HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-10-9, Page 8DRESS STUFFS, MILLINERY,
THESE are the departments we would specially call
your attention to this week. The markets have
been carefully searched for the latest styles and best
values. Come and look them over.
Dress Goods and Silks.
New Caniel Hair Cloths.
New Zibeline Stripe Cloths.
New Broadcloths and Cheviots.
New stripe Wsiating Goode at 60
and 75c.
New patterned Satin Clothe for
New Jackets and Furs.
Bargains in Sable Ruffs, regular
$ 12.00 for $0.50.
Handsome Caperines, $3 r0, (K,
$10.00 and $12.00.
Ladies' Raglan Coats.
Really the moot serviceable, sty•
Bah and comfortable costa on the mar
keta. $10.00, $12.00,$1:..00.
Never have we shown such sty-
lish wearable hats as this season.
Ready -to wear trimmed hats for ladies,
misses or children.
Men's Clothing and
I i,yi 1)verco.ets ,wade on the lat-
est model of the wen's style, in grey
and cheviots, lined and well made,
$1.00 to $8.00.
Boys' Pea Jackets, Boys' Suits.
Men's Overcoats.
The itaglan waterproof Fall
Coate are comfortable and stylish. V.'e
have them in greys and new bronze
I lea%} rieze Overcoats.
Dressy C viot Coate, $7, $S.f.O
and $10.00. ,
New Suits, 1'a s, Short Coats.
Every kind of NI 'a Underwear.
Small Wares.
This depattuleut is always up to
date. All the wanted kind. arehere
of Underwear, lfosi-ry, (;loves, Belts,
Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, e'.,.. Special
belt• made of watered silk with oxi-
dized silver buckle at 25c. .
Now in full swing. Suite made to order. Dresses or
waists. Satisfaction guaranteed. NI ISS SUTHERLAND
comes to us well recommended and her work so far bears
it out. Never have we turned out better work.
it is well to keep in mind those free premiums we
give on cash purchases.
Smith Bro's & Co.
Noma -The local at..oy 1a Duegaasoa
for Ti.. Atonal.* at the om ,. of J. O. Ward,
J. P.. ouveyocer, he.. who w111 ree.l••
orders foe subwrlpttoos, advertising and lob
work. and le authorised to give reoslple for
e manate paid for 11. same.
8310110:4 OF Uot•se,t. -The maaioipal
e omen .f Were WawuMb w111 meet i.
the terw.skfp haft ea -vt edaeid.y, ilii 31 .
Covert or R,visose -Tse smarts o/ re-
tains OM* yours' lists of th, msstolpal-
111ea of Aeage14 aid Weal Wawueeh w111
take plain Is the vadat , of Uasgauoa. the
former ea the 2111 sed the latter on the
Exrsle.-Tbe 1)osg.sos exblbltlos.
whlrb Is te be held here os 9.h aid 10.h,
* meg to •xt-a attract oss aid the peat
imprsvemeats en spatial Trask sod ether
senagoseals made by tis• aossinee, 1s
imputed to noel all former sahib:tleeo.
New M1t.i.usuay Keyes ItnM rove -lin.
8. Rube be. oemm•seed millinery bad-
sses Ie the sew sed splendid edifies re -
mostly built ea Boatbsmpawm street, ad' west
30, and such of, the pMleiba•. Mrs. Realm
Welton Wpotlea of her sew mlllisery
Rubs CLos.-Resell of weekly rifle shoot
o f OMR 4th. off -head :
.100 yds 200 yds 1total
C. Matt .......... 38 33 71
J. Glover... . .....33 33 66
D. Blokle 40 19 69
A. Mabee 31 • 25 56
B. J. Orawf.rd.. 43 12 66
D. Btu 31 22 53
DsrsA33 or CarrMoautrwu,-Ae est
Messed viewable plead* of West Wawa -
sash la elm setter of ibe Ism Hugh Mere -
lead, knows se Captain Moreland as he was
a camas for man, years previous to taklotr
■ farming 1a Wes
.t Wawaab. died ea
• yof bar week. He retired mime
years aro from farming, and with his
family basted at Nile, I. the township of
(:elbon•. The deosaoed was is a poor stat*
01 health for about a year gree ous to his
death. He had reached hie eighty-seventh
year. His remains sou• interred a i
winos oem.tery, helot .eeerted thither by
• large °mese of sorrowing relatives and
friend.. is the bereavemeel the widow
sed surviving members el the faintly hay
the enure sympathy of all acyuaatsecev.
Cowtwa Awn Uorwu. -40130 a somber o1
e ar •Neese took 1a the Northwesters hp•
bIMties at (; whole\ and also the fair st
Lsoksew.... Mr. sed Mrs. Andrew Stieese,
es Sunday.
W. neither** baa res'ed • Was ea the
Huron read.
hit. sad biro. Won. Palmed will rotors
to their hump tit s week,
Mies N Mcl)outtsil spent last week at
her home Is E.mut lvlllr.
Mies Holes McDonald to.111eme shortly
for a two weeks' visit in Du ,lop UM Ma44-
01e McPhail will s000mpsy her.
M M C. MoI.uuall lite spent the past two
week. with friends in Egmoodvtile and
Staley towasbip.
Mia 010 Nest a, of l'lietea, ripest Mui
d ty at home.
of Hur.o township, baring heard of your
scribe's Illseas, were** kind as te ,h i'. it en
es Fri lay of last weak. We ware pleased
to mot teem, ea they bate been Intimate
.rrlaaietaaoee Mao. •arly a the 61tb.....
Mn. Wm. Mltob.11 aid sou Freak, of
Wu^bam, were the Route of :he former',
noel., J. 1; Weed, the begins'sg of the
week .... .formdow.r._sit_S..Salher- thele,
midTer.nirly for nosey year* a rMld.ot o1
Weer Kaseaao.b, 1a whish towa.hip he
bald m toy important posttioos, is on a yl.tt
Int tour to relatives aid resew'sg former
arqualotemoesblps. H. looks as if bis sew
notation agreed gib eros.... Kay. '1'. Mo•
Nall, pastor of Dungan/toe. and Crewe ea -
core, sad tamely are whittler relative' at
H0m11101 sed ether points. Daring the
reverend ;modem 45'• abuse, his pu'plt.
will ba euppl ed.... Mn. Ur. Bios sed two
daughters are oe ao esteed.d visit M
(.4.a4s at the Forest .1ty aid v:otalty.
W. wish that • plowmen visit aid oaf. ri-
MONDAY, (lilt. 61.
Gee. Keefe and Joseph Or Mo, of Kletell,
vent Saoday at James 1 oust'., Loyal.
Ashton Bros. are bury pleasing their hay
and drawls, It to liodotiob.
We have It on g ,*J authority that • well -
halms resident sear Saliferd 1e •bout to
b:lag ens • wood*tel Investloe-a moble*
for picking apple,. Tbte will say* the
tedious ollmb ne of which the girls oum-
pl.lo. Of ours* we have heard sue o1
the particulars as yet.
Wiliam Jour, je, of Loral, having die
Dowd of the seamybsio.es, to winch he
dtdgeod work for the M,Caratok gam, has
slams been employed on the road by no.
IdoPue. A. Will le an enereetlo young
man then Is se daobl that be w111
week up a geed trade for Mr. McPhme.
S\1'auossuar, On. 8 h.
.lube l: ray aeons up from Woodstock on
t1'.deeed.y of last weak to yutt his October
,o this enmity.
M .t F:.ici Mubltllau relnreed to Uoder•
eh or Mosley to Mame bet .tuJIM at the
Col .}lite I.sUtute.
Moe Smiley, of Se 'townie, is set. ling
Wants' iA and .roved the vdl.gr. '
K.v. Mr. Ruthtrlord, p..'or t1 the
P,e.byt,nso church here, intuits organ's.
o w • yoaeg penpls`s society Is 000neotten
w tis b,s o►srob work, and anteing w111 be
J tomorrow wrestles (9 b Ise.. l 'o appoint
, tli .ors
111x. Mi.dr.d Campbell, music itaoiler,
mends holding her orgso reshot 0o Tusk.
givi.t, the 16 h lost, in the Foresters Hall
Mae. As Interest:at aid leatruultye pro.
cam will b, presented. Besides lar potpie
bare, some well knows taleet Irom U.derhh
sill im ram, sod as *vans/ of
est s�Mq� or. open bl ell Ad
mkwi Iil1p! carr. floors opus at 7.30
MoiDAv, flat. 6.
Jot. P,akard hi home on a visit to hie
pbrut.. He ie *employed Is Tcronto
Mn. Ridil. after a plewet elite at the
hoot• of her nl.os,• Mrs. lurrseos, has re
torsed to (Id*let.
Dame Ramer says that lira.elde Is las have
a mew minutes shortly 1a the perps o1 a
popular yens" lady who ease lived In oar
Commune's melon. were held is Bettis.,
To arrive inside of one month.
Mr. Jesse Uledhill, el the Bsaaillee Wools. Mitts, feu last week '• sunset of pro
tteworks) is using the largest greasily of oomat used las this pare of the rounty,
t year alter purebasai what he thrombi h. would rrq.ire for what work he was thou
Moot, he was penes led is try a sample, three barrehi. Oland with some 40 or 50 barrels
of two enter breeds of well knows osment) of the Piemonte': Portland Cesest, made at
dockage. Mkh., by the rotary system kilo. The resell le as follows :
Mr. Gledhill says:
1 had occasion to make a hole of consider-
able size into what I put in last year, and I
find that your Peninsular Cement is the best.
The concrete is much harder, having a phiny
flinty surface compared with the other concrete.
I shall require 300 barrels or thereabouts for
the new bridge abutments and cement dam, and
1 will buy all my Cement from you.
Vit.. .
Camas bell Musa ezttsa•ly heed to gen sad the pals. las goes away .p. These
plan 1.w C.sost ekes 1 wises theft order at mo, to as to go It lobos wasted.
By an arrangement we offer the above Gement at
a very reasonable figure. at.
P resentation to mn.-K. 1•e)le, 6sDlan
ea ser Mprluro fns ieeba.
(demise Leader. Oct. 2.)
Last Satutd.y .lur000n betweo3.30 and
430 o'clock a vet v pleasing event toot phos
e t UovernmeDt Hos*. when the member 101
:be Ltdtos, Hospital Aid said good-bye to
se of their most active workers. lire W.
Cayl.y Hemtltoo. who was about to return
o bet old home in Oedema, Ort , ant was
taus nag her rots motion with the hc• Couoo llor U. M. E butt rirurrel from
may The Iadtw took advantage of the hia trip to Masltoba and Dakota lest
oocan,,. to testily to the blab esteem sod week He riper.s things boomisi to ate
personal retard Is which Mrs. Hamilton P,airls Province.
W.. hold, by all. aod on bete'( of the mem
11,111 cf tbi ii.wphal At4 Society Mre. Wm.
Rothwell, that presides!, read the follurtoi.
address :
Dear Ma. Hero' oe,--
of the Misses MoLtrea, victoria street.
Mr. and Mts. Prank W:igbt,of Stratford.
open . Solaria, with their relative' is tows
M.w Lyetw, of U slease, Is violin; at ilia
tulle ice et County Crows Attorney
Mies Waco loft last week for W•iblaetoo,
It. l' , whine she will ag•ls spud the
1'h.., Bhrkstoa• has returned Irmo U. -
trop sad is again employed at the organ
Miso Moyttto, of Ni.,thot retorued to
Toronto to muse her stud 'sat the College
.f Mask.
Mrs. Waiter retoraul to Rldary as
Losd.y to Hirt her brother, Itsv. A E M.
hire. K sly has returned Irina Cbluato,
where she was Heittag hot brother, A. .1.
.1.1 -nes Mclsayr.1 Brroklvn. N .1'.. spout
• few days the past week the guest of tt
Miss 1tobo1 Stras►as, of Hodgson Bra.'
(' otos establishment, vatted her home here
ovor Sunday.
Mri. 1..It Haldane and chill, of Ayr, are
•,siting at the res.dearo of Mr, and Mn
F..1 T. Nebel.
R H. MoTeyieh, •1 Huron 1owaeb'p,
spent a rbce, time last week with bis friend.
Mir. and Mre. R. Headu•uo.
Mre. W. Costley Ilamdtoa and three
oh lima have arrived from R •gins,
and will INA, here for ti a future.
Mee W. H. Orem, of %\'tagi•as., rotors
.3 home last week after moodier' a pleasant
'.trete with her sister, Mrr. R. Henderson.
Go, F. Emerson spent suede). atCbatham
villtisg bis Meter. Mie' Enema. formerly
of town. w bo has been .11 for some week.
Mrs lLelt, with her d.uyhter Eyolyr.
.peat several d.y. of the past week tt lung
her oarmite. Mr. aid hire. Wm. Acheson.
\1'. R. Mate-, ol Lauder, I. spending s
few days Is tows sod Tieht v in the laur-
eate of the North Ant'' stn Life lo.ureaco
Miss Lou di Moon left on Moad•y ahr-
socn for New York ('ny, where she will en•
ter a bopi:al and take s ecures.ol training
M purer.
The put and p est members e1 the
executive of the \'omen'. Heept•al Ali
deeply regret your de tore from Kelton.
Amostst es you have Iw)p areedy, wtlaog
and IH,ones winks-, and are shalt greatly
mise your cheerful vows and Wise cooties' at
our a.e.itons
W ask yea to script this to ea of oar
retard, with the earnest wish tli mese
pleasant days smug ',lode may eta be to
. fere for you
Blgaed on beha'f o1 the mem
('Igd.) Masn*arr RartlwnLL,
Moo Emma Andrews, who has bees ft r
some time lo Brooklyn, la at premot vlatt-
•o,( friends to town. She has not yet fully
worm el trim bar 111.Ms.
Command* Sobetky, U. S. I'J., Mrs. and
51 .t `r'tctkv, who spent the summer In
(loderiob, the g lute of Mie. sod Mu. J. 1.
Ai keo. left on Monday for N.w'tork.
bit and Mrs. Ham. M.r`in have returned
from Manitoba sod will make their home
to Codeeiob for the tutu to. Mt. Mario
atit,de to to Into business here is the gent's
twrabbag (foe.
wxuvx•DAv, Oot. 8 b.
Wosisi a IwsfITvre - The , Boomllle,
basso, of the Women'. Iortitats held Its
moon.* leek month at the Bose et Ma.
(nu 1 Salty. There was • g attest' mu
bio 1 • w y 0t051 01• time Gas spent. 1.
'was drubkd N bold the out se'ttot at
nledbill's ball on O,tober 16 b, at 2 r M
Au son• cordially invited wise have asy
Iotarm& in the workrb. sabjww for die -
emotion w111 be "rbe Curing of Mea.," iv
1t, 1.4 by bit.. John Lug, sed "H iuw
I'to anise,' • paler on •bink will be gives by
bits M. Schwan:.
1. L, Watson, er revue, mins Ike ■.bis
Mood Trophy.
The shooting tournament last wok,
t. •soh not u will atNtaded as was t•cpeo'.-
kooraipanyleg the ad4,.'. was • bsatiful rad, ooie of the outside shou ere who bed
solid sillier fMet eat, tie presentation Ming tenni lid their intestine of taking part fail -
Made by Malawi Forge', who alio beaded log to poear, was ye'. a aur menu) event,
Haim n a ter, 8 so bouquet. sed wso
the eon.troo intends to m.k.It
11 reply Mn. limiters tucked the eaoual aA The weather the first day
1.dse burbly for [heir good wishes sod was had. b3 'Thursday mil Fri lay were
their See prtesst. ,aid that she w. uIJ al- Irene-, aid g to a numte: of the towee-
waye be Interested in the !capital. and people out dew to the grounds to anewts
would always be pleased to nems Iso is sod the 'bouton,);
...ler:hetes remade. to immolation she Tb.r• wars ao.I. crack shots ea the
grounds., the su elder Includtne (.'..1. Mit
.pa up.esed kir thanks,.
Follow.ag the preeentatioo deli ty t.Ired - , hell, 1'. 11. 11 es• brook d E. .1- lirowo, of
mints were served and a social hour ,peat. Brantford; 11 8. `-twalm,. ol Uolltagwoo4::
I'ne folio clog m Imbue of the society were .1. Dodd-, o' Ytnloral; J. ,atehro, R.
present : Mr►. W. Koltun', biro 11 M. Graham, lyd.ad and Dolle., (;l elan; F.
i 11 M.s.Kt.RrMt* Wing, Mrr. Jelly, H. Constar. o' Leamington; J.. Fuu:ny,
rr, McCok.r, Sn
Mr.. J. W. ith, Mu. o1 Jersey C:tv; M.Iler, e1 Port F nk, and
Ileum. Mrs. McLtablas, fin, J. A Katd, F. Weetbrook, of To owe; while . loonl
Mt* F. F. Forbes, hire. 14. Mat:atthy, lira *bootees were meproseaud by E. R K taco.
1> K Cummings. H. Ramos. bl 1) R. note, F Pratt I)
The ladies of Sr. P.u:'. (loud met ono McIver, K, 'N.ftsl, F. Dev,e and T. 5 -
Tbersday mein at the residue* of Mr. I)ermott. The Jersey City mar, J. S Fat 1
U tants to soy I.rew.11 to their preeid,ot, slog, is one of th , best shots is America.
Mrs. HsmmUoe,aid moons her with • slight H. was • m.mb.r of the all Amerloa teem
t mksn of esteem. Aft a few words ex• which went to Noland lest year and bot
yr osier/ then grail u b Mr her lalthtol work the crock shots of the O'd C ,uotry.
in th.Outld and the hope of her speedy re- The (Is of contest of ane tournament was
tura, the vlo.-preeideot, Mee Mtohad., to for the Rob.o Hood trophy, whim eas moa
the came of the Guild, medaed her a very by E R. %Ye•mos. e1 town. It must be won
hen Lome portfolio and dim clock. Mrs. three times before it becomes the winner'.
H sonifies sods •mei 1• losableg reply. property, and be or • Cassino challenge
Mn. Hamll'oI left en 1'uselay's .xprete nap the holder mus'. defend it when cba!•
1. r Iioder.oh, a la-ge Dumb +t of 1, i '.4. Wog lensed by any U.0 adieu, II* mat :11 in such
present to say a last goodbye. Duce to M shot off in nod.rioh.
Ti.. sorts were es lol'oere. the first figure
la each column rep-M.allat the p wi tis:
riiteT 0.41.-.=4 II TONLa I.T,
Thcoal strike 1, the molt serious 000s1o0
that enviers the attention of the pabao Just
now. but there items thin straw which I
need be so quewtisn. and �t Is the pia* to
.tet your l all ani winter tatter:ad. Latestnts-
ter;al., best workmanship. unusable prices
at R. J. l'ridhams.
,Jamas ('raliie is get'rsg artuod again
alter tore* week: continuum to the house.
the rwa:t of au Mets. followto;t an ambient
rs wbtob he strained himself. •
Do You Need Footwear?
You c in not do better than give u. • call for your fall supply. We
have all styles in all leathers for Mon, Wom,n and Children at
prices that will suit you
Oar Bax 0.11 Bak, with heavy extension solo, solid ls•
sole, an 1 teeny pasebed vamp and q tarter 1s A 1 Talus at
$1 60 Jost the Ib'ne to keep oat the wet.
Boys' sod then' S4,00l Shoe' is suitable e..yle' for la'l
wear. They are made biros* and durable, yet seat sad itis
to appearao*.
Idea's Plough Buts at very reasonable prim*. Our
Mese flee 11se at =1.50 is the but foe the mosey Ibat we
bays yet neared you.
Our stock. of-
for Women and%ALK-
OVER for Men
are wt II assorted with the leading styles.
Red Front Shoe Store.
Next Jae. Wilson's Drug store.
Th. tenets club a fee days ago held Its
01o011W mode; for the year. A review e1
the past season showed that the slob bad
bad a oeo.tsful year and sae la a good flo•
semi trend Ilea.
An eatertelumeot under the direotlos of
W. tibiae Cempb.11, of tows, w111 be held at
Ito/field the lest evening of the show, Wed-
nesday out. 11,11. .1. •11 hlte, the 'un-
known condo singer, of Toronto, and other
good talent will take part.
(iso. Johnston left 01 Monist! 0e a Iwo
weeks' nabday trlp He will do moms
,booting at lave rases, (jaebee, and after
oleerin" that pert of tae oosotry of rams
be w111 yisit the St tie o1 Meteiobnietas be-
fore returning home.
The camped iestruotioo at Nagata -an the
Lake 110,1 becks, up no Saturday, and the
noderwb sed Dungannon volunteers!starr-
e t home by speci tl Irwin Saturday' Omelet.
The camp wen an Interstitial/ and instructive
eoe, awl the boys report hayi.ig had a food
1...t weak U, H. Fowler, n1 the licytield
toga. showed as .r nt • s r ,er-zrowth rasp.
berries atd strawberries whi h n'e quite
total In appeasers and flavor. to the
majority of etil er Ft Good harrier. Th.
Ilase nra'i r ,
that Me. Fowler sorb be able to rrple him-
self on fresh berries up to winter time ti the
weather 0 rufl'tairplly .1166. le ripen the.
The° El'er Adeocats say.: "Mr (leo.
Buttes, of nodule's. was in town Tuesday
an 1 potdbased Mr. Thos. Handfeed'. first
pries it. •y tuns and herniae. far whis h he
paid the maget5olent inm of $490. rhos le
one of the belt anti most holdout trims
In the county, being a Mondial dapple grey
well proportisa.d and well matelot to every
way. They will 1 o weed en 000 01 the
Mowery WHO ,a to Out town. Who rays
there 1. no mewl Ia.releIng the right
elle' of heves'
2,5 13 15 21 10 13 13 90
('anlelon 11) 10 8 11 14 10 9 II
8walm le 9 11 15 11 8 11 11
Conover 18 13 10 Si 16 12 14 18
Oresam - 17 13 ID 21 „ 6
Pretty 18 9 18 10 9 11
Farming 21 11 15 11 19 IS 11 13
ID.ugvle 10 9 16 6 9
notion 15 10 II 17 15 12 10 13
R. Westbrook 90 7 11 22 16 10 I1 II
Minuet' 20 11 13 21 11 11 12 17
T. H. Westbrook 11 1 8 17 9 3 It 7
Drone,15 a 15 1) 8
Wanton 7 11
McIver. 2 8
Miller , 6 11 7 ='t 8 5
Ireland . .7 8
McDermott 7
'0MO M* b doable.
-. -. -i
exi'Jnn DAV 01-1,1111111 201).
x wale
Miller -
1) sissies, 5 doubles.
114tHt0 DAs'--otT.plyd PIOan' MOOTING
Yawned7 lairds 10B Birds 10 Birds
I)dli0p i3
Oestalon 1
Pretty . 5
Miller ,
It noon
25 17. 18 95 90. 13 15 21
DI II 11 21 15 10 11 0
21 10 12 21 15 11 7
20 11 13 20 11 11 17 15
I' 11 le Id 9 0 11
16 19
21 11 IS 15 16 17 19 15
19 0 16 11
20 11 11 23 17 13 10 16
21 11 11 41 17 11 12 111
11 6 6 11 7 D
fi 8 ,11
•^'+E+', 10 4 13
9 1
11 11
6 -•^il
-i --44
J. W. Broderick was In Toronto this
R 1. 711s he' matted to McGill U.Ivrt-
Ity, 'deatreal.
J. H. MoPherses, of Detroit, le visiting
bk sol., C.O. Niwtee.
Rieweed ()impairs*. of Chieage, 1st b"on
manilas • low days Is tows.
O. R. Holt left last Saturday to roles*
hie Oodles at Trialty IJ Munn,.
O..rge Ileymeer bo returned fe 1111
base I. Detroit alter a Hell In town
Harry Robotism, who bo boos telling
Ms mum, relarsed how• tole week,
Mies 0 eleta.os Iso ?motet le attesting the
genie Nasal College at If smiles.
Mrs, (I)r.) IMllh, o! Kglnld, k the plot I
The rugby set y c1 Murata pawls ea Hue -e•
field on'ru.ode}.+, 14 h Inst.
Mr. J"nos, the snidest le charge of the
Begone onagrege'too hem dor et the sum..
lair, oh, has rsurned to Tenet,, to cor-
neae hie etude* at MuMest-r (3.'v irony,
1s seeoeeded by Ray W. 1). Mae*. Iv. 01
Teasnsell!e Mr. Jute dui g rod w• nk Irr
Ins el it -eh hi r.,, snit will be rememb• r •d as
the lnundrr q1 the tiodericb Bapt.. rom.-
The London oonhrenre Meech ol 11r•
M.thr,lut Women'. bliwtenerr Yro'ety u
sleeting this week at UI a'oe. T to Gott,.
rich ladles who hold .51,lal p re:tinne in the
Sane! y, bra. (;+o. Anhe.on, reoord!nt
erc'H.ry, sod MIs. L rr • Actaeon, teem.
seer, are to attendants; ale, Mrs, 8 K
Hoek, repro tomato" N eb.reh
smellier!, as/ Nies Maggie Robert,ea, the
delegate of the minion band of North street
The report pr•met•d by Mies L'za'•
Acheson, Ireaewrer of the Landes oealerease
brooch o1 the Methodist Wom►s'e Mielisn-
ary society, at the °moietlea ketol at C11n
ten this week, was a very gratifyleg oat,
showing • keno Increase Is reeeipls.♦er the
preview. year. Tee gross rseeiprs fel the
year ending Septemsrr 20 h, 1902+ wars
600 46 sed the ezpswdtisees $11415,
Lavlsg the set metre (6,576 31. Tim set
r.eetpte l 1901 wore (6 170.7b sod 1s 1900
629.04. shawls" en testas% e1 .early
,0001s obs two year,.
�re �"rmtr,.'us;kit
TLlar.w,gge.-3 HODGENS BROS. 's:.' ' MASTOW
E American
Wrapperettes, 122c1
• --
a --
CEVERAL hundred yards of New American Wrapperettes just out of
4' cases this week. Patterns that are new, that are not common, that
you are not likely to see anywhere else. All the newest colors. Good
quality cloth that will stand satisfactory wear and colors that are ab-
solutely fast. The very latest designs, imported by ourselves, suitable
for waists, dressing sacques and wrappers.
New Aimless Wrappese ter, latest denim. for loll and whiter weer, all the sew shades, last oaten,
sill firm strong cloth, spool, at per yard 1>i1O
More About
Judging by
the Way the fall
coats are selling
we must In'
showing correct
styles a11(1 have
good values. Not
a ,jacket in the
lot but was
made in Ger-
many, by- men
736 y. who have a repu-
tation . through-
out the trade for turning out up-to-
date and perfect -fitting garments.
'Values here are good, the best we
It ye ever had, and you'll find an as-
sor tient to select front that few
store hereabouts c„n sllow.
Ws' Nigr.rhe.d J.rk.t., (5.00.
Frieze .1 tckn., f(5 00.
1( tar er .164.110111, (7.00.
Lslies' 'ayes .1 whine, (10.00.
L01le,' K ey 'fathom, $1000, 115.00 $20'00
Fawn, (;ray ,ed 1S •k. 2^, 36 an 142 enohes Inst.
Children's Jackets.
Natty styles in good materials
suitable for small girls, Most of
them lined throughout. Nearly all
are double-breasted and ve pearl
buttons. Prices are lower an you
could make thele rep for, and ere is
a style about them it is hard get
o11 those made at, 11o111('.
Reabtr, three g nater lengths or ulnters.
The prates ran from (2 50 to (7.50
FURS. I...tta.
The time for Furs is here and,
We are ready for it with a large and
carefully selectlsl stock. If there is
one thing above another that it pays
to buy early, it is furs. "Then you
get a better. variety and better stock
than you can possibly get later on.
Furs bought Isere can be depended
on absolutely and will give perfect
satisfaction. Our stock was selected
with great care from the leading
Makers of fur garments, and is by
long odds the best that has ever•heeil
in the store.
.For R.A., (3.00 $3 50, (5 00.
S ible RaA u, SS 50, (9.00.
Alaska Sable Rag., (10.00, (11 50 to (20 00.
Long B)a., 110 00, (15 00 te $75.00.
Caperlsor, lb 00. $10 00 to (36.00.
Fur Jackets.
The selling of Fur Jackets. is a
specialty with us. We handle only
dependable qualities. Price is no in-
(lucement for us to buy if we are not
thoroughly satisfied that qualities are
all they ought to be. This season we
have bought a ling of coats to sell at
$aa. They are made from choice
selected skins and are an extra good
coat for this money. We have low-
er priced garments at $25 and $30,
!tut strongly recommend this one.
Wise A,Iraohan .1.ek.+te, meds from ohol., ryas
salo'.d skis that are properly dreamt sad
tanned, limed throagbou: with good gaaltsy
satin, mobile Its'sg 1m sines., blah c,lltr,
d.nhle•'weawd, 24 or 27 laches I1
we asked 040 00 we wt add not taw asklsg a
puny too snub. We took a quantity e
and our epolal price will be.... ...... 4.10t0�•
Heavy English Flannelette, I2Lc a yard.
Hosiery. -
New lines 111 fancy
s i 1 k . embroidered
in this Week. They
are marked at pop-
ular prices and aro
the host values we have ever shown.
I,ndlei Cashmere Hoe, Melo, soft (Inde, dubla
heal•, 1.11 fashioned, handsomely embrntdered
In silk, I'tree quainter, per pair 35', 50e, 60
(1a. at 25', the other at 50,.
Both are good. You'll try a long
time before you got any that are bet-
ter values. You pay more for them
than these ace 'narked.
At a Quarter.
Lech'.' oa.bmere hole, rood weight, sell Aekh,
doable melt, hilt wear wed , pine or rib, pit
At Halt -a -Dollar.
Wise' albwool c nhm.re been, very Ase qu2-
Ity, o1, Aesop, fell sal witty weight. Okh
or ribbed, pined Mole, roil gt•d valet, at
pet air
Good Values in Underwear. --
Little; Underwear for early fair
wear, a lnw line and a better one,
both extra got% value.
1,.4,..' ,.s'., rihbsl, Yea frost, lee" sleeve*,
medium wsrhr, left 'ib, outs 261
Caltex 510 qi,I ty astral 01 y•s-e, medium '
weight fir earls fall wear, I .1..,.., stirs
vales, at 'sob (1.00
Those $2.75 Blankets.
Those Wool Blankets wt. aro
selling at $2.75 are a bargain. u
will agree with us when you sea
them. Not a gr.*. many pairs to \v
sell and when they are gone no more
at the price.
find quality w►i'e Wool Ata•k•**, @Morel
Doreen, larr. list IM doable bol, sets, lefty
Asi.b, extra etssetel, a per pelt ....... .... (9.76