HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-8-14, Page 5...: car �.w..........:..,,,-„s,._.+d. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. W. Acheson&Son SATURDAY AND MONDAY, It August Qth and nth. BARGAINS WITHOUT A DOUBT. 1teNeNeoe Wo will use these few words to introduce these special offerings for these two days. All offerings here advertised are bargain gems and show our de- termination to make August the big sale month of summer, 1500 yards rluslins. Dress Muslims, organdys, in Tight and dark colors, tut colors and :a n every one this seasons goods, 34 to 36 inches wide. Regular prices were 10, 12i and 15o clearing Saturday and Monday price per yard Drapery Sateens 30(1 yards French and English Art Steens, fast colors and In -le aborate handsome designs, suitable for upholstering, quilts, eta., regular values 20 and 25c, one prioe for all Shirtings. Standard blue and white check or stripe indigo Shirtings, full "'~ width and warranted fast colon, our regular 124 and 14c final- , ity, your choice per yard w.�:zris"sirc. '"eri„�.',.•.r�l�neg`.'a`�.'tiue�irut�lw,v "tPi+flT;tearlibffi Vito ti3i amara.•.<moo.,wu...ASiiifewatNnrext'atkr w,eG:S Carpets and Oil Cloths. 1500 yards English Tapestry Carpets, a large range of up-to-date designs and color combinations, suitable for any room or hall, regular price 60, 65 and 70c, on sale Saturday and Monday at French Flannels. 15 pieces finest quality French Flannels in new and handsome de- signs, in all colon and effects, for waists and gowns, our regular and best 50o quality, on sale Saturday and Monday only, at per yard 35c 7 CZIreentet. oPMGMewoA.drvt7iiAP 5C 1 15c 10c 50c Lace Curtains. 20 pairs Nottingham lace Curtains, 60 inches wide and 3Ji yards lorg, in white only, designs are bold and strikingly handsome, our regular $2.00 curtain, 2 days' sale price et per pair $1.25 W `Acheson & Son. 11,114AL RESPOIeSISILIT Y. The AFtsvissh Mae Wen, as Far as Cana- da w liesrersed. (From Tho Ottawa Citizen 1 "Get one m1 your khaki end late your ores - all,' is TbeHares Slgal's advice to the (.r.. • duan troopers retention Irma the war. A.AA the advice 4 sound. W ILhlo the past tee days twenty-five besieged young Canediaoe have ✓ eturned from Booth Airiest sod ars tattle' In • few days of well earned karate onetime; .r:d befog pr, eel by tees fresh. But its danger lee in the days of leuure Wog rtntr.cnnn into wet It. of idleness resulting m a young man's habita being vow tied 1 y the excitement of even a brief period of n ilttera service to 1 he field. Dm ret the (roll. Important photo' 1n the new meshed of e,olvlog stinted' from the Meilen population rel tens empire wt;l be the subsequent re- absorptloo et these semis. into laduetrlal sad booms, tte alter the o.oeeslty which r ntod them has dlsspoeard. It 1e sow •pp0.at that la all future wars . 1 any mplt.de is which the empire may eog•ge, the balk of the army will he recruited from the Died population and the colonies w111 be szpooted, and .o doubt he as eager ea In the pant war, to tarnish a eebesantlal proportion. A. the oolmles hays a steadier/ •rmles praetloally the whole of their quota w111 be milted from e.,llt. purmite 50 lake up arms. Aoesat- ed by a oombiod spirit of patriotism end desire for dente, there will be no difiloalty is fillies the reeks but the prooeae of suosequeetle reabsorbing the army back Iota civil Ida many be cess easy. It le a pro- cess demanding even s high* order of patriot!. spirit than toe more voluotostleg for war. and ens is which the oo-operatles of .er-oomhalaats as well as combatant' will be demanded. no now methods e1 warfare facilitate the utilizing of the services of intimater troops. The value of barrack - yard aooar.vy int moysmmt bas diminished with lbs deptlon of extended formation. The molting rade soldier has lo .'loge ex- tent riven pleat to the man tapable of l.telligest Initiative who can shoot and wise 1. imbed with inherent qualities of pstrlotiem and personal ma . it I • foraaate evolatlor of oadltlons for the emptre bemires Anglo -Solon peoples never lees and Geyer will tolerate lbs inaloten•nos.1 lards *fondles .rmjM seoh es are part of the body entitle of o.nttnentel nations. The new omdNloe of werlars give an immense advantage to the nation that has "get the men and got the money toe' an tempered with the °oedllles whioh prSva l,4 In th' day, of smoky powder and fi4htiog to mass. While other merlons may bays to keep up standing semt.s thee amount op ere *eyes figures, the British empire eon rely upon the petrleMes and martial spirit of IN ',septa to supply abeadant material of adequate quality to *well Ile reek" when they an 1 '1414. But Wm one Important oosddwotlm whi-t may or may sot .meant to • real drawback 1a oe'tse nion with this fortunate seal 7 per mat. of Me tempt mg.gd. Taking ing the killed and wvaaded together, the otes•Itles work vut at 50,120 mea, or Dearly 10 per oat. of the total torero. Tb. surrenders of armed men total 9,714, or about 3 per seat o1 the fightleg line. 01 Mese, sin battalia", on whom tell the 'ordinary bad lack Iswparable Irvin • great uempaiga, mousse between them foe 3,000 preemie. The health olrehe Imperial army, In spies of the ever, swain unposed has bees re- markable; the figures e1 13,000 death, from disease spread over au average force of 200,000 men, In two and • hall year,. giving an annual death rate of aly 26 per thousand. Tek tog a per capita basis, we find the war kas owe the wloutes three lives for every 9,000 of thou populatloo, while It h0. 00.1 the United Kingdom four Byes fur story 9,000 of its populatla. Dermal, hymoas, Wanabopa and Wod- gots were killed, •ad U Is Lord M.Ih• area (Iwioe), Maodaald, Knox, Wood, Bar►m, la Hamlltoo(twlos), Ltltle,Raodls tad K.kewlob have bees wounded. lord Methane wee the only general to su Her septum. Death from sooldatal muse throughout the ompalgo number eo fewer than 785, of *blob 223 were amass of drowning. Tram ►ccldene amount for 141 death., lightning for 52, accidental sell-sbootiog for 16, mis- takes by sentries for 4, and miemilaeoes oeoidsau, chiefly among luaotd ma, tor 349 'inns are moreover, six reported oat.. of .holds, one Wog a llmtenant-colonel, see a mlur, and four prloulse. Mining ex plosions claimed three lives; two men were k1114 by lions, oats by a bull, one by • oncodlle, and one t, reported .hot while ettemptfnl to escape from hie captors. Flmily,the Viotona Cress bar been gained -perhaps • better world Mao won or "treed -by every division of the limp re, .ampt Wale. sad New Z••l.nd, England claim - log 29, South Africa 10, Svotlaed 9, Apt• 'ralia 4, Uryd& 3 !reload 2, and lndla 1. ooadltlon of affairs is the dispersion and absorption of a0 army ac orated at the mediation of • wit. The oonelderaltoe .netil.tee a prob em *hick Dell. for the vivo*, of an Intelligent patriotism on the part of the people Reser ally 0. well as o1 the elder -themselves to solve. Bear.og is mind the laot floe system eaves them from the burden of punter entry maintaining a large armed force the public should be prepared even e1 the oat of temporary woneoes 10 1.0111.1• the prooese of &Moretim With us in kande In eon - meow' with the war just ended the problem is but • small Doe, yet It shcald call for the reedy reoovnition of the meagre of respontibihsy which exists on the pat o' the pe'ple towards the returning e'Idtere. Every renplovsr sh, uld teed it. to be • duty he owes his country to assist in provldlag remunerative pnsltioe' ler the young mea who have been in the field. E•i ry returelns oo'per should lees that duty of olt ztoship la ow goal ,n Important* to his country with 15. loyalty tad patriotism which ao'neted bra 1r, Hakim ►4 LIN for that asa.try in the hour of seed. The reooeoltiw of th1e dad res`pwisiblllty .haul I make the proems el re•beorpticn very simple. A WISE MOTHER. AC rED LIKE MAGIC• • French Gentleman's *platen el Dodds &Matey rine and ,teat They did ter ■Im. Sr. 'JRUAIN, QCs., August 11-(3peolal) Saralee Barrette of this place says :- "For more than 15 years I suffered with • serene malady of th• book and kidneys whioh osusod in. horrible polo.. "1 tried many doctors bat the relief I could get mw only temporary and the Cease always returned. I suffered almaes beyond sodorante. 1 had rheumatism as well as beak ache, and I would rather die than suffer apes the way I did. "Alter trylog the doolor'. Mast moot and almost everything de without any good ✓ esult, 1 began to use Dodd's Kidney Pilo They anted almost like Eagle. I am mow le oer,wt health and work every day.'' Tee Strewing reNlartltl of Me Farmers' laminate. lar vlaw of the great suOoes4 of the Far• mere Letitate as a moue of eduo•tion In Ontario, the Dominion Department of Agri oultars has endeavored to oo-1perate with the 'amens loos! departments In establish - tag and Improving similar systems io their respective provinces. Trained speakers hays boon sent to seise In the work in other peevinoes, and the best available men in thew promisees have been pressed loco ser 1,m, 001 only 1. their own province, but in others as well. By wending able and ot- servant men from one provinos to another In chile way we hope to ret together o thor- oughly capable corps of Iotitute works, familiar with the agricultural eituattoo sod r. qutremeots in all parts of Canada. Prof. E. J. McMillan, of Charlottetown, 1'.E I.. Supt. of Farmers' losticutee, eta , hes peep trod • skalob ot the work abroad) at:oompllthed 1n Prince Edward Wood, which may be of Interest and benefit so those otereetod 1n o,noaltural *dueler% an otter prerelease. According to Prof McMillan ;- "The organization of Farman' Imtitutes n Prince Edward bland was first ander- uken in Jane 1901. At that time the Hoe. Benjamin Rogers, Commissioner of Agriwl tare, assisted by the writer. sad two exper n need lestitota workers supplied by the Doter snout of Agr/mkare at Ottawa, held mastic's el farmers to the different 'maims of the Provinoe, for lbs porposs of discus- og the advantages of the Institute system. Am aresalt of there meetings the lir lo cion of ewen'y Institutes war completed bit fon the end of the year. "The Farmers' Is.Wlute system of Priam Edward Island 1. twofold In Ica alms. It seeks to °ambles the damtimal features of the Ontario system with the faclhtl.s for dealing 10 live stock afforded by the old Agrtoslturai Societies' plan. Each organ!. sato. 4 • Farmers' Iostltlie and A'rtnol. Loral Society wmbtosd. A goveroment 'rant of $50 Is paid annually to each Soci- ety, which earn at least 50 member. enrolled, and eolle1M $40 per ver 10 fees. The to'al membership up to Deoemb.r31M, 1901, wa. 1624, and the •motet subscribed 1. feet was 5911.60. Ths rmelpta of the lostitute from all warms amounted to nearly $2.000. This money was expended to the parohese of pan bred stock and In defrayloft the ea ponces of lecturer.. Thirty three meetings, chiefly for purposes ot organ'satlry were held during the Itn1 year. At the begin - eine of the present year a regular erten of Iostltute mooting, was Baal sod oar- rld out meow niftily. Several speakers were employed and various agricultural toptos were hroogt up for disco sloe, °h'ef among wh1, h were, dairying, bog -raising and ohlok.n fattentoe. As ell of these are live iodastres at present, the interne man Jested In the meetings were great. The .t end•ote throughout was good, ful v 2,000 people being brought in cootie% with the lecturers, who were not slow to t.ks ad- vantage of every opportunity to Impart les- sons of practiosl value. Alrsaly the lnflu- mos of this public dispassion of &griraltnr- al questions 5. shown In an increased inter- est Is everything which makes for the ad- • ino.mat of the calling. The' demand tor pare bred stook for breeding purposes, wbloh has more then doubled dur;ng the pestear, may be Med as one Instance of s benefit already derived from the Iotltotee. It may ales be shown that an advanoement has take. plate along other lines. The peo- ple real.ee this and are anxious that more educational meetings Mould be held. "During the mos'.h of July • seras of mld- s.mmer lectures were given before the In- etilotee by Prof. H. 11. 1).sa and Mr. I1 'Drummond, representing the Dominion De- partment of Ayrlenitore,beeldes I lo- cal speakers. With nos of two exoeptlons where the advertising failed, they were • grand "ammo. The farmer, turned out well and manifested • dose tn'er,sb in the meet - Ing.. 1 weaty•wven Institutes were ,!sited, on afternoon and evening meeting held at mob. The average attendant,at the after- ooan meetings was between 60 and 60. while In some Instances there were ever 100 peo- ple present The Illostrrld leeteres on dairy cattle which formed the chief feature of these meetings were entirely new to our farmers and were well reoelved. The seer- ess attendance •t the evening mee+iare was folly 100. in thee. too, a markei Intermit was taken, and fres dl000selcn was indulged to. until, la many instances It was 11 ,'olok before the meeting oeald be brouthe be a Mose. Prof. Dow, as was expeotd, has dm. .:sanest work. It cams le me that we woes very fortunate to get his servless jest et this dine, as the 4.irylsit bnsfnees bas not town growing moth of bite, and 1 tool sere that we may have a reveal of then Indmtry wh he 110. 501". Mr. Drum - send, bee, has given .xosllent.usfaetIon The peep's wore very favorably tmproaeed with bus work 5. live stook, and le ether line.. We should Itle to have bots smile - men agate. The ImpresMo.s treated by these mesteis has hese very 'seeable and i am nosgnenl that the Institutes here have Mee meets slrmgtba.ed 0. • result. few, the olese of M. pretest you w111 wllaers a ee.eldenhle grewth in the Instituto steam ie already swami tile sew org•.IraMaas hays bees e.apklad Mae les this year. rad Holyroov, Oat., Jae 19M.1901. MecL,od Mediate* Co., (idetich, Ont. With the greatest of pleasure 1 write to testify the merits of your Harmony No. 1 sod No. 2 awl Protein Reearg.m. Notwltb- .t nding 'col cursing and all that 000ld be dose for my boy,hs ooetise!, would bays died wily for your remadls's. He is now In per- fect health. My boy was at deaLh'a door with Bright's disease and some .ymptoos ot thebetes,hls test and hoods swelled at tiff M. The heel doctor. failed to help him. We bed to apply bot sell owitfooally over all the joint" of hle body b relieve Me palo, his joints otters turned bleak. At this time, hs led a (sirs appetite, a craving for fool all the time and for oold water as well. Ws heard of you from a friend who had taken your medtoloe for the same trouble and was oared. Then my eldest son went to °oder lei for the medloioes last ()Mohair, and ea my look boy began taking them. imrrove- meet followed every dose. flit. now well, stoat and active as ever he was, and le golap lo Reboot every flay. I am sure you w111 have our best wishes as long as you live. Mrs M. b orraa. Mwiwod'e Remedies, established In 1888, j are the only medicines In Canada wb'ch have sold on their merle without dvertU- log. Address M.oL•od Medlaloe leo , God web, Oot. SEVEN PER CENT. DEAD It to prebabge that more w111 be sided b. - fore 11 Gloms. With an looreealog member- ship and • lively lateestmanifested In the work by Ite members, the barmor s' lus11- tuts system .bode mos become • factor In the p,ogr.s sol Agrloolt urs la tele Prevnoe," F. W. Ramos, Ova Stock Commissioner. •earl. That Are Diseased WIII .ever be oared by the false, uooataal etimulat4o of liquor. First Morisse your vitality, build up the system, streogtheo and purify the bluol-thea the heart will rasp rad tad grow strum,. Paint use le preoissly whet to take, 11 glee. you an appetite and • dlgesn)o that well I wk alter everything that Is eaten. Ferrcwos Improyee nubritto0, makes r,ob vltahr..g blood, and le positively the most powerful rettor.tivs and strengthener know. to.oleoos ; It improve the Dens tour. regulates the beert's aotion,mskes the feeble strum and the slok well. Ferrezene will do you untold good ALK: 00e4 only 50J., at drugglets, or Poles. & Oo , Magee., Dot. Lir. Hamtltee's Pills stimulate the liver. Ths Terrible feel of War 5. 1ea10 •frtrs Cot•ma1od. The advent ot pesos has set British jeer satiate wonting 0o the IAAAN In the war. Prom Oot. 11, 1899, to Jose 1, 1902, In all 31i months ot war, the °ltlmse triumph e) the Bri*ieb arms bas Dost 21,579 Beep Of Our BiNDER TWINE itgoing out fast, We handle Gold Leaf, Silver Leaf and Maple Leaf Brands. &Buy your Twine early as ib may liable of the Si. Lawreaee, From the Obitago Reword Herold. 'ihe oompletenses of the layabout of light- houses and aseoow along the St. L•wrenm Is Indeed quite •ataleblog. Every ma's or Iwo there are flat or °oolcal Iron buoys, some of them quite large and 'taborets, while reef lights are almmt Innumerable Nearly every necessary change of the rudd. r is prompted and marked by range lights w looted that vowels either osoadlag or dm- mediog may easily keep their warm, even though the night be se dark as lbs tradition• al stank of black ate. Fut soros. the br.>ad 1•kelike retches of the river with Its devious *bore line, end frequent Menges of eilreotlm, the bosoms light, *6500 out In • grateful sesuranos of safety, while liaison o0 the other shores there are llgbta by which the pilot can correct his mutes, getting the yellow spots gloaming la the rear In line with the.teady glow of the big lanterns on the shore .heal Thus, nave when the fog blots oub everything and exttoguisbes the lamps under Its damp and heavy tomtit), the wbesleman has his work out out for him, H" Is not obliged to '9e.ro the shore' in the I.bonous sense known to the pilots on the Western mere, bet with a 1 know- ledge of the big 51. Lawrenoe keeps an eye out for the beams. and ru.6es his bot along with oeitber fear our hesitation. A Geed 4arter Dollar's Werth 1e contained 1a • bottle of Poison's Neryl- lee, whioh ours* rhsumstitm neuralgia, sciatica, tootbsobe, beadaohe, cramps, sick etemaa5 and indigestion. Mothers find Nernilias 5. first ohm hutment for ohildren's sore throat, beeriest..., cold In the °hest, and taken In hot wafer before r1lrinp le a splendid remedy for colds. Don't be with- out Ner,llloe ; It lo the most e000mloal, potent and reliable household linimsot m ode, and ooeu only 2o.. Dr. Hamilton', P.ibs cure oonstlpation. Pearce.. 1larvest!Mitts and Whips, Pure Paris Green, Forks and Rakes, in stock, of the best quality. Viso A few '4,0vi Screen Doors and Windows be to Clear oat. '4 1 cKENZIt & HOWELL THE PLACE TO BUY ALL HARDWARR CHKA1D. Relishes, Neese for ('bare\ Ladles. From the Roobester Herald : A good story is Mid of Rochester divine, not noted p.rteoulorly for bar humor. The Ladles' Club of center oheroh was odled to meet at a .b0td time, aid every member was ..peolally Warted to brio, • Item of religious newt. One of the lades probably eoonebemd to dep.adiog more .bio others than eve her own reeourow, Imhof/ heroelt noprepsred with the r.qutslte item as the hoar for the mooting approached, conceived the notion of raining up Dr. Bitok, pastor in another denomination. He rept oded to call on the t•lep'.oe, • hen subetanttally the follow• fog con tion mimeo. Clubwoman -Dr. B auk, I am lust to my way to a mooting of the Women', Club atjthe-Churoh. We are required to Wog an Item of robot us newt. Oen you give me m.' Dr. Blink -Um, ah l The -Church, you say' Clubwoman -Yes. Dr, Blank -Toll them lb.t Jesus Chtla died to sate slasers. • Capital Care Fee neve Threat Is to use al a gar''" a few drory of Poison's Nervibne le sweeteod water, and before retiring rub the throat and chest ,tgoroualy t solitaires Norville'. By morning the so sad Inflammation w111 bays disappeared en• timely. Norville* dr;ves away the pato and ours. sore throat and hoarseness quickly, simply because that'. what It's made for. Buy a 251. bottle from your dearest today. Dr Hamliton'. 1'd1. stimulate the liver. tatter Ates iniad )4, INA heumatism.. la Udo Add In ate Mood. Unhealthy kidneys are the cause of the acid beim there. If the kidneys meted es they should the would strata the Uric Add eta of the system and rheuma- tism wouldn't occur. Rama madam lea Kidney Dia ease. Dodd's Kidney Pille have made a `resat pert ef their reputation curing Rheumatism, So gat at the tone of those fearful shooting pains end slit aching joints. Then 1. but Doe sun way- Dodd's K;. Kidney Jh Pills - _..- NOTICE OF REMOVAL T H B Post ON and Grocery Store IN THE VILLAGE 01 SALTFORD ta nmeved from this data to the more mm- mdloue promisee formerly known as the " Maltland,ille Hotel." The large brisk building has been thor- oughly renovated ; sad a well assorted stook of goods la now offered for sale for the con- venlenos of oastomers from the village and neighboring townships. BUTTER& EGGS TAKEN AS CASH Flour and Feed. Crockery Hardware, Dry Ooode. Boots and Shoos. Tobs000, Canoed Goods, and In general all artlolre t0 be found to an up -to -late Orooery Store always on sale. JOHN WALTERS, Postmaster TO ADVEHTIBERB. NoMoe of ottanges meat be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not it ter than Mon- day noon. Casual Advertisements sooepted eio to nor a Wednesday of each week. much dust." A little flakirceseres mu_nuch sh ooyF, to - shoes. -' -` "As gaged datke finish as It looks out - sick," Is cisaied by the Maless' psios on theesso& of- "The f - "1heSaterShoe" Goodyear T4u.d. Salt ierd, July 23rd. 1912. 92 41 Jordan Block. McKIM'S Goderich, Ont. OUR AMERICAN VISITORS say that from an inspection of our new goods both profit and pleasure will follow. French Flannels. We live • lull rang• of all Die newest for waste. About 40 patterns to select from, In plains and comblo•tlees of the latest colorings, In @trite,. spots, figures, spray and °avetttorse' dMtgne, as well as new silks and velvets for wal.•m. You can- not get anything newer or more stylish es the other side, seen at the higher primes you have to pay. English Cheviots And CANADIAN HOMESPUN% Ib. oorreet materIaIa for skirts and sults. Owing to the prefereethd duty la Canada thaw gads oat be bought •t rye -third lass bare than in the United Sates, and here you are sure of pare goods, as the ditty D eco high ou shoddy or mites to bays them 10110d. French Zephyrs. We have ouly the beet left. They are left because they were too good. Now we put them at the price of the not good kind so we can have thorn all cleared out. You can get nothing nicer tor a summer dress or waist or for evening wear and the prioe is your way. French Zephyr, sold regularly at 404 and 45c, for HEADQUARTERS FOR SHETLAND FLOSS. 041 HEADQUARTERS FOR BERLIN WOOL. All Summer Goods to clear at any price. 25c M°KI M'S BUSY STORE. TAILORING... 1 hays received my New Stook of Suitings, Trouserings, etc., for Spring and Summer Wear. 1f you are getting a new spring suit, • light overcoat, or naything to my line, I Dan plea.. you In goods, fit and price. •501 d7.0ade !'Iodates In Meek. H. DIINLOP, f, f Mcl(illep Mstsal Fire Ittattaor G. FARM AND ISOLATED TOW i PROP- ERTY INSURED. 1 iValne of Property Inenr i up to January, 1901 1R1.01A.t71.00 OTT CRIits AND DIRICI'One. J. R. McLean, pre*. ; T. Fraser viae -pre.. ; he Connolly O. Dahl. W. O. Freese, J. Watt, Jae. Evan., J. O. Grieve, J. Hoene wets. directors; W. a. Rroedfori, Snafo't h, Inepee- tor of Mown ; T. E. Rays, Ssafurth, 'secretary treasurer. AnaNTe- J W. Teo, Rolmesville; James commie( EgmondvIHe ; It. McMillin, Seaforth ; R Smith, Oarlock. Polley-boldere can pay •esdwmane and get their cards reeelplod at Mr. ('rote' Clinton. or at Mol.ean Brea' Palaeeelothtng Rtore, Oode riot. NMI Il ININN 1 INN OUR SHEET STEEL PRESSED BRICK I. •n ;deal covering, either for nes, buildings or impro.ing add once. IT It VERY EASILY AND QUICKLY APPLIED, CHER PERFECT WEATHERPROOF PI01ICT1011, IR FILE. LIGHTNING ANO RUST PROOF ANe0MTt VERY LITTLE. Consider its fine appearance -eta splendid enduring qualities -and slight expense -and d,ude to serve ywr oars best interests by using it. Futest details of information in our catalog. METAUII: RooFINc co., uM11tb. Whotwl. Menue.0erree., TORONTO, CANADA. FOIL SALK BY Geonalt ce & Sliephara A Great Snapp ORSELL'S IS THE PUCE TO GET Eaoestronghing, Metal Roofing and Biding, Dairy Tinware, Iron Pipe and Fittings CHEAP. is oar Ole'. Bap, .1 5o. • pound. of whioh we .ell • barrel a week This isn't our only 'nape as we osrry everything that inn be found In an 00- t -date groo.ry .tore, and our prices are right. The termer' know that they oan always get from us a snap for their prsduos. We draw the line at no Iegttimate trade - everythfug goes : 0I,esware or potatoes, garden stuff or oholoest table China. We deal In all of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., H.dlord bock, Uaderloh n° Huron and Bruce - Loan and Investment Co. GODERICH, - ONT. Sotactma-PHILIP HOLT, K,C. BANN.Ra--THE CANADIAN BANK OF C(IM M E RC E. RBYNASaCORNELL UNDERTAKERS EMB'ALMERS, Etc., \vest side of Square, GODERICH, - ONT. Mstht ,lis promptly answered. S1000 for Sale. Having established sawing and split- ting machinery at my Col and Wood Y•rd at tit head of Nelson stogie!, and having a lar," stock of Cordwood on hand, i am In a position to furnish Brat - oleos Stove Wood promptly and at reasonable rates. Terms, oasis of de- livery. OSloe, Notion St. Telephone 75. F. BARLOW HOLMES. OUR SAVINGS BANK. We aro prepared to receive Deposita front Truet.ees, Parente or Chitdren, in sums of from Fifty (lento to Three Thousand Dollars, and allow compound interest, added) every nix months at rater as agreed) upon. (linguist aro given Depositors, so that they may draw upon these deposits at any time 3, 3>j and 4 per cent. interest allowed on i eps+wtits according to amount and time left. Nil -Pursuant to a late Act of Parliament married women andl miner. have the right to dnpn'sit and draw nut money in their own name. ))epnsitn ran he sent by mail at the rink of sender. Remo%" from your honoeo temptation to Imrglarn and food for the flames. AR tie Company makes mans only on het elate farm property, deposit r. have the strongest 'security for their in - ',momenta, TO BORROWERS. \ This Company ie prepared to loan nn the *hornet notion any AGM neon first cia'e security, Terme are male to .ui harrowers. Straight loan* and amp! interest.. M°RT(lAOf.S PURCHASED -Fur further particular* call at the Company's office, corner of Market Square and North Street, Onderich. l BROPIIEY & SON - THR LEADING - - AWAY 0.‘ \ Q,t<ora:and gh YLu 1oOXtMe's . 1v *Nen carefully attended te aI ■11 hears, ■Igbt or day. Quebec etreel. The POINT FARM, W. L HORTON, F. JORDAN, Manager. President. Wu. PTt°IJDFOOT, +Niru.-Proeid.nt. i)1RFCTOR8 ishan STIteOrReo w1. .1. M. Rna.nT.. 701,11. JORDAN. H DctiLor Wo. Pnovnrooy. Hamar Wiliam, D. 5. Nana. Plum? Rola, K. SEASON OF 1902. OPEN THIS WEEK 1 The improvement's at the Point. Farm being &dvanee,l almost to completion, the Hotel will bo open for guesle this week. The management wish to draw atten- tion especially to the advant.agnn of The Point Farm ao a resort for pleasure partite from town. Every provision will be male for the' reception anti entertainment of such parties. There ie nowhere a more delight- ful spot to upend a day or an evening, and visitors will always he marl*. welcome. II /CAM GL cor .r - The Division between good sad Itdlffereat Dein and A[edlolnee 1s strongly defLed bore. the 1edlf• bent klad are mover ordered sad wow permitted to form pan of omr stook. Only good* of aadoobtd purity are offered to eastomers. Our ,took of Proprietary Medtolnes Is very large. Priem era lew. The Huron, Brace & Grey Electric Ry. Co., Limited, P.O. Sox 73. doderfoh, Ont.. MiII Wood FOR SALE F. JORDAN IdEDIOAL HALL, HELLO RV!1/4 yjg! THE OLD - RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF The alove is cut into stove wood len;th and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orden received by telephone or left at residence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. Outierich, November 21.1, 1899. 66.3m COAL r e ALWAYS ON HAND l" THE e.N:a.-�.s:•^'xa:;ylg't Scrii1ou Bard Coal IN THE MARKET Al Coal weighed cm the Market Scales whirs foulest Leo !bm for a tin. WM. LEE. Orders left .t LE1 a B8fY8AADr8 Stere promptly attended te. Coal! tjoal! *'10*- JUST RLUEIVbD 1 Car Massillon Washed Nut Coal. 10 ° it This Coal V good foe @teem and grates -la easily lighted and eyes out a grime beats. 1 Car West Virginia:Lump Coal. , 2 Car Scranton Hard Coal. Mestllon Washed N.1 30 .fes. pmt 100 lee, . $1315.150 Nr tlslr. " GIVE IT A Wm. Campbell. °dertoh, M•rob 10th 1902 00 YOU BUY GROCERIES? No one who buys Uroeeries can afford to overlook the bargains which we offer on every lawful business day. Our Oroeeries are of the heat quality, and the prices are as low an first -clang gcods can be bought at if you ore not alnmdy dealing with ns, make a trial purchase, and wee if we cannot suit you. STry -2° az co. THR OROCERR, WERT SIDE SQUARE. IllarGoods promptly delivered. Telephoto Na Si