HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-8-28, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. THURSDAY, August 28, 1902 5 W. Acheson&Son Linen Bargains for August. We will clear during this week the balance of a large lot of real Irish Linen Napkius and Table Cloths. They are manufacturer.' odd liner and enure slightly soiled or almost unnoticeably imperfect. Values ure from :35 to AU per cent. under regular value. Pure Linen Bleached 1)ama,k lau'h, ere 2.2 yards, regular 11.50, for 1 10 • 2!27, yards regular 12 50 50 for 11.7, ; 2s2i yard Clothe, reveler $3 50 and $1 00, for 2, Table Napkins, 1•irve dinner uzq handsome, heavy; Irish damask, regular 13.00 value, r.t p.r x2.25 Tray Cloths and Carvers. Lee:, 1 ray cloths°- carvlug cloth., horsy line, .tanlask, knotted Wag, and ,Irswn Carry viol hed and to huuat t. he', regular tali, 75 to 90.', w at ectal prime each at .............. . ... .-.-r..,_.:50 and American Crochet Quilts. 50 only Am.rLen 4 ply Crochet Hutton Quilts, large double size and orgy fine, neuter $1 2ii'.lne at Lace Curtains. 30 elle ,3 yards Iong'aud 60 itches °ids white Nottingham Lace Cotten', i ago. ase thi„eaioo, molar ;,2.5O mutate, :Tomei Auguet price at per r..slf Butterick Patterns A I is stock. l)rllnestor for Sep:curter now on lab at lea a copy or subeor•plina renewal sr per year e l .00 60c 98c .50 W. Acheson & Sone COUNTY CURRENCY. MR. HANSEORD IS IMPROVING. Vara%: it. C. Ito'bail! who hie been eau seg 00 a boot and shoe business durlot lbs last Meta year., has bought sill s b•,rione In G•,rrie. F: het : The cflimial Nosed of the Method. let neuron decided te pay h 'v, Mr, %Voll,, the pod or. 1700 this your. I narevemer to to the personage ere who c ro'ea,pl.tad, 7. Inca : Mt.. Ulna lluoh.nan 14.4 so .e,tul to ub'a'n'oe first clogs honors in V. at),u. Floosie and l:ermat. i.t the recent ma ululation exa.neuaWan at Laudon Col. Blyth: He iry Tamen. of Hlyth, and Mrs. Simiaret Machan., Mt Mlkhelt •vir, mune.1 at the tieatorrh mann sa Tueeday,12th lost Bette the trade and grrem are aereuty-three y, •re of ago. E•hel: W. L Mann hoe furohlsed the 50 acre., east I In. 26. seen. 7. mat of Ethel from R.bt, Mokay, who Innen, et Inst y a-. Mr. Mmeet lathes he. 200 sere. • jslulnl;, ate rl:rir plautal ion 1a • bra sit. cow. S. •f. rth • ti ill M. t., d las L:;rp et D'• I! ' ed le er'er it the 33rD ri a i mart hood, su.sesd,e g Ti.... B alb, wt o has 1. F: to jnu the l:ny lirn'hrr, \1ir,'reL. Jtq sir s !a•• d re one art the a Ideat uiciabers u' Lbs t.o i :. d it a commercnt n,uuoiir, ii see ler fir. and.M a. Fret Sltedei,nl, „,u .1'I,or, M}rh., see y„ltler in !hes t.:: rtes, tutr''upe et .w..site. Fradlaa ,!Nereid -ler fuer er Hler buy, testae.' photography .ail in . .!e ng •',reorients' t mime it. toe it it.. named city in- Uncle Stor • domai.o.- It a sic years Mutts be 1 1 4ere. tee,. :.Lutes II 11, it the t'r'ead*. y, •rot.i1.rr.se:lee:u, eaottadee 4Itt.. He witi, • 4,4 te of buckshot us gringo tr 1Mao 'lie bort', wh'c1 woe • dao - tout ieisrp. ,/ .hent it,f,••.free: rip t ' r of w,nea. Ge.orge'1'"cri,rd Wrose'ete .e --,: I tee bird- and will have t' muffed ate i'rt .e , et. n: Alio: M r acr,dtnt h app• tied the Iigas Fsut.ry 'Met week . tele intone eats be, it Nrl), A'reend,•r. He was rs•verg a 1•ma•i en i I, nu sew, wee, it hese,, ter -e l:1'e 'lie to Ar•rd the este ; pat'.1ng e. it h e "sot or ease hirw,,If, U a'llortu•ierely cents to coeteet with the sir, wb.ch cot a do•p gash Scroll the hall of t:•o runt lead, i' tuck several stitches to drew it to. getter. G,rtasy:Oat•!terane.,recently a.A Ifulep, __ JI„ It. I' , aces r.iDNW oats- with td- - meet. - he his colte .As rsn,,la Ly the hole and hal • treat ani hind La ampatetedTee drp was ly,ne dowel in !root r f the birder while Mr. Hislop was r s rate .; the cord g •• r ad di1 not get nut of t:1'. way ,can °sough, at the reel caught him sad ter.. it rte ID 'iron!, of ten sickle. H♦ w. v daps;ebed ii. pa' him oat of miser;. Noumfllet: 'Vtdt threahmg a' it,•nry Ble't4', cnn. 4, Inst week, Lather Aides me webs t•ry pa'nlal sect lent. He heti linen Cteene'kande; and was anion • n.uwer sickle to wMah s woolen Laodle had been attach- ed. Al the; were Bnithing tip the le)kdte got might Ya latus uimaner sed the bade wag polled acro,, hie !inners with terrific fare., erfi,eting a cev, re wenn•1. The die's are eery vdeep. cad at esti! be some bre fere they are healed. - Merton : Ate:. V"rte,, ti O dreg , sornmpamed by his wife, Mies F:utFerine- hem, of Braoefiel,l, Mos H - ore, of (finder lash, Mies B'g,e end Mies Nu-hanan, MI ('all or u°, opens moms time here oo, rise 'set .week, sten vi-Itiug. the hewn cf refuge, where Mf• Vanng freslen all the Inlnat., to fe,.t rat oaoI st,, Mr young •rears mew- Nee-caror y mown a !tats Tlss ,111 111 was 'tooled, end Los afoot y• taken s dela acid eympitt.ero interest there u. Chirtoe : On Thune ley last ('o.01 ape'n t'mnl:elA/i Clinton lo yield up one et her hereof brides, in the porion of Miss Ass G!hting., the ynnnge,t 'isnw"r r e f •1• ho (1 hieing,. The more then fortunate grn'I' 171u1,14 get sub a ehsrming yoerg Irby, Wel Car late cta_ainel master,,1 tl', T'eh.-'y- en, now prioctusl of Almeetn Collegiate lnetttute, The **remarry was performed by Key, W. Treleaven, of (il.nsllew, broth- er of the groom, a:,t.9 by Rev. i),. Gifior I. Ii'1 too New Era.; Mr. Joha R usfu-it returned from t,is trip to the Minton. Provence' this week. He reports the needing of the Menu lau'urer.' Aet 'tanun as a great success. A largo Combat tethered from all parte el rhe Dominion, and if are other benefit sr - mood thin that of the West meptleg the ear', sod sitteog down to discuss imper.aut matters, and thereby mikin• each other's a<q'tslntanae, the goo! retui's are manifest. Ifslits" was crowded, and Nelda: rose tie the occasion, and ei,p!eyed en the shape of teast!ug act excursion !hit hospitality for which it t:ir ever been f.nieur. We are glad tO bt all, to report that the company Mr. Rinaford kept daring his aManae was most .•,.mmeodanle, He Fee rein bTiitiore than one cccesiixi web a (.1 -be in his hand.' He was In Intimate convene w.eh Au, raey-General Lnrglsy, Of Noire :3aut a, 1.111 net cloae'eJ for haute in Mr. 'r.ttt• Lrivate oar, direueetng vu• yeas pe' ho Atter" with test gent'. mer. A«r:.riwg to U'. F1,01,1.1.1'4 report cf h e interview w: h SI'. Tart., Le hods that I HE PRODUCTION OF COMMON READING FOR BOYS. SALT FROM THk MIGHTY DI4E0. (L asdoo Advertiser I ilia a runner Resident of tloderiub.) I),,uitlem the feel that gilt is mwu- Isotutel largly limn the sones ahove ind:- ecod o u.w. to many, sad it acid probably lir interesting t• at bast some persons to siding ii Inland Ioaaletiee to Iearu et the prowess and urpwully so to those io a salt centre like lloderlah where the ai t c'e is ub- tsiood by forced evaporation of brine pump- ed Irmo the depths of the earth. About fourteen or fifteen hundred miles sem b of New fork Is boated • smell ittittah runny, solute log, to man, of three !elands, the names of which are: Urso.! Turk, Cele*, and Self Cay, the whole group being known an Turks Island, from ligand TDik, the large, cad meet important of the three. 'l'b. islands are Few lytog, mostly of rock formation, sad veget anon, even on Grand Turk, be very twenty as compared with that on other West Indian !.lend'. 'l he popu- Iatlou of the whole croup is about twelve thou, tad, whose main source of oustenanue is by tbs production of oommoii salt from the novas waters. '!'hls h.iug the obey industry to speak of la the °elooy, It I. ouusequeutly enooaraged by the Government sed in the following way. At certain point. on the toast small osnals are oomtrooted and kept to repair by the Government ; these at their oommimoe- recut are suppild with sluts gates by which the mimeo" of wear water to what are termed publea reservoirs is controlled. The public reservoirs are several to number and ars ueueily of about fifteen sort. are etch. From these; to private roservette everapiag five norm each, lead narrow and *below ;Manuel' which ate nothing more than trsscbe,dug in the earth about two, feet wide and the it tine In depth end fitted in some pact of tie r tonne with • little wheel with Gale, somewhat resembling s small water wheel, which 111th. deities aids m•terlslly Is enipiyiog and filling the reservoir. tv hen speaking of reservoirs In this case one moat net Colon of deep basins with massive walls of memory, but rather of shallow ponds bounded 'by low earth in- baokments. The reasons for their shallow clQStre,tioa are : first, evaporation Is more tepid from • shallow than from • deep baste, and in the second place, where water hu to be dealt with so much on the level with so pump to aid and only • very !!meted usulat- enoe from grsv:ty, its p• cage from one apartment to another is much fmoilitatted by making thoto •pertinent" shallow rather than deep. At certain times the public re.ervotre are Oiled and from them In Into the private one,. Wnau fleet admitted the ocean water ie of about three degrees salinity. Those stagoatirp pouts, 'mimed to the son, In what is riled good weedier. Moen In eaUnity at the rate 0t two or tier", degree' a day, sod when at twety. degree, strength the suspended imph•itlee of tie writs, are prroipl'ete i Whss the roienty to eleh'y degree etreegtb 1e ren:lied the Ironed takes geenticmm a- eery e.eu-:tt uteri) able, ho -,ort the name of brine an I is a emoted en wta- aod agrid Ode ponos rhea he upncited to I ate called a ak•ng plus to • dep•h of ten field hire In f•.;., any! oily I ieenin• to mobs'. Thou ate smaller re•ervotra with yin, ftiss•nnt'a Jererytr.p .f Sir. Torte Pt'Mom esptct•lly prepared to nicety. Lb. would atmest !Sink -hoer were iu tr. pre. tetteisir of salt whish takes place at 113 degree's etetogib. As IMOD as ail salt is pre- o.pitated the remaining water shout I be re- moved to avoid di develop ng in the peso, whrcb, shoelt it coeur, en'.e to the soli s able goal Se'!k like ch►nc'er. After rf the :eselasey water the pane ere c, aL y f r realm', as it is calict, ate On the prop'tia o^ .o desire ; _ et it le t•,un-i t , bs a ore eosueormol topr. cipitatefrom the sal frm 'rowed 4u•atm.tes of hose in aucaeuinu be tore raking, or not be: ore the deposit •moue:a to five or air leuhee 'n tIneknre, From Le pant the salt is carried in n:u!e etre mid piled in heap% from fifteen to reenty-Eve fret in night await:og ahlp- n.eet, . The best ase. -on fur salt protection by •hie moll d is na'ura.ly the summer •!,:n'h•, beraus.e du::ug thst time the 'us '., loosest and there ie u,u.Ily less rain. -noun ran fa I, however, the loon weber tom of Ino density Beate on top of the ;ulna and ,e ta;rdiy eyapora'cd again when rhe cue appear., tt.ougb certainly not ;vett- "at rut.',! ng the process somewhat. A rather amurne little story le told of a c:ergvman whom 1 ecus and who was at one tome leered to Punks Island. 1 oanut vouct, for Its veracity but shall give it to tett as I ger it. The goo I man had bees there oily • short lime and hal evidently not g,,teen acqusinted with Jest what Is b it enhat'colon . r However ooD nderm tt a a'ssth'-r render dry, he, with net non '"lilies •Lyone eau the muter, con one -fine Sunday preyed for rale. His putnh!ooere erre ...mess hat put out ever their redtor's a neon':', but a hen lee, , came -in •bundaooe, soil, lent to .canes them Irmo Mete:, 'bey were wroth and did not rest easy ten. r11 1 ley got the good men out of the living. lleaithy'alt, obtained as described, Is quite a dlfferest looking suhttance from :rat of ntthrrel origin. In the fires place 'Ft., of art wr.co L:ceral t.istea,l of • rabid T••ry. Th„ to one ben. fit of 'revel and in rag well mea sed themes. 1'tondo to iii terser part' tete sad ,o I aid a pe•- - r n'.. tonus of 11.ru•ht and Minos, The C.1341 iII Lit hue 'e. of teens,, a elb)•ct tom rousse inm,sy minder W1►y, We ate for: Mr.,ft.csf 11 : n. h moult on record at hisg Ia f.rnro at H.ii lax a• as ail . •ase " ) r t" - lot. 0, •.I a, nod.ntend 1Ir. Terre is of 1 s slit • ,: etre.. Until at tea' the S-. I..ac" r, -, (lend mere a.ar.�'-I•• ver -ant • : L.'s', , cleaners soh* 22 knot '�t•tem" 1. aoldt'n •n 'he a'i.t, w111,1 take ye.,., '. over. froWe redo '1 . Rei.!, I yes no pot'O'al Dr p'' .• u• • r , mm or t 1 „• 11 ,, } , t wit lire, mint:- I t' n • ,u r . . n ' ,t I» h r' on befee i r , 1st . , , go AN LX rR5OI1OINARY CURE. • liic..mime Oct, Aug 1392 walL"O.1 Mrd'.:roe ('•. , G,• lei it h, U it. I am now gettang_to be art old man, r lee ui 6 • years rd ag.. I wait a 'offerer for e Ftiea -e•et fiom what u • I c i l marc describer Y sod dot sot understand, and core enough 11,0 ,tea,rota 1 ooneu'ted . fn le 1, net ore of mem-mate One my et't+etn', I was the. weak for IhnaY cars I o •nn1 1 heir Lpal r e. 1 •t envie ifshe ft w. to I peed for it. Daring 'he Int lour yeses my tk a turns - blue, then black, 1 was °hhge,l 10 uort r nay heel, in the preeenee of street/ere, oil hi .• n.y far, (he best why i ,oald termites, it' my Walt eke i amid not g.t anything rte In err good,' .1 op Au, awl was wit int! 'n sound mor., hundred', f dollars to treat meat and do,ton' inn! Nice. Whe•e I cow that AItL..NOUu iald -wee . cored -1 did not be- lieve he cool! he curet -I .rhuught sure I o al I get Nome good anyway from what cneed hem. I got. bret:to of vol.. Sye'em fir envs nr from him, if heeAe me gaffs r':k, -hut I ooitiaued takaeg it 1 got. another +a4TtslrA.RtwT in it, even if Is did eii•hoc me, and the re.ali was Rhin 1 had tek•n 1. lar bottler I wee remit enough re work. Teen my hand, watt in torte white and 1n per'e ! lar", I' we. e.'trfied Iii et it world core ms. I took t1i) Ot) worth before I wall clear soil white se befen. I have anme enter new, my bleed Most. have undergone a to into , lt.a :!lite in that 'arcam I r i Vine I ell seers r.olr'o r. I DD sat we!I ant work ear•y dey. I would hese gi en th--u•anda of dnllars for the remedy that %nulel have reeeveren my natueel cnlur node. i rive the, praise to your Renovator lot my cur: envwey. dons at to v ire M10l,41.4'0 remedro', Mtanh.het In 18'17. are the only medicines in l'an'ds which have veld ne their merits without adver- tising Address MacLeod Mel'alse Ca., I:olvriuh, Ont. Wm, E. !lavage, of Detroit, is 'pend ng a short holtlay meaeoo is towd. Business But McKENZIE & WNitre rr ohtnr'ARt good, -� OWELL are not satisfied. tnnnet tellord to sell at cost or e•.e than cost, nor can we give R qmt' bi4 duecouitt off our.tuerkind prite6,_j0 v, expect to rrslizn a fair profit on. However, for two weeks, commencing with we are going to snake things itif'trrvting ill 0 iritnrr,t. On all Sheffield Cutlery Co.'s goods we will allow per cent. off to cash customers.. moans .<I. 10 per doz. Knives and Porky to sell at .26 1.80 " , 2.00 .. 2.20 " 250 " uX..Xoclie .are..tuatkei altst IIUitSI)AY, A17U1.7ST Knife And Fork De - 'That Y It 16 And p0 on the prices will go. brio quicle and get the best, Apple Pal ere are sellers. 1.8 1.98 2.25 10 Come anti sen us about Portland Cement. We sell the Peninsular I ran It is the very best. We ha'.just closed one of the lergot't Twine ,PAeettl in our bl,tr Firmera of this section Rat o,1 many dollar. by buying their Twine of us MP were from Is to 2o (Mohr than other., length and quality contitlt'rnl. McKENZIE & HOWE!), Tl�M. Iii. �i w. TO BUY ni.l. �I,��t����n��N CHEAP TiiM. I'I,.\i'h: Til BUY AL1. H,1KOWA1(14I;IIEAP EAST 810E ®QUARE. d. ry. he GODERICH. It ;Ca parer actio', and come. from the pane in slightly tlnkieh emit t-soeparentrryetele, in which lotto it rs usually pat upon themar- ket, borne shipped tiller in bulk, barrel, or bare, the 1.tt•r et hilt bushel capacity. Tteo average price for tine product it. prot- on is 6: ter loch,! for crystals, and fishery sAlt, of -t coed tram the former by grinding, brim an additional 23• per nushel This Peen'• • v•-ry small price, bet the gentlemon to whnm i am Ied'b'ed for my tofdrmstioo nate salt on • somewhat twee sale end Mem. •u make a liyengDr ofit art rotors eves at no low a Eimer:. 1 )' a less one must re- reember that after preparing the necessary reeervoen and pave, the cop,new aro pram ':tally nil until raking and shipping time arrives. A raker is paid on aa average .ib -out 3 .hlllinge, 72e, per day, and should rake Ie the neighborhood et 300 bushels dureeg thor time. A cattier, that is one who cnev,ys the salt to boats, can carry from 100 to 125 buensls per day, for which he rrco!yee. a000rding to the amount carried, brit or six shillmgr. There hung no dock. et Tuck, Island, sea -gain¢ vessels are obliged, to stand off from lend and are ivaded from small craft each of 100 bushels rapacity. Exports of sail trim the colony hod their lirgwt mot let In the Uultted Stets.. LEr, OPEN LETTER TO FARMERS, sAr„raea • We beg to call your attention to the onsattdaotory state in which grain is being delivered al country markets, and more eepecvlly is this tn, • due I.rg the heft two or three year.. , Greta hoe been markstee we bout teeing therreeghly a'a-eel, which necessitate, the heroe's selling the grain b • ke'e on 11.111 on Its merits, and for wh•ch h' dor', not realize as high a pica at he well(' have received load the farmer, ,,e•oieed our, ,n properly cleaving the grain twfo,e bringing !t to mar- ket,, that it gore hook to the one thing --:f the termer does riot properly clear his grain he doe" not reeeiye a proper price. We knew that thew who de not cline their grain only regoire to hen thea metier brought to their attention, and they will at none se the ne•oeaslty of Moaning grain properly before taking It to mer►et. It will he neouaary to make redactions in price for all gratm that Is sot thoroughly and pro petty cleaned, enc se the reface or cleanings Is rgnaity am soul no the /arm fur fwd, we'hepe all farmers will look alive te this matter, which will orrMloly ler to their en cant.', Tett FA/(m/RN' EI,RvaroR A flerfr ti o, co. or Klvr•Akhlvp, l:meed, per W.1. Henry, P.se A Seo'y. Rhyme 1'. WALKER.. Rineardlne FMiwRR1' ELIAArvin ('OH1•AtyLeek now per. 'CV. ('ate, free'1. IJ, iiwcirrr ',takeoff W. P. Ne1.Mtw. Leokwow R. D. Mn•R.NZIR Ripley WILLIAM Re'aanw's & Sow Oedgrioh A. .1. (:,NHaa Odarlah N.' Dtwalrw a Mew Onderleh gee Iff1GS. LUSawel Auga,r, 1902 Is bas remained for th• progressive and deuteuraelo West be shatter au idol wb!oh matey mdlione of EugL.h.pesk,ut D.eule nays boss werehiplog foe years Word rwnee from Danger, Colorado, that "Huck'ebsrrf Fon," of all Mark Twain's books the one moat ones amoore'.d with hie name, bag been szoladed tram !bei public library 'of that city on the ground that it le "immoral and aaorilegioue," If the lneident actually 000urrd tt would sem to Indloste that lbs United States le a woos of freaks. One would Nod it necessary to go back to she Blue Law days ot Column - out to hod a patalld for it. Such hysterical morality le precut at to [ample of morbid tomperament, and as m000uesuot as it is ridiculous. Probably one-half of the youthful popul•tioo of Denver •ee surreptttlously gloating over the sanguinary p.rformanoes of Red Royer, the Terror of the Reef, or Red Handed Ralph, rhe Scourgs of the Tandsrlo'o,whlls they are pro• vented from reading the delightful story of Huneleeerry Flute sail Tom Sawyer. The cheap paper novel is in evil which will pro- bably always exist as long as boys are born with imaglsateons. To extirpate it in one stroke without offer:og the boys something in Its i laoe weu'd be Impossible, and it le the disregard of tots fact that mama melee" the work of so manysiotal purity organeesttoeis. By giving the boy Ilterabure, that, while •p - pealing to his emagluatioo and hie Inherent love of adyenture, is Imitate' and manly in Its tone, you may In time were hem of his taste for tits lurid and unoatsral form, for at heart mrser boy is manly. With the ext caption of "Robinson C-usoe" and "rem Roe so at Rugby," no book ever published in the English or in any other language ac- peele more strongly to boyish enthusiasm than Mack Twain', delightful tale of the Mlulseippl. There le not a angle sentence in au whole boot that could possibly cog. gest • wrong to:e ght to a boy's mend. The little wuapd's of 7 om Sawyer and Heal elan ars essentially boy'. pranks, on nog as boya continue to be boys we shall Nod Mum playing pranks. The whole tone of the book le he•Ithful aad manly, and if Mark Twain had never written another line he still would ban been worthy of the wo•shlp of every real boy in the world. If such books w 'Heokleberry Firm" sod "Tom Serum" were platted coataanly within the teach of the youth of the I aid there scum ould he little demand for the blcod-sod-th der variety that sell for s nickel. Delon your boy of such books and is limit ca r ata earn al :m o h to read ts •n- fsrd and Merton as you would compel Dim to take goleene, sod ob.erye the remit. Som. day you will cones upon him uses- peotedly with a book which every ober- eater tea mosotrseity -d every nine the revel dog record of • mot, r. It Is useless to forbad a troy to read at, - nickel drips/ - luta for boy. have *see of t - r own of pro- cur:ag them ; far tet or to , trodoos to them heallhlul tales snob as Ma '1',rei•,'e ensiterpieee, ah oh the lemver libt y loud has fueled ".moose! sit 1 saordeg!o • " BOOKS AND PERIODICALS MzytiUDIST MAetazINt ANU Rwrgw• rte: tzrrttlsaa.-Ot timely Woe, in this ,umber are ea Illustrated ohaeaoter-etady • f Let Salitbory, Le N.r.oan W. Cragg, ,mi set aerial on Hattie:it house, the home f the. Cm: Is for three hundred yea'., with_ •nkrevtn,'. Also a atu'y, with portrait,• of Mr. Bolt:or, the now Premier. O.her e'rlknd illus wed art:e'es ate "Lying en •t ,.t. ID ('R to." "Cuisine* Mis.looe on .itl•'t:m lsl.o-1,," ' S deey lsni: r," by ' I'. :or F' bx,"-• poet's 'only 01 . poet, o•'4 a •.lever "tory of Uhriet'ae trial en 1 •emrepa,with lice engraving•, byMsuite l'etitt,D•. Cmean writes on "lie Fortino (I in ent (1 te.t:cies," W. Harrison on "The are and Tonnage of the Universa," en e ileo Dnaoe hie a Lriaht Uaodieu story. C.reoatsun E:hoe", William Was./ti's and McLean Watts' Coronation Ode., eta make 'up a ''roe, number. Toronto: tt-,I'iam iI Igg•. Mehtre.I : C. W. Coates, Haiifox : S. F. Howie, $2 00 a' year; $$1.1150 for six menthe, Lissy Liver, sad aleggl.h kidneys. VI hen these organs fall to perform their proper function., the blood becomes osonei sod suffertog and disease oommenoe. This terse be avoldedty lee tins, your veality et h'gh-worse mark, tide Lleod rich aul pure Ly tattingFa one rrcoo ase Tablet after each mesh F'errnxmiie has a ni Id but rapid action on the liver and kidney", and is certainly the greatest 'pro.lu3er of red viumzing blood kerown to so:enoe. Morning tiredness, lankout, d zzloer., pain in the back aid sink headacho disappear at nnoe when Ferri rine is used, (let It today. Price 50a •t druggists, or N. C. Polson ,t Co., Kingston, Oat. Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure bdwnsnee, FALL FAIRS 1902. Great Northwestern, Goderlck, Sept. 30 Oat. 1 Toronto - Leaden Walkerton !hinter Teeswat er Sept. 24-25 Wingham ..,.....Sept, 25-26 Seaforth Sip., 25-26 Woodstock Sent. 25-2D Stratford Sept. 30.0a. 1 List owe! Sept. 30 -Ont. 1 Brussels „ Oot.2-3 lily th Oat. 7.8 11an,aonon ....Ila! 9 10 Sept. 1-13 Sept. 12-20 Sept. 17-18 Sept 22-23 The new Presbyterian church at Reynold wan opened teat Sunday with three eervlees, morning,eftennoon and evening. The open• ug ervlcst will be continued next Sunday also. _Aram R400e. , o11S 'l4rIS atI.I., CIO ?�I d eTgrsuodS2J • e s."1 P W 3 q'l 3 A.1329 0�y. .231!1 '1°9 ,raid �eTiAA ;L '(zlat e2U171.(d J2AO J01 ‘.1211t1 -It? at1I saulviq 'Saone /t31�fij i0 Jar_ vT rr -IOOI s1(i gj1M Y13JJYnb Uvurim^s Peg d rr i ORSELL'S IS THE PLACE TO GET Eavestron king, Metal Reefing and Siding, Dairy Tinware, Iron Pipe and Fittings . s , CHEAP. , lumbago le Rheumatism ofthe b rise crux V tie old lar the blood. IT the grid - neve did their Work there would ba no Uric Acid and no Lueul ,go. Make the kidneys do theirwurk. The eine, positive and arty cure for Lumbago le Dodd's Kidney Pills TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of mange. must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not h sur than Mon- day noon, Casual Advertisements acoepted so to not n Wednesday of tach week. tikkillop Abdul Ike lasurtldle Ce. FARM AND ISOLATED TOW' PROP- ERTY INSURED. r 'Paine of P.operty Insure' up to Janney. Ifrpl eeemitoreee orriCeiiie All/ ulleltc e)Ite. J. D. McLean. pros ; T. Fraser, elms. tree. ; Jas. Coonoll , IS, Dale. W. G. Broadtoct, J. Watt, Jas. !!loam,.1. 0. Grieve, J. Heanewels, directors; W.0. Hroadfo ri, Neaf»•ttt, Inspec- tor of loose ; T. E. Hasa, Sesforth, seoretary- treasurer. incrTe, J. W. Yeo, Rolmeevine ; Jamas t'ummlog Eamoodville; It. McMillan, beatorth; R Smith. Matlock. Polloy'-holdere Otis pay atrresmenta and get their cards recclpted at Mr. Coati. Clinton. or at Mclean Brow' Palace Clothing Store, (lode rich i I T 1 1 1 1 T 1 UR SHEET STEEL ESSED BRICK t. an ;do '.geoie, ,ether f,w ocw buildings or 'rnprocn.g old ones. IT ik YERY Gell ANDQ UICKLY APPLIED CIYE. PERFECT WE HER PROOF PROTECTION. 19 FIRE, LICwTNINC A RUST PROOF AND COSTS VERY LITTI Consider ins fnsansae-its .rl,•ndid enduring qua', \-. end .light I.i'ennie-and dre.J. to 'sees,: your own .ee,t interests by using Fullest retails of inforrnatidt, in our catalog. \ METALLIC ROOFING CO., l!MRjD, Whol.eale Manufacturer., TORONTO, CANADA. Ful; vier Irl Lee & Shcp6artl A Great Snap s our Ginger Snap, at So. • pound, of which we cella barrel • week. This Isn't our only seep, as we carry everything that can h. found In an up - to -data grocery store, and our prion are right. The farmers know that they can always get from us a map for their produce. We drew the line at tee legitimate trade - everything goes : GI ...ware or potatnec, garden stuff or ahnioeet table China. We del ire all of them. T. G. TIP LING da CO., 0 r Redford block,Otlerlah no Huron and Bruce Loan and Investment Co. GODERICH, - ONT. Sot,lctwa-PHILIP HOLT, K.O. BA.aaa.-THE CANADIAN BANK OP COMMERCR. OUR SAVINGS BANK. We aro pnlparrel to receive Deposita from Trusleea, Parente, or Children, in sums of from Fifty. Cents to Three Thousand Dollars, and allow r•ompoureil i'".e.t, -asi.lest- •every" TWIT' 'rn IITetT. ui rates as agreed upon. Chequer are given i)e'positore, so Gist they may draw upon thew deposits at any twee 3, 3h and 4 per rent, interest allowed on Ihtpreite according to amount and time left. N,11 -Pursuant to a late Act of Parliament'marrieel women and miner, have the right to deport and drew out money in their own name. Deposit* can its' 'rant by mall at the risk of sender. Ramose from yourhmtsez teyen,otation to burglars and food for thekflain.e. As the Company maker' loons only on first, .lave farm property, depositors hese the strongest security for their in• vestments - TO -BORROWERS. This Cemp•ety is propane] In loan on the shortest notice any sum upon first cls•% security. Term, are made to nut borrower,. Straight loans and eimpl interest. MORTGAGES i'UR(IHAHED-For further particulars tall at the (lnmpany'e onto. corner of Market Square and North Street, ()oele'rieh. W. I. HORTON, F. JORDAN, Manager, President, Wet i'ROUDFOOT, Vice•Preeideat. 1)1 RECrORR : Loan HT•h*TnexeitA. 1. M. Roesttrs. Vermeils .IosDAp. H Benin,• WM. Poor neon?. Ranke ifnwmN, I). J. )encs PHILIP Hong, K. Jordan McKII]fl'S aoclerlch, Block. Ont. Thinking of Wo have bet u leaking ready for fall trade for some months. One line 'we give particular attention to this Season is-- Dress Goods. W• bay• just received the new HARRIS Rosman,. 'the Dame gargle insures you the very best in the market at tn. price, 85o sod 11.00 per yard 56 Moho" wide, pure fine wool and lass colors. We du not carry • full range of these people' makes. They have both lower priced and higher prioed goods, hub we take two 01 their beet value rouges awl cue the prloe ,-lose. English Cheviots. We don't know of • better fabric for skirts and sults. 'obey are absolutely fork colors, even acrd proof. They are dust proof and wear proof They always look new, and are at a very reasonable prior. Our specials are $1.00 and $1 35. 33 toohe wide. We hay, Unm at 503 to $1.50. H aistings. We have • large variety of the newest in French Fiaenele, Opera Fle*nels, Velvet Silks, Suotoh Flannels and l'anadian Waistto5s. The goods ars the new. est and the prices are the lowest, consistent with the lushly, 10o to 75o, Summer Goods. Well, It's getting late for them and If they are not sold loon they will not be sold at all this season. We make It • point never to carry say goods over, and this e.uoo will sot be any exception. Yon can have good, now to clear •t any prigs. In course we do not moan at any price you wish to offer -we retain the right of fixing the prloe. But the price we put on I. below what you would vi - tent to pay. M°KIM'S BUSY STORE. TAILORING... I bees rote., ed my New etmea of Suitings, Trouserings, etc., for Spring and Summer Wear. If you aro getting a slew spring Snit, a light overt•oat, or anything in my line, I can please you in good., lit end price, LTReady-lladr Ilottelna lar stork. H. DUNLOP, RIIYNAS & CORNELI. UNDERTAKERS _ EMBALMERS, Etc., GODERICH,Y- ONT. EMBALMERS, Etc., y,'eet tido of S,suare, GODERICH, - ONT. Night ca'ls promptly answerer. The Division between goo and tullfferene Drugs and Medlcines is strongly defined here, The Indll• (cent kind are never ordered and never permuted to form part of oar stock. Only goods of undouuted purity are offered to oevomors. thin stooge of Proprietary Medlolnes IS very large. Perces are Ices, SEOv8oOd for Sale F. JORDAN, MI lell'AL HALL, Having utabllahml sawing and split 'log machinery at my Coal and Wood Vard at the bead of Nelson st•eet, and having a urge stook of Cordwood en hand, I am Inposition to furnish firat- elees :Rove Wood promptly and at reasonable rate. Terme, orb en de- livery. Oftioe, Nelson St. - Telephone 75. F. BARLOW HOLMES. BROPIIEY & SON - tag LLAni,, -- Fwh ra\ Dweetorv'tt'u moa\mento. Order. earvfr11 attended te at all beers, 'slant a dq. Quebec mores!. The POINT A 14. SEASON OF 1902. OPEN THIS WEEK Tho it n,• prnvom•'nte at the Point Farm [eoing artvaneeil slinger to completion, the Hotel will he upon for guests thin week. The management melt to draw alien. tion especially to tho ealvatetagees of The !'hint Farm an a .,sort fur Opaques parties from town. Every pre;inion will he made for the reception and entertainment of much parties. There in nowhere it more delight- ful spot to ip ,mil allay or an evening, and visitors will always be marls welcome, The Huron, Bruce & Grey Electric Ry. Co., Limited, P.O. Ilex 73. Goderleh, Ont. Mill Wod FOR SALE The shove is cut into stove wood length and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders received by telephone or GIVE left at residence, 12S Cambria street, I' will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. (I,rlerich, Novnml,.r 21at, 1899, 53.3m H ELLO THE OLD' RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THE SCr3fltOli Bard Coal IN THE MARKET Al Coati weighed elR R on the Hl where yoa;get 7001 Ile, for •ton.n, Rados WM. LEE. Orden left at LEE & SEZPHea.D'S Stere promptly attended to. Coal! Coal! amserearliteree JUYI\REUF:IVtelt 1 Car Massillon Washed Nut Coal. Title ('nal la good for stoves and grates -I. easily Nthte4 and gives out a great hes& I Car West Virginia:Lump Coal. 2 Car Scranton Hard Coal. Mullion it ashed Nut 30 oto per 100 lb., or $15.B0 per ton. IT • TRIAL. Wm. Campbell. Uderloh, March lOih 1402. DO YOU BUY GROCERIES? No one who buy. Oroceries can afford to overlook the bargains which we offer on every lawful business day, Our (Ireecenna are of the hest quality, and the pricers are se low ea first-clas, grMe can be bought at if you ere not already dealing with are, make a trial purchase, and wee if we' cantitlli. suit you. szvRnwY az CO. THE GROCERS, WEST SIDE StkUARE. p'(Itod■ promptly delivered. ' Tolop`oso No. 91