HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-10-9, Page 7I ' +UE NQ. 41. 199.0 load••! 06-i- -of a Narliel"r, &Me .M" wouldn't be ,,fry u t;rw ULM'the) arc, eleu Il they wore ud,,+. riW. WvAty f •w Iter o an elrr to k idle ut a new t Irgag. Yl"at N Iti""'t tv+• ill it t � r 1 K AI twee rte 1. W • A vi M• % w btu a t , n l + l l/ O l Y ur• i tu• , I r to a+mr nN,rl►1 1N t1N• r.ontl rruulur wit 1 an Up• m!•kW:t N, . Ther„ tie Nrat t h,gat for tit" Idlut who th,aikN he klu,\\r all nl:out Kar damfnK, 1 ut nano• at all fur blur wba lax tlslnlot time same Ivey 14Lous warmou. Thin ayrra,Rr min thlltks he is p4q,. tbyt Into, puhlu I fo WIWU he mnrehes Ing a 1"11110n1 tonetdtarht Iforu lir nIW Ir allowed to contrii ulO toward hay. J Itic Ilia unlfc rmr; If n wvb►'t11 Would uuly get n I,ur- bawl who wool I ouwl• hover rat rulsrty e,vrry evening and tN) table to qln toil ed k fes• her ah • wu:d Inst (rrl they. wua we much IttVta for her to worry slxrnt what Ile•oclya wqm I:1Rr.-Now York freer. + -- �Jfflm-� �-lwko-Aimppor lily gold, th, Uke dIver, evtfukery bits uw * rad windows Ukr srylow. ,4 Ar IN Irlhrlr Iwrsuaf(r, The IntIMACkill of the F:ng11N, in. ftu+aII are well lllurlratwi ill the do. (linitlon givoce of a sli,eper: A steeper to one W ILo missile. A rltt+pPr Ir ttut hl Willett floe sh•"pvr rlessw A alrrper !r teat lye "'bleb rho sleeper ratio wlfll.` tits rl,.eynr Pata,Pa• Tlu•rptre, while the .Irrp.- Nl',trpg in the bleeper, Ilia alrwper t.ir- irli� the sleeper over the ala•Ppor utfd«r tato 440@per. auto the adewlrrr whish oirrirg tb" deeper Jumps life rle.ih•r sort wakes the sleeper fa that sleeper by etr•kio= the bb•e`pe•f an till. bl«eper. and tt'uro to tits longer any rleo•Ps r r cP n r 1 1 the E a 1 re PI•%t w t f- I CIN' h . al r t r r. t • kp Floral l%. e i Pins ;,�. • OUR NEW illustrated Catalogue. whicb •e tend free ri charge to any aedross, offers an assort- Mcnt of gift artic!cs alfnost unlimited. r T''- Psnsv "rick P;rl shown aho.e has the natural color cMects hard enamelled on 14k. gold. The centre alerting is a perfect diamond. We Cuarar:ee the safe dei -eery cf itis to any address for $.,So. Ryrie Bros.,J°•°lOf7' Trey •d Adele.d. Su., Tororto. Blood .,,. - _ will tell — _-� . ,r When an animal t. all run down. half a rough cost and a tight hide. anyone knows that his blood is out of order. To keepp of animal econo M,C&lly be mutt be in good health. DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER is a necessity where the best results from feeding would be obtained. it tones up the system, rids the stomach of bots, worms and other parasites that tuck the life blood away. Nothing like Dick's powder for a run down horse, 60 cents a package. LOOMlag, Mlles ! Co., AVMU, noNtpeAL. writs far nook — Cattle and actNsts fere. DRAWING FOR MONEY LPARN ,r"silex, ars Ara nh-r n. ROIfA dN�aof q,nn Lnun. Met rorfa. bI mail erer Annie.? FAwLT I.rAn,reu itttrna4t. nal.,c.•rm,. 1.1110/ 14ALAyL! �R\ irnr,1 ." x .mi u p' A Itl'Ip �I IndlrtAanf tutmrtlna NeA kat Ian! ' rifh•lrm fr..In expert ie.trllet.-ra. Coo ;,.'..rani whit, rid" "fads. /fell* nor •'I ��L bre giving Int, InT-.r"ulf(om. fenedten School •i NlwtrpUee `TORONTO. OAr 1, otW ami u,rrar,f B UTTI; ftfl D H E G Gs , COMM AND ICITaaAc'rb(D BOMRT I a)owl faelllth s rile handifeeyy(( Ponai¢nment• . solieltell.Corr-arpomldmineelevltedandpromN fl�y ot{�tonn�il.d 4,, Will bidy Mane) u4trttc►t. 1r:/iaatl 67 F'w:r.".ir�ii Flaat.,.-..• I_--------- — .. --__. -- _ 10 lunge a ra ting tr. 11 +%s*a.�n. r, sellrutw'•.Ria`r , Mown n..e.,• e..�r.V. _ M1ro r..,.r r.a.. u 1 r., . ,...n e,w•, ,aid,.-.• tl. d. f.,eeea, �.,w, - - fil-li r,...b.. tt4w al N,.. wen tl (1j - t .....Ili, -rat, ,.tae A.I.y. I.e1 ill r.r4, ., 6,.1 • r,. c.nu. o.. n, e til• 1a war PARM natal.., ,Marl, /fen- a a , . - A NTR le-•fel:V 'I F. t A 1.11 a- � 1 w RI IiT pRt h1.R kY H *"it a l.nrn at Mart Rttren 4ullarr i Meerut )A meth- so ,jtatl}}.ti mnor • r �h AOIIwM Ir • Oay • Ru A«!h•frl nit nrN r-d'-vti"g. The hme/(wy kiristion en., (.tit., Toronto. Otte. y `v )O(•KRT MAr1RIF'TYXA ol.,A,cx Nflt'TR up Has ;, kill?,-• for esandnn,N tole wart tar thr.mnlla 11-9-ufrr•atton; I+fot nluabl. to llrm b• rnmh-arr.. mechanlea, talllire, der irrtln( elulh I.te; rent to any ii.1.1 r her 1r l.•, 6 Ips $I so nRenir wenytl Va... 1—hp and M111. 1;f)., Hamilton, o_ut. _ -_ FIR RALE-4K)JAR "' R tl___ , Vel fir '-ret Iond fn Rjlli�ig fill Mw wn1 anA etrrree, Ip topal laneiae ee��tl. Iter A6plr to 1. flentlly. nln ,Ao, MIM. Mea. wf"elow a ,e6tktmr eM�1 nlwarr Qr aided for (:klMrtra 6611 , bl .Welk« u wM t eh114, rer(.Ret�e�e oras hole sat N ire befet f.", (.�rrkM, InPERIAL MAPLO SYRUP. " ea•aa 7e.,r m n.v bar't If?e"f•Nl4rr �-,n aOaf a LA Ff.4 V R, Igrere Yftatnal a ifs . f . d , •' r .,, #., a.'i�Ta'9 kr,e p ' y f ! �:NA.Pi0. t r ,1 ♦ _ �faird ,. ,1 i - y ,} " , r-Iff-Ad•,""''r'a' : - .'Lw,' -,4i. - „q('1'.'dkf.Atbek+ '-moi. rWbY.ik)f::'!,aL-a:.. • a.. M-T.,,A,,''4tt"�ww .LEI'".el.zi4,m,,.iLi ."C"S ?,S4. l!,,, !t`E UI,I ,4TF�'Si'�dT,!i:•3t';19'w. MWE, ',v#R'NS,."A,I,w1<4tl&t a� .)1. TvtgkLri,,vztrritWo""A�nl.-Ip ".:llLtti�r7r•,fz. ,4'"7ri611i�',£�wA.k+-''Ilr'1f il,,.�ill'rd". ' n.'!f,i°,!ii#�4;N�'• 11, yy. . • �-�' „,, . - _._-_ _ _—._-_--. _____—_ .' OAL STRIKE GOES ON + ti'urkuer' Assoc Purr o 1M cutaro many Jud o(rera a hon were btfonpdud K( tPan men c1uwJ lir ked UP t) the " , C • r't'e (ff lea urmred purf.xarw urv, ub•„y ltlyti L+ the lw{w tff ubtaualug &Id RiKur null llaurbury basoked up to the � '9f "f our't w:.arlanaf with til« spirit of fiVui rho rtf►te to rrrufuu thew up wall u[ the bourn awl Revolve .0116 COAL STRIKE UNCHANGED, , ' ul nd huitltutiunr." u larger Wato. Coal dealers Yn this Waded lir drawing Ub rovulvea Uue as e Idty Nero dJwwiyo.l by the news that of the ammllaut11 sprung toward him tr T , 1'neruleut lttxwnveYl'r o•tfurtr to et- afal tuned hlr arm upward. dlscUarg .sit-, • AILURE 7As 7►lrrrs tilde, lir tin wan a oras tlw hooter of thtl !! COIF NCE A F feWt ,a rutlleu►eat of the tYlffgrelwer g ' SOLUTION NOT I i v . The followlug Ir the text Of the between the anthracite operatorm attaukiag {darty. Int tyro detectives N SIGtIT• W : _: 'rtutemaat wade by official refl'e- ulhl the fniaerr tall tome to nought. were their sir elorel bailout that they , e I ab•Otutrcr o! lite Mfuerr' Uu�up: 1" l(i ��a ( et ti tltr tub iplo fig � d u rt t 1 Y t'u I a • i cu 1 (� r 3Uct r t al u �, [ R r i., M r. 1' l r Nldu i -,, u t _ , apt.:.a'r AL the c. „ a m'4WI Mir' '^ here �f a r wp.A*ir '(& O t poo off . _.'A • At3»,fi�s � r• �• 1 Ju tow rd i n- t d • li lad all he uou tat ! C t e 7 n I C'uai I hu r i , # M +y f tiff ulufled In t ten weal J s �,t .-..t.k .+N..."I .'v,V , ! '.a s: ••+re.ea+w+,ar,..�s:,, �..:, 4.11'a0,"tu' r n:ornlltg the w;crn,lftwl repro- "1. ` ^''I ";'f : �,',f, - ul•nlJlirer Of the anttnru(Ite vu ►1 triols Ir tin+v selling ut 111 utlntr the roU1 of blows that laucbed their m t a , s?` r rtIi*x' f f r.i `af ,,.,rid°fi •ie(,,, (1,''z ).:<a f r(. min•• wo'kerm were mWlt Im rerwrd 11 pail, which Dertkex a lea cwt heads. . , Reeo • P Aa7.50. Yor a nuLrbrr of yours the !tlgur rays that reresgl of tRD men l ty with lhl, ticwr _you ezluusrwl nnJ Operdtors Refuse o gn1Ze the IlungPr•r to the welfare of our hiitivatlon Army hum bought large had pistols, but that tiley uredlhew uIll aid clubs. Cloth !tiger olr., Haar- Governor• Stone Will �oW Try ! ec"Petry front It aolungotiwt of 4u+1a'litinr of caul to all to the Y • • pour ut tiro ,rata of :f acute o (wih bury ase atl'luter atrJ Lhry aero put- Federat,on of P"sle,lalluutrik"[torur our thoAray [ g M inerse . ,k':v ) Oue of the ufficern hits announced, ting -up a hard, but losin fl ht wilco r f*, """r rnmu 1lLemuu grrirffll gnd.tllelr ur- 1 r TM,: a°a 'rf, ;t f # w unlsibllil,v r/silo u fun ur, cwlri`I- IlowWver, theft the. Army Yr unahla Iw '£ 1 r�i 10 t It } to obtnin n ru d fur tl'c wwiu ralJarrir took lir tifghl. Tlla (►eteotivew to cep rdere , ,` ' ` Iftr. re Aire sac olLr of Ow duly to ,mx.icty, vouea. pl Y K 4 t a :t; u.';•s'uaA- A::,,o r.,r41,. ,,;. tier of ou wlliter. A firm of mtaers and deal- rut -•vended lir huldfug 011040 themes ;'I;txs #.w'x:111 �.�,.".. � I:.,,.r - r obligntlonr to till. one ;-.� ++„ a L y � p't3 "",S'; fr4x'r%n"+'.`""•x :°t!a"*rel hu i whew they arratglwd later IJ they arod nal toftY lhoumund mine err• k'ldoh shipped a )'ops ugell ..'w>^- -- da tfufore dotlug alayor 1. V. Rob- wa^1...niLitrw, vmeG.raa +m_,, ------ ,-. al'It+°v t teed ti t Norkerr whom we have the honor to L00 tons of anthraeiul to ltuuen, y ested Arbitration, but ills Offer W'as S urned-Prof;edlos of re rrment, we Lure, after mositeare- Fruuce, as an experiment, ban laid• Tho latter tilled the primuuer .'sem MNckr115ugfC p !j:!,b0 and curt,. Upon Rigor null Cul cue»WI•rutl.,n, urW will► tUu hope found that Lha Doul w'ur out aced 11 It Tskra a lilliun Men to Uo So—Trouble Expected Saon --- Uynamlting HanNbury, he itu}Iured a flea of j7.- fusers 11'hu N'Irh tO Wurk Is DemanLed Uperalora Would Agrot to ret r'Ili•vlug the rltuation and avert. onJ Uar 5U each for carrying concealed wow- Railway 7 racks -Arsenal In •Striker's House - -finny Think tfacr'a ;a �a flake District Judges Arbitrators of Differences !n Ease of Trouble at iug the ruffovingr ars! hardship "ought It sock tar. Tu-utght, the Coal upJ Iron 104 wiln'll would Inevitably follow lir pO Arbltrotlon Scheme Should be Go•ilMored—Mor an as (food Aq el Any kollirry, but it Was Nut Acceptrd —What WIN be the Next Ito wake Of a elial famine, deCklrIn awl bold It here for delivery uu its police are amkiug whether they are [ [ 4dti `� to ru arrital. Although the tort of tran- expected to (Pave all w'eullgtw ^ a4 —N'hy Soft Goal Men are Happy—sending Out Guo Cars Dail ' Mnve? P 11Orcf +► rrrumptloa of reel men- rbipmerlt to tUlr country, calcu- home Debre they walk rho resects of e Y _ ,. ei Ing upon tho Ilnea hereinafter rug- luted tat gI n tun, the deal wilt tie 11'llkerburre. An Operator em View. n.a N'itshlpgton, Pot. 4.-Proulfent heel nut Only life Luau wino waffle, 1(fwtud. r profitfable. A steamer wNl Nall early stuns la !Silent. Warla!ngton, O:ft, b. -In Ito earnest that q ugll for the eptire ur outer i'• kt t„ct%J('p druLnutf4) rftoi t to sand to work, tut ids wife cited chillr,•n Refor doing so, Mr. I rrmulent, we R dev;lre to rlv that we ore tot rom t next month for this port, with G,- llnrri 4,urg, Par , Oct. tl.—tiov. Wane effort to expedite the adjustment of ton In probltblt. , k „+' ,u;tl rUtiku until rellere tlw tam= while Iso be aY werrbtr-used W.poel"I ,.,p torr r P p - 000 Luna of ISmcotch aniltlacitr. Till* n1f urit1wr affirn( nor deaf the ro rlrxK rt thtr trNirr« tleeaa"e of wilt be tiro first Im w rho colo stella n Wrlom, another Ho ut oto tme epterl:►ine i the 1M' "very m:ul who by hnrtigutlou ur iy any /!Dahl" of tbo ( rtuLlutt u[ port tram H'aa1,►aegtua-tltul..lrti_11as P idiv► of coling the Pebn"ylvanl+L Ir - are. b; brlAgfug moral sufrlou lir bear overt nets atlecu rte lir do• hive un justice of our tieotel. cOnl. ( 1 y elnlnis. !n drferrina tO 7'ltua diff*, wore thrui �y,ii •asked b Premuleut Ruouevelt' to. opbfere0eo Oren tiro titaatioA aur 'ell r � t+datu 1. moo, ,pit ctfal o{feruturm uli l the won u( her Ilhhrty to work fnsb•r ty., ti ) r vel her :rly,OlN) lone of toretgn nulhraoite ' hold a.t the Willie House to -da and [ r into eZtra aesution in the urP Pr'utuptWtt by nu four on oder rail un r,tra s:+xxl:x11 ut the (;tm• rel i hop' of arbitration mea»urns being rlrikiug ntlncw NI tfrtuJf of uu ;dud- thrrot condillour wv de) hue to aoe.•pl 1Nirt of our ah,lity to e,otltinua lisp haw been brought to lhhe (tort Asma•agtdy to wAtle the cull rtrlk4•. adjourned after three hours deilb- enue'tel to determine- lira rent ala alltcicil'r curwldf-rate offer to "lea.+ the strike reachf•d air acute K solder ngrcament cave lir u dinar coni erre to u sWxrseful fmiral'. 1'tuuiko lir st L'1 (kx lfuea lord dlrt'umr lhi• trik-, en,tton, No stalawent W&u let oar men work uu terms he termer. btagI. The great bulk Ot this war or tilt, , r r gild, itut ontpi. neo wie, tut Mi abxant tie the gonenfcm arristsin4b retailer- I r(+r'If tr off !tr ererly mid!- ,w W the eouctudonr rruCPaPJ, nal cunfPnPncA with John Mlteheil and trin►4 i tad. Ila Ane po right lir coma front Illiuuir urchusl.d Uy the [aid utld rlrt'a. a rel nM U our fellow -work- l tlruw•ut. gyp. cera) eryxvl.twr du nut hpiita(e tri dlratO trrmN, un 11,4 nccl.ptane'' taro In ttilm uu.l �fll'rr I+uklr, th.ulkr railroad eOm(mnles. Atlhbelha )lovl.msesb: every jr.irts'paut astioultcly. re- marrN oonviticex! Ifp utlbg for toe that til• ru dr4l ur a rand- "i Nhk•li nnarcliy &&fill crlmo whali m that that cop• los:,. Y C [ ton j,rstkf.l4)%'in .1na/•rioan eeum4 In Prnnhyhl►nhf• 1[e mutt ttWfr wirfN,• ")m IIhIMl►n+ulwa r (pl 0111,' Apperla fur )eedlrlio0. furca !u d:acumr wlmLl Iwd taken rutlrl play til+• i't•eskiettl r IuUurlup lith 341 from killh Ir Y m Ii, \flklaolwrm •, lL.; Uel. N.-fn•miFh•nt trntlon wuN Ito furmulnWes to bb MY'! fK, mainlilrg +dud New Turk. Dat. 4. 1iii , x••►i fur Mitchell. of the Mlorri Union. left pll'" dul•laq the mretinQ. Besides diettled by l glrlation or by anyt[Ntij[ %n •tib• o,f right. fen urn nide tO anHlmAe utedeuthfn lir the coal mhlerd' mlriko R Y 1 �►tuf41 do. . ejiuu a rdlupUvu tial ill nu wtNo 'nlnlNtnR I'cnumiyloauh► Wlllt(ng and heryf over elle• held h Valla Ilraad the lhl.rrddeat there weru ,resent ut he the Ntnaggl4) iANfefinitely. Balt con- huN ixvu issued byuouwmltlecwhac{n %ery curly thlir monilag, tbu aa,ufetrnrc $elrotur of N'ar 'Ihe uuNullNf&clarY outcome tat ,•uw•r1ut41 hive aid Chief F:xacutho of (rOr& drrinrybmK pnga•rly. Ile wont p� y+•c. tttOp It Manu"e it 1N unlawful Jird nal fltiwat off our nbilNy to doneon"trsto fur, MiliJdr•hffila. Hir obis WaNhIn to td lu►tiefo, anal they erignllk cantly Iwonure of all l t•, any int ►rtial tritrtnal- tit• a ulty Istill al tlrl• Ua ulliti nt tirmiileme°t caw ot be Caroed. Flout, rlecrelary Oi the h&vy alo/x1y, [ M hue Amply confirmed him y r►egnlu will' ur. 1Ve P t nod tad+ lel rPsuhetlunr "fulling off ! ill this opinion, ntfd nothing further . alki tl'taP it lid Diner "Dia to" hta to will add to,Our Offaly, 'to Ventifwo llu: "f aIle deuuLuds fair hither waucm anti tlkrttln Uu w Irretortes. tlturru•y-Doer rut Iinuc, l'urtnwr will b) )lune h him exoept oom}rlylpg talk,. the next Devoe in the game. wages exbtleg at Ibe lima of tit„ hnprovrvl rflvironmelcit, we ' protrfw ern nN4e,ywl entrees, aU chate us &tial 6 Y nil religion" rociotleN, till pllllan- Rewang, Pa., Oe . 8. -Iran the week ler-t;rneyul Payne qnJ 1'ulwfel l'ur- will' demands fox mora troops If the the ctrl e L t r tat h Irftt r , k at to u a c I bl w uL Jelin LLh 1 luta s u u mlrwtl In rotra jn M u t r •h cu i.e n thlN lid ! ac. 1 r R Ir 1 1 + o f T r ftA P artd adJart any grievance, this duty- allrlk(• cobalt tart referrert to ou and ,s thropc, lnduwtral, r(frlul or educe- holing ut nladr/lghl IaNt filght ding e I o 1 night, United titutea l'om• hero than"und In grr%lee lAnobld be ell IIf , also, mal am for taw Public ater condition ; tribunal Of your own rn•In�tlon, Hell ttonul Institution to exert their in- lull aft lhv 1'hiludelphla L Reading wiw:Oner Irl LWfor. It begun bhort-, Inadequate to the preservation of 14 rr Iar[c. w far as It■ viuwr are If Ulf- Pwiv!oyerme ani amployees tat «Krp" est mLrerpt your award Ulm Fluence, In every pxrilble way In Cori, "lute lila comp►nr meet out .y after 10 o'clock this morning, the p,.aco in tho regions covered by the I tatiauttd by tlnore who are In Wash- zany thart.Cuter collier • eaunot reach till or r►ny or tiro favor of steel' a plan of mediation 1,000eur.rof w+urhery utul ratified coal' L,Ime fixed b the President. %Then warlike. He expremme. film purpose to n ratlbfacto ) qurstl w avolvt I* am will meet the approval of all fair- Thr cowpan)'e official here plain y mupprrmm nil riotous denlontrA►- img;wr, Ihry uru slru of tUo oPlalup la vel rY adjurtmppt of nn sl- if icon will nenrpt thlN ensffunNlblllty' mlbdal p> rauiw and end tlw present thee tAe) have men al work eating thaw who were tO parLlc:pate aid- tiofnaL ," •R tn4•vnnce it m!NIII bid n frrral +dud this 1•( / hentativer of the coal on,(fering and strife." cut coal tat IlroolcNide, Silver Brook e1ve.1 at ties White House to a drls IHorRru as '• Angel." t; that }'r(taklebt Rareevdl must now :►r to the Judges to( tho Court of Comet. op •ralorto will signify their' willax tmk. some radical step l(f put ua amount I'liv,r to tie dllrtrict Yn which ""m to brave Tie reb"titions; are signed by fenny and other colllerte:e it% western IlLing rate trey toureA durgaun-lien- J. Pier nt Mor an ham arran ed `oi your decided Itecorftfr- li" R g i. vu11 lv eke altlmtl0• tUat 1►e t1e- fife (vinery Is dtuntd fur finnl de- "need 1l. an ngraemPnt for not Iola m43rtrra and their bn•thren ere a'm- )rch)'Iklll County. anu'R4xey of the navy, nod Lr. Lupt1- for the purchase fn England of 60,- .4 Ia•rib,r us atoleraWe, and to �nrry tPrnrin+atfen. 'IiiKua4,'Oto. F. Mier, thaw 0114) y(%:fr or inonf tluan five p,olall,y urged to makO them the %%'till few exeeption:f, the furnitcPe Use Pre4dent'r pl+yrfclsn, ulie.ady 000 tons of oval for the relief of the inwbtf-at Pillkadl•p}lhln ! Itr•adino )rnrx. aN may ixt mutually deter- Wrote of an appeal to thejr eongre• In Ihn hchuylkill=Vultry continue to making their morulpg ca.l on the poor nal public Institutions ]n New lshngulrlud tient. Thi. causal u t Ott apo Pn'mlre (mph !a Abid pub:k (all and Imn Cniu{Nfny. and LIdAnIl wear), Ifam assn thus mon and the er- gatio0. feel the ptrwln due to he Nlow tar- 4'rr leek. O Iateranrel► on the subject of tlu-"011 ! R'Ukembarro P*,ai and Iron ('mu- (•►Vu[ or cote, 'I}nere is Doti a rack 'Way of ids fru• mtuuttas.. When the to by 6oft Corl Jten Are 11r strike, thniolt• acNL1 mine wurkrrn nnl will feat fur Buel. tau i deans IWR IC wa. n steal ppy• t {'any. and Temple lion L'omp•Iny:' In this+ vicinity that If:" not been phi D" ply the nate of w,•aK, 4 which yott Welland. Oct. a -Maury enilis:riis are eOln Ileal to cease o Mratiorem for a that tb-) fret-bk•&tlr Condition Wall Hvutiugton, R-. 1 •, Oct. G. -Tho q Vrle's Herd Speaks. (-nil thin tribirnot np;xfinl"I by you be:ug mado tat the We J:swl feat beds V'- 1 progrers:ng mut:stuotorl y, and there Linvoln Cowl Vom(fan), of this city, ; I HF: Ait rY.Kl(UUIt 6KbSI0N. week or longer, becaa"e of the faft- Mr. Thomson. or tiff• Erb, Railroad. "hull eased, we will imtacrhalPly call for petit to be time! nn fuel to place worn ne untoward deve.opments. 01 f3atuni&y Bold 5M carr of soft ore of lam turf sir I !o luwaa Mr. User. 1io roll: :r com•entfin and r/,cornmebd n re- of (.,f„a1. Pent Nelle at ;:1 n ton, coal- PP Y' LuoklesR to the altnen. coat to New fork part(f-s ut 1]a per II,' \rguUsuuue Iterpb a APDrrcul lir,- 10 Ifnr can more (nay allot Uu• mulept oci of work, upon the under- 'Diol, not barna &lmort l.4 teonom alryur Low Declines. ion at the muter. Tdslr fa fuald to , rase. "ltiadfhR that tl n waged which Nhnll 'rally aid Mill, arf-f taw fir in that Now York, (k'l, G. -alit ur Low sent Tbo ►uowu luvtw uru tient the bet a ht hest %' •rtoit r , O u y )f the »Itu:atloo or hp rgvt• t 1"'0l y h g prl�e seer tiff forroft '�",� n•r oW,Abilltlea restua u orltthere hr• prbl are to (ltd Into effoet from :Ocalit nal soon la• exin.r time, fuel a tel ram to -,In to Ata or Mat President, Ives reached the couclo- ,. 1 at the P_ r-. L'tKru rceiBwaWlllg. Mr. Ifamrey kc 1 ea the day u n which work as e- that lar he" t ng Idle mO Ian at bur 'o lletrolt, doclinbeg to a Point pion that ha bar nothing to etpect \Yost Vf )n ahnminin the history of loran whn•+v'h" fur months hit s'-` beam ll'' mat follows: "Mr. -Preadcut, nits. we w.,kLnl L+ lit tett tine fro wrt un- "nailoxl. Very refopcetfull ou�a, thetir doors. � R delogsteeo to a caul letr:ke con(ereuoe w►v:• refusal from u further itpiwnl � g' ', q 1 1 Y Y Y to that coal uperuturs, ani there- Craadla■ Uoel ties$ Awry. ■arr.(und yaw mqorretffy Ibat we -k'r Utelr ehargp, men wmfl aid the J"'It" Mitchell, IrtPNldf-nt of the Unit- ('r0 Deliver Cool. tat Detroit. Tlie atoayor'n reply ro . N'nrhin V t%4,m of lir 141 Miller:# of Amejeic:L John F:Ltlrv, ata r alit bury wast u" follows: ' 1a aura liar dart Wed to look Yor 'relief gton. Ost. 6, -Tito secretary nil! lN• raptaanl to sbrwcr llw pro• yul employ eros from Lbe at- Ink,lt A Burns, coat rienieror, tri 7° Y from u situation whkeh bit him view of tile• Treasury has reoeivoll a Com- uuu rubtuittol by Mr. M1Lcht•tl Uack's of tutoguidetl Warn Incitet by T):r,alm" Ihiffy, U. D. NI(•ho14, LHN_ %t+•w Of the toa]url. tat the 1'rcr/deut'" growLl,c talo!: ruble to lhr uluniLalYon from til•, Lpll+clot of ' 14N (KuiM fun trice d'rrwidwalr.'• uffnlst, Lriy flint IIa;V ran s)cnrn effort At meUation, cud because of " filet this mornil 1 f(;u to the titute And to Nome neret-ne-, tint mint coal at > ininerr' rule. Ile feels til it heir int- Mdue, fu which nt Plan iradurlry we are dividing to dr- Thr Prl.,ldrst nein•,! air. al)tcl'ell N rlsrlomr at Purtltile T1s• 1'naklrut-It w,U !rf u bleu- the Vngudn(yra of your prugrnmmf-, 1 ' t iter tart inn em Pars at miner, with love determined cul to Nead deft ly ratan exprot thew 'to wake the ho elutes thee ilio !)ouJpluO (iwl oNtc to wt• Pu hear r-oy answer that f''° 1. 1LL1 an• Ikr,nK all in our pefwer him hnd an t,it further to ray. ratio of frt 1: rsayillrr• of ail their L•ontplitionr �R.1' .going to rx- an t e lee ,penv,du .lura" to min« 4(11111 tri ;1.r+0 or oaxlhly states to tine conference at Detroit." C' of Cnnatla Ir )Ifo nn w,lling lir auks, K sir. )11leholt Replied $1.tk) (fel• net Ion to Toronto. They WeillOe1 buldiag Out al (curt a Port to the United States 100,- toal. al r. M tt•I:r 11 land Ilia Ueutennnts lir. fla<.r='1 ha+P pre{.urhd nu rn- M:. MI chaff ruld:'•Tboctms,Krm::Je tb not y(unrantart ter dr•hvery, YroN- arwairp o)f eome retain, nal the uea 000 tette of nothrauito •'run of the a Ifo nig all is their {0,wer to prim-- 1, I q f mise,." Tire following "tt►tement b) ser tt. y rho f;eutdbeu,,}lot twenty aur- Po'rr, but tlhtnk tt:ot they can ce•ure FUNERAL OF ZOLA. r l I before him is aid to bis ability mine" co vial ask@ that inerrarf+d Ile. t.. F. Naar, 1'ro«tdl.ut of Ore dere harp tween comndtted In tile, Oa- Lh4) Deni V orders nre wirM imme' to du this. He can oil o far(iltt^s be frAny for 0 .., ask toot inieb eftortm hear. It pl g hilxt4elf giveb tine cath l:eadiAK ltullroxad, wits tlhrn na.F. er fniling, that rho +lulu I,I i''A"" thra0te coal regt/fns during the prier- Mutely. ' 1 Dreyfus Walked In the ('oris Re t'a- to epWal to (longreas to examine hawfting th:, Bare. The department Iti ,_TQ_LIIY_ President of the l.'ultrt( «tat ft,(- !N uutrur. 1f the)• o, L'1 sero into the tine of the modem' Com- Will rxtn'l every facility wlt:nlntimas m:tat:a: Wv under,.land our-antt- lroWeris and if rhe aid too *I: tiff- Anlzrd. jrz4 ) `� tu•ytr the mea and N'lll show that taints un1 rrm(dy thew so far es Inw Hitt Its dlamerrtton• The coal } xe rry t the oi%Ifu $lutea rlion LP the 1 Pult4, Opt. :,.-Ttse Oarnrgt eonvfe- P eti r" forcibly exprrww,•1 in tin• ,.xrrtel i/��iffonl fun protect'.on to lcllrrt•s(ga m,mrriu+`tUd the mur,Mre, 2 IiOr la the power of the legirlatfVe pa)'N a tilaty of 8T cents a too. stalemeut )uu read to us tins nlpplpyeea nc►t only while ut work tIl r, y t itfon. Thnt Ir n tale SOLDI�f�S SNOOT Vibii sirld quiet dignity of fifty thous- brat• h, bactod by the earnewt good - mourning to bring about 'au fume• _but to_ and fnot only:r hstm-s, ntt w-rk l l Nltlun. air. Pre"i•tent, that is i► nn.1 men, wom-n anti o!a'dren wear- will of tbo Executive. Also he cab RO'i11ekP. Vs., Oct, b -The dally h ► to elc re$umptipu of op'ratioq. ifs iib tai thrir fnwiliw,. and tamnt till• Atoll our p p d how our urnell. aI nn Ino re,l l.bingnr in Utelr buttonholes, rOKgr•gl. to Governor Slone, of Penn- output of coal fn the Flat 1bp and tier to %1 muton lb romp web feu lid and our peopl" err mnlagur 1. TIIe Y ' min of terror, mute, Inlimitlat1011 wbo tarok part to Emile Zolu'r fun- rvh•A'nla, that be caudae the Peanryl- Pocahontas tortoise, along the llae of •ill "atheist A do '" unnec'"N",i truth of the mntler tN, tae far ag I Mcp3 eriat on tirkl earl, nal manias. Nhdm fur w+,ntir hits loon, til+•rid have IN en wren de:Ltler, rv`' AT ASS���RNTS Krey, bunleae, type- comms L:ginlutluc likewlae to melte lhr Norfolk t Western, b of pre- ael:rv. welt the r.ryinq tae.•+lx of the pre%or1"i In the arthrneite reglon la Cally !'ul1A[nee day, made IP timet most sit trqulry, pertwps hastening the sent 6W citre, or about 24,000toos unfortm,At`ly. No one regrets tiff In ` I Impressivecerem:fny of the kind NIt- a4uul mrthols by calling an extra per tiny. The tell output eft thiesle pniplas' 1l'e; later tluft )uu df-rlrf-d rlw0 amrr. swore than f do. Ttrnie of, tha•tn were y' til t4) consider the offer of air. !lit- , _ _ Wesel here' attace th ! burial of V:e- w-prfon. But theme pledged would ba mines iN 11)00 cars daily, bot the 111 1 Itevorfl of ihr DeOd. cumndttrd by the co ) and iron rhtll, terbaily made this ruurnis;f. » for 11ago. ; given only on condition that the (racked ar,,, so botfly o(►agested pots i expresang and mipm•akiai; fur the "A record of twenty killed, u%er Prriice, and no ones rlNf- ha" Wale The wrYllh wh"rim surrwwntnl ell ur•n gu tLt steep igto tine mfpefe to tont It is not (•hnrged ni(h thea. (;tad known the Pefagilu[:• to moremurd i forty injurrti. and Nitb clrnNlunt ,Led f Culled atLne WortelM to Ke baVk those IwrnO un the henrm fen" com- K•'t out with ells ad tl►n c(x►I for than 800 Deem. \lath the Saitaa,� cu Wurk tf Incn•aring /Mrtruction of dnPllings, wlnrrs IIn tat pxeupfr Leung cburX' 1 Kanawha a leV tri a as p•oplc arc mltffrrf )oat would'uppocnt n ,cltri r4;o Pl t / peach (If hnRo palm leaver, knotted N•hi:b lis•• nog.'11tat mov(mrnt Ihn Norfolk A Wester" +, rolrmir►Yun to determine, tire. otter- works, lalmn fiery and rallroadil by 1R done there. They • with bract ie 'A ribb•-fnie. with the the l 111ob violet •, with uu pnrfwr rn- r arv/t Wheat burulnKr. T11rr4 Nvta n l junrtir:s to ilio coafereuci feel rx{Nr'ta to hl. table ter market !►OO 0 uooh At imbur.' You di"tincUy .,y n'N'ard ntfrrr•-1 for herein N. I cnn M1tRr,� Been Settled " I.mcriptiob: A IeI Dreyfus to Emil- that tb•`y have accomplished Nome- care ur 118.000 tuna of coal dnHy. r* that )Wu 'do nut invite a (lineupHAol fOM4'uN tat OF the law or order by R 7.o:n, till token of hlr _� 1 of �-mr arsfN•clhr claiwa fuel {1l.- life praiser officials la nut tire. Plan. bring Affl-la%ttN Or a h"u-Ired People. a �' Rttttpfui nor- thnly; woos uuulO evulenl by the ex- 1 `a I i tnowletgmrat ani affe'ctiotre." Prey- prommiton of one of them of n bellrf AN U1.14RArUR'6 vIKW. * ' W act on air. aNlcimtll'r huRRryliuli f n(rr''mltnry, lhnt the,isthtnlrrg aeon- -„.,,,_ -. fu.t wp_'�L~f Ut tl!o fuurral 1frtx•es"ion ,lust til•; mnler•c circa will lie ngalR __ stM.Ment of what !n gutng ou In Fcorn tFie fiiNiw, in thn'hite 3e diruxed= int-iVM..` Crsaot B1rd,IllteAeH Ie As A see- rmploy, I'n 1 Jflnr 1Vork .. air. I'rPlddpnl, y ; tis ural rpgionN will not b e irrrue. Ito to the cemetee.v, ant watt between T)ii` i•trikr Iviulerm rare now en- ^'xpli f."rt. tt'r rP.rrwut the 4)wur•rw O( '•t%'e task the- rnforoeteent 1,( tilt! 1 hit hilmltI., un mor. than unr• tLabrei Monod, of the Ipmtltutp, on.l areal. t Irr%v and "r-ier hs the titrate that we Dir:- tlrlt there 11RN b, en' Nome 4X00 MEN GO TO WORK. RnKr.l in tIKPaU•ntllg up their einem cefnt nonce in Pennh)Icfiufu. Ther'' htwJ)tt"ur bat 1 nisi stay 'hal a ] ,litret Lalan(•r, ri-Mvienty feral Al- nal pn-pttriuK thrrume!%er• to Wom- New Tort, Oct, 4, T`he PresidenP IN• (x•rinitt-A t" d«al "lilt our ria- wte,es to the Rechntmg. but hit w•a” brat any wovewrpl by the tylenitors or the anthracite coal roads arrived ,:rid Crura 1lif a to rely iri men tat rlu c/•s fern iron forei n inte`rfer_ beg. port Of reseal Ina9psxnree herr from t1'fsstf! wlirk winlbit unit prrpmrtnR .(r•t. l ) R Iutr bean noToke,. tw crtlninalle w'hO - "•°'mM_ Iwt rero,crttxol either by the t ublic to bra`a s the ranks of •tire rtrlke.rs. 1Wton oh a special II evils, Convinced that unit •r sash son. t nor even b I TM ,t ars aMtret, nsw•lufteh inj.ir-A (rave bei -u hiou ht into the Anthra_ y most of those prem hint Much AlnutOultfu■ Monod. Pratte to -day, Pre"mit Fowler, of IIII dlioue "r snit fully pwrfurm uLr full iS in the Portutta•. After still wnitrented b) Uar i'altt.I ai,ne Pito rn env !o t.verult the Deni and ('ondll!on$ In Pewasilvauir furl irastrinq the the Untarlo « Western road, at•ld: (hrty to the pubic, our owner", and )t! rvenlinR of P(alurin with Mme. Zoi► 8.rnnttNl, I'll., lkt. v. -Junk befoty !t to not unlike) t I ttorbile Thr)' enn i)nl)• ,cork all- to (wr rum )lo eem.-I full concur Ill troll i"u bid. -I w ant to say, Mr. Prehl- Its lou - Strikers Attack De utles y daybreak this m:rrnitur a squad of th.• y hat the p that ;pf f 7 Y R D urkl Urn f)1erMs of dila family tat the eery Jame at the oofaelumdon that TI the bs oPt of of x oak ¢uanle the wa titan iii Mr. lessor.. a•Alch .'l'''it, tenet t feet keenly Lbe ntta(•tx lath Reglw"nt, stationed near the Pan tie purNur,l do chum• or failure to p.•'rp! Uue Arrested -ado Islrrte Klsea Zltg itt<itf-t)cr, he entice thio, morn- r:Isay 1.1and roMery, earn+ across Mr' Hitchen offered to order o{>- Thma"end" ui other worku4)w are !i)alNt�llpo11-�mn retort mY' a lamb [ deu•rrrd from workiuK h} 1 I came horn wttli the intention of 110 Nath a spray ly Pott .pr'm, which :i i tretione Immedlaic 1l. order that agref- with nor emfrluye'", but in the 1►fticera Afore IlervNy TAaa hr plrital rPVerentty be•flle (Jen Dot- +lit IteIJIN "trlt4r hnmrd Uulmeppr the we(lerin bl y Istll"AdaUq)r, Y'lulenee 4011 t'tiw►s,' nanny tars of much )Malin It lass-: 'doing [",thing. noel anvIng nothing Pa aiell•r urowling about time awl Yt g W !O might be reltesed y R Mutt Nonkl ndoer»r1,r atfrot n reornn- ale ACtacklag Itlotera, fin. He has grrntly ager anti was avfeh n •►aotgue. H,• firrNt in the dlr^r- at once. I think it worth while to IatnKuralat try the Unita( Mlne noses yet hnl.n rnquldtr tst roaN lir fin. ti eller,] In ~lack. 'elan hr which the scftdivrs wer•• n Cult Attehtlob to the fact that Mr. Work -r". Over whom John Mitchell, umintsnce to fair) atilt sntraine- 'a4lialitrn.'" p Y alount Cnrmel. I'A., OCG 8.-N'l'U° An utxichtu nfterwtirtA, ally 1 Mitchell offered at yesterliay'm Door whfNn )mt Invited tae mr'(rt )ori, fa lordly deal w-1th Our mon." NoDefollnxn With 1Striker,' President i R• R'lR he Terence to tbktke chief- John Markle, the Inde serdent (i" company of'thc Fourth Iteglnu ut oI ,caul el,("ftlrw at a bind. Cul. Watre-or lip agreement tan ! Hrrd hot pectose IIP /kilt) ! I The Prvlypor'nl then nhkrrt the ate- AN EXCELLENT YEAR: not term than one yl.ar or morn than t+rams" n,mmltt(x! by the memlrerr of erstor, was the next m}n Ike^. lie prnw 4)tntivr'm n! the anthradlr [nfnntre. was (N►troiling the Lehasth rvly brd information that I apr1.910 fire years, an ma be mutual( lie - 1 Bald: ('oal Com n 's It htpr colflcr -` "7%l. rm4-tvinR Armor cited nunmunition, y y t.,ls urgnuisntton. 'l1u• '-knue"lic afinfruolrx whether they wobld no- PJ 1' >g Y• A ltcdurdaut Revenue rnA'r hood nic(I a detrechrnefit tet tivo romir�tuler terhilneJ. Vow, the point I wfda to tramprilily,' which every P„nmtlt•l- Dttnrnds %bow of Vorce. ("'pt air. Aftrhrll's profxlesitlon. "The)• early thin morning• thread men armed Surplus. oath rent tip hIN boom,•. The 1afldieres mate clear right here IN thin: aflt. titer ifrclarrs iN tho rtd,lf trim t OJ :ua"orerf-I `No.'' In reli"l%e to n fur- Nlth blot j'e fla raeff auk yew to perform ale du- gena warp dllpocrrwl hid- Ottawa, (k•t, :,.-Thr flnntl reclord fl»unl iParn 1. (Ni r��nfl" tri r+art- chill cannot orcMr an immediate re- al,renuuent, doer not Paint in the• ties ♦rnMd In you AN the Preni4,(•iol thrid gt►/•Nt9On frntn Phe i ld Brat trig firhind n Ing ell~ to lhp engi4W *etatenient of rrvfutue nsd. expend(- rt•Igrw /vr xlwtgnM1x. N•r arms, hon•- mump1tion or work, because the by- "Nll region". 7liere 1n n terrifele of the UldtPd rilates; to tat oleo they lofated that they would l'arl. law's of the United Itlirle Workf-rs de- rr,gn ,-f Lewiramneoin ami crimp thorn• 1a{nPlrh the annrcbtrtle cogdaton Of alto donKtlgx WITlever with Mr: Mit- Pastures, They were made lorbioners. lure for the last furcal year makes ever• \vert fond. efare that 'much a pro}rrtaltion must n better ahoe1put `than that a delivp Plwa. k"'k'nR luwnnl n orttleme•nt One told ColoNel (r'Nelll, of the Fourth Dyaandtlnst eke Tracks. tlr'mt be onijomitted Uf n arouventloq Only bhp livatw end propN'rty of lhu n(fn►ra relining In the anthracite Itrgiment, they were hunting fur ere, ter nn:ld{utrd %cher hit detly- Tamm ua, 1'a.. O t. :,,-.1t an early of item delpgales. Tla►t cannot be I iff tt"! gn�!ltoo a%t i'mals, nn,l tbnt Je*,nlrr� orf the ee( ret r,ntb-txuunl cool ra•gfohs lfy the strong arm of Ila• tier had Ile) other pro ,oxaUon to erect Ilia budget N}f ech n i�N .mouths /mlrr. Willett derfarerl that the locr%N mffitary At yhur rommmtnt.-:l--re- Y l birds, Tile mea• were released latter. ago. air. F leldinit a"itmated th+ft the tr"Ir this morning n mlrluNr fi( Ira^k done In lees than two week"• time. Murnhl 'hit\" /ell rt►r•r to "u rend rant Of tn-rnt ons u,urd••re, n ion ^1i111n, earn wfint wnn tfratllatnel In rNl til••• clic: r 1'rPrk ornlrh of lir Thnt much notice, 1 am told, Is call - P' rl 7 K the• o&i(em"nt Of:aIr. flair. Aboal mldLlrtlelna(ruwdot u.k o.rn revreltl. On MndU,bttPd fund account Pl:pnil•gA1fa • I[r•ading rued woo at fur in the by -,awn. The p"LhUc tp'rntbruf tat rtelnprler' nnlil tae' list of bnrinl ANanult". loosen Amid At n1N+ut :i O'rinrk the rnnfrn•ncr wen stoned the muldlere commit. rk!n- Would tN, $56,w)(1,PK10 Auld the Px- hlmvn up with d:munite. Thr #-%Ill.), will observe that Hero iN n ren +s'n-.nninn men }sinal their order, err bridY(e" dynnmilyd, dally n. of tYo- w+lm hmtlght lO n r'OSP without erten fln'd In lhh dircrtluu Uhr Nluuhm irnditure {.,I,QIK),OIM). The fu•tual ,ton "hes# the hems+• ht New 1'lada- differenee between rrsgmin work - rafe. };very r((Ort Iw mnae i.r per- IrrcP 11efw taking )drtrl• land nrvPrnl ngn•ernont. ., flKurea erre fj+H,i/:'1, "ri curl !):A/,- R vrul the nulling ref co:11, mo•1 whrn wnsheriw Inane•d Il1Nn, are arlual _�- came from. fart of til" re•gintrnt 7:CJ,OIN;. res{N'(•tively, or jI;:L'I"iO---h•Ifriala nn -1 -Sher Crrf-k. When the immedlettely And refluming work al -+stmr(ki:-- evlM•tecPN of Usin roudiUon of lett :G1.IRN) leve" ex- file v% olh x off th r. omni (!.a li er.- of IIit end M two woeke. Ill If ward. Attttbl,tYs-tltPlr rlTtrrtmltP - '_^-,- a4,rfi� nenrchpJ lhr Nraxts, but found uef :enc. mtrrtt revenue an't Ij Ihn r\plir+l'n thlm m'rrninR :% t"err of Alilrhpll'p ern rordllun hstN n saran bn•1a1'n and truck". mull trrrlRmen, leownps" rel+lin]; there. Afi• y -Mi- ally Wft Tl !Irl.," - tell"rel-A-1►rHF mryr4llat--thcleuLtW ►nniNture than N•no ex{"s,la+! by our Hlv depNtl«" wus tea 4&ud,tu-eflutrt, to It. Moreover. how du the u r - I I In to , wit lid w rw•t -u' .' _--.- ('f..____ ....-.. nn. 1.3 .ill nlnnnr•r of vl-drfsr" try to Rtaw Mai tet aliens. -.--. inncr'fln`r 4)t iTi-T..((kp`Rm'r.. -'title R n _.__ n1104 to k11, htx:uorr hP N,lll )art nil•,N T,i:fin u f ri�tTtt'r -1 cwt:rrhritt-44tci, Ferre ilse�. that Mifrhetl rata eon_ _Z4— ir+r•'rnf its nhlpmMll lO r'•Itrvn lhf• I roan har-Ry eonc•f-ice l.f n1pPa n a'la the Prrident 131x" i'p �nA ordinary rot-elpls gailled by =,-r,•:rIK); uttkWlr atf lhr I"high C-Nli atoll Hatt- trot lits men' IKd nut Lbe my pnbtie, thought. Thr r.•p{a•rtriblo rilit/ril" of Aw•alll Ifvl.nl-7 he" turn to Im uuade largelm oL ;L7+t" comimetre.) Nttlf 1!X11, Willis 1114 Y Ro hack I these• United Statlw wail IloolNP impeffa President Roo"rveit lelirvem ilial N" HO minh %Va" started tap here etpendilnre exhibited en inerevtme ut Kattw Comp:aity h•aru•il that n plot On hhle at linteltrna two yrars agb, 14 ,federal 1'rooir$ Moosrsdrd. the offia're In power KIVIn In Plot' p nun 441 item Is, Letter tap tlw New when hit ordered dept not to strike" ! R :l Ie7:i :,8 R. Tilcre w• " n wN n t IN run 1 Irl std ins i N I(/+' Ij n nn zt•1 f 1 too 1 ►, n l k at o n t r r dO a R, Jrrw• • �+, Phlten" of f Pnn"ylvnnln Ina nnfl or- h f r•ef} f the country will Libel ri4,:.'7.; of onlirulr ) � Ittrnl Itsilrlrui trnrks al a Th41 trouble b that there ere two "I•t1f• rorfxtitntlOn of Prnrwylrrini•a ref rYun-utrntwt'ml swam attmu;keJ b)• fI7.2 y revenue• Derr Pr tett bet%vi4•al ill,• N r. 4 nnl the No. "ides to tills fi ht -the res RnnrnuU,px dab and thA right to work If they sof him up In his ntirmpt to force lhr ordinar ex n f 12 rollierl"x. Two rona xinle'm of the Nide grad tiro Irrr ndbte one. The prolretl4)n to Ilfp and pro- oNa4rN of the mines to operate slrfkcrs. tat, expendltnn�ir(wch dl a ttotnla )of I R ne. gme part3. In exprPew terms It APdaren �Mr. I're-t.l•nt, Ireprrpent that In- them, find he pretenses not to be Une tltrlke %ellled• Over S]a,000,(J00. I>s•dnctlnR tram the 11.'tlo Rrglm•nt overs rtilml,crul. They operators ottan(1 for something: the the r,ght of ncqutrinst, pfenraNing nn•t di%ldual cool operators, &fail in n)hlt- afraid of the chancen of polltll•al Wheeling, 111', Va., Oct. 6.•-A Dente(- tatter Item the euplOs on malooll- stttnfvinl tl"+ trnrks net night. miners mre In a poMtloo to dew drfrndinR property 'lo bid, 1naUlro- (Ion then -to we rt rre•w•rit fns better defeat stripin from the course he meat of time endue str.ke its the KAnit- tinted fund and tiro ehnrges for slot- Hintin out of all nM,'' 1Vhrn rioting and anarchy, tiro tt:an Mr. Mitchell does a man fell. or tins taken. it t" thou ht• that air. avtilt Hilar )fall I)c`rn effected. Tests Ing fund, It leave, I,3W,41: to era [ Ks 71tre R nlaa maks itgI" PrAct tgly � of j R y g 8crunion. Oct. b.-Tw1cP ,Irvin y prncticall I 4 ler+':it to ern nppeastxl by the civil the renthrnrito coal worherm, .hie'lud- Roosevelt will not be long to mak- %viii menti the return to work Inante- ndded to the nrtto int 41-bt. \Fr. R It Nentrlele abOfit the lath n ble to make n binding agreement g Inst tai 1 wltl Alitchpll.'• Peres. occur, the UOvarnor of (ag "Oma 47,(100 m n, nhu ere now inpc up his mind tO take Home ti.t- disaAety of over -4,0110 men. F'aefditic w•as of opinion th&t the camp Nero "toned rine, early ill 1'ennrylv&nfa Is bound to craft working, end •nvoring ngninnt grt,at terminal fiction. After having learn- Thu diggers get n nine -hour day, year's tran,artions would involve an the evening a train bearing trafpn London Buying Woad, rid tt u. 10. BtntP t exp 1 11 n a 1s re •c r r - r r o q re+ al to r .l n il wblic of lis ," d t Ic P r it. Ile yR„ � t f Pr t a nrim tat of the •people with N'llh n payday Peery two week". nddlUon of =8,0(10,0(]0 to the {uhlic from f)Ilpltnnt in RIn1!•eye enconn- Landon, Oct. :,.-ffiayor Back hn'm muNt fenrlessl use Ore whole sthilltir" of a roal famine•, itt rrhnkinR relation to the procreding" tat the Ruch entire Is to tie nllow'pd n check debt• whereas ht" estimate exceed- tered fi pile of rocks anti n fell(r1 secured a hualret enrAado of Pord- {m,Ner of the, State to totart life tl,lx appeal tie you. Air. atltrhrli'oe White House to -tiny, he IN expected weighman, w1delt wan moue- of the ed the actlal ammint by 12,800.0(x). trre nerosx that trnekm. It Ir hx- wood from the ticinity Of UpnrlpN• �7InrT 'Tarr i aneT� & r titon--4w-e►--IwaaiL- ' J,Q.Ai4kr "QM evil In the direction oints conte"Pell riot-, but lire most Tlie 1nrKe mural ontlay won npep"- I-PetPtl Limt to -morrow morning which wilt be lnlrl cbwn her" at Irfw --net nil armed truer•, hilt ale prnee the total mrno1wr "f workers is til" of Carrying Ont Ir N Impe prom sr Im{nfr u-�tArCrsainn tw- ilio--rW4mr alia.illad by Lila falling dao star Iron .%"lei witness no end of dinturtenncr.. than aG per coni. This wood will be d the Ina whlrh proteet" Iver)- normal anthracltr coal 11 Id Mld he In hold- to the Ifo•opor to asp to It that tile• to orgnnlle, n condition without aril sterl ifomentie'm, the epalpment of `iTi, " r cele r fifl�7rrMsp'Nrrm= elewll e(IF-t•siHw-f3eroPsr_e{t4p•rrs nn.i at %-'itk and gotitic try and from work. litg n larg,• nmj ally by Intimidatl.n. Willing of Coast odiall t"t refilmed MR] precedent In tlutt part of the the Interl•Olontal with rolling ntock fereuee at tire White House %%"Ill also Inippltrial to the civic In"tltu- Mt tans A,nl tlreopv to the cora( re- r+"'1`0017, rftn+f attprbpls At L"11!p tire /:amine endCd ftetore' tM - --mp- Satntr. . --.- _ . and ne!r _rRtis, the development of didlearten mnnp Of their memlxr", t'lflns. Norm. •prOsclt of cold weather. All Wnsh- Cho mineworkrre' official" state •oar tranpfxrrtatkro routes Jnd tfie anti, that --ft will be nPeeamnry to tar 14 Mprrtinq ItePif. UnlPea n $ or Ic IdP n/Imin settlement of JwnrdN Aggregating do the mo"t energetic kind or pick. Gpip Atr'fll Toltec A.s• aa..... . I uroarrged by braise elope" - (+'-tier Will MOO Ms rowtorsll, and that n N•f, ran mbm, cauwl to meet tit" 1"hbdr mint". If the p"ewer of Penuryhanln 14 insurftrirnt to ro+extnbllsh tlh• 11911 tot Inw, til" cottslit0lnt td the 1'1111"1 8tlt(ve rectidrew the Prehident, n' hit n n IIP IIP M nnq ih" (love, 1 A;t tits remm ,nturP tIr• i1ofr rle nu1r,'to"nprprrnleolfto A t' I'On sea•, thorn U n ttn•fnl wmay to "rrurp r"ah for the to In 'f,},f, ditty orf tlw hmtr Is rxd to n -ns (. dill, negotiating with Phe i.nnr•ntrr" of this nnr►rrh.• step) lnoo- lrnl 'l•(lnnre (ft Inw, hnt to do sit lige , "Oslo ht til" wnr of the r,-"- olll • Ir"toro the mny-ety orf Inw, the 3 "4rdtan of a faro people, and to r"""fillilish oder and peace tat any Cost. The 00vernment Is a errl- tav' 11.1' fntisre If It can only pro- thn Aa fir"srind prop-rty and sconre comfort of th•, People by com. (1ltimlving beth the viollators orf law elf the tnatlgntorn of vk►Myice and rrlmP, f Arbitration Rejected. ir'•rulat tinN It iN more Important to 1ir`rh ignorant men, dwrlling amonlg mlalmd stroll abet nn tools by cltt- tent or Other Platen, that at Whnt- ""r Onot and inr"nvrndpnar to the ''It'll'. p•en11.,vlvanir► a ill bon ill(- 'I'll" power of (lo%rrnment to pro- ' It yon d,".ire nhtbraelte enol to 1-p lrin!ya in tits, mnrkrt qulrkly inks• brrntli to "ee "het the Premidermt will rho nest, and undoubtedly tire, itere gr,►ntf-d, hitt t Icre N' Ru ie known until the agreements nre Ole rlecre"ary cit6"Alt-olitCRYrml 1"" wt A•• -%•-p uPLJ,ty_Ia.ln..111P„••QpJpc "tri dr+a"vl. Tho adjumtmeut psnctically tel+• Volleral tr(")fNe fat till- field Airl or I'llIntlrl nitRpMflar'. fir the o_pnFJm a (a me nTirrifi!"irriMtslmmytir:`wf;.i+v give lf/ thosnclrmlrinq to work lerolr•r of throve %Tho know the i'lemirtrnt ago the strike wnr tilt r►aktiow)edg- proPe•tlnn, start I %viA nrinnn, you thst brst, Ihn people, will not hnve leftist MI (failure In that Clark"bnrg send r '• nntir eKr rrNtl %r 1 Ir, n r tl, Ihu•e a tl r 11 1 1 tO wr It le 1 Il I � Im rfmsl le r 1 b that h. F'nirmont diel I t p l II 01111' "1`C ell lir 11 1 e aid .•t u r ern `ria ,+- i h nu k t r If Iht• iw u nv r m Aflrr r flrrtl tr I n t o n n Ir I l l t JO rA ul n e m id nn strik with n R n y Ihin- limp orf Ile' "huntlon." nothing• Thla tie the ropinion•of wane p1Ay of strength Joel",s that Kowa. fhe Lwai. N'orA. of the Wilmer hend'm In file (lmbbnet. Nlu► %tiiley and the llucfleld Mee- OOtrrlo. It"er Ila• ,irflhlnx lir bay, trlet. ' 11'. If. Tnunnlrele. prrsutpnt of the L. • ile lt:all rtes Ihn next 19dti1dPlphin, Ort. 4.- 1'►v,Nddrnt blow the Law Is Kafotced. mop In p, "peril"r. its idul in part: itr+or, of the I'hRadellNda A ReadhlR Wilkembarre, 1'a., filet. 6-D. ala jt u t„Ir Quty rind Ne tate thlR Wililrond C(mi n Pit 7. rotgrt►ni frons Ufgor, n 191fadrlphin tfetective, whit (xca•drfn to prera It upon your con- 1V11104ngtfwl to his (office thls m•xn- reorulteol Anil IN in command of the ftiMrnllrrl, &fail through yool ppnrl Ing. 114 mltd that he, had nothing to force of dnputiem Atoll rppekill pollfte thee of lhr nfaturrhl t. ),t lhP SlI”' "l.3' for tNtbHenti011, bryotwt flee, etnt•e- wltp guarld the culUerlem or that Lr! - of Penum-Irnni+r, to lnaist ufx)A !t tnt'nt p'tlhlWl(�I thin mornlnR• hi m & R'lltl."Wtrrr !kN►! Com{rrfny, thilt the existing cotnlllfoft" tat an- ----'. v I Nnm n""nultal yP"trribey within )%Al( atrehy and Irtv'i(wen,nm, of riot ane] Nev •folk. O:t. 4.-Depotetl'm of an- it IFrloct of strike liendouartPra, and Mpine, bid ImmAllately and prrman- IhraottP a )tat In MA•s:u'Itn'mr•tta, whiell rete of the most fregtiented rtref•t" ently Ilttppr•osat. len thla end wrnsk were, one^ operated on a large rt•a'e. "f Wilkrshnrre. Rdg4)r wait nceom- that til" entire authority still power mny l's- •Rein utilized If present oon. Pmtnir I by ItOM•rt 11. Ilnnshuty, "ho (of thr fMet, of Prtm"ylvnnut, rivll ,Ktbns (tnntlnue, mays a 1roNton de. wit" nn officer of the, regular amity rind mt:itary, If npOdn he that of the gfnteh to the T'lm41e. in Ii•[3 n heel In the Ph111p{ialrm eampoaign And I" l!nit•il States P)overnment as well, of anthrndte wait dl"rovrri•tl In now ncti"K ns chief deputy under be rxerrtstd forthwith. M+rnxfir:•l, which ham ,(nen been ex_ RIRor. "Kr. Pro•elilrat, Tani no rn"mid of p'Or•.1, aril with othrr•p In thrlt That two men, hoth of whom were, orgnntaed Inhor, when mrr organitrel Phare, pmveti tai Ile of ron'miderable armed, nolfrnd An they lnrned Into nN to prOmrrte the, real Interests fair Importnnrr. It wap thought at that (kraal street, after paoalnR thentrike limp Inhoring man, And wh^n, In n^- time Phial, they wound develop Into headgnartrrs, that they were follow. rm"p'L441111K title, '1'Iwrlll "till Ir•Ritl- .rxtenre.ve snot val"able Peal flrl•in. ed by A ernw,l Of abolrt tw(`llty %%Ito conte mdh,ahr aro (illrxnnl.- i (tri Three, rvrmfsLav-st open&.! pts in tilt. hall tarn loitering tat tie" f1tre`t htrwevcr, o,lpow Ito United Mho fervent phroes, brat times were hard corner. ', . vinces. The firma. quarter of the Pre- working forces tat the cO tier r'4. — - -- •-' •••- Rent fis al , yenr limit cloned very Tile soldlPrs nre also anticipating Cavalry and lireaclarmes sent W here . Tiwra_horma Amnen-a.re- tlsis, find some apri(Nile claxhemaro -r"'""' "'-__' ` Miners are an Wrlke. dnetion of 61,778,000 ha capital ex- not amide, r Turf«, iSci: ~1.-:C drspwiieh from pendilure and w alight diminution in ordinary Pxpendttitre, rfrm(rarrd Hustle, Arbltrotlon sehem'e. Llllo emir ten srfarnrtrmin of cavalry w lth the o inamr prnrioaf f Inst year. There In it slronR ferling prevn- irnG rNPrecinity nmoaq Ihn huP 14.4 not lhrr4 brim aden K Of P nl l aid dI,- h►%P bVen drd{wt41w+1 to JAMES FLEMING DEAD. 11,4111. tient there• should he m ^fill- venlion of the slrikrrs emlle,l to iltl+ t•!cly "lush lite Ften"Al (O•tl minerN ars on islrike. _ 11nNa U{N►fe the fin M• propn,lition t0 "N comitliltre. of tin PM -t tr!-(;lt- Wne Inspector elf Legal /)Kiera for refer to idle 'llletrIct collrtr Any nla ]liner"' 8yowlente bag cotfvt !n OOtrrlo. dlapule thr►t Prinnnt he snllsfaclor- favor of Inn oratln w N 1. tag R til On Toronto, Oct. 8, -Many will regret fly ni4sloted between thr miner tin•( Palo Pmplovnr. Tlae oppralnrm .le- Morality• Thu, 1`1400flal Mln,rN• Federation has not reached a tMe•ls- to learn of tyle im"delen demath or air. eljarr that if such n convention X ton On the miabject. r rr Jame, Flf-ming, Inspector of legal of- w•Am held and n mperet ballot taken, A (Impatch from LPne, In thlt Pas- i licca for the F'i'ovinee of Ontario, tire vote In favor of going back to dl.-Cnlnl. dlslrlo-t, gays tlln strike which occurred yesterday morning work on t clout terms would be n%1- of the Frrnreh miners lit eprea111pg. Thera wt ills resldertdt, 27 innhella street. Mr. Fleming wee able to Itts must unanimous. - nre 10,784 men now oltt in that de - prelform dothe'm tap to Thursday, and on that _-- s1'O111K WAKING I.1. IIA, pnrlment. __-----�- drry Tfslted isle friend, Mr. John it. (%rtwright, the Deputy Attorney- _ May Now Try to f)o tits Duty to the LOST WITH ALL ONj BOARD. ' 0erw+ral, at the Parliament Buildings. - _ _ Ihn then sretned to be In hie usual !%leer. three Hundred ('htresP Ifo [)Oww go(xl health and stiletto. On Friday. HearrlmbnrK, 1•:a., (let. b--.(focernor q'uh a Al,anlrr. however, lot water taken Ill, and join Stone Intend" to nip;rrOAR bio;Ing fn {oly,iclan, Dr. FeathPrinRhnm, was the erxal reglorl". lilt to ,1.•irrndflP,I t'l•torht, R, f'., (h•t b. ,lriviee" by eallPd lit, TTP found afr. Fleming staff. ti, mnint:ain order r%rn If hit "ho.Ild m:%U from (been toll o Ihn IOas of the feeing from henrt tropMe, and 11x, comirrllfvl to enll to :arm" not only' "tn'amer Rand Loonq, off the i kilns tfirmRh At tlmPs heir",ful stgns mane- the Pntlr" Nallunnl (innrl tar the renal- oy. fen, txmOd fel lr-I themwltren, he paltlied away fitntr, hilt Its pllrnllel mallein ,)f ,.nn frnm R ngn n to A n tO Am"y, and rm(fnrt- nt n gnwrter t" olstht yesterday morning, million men. In fort. It Is xxl'I h} rfiti r'f Ihrpr handsel ChinPaa tat Nlnstn- a Pl'o,minent mr`mhnr or the Ktse%rrI M1tyPl1""R.Iwith alt anvboard. Mnf in mI