HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-10-2, Page 6GIPSY'S MARRIA6E
t'll.tl'TEIt IS'. I 1u I :tut, gill g"•"' Willi resI i lit
Lady lermot'r ml: height c"ogltallne , ru•pw, Pillnwing ietriv Dermot up the
•lamas.. to the lith.• room th•il has
been nplolutol for her on oma•.
Lady Dermot "loins the door and
looks with critical ryes at her cap-
tive.. • " What a ivlM hwekiag little
Using!" she thinks.. '.Apel she iu far.
Gtr too lastly to bee throein Into
daily contact with , Ma orrice "
" Now, Gipsy," she sat) 11..111u114, " I
want )'lml to bastes' to me."
" Yrs, Lady Dermot," -I taking liltli
VtliCetant gaze, Mud rather fright-
ened, too.
"Call me 'Aunt Katherine,' dear,
not 'Lady Dermal' -'.Aunt Katherine,'
with n ' K;'" Aunt, Katherine
with a "K" takes Gipsy's hand as she
rssvlks and snider benignantly upon
her. "Ant Maurice, you know, will be
a biether to you -a very kind bro-
ther, I Myer --and I trust you will be
happy here among us' all."
"Ver," falters the young %o'oe.
Lody Dermot warms to her subject.
"W1 meet got you some more turh-
ia'wil los drawer, Gipsy, and -1 outs and
things," she continues, "for I would
wish you to be dreamed like other
girls of your age."
Awl during the long discourse that
f..11uws on drew, department and
maniere Gipsy listens very patiently,
and, at lady llermol's bidding.
aq.re:uis out her small wardrobe for
i rwpr ctiosl-
II(r ladyship's face is n uln.ly as
eh,• examines the countr) gar-
ments end she remedied mentally
that (Iiruey shall not lie seen till she
has something fit to wear.
"My maid Can. renovate a couple of
black drnrster of my own, till we get
wine new ones -for, of course, you
nowt wear mourning for poor Uncle
Lau , het how it maul of hoar and re-
finement could hate dressed you as
he dll primed- my comprehension !
A blue merino: Good heav-
en.! My dear child. you nee clothed
like a charity girl! Fancy Maurice
travelling with such a figure:"
The beet part of her sentence Is
wild half to herself ; but Gipsy gath-
ers. the sense of the remark, and
turns n ullsernlle late away from
the light.
Poor little :widen! It is n bitter
awakening from her quiet. unevent-
ful rxintent'c. Tuttle lien a pasui%e
unkindness was easier tie hu'ar than
14,1131 Dermot tN quite cheerful over
:all her planar.
"i mad wee plains now about run-
ning ,yon up it dress for the even-
ing." Then. turning to the -girl, she
adds: "You need not look at down-
cast, Gipsy; you will he a very pre-
sentable little person when prup-
crly dre•gaa1."
Presentable! 1;ipsy Tutu never
looked on ghoriounly imautiful Its
slip does nitw•, with her fhtaited.
nieslonate frier nprnisexh and her
"yrs glowing,
"Anal Katherine, let me go luck
to t'ix•le Ben', house," she pleads.
"1-1 Mm not like anybody herr. and �
I w -0114l rather go away.''
There ire detertulnntkrn In the
y"nlug. agitated vok•e; and Lady
Dermot realizes that this why girl
is not altogether to be moulded as
clay Inher ,mala. Set nre mds
very kindly- indeed, and nays, In
her, rnveetest voice:
"Let nie judge, door, what is beet
for pat. I:Ivle Item wished yon to
live herr with me. and I alit mire
that, when your shyness wears off.
you will lie very happy. AnI now,
how world you like to amiss' )our-
self all the uornirlg? I see Flora
and Maureen have gone nut. If you
go to the drawing -room. you will
ilial plenty of books and pretty
Hilt Gipsy, when she gore to the
drawing -room. leaven the pretty
thieve to thrmnrlve'w, and into and
gates Into the fire: euiiTae-Lady
Dermot finds her two bourn later,
anal she wonders What the girl has
been thiuiktig moat.
After luncheon Mies Blake in to
take her departure.
"i will drive you home, Flora,"
Lady Drrmut nays, "and perhaps
Mniurlke will aecnupany sea."
"I'lceae come!" any Mies Bluke'a
ryes; Int Mir Maurice is looking nt
Gipsy, who hien grown wonslronsly
grave and subdued since the morn-
You will enjoy the drive, Gipsy,'
he says, kindly ; bait his moth"r lee
tet loosen,
" Not to -day, Miturlce. Gipsy will
stay at home this afternoon and
rest:" -It Www am. Mup.iet of Mamselee
even to 'think of math a thing I
Penney driving to illvera with Ruth a
figure !-and Lolly Dermot shudder*
at the bare thought of it. 'Besides,
!trove motorail visits to prey,' she
etanw-r tztet-etpey"remit,net-"rtr1'+reff
icy* too many strangers just nt
first." e
"-1 wtwtH rattler any -hem" (tipsy
nye, hl her grave, gullet voice ; and
lately Dermot can fmd nit want of
✓ epose In the girl's manner . IL
Is Am quiet and dignifies its her own ;
and she intone away, slightly ebasle.l,
from the calm gate of the Inmenmttble
brown ryes.
IAlncheon he over ; the carriage
comes round. Minn Make appears in
Ail the glory of her velvets reml furs,
and anile for lady Dermot to come
dont) and for S r Mnurlce to mak"
hie appearance. She Improves the
.h1nitng memento by attempting t
•Irnw (tipsy Into eonvaroatlon nn elan
sin isle pil.ing on her well fitting
" We .hall anon meet ^gram," she
begins . 'the houses of Dermot not
itlake axe Ineepornhle," Ani then, an
Olney '0 -Nommen no joy at the prow
pct of emelt a reunion, she goon on,
"I am sire you will like my slicer
" I do not know," answers Gipsy,
gravely. r
" Elite Ix not a hit like me," Mita
Plnke sayer, with a tangle.
" i dere any f shall IIIA her," finely
"torr% re, quickly, with pinlntion Iinr,al
Mt real
" She Is a spiteful little creature I"
result in tar deciding that two hun-
dred pounded a year to these dcgeu-
ernle day's io not to Inc lightly given
up, end so she comes mauling down
the oak-puuelril staircase, key luao-
ket in hand, in the early morning,
.amid announces to her sou that situ
has decided on keeping Gipsy at Dru-
maneen l'usthe-"though indeed such
a charge will bo any thing but a
pleusureable task," she adds, seeing
Is) dawn of approval or disapproval
on Sir Maurice's face; it alight be
a new cook under discussion, no un-
concerned la he.
But men are subtle creatures ; and
Sir Maurice whistles gayly us' Ile
goes around to the stables In the
chill morning air, and he feels all
the horses' leg. anew pets all the doge,
MW1 answers their joyful grectiuge
with a smile anti a kinds word to
each. .Altogether lie is. is a remark-
ably good humor.
Leaving the stables, lie goes back
to the home. It is too
early for his breakfast yet;
to, with Ida dogs at. his heel,
he pursuer hit way slowly along the
terrace, and stands leaning user tile
ivy-cass-reel stone balustrade.
lintmsneen Pattie is peruhril on a
rock. end far down below, through
trees and rugged rocks and ferns,
he Win tee a %video, bruwling,,tumbling
stream. mewling round brwldere,
white mei foaunimlg. swelled with that
winter rains, it regular torrent to-
day -washing part tier Make, brown
es a mountain strews, with .licks+
of foam dancing by. Away b.'you•h
there is the glen, clothed with trees,
nil bare now, bat sweet and green
In ilia nunimerlime, cud beyond the
fir tripe of the rkyllne, rises a chain
of pale blue hills,
Something comes hurrying through
the glen, and Kir Maurice w:atcha'o
Ow black figure hastening down
among the brown tree trunks. It in
is boy or at goat -no, it Is it girl'
She has reu•hed the bank of a Me-
lding maroon, and, without fear or
hesitation, springs lightly from
bowldei to bitchier, rwayulg and
steadying herself. lithe fwd anise,
till, with at wide spring, she (leers
the last bit of raffling water and
pursues lore w•y' s,,p the Hoop sides
uef the rocky 'less, not looking for
the path or road, heat taking 0a line
of her own, till *he rein'he'n the Amite
terrace; noel thew, awl net till t!u'n,
Sir *eerie/. spanks.
"Don't do that again, s:ipny. It le
very tlangerasrs ; you might have
been drowned."
"Might 1 ?" she answ'e'rs, hooking
'flown at the brow, water. "I did not
know there was any danger;,nsd It
is we lovely down there."
"Ho you went off on a ramble?''
he may., smiling, looking at her
flushed face and dew -untangled, curly
locks. "Gipsy, your disheveled ap-
pearance n-ill,shock my mother and
Miss Blake." '
"Will it 7 she erten, piteously. "Oh.
I ttldn't know! What am I to do
now?" she neka, looking town at her
mud -attained frock and wet boots.
"Get taw of the maids to brush'
you down," say. Sir Maurice. gass-
ing nt her eyrktrhes and think-
ing hove pretty they are reeling on
the rad of her cheeks. "Gipsy, I fear
real will never make a conventional
young lady." -
"What in that ?" .he naka, inno-
rrutly, .till looking at her Maimed
awl bedraggled dress.
".1 young lady like hies Blake, for
Instance." replies.
11r tt 1
" No," alta rev,, .sully. " Ml,' he
beautiful : I Mol I res cm get like
"No, I don't think you could" : Hud
there Is a eery mirthful rxpre,sion
hi his ryes no be egwaks,
liips.y's velvety fortes ionic gravely
nwny tot the line of blue Hills.
" Am 1 me different from oilier
peolde 7" slue mite, slowly ; mini! Sir
Msuurlue iuiawern, heartily :
" You are an different an chalk Is
from cheese." Then lie add.: "Would
yawl len angry, Ilila.), If liaise you
it few hints?"
" What kind of hints?" she eeks.
" My mother will tench you," lir
ear' gently. " And, attar mill, I think
it Is oily the clot hr." -hit glance fall-
ing oa her thick, short Ante: and
lin does not nee the pained tears
start to Iter e'en.
You nee nil ashamed of me," slim
whhiperei, the woman's quick Illnthtot
dirkeing the truth At once.
He notes the quick change in her
v o.0e, and lie M truly sorry that pre
indiscreet utternnem should cnuwr' her
moment's pain.
"No. Indeed," he answers, hastily,
with morn fervor than truth. ".Ant,
Gipsy, I only wanted to any thnt, it
a/ata-tier.lsll_a-aloabLxhuul any UuLm,r.
I would I kr you to come mel ask
"About the olothen 7" she luter-
ruptir, a mirthful gleno In slur art
ryes; and then she laughs out mer-
rily- "Do you know, I could hale
laughed last night, only I was so
frightened. when Miss Blake put her
deer little where quite close to mine.'
Sir Maurice lauglms, toe, hut not
quite easily.
"You hetes omen through u. all.
Tian the g.iig soil MIL not ho Is
oblige) to lend her in litre as Rile In,
elm; her wet'true., muddy Isola, ruf-
fled l.rkn and all, to confront Niles
Mike 'n her tight -fitting merge and
amities, white collar, with her golden
hair in a whining knot, and her whole
nppenrnnce suggestive of a well-
trained ,s'rung lady.
And even Sir 11innrlce no-
lince the "trilling contract, and
gives the verdict ,gninat Olpey, who,
with the new -ban conarinnsnisa of
her defect., Is erlmsen anti shame -
body Dermot .pea It nil, Intl says
nothing; for the more uncouth her
niece appear., the greater alsantulge
hen Flora Blake. Ales bide. her time,
aria, otter breakfast, takes lilpay'e
bland, any leg quietly .
•' 1 wand yen to came turd are wield
me, my dear."
Udnko Misr Blake; but she maker no
comment -only tants on Lazily
" Have you arty brothers or Nis -
ter. ?"
" No," revues Olpry, In a low voice.
Not to Mire Blake tau she speak of
the dead and gone Sibyl..
batty Dermot, to mums of 'moleskin
anal taabies, comes hurrying in.
"Oh, you are down, Horn ! Wbsre
he Maurice? I dare soy lie Is wall-
ing for us outride. Well, good-bye,
Gipsy, nod amuse yourself till we
come home."
But Sir lfuurice Is not walling
outride, for he appears in a mluute
or two bareheaded let the ball akeir.
"Do make haste, Maurice!" his
Mother cries. "We leave been weeping
vier art long."
am not going," he replies, walk-
ing user to the marriage; "I have
several things to look after. Let me
help you In, Flora."
Mew Blake gives her recreant
knight the tilos et her fingers', and
(tars her lips with vexation, as with
calm p litemaw.' he settles wraps nod
ticks in iele rugs, and then stands
dark under line Shadow of the door-
way • mimeo e1 and a ►different to her
"Good-bye!" lie says, pleasantly, as
the marriage mina away, unit he
watches It turn round the rooter of
the castle, end then g1es straight
bock to the drawing -room. where
Gilary rites Alll, listless and idle, feel-
Irlg very like the proverbial 14+Ia out
.1( w'att'V.
"Will you come out, thinly 7" Kir
Maurice asks. "!t is dull for you,
moping over the fire, and you bav-
em't seen the tauter or anything,.,
yet ;" ere eta' ',foes joyfully.
The gardens, the conservatories,
the farmyard, the stables, all arc
vented in their turn ; and if Gipsy
is not well up in the ways of rudely,
she la thoroughly at home In the
world of nature; and flower., dogs,
horsier, all fill her with iuteure de -
Yaw must learn to ride," Sir Mau-
rice my., "and follow the hound..
What a light weight you would be!"
Olney laughd with delight at the
"I should like it, I know ; but I
wits never on a !torso to myl life."
"I will tench you, and look out for
a nice horse for you. And why not
begin at once -to -day 7 Will you
try ?"
Yes,' rhe answers, in a flutter
of excitement. "Am I to ride the
great brown horse you showed enc?"
"Oh, no" - laughing - "he
would soon send you' over
his load! Your first les-
son will be on the broad back
of old Black Buoy She is us cafe as a
church -my mother rides lie- Some
t nod."
so Black Brew a saddled, and Sir
Maurice puts Glpsy up, and shows her
how to hull the bridle and how to
asst. and leads the steady old mare
slowly round the yard.
"You aren't frightened ?" lie sake,
outing the new, bright expression ea
her facto
"No. I feel very high off the grounds
but I like it Amory much."
"That'. right. Come -we will go up
:al down the avenue, and see how
you get ora"
They get very merry over the rld-
neplssam. hir Maurice teaches her
the mysterler of rising in her saddle,
and makes Black Bess trot up and
doxy.. running by her side, hie land
on the bridle. Fluslled, breathless,
and laughing, they have reached the
lodge gates. end are turning book
gain, when they hear a rumbling
[wise, and acarriage turns in at the
guts. and Black Bean, startled out of
lite steady j(rg-trot, breaks into a
on titer. 1
"Sit tight I" gawps Sir Maurice,
flying brs.idw the old mare; and
titpsy follow. his injunction strict-
ly and sits as tight sus she can, the
bridle anywhere In her unaccustomed
halals, her wide -brimmed hat hang-
ing back on her shoulders, iter short
locks blown back from her face.
Rattle, rattle, rattle, Come the
wheel. behind.
"Steady, you old brute!" -and Sir
Maurice drugs Black Dena back on
to her haunches, to confront, to hie
dismay, the whole (irimshaw faction
got up for visiting, '
He colors up like a delinquent
selsoolboy, and Gipsy shyly avert.
her beautiful Lace from the curious
eyes fixed on her.
The Misses Urlmwhaw are bowing
noel smiling, and Mir Maurice Is
forced to pull up along side the car-
riage, with Gipsy's quaint attire In
full view of the eager, questioning
eyes. lie in provoked at baying been
taken unawares, and he can are the
looks they are ranting at hl. shy,
liatilfairemed little cousin on the old
black mare.
(To be Coetinned.)
At the eorounthrn dinner of
GMrrgi• IV.. j.mt t tY ear. al;n. It
great dinner wan nerved. Thr hill
of faro wan an follower
Hot INehes.
heart te-Eighty tureens of turtle,
i0 of rice, 40 of vermicelli.
1'ish-Faghty dl,hem of turbot, los
of trout, 40 of salmon.
Mel.ls-EIgltty dlshen of venison,
10 of roast beef. 3 baritone of beef,
10 dishes of mutton and veal.
Accompaniment,, -One hutalreland
sixty dishes of vegetables, 480 sil-
ver hoot, of sauce, 240 lobster., YO
boats of butter and 120 of mint.
Out I INehes.
Eighty dishes of braised ham. 1.0
of savory pies, SO of gnu's.. it I•t.
daubs, two In each dish; !it) of
oavawy tcakes, $0 of hraise.l beeef.
SO of bradawl mems, two In each
(holt; 1,11K) Ride ellarhe., N0 of lob-
sters, MO of crayfish, lilt of Sonet
trawl,, ►a0 of house lamb.
Burgniely, L'0 dozen ; claret, 250
amen: hock, 50 dozen ; Morerllr, 50
deems" cheery a o l port, 0410M
0 element
Mel punch, 160 gallMe.
Iksore. he
Three hundred and twenty di,n
of numetul pastry, 400 of jellies
and cream., 264) pineapples, 410
A, the Fite of the "ell.hew" in not
specified ll the hill of fare. a
pretty goal Ilea can he haul of
what a big banquet this coronation
,east was from the total quanti-
ties of all the edible*. They coit-
al/Hsi as follows:
Beef. 7,422 pound.; teal, 7,131;
mutton. 2.474; home Iamb. 20
quarter.; legs elf lamb, "O; lamb,
5 onettleee; grana iamb, 55 geuar-
term; iamb sweetbreads, 100; cow
heel., RHO; calves' feet, 400; stet,
230 summit'; geese, 100. pillets and
capons. 720; chlrtMa, 1,510; fowls
for stock. 1120; bacon, 1,730 ponds;
lard, 550 prelude; butter, 912pooul. ; moon, 5,400.
Tills gran) resent and the other
(awonatlnn Inrhlent. met >d1,:140.-
000. A good ewtimnte of what the
banquet adobe cost den be made by
urrnsklering what the root of the
corrnnatInn of Q'1111atn i%'., nine
yearn afterward, when there watt
no be nest. was old/ 5250,000.
a Cents
Eight cents a pound is
what a young woman paid for
twelve pounds of• flesh.
She was thin and weak and
paid one dollar for a.bottle of
Scott's Emulsion., and by tak-
ing regular doses had gained
twelve pounds in weight before
the bottle was finished.
Eight cents a pound is
cheap for such valuable ma-
terial. Some pay more, some
less, some get nothing for
their money. You get your
money's worth when you buy
Scott's Emulsion.
We will send you a little
SCOTT & BOWNE, Cittslsrs,
Toronto, Ontario.
Sac. and $1.00; all druggists.
Me Hlausdersteod.
When the fat man missed his
footing and came down hard op
the rail the conductor jumped from
the car.
"I'll have to take your name and
address, sir," be said.
"'hood heavens!" exclaimed the
fat man, "do you think I hurt your
right of way ?"-Cluicago Poet.
Mlnard's Liniment cures Buena etc
Only Three Slops.
Farmer Rtackp le - How many
stops has that 'ere organ ye bought
for your daughter got?
Farmer Hawbuck (grimly) -Three
-breakfast, dinner and supper.
ell hard, soft or calloused Lump. and Blem-
ishes from horses, Blood Spe•le, Curbs,
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeny, Stints, Sprain.,
So,. and Swollen Throat, Coughs, He. Kays
550 by use of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known.
Bold by all druggists.
The Truth Is Sometimes Cruel.
IWa.hilugtns 1'osl.l
To tell the, truth when It night
not to be tol is often the menu -
ma thing a newspaper or a person
can do. It in easily possible for a
truth to do macre harm than a lie.
11'e believe the worst habit of the
worst newspaper. le hunting up and
printing truths that are not nail-
ed for by any public interest, and
the effect of whose publication Is
to bring shame and sometimes ruin
upon individuals or families. Men
awl women have been driven to
suirl.le by having the:,r early mis-
takes or misfortunes served up in
senlnitionnt newspapers for no
other purpose than to make navy
reading. Fane of the most ele-
tentel serial pest14 nre persons who
plume themnrlves on their love of
truth. Between the man or wo-
man who will tell a white lie to
Stiehlanother and the one who, in
season awl out of season, insists
tin telling "the truth. the whole
truth and nothing but the truth,"
comment us - to the former,
Now York Central and Hudson
River itallroad.
The above name la n household Ivnrd nn.l
Ow en parser exee:lenre of the rend .ho,ld Ie
.nmrlent to etlrart most people. but now
that the rate le the same to New York and
points emit .,a by other lines no further re-
commendation should he sought. Everv.
body will tell you It Is the beet.
Chleese high sad (:rand 7'rrnblleg.
An accident . of a moat peculiar
nature took place ye.terday in
MAee° street, when a (Rlinnman in-
dnlged in a clever exhibition of gym-
nastics by falling from a window in
the third story of a house, picking
himself up amt walking away as If
nothing untoward had happened. lie
aerepted the occurrence eon part ofhta
everyday programme. Nntw-ith.tand-
tog thin fall from a height nnfflclont
to satisfy any ordinary permit, and
to hold him for a while brooding
upon the comsepuence of the inci-
dent, thin Chinaman went away with
little more than beeline,' thigh to
1 a RI
mind him of hl, exploit. He with n
('Mamma,. No wonder that him na-
tionals dominate the Far Ea"t.
pp .••••1101.411111
n eeho .d by best English ,nsdlealJ Is,
Sopyll.d is a soldlar.lo South afries,
Ter all Throat sad eland Tr.rbl.s. Lamps,
eb , Did f.r.s Ulc.rs, P.m..., fkl,
D II...,,. Pimples, StillJ.Int.,
e h.r•eatls", Lumbar., f rsl.a, •ruts..,
Piles, Cat., ser. root, ►tarn
sold by Dreggl.ts, is.. Try /twirls,
onset, -
Wisdom of Heber,
A mother of P mensitive child
write*: On Enter Solidity lent i
thought any little two-year o1.1
iinughtcr would! enjoy the inbele and
flowers In n near by church, but
wdortunntely (we arrived nt the
timer -just ces the hast -bell began to
ring. It was Ion and harsh+ as
the average bell is, awl the child
shrieked with terror and conld not
ler induced to enter the door. foie
was taken back re third time after
thin"-TfrtT-'Tfd.l sen lied MEM . 1(IRTI
ton mnme result. And it was months
b•fork she w,mll willingly even poen
whet elle Mill twits "Ow elimeel, hell
home.' IMenn't (hoe prose the ring-
ing of bells n barbarous' enstom :•
Hove A wine little girl of three
yen rum when her mother mslertakes n
reprimand, "Don't talk. mother ; you
know We no lame'." Some/Omen site
hrenkn in with, "Don't sar01.1. moth-
er just ample not nay 'yon may go
mat, Catherine.'" At this point
mother moonily Nm11PO and *aye,
"Catherine, yen may go out."
"Just a Little"
Pain neglected. may pnstnre chronic
Rhe,mntl.m cur Gout. ,loot a little
Backache pity create Lumbago. .fait
a little Sprain pelmet here evoke. a
('ripple. Just n little Rrula, may do
a lot of dmmagre ,hunt a little
Headache may be the forerunner of
Neuralgia. lust a little et. ,Iamb.
OIL applied In time, cores promptly
and permanently Ache. and Paine
/net a little tnullnm,: ,tat a little
OSHA. Year. oaf 'learner agaln.t years
of Patna
A peek of earth, u the' defil'eprny-
uw book.
Worn thin ?
IHOW AUNT DINAH ± No! Washed thin! That's so
GOT INTO TROUBLE when common soap is used.
Tho ' girl had come to stay.
SJw is of the order of ephemera.
the fl twin of the duty, which
aro IPS a one can say they are.
At tat 'U is what all the pajama
girls n ix•Iearllag. l'ajamus are the
mewl heavenly thlgges that ever were
iuvenItI for the"deleetatlen of matt,
suet con snwert I Iuto it Memelmg for
W0111111. 51141111 CalUhrles and lazes
frills IN, betger huh l their dominion
over the Lair 'ane who has elected
to become it pajama,. girl, says the
Brooklyn Eagle. Tne most reluottvr
maze of ribbon awl Ince trimmed lin-
gerie its file way of alalght robe he
pissed by with oil I indifference. "No
moue nightgowns for me,'' confides' nn
ardent member of the pajama sister-
hood. "l simply adore my pajauuis,
Felt a hit gluier In (Item at first, don't
you know. and loot hok' ig at myself
In the mirror to ext It I was really
myself or the other fellow. It wasn't
kng, though lydoro 1 succumbed to
the dclhiws comfort of them. Now
I'm busy converting .•ell my friend*'
ant the very ones who at first held
up their bawls in horror and nhrl( ked,
'Oh, how rlxrkin g! How mannish!'
aro just the+ mart entbuslatrtic over
pjamas now. l'onfl'we, now, aren't
they jolly 1.ttb• affairs?" They cer-
tainly were decidedly *genet eon their
pretty owner. They were mule of
blue ant white nlrliw' mercerized
Ilnevl, with hoods and frogs of plain
white and at little pocket on the I.ft
sine. Ilometlmer they :are of soft silk
in delicate hue.. The feminine order .
of paJxmalxro,t Is naturally et secret
eaq nail It Ir only s. girl's intimate)
friends and dearest enemies who even
suepeot that she la a member.
-A Little Cold, Yoie gnaw," will ,mama a
"rent Miaow If It he allowed to rear, down
from the thrust 10 the hangs. Nip the peril
In the bud with Allen'. laluie Naimoli. it sure
res mrdy containing u,. .'plum
Vesy Absent Minded.
A 5% est I'luladelpleht tea"her of
Lou.+ie is absent -ml is hal far ley mist
'he ordinary, and freeite'ntly gisea
ethlbution. :of his weakness' that
amide'. awl astonish ,.lnar who know Lever'sY 7-IWiseHead)DisinfectantSoap
him. Not lung ago, Io• boarded a Powder is a boon to any home. It dicta•
ear neat' hie home, graeluusly greet- feria and cleans at the same time
are Iib thilRgs.
As /editor'. Stlt'ate.'
Wrlmrby Independent.,
1 on re nlwn) r dolug something.
This time Editor Reid, of thus• Went-
etwth Light, has slipped a vog.
He went to Ottawa to shoot at the
Uuwlulus. Rifle matcher.
Being Ian editor, his macule was
nut %cry stiff, and so ho slipped n
mom of wire up his coil Sleeve to
steady hie arm.
That's where he made a mistake!!
If he hail taken a "horn of wlltsk"y"
or a "tiumbleful of brandy" it would
.11,11101M hid armd Met the same
awl he wouldn't have been foam'
Beit he was a "io:•al preacher" awl
very religious, and couldn't touch
the'liquor, rem hn used the wire. Of
rosrse the Bible don't sty anything
about elippuag a wire up the ctxit
.eeve, so be lbuugllt it wad no
The walking bore cause along and
noticing the "rigidity" of hie ann,
gave It a tap with hiv cane to test
the mercies.
And Io mol behold! A sound cattle
forth like a tinkling cymbal!
The arm was stripped and by the
epsildewet there lay a coil of wire,
lung enough to build a telephone
Tiee jig was up ! The newspaper
prof( orlon was dishonored, thechurch
was scandalized, and Mandan got 1t
lit the neck.
And ,what was the cause of all
this? The range old thing. A man
trying to get ".omethlmg (or noth-
Minard's Liniment for sale every-
One of the Wise.
A pedlar, with a Very heavy valise,
walked confidently, up to the door of
a respectable looking home.
"Can I sett the tartly cif the mon-
/don ?" he inquired. politely.
"Yea.. If ye ain't blind," the aromas
answered, "What do you want 7"
"Olt, artily. are you the mistress?"
"Wel, whet till ye take me feel held
ye think (li was tho ice -box, err a
horse. or the man next door ?" she re-
plih 1, crossily.
"I didn't know, mum, but I thought
perhaps s yoat might be the youngest
"Wetl, that's true," and it wax no-
ticed that the pedlar left with as
marry lighter canoe.
Mtwara C. C. Richards a o.:
Gentlemen, -My daughter. 1:t yearn
old, was thrown from n sleigh and in-
jured her elbow IRs badly it remained
stiff and very painful for three years.
Four bottle, of !IIN.tID'S LINIS11•:N'P
completely CMlrMI lar, and she hos not
been troui,Ie,l for two yearn.
Yours truly,
.1. It. I,1:A' F:'u; l'F:.
St. Joseph, I'. l)., Aug. it+, ISMO.
Felon of Health and Wealth,
Illltulrsted Bits.)
Miss Millynnitne en he eery
happy 1u, ibis ,vvri.l with health
and money
IMndbrorke-Then let's be made
one. I lin% a the health and you
Ina, e the nnoey :
by local nppllrn !limn ne they cannot renrh
the diseased lairtlion or the rnr. Thrrr In only
"ne nv,y to rare deafness. and that In by r.,n-
.thtutlonnl remedlrn. la•nrnesa. I. rn,o•d ler
nn innnme,l condition of the 01011.0011 Ihtbig of
the Eu.b1.'hlan 1nle. when thla into. la In.
enured rnn hal-. n rnmbling wound or inuler-
Lrt hearing, end wh.•n It In entirely rint.l,
Irrninen. to the moult. and nab.. the Iirenm-
?notlon con be taken mit utast tine tohrr,'aIof-
d to itn normal condition. hearing ea111 he
deetrnvrl forever; nine caws 1ul'..1 ten nn•
emoted by Catarrh, which la nothing bot an
Inanmtl rnnAltlon of the mncun. .eryt•es.
we w111 She Hundred Unllata for tiny
mine of Ualne..
!moused by ratarrhi that
annual Ie r,•r.•d by Hall's ('at.rrh ('are. Mend
for Herniae.. free.
Y..1. (• hNEY & CO..(O.Toledo.
Noll by ernmaerghate. Ti',,'.
11,11'. Fnmll,y pulls nee the lest.
Oriental l.e5le.
A man bought that pounds of mpnt,
not t,rought it Bone to his wife to
crook for dinner, nal then went hie
way t -s lino place of business In the
hamar.. Theo wife wan hungry anal
ate the meat.
In the evening the man come home
and molted for hie dinner.
"There IN uta meat," snld the wife,
for the oat ate. It." '
"Bring the cat," mall the man, "anal
a pair of melee."
'We'igh the cat," mkt the man The
cat weighed three pounds.
"if this IR the cat," .al.( the mato,
"share Is the meat ? Ana if thin is
the meat, where to the eat ?"-Thin
Drawer, linrprr'n Magazine for .luly.
Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets. All
Anniston. refund the money If It fails to cure.
R. W. Oro•s's signature Isom each bot. 45e.
Two Kinds of Met.
(Philadelphia Berard.i
"They said he arum n diplomat
when he first went to Congress."
"Teo; bilt lie felt more TIFF` it
doormat when Nome of (hone trust
magnates walked over him."
Mlnard's Liniments Cure. Dandruff.
Ilinger Apple..
Pare end quarter n. many apples
SS de.Ired. weigh and nee as many
',winds of 'sugar it. of fruit. flake a
syrup of half the sugar, owing a
cup of water ; pour syrup over the
apples and let mend twenty-four
hair. Now ntld the remakuder of the
sutgar. Peel A lemon boil the rind
In n little %cater. about half a tea-
cupful of water to one rind, and to
every two peanuts of fruit amid this le-
mon water and the juice of a whole
lemon. elan one ounce of ginger to
every two propels of fruit. The gin-
ger may be deal In a merlin hag If
not desired pit In with the frnit
(bait until the apple. are trnnapar-
eot. Thies reelpe make's dellctons pre-
serve., noel will chewer equally well
for pear., vegetable marrow. squash
And citron. the latter ithonlrl he boil-
ed In clear writer first mntll tender.
-Qtloago Herald.
IS' JE NO. 40. 1901.
Mals Tastes is Hcauly.
Mahlon' who liars jarred their
:1001 year, says "Health," may nos
claim that they repre•seut the most
perfect and advanced type of mml-
dtnhootl, and look down upon girls
who marry tefore S as very much
snore akin to ravages, for it Ir a
well-known fact that the age of
marriage advances with eivilltaton.
Everywhere the more lure we
mail is to the fore.
'j'he taster of melt In this rennrei
wenn to have undergone a complete
revolution, and instead of flutter
log about the iuetperieared girl,
talking pretty nothing". they art,
matching their experiences, broad
ening their horizon, sharpening their
wits In clever conversation with
sons brilliant and beautiful woman.
Our Watches
May be handed from lather
to son heirlooms --they us
SS nearly perfect as powible,
yet not expensive, hun-
dreds arc now in use by
those who arc particular
about accurate time. Let
ua send you our catalogue
showing the many styles of
solid gold, fine gold filled.
silver and gun metal.
Watches in both ladles' and
geatkmen's sins, . .
✓ Ye•'e�"M'i
ll r'R ads"r'
156PONCE 5'
..'.. • Si7111E111q le r 'HST
That Wea Dleerest
(Chicago Post.l
Is he Pit rnvngnull 7"' they asked,
"Not nt all." she replrul.
"lint he spends all he makes," they
The Whole Thleg. urged.
Modiste-IL•af you look o'er, see "Tao:" she n,lnlitted, "but he
new fashion plates I send yew? 1 sp•nds it on roe."
Lady -Yee, vary carefully.
"Anti vat you decide?"
"1 have made a composite photo-
graph of them all, anal I wtah you
to make my dress look as much like
It as possible."
At the Bram alga of n iron , or other pain
in the boucle take Perry fl.ris' Painkiller
lm hot water, ...teeters...1. and you have moi.-
terr.t the dlmrulry 'there Is hut one rant
killer -ferry DavIn'-YS 011.1 So,•.
What Is a hotelier?
Butt for damages is now Pending
la the Chicago mutts, which is beard
use au unusual plea -tile defendant
milled the plaintiff "a Jobst Un-
der a recent law concernin libel,
the person sued for calling orrid-
anew can go free if he can ore
that the alleged "libel" is true.
If that Mould enter into thin CA
come light upon the exact nature an
habit* of the genua lobster immune
weight be thrown. If the defentnnt
were to undertake to prove the
truth of his as.ertluu, how would
he grit about it 7
This opprobrious epithet has lora
cast about among people of all
grades of society for several yearn.
When It struck awl stuck to the right
person. everybody sere the fitness of
the title. lint what, exactly, are the
main characteristics of the "lets -
ter "7
"oh, he's a lobster !" coming from
the rouges) Cupid's bow mouth of
Dotty Dimple, as she waits behind
the wings with spear aeljnuted, rend%
to load the litre of "Isddieri brave,"
means that the gentleman under din-
cnssbrn le mleaeeptlble to the right
klrnl of manipulation whish extract,
birds and cold bottles from hie poc-
'Tell ate. what is n holster':'' wan
the query phut to et marl who haul
Jest growled the offensive wore) nt
the retreating figure of an nMp(aio-
tanre who hail jostled hire in the
"Well. a larbwter be n" --nn pmnseil
lielMi'snly. "He'n a kind of -of nni-
mnl that In always In everybrly'n
way -oat of place, you know." .Uel
he brightened up wills the glow of
one who huts accomplished that mos
difficult preemie of thought. a ohdln-
Ilion. "You ,me, n (hap flint tries
to butt in with another fellow's girl
-the other fellow tmlie him a lobs-
ter -www?"
Kr, that's at mane definition. But
howabout the
nanl R"
"Whet kind IS a Mall .ln you call
n lobrtrr?" The bright young woman
wine wen anked the question pondered
it moment, then maid tersely : ".A
bore. ifs', Always denser and' stupid.'
.trod there you have the two ver -
Mena. nut how tonne all these repul-
sive qualities' to he fn.tened upon
that Innocent. surrulent. acnNet-
black creature, the emblem of jolly,
Midnight good fellowship, the lobe -
ter of the mad NSA w'avea?
Steps the Cough
and Works Oft the Cold.
l.n r at i •s Brum. Quinine Tablet. mi m a enld
lu one day. No cure, No pay. l'ru,- 75 rents
Ore of the Others.
Omer day when the mother of twelve
ehihlren had wrke.ti spry hard, she
cutlet to the youngoest twh0 ern. enllr.l
Fan nk) :
"Frank. I w,aA► I haul n girl to do
my work."
Frank wild: "Wiry don't you trade
one of :se boys off for is girl? But
not. me."
PilesP■ Te prove to you that Ds
Chime'a Ointment. In%certain
and ehenlntn eora+ for each
it s
and every form of to -hints
bleedingsnd art e, aline pile..
the marnnpsrtnrere hate guaranteed it. Reefs..
timonlahe In the (lana Mr r Mid ask your neigh -
here what they think oft' 'moo eon molt and
"styrene mmtry back If ret mired. Bin a bor. at
W ul•siera or ItOMA..our,BgTrw R Co.. Termite.
Dr: Chase's Ointment
tennwtwg Wu elicit.
'Give him plenty of rope," piloted
the strnnger, "and he'll hang him -
"Male,.' lir will," returned Alkali
Jake. 'but cmi.,. brra_se don't take
no elnn,i''. iI wm else Itim the rope,
you hat ova' !I mak e n sure -thing lob
of the hnnglug."
LIBBY Luncheons
w•.wlth• product l• ter ermine r..• Term
• t•r mine t•.• and It. moat *,met), m. It Mn
us. • yo. teem n.,ntt,•r,r
rotted Maw, See/ and rears",
OI Tongue I .bole,., Seal/ ear.
Deviled Mao, arHret meat,
Sliced Smog 41 aver.
All 3•,.r•1 F,...,' rood. ral•,a.le •.d
A►•i•rtr. Tour Soarer .h.,,14 mimo the.
Libby, McNeill a Libby, Chicago
-now To Mot •cllet n.r to Par"
be doft If . 1
nd{t,od hucllltlenLhnu.11lnt. e'
itee1. 1nareato de es Invited and prompt-
rom t-
Ira .lr tit. Will bay honey outright.
"JOHN ii, FEE "14:.';'4.147;`,.''''.
NO NNMN IO "t ul,i
this..ur e-{•• ..f ,u aro fn,m
rmimbN NN„ at AlAawn, r., m., 1• .II
Terr.ihr.n.•M.ddrr R1,•N..«•..
rtncini, /nil. Pra,el. AO wand I1
farina, ,b•NAN ,,. dh.l.a,.. Pm
US. ear S. alter II y... SANA•.",r
Amara r/es0 rsiess, t..s, Ra
t'ortear I I,. I psi .,,.m.
AI.L ItItANuf EM the mighty and
.nreeeefully taught by .m tortoise'.
and el'rcRlnn aTitTtM.
Beat rumen, by mall ever el jell.
.u.' 1•ransRn
PTI'nraT. 111I.1•aiTRD
Improve year .nine Not 11/1 at Nn
and r: %RN wldle yin moody. write It
booklet string ton tnh•rrtenttnn. .
x d.l ran.
Canadian School of Illustratiotl
TORONTO. CAN. Yon.•• nn.l •ierrnnl
\�.5\T EII via l.n.\LIIItL,11T 1•EOPT.ft
w h„ rnn .vera n1 leastfifteen dnllne*
nrellr; .r•*eraI of our Tept'n t,lh es make
s r res until , i n slay.: n'A d Uyerl _RAT
;,‘,A,-,•1114 Thr (salary ('h rletMn ren., hid.,
Mlnard's Liniment relieves Neural- Toronto, Ont.
Her Clever K/jeeiiom,
' Whet did yon *Alien that liar-
Ilr. Wn t t le proposes' to you?"
"fie prop and by letter, and I Oleo
ply rrenrnel the proposal atter writ-
ing nerves the face of the envelope:
'Opened by mistake,' and then atoned
my mune to it." t
Dr. Carson's Tonic
Stomach and Constipation Bitter&
Madr from the fnrmnln of nn eminent
e' nnndlnn phy.lrirtn, who home/WI the
pr' erriptinn In him prnette* for m.. ny
year* with moat antlat.rtory moult..
'A Purely Vegetable, Teak and Blood
Purifier. Prke go cents per Bottle.
I anally yon inn alienia the prepara-
tion 1,1 vont Istat drnrpst, lint If vu,.
ennnot nitnln It In your neighbor-
hood, we will send owe or more hnt-
II.. on r.eelpt of print I 'err per bot-
tle) merles" prepnhl.
Palesplelet .eat MRs? no ap*tlee$lea•
•p 'Ike it knife, for exnmining nue work
or the email thing's of erentl..n: In Inv,lnehle
to student. engineers, meehnnlre. lnllor,(",
teattng "tabu, etc.; Pent In any address her
2.5Y. hoe Loo; agent. n•nnterl. wanner
lamp Sad Mfg. 1'0., If nm,lhon. (Int.
There will be mold on the hemlines by publle
Part lout on Wed ewedn r, (October 1st, nt I
'cloak, r,IMMKRMAN ,'ARM, at Burlington
Jnnetlnu. Fleet farm cont h of eln then oe
liorlingtnn Mond; :17 nem.; Im-st Bandy loam:
nbnndn nre of (rnit: two honors and ant.
lon&lInsa; sold In whole or to neer lilts.
T kis-1 o per rent. at time of sale, ,mast••
on east term..
Pngnr herr. land In tiny Comity, both
wlhl and rbnrr,l, h, goal tnnnlng.p r,mmnn-
Ity. Apply to I. neatly, tllarer, bitch.
Mrs Wholes" soothing
alwaye be need toe ('hhlire m Tertltng.
Another. Mr thud, softens then cDWraares
mils ad it the hest remedy fee eM
T e emallty smiling. Ann Oman ea
YYnnr motet ho, ., ltnet.atutcet.Mr
noise A I.Ar1,AHIC,
Agent., xbmlrest.