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The Signal, 1902-8-14, Page 8
S p • Is K ab I0 M T err vi a jo mo a he ee h se A 8 THOMAS, Auduet 14, 1101 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. CLEARING OF Suriri E sburoh Uederloh. pople u taw Meer SALE ALL / All Summer Goods must carried over into the Fall. come and see what we show BARGAINS I N DRESS GOODS go now. None to b If price will interest yo : CLEARING PRICES in CLOTHING, SUITS and SEPARATE PANTS �- - -' , ' < < i'h ...,..-,.- - BARGAINS I N j8ILK8 All roduced in price for this Sale. ?" BARGAINS GENTS' FURNIBHINGB SHIRTS, TIES, HATS, etc. "-J`-^ __A_-. CLEARING SILK WAISTS Regular 15.00 for 13.50. - �" Y"�-'�----"Y-`-. -y BARGAINS in Boys' Blouse 8uita and j( Duck Suits �.r _lam.-�..�.�wA---'-A< CLEARING LADIES' RAIN COATS at Reduced Prices. -1.... BARGAINS in Ready - to - wear Skirts Bleck end Colors. ->' v-Y-�-,r THIRD OFF ALL MILLINERY during this sale. Remember: We still give the Coupons on the Chairs and Tables SALE NOW GOING ON. Smith Bro's Sc. Co. _ _ _ _____ PORT ALBERT. Twootsay, Asg. 12. 0.T 0, wheeling L.k. week Ile says thing railway. state. are Sunday relatives here log ohtldren, on audit Brentford Jamestown, Pool Dement, after resident was &t0. trig Clothes, of U. fleet trend, Aabfield, of (o, loth whioh ceding Savior townsmen Dat the the Melwnd, the Ii. shower TAI Thursday elder the the pond don, .ow well the the tn. to IA la D.rmber, motion tiro Mr. 10 v1.INnt Mn. .lay the Port a eoegratwl&ta halms, iso •, mod to Ilk,• weeelleg ern K.nn.th Mclton•II returned alt.r • aro week.' tour on report. h•nog an eoioyable our couotry round about surpasses be had new. Brier on the ___ t■ home last the lots.. trip. He as) - electric sorry to nlm to London, spend vietuot his home la viol:. mid here quarterly a 11,11, Rev. R, Maggie Monday war a pain ago. times Aa 4 es Atm brotb.r Mabe), Mrs. A. rola- too, our old of Sae span buyer week month yet will two r r.. day. popular leder airs any minute., beat Daniel men, 1. 1901, N seeing • mot to eon 1 from of the pro - Also... 1 beteg 1 as two I end of , two and t with , d•nld.d e meeting s In the I and , 1 1116. I 1 1 Massie• s ea I IoM 1 prrwt 1 mase 1 -. u., elTeasw..da.N.Y,isbore la kelt. jibs Nom,. of Toronto jg-TJitiair tall- LTM to this vicinity A .ember of young people from f'reme Matelot] at the lake on Wedoeeday teat, l0 the (Wars the eervtow in the English will be 000duot.d to the afternoon 3.'blot. Mir Gray leaves oo Friday tor Pelee Mood, where she takes charge of • school or the emitting term. Mise Randle returned to her home 1D De - roll list week, •lt.r having • visit with use 'newt, Mia Kditb Pillow. esLUEVALk. W.t Mr.. Wm. Reese, la ill ars l alta •Dumber took In the mar 1 on Tuesday. Mrs. Mn. Brewnlsa and oblldno, of yienine relative. bets. Ooddeo Paterson. of Turnberry, with relatives here. Min Jowls Casale, of Ayr, le oo th. !Bomar ro.d. L 11 Duff, of Galt, visited at 1 r • short time this week. Mise NI my Sp.00., of B'&ntford, relative. to th• vicinity of B:onaie. Mr. sod MN. Freed MoCraokeo of Brussel., Mailed relative' Sunday, Jolts Burmese, •tteeded the ed the ('ansdisn Order of Forester, last week. Rev. F.Swaoo, preaobed at Viotorl• last Sabbath evening, taking ht. charge. West Botta, Sanderson and returned to Toronto oo spending their holidays here. Charles _Stewart, of Forest, who of Hluvel• twenty-eight bailing on old friends a short ST. HELENS. MONDAY, Ang. 11 Miss lwrzl. Miller, 1. visiting friends in Muer Bart Miller, had the misfortune to reek hie arm about a week apo. Dr. and Mn. Uordoo, of Ripley, spent and.y with frlendn in tier. locality. Wu C. Gordon, of Mheppardtoo, is at resent visiting (rimed. In this locality. Mn. Rey. K. L. Lewis, of Cairo, Mich - •o, la visiting, Wends to this elotnity. Mr. Greer, of Mount Forest, le p•yior a orb 'lei., with some of his old friends A number from this vIelntty lot.od tak- g In the Monday school arar,ioe to booardin. on Tuesday. The weather still keeps rather web and AI farmers find some diffioalry in proper y raring their &baodsnt h . Oa Saturday, a number of the young of bele vicinity spent a very enjoy- 1. tines picnicking at the Black Horse ke. Matte w r Howitt • rid Mi . et Moo 1 de Mar maid, of Guelph, are spending th.lr .anon at the home of their grand parent., r. and Mn. Ju. MacDonald. UUNLOP. HONDA\ Mt.. Louis& Stirling, of Buffalo, her dear, Mrs (iso. Fulford. Mho Houghton 1e vblelog her at Charoblll. In 4imoo oouoty. Mr. Char. Hankin. and daughter N Indoor, are visiting Mr. and MwDonald, of this plane, besides In Uole,-loh and about Sheppard W. had the plr..ure of meeting Robert Foley, now a resident who had just deliver.d • foot -year old hones to • Ssaforbh the tam of $325. Fall wheat outtlne started Net le is hoped that the new hu started with no rain a d'Y ill through and not u the months, raining nearly every Mist'TtO Quitgag -Our Mak Horton with a bay on a load of hay, doable the farmer could draw, In 23 other day I.-rosa ries farm, which record of its last year's foreman, On. of heyel'e mighty .hopping records 1e February, -M.rk nulla thls load without Doming. 'Dunlop tnard of odncatlon nliht of last week the amount fly requ•rrrl township tor this year. The results canvas with the petition for •rtrlan will olio rm.I. for several that had not .'gold le favor of it. Bot known ratepayers poor the motto motion, who are sending, ono otter four whalers, ars satisfied printout supply of w&t.r, It was the matter rest 1111 the annual ween .vary ratoeeyer 1s speolslly desired In attend his s ower Mnanov, Aug C. Swerve, of (lod.rlob township, her. ONUS, sr , mown' her 90th at the rwldenr. of her son, Robert, 2s', quite & number e1 relatives Albert and Shetpardseu befog her end to wish Mr ...toe..., •i.. A.- sew- --- KINTAIL. MOIIDAY, Aug. lltb, 1902. Home new houses going op around her. gags look bright. Mut Annie Johnston 1e visiting her dater. re. Janes Melloald. Mr. Wm. Taylor and child, of Loraine, s visiting iriends here. Mr. Whiny, prrmut•r, le away n t a p to visit his eon James. WIII galas, of ehleego, paid moms lyI.g id. to ear v1llage bit work. Miss Carrla Pur%iTtteis "wa the Pewit Miss Kate Wb:tty last week. lames McPhee, or Godertoa, spent Sit y Iu Khasi!. That looks good. Jams. 1-ob, of Oblcage, rpoul a .amber days round yidebg his many friend,.Leebnrn A number of the Toting folk. trent •n sr table A number of the homefoo, neo Collin ,_ Nn I)yr, aocompenied by Mls. H•yse. to of Chicago, are visiting at Jame. 41, Wean sorry to Mato that .lorry Dalton the over. Ws look for & . seer moody ser y' i11.. Dells Flood, of I,nn►nnw, war tie• rt of Mho Annie MoMur:hy during the 4 nook, in. Robert Idol/mall aid baby roto ntd w &fi.r spending a fow ,lays tinder tier metal root. Mn Lot,fnrmerly biles Annie MoKay,od Id of W hlteehorils vitt,.' old aegaaie, last emote. liaise Asea anti Moho! Yol+,el haek.ow veggies Chair cootie, Mtge Lena Carrick, Lakeview Park. Maly sod Ssr.h Mrl,+od left but tk Ie Meittbrr deter, Mrs. Delman Me 1, .f M•rrimaee. Ila Martha Gra•t, .1 Larem., Wy0ur 1,. R R. Malted Ort .1.tr, Mn. R A giek, last week' Mout Less. sloe bream M. P„ of Gnd* ,- ase 0,40400 fr.wb M .Dd •re.01 Kin. Steers did • ...dderahl• aswto,a et my reach art hep• e u LEILBURN• MONDAY, Aug. 11th. Wleorer Mosier, of Poet Idutoa, le vlall- log his brother, J. Mosier. to spite of the wet weather Wt week Polos Fella bad a large .umber of driving part:., 000 those fir a day's pleasure. Everybody seems well pleated with our fu lamed sumrur resort. SHEPPARD1ON. MONDAY, Aub 11 h R. oriojou saavices.-Neal Sunday the Mahulol oburob whiuh bas been undergoing reootatioo st the hands el the painters will be r, -opened with .peoial eeev1ote. Tb. °horde ba. hem tepalntut inside and out and the seats painted alt 11 locks lik• sew. The sore cos will 1» at 10 30 A. u. and 7. t . Al, WOWS Rey. Dr. Gaoled, of (Jod.Puh, will preaob. There will be . tlabb•de school rally at 2.30 a the afternoon, aldu.sed by Dr. Dtntel, Mr. Uourttr, of Holeoesvlllr, sod others. Toe N_ le choir will furnish the MUSIC. Tte oollmotloos will be de,oted to the repair land. POH(ER'S HILL MeouAY, Aug. 11. Wesley K.liote 1s going to M tottobx next week. Mier Frank MoLellana hes retuned from De rult. Mt. sod Mre. John Morgan spent Monday la Golerlob, Mir M•cgte McDougall hs. returned to Egwondrtue. Mir Ruby Storting is recovering from her ✓ ye r, tllnoee. Henry Berle has gone to Hulled to work for B. Churohi,i. Jas. Hamilton oalled on fiieods arouud here po Sunday. Mr. I'•ttersoo, of Ripley, spent Sunday at Jae. Torr•eoe's. MIs. Peed Morgan, o1 Goderiob, le volt. for to W. Tenuity. Mrs. Bottle. bis not yet reoovered. Her e ye is still vary painful. Milts lrleoo, of Kipped, name up last week end is a guest at Br•eelde, The Males Ramsey, of Detroit, are guests o1 (Pends in this eloleity, Miss Gram Newton, ot 11'inghsm, to volt• log at the home of her uncle, 1.. Newton. Mr,. Fred Moore, of Mltoheil, is the guest of hr.motber, Mrs. Wm, Jubitoo. Jai Morgan has returned from Detroit. U. ex poor.' to spend a mootb lo this v: - Malty. Miss (:, M. Kihott returned from Contra - IN on Saturday. She spent two weeks there, Misses Sharma°, Farrow and MoVittis, o1liode'fob, were at Wm. Johnston. on timidity as the guests of bliss Skinner, o1 Mitchell, who is visiting Mia Mesa Johns- ton. DUNGANNON. Noreen.. The local armor In Dungannon for T Ha SIGN it. sag a the omce of J.0. Ward, .1. P., oonreyancer. Lets, who will noel,. orders for eabeoriptlor, advert:slog and 1 ab work. and le • horised to give receipts for amounts paid for the same. Tl'CODAY, Aug 12.. Ra-oecN±.-At the public school holmays are drawlog to a cloee Duagaonoo public school will oommsn, e next torm on Monday n eat. UNION JACK. -'1'b• Colon Jack, which has bray.d the battle for • tboosaod or more years was.duly In •yldeece, no the g eb* premium, coronation day and the day ("lowing. ('oa,t.crrio. -)Ir. 9, Hoche's new build - .os, which 1s tris meet attractive In our village, o almrt completed. The workmac- ship by the 000traoton, Messrs. Ger. Stealersand G. Begby, rtfaoin great oredil to them. Sew,t00 or ('outwit. -The municipal fathers of 1V. Waw&noeh held a session o0 W.doeeday the 6th. All the members p Agent, rat.° for moonset. for township purl. woe were struck for the current year u my he seen in pablloation of minatw. 1t was decided to h,ld nett sesslo5 0tta0er iStb. 4cnilkN lbeeri1 or AN E PIovits. - W. a wrrely regret to have to chronicle hs sudden dooeue of Peter MoCaon, as esteomrd and wid.ly known p oilier of West N sw.noeh, which rad event took place •t his rrldeor on Moody morning, the 11th tit , oaau of daces.• being toiammatlon of t0. bowel.. He war in the v111ave oo. day towards the end of last week and o0 Sun• day morn ug was a81•oted with ltfi.mm•- Lion of the bowel.. His sudden demise w111 (. a .ad turprb• to the commoui:y to this neighborhood. He was °ted 70 years and 7 d.ty.. Otvi'iAt.-Un Thor&day 7th, '.eve W. AloQuillan, ouooiller W. Coniston, oleo it, W M, Croat.. and t rwnehtp engineer, Marshall, of B;yih, met at Dunr•an. o, when the Ihtorannoo drainage work wag dlv,d.d into three sections and let for o. n• 'traction, to be et nipleted on the bra day of Novemt sr 1902. to the folluw.ov : K J.herroa for motion of dram No. 1, at 11 a rod, J. Kilpatrick., sectir. No. 2 at 65 oats, and R. More, uouon No. 3 at 29 rents, There wore qu to • number et oom • petitors present. The council turobhes the on the ground necessary 1. r drat.. (' nto!.ATION-Corona' ion lot Hie Majesty King E hoard) services were held to St. 1'•ul's church on last Sandy afternoon. rhrre war an unusually large attend.noe, ,mposed of Methodism, i"nebylerlans and .dharente and memoir. Rov. M. M. Gold berg, atter the preliminary eervios whine was specially clail re red u D y D W tor the oaouiop, orsohed an &pproptlare sod loterestlag discount. on the words t onutned to the last Manse of the 18 h verse et the 2nd °hooter of first epistle of Peter, 'Honor the King." H. was listened to by the lenge ongreg&- Lion mumbled with rapt and profound at - motion. During h n discrete, historteai allusion■ warm made regarding the (atrc- duotion of kin,. and roval'y as also th. duty ot enbieol+ to their kings or rulers. Wlcrer.Y 8woor. -The re ull of rte wink. ly .hot was as fc11.w. : L,st week - 100yd. 200y31 Total lI3, ,I l'ronlord 46 28 74 U, Ibrhel 31 .in 69 A licher 29 37 66 Ur. Iii o 39 22 61 D, L1,10, 40 18 58 I. Glov.r 30 23 53 .I. Black 24 26 50 T 1l, Alton 31 10 41 1%8' DA, 22 6 2N This week 1 Glover 45 31 76 I Black 39 23 62 A. Di.har 35 26 61 r. r, Allen 31 21 58 1 .1. l'irawfrd 33 17 50 HIT.t,R AND TitIT111R-Mr+. (RIM.) R t wghen, of Trams. Mlnnrrota. 11. H , orompenled by her two toes, Mas ere Frrnols, toad Allred, sod her daughter dent E'I,.beth Beetrlo, are on an ottendod 'telt to Mrs. V.a,h•a's remote, Mr and Ir.,' hlllllgao, W. Wawaeeeh, ontigoewa sand south of 1)untannen. Ws prosaism hew will have a pl.&eaet whsle ....R. ;lendennlrg, new e1 the seeutllul olreelar .Only town, sad for many yon a promlr- nt hostages man in 1)on/°nano, dortng last reek mads • short het pheasant yutt. to re'., tire, and removed former aeesmat.e sari ev(salntanor. Ws veers mach blessed to leer the bis gsnt.lsmoa .,pow him. •11 as en] tynt good Math and ylwasloa'- w Mrs. 1) Spitler, and denghtar, Ito May, of Rnafard City. had pbuant visit for about a walk with her whin, W McNaily, meet oar rr•*ello eA ent.rprirl.g blaeksmltM. Mrs. Spicer Inc q ogee &tlr sated with the neatn.t., sad rngr•a•Ive &ppeerswee of new elllags. MM , Ift for hems ea Metorday the 6th, via lyth,wher. she totted/of to rental. for two r Nree days wislHng hr rn01, A.dnw M,Nally. We wish hoe safe home ..,Mia Pistils McNabb, of 81•fortb. Is the guest of MW Frames Orawford, Toe Sono* lady arms to matey the visit, se do all visitors 10 Duagaaouu ..... Darius last week J. Mttobell, the popular 1.wailr a, 1 borosope artisan, and Wm Elilolr ,vslataat to C. h.liett's reurel menu. left bre t intend about a week's holidays at Sao S . Mario sod other potato. We hope rosy ai,l nave an mimed* trip awl a .•1, tatun1 home .. Mr. Wm. Utrvin, merob&ot tat' - r and ulotbtr, ot Harr.too, at. mp.nted by Mre.11lrvin,an yieltlog relative. Len sod etolauy. W e were pleased to ss them look so well,wbloh is the 'omit of the faro, a Mr. O, stat et, that Harristoo If but the health - lest sewn to the Province, Is at lout owe of the healthiest to reside Io. We woes pleased to know that Mt. (iirvio Is suooeedlog well. He was brought up 1a tis s ytotulty and 1 0 many years carried on bottoms to his hue to Du.gauwoa, With pleasure to himself .oil patrons.... .11r. and Mrs John l) ono, of IVlagham, en satrpr'rlog trio° eau. -wt of here, are ',tattles relalbvra here •od vicinity ...,Jami Clay and nephew, U - wald bray, of Looanow, were In our village during last week, Jamas Is •gout for the Berliner Gramophone, oo wh'h be operated to many of our young poop'' It war ywite • novelty Rio. M. M t:.idberq, •ocom- panted by Mn. G. and d•ughter,Ntr Reis, during this emit intends to lave here on • vbltlug tour to friends and to rotten former aoituaiotaame at Markdale. to oc0es- yueooe of On reverend geotlsm•n's •beeur on 0.11 Sabbath there will be no nines held to St. Paul's cinema). We hope they will bays a pleasant time and sale return On Sunday, 23rd there will (I). V.) M e. r- vir held in S•. fool's ohureh to commence at 11 o'clock A. ti ....Mrs. 1'. Smdtrer, of Luokttow oras on Monday the gait of her daughter, Mn. D. MoNovl. Tho Mlreea Gladys and Rom Mchayb, o1 /.orloh, and Mill& and Myrtle MoNsyloe, of Godertoh, are 'poodteg put of their holidays with their gr•ndtrther 1). McNev- lo, and uncle and aunt, 1)-nald and Mn., and are hula/ a rood time and lots of bun. Key ler. W. Softly, has been the guest of Boy. M. M. Goldberg Ice some Um', and on Sabbath, the 3cd, assisted to roouoting Divine sre:o* to St. Pout's oburob with great aoceeptaooe, sod whilst here he vitt ted (befog a000mpaoi.d by the tacumbouo, M. Id. Goldberg) quite a Dom bar of the parishioners to this parish. He ''h here last week for Lockoow and reports being well pleated with the y.sit Ha was outspoken in ht. praises, of our village, sad olt•unm. Mba Elrtbeth Mallough,of Awn Ai b tr. Mtobtgao, and formerly ,. deot of the village, alter It ruing Ceit.td rel atives and a, yoatot•ocr, I.•It for home, 00 To.aday Irl week, vt• the Foetal City, where she moods to telt relations before r., winner home. Miss Berta Grundy. of Luckoow, was the guest of Rev. and Mir. Goldberg. She sang • solo "The Holy City," on Sabbath last at the oorooatino teryioe, wb eh was rendered with good effect. The ytutii lady is vital with an errlbetyoioo and the boa. greg•lloo oras nlghly pleased with the ren- ditton. She left here for home oo Monday, after having two , r three d•ya' plot: - sant visit at the parsonage. ANNOUNCEMENTS. McKtvris AVP Hutt au. hare on hand • fresh Sul p'y o! twine, which they will sell the same as before. The but quality of Ice 'ream, also the greatest variety of true fruit juloes for mods., are serysd at the Victoria rs'aoraot, West st. CoofeaIionary, trust, oig.rs end tohaeeo.. ('itAY. Ht.*, is,root proprietor. Telephoos 70, 01 Wedneed.y MoK aerie ANn HOWELL made & shipment of plass sod build, r.' bard ware to Yellow Gras., Awe., N.11' T. Th!s aim is melting a name for it,elt for slats and and good halide s' hardware at • low figure, at will be teen by the above shipmenr. They buy their glass by the carload oomiog d.rrot from the wink. to Bel/ism aril are at prr- mint putting io stock the largest slo.le ebip moot of glut that bat ever 0001• a Mwn, whioh .'a. bought very low. To g vs • person an idea of bow muoh glass there Is In Ib'. shipment 1 roe might I. y eaoh pane side by s de end end to end and mike WOOaircles o'eao round the 'bout m&k!0/ • glue pat h wide mouth for • rax count. FALL TERM -to rul- LtSTO Heglns on NOyDIY, airr. Two morons, Commerolal and Shorthand. Terms reasonable. Beod for Journal. Students mal enter at soy time. 1'. A. ILIMING. A. 1, MCINTYRR, Pres See. 20,000 Harvesters Wanted iMCans eets, FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS will be run to ter P rom stations In Oaara oe M,t n WiNMl pCW $1O S emisolid NorthALIDO Toronto to except North Oflig. ZITOroOto and Card well Jono. One -w& tickets to Winnipeg only will he sold hut each person purch&s- la` will 1)3 fornlehed with • oonpoo on whioh, after such porion has been hlrad at Winnipeg to work as a farm I&MI-sr b .1 not later than An. ust 31st. 1972, hoe transportation will bee given to bolder from Wt.nlp'Ig to any ( anadlan Pardee etatlen in Manitoba or Anoint bola West or itoothwret or Northwest et Winnipeg. but not beyond Mose Jaw, K,tevn or Yor&ton. On °emptying with conditions of oertIll<a're which w111 to given Dur °bourn of one way RIO ticket', passes gees will he rernr..ed to starting point by same route on or haf vet Nov, 30th, 1971, on pat moot of jig: TI('KKTM ARK RICt,IND C1,A°v and •re net good o° "imperial I.Imlt.d" and w 11 net entitle holders to pry -- m ommodar ton en Too 1st Claw. Apo], for pamphlet g .log full portico lane term,' neare. agent, or to A. N. NOT1IAN, east. glen. Pau Agt., 1 K .g Street Pest, Toronto. GORnotr ttrvntlt'inl, Ag'. C P.R, Wort J'teeb, Oodrlek. 1SURE I F j 1 F II You ran buy cheap F 1 Candies as well as E 1 the best of F 1 CHOCOLATES and F' j BON BONS at F 1 The BALMORAL CAFE • BEDFORD BLOCK �1TTTTT�1'�TTTT FALL FAIRS 1002. Greet Northwestern. Uodealob, Sep,. 30 Uot. 1 Tor..°'o Sept. 1.13 Lisa ton Sept. 12-20 Walk rtes Sept. 17-18 Kiefer . n Sept. 22-23 Trews .... Sept 24.26 Wing -am Sept. 25-26 4 worth . S.pt. 25-26 W oodetook Sop1. 25-26 Strslfonl Sept. 30 -Got. 1 L11 t ow.l Sent. 30-Oo. 1 Br owlets Dot, 2-3 Biy tis Oot, 7-8 Dungeons° ....Out 9 10 AUCTION SALES. ill par Ir getting their sale bills printed at this loos will have • free notice inserted 1n Ibis list up to the time of sate. Foliose, Aog. 15th. Auotioo sal. of drivable 'said eau' en Ht. Georgie crescent •t 2 O'olook. CetaS. K. Snow, agent. T. Gun PRY, anstlwwf. BORN. I)ONALIt80N.--At Miles city, Montana. on August 7th, to Mr. and Mn. George Don • Idiots, • .On. DIED. McL[OD, In Oodertoh, on Friday. August •tie, 190)1, Joho Mortl.ou MoLeod, aged Oar years. Mo('ANN. In Weed Wawamosia. on Aog. 11 Petr McCann, aged 70 years and 7 days. COUNTY CURRENCY. WIngham; Mrs Tracy, who has been a reeideat of Wlegham for tome time, belt Ia.i week for Delray, Mlob., where hoe husband is imployad, Exeter Oa Saturday, August 9th, one of Exeter's oldest animus reached bis 90th year. We refer to Mr James hootbrou, who n sides with his daughter, Mn. R. H. Collin.. Mr. Honthrou Ie • native of Fife seirv, Sootland, and has lived in Huron county, nom Exeter, for a half rotary, beim for many years a mer.bact at Rodger - vide. We are pissed to say that Mr. Bootbron retain. almost uolmpalred his olesroess of lotelleo', end koepa himself thoroughly posted on bums01 events. His many Olen Is .good ooagratulatoce and beet wishes for another ten years at Inst, V.roa : Samuel Kw'd, who has been away on a three moth's trip to Oregon, and Wen. Beattie, who hie ben in Celiforci. for tome lime, returned home lest week. They both same by way of British Colmm- TORONTO EXHIBITION MONDAY, SEPT. IST. TO SATURDAY. SEPT. 13,'02. NSW IIIILOISetS, Naw VSATrBK., NOW alaIBIT• 535.000 In Premiums $30.000 for Attraatlons. BRILLIANT S20.000 SPECTACLE. AU the Reoonrces of our Gloriosa Conserv. Tri rserure rams ___ sea Tea ruin.(* aouaAL.. LtedaDed Rate* en every Ilio of travel. Cts•, B olt yenr,tatloo agent regard lag taro • es Toronto and ha It. Hot weather BooTs Snaps.... In and No matter how cool and comfortably you are dressed otherwise, if your feet are not clad in cool Summer Footwear, you will feel hot and restless. Cool Shoes are • great essential to Summer comfort, we have .11 styles at RIGHT PRICES. For WOMEN'S HOUSEWEAR Women's Prunell• Buskins, with toe -cap, for only 50c. per pair. Women'. light Kid Buskins, with elastic trout, McKay sewn, only 50c. Cloth Slippers, from ISc. per pair up. See window for values in high shoes. In MEN'S GOODS we have all styles for OUTING, STREET or DRESS WEAR, CN EXCELLED in VALUE. Our WALK OVER for Men and QUEEN QUALITY for Women are our two leaders. Nothing like them in town. Give us a call and he convinced of our sterling values. E. DOWNING, REPAIRING Red Front Shoe Store, Next Jas. Wilson's Drug Store. Me, and report the crops to the territories and Manitoba ss mageldoenr, James Poole, who bis bee. to Manitoba ler the put two or three years, has also returned home. Seaforth : Mien Anal. 11 &too° has re- signed her poertlon as first moistest to the Seaferth .ebbe rbool to lake a moiler peel tieo In the Port Arlbur pablio school. We may say this prltloo war offered to Miss W•toos. The salary le $450 • year. Al. in Bell Watson was also oflred • position to the same .drool, but the bad previously pre. oared • prltlon In the Waterloo pu'tllo school, sod wi11, eherelre, go to Waterloo altos the holidays. The Western Fair, SEPT. LOND©N. 12-20, 1902 A MEDLEY 0V t3PECTACULAR MERIT. Prof. Hutohtrn, the Human Bomb, la a thrilling Balloon Asos.don sod 1'ar•ohuta Drop The muwllou. Cycle Dazxl. The (Masao. IS • sensation novelty. The greet Gay, the Haadouf Klug. The 1)Ilfaoe, ('ootiaeotsl limentrlgwr. Manilla, sad lie ('row, famous Mosopedee. Rasa Nayeor, with her troupe of Teeinod Tropical Bird.. The Bard Brea., Aerobsuo Wooden. Chrissie M. donee, Cornet Virtaro. Magal- Boeat Pyrotochnla and many Meas featur.. Spa Cal train .erylr over all line.. Kobinito !artier &hood than the times. Grouad. Insidiously beautiful. Build'nge Irrristabi• lavtUag. Prise Lista. Maps. Programs and information for the asking from LT. -00L. W. M. oARTBHo President. J. A. MILL IS. Abesdary. i TEEkr"IgII.0 ODGENS BROS. Between 1.d taMt W* NANBt&T'ea•aT. Just Seasons. THIS is a good between -seasons store. Good for buyers of summer goods, be- cause all wanted goods are kept well assorted, and there is many a bargain in last lots and remnants of summer stocks. Good for people who happen to want fall goods early because handsome fall materials are beginning to make their appearance in all departments. Bargain news and some hints of brand new fall dress stuffs make up our weekly story today. New Goods. These dress stuffs and fancy waistings are fresh from the hands of the makers. They are made from the best and purest wools, and any that we call all wool have not a particle of shoddy or cotton in the makeup. If you want a fall suit or waist a little early you will find a wide variety of new materials here. Suitings at $1.00. All wool minor m,terW•, rough ohevin: fio'tb, heavy enough to make op without :10'01 i1 you who h. shade. of grey, brow. and blaolt, spools' valid for all, per$ 1.00 yard Suitings at $1.15. i.ee ehevlot solt!ng., made from &eon pure wools, will rive stool bet wear and retain e et to tie it appear - awe to the lot, black, greys, brown., oto ,tet y apse.' •1 valoe,• per y•rI.... ...........5 I.1 5 Coronation Suiting, $1.25. This Is one of the oehblest sloths shown this season, neat little white checks sen slack ground. very popular and etyh.h, 54 Inches wide, per yard $ i.25 Venetians, $1.25. Extra good quality veoetlao and la it's cloths, fall 64 !oohs' wide, all pare wool, will retain their good finish until worn oar, black and all popular fall oolorings, per yard .... 5I.25 Suiting Serge, 75c. By rights this should be in the bargain list, but as it is new fall goods we place it here. We could mark it at $1.00 per yard and still be giving you real good value. .fust one piece to sell and when it is gone no more at this price. 56 inch eoitln, gator, herd wrested fiolah, every thread pure wool, he.vy euont-h to make up without bolsi. !WI not °Web Um due, will make • hend.omet or cervine&hl. Dolt or ,ktrr, worth NM ly 81.00 per yard. epeeist bar• vain at peer yard... 75C lore French Flannels. We aro having a big trade in French Flannels, More new patterns came in this week, and you have dozens of handsome designs to select from if you come here. Best finality. Best assortments. Newest patterns. 50c a yard. Fancy Waist Material 75c. Walst motorists plain adore with nar- row striped borders for trlmmlag,nt shade. of Moe, roee, trey, sato., all wool, will make handsome waists, klmwr, or dressing asegess doable fold, per yard 75c New Flannel Waists, We opened up moms bandoems flossed waist. the other day. They owns In plain coloring., and ars band rme17 muse and Gemmed with silk embroldery, hem st(tahing and took. You 000ld sot boy the ma- terial and /.t them made for the prier asses willing them *sob .... $3.50 and $3.75. Embroidery Ends 9c. 26remnaete of Emhro'dsry and Ineertlon, w widths .bout 21 yards Is •ooh end, rimming at year oholom Ern brolderj,, c. More Rn,hrnld.ffa Flare *ono oh oar R Dont tette thin week. Hnndrsds of yards of fin. cambric and me,. lin embroidery and In..rtteo, &uorttod widths ard good goailtl., worth 124 and 15) per yard. olsartag 9c 8c Fancy Hose 2 pair for 25c. Th• last of our ehlldren's lanoy hnr, °ordinal with Mack spot., assorted dor, re/Glu 20 and ifa, 2 Maar- lag at your ohnica .. 2 far 5C Remnants 25 and 50c. W. are rainy to have two relneon► tables 111. week 1 on ten oke year choiee of one tor 25c ....I the other for 50c Muslins 12c. Without • doubt the biggest menthe honest., of the un- man., True there are not a groat many pett.rre to select from, but what aro here are new this season. W. hay• mad• op our mind that no mailing are to be °eroded over, so all our 2,5 sed 30o (lues are shoe les new at per yard 12C 25c Table. 50 roma&nto of all kinds, dr.. good., silks, Ilaing., settees, prints, muhns ate., Dearly ovary 91000 worth double the muk0 pries, abides es this table 25c 50c Table. Rem.tnte of dress reeds, alike, fi.neels, oto., blacks sad oelors, asserted lengths, easily werbh doable their pr Na. any remelted on the table ., SOC Parasols at RRc. w• have still a few el those RRo Portents 'aft Thny are the beet paraeol bargain yea ale likely to lot Mt. season. Parasols that aro worth 81 00 &ea 81 26 8Sc W olong at your ethnic,* for O(7 HODGENS BROS. Two Doors west (ioderich. of ' Hamilton St.,