HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-8-28, Page 7• 1902, TAONAL ITY" ADIN(J University ,NADA and Scholarship 111 IN *ars etthoo ael or creed RoeMence for use Residence Ler goyim address K LEVI. it ulpped -twine! Tient in l ansds Nuudsto.k 1ul• Ailing ten.. e• lities are 1,,,:._ 11/1 ouipfteed. sg is a practeal iuy buy's tol- 11 education. drew the lee. 'More \I..� Gullr(�r; .k, (int. loo students enrolled 1st year -1-3 young miles and ]:tu �ym� morn. 1 wt./ matrlrWa• Iron Scholaradpyss rat. 1r.150wadsI30wok 11 de ,ertmeatal ea. tll,s, 1., I. New I'tlr.orran, De. nil Art..at*rr re/sub Ilttes lu Hootkeepina, , Elocution and VLy I bulldt .gs ' ll nem, r«Ideu.l. I.sated by urhuut t y elmtrldty. pt. 0, 1004. r address 71'AL Lrltit( D. D. PLE SYRUP. ,rel from 1Irenn to .1. 111 ..1 ss. t Sense torr. 114%11, Agent*, ll..I.ir.sl. ,hal l&Co , HrnsIllon, 1)ut. (I.K Ae11.\l\ .I,t, n, .Ders 1 „u , w.t+ I *. q. !*..Yl ' ,rlwry coag STRILE PETERING OUT. Many of the Men Going Back to Work. SHOOTING AT THE WORKERS All -Night Firing Stopped Oue Weeh- ery Soldiers to Slay at 'raunaqua Mother Joues to Lead r aler,•h elluerr Walt for ylllehell•s Return A Sl mpathy StrIk• Fells. tt dk'•rlmirre, Po., Aug. 28. -Thr roa. eperulure !relieve that the un - termite ■trlk.'rs have reached the puwaulu of thcir effort anti are new peel; town the other Ado to certain deet(. From tho three fields, upper, uu•idle and lower, come reports that Isere IN u gradual weakening of (hr wtr.ki•, Tate mine uffk3Llls ursurt the% Gil, le the 'mew dlrinttgeratluu of the inn. entente. ''tee plan of breaking tho strike is sloe bung put Iu force, and each day tho amount or 0001 protluetet Is 111- ore:ilea. Tills week has seem the pro - .ruction of utail at the enures' mluu of the Delaware, LWIkaWau4a 4 West - Irl, tumpct^y, the Van eitoroli mine of the Delaware g Hudson, the Malt - e, +nt the No. •Lal of the Lehigh Val - 1. v, the Warlike stud the Nayaug tt.,elrexewl and preparallone are be- lie; hurrlat let other mlues for u re- enluptlon. The wet kly output at the Items and waMicrler of the region is about rr(l,U(X) tour, u small per- centage of the normal output. but mtill 0 rgjnul11g. 1..keu01u the 11umber eri rtr,kere tack at work Is .mall. t'rem:.leut h blind., of the First 14'U let. l'ulto.l Mine Workers, olio eteully with other officiate of the • strikers a work ago stetted that nfe str.kerr had descrte:I the ranks, now stip' that "not muni than 1 ts'r rent." aro at work. A coneervat.ve tet:mato places the number ui uniuu Nen who hate returnee' to work nt between four and live tIousun'1, most of terse able -foisted men. -(troy Waskerles to Operation. 'I'beru are in the reghru about Rideau ',ttlkers, and wino au.uoo or 4(10(11) of Utero line lay. 111111 yluu„ turn. Teo menus now tit work hurl ellpping, coal number *seem and ,Ir,xlkerrs eight. Beetles these twenty one wartlett.•r ore ruuntne in the r0.:1011 and turning out from 100 to 10 00 taus a day. The plan of the operators is apparently to select. their best miner awl there put ,to murk- what Men can br obtalu.,', kortnt; tho less productive mines to 114101//1 sidle. . Method• of •• t'erasastun••• R'l eeebarr'o. l'.t., Aug. e2 -The Butler washery and the hedge col- liery, of the Delaware, I.ackawiutn:r Et Western Cowpony, to whirl, opel•a- tions were recently resumed, were .10 11 t('-dny by et racing miners. At -the Butler w•ambery the men n0ut•Irel out in a body. They, anaert t1.et all Iasi night striker; stn am- bush kept up 41. continuous fire On the eaehexy and the shed In nitwit the. niept. Not Mtn„ afforded suf- fic,enl protection. ih y sty, they do -it'll to quit w•urTC. troop• to Stay. 4AI.k mix nr THC pyaarr.� Pseieewe u man111ton on. two WI - Of rbinb Is n. fro., sold in One par, el Or rl a.;res (4 ., It ,.'r led bargain Atkins 0. box lab Woman Snerd elf I lI.l,eng ort the rI Ole e nod labor: • ..I••t 15 erne .,1 ,Ir., ,..J Itr et. Cat has, n.•.. Oat. )t Flies rIth ly Pads fast. se will LIFE CE COMPANY 1 P441.5101.'1 / skewed ',vendee!. be following Remo, d b .. $ a5leen5 awed by 19.1112 Iby 4(,777 41,1159 aandLy 1.Sp cwt are nnexr.-Iltd for Agents wunt.•d. &AR. Al. FELLER. . ... referee,. weer Itch, Water. role misty, or .arlaletei t 'neral. ) my 111114* erente.I. Alla-Petro Mailed anywhere le eteek, Qat. rpit�ed„ JR,II RANDS: as EOwASO•' 1000' EADl1614T•' 700' Olt" n00t. TOO' VCTORIS" 1151E COMET 114 • T.4410.1.111141, Pa., Ater. '.it. - Acting mem the entice of lien. (:,,bit,, the officers and men fef the first hnt- talhitn of .the -Loth Regiment'. sue. tooted neer here ,rout to ylrnen- .10.111 fur their full ntuiinn,•lu0 ,un1 neer (enema! effects. Ther would tu'h'tntn• that lien. Gentili hail •1e•, 'aka to keep a detachment of *reeve In the Panther ('reek Cal- . • Int far moue time. '1'u-.hty the mine wnrkerr Dent :t e,:ULluu to Slot. alt/t10 aekiupt that the 1 romps Ire reveille 1. Il it rumored here that the 1.0- helh tem' & Na*lera1Ien ('ompnnyin preparing 10 1111110 cent utrder lin protection of the troupe. The .rfll- fia10 refits( to affirm ur deny tho repent. t 'lecher Jamie Joee• as ('once)'• lielianppoils, Ata. -•leather ' dunes. the "miner' 1riewl," wag at Rinke hea.hpnarters yesterday on her way to WeestClrghdn, _ eater a tont to the carat, and spoke 11 it • 140., meat wlnlch Mlle propose to hnaegotrate as.-, wool, an (Msgr•wl (01.1. her If the strike 14 not 0e( (1(41 before that time. etre w111 organize the when of :4),(1414, 0trikh,g 'Morro'," the feel, "+001 march on 1Ca.hing(00. no 0.an. 411* tocCongretet meet 0, and pre wilta petition asking justice for the miners. W. wilt *Mkt.- them tip down there and wll[I have* "ipxgspndar. t0Tygreslr *►Ti'i1 .we beet to Wasihing- Wattles for Michell. Welk,wbarre, 1'a.. Aug. ::8. -Th ' re- turn of President Mitchell to dila niter ham again been postponed. Hifi report no to his nrcesr or failure means mach to the striker'. If he ham failed and the reports are that he Ras unable to lnluon the eper- 11(01's 11. 11c1100. the i ose.maent from the wove of the men, then many of the etrlker,, who until thin time beet* held out only in the hope of a nnllablo relief fan 1, will lune heart en I return to work. The opera - till s are already anticipating thou r•,n.ali:,n, and the Inrge eoTnpnn'.e0 1'11• getting the': mines In rnudltlon to work Sur meekly 110 parelblo, )hart of theme In the Scranton dis- hed, where, owing tri tins tnlinre of more than' 40 per rent. of the a^- --"M".11,..111T11041 an minipill -it di 41rlke but little damage was done. are new In whapn for work. In tee k!oming region many oan• he oper- •atreT *1* two dap"' entire aril two are How producing ural , while in the Itlzrlloh region the work of clear- ing lip, delayed until reteently. Ie go- ing along vlgnronrtly. In the lower end where nearly all the eotlierl:A ;n114 to the Phtlrulelpa,l 1 A Reading. the nfflettls report tett many of !hem are in a fine condition to re- latn0. I I I Ttmsthy Strikes /live I'p. New York, A. el. -A nnml.er of ett,e, a who quit work in the milk tens of Jer,ey City, in sympathy irttl'• ihn PntrrOomtrlkeree returned t^ week ynOtrlHnny. - Two hundred ^I 11, m went to work In one mill. At 'moiler mill, where about 100 Pet - eons nen employed, quite a number brave eternity returned to work end More are expected. he d1T11 l 1St/sten to theileff ctl that in 8 rltlle00 in England are trying to MIMInee the hone near ftnnhary, ftf..rlehlre, whirh wen the home of Ige Wwohillgton's anoeetoro, with 111" t'ew of transporting It to the nitr•I Stetes for exhibition at the ea. 1.'tul4,1xposltio0, are doubted. IMPALED ON A FORK HANDLE Aerld•ut to a Kuuug Mau Near Strat- ford- Slay h:uti l•'atally. Stratford, Aug 24.-A frightful LAE eWent occurred at Killer, as a re- run of which It young man named 1'uo,kio Ihv1 In a critical eoualllu'I. 1'eonkio was working 011 tho farm of Mr. Wm. Buck, near Wltrtbu, , for a Iutrveet hotel. He hail burl bulkllntg a load, and Irian finished jumped off to loo ground. He alighted mi the haudlo of a fork, whletl had home stuck upright The handle penetrated hle body seieral Inches. He war at u. remorn.11 (ran, the flet 1 to the tutor's, and hr. fuel, of tiebrlugvIlle, rummuut4l. The in- jury 1s certainly rt met -lotus ono 111111 exuttlxl conehlerable Internal bleat- ing. MADE FORTUNE BERING. Woman Arrested for Trading in False Pretences, WHAT SHE SAYS OF HERSELF. 1t York, Aug. ea. -Tho polite• have amend.' It woman repreeent- lug hunted ay Mrs. Jew' Harem Hunter. the widow of a one-time member of tho thicago Nowrd Trude. on the technical -charge o vagrancy, and a nuteastrate lute held tbo woman In *500 bail for examination. Stio le 50 - years Of age, slight of build, with gray hair, and was dreamed in deep mourning. FOE soviet years a woman auswer- the rounde of the prominent brok- ers' offices, collectiug mosey, upon one pretence er another. It im alleged that she has travel- ed from Balt terattemeo to NNW York collecting money all the time. un- til, it 01 cortimated, mho ham antaseed at least $30000. come from Sheridan. Wis., It hero I have left a father ell years on, son, clown with oomenuption. and a II -year -01 1 daughter. 1 have been .10 Brooklyn. The tulles out west have no meatus of support, NO I set about securing ail for them. in receiving 111101144y from people in SKS WITH FAMILY COD. The Maharajah of •Jaipur's Thirty Tons of Baggage. PLANETS WERE PROPITIOUS. .Londoe, Ana. el. -One of tho most pletureigne sights in (0110 clam w.th ehe coronation war witnessed Friday at Dover, • when the Maharajah. of JaCpur, the most important .corona - tee genet from Delia. embaikte 011 lila return .ourney. Malta ratj111 in a "noon ecrupultoue obnerver of lee untie the State Amertoli,ger Ines certaince if the planets are, pro- There:lay was the "ley originaly settled fur hies departure, anil the planet's ruled trait Thurtelay wile the rieln day fur the Maharajah to etart, but at the ist•i. moment ids Louden engagement ilitilrf,,re I so that lite departure lind to les made ports, going to itover. There the State extrologer detente! that the j burley from London to Dover bail tive' there. The Mahal:01.h ;lethal runt -teeny nt 1 1.3(1 o'cliek anti 30 torte of personal' herototgo nal 130 member"; of Ma Hutto, awl "Intone - bridge - tended the etniarkatIon of hie bag- gage, which was divided into two porters end n bone's crew were al- lowed tio help handle 1.1111, former, lett none, except the members' of lee own melte WAN permitted to touch the latter. The mood ,rairortant item in the reel:tone collection werre the Mallarajalen bluely got. wheel wns packed to Inrgo wooden box evok- ed With oitrenee 'ague in Iiinilionnni end "with en re" In Enelimhdan•I lutif reqtarine four (114411 14/1C11 to enrry them. Thene containel the emceed water of the Banana The removal of the family god woe The high precut la lull vestments walked In front muttering prayer'', while four Hindoor; earriel the. Cain., welch wee placed believe' net net - roundel by et. personal eoetert. 'welder baggage incheled a estrange medley a articles pertinent' in Lonnie, retch rut ei.visral 'of the newel modern rifles, silver-plated har- bleach,. a clockwork • engine, and jumping jacket. Willie the entire "mite or 130 svrthin:1 their cordial reeeption and how they impreved their phyeicel The Malutrajalen devotion to 111N (niftily god war; reeponelhle for, a pe- culiar error on the pirt. of several eerie were iterarn,•fel In Ifloulefotani chnractere, and many invitation,' villicli were trent to him colich1,1 In his renlilence, received ncknow- leagment, national; Ide mime wen copied will; careful accurney. Sub - the ettelmrsektien piety wan retch that the name or thn family god exempted the place of honor on lila vielting card. and hie own woe placed below Were matte to the gel, who appar- ently del not deft,' to notice remit trivial thinge. Lewanika. King of Baroteelan•l, Northweetern Itioodenin. the only other King prewent at the enronation of King Edward. nailed for Cope Town to -day. 11e took with him a 'more pile a hngreage, Including forty lint box en. lieelerfe Weir On Pimento. Phrie, Aug. 24 -An order hen hoe fennel to the. troop,' in the fleaert- meet of the Hnntee-Alpe. to kill all pigeon, creaming the frontier. This action how been tak,oi b the ()coven - Melt Winans, of the ill.covery (ft t he foot that spivs wore utilising pittentie tO and Mott* from the country. • FARMER CUTS WIFE'S HEAO OFF Because She Had Joined a Secrei Society. MURDER SUSPECTS HELD I o Chicane) Grand Jurv- Duke Hurls' Attache Dowel oth Toehold child Plays Doi tor and lt lieby A Eulogy us. 1.1 II toot eltakengee, T., Aug. 23. -demes Hope, et farmer living 17 miler weld of Eufaula, Wit* Ur/401104 here to -day. having confessed to the murder of wife. Ile had forieedeu the womau to join a certain secret etelety, but orao Ignored ble commute!, and whim mho returned from the lodge lain night le, met her at the door in their home awl ararppoel bee head off with an axe. Moroi Duke's rrip Delayed. -eitiimgo,' Actg. 23.-Orind -Duke Bona of Rnada has postpoueti him de- parture from Chicago luddinitelY, ffeWIng teethe Maeda of Chevalier De Sclutack, personal attache of the Duke. The patient has some eiymp- tome of typhoid fever, and a ployeician its in conortant attendance on him et ble hotel. Murder suspects Held. Chicago, Aug. 23. --Oscar Thome,- to ▪ the Grand Jury on Wednesday as stectfaosories to the murder of Situate Mitchell, must simmer for anotber create. Yeeturilay they were held us accessories to the murder ar Mem. Anna Listrtitolln, as a result of the lequeet. which was held at the Fif- tieth •treet pollee statlan. John Claffy, who was held am au accessory eo the Mitchell crime, escaped im- plication in the murder of William BartIman's mother. Ail 01 the case of Minnie Mitchell tho Jury recom- mended that Barholin apprebetel- let as Woe principal in the case and that her be held to awalt the action of the gram! jury. Cincinnati. 0111o, Ang. 28.-wlitie ;flaying doctor laat night, a color- ed wan fumed Bertha Powell, aged 1). at the „City Hospital. Kaye twO baby inmates, Cicero Pitzer and Cle- ment Wynne. a poisonous turpentine famies death, and made the other child deeperately 111. Title happened in the children's ward. 'rho Powell (*laid confessed. See said sole aot know What was 1n the cup: Praises LI. Chicago, Aug. 23. -Dr. Robt. Con- nie», of Pekin. China.. former -to Li Hung Chang, nen now secret:tee to a Chinese general, 1t. in ( Wrap). 11114 family live In Waehing- tom, and Iii• 14 now on hie woe, nItli a eine menthe' leavo of abownee, to %let them. " Li Herm Chang wax the great- est man 1 ever knew," min Me right. "Ile killed with over- work, and 1 WW1 with him when he 111.,1. Ile bail a wonderful mina, 1111.1 china may never havo so great a nian again. He knew ever;,•thIng. etre* too the smallest .netails, that went on ln Ilk own household and the emit empire. Wha t ever he -Chitin. Dr. batman thinks, is 11111V 'irowereill 101 a lam 1114 peace unit is 'melting 41,011; progresn. CENT TNE111 MAN Clayton Howard, AccuEed of Stealing $600 HE WAS AT A "TORONTO HOTEL. Tercet°, Ante. e3.-Llayton 310w - :int. a middle -heal man, who ia want al at Wand Park, N., Y., to sine - wed ot clutrge of stealing about $40)0 in ensle bell•onging to the proprietor of the Prenithic Hotel there, came very ttear being run down In tide city On Hannay mornintr. Hovvard cer, who traced him to Toronto; and his •presene whereetboota are en- lionford was employed in 'the Pon- tine Hotel tho capacity of keeper, and as ;such handled the cash. !eland Park ie a beautiful summer revert on the tit Lawrence River. anti ls a favorite place for Americans to visit. Ou Frielay the hotel ran short of small bills, nod Howard was seat out to the nearest bank tocsin)] a cheque for .000. It le eaten that lie penal the opportunity tte make off with the proceeds of the cheque. anti, sin order to gain time, teleplemed to the hotel that he in- tended to watch the ceremony ee laying the corner stone of new Ca- tholic Church. When he did not re- turn in the evening the special of- ficer eniployal tto protect the guest,' at the hotel was instructed to,hunt hint up. Howard, It Wall learned, had taken the ht. sad 0. beet far Toronto, lend th• e 11151 11 on him arrival. Deteetive Cable met the nteamer at 7 o'clock on eeturday morning, but Howard T• he purser Informad the offices'. Hint hie man had left the boat at thrift 111 't0r1.1 114 1111141.1'. 141(4111111K more W/114 b. A r11 111. (1100 1111th 111/011 t 10 odwit em 8 in - day Morning. tvileil It tee phone mem- ento, nem rec leen at the detective deportment from the hotel officer, who hail In the meantime come oe to Toronto and traced Howard to tho Arlington Hotel at King and Jelin wire t.. Detectives Porter nnd DIIIIran went to the hotel and met. the officer, whir told th thnt Men whom los had brought Beni npitetine with him. Now the heel police tomtit to know who gave tho mon the tlp to leave, and it In likely flint the matter will bet Investigated by the nitthorll en to find out If aft the nee/fiery nenintance was afford- ed the officer by the hotel penple. Ifittiniger Ward, of the Arlingtoon Hotel. note wen last night. twit he declined to Memel; the wise, except to go y thnt }Inward and errotkall hail regietered there on Saturitity moreleg an "nem watiace" and wits, of Montreal. BITTEN BY A RAT. Two Little Obis le Idediey Disturb- ed la 7 heir ele•p. londeny, Aug. :.3. -Two little daughter's of Mrs. 11 chute Houlihan erre bitten by et large rat hist inent, her younger Aster, Attune aged four yeere, and so baby, slept tio tate bed, and while eneuying their peace - rut chambers, a larger rat became butt- ery and made good use of the oppor- taulty by gettilog a taste of the elehlrene blood. The buby woos tiot molested, but Mary aud Anne', were bitten badly itbout the mouth and anus, so 10.11- 0aPIY. 1041010.1. that 1.110 mother, fear- ing that polosonows symptoutio might 1-11. cation iu doctor. 'rho countenances of the eliadren will be (Refigured for a few weeks. but 'seri- ous results aro not lookeel for. CURES M. HATS, General Manager of the Grand Trunk Railway, ON FAST ATLANTIC SERVICE. Montreal, Aug. e4. -Mr. chariot' M. Hays, Second Yece-Preesident and Geuerul Maqager of the timid Trunk Hallway, returned Me morales front England. With regetel to the Atlan- tic steamship service, Mr. Huy', mald he fail not know much mere than waht war tu the papers'. Tenders had beeu called for tout sent in, but he had not heard that anything was Althougb he did not exprese- ly may wo, the impremelon Mr. Hays oonvoyed was that he was not in favor of osulartellzing a fain Atlantic, piemenger fence. 1ie admitted that it would be a great advertinement, ituft added that wo might get any speed and any seaviso if we paid en- ough; but would (het be business? What was wanted was to &fleet the travel which now goes from Canada and the Western ;Antes by' way of New lank. Coukl that be done? Mon- treal is no worse off than Boston, Phi &detente, Newport News for any other port ou tho North ,Amerlefin ooast. New York, by rearon of He Aze, wealth, railway awl water con- nect funs an•I huffiness interelitts gen- erally, iLs predominant awl can sup- port three or four first-class still- ing's ouch week. WO !MVO only one. ooneequently tuella and perchers in hurry go where they oan eeriest 11'0111 here on the letralan beisaune ougley yowl 'yea the t lip down the St. Lewrence, but he nuttome that when- ever 0 man was in a hurry he went by way of New York, owing to the frequency of the wit Inge. This handi- cap count only bo overcome by at :east am many Peerage. Tide would entail three times the 'minder of esh:pos mentioned as adequate for a weekly ferrite. The Cost of Speed. Whether It was ',hymn:ally poesible to compete Ili speed he could nut may, ad ho was not a '1411ippivar man, but he was ted l that it was impoesilact to and impracticable to average 23 tomato turou,gh tho Coming Coker on tho Lucanla they were one day 4d miles belilaid the Phil ode lphia and the next day 47 mine ahead. To gain Oho extra 8.) meets, the captain Of the Lueanlo informed him, meant the ex- pierlIture of 300 tone of 011111 extra, or a poet of over el000. eliovieed- knot la epefet. 8till, honk! not eee how the GOT. nament could overlook Mont- real as the tei mlnun owing to it• rail- way, water, hotel and other faculties, and lie groat ss Interests. Alter lt. team bubinomr 'which attracted. ora:pe, It 11.1 114a tee viema. 'Weil. then, there is no use in offer- ing a 111111614.1y. . • "1 would not put it iu that way," replied Mr. Hays, ant 1114 W4.11 4.11 to point out Hilt thi'Ve find %vetoes oat -riot little freight. Meet 1,5cr) - 2 01)0 Ur high ill aft periora- able goodie Begirding general. freigiit he es 1 that many 0010141111 bad gone out of Montreal thin year only pertly loaned. That condition of 'Mahe. owing largely to tie fail- ure of tho corn crop in the Unite" Staten, led to the formation of the Morgan combine, whielt remov- el million from mitre where they were not required. Ships wooed al - way,' frequent the fit. Lawrence, and the mere frelght offering the more wenn I .he their nunilefsr. woof heartily in actioni with Mr. opiw our waterway! an I retaining our own Inland trade. regretted to see every year iellitoeris of bee:h- elm of fetnanian grain going out through the tolled *Melee owing to the Neareity of Canadian bot- tom"; on the ink1.14. Inorterol Of help- ing to !mil I tip Menem!, Owen lectonii, Coningwool and ether 'Ca 'Indian TII1P was n11 with regard to this general question, but with reseerl eats obvione that the Governm set must carefully neefeguari 1110 right of every other railway, omelette's Its own, the Intercolottial. Ankle from any question of preference or Owlet nee in tear fie, the Grand Trunk is one of the heavieet tax- payers. If not the heavieet, In the country, and le, therefore, epecei- ally entitle! to he considered. We far am a feet parmenger Retake Is eoneernal, this cardinal point le its frequency, an already explained. Fir.t Moine Win be Held at rydney nn Tortentar. Moirt real. Aug 21. -The suit which the Dominion Iron and Steel Com- pany aro bringing against .thtt DO: minion floyernment will bcigin at sydney next TurAday. Judge Bur- bidge. of the Exchequer Court, left to -day by the Maritime Express, /d - who will repreeont the Government, while efeeram. Louth and Chrysler will look after the laterentis of the com- pany. The fleet Neeniewa will be held In Sydney on Tueeday. niter 'which tho ease will be adjourned to meet either In Montreal or Ottawa: ABND PLAYS AT DEAMBED. 11 le Own Compost' Ione. 81. Jonepli, Mo., Aug. 24.-Semsee Pryor, founder of Pryor'• Band, flied enrly yesterday morning of aantrie eltreetme. Prof. Pryor war one of the Interceding cherneters thin elty. He vra:4 rifl year. ebbe nen had never performed n dity'a labor at any- thing except muffle. In reeponse to a regimen of the dying handmaeter. his mnsichine played lively Ore for him an he pawed away, nevem, pieces being of bin own ootnenoltioa. KREIGER TO PM IN HOLLAND. Makes No Attempt -to Influ- ence Boer Leaders' Plans. RICHTS OF THE DELECATES Generale Will Support l'I•Inta 10 Properly uf TbOse bo Were In Europe/3"ring ar Botha Nears the Nail% es Demand for the Gen - ere,' Lletate Bruesels, Aug. 21. -Among tho sub- Jecte ditecuomod at tho conference of the Boer generals, Do Wort, Botha and Delarey, and tho members of tho former Boer directory at Utrecht, wee the future attitude of officiate of the former republic,' who redden oh the COlithirilt during the war, and who claim reetitution of their private property righter before re- tuning to South Africa. The ret- ire', profispeal a willingness to rop- y -Pet theme claims, but no final decl- thoniat It preferable to ascertain the seutimeut of the Britlailli author- ities and then act accordingly. The future of ex -President Kruger wee not dimussed. Mr. Kruger ati- atutned from any attempt to Influ- e1100 tho decision of the generals. lie prefers to reinalu Holland. Am there were no traitors antoug the burghers who they were light- ing on tho veldt, so there aro no and euntiterplJt among tho follow - ere of ex -President Kruger, • Dr. Lo.,,•ds and the Beer generale. It 14 inevitable, howaver, that molders who bore tho brunt of the prolonged conflict othould dist ruin negotlittorii Oki, Dr. Loyale, 'who'promised ooti- tinental intervention, and failed to tering it about. Their natural al11- ligftrallIA and Wessels, Swabian Irreseon- enables Iran ex-Proeident Kruger and tuarpens eke Dr. „Leyile. Thu gen- teel.; are too folirewd to conduct au entl-Englielo movement on the 00n- tiuent when they are reoponosible for the acceptance of the tertne of peace. Thlt European and American toure of the Boer generale will not be ar- ranged until they return from Lon- don. It has been decided, however. that 14 addition 1.0 the generals, Delegate Reitz will lecture aso. Stories of Campaigns. London, Au* 24. -The book which the Boer generals, Botha, De Wet, and Delarey, are writing, will lutes the greatest sale of any book pub - Belied In recent yearn, it is 'predict- ed. They are not to give a lastory of the war (rote the Boer standpoint, but a record of the catupaign which each conducted. General De Wet's lean of the book will be compiled from a well -kept diary. Several London ;Publishers travel - eel down to dent loreeptan last Sal - unite, to meet the generals, and of- fered to buy the copyright at prac- tically their own lentos, but up to tie present time they have (leclined to negotiate. They intents to de- vote the profits on tho sale of the lotok to the relief of Boor suffereroo from the war. Sevurits for the' Traumwal. Lundeen, Aug. 23.-A despatch from Pietermaritzburg, Natal. to the DallY Mall, dated on Sunday. mays that while At vowel was diecharging her eargo at Durban, a case of goods which had been dechired "as contain- ing siteldlere' maidenly harlot open, soon meta found le be filled with outbres and Sword,. l'hey were con - mignon by an Engesith concern to a Transvaal firm. An eteptiry is being 11111110 into the matter. Huth* Fetes NatIvem.. with an Australian who travelled from South Attlee. to England on the steamer, %Hit the Boer Generale Botha, DelVot and Delarey. The Aus- tral an is creeltot with saying that, :41 the course of a converoutelon, (len- 'end. Botha mid to him : "It is probable that ',Witte' lute foo teen te 1. ar further troubl, Lore the Boers, but. the collie:Mon of south Af01011. 1.4 threatened by the BrItnin armed thew Ravage. brave, lout tetnertworthy telben fight for her; now the war le mite] the Kiiffteli liatro• not returned their arms, but have retreetteof with them t/11MM, WhOr0 they are reported to he tort preparation for war. l'Oodercigif Mittel atithorithse eleplity the greatent energy, the Kaffire are tkely to enure great trouble.' R. feriin.: to pPlitical matter", the ferenvienbratt 'eye General Botha took! tin Informant. that Britain's beet mum; levied b. to greet the Deere an Indepen.lent Parliament _that thin wan flee only poiimible meting of seentin the peaceable 4:e velopment of the coentry. This Hague, Aug. 24. -An article reeppoefel to be detated by former Preelaf•nt Kruger and Dr. Leyte, fopperies in the Colorant of Rotter- dem. It "eye . that tho storiem gout -will letterer) Boone and Bre. e me being wester humiliated, and fennel' our teeth In Impotent mice the beet plan iff to i•71.°111 „%g"ItIthreefforraendeninnwtiltlie 110 It ntiblril te re -obtain before eery long Royni-th.ng very onneblerable to eny in their own 11041410." Reliance on the Destrly. rine Sir Gordon Sprititg have virtually invoked the aid of the Dutch race in the attempt to maintain in South Attlee tee principles on wilich Can - MIA end Arartralia aro governed. They hew' aim warned thaw who nre conetnntly invoking the al 1 of the Imperial Government that the two mitttnnt rnces in South Africa mutt unite In ethe eotablberment of free tordltntione. Tho attention is ano. ;unions, and there Is Ilttle podia. Nifty thnt Sir Gordon nprigg 080 (lorry out the weer* which he hasten- derinken, nor la It elenr that any wureewor can appeal with command- ing influence to the patriotiwn nee loynIty of the Butt* and Englieli 01114141 cholera atatintles trona OP. Philippines, give 211,01At nage.' and 18,010 chetahs'. but the netnal num- bet of 01011011 and (teethe greatly et - creed. tin official report.. INTEMPERANCE ON WANE. London Writer Says King Has Sot • Progressive Vesnion. London, Aug. 24.-Oeorge Erekine Rusisell hos been writing memo plata thing' about the young man In society. Ho expresse• the opinion, for !matinee, that lutem- tirgetat petite awaiting young 111011. 1 IV gi% re one curiour reason- namely, that Kim; Felward, by introdieing the euetom ofeonuoking directly after dinner keel the practice of heavy drinking. Thla, txunbinet1 with the lidlitenee of the fennel' and rochtl 1 ',former,' and till. nwitival oratori- o -me, has produced an uninietakable inquovenient in regard to temper- ance Mr. pumice considers, on the other hand, that the perils of betting awl gambling aro nerlourly increas- LONDON CHEERS THE SHAH Persia's Ruler Has Made Himself Popular Favorite. PRESERVES ORIENTAL CALM Lowdon, Aug. 21. -The that of the Shah of Persia to beetle's': which will end to -morrow, has been In not display the delightful but often realm fug unconventionality with which lois late father too his twu visite took London by etorm. The present Shalt ie a man of considerable education, even from tho written' etandpoint. Ile has not offered, as itie lather feu more than one tworamion did, to purchase I'vell one of him charming howtewes from their hunbands, although no admir- tet and much praieed the Lonaon po- licemen to au extent to express a desire to buy. a few of them. Nevertheless, the Shah was Petah- Bathed from the first am a popular favorite. 119 is receive 1 with eheere whenever he appeares at a place of publks amnaetnent, which even teen. DeWet or bort Kitchener would not complain of. Thesedernonstre- Bone he receiver, too he does nearly all of the attempte to entertain him, with the impanotivIty Hiding to a dempot wimple tither aro the King of Kings, edutdow of God, Centro of the Universe, the Well of Science. the Footpath of Heaven, the Sub- lime Sovereign whose etandard IN the sun an I whore osplenilor le that of the firmament, att 1 the Monarch of Amaral numerous as the Mare, Yet, every now all1 again. he is unable lo • preserve hie Oriental calm. A troupe of performing dogs war the first thing able to betray him into more then a smile, an I a couple of lerceelt clowns provoiced On the mayority of occasions; the Shah apposite; more Amply clad than itoma of hts wane, but severni Omen eating the posisession of gr. ater wealth ta precious etnie•ti than ane other motuirch. Once gentleman olio be an expert in there matters, after examining tie Shah closely, w an if he wero put up at auction at fetch itt 1.111, lowest calculation 1750,000 for the jewels that he was Nothiug soceme, to hetet wawa or Impreseed the Shah more than lois tary pomp.of the reception, and the reyal salute's fired by the warshipm, et blently jeketeed hitn, while the King and Queen, on the royal yacht, ef.7 recteti 11 1301111/1<.t. (.111KinPOIt 01 110 Shah, 11411/ Wad 11114114011(10tIly taken by the King's' reception. All the fell woken; remarked int this point pirtleitiarly. The correepondeet of • the Thom, lit derwribing the leavietteking, -Kays the Shah appeared 'demon utowilliese to go. King Ed- ward rintl IiIIIIS111 Opera hands. and reoluteikagatio and /ignite but NMI 110 Ilhgeren, talking almobrt eagerly. and eertalnly with far mere aninintion than hem here teen during'. a recep- tion of the Shah on ally 1.1.11er (wet - On the return jeurney to London the Shah, a few miles" redefine of Portsmouth, Plopped the train, coin - ',wining that it wee going over twenty-five mike nit hour, which le the blighted. mpeed ho will travel on land. When he eroen-d' the Cloinnel lie only II 11011'.4.1 eras* ofteamer to • nt the rate of twelve keine On Thie tHelike of hie to mooed too not due to nervioneterce. but to tbe fact that high ;peed catiorei a feellog • A BRUTAL BLOW. 04.1 lea !Result of Ilroketa 31 3-eore old, of No. 102 Van Buren street, Newstrk, le tieing in St. James' Ilosopitale from an Injure al- leged to !men been Inflicted by l'eter Wilson, of No. 113 l'olk street. Sloan and allmon were shopmetem, both being Iron moulders. They were together In Hamburg Pince yowler - day aftermam, e hen they bemoans, in- ve4001 in a quarrel over a trivial They came to blown on the ntreet. but were only Intolted a few mo - fearful blow on the nom, with Ine feet. 'Tho blow haol force enottgh to ehatter the home, etelonsen nose, en.1 Art 1.11 unconseloun to the pave - W1110011'11 11100, fOr01.111 a fragment of thr, broken bone in teloan's tame back lino ble hovel, en thnt It prohaidy KINO TO VISIT IRISH. re Land st Venentin Wend mood See 1 he Knight of Kerry. Lonflon, Aug. el. -The royal yacht Victoria and Albert, with King Ed - wised and Queen Alexandra aboard. ie now nt Milford Haven, on the tOWII, only about 130 mien from there. Tho yacht la expected to remstin off Milford until Mon- day. The Impressolon le strong that the King will cruise along the eouth and west coast, of Ireland, mines at Cork and other Irish porte. 1so details rewarding thin mile. aro known, an tho King only orders the siext day's (tours", tho night be- fore. The officials aro preparing for neetelegly expecte I visit to Cork by making elaborate police arrange- ment a. ghoul 1 the King land at Cork the visit will be informal, and Ile Mill drive frotn the quay to tho exhi- bition. returning within an hofir. The King he alsterxnected to land on Valentin 11t11 et hrlef elan io th0 Knight of Kerry. VIOLENCE IN MINE STRIKE. Father Stabbe0 While Res- cuing Son From Mob MINE WAS TO REOPEN, 11.1 an acme of 3,000 ntrIkers Pre- vented It A Foreman Shoot. a Does Not Look fur fan Early Haselton, Pa., Aug. 25 - August poolleoman le the servios of the Le- high Valley Coal Coatpany. way as- uI t and stabbed 00 the out- etirtor of the city to -day, while at- teitiptlng to reecuo 111N son, William ployed In No. 4 colliery, from remote or about :MOO ertrtkers who load ga- thered from all pert", of the }fusel - ton region 013 the road' leading to tho mine to frurarato the glom oe. the company for a partial reeuemp- tion or operation", with & non-union force of :130 11111111M Moot of tho non-uuton men were taken to the working,' in a special train, with which the /talkers did not attempt to interfere. Young Mimetic, who, lives here, walked from lila home toward the colliery, and time fell into the halide tho pick - vete Mout of the clothing Wail torn from lily back In the struggle which followed. When his father reeled to hios aid, the mob let epees the elder man, who was flnally regretted by a mine foremen and removell to the nesters' !woman:. altenche was enab- led in the breast and hip, kicked Hie injiarlea are not very nerious. The knife, which stink into hle breart, ortruck oe rib and moat probably raved lobe life. Tho effort to prevent work at tho meat, was suoceasful. A report of n resumption at the Cranberry Colliery of .e. Pardee & Co., calomel about SOO men to gather near the mine to-dny, tett no at- tempt wan made to start work'. Shot me 'rorrseotore. Wheateley, an outolde foreman at the Brookside Ckpiliery a the Phila- delphia and Heading Vied mkt Iron &towpaths.. is under $1,00(1 bail charg- ed with shooting George earrtr, aged 19, a Tower city. Wheatley says he wan (Wowed through the 'streets by a crowd of strikers /OKI their wympa- thisers, who jeered fend hooted him. Becoming engrave, he drew a re- volver sod fired Into the crowd. The bullet took effect In Cornea leg. Wheatley hue beam a bow for a num- ber of years. Does Not Look tor Early Settlement rilienittlitoali, Pa., Aug. e3. -Much Importance in attache' to the calla Gen. Gobln recetvea from coal mine operators who speed hours with 111M 111 going °ter the mrike situation. .1fter haviner met a number of oper- ators, Gen, (feeble fetid to -day that he does trot nee any erans of a set- tlement. fact, he says, all twit- cationof now point more definitely to a mot...agates/a tat tire 'cruse than they did when he fleet reached bore. Slay Not Stop. Sharon, L'ao Aug. 23. -The coke mit- uallon In thin valley has been relleted to fetich an tO:tent thwt It IX net like!). that nny of the blast furnaces here or tet Sharpie -lee will be obliged to close down for several days. nuffi- cent ooke was received here Jester - day to keep thn Macke In opera- tion for 72 hours at least, and the operators are hopeful that before the gupply los exhausted the conditions will have chaneerta for this better. Teenieg Hoek Workers. Tamaqua, Pa., Aug. 23. -Not amen the anthracite teal miners' strikesi leferen have the United 11 Ile %Vol kern ban no many picket', patio:ling the ieinther Creek Attlee, an wan the came to -day. Every read ate! tenth in 1111 effort to porstuide the note- uliterl Men not to go to work. Nio n ew emelt:to were nd led to the wog k • :ng force, end oulto n number W111.1. WW1 duo to the rumor that it in the 'Intention of the Lehigh Coal aro, einvigation Company to cut coal lie loon as nufftrient mon can be se- cured. An °trivial of the conapany admitted to day thnt practical 'utt- ers aro hard to procure 'Ind that none of the coal companien nble to operate Any os the when for thin MUST HAVE PERMITS. it %or Wish to Go Is South Africa gets Tug, New York, &um 2&-A special rat- tan mum: lameriottne Seeking for- tune's foreIgn lands are finding difficulty In getting permifesion to go to Johanneelerg awl other towns' In tho Interior of South Airiest. Regulations have heen at i if - 1111411114 t bat. the appleant mien haSO! at lealit $.100 In 1114 p0a4111011P1011, Or 1N1 1.11. to pri oke lie Le in a povition mainteln hinomelf on arrival In South Mine topplientaa for permit. Wive prevented themselves at the Colon- ial Oovernment office* here. 1 SHOCKING OUTRAGE. Sten **lateen Arms and trees t Washinaton, Aug 23 -The Manie • htingn Inteillgence of the ac- tivity of the ineurgentn in the moun- tainous elletrete of Tobaeo, Mame,' and The In Albite Province The rebel's number 30.1 and the nails e Glynn nativert wore killed A CPI three Chinese Carried off. capture.' end tan arm* nal lege were eut off. The American noldiere re- port that they are enable to mat env aid from the nallere, not I'VP11 goblet' being rernishei. tieraeane Cohn. of Troop IL 1 3th (*entire, boa aeon drrownor1 while at- invpr al &Mee City. Moot,