HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-10-16, Page 44 TSvtiDAT, not. 16, 1902. THE SIGNAL : GUDERIUIE ONTARIO Our Special $10.00 Raglanette Overcoats. We wish we had the opportunity of allowing every one ter toiler around our Special $10.00 Overeat. If we could we certainly would sell you your winter overcoat, "if you needed one." This garment is made from good grey frieze cloth, double stitch, vertic al pockets, cuff. on sleovee, good lin- ing*, well nettle, wears well en.l tits to perfection. There is very little profit in thein et the above price, but we'll sell lot. of them, bound to, and make our money that way. Our $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00 Suits this fall Are of exceptionally good value, and will give gool satisfec tion. We invite your insp ction. We guarantee tit. Judged by the dollar's worth, this is the best Clothing House for men. W. C. PRIDHAM. Perfect Tittle, ('I,tllag Hunte Men'• Clo:hi,r, Furet,ner ana Better. Selo Agency for Ubrlety's Hats. The Signal, EVERY g ah PUDuesn la E1'�� ERY THURSDAY MORNING ST me4ILIACW MT . eODSRiot. TAU1R•DAY DOT. IL, 1!e!. 1 RUE PATRIOTISM. NOW that the eyes of the people of Ilr'eat Britain and the empire have been opened in regard to the South Airman war, and the root, loss of life anti (meleuunos .d the war are mein, men are not afraid to openly express their honest ,oniictionn in regard to it. While the war wan on there were many It1oi who disapproval 1,1 lit.• jingo spirit of the age who yet did riot de- sire to injure the (hornet ot the men in She ii h1 by making muse against tlafurther enrollment ot the volunteers.: bat now when pews has been restored honest public opin- ion in coming to the front, and the ruler et reason and truth is abroad in the land. At the recent meeting id the Christian Endeav- or Noc.ety its' Ktawa, the Rev. A. I. GLe.lz took up tine line of thought, and 'spoke an follows : ._.._.. . "Christian patriotism looks at the country as related to (Oral, not merely on its material progres. and commercial Freeman. and the Christian patriot ought to think more of the honor of his country than of the honors of hie country. He may find himitelf in a minority and lune to withstand his countrymen an did Chet - ham at the time et the American revolu- tion. it may be that at mime lalure time tome etatenman will *Lind up and say its connection with the Month Afru,ur war that England put her money on the wrong horse. I think not. but is may be The wee laws should apply to • country as to an individual : whet is theft for an led'. vidual should be theft for the mato, and the eternal law of righteousness enuald prevail. The Christian patriot should love his own country, but shoo d love all the nations of the world as well, and 'should never attempt to net nation agatnet na- tion. Patriot am should be intelligent and not swayed by ignoraut pension. And the time needs men of conviction, men with iron in their souls, men who will stand by the right every time." SNAP SHOT S. -Up to the time of going to preen the Hon J. 1814411. Triage is still in the ring, and not by any meant' disfigured. -The civic fuel yards in Toronto, which do not deliver the goofs, will not be much of a boon to the consuming public. -The Mayor of Toronto is not in the Position of the man who ears nothing and "awe wood. The Mayor keeps on talking. -The election petitions have simmered down to comptratively a few, and the hye.elections will he fought to • finish on hoth sides. -To those of our esteemed.contemporar- iee who expect to see tiomethin' drop when learRigaoom a home we would merely My. "Don't wo: ry, -Toronto city council has ordered two thousand tune of Scotch coal. Wh n the consumer gets it he will preeeei to make hot Snoteh of it. -There is qui e a change in the attitude of eonie of the Liberal nownjMpers towards Hen. J. I. TARTS. Now they are not nearly so anxious to read him out of the party. -Ons of these days when some Ontario statesman in the Dominion Ciehinet endeav- er•e *0 ret In toneh with puhtie sentiment as the Minister of Pehlke N mete hoe done, it will he al the better 1 r the country and also for that part tenor Ontario eta semen. A Medicine wN A Miracle IRON -OX TABLETS are not one of the wonders of the world. They ars not the discovery of seine marvellous man, made in some mysterious land. They do not drive Doc- tors to despair, and Undertakers Into insolvency. THEY ARE ONLY A THOROUGHLY HONEST AND GOOD REM- EDY FOR CERTAIN COM- MON AILMENTS whichsoever should be neglected. An unaor0000ed nerve Me* A brood maker ee• Purifier A Iawtt* ho. •[reef.. to..tl.. Met • oahartlo • d0 Tobletr; 35 -Cent[ w 4 Hope op iigs eternal to the human b at," and that id the reaauu that R. 1.. lioshxit has been greeted un fits Western trip with the legend, Our Next Premier.', Mexenrre, MANTaa, WHITNEY and Hong .1, 111 Mar Milieus hate eteil that legend be- fore, and it ouly a leveed, WHAT OTHERS A2= SAYING. Noor kli VINO Ir. Chloe.° Tribes*: Mr. Upjahn -I wish Tcu woul 1 tell Kathleen she cooks her steaks toe meth. Mn. Upjohn -1 ou ars three rule late, Jo' n The name of the praont one Is Mollie, MA1 11,001 A M110110N. Hamilton Herald : Two youog moo heve committed suicide after ending one of Mar i• Corel'u'e nevelt, Marie le ly no means a good n.veli a, but else may ysly do muoh good a. • fool -tidier. role 1'M11•MI'aakn 1IMwta,r. N r lily San What • deal of practical Modem there 1. to the receipt statement of Lord Arehart', rormerly Sir. lobo Lubbock, that : " rhe oomplloatal aye:em of b.nto'tee and subsidies aid Fr rt not 02, helping one trade a1 the expeose of an.1her, leads mots sod more Into mtnoste emb,r,a.eioents, and the result of relying on spa al 1, .yernment grants n that tome and energy which might materiel*. in given to laird/161M are devoted to attempte to put premiere oo the Enter meat departmenta sod to Irfluutae the Legislature. The beet thing • 14oyernment eau do for committee le to let it alone. Tree efforts of foreign l:oyeirou,en'a to path some of their trades hamper and baooic.p the rest," A rnosPaltel•t 1•aut i.. g Toronto Telegram : 'The globe trotter will gn a long wet to dl.00ver • cummu•Ily as geoereliy prosperous as the people of the 1'rnvtuoe of Ontario 1:050 veer. ere r and •t 10, tr worst they Mame their oompen satu.u'. Ammal want is • stranger to tools who have health, glib and Industrie n habits. The fall feint that ars belog hold throw/bout Unt•rlo ars an index of tee prosperity of the Province. S, ores o1 towns ane 'Magri' scattered over the face of the 1'royiooe sand forth tales of unprecedent- ed armies fn almost every line ot oro n'- tural life. luspeotion of the prvt lifts shows what a surpr s og amount o1 money le Set In ciroaletlon by the rural fairs. fns comfort and happle•s. of • great Proytr.. ars Metered lo the repute the' 1.11 of r'm petitions at the prize rmg, and of moiety sweetmeat -ate to the 100,. hall to top the u nsullied joy of • day on the little lair ground. TEN MORE DROPPED L ist W Election Pro Is Crowing Weaned tally Mall. Hon. J. M. fibro. and Hon. F:..1. Davis are set•. Yo also are debt other M P. P.'s whose.leetioas were proton -ed. This is all n ext to • certainty, as appeared from whet u000i.l said to the moue tolay. "T'hses will all be brought to roronto to be dupoeed of " Tale means acme will be fought out. S.egol..sly enough, ten were dropped bet Stilted ey, with melte eros-petitioae. Tb. battle to the o00rrs will be freight ea about fif leen. for whish dale. .td planes of trial have Gime bud. Thus are the bo dropped Fete Wellmrtoo- lino. .1. M Gingen. North fork and ernes -Hon. E..1. Day's. North (tn•ane-William H Hoyle. North Waterloo -Dr, Lowther. ... C.ntre lt-see and most John M. Slie, Frontons° sod cro-. _. W 1. Yhi11.7. Kiel/nen and orate -.Inhn /l :,naw. Ho too and ores. -.Sohn R. Barber. Leone: -M. S. Madole. Stull S • Marto --Au Irew lesoampbell. These ten, with 131 y, were the only remeietng protests tor wnleh Maros and piece, of tit.l were to M. fluid ; hat only 111 re was divided Thie le the Orli"' pretest &glen it J. W. McLeod, with • Tory erewoppe•I •galrel M•ophennn. They will be heard as (orawa 1 on November 11 0. tele and the postpoolog of the trial ot th.'1'ories' petition against A lin MoKay is North (trey from October 28th to Nov- ember 11th et Owen Sound was all tee onurt 4, 1 .nd all that °000sel had for the .1. urt to do. •What. •bout the others?" their Inr'- .t ipe inked "'They wilt he dispose' of here," return- e e ereeveel. **Mere w f. net meaty be triad. Mr. Justine Me lemma -"We went to .to all the oleo. imi (rials held this year, d posdlt'••, and 11 1. gatnnu I,re." "And we are try ng to asset rho or ort en 'nueh a we ran," meld Menotti Bristol. who • ,petted for the Cnneryetivre. J. A I'. t.reno, K. C , had the amt to say for the Liberals COUNTY CURRENCY. or, : Wil E. Berens has g the in Tann In rn a' lend • me Ilia! col 'et Ho.liet: (;ort 1'. Crlob hag gone to Al be•t..du:rfe' In • pl•oe r*mod Frank, to •0 ,epr a site ten (trey : Oe. d y las' wet it Jnt:n %lett, r es, 14.h a'• hart the n11.f,rtnas to 1.11 and breek woe of hie um (listen : Crory. Kiggert had the mb'or. tune to the • en *el tali Mb keit* I.st week, inr0eoli.t gig turmoil( 1'r • few date ntnn Mies Hattie (lowliest, delight. r of K J. i'nnetles, ham neon a situation as taeher 41 I'nrl Greatly, at $125 per year. (trete-rich t.waehlp : Mr. Connolly made • gond ale et September oboes, to Mr. R•llanteee, et Stratford, 10• rho hale' 10. Houle Wm Hutto has heel eolnp'etsd • worse' gen ever thirty lent high, whtoh will .0etele •11 the fodder hie here loll e1 eattl. e•M °onetime. Cnetee Rehr► Ford has psrohseed frets bM broths, Matthew his Whereat la the day sore form teal to them by their mother, paying therefor $1400. MuKlllop: Mean Brothers, of McKillop, here • sora d twee ennui' nominate' sixteen Invitee. This keeps McKillop to the front to the sun 11 ocr buuueo. West W•wa .wb : The arca l,nt farm of 200 •one, bee/move W Mr. 1I&rnieo, on the 6:h oenowestoe, her twee re.tmi lore • t•rm of five yeue to Mr. Wte!ey Ferrier. Blyth : The twisty -fifth to teatime of wadded blues was duly u.lebreded by Mr +ad Mrs J,bu (:levier us Fr 4 1 ,y, 3rd inst., it bsicg their &dyer wedding 0sateereaey. Krues•b : dem', Stew tr. and wife. " who meetly arrival hen Iso u Port A'thor, ere both very ill web typhoid liner at the h. in • of kin. Stewart's pawn's, N...1 •ud Mir. M Ilcy. 11'Ingh►m : A pretty wedd:og was wit oersed by (mode of the oontranluw parties at A. W. Wobter'e, w'le, Ail niece, Miss Aims Hides, beieme the bride of Mr. Joe Addison See forth : 1) ug'ut W i'wr, n It of 1). 1). Wile in, who was reported •e beteg 111 io IVionip.g with typhoid fever, a very much better, and it is hoped that be wli *soaps the fever. Grey : A quiet wed ling took place In /:udoh meetly, the latero et puttee bong Mus Ke'leuoa !Smith, formerly of this towu.bii, end Robert 1..we, • prospstoue 'untie termer on the 4 h cos. Brunets: ,lama Irwin hes pu:c'aad a greo.ry bustol01 to T'oronte and hes already taken µtwoostuo Mrs It io and the eater members of the family w i I leave shortly fur the 11oe s atty. where Iht y will ret tee their home. Hulett : Mn. Letitia B. their, widow et the late Joseph Weir, of 1)erohester, aid ,nether of Mr. Adorn We r, of Huli.t , and for many years • pouter resident of that oommuiity, tied at the residen, of her daughter in London. Sealorth: (:wore* Ilutchison diel at his reddens. in Sealnrth oe Friday, Sept. 26 h. He bad been ill h.r fly • week, pauioe away vary peaoelolly •t the edva*oed ape of 87 Teerr. the deceased was born oro the coun- ty of Cameo, troland, on Ju!c )2 b, 1810. Wisgbam : Mr. sod Mrr. Wm. Pr.dls, mourn the lees of their son 1't ray, woo died on Tuesday morales, 7.h Inst. He had been ailing for a few days, but nothing ser- ious wee leered until diphtheria developed. Piney was a t.right, uoWre.tlug child of six years. Herlaok : A son of '!1V Knox. who went to Manitoba on the her:esters' exoursiou about six winks ago. re' tuned hens no Tu+.day rather uoexpeotedly. If. hat the mielortuoe to gel kicked by • horse while io the West, and was lett up it Cypriot's Ktver, and he c. noluded he had better re- turn home, • Blyth : At high noon oa Thursday, Sep•. 25th. tai home ot Francis brown w.e the write of • pleasant event when his yoorgnt .!aoghrar, tirra A , was jn led .o the hely toads of m•Ir,mooy 1 • Mr. Gorge A l)rc- nes, of lagers 11. the knot being fled by Rev. .1. Kennedy, 11 1). . Het-; A very pretty stmt ling took pleas 0o 1V..Io,'ed.y, the It'. rost., at' Lseedsa Farm, ' tit mitotic* of Mr. and Mrs. Step- nen tepneo Troyer, 14th concession, when their laughter Km war uel'e 1 in msrrlwgr to 11r. W. D. A. ss, a prosper.,ur yosat firmer ot thin tottttblp. Blyth: Manager Letsr. who hoe bed ..barge e1 the Beek oft smiron here 1'r the nut Iwo yt;rr, receivie wont recnr.ly that he 0.4 been promoted to the manngemeet of the breech at I:e'r tower. Mr. H. Holm. e, e( the Hingham ranoh, has se- eur:d the eptro'otment tier'. I Morrie : A toy pretty w . ding tank pltce et the nrideecs of fats and Mrs Rsr•, 5'h line, on Wedne••'av, w o their -Luer. Odes Aunts 1. N Chambers, oone- e•t d.ugh'er of the late M. Cha'eberr, ores united 1e mean's to William Hsgg, a p porous y nog farmer of M:K'llop. Hensell: Mr. .1 MoArthir, hardware merohkn•, reoelv.d ort Svurday, 4 h, a 'elegr,m ',dermas( him of the Te .y revere dlne•a Of his site, who, • ennp'r• of moor h. nr ear •g ,, weir to 9' 'ro:,met 11,kore, whore one heti • broths-. Mr McArthur 11: on the even.ng tit pre.. for Dakar a, Kruo,4: We •r• vont to report that our wc'Lkrnwn townem.o, Mush \V i um • we• .eriously littered nue n getrecenti, while dray og home 1 in Sado, h. He lett there at 8 30 and when near to inthrop h.s 1, Inc got frisky owing to some nibs, rig neer by, sad get beyond lir. \Vlllsme management, Seatorth hire, Wllkts of Toronto, wife ot Dr. Wilco., who, with her bo.btnI, hu for twenty•..hree yeue been o mneoted with m mine work in 1�'•lie, gees a meet Idterest.oe s•Llrers nr 'he 'h nk antis' meetiu: of the Wom,n'o 1t:.. oaary 8 moiety of the First I'resbv eri.n church, ea Manley afternoon .•I lee' we. k 1'raobr.ok : 1)r. Whitfield, el Fort tattt, K -•,.u, is a. welcon e mutter with rektor., od f tendo io thus locality. He looks hrs•- o.lan, hes cheery. r•po.,5 of prosperous times, 1 ut is snit a ne,h. ler i- a tea Years novo thn dort.r went to Ktnas. He :s • eon of .lo". and Mr.. Whittled'. well Loewe old reelde,,te of the 12th. ---- Wtngham : L•vt week Fronk F'I+rn.gen had one Unger Inin.,•1 at rile fon ,dry \Ver Medi fell on an oil 0,1 et the Unirn fac- tory sort ren ins 'p,.1 . en,u.1y 'moan nee hued (i„ 1 nreday. Wm Cur hod ,on ho - Went 04 and two -ethers batty int at tar aisle f.ctnry.}iewas- fidessawandit was pit In molten before** waft aware. A qts e but ,ray prat,' wed. d og look place. at the li.n v 11., Turubenv street, Brewed.. et 1 "'stock Ne In•sd.y of terr,.,.,n of tat iv. et, wb•• Jolieth T. iw- g in, ..1 To n,,' n, and 14 se \t.lua E , yonrgeti Mau.ht r of Moen.) and Mr.. Ame', ret Ethel, were uIC• metrimoo ist s:h+oo., fo the presence of nlattves and • few (none', by Rev. C P. Well, R. A , It. I) , of Ethel '1'uobersmlth : A 13 -rear old sop of Thos. O'Brien ha 1 a normw escepw on Monday, the 6.h lest, Ho went to the field to gar,• hone, and on going up b.h.od it the pommel lot fly Its hind foss, s'nkinv •he boy us tar leo., k000kng him unanimous; his broth• r, wlo wee with hill for hely, and the byywma Wes ennveyed M the hen..., but It woe mime time 1 eine b. r000ysre 1 a .noelont- ne.s II is Noe wee badly int, and one eye almnet knocked oa'. `;aalorth : On W,rinuuday rnnrb ne of la t week, gni?e. -'y-ii 1T: Sr. domes' n* rah, when N1.. Winnd,s! K Uma,, (earth denehter rel tit. live John KoLLsaa,Mee wail.,% too m.retur• •s lily. Riser! David ftrr,an, of T"[nnr., The o.remnny took Woos at 9:30 o'el••ek, at Coal aid Woad. My Information Is that very little, if say, hart) coal witl Come to I:oderich during the next thrill tnontha Tri meet the. emergency 1 have 'secured a quanti- ty o1 lump emit, which for filename and kitchen ranges to re °mounded to me AA A geed u ubu1itnto for anthrariro•. THiS COAL WiLL. BE MOLD AT 'A SNA1.1. ADVANCE ON OOMT. tr -Place your orders early.- 'ha (1001) DRY HARDWOOD, softy Mise, any length, any tlnanttty, d*Itewe•d at *bort not tee. TERNS CASH, mhos at th>i rnammnlh real amt treed yards at the he wt of Nelson St, F. BARLOW HOLMES. every day. A pair of "I er than ordinary shots. and you aro so much less Lightness of a Dorothy Dodd On the Scales. AIVtvtt many interesting facts may Ire dirwvorsd with a pair of scales, hut it is doubtful if any single fact will he wore iuiere.t.ing and valuable to the average woman than the weight of her shoes. For this tells her the number of outs, is that must to lifted thousands of tints each dn', and a little calculation will . show that the lifts tone of shoe leather a clay --no shall labor its itself. The "Dorothy Dodd" shoe saves the lifting of store than one and a half tons othy Dudd" shot's are several ounces light - The feet are just so much more comfortable, ti rod. -. l'ut a p100 to the tett. They cost $3.75. N, 11. --Of courke we wilt -give you particulars of the s4,000 Prize Contest •b, Wen. Sharman, Jr., has exclusive sale at GODERICH, ONT, To the Ladies. The opening of the fall millinery season finds buy stock, as usual, complete in the various lines pertaining to ladled' headwear. Tule tnost hovel etiecte is shapes and trimmings are to be found helm, and our work in mak int up orders has always been satisfactory to my chs towers. Ladies are invited to visit my showroom and inspect arty stock at their convenience, Miss Cameron, Millin€r. IlL3m Car. 'Hamilton and Newgate streets which hoar the bride sowed the chereh, scoompanied by he:' brother. Jena 1.. Kil. toren, wbo seas her away, ant her ..star, M °e Nae K,itur•s, wb iasuis- woltsidet-- maid. "SAVtD ME FRO* DEATH" A Tarsale eeolrartbr says 0./d'. Kidney flits aro worth rarer lariats la mold Is s Mirk las. Toronto, Oat , 00s 13 h. (i4peolat) - Fife or III years age ►Ir. W..1. K. -Rae, of 96 L pptnoo't•.'., this city. war an Loral:d, osahaod to his bed with • severe oat, et lame bank and kidney trouble. He says : '•A friend advised 10il.re Kidhty Palo, :nut .e I had used so nary co' It ma1'oteee els heat say good rtxates r 11.4 little faith (het •nythuag would Ont. me I had eel, amid part of the drat bra, however, whoa 1 qu'4 that my oosditiow sr it rapidly im- oving 1 WI'l ahu e:her seven lyse aad wa\cnmplstsly cured Ae this was over torr yeorli am sad Lha trouble hes Doo retained in to term, I am 000 Mlle that my euro Wes a foot and p.rmaanl..00. "1 be ye Dodd'. Kidney 1'.11. saved ms 'rant deal They aro worth their weight in gold to h •ek &Das!' iso Diamond Hall Diamonds. cimmill THIS is one of the ' Ryrie' Specials in Diamond Rings, No. 989. Our price for it is $75. We personally guarantee the quality. t i. e,nonted Ir. 11k e• 1 1. / n: Itler t. ty , w g.aoernao . we., we deliver this amble rn any addre•., sod refund the foil price if res are not perfectly rationed. WM. for our sew Itl.eirsted en- &loess. Ryrie Bros., Jewelers, Tense sad Adelaide Streets, Toronto. �i rir.�, f♦t� ar45 Ricribber j-jeels nus su1Tt Y oN y5.�o LIVER KIDNE Bow(LS THE f CLEANSE EFFECTUSYSTALLY; piSPE 5005 pA0E5 NEA A fiveR5. OVERCOMES sTI HABITUAL C'�pERMANENnr tt5-BE.11.1 ° Gf P r' ECT N �nJ • IGiAL E hat bold Dunlop Cashion Ileel g;ve )nu a firm foothold a Car without growing weary. . All shoemaker., or write direct. oarlike teathcr you can walk pair, par:. NO MMMI MI',bosW he without the DUNLOP CUSHION PADS air i Ht. G(,bttlUWE -4.41.60:1181i Th. c prevent slipping lamena .-nprainull nos -ciliated Mora -halting and cankers, San'gl, v.t. tent direct. Any blackamirh ran put theta ,.o. M'RITP, POR CATALDrL The Dunlop Tire Co. LIMITED TORONTO 'Phone M J. H. COLBORNE TtQ�: Cask or Pray DRY GOODS SPECIALTIES. Sleek Under Skate, •1 00.11 50, $2 00, $2 50, $2.75. Black Sitar lib Welete, 11 00, tI.25, $1 50, $1 75, $1 90, $2 00, $2.75. Loden' Ulnae, Vests •tad %)swore. %lista from 15, to 11.00. irawels from 25o to $1 Meu'e act! Hoy.' shirts and drawers to all the leading o kte, union sold all wog. wool fleece I CO, e,zoo from 34 to 44, groat value. ,letter liner, woo! -:laid, ()Co, 650 aad 75o. M.o's all -wool Nova Soot's make, ue- sbriukable from 50., to 11 25 A g tee with snob shirt that 1t will not shrink. Our Amerieen made Wrapp.r.t tee at loo •od 12Jo•, fait Dolor, are the best in the ethic. Bleck end grey Ura. Skirt., tailor n., and out to the latest laehtou, iron[ IC A• 14 75, made of all wool homespun. Dram Materials la the haat 001 i 54 to 58 lnobes wide. Hu nr„pues, nell1 Liao., BWeaves,et Weaves, horde. :Ways1] other wow makes, from 50* to 41 40. A ties aanrtmoht ot Ride Costs the S:ottleh Kubb•r Co, lroa $350 •1.2 00, lomat ha from 56 is 60 belles, py ars the but goads la the tracts Omit value la Ladles and tbliire oaabmere and all wool Hose. We oarty the nest len. n1 `tomo made at the Ooderlcb Keil time 51,11. J. 11. COLBORNE Do You Know? IVe hay.• tn.ny oeoaN/r t eft r the tall noon Pure Spices, as MACK, CINNAMON, GINGERY, l'LRR1', PEPPERS, oto. You bare an adyaolage In buying these from us for we can test them and gueraotee them absolutely pun. They are not so every w ben. FLAT ('()RKS, JAR RINGS, CANDS IIt1TTLES, WAX, etr., etc. Beatemall STOVE -PIPE t'AR.N1SF Brghtest Lustre, Least Odor, Easiest Applied of all Stove -Pipe \'aruiahe. Preserves the pipes. Excellent 1 all exposed iron work. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, BEDFO, BLOCK, TIIOROLD CEMENT.. • Just received a car of tit celebrated Battle's Thorol Cement, The Best Cement on the Marla ••N•••••••••••• We have a large aad complete star of Barn hardware such as Meyers do Wilcox s%% ingir B. Door Hangers, Lane' Barn Door Hangers, ' and Strap Hinges, Hooki .Staples, etc., etc. •••••••••4N•••• PRICES ALWAYS LOWEST. e•••••••• ter ***WOW.* s N. D. RO UGV I E, The Cash Hardware Store. Goderich, Ont. I GET READ YTn-n n.yer wen such • 4eo•and 1rr ladles and 110051rni haslet/ a thorough knowledge of Commercial al .1 4hnrh•I • were. '('b. LONDON, ONT ..Ins +aM.t.d orn•e.tu.lwn'e to prnfitahle postilions darner thee' tear•h•i say S&hoelta..t , Wier, Wn null pleased to . rs, y0u 1'+rrculanl • p''' J. W. WESTEiLVELT, Principa TAILORING... I hay, sec.lved my New "Once of Suitings, Trouseringa, etc., for FALL and WINTER Wear. If on are getting a new ipriog snit, • light esor, woe' anything 1n my Ile*, i oan please yno 1n goede, fit and price. tlteady•wade 1 lulhlna •• Flock. H, DUNLOP,r4461 RHYNAS & CORNELL -- UNDERTAKERS j EMBALMERS, Etc., West dde of fret uaro. UODERICH, - ONT. Night tills promptly n 'tonere mmnimmmItImmtilmnimmr mi THE MARSHALL, SANITARY MATTRESS. E make a great many kinds of Bread, but the kind we are particularly fond of is our PAT. IIPO. 1000. THE ONLY VENTILATED MATTRESS IN THE WORLD. I'erlre•tly Ventilated, I'erteetly Itt••Ili•nt, Aho -shady Noieoloee. it has hendlee to lift or carry it by. It is much cheaper and more durable than the beet hair maitre**. it cannot get lumpy, and will not ung from u.e It ie the most homily aad Mint comfortable Mettreei made. .Call and e14minn Ile Merit. 8n4.1 ort1t 1,, WILMER SMITH. boiler lar lligh Erode Fnrnilnm, l uroi.hingn and Art Coal,. Fine Upholstering dope to order. Fast Mtrsat, (l()IIKRiCH ►▪ - r ►-- Otar bakery includes, among other improvements, patent ovens that t ake our hroa/l to shit, t•veryonn'a taatc Once a costumer, always a 6((stomer. W. P. WESTOBY, AGENT. - HAMILTON STREET an I Homemade Bread " Get a loaf from our agent. See how white and light and awe( it The Parnell -Dean Steam Baking Co., Ltd. 1 -•a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -41 1 1UI111u11�1 1111U111111U1Ullli� 'y idto,"1t�tsit'tp4 alLWP.wwwtai.1