HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-10-2, Page 5'rum SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. TuossuaY, Oct 2, 1902. 5 W.Acheson' & Son Dress Suitings, Silks and Jackets. We want all our customers and visitors to fully realize the superiority of our 1 Esse Goods and Silks stocks. Hence these liberal price cuts ill stylish seasonable lines. Dress Venetians. 6.0 0 lochs. wide, pure worsted west of Fad/lend black dress Venetian Suiting., also in all colorer. Cheviots our special 11.50 quality, at per yard $1.25 Roseberry Suitings. lube' wide, guaranteed pare wool, in new autumn shades, correct weight Int `tun'. regular ogle. 60.t, at per yard .... Excellent Silks. SOc lila• k l'dau I:e Sole Drees Silks, beautiful rich blacks and double faoe weaves, a perfect ue,rtnr drew silk, .uereuted quality, our own Import and equal toC 1.00 last season's $1.25, epeeist et per yard ... •p Colored French Waist Silks. to fano, weave. beaotllul new stripe sod Persian affect., wear reoommeaded for 45c watsure , eto , gular value b0i. special Jackets and Ulsters. N's are showing the very latest produettons of New York In stylish Jacket. and Cistern, to three quarters and 'erg leogthe. 'the sloth. are of *mulatto 1u;Otty and style superb. prime gill to found very moderate, the 'ilii.e are telt weever offend. Prine rat em $4 75 to 118.00. We invite loeprotios Carpet Values. We have opened this week in stock new fall stocks in Brussels, Tapestry, Wool and Union Carpets. Tapestry Carpets. r io.:hee wide to beautiful petter°. anti new oolorioge, a oarpet fit for any room or b.1,, regular prim 601, special per yard . .... Wool Carpets. '✓ inches wile, best quality, 2 -ply, all pure wt,t reversible l;a•pets, to beet pet tuns sod good volt r lige, et per yard, spool al Union Carpets. 36 Inches wide, hoary reversible Coon Carpet., rioters and patterns oopled MOM N.E.11 weal Road., • regular 50o carpet as oar yard 50c 75c 40c W. Acheson & Son. CHURCH CONGRESSES teacloth,. at the be I ■eedlps e1 Eke Methodist ■ase Leglseaa N.dles. At the Angiloan U•neral Syned, which has closed its einem et Montreal. en impor- tant motion that was introduced sod dM- ouwed et some length was as fellows : I•hat, the upper Hoose 0000crrlag, a jobs committee of both hens.- be appeintea (5) to %eke such sups se may be oeoete,.r, to hats the cbercb is the Ib,mioion of Canada designated by a d''atlootive netiooal Dame, ea in the twee of Ireland. South Afrle or the United States ; (b) to publish an edill. „1 the boot , f common prayer, with eanh wife's sister Dame up on a neesenzs from the Home of Bisbupe, maktog the prayer book table of prohibited degrees the law of the whole church This table Ir,nudes the pre hibltton of marriage with a doomed wife's stater and • doomed wills sister's daughter Toe message was 0000arred In. Marriage with a deoeaeed wife's sister or daughter Is, therefore, prohlMtd tkrougeout the whole church In Caned.. The Timone of divorce, or rather of the marrow of divorced persons, was discussed at length but no act toe was taken. A very important subject discussed by the Yyaod was that of the revival et the lay diaconate. it was felt that the church had additions and adaptations as may be rt- suffered to the past for lack of the .tension yulred by the needs of the country ; I r1 to of the diaconate, and that it might be fres' define and limit the title and datt.. of toe le the stgtbeorder. bore edhe a tel at and tion lefrated various eocie taettcal &Hi rex to which clergy men may be appointed by any Bishop In "mob could render good ears., a end do work 1'aeadt. Ae emooded motion, c.clodiog which had been neglected by the ohsroh In only the first of the above three Glenne, tbo'past, though other bodies bad aeder.tood wit afterwards sulatltuted, but It was given ; Its Importance end hal r been indifferent. months' hoist Alterwards the tend A reeolut too was pawed to allow the read - ciliate of the ortgiaal motion was taken up, lag of the Scripture lemons to the churches tot wee detested. The second clause, that I from the revised version. referring to the palatable/ of am edition of Toe Usoesal Synod brought Its delibere- the book of common prayer, was then one- Mons to a 0000'usioa with a pastoral letter, entered, and an moodiness to it, as follows, I the first of Its kind signed by all the li ebope wee passed enanlm.usly , se heads of the Church of England I. " i'hat it Is cow oonveelent and desirable Canadao that an edition of the hook of common I The ■Hkadlet G I t'enferemrd prayer be primed for use throughout Cao- The lieoerel Conference of the Methodist Me by the action of a I lint comet tie tf {thumb, meeting as Wlnotp.g. set itself both houses, and than soots Prayer book ereeecly to the minion problem presented should motels. oonvensently •riaeged, all by the greet devaiopment of the Oao:ulao the prayers and forms of esreto. applicable W.•t, App•reetly nearly every delegate to and aothor,zed for the are of the church was mired of the importance of the .ubjeot e eroices In Canada. anti shoo' I be (sewed before a was presented, end half the re - with the authority tel the I synod anti comm.odetlons of the committee were adopt u sed by the yanous oongre atiooe within e.1 beforeanyone asked for any expI.natious, n• jandit- ice, and that the upper hoose flu a goe,ttoo Ming asked. N. W. Rowell. be respectfully requeste-I etatake ...oh sotto, K I'., of Toronto, on emelt of the oomno'- es any be deemed neoeseayp..ho peepers a tee, rose and delivered en elrquent address plan for th• 'erne of such emotes prayer in wh,oh he plcturd the Momentum tide of h onk, and that, the upper house concurring.' Immigration and the uprprin,ing of scores a plot committee of both hoe.me be asp of new communities, which should be rerh• penitent to assist in carrying out the s ihjeot ed by the Methodist church throughout the of this reolotior, sad to repott at the nest i'.ndan West. Tho Confereooe .doped ED- maiiog of the Sysoi." animousiy reonmmendai inns which provide The Synod adr toted Quebec at t s meeting I for the appointment of four superintendents platy three years Mom , ler borne mission work in the West, one for The teme:wanes commit tee reported that' New Oetarlo, two for Manitoba and the they were of the ep•mor that some kind of Neriawest and one for Routh Columbia. government control of the I quer tratho or, These men shall give their whsle time to the some org1' r aeon Ike the pubito hone. trust saper•aton of the work tel the mieslooai lee of Kogiand was desirable in order that the I b their respecttee fields, and .hall have - element of private gain, which is the mostassociated with them nue omreopoodmg ielurlooe feature of the liquor trafrio se it s,oretery, and there shall oleo be established exon, might be eluutn•'ec. flat the oom- a special load for the ezteoe:ou et the work, mens were not in favor of the chn'ch en• to order to kern up the •yentas allowance tering the political arena to attempt to et- for the workers and their .penial needs tato prohibitioe. They b.iny"d that the A very omit der.ble Inonese to ieoome most effectual way of menbsttcng iot sniper- wee showy by the financial statement of the nom was by bringlog moo to Christ, that g-n.ral nosed of mission". in 11397-8 It was they mi,tht eve 'he error of their wave end $243,051 ; for 1901-2 it was $306,429, ao hi - depart Item them, The ,.part was adopted, ret $63,376 This doe oct Include with as amendment to coesi•e Into theme/lots $48,3611 received from the ,"enuetb osmtery of Lhe Gothenburg and Kull .h pubr.o home, food. Tb. total onetime during toil quad - trust. system., sol iso lirr by I'rinolpal renn'um wee $1,118,210. Whitney In favor of continuing the Dorn. The claims of St James' church, Most• mittee I. force in n der to ooseott with real, were preeented to the C. nferenre. and ether religi •us bodes w tth a view to moor- tie Mord Smnday in U.:tober wee et apart taloing a common ground on wh ch to raise pubis sentiment on the ;n Rano. The discussion of mamma with a demand Moa with the Pr.ebytulan,hstoh la mission work to the West, !t was deolded to appoint a dell eeoreta•y fur temperance and morel reform, ammo duty tt will be to propagate the prime plee and promote the pilot, of the church to them In •tier.. Another Important deobton taken by the ooufereoue was that to change the pastoral term to four years, without matelot:one. 'l'be time to elape•between two p•atorates by one man on any eiruult was fend at four yen tasted of sir. There was oonsiderable debate upon the proposal to have a tour year term for the I:eoerel Superintendent, but It was finally deoldrd to adhere to the eight•yesr term. Ch• ounlere000 refused to make any obeege In the "foot note" regarding amuse- ments interdloted by the oburoh treveral amendmente were offered, mainly In the direction of making the provisions admoni- tory rather than peremptory, but all were rejected. Debate on the sllbjectt was out abort, though net without protest from some of the delegate. who resented toe ap- plication of the closure. Tte elect on of the thief etbuere of the church for the nut term Is always one of the Imptrtaot duties of the peroral Confer- ence, 'Phe ble Rev. Ur. Carman was re -sleeted IJeneral Superlotendent for the next eight years, alter having 'occupied the post of bed of the Methodist Church of Canada toyer shoe the untco, nineteen years au. Rev. lino. J. Bond. of Hahfett, was Mimeo as editor ot The Christian Uusrdisu, In suoosssioo to Rev. Dr. Courte», whose health It uofortuuatsly far frets vigorous. Mr. Bond has been for th• pest sight years edltar of The Wesleyan the Methodist paper at Halifax. Key. James Woodsworth was appointed te the new Mho of corresponding must try of minions Io the West and Rev, I)r. Clone, of torooto, to the new peel - Goo of eeoretery of temperanu sod moral reform The oonfereooe adopted • sit ong resole, tiro on the quest on of an organic union of the erangelioal denomica'lone in Cased' and authorized agotiatioos with the Pres byted.n and Congregational thatches with a view to ultimate mho. A committee was lie first day's work. Mr. loung'e oat. that appointed (of emote K. Holmes, M. I'., were gown In March last made • grand yield. Clinton, is a member( to meet represents- i Joseb threshed these oats •t the rate of time from thee danominatiooe and report three bushels a minute. N'. If Jewel, Jas. at the omit General Coofereoe. - DUNLOP. I'Uesuav, Sept 23r.f. Wm douse ant Willits him hl,ltan go WI it the toluene:) to Niagara today. John Tobin hag returoel to Lenten after • most pleasant sojourn of a fortolght- Miss Sere Corbett was In Lundou last week yisitino relatives and hotrods there. Norman Mol.eod has returned from a two weeks' visit to relations and friends about Loohtlab and Lucknow, Ws. Cumming was la Loudon lest week melog the fen and visiting bet daughter, who resides there with her sone, Robert and Luken. The latter was to go to the mili- tary comp at Niagara this week. Saturday Zest Miss Cooper, the present Nader of our school, batted in her resigna- tioo of our school. `he intends to under• take a course of study at one of the Normal schools of ()Marto. The resigoatieu takes effect at the New Year. Our former residents, Mr. aed Mrs. Robe, Fultord, gave our burg a visit of several days lest week, seeing quite a number of old frteed. at the store, Mr. Fulford was in- terested in seeing old points, not !organise Nightingale street and the trees planted along it several yens ago. Dutwr Luaus ALiavu.--Muth has been said by different local eurlbes about the corn that has bees grown this Beason. Now our towounao, D Cummisgo, has toe bee aore of fodder ooro grown this eeamoit was planted the first week of June. Each of the stalks Is over eleven feet in boleti'', and the rows are without a break and not • wood for oemwny as they have In the',tabur° worn fields. Mr. Commiara thoroughly understands the culture of roots and will have this plain of land In roots out year. Hle garden can't be exoelled In the Downs - lea for oars and culture, end is much ad• mired by some of the leading gardeners of 0dderlob and neighbors around the motion. Jacob Mosler, who is the director of one of Joe. I oldtborpe's tbreehl:g machines, threshed the mammoth trop of W. F. Young's at Loyal last week with a new 24 hone -power traction engine. This was Patton and W. Yeuov, jr., did some quick An interesting report wee preeeated by work oarrying them to the granety. Mr. toe sootologtoal oommlttee, moo. hating the Young intend. to use the oats for fattening prinolplee of a living wage for workmea, I settle for market. Mr Meiere aeebtants compulsory arbitration to industrial die. are Wm. Fisher and Woe Clark. the letter puttee and pubeo ownership of public Rall- as engineer. Oa Saturday they threshed at Nes Wm- H. Jewel's, Ashfield veteran threeber, to yew of the eppreaoblog bl-oontenary Geo. Burrows, rooming with others to see of the birth of John Wesley in 1703, the the massive and ponderoue new engine at Coherence resolved to mark the event by work. Next season they will have a blower she launching of a lei centenary fund, aim- attached to this machine. lot; to rano $250,000 ter missionary work In memory of the great founder of the church. The queettos of order of eoele.taetloel prM»deeoe et .tae functions wee eoouderd and the glrtng of chief place, first to Arch- bishop., second to Bishops, third to other c'.ergymas, was timbered to be oon'raty te the "pant of our political Institution, the principle. established to the history of the country, and the cl-rgy reserves est of 1854, which completely separates church end state, and to be adjust to the meet leading Protestant denominations. The abolition of lbs existing tahle of ecolealastical prece- dence was recommended, or, in case thle mune is impracticable, the following plan : (a) That the order of precedence at Do- minion felonious be based on the numerical strength of the religious denorMnettons as ascertained by the most reoeot oeoeus, each body to furnish from ems to time the list of Its repnneutatime. (hi That to each Proylooe the ovine of preeedeooe be de- termined by the °orneriest strength of the cartons bodies, each body to notify from time to time the various politloal lioyeru• mete of their official representatives. LAURIER FNivay, Sept. 26. An interesting event took pleat lest week et the realdeo,'e of Arch • McIntyre.; when h.. daughter, Bertha, end Kee -Starer were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by it... Mr. Miller. To the strains of the wedding march, played by Duman McKay on the pips., the bridal party entered the room, the bride Ieaniog on her father's arm. the 1 rde wit attended by Mies Jane Shield', of Amberely, as bridesmaid, while the groom was ably attended by Charles otewart, the bride looked exooedingly Mannino and winsome In her Irauvtal wed- ding robe of white organics with suitable tummies'. After the ceremony had bees performed and the congratulations of nearly two hundred guests had been tendered, all with tree to the basement, whloh was taste- fully decorated for the 000alon, to partake of tie wedding dejeaose. After the inner moo was satisfied, the light fantoetio was tripped to the wee Aeon of the morn. Among those present from a distance were: Mn. Bayne and two daughters, of Detroit : tare. Treat, of Chloago; NUI McIntyre and daughter Muss Catharine,. of St. Thoma ; Don and Mines Maggie aril Mary A, Sc- hott/re. of Kinloss ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fin lemon, of Lorne ; Miss Maggie Orecit, of Godench ; Den and Mies Ethel Ftn'ysnn. and Dan Solver, of Ripley, and Dan. C. isoKeerie, of Calsmee. for se appeal in its Interest. An important eep wit 'sten looking to- wards the adoption of a scheme of oo-opore- Mmmmmmmtttmttttttmmmmitml LEtBURN. Tu'tauAy, Sept. 23rd. Mrs. Jae. Chisholm went to Stratford to attend the wedding of one of her nieces there. Mr.. Percy Siewart elm her son Wilbur were in London last week visiting friends and seeing the Western Fair. THRESHING Rr'oRDa,—At John Duetow's near Nile 1900 bushels of oats were thrash- ed out in one day by the Ryan steamer: at Win. Stelling'. 22 bushels of cats were threshed in four minute. and a half and 20 bushels of wheat in nine minutes by toe watch. Hier Tata le You Cos.—Motility of the week the Ryan steamer threshed at alae. Kirkpatrick's • hundred bushels of barley from en are and a quarter of land. Doubt- ing ones can at any time be shown the land end the bin of barley. Phis Is the biggest yield this steamer has met this mason. 'there was a large dancing party at the Point Farm on Friday night of last week, Mr and Mn Joe. Goldthorpe ably filling the duties of host and hostess. W m. Sal- low., el Poplar Row, and Win. Jones, of Loyal, were the managing oommlttee. Quite a number of the belles of Ashfield, Cnlborce and Godertch participated in the merry danoo with escorts and friends. Col- borne's veteran musician W m, MaoPhee at' Bred in the music. They /mime Cesswsapttee. Bed 000eh•, odds end catarrh are rye portable for more coniumptioo than is train- able even to heredity Cararrhrrnne corm more gntckiy then ordinary remedies bet. Roto it is the only antisep'lo yet sits d that Is voleti:o enougn to reaoh the root of the trouble in remote parts of the longs and bronchial tube., and imprevnate evet y oar- - nle of the air to eat hed with its healing. germ -Idling vapor. Colds can't last ten minute., or coughs more than thirty minatee when I'atarrhozone a inhaled It oleos nose, throat and air passages at once, slope dropping. headache, and erradtoatee catarrh from any part of the system. Two month.' treatment, $1.00; trial • as 25). Urugg:ue, or N. C. Poem & Co., Krakatoa Oat. 1)r. Hamilton's Pills are mild. 1t Nasier Er. (Smart Oet.t There wee moo a young lady Dr. Who owned a bad parrot tear. mr, He would likewise blarpheme, Udo. language extreme - atll of whiol', a the lady geld, .hr NEARLY FORTY YEARS AGO. Nltiterr Review Meld ie Yederteb owes Sack I. 'ad. The Stratford Bea000, which is still dig- ging in Its old files, the other day republtsh- ed the following from Be Issue of Fttdev, tietctemtor 25, 1863 ; It will doubtless •waken memories In the minds of some of our all commas Oa Monday lent • review of the volunteer mamma. to the western portion of this district took plane at Uoderloh. The wether was tether unt ble, It being cold and there was • drfooling rein A little after six however the Sor•tford mut panes mustered •t their armonse and marched to tics station heeded by the exel lent military bend. At 7.30 the train left for Uoderloh uontalnbg besides the two Stratford companies the New Hamburg In taetry company and a goodly number of olvill•ns on their way to tee review. Tb• railway ootcpauy appeared determined to make up for all shortcomings of the late trip to Brantford and provided • train of even splendla oars for the excursion. A few ministers of the Ssaforth infantry en- tr•tued at that place. Melly, however, drove to Godertub le tams. Oo arriving at Uoderloh the Stratford oompenlee were met by Mr. Mackie and other., who con- ducted them to Mr. Joe. Wright's Huron hotel, where a splendid lunch wee provided. The net of the companies were quartered in other hotels of the town. in the mean time the weather cleared op and the day was fine. At 11 o'clock the oompanlss asembied end marched to the court house square where the battalion was formed es follow.: Capt. Roes, Uoderlob artillery ; Capt. Imlach, Stratford infantry ; Capt. l'olemar, Sefortb iota/eery ; Capt. flood - ram, New Hamburg infantry ; Capt. Show, Kincardine Infantry ; Capt. Daniels, Kin- cardine tofantry ; Capt. b.ymoor, Uoderloh Wise; ('opt. Service, Stratford rifles. In all there were 17 elbows and 260 men. W ben all were In their planes they marched, headed by the Stratford bend, the Uoderloh band being In the rear. to the review field beyond the river ' ' • The review was under the supervision tet Brigade Maier Barrette ' ' ' 111e was wasted by Sergi. Major Wood, then whom thus is no letter posted man in t anad• on battalion drill • • ' Perhaps the Stratford infantry were anted for their splendid marching, but all the cowponies merohu I well • ' • Firing volleys by compete t name mut end at the first volley tee unanimity of the fire by the Uoderloh artillery and the St•etford rifles we particularly noted, beteg as oos shot • • • Ocher manoeuvres were taken pert In and at the obese oomphmentary mambos were made by Capt.. Imlach and Service and a unanimous vote of tanks to theGode rich people and Mr. Wright permed. Cap min Roes of the artillery replied. Nothing could exceed the attention of the t:oduioh men to their gismo, An unfortunate blander In ping the time of departure of the train was oommitted and the Strat- ford companies were left behind. There was an understanding that Ino oompanles acre to be at the station at 6 30, but al- though they had arrived before that tom the train had left. We believe the mistake arose from acme tnetruotlons renewed from Mr. Fell of Parts. A special train was got up, which arrived et S'r.tford about 11 30. Prominent amongst these who welcomed Stratfordltes at Uoder;ch was Mr. Mackie, a former Stratford citizen. • FOUR TEEN MONT HS IN BED. Looe Period er smirerlmg or Mr. Itereeka■ at last Smoak t lea Nappy Termination. Gelert, Oot, Sept. 29.0. (Speolall,—Mr. Samuel Kernohan, of this place, was (aid mD for ever fourteen mouth,. He was very ill and live doctors attended him without any improvement In his nefortuuate oondiroo. Totts of the motors said he had "floating kidney" and that tothing could cure him. The other two said It was "spinal donee," but agreed with the others that his tete was abselately incurable, Mr. Kernohan wee.advied to this hope- less extremity to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, and they cured him completely. He says:— "After I had taken three boxes I was able to walk about- hut I oonttoaed till I bed taken in ell about eighteen boxes. I then felt en well es ever I did and have worked almost every day shoe, although that Is oyer seven years agt,, FALL FAIRS 1902. R Is Oot. 2-3 Fo:dwloh Oct 4 Atwood Oat, 78 Blyth Oot. 7-8 Dungannon Uiit 9-10 Ray ti Mit Oct. 14-15 Seat, rth : S. A. D:oksen, son of Post- . e " �+ master t)ickton, has bees called to the bar "Patented 1V1 ach �nery and moors to so. i►ks'1dTTbr, at (legends ROI, The housewife making bread can only develop a certain percentage of the gluten in flour, the strongest man but a little more. But the patented dough mixer and process used in making Eureka Bread develops every particle of glutton in the dough, 25 per cent. more titan is possible with human hands. Fifteen horse power is required to op- erate this machinery, which is always kept clean and bright Eureka Bread Is our Motto. FOR SAI.R BY a a W. Pa WESTOBY, HAMILTON ST., OOOSRIOM. MuuiuiiuuuuiuuMuiuiiuuiuuuutufi 0 "If wishes were horses beggars would ride." Good intentions won't !take good shoes. Good materials and reliable work cost money. "As good" shoes can't possibly be retailed for less than the Makers' price, stamped on the soles of - "The Slater Shoe" Slaforth Mn. N no Pierce, of Calgary, Northwest Territory, formerly Miss Meyer, Is at present ylsiuuie •t the home of Mr. and Mrs. .1. P. Brine. TO ADVERTISERS. Notioe of cnanges must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for change. must be left not I' ter than Mon- day noon- Casual Advertisements accepted no to nor n Wednesday of esob week. ' eljerelie', MM. SHARIMAN, Sole Ateat, 6odericll. Place a lighted match UN011 A Pun Oh nTvt AND ALSO t/NDIS A PLATS Or CACI IdON AND TOO ecu 0e wNtcst HEATS ODIOUS!' Molfat's National ,Stoves AM Males WITH e,tvts OTTPI OVM/ GUA•ANTrap TO GIVE oO11 A N01Tla OEM 'arra ISIS caret AND De LIST TM. THAM ANT L A s1 OWNS M A Dr. WTI Ons PATPNT Tt11/t TWIT wad, N.rrHte wasp NOE ..lack YOU WANT. 'lie Moffat Stove. ewmw.M WORSELL'S Cheap Stove and Furnace louse M THE PLACE ti) ROT the BEST and CBEAPESI Stoves and -Furnaces. J. H. WORSE LL, HAMILTON -6T., OODERION, FALL TERM -IN THE - L/STOWEL jorlilidc I McKIM'Sl"erictelet1 DOES THE WEATHER FIND YOU OUT? Duns th• wind mem to find the Hilo prose in last winter's underwear? Of course it does. Your old goods are all right for this moderate weather, but welt till th• first tlold seep come and you will be glad of • suit of oar Radar. wear. Shirts and Drawers at 505— Men's pure wool Shorts end Drawers, un - shrinkable, all elms, equal to last year's at 75e, all wool, shrunk, at each 600 Sanitary Wool Fleece 500—Sani- tary wool fleece Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, as warm as thew we sold last season at 75t. Sanitary wool fleeced all sloes Shire and Drawers 60o Begin on MONDAY, sere. 1, lett. Two tonnes, Commended and Shorthand. Terms reasonable. Seed for Journal. Students may enter at any time. C . A. FLEMINO, A. I. MCINTYRE, Pres Seo Penman's -Floe Hated Weal Under- wear, all sizes. The Wolsey UnehrInlfable Cee - llcRillep Ideal Fire lItrva G. FARM AND ISOLATED TOW' PROP- ERTY INSURED. Situation Sate for Men, will out fat, will not shrink. AU -Wool Frieze, 66 motes wide, fest blank, the regular $1 26 per yard Mad, the bet yet for unlined skirts, mem or bowl wear, all -wool frieze, regular pries $1.26, per yard 75e MILLINERY —We want you to see what we oat do fur you In this line. Do net be afraid to volt our room for tear we may sell you something you de net want. All we ask is a fair examination and then suit yourself when you buy. Mise Packard will deem it • plea- sure to help you In any way. M°KI M'S BUSY STORE. vd !ANC ere simply kidney disorders. The kidney. filter the blood of all that shouldn't bbea there. The blood passes through the kid. neys every three minutes. If the kidneys do their work no impurity or cause of disorder can remain In the circulation longer than that time. Therefore if your blood is out of orderour kidneys have failed In their work- They are In need of stimulation, etrenathe eing or doctoring. One medicine will do all three the finest m and most imitated blood edldw them Ia Value of Property Insure' up to January, 1901 e3,M*Orls.es Olreezes AND DIRECTORS. J. B McLean, pees.: T. Fraser, vireo -ores. lee. Connolly, 0. Dela W. G. Broadtoct, J. Watt, Jas. Evens, J. G. Grieve. J. Beonewee, directors: W. It Hewedfo,r, So aro It h. Memo - tor of tomes ; T. E. Hays. Seaferth, secretary - treasurer. AGENTS. .3 W. Yeo, ilnlmesville James ('umrnlne Egncondvllle ; It. McMlli an, Seaforth ; R Smith, Harlook Policy -holden can pay aeereemento end get their cards receipt..d at Mr. Copts'. Clinton. or et Mclean Broa Palace Clothing Store, (lode rich Dodd's Sidney Pills Apples, Boys fiirls WANT 16e Huron and Bruce Loan and investment Co. GODERICH, - ONT. ONT. The Saltford Evaporator is now ready for business and wants any quantity ot good peeling Apples, for which cash will be paid. Also Boys anti Girls wanted to work in the Evaporator, to whom good wages will be paid. Come quick. Sot.ierron—PHILIP HOLT, K.G. i eeetere--THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. BECK & 60LDTIOBPE, SALTFORD, ONT. Sept. 4, 1902. OUR SAVINGS BANK. We aro pnspared to receive Deposits from Trustees, Patents or ('hildren, in mum, of from Fifty Conte to Three Thou/anti Dollars, and allow compound interest. added every six month. at rates as agreed upon. Cheyame ate. given Depositors, no that they may draw upon theme deposit+ et any time 3, 31 and 4 per cent. Internet allowed on Deposits. aceordibg to amount and time left. N.B—Parmuant to a late Act of Parliament married women and miners have the right to depend end draw out money in their own name. Deposits ran he sent by mail et the risk of mender. Remote from your bower! temptation to burglar. end food for the flames. As the Company makes loans only on first clam farm property, depositors have the strongest security for their in. vestmec,te, A fireat Snap. TO BORROWERS. This Company im prepared to loan on the shortest notice any mum upon first «Iatm moiety. Terme are made to tui borrowers. Straight loans and simpl interest. MORTIIAOES PURCHASED—For farther particular call at the Company's office, corner of Market Square anti North Street, Uoderich. W. 1. HORTON. F. JORDAN. Manager. President. Woe. PROl1UFOOT, Vire•I'rwmident. DIRECTORS : Lyn* HTRArtD•tNg. T. M. Rnocgwrs, FRANCIS JORDAN. H. Drvuar. N't W. P*nnnrno'r, Amway Nowmw. D. J. NArrrui. PHILIP Rom, K. le our Ginger `Soap, at So. a pound, of which we toll • barrel a week. This isn't our only soap, es we carry everything that can be found In an mi- te -dam grocery store, end our prices are right. The farmers koow that they can always get from as a soap for their produoe. Ws draw the lime at no legitimate trade — everything goes : Ulesewar• or potatoes, garden stuff or °hoioset table China We deal in all of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO-, Belford b'o••k tl'tenet) J BROPHY & SOB — THE LRADMNIi — `',' t\hQtr r\ Viw meter IF. cant\ ,Hers carefully attended I. at all beers, eight er del. Quebec street. Mill Wood FOR SA-EC- The Division CR, MCC Co (M c e e' between good end indifferent Drugs and Medicines is strongly defined here. The IndU• forent klad are never ordered and never pormisted to form part of oar stook. Only goods of u.douoted parity are offered N onatomera Oar swat of Proprietary Medloines Is very large. Prism are law, F. JORDAN, MEDICAL HALL. HELLO THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THS BSST Scrailtoli ilard coal IN THE'IMARHST Al foal weighed on the Market Scales where unreel ZOO ilea for a ton. Orders left at LIE sit esap$OzzrS Store promptly attended to. WMe LEE. The a eve is cut into stove wood - len2th and will be delivered to any part of the town the came clay as ordered. ()rehire received by telephone or left at residence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. Oulerich, November 21st, 1899. 53 3m Eastlake Steel Shinslie either Galvanized or Painted Are Always T'"y am e1O1e L erneom kali Rel tt3l le l e durable ■ed Quicker to apply than any other., fitting scene. surly- and therefore moat rawly laid. They hare been thoroughly tested in all kind. of cl;matra, inv.embly pee, ins_FI». L1/Meting. Rust anWeather Proof. If yre Molding, make tore of satie. faction by ordering F. ,ansae• (,.r the roof -fullest information if y.o, writs. Metallic Roofing Co., Limited; WNOIfIALE torn., TOROIITO, mama FOR iAI.It BY Lee &MINIM DO YOU BUY GROCERIES? No one who buys Groceries can afford to overlook the bargains which we offer on every lawful business day. Our Groceries are of the beet quality, and the prices are as low an first-class cede can be bought at if you are not already dealing with us, make a trial purchase, and see if we cannot suit you. sirvRnYM az Co. THE GROCERS, WEST SiDE SQUARE t7'Gooris promptly delivered. Telepleona No. 91,