HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-8-14, Page 6l:
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4 ♦.�7 I Iter lar soy way, tout turned dlrwolll `T SlIl1TLL/AJ FA�Wr ♦♦+**"**♦♦♦♦♦♦♦NN♦*♦�H
?i i„P f lotlar'1tw. L] The fln�e ISSUE �O. 3�3. 1yp•o C
. ;, Jrrr)t' .au 1, '1 erase you anal 1, JOKE UN Tt1E — -- _��
\dna llarke will believe tilst 1 hull
'0t, •xrllltag whatever to do with ibis ♦ 1LDUCATEONa1 -
x;„ t`,oi"'' 10trlrti,as.' A Wonderful Cure of Bright's ♦ CANADIANS tlo fight000mmptioa, with Scutt'r
t �� nL��,. ,a ;/ �/'n t'lurk.•'r tsar war wr rrprrwhrJrrlt U(peafta $mulpioa Of curl -liver oil, fs long L(
7JI/ /:/El�/lt/lw/ "�s(f U/�(/ air a utank. Him anion -r wnr calrulal- ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦N♦♦+"♦HNNN •• ''
•.I to Freese cele. \ story ua tltoulrelvee Is be- ivadvance. If itlhreatelu, yoalxw
i Wy��. �,� !,"�� '1 draN aw inferencem what- tlo Weak He 1'uoldn'1 ffitNuA- 1'er' 1u„t t by leu well-knowA young
1 t! e1pr, Uallotl,' hr saki ouldl,v. 'Aly Ably Hrosg■ 1'y mrd l'rrble ft- M •a , were with lbs d►rouatloo resist ; and you may over('cmae it.
t,; •'Iasi r tare 1►o ld'• kldue 1.111• ,,.III ret In En k►ud.
t � L^ / /- ,:.IMIUNNY N n r to ser l ha l Vise . The - y �t�R g
f(/�f� 1 Iry'r rilyl wnr rwturnrll ll) lows. Tlwl ardr Mlra N'rll. The twuul wen rlwlllp about
' arum plirlm.l, 1 prefer to keP ply h Don't be afraid ; be Leave. Bat ��
t 1 V ltwlAh's F'alla .duly L'!r.-lKprclal)--- 4,» •4ty tukl,ig 1(l taw dgLls wbeu Testi LBAUIN(1
P, wICI11.4,11r to myself.' The cure of Alr TheoJore Yuulag, of ht., d•div for & bath became so iwAle it ; don't waste time.
.� 1 L ••IWtpra• 1 cold reply there war listen duce, In .t wonderful rinwtrle strain,( tout lha•Y want Ill moarch of /�
•(// n yak•k muvrmawt trtrllp mw and Jrn- u( lL'• prugrrNw Hutt w,•,1hwl r•Inuc1. YVwu pbu•e W wLlch the tvuld bare ••`. ww M•s• •ares ,,...wv ... Res'delltlal Ulllversit
Y sNMevv • warn •w.r. •. »alrn• w
mi.• load Nprlulg to tier feet. hall m1►de In the hthf few ye:►ry u dip. Tlwy caut• to a Large build- tic mrd r, �' ru 1.aarfrs. Y 1%
j dh,l 1,' elle erl.■f wl, with n bine- NNt up which were Inscribed the a
Up till a edlurl thaw ago the duc- OF fANADA
1 it fuer and elwitlug Roler. 'pre'••r Curr elwluel lh:at Ilrlght'r lNw•nYft wurdo "fl+tth House•' raid they were c5+{ la.
tea le 1, Sir. Clarke, limit desert- W nu ovrrloyw.l ttlut their geanm was so what N• Did Not Understand•
{NNfwiltilUy u( nny oaanvlurlun air ll)_ I war rtnrolulely lnountblet and In „aver. The professor of meclrldea •t a Yglulk igfltflCs gel-llolArAi
h•rraucr wa lilt- part u' rwuelAxly du_ foot there are n few who milli rd- Tory pnmiewtied to the entrance certain college once gave a lecture �
lulc Vr. (zoo till lu)ustcr.' Matt, hers to thin lht•ury. anal met& Lilo bell They were met upon list- k,oumotive, anti war par- o{wn to au wrl ipswirN I% MKT% .,t,,,, � (
ti I But Br by a servitor ll) livery, but at that ttoulsrly wtruck by the absorptkul iw
Urt►ke ail w ml/cute to Krt bitter cel- lght's IHrawre Ir nut lo- rwtrh•uow• ail •rx ,,,- ,,e,.,, p
ounble. 1hxL1'r Kldnry l'lllo will utnuefot crew of the t'uudlt4r cuoclud- l)1 nine Juvenlie listener. HP spoke to ?alaHv COIIEa[ _ u.,ldr„
lWNyrnt(t(1M,ynytvtyaYAftw0vrhMdrJvWWWMMttyJtt „+igN1fr'f't in,VJliviWORAWN►VrWwNk trod of hervel'. Then to n rleadler Curr Lille lrrri'd idneyy and hair
i robe went ua: 'll b obvious tlrtt IJ that a t•hnn;(e of underwear woubl the student after ihr lel•ture, said Et. HILDA-$ COLLEGE 11 -IJ.•,,. I pEt I''
an atteallrt had been lucid, to cart a done Ice/ In-ouusuudr of canes. Ile the rl';ht thing lairtcvad of ell- asked him: '•Well, I rup{rore )roil wOaET
Y,.r ell Ill Lrrwn MAt address
vNe sirrplcLrl uu 11bu atN1 U to -I Tbosw who nn• rtrplloul nr,•d nal trrGlg they wrtat and mnde the {>ur- urNlerwtaml all al:out Ute Nxvmutive -
1 Maims iqr me to refute 1t, It Ir a go farther Ilion till" town to find ctn,me. On returning to the building iuw?” "Yea," was lite reply. "All T r. HI'n 1. F:[ tu4 .1.).n, u T 11.0
lack that usy womau would gladly proof. Sir. Yount; makes this state- thry pr•oveet.1 1 to a wdo entraneu but one thtng." "And what i■ that?" �� —
urtdertaie foe the Wan she liner.' meat : waif were greeted by another loan tp rrtkf the proterrir, kindly. " 1 al �`
\gain die broke allot hlurltlug holly. I I was afftlrtod fur about tau lLrrry will) atlle.f . cant lmaglne what makes the lo- £ _The
j w rMae turned tram Clarke thou and aid- years with Kidney Trouble cud chru- "µ•hat aro you fellows doing comotivs wove without horses." I D O�(� A
I drpsae,t the whole astotslshed party. Plc Brlght'r nlhesome. Sly urine war hen?'• D (\,` p, ro'
yAyp!At{{t{yA,tyy�,yyyyyryy,(y,Air(t�w'i1µ(tlwWypl M!yM4yfM!M►NM►1MMlMAMVVIMMM! "'It urtty lM all genet a llwe ell su7t very dark aril I Lalli cunrldereblr They rrp'Ld tllnt they APdred to TU CUIt1C A COLD IN UNK DAY
{rrhinpm.' rwkl rhe. 'tai naioupce my blo(xt, making an• lit) Wrut I ruuld Irtvr n beth Ih- N,rv:,nt Rare1 with Tole I.aastiveBromoQuinine Tnhlets. All I,Oa
»TIIP whole bulb of like mutter:' It must IM noinew1wre ul►InU her t•sagageluent to Air. liallun. It it nu- scarcely atlal,•l. n surprirrd N,uk for a moluont and drra�l•tsnfoadthe mo■ryIfItfall•toear.•. ,-Ing"
date, I think, or --7' , E. W. urore•• •tenatum bun each baa. UU. �� D
Iktkl 1 (o, Il • Faf.•,a,-I:tntp4 ,sur +and I 1 ,1'• alunlrN x.,llrti Ir ru'g:rted. lU- UeipatiuR my utiglllal Inlrnllun \(te r tu,rl( TIN (tart huv o1 Ibdd'r Lb,v Kavw lhrm th1• merry lin . Ila 1 ]O.ET
u:u• air two other twt-n Woo, 111:11 U'rupt:nR( mr. tt hull flailed to List•
wAurwlaat ll) take. title occarlon to Kidney 1•tllr, 1 wee much, better, I Tlu•y were ww•en,itl ret Lille end � Llai" 41014,V
1►vta/d1t u o uv'rt I Lal 1II:INx.V•ilf'M ❑1 tu1r. \n11 limn wr awrTl'd Iwek tecta. wY Karat lnpplrlrrm ku(Inru to art wMftp l 11ru1 ural hxMr boxer I rode,d Ga angry tunes ll) lot tatrn �♦�♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦N♦N♦�N
1 a,y friewlm, but Il 1 were nut to 410 tem, able to resume work wlrleth I In,llwhere the) could hnve their dip 2 2 � IAF
Ilia. drib nn ail) Iwoittwr ill old; 11 I It's" tI mehn•ll Trac Mattie atu►te fruit- ru IS mlghr Iry Hither AIf'leult'-herr Th. it torm,•w n; lllbt'A.t of rt• ill THE CZAR HOPES - Z
had Ii,mrpd (►roml,eutl: lard no'•al I.-awly. us 1 tvudd have l Id thew tlo-t.loapq fur ml)ullt 11aud yrrrluua I D7 .( ♦ -vet 1
• rhe oall•.1 n Iilllr -'feu me to prutP ••l Pen ronmcientluurly rrtt►oimrn,l ,•ull•vl wAto utNrtw 6•t Thr acme unl- � ♦ Ill 11
, u •h_ ma" �,�_-_atg ....�_ *'tae .vIlody, hem like t,,, .y no' an allbi favor Air. I:ulluu'r hnaidN. Thr
.M to m: ears, '.w ik,ia nun all •oudorti111• n101 all lniket o,trtII_ IMxld'r Kklawy IMllr to Ally ons uf- tuna r• Idmx.'If ant all npyewre.l 4, • Cn • Iilwya sell yfkwsg ween wl'h prxle
fact in. (:Misr tutu genthmPI1. It fllt-tell rte I wain" tnJoy the J.A.- 1[nloonev 7 ♦ FOR A JON NOW + _tA ff kLNgrt of LrukhudhW wr,•.. -.etuTO-
k .0 ulig 1'hnrnley p.•e(ty Well. l rr Btery•l.aly reamers Hire I .e n'( tv0t111) tato been Iw.) dinally int{xjm- i air. Vou s ewer lm only one a1f Alterwunln flat- ro rinat told the 2
i this. one Ivor NYU of :on Maur .Man• ill.• r111,t to nix nelgblor awl @ ery "O for I"M ll) Otate rePlat:wtt -Mins great m"y where Ikxlrs Kidney' wRtdllin+ tent lilt- bul'd,n war not ♦♦♦♦♦+♦♦s,♦♦1e♦♦M♦♦♦f♦♦♦♦• wasted (s etrr,r lou w:..:,,,I 1.011
_._ df. P c Mr I....-t!hwr--MffffiW-Y#tir-hl►Ying tp- Uuirule)'m ring wher ft Was fooamt Pillsortrl►e tothw rescue after every. A latch huuxe. I The accouchemoit Mf the• Emprv"v' protlemion. Pritw
parbe le trialrw. w \ .u'• M( y'uu. ev.•r ceived It. .\red yet Mil[y Q1art1 y ,,,.,.untie bis lowwo a� tile. luotment tin "\1'rll." wt',1 unr of til. thnkl hr- living
YtRrgse teed hUlr,1. TIIPy have cull- of Kus■In is h"okavl fur luWardr tire•
Umuct , pnbhldy, th:lt M:IU) vvuulti te•I•dred flat it lint raver Wit ' were btnli---' Her cwn/llrnce 'ailed Quered Brkrllt's INrfnup isual restored ao•s, "what "a." 1•_:t -t -la -house sp•II tn,lof next w •utll,andw I tuk,+(iva• An education that %ill t6,„
tr.ke y merbtudly. .lilt► m ora 'fill 1 !wick to her, while 1 so firmh, it Iter ret thin Vddnt &till elle looked at to Ise gut ilretlth wen and women U It dors nut .p •I! Bath Ilouse t" I ut Tutnkue `3t •[ ,, uetr ail. I'e•tera- I t Nem ice t0 tw• owaln,ht ret
Cut n{p} irrulI mile• let her hanglaa- s •terato,t. nut to tier• but to Harke �h�e table lielplewdly. Elerytxxty by who III Bolt etpeottr) to ever again TIM• servant o�p'u incl Thr bu'Idlo,r IRt,-g, lr to ret a. pur■ible nlrrrwar,k tW rpsldruthal 1N•h,xd \,I LO11
{ , tiva tun\rI N la Ia: 4.-.Iw :and trhrp Llaal ii hall gone from my /1n'Aw•s- t It* tlloP waw srulling symllatheti- alloy th-:s gr■ut blrwUlg. vvaw r,ral a plate, for loathing bat fist• Emperor :Raid Emtsrr will pr., lg0yu
i lrhd lM► rah► avert u( her clu wl"1 ..All to hen. oa I,v. llh ly 11oxx11Mue emcee W her aid. Ikxld'r Kk1n• 1MIIr Karl- dem-I til,• city home of the Bairuuerr Bur- eewl to the frim•a, n,1d ink • Up thrlr d!M A. I•. Slrl'rllomow: x. 1 t-1, el
I fuand levruldn't. 8hw wunldn't Irl "Tinel: poplr bPgau LO yuwNion \i'rtr Loth Ifkpwt... rngag.•,1,'hot Irutnit•.l ttwllr sldllty to grapple ,este-l'uurtr, reoidaI alt their twvtllti-ul {d'ue wi ArlwelSial. fur ralemla►r, Les e
uP uu mr sue luta. I got drtul hick cash other alit themlw�m law to Nt1gt wtwh Whrrt•ttt tbrrc Wnr u 1 wtttl KkLr+y IMu•nre In tar very I Tb:• ('ann'Itu1r trrrw aunsldrrtably I lhP xhoPA of tine Blnck ren, tnuwn
of Ilrr atwl her e:gprit•r.+ b t+re Imot NbetlN•r Ihry we•Ie rilri. rlye dnlr (trans I outbgrou ut la1►gIIler. IPJ by wurrt fire-Brfglrt'r INr@•goro.-ctulItakf don n. but niter tN!Iwz 411rfK•t- ter I'I,"II!" Ince
�Irr. Gallo+ .w•ho Naw Ill that time of their aut.ou. ill life Maid�s. Olne JreYlr iPrrol(. A Wument Inter tier twrtalph bodPPwmlet un to cure nny ell to the pltre Huey wanted to reach __ ' � II'I:r
.1••role i•armr: after Isit't her, t@ml uutuan tspu_ht-ven, who wltr�Rt> (+tc,. t I e.l uttrrl'. till,[ sl►+1••na-' tb•y wools rvvuvrnvl their gaol hu-) Thu 11.iremRad
Iden" heir : en•'s ll) Iter :" Itnl-r, 1x1 4t ! yr ttw lesser forme. P Kn splet ret Li11 .1 t C1 y(y u''S a'
r11utrly e*rlsrl-that ah•• A.1 AYI tura d soruwr (nae nut Laid hold I Uucld's Kldpey Plllr are the only mor nrvl Ll ugh.d loftiest ly uvi•r Ihelr' Ivlvr uudrrlwne a e, mpl•u• reurgli,' i WoodstioGk Gollh1 (1
wail n Inotur ittry interl u e whiN• huts .l ►t to law• uguM on her left ndvtnke I vat,
d a mo of dangling knot of Incl' pNvlblrwt gloat IKto ever cured Brlght'r Witiu:l In u enaltary menop-.'f N'Llch I
fill• m•0 rake Lit le rugwlc gjoN -m +uta ye•t--%%lien N1w cause to thank of - lhry war•• bully- f4 lN'•d-cud til'•
:11441 (d'•dgpAl • w-ife( "nny furtll4•r t. uidlet wont'one Plot• down the Int MBIy Nuri on tier Llie, 1. U►s[yw. - A NM)N To MORSBURn---rent- bottle of I
Io •t r I.w1l r., 1 r p.• r v.•
Sl ir. I'll ruby,' ate rile. La% - F:aKn•hx , In "'dwe"t r�ce rlrtety mm"T"" ° m it tor; 5{ rt laic 1'nut
:.siteutlunw to I It collier wumnn M� Uall wok to IIw,Y ret til n ado fur n 1"p 1 N'CHdIetTrK'K, O\T
Y It Intl(y,ell ml ra 'til ll) Ulm r,y.w. '1lnTr llrwy tune• Hewrluem. naris from n,r hour 1 tall. p1.1.•urr In uw:urrd Ute };mlp,Tur Hud F:mPre+r Y l,lla•
rum,• .Imps. tlo .awINd" 4, 1 told utnp. rel? Wom man a.cx•lar•vl tlwit. You �.ipw,l star belultlful lour? r.,''•wmrudi.K uta r mr,ly.IN. it n t. with I tbal they n:cvl have n, ftv►r eluate. 11
he.r frnnkl_•. nn, fur n taw ,Leyw 1,flrr vi ll. hr dlIn'a lluuk hr ►,1 r"� t w arrl»u. ront otrrIn thrnmovnl ,n,w ut 1C
IT. \\'tial Cao haft hu 4 M•qp 1 l'1 Il 7 It Ii'blia4telphL. 1•rw..,l ) I' P et rr 41f nny rt•a'Urmaxe of that
.herr arm high .kt betw.Y•11 ue. a.wn the ring til all. An -I .IwxMPa I1 h,.rrw»r haul. •ort or ruu,.urltumy. lou,."1I
•''Iw•ttpty, Itlyrtlo+ caul Irl ptm@.p o11ftrr upprulel ll) her to ktotl If beaks tlm N, y, hap IMrn Ir;►n)ug Fu11 many a flaw •r 1s Truro to blurb .p,.rta, .yuuts, curl., •w'.■y, silarw mud t, plaid truss by Nhirh lisp ('t ►r waw Lo,
forward aeellww air euffee Tuts Int- unseen •yr"lus i ro.•tnited whin last al LlvhliA. This Itwg
Ilispowilgrp pilel np ,all rel' fr,,,m her h,i Iadn't iwlllly given It to her In LII the 0U.1 , , 1 ill. Ltrokil It \red wnwte Itw rweetneu on the MEond:F. Krrltn F'r.rinrr, year. thivi are, til• Em{leror u1µ(
x ,Ill 1 ;Rini{; had t Henn the Illy L -r It w turn . He wouldn't saner to It. I Y I al aro ham. Rant- Em{.rpss wilt w Ik,• n41 stn ret @•filter AN EDUCATION BY MALI itrrst
whllr until Nhp h v am murr nvi- you kM'w. 1. rnuN.• Iw had taco ihp Ip fur you that rlitg %%am yourN, denert air, n,dd b,Y ■ll druggists. )
ulherwhimI And many a le"•Wt bud u, freak unit u( their pl:tr.•■ [u 1' Loa . anti their c,'•' 1
.einublr. riag before, Anti wnsn't Psp*olully ,• ,,,,, -. 111 tvd11
\ "1 wish you roukl Itnvp Iteen the green will t o:It . hu.14e - {I@ Niot ut 13{klht I TME
. I came bark al`04 a two week##' k en ll) examum- Il, but the girl on fnlr uilly'w fneP al {Yuri. l'rhnwu will wamle her rwPPtnpss ou a snit- i'h• Itww Nrlwrlrl. will r 0: t .k • pl Ie • t 1 y airs t4 din orku'
: b sI - end JLAI in til •fit a cNaa•r ills Nicht told him tial stip 11ad \ l-ttlw Irl had Ilxtpnpd durin b
t b,• Jwrr VlarkrN N e y It1.Ig fur lrrrl It to law W Pasv on anc1. all w r rev wprA for ft. For 11 iuwtunl Ih,nulrp. R R I I CANADIAN Mrkwnan. Da,t,•
1 /1 (liar kit� •but N L:at s '.1 .•,nue Ulr Last few weeks Wh.te her par- I Moval widle prayerm ore uffe red ap , Lots tuu.9 i'mit Law
I 1rPNlr. N'be11 11.'t,t io lb• huuw.• n ion bn•In't it nbout him, who, ha• �rrww a enlr dtacnrrrd clow ht h knee of foil over Rn,rsiA that the lalw•rl►1' CORRESPONDENCE Fuam.t.Heatekole 1'rua
otlpe ffafiwifNw nut nnJ Ntur) a the Millard'& Idalmwnt ('ures "Ads, tete. R M
tine mibnlr" b.ddne Ab1,1Pr 1 r,.und msec h:IYr p.tr,rP.l IL tml, ckMu't rare iuwU nn,l set[ tildes It limit been Infnnl MAT pntvw a boy. the Czar tckwce.P,uh.uPros ,tlrlpr,
\ w:w? .\pal an forth, anti ro tio, gt11. Bat wile rAred,crrl- 1 ll) r1iP at t l COLLEGE. Llrl!ED tel, •�( ail
• er.him]) nrrlvel bail ween IJ►•tl lilt- customary tolve, At file table, luavlaig already four daughters. q.Cnilh"'..,
401,t st u(lcp nml Nitrated tgiN Her byetron. I Teo
turkntonlm fur whom Ili .nes ens kept ' Taea n witnuan .lov%I the table IIP= 11vad, fotreA lnlij(h to llrarkJ- nn't -tile ch'Id final bxu•n h,wnl to &':01161 tits- Infant pane to b.• of ihw TORONTO J.M., Zed II i'r+tw
r:niling. 1 dl 1 the pt,t1U thing n• Rew to dMwft mN uloid IN- rig Ilia- long ,• •,tis.• atlp meld. •the cat W /w t of def.• I pts•:tk utKrut the high pray to her nWt" wx the elfrol thereof fn.m a Ilstrkulttm, F.c
Alam. (I irk., out Jrrr.., nn.l wRw mAk- Ir rapd to rtcetTr it. nn I taco air thne � 1 wine seems to understand Pb,vtaattew while • pinyin ( Ilouso.r (KI!IlioA( P Lit of TI •N• would Pn,VP Wrflr I„r FREE It,,..M.•, wu110
lilt- at fart 1vp u •fri war.-ia•cu{
i .g m Way to .1.•m.4•, wh n by uu ,, Itnwa uw,k up 111,1 Jlrkr, hart 1 Wnwl't 111 lrl w'owll,l Lacs mmllP: It esu+ hew 0 manage her hurba red pretty With tLdm. 1'rrtPnisly rho mollapc bcalculublr, aid would oyM 'rm.,u•1: ASSM WUID m UNOCCtrPM 1[at1(Dtt
No. talk. r -Bane.• i r:an (teal •.( Slidy ,n n (pf.an110 Jena' Ulrn Imark. alit w'ae writ prP,.e :t,•J the fnlully will, a IniulM- lncrease line power u: like Czar. Fur -_ . _ - - uttrl,
1 WMr yen tor, rfiug lhpr0. it kMm- tet wmPnt ht• fip.lx It rte; dlfRralt to ncpy stu.Mxl. rary(Wl alwir
viasv d.•y, vvlxr• In o}dt@• 01 fi 1,•41014 w, onrWtl @U%ViW' nlKohnL UIP WlioIP *t ll) cern-PxPust• r. JPrr and ( •••-Y slow lets him have herown lnl; INth j• Inky, nnrt the other cltld P AL�RT
•,u. Iurg•vl m • uof i ecu n sur rr ,,'NI t uwiawN that lite) laicism► ll) Nark sat ), tplr.' A nplgo-;awe the Iwssl ere way Ia ev ning. wwm w,'ll plrnxe) ill }@ )Iknj a1N►ut gr•l ills oftl@•rr . b•yrd air tib vf'ews last spat• -1:1 .»Y,rr -Lerner
I;.tv.• mr our a til t Lturxl gna`rler fIf ml, rather subtly, oil) I alt tY Ibwt 1 t l her new h, other to a - rie'Ahl,fir hot put tutu execull tin• as no upw tine pis". ''vi Lau !„ultt
Wl Hlegvt 11*rp. i tlivaRll 1'.1 ,rte rm.w. rwo n"''oma. -
tan hour's nwdalwmd into five iWilult•w htit INr imp the ohJ,rt of Imerpl••xlt), P IM k ( V t night %he r\e'none.l. The doctor any wspuraprr that tib }xdlcy x111 b. COLL GE aloe flrNNwrvab11.. ,,.I
lhflr)(h y a bit. sn't h No Lever's-Z(Wi"oad)Dlsfah0las Soap co.Iliour,l It IJN brother anal
1 ec@T r}t•ul. u nevi u( musrytl0lun to ihcwltrel.. brou:hl hem thaw uxlrolnR Hvsaw- + Ption tit I regjSdawndol:ww-& Ilan
glnlq, Jerry. Tj(►te was tlo harp In piwrdgr dusted iA the Esti alleges eke
I'm wt n vee; g, awl -U mix nvl Wuu. 1 a4on't mmn to IIu1,lY UtMI l tli)ut i't. 1 oa 1 nvw 000fpkxnl thea L•k fail Irl \vas, t aivnmmA goal to heir• }„drat. lttPro le evert re,nnun to at dry Witm@e■till ra iaulg'
I.,i Ou ch• klm►w, and l rwrar', aht- I p r be:1Pta ltuat Orn:.d Duke Mlchapl'e dCLLtIIII.L�.,011�, ate•. Ilm,l.
i pw ' ray un,• there tholigtll fur uq fArtapl bPh,rp we broker a It ban rea st ter• arms tiny K oliliPsek w Iw rich n h:,( Lab]i ween meat b New PI a•-orKwm, Mkt 'purr,
w:aro res.• wattage. 1shu.1ldu't woncarr ,k,,, 1 boil ■tohu lits react- They soyfitsh?"-Boston Herald. {warlcal Tlrtgr un• dlnm.tngalh ,1► le•wtfel4fetle•I�twrat■r■dArtt�Iferyrl+•aP of tea
a Ih
Ilvatl"d us Y a little, oyw, hadn't I Io,etl to Valise of iha• l't or , nd tbat 1 ..I led• to n r reelUUe• In It'voLL-
i I aur I►rrllY brutol Will sal. a won moan of ttMao gao:g iNeruds of _. t t TT �'@ ui.w.
NhorN"d. r by, Morutior ,an,t t'1,) Ir,.p1I
Il ? 1;tiq m t all adrsil that. 1•w- I llrtrla@ony Il r• t'ew Cewripadawts. I if ha• w� to nloce•d to the thnmu ..NI t altar.. i', i. yes Lrlldlrpr, llwry the c
hawed mal lhluftm I land nu III m plias. ling thry know th'tt t hall been ttavi, wkw4vl I" These coanmalrlm:vctg otlld out ret Ihr paP,1t pwmpalt hr would rP- H,dl,” mundrm y
to. I.t1o'L r. m aa1N•r vvlutt lull wet,•, ::u% {x -lit■ molar with Milly for a long "9'betr wbe had lits- effrrwltery t41 Th:o ors Paik,-r whurtiy LOlore %. row B nch that the ('tar ons Mine• •lens �nd ligh" glair .ogehcnitut b fr.ted h Eo e'
lit': 1 fund n•me to tel,• $..III 4 W final- arml flat rho affair wWw off. 1 yt'hv'In•11y_ l.ntwt
Mtlb•+.rc with her. Bail 1 du k11.•w' luta apd p[Atr cwt warm wa►gtatu- t clay of ills wnldln;t cannot r��I land frown n{,ai tliu..e who had --- Wille ta,Rt,9.so s. order
} T,uy luul iKc.mn eurknlw rouPrtnlnlc In,hrlm an as both. tyle left party. • to bft Into, •sting to our readerr,t thrms Ito• til • l.st.um at♦ of meth- pw•
,wit 1 lull hor is m• ismann wordN I la• 11.(ldent nes it rPLstP,1 ll) Uur mut- IN ln't seem to find her woeiety ,nr- ill to thow- t•uvteiu IntipR '�J ppoe*d- aide end TI•'e'N N•Idr'1, n11h•.It •h .hear For lrlestrat-I dreular AnYd
I Pr'd+ t D bought a btirse with • ru
l luU 1 ,w•nw d(vul Ko.u• uu Ali"m 14um1; anti allilnAe, a. Pw1111'1 1. DYKIt, p. 1..•'" 1A.1
tk•Ufarly wo-iromr to rn)iwl,ly. We marriage. They took tits form of ly itKeurablw rluglxwie fur ti:10. cured to the pr.-Nein F.IntlPrur, are l)1I
alai Lad Iw1t unr b qp. In lh, wurl'1• -•It wnr A IIPAMdIY rituAll4m[. tel — \ _ fIn t
t:hirin waN ll) mnrrr Ler i. 1 r,u.d Tty [ dcwh't Nprnk any murr res wr rylxm tcn ►pPwatlful reaolut'erns. whk•h IID bice with kl worth of AIIV.LRUW J Cower to b;' l,ie br.•tin•r sad {Mrrwil,l• • dace
T mveylo.ly, lout exprcLllly fur the by, who ant Jennie anti 1. And l lawrii►ni is him Journal. They are UNIX T, saxl sold him in four •,Tr rd, to. I t I 1
1 torr tier ll) b.i%.• Ian• At that who ! irkew, Wlwp na\urnlly felt them- _ Alma Ladles O'IG p 1"l"'"
wlratl never ationk again to stay- as follows: 1. Never for tits ;}Pot nouthif for $85. Profit ou Llnlmrat, 1 -- , $rt
1 . twit rep W.• fond t5'htll wIN' had h1 W T'Pw r Meltlir iOt the r0 try ,pf 1h41.r
a•r}K P Pr o.M If i don't gel momrlhhlg lip ream ms, to oppotr mr w;fe•s wla. $34. TIL•• hlrtil of n l .cw $text m lith , ST. TIIOMAm, 0VT.
Nay 'wowa't a 1►:t roia Mrtint:. 'l.u• n 11r'wt, r ifi ly nr that guprl I 1•t $Ise ,
1 re en wrnl m:, (:all law l.. u•a latae the a'Prp ) luhr.cw/e pj thndtt with. Wh"'w To dLowbarg0 nal dal'" for her I1)Yh DER08VC. would give t , til:• people. stood ewpe.% PaPpnnMtory „red r„u,•Kt:ae.tndiwe: uulvely
au'oc• rN►nito•mpl (u na)xt yp the lost- w -{}h t�T• ('omtiouamd it nil, Ila PA'kw fl'e* 9, Never to now. tL � - p 1, - to tits olli-141.4awarraraneP�-{4"3bfn*ok-,ilr.r:nm•nrt:.tl.-n .,a. �"�
m alell would rep%:4 came unf, uu.l ret I3ot:M Kee cess l'y + tar r,,.m.: r.,1o.n ,.1,11 nut ..
uIl i wit 1 l wl1YP:1: Ott _i)wwk 1B t #yt--heti _ Alwvstr U, esws aL is*r. A Phe p41ntinull: ( the poley Innu'•ur- 1..'11” h n.uw".t
--1.1"a•µ+ uea14J•a It act wwalhlR ihr rrulsxto(P of hi T wr tq wurrr ever anis commawA- �• �•'• •1r. let. too[. mm�r •tap. I.r;a,ud.., 1"•:olnu.Ills..,+,t Nt
n. Ik@ I 0 1. -- -- To aNvl b: t'1r prp.•tnt Csnr• Hud woad Momt• life.
, I •AWIA►•+!• grit. Jerr thole t she rvnnt , with the Intention to ropo5'er From 8. pro w►te bee ,P'wt�. •tr rvu,ble the (atter to invioNt Otis r,.n- _ 1.01
J late 61 or k,ro , Ute rei(mun why fir. i%?rai?w 'r To burr hpr AuPAerss. 8. Tq overs port with lbw were 01 re ti nl In lhp LR Winslow a ri aaang w np should and 1
ween st 441f lav lnav it w o thing sem• 'z• Iv � always be used for Children ins. It lbf• .
mr w•Lru wnr ave wr. a Wum.ia ll) 1,111a1y wrlltrn ,m hair Gane. idMk her 6plWaa 0.� swVe. p�leAluk 'r'�'T rvt•nt of hIN '.Wu IlMetta,, air In llMe �woli
y6�� K A[•) st Clarke aglael lhp twtlwr t$ t sal [Greve! drf*uNl iter. 10. 1b r►. Icit.•• of hill IIPuth b•f.re Hie so.M%Zhrtbgchild.WillenethelNnt•,cur«.Is► Ph:git
,' whom 1 aIW klNlwn to Lane f)ren „'),{m I pian altwdt 41n an all- { SET TflE CisOCK member het In mT }Kayete. Thsb - - c- nitulns hl" run}frit; . I •«k snit a■ Lhe lre.t smells or [)Wihw il1Up
.Mv n I fl) Lain• hl to a IN.. r. Itul aR tieing and Hu• Wire. - ---- �-
:a a'tOOw. eNn1Ny all lilt- wprrants � fled wUlh wr dwMh los WPered. RC1T tAKll YOK HALL ON6 uF THg
whrgo 1 folw,l u, Wbul I d e en etdv t- v.Q:ntril t u• room. 'I9a0n Jerry ram,' TROUBLE ENSUED :100 REWARD ,a l pp, aa••► In the ti Peulnaalia •I LM
rd -well, fill l could ba a fur nvir, _ In lunne•a•tion with the monument ttMwri A, ,m
aP ,0 lair Icer. �I, also• the /�wRh / ' wikm 1 , to mile• Mom 1Or -11en oI two nn• K
la detrut Irf 1, read I gut Il Life � oaf that 1" l0 b yllu•'•.d nn ff• lap 1, gravy walla pal •ere• In ell u ,t< hh•h V m frm� uuta i
'.•1rMoiPr nal rr ptiempn.' he tmld. '� oud Work• ON tis cold. 1 Tk� RUdrr. of t Id. putter will tlo, pie. -I to sway p••cbw. Will be mold In •■e '•el w t
founttl w P Wing ugnln worn I In ihr F•rWptPry 0f M'atmxrlre' PMA sui
eft avicel , 'I tem lJ1I Ina t wo .riT,.►�;ke Lasative Bromn uinln, T•bl.te eon se.14 Mara U.atc, ha 1.ret lrwet unto M dltl Ito I AIrfAad col his is a d ,o A acrr u: voA par
toU1L1 M Aw a ltrinl,y ,,Yen -herr. Y RT I t — Q ,'esti, rwyN ll f .t •ago I'„st, it Is that w•M■re hila It.rx •rile ll) ear► It all Ib ehaewn, This b • d. V. M •In Add r.,,
w kwnr.l 'r 1 ail o nn ortnble' M pn- as nag dey. No run. Nu p•y PrkY YA n■u. O ry
' The molrlf•nt my Byrn m^t beta 1 1'rn � Iw►tA bora n Rti,+d impulse nMl inl.•rpwllsR to ne:Ilt ihr pwrly life •peps "nA that M 1'ntarrh. Hell'• l'wtwrrh I JwgtLu l:aresat•r, P. lore MAL N'Iraa
till a runtictini fh&t ,hr luulbrluu kin A tildy, o whom nny Invitation I rr•r411tatil.- arflo:i mit t things ,.f the p,wt in ihr Fren.•lt cnPif•ii lWP•Is►Iroety{..•Itivecumnowksvwn to' Ontario 1,,,1
til.• utleniew tt•lvv@wn dully un., o Wream wn a KuArantpe of safe Y The 't'we Crush••. H,- fall In love kNI n or, cul tiersI ap"llr■l fraternity. f•atwrrk,betxll'carom. --- - alt,11
unwlw+l, ilea. woul.l- nem, IN Pu ,11 nes D sit'a In.ldtr,ar;�'•.�ulc■w wruxgtlNlfk,nwl
UUaa•1(. Tbrrr wnN n ll)„k on hr1 ry' IT.wnTopiti..1 I Irl wax, w•rtf•J Inn Rlorr Panpilwh- tnntment. 11.11'.=11.rhl'orol• takes lei InPEIAIAL MAPLE SYRUP, rd a
L.rr uu I in bar eye. -oleo-• lake it : ilihol-no. 11 • Inlerropte'I •hlmmelf Tlu• dirk waw I ffprrt mlaale.f (Oil. - wept, sin 1 uftri Io do hull+ t ,. wroall Inn 11rvrtl
ua k 'clone 1” Nati:. r ; has Im•t•u May-N'h:tt a crush there wag tit 1 g 7' x • a{1oI1 tM Wtrus wad
all : 1 runt folk nlauul 1t, Mil y1Nl Y, V 1 rrcuue on rtner•ad the • tole, therwit ,le•. Tb aaNt ■m aid,. r,l fr..,n Ih•an to
It wan plot in ihw 1.•aat wkll OIM KOther Ihry ult,'ned, Hire• Lr q••nt- 7 7
frlluw,+ kININ' wh:nt tl L4 oke -pile lit I.Ir the objeel I 1 prtartleal Joke•. lbw wstfrlh+R ! V twrluR tAe bm■dwtloo of Uw dbe"e". end ''lrleaa. Y,ra►aory hurt unnt•wtlgr,•n,rr.
n: un lel y, hero. n my twbir. Lndlw Ic•wlld call a glorty chock, bel It was 1 Rf•IIe--peal It Ir aw,thing l0 the ly L nut h!w elft, filNay 1 d,r, 11( String the p.tlrnt to-neth by brll.11ns lay I. RONIC t [.A FI,Ali9, "
fluvk that n wumnn wparw U►wRr,l lM1l Il wAp for her own Ro".1. belie [Nrnn•tontlunnndn l.tlu[tascanInAolnl1tC _
yon Wheal etN• firma tiltlw ,NIL IItiN int Fentf. st 1 t ► INIt n{Iy►OrP of (;Lai, A..II Il mm�lnwd lore iUP ttvd� Onuh aha n• w:u At her nrrrplAnoe,lf tl41uwhln N, how,-vrr. .'l l vial ip,{acts ll) work. TMpn,yrlrwnbarr.omarh fnith - - K _ a•1'"- 7tiw'n
M.. of N•:tl JrkPtr. It I►' 1 @1Pe1rN t11P. }Mr- him. }ie ice lin athlete. )Cwt kiwi. jj Ie, It• emrtrlve flow*" that they "A,r Iltw i et h:
yoir frrl nL alt hear. ivecka. 1a_1l mmltttwiF 4 so e/elkAy �_ I her ouuJugnl hdrllt y'. On ihr day ret- Hundred IAdlwn for :Ma ra•r that n faits to •
h B rlarahall&C.o Jt w
Slit- tr:ut n duffer on her other Mile .r•lrattW M this to Ztnt•t Nay & ItI- villi, kir ter Iliee wetdlhR It.•InP drew u a eon. end fur U.t teiumonl,b. • • •
menta nn7 rel (prlp rPstotO Vias 6 pI1R Just sit far ahead of Mlnard'■ LIstoomt Ehret- (iltrgpt p - l.dni'
nn 1 I land I II) tin twine. Wl you ('lu4rulry'x vitt( to hr I I ulte unthir- Father Time, this dill Imo harm. Evei la Cows I will. In will ,h he L,•glwalllyd ,very- Adder t'. J. /'H6NEV t rRa., T,,leAo.O. 101 Kies St. heat, Nemlllem.Ont. rept til
wee w.r were J.axt driven Into otwit 1 �` thln(r to hl+ wife rep ron,lltlun that nuld b drr Vvr.
E' wfand thAt tho matt haw Rime fpr- y Rsl•ts. NrANT,RKI.IA-ALR AUKX1rIL_. ---- -atwwt
1 other m arm:+, all it wrrr. 1 shtmOd one knew 11 ens fast, and flRarM ails• m Irnp.l ngnin. He wlmhrd, he Holl • Yamlly 191b are the beat. to ro/rw, ink
have detutavd myself to lisp NIn•1, het tdan til.• Jrwtwr }►rf►ew►bdY 10- - .._ . AIF I■ idle-VAMIlly. I•in l• that at Ieast onP man rh•ou1J � ---�-� -� •� >(1N pnwdlrr. II{i'•ee, rex tl
lei.gfcl It to and turn tak a ou a mare nrconit,lgh•. II wwlaader to till float - + entree w to ",Wuw, u. Yawl ems lent.
l)1 Enis►r aaWer the eircta►rltiaoew. Ilan it waw to wt It. It1r•t Btoriw.l regret hwo tenth, swhpy.. In wwotP.l. KtlNbt terrltP ry
\w H waw -well• JeMIP nn 1 1 got «rhea ebv+rneter. Ther ore, nm Rn I ho Net Kotp IbP NpeA. sneerer nn ,
vt r.f!t of rrwlkutton mf t LP ao►mp- BNI of I iwagimltt LhP hpnd of tIM Pi dp0pty regret It, •Ir, but honor I xo •.nau■te fres The u t 1. " lleutbul it IA oar orf lilt- pft,•ellarilMw O( tea-
' alt nRN pretty well •ettle.l brie+era P a IKwImA•INII l b,rmm� awcttlPaly Pwrlhau- nal my altered clrcamvtuncer colo. I•Iwster. alt tnt - - .. - Lill
alt,• ,rens ra @If tbnl dlunrr, vhtl tau wtrrn.it r/R, 1 hnr .Iblwism0tl I tr. Ile had . ams tri lhix lelrt ,NCA- 1 e RL u.m. uuw-ro p■In�s dealers vel by L,r110on that you ,b not fowl � 11I.T wet Is• aPP
At 1 Iwl calor APwPrt, w gtxwi Aptl the opevantp nn 1 am it I to tarn p I mP f0 rPIPAIP your Anugh , r may .Nr ua.r. 1.. W "lorKY, «I by des Lor., nay UIInR ; all (. mutt with you, IN) MO NUMdVOh xtrI uvrl �
0f Ihr Lgfli,. Iw ll) ala ip ihr .1o.edl:, tlllrl there wrrr, IN•vPr Any rum hor PnRngrmOnl. I cannot wit- Ly no.yllwl.,h. lhrrlerwr, by veryh..I,, x «»•-„,.ra.,.pr.'a«..,,'.0 Y _..._.
xirtev iliac 1 a.Irel l0 Ipire Il, ll) R pnl:mllnv w m ,Nn r. H•• drmawM•A Iur.11Rnr••,yleurlwy,t'•. MadrbyU.vl.t Alattrr how f:►rt ycAl sway be RolwR. w«... •"r...s•.r.n....r.,. ___
hell the han I Thr early vete nut '•hrk,lrww the Jew”, may bM Pp;neel g i ) ter )uur fuadly a IMRRnr. in ihw I.awrror.ro , Ltd. You ver, wont art• •+mer ti.a•t■orw..a...r..t..•u
d a{Kmi the twills nn1 rNr tin0 ihP {wloctuntity and aAcwrsey in every• t•VwRt ,ieal In :North End wracks I I wind rkfhrR wfM the u...,• 1•. 0. It." aw..
tin IargP, pert vfhnt tflr rnncrrNnt on thing, Pt On scoots. )on move nes hint ns Il moors! i..w:.wam. aa.sl.e.w +l, , 1 I
.clwe•P Aw tO who Ire" tnkral it.a lost my Pnttre fortune." ,rots vire .1 r1 nal' I..@n.,.'r,a.-4=O...,o,•rma Of0
tawld ettw11y U•n•ome gpnerul, rend Odlrngwwml" hes Pxilraimpcl w1tPr D.dn•t Know III• Own Reflection. P fltrnpl ,d It, who- va.a.r•,'e[r«rn..c.wivat9-u•
"He walUvl at HNImftRt ml1 til. t ell "Mot another word• my boy -not thrr ydu with to h• or not, Il take" +peps
IIrill INI l0 n {xtn.s. Ln my duet with ,vrmparhag the chock w1111 IIIA Wretch. 119,daAclW, r kvralas Tnlexnph 1 I I- FAt loan m Md,ollijm%
Jwrl • I [#,laid that• c lth •r b, ne- 11ght.RnlNp haw mpnnlnR. Thep .un- Thlm Iw wknl fulbw[d old sutklen applkPr word. 1 got cess I yon In It• eanbrn0r w1 ilrmly yet mr1 __ _ -- • LII
client, or dap n, the t+Ilk had (rill- 111110,1: awnkenln In n tt►tv11 not fur from thin city saltily )'NI du nal kniw It Iw lhrrp. •�
- cit ppoa 'the ^*Jett tit preclou, "'I o1u111 wall w rstanorable pro t6 H{## wife was Irate ret the mall;.ell•. 11[Iwaf,d's Llnimiat cares Diph- orf• twin brothers amgage,l In bu•gwette You may b• in the teeth of a ham- CONTINENTAL LIFE ' vire
alonrw, Rill that everybdy Iwtour- 'f liner anti then order the IIRII w Hix woo was Into at 4whoob. tlerla, together, w'ho ru clowely reseniI enne, but yo,a never know It; all Is Toro
allv0m were O•+eopt4wll In lisp ,11."R- timet till ngrtln. if the r1nR IN not Hip dnuglator-was bite Get her rnlm tint plume with yon, - I muni
r.ou, the mntA h•ntpre 41t whl••h rep hen (tirthpuminR 1 frog that bill une\ mu.li _ Pauli oilier that those who meet INSURANCE COMPANY
� � Ito Trouble to Nelp to Search. thorn every day are not abie to lett clmtc
tr,•1irp•1 In b• n Yc•ry' ,ulna bar nlllt ''f•an r,fc• Ir IPfI mr, i and Mrx. ('Intik Dluptq' was TRIP Air loll. ,Phflwdeiphlw Tina".) In114.11 one th,y have conversed wit lit. • ''fi}b�p prevw wt tan chit lfa I Hit.. Joe. I+xour. I•,o+wrrr - rirnl
INterviating rlfW Mthnlgilig to Mflly will ofhr o11rwelyftrl l0 bM pr•rwnnnlly AaNf,: nddel ills• witp, m,Nher EArh o+w a (npta,, xqd un mores than haee'g Olmmennt:wrgnwtn , Then an
(!hlrnlP), whcll who tint tnkrn (raw ,alrchfvl. 1 mhnll psi*rm It nu ncl t�Jw. hetPtdpcl t0 h•nYe ua t0-tfay, A womn(l stopP.vl ret w sloth etmp- P''e3 and fth-late Pare for rack I",rt for tNc,l ahnwwt rwmwrinnre X,,
lyes nley, lot clop InP(x tion of tilt d P1rmtlM,r To cep, whONr {woaltt41n w w Intro tot nor Irwin. alt you fad ter la one of til.. Inv x d wrlment avis arrnmlou 1ha•Ir own cblldrrU lltt\, Inenne.s over IInto. 1■ the following lt.nu
R W a■A •very fwm of ItrhlnR. In n
slurp• recently and &skid ll) be,"O"f"f them •tm unelu" %when the i WewAlnRnnd t+ra.rtxlloe ylles
teeny, 11 haul trendy w•rll Runt :0l) ni. I All lenge t0 Ice AxcrOdlAgt wl 1 ly. y dol" Plmmdd IttiI satA 'M t," and a' tbemleno ofarerwtrveawmosteeda.ndieto. Ne.rhudne"w n,Ift.rdr s vsa,,a Rene
.. shown ,xhme drv•ma {Ntlt,- ills ■11llabls t V� "pup I 1'nmluw Inr.+me Inrnnw�A,r
ttiP lent t" by' then Lis• I woks, rep p-lnfnl. It m) RllOr,tm v0lnntrrr to 'hy, m� tllr►t:' hp P%(dnl.ed. when the 61001111 hAve weld "until'•," y •12,51
laic In lM daly ttr'r •, srol mak (wr ne1RA� � MAq
fur ftnrl Rulnan wen r. Taw+ sale- 1 '1'"awl Inroad. I nrnarA by...... i1,S:
to what wax going on, }mit"Int from alt►twlt ton Mmllnr Ins}rrtlun." ripe tea lye, "I spa It." Y One to tt worminey lAlsk o•l Yoa ran ■Telt •ad gond
hnrrl to hand, nnd,l at InNt it rAain "ThPrP waw n RPnprnl nl41rrm^ret "OI You awl It!" vhP PxrIAInMd, Ia°O bpRnn on tJ4r loWemt row irf Kl lint plug ngu n rrwlumI lotlJw�reisisg b•titltra■teurerl. sit ,tire:.wt A•"'r•Incrwnr.l hr-.... ♦A,uRx
wbelverl coalportm►wts end pulled ort went Into the store and naked o1,A altdM Or NDm•"wnN.H•trwk ('o., Tnrnntq - - as -In fun+Inrn•nr111w 1,11114,1111 a}w•p
in torn t.. .J,ve,.le. You ought to hav' rf conal ernniltin. not nnmltel wllh „ V -pr N -o work" we have hopi de- aunt M{N•nerl b.= after but until tho of flip brrtberm for nn article wlileh • t ('oattn.ntwt I,I r I"-1 nn awe'rell.'1 h,e of a
prey her lift tine tiling and hand It inere:• INI 111* table. dm ll tti IIftPPn minulrm farm the Gm• cuupter l)n rlteMr Mole of him wan tMllfot.A Intel: Paula nut ire found oh Dra�h4s• s Ointment enc
uvl'r ►41 nw. Ysu'd luttr thonghl I1 , It wltow'etl, anti then Toll apt It. PINI - ter.__ � IM;4k[ly and libernllty. Agents wnnt•.l.
1 rpwrntly hilly li,xxcert wh41h- pUed nx high no lits tiiead with 1(ond". tthP first Moor. Thr wecont flo.tr Ton. 1 tai%
brc,l rolltaguan. I toilldn't b1•Ip waYl--nrtiontin atWn- x ivatry w rrrtwln oath- ttKmrht k 101111y f,0 j:ty a iilllP Juke IN dnrk.iras, wit, uaktng a Inmp (n Oso, It. woorlw, CHAR. 11 FIA.i.F.R, inn
� Throe llnua hr climbed n la,ldrr to
ins In in >N, I(, Iml nu one eke, nn- aril') Willi them, yon know, row not a.1 ytiur. hlhlrru fond ,tour wits, I that n er rowe ant YL+. It:rrnl, h^ Wearil (A mt)Pfl Ute mtnlrat flprwhnl llnwnRpr 14r1W.rr o[ U
hw: it W.'re V Ily, notu.•A her main .0 weer. -uur PD RR'•re,l down Y - .--
pl ppt5Prl0d IrrnwP of IGudly find he reached Lhe t
:�anm#,ndwl ('Inrk@�m plan. nfferinR to amiss n wPlght of tw,t {onit,-n,s until o{r, hold - d1 h
a •r. Th.• trinkrl w'aw ulren,ly fair• nkp 1hIrA tank In tar wMMhbiR InuO:or man, • )'oll think It amul,lnl wand (tin woman toolE a ronrvey 41f '•ver, !w•forP IIP ,nes wfiit Ice supposed DONT - -rte
gotIen. It Apenn't take Ions t'O ex• to lrlrk yt only wap Into lnrAl- to Ice• his brother. also wwlkicit-, one
halvrt n dinn.•r-table tapir• anrt wl- Pnirpiw. lhrr whish Pvpr)onr Plvr I,PNw f" ihr ahrltcyv but tau pmlleram vas „n al n•1 the nxnn Willi n IlghtrJ tum
^'=ma,N'-<IlwpYf -ill~ r,ifiii- m -c-funtnat tan jwnP.1. Then "he wait v,•r� p CLEAN I tree
-'toy '--b Qty et- ty'vol - • + pP'" wwt•et In lois hand.
aver to tho wt►ileh and ttarnel aft p 1 l rPn l0 me I I( Neese Ice Y ` - ----a"
ihr Prenr•ral nitention. �' 1/ " I don't lhluk I'll buv nn I " I dUdn't ktKnv that uu warn
be vlertfirity. Tltp pnnllr•r were ) tottisto Y SILVER 014%1
Tho frnger bawl••t�hiul tp•0p pct on an)'lltlnK I tin w Il IN n iKy► Burry t:, tiny#, tr(Wloled ou; lint vrnlling on tlutt roWotarr, Jnm•vi,"
an,, I-uffee www ..b,, g wwr,mw; - swhww 1)Iswu u1Li.Jawllhadwt+kaom►wf F4Rypl Jntrr } inn'pltSlTI r nlimset til^ tr 1- Ta." ' r Y •� ' LSOW3 And
reigne,l in thin room for nhnnt three " Yen," he m+ihl, re • y., . I t1 Yeo EPP } Maly rnme hl ll) I,"1k for h,• re•mnrkp,l, '•or I certainly waRlld ,.r year ,. nirr b I.I.,
during nx,wentnry wllc•nnpy WHY tmlh,ll a ir1Pp11." twit huvp cl.mbe•l net the way Ie,. Inlnrfplitwfu, nes. t pl al
I INrkr tis, addremwing no start In {Mr- nlln11tep. Iawty if""*' w-ntrs." ny F� f
l Ito troahle whAtrcrr, mn(Lim " he �' BLEGTRIG 1>rsL
The .ilantlnn ens w rnlhpr dram- " 6 err for w tin t ? ' ,hr ,b mnn11.vl p p I Thorp wean no rP ,
llydnr: Y rr hvl dlteli. ' Indplvl, It yula think {Ir, Pvpn t1NrnRh
uM Dnp and lilt- rarll,r or thft ref- ala the f
"'Nell,' ihr an1�l In n pistil. mel• R ,I�Y' your h'Ipnd Iw In .Ithpr 41r ihr n•- lRnrp nhenil Rlnnrv•d uP rend Mok- POLIJiflING FIBRE" .I'•Iul
�nlr paned heavily on noall. Then at lart the H,ork," lie nnmw•er- POISON the
L•r-of-fart tope, 'won't w41o,eboly' IMr mrlulnR tau IN.trm, i rkrll l mind t-1 dlrw"•tl: ret him 'flit- twin r•nllld ,hen.w M,.mh•wla r'•+areA elf Il.htn
glue mP 1►aek my ran drew*?' h n. A w*rp anelted tarond til n1. "Is -Ice aI1P at +R l s, tr in," s u •n1ai them toxo." Wt nndrrnftiod the NIIP ce, and tM nn K to nes Visit th. cloth. N•
K• 1 'Inlh, NatAln t
I Iat n••t rep I I, oke,l ret her q t klv iltpin. \ Mfiwrp pxsitM pxplamgotlnp If stip raw r##ttih lhP lrnln," mho K I ° n TM[ S[tT s.0" hand.; env.'. time And IAhor; .metre
ain't for one In,stnot her vy.•• met from Mllly Arrest -the attmtlon of all sold pnlatl�ll; - io tho4k that tib brother waw walk- By
t HN mold nu111111g, Otul when mho hA,t leg ed Inl In haw ■1 iLY Nli,i,[II ,ni ihw dh.r fly m RM1 ,•anew M droll ad
m'aM and I undersiV"I whnt her o t1Y1t liorlh►n of the twale bMtwppn rawer tile■ r•I■[L.t ells Iw tM lwlebr•nr hghtwd Inpp, Ino. ' rend with w n. non Aentrn. By lenll /cele i
cf' .I,lmnnblp of wag. There was a her anti myself• steno dhllawcp In left the mom, he put the clork hnlf llwlneu.borreb Allttnelrrllwtlaaofllpro- J NOTIARCS MM.00.,at,c■tharine•.0-t- Very
M , 11Y rlying •M Alwrrhon. tteDtketronhh " .IAmpm !" lift xnld Again 1 air
.. an hour ahead. j I eltts tar tit. •ams(•..
Rrnr rill I: Uldnhb nut pM nfnmin til. Rv- iPOIw Oat plat@•A. wdll /Owe 1% loft with 'rrry lane les' t'wfnklller, No hon.•- i Ill nn rwt•ly Anti nes hes Adv,tared , — - Ia I
Prybo.l' rxew1'aue l ; Pt P,;Ylrrxty t=- rPllit " Thak " hes rymllmentrvl, "'Ivi(1 Pven AruRRlat wlll.l.relrr you with w e■b•tllnte t ----- '- - g
pMll!11 Of pPlhldR avail fonts. lir* Penitis a it raw Ihr , to InvewtlRnte clip trnlh Aawn«l niiaw The first r nimltr, trbpn yolf have tato
(dnimvl; rvrrylNsty d^rese t {xa,owr.�- "'Why. why; mhis rrto%l opt. 'lhers, 1 Ixrnr rF1.mnn." Idm. AI onp end of til. room wAo ani w 1 Idmt. In to ■tick 6. it 1'ke /pro
The ttlr(vrtil of ihr at41rp h IT 11, I C' 1hMi
tlui erf ihr• Inn!: evn'y;nny nwit•ron. It rmll) Lal Illy tlwRl Wbwf w PI*- wh•lk.red tluslons. Ilmism"am mirror, Th. tWM hAd dm{,iy y '
ti that hp nr slip hnA tmwrl It nn. whet Ice rho pt,rnl, nnyww) T -Burch I _ RIA (IMN.-ltnMrrxs�
D' vee mph map, think1 iit ? elll yaw I.II Ferle. '1'I,Py badtpeently been mAtrtet aw,l ,wvn hip awn rPflftrtlon AnA neruwYd thft
llnly .Irwin.• nn•1 1 cul of ihr Trht►Ir ,.ver color to lhlak 0f It ! Qh. 1 nm , the .iounar wife n 1.19 a were rppiso tt of I-Ang the brother. ----- - _ -_------'-' - - --- toss
4.10" l hnd nth lac ll) mnr. We ImAll Indeed -'
glad t0 Rpt Il bank gognin Ing un ihw br,mtfAst tnMe, _ I Rl'Pr
.'MI nn Ia1 nn uurl+'nt. It aermrNl to Thnsik- wo mprh.' flhe turned to the l•hlldr•rn end Pehool. I I Alwsy• Is•Isl on
The wife n iltry l Iakent,y, Pt• I 7T
u 1 a h to hoist uur trnauP". Innn nn tips IPff. 11 f. rnrloua lila dlffrrpnre In Ihr peotatkxi un rrory IloeAlpPnt, NlnnPrl's i.lnlipftllt ('grws gxtop(- peer delver gip• E B � E D D Y
"t . Pre•w•ntly lite ,hdrow 41a1 .I PN- Nl) Irxiwerl, Rentlp render, be no, fit' plylsg you with g ,
w •K Mel .urn••,1 l0 her. "'Itrwrh cele And Ret •lt fret cep, r'gsnt c•bN,I�Pn hnv0,(nr thPlr arhrxil
• l,lrky, Ihere'w n Steal -.,it.' mthp weld. all unkind reomrirks shout getting it I' rdraw
•"luo tits to you, Woo 1'nrmlT," hr ant +w•htwl work, maym ihw Tolelo , I•.- 1;:
'll'x , nitP trail her fur mr t arms.' erowlmt. n nnl crwrko•r, air n ertlek u( New Vork CaMr■1 ■red Hideo■ Rlvpr t 1 IMr
Imre. 'Yo �rvmpmiwr my lututing Il Tluen lair' t,hrnP1 with n w.�ire►t of art- Tim,•". When w fire alnrteil In the ,lynAm[ts to b,-lts him Pot ingm. Krllra•A• WOODEN WARE ` �•' as ] tar)
nv rr t0 00 ?• Wnrrrn ntrcpt wh,xrl one ,iny twat '1 mu t 'f' I',. apt
"Thr Rtrl Wnm nes wh t� nn death. 'Impl,ant, mnllriuun Irxrk In her rywx pp,hse brrnm are not Iljp Whal The •1NIv nes• I• • hna•wboki At
bolt xhP mhowe,) hermit la perfect land ph,xtk her IIPAd rel me reproakI week n little R,rl wens wobhlnR down ,ra�^ �.ther n•r.t td mak;'," •hp wont sad the ■sporlor oxANlepee of ` q
Belle Intek. f„ply, wllh n batt Inngh on her 11{aw, III,- "trot, with alrrnmlnR eye., Ir- "WWI, i sht>♦kl M I the rnwo wh Ifl M stNflelont t0 .t PAI L S and T U B S ,w 1
•.-Iwn•t 11 like "Imitorh, Mliton. "',)h,' Nhr mwht. 'I've A mind t0 7 t►ot P' M wt•,trwel mwt pwnplw ort unw that til• ;,: �J,
whNm got ihp hotlon7"' do• wrkc•t tatMlil }m4 wpll, ,111 ►ft, loci 1 won't, ''num,- kilt• foinre,l her nelhrol WAR to elnlma marina with henrly g(Hol "rill.'rate Is the same to N•w York •IMI .9 eba
Nstfll Phw turnov,t to me Ami weOtnR I've Rot Il IrTrk amnlrv. Rut Ise drat r..yr•d 5 mo,nnnt Inter n inlay ' I sw}rproow yon know my rnther .11M I points rest as by other Nes wo 4,'1 foils
## onallra� -IN It Ilrxt-alcor nitabl„Fr, H violas A pnnr )rake a prior Jnkp eame tr•nrinR'kawn Lhe wrrppt on hla 0f d)� Palo." I (further rpoommenMtiou •boeM be 7%07 aro aLwoufaeterwd frost lbw �y of l6ATKRIALA by the
5 Aar (CANowr T„Ink of file erolahlp ya-'rP p11 ops wheel working orPrtlise. And nl,nt11_ Man love's drr,ra roown,lPrtW Be.- silo({ht RvrYbody will tell you Il UMT SKiIAXD w(vrk=ww. i : tto”
! •• •14". 4wb1 I In an indiffrrpnt w wwl at at to' Ing. "Hnrrah. kids• Ihw alt pr(non'm Dow a Rmr&kL M & best *1, "ff
t0 Itm 1
way. ( gave Il tlwllk cafes. "1 dMln't ttnllstly myalNl to answer un f r• Ix� I
y , a tii S�
,. - ,rye.. �,q r�, v. .t-...,4. „ .,,; r .,• , ,ry' ';h' fT• l4: 'l, .r^ 't'-. ra��- --s
.«' t " r'. r ,rr•,: - .. t t r,..•+4, J , qy" ,,41' ''�1,"�4J - '.•' v� ry •[;w . .�, • .Nr
(f ., F4 ' u
1 + �: 7� • '` .r .r ,t.., , t , til b 1 ^y'' r e a.," . vI t r,;t. **... ,* "rsm'S.' "t iii wl ..\.
,w.. , '
• j�]��y','l,�i ".ftiNd'- +a;' :. " 't., #' '"w' .• ,.. a i,L s, ".' ti ':: .. 1 t . , a, � . `" ' 7,o L!'! � n ls`+I:
", Kr >' R �y,Srr swrr..ifl°'19,,,& �i 'Ms,.e ra. °" ,✓ • ,�'1'' c`
l� _"!�, ._-; s.a;.��:%' •. f�,' f.rb;a�i»4�' ..,1!6,R- .�•>b h �._...: .:.:: .rr .....