HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-10-2, Page 7MTRIMONIAL SIND1ERS UP. Sent Out Over 300,000 Letters to Suckers. TRUNKFUL OF PICTURES. Lute -lura Mee and Women Neel Apedlcstlema, Plelure nod cash .1 leas the Cask Thatlbe Aereeir* Were After -A Specimen Circular (-hirers, Sept. L'7.-Ayle.rieg re- luctantly an w II ileums s agatust tee in:omgere of a matrimonial bureau trust in the llurrimet Street Pottle (tort yeetenbty, a dozen blurhhhg I)ls•wrttcrs buelefully admitted that Ile: had wdttul/ gaahlag learn t.. more than :ItdU,OOU kovelurn men, wee, Jud1I(INL from the Ilse of ad dews, the pollee relied lot raiding the tariww eetabltdiuseits In the roan- bivallon, aro to bot head iu nearly *eery village, town and city on the map. 'Oh, that's ail right. I under - Mand perfectly that they were not front your hourly, hut were merely the JktutIou of your empluyerr," in- t. rlenyd Justice Hall, when ono of lila embeirreesrd girls eagerly at- tempted to utter a euefuemi elplan:a- is.si to this effem:t. These girls fur- ther exlrlalued that quite as matey D eady and divorced 'women living In t arh.ruP party u: (ho teethe Setter rent in photography of themeehee and wrote etpe. tuutly fur leuwbuudi. ,1 P. Mc('uuu. J. H. Daly and el. ('. leak proprietor'. of three of the se t,a: agencies that aro ,ukl to leave p,. ❑ 0, Iwlgu•• Lu. cm -Mlle by segue ut %ark,ur eget-Hilt-quick" wheelies l..+bk a the nhatrlmaliial fraud, were g ranted a eutttitnmua, to reit Twee wit. They each gave $1,01X) bombe The entire ..tuck In treul« of the lu,k.,l ugl'rscied it plied up lot ,t ver - 11.1' of the shiniest-rtom at the Har- r. en street police station. There it a Iarg.r trunk filled with photographs t peospeethe bridge and I.ride- g rea,hse. Thou/webs of lettere that ee.'ouupreiteel (theme l.M.t.grnpht are pwtr.l away li two ulpdy,betleall seta of letter fNee (hegsilsrd boo-sj. h;splalaed by Wesoldredae. -They did buNiuesr ootide l'hi- rtago. exclusively," Hatt Ih,te'tate nochiridge. -Teter eclleme wail to wet' the nuntrisenial ewiwller first. le ttilr way jhey got the dup..w to fel in regular form Menke awl rend them ne 'lin m0 fill, t -lot Menke. tet welch we found tbte.rads, eontitle rt en infer matron •truing the mu - of wagers each persue earns. 11 her the combination gut all the besiey it could mit of n virgins .hr.eiRli the. enntrimouial ,win•ile it hoot I10 lima• nn mewling- 'get-nceli- ,1 ia•k-lit,•rntere to. the rams per - Mel" 'rhe prmem terr of Nle-- nhlogtel-, swiudltng concerns are charged with making hooks on the race,. hesidey d..iug bhslness in Chicago without a clutter Irma the tiecretery of Stere. The nir.ilinuul fine for this latter of - L us.• Is $1.(A)U. The federal authorities. Detective WouWrltge says, are eager to tale til. 011.11 into custmly for using ties Called Stater malls for fraudulent perpw.e. Divides Newco Into Three. ' Joluh !lull Carom, one of the nl- b•ged league of erwlndter.. who is Still at large. Detective Wooldridge says, divklel hie name few three matrimon- ial agencies. Wooldridge yaps lie hoed ('arson eking bo.iness at 93 Ogden avenue under the name of 'Hall." "At 585 Mailmen dtreet I f.411111 him conducting the John.; ma- trimonial agency," nail the delete tire, "and .at •Ilii l)g.Ien Iit.•nne he used sin right name, teere.o, with thretntttalt J. It. Mime it." Fallowing is an extract from sumo of the catchy literature sent out We have> ladlee with only a pretty face, Indle•c with rancho' and ladies wast eity property ; young, rleh and tenement.. widows, willing In try ma- trimony Again; beautiful, dark -,vel t.riuptnuu,d ipaauish girls, many Of them very wealthy. We have city addles and country mnkiem. anal man nervanl girlm who, hate worked out it tong time, enva.t their money, It want to marry mote Industrious. see .table man anal have a home (if t tr own. IMto eve Wooldridge ldrll P at tR that the picture the wife of eine of the man- ngern wa dmnitaneonely sent broad- cast throe tont the t'nautry to thou- randn of m trlmon�lal a.piranttt. BRITISH NA MAY USE OIL expertn sot on rpedo float Des- troyer May Del r !let Coal. 2 -Thee Sunday to that the Burly has rune latelon. Rept. Tinter thin morning rr torpedo lent Met Toyer •- taesse}-iott- feel on rt -acv “DOWN WITH A AERICANS." -- mown. heeoes Attend Strike of r/'reisawey Ale.. In lirerta. Londe* 1/tepl. 1/. it. (k'uasva eur- 'eupoitlaut el the Lally Saleroom tie- ,erib.'. the detour •N.Ptr,r nil con - mediae tenth a tramw*, Mathes in that city which way brought about by ecuuutklee effected by the mate tiger of the line, who le an Au►erl- cnn, A mob filled the etreete, and preeentnt Liao carr trout evening. They attempted to °torture card that were lammed by uuuertrikeres, stet a number of shots were fire!. Mut- orte were duautged, anal the etr.r- twBrl hoer were cot. The pollee are Milne! to rate with slrik,•rr, whew view le "Down with the Americana."' ',leveret arrear have been made. 'lye• lest et rlkr took place on Ang- ora :flet, when •i:: men Were ail'N..i. and that thie /exp -rlmeut, 01 1 til hr: - Rhnt , are aecretli preeerwaleg at i'urtain:min, h,,. Pik•onreg..l t be- lief that nH trill imp •n•ele or at •alt nu lariatllt Ilii.,.-.• the c.noirumptiot of The Kuidb.y Tlne•s mave that the rliffted(y of neutralizing the smoke of MN awning in wareteps lute ilrnt•• thnlly ben overcome by lmmping into the, fieruneas enough hydrogen tel neutralise the etcese of earlier!' Wase' by burning credo Ireirolrum. Thee roper amide, however. that oil Wiley -tree at present than %Vrl.h emit. I1NSSES IN DINGL USE. One Piece of Evidence Favor- able to Kent. LETTER TO HER FAMILY. Keel Dors ti,.1 hero. to Worry Its .fell Ila. Plenty of Itr...11ea Matter - l.lrl', I.rllrrs „sere In the trunk, but N herr are !bey Jtts•hrwter, Sept. 'el. Leroux., tau plan,. brut her- in-I:aw of 1•:t lee 11.' lilugl.•, line been ks•nt„t. and will ls' a nit 111•.01 b. fore ale grand jury of Muoroa 6wnt; Ude week. Mr... Mabel IIIc gl, Van Alien, sister of the dead girl, is still la' Duulae, Onl., Nutfer- hug Iron. !kowtou.. rollalrm' tel au•rwtnt of the harrowing d ash 01 her kite. - weenie. John Mickey, , n pttl •nt at the Buffalo I: -•neral hudlntal, 0but Kent was nttemling and Mies Dingle ons nursing, will Ilbdy I," a wit11,44 be the ens its. he watt remembered kr. the ai-La-nowtein lettere. ►:ei.le,..-.• acus sekluced before the gratul y,rr to the eU.,t that the Meg lel t' r dieted "Ethel," mei ad - deem .1 "Me Uarlting Brother null Ms- le•rc,' it :u r.nlly te nit ten Ly Mudd Heide. 'Pts•re be nn quentlou regard - i ee. lot r heirtwriling .'r steamier, in aide mirrite, which is one of the fdeal piece. aA ,•%,.lessee faaeatable • to. Kent Oust IrRN leen preslec.d. Iw•huul Darr Kent setud Lit ru).y laic 1a11 Itis. ii-. -has been *applied v.ltle ciheer.•IIsw aint Meek cigars+. Ills ietatlte,.• have gi,eu him a large .Ynl.t it: 1,4 reading nes:alter. rot• lu•1- Lag the Current number. of ill.- maga- ',tem and tlr• sstwspnp,•rd. Ile pa -ere lee time r.atlug cwt dm.'kuag hnces- meetl:, peeferrieig the black cigars' to thust his Aso nAtes it it. east teem, that i:thel B laegle• stat'I all Litt• letters written to her I. l: I:ual torr Kent and Dr. (Wools • it. G rnaT. . Thew. were lare- .r•rvei by the girl in her trunk. This explains wit: the defence ons uses nl:xl.sss tea eerier. 1,M.nr•msten of th.• trunk iin.1 rr/n.etMl lot cools sharp mai-tire tea Kiuuua film inip.rtant t•ur- regmode tte. TRAITOR SENTENCED. MURDER AT CHIPPAWA OF MRS. FRANKS. The Defenceless Woman Struck Down While at Supper. lite lop i.i 11er dead Completely Battered In -Deep (lash on Her Forehead ---Her Clothes turn and Dishevelled -She Was FviJently Disturbed at Supper --fought tier Way or Dragged to tier Bedroom---Sonie Jewellery and Money Missing -- How the Deed Was Discovered - Nu Clue -But Pulke Working on the ease. Niagara Falls thwmlatch-The'nowt brutal murder that Had occurred on the t'uuuaNau Niagara Frontier took' Lkaew sutuu two last evening In the hau-L of tlao quiet tittle village of eleppawu. The victim was a Mn.. ',AA, Famine Franks, u well-known re..l1,•ut of the tillage, who haw re- ceive' in the village since girlhood. Her efelesen form war fuuud lying ren a 1414A 'Ai her• own blood clotted Ju tl,e floor of kir bedroom this A (iertaaa Nubjret It ho Carried Iwn- purl•usl Messmer'. Loudon. Sept. ;,51,-A demeateIt trona Cape Tuan :.r the Central News say* that Ernest 'freshet, a German rule. je'ci, has been convicted of treachery not aant,ncskl by a military court at Pretoria to len years' imprisonment itIth hard Mnis.r. The etI,leuce In the case shuwt•d h a it Inst Marrs, after basing tater the oath of neutrality, liens •hie mart's! for Irermaay, carry- ing with lou is number of Kaffir . ur- Weltlee, among w114:11 were found, it lien the ellriawltied were ex:a ulill'•al ;it the frontier, certain documents addressed by I ommandant leper to former frert lent Kruger and Dr. key.!., the Po. •r rcprnssatntt\e In Eu- rope. The prisoner p:ende l Ignorance its lo'tbe contents of the douumenla int ndmlttel that he hail tweet promised 1,000 for delivering then. PRESIDENT UNDER KNIFE. Ituue of Ilia 1.114 hound to be alightly Affected. tuurulug. Her braille were battered Jut. . Mrs. il•auksa who war a w Wow about fifty yeurr of ago, moved Into J. le erackWw'r old Iwwwltcud last ..pr -ug. It was an thaw bore she ort her deatu. 'acme el the Murder. The place le k,uated on the routh- muet owner el the pub.la 'equate HS ate heart te the tdluge. The bowie WAX", west, 11u•1 tu a awes-utury ort naw, meet; With et large teran,huh uu tea Irirut cud mien til,' el it. Large ssude trees alhuuet obscure NO Ia,udo to Iront. On the mouth .Loaf at. Ilia paddle Ivud 19nlellug tart mud weed; u, tau muurtb dee he a .mall yard. ull:1 wt.' "crabby fruit tread. Tho next to the aorto with u dtnapslettet, lauard 11•I1OL us a sli- t as/ng lisle le ula/Wel' two story (runes Ia eco uwsaud ale. by J. k. iLuckwen. Thu uaterwr of the huu.e where the murder asocurreet is divided 1.241 ►e0 lower !leer by a large hail, rue- ttaug Scum the trout alcor to the rear. Cm this 'eget of the hail am oat, enters the font door are the ispe i't tie -1 as of Mrs. Franke, u,nwiet- umg of large freest room, also we.1 ud a parao- anti oomfurtably fur- eud..ml. On the Haat side of this room it. a efom' ieadlug into another large towel. ere 1 as a Ixdnuom, amt Suitor teethe r„ir IN the diningroora cwt k-tehcu, W Its I:u..r hx,du,, from tee hWlvum to the- earth ,d the kitchen. It led out at times -tar rad of thrall! tar the sunuol'r kitchen, ith:clh, with tee upeitataw. male up Mrr. Franke. lurteon of the house. Dail Drees Living Alone. buying 'tl.e summer Mr.. rr:etkat Repot 01N, or tut, b,dtrders, but th.• Viet two or three weeke stn• how he -is ving aTmu• Hi her own apartments, her way Intuit.' being rude $h. slut 1:; a brother, wit, is lucuted Lu the Slates, . On the heft of the hull or north side of the 1101110. are twit large r.m.ws, ou,• use,l as a bedr.snu cud &nether as it dltiug-ruow by Miss Tllolwa., who is about '50 years of age. As Mlloe 'rhouuas'is a diestaut tea lite ea Tiwutuu M4icklem she shed during the, day and ate her meals at his residence. &le would ciente to her apartments about 10 .: Mock each overate; accompanied by laswvue from the Markham hiatus', u short distance away. The eetrauce bite Ml..s Thum1s' apartments Is from the aortk side of the louse, and there le also a lksmr leading from her rooms Into the hall. it has Mea the habit of Mrs. Franks always h.tf.ie• she retired aleoet 9.30 e:cleck to light Miss Thinner' lamp foul irate heii her room. Yesterday !Dam Thomas spent the afternoon in Buffalo, returning hi the evening. -She went divert, to Thomas Macklenen h,mne and about 10 1:., sirennpu,le 1 b': el^. elackl.•tn, went to her apart - Melt P. pmrt- mnt Llahl^In the @louse. On nrrhlug there they foaled no light burning. Mr. Macklrm lighted several unlatches, baat was unable to fin: the lamp in either room. They went out tutu the hall, lightel more Dutcher, ant then topped on the door leta;nag Into hire. Franks' parlor. Heartier not- a sa.unel he partially opened the door all called Mr'.. Franke Still taro was no reply. . They went to the rear of the hail, opening the moor into the dining lame e n 1 let. hen. Mr. Macklrm le•W tet, at light eel match, and •,'eing no trao.• of Yee Franke, there they Cun- t hurled rhe had gorse out. to emend the tight at some of the villagers' homes". Coming back to Miss Thom - 111 npi.rtment she felt timid to re- innin alone In the bore and returned will. Mr. Macklrm to hb home, where sloe T,Iunival all night. \Vatullingten, Sept. _$.-Se'retnry ( oa tn•lyou at 341O o'clock title 'af- ternoon issued the fnlleming et.ab•- Denl: "1M. New.tou M. Shaffer. of New York, joined the h'n'sident'm phvmi- cluns nu eMmmultatl"It Des meriting at I eiclr•k. "The increase in local dy enplane and a rise In temperature rendered it etenssnary to make an Incision into small cat it i, exposing the both'!, which wee f nlnd to be slightly af- fected. Thorough drainage Ii now ,stnhtlslted, end the phydciuum feel confident that recovery wilt etre Ou- lu tel rupleei . 'The e.pe ettlon wail p'rfurnted by Nta•geon-I:cneltitT ill xey, aneistet by Dr. !.ung, in monjutnet ion with eer- g a Shaffer, Erie and Stitt. " eiignedl George B. (1orte•i� o��t-, ldercrelat,l_Je teth8-1'a. •" MESSIAH'S HOUSE ROBBER. plgattr Who gave IIP is Christ, De- Ilnra Pollee *Id. leindoii, 'Sept. lice -Tho Rev.1 H. hetet. wteee,l.aa several, time, an- muneed himself as the new Nes- sanh, in his ehamh at I inplen. ham setthdrnwn to the .trict,wt retire- ment. The chattel' wi I remain Oohed until further notice, anal the 'Thelon,' mum he cells h1,Imedf, pm malt up fibm the public eye In him limas,. The pollee guard about the preno- ImPR ?lee beem reduced to ap *Ingle nmlrtable, where presence Taen not deterred an snterprielog burglar rlv'nh attempting to form bin way lths the befitting through a rear en- irnnee. P'Igott drove the thief rewny and dreokned pollee interven- tion, The notreelety echlev..l by Pigott nus! Liao fnlloceere line serve) to ere- Pte, tmitetarw, especially n inn - et ie. of the mime. of Poplar. elm mt+serts Lhnt hr line the fatellty of DieiN heeling 'tn.! the power t0 Moo the dead to life T AND ANOLO-AMERICAN Import '1'e ds to Confirm Merger. tit leen! of fucking Interests Chicago, toe aril mar let it ion was few Ift k (b. t Amee•lenn lintel Mete' taken them merger of all the termite are the all A'mice Anusrirnn Com linilts and the Hnmm end the Onlnha Parkin by the Armours. The del: mdldnling there interred,' U, due tic the money elr and to political madder nth') pt. 27.-A definite step wing the field of eom- akon Saturday, when over the Anglo - interests. The far looking to n big perking in - will of thus' ity by the 1 e'ompnny Company in roo- med to geme SHOT HIS BROTHER. HER. Pork'. Falls, one, Sept. 26.- While hunt lag In the township of Laurier, solve six Mien north of thin tillage, Wellington Middleton accidentally shot and killed hie brother (Wage e Thm two hued separated In their •hnere for game, anti Wellington. noticing it mnvemeet In the hash. fired his gel In that direction, with fatal resaltd. The t'oroner dreMwd that an legueet vies not neeessnry I; 6044 eel /1►! 0111/11b.. 414*: • . Wrest corner of the parlor a most gha►tly sight was to be dean. This was the spot, no doubt, where the poor woman gut her death blow. Purls et Wood on the hlour. There war another pool of blood on the floor, with u portloo of the woman's bralus and tier brok- en rpectucler unit back hairs omb. The wall in the north ride of the ruons was 'muttered with blood peer the bottom. Just eaut end under a welting .tand in this corner of the room was uuuther email pool of blood, and everything indicated that the pour victim had made n inoet desperate struggle for life agalnet big odds. Apparently the murderer dragged her Weeding form from the northwest corner aoror Lite parlor flour and part- ly into- the bedrouni, and there let It lie. (doing out to the kitchens lee took a tube towel off a clothes rack, wiped blood on It either Debi his handl. or clothing and left the house through the window on the youth ride, or ue he- came Into the house, from the rear through the storm house, kicked in the hack door of the hall, wreucltlug the luck fastening front its place. The mud- dy footprint" are quite plain on the floor. One It bio l'seory. The hour of the revolting and brutal murder is placed between Y and 7 o'clock last eteniee, as the lame In the (house bid ueter been alter., the bloody w.usput war eon- , oiled before the flight is. w,wrlhiug' that will have to be cleared up. A murderer would not cure to b' bur- dened with a blood-stained axe, 01111 U the weapon le sat found It will be hard to couvinoe auyoue that th.• deed war tot committed by raue•l.a• IL. lug in the nelghtorhotd. Mutt the object waw robbery, unit that the murderer war a estranger Agatnet this view le the more likely one, huwuver, filet rho murderer knew that Mrr. Franke Was alone In the hour,. Who would ne likely te know this? An Elderly W Mow. The unfurlunate woman war a wi- dow, 5:1 years of age. Site war born in Sweetland, and came to (,ituada when four years old. Her only uhlld, a you, disappeared about (Mete' year.' ago and haw never duce been heard of. Three brothers, .Lelia It.. Albert and Thomas Firming, relate at Mouth head, iudlaua, 'nod have been notified of their at sterei death. Was It,.bbrry the l -sus,• :' The murder was an atrochoue one. the motives et bluntly beteg rubbery. although as far ao le known the amount of money taken was trifling. notw•►tle/landing the fact that the whole lower story of the hours was ransacked. struck lowu at Iter ileal. The eupporltion is that Mrs. Franke war eating her evening meal, ay the reuuminr of Die ..upper were on the kitchen table. After rlrik- lug the minute down the murderer mot have allowed her to re nate In the parlor for some t1me, evident- ly a. a 11etlt- ly for the purpoee of reenacting the building. as a large amount of blood wee on the floor, much more than was alt the spot where the body wan found. The apartments ransacked, the body was dragged by the arm and leg through the parlor to the lettere; room. It is quite evident that the murder was committed early Inert evening. A peculiar chr- oemetartce Is that while the effects of Miss Thomas were handled to a nowise geutte manner, there wits nothing iheturbed in the rooms of the dead woman. In Mem Thomas' bedroom was louud all axe which hail evldeutly been need to force the trunk, as there were no blodslutalne either upon the brindle or blade- The trunk wad thoroughly ransacked. Everything war found Intact, with the exception of au American $5 gold piece. At 7 o'clock to -night an autopiw was performed and though the of- rciul report could not be obtained it way Learned that death had been rause) by a crurhtng blow on the top of the skull. Dr. Janne. Yolierry. 'Jen., W11o, with Dr. Andrew Gray. h:vIdrnue of Robbery. Title morning, whMdng the is•' of her %factncles, and remembering the fetid left them in her handbag, en tate bet, she nal Mew: Thomas Mackl)ls. wont of er tar the rooms about 9 titlark filo morning. Upon lb, two Inouse catering they noticed teat thu top drawer of her dreamer was part - it epee with the lock, which eh- leutf 'denten kept iM ibI, wr.-netfaf and nllbongh several pieces of jewel - Pry were thrown newel'', down In the i!redrr, Hine of it erne mtwstng. A largo trunk Ihnt Mtotwl in the sit - Dog room hall the Ionic pried off and the «entente turned upaklo down. Neva rel old Npado guineas were not towrheei, Int one American five dol- lar gold p:et•e was miming, and en- der at table was an old axe, which a vidently had been ,,.ed to pry open thin trunk. A tieeeseme Uts.every. The Indla'a, renliting that their npnrtments had been ranaacLed, went and Rammed Mr. Herber, n More keeper near by, who return- ed with theta. After examining their apart menta, he went Into Mn.. Franke' npnrtmente, noel there saw a most horrible night. He din - entered the body of !Ire. I -'rank• lying just inside re her bedroom door leading from her parlor. One foot was caught on the south door Jamb. Her dream wee almost eronnd her waist and the left HIPPY.) of her ehlrt walat was pulled completely off. Her naked arm bore bloody finder marks In the middle of her forehead lending down from t he roots Ut her hair to almost between her ,yams was n deep gash, while the top of her head was completely battered In. And a portion of her bevdns were tweeter me A stream of clotted biaxial flowed inwards towards the parlor In the north - LIEUT. PEAItY. Who Returns Without Bringin g the North Pole With HIM. yet lighted. and the Buffalo Net, I, dont 1a. delitered to her each even- ing about 6 p. m., slid bung on the front door knob, outer having been taken in. There le only one reason- able theory as to huh the tighten met her death. hi,urtly after 6 oclock meet evening the woman was listing u light supper of bread, butter and Jim, with a cup of tem..Elther one, ur promtbly two, men forcibly en- tered her reu.lence from the rear and sprang at her as she sat at her kit- chen table, to insult and outrage her. The women jumped from the table with a table knife In her hand and ran from the kitchen through her bedroom and sato the petrior, where the brutes overpowered her, after a desperate strugvie. Her dread and alert w..'et etre. nimost puled uhf her and her undergarments were ripl.e I and torn into ribbons from the waist hand. liar ae room were et Meetly etuothered with n sofa pillow lima lay In the corner where the crime wee committed, anal after probably accomplWhing their brutal purpose, they .truck the wouutn on the fore- head with the sharp side of some in- strument as she lay prone and partly unconseloun on the floor. fulling her body out of the curner near the deer leading to the hail, the murderers battered the top of her head in and druggef her body to the nett root', I►nd then all a bliva rifled Miied Thouens' apartment., Although two colored men, who work on the Power l ompany's works and live in two rooms of the other Maekles. bee,a-leekieg %swaMs Mew Female house, only the width of a town lot away, claim they heard no volar bast evening, Mrs. James Office. who lives In another home to the rear of Mre. Franks' house, claims elle heard a pounding noise about S p• m. b . ' Pollee Ilave a 11us'. Am soon an Mr. Herber made t:se discovery le notified Tiling', Commte- Idr• l.vmberner, who nt once 'entitled ('hbef Ninlnm, of the Ontario poll-•". These two officers are working hard on the ens•, and, although they "le not mpenk, it is pretty well nnder- stoel that they are on to it slur• that wlhl lend up to the arrest of the Mellish brutes who reused title aemnn's tenth In much a brutal manner. Whoever 'they are, they have vvr•II covered their tracks. ' Coroner McGarry empanelled a jury. who, atter clewing the load wumnn and premiers, adjetrtled until next Monday. No Definite flue. Chief Wins, of the Ontario fore'., dta-uusrdng the mender, said late Thn►wlay night that he was prrvPrPd- leg with no definite clue. A most important feature Is that no hkxwl- Otnlnel weapons were found. An ace Was pvobaldr amen by the murderer, and there wca only one wound. nllhongh the victim might here been Struck twice in the same place. There was a feeling that the nIPPd WAS committed by a stranger, bull perfornmed the autopsy, said that while them was no p.itive evidence of a criminal assault on Yrr. Freaks there was abundant tied:cationic that it Mad been attempted. trace of the instrument used by the' murderer to force en entrtuue to fila place and kill (L., wuuwu. This.. issercli was made euilb WI JireotWa•of ('Oa- d tuWe 1•yuubierurr, of t Idp.lrrwa, who, with UhW4 ]tants Of the Ontario po- llee, ls luvestigeting the ease N'erpea Ua..'l be s'uund. T►Iere are any nuutbrr of pawed chases to liltt seep, of Ute tragedy where the diirdaeer eared ee:rate Lis weapon, and it le not tv he wondered at that It her not been found. There it a creek which (low's to the earth of Ili, house, 111d theta Ie a lordibil- lay th.tt the ttculoii hall been thrown Met tli.• water by the fiend after teiatlog the velem of the murder. • Heal U , a e Oahe Heel. Thi Dor( important bit of ,'tid.,aar yet recurttt LN u etatemeut suyle to - • tis an Inmate of the home of Lr. gray, who expifileed that the dram asuman had called on the doctor last Tuesday, but failed to find hlle. Pipe gate her rearm' for the Halt that she had received a severe irlghe the night before, and tbat her heart would eaves' be right again. She wanted sterna medicine. After being told that the doctor was out she left, saying that she would come back agihutiie et short time. On the way hate she met Mrs. James Oflk'e, and agate related the teelifeet, Wilke enema bet to has. clime nlnreied..bu.lging from the con- tereatbis she had with the murdered woman, Mrs. Office came to the ootclul.tuh that a man had looked in the daceiteed'r window when she was n•tla.ing, The eked woman seememl to take as remedy the swine, of the man, l' xl m ntJ. y: hose un nee ‘..she did not old talked of golag to Buffalo for till' winter neenthm to Itve with friend. who bed- alp •nt the: Kummer with her. D1e41 Before 0 30 I'. it, To -day Chief Mamie wits ettghged lot tracing the utv.nients of the woman prier to the murd r, end from ills tnvertigatkaa let Is fairly well con- anciel that Mrs. Franke met her .11v.th between the hours of 4 and (1.110 o'clock. The .k•ut woman was met at, n ab,.at 41 o'clock, at an nue- lien wile, at a Hulghbar's hiiuse, at which hour- rho left fur home. ` From the condition lot which the hinge. are at prevent It would appear that derk- ne s had not set in wheel etre. Franks WW1 murdered. 'Ike 'amp. haw.. tgn ,,ideoce of hoeing been lighted on the night of the tragedy. 1 tillager. who knew the deceased well, declare) tutatght that he 1111.1 M•4•11 rls•itking to a lady who lead seen the deceased at the auction rale as late as 5.20 p.m. Tithe would actin to Indicate that this elireasd hail gone home :and had returned a sectmd olio to the place Where the male war LH pro- grew, The ltutheritlew are hiclitisl to, thlak !hal If their theory Is ow- nct that the murderer Mitered the house during the woman's absen:•e it W8114 Mille who war away at the rale fur the mewed time. Au Intporldut Point. An important point wMMk tank/ ptezl•s' the officer.. ou the came will an nil probability by cleared up when fila. inWost as resumed by Drs.. MC - harry. Jr.. steel Gray, who performed the autopsy. It was the preserree in the drawing room where the woman r. mired her death' blow'. itf a sero*d pool of Wool under u Ne t:rater% in a turner. The terrible injuries to her load, the doctors say, show he - .10W It aoubt that the woman war Ntro k at tenet twice. The pool of b10011 ass the curuer got there, the ,'as -tore will content, when the wo- man w -u,, struck the first time. Tate mem ecu of finger mlhrks on the ele- ecum+!'r betty plainly demonstrate that Ne, war outraged after blood had flown from the woman's head: Hutt the blow which calmed death ware struck after the assault, while Mrs. Fr•nnks was lying Ima•ond"ieere nn the floor. Doctor', Theory. The theory the doctors will ad- vna•r• at the ibquest, It le nnleretlxid, is tilts: The murderer forced the rear a,r when Mr.e, Franks was at the auction stili, an.h was.. ransacking the :spnrtma•nld of Mre. Thomas when the elccensed -returned home. Mre. Franks did not notice anything me ✓ enal till -after she lead prepared a light tmfoper, she was 'sitting at a table In the kltthen, when she heard footeet.ps, which mimed her to go to til„ drawing -room. The m,rrda'r- en he aril her coming, anal •trur'kthe first blow, enuring ler to reel around the drawing -rosin and fall innenslbhe with her head tender the eerretnry, ant w1111:9 Ir. (his condition she wee outragaid. Atter the murderer haul aaornplir11ad his partaoh.e ILP dragged hta aboart two feet, ens then in- flicted the blow which coursed her e leatle The fiend then dragged the betty to th.• ,pot where It was found, ntrl where he thought it could hot be sera from tin street, t The doctors form their opinion that Mrs. Thotnas' room was ran- sacked before the murder wad com- mitted, from the fact that no blood Mains were fueled in Use room or on nnythtng handled by the man who ►s now being Nought by the police e it is known Want the murderer'.. handl are smeared with blots!, by the pn'w'nee of finger marks on the towel fennel lying on the chair In the kitchen. There la no utelence that the man washed his flambe. The doctors will all contend that the murderer was come one acquainted with the Interker of the home. 1)rerrllvr /freer In (to. ('Inlet Mains Dile afternoon wired to lite Attorney-fheneral. Imploring the assistanee of tem of the provin- cial detectives. A. Fleming, a bro- ther ot'the 'lend w1)1110n, wired to- night (Itat he was leaving South Bend, Indiana, and would be here to- morrow- trmrntng in three far the fe n- eral, which taken place at 1 p.m. The body is lying nt the house of the ,leceamtl, In dirge of Undertak- er tr, E. it. >teNenale. Tbl• °entente of the house will to left tutda bed until Irroslnata DeteiRive tier comes and taken up the investigation of probably the mot atruclour crime that lune ever stl(rthrut th1, NiAgnre dint riot. Niagara Faille, Ont., Sept. L'8. -Chief Mains spent the most of yesterday oral today at Chippewa, inveetigat- Iag the Franks murder, bat so far no important link thaw teem fom'I. Nothing but altspiCions, with It, MI done to e.uvMt la Hie condition, Hush the guilty party dssiy never be. known now, as there hae been ample' time to eleetroy every te'lige of guilt connecting the culprit with ill*, error'. The rononeee• inpieet to -nor - now will prow:, tuns the woman wan minaret' In the tw•iltght of il'ednew day earning last, and will prove (hut murderer host broken into tire hoa+e and wne in the plea. when the wo- man clime hone from the auttlon wil.•, It will nem prove how the pool of Wool came to be under the writ- ing desk, tome sensational develop - anent. sire evpssted to ewer nt the 'D plant. Mrs. James OfHee, it le snld, einlme mho saw three strat,Xe meet prowling arousal We. Erman' Melee Into on WMhrsdf•y ttfterttoon. The villagers alo not pig motif IM- [metnts•.' an thin stew. The remelt's of the nnfortnnntewas- inn ti were held in their last resting place Otte efteneseg In the Pbeshy- I--rine (lame' leirybVg grimed of the vilhng. of ('hippews. Anal were veiny hotline en a mecca mum to k,llowei to the grave by almost we- Ile otredtt In New York. Ory N.Yf.lvot of the village through a a.'rizzllag nvtlu. Jt Iv t•1, awl 3 retlrwlal, , ve Grove Will na4tP here o0 tie , Wurulug, IoW will lee. clung-' of Lb's case at elle logeMet, which ire- wmee at 116;m. m, Niagara Fgllr. t.'}Nlept. 29.-Tbe- atlJournel Iui$u.$t to the murdet of Ifni. Frasush wig. *r ed lit little plwa ws at if oclork all mnn,iug Lit Cs.rouer McGarry, ''tae. ealdrnce true nl.tullsl to that alswwy $u d,rabed. The eat 1S the throat :to: tldt stent lellt to cttnsP IIeatll, and In VIP doctor.' opinion had been inflicted after death.. Th, re tVImlrt etkiw10., of - ca. haul Js- �ult. . Mrw.,rats«eOffkv testified reedaRa S tranger hit uruun.t lire. Franks' hulas about keel pm.. last hsnnelay. pree•,flug the flay of llu. murder. ,lie wain watt dreamed in a black suit and bhik fedora bat, sad left two other stranger* statidhig down the n tuueroad toward. the village of Drummondville, and came down the road to the bootee and walked oiatanh the south elle, and around the front, looking rrv,'rah DinPs at the house, •Ikl not wee him reJuifl the other men, She also to ntifitl !leering three dtstloct hang.. in Um dlrecllori of Mira Franke'duce WednrrQry,sveu- log abort 015 p.m. Officer Lynitaurner corroborates lire. Office no far as tate stranger le concerned. He claimer to have aline arrow him on the streets, and told him to get net of town as hei Met telt like Ids appearance rend setae. Chippewa,Sept. 26. -Although the police were unanimous to -night In' ',eying they had no clue to the mur- derer sof Mre. Jeanie Franks, it is well unterstnotl that they are in- %estignting along a line that pro- mINrN mete Interesting detelop- mentm TIts anthuarilien refuse to believe that more than oar nuau was a ee 1 nn 1 in the terrible trag- edy, Rg g edy, or that a hatchet was need, as nt first supplael, to Inflict the in- juries which ennsed the unforte- onie woman's death. The marks an the rear tloor, by which the murder- er entered the house, would Indl- cilia, tint a small "jimmy," .harp- ened Ili oar• end, had been need to force an entrance and elay the Woman. Murder After Burglary. The police uow insist that the uuu' der was committed after the apartments, of Miss Taman, in the meth Mee y,f the Itutese;-wttsr- was rl'pulyd tic hnma•couehidernMe money, hull been rine tekrd. They err rU•uugly of the opinion that ere. 1'rnriks one aunt in t iot• hon.a' ,then the murderer entered, bat (hail she mike. Iii upon him iii.en he wri•i n the act of Carrying off the anlu- ablPr In the place. They Mend oat that, laid the dead woman been Iii when the fiend apl.earatl at the rear alar of the honer, there would leve trees no netesmity for hint to force an entrance. Marks on the door plainly indlcale that a lot of force. was nerd by the murderer. The "jimmy" WAN apparently in- serted between the woodwork and the door. When thee method of operation would not suecompll.h his end, It IN believed he placed his knee chute to the handle and forced the lock. hind Mn... 1'renkm been in, the ogee. contend mite wtndd merely have heard the murderer and gone le the door to Investigate the cane, of (hi' name The spot where Mre. Pranks received the death lanai. was.. in the front and on the wool made of this house, or felly al) feet from the door which wan pried open. Chippewa h:si'lled. For the woo :Hi hour. nothing clip 1uu been talked ab,nt In Chippewa lee the beetle murder of Mn,sTesekm, I'lingerie gathered about the mite of the tragedy torlrmy, and groups MR - ruined the nage ant ndranced various thenrlee. Each lad him own opinion of the case, rind the motive for the mnnlPr. Searching partter were or- ganized, and the ground for cam' dla- Innre nhout the linnets was gone over rnrefnlly In the hope of getting some EhMLE Famous A SICILIAN iota FOUND DEAD. Author Victim sphyziation. of HORROR CROWS. Ha `hundred Budlrr Await llurlel Ph,gue la Feared -- "lyphuou Sweeps Over vokolsama, I)siu,g /:rest Damage -lila Swindle lot (iertael* Leeds to Arrests. Pathe. POW. _t1. -Emile Zola, the INN ,.hist, ttila war born 111 Paris on \pril 211.1. 1,+10, died this morning. Zola was fusel dant la his love r (nen asps) .intiou 1'11s w -if.. N gra %ely ill 11 is sail that the net - elect's death want accidental Meths/me Zola May !Survive. Later, :101 p. res. -Y. Zee was sue- plty nIeted by fuiu -c Intelll alMP, on pipe. of %Meich arra t'Al/Wirer barn out of order. xt the some time rt Is stinted tint there are Indlra- ia, t.f Nuivldr. Zo1. /111.1 hit ttlte returned to Peels y est,rdny, after having spent L i11•It' Ilr)IIt 11N in the country. It de hoped that Madame Zola will sier- t ur- tit,. OhII ll)h!el.l' AN M. Zola Wes Dead end Wife int -ata Ovate W keit bowed, Zuht returned to lees 1'aree !orae Nom the country Amuse at Medea. and owing to et midden spell of cold weather here, he ordered the Imitlog stove :'a hie bedroom to be lighted. 1'Iws stove 'horned badly, but Zola ,and hes wife retired fit 10 o'clrsck mart meet, and the servnatr, not u.wtr.slg any movement In the apart - termite thaw morning, entered the bedroom at 9.90 eni found Mn,deme Tuba lying on the leen, imamate. Zola wean lying half out of bet with lis Israel and shuuklena on the floor anal Ills legs on that ted. Diertore item rpntutomd, but they :allot to restore Zola to life. After prolonged efforts they rerum'ltnttvl ilaclnmu Zola. The rumor circulate.! regarding ''resines supposed dulelale ,mien lobxm were hawse nn the (act that re •cttsha from his ',tomer!' were :Mind on the floor. lint the doctors -'-av they Cala, from Zolae; dog,which ons also lot the bdn.asa and which ad nut suffer from aspkyxletWs. Zola alined with a gresl appetite yee- tenely eteutag, and flee servants of 'he hwarhuld ate of the same dashes. \utktug uuusuml wile loam he ;be hldro ni during the night. Home workmen arrived at the 7w.la rerldcucc at half part nine this morning in order to make certrfin re- l'nire In Zoln's bedroom, bol the sew - malate Re h 1 alreadybecome alarmed 1 nt taming no mend from the room. iled•tekd to enter it, end beret the dour ripen. .l slight odor of carbonic Iraa ward at onee noticed, end the bod- ice of the novellst and hem wife were ftmnd In the meet Ione already des- cribed. Zadn hail evklsntly been awakened by a- choking Ren- al and tried to rine, 1rot wi,e otercnms> by the forum, which nppmrently eee•aped from the defective stove. The wi,Ntnws were immediately openol, dnetore and it trxnmimmry of police were s)mmos- ed, and the nlnatal. efforts weer. made to revue the tlnvellwl anti hie wife, hut the former hart already sme emnowt. 110da1mi.'.oda regained omen -tome - RUM, at filmset HOW!. Sha maw lies In a. state of cuaplete Ptaatrnton. ,ln iotllgut eottaii_ lu.....1�... A('('IDk:N I'. nation/sly awaited ha order to ok tale further light on the oeurrenee. A tirewing ',math Koll, reandun, `G•' 25.-.t mp•clnl de..- einteh frown Home says that the death mala remelting from the re- cent hurricanes In Sicily Is swell- ing The Willem of 1100 persons are, elm ntvnhting Marini, and as means for their prompt Interment are lacking there are grate fears of en epidemic. Typhoon Sweeps Yekohams. Yokohama. ,Tnitan, te, at. :-5I. - A 'revere typhoon Nwppt over Yoko - 'mum to -day. veveret steamers were .1rlpPn nslore here. :brae of them (Neve ,been re floated. It is feared that there have been many fatalltlee nutmeg the fishermen. Arresting Iflg eWindlers. Frankfort -. Ot-the- Niels, Neill . _'t) -TMP Frankfurter Zleltung, in nelll- tion to announcing to -4'y in a dee- patch from ifnnnhehn the arrest of Herr Henninger, a direetor M the buhkrnpt Tthelewn-1Nwntehelm tlsenll- enI I'nmpnnp. wi,ya tint .1 0141,141 t. Mtehw,) a0ther director et that Conrpnn has ieen unkrn ante cam tody. a ,Areetere mm�eig other dealings, are nlleg,d to hurtsP mold to Ranke et Mannheim t renefers anNnla// tw $ IJt! . �It)11, en a w fork .pin trtlli whh$t It .had :N}1 mase a en#'cthina. whltent the h'om-