HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-8-14, Page 7CORONAT1ON STORY eq by high On tlolr f the army and
navy ani others In equal haudeomo
exulpmeot. On top u( the ani rep -
the nave from the chancel
ret the surylleed on li stra. In nailed
R withln. with the other ambassador*,
'TOLD IN BULLETINS; were the hili.�j thinner Audsu. lora,
Juse•ph H. ('bunted+, aisl Mre finite,
1us1 waren o(fhlnlr, Duraig the long
• watt, Elwin A. Abbey, the American
unlet who was ourttnilweiouell to
paint the aorulwttuu wane in eWe
Abbey. aind who won' court unlebnu,
took careful taste of the rurruuud-
111gr fur the thlrWry picture+ order-
ed by the King.
Cheers of a Great Multitude at
Close of Ceremony.
'I lir king Was In Excellent Health sad Spirits and Acknowledged the (Irene.
Ings of (11s People as tits Precession Went by -----The Various Stages el
the Proceedings Noted Itrielly-Tbe Crowd at One Point Surat
Through the Certen of (Wares in its enthusiasm and Desire to See the
Performance and Slut Royal Couple.
1.o0000. ting., Aug. 4.-L.'27 p.m.
The King wait crowned at 1'-.419
p,. m.
London, Aug. V. - 10.7e) a. m. --Th•)
:, i.geo procession ItIL ilio palace ,at
1057 a, me uwktsl seaus'N d
i Ise re.
l.oreiuu, Aug. 9.--1.1 a. w. -The head
eF be prooasrlon reached the Abbey
at 1040 a, ml Tho belly were
le•,Ilest and the bands played 'Dud
Save the_-KIPI•.'__.---
LetNlon, Aug. 9.-11.05 a. m. -'The
Pelee and 1'rinceitr of Water ar-
rived at the Abbey at 11,04 a. in
Loudon, A11g. 9.,11.25 a. w. --The
Royal •prIneemes, gorgeously drer'-
erl, entered the Royal box of the Ab-
bey at 11.10 a. m- .
Lenten, Aug. 9.-»11.25 a. w. -Their
Ile:Patten arrived at tee Abbey an -
tea ,.t 11.15 a. m.
Leevls's Ire Palace.
London, Aug. 4. -The Prance and
11100055 d %A odes, eroorted by the
,yet+' (Mamie, left 81. James Palace
al 10.48. _---
•, Aug. 9,-11.15 a.m.- The
Ku and Queen. who brought up 81-
e uses left
the w
Ire rear of Prue
tee palace Kalea at 11 a.m., am4lrt
wild cheering, which their Ma)'rtler
uckuowledged by repeated bowing.
London, Aug. 9.-11.:11 a.m.-Tlhe
Prime of Wales took Ills place In the
.Allis)', in a chair directly in front
Id that peen ea 11.12 a.m.
The children of the Prince and
i'rinoerr oe N-alee, fu whiLe.
railer sults, 110 were the first
Mee:poanes of the *yid 1..,v. ."1
early after they w. a *rated, buries
their heads 1n the age red prey
g rasmaw.
The Abbey Rene ied.
London, Aug. 9, 11.40 a: Air the
King's procersloh enteric l IMI tar
floret. 0uurde. parade the ru husiarm
of the mowed aalmtwt caned s cat•1e-
1n.plie. The people burst ti
the cordon of"troupe and threw
to r'vrrwhelw the pnwo...I.m.
tutiately they were torrid back
or.ler was restore!.
l.dnulon. Aug. 1) 1I.47/ a.m.-\Vhen
1h.• Prince •)f Wales nuts seated he
placed 141' curet at lila feet. His
relive were almost identical with
ihoo.• of the p ors. '1'h.• Princess was
the 1'ylIulfure of all tie wt1men 111
-Ithe Aylen
'teesivlsg the Itlag and Queen.
London, Aug 9. 11.51 a.m.-Tile King
and Qateu entered the west door of
the Abbey dt 1134 n.m., the choir
sig181 "I Wee Hied When They egad
Cleo Me.''
Lohr'on, Aug. 9. 12.18 p m. -Thr re-
etgietiaa la the Abbey has been
. unupletexl.
Tbe Anointing.
London .Au'g. 9. 12 Me p. m.- The
III 'oiling In the '.1.11ey was mewled -
l at 12.'-7 p. m
A Cheering Mul.11 ode.
Leindon. Aug. 9. 12 52 p. m. - The
--Wise of the crowning rens announc-
ed by II 11 official out,'el0 the abbey.
It wan 'reiterated by signal through
I.Oninn and was received with
('(e rr1, whb•h agreed tllrou,rl.out the
Menem awl crewel. far 3344 the streets,
114 the be:la pealed joyfully.
Queen Alexrnd's Crowned.
lei obn. Aug. '0, 1.10 p m. - The
Q111.111 WAR crowned at 12.58 p. 111.
Of One of the Susi (4.3( fired Veneta
lions of Ill.11o y.
London, Aug. 9.-A 1w haat Ren-
ee*, premised perfect weather -for
I'ormiatlon ]hey. Before tine cern-
/melee commenced threatening
Blends gathered and the early ar-
rivals on the route of the prboes-
'-Flun rime provided agalnmt contln-
Keftcies. The earlier crowds were
!n nowiee as large an It had Meeh,
generally expected they would be.
Many enthnelasts, with camp Aeolis
and ample 'implies of provender had
Potent the night on the bent coigne
01 vantage that bound be secure•,
and were In the same penitielle at
Mx o'clock thin morning. Mont of
the here partition's along the route
of Cha proa•s11on were thickly crovel-
el by 8 o'clock.
v--44Rek(egire n f+n+a4'0. federally, was
one of the principal centre,' of In-
tweet aa It wan the starting point
-.-t.t a4he'geeat fragrant. Cruw.la 114-
RemMed there In Immense numbers
111111 the first hearty eller of the
'lay went np when the new' wan
'simulated tpat the King www it the
bent of health and spirits, ami w.•11
-equipped to undergo the fatigue of
the day. ,
8cenrs of KathusIosui.
By 0.80 the rcene In the velvety
Of the palace nail the M ill w•a4
very nnimntel. The roof of the pill-
ory and (home of nll the Rarreeinte
log i.IiI'Ings were rrowde1 with spec-
tator., ani the constantly arriving
memisre re the !tope family, with
1h,1- miles and the epp44nranee of
the ether pnrtu'lpnnts In the pro-
(dw1ion plicited eheeru varying In der
'Free of eftII* Wlnsm, noronling to the
pointlnrIty of the pereminge( re'-
ognizel by the people.
The Duke of ('onnnught, who rale
...own the Mall In an nutrmtol.11e for
lite porpoise, of seeing that the milk
140p arrangements along the route
were rnmplete, was heel -01y cheered.
Aintree as animated wan the e0e4,e
1n the %trinity of Wcmtmineter Ab -
hoe. where n bnnl of made eta -
tumid 'inert the bending reel -eel the
te'111m of the nark, waiting and moon
*(tor the donne were npr•n.d state
cnncla(s, enrringrs find nulnmalelee
rattled tp Is a oeamitees 1111..
colonial. Welcoi., .l,
The colonial l'reneers awl the
I'rivy eouacUlorr were warmly web
o..'mu!' the Fijians In petticoats, the
oexltre d much luterest, meta red lo-
dhtu olde'f to lila native costume feu -
lbws and Llanket, depurated with the
ourtomury mirrors'. t.it red the most
nivel' umusemely1.
1 he Hopei Procession.
As tin hour appointed fur The de-'
Ixtrture elf the 1Wya1 pruuurwun tip-
prslo11est. the excitement ut Bucking-
-ham " Palace was Moore marked. l uic=-
tied to time the advance guard of the
royal oavaleaele Leaner l trout the arch-
way. TSI/ horror of Ude trooper,'
rwlrvtxt servo usily as they united
the wall lit hum:ullty that cheered
their coming. 'Shortly afterwards
came the Prince ,111wt J'rereeee lilt
Wales' procession, and, finally, within
a low muni:ter, their Maieertier' Slate
coach appeared at the gateway and
the ag rad Queen 5nrlied and Hewed
in respond' to the. mtghly roar of
clines dust dwarfed all previus wet -
wants. The scene in the vicinity wars
remarkable. 00 Ute roof of the palace
were p'rehat a iiimse4r of Iasi
ably 'Vessel ladies, niemlfers lit the
huurelole, anti their cheers, with the
fluttering of their hatelkercldefs, ns
the Klug and Queen entered the royal.
o.lnch. gave the rigual fur deafening
pbtatetr of the gopuluo.+ .wldell :greet -
v.1 their el•tjeetlee as' they marigold
from the widen. The °vatin,l war
take.' up by the crowds wheeh throng-
ed the Mall, nod WOK repeatedly ac-
knowledged by tete 0000l101118 of the
81 -ate- concis.
The Klug looked pule - ani
rather fine drawn, and war by no
means' as, brown ani robust air pre-
3;it11nr reports lied led OLIO to ex-
pert, u1r1 while punptlliously bowing
freml sidle to side lie did ru with
it gravity very unused to hint: H.•
1ew•wel 111 Nit rather far back in
the earr(ae.' a
gu,1 moved hie 4xrly
very little. Him curioMar velment
rt,bee and cap, the maintenance 111
which, 'simply a • band d,f ermine,
with a crimson velvet gap, doubt -
lege gave him the unusual appear-
'floe Queen Iledde !elm Was Madera
lihe never irate! better. The
cheerio which greeted 111e pair were
inti and unmtrtakahly genuine, and
very different frrhu the perfume
tory 313(11ht1111e which usually greet'
the appearance of „members of the
coal lamely. The three proc.selons
the', Abbey were carrlol out ne-
e( bag, to prq;ramme, and the only
ctrl dig tenturen of 'the first two
were the gorgeous Mate wirrtagtw
and-eaetlfdl-t...ppi..ge ,rtes
The cr red paid but little attention
to the oceepunte of the vehicle: The
Prince of Wale's sat meetly Iii hie
aarrlage, but the Princess of Wales
Huwed rood !ended t'uavt.lmly.
It was Welt Oil the Kluge' procera4K1
came that there nits un,• 'how of
entimminNtn. Lord hItcllen'r, Ad-
miral S •i maur and Den. lla'ulee, its
they rude together, came In fur much
attention, but they all wetted to
kik etrllght ahead fuel pay little
ultrutlon to the pople Meng the
route. Lore Kitchener, 111 tI,' re-
splendent full Jr es uniform of a gen-
ital. also looked uufantflear, and
many persons did not re'ougul.e him.
'Phe Indiums wero undoubtedly the
wort . picturesque .feature of tie
(.ru tionion, while the sante ara.:11 of
the King. drawn by the fat Hano-
verian horreen which figured In ell of
the late Qii.•en "tcli,rbi's',recensions!,
N,4'n14 d (II LOOM. -_fairy-land ..
than train I.•
The progress of the royal cortege
wan marked by no special `lnct.lent,
with exception of an accident to Lord
EJward Pelham Clinton, one of. the
groom,' In welting.
- It Was r 1ostiaued Trinedl)1_.,
and erudite! lin climax 011 the arrival
ret the Abney, where there war a
wed me of uuprlrallelel entlinalienn
which did not Detre until their Ma-
late' disappeared In the annex.
Tl0• necilent to Lord Pelham Clinton
create(' conetlerable excitement In
the Mall. The groom 1n waiting. In
a caned -carriage, WAR panting York
Steps when hen conveyance colllleel
with nnothe-r -,royal carrin3r {going
at high ripped In an opposite direc-
tion. The horses fell and there ap-
peared to be a bad mix-up. Tile
pnik m extrlcntrel the teams with
ROMP difficulty, and Lord. Pelham
Clinton. who was gsly slightly hurt,
pwda'cel0.l. •
111 the Abbey..
In \Ventlnlnster Abbey the doors of
that edifice were scarcely opened,
and the gold Rl MAN and ushers had
+.areey cermet Oster Mations, 1lwfoes
the Nrnt5 began t.. fill. 1'errn and
p oiereie eN Nee lent tilt the 1111 v'e, 1Io tr
scarlet 84143 eriulue making vivid Con,
treats with the deep Mar, of the car-
pet. As they arrived before the
thrones', they neparage.d, the • peers
going to the right a the peeresses
to the left. \
A peculiarly bsiutifl'T effect was
preen ted by the Klilik'e and the
Q,N•efl'N tares, onmprlalng ttalf A doll -
en rose of (M►Lre In white eaten, re-
lieved only by the erlm.on of the
o.ntm. tinymut the Mructuriel de-
corations for the meat lag of .p.14CtM
tore there was little attempt at y
display, 81141 UKc odd gray archon le t
their stalely p'rnpeetive to t►1
*erne. untouched by Morn or shy
gleam (f (rotor. The vnrlesis rhalrs
to be lined by the King and Queen In
the *.'rode°, attrnetet ep,nlnl at-
tention, but what lnrvitnbly caught
the syn was the
(ittllpring Array of 1101,1 TIMI•
brought from varkns royal deposi-
tories!. ranged along the rimmed and
1*bin.l tar altar. Amidst theme snr-
rnunJingm the Ent! Metehal, the link.'
of Norfolk, renpdrfrlent In white knee
br.reileu and hewvlly emhrold.red
coat, hurried to and fro, dlreelIng
the fined towhee.
Fly 10 o'ekm'k the intro for of the
f color
The peeresses took advantage of
the long interval to stroll up and
duwu, but, the were eat 'stolidly
awaiting the arrival of the tiover-
lege. Their ermine wipe preronted 8
road water of white.
After 10 o'cktok the organ and
baud played. wile° the speotatorr,
many of whom ehowed edges of sk•ed-
It°rr, chatted or 'swept with their
alarmism what peril/env of the Abbey
they ouulli see from their seat..
The service commenced with the
ooii ecratlun of the regalia. The
+pruceprrlon of the clergy with the
regalia then proceeded from the al-
tar to the annex, all present stand-
ing up and the choir ring -leg "O
Gal, Our Help in Ages Pawl."
Preceding the regalia come the
boys of Westminster Abbey, follow-
ed by the chaplain of the Chapel
Royal 'alai the choir. In royal uni-
form. The Duke of Connaught took
his place betide the Prince of Wal.'
In the Abbey as the prectaelon en-
tered, bowing as he parsed the.
The Queen Meters.
The Archbishop of Canterbury
tct�l: air alt In front -eV Ibei ouro-
uatloa chair an I the Earl of Hair -
bury, the Lor.1 lltgh Chancellor,
melted himself by his mete. Several
minutes elapsed, however, before
the King an.1 Queen rime In dight
gathered abut the throne. Sud-
"'Vivat Alexandra "
was rltel by the boys of West
wenster, and the Queen. walking
seemly - to the left of the
throne, gained her chair and
:t a milked Pre. Di.•u, her maggitl-
cent train of cloth of gold being gifted
out of her wily by six rearletcuatexl
pygel& v
Two or three minuted atter came
the cry from the Werlmineter boys of
.t t'lyad Iter Kw.rdu."
with blasts trontrumpets'. Yet there
was another wait. "What had 1/1 come
(41 the KIng?" Wil s aeked by 'people
who were shut off from sight of the
neve. TtorQuecn waited patiently, the
trgan cnase.t and thin resume,,
there was anther fanfare of train -
%barn 1
AI erre the nn'P, wh!rh WA 91 Ilam hr
Oren/Idiots, every ohalr was taken
d W
Dean wn, takrlrta,elunrtId
er, enwhilbye IEN[iii[LANs
awn' Hlr
Majesty rewalue.l 'steadier. Tho
armilla 813(1 the orb were then de-
livered to the King. according to
the prygrawwe. When the King
hekl (41111 3111 balm for the ring, hue
Archbishop of Canterbury had dif-
ficulty in fining et, but, filially,
with trt•uabllug handed, hu plu0181 It -_-
ms tine tip of Hie Majesty's (Inger,
reading the prayer 'simultaneously.
Tho King hltlraelf cuwpleted the pro-
mise 01 putting ea the rile; um he
witlrlrew, her haled. I.uter the Arclt-
btslugt had Outlier difficulty, owlug
to short rlghlrrlutwr, In
1.1ar1aa the Crown on Ike King's
111 fact, the choir alerted, "liar!
Have the King," while the Archbishop
of ltae,terbury was still striving to
place the crown on the ruler's head,
mud a great shout went up and the
ttootritt I1g111ta were turned w1.
As the aeoIamatrxw riled away the
clanging of the Joy (ells, the mem
of guns and the shouting 01 the peo-
ple outaide penetrated into the Ab -
bee, where the King rat, motionless,
his deeding crown on her head, and
ads sceptre held firmly In his hand.
After ringing "Be strung and play
the alae," awl the presentation of
the Wide, the Klug advanced and
knelt while he received the benedic-
tion. He then walked to the great
throne, where he stood on the dale
for the flet thee, surrounded by
nobles. The Archbishop of (Meter -
bury followed, the Kling being oblig-
ed to stand whiLe awaiting the ar-
etval of the Archbishop. Having
placed the King Into her new throne,
the Archbishop
Knelt and fall llo.nage
the aged prelate w-nrney being able
to rl+,e until the King; aesiel.41 him
and himself rallied the archhlsh'pr
hand from the steps of the throne..
The arrhbiehop, who termed to be
fe h faint, had to practically be car-
rirel to the altar. The incident 000••
ated c,artdetabke excitement, and
revert' ',relater rushed forwarl to
help the primate.
The next person to pay homage
to His Mn leety war the Prince of
Wales, who knelt uut11 Klug Felwae.]
held out his hand, which he klee4d,
after touching the crown, as n sign
of fealty. The Prince of Wader then
etarttd to return 4o hes seal, when
the King drew hint back anJ put his
armor round him and kissed him. After
thea the King once mune gave the
Prince h1e baud, this time to shake.
and the hearty vigor of King Ed -
warder gran, showed that Ida band
at any rate had not lout Ito strength.
The Duke of Norfolk, as earl m'ar-
rhal, accompanl•d bed wee...entativ••s
of each grade of the nobility,
18... herd the (3.111
"I --Duke or Earl, etc., -do be.
Sheep Herders Attack a
Wyoming Town.
Trouble (drew Out of the costae Mad
Sheep Ilerders'1'roublea- Pow des
M111 herr Paterson, N. .1., Ku -
eludes - Huy F Iute 1059.000
Package rad Get* r 1125 Reward
Washington, Aug. 11.- Minister
Bowen bur cabled the State Depart-
tueut from C'uracol, Venezuela. that
the rpvolutltldlste heves cut the 03(133'
at Barcelona.
Webster Bowen says the cable was
tut linmyde.ltely after the receipt of
a u 4.808ge totaling that Cho resole -
theists" were entering tele city.
411nirter Bowel, 111 l'arncar advlwe•1
tho Shite Department to -day that
the Gerwane Intruded to land It
naval force at Porto Cabello to pro-
tect 4+rrnma tn(ereete there, whatdl-
ere• threatened ey the uprrrlug now
progress's. The' Minister advised
that the Culled Statee follow wit.
trier a. conference between the
utllcials 1.1 the State alai Navy De -
pertinent'', lnetrnctluns wero cabled
to Commander Nlcholti, of the To-
peka, to proceed from lea Guaira to
1'mrto Cabello and to land a naval
fora,. 1n case of attack. The Topw'ks
Ilan already left for Porto Cabello.
Italtle With (!keep Herders.
Bottle, Wyo., Aug. 11.-A erowd of
)1.'tIcan sheep herders attempted to
take the town of Battle, with the
vault that two of the members were
tried. 8'verul made - their escape
Into the woods, !Nle man being *hut
'n1 the leg. (hue citizen was hit In the
heel. and Mite Estee Sanders, it
resident, was severely cut In the face
be a windowpane broken by a stray
shot. Every man in town Is armed.
anteing the M'xlcans will s'wee'p duan
on the town, as there are worm. of
them In tide %trinity.
The attack wee In retaliation for
.the eltugbter of five thousand sheep
pets, another chorus of vivas. and
King Edward appeared and walked to
Mitchel. 4., front of the throne, Igoe
int to the Queen ail he palmed ,and
then knelt down In prayer. After re-
mealier 111.3 cap His Maejety stool up
gins the Archbishop 0' Canterbury in
n tri mhllug Tobe read the reeogni-
tkm, beginning: "Airs, I here present
unto you King lelwur.le the undoubted.
King of tale Itmlm, mc."
Then Tarte Was r Hoarse Shout
:URI tar" blending of the choir and
the pe'op:e, women and men, in the
cry, 'Owl save King Edward." Sev-
ere times this warn repented and the
Abbey rang with loud (anlires.
Again the King and Queen knelt,
and the Ar'ehblshup of Canterbury
walked to the altar and commenced'
the. (ommunbn.
Wile the gospel waw being read
the King Mend erect, supported on
each nblo by the Binhoper In their
heavily embroidered cop's, During
the Ringing of the creed all the
nu Tulare of the Royal Family turned
tn,rlwaril, Both King Edward and
Queen Alexandra followed theser-
vete careful?, frequently looking at
the copies of the ..•rvice which they
held In their hand.. rho RdminlRtrn-
ton of the oath followed. Standing
before the King'• chair, the Areh-
"Sir. In four Majesty willing to
take tar Oath 7"
.• -11 a King In.illtm..Jltrang
tones, "f nm willing," etc., hen ree
puri being wily heard high up in
the trlforl near the roof.
• Then the Inkotnnd was brought and
the King Rlgnrd the oath. He did
not advance to the altar. but eat
in the chair he had nocnplel Ranee
the service began. While the choir
.syng "Come, Holy Ghost, our soils
tripler," Cho • King remained malted
and the Queen stood up.
After the Arehb*bop'r anointing
pre.yer. a gold annopg wan brought
over the King'* ehalr and His Ha -
jest). Arrested himself of his miter
nix' and then
WRIk•A to the Ancient Chair
the nholr wing 7.adok'o an -
The anointing ceremony wan
�y seen owing to the canopy.
•aelater* were feet able todlR-
rare the
` hM•hop of
After tprayer t n King don-
ned the e,'obintn Undone., t1en re -
Minted his Nent, and from a scar-
let, Olken roll, on which .he pray -
were print.e•l In large type and
tvhle•i wee hell hy the lean of
11 est mender, 111p Arehhtahelp of
I'anterbIry read the prayer', and
dell,. el the sword to the King,
who did not go to tbe altar. tie
(some voile Rego man of life and
limb," etc. The respective reprenen-
tativw nest touched the crown and
kissed) the King's cheek, the Duke of
Norfolk being the only peer to read
the oath. Thin portion of the Nee-
vLce was con.ilerably shortened.
1'hr Queen frowned.
The Queer, then ruse, and, accom-
panied by her entourage, proceed-
ed to the altar steps, where, under
a poll d cloth of gold, she was
gnickly crowned by the Archblalop
of York. supported by the Rtl,hnps,
She was then led to the throne be-
side- that In when the King sat, and
her emthrontzateon ran noodle thiel.
By a great effort the Arehbt.hop
of Canterbury was enabled to con-
clude the service.. and the King and
Queen repaired towards the chapel.
The King exhibited no outward
trauma of fatigue.
I1a1., Pella.
London, -Aunt. 34. _.12 p. m. -As
their Msjestlew were leaving the
Abbey rain commence 1 to fall. and
pmy rteurnetl and delayeil their
departure until the rain reamed.
They left at 2.08 p. m.
London, A,tg. 9,-3.20 p. m. -A run-
away brougham in Whitehall dash-
el througgb tar troops 110igg Cho route
`frefi"TO1tr TndtIW 1111f#tr•re, a woman
and a child were eremo%el on etretch-
---4(s' 41 eetee.
Berea, Aug. 9. --The .'mrrl(san and
British residents here Joined in n
Credal service at the En gli.la Church
almorrt identleal with the service nt
Welrtmin-ler Abbey. ,Among ,home
present were Prince Frederick Leo-
pold. representing Emperor William:
Dr. Vo• Muelberg, under secretary
of the Foreign Office. and .1. it. Tack -
son, first neeretiery of the Amerl-
Can emlwany. The church wee mag-
nificently decorated by 11R Em-
peror's gwrdeners.
AI 1)l.awa.
Ottnwn, Aug. 9. - Ottawa eel' -
Water! Coronation Hay quietly. At 7
o'clock thin morning there wit.' n
mefitnry parade on Pnrlinme'nt 111.1.
The raillery, Ilnel the lawn In front
of the Perliament bull.lingw; the ar-
tillery fired 21 gams from) Nepean
Point, nt.l the inn.as played the N,i-
llonnl Anthem, There waw n regatta
in the afternoon at Britannia, and
111 the evening the nl*i., eplehrntlon
takes' place in Lansdowne Park.
Thomas A. Marshall, 1 he rel •hent nil
trop .hooter, M.nmMlth, Ill , in a
candidate for rongreneln*l honors,
hncing re•rivel h; acclamation the
nomination of the Dem -went* of the
fterteeeth IlhInole district.
1 ',,.,
the tnwnepeopfe, who hail ordered
the sheep men to keep ,away.
Powder 11111 Explodes.
Paterson. N. .1., Aug. 11.-A tre-
mendous' exp.bson occurred to -day
at the works of the Lefton & hand
Powder ('ompany at Wana.ue. The
bul'dlag in which the glaze Is pit on
tine powder blew„ up, /14111 the 'hock
www felt foa
r tw1y Helen. There wan
nobody lu the building at the time,
hut three mea In another part of
the plant were hit by flylnle epBn-
te•rm. it 1, ',alveoli their wounds are
not fatal.
A not•'. 11183 rind.
Chicago, Aug. 11. -Lanae Har -
w90(1. an elpht-yearokl boy from
!ling Reptile. Mich., Ina■ retnrnel to
Swift & Co. a package containing
$39,90(1 of negotiable seen eltles
whirl, had been lost at the ,,tock
yards' by a meenengor bray employed
by the ftrm. Young Harwood found
the package while night -seeing et
the stock yard.. He recteeed n f e-
weei of $28.
No (lope for Recovery of the .Mrnsoua
Old Actress.
Snrntoga, N. Y., Aug. 10. -Mm,'.
F'rnnclmeu 11. JnnnuNchek, the net -
rem, who two weeks age WAR prom-
lrnte4f ley pereayMi., ie 111 h preeetri•-
(me condition, and all hops% of her re-
covery has been abandoned.
Mm.'. Jannurchek has been llving
at the 11011rr of Mrs. Elisabeth Ashton
for n year.
Mine Jane) mchek was damn In
Prague. Auntrba, .n July 20, 1830,
anti made her prole.Rtonal debut in
Wheelie. In 1835. Kite float vlMlt-
rd .111300 (n In 1887. Mho went 1Ktck
to Oermnny In 1874, but returnee
to a4nerICn In 188(1.
Ilr•r grent0at roles were galosh,
Medea, IManhlldr, Adrienne, Led;
Mary Stuart. and Mbit
ermine's. Iter lint appearance on
the stage wan an Mother Mandel -
Ninny In' "Tee (treat Diamond Rob-
Severn) fortune* hate pn.s„d
through her bond*, bet of late years
she wen very poor, living for the
Inmt few months on the proceed', of
n benefit performance.
'3 nek heap of 3trvehrei.e.
Stratford, Ang. 10. --Themes fang.
an Mil neeleted of PnlmerNturl, elm-
m1Rte'I Rnlrlde y.Nterday,yf taking a
.lose of mtryc11nene. Hie m 1. . ip-
1 to have beam suddenly derang-
Barriers Were Closed at 10
o'Clock Saturday.
Premier B.Ifour and Lord Ruaebery Had to Walk to the Abbey - -
M here the Canadians ee ere Sealed--11e•consecraUun of the Regalia
--.-changes in the Programme - King Coolers Decorations -A New
Order of Merle - Salisbury Absent (Warding the Regella and
Crown Jewels Decr.ratlons Along the Route
London, Aug. 9. -it war annuuuc-
eal at Buck(ugham !'slice lit quar-
ter after 8 o'clock till morning
that King Edward was la excellent
health and spirits.
Itrgo's& (1.-euea.rerrerd.
Lol.rlon, Aug. 8. -Thu regalia war
rrounseerateJ In the Abbey at 10
o'clock. the choir ringing "1) Oo,1,
Our 11ee . 111 Agee feet."
Alio I)arrlerr.
fwwou„ Aug. 9. -Tie etreet bar-
riers were clue(' 1 at 10 o'clock.
Primo Mlailiter palinal! and Lord
Rorebety were caught outside. They
were obliged to alight from their
earri.ger utnd walk to the Abbey.
At 10 o'clock the King's nerves
drove- up to the abbey In a royal
carriage ter iterate of !lir Majesty.
They recelvel 1311 uvallon from the
The children of the niece and
I'riueeer of Wale's reached the Ab-
bey at twenty minutes past 10 ant:
wero wildly cheered.
('hrnare in the I'ro...lesion.
Loudon, Aug. 9. - Tho following
changer were made in the pry -
gramme of the rlrrul pruceinuon:
In the lint carriage Princes/It Alice
rt Albany look the place of the Orand
Duchess of Mvckdnburg-S:relltz.
lit the IIfth carriage Princes* Vic-
toria Patricia replaced Prince Chris-
tian of SehlCHWIg-Hulrtelu. 0
In the texts carriage rode, Instead
of Petticoat Victoria I'atrlcl3, the
Duke of Sparta.
Crown Prince Charles of Denmark
occupied the phaco in the remelt!'
carriage which the Duke of Sparta
war to have taken.
Lady Alexandra Duff rule In the
iIghlhcarriage In theplace or Crown
Prince' (quieter of Denmark.
In the King's procreation, 1n the first
carriage after tlto Ktug'R barmarter
and twelve workmen, Hon. A. V. Spen-
cer and H. E. Feeling, pager of honor,
were r•preeented by Sir Acband Hand
Ladd Sidney Robert 0r•vtlle. In' the
eecond carriage Hon. Victor Chrlatlan
Cavendl*h. treasurer of Hie Majesty's
hcurehold, was ry)n'renttd by Sidney
Robert Drevilk.
Feld Mundial Lord Weisel.'7'. place
In the third carriage was taken by
Lord Chelmsford.
Theme carrtagee were followed by
four nnl(ve Indian officers, acting am
utiles to the cummander•In-ehlef, Loral
How Things Looked elefore the
('eremoay Hogan.
London. Aug. 9. -The lues aol in the
drawn-out preparation's at Wt'rtmlu-
liter Abbey is now attested by the
presence d a strong -force of 'Yeo-
man d the Guard ou the ramie. The
Yemen are attired In the quaint,
well-known Tudor ecutamee. Ttwy
wan:dual through the night over the
crowns and jewels of !State, which are
lake In the central theatre, where the
King and ene'n would receive them.
A 'strong escort or the Royal 11004e -
hold Cnvnlry, with drawn 'oversee
gtuaree 1 the rem veal of the !detain
Jewelled crowns from the lower of
Lennon, which Ia their re+gulne rest-
ing -place, to the abbey.
Drumm* the Iteaalla.
A gorgroui State coach, with.ltoeal
footmen In Stab livery stending up
behest noel closely hedged with pranc-
io(g trooper's, swung ug( hase evening
to the nu,eex to the Abbey, where the
KIag will descend to make the pr•o'es-
niont afoot to the throne. The caval -
mole meekly disappeared under the
cloister nrchway, and a cordon of
police stretched acro.. suddenly shut
out the put lc. The cavalry formed a
Noreen w1111e the regalia. wrier taken
from the conch and carted ceremon-
iously Into the,frrnenlem Chamber of
the Abbey by the Yeomen of the
l: un rd. 3
The Jewels aro naw I.3nlly In
the cust.sly of tire` Dear( and Chap-
ter of Westminster, who will he rr-
eponelblo for their safety until af-
ter the ceremony. The principal
emblem; are Mit. Edward's crown,
with which the Archbishop of Can-
terbury line crerwnel the Sovereign
from, ancient then, with Ile famous
Jewel.., the ori, four Nee.ptres, seal
the Ivory roe. A(1 therm priceless
Io made were ronveye l in inor(K'r.r
covere l MOWN, Tinel with °ilk cush-
erms, on which the crowu4 and
other nrtitl.'n rent. There are 'leen•
erns velvet theme* met go)kl laee'.ne
the 'trolls from which the arch-
bieh pe will read the prayer*. These
also have been placed In position.
The prayer; for the several cer'-
rrr)len are on NPparn'escrolls. Each
iinil (T r(flectJlig Z!0 ?-'-St nivrt3
fully embroi4erl.1 velvet, with alle-
gorical deeigne 0mbo..el upon et b
ted: spereal prerre'N- , wli401, was -s'
ployel by the mnoten of old.
b•!ng 4115 for a Moderato view and
k;I) or more for the beret purl!lona
8trerle Crowded A11 Night.
.111 last evening largo crowds wan-
dered through the rem!-dluminated
termite down Whitehall, where the
Canadian arch was the centre of at-
traction around Wewtuainater .lb -
bey, and eking the etr:tn,1, where
lice eldewalka were blocked with the
('1eotanpt prpminece.
The King wanted in the grounds
of Buckingham Palace yeeterdxy af-
teratou. It war announced Isere
evening that he had not suffered
from fatigue.
Klag Purgers I)ecurntloas.
.1l Buckingham Palace yesterday
alteriton the King Inverted the
Duke of Wellington and the Duke of
Sutherland with the Order of the
Darter, and the Duke of Roxburghe
AIM the Earl of lluddington with
the Order of the nestle. He also
invented Earl Roberts, the Command-
.r-Ln.Cltlef, Lord Kitchener and oth-
,ers with the Order of Merit.
A New Order of Merit
A gazette extraordinary announces
that King Edward will create a new
Imperial Service Order for recogniz-
ing meritorious services of members
of the admLalitrative and clerical
branches of the Civil Nervice, who
eligible o the num r
will only lat be
d 425 companions', of whom 250 will
belong to the home and 175 to the
colonial services.
Where Our Representative*
Canadians are allowed 70 meats In
the Abney. Lord and Lady Strath -
coca will sit In the transept among
the titled epeetnturN, and Sir Wil-
frid Laurier and Lady Laurier, with
ter Edmemd Barton and lir. ried.lon,
lie plasms of honor. Hon. Mesmer. Pat-
erson and Fielding, tar Wm. bitstock
and res Frederick Borden will be In
tie chub stalls named the foreign
Amba.sadore. Premier Ross and the
other 1?ovLlclal l'remlerr will be In
tie chub. Mrs. lettermen, Misr Pat-
entee, Mr. Fielding'', two daughters
and other promllent Canadian lad-
ies will be either In the choir or In
the monument gallery.
Sat •t'
Rode Indo Hotel Court and bald He
Had Come From Ile.vea.
London, Aug. 10.-D. df. Fanning,
of New Yort, It cabaa passenger on
the North -enemas Lloyd steamer
Friedrich der Oros•e, which reached
Southampton yetitem/ay from New
York, July 31st, arrlved in London
yesterday, and was taken to 8t.
}illee' Infirmary this afternoon un-
der the Wandering Lunatics Act. Mr.
Fanning is connected with the firm
d likes Brow, of New York city,
aind ids p►reMs are spending the
summer at Newport.
lir. Fanning martini the guests
who crowded the court yard d the
Hotel Cecil at noon. to -day by dele-
ting Into the (Dort to an automdbile.
and declaring he was the'laviour and
had Just come from heaven on 111a
maxillae. Ile was finally taken to his
room by the hotel plurters. Mr. Fan-
ning developed'a manta on the Fried-
rich der erotism on. the way over. On
the ship he declared he owned all the
yacht• lot the world. Ulan Fanning'.
arrival In 1. radon his friend's had dif-
ficulty to persuade him to (rave the
rallroMtd station and go to an hotel.
This morning lie etartel in an auto-
mobile trick to the mamas' station.
&eyt*ig la was going to run down
and k111 all the pedestrians he met
oil the way. Ile fell In with and pick-
ed upon English lance corporal, with
whom 1w drove to the Hotel Cectt,
71r. Fanning wenn known to have
hail a large s0m of money M hie
pocket boron whu'n he arrived 1n Lon-
don, Ile threw this money about the
streets and returnee to the hotel
Krenrh President Obliged to Cons..
geode r Dere.' Sentence.
Paris, Aug. 10. -Paris I. In an an -
anathema pu..11iun its -a -Yl* the rest of
France In regent to murderers. Any-
one inn make away with him fellow-
man without Hieing bin head here.
Thine in not due to n development
of humanitarian sentiment' in the
VRI° Lutulere, but to the fnct tilt
8o place Cali be found fora guillotine
alone La lexpnetle Prison wrier pulled
down. The result is that for twelve
months pn't M. 1,013M•t hoe been
1071t1(1'L0 i'Og1ftitite all Rentenee,, so
that the (1011(11 penalty is praotleally
wMl4RMM-4w -Pa. i.,.
Salisbury Ab.eu,t.
An announcement that hen arous-
ed comment * that under medical
advice ex-I'rIme Minister Salisbury
ham obinlne 1 the King'' pertnl.Min
to be aliment from the coronation.
Ile Io slightly 111311Nporeel, and will
go to the Month of France at an
early date. 1'ntil title morning It
wan undereto(NI that ford (iral(shnry
wen In ids Hann! health, nm he per-
monnlly entertaluial a number' of
foreign vlciorn nt lin;feel! the
ether day.
1)rcermllens on the Route.
The work of 'Welting the decor i-
nane Along the route wan carried on
Ihroughont the night. The deeore-
(onm are- peen elaborate than thane
pit up In ,lune. A11 the greet pri-
vate canneloni and the lending elite
have covered thomsrlve* with her•
aline deel3n0 on rich drepr'riro. Many
hove dare) tin weather and made
a great display of flowery. in the
wile opener" near the Abbey, where
1 herr are large p13Mo stands 0n• -
rel with reel cloth, the real 'lemma -
One to-dny will nome from the dream -
re of thele (u'0npnnto. A11 the *mita
have been taken, the avers', price
1'rleet Locales slescorlen. Where
20,000 Indians Lived in i675.
Portage, Win., Aug. 10. -The Rev.
Father Cosgrove, of Ripon, spent yer-
terdny, under the guidance of Thos.
Cather°. of thin city, comparing an-
cient maps nod document.' with the
historeeil 111111AR town Hata near
Pori Hope, In thin county, whish Mr.
C'lelhe,o hits been for year', iuvRm-
tigating, Father Cosgrove, on
return to Ripon, will report to Blehop'
Mea'mer, of Green !lay, that tee
long-lmokat roe M 11.'0talne, the larg-
est 11111 n1o.t. celebrnlol city, In Indus
hh.lort, 1.14,1 the i,I(e of the mi'sRIo.
of St. James, has beet, dbr'over.d neer
(i(vernor'e Bend, on the Tux River•
The ell c 14 reported In 1675 foliage
hail .0,01/(1 in6nhltnnte. it wee he 1311
from am (•n rly ne 1618, was vete "41
by Nicolle, In 18:11 and hy lbeila*nn
not (i".su'llier In 1819, The mlo.Inr,
ream female', by Alleart In 1609. it
w lis minutely d"0.-rlb4l by Dnblon In
1870, nal by Margnotto on him may -
rage of dimeevery with Joliet In 187:,.
F'very doorriptive sentence In the
nrehe•nt .1(sltment; 80ferred to hae
now been verlfiel, and -rveial other
fart rind village sl lea have been dle-
co%erel Incidentally in the 3M3Me Of
lite Invert Ignition.