HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-10-2, Page 44 THURSDAY, Oat. 2, 1903.: "
tE"HEwoo 1.are lo'lof Keith 1.10
Hee, but t r. ramie se u.. r t u out the "sr-
dia.ry toad." Our 00 b Century Brawl, "reg
let*e d," oaa. be uomia•et only io fohtas, 11
sod Iahriu to the eery damn owl or -made gar-
men'•. Clot blot/ Ilia is ol t l , . ,mmol Ion
b lull• lit 'eerier. \t'• •re prowl to sae 11. „
onr goods hove .erur•.1 for u, On potties we
o '•u) y ea 1 in run Ione. l is wilful ea
ravag•uue to buy un ,at•, p"orh-made sloth n,r.
Our Prices
The Nth Century Braid, SHIN to $18.N.
Slhcr Makers, $5.11 to $15.00.
The Overcoats we are Showing this Season
..arpses anything ever shown in this mutton, ce..teting oI Irish Cheeiote la
blink and white effeote, oleo • loge rerun of Staple' and neat Gress to Limpet
and FrI..• *dean d.io• tie the pr•vilege of .howiag too toe beet line of Orer-
costs el er shown iln Iloderloh.
Our prices are $10, 112, $15 and $ 18.
Other Makers from 5 to $14.
Byer! Garment Guaranteed by the M3E0f3ctarers to live Satisfaction.
Pedal Mies Ct.Ialag Seas. Men'. Clo:hirr, Furideher and Hotter.
Reis Amen far risty'i Hsu.
Apia, KReter Days Fists', who recently left
('scarabs far a.vttle, Wash.. humoured •
so PVI.Iellner position oI teacher io • . ,liege.
EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ttlorham : Harry Boomer 1. bunds, •
Dt M. Mea1Ya0SN1 painful ankle, the ii alt of • tall from •
tree when gat berme battler, mita.
W. H. Harris hu bought
•bout 10.000 beim of oximee 1 : 'ill delivery
for Htllantyse & Sob, q.t. Word..
TWO DIrrw'? •KUI)".
M.etr.•1 Wiles : Mseslaba ire not .o
oommeo In England se in the Unite 1 States
and 1. Kaesls. 1s the latter country they
are lot the more port peeeimlete and dwell
oo every Wolter; of •rHlsboeg•tloo, the fol. -
ewers of *omit of the sects going so lar as to
make atervlog themselves to death in recaps
the oos•ommatioa of their piety. lo the
Unite( :Ilene, on the (naivety, they era
meetly opumutic. They loudly proclaim
health and wealth and b•pplosss for all who
follow their prat:,'es. 'foey dabble In the
0000lt and put forth the most astonishing
olslme to dioturs loosrnatloe. tel witch end
some of teem omen the Vedas se glibly as
the Hebrew sed Cbruttsi Soripturei. Pig -
got, toe r.o,ilteb Messiah, after prool•tmlor
himself suoh to a bowing •udieio., drove
sway to • ouruge, tot to the wllderoess,
bat eo • hoe runt retreat that Iola fore
Henri' Prince, bad prepared.
Prinos preaobed the here mod now dootrloe.
►olleyed In wealth, mod held that, al 000
ohoseo by the Lord, he bad • right to eat iy
the earth and the fulness thereof.
t cast IS 3010?
(belt Reformer : The Reformer 1ie not by
any moos • tree trade organ. W• believe
that In view of the high ,.riff will man -
Mined easiest toe by the United State• It
would be folly for us to allow Amerloso
mooul.otarwe free acmes 10 our martin.
list n mak• our tariff •o prohibitory that
n o Importl.g could be done would be lust as
foolish as to throw oar doors wide open to
•11 corners. It l• en absolute teat that 13.d
Do Americas thrashers gone We the North-
west this year the farmers there world b.
• o.bie to thresh their grain. and for 1131.
stets of Wage our own meaaf..turiia aro
M . certain ,•cLent reepoeelbte, nas'osok se
they h••• nos the fsodtties for •upplyt.g
the demand. We know of ons dealer Io
M.ni,obm who early ih.s eaason platted
orders with Iwo Vater o manatee siren of
tbreehers for twenty and twenty fire ma.
oh lyes, reepeotiv►Iy. Neither of these firms
ooald 1111 the orders, and In was compelled
ft paeans* Am.rtoan threshers. Tome
were secured In time for the threshing
meaoo, mud are now .11 disposed of. Were
She Spmutor's policy of 00 •xoewly tariff
In operation, 1bo.e ferment would either
have had to pay an •zorblt.ot price for the
threshers or been o.,mpentel to leave rte
grrlo In the slacks, unable Ir ready.' upon
thole season's work
Rooster, 1MITATIO9 or 01*
Maololpnl Journal : At present Shore is
Intim founded on the shores of the Peeifio
omen In Siberia the Runlets ct'y of Daley.
Tble rally will form the term'oui of the new
Stb.rlea and M.nohurt.n railway. and 1te
S te bee heretofore boon known se Talbot -
wan 'I he unique chore ►bout tbls new
otty la that 1t teeing its muoloip.l h1e with
all modern improvement • There s r 3 piers
of *tone and moment: • large hrntkw.ter,
with no ships 1, seek refuge behind it. The
e lresp are lnled and paved, although
there 1. no tr.lfiu for them as )el The
different quarters ot I he *non hors b..•n laid
sus, ■pees provided for park., mhooler
obnrobe., et o. Gardeners are already
beautifying the pork". Klmtrlo lights end
eleetr10 r.tlw •yt n -e .t. e.dy In oler•I IOC
As yet not. foot o1 land has been 0.,1,1,
although over 06 0110 000 boys been expend-
ed for Imprev.ment• and pubho bud.I ogs
Tho popul.Unn .w r zoeod. ,i0.000, 23 000
of which .re employed i• bolldmp the rail
road, wnlnh 1e to be owned by the Ruulen
rournm.or. 1t 1. nalouleled 111.1 the c•ty
will out $18,000 000 balers the p t plea.
ars o.mpleis4 1, to provided that when
lands are soil taxa, inn begin, and t,.e
atty'e governm.nt will be pt.oed In the
bead• of • oounoll, elected hy the taxpayer"
of wbtoh two members must be Ru..t.o
. ubl.ole and not more than two Chins As or
Japanese. The port will he an absolutely
fres one, at the go•.rnmeel wishes to en.
moorage trade
At Olio., b• 11 11 •,n-I'hun.'..y lot \V.
Proudtoot, 01 town, ..•..rain h e p trot •e
(ting'. Counsel and w., "0.'1..1 w:,1, n the
is probably the moat con,mnn of
all ailments When neglected It
becomes chronic, and frequently
lads to hemorrhoids and other.er-
fous consequences.
This Remedy is not • purgative,
but by mild action upon the organs
restores their natural functions,
thus entirelyavoiding the debility
following te use of cathartics,
Which, 1f taken frequently, are
ablest always harmful.
Fifty Tablets
for 25 Cants
Fater : Richard Eltote, o1 Si I'.ul,
Mina , has leo visiting with friends to tile
vicinity and shaking band. with many old
(,'.node ID town,
Clinton : h. E. IJwdmr, •coountant of
,O0 Molso•'e 11.uk here, has rented the
Gage brtok house trot 'Phoma McKeezle,
formerly occupied by- F: M. McLean. -
11 Ie . Alex. Me -kilts) Is bock from
• trip to Manitoba. He w111 likely go to
the Coiv.rsity •t 'termite to your...e ea
arts oourso preparatory to the situ ly of
)i..forih : Mr.. Allen MJL,.n, of l,oder-
ich etrect, bas beautiful ripe r0pberree
grow;oe In her garden They are the oecood
crop this year sod the berries .r. at olce as
thew of the br.t growth.
li•usestt : Ths M.00.b.e font here is
pushing the proposal of ergosiz rig a new
braes band pod the expectations .rt' that
the new outfit to 000stnuvo • fourteen mem-
ber band will soots b. bete.
W.l os. : The farm of 11. MaM ibia has
b..o leased by Alit. Buchanan, as the
former intend. goo I a Washington terri-
tory to iske nh.rge of • ranch for hie era.
th.r .bout the brat of the year.
Exeter : .1. Cobbledick revived word
Monday net weak o1 the death of his
o epew, \1•rvyo Hick., son of Mr.. Andrew
H ,kit, who died at hie some, Riverside,
O•Itforola, on the previous Friday.
Wmgham : dire. John Orme, of 'Lower
Town, mot with • .erwin .00ldent while
visitlou friends at ("Meilen. She fell, die
lo•,.tiog • thigh bone, not breaking It se
reported. At last bocouut• she was getting
• long oloely,
Bromide : While acting in the capacity of
nurse a' Luok.ow hire. Doaeas Lootegeoon,
who lives 11 moles north of Brussels, had
the o.lefortuos to fall down entre and to
doing so brute her left arm between the
writ .nd the elbow.
W'rneh•m : Oo Friday, 19 h ult., two of
our otttrens Boob had • hind lojar.d, Mr
Olen•, while working at the mill, had the
fingers of one head hurt, bad Mr. Shore also
had fingers Injure I by oomlng In oont.a'
with • mw In the factory.
Brussel. • !Stained Hill, son of .John Hill,
Queen street Brussel', h.. recently heron at -
pointed principal of the West •venue pubLe
.ohonl, ti.milton, at a salary of $900 Mr,
H•II tau nine rare in Daudet' std • year
or morn in Burlington before going in o the
Unstop : On the farm. of R h .1 Kint.
ford 'lere WAS grown this year 110 art.. f
eats, sed the yield will ge 75 hauls
to the sore. After feeding Iourte.0 bor...
• t the rete of ten bushels • day for the year
they will still 13.v. 1e11 4600 bushels for
Clinton : (1 o. Johns'o., who left here
lest series for lf.miota, Mao., tad took •
teem o' horses with him, had tiremi•forto.e
o less oo., by the horse getting In foot over
• too halter steep nod ohokteg (cal'. He het
t.kea up two hundred .ore. 01 land or
. hem
Blyth : Muse Clara Moffat met wi•h •
13.d aoordeot recently. While sweeping •0
the head of the stair. In 1 or lather's home,
.be acoldeutly clipped rind fell hemilir.1
toast the s'..Ire. She received • levet,
.hakme up.nd wee bot:y bruteedand 11011
about 1 he '•m and head.
MoKillop : Mn• Agn-. 8. thieve, dough-
., of \t m i :neer, of MoKlll ,p, and enter
.1 John I:rieve, V. S., Seaton h, who I.
tomplettns her third ye.r ae teacher In No.
9, Eat W.wano.h, neo been engaged as
teacher et No. 6, Turnb.rry•, for 1903, r.1 •
salary of $325 per steam.
M•tKJlnp :
Mrs. John Adam, i "merry of
NcK Mop, died at hrr home in 'Tower (7 ty,
North D.kota. having reached the good mit
of 72 year.. Mr... Adam was the eld.tl
1.011,11r . f the late ,lames t,r eve, of Mo.
Kiley, sod was • mister of Hugh J. Grits',
of Tuok.remleh, Mr.. Orievs, of Seslorth.
Brussels : 1)r. Rivers, who recently sold
not hie pr•ot.tce In Crediton. Dot , .nd weal
.Pest, Lat decided to loarse• at • now town
R.ymo.d, in A'b •reit, .hour twenty
mile. from Lethbridge. Ile to now hooding
• new resideuor. ler. It vets tea Ica -:n -Lw
ro John 11.11, Hroesete.
W r go..r.: 11. N,..'.., • W-tnghset Joy,
flatted 1,1.ads in roan hat week ; }tit wher'-
wl from Toren.. to no. hour. an I ferry•
'ts minu'es 11. l.• in., teem,in,I 1,, ret •
tee p 1'. E..l•oJ, where he had t1.- itch'', rt
m.k ng bond• wish Lord Kituhrner, •ad
.Iw Lord Ku. Ilya, tl a King's privet •.• c
(Steles : hire, 1Vrr. O'Nlel returned 1..t
week /rum Hon.l•, where she had been
1411,4 no ahs ,•4 „rand ol 1'trndleg the
funeral of her mother. Mr.. Harmon l'lum
d eal, who woo eixt)-0 ten yeas of age. A
.rover -op f.m'ly of usltt aro left The re
mains woe Interred 1• the Welly burial
plot in At. ('..then•...
Walton : A mppeey of about one hun-
dred and fifty gout. assembh'I •t, the ro.l
donne of Ales Urrdiner . n t\'edn..d.v 01
.,1 tank to wit oe..110 maul.gr oeremnny
aniline Mass Mary, second daughter of the
hes', and Jima. 11 . Mowhrsy, The happy
couple leave in • f.w day. for Sudbury,
.her. .h• groom Is mater m.nhonlo to •
mining industry.
Hnw.l.: The flee weds! dnn•t.t by 1)r.
1leN.nrhron to the bowfin, nloh ,r.s wen
hy,ion H.w(tt, tnoso►Id et.ut. I)rag,itet
Fax seas .lying the Pbllutlaee for soma
'Arne and rave • number .f hard dotes to
..allow en the bowling lows bel Mr.
Hewitt goye the drug dl.peeser • tiro .have
.n4 became the owner nl the minh ' oersted
Petered •Ill. Th. Ilrlt.leh ilolamMi oor-
respo•dent of Th. Presbyterian maks' the
'allewly refereeos to • termer resp.oted
paster of l:emwdv:I'• absinth : "Rev.
Jews MoC•y, of Vernei, hes rite fel k11
charge and rose to Vtotori to .tabltsh '•
ladies college. There is room fur midi .o
in.tlt u'Ioe there, Wad Mr. Ms(' 'v, r• a mea
of *swims* aril edunv 1 ,e, will doubtless
ni.ke it • good sueew."
K. 1Y•waaosh : The Bite -term •beloagteF
to the estate of the late Ju. MJU,e. on the
1.t non., 141 been sold to It, ►(alae.., of
Wood.'ork, • brother of d-osat.d fur the
.aim of $4500 Toric a-. 100 acre. in i'1,
with good ere, aro', beet. k hou.o aid f.+
• a -us i the proofs la oonudered reasohsbl•
\1''.•.13 Faris., who hod • 11 rue years
wawa of the lata, trey. is t -o: Apr.l,
I.g rent.( the Heretoo latae, nu the bth
l o..
1'l:ato° : At pine ..'.lock os. \t'edoesds)
,lrsiee, S•p'em',er 24'11, there was cel, -
be tied at Se .1.4sph'• church, to the Pref•
face e1 • 1.... monitor of bloods, the wale
.iiwg of k'cherd Wows, of Hallett, to
M1.. Mar) 3br►vellr, 1.ughter of Couto.
()revolts, of (.iodertch township. Rev.
Felker MaMeesmlu perforated the sere•
way, sad blemish' the nappy ooupls on their
way. lrhde Misr Ciller, of We.: Wawa.
open. attended' the bride, :cod Louie (lis•
voile waited ou the groom.
Hay : 1/3 Monday, September 22 ids
ill. re pseud •w►y a, hi- home on the 24d
nuooe•don W',Ilt.tn ('.mpb.13, one of the
"lrly ,elder., • successful farmer and a
man Doted for his snot letegri y. H, wee
• mat of ret'rlog dt.t . Ktun, never aspiring
to public poduoo, but he was honest la hie
dining' aid wan highly reaps, Ad Ly all
who made his acqu,tnta.cs As • farmer
tee had few 1yu+11, acgwtlog s vduabl•
'stets by his skill as an agriculturist sod
by bis alined lmelsses capacity as a dealer
to ,4111•, having d.el'.extensively in that
ha• for many year,. A tow yearn oto he
became iutereetrd 1s the 'te. ,Joseph exploit,
ond it is believed the greater part o1 hie
wraith i. Involved la 110 project. He is
surelvtl by • wife tad seven obttdreo, five
e ons and two d.ue tter', •11 of whom have
the deepest et i. )achy et the community io
their loos. He was aged sixty -Moe years.
The Isdsrerlb M the Arta-rarte ('arP045
.e1 Ifasbb.wa IP.
(Ib: ucka'illn Recorder r
Mr, 'lute is getting good mod eves with
the moo who used bee name as • ".care" to
all who could be Influenced by meth appeals
dieing the lest general t lection tar the
Demister, and .las. in this last "6)0,1 for
W WI •. 1t sea, -Tarte' here, "lett."
there, "forte' ever \where. ,end dr.yeo to
the last ezlr.m,ty, the woo km for tae t'ci-
ve party on these }rote, would a
kuuwiedge the country ins, prosperous and
the (1overomeot way pretty lair, but that
oleo Tarn was unbearable. lo the Oatario
Legislature, N.r 117,11:14 was attacked t y •
IoLower of Mr. Whitney, the chnl c ta,g•
being that he borbored ".bat man Tarte."
Ice was dcsonbed III the casae S one of
Leede •uck(;reeoytlte as the man responsible
for the trouble-, of the poor Metbul'sI
fishermen at Autruual:. Lilt feria speeches
were touted and warped by tbo C
me press and Cou.erv.ttve epeskere, In
order to mshit my, if p.ulble, that he was
oot • good Batu, s11).jeu. In no place In
V0tarto was the try work•d w.th more
oIT.ot thin in the riling of Youth Leel-,
in the tlwuon Wares Mr, George I.)'lor,
and Mr. W. A. Lewis. 03 more than olio
it.thrm the speakers io Mr. L.wri behalf
were 0113.4 to explain. what Mr. Taylor '•
friends hsd told them about th.. nimble
man Tarte. He wee oh.r.oterzed as eymy
thing bad, moa to • meet suitirlal Wapner
he was ml•rep ted to the nubile, Toe
4.tl sod Emp.re mid of him :-
"10 France be went to pr0ol•im h'• owe
J ompi'r.ote un.ymp•Lhetlo. mod to roil
item int Lb. Kmpire a -id 1hs flag. and M nee -
Ito'. the aeouatroo of Cera 1. Irom Belmar.
What would happen if, with Tarte to the
Cabinet, trouble were to arise ansa ! I•
Carte really • safe man to direct our dee
Tura were scorers of snob p phs in
1u 1 •.ding conservative papers, and ooplrl
ty veiny smaller aria t of that p.r'y
throughout Oalarto. 'Ir Tarte knows th'a,
end Sir. T.ylor knows it lull well.
It . eery interest -me, under all ,bast
Mune ..sues, to see Al .. Taylor play ins
hest to th.s ",n.bodimeot of wiok.doee•'
(vide Tory wear.). Some of the former'.
file tele will expect to moo ho:nit on their
limber's whet. ; while n here, who hese
b• en taught to regard the milieu of Public
W'trke as. di.bous't, w,ll pr.,h•bly Jo:k up
he is lyerwear. Is.t be might Hao Basferiae
Ino,n. Clow win Mr. To; or Karmen z, his
tweed of a few monIbe ego with 6 lay. of
tntoy? 11 131r. Tarte nos disloyal neat, 1,
he ' 'sal no• ? II he we. wildly a trey.•
gust then, bas leoN3deoly gr•wu.trt■ holy
. • n n e1u.1 ' Isn't ho 111. tonne hos ng,
6s.ling, hely, wive, int lute,' e
oe thon-0, better no Iroise? WO oot Is
*rustle as the must of Mr. rarer prrvi
to •••• p "n'• tits utter 'III 'Gordy ..f oh
0 • Its bat w.r, made on his • few
• .0.3. 9 o. las age? Lte1.agreet my•ur).
os.' tolotioe: 1.1e is • *rester oat',
Werra Fixed ter fried eV seer■ Mere ewe
art* Cleettes Irerllt*a..
The 1.le. few 'h. Io't'a ane Ontario sire.
tion •rt.l, carte fix d st ()adorns Hall on
Lye. M . •tum_«•o tiaoM.heo sod
NI, Justice \11.1. nun:
Atdinot.u, ' N p• , 2 p m., Or etas
21; Janie. 1t • .1 1 s r'uden•, tier. All
Aylesw..nh psi oa r.
S ,,roto,.', e' ('o -,,well. 4 r. m„ October
21s'; V m J. Mel'ser re.p'•mtent, John
MaLwgbbn lair It trier
N" I I', th. at Ye,.,f.rt, 1 p. m„ (Me-
tter 281; Joker C. Monteith reepondeir,
John !bowie petitioner.
North (lees, a Owen S,uod, 2 o, rel.,
October 28 11; A I I 1l.okey rt. ponde•t sed
M 17. Beckett, Jamie Paw .tenou and 1; -ergo
Weeds peeblosers.
I. noslr, a' St. Catharine. •t. 11 •. m.. on
he 24th e1 OJtoher; F'uh• Jonop respond•
on'. 1) mold J. M.Klanoa p,r,trneer.
NortgaN.,folk. at :Jtmuoe, on 4.h Niy11111-
h1r, •tl p m., Vt.d, S. Snider responds!,
E. C. --i-peiffir pokhtooer.
N Wentworth, .t Il.mblon, at 11 e. n'.,
,n 1 he 4 hof Nnvrmh.o : It. A. Thompson
rc•po.rlen', A. R. Ward•H,oMhleaer,
The jodgr. tai" .it easto *sit' A•tarday,
when counsel -'`-
nu, *al he toady te (nor. \
1)• 11.401 I'1-• 111.1' MAD A'ZIoR--Mors
se nom-' good reading,tn th. net -bier net.
Uro \la,(.Roo. 1tr (Immo Ito,n h .•
short .nick es ' Canadian Loyalty." J
.Mhurt '1 hnmean giver brief lee.orlp'se
H og K intr. and the illoslrathlue rid mei&
to it. yalue Keele A. Dant oenpnve hetet
vop.i.r 1.113. on 1.110,. my. (en•ve 011.
totes profits -1y illustrated amici"'11liwling
nit the tinea' vote es taterer14.g remise
of the oriole .ad dreedtpm0at of th . owl -
door spurt. Tho -e are two exaul'eot ,batt
• tor.I' by Vireo Sherd and R. Hairy
Manor. In his deportment ' ('11 r• et Europe
Abroad." .1nhn A. F%anis d. ald with trusts
and •nm• of the torrent meteor,. on tote
oommrrrl•I s alien are decidedly later'
melt y Mr. ('nlgahnnn gone semi* gond
.41.1„• om lh. .111'jna' o1 "'iVle,rr Reading,"
which every 1•.nsdue •honld road,
S.101:y1'11'4 1,'1 (h Till RH Ili,, en de.
110 111t'ert.1, (all ,.f hnmrr .nd withal!,
"The ,1.1.1 Whlt. Rind. ' lnm•nate* the in-
rSerra In Set beer'. for Oohob, r. Even hie
moo •rde•t ad will he delightfully
arprlsrd by the ..nettle fenny .bow. In
the fury tele of Prt.r 1'.n. whirh le the
(*stare e1 this in.telment 11 is written
with • gram and delicacy that even Berrie
hae never enrpeeeed Waiter A Wlotoff
the author of 'Tree Wet ems" awls..*• his
elwervetinns o1 Linden wise earner., 1 hie
paper to d.voWd prloe(pally to the remmk-
able suntan of the °Sorts In I..bd.n b.M
by the Government sad b r private ester -
From the Top of the Tops
to the Bottom of
the Bottoms.
L.ahet--'olid leather -nothing hat
honest maker--.tyllab shaper -COM•
All the tame.
Wet day• and oold 1301'0 oft*. from
now on. Suite I.'• shoe. are slouhle
We oen•eell you footwear that lea's
al raid of the wet -sod effect a saving
tor you la price 11 it can be done..
price, for aaellor.hog the terrib'e sells of
overtrood,np ,e • great city. !lac de.crlp
tion of the Itowt..0 hotels rod Outnces*
hone' will ,otor:st all locus of pieta*.
thrupy. ArtIstlo•lly the number is not.blay
Phone are 501acr•1 reproductions in colors,
:fid there le a well -Illustrated article on the 1
work of J. 1. A. Ward, the rculptor.
Short rendes and poem, add to the in:erat
of the number.
The Mata( Tire er Life'
1e he: ween the )ears of fifty-leyeo awl et y -
two. N.tu,a'. power 'does ,Iowa. V 11111)
'becomes lees, and the pr, greats of decay sets
r1. A means of esteodlos old age and rt
sawlog decreasing vigor is to isle Ferrer iDe
after meals. Ferroroae keeps up the so
petite. and In the formation ot red, vit.hr-
log blood, Imparts ole•rnoem to the tiring
Imam. loco', energy and ',wefts just when
they are toadied most. To take Ferrtrose
regul•tly meat's adding -from tea to twenty
yd ors to life. Larne boxes SOD., or 6 boxes
tor 12 50. •t druggists, or Pelson & l', ,
Ktogeto.. Ont.
Dr. Heo.tltelle P111e are melds.
M1T11,-1.1*1* MAOALIRR ANS RIO law ,Ott
11.?auric--Ton •rtlales In this number are
on Ueaadt.o eubjsoLs. or by Canadian writ -
ere. Seven of them are illustretel. "Th.
Crowning of our )(tog,' by .1. H Vorell,
M. P ;'•l'.oluros of F• reign 'fraud," with
many tine half -tones by '.muel H. Pye ;
'':delta Work on d, been 1'brtlot. e!elands,'
ny K 1'. F,te-n. n; "Dr. Hall, • Canadian
Mummery SI 4rty r In Koros." by the editor;
"U•oad4'l1ir.n4011 Mao." 1.14 Str•tb•
'Duo; "Victorian Aures+ in Canada and
the rem tat c.tory of 1JIpey 1,1dh, the tat
•rubelo written by the late Rev. ,1, U. boy -
moor. Other articles .re "Oar 13dia.
Problem.'"'►Ils.lonary t.tlg in Mu koka,"
"The Value of Nature S'odyp 1a K.luoatioo,"
by Prof. Fletcher. LLD , Dominion Kato-
mnlegi.t: "John Rn.km on Holton/a.'
"1'oon•le," • likable/ story by Porton Fell.,
end Current Toplo. awl I3:lte'ous lout.
ligenoe copiously illustrated. A new serial
rtnry, by Frank 1. Italian, the famous writ-
er of sea tales, Is sanwuc.d. N'• a soh•
mribero will receive this N ivsmuor and
December numbers fres. Toronto: W'llham
Briggs. Mootreal: C. W. Cate. Held .x:
S. F. Humus $2 00 • year; fl OJ for .1*
Hullett : The home .f 1'e'er Hewtborne,
of Hulett, WAS the roue of a joyuu• rvsol
on Woodrow' lay of last week, when t31. Dire
t.0 bond of wedlock was cemented between
'hent eldest d•ogh••r, Edith E ,*13.1.b, and
Hu nuhrey Mill.., tut, of the towadup of
Hallett. '
hI Dt 115DOWELS►
0156 �OL05 ACNES si
its' Sol FR tss
t a soy rtatOT%
In our handsomely illus-
trated catalogue you w iII
find full lines and prices
of all that is newest in
wedd1ng rings, bridal
presents, bridesmaids'
favors, wedding invita-
tions, etc.
A copy of this catalogue
will be cheerfully sent
you upon application.
Ryrie Bros.,
V once .nd Adel.lde Sts..
Rubber Heels
That Hold
Dunlop Cushion Heels .ear like leather--
gi.r l.n, :, ism I, ,,,t holo anJ you can walk
far n,th,ntt gn'wini; nr.v1. sample pair, IMc.
All •Iwrm.ker, , , r w ret,- direct,
110 NORSE .3 , 0),r with,',,, the
1 hrr rrerent cll(YS;ng - Lamm,-..--►prsined
tendons-, rs, ked hoof'- balling sod
Sample .,et..rnt Jirrct. An, blacksmith tan
pot them on.
unloplire CCo.
l'-rte,•tly Ventilated(, I'orfeetly Itorili.nt, AIwolntely N.i.el..s.
it lee, handles to 1;ft or carry it hy.
iI iv 011.11 cheaper and more durable than the heat hair m.ttre.s,
1t cAnnot get lumpy, and will not sag from 1100
It is the m0.t h*.Ity and most ivrmfortable Menem* made.
11117-1:.all and examine ite merit., tiold only hy
iuualer In High tirade Furniture, Furnishings .nd Art floods,
Freie Upholstering dome to order. • Rist Steele OODURJCIL
tau: A.S. ,.ria: •'4
84 IJ • tie CO LBO RN E
ryas Tour P eface
5 pieces Tweed, 4 !inches wide, navy,
fawn, green, brown and grey, at
20c, much baker than is usually
seen at at 25c.
Our line of Tweed Goods, 42 inches
wide0, in fawn, navy, green, bronze,
brown and black, well made and
finished, looks like goods at 40c to
50c, and good to wear, 25c
big range of Homespun,, 51 inches,
in black, 3 shades of grey, brown,
navy, immense value and finely fin-
An extra tine range of Iloatspells,
Cheviots, Venetians, Basket Weaves
Serge' and other new makes, 75c to
$1.00, in blacks and colors, 54 to 56
inches, the best value ever offered.
Poplins, Henrietta., Serge., Cord., in
all the now shades, 25o to 50c, good
\cidth, all wool.
Plaids, a big lot of the beat colorings
bought at job prices, worth 720 for
5Oc, real snaps. They should be
seen by everybody.
French Flannels for Waists in all the new stripes, figures and spots, an uu
manse range, the daintiest goods to be had in the trade, and none of
them over 50c a yard.
Wrapperettes that look like real French flannels, American make, fast colors,
28 to 30 inches wide, 10c to 121c.
Black and Grey Homespun Ready-to-
wear Skirts, $2,95 and $4.75.
Black Satanna Waitts, a large assort-
ment, $ 1.00 to $2.75, all new.
Cashmere and Wool !lose, from 20c to
65c, great valve.
Ladies' Rainproof Coats from $3.50
to $1'2.00. These coats are perfect
fitting and made from toe best
Scotch goods.
Ladies' Vests and Drawers from 15c to $1.00.
Boy's and Messes' Shirts and Drawers in six sizes, union and all wool.
Men's Shirts and Drawers all the way to 11.25, all wool, guaranteed un.
shrinkable, made from pure Noya Scotia wool.
Linen Towels and Tabling., Lace Curtains, Damask Furniture Coverings,
Cretons, Art Muslims, Flannels, Flannelette, Tweeds and Shirting. A full
and complete assortment, all otiered at lowest cash prices or farm produce.
New Cosmopolitan Patterns for fall trade just in. No pattern more
than 15 cents.
Do You Know?
3's e hint m.ny biome r .8 for befall saes n
Pure Spices, as
You have an adyostage in buying this.
from us for we ma teat them and guarantee
them •bsolataly pure. they are lot so
Brghtest Lustre,
Least Odor,
Easiest Applkd
of all Stove -Pipe Varnishes.
Preservea the pipes. Excellent for
all exposed iron work
Just received a car of the
celebrated Beaver Portland
The Best Cement on the Market.
Me hale a large and complete stock of
Barn Hardware
sod as Meyers& Wilcox swinging
B. Door Hangers, Lane's
Barn Door Hangers, T
and Strap Hinges, Hooks,
Staples, etc., etc.
The Cash Hardware Store. Ooderich, Ont.
Shorthand, Bookkeeping
ortnest 'eseher• to the FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE.
wt.)). nn (Whim y in plaiting competent pnplls gond Positions Col'ous to orx1,1
Stet. 2ntl. Mired for °waterloo.
J. W. WSEITZRVELT. Pripeipal.
I have reee'ved wy Now Minot el
etc., for FALL and
II you are getting a now tering mob.
• light overrws1, or say thing in my Ilse.
I oan Nesse yen In gnarl., fit end pri:ea
WOWS 1111.10 of Rouen.
Night mile promptly oseworwt
Fall .
5 pieces Tweed, 4 !inches wide, navy,
fawn, green, brown and grey, at
20c, much baker than is usually
seen at at 25c.
Our line of Tweed Goods, 42 inches
wide0, in fawn, navy, green, bronze,
brown and black, well made and
finished, looks like goods at 40c to
50c, and good to wear, 25c
big range of Homespun,, 51 inches,
in black, 3 shades of grey, brown,
navy, immense value and finely fin-
An extra tine range of Iloatspells,
Cheviots, Venetians, Basket Weaves
Serge' and other new makes, 75c to
$1.00, in blacks and colors, 54 to 56
inches, the best value ever offered.
Poplins, Henrietta., Serge., Cord., in
all the now shades, 25o to 50c, good
\cidth, all wool.
Plaids, a big lot of the beat colorings
bought at job prices, worth 720 for
5Oc, real snaps. They should be
seen by everybody.
French Flannels for Waists in all the new stripes, figures and spots, an uu
manse range, the daintiest goods to be had in the trade, and none of
them over 50c a yard.
Wrapperettes that look like real French flannels, American make, fast colors,
28 to 30 inches wide, 10c to 121c.
Black and Grey Homespun Ready-to-
wear Skirts, $2,95 and $4.75.
Black Satanna Waitts, a large assort-
ment, $ 1.00 to $2.75, all new.
Cashmere and Wool !lose, from 20c to
65c, great valve.
Ladies' Rainproof Coats from $3.50
to $1'2.00. These coats are perfect
fitting and made from toe best
Scotch goods.
Ladies' Vests and Drawers from 15c to $1.00.
Boy's and Messes' Shirts and Drawers in six sizes, union and all wool.
Men's Shirts and Drawers all the way to 11.25, all wool, guaranteed un.
shrinkable, made from pure Noya Scotia wool.
Linen Towels and Tabling., Lace Curtains, Damask Furniture Coverings,
Cretons, Art Muslims, Flannels, Flannelette, Tweeds and Shirting. A full
and complete assortment, all otiered at lowest cash prices or farm produce.
New Cosmopolitan Patterns for fall trade just in. No pattern more
than 15 cents.
Do You Know?
3's e hint m.ny biome r .8 for befall saes n
Pure Spices, as
You have an adyostage in buying this.
from us for we ma teat them and guarantee
them •bsolataly pure. they are lot so
Brghtest Lustre,
Least Odor,
Easiest Applkd
of all Stove -Pipe Varnishes.
Preservea the pipes. Excellent for
all exposed iron work
Just received a car of the
celebrated Beaver Portland
The Best Cement on the Market.
Me hale a large and complete stock of
Barn Hardware
sod as Meyers& Wilcox swinging
B. Door Hangers, Lane's
Barn Door Hangers, T
and Strap Hinges, Hooks,
Staples, etc., etc.
The Cash Hardware Store. Ooderich, Ont.
Shorthand, Bookkeeping
ortnest 'eseher• to the FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE.
wt.)). nn (Whim y in plaiting competent pnplls gond Positions Col'ous to orx1,1
Stet. 2ntl. Mired for °waterloo.
J. W. WSEITZRVELT. Pripeipal.
I have reee'ved wy Now Minot el
etc., for FALL and
II you are getting a now tering mob.
• light overrws1, or say thing in my Ilse.
I oan Nesse yen In gnarl., fit end pri:ea
WOWS 1111.10 of Rouen.
Night mile promptly oseworwt