HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-8-28, Page 44 Tseesoar, August 28, 1902. THE SIGNAL : GODERICIT ONTARIO GREAT CLEARING SALE OF Hats and Summer Clothin BARGAINS 1 BARGAINS 1! BARGAINS ! ! We are determined to clear out every vistage of summer goods. We will not keep goods over in this up -to date store—the goods must go in the Bennett they were intended to. Mark our prices. Every •rticle le a bargain, and a tog bargain, too. Awake to your interest and call and see the borgains we are offering. Straw lists at Half Price. am, straw hat In the stea•—aad ii• have mane Dice onelf —at essetly half mice. all 50 sad 00 Pearl ',odor& Hate for $1.50. $2 2:n Pearl Fedora Hits for $1.25. Christy'. f2 30 aod $3 00 brown stiff bate for 7Sa Men? Summer Clothing. We have • number ol broken lines be lawns and greys whiolt will go at a Muslin. If your elm le here there is a savlog for yes $13 suits reduoed $9 00, Boys' Clothing. $6 50 suits rednoM to $4 98 Call early or the size you want may be gone. WC. PRIDHAM • Perfect') Fitting Clothing House. Mitioi Furnisher and Halts - EVERY THURSDAY MORNING MT SODERIOH. THURSDAY. AUG. M, Ian. THE London Free Press is not nh well versed in the West Huron situ- ation as it thinks it is or it would not have drawn the following deductions: That good Grit organ, The Ikelerich Signal, has evidently reached the con- clusion that Mr. Robt. Holmes, Grit M. P, for West Huron, is a hard load to carry through on election contest, and recently urged him to accept the Clinton poetiniostership. Holmm, in hie paper, The hew Era, thio week Ines to him to wait for the rinvinander, when the riding will certainly be made meter for the Liberal candidate, awl with an air of resignation concludes that when his political friends "Mtn:tote that a change of representative is deetrah e, it will be time enough to seek refuge from the anxieties of buentenis life in that much 'Ibis would seem to ind.eate that Mr. Holmes haa lost confidence, in the Ma- chine, whieh has done such yeoman eer- wee for him in the past, ant now turns to the gerrymander for succor, but in the event of that failing hint he hopes to re- tire to ttf• nferetiaid "much -nought -for haven." Meanwhile Robert wiTI hang on to his preseet $1,500 a year job. Now, what are the facts? For some time Past Mr. HOLISM limenot been in the robust health that his friends, Liberal anti Conservative, would like to see him enjoy. For nearly a year the position of postmas- ter has been vacant in the town of Clinton, and recently The News-Ite cord, the Conservative organ in Clin- ton, Enowing that Mr. HOLMES hail been in poor health, magnanimously; suggested that it., as well as many Liberals and Conservatives, would strongly favor the appointment of Sir. Honors to the vacant position. Mr. Hoisea, while thanking his local con- temporary for the courtesy done him took the ground that he was in duty bound to stand by his constituents in West Iluron until his full term aa member had expired. THE SItiNAL then took the lineation up, and point- ed out, that within the next six or eight months the redistribution hill would he brought down, in which event it might happen that Mr. HoLiess would find himself in a dis- trict where another of the sitting mem- bers is located, and where he would not be sure of receiving a re -nomina- tion. In that case, Tux SIGNAL sug- gested that, considering Mr. Hor,sitie past services to the party, the Post - matter -General would be justified in appointing Mr. IIOLMF.8 to the vacant osition, and no fault would die found with the appointment. That is all there is to the story. TFIN SIGNAL has not "evidently reached the con- clusion that Mr. ROOT. Norman, Grit M. P. for West Huron, is a hard load to carry through an election contest." Mr. lioiwite Inas proved himself to 1 e a winner, and if the houndarii s re main the same and his health be fully restored he can win &gain • West Huron --at least, that is THIS SIGNAL'S opinion, and T11111 SIGNAL'S opinion generally goo, in West 11 uron. SNAP SNOT& — The Boer eenerals say they aro tired of the atteutiutie shown them ko the Bores in England. • —With the close of the legal vacation the harvesting of the election petition crop will be in order. — The tourist with the summer tan and the peeled proboscis'is wending homeward his weary way. —Because young King Alfonso of Spain is no as silly ns the large majoiity of his subjecto, the tufthunters think he is crazy. —The khaki suit is still in evidence in Toronto, and, as the police cannot take action against it, t•e cartoonists are trying to eradicate the evil. — Now that queen Autooteinte has re- ceived the Order of the Garter, we are Hottentot tha't there is,cine recipient who will firm i it useful as well as ornamental. —A newspaper published in Pans, Prance, hne a rather seneational story that after King Eue.tot, had the crown placed hie manly brow at the coronation, an- other gentleman—his double—took his plate and tarried out the remainder of the prograin. This Di strange, an We were not aware that our kiend I. GOLDMAN, ut To- ronto, wail in London during the coronation. WHA 01NERH aRE SATING. Montreal Witness : The 000l &inertia ,e with winch our manufacturers assembled toi Halifax ai• publicly propounding plane, some by export duties arid some by Import duties, for tiroine the Canadian pcople by mark•ble confidecie either in the loye of the people for being &mood or an the power of their own money to influeace votes le the (reentry or in parl'ainent. Ottawa Journal : A succession of magnificent harvests, le period of great businsaa prommity on 'this continent In general, and ot lavotable businees and me: - au mural coodition• over mach of the world have helped to mak• Commis fat ttese latter years ; but there hse been a loser tariff too. Prohet ioo, which wu • miser- able lathiest for well nigh twenty years' previously, hes begun to raise ita need. claiming credit for the fatness. For nearly tion awl trade were stagnant, the oeustry lower tariff the country hats sprung forward • new life Is felt—and the Protmtionletn would hue us believe that thebigher against even Britain and the empire are °waded for further Improvement,. Pot. tonstele In the far West is arising • ;to ser 'which makes for oommon sense in this mol- ter, the oommoo sense of Melding that a country. whose strength is agriculture shall not be a mum ry in which agriculture shall be bled In order to force bot house profits ofits on • straight business, bests as the farmer and the mertihent ha% • to do. AMONG OUR EXCHANGES. Tits Sumo. olaims that the county of Huron " • rural paradise." Th• slate - Meat ie half true of Goderieh, sit any rate. we gat the Culls Ourselves. (Kincardine Review.) The Britisher. who complain of the eon. dItion ot the berrelled apples we mod ever there ought tee out here and sample the apples that are tot mod over there. They would then go back and he content. h -le hers they might also temple the beet ann butter that we keep for ouresless and com- as,. it with the kind we export to Tell Ire What Tete •re Defog. a est that many good ft"stine ete to caerepapera every day by the modesty of people who hesitate to tilt matters onetime - ter thrinselve.. The richt thing t dn le to atop the ri•w•naper into on the street or anywhere yeti happen to meet him awl tell a frieed wising' von ; I hat you lintel rained Mani. ; that, you are doin• good. If you have done agyih ng mean nerve keep It yeerself, for there •re ethers who will tell Shi t. la Old Newspaper. e forromme upon se old newspaper reeentlf. It had been used I y one of the customers of the store for wrapping purposes and is • copy of the Ayr Observer of Juse 29 h,1865. eel and dated Ayr, Th• firer Is well gi Caned% ttest..lurie 29. 1965. "The nib - seri' Goo prim of the eloper was $1.50 per tear, 'The paper mutates some eery tater. mons reeding matter. Out of the fi so thieve to catch oar eye was the market ri- ptide and we Jim • few el the !jontatleowi:-- hey. 60 ; potatoes, 2fie The paper load tioeiph. Gall and Ayr. Ooe mernhant wee • leen P ng anemic other thing,. "10 lbs. el good auger foe on. dollar." TM paper hae tone pages, 'Millar la sir • to those of the Times. Ainena the news Item we natl.' a ,hoolor frem Tea Hearne avocet., la WM* le gives as amount of a murder at IMores• nne. Item reeds Is put learn :— 11.1. MANY A I PROVERB gimmimmem long accepted and often quoted, fails to stand investigation. flow frequently is it said "You cannot have too much of • good thing." But what about medicine? You know the medicine is good, but you *Odom wish the dooe were lar- ger; you generally wish it were are exceedingly small, but they ere also exceedingly effective. They are a gentle laxative. They are a I nerve They cure indigestion. I rata, Tiny Tabletar—so Filmy to Taw Twonty-flvo GPM* BIEBB 'After • drink's/ bout at Duogannoo, a man slowed bduCurdy was brutally murder- ed on hie way borne.' A man named Woolly aim &coined of th• effend• and was lodged In 6..Alei lob ji I to •walt the verdict of the ; try Dr. McDougall, ooroner, at that vestigative. Beettlee otter matter We notii- ed accouot of • minims dollar Bre which at oCi•ci nod lo Quidiec. Ruin. Patterson was the publisher ot the Ayr Observer In 1865. OUR SUMP/1OP RESORTS IN VERSE, 1Vhoin man wag free and tints was young, Thy guidons green were outward Hour, thi Huron'. bluffs, bd. neeetues. And hero whole Sneed@ the :lowing sea Tim waters sing their songs for thee, 'through hemlock aisles and uedar tree. The Diulritil In Ills clowmili plaid Fli•loo through the ferny everglade, And p pea • treble serenade, l'o drink from ollt thy crystal spring, And make the maple uplands sit g. rb. morning mist., the after glow* OM seasons tee they come aud ro, A veil of splendor o'er thee throw. lie mere souglit aud poet sung, Who drink" thy draughts Is ever young, Quem of the Loker, Itimemtung. Toledo, Ohio. f HE CROPS ARE IN "There's • kind of happy hello' -moms down in • feller when He's got his punkott gothered and the hay• mow'e full ages, Torwe's hope In all the brews that come and you git to kiwi el thlokin' God is up there somewhere still ; What • purty sight the wheat le as it's piled up In the bin ! Oh, it's good to be a farmer when the orops Are in the city, and its very quiet There the hurry and the racket keeps again' all the year ; TI.ere most every day's exoltin' and th•y keep it am at night, common sight And I e'pose it's Lever lonesome liyin' round the bilenss of sin— Bot the city people have their crops All In. many an ache and pain, And there's lots and lots of frettin' at the dry nem or the rain, There's the weed, mod worms and lames that the f. toner has figh•, Bui. the goi.cl Lord does.% often fail too pull '.m through all right,. And the sere•••et eatisfeation that • mortal man can *In ;twit of hovers round the farmer felon tb• cr pe Are In, AS rola( Farm. And P.ont Farm's the place ! ere England' and Buobanati., and of elor so bald, Who kite. the name of Herland ald IS worth his weight in g Miss flormtio and Mita Weatherby who brought a chick stony- - And Mr. Reid, of Load in, so noted for her song ; Torsi )(aunt*, R i Is at niml time grace the t•bles of our host. While Reid calls for boiled eggs and Taller silts f•ir toast. tiot forget the Gramm Ind friends— l'o have mien all ther teffy up and not count them in. 'Nis hays cur faults —iv. know we have— and in t hie ife the But pshaw ! if we philosop- hise we'll clean forget the Hills, gave tb• great niorehmallow roast in the chimney room so hue ; We'll think their health next time we meet In:imm•eg cupi of wine. We'll find Petwaki mein and wander on the beach, Aod we'll calleto mind the bonfire at which Goldthorpe made the speech. Can you forgot the sunlit s.o ils, Or the ever rolling surf, The ground pin• in the sha ly doll or the rho piet on tint, The to -Poop ball a-tlytair at the mint uo• cart sin rates Aud the needle, club • listening io "tile Heroine of the &rine!" We won's forget King Edo ard and hie Nor the Way its oelelirstion was a feature of our stay O.. the Pollit Farm near floderich --the home epos ths bluff. W here tee nue!, wire well &needed and The Point Farm it ItHed with meets. Rut it to nos the name : The Bre In the chimney !Fent lack, lustre In its flame ; we elan "Rosie Volirslel," but we cannot get It right ; And we shout tho Niko Mike with main ao well as at Or. But what', the us ?—ttso crowd le gone we used to like to well, And no one answers when we give the oh'. tim• Point Form yell. The mummer's gone away, eithough Moe' y le the shade. Ales ! that friends so soon should port when once their friendship • made. Nita . I her pe Ws fill heir ingot And mt.... people loeht their lamp, whit. Bet the aims of rt. p ‘rted locate I k• ghee abut gho tly jogs sod moo Tam light their lamps with w II -o' -w op one if they wer• it it, cluinn I know ws'.1 hear them s y, Cheer tip ! Th • wm et Is yet In come " We'll have to Mlle, suit, I third', but lee' I come ega n sect year, And have tin •, you bet we Will, and don't you fear ALGOMA CENTRAL STEAMER LINE' he Oulfrage I* be Replaced Next Semen br a larger Rut. It, is announoed that the Algom• Central further improvismeat In its Set vice between Toted and Sault Sts. Marta, by replacing the 0.sifrage witb • larger and better boa,. Oe ith thot new boat and the Kier/ E levant, wh tot has givien such setOstmony service lurind the present season, the Algoma Central line will be able to banns a large freight anti passeueer best ea, and God, - rich, ith the other tawne alone the roues, 1. may Lot le ut of to this oon- neo ton, •esin to pinta nut to bur peop:• the means of thi. Iwo of steered*. The S and the °owlet y bock of it aro develop ng • remarksbl moaner, and the copula Ion ot that new distriot, odich is rapidly and of supplies ol , he very kindi which ['moo mance ',rot. in. abwolsen I. Tnere re, to be [1,44 -11 be ehippMg of Beryl es to the portieta to' this business tiers Is tn oppoi- should not be allowed to slip •wity. . despite' Mg 'Le plane of the Atoms ()moral pimple as fo.lo Steamob-p Co. now has Melee Mesmer@ ir -perathse, rot inclui tig the to wronger steamers King Ed wet d an 0 s 'rev, hich nes Foe. Th• e.iiv.ti steamers have about meet Me from the new roi es on Vie smith share • f I. •Ic • Superior to the hem take per t., and on ti r 00 trIll• carrying applies to tte various entermise el the he ' median Son. TM Algoma Cesteei Kellum under • ono uetlow trout do §,,,• is to develop ;he mentos natural recitirae• of the north lin i be Sault ei Mir and Hudsoo Bay. a ratiroai will be completed in about thies are, and it is no more than Dater.' in 'none That i to prr- the Soo and the gees% Isk,s. The oell already been completed to • poitt s to miles beyond the Son end writ hiy.in being pushed with r. Aorither steame Sinn rowel at th• opening of the ie•ii n x y•ar. pet/onset. 01 the line ha. ea - emoted earn etatione, and it was doMiled to place • larger and more commodious vessel on tbe And If nP check,. becomes • Chronic condition. No remedy compares with Nal I Ise, which h prep ire ' specielly for siomaell and bowel troubles. we • rad e t. owe for cramp., o oes to the stomach, Summit. compl• we, Nero I me exre's mem thing in the me float eats se ledispossible household staple, gni eons etity 25e. Hay a bottle today. Try Dr. Hamilton's Maidraoke I'. I.. J. H. COLBORNE Cash or Produce NEW GOODS FOR NE EARLY FALL TRADE IN DRESS MATERIALS—COLORED AND BLACK Tweed Dress Suitings 40 inches wide, in Greys, Blum, Yawn' and mixtures, at 20 touts. Basket or Sacking Cloths 111ClICS Wide, Tweed Dress Suitings .11 wool, 54 to 56 iiii•hus wide in kiliwk, 42 toolume wide, in Blues, Greys, Illacke, Blue, Croy suel $1.2e. This is KIWIII1 and Bre, zee, great v.due at 25e. nue of the real new fabrics, awl in greet ' fa% or just how. Venetians aild Borges Our Black Goods lor Skirts and Full: Dresiseoremge prices from 260. to r2 75, a lot of othith are in single Skirt and Gress lengths in miles, Venetians, Caiihnitires A lot of Homespuns and Friezes at 50c. 50 to 53 inches wide, iii all the leading Fall i•olorigge, heavy enough to make up without linings ; a great Skirt Cloth for tho pride Romespuns in Light sea Dark Urgs, blue. .1111i Bliteks, at 7rtv., 115c. 111.15 nod $1.25. 1 huge are the heet-tua le (beets Cosmopolitan Patterns. 'Phone 86. J. H.-cOLBORNE All Excellent Tonic MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. Colwell met Armrest 16 h, meordmrs all preseolt. Minutia at Junta meetly real sod approved. Mesarr. licOilifouday and Wile's, of 'Jeanie*, presented a petalon Mimed by eighty -nee fete') ere of Ashri,,,,i silkily that a bylaw be a mined in favor taking stook in ihe Reim', It. tio. A ,y R FL tai the •amost of $25.000. Tse radd minim m be ie.oribei as pother 'het liaised', sion.t • byl-w to the rats ptyins of • in poetise of the towes sup dour bed roes awl bewails the to i co "Atte seuetturg- of IO 'me 1).1ton and: W. 13 ethers to act' in otos wr Jobs bleletyreosootil.il by Too, ti aOlhere, drat • byltw be p veered Surto the rote. • pro al school rote, mi Fiel lose a,a... emote of the (I &stilt •elm I Seer One I -T That ti ho• timid Wyeth's Malt Extract Some Malt Extraolg ars very mugh like Porter. 'trite is nut thst kiwi. It Is tile) nutritive and moderns% monotony' MORE MALT. ' LF.SS ALCOHOL: than any other snake It ie therefor.; the best. Better eall god am about it. Let us introduce you to Zymole Tooth Powder and Zymole Tooth Paste, the .uu-to-citte They are h•ofte to ete-tus of diseaie led decay. Tourists , are Melted to Inspect our assortmeot . LYON'S Mira rownmk, POWDERS, E o. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, BEDFORD Four Lovely Diamonds. IT'S IN THE AM Everybody knows about S.W.P. It's success . is in the air. It gains fame for itself with every gallonthat'sspreac1 on a house. Uniform good quality has given it a popularit-y greater than any other paint on the market. When you want to paint a 'build- ing, inside or out- side THE SHEAWIN-W/LL/ANS PAINT will do it better and more econom- ically th a n. a n y other. It will wear longer, look better and cover more surface. It's a paint with a reputation found- ed oh merit. Ask us for color cards. When on a diamond buying trip to the cutters at Amsterdam, we never forget to supply ourselves well with four '•special- sizes, viz.: For our ids Diamond Ring. 1.0f onr $75 Diamond For our 5iive Diamond R. g. Every one of these diamonds must be of such a quality that the most critical cannot find a fault, for ,I,",,Special" Diamond Ring from Rfrio's must be of "first quality" alertly Send oar Sing Catalorne. RYRIE BR S., Tome and Adelaide Sta., The ,Cash Hardware Store. Ooderich, Ont. witmmTimitim,mmtrtmtimmimp.., 1 EApure loaf. Eureka Bread Delivered in perfect cleanliness. Direct from oven to table. TORON table loaf, "EUREKA." For d loaf always fresh and moist, "Eureka." sr . miTbleuietitankkuetion no purity •nd i s ewes', nutty GINN. You rritko i.,. mg your li e id from our agent, r be 4hapviat..); :HAMILTON sr..,. Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1111 iiiiiiiiiii iiiti40i MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH 'ST rum OLD STAND— Victoria Street, Go THEY ARE 0000 After enfferine for many year.' with • ter- rible malady of the Aileen and haying been cured completely by Dold's Kidney Pills, Mons. loan Itnivue of t his pines sate : -'I was very The kidney trouble rause I me • great deal of pain and tweed, me to rise every hour during the nigh. "I was &ideal to eat Dodd'e Kidney fermi fermi? 00111p1.1• V trod, "I eay this beeline+ they tired me. Now I Oen Olean well at meld without rising. "I am very winch rim's, to bay* regal. eats of Tercets U aid re Iv, has tome appeetost1 maihornatioal master of 00114.111t11 Institute For mem years Mr. Tirar mos drat otemaisat to Lieut. Do not go without Abbey's Salt! Tryon have • bottle of abbey's in your travelling bag, yen are gale /from the discomfort and dearer of snack arid kindred ailments that mar the plearmre of • holiday trip. 'rate teaspoonful of JAS. A. STRACHAN tee token over the plant and heeled's ormolu on! sucoessfully for so many year, liy lug father, the lete D. K. 8trachen. rind intends refitting the •Imp tim most up -to date man- ner poseible. He will make a specialty of all kinteif repairing', ouch ss Threshers and Engines, Binders, Mowers. and all kinds of Farm- ers' Implements M Machinery, Marine. Sta- i onary and Portable Engines t''oroughly overhauled an dre- paired Pipe and Steam Fitting. Machine and Blacksmith Work of all kinds done to ord er. All the specialties manufactur- e(' by the la,t9 D K. Strachan will still be made on the prem - Alt)ey's EfInervescent alt In a glass of water 'seder* bleaktailt • n4 it will keep you welt far UM rest rif the day. Yell yam druggist you waft Call or write for pi., t rot. yr.': Western Fair, SEPT. I P..of. Hutehoote, the Romeo) Bomb, In a thrilling/ Rollmop A•ert:cen A MEDLEY Ote SPECTACULAR M1E2—R2IT: an.t P.racrbute Drer. Iris mitred,. es Cycle Demi*. Th. Onistos se. a sene. tIOCI noveity. Tile great Gay, tee Ilaadsaff King. The Oofams, renii tents' Ementriquen Mown no and Da Crew. fameel )1^1.0110Pd"'• Wore Neynne, with nee tronre of Tratesed Tenpins' Bird.. The Ray I Brio., Acrobotio Wo tiled. Chet.. • M. doses, Llersett Victims°. Mean'. fieent Pyrotechnics onl many other features. Spteal trate serylce ever al hem. Ethibits liras, ahead thee as thaw. Grande lairldiesely besettfin. !told nag lermistably Hitachi*. Prism Tie's. Maps Programs and InamientIon fbr the asking trout President. EferrierP• Jas. A. Sidil MACHINIST. statement reillobed, to issollhee Nat W. weir, Meelteitg, hi. et tows. night h events,. so the resale eof a thou,. ...•ntaest, is Sneerer of, TM seeldeat happened, bat ha* lint 811101.1 Ms eye ) Clinton : Teed Whitely, enesdan i el His Trent eagles LW At past Lad the mtsfort eri slip while mowittlrg his engine •t loo • few days ago, sad rot hls knee irn badly that Ise was compelled in lay ap. He is at prevent with ho greeds:ether. — STYLISHNESS COMFORTABLENESS RUGGEDNESS 4 ,,, 40„, , , ...;.ioil. 1. i for the ladies. for the for the children. to these ideate. men. And style .doessi't have oat durability. Neither does long weer seetilles looks. All-round shoe goodness for every member of every family. As low as 81.00 a pair. As high as $5.00, but all worth what you are asked to pay. W. SillARMAN ALGOMA CENTRAL STEAMER LINE' he Oulfrage I* be Replaced Next Semen br a larger Rut. It, is announoed that the Algom• Central further improvismeat In its Set vice between Toted and Sault Sts. Marta, by replacing the 0.sifrage witb • larger and better boa,. Oe ith thot new boat and the Kier/ E levant, wh tot has givien such setOstmony service lurind the present season, the Algoma Central line will be able to banns a large freight anti passeueer best ea, and God, - rich, ith the other tawne alone the roues, 1. may Lot le ut of to this oon- neo ton, •esin to pinta nut to bur peop:• the means of thi. Iwo of steered*. The S and the °owlet y bock of it aro develop ng • remarksbl moaner, and the copula Ion ot that new distriot, odich is rapidly and of supplies ol , he very kindi which ['moo mance ',rot. in. abwolsen I. Tnere re, to be [1,44 -11 be ehippMg of Beryl es to the portieta to' this business tiers Is tn oppoi- should not be allowed to slip •wity. . despite' Mg 'Le plane of the Atoms ()moral pimple as fo.lo Steamob-p Co. now has Melee Mesmer@ ir -perathse, rot inclui tig the to wronger steamers King Ed wet d an 0 s 'rev, hich nes Foe. Th• e.iiv.ti steamers have about meet Me from the new roi es on Vie smith share • f I. •Ic • Superior to the hem take per t., and on ti r 00 trIll• carrying applies to tte various entermise el the he ' median Son. TM Algoma Cesteei Kellum under • ono uetlow trout do §,,,• is to develop ;he mentos natural recitirae• of the north lin i be Sault ei Mir and Hudsoo Bay. a ratiroai will be completed in about thies are, and it is no more than Dater.' in 'none That i to prr- the Soo and the gees% Isk,s. The oell already been completed to • poitt s to miles beyond the Son end writ hiy.in being pushed with r. Aorither steame Sinn rowel at th• opening of the ie•ii n x y•ar. pet/onset. 01 the line ha. ea - emoted earn etatione, and it was doMiled to place • larger and more commodious vessel on tbe And If nP check,. becomes • Chronic condition. No remedy compares with Nal I Ise, which h prep ire ' specielly for siomaell and bowel troubles. we • rad e t. owe for cramp., o oes to the stomach, Summit. compl• we, Nero I me exre's mem thing in the me float eats se ledispossible household staple, gni eons etity 25e. Hay a bottle today. Try Dr. Hamilton's Maidraoke I'. I.. J. H. COLBORNE Cash or Produce NEW GOODS FOR NE EARLY FALL TRADE IN DRESS MATERIALS—COLORED AND BLACK Tweed Dress Suitings 40 inches wide, in Greys, Blum, Yawn' and mixtures, at 20 touts. Basket or Sacking Cloths 111ClICS Wide, Tweed Dress Suitings .11 wool, 54 to 56 iiii•hus wide in kiliwk, 42 toolume wide, in Blues, Greys, Illacke, Blue, Croy suel $1.2e. This is KIWIII1 and Bre, zee, great v.due at 25e. nue of the real new fabrics, awl in greet ' fa% or just how. Venetians aild Borges Our Black Goods lor Skirts and Full: Dresiseoremge prices from 260. to r2 75, a lot of othith are in single Skirt and Gress lengths in miles, Venetians, Caiihnitires A lot of Homespuns and Friezes at 50c. 50 to 53 inches wide, iii all the leading Fall i•olorigge, heavy enough to make up without linings ; a great Skirt Cloth for tho pride Romespuns in Light sea Dark Urgs, blue. .1111i Bliteks, at 7rtv., 115c. 111.15 nod $1.25. 1 huge are the heet-tua le (beets Cosmopolitan Patterns. 'Phone 86. J. H.-cOLBORNE All Excellent Tonic MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. Colwell met Armrest 16 h, meordmrs all preseolt. Minutia at Junta meetly real sod approved. Mesarr. licOilifouday and Wile's, of 'Jeanie*, presented a petalon Mimed by eighty -nee fete') ere of Ashri,,,,i silkily that a bylaw be a mined in favor taking stook in ihe Reim', It. tio. A ,y R FL tai the •amost of $25.000. Tse radd minim m be ie.oribei as pother 'het liaised', sion.t • byl-w to the rats ptyins of • in poetise of the towes sup dour bed roes awl bewails the to i co "Atte seuetturg- of IO 'me 1).1ton and: W. 13 ethers to act' in otos wr Jobs bleletyreosootil.il by Too, ti aOlhere, drat • byltw be p veered Surto the rote. • pro al school rote, mi Fiel lose a,a... emote of the (I &stilt •elm I Seer One I -T That ti ho• timid Wyeth's Malt Extract Some Malt Extraolg ars very mugh like Porter. 'trite is nut thst kiwi. It Is tile) nutritive and moderns% monotony' MORE MALT. ' LF.SS ALCOHOL: than any other snake It ie therefor.; the best. Better eall god am about it. Let us introduce you to Zymole Tooth Powder and Zymole Tooth Paste, the .uu-to-citte They are h•ofte to ete-tus of diseaie led decay. Tourists , are Melted to Inspect our assortmeot . LYON'S Mira rownmk, POWDERS, E o. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, BEDFORD Four Lovely Diamonds. IT'S IN THE AM Everybody knows about S.W.P. It's success . is in the air. It gains fame for itself with every gallonthat'sspreac1 on a house. Uniform good quality has given it a popularit-y greater than any other paint on the market. When you want to paint a 'build- ing, inside or out- side THE SHEAWIN-W/LL/ANS PAINT will do it better and more econom- ically th a n. a n y other. It will wear longer, look better and cover more surface. It's a paint with a reputation found- ed oh merit. Ask us for color cards. When on a diamond buying trip to the cutters at Amsterdam, we never forget to supply ourselves well with four '•special- sizes, viz.: For our ids Diamond Ring. 1.0f onr $75 Diamond For our 5iive Diamond R. g. Every one of these diamonds must be of such a quality that the most critical cannot find a fault, for ,I,",,Special" Diamond Ring from Rfrio's must be of "first quality" alertly Send oar Sing Catalorne. RYRIE BR S., Tome and Adelaide Sta., The ,Cash Hardware Store. Ooderich, Ont. witmmTimitim,mmtrtmtimmimp.., 1 EApure loaf. Eureka Bread Delivered in perfect cleanliness. Direct from oven to table. TORON table loaf, "EUREKA." For d loaf always fresh and moist, "Eureka." sr . miTbleuietitankkuetion no purity •nd i s ewes', nutty GINN. You rritko i.,. mg your li e id from our agent, r be 4hapviat..); :HAMILTON sr..,. Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1111 iiiiiiiiiii iiiti40i MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH 'ST rum OLD STAND— Victoria Street, Go THEY ARE 0000 After enfferine for many year.' with • ter- rible malady of the Aileen and haying been cured completely by Dold's Kidney Pills, Mons. loan Itnivue of t his pines sate : -'I was very The kidney trouble rause I me • great deal of pain and tweed, me to rise every hour during the nigh. "I was &ideal to eat Dodd'e Kidney fermi fermi? 00111p1.1• V trod, "I eay this beeline+ they tired me. Now I Oen Olean well at meld without rising. "I am very winch rim's, to bay* regal. eats of Tercets U aid re Iv, has tome appeetost1 maihornatioal master of 00114.111t11 Institute For mem years Mr. Tirar mos drat otemaisat to Lieut. Do not go without Abbey's Salt! Tryon have • bottle of abbey's in your travelling bag, yen are gale /from the discomfort and dearer of snack arid kindred ailments that mar the plearmre of • holiday trip. 'rate teaspoonful of JAS. A. STRACHAN tee token over the plant and heeled's ormolu on! sucoessfully for so many year, liy lug father, the lete D. K. 8trachen. rind intends refitting the •Imp tim most up -to date man- ner poseible. He will make a specialty of all kinteif repairing', ouch ss Threshers and Engines, Binders, Mowers. and all kinds of Farm- ers' Implements M Machinery, Marine. Sta- i onary and Portable Engines t''oroughly overhauled an dre- paired Pipe and Steam Fitting. Machine and Blacksmith Work of all kinds done to ord er. All the specialties manufactur- e(' by the la,t9 D K. Strachan will still be made on the prem - Alt)ey's EfInervescent alt In a glass of water 'seder* bleaktailt • n4 it will keep you welt far UM rest rif the day. Yell yam druggist you waft Call or write for pi., t rot. yr.': Western Fair, SEPT. I P..of. Hutehoote, the Romeo) Bomb, In a thrilling/ Rollmop A•ert:cen A MEDLEY Ote SPECTACULAR M1E2—R2IT: an.t P.racrbute Drer. Iris mitred,. es Cycle Demi*. Th. Onistos se. a sene. tIOCI noveity. Tile great Gay, tee Ilaadsaff King. The Oofams, renii tents' Ementriquen Mown no and Da Crew. fameel )1^1.0110Pd"'• Wore Neynne, with nee tronre of Tratesed Tenpins' Bird.. The Ray I Brio., Acrobotio Wo tiled. Chet.. • M. doses, Llersett Victims°. Mean'. fieent Pyrotechnics onl many other features. Spteal trate serylce ever al hem. Ethibits liras, ahead thee as thaw. Grande lairldiesely besettfin. !told nag lermistably Hitachi*. Prism Tie's. Maps Programs and InamientIon fbr the asking trout President. EferrierP• Jas. A. Sidil MACHINIST. statement reillobed, to issollhee Nat W. weir, Meelteitg, hi. et tows. night h events,. so the resale eof a thou,. ...•ntaest, is Sneerer of, TM seeldeat happened, bat ha* lint 811101.1 Ms eye ) Clinton : Teed Whitely, enesdan i el His Trent eagles LW At past Lad the mtsfort eri slip while mowittlrg his engine •t loo • few days ago, sad rot hls knee irn badly that Ise was compelled in lay ap. He is at prevent with ho greeds:ether.