HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-10-9, Page 5-
W. Acheson &Son
Stylish New York Coats.
The most stslioh and favorite Coate for this fall and winter will be the
thren-quarter length. They conic in black and abodes of grey, fawn and cas-
tor in beaver and venetian cloths, and nicely lined, and for comfortable ap-
pearance, elegance of style and fit they are the most pleasing lot of garments
we have ever shown. Probably the largeot selection of high-class Coats and
Jackets eier shown iu Goderich. A stock of 200 brand new Coate to select
from, ranging in price from
Uotuf sputa, .
ket Weaves
.keg. 75c to
rs, 54 to 56
ever offered.
es, Cord', in
to 50c, good
t colorings
orth 75c for
y should be
$3.50 to $15.00.
Carpets and Rugs.
Only this week have we reoeiveti the balance of our fall stock of
Carpets in stock. Uniou, AU Wool, Brussels, Axminster, and Tap-
estry Carpets. A delightful range of co'ors and new patterns,
colorings richer and worts artietic than pet hope ever before.
Scotch Linoleums.
2, 3 and 4 yards wide. New patterns and every one our own direct
importatiou. Values are exoeptionally good. Price@ per square
foot 35c, 40c and 50c
Bulimia Patterns ail fa stock IllstropelPse Mehlos shoats free and Delineator for
sale as 16.1• espy, or oeletertiftless resigned at 11.00 per yew.
spook on us.
sod boo* of
trou $3.60
ta on mica
the best
d tal wed.
ro Coeitiritigs, '
14(5. A full
pottern more
Excellent for
car of the
e larket.
swingi ng
angers, T
m;, flooks,
Mow -
new hy oetorrr-
:Drive re ow*
re. • e01.•
it is imatr
W. Acheson & Son.
player raments's Kenmore what The1Set1
taif smieter of Fob tie Works.
For tbe first time Is Donor mamba thers.
wee a full meeting ot t he tow• council ea'
Itiday •yoolD 511 Counollitr F.Iliott bal-
m, the previous awed returod from hie
t to to the Weer.
helm. tailed up the besmear; of the even.
log, hi•yer Cameroo mad• a reformat to
tbe react Mai of the Hoe J 1. Tart•. 1.
Nild they must MI be extremely gratified
with the fault of their swathe with the
Idolater ot Publto trite, psrtioularly se
he gave • olear end nasal) guess promise id
that erldoli they all desired. Dar 000001 0o0400
4,' 2 outside break• sort at th• harbor Ile
had Bettered la The Goderiob Star ea In-
acourat• matement-unintentiooally to, as
doubt -of what had plaoe, mad Nib
statentest should be merreoted, as the „Mlle.
trier had /1740. Dor as indataite. bat a plola
awl molted. wombs, el what be would do.
•• rite leouri,"ta'd ttia Werebip ' are them
When I roes a% LIM battiest 0 reply to Me
toaat ot my health, peoposed by the idio•
lster, 1 repro•obed hies with sot havieg
anode • sufb,lostly defialte slotatoetit to ie
wird to tho breakwater. 1 asked him If 1
snalit repeat what he hat said te me is
private, mud be mad, 'Yee se ahead,and 1
ropeatoi the remark whioh the Miele
ter hal made to me : '1 will Mt Id that
brook wattee'. 1 expeessed myself as sable -
tied with this s •tenteet, as I seas coeVest
Hist what ha promised wool I Do dna. It
N oupori ant that this riot esitacit et the Mut-
t. sr should be dudieetly plowed ou record.
sod we syoZ1.1 hoof bon to 4'"
The ll•yor elated that the wthotion of
000 octstor 0.4 .1.. b••• callird IA Ow dil-
spidated 000,i 41010 of the ft dock'. tied
Mr. 't ate elated 100. 0. woold see atm tho
railway trompany pet 41. propetty le repeir
or, /511102 this, 1. rebook, be headed over to
the Departasesi. lie had also promised 10
draw the attestors ef the Departmest of
Hostas to the wareesity ol removiog the
.11 wreck horn the barber. Hi. or•
ship othalored twit they le.ght be
eminently ndiefied with Mr, Terte'd visit
'mid with what bad amen plom.
70e treaoureei sT•tannout for the caulk
oP September was Owe read. It is as fol-
lows :
Rapidest tams
Nes reddest MIMS -608
Maw 14980
Electric sides 289 07
bellal /that -Medel 9000
Ella payable (retiowid) • 2500.00
Wilt land comets., 63.60
id Wool Onerous 61 00
88 752.06
Distraint Mie1e.
limit overdraft 1745.11
Salarier 3000
Pontine end mivertislag 145 47
Vire dopartment 34 00
l'utitic 5,00 0• 129.96
Chewy . 41 50
bite payable ('.0.0.1) 2 500 00
liaot interest. 32 20
‘4, •corwoi ko osettal 220
W•terwothe maistenaires 131 40
hiecusio lights meta tatheigh99 62
Pablto wheel. .365 40
Electric, nett ciapital 246.80
77 75
$4,581 41
Halthere 54,170 64
H Si..-, of the waterworks statism, Wm
greeted a week's holidey.
A riquisstioe from heirloom Kistly for
'applies for .I..1u, I g it aft, riaos Wa• met
te the water and li Jt committee
.400515101405 ins from [laid Thompson
▪ re regard to the unsettled saves% lor
• 11401.1ad the West wives rink Iset trotter,
in which be °lama there is an overobares,
W604 e.mt to the seine oonmitte•
A commenioatme from Wm. Camphell
resardiog hie fro, k the oollootcat's roll
was referred to the Ileum rommittee, to fit
the rem
ion for Mr. Cempbell's row
141. follosine amessuts were rained to
tho Seam anunittee : Th. meeetar•
Timm. Tomato, ed cativo( dribs° ores, 54;
flor, petiolate and advertielne, 511; Le
Rey Cheinieal Mtg. C , Tor, nto, o Is, 528 •
90: A„ IlloClyntoot• corpentering, $14;
NatWest Cattier& Co., Cleveland, 0., oar -
bees, 512.
A lot or from the owner of the sob, W.
&toads to Wm Leo, of toms, authoris
lag tom to settle the olaim for demurrage on
tb• vessel for $37 50, wee read, find the
water bad ligta committee um authorised
bi deal with the matter. Tbe original
slaimW.. 1150, sod the to. offered to pay
Tbe floansiscronouttes recommended trim
• member of &commis be paid sod that the
o der of SV , C Brest, Termite, for the 11 1 1,-
000 ociosoltdated debt debestoree. at 110 -891, be &emoted. The report woo *domed.
The public works aoamittan reostumended
that D. F Hatolisk.• moms fa permission
tea. the old drill shed fa isle evaporetion
baroness be /nutted os the lollowion um-
sideratione net fie pay the three years'
hack root asd arum to pay 140 in advance
yearly for the swot the truildiest, the loom
to 0, 4., fin year. and 5. riot to be paid
&usually to &drawer durti v the existent» of
' gob loam rho 146411 to be termia•ted 11
any Limos on •itbir poriva Wane Chu*
nuratti'is mottos In writing. The committers
reported tball the rtquest of Mileeell.
load &ad South tor sewer ooaaeonen for
their new 10.51,11 had been granted on the
asual terms, and the olerk woe to ask tor
waders. Ths report wee adopted.
Mr. Humber rad thm. la the premiere of
ether matters demandtag hie sweetie& he
had not bad time to complete the prepare.
1(03 of the motion of *high he 064 given
& Moe for tb• amooding of the traosiest
traders bylaw, and b• asked 10•1 the atlas
he allowed to •terie and that he bs elven the
areirstmos of the *petrel oommittee lo pre-
parleg 10. motto,. 1 h WL4 assented to
M. McKim again &Mad If the cemetery
ooniantee had put to • remelt, and the
clerk replied le three/retire.
Mr. Knox rose and spok• rather warmly
of Mr. McKim'. "batpleg- oo the report.
He ..j that as Mr. Eilett was away &ad
there W00 °sly one question for the moo-
W ithto report oo ;bat of the telePbolio-
he bad sot, thousht it stherwary 10 math any
Mr Thiamine° reported Mist Thomas
Gramm wished to hare sr me trees reono•ed
frown in frost of his place oo P.rh street.
Tbs pshlio +mkt committee wee authorized
1. 4.54 velar th• matter, Mr hfoKtm skat
log !ha tLey Mould mercies oars am Couroh
street bad Imtio *polled by he removal of
a sow teen
At rite tosterice of Mr. Humber, the spec-
ial oorrimi tow sow instructed tie primers a
resolution to lir larsarde 1 to the I/meter
• Poblic Works, t htoksag Wm tor bo re•
o•ot Melt,
Tte mused edjoaresed at ao wale boar.
Cltato• . Capt. J. W. Shaw, hieing re-
tired how the captaincy of No 7 company,
33r4 bs•taliere, L sot C MoPnail hae beta
oppoiothl is ha pita
Walios Ilia blame MoDoseld, Larle
MoDooalri end Robert Humphries loft on
Tined., of last week for Toronto, where
they will attend the University.
Climes : Wallace Deno left tor th•
Ca , age Sebiool ol Deatisary Moeday
othrutag of last teak aad But Jaokson left
for the @wow wheel to the la fr000000.
Hallett The 25 .0 milestone el wedded
Wiwi wee duly celebrated by Mr. sad Mrs.
John Gorier ea Friday, the 26;b all., it
bong their a liter weddrog souiversay.
Biyhold : The 000gregation of St. Ani -
r... churoh were presented with • hand•
*erne large thumb olook by Mrs. lOrieg,
w ho is a sew womb,' of the oriogrenattere.
Witioharn Ar hut Ka ght, who hag neon
ðos, ,n the Who* 00 la• 1.4110/1 factory
for throe time, to leamno town and grill take
• amuse at the Dowd Cy Ione in Plum lel-
Clioten : Com. Mum roturwil on Mon-
day alas work. from Mioingen, where he
h ad been voiding his mother Whils there
O 1 11119.0044 el Me Nem to Mrobierth to his
bro her ,
Seethed, W. Willis is havtog repare
mode on ht. victims°. rendeied otheitemo
by the lath fire. Toe chimneys bad to he
rota It, the root rething'ed and Ile•eral
rooms tomtsred and paperer,
Grey Thee., the little ma of William
Arwetroog, 4 h eon , while playing with
The housewife making bread can only
develop a certain percentage of the gluten in
flour, the strongest man but a little more,
But the patented dough mixer and process
used in making
Eureka Bread
develops every particle of glitton in the dough,
25 per cent. more than is possible with human
hands. Fifteen horse power is required to op-
erate this machinery, which is always kept
clean and bright
Eureka Bread Is our Motto.
1011 SALK HY
other Maldive rematly hid the misfertaite STOP FMK LEAKS.
to oath hi. noel si.. dialiseated te a wollie-
Me aad is new mime; It la • Moth.
&Worth ; Word 0.. Demi received 0W1
abet DJuglao Wilms, who west to Wioui•
peg • lew weeks ago, was piestrourd by as
attack of Itypoold fever. lie hae • 4164 -
tion to the Dounaloa Beak, Wthelpeo.
Exeter : Neve. Loden 1 and Simpson, who
have bees Postdating Serecitti Day Adireet
o utlier la the terse last on tits molted.
opprialte the mist mill, hold tber last
60141041 es Smelt), *Tolstoi aad bay• takes
Seem Me test.
lloKrilop A very pretty home weddine
mewed .1 10. reaidoom of Wm. Somerville
la Sealorth, on Weduesday •yeniny, isi
Islet, the ountraoilog quota beteg Robert
T Dmida, of IdoKillop, sod Miss Amalie
Some:yule, of the mune toweehlro.
/Myth ; It Is with ragron that w• ar• this
week milled upon ise immune*, the
(limb of Mire. D. 14. MoKlaucto, whlolt sad
e vent ouourred at her hems here oo Tues-
day aorta id laat week. Mrs. McKinnon
had Dieu atoll tor a loug limo with parely.
Winithani : U. Lougheed, of the Merkel/
Balmy. was lost weak outline in an opt 0-
4.1. dough mixing unichlae. He la aka
pallier in a gaeolin• eagle., which will
furnish power to tuo 105 untotitee. Mr.
Lootheed will sow be able to make • !mien -
did quality of bread.
Ssaforth : George datable's died at, his
reolderion North Maio el., Friday afternoon
Soot. 26 b, 1902. He hart been 22 sear Lely
a week, pastime away very peacefully at elits
"demurral age of moldy -ayes you.. The
(111001111•d fra4 bora la Mot Gooney Cavan, '
'relied, July 12 5, 1815.
Climatic: Was IA'aahlsirtoo, who haa mst
returad from fictiablog ti. -r 000150 la •
Pellaeolphia training school tor muses,
brloging tier diploma with her, lett for lies -
forth ea Satz:nay tor • Valli With reloads,
beton. learieg tor Toronto, where she pro
posse proottelog bey profession.
hada : Joesub Cobblediok remind the
.54 latedigeooe remedy el the death of
Marry' Georg* Hoke (au of the late Ao•
drew Riots). who died in Riverside, Call
fora's. on Thursday September 510. la
the Hith year of ta age. His regales Wore
snipped from that piece W Rioter ler burial.
Tarobeery : hire. Allan Frolic'', of Turn
Derry, died la the Wie 1151 at Loudon on
Monday of last week. hod Duly
Mae maimed about two years when stricken
with a diatom whioh resettled to tier death,
Muer an Mane of about • year. A sorrow -
lag hothead and ithe child are left to mourn
her loos
B runtea : Walt's? W. Baker, of Panate-
la -Prairie, Mao., aad Mina Bella A.. Oliver,
veungeet deunbter of Mrs. rank 011yer, et
'trowel., was unl'ed In marriage, at the
ammo, Winning', es Sept. 10, by Rev. 1'.
Hogg, of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Baker
vial reside la the Pottage.
Tornbary : Mist Louis Bergen, daugh-
ter*/ Herber. Bargoes,PetilioSehoot teepee -
tor for Norte Grier, died in Owe. Sintod at
the early age el thirteen Tars. Mr. Sur-
eties ithe well known In this vicinity, bean,
hem reared in the toweship of TarobeerY,
and alio tagebt echoed 4. 404. via any.
Jentestows D. L Swathes was the ell -
yet medal preseeted by Dr. MoOriesmon,
Chairman .1 (0. High School Baud et
Kiseerdim, where the Moth aanoal games
of kw 010 Sabool wets held es tee 2600 of
3ep1. 10 was slam for Briashoese sod mood
lefittena la Um school dating %he taw
sesterth : Jemes 44, 1111 Hold, of Srm
Herrn, is la tows rigida his son. James
Hold, and Mrs. W. W. Meredith Mr. Reld
is seventytieven years of age mid he scoom•
Plithed the trip of emir 154 miles is 30
hours. oo • btoyolo. This is • (ooa stilot for
a 10.05 youagar amp, but for • roan of Mr.
Reid& age 0 W amply weaderful.
(lathes : Rev. L. Stevens (youngest am
of H. Stovetop), of Harriseille, Mich ,
Preached to Ootarto et. church ors Sunday
footslog .4 4551 week, and in Wesley °heron
tbe same eVenleg. He la a obeyer young
man and does no disoredit te the plait lo
which 0. 0.4 both hie natural sad *ritual
itirth-the town a iiiintots. . .
Monis A. H CeOttralle, formerly of the
3rd Boo, who has bra in the employ of
tb• New Homburg Manularturieg Co. for
toveral years, has 68.1111014 • responsible
meatless with the Waterloo Mast. Co , of
Waterloo He will 5. 10.4, buyer mad ect
Is the ospaoity of aseatant manager. H•
looks after all orders and oerreapoodnace
therewith and ais all the agent* la °alerts
Seder his obagre
Harpurhey Mn. Lancelot Termer, of
Heron/hey, hae thorn us a raptures
brance mime from • bush la their grades,
srbtob wos ledge with ripe berries of large
e ta end of the *mond growth for this year.
The Master looked very p d tempt -
log Many ot the booboo have ripe fruit ea
them. 0.0 551. was the largest cluster eho
0.4 0.. arose. She bathes gettiog it
Varna : Os Saturday, 27th MC, the annu-
al 9101110 01.41. Jobb'. (march Suede,' wheel,
was held at Hsytield la 3tiwoit's grows. The
day .00 .11 that meld be desired, one there
W50 a good turnout, bah of ohildree and
adult& and all enjoyed themielyea to the
amulet. A mil 0111 011 the memo tog tires
alloyed by all and OOOOO one thoke le glow
ing terms of the gentlemanly (new, and ea
milady Wer• delighted with the mushy of
the beepipes by the et the other ea beard
the tog.
lo order to pay, fanning shoold bit ma
ditowd la tbe some trey 65 other boelstrits
o itterairlass. A attains rotor° *boob' be
roamed, arab wily for the money Invested la
we lead, ateck and Implesient•, but alert
tur the labor .,ad °arm of ineorigioriest.
Remy lamer should, by • simple 071 •15 of
bookheemoo, k mr•ful cheek Ole Ms
covetous mid ithitendituree, ao air to home
eaaotly whorl' of Ma fermium uperratioa• are
virile:hod hint • prodt, womb are 0010110114
rit a Wee, mad which al• 0500.05 Icalal merely
10 51.40 tnno." A little amnion of this
aort may geese! 10 5451 a: numb*, of little
le.k. worth almorat terporoaptIbly drat°
away the profit. that should rower(' his
labour. la these days ol Berms eompottlimo
it le oely by keeping down the ooet of pre-
duotlea and periventiog all waits that forma
leg can be made mocsosful. Some seeress
of loos are here (lye° whloh will readily
suggest other*.
Lick of System. Omi of tilt, chief leeks
ori many farms le the los t me and *Derry
Mama the manegement le pot ascend out
oat aoy deflate syetem. A Mud, of any
old and suoomestul business will show that
atomise has been largely else to • mothoil
oal and syebeinetto way of doing things.
System !nay be marled too tar so ea to be-
oome merely mooloantoal, bet as • general
propeoluos It, may be said that alter • well-
dedwed plan of aotion has bons determined
on ',should be rigidly parried out. As
Olur• k00V/I•dge Is gained, or new ideas ac-
quired, 10 .111 5. neosseary to co•k• °bagel
in ate routine, ha% no Mouths should a
mad* without dee dellberatioo. All work
should be oarefully planar.] in advance mid
all tools and Implements gotten ready ore
10.1 41,,. may be no delay whoa operatious
aotually begin.
lIss of Time Tatleo. All mon employed
00 ths lam should hav• wellolotioed ditties
to perform so that their time may be Geed
ao Me best advantage. A good system pro-
vide. tor the Media( of .took at regular
hours eaoh day. Whet) stook are fed thd
watered at regular hours they become ac-
customed to the regularity of fadlog. and
thrive muoh better than if fed la dIderent
hours oa aoh sommedlog day.
tiers of implements. A very Dominion
1101111.11 of lose le toned In the mignon of •1-
peuelve farm itoplerthate sae tools. Thom
aro loft lybut in the fields where they hews
ban mod, outi)eot to all the tholemeocia ot
105 weather, which are mere destruott••
th setae! use. Small tools are frequently
lost.. and lager Implenneete rust or rot.
There should be • piaci ea
Implement, say b f kept underooeer, aSert.1
none should hit left outetee when not is use.
A workshop about.' aloe be prov.ded in oon•
tootles with the tool -bones, eo that during
rainy days or other slack periods Imple-
meets may be painted and te.ieristry repairs
made. Much time is lost by farmers darter{
buoy masons, such as seeding, haytog and
barrier, became a 5.41 .0 some other small
part ha• bean loat, aod a tele te bl.sokamith
shop or foundry la neoessay t• replaos it.
TM. waste of valuable time might be pre•
view, by • little forethought or examin.,
Moo .1 10. implement before 10 was reyeirod
for um, la many omes Implements aro
purchased which the farmer oould well do
Keeping Caesarean Stook. This le ago
other Decimal muse oi 4n.s. lf a farmer
has mote horses than are required to tarry
ea the work of t he farm, he should all
those he does not need, 14 • tiptoe at &II
remosable oats he obtained. The oow
which doe. pot yield month mit or bettor
to ply a good probt oo bet keep should be
chspoeed of, and Dor piece filled by &ember,
a few wake,' nee of the scales and floth000k
meter will usually furnish mow ow pairing
result* In this direotioo.
Improper Feeding of Stook. To PlOaril
mazinitzen erotica it 10 neormary that stock
should 0. 1,4 latollotenily for the eoleot 10
mew. Ration' should be carefully com-
pounded la order 10 500010 • proper propor-
tion of albuminoids one warbohydratee, or
as 10 .0 oalied. • proper nutritive ratio.
Animals elsonld be selected tor early mataa
ail sod fed to ae to be ready for nterket at
an mely ego. The nearer usatority an soil
mal moue. the greeter become' the nest of
growth. Again illOrler is Wet by falltag to
reeler' mesa orope for ladies gloriosa 10e
summer droughts incident to this country.
Homes In many mem are giver) MI the hay
they want to oat, a proctioe not only maga-
ful but injurious to the animates* Troll
Waste of Manure, lo the older method
portions of Canada the restoration or male-
centhoe of noll fertility is already an Impost.
ant Ganes,. How desirable is It thee that
all the mamas mad• ea the farm should be
saved, and aged 10 ths beet possible oondl-
tioe, without lose t rom leaching, firethoglith,
Inforldr Seed. In msay imam a partial or
total fatiorts of a certain mop is due to the
Purchase. et • oheap or interior grade ol
aped. Sooh seal is usually badly mixed
with foreign tads, a that the farm be-
oomes aver -run with weeds, whiob cot only
replece awful orope bet entail a vast amount
of labor to get rid ed The division of •
ferns iota small or irregular fields often pro
•ides numerous breeding oleo,. fee evade In
the loom career, and other uncultivated
egl eat of F003IN and Ruildiogs. Anoth-
er leak which takes mosey our of the term
or's peeked is neglect le keeping fame and
buntlines in proper repair. Interior fascia
HON% : Mrs. Edmond Sly, died It the
61/111 Of forty -.ti. For a number of yeas
Mrs, Sly had Men troubled by a
dieeste, prodsosid by the absorption of tam,
frogs .4;th a form of spilepty •ron, awl
vibith woe the ultimete mune of her death,
(t) Monday el last week, from uremia° oea •
voiriono She was the only remodeled,
daighter of W. Smithson, of Clinton,
married some twenty years ago to her
husband, to wbocn she bore two ehildree, a
son and daughter.
- - -
Get Lame lase or knetbarter
No nod ot that sow. That sort of min
osn be knocked wit In short aria. fa Pol.
snit'e Nervillith. which 10 57.115155 stranger
than sn• ether, penetrates at mos throuet,
the tiothes, nachos the source of suffering,
drives it out and thus gives relief alma,
Instantly. Not msgio, hut Orem, th tha•
Wye. Norville. 1515 power. lieu *11 think
If meet° holm V.0 demi try lt, Dale ION so
qutokly. 14044 by doelers everywhere. In j
"Normal Calfskin"-
a.porous leather.
'Permits your foot to
'Allows perspiration
to escape.
Keeps your stocking
dry, your feet cool, clean
and hardy.
To be had only in
"The Slater Shoe"
woo -
allow his own and Wm 5.4400.0'. stook lie
lejere ble scope, ad .t. • Ilellf0e of oint-
ment wary oast lima .4 11615. TN old
pituvah, 'Tot went of • mill the hares wee
leer", la very appreprts e l• 'mob a oses
A doiler or two pest ter lumber or 5.115will altos mesh la • lave es•Ing of fre I
*ad morseled oointot to the 'took dating
00. wiuter months. Neglect of • loot y roof
et °lent reepossible ter heavy leases groin
or fort Mr and la the t tabors ot the hudd-
ler; meaty a goyd frame has bees rained by
a leaking roof.
Lack of Knowledge Nearly all tile
leaks previonely 51.55,0004 may be gra
dews to 014.100500, hot farmers elm lose
smarms toms of them think that 0.05405eon be lesshe 1 from othera and that a ale
4. neeratearily non/mesa No wades
boor good • tonna • man may be. b•040
still cafe Mem from tbs. will prove
el Talmo to Mat The experloom of the Ki
periment Stations aed of suomiesiol fernier.
should be earefelleoaaa•d for "90(4Lent".
How many fanners theth mrs who do nos
eubeoribe to • paper devoted to Ns mint ;
them mon •re oertaioly lesion moose by
tale* montane la this age of promese (5 1.
ideas Diet oount; • single idea gained tram
• paper, will otiose, when put no. mama*,
repreeene • gain of many Moths the auto
sortption 'rho local peptic should
*1.. blr&Yo bo euPPorted, aid mob farmer
should do ail ho man to assist the editor oftic
the agricultural pepend the local paper
to protiums. good a sheet as potable, aad
to extend the oiroulatio6 of moh.
F. W. Homan,' ,
Liy• Stook Commtssloner.
Mr. Sanaa Seems to Mate Feud Ow amen;
or heeptsg Well 4. 154 Age -Me Vella Mow.
Lovtrr, Ofcr, 0.1.6 •.0. (Spootall. - Mr.
C. A. Hale, gOltellaiLer hors
, leIOWearee-
y-fire years of age and coosidering this ad•
mowed age 0.remark•li:y well preserved aod
• Woe., healthy old gentleman.
Tole is ali the more striking when it is
remembered thee • few years ago he was al
the point et death, being tearfully run down
sad a °omelette "nook 5,110 !fright's diseme.
H• wow ow low that no cever though. tie
would pull through. fie says himeelt
"1 wee a oomplete ergot sad meld met
even Mem meson or torn is my bed, but
. ow 1 are a well own mad 1 attribuee it ell
to Dodd'. Kidney Pills. 1 tool oult• strewn
sod healthy essd 1 0.01101 ley tee much fol
the remedy that oared my life &ed Put ,114
10 my feet again."
if omote, Oak bob.
Coro ciettlee and threshlar are us. order
of the day this week,
Our thanks to our old friend Refry ().
Horton for one ol ins meat °slanders, whleti
tell* be bee moved t• larger premises, hay-
ing • C. P. R.. telegraph office 4*oosesset-
large 250 bottler. WI. SIARNO, Sok Agog, aoderich.
Place a lighted match
UN0411 A 1111511 111141 AND AIJO
101015 • PLATT CP CAW 1110/0 450
5,005,411 310 5,440(11 PUT% OUICRIST
Moffat's National Stoves
Aar MAD? 5,770 111415 04151. 1145104
MP. e1101 1110 Pun AND 011 0511
TOW MAO Mel Afl 04111 MAD!
5,015 (105 1,07061T Tellif WM WILL
1111/7/11111 0.1111 POO .111.11(.5
Irel=r4 VOU WANT.
1Se MoffatStove.
Cheap Stove
and Furnace
14 THE malt TO err
Stoves and
Weary Nests Waters.
All fagged out, Ideas flow •low y
otolosess, snap aod energy gone! The buoy
alloy that made work • pleesurr, that Rom
•Itio. A data would my you •re ruu
dowo, enervated, neither .0.110( 0, Mins toe
enough. IV. Ferro:ono you need to brace
up Must fitful appetite and improve aseimile-
moo and digestion so that low ot afoot pure
Hood will a formed to sourish the hookas
down oyetetn. Faroe -ow teal dron &troy
the ttred ferslicig, restore ytor spir to and
7.1001.0 Tour ambitkit and strength
work No tonic or rebualder like Ferr•
othoe--try It. Prim 50.3. per bes, or a x
,xeri for $2 50; at droplets, or Poison &
l2o , Kheirstee, Oat.
HasoUtos's P Its ont• conestpatlea.
Notioe of cnan,ges mart be left at this
Officie not later than Baturdoy
noon. The Copy for changes
ninat be left not lt or than Mon
day noon. °sane' Advertiaementa
aooepted so to nor n Wednesday of
seals week.
FA.141., Ticalvx
Illeghte on neroar. I, term.
70. 0001115. Commercial and Shorthand,
Terms reasonable, tiered for Journal.
Studeata may enter at any 11/1115
(2.4. FUMING, A. 0,. MoINTYFUI,
Pres. See
Ickilbp istsal Fire issartsco Co.
Valise of Property 100u0e1 up te Jaeger y.
1901 ilattheiteth.e•
J. B. McLean, erre. ; T. Framer, virse-pree.
Jos. Connolly, 0. Dale. W. 0. Ermiefoct, J.
Watt, Jas. Evens. J. O. (alcove.) Benne wn Is.
director.; W. ti 81014(011, deafooli. Invitee
tor of tomes . T. IL Hays. Beafcrth, secretary
W. Yeo, Efoltneeville ; James Commis{
Egmondville ; it. MoMillsn. Seaforth R
Smith, Harlock
Polloy.bolders oan pay assessments and get
tat, aerie recetpute isc Mr. Coats' Clinton. or
at Meioses Bra.' Palace Clotblais Store, Gods
TIVaelsaT, Oot. 19, 1901. es
D.es the wind swim to find the thin please in last winter's underwear! (di
°ours, it does. Your old (coda ere all right for Inn Werlerale wewelies, bet
watt till Mao tirst 0044 snap comes and you will be glad et • suit el ous luster -
S hirts and Drawers at 50e -
▪ pure weol Sttirts sod Drawers, so-
obrlakoble, all aims, equal to Wet year's as
750, all wool, shrank, at roots 500
me Huron and Bruce
Loan and Investment Co.
Sanitary Wool Fleece 504,--8.ffl
tary wool doses Shirts aed Drawer*, all
slum, as warm as those vrts sold 45.1 555005
at 75s. Sanitary wool lliseesd all slaw
Shine bed Drawers 50e
Sourmia-PP111.11' HOLT, K.C.
Penntitin'n-lrese Natural Wad Ceder.
wear, all 1115114.
The Wolaey Unshrinkable Com
We are prepared 14 receive thiporrite
frost Trueteen, Patents or (hiking), in
sums of from Fifty Centa to Three
Thousand Dollars, and allow compound
interest, &driest every six montha at
rates as agreed upon. Cheques aro
given Depositors, so that they may
draw upon these Apposite it Any time
3, 34 and 4 per tient. interead allowne
on Deposits according to amount and
time left.
N 11 -Pursuant to a late Act of
Parliament married women and Innis -Ts
have the right to deposit and draw out
money in their own name.
Deposita ran be dent by mad as ow
rale of mender
Remove from your houses temptation
to burglars and &yid ter the flames.
As the Company make* Inane only on
first clam farm property, depositors
have the etrongeot security for tlseir in-
Thin Company in psepared tn loan on
the shortest notice any 511/11 upon find
elate 'mammy. Terms are made to nut
borrowers. Mtcaight Icons and simpl
MORTON! ASED-For further
partioulans roll at the Company's °Moe.
corner of Market Square and North
Street,, Corlerich.
Vito -President.
WIC Pool:mean%
D. J. ?Ivry..
.1 11.
Peru, HOIlL K.
Mouton Salle ler Mee, will sot kb, VW
so% ehrialt.
AU -Wool Priem.. 66 mob's wide, Nei
bleak. the revues. 111 26 per yard 11.4, 50.
bees yet los ailleed Milne, 50.10 .1 both'
weer, ali-wool Mese, renal., pries $1.26.
Per vird• . • . 75.
/di LLINERY-W. W0.5705 01555
what we me de fee yea la thla Has Ds
not he afraid to mob stir renal kW Ira/ We
witty all you trostethlad you do not *6a0.
All we ask is • falr exessinetioo bad thee
sun yourself white 700 boy.
ones Packard will deem lt • plea.
sato to both You ttl 107
a Dodd's Kidney PI& are
legion. The boa Is Imitated,
the out/elder ousting amid Maim of the
pills aro Imitated ood tho same--Dodfra
Kidney Pina in Imitated, baitadoes are
dangerous. The original is mfg. Dodfra
Kidney Pills have a reputation. [mita.
tors hare 0004 07 thoy wouldn't Wilted&
So they trade rie the reputation of Docld's
Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived. Thom
Is only one DODD'S. Dodd's 4. ta.
otiginaL Dodd's is the emme to ba we.
ful about -
Apples, Boys ail fiirls
The Saltfore Evaporator is now
ready for business and wants any
quantity ot good peeling Apples, for
which cash will be paid. Also Boys
and Girlo wanted to work in the
Evaporator, to whom good wages will
be paid. Come quick.
Sept. 4. 1902
A Great Snap_
1.00t Ohara Snap, at bo. a
pound, of which woolen a barrel &week.
This Isn't our only amp. se we carry
everything that min be found In en op
te-data grocery Moro, and our prime
are right. The barmen know that they
0.5 elweys got from us a snap for atilt.
protium.. We draw the line at ao
legitimate teed* - everythlug goes :
Glassware or potatneo, garden stuff or
°helmet table China. We deal in .34
of them.
iteeitsrdilout. ) lariat)
- THE 1.11ADITIO -
V wa.ftv oX Vivetetovy. au&
Orden carefully attenderl to at all
%mere. aloha sr dal.
testae street.
MTV' ood
The Division
between good sad.lndifferees
DrUall and Medial/lea
etreagly defloed here. Th• WM.
forest Mad are 00011 07600.4 mid
soya permieted 0. fene pert of mat
Moak. Only goods ot eadosoted
parity &re offered to enatomen.
oar Oink of
Proprietary Medloineo
Is very larre. Prime are haws
Scranton Hard Coal
i'' -"too, •
Al cad weighed os the Market Soda
where yoWitet MOO lbs. fee • tea.
Orders left et LIZ is BlEOPILOADII
Stine promptly attended ts.
The a me is cut. into stove wood
lenoth and will be delivered to asny
part of the town the same darigI
Orders received by telephone or
left at residence, 128 Cambria street,
vrill receive prompt attention.
'Phone 98.
Goderich, Novemher Mat. 1899. b3-3or
either Galranited or Painted
Are Alwe.ys
R. e 11 b 1 g) durable •nd
goick•r to
apply than any others. fitting acre*
ately-and therefore moat *Indy laid.
They have been thoroughly bleed
in all kind* of climate* invariably
Proyinjg_Flee.. Liortirts. Rust
anal Weather
Ifyoo'rebuilding.mahe ewe of oath.
faction_ hy ordering y0.071.4000foe the
roul--fulleat information if pal writs.
Metallic Roofing Co., UMW,
waeuent um. TOMNITil vast.
FOR 8.111.1 BY
La &Whirl
No one who buys Groceries can afford to overlook the bargains
which we offer on every lawful business day. Our Groceries aro
of the beet finality, and the prioes .me.. bow first-olaas god.
can be bought at If you ere not already dealing with us, make
a trial purchase, and tree if we cannot suit you.
S'="7-712Z=r2" eZ CO
oods promptly delivered.
To1ophotto No. 91