The Signal, 1902-10-9, Page 6le
.-tf eteke4e/inent:
O/71.Gt/ 4.114
P7l Gni / / • Q/te,
"1 aur , 1'u Torry that. wy ,
mother it out," he begins having
blinker' hands all rolled; "rhe her
gone over to livers.'
"Men we avert pay our visit only
to you, Sir Maurice," rays Baby
'irlwwusw, playfully. "But 1t Ir a
s aame to bring you lu"-tit the
.e.nme time motioning to the coach -
luau to proceed.
"Obu not at tall" rejoins Sir Maur-
ice, wondering what on earth he is
to du with these women for the
next hour, and leariug that they
will worry Isar Uipry. "Allow ear
to introduce you to my eourin, Mhos
Derla,tt," he adds, 111 ION rtlffert
manner, looking from the carriage -
load I*.'.chitlgly up et tape). "Kay
.anuptlllllg to 11 ," he whispers,
:old then Mope Black Beer fur u.
wound. d. -
But Uipry doer not help him fu
the leant out of kis difficulty. She
would be blind, Indeed, did she nut
bee that Mrs. Urimrhaw and all
the Messer Urluishaw are staring
with all their eyes. and that not
an Inch of her Ill -clad little figure
lute escaped their keen observation.
Su Sir M,iurk,e doer ,pll the talking;
old he has enough to do to autswcr
the fire of qutwtionr. When
did he sums hove? DW hie tom-
, in mime with hint? Where
Co the iouhds Gleet to -morrow, and
will 11 be a good day for the car-
riages? Thie last query Is fruul the
ltaby, who klowr• quite well
that the hound.' meet at Hadey'i
Brake; hut she likes to effect pretty
little wire of innocence and a desire
for knowledge.
"And, oh, ritr Maurice,"' Baily Grim•
'!law goes on, "do you think it would
bo safe for me to 'rile to the meet
and follow -along the roads? Do say
'Yes, fur mamma won't let me,'
Ign't encourage Baby In being 50
wl fun," cries Mrr. lirinrhaw, ail If
talking of a little child. "My pet.
unless Sir Maurice promises to take
caro of you, I cannot allow you to
Sir Maui -Ice's face le worth see -
lug as lie replier that he thinks s11t'
will be much safer In the Carriage.
lee never approves of ladles inhering
Ale /rounds.
"But, Sir Maurice, only to ride on
the roads r
"No, not even on the roads,'" lie
answers, rather severely. ''Lao;tem ran
Italie a■ much hunting as they want
In their own carriages."'
And all the Orinishaws Zook et
-,knew he never approval of the way
Wow Blake rode after the hounds
or rather after the men, for that
1. what she does ;" and, the Blake
mbjlct being In their mind;, it
risesnaturally to their lips.
"Ani le it true, Sir Maurine, that
Gladys Blake and -Captain Lefroy
"lira to be (serried Immediately?"
Kir altaurlce says he floes not
know; and they proceed to tell him
tlwt they heard that Mr& Blake
said -the engagement Must .he either
on or off, and that Captain Lefroy
wanted to get out of it, but Uladyi
held him to his word.
And Sir Maurice, knowing Oladyis
well, tete them rather vehemently
that he doer not believe a word
of It.
Then the hnit door to reached, and
the boner Orimshaw enter the dim,
cool, shadowy hall. Sir Maurice Ilfts
lliply down from off - Black Bess
whispering nnxlowlly:
"Be cnreful of thole• women; they
44111 watch everything you say or
"What d dear old lineal. 1" cry the
lirinewlei ne I11 ill e•110rue.
"Like a house In a story hook,'
ernes Baby. "And there le a haunted
chamber. And O!,-Btr Maurice i is
1t true that there is a magic well
and that you all hear noises at
night 7"
"Quite true," be rejoins. "On a
'dark evening the whole. hone/. In over
run with ghosts.. They come down
from the turret and np from the well;
but they are quite harmless, I as•
sure you -nut half so dangerous n•
living people. (tome Into the drawing,
room," he adds. "1 am no sorry my
mother la not hare to entertain
So he is, as sorry an he can be:
and lie watches unfortunate 'Gipsy
proceeding In the centre, ehr Stearn
lirtmahnw walking betide her like
Poor tilpsy, who has never enter
tallied a visitor in her life. look.,
pitifully from ani•' to another, and
wonders what she ought to say.
Certainly the tlrlmshaw fancily keep
the ball of ronverNatIOn rolling easily
enough, and kick It from one to an
(►tiller.. s1t1a...sttprl- 1-" rler1Ly...Aut1.
U their ntories are n trlflr unrharl
titbit., and 11 they are *1 little
bit down on other.. girls
It Ill hardly to be wondered at, for
all their lives they have tolled, and
no nein lute fallen a prey to their
charm4. They see young gtrle fresh
from the schoolroom whirl into the
matrimonial lottery, and whirl out
ngnln with a hnshant In tow. How-
ever, 141r Uourice I. In the market
yet, and he la pant the age when
nen fall In love rashly. .A good,
comfortable wife Is what he wants,
not n pretty -faced doll. Mins Grim -
flinty .nrveys Gipsy from head to
f.00t: and then they all talk to air
Mnnrlcr nt once. They nrr piny hit
and brave and inntwent, and Jnst n
little "font" by turn.; for If one
1 i awl e1ow1 not captivate him. an -
ether may.
And all the time Sir rnnrlre Is
mentally meting himself. "Will they
ever ire 7" 1 happy inspiration xylem"
him. Ten ! And ten. le ordered; And
they are all talking "twenty to the
doten," when the door In thrown
open. nm1 Mrs itrynn Is nnnonn'r,l.
"T111e le sortie nn.l wore..." air
Mogriea groan., In Ihln own mind, ns
ice micen4P* to greet the newcomer,
a sprightly, venom -me looking o1r1
Indy, who n4TAneee airily, one hand
en n gold --headed rano, the other
leading a *mall poodle -dog.
' I1..w do you do. Sir Maurier? Take
rare tin• dug will bite you! Yes,
I !mini that Lady Dermot was out,
and float you were entertaining
ladles. Ah -Urs. (rhnshaw and the
Messer Orimshaw f How do you (!o?
Sir Maurice, I hal no Idea you gave
ten -parties to your mother's *b-
orner. Charming -charming!"
Sir Maurice. warm and unoom-
fort:ahlp: entangles; his leg In the
doter chain u1' he strumpet. to es-
cort Mrr, Itryatn to a chair.
"Who is that," she whlspera, lay -
Ing her hand on ilia arm -"that lovely
little object -all eyes? Really your
reeeptlons are very charming I Pray
lute...Mee me to your new acquaint-
,:ta•e! Upon any word. Sir Maurice,
site IN n very lovely girl!"
"Ii W my cousin -my mother's
ward." whimpers back Sir UAurlce.
In an agony.
This ts a nice difficulty for Sir
Maurice. First, there are all these
awful Orlmehaws, ami now there le
this old lady, with her needle -eye;
and lunch -like tongue, She• is the
most wicked. rplteful old- lady
Its the nelghbourhoud; no one er-
e apes her; she writer verses, drove
caricatures, and in every way enjoy''
life rat the expense of her -neighbors.
Their wenkue ser are her delight.
Ind 3 e there Is no lamer more pope -
lir than Bryan Court, no lady In
the country 180re ban after t111n old
Mrs. Bryan. It may be that people
ore se. afraid of her tongue that they
.tare not quarrel wi11' her; or per-
haps the Weill of the near► -cook is re-
•pnonihle for the high favor Mrs.
!Wynn 14 In with the neighborhood.
Ser Maurice wiahes ler at Jericho.
to -dray. am. in obedience to her com-
auamka, eel bejnga Ufpmy forward and,
Inerodtteee hell.
The old Indy'' facn is fill of mirth
late oiler taken the girl's small fingers
in her own claw-like halide and fixer
her bright eyes upon her.
"Ah" -nodding her hen.l-"1 un-
derstnal your receptions now, air
M curlew 1"
not Sir Itnurice beats a retreat In-
to the thek of the trinshaw divis-
ion. and leave. (iipev In the hand.'
,f the old lady.
".tel e.) you are to live here. my
deur'," elle begin;.
"Yes." (Spay answers, with gray-'
Ity, and says nu more.
"Ilun) 1 Very dlrereet I How old
ire ynll.,-Iny deY1r ?" ,
"I um seventeen."
,.Aso 1 _pay s.septy --When y4w
:are s.4 old an I am, you won't be -
.leve. In any one but your dentist and
your hnlrdreseer-they never tell
-flees about one to anybody elite. And
when did you (mate?"
"Only yeNterdny t"
"Only yeeter.iay 1" repeats' Mra.
Bryan. "Then you don't know any
of our celebrities' yet. There In
Captain Lefra•y. who ham committed
every crime IIINier heaven sli ort of
rder. and is to have thf prettiest
girl -in the county for hie wife. There
are our friend. yonder, like bees,
roam Sir Maurice, all celebrities In
their way, chiefly remarkable for be-
ing like myself, well p e.1. There
le 1111. Rinke, who Is going to marry
--Slat perluape I ought not to say
that to yon."
heatatlugly, looked et Wr Maurlo.
for ;Aleut advice, ouudn knows
I don't think my
Mae& of the prevent morula for old
titles," he *nye. Tion, turning to
(llpay, he wide, "It hasn't reached
your part of tlu. world, Uipry"
" Nu" -with a quick, grateful look.
"d.U..�rn, lirytta, limy l give your 1Ot1'•
I rias cream ? Be be•emr thlrrty,"
(slimy buy's, With the rtrtypg love of
uuim:114 awitkeuing In her lut0.l 1ym-
Ix11by for t•t'In tl;e ullllltere4tlllg
Anile brute.
Poppet laps up the cream daintily,
and Oliwy, In childish fttrhlwl, Is on
her knows, ctuix(ng (low with bre'ul
and butter, whoa thCddtor open),
and Lady Dermot wails la,
and at n glance takes In
the whole bltuution, from Mrr.
Bryan, witting rultpful and delighted,
to Gipsy, 1'u to May t'0neplcuoui on
the hearthrug, feeding the dog. One
look only she turns on her eon, anti
he alone feels and kuowe whit
le passin` 1n her mind. To the oth-
er.. she is graciousness Itself - to
(1psy very gentle; and the guests
presently take their departure. The
carriages roll away , and then. very
sweetly still, Lady Dermot turas to
'It wag unfortunate for your own
sake that you should have been
siren by reneger.' before we had some
proper cloths.' for you. 1 thought
you lyre too shy, Olpsy. to care to
appear before vialtors."
'''It was all my fault. mother,' In-
"terposer Nor Mtwara , noticing the
grieved look of (;pry's face. " 1 was
giving Gipsy a Ming 1.111.011, and we
were ...aught In the avenue."
"1 gee." Pals Lady Dermot. coldly.
"I thought you had bee ueei mat•
tern to attend to, Maurice, this a1f
t ButoSir Maurice 1s not- a saint,
and with more haste than tact he
walks Out of the room.
"1 know Miss Blake," Interrupts
Gipsy; "she was here last. -night."
".Ch" -with, n math -ions little chne-
kle-"she hex .Pen you, then! Mins
blots Will Mee Indigestion for a
Week" ; nn.I the of 1 lady laughs. "Anil
What do you think of Mies Blake 7"
he asks.
"Slie Is p,•witiful," flimsy replies,
finnkl,', allowing sill time good print.
of tilt' Usage,)_, nu 1 Mrs..Bryan laughs
" Oaly A .10:1, ray deur, and knows
how to (Irene herself ; any doll eati
lo lime. Dive me a filen with a
mull' .end for a second ,hr glues
Into the Innocent, ch I.Illke face look-
nt her Ivith such gravely /Moil.
LAM 1 eyes. Then Idle aslw, " How
are you related to the Demote?"
" M; fa dui- an 1 S r M.urlce'. filth r
were brothers," (tipsy answers,
" And you mother, niy dear Y'
"BM. ova. rtpauldl. 1 never knew
111,4 mother; she idled when 1 was
Ah, that lel where you get your
lovely skin and those eyelashes! I
-,sought you didn't look mike it Drr-
mut"; and alio glances quickly.. from.
.Its• girl's dark, whlehing faro to Slr
Mnnrlce, stealing, dignified and king -
1.k.', nmong 411e Urlmslutw..
"My deer," she goes on. with her
horrid laugh, "the women will hate
wilt -'**44F -•ih*-'-iwwra �wwa"
full lilt,, (lips)'' startled eyes.
"Why?' she asks, with red, parted
Ile& au.1 the ruler flushing her
"Why 1 Why 7" repents the old
Indy. "1n n month you won't need to
melt that lineal ion, my ch1111. My
diem, Vital n piece of Innreenee you
Ire. it le quite refreshing to look
at you."
"(tipsy, will you pour out the tent''
Sit Maurice breaks In npon the con
vermilion and carries Olp.y off to
the tea -table.
Mrs. Bryan looks after the 'might
tittle figure that, notwlthetendIng
the poor dress, Is lithe and graceful,
rind fair node her head with complete
enjoyment. She .1'r.1 lilpmy with (Meld
ill cheeks take her plan behind the
11/11.1er to:t tattle Tip g;rl greedy fills
the tint eggeliell tenrupw, giving a
plentiful ill oware.' of Inger to rnrh,
I1 utter *nor.. ore of the migarles.
Dighton of the period.
Drumnneen ('ante. look.. ne old an
1l monthly ran, and boasts ROMP Of
the oldest rhino. cracked and ,ably ;
rind the brass fenders then np
peered suddenly from unknown
legion. phone oil nnllqur nal re-
oderelent. All theme b'n.ntlen fill t1.•
gems" bream a ttf the Grim.hnw•. with
lunging nn.l delight.
" Do you like old react ed Mee rums,
Mime Dermot 7"- asked Mr. !Wynn.
" 1 don't think so," she answers,
"on the. foilwing niornlug Sir Mau-
r co Dermot comer duwa lu bis red
omit.4'I)' y cp eer her eyes wide and
Nanette at her outwit. fu the doorway,
tun! (Ike thinks hits the personifica-
tion u( mahhntrr, Red uout, booty,
anal blpkmklne, all perfect of their
k.M1, all .' (neat and ("lean, and 1'u ! Ile laughs a1' Ile notice..
Gipsya pleured face, but is coercion.;
that( her w:mlratlou gratifies him.
"So you Ike this, Gipsy 7" he alike,
touching the scarlet sleeve*, anal
elnu.ang beside bee on the hearth -
rug, with the biasing fire throwing
out Its genial warmth this cold morn-
Yea, I Lkt. It," sate returns, smiling
brightly. 'Do you know, Maurice." -
with at ally pause. at Ms nam* --"L
leer saw anytime dressed to Co
hunting before!"
"You will wee plenty of such per -
none here. We wart nut lure any time
in getting you the rldiug-ha'. t and
the horse; you will like that, won't
you, (tipsy 7" he, looking 'kiwi'.
and waiting for the uprising of those.
turtle.' that pilo her eyes •a, well.
"Oh, yr.'!" she answere pry fully,
with eyes and cheeks aglow ; and
then Iakdenly, with, a change] voice,
rhe adds, "When I get 'toque new
dresses, 1 glutei look more like other
people, shall 1 not ?"
No, you won't," he laughs. "You
will never look a bit like any one
"1 was afraid I shouldn't !I she
Highs; aol the tall figure comes u
'tee nearer.
"Aix1 you must not try to look like
other people, either. Do you hear,
1lipsy " --with a eat ring in his
voice which would break Miss Wake's
Motet could rhe hear It. " 14uutd you
like to go to the meet 7" Sir 11au-
rife mike.
"The meet ! What is that 7"
"You must let me be your slued -
['tarter," he rays, laughingly. "Oh
Glp..y, what a little igiMIramus you
etre!" And, forthwith, noth-
ing loath to undertake the
plengant task, he giver an explana-
ttoff-AIM WTneir up by aeaing 7f she
Would like to go lo -day. "My, mother
wilt take you. I know," he .nays; "rhe
often goer herwelf wl1e11 the hounds
meet pretty near. and you will like
to mer all the People."
But Sir Maurice ham reckoned with-
out hie hostess. Lady Dermot nega-
tives the plan at once. She has en-
tered the room to find her run, In -
aired of being, anusual, immersed in
the morning newspalere, stealing
apparently In deep clmreraration with
Ogley, who, leaning tack 111 n big
a1 mohair, with the dark leather for
it mtws.L effective baekgroun 1 to Het
(off the strange, sweet beauty of her
Inc.'. look;, and smiles, and listens.
' Lndy Dermot, scanning the two
for n moment as she Mands in the
o(en doorway, and noting the un-
opened newepnpere an.1 the perfect
O,,nlentment on Sir Mnnrice's fnoe,
comes forward with a rattle of keys
in her hnaket, gives (tipsy a Cold kiss
on the forehead, hold* up her own
cheeks. for her son's salute, and, ring -
ng the bell hastily for breakfast,
thrown cold water on the scheme for
inking flimsy til, lout meet.
"Another day I shall be most hap-
py," rhe any& decidedly ; and Sir
Maurice, glancing al Gipsy's (leap -
pointed face, moves away and tear
(;pen (1111 nPwapnper.
"tilpsy and 1 are going on a ellop-
ping expedition," Lady Dermot re-
marks cheerfully ; "aol, when we
!MVP made a few nebrseary purchase,'
and the dre'nsen are made, I hope
elle will look very different from
whet elle le at present."
(To be POattnued.)
++++++ 4 ++++ N++++ 1 ++4 ++++
+8'++i+oi'1• 11++++++
"All clowety flitting collars are hy-
gienic abomination.," said the doctor
to hie fair patient, "ant the worst
nmons the entire lot are the high
whir wide*
women have been inrawing their
IIsrealt; during !NUBIA few years.
You hove come ,,to We me about n
dark lbw' which hell Matte Its appear-
ance amend your neck 11 come• from
wearing (1*4.4• tight collar., hat 1
nweurve )vat that M notthe wont.
4ffeed of the fnnhkro, though i find
that many mermen etre looking for
n remedy for It. Thew abomination*
have :Ilertetres)w effect on 1he breed,
The n'ek be oiwayve In motion and
n,Mlnually ntuaiming Ow whams'.
Hence tt elunliti either he quite lin-
cuvrrel or hem. a mutt flexible ent-
ering whirl, would adapt itself to
n'pllrnmrirte. Your e111f rollnr4
conetrict the vein* and prevent the
owed np blood from returning freely.
lone (1)1' breed They chafe the ekes
mei Irritate the. gland. which are
▪ nun)Pmuw In the nark. These
glrinlbl have a very impotent func-
tion to perform In removing *mete
pr duets from the brnln. ('ne1NemnPnt-
ly when they nrr inflamed the brain
suffer. Anyone wio, wkA,rn to have
e riper head 1holdd discard Miff rol-
e; rel."
"Bet, dnntor," the patient.
trinmphsn(ly, "70411. own slip wear.
Von are Wbogieel, my dear madam,
Mit, then, that le a privilege of your
Scott's Emulsion is the
means of life and of the en-
joyment of life of thousands of
men, women and children.
To the men Scott's Emul-
sion gives the flesh and
strength so necessary for the
cure of consumption and the
repairing of body losses from
any wasting disease.
For women Scott's Emul-
sion does this and more. It is
a most sustaining food and
tonic for the special trials that
women have to bear.
To children Scott's Emul-
sion gives food and strength
for growth of flesh and bone
and blood. For pale girls,
for thin and sickly boys Scott's
Emulsion is a great help.
Sand for free sample.
SCOTTratca BOWNR, Chemiete,
T0a. and i I.00 I all druggist:►"°.
"Irene Aglaia. 0.4 Devil!"
The willow of an Lngli.l. army of-
ficer war vldtlog me with her sun.
et ohurnatng little fellow about five
year14 old. The mother told me with
pedis 1141w honorabe lie was, how
14g11-nllnded, and that she hid never
far au (stttaat seen 1n lion ln.11catlua,
GI a tracer t1011 were low ur bare.
The chili was put to Leaf: every
utght t 8. \\'e dlnP.t aL-7. 1 war
f e. d wlr n'Olr one
slat n�•n til 1'a 1 m
1 g
evening before dinner. The room
was dark. the door open, and any
Nutt cuniman.bed et It*'w of both the
stairway and the dining room. The
table was ret and to the center was
a (gill of to flag peaches., Present -
U there came to 1 7 ears the patter
of ILttle bare feet. and a childish
Iezure, eta.' 1. night gown. stole
dew■ the eta through the hall,
tato the dining m, up to the ta-
ble. Small ringers netted the topmost
peach from the diet, and the lit-
tle fellow turned and trotted away
upstater again
,14 1 sat to the (lark. In an agony
of apprehenrLro. 'there came again
the putter, patter of 1: le feet, and
a wtete-clad figure stoll. down the
stairs. through the Hall. Into the
.tluiug nem. up to alae to de. Small
flreplacedthe stol .etch
u rex
jest where tt had been. and t,a 'stub-
born tittle mien rnnttermU "Donn
model, okl devil !•"-Harpor's')aaga-
New York Central sad Hrdeo■
Hirer Railroad.
The abor. name I. n houshuld word at,,l
the superior .rellenre..1 the rood .humid 1.4,
•u IIlc4nt to nttrart ueo.t pe, q,., hot now
that the rate t. the ,non. t.. N. .,rk aid
point• east RA b, ..they lh..•. n., further r
cotuweuA,tlou slt.,uld he .,,nghti:vrr,i
Moly will tell you It I. the Iret.
It 15 rather harder to he petty
outdoors.; there Is et. week breadth
all around.
Do 1 bel.ete In t'h,aperuuage :'
Yee, for my boy 1
1t Nun't du to be only partly u
(omits are probably male; their
icceatrleltlee can be computed.
The snort unlntsrenttng pe'r'm In
the world is he who in iulerest."I
In eterything equally.
There Ie more joy orer one "Inner
who makes up, a quorum than neer
the I:luety and ulna who rump re-
Before siting one'' 111, to n
mow It Is well to be lure (hitt
the gift 1e of some tales.
1 never knew a man to object
to any sphere for it woman that
had him for the hub.
Tu 4b,*'rte the habits of an ,rlll-
uo.lerm-that 11' acleuce. To do the
same thhng for a ufnu-that 1s only
Temperament corer. a multitude
of tiny.
It. ire queer how much tyranny
elipahol people dos of er.
Life hsppe4s to some folks only
In hovels. •
If mere Idean nrr not truth. they
are at lista the clout of which It
le made.
Nothing 'Worries n rumen eu
much as alit to belong to thing..
-Dorothy Moore, In 'the July
Neer' lied Ibis druggist Rlva yon the ;eget
astute -tar .0 (814414, to Mut Painkiller that
ens used lu 1.11r11111111y11111111yr ..Iy b.lure pal were
bore. Then In h1,1 one Painkiller. Perry
11nvi.'. No upright denier .,Rene .ul,.11tute..
Supposed to Ifav• Point.
A baohelw'r nett MB In wanted 011
& Mal r1wl wan.
The milk of human kludu(tse Lsat
put 1111 111 1.,llle.,
The man who Ir a failure le apt
to think that ene'ce.s 1e accidental.
An undertaker never ha. odxarloi
to Au the same Job more than once.
11 by Ir It that grey hairs are
snore often respected than bald
Some men'. Idea of progress Is to
e land rind watch others go back-
Tt rsgrhlrat a 'rot or hl 'ta- rel
some men the things they ought to
Atter striving for the almighty dol-
lar tunny a man ertrlv,•w to get rid
of It.
Remember that n wan may be a
dwarf and mill b.' )ver) Inch n gen-
A marl has to make n name for him -
pelf. All a woman Liar to do Is to get
1t Is better to hate n light puree
than n henry heart, but more men-
fortable• to hay. neither.
When a fellow le about to preemie
• thn girl u nervnlll, It la generwlly
because she Is nfrald some one
will Interrupt them before he gets
Ib net:
"KELPION" ' by best 15111.81Nd••.I Jeeesale.
Supplied 1s 5.1(1.8 sciences tooth Akio..
Is. all Does* . d 5 1.
a.4 NNS.., tamps,
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p44444s1111...e•.alsf..e.•. h.,b�*le.r.
Sass, Sews root • .rills)/Aohl ay eraglab, .k..
Tr, II Naas.
R•v•rles of a BM'Melur.
A married man's troubles begin.
When he Is enemgs&
It Iru't on what In oome one calf,
got married, but ow what Inconel nue
eau live after getting married.
No woman eau ever account for
Ars haatsand'r lack of Interest In her
dlplulM uud the phutugraph of her
first Spitur.
T11e'Wlty to V011vInee a woman yeti
love Is to rot In abstraction for a
lung time and then sty with a 'tart
that you were thlukltag of the fleet
day you ever site her.
Before elle is married the average
wuwau think' that when rhe hail a
huotu of Anew own rho will raise vege-
tables and chickpea; afterward she
thlaks ouiders will do, -N Y. PrewN.
MLaard'. Liniment for sale every-
7,werly.Peaad ('abbeges I. Cuba.
In Cala ('. bbugee frequently
Weigh II 'melt ate twenty wind..
All vegetable.. do well. 1tawlirder
cony bo eaten front fourteen to
eighteeu dlayu after wowing, Willie
cure prudoeo three crop. per year.
Sw+•et potatoes/ are perpetual. The
natives dig up tho tuber, out thein
off and phial (h:, aid vines., wnk'h
plpllhun a new crop la three Month..
A11 tort; of fruit, horticultural awl
arca-whams plant/ and bulbous
rta'k are also grown with, the moot
gratitjlrlg tincccsa.
Mlaard'. Liniment relieves N 1
Madge -flow is It you are not
go:ng out yachting with Charlie
again 7
Dolly -It took both Ler hands to
nonage the boat.
Messrs. ('. C. Richards • o.:
(ieuthmeu,-My dnugllter, 13 years
old, war thrown from et sleigh and In-
jured her ells) 44 W. badly It remained
MIR' and very painful for three years.
Four bottles of MI\ABDO; LINIMF,\T
completely eurel her, and she has nut
been troubled for two year&
Yours truly,
J. B. 1.EVENV' I'.
St. Joseph. 1'. (, Aug. 18, 1900.
Piece of Heal Reel.
11.11, 1
Rregg.•--What's your Ilea of Hea-
ven 7
Griggs-Nee:l. It's the wny n loan
feels the ftrnt three dap' after he
le Wale from a rummer taratlon.
Tearta` ,lows sterols d..•.. nut delay
•Wrm. 1'r .loin Indra '•Wrong'1,o•." mar [144.'1
roughing. I,ul Ihr...ld airy. 11.. tett 1111.•:
When 3 ..0 begin 1.. rough til►. Allru'. fr.,m opium. full of reeling
Had J'urgottes Ws Itaesse
'Philadelphia Iterrlyd.)
Mr.. Outsler nus (lazier comes 1n
ucudeadlly at 3 w. m.) -You have n)
et; IWO fur coming home at this
hour and his Ode (rmlltiun.
Outlier -1 111,1 011e, my (lend and h
11 wow a Mandy, bat 1 oaa't thlak :
at It was.
the Use of a Bottle
t St. Jacobs Oil.
serg'ilnt Jeremiah Maher, of .lyd-
milk, o)al Irish Lbastiabular.i
nays t,'�1) frleutl. Mr_ Thome..
Hand, hap been a great euff.r.•r
from rhetnnatasu, 1u the Mirk and
joints for the heat four yetare, dnr-
iug nhieh time he has appbel
runny different method.. of treat-
ment, hat olltnlned no relief w'hat-
et.•r, find fur the Ictal leu y.•nr.
!Intl been unable to walk without
n stick, and srtmptlmee two Nikka,
and wan in great pain constantly
I induced him to procure n bottle •
of wt. Jacob, 111t, which he applied
Ndtl, the meat nstouluhing and mar- I
yellow. effect w. Before 11e had ful-
Idn,l the ,cunteuts of 'he'
font btotie Ile could walk readily
wltlw,ut the aid of a slick, told
after a few applies one from the
second bottle he w1' free from
pall. and line been ever wince: and
although GO years and a farmer,
Ile can walk and work without ex-
periencing any pain or d.1 (Welty
what ever."
Bear Mother's Unjust ('hullsemert.
A friend of mine returning to ramp
after a 11.44'4 Ihuoting, ruddrnly
1'nine in eight or n big she bear with
two rubs following In single file, pro-
ce(dlug along a ridge, the forsworn(
the three being sharply dlhoueted
Against the ski. It was a very long]
1411ut, but he determined to try 1t,
N, drew a bead on the old eh* bear
and Oriel. The remit was curious.
The proeesdo: stopped, the she near
w(r,itrhrd herself heartily, then turn-
ed around, and. regarding the cub
trnm'.Ibtteir behind her with grave
dlweppruval, boxed Its earn soundly,
pawl then went trundling along the
rh;gr, evheotly tinder the lmpreeelrnl
that her frolics/,mo offspring hail
been up to Fenno unusually object, ill
able tricks. ,Navy and Army.
t�e'd";:!..7.1.';':::,;:11,7,1,' . ln('5\relsre"asclhy
one wny to euro denfnrw, and that 1* by eon-
slltutlnmd reme.hrr. 1N'ntnesa la canned by
nn Inflamed rendition of the moron. liningof
the Eustachian Tube. When fhb tithe Is In
flamed you hare n rumbling sound or Imper
fert hearing. and when It In entirely closed,
Deafness I. ti. result, end miles the In4am•
motion ran betaken nal and thin tuba re.tor.
ed to Ion normal condition, bearing w111 be -
nearer/yea trrre`e5r; were raps out or On Ali
...lined by ('ntnrrh, .hl.h In nothing but sin
Insnmed condition of the neuron. aortae..
N. w111 give One Hundred holland for any
ease of Denton.* trimmer! by enfant) that
cannot be ennui by IIal'■ Catarrh tare. Need
for ctrruler., fre•.
1 1 1'HEN)!Y & C0., Teed., o.
Mud by hrugrists,
Mors iflt.
Hfa Fnml y 1'111. are the bent.
Perpetual Motion.
Wh•u George Stephenson war
asked, " Do you believe lu perpetual
motion 7" he replied, " Yes, 1f you
lift yourself by the waist -band of
the trousers, and carry yourself
three times round the room."
Just au, and a woman would Just
as roue believe that elle has sot to
pay dearly for common premium
soaps, lu the low quality of soap,
lu ruined hands and clothes. She
would be kept In perpetual motion
trying to du with common slap
what rhe could 1'o eerily do with
Suellebt Soap- Octagon Bar. 218
Nature 111s Hlr.d Mar.
It was Ill the far south.
"How's times?' asked the tOor-
" Pretty tolerable, rtramlgen." re-
epelnnitxl the old uutn, who war sit-
ting on 1* It p. "I had sum' freer
to cut fol n. but the cyclone level-
ed them and saved m'• the trim:I!e''
" That war good''
" Yrs• allot then tilt lightning bet
fire to the brush pile no I rated me
the trouble of horniel It''
'Itemarkable! But wheal err you
410111'{ ISM 7"
"11'aitljer for an rarthglmke to
('01111' along and abate the I.,iatles
out of the ground."
Minurd's Liniment cures Burns, etc.
T 1 Not Op.n to Ail.
No one nam land in Routh Afrbla
without a permit. and 110 one hut
refugees, government employ and
eereone engaged In n service of n
entitle meterwill be permitted to
move up Into the Transvaal.
TO (:11RE A CO 1,13 1N ONIC DAY
Take I.aratlrs Aroma Quinine Tablets. All
draggl.t. Mind til. money 1411 falls to ern.
k f Hrnv.'s.4 aatu, box sari ane. 75e.
A Prayer.
1n All 1 think, or freak, or 410,
Whatever way my steps aro bent,
(ked 'baps and keep me strong and
tluwrwgerwtw. cheorfal. and sontent.
(1..1 hop my' help ma to "apppeaw
All Waging for whet eAn.ot 1*.,
Arne grant me means wherewith to
Wiseacre mt.' hive nowt of me.
-W D Rawl' In the Independent.
1'1.. Drat of Lava.
The ret.ntlon of heat In invn 15
aluuort Incredible. lepra be 1'u had u
conductor that it Is 1orelble to walk
on the 'surface of u lava flow when
It has cooled anti yet bate red heat
In the fiemrer below.
)llnnrd's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
ISSUE NO. 41. MP:.
• 1 '
R•Sew/Mwr of a eleehelee, •
Iowa men wuuktu't ie ally wormy
tied) tilt.) are, eteo U they were leu1.
lIt'thty few gine win 4'ver tn,k
Oa tit Is nl'W (Igptg, maul w hltuel
wilt tug til' lr lips nervously,
A w•( moa wet of cep el . Lur:lyrN
t0 corm, altlwat in th*'r.uee regular
wily am Uu, )
leis 1'n is ram • hope for the Idk,1
who think. he kw1N'1 11 11 moot ear -
timing, 1 tit 11041' at all fur him when
he thinks. tho acme tvay elks.
The ayrr*RP mean thinks he 11' get-
ting Into..pulllo Ifp WWII he minden.
In A political torrhllght
Ir allowed to contra oto toward buy-
ing the uniforms:
If a wuwau Ioukl only get n hus-
band who wool 1 Qum(4 hence regularly
every evening olid be "able to match
.i'k for her she wool hist feel there
visa so stuck 0(444 for her to worry
about whet 111M4gn wee I:ke.-Slew
York Pretty. e
mapips Awn L.g draklf-.mpp.r like
gold, lin like silver, crockery like marble,
sad windows like crystal.
Au l,lrlcate Laeauage,
The Intric.tcl.w of the l:ug11r11 1au-
gu,ge are well Illu.elnetal im the de.
Ilitilik 1 given of O. ;Awes;
.1 'teepee til 0110 wh<1 rleepr. ,t
sleeper is Owl In whioll the sleeper
sle,pw. A bleeper le tlsab un W111011
tho bleeper rues while the sleeper
t sleeps. Therefore, while the elPrhe:
.lo p1e In the sic epee the deeper air_
rhethe sleeper 1oer the sleeper underI til.. sleeper, until the sleeper welch
o,rrles the sleeper Jumps/ the sleeper
awl wakes the sleeper 1u the rlreper
by .(r king the i.I.'per on the blreller,
11141 there is ts/ longer any sleeper
slr.plag In the. sleeper on the sleeper.
♦�.vwwww.n- wwww+
Tacoma wlt'u muffler from Inghtinare
and the number it leglou--way be In-
terested In ku&.wlag that 11.e Ilror-
der Ir a twee:Mai one. traceable lu
wuny instant; to preventable
Can 1111.. In tem 144.14.' are dale to
pnoiuuged wakefu1uorv, a ratitcul
change lu 41h•t, u1' faulty p.,atlon tit
the body. midi as lying upon the
lack or face. Sumetlules It Ir due
to &sine wcche m ical leterterence,
such Olt all ameurean u1' Drell 1'N 01-
t0,11111111. West 1011 rep.wted a tare
in wttk•bi. In rplte of all hyg1eolu
treatment, ulgt.tware continued es-
ery ndghM1 for a lung portant, due 11
nen dlrc.. end alter careful cu,-
wderatwla, to a prulougetl mule,
which duelers skew in. prone position,
IIIlwleer(d free respiration. Cut ling oft
ear poet of th11 wichletuus uvula
eiaured the p'rinauent tll►a,ll1lllm-
al1t'C of (.w visits of tate utghlwern
D1 nervous. p reone. emotional In
character, nightmare may be caused
by grrwrrm.4 t.L. 01 woeful spec -
tittles, grief, dlsc.urwgelueul, hat-
red, meter, rte. lu fact, pate most
intense ill(uUual4' 11' *}tie CO elllal- of parrluut due to 1'144, li,w
W dearly loved relatives or friend.,
'.*Ileo alai extreme reverse of for-
tune, dleeappulatel ambition, 1110 tear
of dlrwarle, or even a smock to WI4'r
self 18440 sal redeem. wide'', as lin.'
been aptly bail, flays sora victlulr
ttau lute.
rue (:01404-nt of nightmare con -
g ate in awakening the aubj,et :and.
1f there he pxrturllatk..1 or mite, giv-
ing Nome nil 110 144811,41 pot.ou, much
as warm water sweetel.ed with rylap
W I. Ides. folio*lag MIN dare whoop
be taken to r. m414e the euppo1et
cause, to prevent recurrences of the
nightmare. In the. case of children
Incus. moral ltape torsion*. weird
sorter aid gTAWIlialtiC tides 41oa1l be
nvokl*d. cop chill, bfore bedtime.
Tho. ohlkt alumni le put to bed curly
to avoid the excltIig environment of
the social circle, of aulmat•el conver-
sation nal gott4lvlal Jollity. The
evening meas whined be a light nue,
troth nm to gluantlty and quality of
food and drink. atulding h1.4111y sliced
and stimulating drinks. The
chamber 1411(41111 be .parlous and well
1611111,111.1. the, bed not too wolf end
without two ouch bet eloth I *g. I'. r-
(l.ot mu*•ul:lr relaxation, avoidance
of In11r• Ialritious and pe•rhet fre,'-
'lom ; all (x,npr, mewl Intl r'rrlu,4 nith
respsratlod or circulation must he
avoided. The feet ought to be warm
and lower leen the head. The body
.Mould be extended and not cuddle.)
up Into a brill. When thq bed Is In an
ninny or .urro;, And by heavy ,•ur-
tnlus nightmare 1s sure to lurk with-
in, for they prevent the free clreullt-
tion of air, and the brJ►In In stupefied,
an It were, by laltglilng gas Produce.'
by the sleeper, the nor vItlatel by
him being breathed over and over
The bell might to be "lightly Incite -
oil from lend to foot, but the proper
elevation of the head Iariew aecor'l-
Ing to temperament. Anaemic people
need to Etre the head guile low, lout
Itlt1-hk,crlet pwrprle rete easier If the
hvut is higher.
A fi(l)er TO HOR44MEA-Ona bottle of
English %paeln I.lalm.nt 4•0mp14484by removed
A curb from my hors. I tete penellre In
reromm.nding the remedy, nn tt nets with
rny•t.rious promptness In the removal fruw,
honors of hard. soft or callons'1 lump., blood
•p.rin, splints, curbs, 'weeny, .11Aee and
(:E''Ro1. 1011111, Fernier,'
Mark Item, nu(
bold by all druggist..
Fouled te. 1)ector.
Two Polleh rustles who were bad -
1) atfllctoi with riveullaatlos. were
recently taken oto a bn:pitat In
Frankfort. Each felt great pain In
00.' leg and the physlllan tried to
all,vbta, 1L by 'ebbing Use
OnO of the rustles howled terribly
w t
will, bln waw bclllg done, wheream
th.• other idlers.' not a word ; in-
.;rrd, from, the senile on Ilii fare, one
wo1.1:1 lav:' wild hu (td.) ed the rift'
After the '!o' tar had gone away, 1
tic nrr who hail bonlot a,ked: "13•,w
M the rinmP 0l heaven were y(ro*bb•
10 endure all that ptln wlthloit
renin 11140 "
"l:n sy (•nml;th," wa• the reply. ''i
fool,nt the do'tor: I gave him my
✓ ound leg to rub."
Slops tee Cough
sad Works On the ()old,
OUR NEW illustrated
catalogue, which we
Send free .1 charge to any
address, offers an 166011-
ment of gifi arlic!es
almost unlimited,
T'•o Pansy Stick r;a
Shown shote has the
natural color eltects hard
enamelled on 141. gold.
The centre seeing is a
perfect diamond.
We ruarentee the safe
del•very cf tela to any
address for $/.SU.
Ryrie Bros.,-
*fees .11 AML.. s,... Toronto.
will tell
Whoa an animal is all run down,
has • rough coat and • tight bide.
anyone knows that his blood is out
of order. To keep an animal econo
mi(a1IJ he must be in good health.
is a neceneity where the best results
from feeding would be obtained.
It tones up the system, rids the
stomach of bob, worms and other
parasites that suck the life blood
Nothing like Dick's powder for
a run down horse.
1.0 cents a package.
Mils» t Coen
., Agts,
write for Hook on Cattle mrd Horses free.
LEARN ppra('tkrl rex drawing nt
1108 k Miring .p"rs hears.
Best roan. by mall seer devised.
MTt tette U D11.uuUTel.
I..aur ilei.*al p.w
•ITI N.,
Indlrtdnnt tn.tenetlon and helpful
rrllkbm Iron) .•eeeet luntructor.. Y,4,
ran veru while• roll .1 Slay. 44,41. for
hnukh•t W1,1111( hitt Inh,rntntlua.
Canadian School of Iffvstratios
TO;ONTO. CAN \' and .ierr'Inl
(howl faclllllen for handlingeondyinnru'a
sollr.ted. 1'orr...po mimic. In vIted nod prom p►
ly ntlwn.ed t... 14111 huy how.y outright.
J011N .d FEE t19 Front Nle st
N0 NUM100 Mt• i'AM
s...a•twin, v,aw4 gluier '.4s.,,f
p.srwr s. -r••,,.. .1I se. r...
;se.. 110r444,P,r,nlwa.r44,411
•r....,tk ON. blade. ;410,1.5,,..,
rr8a. 44',ir•, 1''+..•1 Mr.•e.l 01
r•roe.I t **..;a,...,4' bl..,. rola
OA. N.'s, it halt yr, C,aod.I44.i1,.
tet u pas. /AWL fa115ra5, raw•.,soa a
WANTED-- .l:vERA 1.11RIO11T PE(U'1.111
who can roto at east fifteen dollar.
Lax aureBrom. Quinine Twhist. cure aeold weekly; se4eral*fper represeotatlyea notice
la ose day. No cure, Nu pay. Pelee 2n rent•. over Ilse dollars la s day; ate dell; rlwg nor
44Wlstlrg. TM IYsWry l'8eletles t'*, Ltd.,
5?enroato, 051. r
Left eel til. Dark. MAoN
A Mlle girl nhoot 1 yearn old wan �1MCKRT MAANIFTINO ALAt, n,.. work
■ ah, Ilk. n knife, for.•minins ate work
Oi't pleylne when wn'klenly It Ire_ or the wean thing. of creation; I. Invnlunhle
e amu very cloudy. Mho ran Into the to etsdenls, engineer*. msebw Nentwllore, fir
house and 'fettled her mamma( by teethe, cloth, ale.; ant t0 wny a, ("r
1(tc, i for tl.00' ng.nta rallied. Wnerer
1*)y1Mt : ' wast M�. to., Ramllto,, Ont.
"l'nl not going to May oat,lonrs -" ----
• R sail -.oafs OF Ti1F.:INi:NT
anytaOPs� 1"Derange, God MoWed t he Mile 111111.-
'•Why naked her mntker. I earloanIan1 InRwy Couy,bot..114and slaved,In bnd fwrratrlp!mmra-
!always be need ter ChlMrwn 1MMI wInelow's aestb ng minty awned7••IL1ng. 11
soothes the nhlld. mean. theafnm• ante* w4*1
wale .ad is the IAA remedy for [Mortise.
piles t'- ~tm• ag he refa;a
rend absnhto ear* toe *sell
pee weary term of Oohing
1MsAlnwnnA pew noting piles.
01 r
snswweltrws Imre ww•1 11. Ann 5wrantIna
tlmnnlala la the Aanr pre. sal ern roe, este.
ben whetLMy (5Zak •til 1'on Mq .M Il end
fat J sa•a gni
am.• �hn.. s.1
X11 A.*+*r* nil 16tr a ..•0134A7111111 (\e.. 'seta
Dr:Ohwaefs Ointment
T1. `..Int, .t*ndard from Olen II to
0s.• 11 Tea, m"n.1' hark ilsot.atl.#Aetnrr
Ages hi, SI est "sal