HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-10-16, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. W. Acheson &Son Stylish New York Coats. The most stylish and favorite Coate for this fall and winter will be the three-quarter length. They come in black and shades of grey, fawn and cas- tor in beaver and venetian cloths, and nicely lined, and for comfortable ap- pearance, eleguuce of style and fit they are the most pleasing lot of garments we have ever shown. Probably the largest selection of high-class Costa and Jackets ever shown in Goderich. A stock of 200 brand new Coats to select from, ranging in price from $3.50 to $15.00. Carpets and Rugs. Only this week have we received the balance of our fall stock of Carpets in stock. (Inion, All Wool, Brussels, Axminster, and Tap- estry Carpets. A delightful range of colon and new patterns, colorings richer and more artistic than pet haps ever before. Scotch Linoleums. 9, 3 and 4 yards wide. New patterns and every one our own direct importation. Values aro exceptionally good. Price, per square foot 35c, 40c and 50c Betlerlok Patterns sills steak. Metropolitan fashion shoots tree and .Dehaeator fee tale at 15a a oopy, or sabo ripttaos removed at $1.00 per year. W. Acheson & Son. THE I)UNGANNON ,FAIR Heery'Dedd, tbs Nib pump -amino, show. . .d some cf his maonfaotores; 14 co. Thowp __ son, of Dopamine°, showed • "Anlage and Mme farm gat«; sod J• k Ramon, had • dieplsy of form tmplem.mte. Gala Day in the Pretty North ern Village • Good I.bNlbw, Faverod by Splendid Wasik." and • E.eerd attendance S.e- reasfrel l'o.een 1. lb* Crewing -List el Prize Richer•. Tb. look) star under .blah the Damian mom lair bac prospered sod grown to 1 premat 1mp%rto•ce a still la the ascendant The Dhow iota week war favored with "plea did weather', and Friday, the loot anth d e "Mg day" of U.. liar, war mei of ammo br gist, clear, warm f.1l days In which one mold not pick a 11.w wore he .ver so o.p. Ilou.. le was • day fur pleuuro stuklo5, and the Uungons°. torr provided th• noose gam •tuacnon for • gathering of it,• people for miles around, from tis• towtxh.pe of Asbilal4 and 1V•w.uosh rod Colborne, /tom l;oderloh, L"okaow, Ci woo, Myth, and ports beyond. President Radio said rbe •ttsodanoe war ihs 'aroma yet. VI °ours. Ibe. happy remit was not brought •bout without • great deal of ,ot•lltieot se ..d pdskot ;reparatory effort .n the tort of the preotd.ot and directors. They em worked hard to make the exhibition a sac- oan d the result of their 1 on most biro been plewror to everybody who b.. the IQ•arknow.ls of the is r •t know. Althouon modem the sfase Piero Is always a •ood dal of simmr e.bout an ezblbitioo o1 this aver, those who are istoreetei especially to 0o e or other of the vont U. classics of exhibits always lois oum.t .fhm new to claim tie r at.ntluo, and in th , w.y the .bow matotaine ra sateen for • large number oft111,poop'.. '(ti. ladies gather i oaod the t., y work toblee and dimmers t5• new patterns in embroidery and lass s.d crocheting std oilthose other bile of handiwork which •ran unsolvable mystry to the ,•°; thins with an anodic eye the andrain/ are; that display of paintings d drar.; bortioelt- arta, .ys • critical •ye to tfruit•, and perhaps the flowers also; ill. Moo lw,ese.a- amine the Nutter and ohms. and th• patty and poker, to see if the.s is anytbing That looks any Motor tb•a their own "mike;" stook -ream, visit the sheds and pane and compare 0)151 en horror and , .11l., sheep ugot and p.; ponitry t•eers--and they seem to be a oomtiest tylrrow . no clam -trotter around th• oblokes oapi; the small boys and girl. Bed amoseme,t •vetywhere and ion .very - thing; rends the larger toys • sod gale seem to e ..oh the other'. gr.s'mt delight. Se onryme is ha or her elm way makes the exblbium an a•autm of edlfloat:m or reoreatlen. 4rtLUiNO IN INT/1.The speeding events wore the great attrac- tion on Frldsy efter0000. T. Ouodry, of (:oderich, rod I)Climate, ofClimate,war' the judger. Fo1lo.iug is the sum- mary F arm01o' trot t r Daoe- I Bdly Tarentom, L. 0. Charlsworth, Kr- • mondrllle 1 Ito m.. o.., of U psas- W. W. Waller, Colbwt TP 2 Ed Them 3 - Up.n rase, trais perm - John Storm, W. Plusklngbora, Ekes 1 1 John Nolan, J' B Whitely, Goderieh 2 2 TH. S111Ia1Ti. Is the Indoor deputmmt holy oocupterl • promtn.dr plume. lame wee a';rote show. to of apples, sod smaller dupl•)a of peace, phenol, grapee and other halts Plows sad cat Bowen o,00pred a spam. mid Iemetablos ✓ od toss made • very oredit+hl• 'Mani,. both In quality and in rluIONty. Tilers' war keel oompetlrtoo .mong the butter m•kitty, and some Motel samples were 00 textile VOA, Cham. dud not make a Iarv. a Mow tog. There woo a lam. and attract ye oolleetton of sensed fruits, and a smaller one of cam• pie. .f the biter ea it. Commie the exhib- ition In l.das' work and Ane arta was an • xoellmt on.. Some point'sgs of consider• able merit were hung 0• the walls, and the e xtensive display of needir - work ret almost • qty Imern•ble kind showed . h,Rh degrees of teor a and "kill m the part of rhos, who produced the handsaw. and dainty things tbat were to be seas. Oat's. 'bor. wee • geed showing in ole • oak alt,.e.. an.i, as should he the rem it the progrew.,e sec• two of Ilse country. the animals entered g ave 'videnm of • . ulwrontal advert,' le stook brreedog. As • 1r,mtornv doslor in crock rrm.rked to Tn■ 41,s AI.. "'.by should we not ere fins -ole.; animate her', when Limy can raise as Rood .t ck in this seetien as Io any other Discs in i1. world :" The Il epl•y of poultry .lee was a rood nee, amoral well known f.nmere having bid. en exhibition 1. this rmnmtlon may be mee- timed one of the host features of 'h.ehow - 7415 DOMINION 1'01'I.TRY RTATIA'' 1\HIRIT. Thu was from the timeline/ anis tatte000R S tation establirhel under the 1)ominli.• De partmmc of Agneat'ars at Holmrsyille, and wan in oh.rete of F C Elinor', the ne•c- eger of ' ho "N os. Then were .hover, in moopediefimily htrllod, rorotmen• of trawl of (imitable and modoe rattle type' ; for Rotuma, one coop war labelled. "Too mach oomb and roe nor vow." another, "Too large Mud leggy," ato'.her, •• Desirable typo to ke.o for brooding," and .0 no. An exoel- lent object l too, in the p.eper.,ion of fowl int •hipping w.e aware by • box oont.loing one doyen h rd., o lag D.cksd, and ready for the OM (. nniry meeker, the box Nom labelled wit, 't.e 11.010 o, rho ehiopwr and th. 0.1,11.. Mr 511• rd en 1 his ..,u - tont, Mr Fish. r, .ire It pc hu.y replying to rsgutnes of per. in. iniere•ted In poultry, dimonblev mnttrmi. f Ire hog and oaring for fowl, kill, ,. u'.1 padLog 11,,.. co It was • moat 10.110011.8 rs bib r, Lu.I tannnt tint he petwineJtr rt ;fool sn the imu'ov. • mens of methree in 'hr potato business. SU51N IOW MON'S I1141't.AY4, A. A W aprons, D rncrnnon'. enterprie 'Ing furniture dael.r,, moron,1 rhelr u■nal some yeah • m•rrpr•hsn„q r.hihit of fine foreparte and other •rtidee In the hearso furrhehine Thom is 1,, wen.•, ret L,nde.horn, *hawed 1)e Lteml . room *operator., and R. W'.1 .,, of Winch sm, woo no hand with • National nr.*m •rpar.t, r. Andrew Weh•ter, of Look ono, had moot moire marl ion ,n 'eh hi. on A° .xhihit that att,.oted more thee tam ordmory she,* of 'Insulin,' was that of .l R. fi•y, rel Lenk.ow, sweet for the Rerliner gremnphnn. He had them miohlnr. 01111 • Imes seenrtment of remade, end with them h. •nrert•Ined the rrnwd with a me - not prograrl, of room, epemho. are metra• manual porn... T. W, Little, of non haft • dis play of hie ware la hoot' mod abet.. nye. Autos tied other loot', or. 1 2 3 1 3 Fred M , Frrd Marney, l;oderlob.... 3 3 2 2.40 trot or peen -- R. Whitton. F Marney, Godes', k .. 1 1 1 Hilly Tareotom, L 0. Cbarlesworth, Kjmoodvllle 3 2 2 Jobs Nolo, J iI. Whitey, I;oderloh 2 3 3 Till avast!s,: INTIRTAINMINT. Tie goner{ on Friday •v.n'sm was at - toadied by all who mold:pet foto the hail, and moor stood throughout the whole pro- gram. President Italie was the obatrmam. The leading part to the program war takes by Harry M. Hessett, of Toronto, whom oomlo.lal.. In song, epmob and drew wore resolved with mtbauutlo d.moeetratlons of •pprevaf. Is Ulm Aoeebroek and Mer Prim, of Godorlob, M1.. Graney, of Lock ✓ ut., and MW Hilo", of Konpordiee, there was a splendid array of yotel &ain't, and piss o smbere which they oestributed to the pro gram wire all appreo•ated. Ulm Cam - mimeo of li.doot.S, and Miss I:rasdy, of foreknow, were 1►. •000mpenisto Mem Roll. Howrl. sod Edith Leonard, of Gods - Mb, domed the Highland Bum, th. Irish jt✓ rod other dames to the am"mpanlmmt of the b•4pipe. obeyed by Archie Anderem, of St. Helens. A. moat of the combat& wore moored, the entertainment wee et oos- ml.rable length, 5o{ t6. adman wet MBA - 'r'o.J to Ib. harsh. - -. Or THS VAIL Th. Dominion piano used al t►t oonoert nam from the w•retnsms •fGeo, W. Tbomsom k Sm, I.od.rlob. The aueodaom recorded another advisors, Lod was the largest In the history of the fair. Tp. Duegaoso• people are n.ver Oise bol with standlo1 Piper Archie A+4,reod, of Sr Helene. played from tb•mrand road Friday after - 000., and as there 1e a wood perooata(e o1 Soot. blood Around Danga.00n the muco was aoprsouted at Its worth. Ammo the l lodertob poop!. on the grounds ware Mayor Cameron, M P. P , Wm. Lite, K. S. W'ilhame, JM. Mitchell, Mr. and Mee 0. M. Klliott, 1k. W hltsy, Goo. L. Allan, Ileo Ruston and party, Jae. F. Thomson, A. B. Lavbson, the Misses Cooelos, Ma. Kelonb Brewo, Hort Parsee', L. Leve, Thee Johoe•on, J. McEvoy, P. Farr, %V. Thompso., Thos. Gundry, Mr and Mrs. M. W. Howell, Mr. acid Mrs. C. Campbell, Mr and lire. Howrie, Georg. Smltb,P. Walton, R McLcae, A. B Macdonald, J. 1), (•Con- osl1, Arthur Clement, Semrd Harr, K C, tIr11I, John Knox, Mr and Mrs. W. J. Morrow, Chas. Washington, R. J. end Niles E,k,Achuon, J. E !hydros, John 1) Leslie and Lcio Saxton, with probably many others ambo did not Dome within range of the reponse syn The Prize List. • HO&4M. -Yts•iji