HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-10-9, Page 4YSYtr•tr41I4n a'r'. kirO,Wa.., : M' .: 1FYdC1�6C.-*'ani
it) t f4 hWitZlit :',
4 THURSDAY, Oct. 9, 1902.
11111.: woo !a •r• 1011 of lto•dl o -Weer l"u'h
n:, but l .. al.a• we carry Is sot the '•00
d.u,ry k'ol." Our 20:11 1 tentury Broad, "r.k-
1.terrd, o•0 le uumpa•e 1 only Is fathom, at
. oil labno to the very doss' tad "-madegot-
'r,en o Clo,hlug that is of lilt ,' >mu.01 run
le„• u t prerlgr W• are proud to say :hit
"ter g tole have •r:urod for he the posutoo we
o .col v as Lader• to 1.ur line. I' re 01110 res•
rs.ny•noe 1' bol tn•ac, puarl;-/lad. cloth u0.
Our Prices
The 21th Century Brand, $11.11 to $IS.N.
Other Makers, $5.N to SI5.00
The Overcoats we are Showing this Season
:farness anything ever shown 111 ltdl mutton, consisting t.l Irish l'htvi.,te to
black 004 white "Foot., .I.. • large range of Soso!". and noel Greve is Llamas
and Friud *Gore. Gave us the 90.vitege of showing vox the tett lute o1 Over-
coat. over shown In Uoderleb, • .-
Our prices are 510, 512, 515 and 518. SRR
Other Makers from 55 to 514.
Bal Gariieat Gairalieed by tie iaeofnlirera to pre Saidoehoa.
Parini Mae Chalking Huse. 111..'. Cl edcer, Frrnither are Hatter.
8.1. Apiary iter (ibti ty's Hata
Wilt Signal,
■r D. Meet ll&HT ST
1110Il 1O1, ?RURIDAT 00T. e, HDL
THE coal strike in Pennsylvania that
las leen going on for some mouths past I.
beyoutl doubt the most serious rupture be-
tween Capital and labor that has ever tak-
en plate In America. The teuat ity of the
•mkt n and the etuhhornnees of the ope'n-
ton have dope mon injury to b,tttt than
can he t•ompenatteel for in many year•, I.
the result what It may.
The efforts that hays [Men mule thus far
to settle the dibkre,.eeo between the owners
and the miters have prover) abortive, and
the end of the strike to not in sight at the
time of writing. This is particularly useo
fortunate at thou time of the year, with
cold weather upon us and winter not far off,
and the strongest 'Demurest •houtd Ito
adopted by the U. S. Gosernment towards
mine -owners and stutterer to bring about a
se'tlement. _ _ - _ -
The talk about a coalition in (hawk.
was speculative and unpractical, and Hon.
G. P . It ori allows that he wants no saw -
off of that kind.
THE above, from The Toronto
Haar; endorsee what appeared to Tee Sm.
NAG. three weeks ago, when ore the Toronto
newepspers undertook to hoist the white
Hag in the rite est of e,.a ition 111 Provincial
po ince. At that time we shower) the hol-
lowness of such a proposal, and poiut•rl out
that a coalition in Ontario poli ice would be
a deed thing from the beginning.
It is amtislactory to know that our opin-
ion. are endorsed by Premier Roe., who, at
the Newmarket meeting on Saturday last,
frowned down the policy of surrender ami
realest "V -1 -C -H -T" to the masthead. Th la
is no time for beating about the bush, or
crying over spilt milk. The Lihersiri of the
Prov:nee have in Roles a leader wrom they
can IoIIOI, and if they but follow him via -
tory of • most pronounretl order will be
targe aemser et Pinnies* Dropped -West
end Mata Mersa masons flews.
1eetardee'1 relegram.l
KI`bteeu election o•tlttene and won -
petitions sero dropped tcdsy, the largest
number •t any one time In the history of
election oo0rte.
Five are Tory petition and Eve are Tory
The ether eine are Crit petitloo•, three
being " orate ."
Tk. Tory petitions against the Grit are: -
Coates Sim000, U. Davidson ; West Huron,
M. 1). Cameros; South Wentworth, Jobo
Dlokeseoa ; South Norfolk, W. A. Chart -
Ms, and South Brom, R E. Truax. The
ernes-petltlo.s in these ere against A. B.
Tbomp000, Centre Mimeo': J. L Book, la
South Norfolk, and Dr. CI•pp In Hoath
The Grit petition' against 'Ports" ars :-
ItYtt Homilies, H. Car.00tlen ; West Ham-
ilton, Mayer Hendry ; Algoma, W. R.
Smyth ; South Hans, Henry Either ; and
Menitoulin, R. R. Gamey.
The oroes-petltlou Is Oleos are against
S F. Weehineto0 in Weet'Muni!ton ; Dr.
Griffin .Eat Hemllto0; 1t, M. itrdle, AI•
gess; M. Y. Mol.ean, South Huron ; sod
J. M. Truer an Manrtoclin.
?hey will be all formelly;dlsmtseed hero
three weeks from 1" lay.
This leases twenty -tour Instead of Ihlet y•
tour petitions upon which the battle in the
-- Marts will be fought, and eine Iostead of
seventeen erre. petitions.
"You will ay th.t thin 1• all one big
" saw -off," bat 1 tet you it's a0tbror of that
kiwi," deolareel owe of the toilet torr. "These
were imply 111•d In the hope that. evideooe
of bribery or irregularities sutra tient to void
"We lute had e.
"call for
"and the gentle -
"man remarked
"that they had
"done hie wife
'•more good than
"any r.medy
"'oho had .v.r
"used -'•-N. W. fR awe%
Mad dna Sash
tLrsmdru Robb OA
A Gentle but Effective
LexaMwl not a
the electlow would be dlsoovered, bat our
Ioyeatigetloo acme not justify os in prnoe.d-
Iog further to any one. I thirst' my (earn
e d friend wul my the stem• of his."
The learned (nand nodded assent.
Nothlog of any d,nlacxuos war said lar
wart. which was composed of Mr. Jos'foe
Maul , Mr. Justice MoUshori, and Mr.
Jostle* Street.
Edmund .Brl.tel appeared 1 the (Ammer
votives, and Mr. R. A Great ter Liberal..
A. H. Hutto. and Mr. il,wson also appear-
0A+Tart'LNg*, are ,Ta1KL".
Montreal Herald : liver four million
working dye were het to the wage
of (Treat Britain through striker and look-
outs lost year. The utter wutefuloeee of
such a method of •rnoglog d Gummi le
mad• clear by the st;ttement that this re-
presents the Industry of a thousand men for
n early fourteen years.
!VArg t'NDK* I'.KI1AIN.
Vonoouver, R. C., Proviso*: A writer to
The Boston Transcript says that annexation
to the Costed Stat •. is not popular &moor
the motored population of Jamaica because
of the prevalence of lynoblog to the South
ens State.. Tsetlmooy to the eaioiency of
British justios often (trope op in the inlet
*am pouted places.
'• It Ica SIDS 00 YOrt Cur oar!
Chlosgo Rooa,d- Herald: Certain thought
101 scientist■ hay found out that the
u aivers•l habit of using the teeth oo the left
side more than those on the right to chew-
ing is slowly bot surely working tits human
mouth over to the left gide of the face, and
that an a few thousand years It will be close
to the left ear. The warning may hays
outs In time, proyld.0tlally, to sets m•0 -
kW from suoh • bornb:e fats:
Stretford Herald : There is something
pstbetlo In this Item •moug the Ile', of Ox
lard wills probated In September • "Fremont
K. Nugent, Methodist minister, Plalte•tll•,
probate $600.' His treasure must be latd
ap in heaven, for he amassed Dupe on earth
Nor 1• his o... exospttoaal, bat fretiaeot
among many ohorober Sooh ••idonca ought
to mak» the avenge ohurchgoer, ready to
cavil at his clergyman, feel small.
ROBERTS Assn K17,'gaN [K.
M. A 1'. "Lord Roberts," a soldier Ie
reported to have odd at a wrt.ha station la
the Transvaal, "when h• gots down on this
platform every mem within a Mlle knocks
off doty and rust to the station to have a
look at Bob; and Bob, hs jest nods kindly
to every one, and walks op and down with
this metionmester till the train .tarts .gel°
tt hen Kltoheosr's train nom• In there ain't
• soul to be seen on the platform exoopt
them se has loos, end every maw jack of as,
that lute any week oo hand within ten mIIN
le out after it, working hk• s nigger,"
A t, RSAT M•Hxea.
Toronto Star : Ther• ars ave hundred
tone of herd ooal, we are told, .t the Oot-
art. Parliament Building', and •IMough It
Ig pea ooal, yet this 1. • very useful suet.
With • coal coin@ threatening the 1'rov
Moe, the Goveroment should net lose sight
of the strategic p05101.. Ole pile of oo.l
gives 11. How would It de to shut up 11.
eglelative Buildings for the winter and
leave politica ad they aro until the ane
spring day, dome again, carrying lite sea
ap through the budding trees! Five bund -
red tone of coal! It may Molts the people to
rebellion. How can we defend the mistim-
ing of all ibis fuel to the Legislative Build-
ings to keeplog up the work of t4a depart
moot, of a (boverdment that hu t illy a ma-
jority of One, while honest elo'ore In many
of the oongiltuenolee whore there are to he
bye-.le:Slone are tumble to buy oo•I at any
prise! How would It do to close down th"
public huildings .ted use this ooal to relieve
distress In the cln.n constituencies? 01
ooues this ie • hot suggestion, but with fuel
o tomes we believe It to be • neighborly
sot to m.k• our Cooservatt,s oo0tempor•r
tee as hot as we caw
TIDDY CUT T110 000*,.
Woodstock Sentinel-Revu.w : Mr. goose•
Telt the other day gave • lemon to • sum
her of Americo') *ooha which will be •ppre
Dated nn this as well ,s on the other elle of
the border. It seems that the mayor of
Hartford Is a clerk in one of the large shops
of the eity. He wee *looted ie opposition to
the 111 -,toe of the diroton of the longi R--
publlo•n orgoolrstlon When the weed
dent'. intention o1 •fatting Hertford be
name known, there laver gentlemen mar -
.ged M obran control of the arr.ag.meor- Z n nqunnU-
for his reception. They Rae" 0ch
5t ar 50-
body should have the privilege of festoon -
ing the ohief execuuv• of the United Stan
e xo.pt a person of high .Dalai 01dlog
Some one else war chosen to extend the
municipal greeting and the mayor war gives
a slam in the third or fourth carriage in the
prosulon. The mayor prole*'ed hat In
vele. The reception onmmittee had, how-
ever, not celoulated nn the man who war
the gout of the tiny. Mr. Roosevelt "ors
took In the eh nation. He knew the mays r
by sight sod always took op his position ho-
e de him. mentioned him alms and ,gain to
hie epoeoh, sod when he took hoe dap rtar
tt war with the eleot•d head of the manic,
polity that he mho ik hands
Why SWIM sod eeee.e?
D..e't suffer any mon with a oo'd In the
head, jolt carry a Cai.rrherone Inhaler In
tour vest pocket, use it tow aril 11610 and
yon woe's have cold.. ('atsrrherene knocks
out ahold In too minutes, kill. s hesdsebs
to aye minutes, and hard ranking song•t. 1
half as hour. Inhale elm plant ('•tarrl
n10011 nye minutes fonr times daily and i
will cern br000hitls, lung trouble, deans...,
asthma and eaurrh le any part nl the
. starrhrrnne le the most direct,
meteors and olenetge method and is Isar.
tweed to glv• saMfee
.elee Complete two
treatment ',NM 11.00, trial else 2Se
hrarglst. or N. l'. Pelson de Go , Klegst.c,
Hsmiltoe's rills i nre eersUpsl'on,
Mr., (Rev 111. Wigle ret.rned toWlr
s -
•Ipg io week, sad war aoesepisd by her
mother, Mn. Gee.
ttoter.wat Isvretlaeuae Nay rtlesslate
•alId4g a war le Lake UM,
Toogtvcruu.ent'e dstenn:D.GLs' to to -
vett gee a Nos bl• p'ao of nlolnta Marr, of
not to Lit, the prsseot I•vel of the great
1. kcs has radial • vett deal of comment Is
m.tio• circles of this oily, and has aroused
great •uthugia.m at ell olbsr Lake torte,
.wd progress of Eje rruvemsot WI:I Le
watched with grout utterer'. Congress has
omits Ilnaaolal prov inn for the uuc'srt.k,or
and It is owlet. mod that tis *reports who
w ill carry t'. the Inv. llgoaoo will be up,
pointed at as esr'y date.
1 he quwuoo of the pr•or it -shalt y of su••l,
a t I is oot altogether new, but It sppear'
that former experiments &ham Omit, lac.•
havd never hem elaied far r o ,u;h, because
000d very recently Cher• has been .mp'e
depth of water at various port. and through
the rivets orad obanoele cunkouting them
Darlog the last few years, however,
v•ss.lmen say lake levels h•v• dropped it,
dD .larming rate, and tho point is now
muted when touch lar is expressed tot
the future of u,mmeroe. The uoolition be -
mimes more nolle .able, marine interests
ewteud, dace the tendency of shipbuilding
to towards the larger soil deeper draught
Experts olaim that lake Michigan has
shown great shrinkage, and old *adore bar
out lht. statement. Some bays xlalm•d
that the drainage canal is largely to blame
for the recent low water in lake Michigan
although ergixeers of the latter scout the
theory. it is understood, however, to be
part of the government's plan to investigate
title psrti•ular oonditton.
Macy piens and suggestions are offered as
reparative". '1 hs one most talked of by
practloal marine man and engmoors. it that
of building • dam •t some polo, upon lower
waters of the lake", likely Lek. Erie, near
Nlsgua. 1'rom'uent engineers who have
E lven the problem -ems •lardy- take the
ground that it may be praotical to erect
suoh . dam, sod that the water could be
raised fully three feet In lake Erie thereby.
The effect of suoh an elevation, it le held,
would be felt lit Lake Hiroo, but lo levier
degree, the water being raised perhaps two
feet. It is not obvious how soot a plan
would maNrt.IIT benefit Lake Michigan,
.od this polo' Is causing mush dieoues•oa.
Some claim that tbalatier's leve'. will he
raised a foot by suoh an undertaking, a' -
though experts ars aloof oo t list reasoning.
Marine interests leu that the government
will be many ,cars la getting down to
uutuaI work of relieving the cocait,o of low
water,for the project will cost many millions.
It 1s argued that the memo made by /hob
Iaatloa of the necessity of dredging harbor.
and riven, for which the goverment lays
out large sums every year, would be vast
and in time would greedy offset the original
expenditure. Merle* lnte:este maiot•10
that aom.thlag must be done, or the next
decade will see • revolution In the great
Inland waterways and Ott Ir commero,
-Chicago toter-Uosao,
MuNDAY, { M. 6:h.
Mine host Glazier of the Ezoh.nga will this
year meet that cool customer Mr John
Frost with a coal furoaoe In his oeller, by
means of which he Intend@ to keep up the
reputation of preceding landlords for good
hot ares.
Our townsman Wm. (demist. auk a Ent
Dr zeta the 1uo001 races at Mitchell with
hie trotting mare, Lily Dunlop, end •t
(od.rlch on Wedossu
day of hist week he
won in to one of the races, In wftldh six
horse" wars entered. This week lea Intends
to tat her In the race. at the Dungannon
fair, H. ban already reo.verdieveral good
onto ,&•
Cut hoe declaol to ep her at
prawn..A few weeks ago we mrrt/'Ionei that E J.
Haughton, of t)xomore r„otory, 1'. , fres
again laking his 00.l vacation and would
visit hie parent., hie. and Mrs. T. A.
tl.ugbton, at Orchard Cottage, and also
relative. a•. Iola,. They e0j,yel a most
pigment visit and were mach pleased with
th ,ir new nephew; who made hag advent
boot their lost vett. The reverent rentle-
mao and his wl were t. at St George's
rectory, G b, daring tbeir?,eray, •od
on Sesday onion h• preached at St.
George'a ch lab. Ou M today moroiug he
left to e m• hie duties •t hi. rectory,
which ie near Scranton, where the oral
strike very severe Sdnce he has labored
there • has several tones settled 'some
sere quarrels among the miners.
TUESDAY, Oat. 7th, 1902.
The annual Rioted fair will he held on
Tuts ley, October 14 h. Buyers may •z-
p•o1 a good supply of wattle for sale.
James FI•ming, lo.pector of legal offing
for Ontario, died on Sandsy at hie home In
'Toronto. Sous has appointment in 1902 to
the oneitton whtoh he held at the time etGook-
lochdeath, had made • number of visits to Gook -
loch to the discharge of his duties,
Heglooing on Uutober 1 lest the mails for
Dawson and other places north of White
Horse, Yukon Territory, •ra restricted t
letters. postcards and a limited quantity N
newspaper mater, preference beteg Riva M
@jowls paper", add d to private ludIvldo-
Thirty years ago a (;muton girl put e
seed)* aetweee her hoe while eh* booted
tor some thread,prspir•tory to Ihrooding I'.
oft then she entered and the needle wa.
tone. She scorched diligently without
results. Yesterday she felt • tbngti4g sena -
tion to the end of her angers. Upon ez•
amination oho found the point of some smell
obj.ot just above the surface akin. Proctor -
log • pair of tweezfre she withdrew • thorn
e lm had ambient ally ran into her huger the
day before while pruning a row.
Oal oud\VoOd
1f r information re that vrr5' little. if
*sty, hard roil wilt VOW' 10 Goderieh
durum the next Ilir., ermine To meet
this emcrg.•nev 1 have redo ,1
y o -f Ufmp owl , whnh G,i' urn..«. ,Int)
kitchen rutges in re rem needed to me
se a grind .ultetiulte for!!n_tll7, j g•
T111Y ('OAi, 1111.1, 111: HOLO AT A
SNAI,1. AI)VANeh: (1N OO11
air -Plate your lar iers early -
(1O01) DRI' II:SR11W(H)D.any si ,
any length, tarry 'io%Wit1r, delivered .a
short moiler. TER.10 I'AH11
((Mier At 111e m00100, dh rent and woad
vont" et the hoot of Nn'.on St.
'Phone 75.
�MbALMERS, Etc.,
'5 rot 1 do of : 'gnaw,
MOM colla pr,'tnelly menet ed.
- - t
Lightness of a
Dorothy Dodd
1' On the Scales.
Agee.' *nasty interesting facts may
Le ;bauureled with a pair of scala,
bet it is tloubttul if any single tact
will he inure in:creetir'g and valuable to
lbx aterkgo woman (Joan the,weigbt of
bet .hoes.
For 11tr tells 1 •r the number of
outs' • s that Must Le lifted thousands of
tituta tach day, and a little calouletion
wits allow that she lifts tons of oboe
loather ei slay -no small labor in itself,
The "Dorothy Dodd" shoe raves the
iittig` of more than one and • half toot
nsery day. A p'sir of "Dorothy Dodd" shoes are several ounces light-
er than ordinary shwa. The fent are just •o much more comfortable,
and you are so much leer tired.
Put a pair to the Wet.
They cost
N. ll. -Of courrc we will give
you particulars of the ?4,1100
Prize Contest.
Wm. Sharman, Jr., has exclusive sale at
To the Ladi
Al' 1m
'1 he opening of the fall millinery season Ends my stock,
as usual, complete in the various lines pertaining t,
ladle.' headwear. The most novel effects in shapes and
trimmings are to' be found here, end our work in mak-
ing up order", hu always been..satisfactory to my cus-
Ladies are invited to visit my showroom .d inspect
my stock at their convenience.
f R rv..
Mil iner.
Co". Hamilton and Newgate streets.
MONDAY. OM. 6111.
Mau Maude Graham. of Uodericb, 1e
vlsitiog her ,toter, Mr.. Mercer.
Mr. Geiger spent Sttoriay and Sonday at
his home In Hensel%
1Ir. and Mn. John H.11 and Mtes Jennie
Hail, returned home on Monday from their
trip to the C0art,
Mtn •lardtne and 01ue I.vrkworthy @poet
Saturday art1 Sunday e1 the latter'@ home
In 1(1104.11.
Mrs. E. P. Poulin is attending the county
000veotlon of the 11', C. '1'. U. in Wing -
The juolor Alliaccl gay" a vary .u:aow-
ful hayst home .n.r,slnment in the
church on Monday eveaiog. The church
wail prettily decorated, with grabs,' frldt,
veg•tablee, etc The aerogram which *aa.
all reodered by the members of the jontgr
5001.?y, we' muoh appreciated by the larges
number present. Toe steered' are to be
dovoted to j toier work.
THS SIGNAL, IW.lanoary 1902,14 20a.
1.'111°2-7-14J. H. C O L BO R N E Cask or Pro/ue
Stock Fr
pieces Tseed, 4 inches wide, navy,
fawn, green, brown and grey, at
20e, much better than ie usually
seen at at 25c.
Our line of Tweed Goods, 42 inches
wide, In (awn, navy. '•nron, bronze,
brown and black, well made and
finished, looks like goats at 40c to
5tk, and good'to wear, S5c
4. big range of Hocuespuns, 51 inches,
in black, 3 shades of grey, brown,
navy, immense value and finely lin-
iol ed.
Au extra fine range of Hone spans,
Cheviots, Venetians, Basket Weaver
Merges and other new makes, 75c to
*1.00, in blacks and colon, 54 to 56
inches, the best value ever offered.
Poplins, Heortettos, Merges, Cord., in
all the new shades, 25c to 50c, good
width, all wool.
Plaids, s big lot of the best coloring.
bought at job places, worth 75c for
:,0c, real snaps. They should be
seen by everybody.
French Flannels for Waists in all the new stripes, figures and spots, an mi.
incase range, the daintiest goods to be had in the trade, and none of
them over 50c • yard.
Wr•pperettes that look like real French flannels, American make, fast colors,
25 to 30 inches wide, IOc to 12c.
Bl'.ck and Grey homespun Reacly to -
wear Skirts, $2.95 and $1.75
Black Satanna Waists, • large assort
went, $11.00 to 92.7 5, all new.
Cashmere and Wool lime, from 20c to
65e, great value.
Ladino' Rainproof Coates from $3.50
to $12.00. These coats are perfect
fitting and made from the best
Scotch goods.
Ladles' Festa and Drawers from 15c to 91 00.
Boy's and 1lisser' Shirts and Drawers in six sixes, union and all wool.
\ Men's Shirts and Drawers all the way to 91.25, all wool, guaranteed un•
rinkable, made from pure Nova Scotia wool.
en Towels and Tabling., Ince Curtains, Damask Furniture Coverings,
ICretoda, Art Muslin., Flannels, Flannelette, Tweeds and Shirting's. A full
and complete assortment, ell offered at lowest cut prices or farm produce.
New Cosmopolitan Patterns for bail trade just in. No pattern more
than 15 cents.
'Phono 86
WHILST we guarantee
to keep a " Kyrie"
Watch -aside from break-
age -in perfect action for
two years, theft is no
limit to its perfect dine -
keeping qualities.
We select for -ARAM
mention our No. 5506
"Ryrie" Watch at 525.
(554 .1. ,- ., r»on.eru.•e
It Ie • 15 -Jewel Movement In
a 14L Ssild Gu Cast,
alar g. w aa.,
Heath 4.,rr. w
tlr Mood w. mu pet•.
Ir „a r•e.rpt a t• ea prom, sate
we.. err rot Ser tklNs,ea
Ryrie Bros.,
Tease ted Adelaide Streets,
Do You Know?
We hay.- u, ov nooses r stir h•tall seise n
Pure Spices, as
ea (lave ea - aro
Irma es /se w•e•r test them and gwraal.e
them .bslassiy pore. They are not so
BOTTLES, 01 A A, o•e , stn.
Brghtest Lustre,
Least Odor,
Easiest Applied
of all Stove -Fire Varnishes.
Preserves the pipes. Excellent for
all exposed iron work
W. C. GOODE, Chemist,
Be a friend to
Yourself I
Take proper talc of )onrs1B:
Look after that-6itlat impor-
tant po ion your health.
A little neglect or careleasneaa
and yon open the doorto atrium
ubber Heels
That Hold
Just received a car of the
celebrated Battle's Thorold
The Best Cement on the Market.
We have a Tarte and complete stock of
Barn hardware
such as Meyers do Wilcox swinging
B. Door Hangers, Lane's
Barn Door Hangers, T
and Strap Hinges, Hooks,
Staples, etc., etc.
Abbe „,,,
Dealep Castries Reels --wear I,ke !rather --
give 301. w firm loothoiJ anJ you can walk
far without growing weary. S.mpl. pair, DOC,
.511 .hswtn.h.r., or write direct
regularly will keep tont in
good health. it clears thdltead,
gently regulates the bowel" tool
strengthen, Ihe digestion. 11
drive% asavvee,'nnOttii tion. De
not cake t iibaltitiT, Mutat
Sold by all druggiote,
N0 HORSE should he without the
They prcvcni .Ipiping-lt",rocs, spraine4
teuim. -renkrd horrfv tatting end cnnkrra.
&Imply a -t. ,.,,t direct. Any hlaek.mith .•n
Mit them , n.
The Dunlop Tire Co.
••NN••.ANNN `.••wcrewv, tw
N. D. RO UGV /E,
The Cash Hardware Store. Ooderilch, Ont.
Perko ly V, -n'1141111, Perfectly Resilient, Absolnit lv Noirnb•os.
ft haa handle* to I'ft or carry it. by,
It 1. much ehe*pat aid more durable than the beat. hair mattress.
11 can! .t get. Inmpt•, and will not sag from use•.
11 i• the mod hemi• ami most comfortabin Mattress mode.
all *awl lax*mate It, mnl it*. Hotel only Lv ,,'�{°e
e' ..lt,:tk+.tv•rllitl'xe WILMER SMITH
Desk* fa High l;ro.le Filmdom, Foruishing. and Art foods,
Fine Uphol*tering this M wee Kest, Street, OODIIRICH
Shorthand, Bookkeeping -
Him nes. 1•t.., Writing. t 'nrrppmd.rre, '1 vnewrun.. gin , trofnlrehlt taught by •xrer-
sinned re•ohe,.oar an FOREST CITY BUSINEtltd COLLEGE,..,,
11'. li.v. no 1111.6. iv In plol"u competent pupils in good peeitlome. (:outgo r• opera r
Sept. tad. Send for ca'alogue.
J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal.
I hey* r.'v.'I r, y 8.. V'nra of
Suitinaa, Trout;erings,
f tc., for FALL and
If yoe ern ,rias . now 'Poing .not
• light eters•*.', n Anything in n v h•
1 r.in pi..em v to In in ..10. fit AEA :o. •.
tVRe.dyM.e, . tensile, la dark.
Tie Bat In C rr it titlfil*i.
12 Cor Novae* Y
$2.60 toga veaa; 26 Oto.* con
mimosa COW PASTE lie tyegtr
e 4 .