The Signal, 1902-10-16, Page 3nal }►11111114 Olt. .....,,. , a ........ 1 its W.,.. •. Ida under. p pee W *bled t ea.'otdw. 1 Salo, am Is 1• pree.,rt+un of wale!, ,e may ...Shit} I r 44 I ►n .d ver L.• •e out/fount pa elns Irv*tw. •tL.r Y`4 refit/l.0.• end e. . Toe lemma% 1 tn,.r L.y . e arly sent. ti de.trsd l.,,1 Drill b. •:v.. has been •p for t►.'1 Aoh/old harlot ere •.at .lees. t. Tim add reseed t1LUT. 55 Slee . r 0044 ♦ ... nSIa.m. ... I.te y •a. lea e•na 4 1111•a, v leieidinleme4 • D.t E wTAL .wood meth:. ds .'rulei et e1.. M: CM. tt(ea Amass as Weft .1).A.: t)KNI A r 1.r:.I.111. Turn 1t. Ir wa 4rport .rWdIn1F mow inn 1n.I t,(e.Ir•- relate. Siterl.1' flap of 511 tiar` 1 ,rupial by IM RI`tTICFt_ aM,W te uv.r eat..•" PAM II K. +ait.1 a. Has, wee! • . As.lre• .1111 RA ROISTER/ rtk pM•tgn 15 t=N .li et. nszs 'sail. se hast e,l L C..Hal a BARR1+'1`111 ,.. Ooderlch... Darrow. ItIMTtit. W)t Oahe mos -Me be baa st bin • R14.TKR. lepl. miasmic Moe • lit. t'olheme stab M I•ad 011 teee/L farm.,' n .,..1 rrgrr 1 ,r • •A -sr 15 rains tis o veers •f A prod . ty or Dicier ean sew . IMOE AMOUNT et.t5Mat at "1aw- Ham mortgage. r, ext:. TIOO14Z11 (tiled I' ed Att.a,4.11 ohne R eel• a, e Ree. mew ., 1 .e •.•- cewelw so e.. Ia l tee .n owe Oohing ten 4 .R Whim •ddre .ease wo. Jf)H.) l_F it C ate& MAlsldt4¢P iJ ♦ moult 1ROPP1:11. ed In klectie. 'bonnL-v;, t,w y PTP net thorn w ere ger Imr•- a•ili lr• aJloavuL. MAPS( of the JU: , oceertel he wit .ml and Unmet, Ha ,rk, lion. F:. • Wm. II. Hoyle. wiener ; Over re rt ; Fmntennt a tieling!ter titian, E. J. P. m, Hon. J. IL ot.st In Ald.rlh • McKay. 1.110- m Oc'.t.::eth to mud. rotn.t 1;t Olen - detest Y•,•n'F'r- rnrra' I int Nov. A WELLAND MERCHANT. He says IN !AIN** Feeling Better than he has for Many Years, An Open !Atter 1e which a Pronoin- est ('11i4•' elves • Strong Heroen- ,,,e•.dation for 1)old's Kidney P111s, • homely wblen He say• Restored lion to Health. \tells l..i. Out., Sept. 29.-tSpeelal 1. -Ur. J. J. Yokom, grol•cr sail proviso - Ivo wrrclaltlt ut this place, has ghen Stir publication nu opou letter at. follows: -Fur it year in; more 1 lead been slung with 6ldnoy Trot e e In ilii l tr worst t t r s. 1 lou1 a very de- pressed - erro e1 recitinglu my final and little u,• no appetite, u cotirtanl feeling of languor, and 1 bevaalo greatly ,erlu.'.d In weight. "At limos 1 wan entirely Incapaci- tated. 1 b.nY" &pent oonsklerabie money to medicine.' of different k:udr but did not got any good Tesults. 1 Si.,, ddstorrd with a phymician of last experience bet got no benefit, "At malt 1 Income dlecooragtd evlwl p,nl,elnre of ever being well again. ow, clay by luck 1 heard of i old'+ )Skiney PLAIN and begun to we them. 'Front the firm they seemed' to suit my omit exactly, eind wriest 1 bad .litkeit live bores my old trouble bad entirely dlirppearel, and 1 was feel - tee tetter than! had Jn many years. "1 nm now I.ap leedid health and aAtn to stead great exertion, in tact Jay 'general health is better titan It lar been le a long time. '.:+taro my recovery I lsnve •o1.1 ninny others of Doeld•s Kidney Pills owl bow elle/ cured ree t.. stay Hasty of 'hem Bay it sr'I•mw fml'•'""Ibie curt ye'..thry know It Ir 'rte." itilgeod)..1 J. Yukon'. Mr. Yokota lar been it resMfen• of Welland for y.d'Pa and le known to every man, wooing. and cliihl In the town. He wee born In the neigh- boring township of CrowlanJ, wit!1- in three miles of hie preeeut hone., end in known as a man of Christian prineiplra, who would not make n statement that woold In any way k• misitading. w )) WOULD YOU BE FAT? ., CIMaIIMIOW ‘Ilrls'011/1fAM M/N►M/' To gals 114•'., lent a hearty hrenk fast and dinner and a iIglst lunch- eon. Braid, butter nu,' stewed fruit and milk are neor•sary •rteelen lid diet Let the bread no brown or g luten loaf ; and have the milk bre. raft not scalded; take ..eine 111..11 during. the Daly, but eat no bola. between meals. Olive 011 on fre.11 -green salad and cream, with bek.d banana... are fattening (condo Before retiring. hake a warm bath to Induce sleep. which nide in Incien.ing flesh. Dente 10 hours to sleep, end if poreible rest 10 ago - tries every afternoon-. spend emP whole day 1n def each swnntll. sleeping as -much of Iheday as possible. The only true Wey 10 rewt le to lie ek►w,n in n darkest..I ✓ oom and think of nothing. Eire flee minutes' of richtee. the the muercles of the-.loce_relax. sod one deem not get a hard, set Mines ,shleh ".kis many years to. thu apprnrnnee Tank. time to rat your meats If yen hoar. not time To get n me•tl lelehrrly. gr. nithont It, as It w111 nm metra von n gnnrter AO murk al It will to '•151 in n hurry. A POPULAR BELIEF That Rheumatism is Due to Cold, Wet Weather eek Cend$ttens Aggravate the Trouble, idut 1t is New Meows t• beaDI ftheIllood-Uut- ward Aeolic/Allows Cannot ` Cure It. The once popular belief that rheu- Mtl/m was eollrely the result of et- po/are to cold or dampnee5 le now known to be a lnhtake. The disease n ay he aggravated by exposure. but the root of the freebie 11es In line blood, and moot be tre tle-I through $$. lenimenta and rstlw'ard appslics- vinno never cure. while Ur. Willlamw Fink 1911. +tinny Cure because they make anw. rk,h, teed Wood, - In wldcIs theme find. lodgment Impomelhla (onterning (11e owe al thews. pilin Mr. A 1, iAnoint..•. M'rel, tine , way". "F'or upwards of five ynurw I was a victim to the torturer. of rlir11mn- llmm. At times the pain* In my knees, w1,0,11drr% end hip w..rc almost pet endurance. .tt other times I Could not drain ourself without desis- tance. 1 tried several remedial. some of them very eo,rlly, without getting any more then temporary relief at the most. At thin Juncture•a friend e rred no. to try ler. it'lilltmw !'Ink P111., and spoke 50 highly of the pills that I decided to try them. Al- most from the very fleet thesepllls lipI , pal m p andbad taken h y the time m l seven or'llght Wee*. 9J'_I[Z twinge of rliemmnliem had dente pseud and I wan feeling better than I had for years. I would strongly whine temllar mutterers to give 1't.. •Willlamw' Pink Mlle n fair trial, eel Cemfldant they wilt not a'4y drive away all Irking and aches. but lento YOU strong, netive and hnp.py-."' 1h• nilllamw ('ink Pills are the -patent inner median, to the world Tflroe lNllw not only mire rlsoinmli-m. kit All 1renhlea whose origin comes from poor blond nr to enk nerve*, titleh 111 anaemia. .von n t weunpatl n, nenralRll. kidney 1 rnnhl•. 1.41 . t' it tot' do n.'•, pi r - tktl plrnly*M rind the irrrgutlarlll.•• whlph mek, the Inv,•,' of me 'army "Mtn ri newiree of mbeery. Monne dealers offer eith*thulea. and In nr- der to protect youre•If you mast Mer that the fn11 name "ler. W Illlama' Pink 1'illw for Pale People" In on the wrapper around every hot. Poll kT ail dealer+ of moot by mall, pest pall. at 50 rants et lox nr six Nivea for by wetting dlrekre•t to the tk. e,(ittlllla nt. ma' kfallelne Co., Rror•k- Time. Diorite Ora 111. Ivlilw with Irl. :cin 1,114 5)111 .l4 night. Ile 11,15 nnging by llle i cut .Mown In e t melanin a ion, r man Will 11n - 1r. Orono Iona nd will he "o - I' ole will Imre' Ligon mode you think George ked been drinking at the dance. Tart sight r elke_HP propoeel accepted him. Rell_p admit Melons Arllr_Ynn horrid thing! What 1 rut ening to ons' 1w Ilin l tell minnlrn (Ater Iwv rams tip to Mr and proposed agltln. • that to me and 1 does look s eftinagoVrokoWalaintioVeVeratoia•-•••.re•••••s4-•••.ieveft..MFVE",•••Jr•••••prve••••41 t 6LORIES OF FONTAINEBLEAU FOREST CHANTEcLAIR DESCRIBES HER EXPERIENCES IN THE HISTORIC FRENCH RESORT -THE SHAH A VISITOR - LITTLE HINTS OF STYLES SEEN AMONG THE HOLIDAYERS .f .0 ,►► .1 •0 1 11V (P\f Mon l lgny , 1•'or.•ct o1 I•bn tai neleltwadt, As I foretold In my inat letter 1 write to you from tho glorlour old Forest. which I mortar iv more, far morn Iluaginable than describable. At this 'citron of the ,year. with lite freer turning, and lith soft Indian Kummer hese oyer everything, It he beautiful beyond words, and I long to wend you .lntll w n , 1 1 t. I though tin► u 1 D R K they fall whoa In their representa- tion. This particular little mat, - which I reached a few days ago, after a dellciwts week at Marlotte- Is a veritable painter/4' puar:Otte, and thoy realise their blessings too, (hose who here 111111 the. luck to a'nw to It. fur there are nonny here, working as hard all they can. all guy and happy-go-lucky as 1t 1001115 to nen Parisian pal,trre generally are, at any -rite on the truelove; they don't caro (tow they dress, -dress, do 1 ray, why, they •Imp'y clothe them - rel yes Vor Decency, sad he Mere. I tried to *lady the weird nee* Ar- rangement of one who sat near me ret dinner, but won't fall nee, It. was itklud of it long ►outfit garter. Mich oil hlw grruulwoth.•r may have bequeathed to him, wound round and eland and round; It is strange and rnthcr pathetic that w•11e11 41 Ulan is so keenly alive to the worth's beauty. animate and inanimate, 1.e i. content to ler ouch a gro1e,wtur blur on the lundscup•. Rett they are not all like that, and tho American artistes here ,make up for the sartor- ial deficiencies of their F'reuch bre there of the brush. Thu emblem. coat -of -arms? of Montigny, be the "cock that crowed in the morn," thh, lovely little vine -covered Inn, with Its •terrace and balconies overhang- ing the ricer Loing, le the "Hotel .In Coq" and the favorite designs oil the beautiful faience or porcelain, manufactured in the village, are pictures of the important looking chanticleer. the "p're de famine." with Isle old ht•u au l primary little ones When 1 naked the"whore- fore" of the ubiquitous hlyd. both tale master ogler and the Innkeeper call was be .'ao.e It. er:as the. rtnblcm of vaunt r'. life. nn4 when tisilors came from Petri. ail,' 11/C11 big places they liked to he surrounded by coun- try scenes- and take them away' In their trunks, for the little ton site null flower bowls, et°.. are v !Ty _ LlwlnLlieg w tit th' CHI, Flinty p•ttai!a1 clilckabW,:los on /net, dull bite, nr green t'o'orel Istekgrounds. Any one flour acep•I l'Ily el.y oni on punting bent, who haw tine, • to l .rue'• an`.lua next %lett t.. Pure. well I prieuk•.. hi,,...not te- ar. t a n ghl nt to,. *petit UMdrr Mown ur Thu -.n'. ho 1,401' roof . tido 1.' c0' n g,.t!• Iwws'c-nail\'"Ir patron" rw,1, goo.' pie. n 4'41141151410ai int tttuy th-re is nearly e.verytkiug. to Please tb1,. S.ul of than In Oa. sort omit on Ili^ l• tr- ete' outnklrt5. where the nor Is t!oubll.eas it e t rmbrsu int_ than i n the .11 ower 1.111... The •'1'ut.lnr Boer. g'ct:wr," a*, they .•1111 it. I. p'enitfnl irwr •, +'n 1 who : atm+. nn 1 wlr,t now •'o a fin • want on it h•'ldny Jaunt" l o'. of fru t no 11. getable., the let- ter emir u' "heap.' of deli 'oat weya, lb' "om.I' tiro t.u‘ fine5 It. time" nee dr'nm-, uelr the meat, 1 will (wow n v• tl, for It is -truth to tell -tough. lost yuu, hay. elnek^ne. en1 pet now lb., lroph re of "lu ('hath+,'' plennp, iwltl•) 'partridges and phoa- saulos gnlora, to be "wnshel .town" no th`.t ail( Ib m dl:lea'al laitglrige, with as mu -h n'1 .3,..'. white wises beer. er m Ik. ns •lint as'•^ 10 drink. Osr dny'.I.ht oval, are Wren ender n (IIOpy den ti.' t•rrncr, our din- ner at «even In a q.ulnt roan. half sahib, hal; •131 a' manger. with wall. pap real with pi.•tnr,••, some t•e.l!y goo!. ween' very tui..h tit:' re- Yer#', m'onv 1 fan^y taken by go sl- nwtur'il oil M. Thlon from Impe- cut:oue painters In Il u of pension mosey. After dniter we eft hilt naI smoke on the terrace ani listen to th • ano•bi.tg swish of the mlll.trcnm .do r beetle to'%. rn e 10 hy. Th •• I g. o'er Over, or rather. pelting. nnl torn-' (h irmtag ti -tic nsew'•e. 1.•1 I tile. to bin' tldt.II, one of witch Iwoawle of n sewtnoranl, where pond.. neck+ pienteo, or "pion.' -aliens" "5 they CAI thrill. There urs win !Inc river oath., not ruetle bsklg•'s her. and th•'re, eat -.11 tuned order, with the Revert of trappings, *nil ss1t1, farted loos'". meats. There WAS rarely au empty ✓ iddle, and the orchPrlre play e1 quite Up-to-date and ►cul-Inrpirtn;t *trains. Again 1 thought, as often before. there i. Nu Crowd !lo ilood•atared, mo genial, so earlly 111111114411 as a French One, all ager, front the rand e , w to -to K ore. to the rrirl to 11 fele V ✓ d / fu • d 1 and antedating "Uee happy b R R hours away," 1111 the grand finals urmr-a "11.1' jn a big but tent, with a grassy floor. i did not see one tipsy man, nor hear one Drying child, and I thought, as we till_ drove home In the cool evenieg, through the lovely fore.t roads. listening occasionally to the ever - ✓ eady babble of our "oocher, with her •.chip Inresrpatty "crack:nit,' that It was a picture one would always see In the mind's eye. There it an lmmenae' dial of motor- ing 1, the Forest. andno wonder, for the roads aro must immaculately kept. the autos are of all sortie and cotditlons, some only large enough for " Munsirur et Aladam"," others regular fatally caravan's. We hare had so mill ruin thin season tient the roads etre not over dusty, anti in the sheltered Forest we get little wind, 1her.'fore the people do not die- flg"re themaelseie wild hideout. mask. or goggles, and 1 have seen tom.' fag - t2 lifter dinner on our "T.•rraswe•" lit op with Japanese lanterns 1 waw :, smart little coetume 111 brown and green nixed cloth, which wile t0uel r,l tip with ltuestan embroidery Ilona 011 Coarse Linen In red. green and yellow. A pretty green felt Tyrolean hat nub metallic cork'• toile foot cocktails bion e'u- tendu 9 went with it, and lung buff doeskin KIIrP's - UY t the get-up P fur wearing In the Autumn -lintel For 1s1 The !+huh favored us the other day with his august company, driving out from Purls with it large, dusky -hued "following." Ile sumptuously lunched in one of the Foatainehieait hot:•1., then intent a long time In the Palace gardens, watching and feeding the veteran red•earp, which, they say'. have lived (the shame oneul 101' hall- (1rPdS or year■ In the ornamental lake! They are quite tame, and look so friendly and bcw•1«ble. If they could only become ctnvrr.aalional. Ike 1,a Fontnlnc's fabulnuc animal' what In- teresting lilies and wvindal. they Could tell of Mme. de Aii.lntennn and her Louis. Marie Antoinette) Napoleon, and other Worthies! This Shah afterward took n long drive, and had all Om chief beauties of the lowest pointed ant to (.IIs. but they sly there it 110 doubt h" found feeding the fished more entertaining, sol he Rave $IS'_ll to the caretaker of the pond ! In T.ULUR=M.\t►l: SI'1 T OF CAMEL'S IdAiR One of the P•'ri:t 1cn11e des ills year 1n (dews wear Is towards long- haired GIN lee of 'a,l"uo desert lona.. Unmet'. hair 11.4. in lame dark color, hal ',howl o touch of Whits Or grey In their mike -ftp, air, very effective and IX'pi! r. T:u' cloth 1. need for 11.1 k;nda of street waif* from the pininr',t .0 ng sults to the moot elaborate wrap•. A lovely little shit In of 11:( it cnmr,'*\lentr. showing a little white in Ito compoeitlon. The suit le mads In the r Anti," Waking style now mo popular. The fit of the walot in the back avid at the waistline Is re eerfret as could hP With each soft cloth. The front., however. hlouers sightly and In adorned Ivlth /applied bands of eo')f-material The feature of the ornamentation are 551- 1 et motifs set In (rotors of it If material etltched. • chanting looking women In 9g,,Pa1te he bog *pent much time and petty -covered driving cont". e n money in the, Jewelry nhoptr, a n d over dreamer of raw Dolour silk. and lets been greatly charmed with even wearing mart little tonnd halm el'b the chum trtnlet. In the +main n Wlrp of white grau1P round I loon. or Royal. a ince roll. of the Inrge patterned To -morrow we pntpose dr'vine to ... variety tchirh err. again all the regi flatrbison to visit the haunts of. Ifil- ma amain. a)id "tLm praienlr, be le11'.anil Rw e ouo.rrirt .nese eanth,r-- seen no much to black ; the hitter # worker who loved to pa:ot "en Must be of Item Lire, Mein nit." so i mha,11 hope to tell trey f[ne and silty. In be beeomnel Jon morn in my next. It Iw .'any to Ther have a wet op M Inleh flavor Ret cPlNrlrs In this yet na.pollM- p by tourl$te' Mier for two dollars about them, and look decddrdiy chic - N nada "porn-lel/Ire" in pro rti(rn- on the dark -eye! Frendh women. you get n Victoria for the whole everyone •here it wearing Afternoon, and nn vuto,noblkecosts iblouse* with short ''trottetir414"s you the alone, whip for $5 on and menet high ioot*. kir cyeltrig dhided ►klrtc are In the mfljority, may litter from morn till dewy you in a comfort/thin landau with n good RP 1 though, It n "'KIP and g*cele*+, with their 311- 1 rm•Vi,MVflh'Ii.Ahenvoi.Miirlrt4'4.6%4~6rA NVhrWNrW toWAV•myro mewsi num evllabin embr ltlery, and black cul r the fee, e little %Net teal, nnll t'anlw M and Jallnd bussing round amt chat• HE FARMER'S INTEREST tering and amuwing U.rw•rlr•rw with 'milting 114 French kiddies con. The chief excitement though 1t. to herd together for a co-o^erallvl. cteur- *ion, filling a hooded wagonette or break to repletion, "the inure the merrier,"' you pay just the crime, and the isnot hooey eve the Inst Indi.ldunlu 10 r. i• consideration in this sunny Enid of Fruiter. They go off in wild ,i trite. the Iasi tiling you hear nee they depart, and the lirat lift l lrlr return, n ullanlmllur chorus or "...Ile," "uh-ha-la"! The prices In tench i.180"5 ere fnlr- hy high, the Frelwhmt' who "fait le cowmen'+" 1s ready to pony for I l,ie summer outing, and Ar far air food goes In all there real! "pays" Ise gels the worth of 1,1.. money In that quarter. Rut the bedroouls-0t rather the way they are tended - oh ! "what a falling off war there'" the bele themselves are generally comfortable enough, Hut Never a (luster e seldom very rfurniture, nee u h tity R !R a henna -allot the first day.- and very little water trickles into the dlwh,tuillre Jug! Herr, however, at Montigny, ns 1 meld before. things are entirely different. no tourtate to weak uf, nut lot• of nice looking . IN GOOD ROADS ANWilie ; rYe... A'!!A%NM'MMA' IWA IM WMMMW4W WM MMVAMIVYWMIYMItMYWIMYMIYVt RIMA/ N'AM'i I}s Ib,.t 1u'11. t on.Ulot.` tit'• i;r.oio'•t made early, In ItM)1 to nrr.ug,• (•.r .!ruwlrt+•k to rural 111c, noel• for three work of this Bort In the Utlawa dls- iti k u1 g•w.l to •d. 111.• fnruiere sof- trint. Chiefly through lite esertloa• 1: 1• more 1 li, n .1 ny u' h'•1 t•1 tea. -'ume ' of Mr. 11 R. Cowan. of this rity, id lli Isenef,3'. lb it tyou11 •,.erne ecerelury of the limo! Roads %tweet- tofurm: rs 1h:u.Kh the sou fru"lion anion of Fttsiern Ontario. the :kir u; gout Natl. ail. are•: i yer-Masary Centrally, of Hamilton, ,°lio.rl 1St MM, Lk•' tp.ol etrrvts, Uul.• manufacturers of road -mitten mak.• habtaUua elnn;t Ot'nl mo;t de- 1 machinery. were Induced to slllaY esrutee. they 4-'on.wltitr foul and free of all charge all the neeceal•ary force in Iran.. i.rlutiun• of pro- maehloeryefor such au enterprise., and eerie, 1•ebw • went. an 1 tear on also three or four experts to take horror, harnpee ant vehicles, and , charge of and operate the marbin- oi.h:w a lit•• Market value of real ery. The Canadian Portland Cernest o Ont..hied Company. of oat o r They Ytm n Dever riot+. TI W 3 y tin Norge byclone the enterpriseItte r eases P R e 'else of pane K .lee Ib of ce nt for thu 1tSU to :.'frit barres IDe 1 u be'a - a '.1 l I I l U Ls n i l l r coeliav •• r at a merr t of •concr V I cuu•tr c Ion *If) Ih•+ cal'Autry through u'h:ch they u pan•' tle•e taw/Hate rural moll de- livery. aul aro a pulert all toe:v- oat on, ' r.-iigic»I turf- .eetabild.y. Chart.* t'umner once mail. "The meed people In the Chateaux anti tillers all round, charming little pony -car- riages with pretty girl's driving themselvr•r, ns well as very .marl turnouts. ft•Ist moot reasonable, too. being. a phare for painters, for the; latter always keep down the pricer.1 the cannot as u rule pay much for their' lo(lgment, be tlr.'y ever w wt111ng, aall they lave an Innate aversion to b.$ng fleeced, 1 fear this eon hardly he called a fashion letter. but If ours monies welt forgive -use for once. seelag that it Is the most "diffIclle" time for seeing the new evolutions of "Mad- ame la mode," 1 promise to do more for their benefit le I'arM, ere long. when 1 shall come In for (fame F'ash- ion's autumn nuasoeuvres, anti shall be able to tell of "toot CP q'I' 11 y ds chic.'" for the first cold spent: One little Item 1 have gleaned That already the great a►Odtate• are showing treseluallug bell flats In felt as soft and stipple ne satin. which are made In silap'd flounces. they fall low or the halr at the hack, and are hetet, up In front by A wltl[M and choux `uf silk muslin. They come In pearl, grey, hlscult, ;menet blue and such like tender elindce. Otto was trimmed with a wrt'aa1i of humming birds' ' wings. sparkling amidst folds of a tulle whu'h was the shade of the t. Au reynir ! • .iGiGaltJL•?if.i2it,jG; kLITTLE MEN AND TALL WOMEN. - Ir 'lIr' r7r7P7r+7r7r'Ir Next time you have the opportun- ity watch a tall. commanding wo- man enter a church. reetauraet or theatre. Following eldest belain -iter. almost hidden by her draperies. b a proud. complacent huaband, whose height is 5 feet 6 Inches. Big men are ieutlly shy and MOO - dent, and tacking In welt -assurance. The woman who appeals to than le usually some sparkling. vivacious, fairy-like creature with kittenish way. and rogulwh glance.. The little man. on the contrary, M seldom burdened with humility. lie le a befog of great aspirations and stupendous ambitions; he bellrves In himself. which le the reason why he generally can get the woman of hie choice to smile upon him ' The dainty, wee Titania like wo- elan poe eenen no charms for hien. "A Mies little thing," he says of such a one. "Fall to love w1111 her:' (h. no. late nlevnyee makes me want to take her by the hand, ren her along and give her sweets. Nhr isn't grown uP eo011 h to inepire the tender pteloo. The flee foot sit or seven man like. a woman to he one or two inches his rktperlor. and thoroughly mature. He 'dreads any trace of 111e bread and hotter schoolgirl. His Ideal re- treanhle* the strong, heroic women lMiakesptare has pictnre.l. full blood- ed and vital. full of character and spirit. with ex fair epee of temper. The big man dread n woman'. 'tongue. He Is alarmed at the light- ning of her eyes, when they flash In anger . but the little men is amused. and rather likes it. That's one of the subtle secrets of the little man's m e ate ry. Tall and willowy, will' the pro- mise of richer, rounder curve« an w r of the god'', go daughter by -a the h a R R divinely fair, and most divinely tall. is the Ideal of the llttle,man. He a.hntree a regal carriage. a touch of hauteur, and, abotn all, style. WI.y t*est Wishbones? T11cy- were • Ising oft fowl in a restaurant. to /towed her the Wishbone, "you la e ?Witt bete, Ind int take hold here. Then we must holt make a 'wish and pill, and when it breaks the r'ne who hoe the bigger Dist of 31 will Imre hie or her wish gratified." "Rat I don't know *bat to whet for." she protester. 'Oh, you can think of xtesethlagP'. he' e 501,1. ":t(o. I can't." site replied-`"1.-_lsniw't think of anything I wan' very much." "Well. I'll wish for You 1" he ex- claimed. "Will you enlly r she aaket. "Yell" "Well. then. there's no one bother - Inc with the ale wlshbonh",sheeta- terrnetel, with a glad smile, "yon can here me!"-Aneerere. Quaint and l'Ictereegoe to writ 'It tit'. MMM-repptwl wiih:•r. tidier doing the listen in the river, pow/ling It on beg woad n s1 'tit, with n ,mn11"r .erosion of the sane, anal rowawg It with +Delp out of bottles. All le well that ends, well. end they ,eel it home rnqul+Itely. white and wren 'got '.p," In spite of the prlml- Ihr pro ran. Last Monday -dl not 30' alum'ked. my frl.nd" of strict. tlrlbbtltarten personation -we drove to a fete et Moret, about tilt miles off, n very pleturengne little tolwn, with n- fine'•old gateway of the lith crn- tnry,' splendidly carved and anci- ent ch Oh and a nunnery' failure for Isom renowned barley suitor -Waite T tial x14 ttt fret -Ws- " tonere n Tet " rMlglrturs. , \btm . the sold poor nuns have ht•'t been turned nut, with this inhnb tnntl of many aoothea•. etmvent In ern e, no yon prohn- pt,/t_J:gr tee rutlorminif to t,nnernmenl riles n eel the teaeh- Ing 0f children. At nrlette, and other line es p30ee by they moo In grneec'it y', am r , rr'.t no - molested. It has CRIMP n vast amount of hitter feeling, a tau hove The . 1*hers aro hs many; Indeed, most of titn`tn- Iabitnnto, far their .1Pedn or merc`t owl many n hien• ham 111.1taily- tern al ruck In tltclr defence by their .ern sex, :Is well ns the "'strong acx." Pill this fete! It Was indeed it way nil.! pretty sight, a real ty- pical 1'rer..eh nffnlr, such as you see represented often on the stage Walls x114 1w'0llis, with n11 mnnn''r of "fele/nem." 1 p'nt the i'.' fall/.. each repreoent ing a flower wltll a green wooden stnlk,dnhlln, snnflow.'r, marguerite, pansy nod scarlet poppy. for two foals. .aril. Then the gingethread rakes in every pn.slhlc .I.'.1'., 1nvMy French dolls, and Plates with the quaint- est mottoes There were .loiens of stalls. with thn 5nnte nrtlelee In earl one, .mm10111rw of sham Jew- elry. whlelt wits hring eagerly twilight up by the ►tally .111 •.1 y rnt•'y men noel malice+ The loping hnr.''4 wneve In huge in tor and were of 'n partictwlarly hlgl awl hideous they are. In Paris all toe Mite wear abort• trim skirts, and the other garments are looked on an de- cidedly "had form." The short wee A- ims skirts are nearly always nccom- panied by one of the littl •, loose Nil, - tots int/ O R ll open bell e • t match. 1 e I Ir Iw' They are eel racy- and "comfy" for ellptdng onnaniLl3 hen we are 1aklfls our meals "al freero,' or sitting out ure PABY CtIANOED. The Mother Tells How It Wes • Accomplished. (e " A wotnlPrier-Change.' [w llnn .rr- diel of n (net: corrrapondent 5'111, writer, us nixed hoe 111(1.' mon. " em e. Ink n Me•namwe' cit lir R P. Rlekfor+li/nf .I n s lm, (•i. certifying to the merit,' of Rnhr'e Own Tnhlet,, an 1 have tonal them more and reliable remedy. Aly tatty et • tirnuhl.d with Indige.tiun, and wan teething and creme and reetles•, and the nee of the T,Mrte made a wonderful Bhang". i think the timely nee of Batty'. Own Tabk-t* might snap man*a dear little life. and I would recommend Mothers to keep them in the i +rine." Thr opinion of this *len mother +rho d h other Correspondents. itoho's Own Tnhlet• give such ram- rodand relief to a Met baby : thry- el, tnfnllibly produce calm, prerrful vier)) that you would almost think them n nareotlr. But they ere not The are only a health-Rt%er for children of any age. Tlry etnnOL p .'otthl,- do harm - they alwn.ys eke f Wind. hfn v he had r nt o -rt qglet o der hmull, ull, pen«i Pahl, rel 25 neats n boa h,- at HI log ,lire, 1 11, Ih•e hr 15ltltnm. M Miles,., 1'0, Brockville. Ont., or S. hvncctnely, N. Y. noir of e,'. After nt I. to the ppdeelrlan-in good training -who has the )rat of it In the heart of the forret ; none otheroan demerit,. the exquisite paths, tent wide e'noagh to wnrk Indian file, w licit mummy up hilt. downal, dale, through rich. htxurinnt undergrowth. -with--soft, si'rtt,Ry nn*R tor ear - net, fleeted with wile hells. , pine pinks and heather, Wok and w Ite. wrw tw reeftrst.. to feed the h'.rlllngo and nut. reed !squirrels, with whk'h the trees nen (w•nplp1. Every naw And then 4211 avant 14 r1ul.yIois est wl,',tn 5004, Jtlet like• 131.' ..ea .lore ; then you go through valley of rock., enormous, i odelers, covered with luxuriant verdure, 1 t yr dt r I nod nett you wonder to find yonrn,lf nn the edge of it limpid Ink°. quite n large one, whore the water is eight or nine fret deep. The "Fairy (.:Ike" Is elmp'y emu( 11e "hull.* on mile alone. and fell of the lovely reflex- 'onw of the tree* and Fhrnhs which f,tngr It* bnnke. I think the "var- iety" of the forewt, or its most ',wonting' quality. Poch mention Is absolutely unique and unlike the ether, as are the dainty little vii - Mires, the clearing. of tb. Forest, wIr'eh Are all endowed 'with their own individual trnits ant types. At Mnrlotte. for .'sample, both the 'Inhabitants noel visitors were nhwnhetrly different from these among whom wo now f n 1 nuresivee. Tho hotels. Mer.' moony filled with well -to do Per!r trndenpmple, who flock "en in,nilla," the )(illy look !ng ieeir enl* terfamlllan Inc ' in R p'n ehn•wr.• and Rot np in nwtrv••tes,w «hoot to: logger[ nil div. his ,omenktn.l damn- with kltrlrel spirits In Pitting about the He -Why don't you wear larger awl le ,w'iwrtalelw.%..-..-... which ars much more aatiefaotory than wooden ones for drainage por- poiser. Further asslrtanco was given to the movement by the l'anadian nu l lit:• &. hu..huu.ter ore the two Pacific, e:ran•I Trunk. Canada Allan - ti(• and Ottawa A New York Railway most important ug"als 111 folio/wing Cowpantes. which ell agreed to trans- cltdllsatlow•' port the necrwtrtry mitchinery and' ('detract. r;stirs of goof roud2. "The oxp•rts orr•r their liner wit tient nim In making u g.0 1 rural M to • s- charge. lrbli.Ii tit:• in beet, rborleet ao 1 Inset *commend line of tray, I. It Is there- Sample i;tretcb,'a of Hoed. for.• tirairnhl' that ro:,ds shout l be 1t b desirable that all heavy trnf- herrl. &month. • od.pir.lt v Id' 1'v• 1. fie roads should be macadamise.! er 0t. tail fall on tit' grouts! that .0 gravelled, wherever the materials that their gradca pony be 101111 that are available for the purpose. In or - loaded lebe'len may he drawn over tier to give an object lesson on the value of such roads. and the proper meaner to build them, the Hood Ronde Train was employed to build a model •trench of stone road from a third to a half a mile In extent, In each of ten twenties, and to roll and grade an additional stretch. The ..fl- ectlon of the melon', stretches" of rosy! was left with the County Coun- cils', with the underltan.ling that the Town•hlp Connell•••bonld furnleh all )last Not be Too t`ostfy ; the necessary stone, teams. laborers, etc. Owing t0 the heavy expellee In- alsl, lu tit ` 51.1101111 Iliac•, must be carred, each County Ccluncll was 01 Ula very Bert tin 1, f..r harmers asked to make a grant of I1(x) for • to do their heavy each stretch of road built. In building there ample rondo. thu first thing le to provide the requis- ite drainage. which l• the fundamen- tal principle of road making. Tltn roadbed Is then shaped with the grader. making the centre con- wtderably higher than the rides 50 that the water will readily run off Into the ditches. After rolling with the hlg steam roller. a trench about eight feet will. and lit inches deep le cut down the centre of the road. • lh:•m without great 10-n of energy ; th1t they' thein I be properly eon - Mee ;Val, the gioued "ell 'imbed. tit' to mined graded, ehteed-.antiro'1- r.t, n1.1 that they Mewl to sur- feevl with t1• haat materiel pro- f' rats' •' that they shoot t b.• pro - y: ly mxintulued or kept courtant- 13 t so el r. p'.Ir. Tll. roil that w.11 b•'s: cult the ndwb the fame r in the :kit pls('e, .boyl I 1.. . ab haul ng o'• -r lt►em when their fi, 11e aro to.. wet „to irk, tin I th'i's teams wool l othc•rw3se• idle. Tito lest rood fo the farm^:, ail thing, being emar1(M rd, In n solid, well-built Flown toad, . narrow as to be only n laugh' tray but hosing n firm Perth road ou r ,ser both aides. Where the traffic I not very extensive the purpose* of gd roads nre'better nerved be narrow ra^kei than Os nilie,Nt:w,'l1I•bllr Many r the ed.j^cttoiuibl' featur.w of wide tr •kw are removed . the Initial rest of e. 'traction is cut down ono -half ore, and the charges for rcpatr reduced In proportion. Where bels of gaol gravel :ore available this' Is the slplpleat, cheapest nn.l moat effective. mcthod\ol Improving ,'..airy roads. With eolith alon.', however. a very plowable id ran Or. made, provided the prtnrlp s of locatiotl, drainage and chapP surface, together with that a keeping, the enrfeee os Ittpoolk nod tetras no possible by roIIIII t, line strictly ad- hered til. In fact .► good earth road h second to none for nm►uer travel. rind superior to many nf thc so-called mnacdam or atone ro iiilk But the earth road,* must lie, roe reel with '50,)14 artificial material, if they are. to be made firm anti unyielding at nil seasons and at all kinds of wea- ther, with a surface /smooth and Im- per%totta to water. .\ (heel P..e'.le Trnln.-Th.' U.part; meat of I'uhIl• hand inquiring and, the National linnl Rends Asanrlatlon of the Gn!led `;totes (•Irmbinnl their forces n couple of yearn ago for the ptrpotte of fnrndng, nhJ-.'t leneons on the ranetr,1.iioe and %Stir. of goal rowane to farmer* in a large number of countries. , A Good goads Train wap rqul,)red and run between Ch1- (rego and Nen' Orleans!, trnllding abort rumple .lretchcw of model. mad, and holding local coos -cottony In 150110 1 countless along the route. By this mean" •,4i' Ul.1 e..lueatlsnal work wan 110120 1n the direction of impressing spun the reopen the deatrnbtlity of hotter roods, and the facility with which they can be contracted. Realising the great good that would be , accomplterhed effort •wa. Into this trench Is pit flrwt a layer of Conroe broken stone ; thee a lay- er of fine nail., lastly a layer of ill finer stone as a'dreesing. This last layer helpm to 011.4 All the !lose Into a 34.114 Mu• while the elder of the trench hold it all in place. The ten -ton •team rol- ler Ir ran over each layer of stones ase It In pat on. The rolling Is alway■ clone down thn widen of the trench- first rench first so that the stones w111 be Crowded towards the centre. When the rolling of the ample ,!retch Is completed. the stone ,'hound he about seven invitee deep, which it sufficient to Maud ordinary traffic. ouch a road mat heave to a slight extent in Nome localities. but the expense' of keeping It in repitlr w111 be murb leer than for an ordinary clay road. Cost of such roads. Roads, much as thine that have been built by the Good (tondo Train cost anywhere from $ .(K) to 11,000 per mile, nrcord- Ing to management and met of atone. The sorrows intone road coifs from $ $(51 to $75f) per mise. Much road' need a certain amount of repairing. the aitas se other roads. but not much. The t(umber of cords of Mono re- quired fee a mile of road depend,' al- together `upon the depth of Mono laid down. 'N laid on eight feet wfdn and bight Indes deep in the centre. t twould take &bout 2220 to 240 cords per mile. Outfit of machinery. A traction en- g ine for hauling the grader and working the crusher, a crusher. ele- vator bine, rereading wagons, and a five or sit ton horse roller would cost altogether about b2,aOo. and this outfit would be .uffleleet to do ail the work for any ordinary muni- cipality. F. W. Roden. HOW TOMAK E BIRTHDAY CAKES. A/1A/1/Ni s/e The making of a -beautiful birthday - cake le rosy It tme has a knowledge airing and how to asp a poetry bag and tube, satyr (knid Hounkeeping. The cake deeerlbrd bettor was irked by a mother for child's party. and the-decerwtiersp_tnstder it -the triumph of the table. '(Tie ToundulToa waw 11 wimple Dake mixture Owing it. light nese to white of (egg.. Follow this recipe: Ceram half a cup of butter, adding Rradaally two rugs of sugar. beat t111 very light and creamy. Rift together three end one. third cup* of flour. five teaspoon,' of baking powder and half a teaellpoon of snit.' Add half a cup of this to the beaten butter and sager, Add flour and olid alternately, -patting in oils cap of milk. At the in.t flavor with one teaepoon of- vanilla and cut In the whiten or four egg. beaten to a dry froth. Bake In a large round pan well buttered find floured. Thin the moderate oven c r Perather r nk require, a al and steady watching while It ripen. -Tara-11.--with-.ilia. utmost care.._occar. atonally en that It may be .hapely. When cool corer with n plain frosting, made irons the white of one egg beaten *tiff. tiro teaspoon,' of colli water and three fourth,' of n cup of She- Teen' 1 nes er M rnm't►rlabl' iii mfortnble alines oo" Add half a teaspoon of vanilla. Rent thoroughly; spread it nn the rake with a broad bladed 'spatula, wetting the knife occasionally In cold water to make the Icing spread well When this haw hardened put on the orna- mental Icing. Beat the whites of two eggs t111 very stiff and add two tablespoons of confectioner's sugar. Beat hard and keep adding sugar until one cup has been need. While putting fir the sugar add gradually two teaspoons of lemon Juice. Con Virtue adding sugar by spoonfuls till the fending le 50 thick that wheel you lift a spoonful and cut it with a knife It will remaln parted. To color the -oerentra tmental -part Mar-_;. oviiie a small partial. or whatever t•oloring Is desired In the lemon *lee. Coloring pastes come In fnilt red. damark pink (whl•h le a vivid cerise). leaf green, slolet, gold'" yellow and orange. 1t In almost Impossiblo to get too little coloring Into bring, but It 1s very possible to use too much. The quantity that can be sifted on the point of a toothpick Is iutfleleet to give a beautiful tint. The cake here dew'rlbed had a white fonnda• lion Icing and the ornamental part was a delicate pink. which matched exactly the pink candler. When ready to add the wreathe and roses, put the Icing In a paktry bag with d m Rube beat la 11ke teeth at the tensile. Lift the bag and *sneeze the klieg saintly until It begins to route from the tube. Hold Tightly In the right hand and decorate the oaks ait desired with wreathlike festoon*. roses or the tin beds whieh ars the result of a blight squeeze upon -ftit"r1*Tt-tty*?r,rifatrirrrt ! tilts 3. n waste of Icing and le not an beau tlful as a little graeeteel drmoratloe. sins in the Small of the Back Bad Digestion and Racking Headaches - Cure was Brought About by Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. "Patna In the small of the bark U the way Immix of people dh's•rilie their %offerings, not knowing that the pains are In reality In the kid- ney/. Pains In the hack. weak hark, lame back. barkaelw-lheee Are the first indicat1(nm of kidney trouble, They nee fila n-arnletex which nature gives you 1f you heel nt once 3011 non he cored. Neglect will anon put P r n I P os Infra o atth r /1e mod 1 youmercy r painful nn.l fatal of dlsensen ti'nmrn 115 ".11 no men have kldu"y dime/toe. and Inn." 0e11 feel antlohIS when the kidney pains make thein -I iwir-e fell 1n the emelt of t11P hack. Re:alse Tfrchat.+'' i:Idney-Lia er glue you prompt relief from hacknehe It 1e well worth your wllllw to take them. Bit they Ino morn than this. They regulate anti Invig- orate the fiction of the kltneye, and maitre a return to health of these fa- portnnt organs. Mr.. J. i.atter, 123 ('mss etre°t, f hnrinttelown, p' I. 1. rind whose hueteriO4 ten r•ontrnrlor. Me co ''i heed suffered n great deal nllh eche In the small of my beck. my dlRpstlnn ens bad. snit t neo frequently tree - Neel with op.11o 1,1 racking headaeh*, i have been entirely cured of these dtotrsaaing symptoms by the. nos of Pr . Chan'. kidney-1,I.er fills, and find that my general health Is great- ly ►mprotid Moro f have been lining this preparation. "1 can *non testify to the merit of Dr Mare's Syrup of 1.1114/Pefl and Tar - pent Ole. nrpenllne. ae 1 wan oared of a severe nttnrk of bronchi( IN by the new of this miserly." Or f hnee'. Kidney-Ll.er fills 9e (lents e boa, et nil dealer, or Edmore sem Bates • CO. 'thvrmito. 1