1. veer etiff .11441 pnlnf 11
s:wrdlpa neck. I tried alt the moral
remedies wit limit effect. i was Mutest
gluing it np, when a Zook sons
petrel uta m: e'nnter ,dracrih;u( !(t.
.Inrobe OP. I procured it tootle.. need
hall 4('12rc.'l. ribbed It nn my mirk
When i fell het ter. in a short time
the pole left me and the tnrelling
went Clown. F -it lln1 It err prod In
Ode ease, I Orli tried it of m -
ankle, which i hail sprained, and
which sons frept-ntl, very''minted. 1
soon had the p1'amlre (d finding that
train Meer disappear. I must gay 1
nnsidr'r lit. .tnnohn 011 of great
Mlnhters of hisses.
"The minterter has leen away on n
Ions vacation, hasn't he?"
r„ t
reenekought the congregation looked
(llnnrd'e Liniment relieves Neural -
Load by the (Jolson.
A Wolter farmer whose ford had
reave been 'trained) made up 111'.
'nivel to Intik nit for nnotlo'r farm.
Meeting hie landlord, he says: '1'm
gem to gle np (hie term; nevem (3
cud grow ony'lhing nn't.' Landlord
-I nm sorry to hear it. if 1 tat:'
five labeling. off the acre will yon
estop on; Farmer -Deed no; land
like that shod never he let by the
nome, bat by the gallon,
WW1 too Centre
and Were* Oa the Cold.
Li stn Uro Drone (Jul*Ise Tablets est. s cold
1n ohs day. No ten, Its pay. Piles SS OWL
A Lsber•sa•Isg Mules.
Aunt Frances sold to her •.phew
ono "Vl hdat will you de when yon are n
malt. ?many 7"
"111 grow a Deward," watt the anex-
preled reply.
"Why ?" she ranked.
"IMnanmP then 1 won't heir' nrnrly
No emelt fare to *nigh," said Tommy.
-Llttta ((Irofolebi
Lever's 1'-7,(W i.e llead)TMainteetaat Soap
Powder dusted in the bath sefttaa the
water st the Casa time Mat it disinfects. 14
•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••
ISSUE NO. 42. 180on.
••••••••••••••••••• OF STRANGE, SEC��•�
• "Writing to the N •w )'ark Sun )fru.
.1. E. Woolen, of F'lushlUg, N. Y.. gives
lhlr narratlte of the Aga' ont-tlm,
ode of the nee' remarkable ( this
religious mists of recent times:
jam a tiling witness, of the or in
of that sect, which dates' Mack lea
1111; years. 1 wee intimately ae-
gwilulod will lit ` ',tarter of rho be
lief, ram M1t111g been m: fath:•r'i\
'Perrone! friend.
Jtrv. 11r. Starkey wan a clergyman
of the ('harsh of England, a in:inl of
considerable attainments mud de-
ride/11y magnetic- preeenee. Hr hal
dx cuphd m. - fa thee'* 141114111 ninny
ttdnr',, amt war enfeeble est, attsaetlnt(
large congregations.. 0 elm In my
pwnrrnts' hone, th. t hi. ,Ielusioe heat
manifested it ,elf. Hundrrlllt of my
fntllrr'. paphihlun•era nod of the snr-
rouielibg rltnrrhe'm .rusted melee the
hnnnt'r of ((I.irke•,. 'rhe moot toilet -
Intent nnel 'seined mantle -law yea.,
doter, unit families erf wealth leer•
hypnotised by the Ivan. (For regard -
Ing the Ix'hef from the elardloint
of n sane mim1. I tenet think hr Nun
a Itya'afrllI1.l Nearly herr home in
the nouthern part of England keit
sun or nlorr u( Ito memipere, a 1011,
tt Invented, a dnaghler, or n wife,
who followed blindly at Starkey e
lightest wont.
At the end of three or fouroars,
when Starkey wan at the zenith of
power awl had a following of
nerhapr fifteen thousand, fin 11111(1 hi4
disciples founded the 'Agape•mono" or
'.Atxxlo of Love." Thin tabernacle war
built near ('harlha'h, In S',.mrr,at-
"hlre, and wan :et a moat magnificent
male. There was no lark of lnorney
in the community, as lits "faithful"
were nearly all Moneyed people, and
all their wealth went into the gels
Prat rotten.
After come ten yearn of life In the
".t gop%'mone," t11•• prrtp'et found Me
Moire, ix't - g loeWlatl too nntn- 1
no , atsl his respx)niibilllwe n, the
.1ntIFhty la, hem). Therefore, he
t....dk aft. asaistautt _une Prince, the
sun of n lu4ir.h,•e.eer In hath, pro-
s Miming stint to be the ('hrist. Tile,'
Im rr:t.e l hi. ps,w•r and ,lrenglhrn-,
I .lite belief of fila rubjrl1.,
Fur s(noe )r,er•s h)r.Rrr, lli••y f::rte
in ,upp:ire/a re: pt•t•lrthllity stud quart.
bits mall). tnpto*r*1 ,pi ritw11hl) dr.
%Ch.M.l into (1(1 toys tntnlorntity and
n 11 : rrcy, nal :emir or the natter b--
Ilever.: left the t',lxxle of I.e....."
Naturally, nu 1'.1IIOW! foltowelf soul
1,ark.•y W11.4 In.•arerrnl0.1 In nn In- I
;.:rt!I' nay -111M. Pitt Prin:•t ,e111 Meng I
to the luxury ani crmdnrt his posi-
t' late him, nail for many years i
the histllnuo0 tltel, though fu n
• stn"what me•ertnfa fa.l)Inn. Pi'o- I
IAN we re regaieing their -tense of
right and wrong, and slowly het ;
r ttrvT, 111 ' . fro s hit WAR 1r -wing -iv
power. Their el.:apd•rnrance Crater
ns 1 know' from the, town of %Vey-
rtlrrwl h, W knits,--t.tla5 . of - tJaam luta '
mote, wnm rna,tetl by the erectlnn!
Qt Da. tpermslittt A M110QR wIth..rUI-,
Rist, of Starkey, ('mise anti nil the
tenter* ref the band, beth mule mint
feninle. which the people learnt. The
T7171eldrtng ""flier tl r-likta, keg -nee left
the Town rather preenpitetnly, In
the forum of it triumphal prm•evgbon
nearly two mare long, add so for
the time being entice the strange
11sr Subterfuge.
"Mary Ann poked me for
"IMA you give her otter"
"Yeo. 1 did. I didn't want her to
go away mad.'"
"What could y041 *ay Y"
"Why, Iathl everything that'.
Mt* about her.'"
"How could you? You said rile was
Arsadfully Incompetent."
WuiI, 1 vaned her Bllneia
all the tvay through It, and whoever
reads It 'will think'shn must hate
stolen it from Nome other girl,"
Mleard's Lit:Wont aures Burns, cto,
IIex Rerewell.
The Rev, J. It. F.dwardw, who 1e
leaving Hull, leagland, told an
cellont story at Mr farewell meet -
log. An old woman. he said, was
bidding farewell to a minister who
was going to Nether chapel. "Well,
sir," rite said, "1 am sorry you are
going. but the Lord la very good,
lie always sends us a better than
before 1'r
DROP 4s *s
0 yah kers asy 0;4411
Oi,pirelry liss,ao e:atter
Los mall. Ow Waleson
costal* Photographs o
way hundreds of our
piptstas pita--aopywill
ale es* jou free. Vs
parietes safe delivery,
p e raT maga and Meer.
luny rdfusd purchase
moot y, should you dabs
to rads tacks
r ►sm"Seie::�
'c�eYONCtSI56..5*7 POae ro
• •
• 2
Knitting for it. uthrr Indurrmrl;u •
for right parties. we rest new Ind 2
• .hlw.a. Send ler psrtle it,re nt nn.,• •
2 1 100r10 F urniahlni( 1 .'I'"runt,,.. lel 2
Asst • Ta..pnnornl of Pony nails' Nan.
111 worm "enter or milk. taken slur
estp,)anrr to smith Of wet w111 gnteken Meech --
ciliation and three prevent s 1•h111. There In
hut one Painkiller. ferry lends'.
The VIbra1 Age.
"Yon leve reached a very groat
ago, William.' fold the perlslt min -
Inter to (ria of hie members, a yen-
erahlo old ganlener.
"Deed hoe I. ale, for gin i Iseve
Cllr the eleventh n' nett ttwlath 1'11
be an octogenarian."
TO mov/ is son that bitpli
iles( ase'sOintmentleacertain
and abselat* ears fee each
ane every farm ef itehimi
blealingnnd peeteuding plies,
eke marefeeteree hare gsatanseod Ir. Buten
tlm.mlaM In the dash WWI and :elk Tow entitle
ben what they t.Mnk ere. Yon MR 11en It and
NO Jmlr m.mrt hark if not runt. Irks a Any, M
KO d.01.n Of knwavnnfr,lterrr, a Co, Toronto,
Dr. Chase's Ointment
A Common
Bred Cow
When toned up b
Dick's Blood Puri
Ser will give u
munch and as rich
milk as ahfghly
Jersey eowgivea
upon or.
feed, and
s Jersey
cow when
will Wonderfully Ineresee bee yield
e( mi. It eaves feed too. because
a snot amount of well digested
s a of the
mt .fie. the demands
system and every particle of nour-
stsbment sticks.
h0 cents a package.
Leeming. Mies & Co.. Agents.
POULTRY ('05057
(coed (*MM.. for hn.dllnlr. t'unatgume,Y
sollrlle.l a 'orrr.pnn' 1,1014. l 10'004 /Ind e'. au p4
ly attended to. ti III Iwiy henry etu(flphl
JOHN J. FEE ey FToROs o.1n.t
WHILST we gu•-antes
to keep a Ryrie"
Watch -aside from break-
age -in perfect .tion for
two years, there is no
limit to its perfect time-
keeping qualities.
We . for special
mention our ho. 8500
"Ryes" Watch at $23.
'. tA•ma .C1Nm
11 las i same M.re.at is
• 14t Send Gold Gm
w.4a rwbe titole Mawr. .04
.I4 ....d1 ret q. Mt .Ire
It .• mews r .w perm* talar
Mrs, Window's Seething Pimp Pb 411
always be and for Children Teethlne• •
monies the eMld, sorters tbegnats, corse wind
ogle and w the 4.et remedy las Dlarrbttia.
WTAr1TKD--Bg%KBALnnIHI1T rEtirhg
who ern earn et leapt fifteen dense'
',relit,: rveral of tar repowentetivee mite*
over lite dollars Ise dry • no delivering not
vol eetlng. The 1:estery-t'hrl.tlen Co., Ltd.,
Torob(o, Oat _
■■ np Ilk. n knik, for Pinmin lag tee work
or Ihe .m MI things nl rrentlnn: tin!,
to minimum, Pnglnrrr., mechanics, truer*, for
troting r nil,, a r. ; spat to am address Int
4:0, !1 tar $1,00' itge.te wea .1 Wanser
Lamp tan Mlg. f'o., Hamden., not.
near beet land In Way ('nasty, hat
wild and elen,e.d, le good !seeming commie.
Ivy. Apply re 1. newly, Glover, Melt.
ROOK it 1AFI.*HI41frf0.m1SMYtMfhRvUerePsl
1!5T*5n5nWrtynnstmnyn.hleiH1PERIAL MA