HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-8-14, Page 44 THURSDAY, August 14, 1902. GREAT OLEARING SALE OF Hats and Summer Clothing. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS 1 I BARGAINS 111 We are determined to clear out every vistage of summer good. We will not keep goods over in this up -to lisle store ---the goods mutt gni in the season they wero intended to. Mark our prices. Every article is a bargain, ant • big bargain, too Awake to your interest aad call shad see the bargains we are offering. Straw Hats at Half Price. Every el raw bat in the stere-aad we have some nice ones -at azaatly half prloo. 12 50 sod $3 00 Part 1'sdo•• Hots for $1 50. 12.25 Pearl Fedora Hats for 11.25. Christy's $2 sad $5 00 brows sod sate for 75o. Mens' Summer Clothing. We have • number of broken lines In lawns and greys wblob will eo at • ber,;aie. If your sire le hers there t' a Bering for you of from 12.00 to $4 00 $13 snits rednood to $9 00. $12 " " S8 00 SIO " " .50. $10 " 596. 116 50 " " $5.00. Boys' Clothing. In 50 sults reduced to $4.98 15 00 •' $4.60 14 50 ".e $350. l4 oo •. zcv+:-m , , $2.50. Cell early or the size you want may be gone. WO. PRIDHAM. Perfect Fattier Cl.tbi.g Hoose. Neo'. Clothe., Furnisher sed Hatt". ght le PORLIaliaD EVERY THURSDAY MORNING nit w. meHeMtaltHei ai YODRRIOH. THURSDAY. AUe. M. UM THE CLINTON POSTMASTERSHIP• Dame Rumor has it that the urbere editor of our to -al contemporary will soles the Poetmaater.hip problem by taking the office humsclf. 'rhe Neave -Record would not ob jest to his app,intment, not by any man- ner of moan,. for we are pleased to see in re then the c umb, fall to newspaper men who have barn the b,.rdeu and heat of the clay. We trey eve, moreover. he would make a good pnstmaater, though a'l of his good qualities would have tos`.ine forth to enable him to give n per!eet satisfaction as dos Mr. A Porter and his able assistant, Hee Aggie Porta, -News -Record. 151, is very kindly mid, and we ap- preciate it, hoping that the mate friend- liness may characterize future comment from the same source. We admit ales the troth of the last seutenoe, (of better Ner- ve* cannot be given than the public hoe rewi ved We could dispose ot the rumor in leas than ten wore', but the nuttier suggest. a little discussion the. may not be amis. A comfortable government situation, at fair rrmunerat:mr, is Daily preferable to nth. p:rplexitis, annoyaoi•ea and un ertam- tis of the newspaper business ; it oe tain- ly would not he any hauler work, and the finon•ial returns would at lent be certain ; wtich th y are not in newepeocr work. But the p-ople of West Huron elected tho editor of this (aper W be their parlia- mentary representative, aad we assume that the people of this or any other constituency have a right to expect their representative to he true to whatever truet 1+ repulsed in them The editor believes that certain principles should govern public men and one of theme ei that a public man 'Mould not apparent himself to olree simply because he ha the power in hie o . is hands to d , so. - He intends to live up to that principle and we can, therefore, amnure our totem with- out any ill -feeling or mental reservation, that Dame Rumor is incorrect in thin in- ranie, a. she has been before concerning thc(post of ee,•n,I in qui e likely to be a sin, before a postmaster is appointed or the new building comp'etel.-Clinton New Era. The opinion,'expremed by Hr. Ho1.Mm', 11.1' , in the columne of The New Kra, hare the right ring, but we behove there to • feature to the political view which he hu overlooked. t1 ithi: the next six month% it is quite poeeiblo that a redistribution bill may be brought before the House of Com mons, and as Huron county wan one of these., wiljoit muttered severely from the gerryttlitrider of 1982 nothing in plainer than that the wrong wife be. righted by the Lii,- oral party. In that event it is hard t, say where Mr Holme,' lot will he cast or where be may be situated in the shake-up Thin fact, to our mind, is a goon and suMi- cient reason why Mr. Hot•wru should Oast an anchor to windward at the present juncture. THE SIGNAL i% the original Hotting news- paper, and the editor of Ten SIONAI, is the 'original Holmes man," but we we no roes on Inc Mr. Reuses not accepting the Poet mastership of Clinton in the near future. He hu fought two har.l political conteetu, ono hu thus plated hi, party lealen under obligation to him; he (relieves in the princ•i- le the' po'itical honor, should pass around and not remain in possession of any one man unless he lie of pre-eminent ability ; he ie an upright end capable man and would make a trustworthy public official. There ie no reason why he should not receive the appointment. SUMMER TOURISTS. THE summer tourist business in (:oderich and vicinity ha, been particularly large this year, end the indication% are that it will be greatly increaesl in future yam. I:odench is easily acre Ode from the large American rices on the lakea,and has *treacly attained a reputation an a mum rer mart. "My customers, In almost every case, are highly pleased with the results of IRON -OX TABLETS and so buy them again. They think Fifty Tablets, so beautifully put up and containing iron, good value for their money, e itpedally as they also serve so nicely as a regulator of stomach and how- e1R,"--e. R. Ibex, Druggist. Godericb. out. Pelee $S Cent. 1 e T hie, with the fact that the facilities for accommodating tourist,' have been vitally improved, will be a determining factor in the future towards bringing in a larger num ber than heretofore. The erection of the Hotel Coderich dur ing the past year, has demonstrated the necessity for increased accommodation for the summer trade, and the large number of tourists who have come hither this summer, despite the unpropit nus weather is very gratifying. Ts Point Farm, which was chimed up this spring, lou been reopened with gratifying results and Menesetung and the Park Howe also have'sone a fairly prosperous (rale. N ith tie construction dr the new railway motion and an improved railway time table for passenger trains during the mummer month' there is no reason why that portion of the eastern shore of Lake Huron adjoin- ing I:oderich should not become one of the moot attractive centers for tourist trade in Canada. DIED AS HE LiVED. TItACY, the desperado who for some time put had terrorized • large part of l )re- gi, wan fina'ly driven to bay, and perish- es( by his own hand. A munlerer many times over, his hand was against every wan and every man', hand was against him. For weeks he went from place to p'•ce and always with a sheriff's posse or a bunch of vigilance men in ful cry, until finally- he esu r•hase,l to a wheat field with two bulletin in his leg, one severing a main artery which would have vaumei death uresis • the bent conditions. The outlaw endeav red to wive the flow of h'ow by tightening a n rap o,cr the injured limb. and then, when he found that bin eff M'ts wereunaysiling, rather the, fall aliveeinto the hands of hie pursuers be deliberately' p'acel the muzzle of the re- volver to his forth ad and blew the t p of his heal off. TRacv had the physical bravery of his kind. He cared for no ma1,'e life and wet reckless of his own Hos death should prove a warning that a ruminal cannot put himself up against law ant order and h -pe to win out. The wager o f'sin ie death. SNAP SHJi S - Jrrrrsa Pirvicahas been the heaviest cold water adto ate thin season. - JOAN of Arc's plate, in history is an e nrol, whether she be canonized or not -The man who keep,' tab Pays that the indications are for dog days m December. -it will soon be Presid.nt Boucot v m.T't turn to entertain the Filipino generale - General .FARM Mitran, the "water -cure" man, ham been put on ice by President fto oast' ELT. -The tamest way to get clone to eke KING or Jou GIIAMRIRLAIN is to have h en a lin r general. -A Busman does not become Of age un- til he is twenty -mix. Aren't you glad you are not in Ruuaia, girls --The Francophone editor ot T he Hamil- tonSpertator hasn't a won) to say shoot the utterances of F. 1). Mote, M. P. -HRRRRRT L/AnOC, hasn't worked up a single political fake in North York in the past ten days, which in pawn "ft strange. --That ('analien arch hap been attract ng great attention in London sinee it turned down the Right Hon. Jos CH AM MARLA1N. -The Marlene at the capital have raise) their isle, and the civil mer' -ant* are in a tremble lest the note -shavers will follow twit. OOM PAUL has Menet a ukase that any man who supe song with KtTs•tsRrra can- not pat his feet nnder his (Peet's) ma- hogany. -Milk is $4 50 in the i'hilippines, and the U.S. •uthnritin, have in some more endeavor. 1 to fill up the natives with water. -An eligible bachelor refers to the hat - lees girls re "Oilstone" -her'anse, he Pay., they never appear on the emote without their crswnc being In ori -'one. -Editor MacAlama, of the Samden Pay - streak, is once more on the outside of tee jail walls. The only regrettable feature ie that the chaps that pot him in are Mill rent -The Ottawa barber. will raise the prim for nutting hair to 25e nn and af- 'er Aug. 19 The men in Ottawa sari esmtly have great heals, and the barbers *re not among the pin•heada, either -The scientists mow say that kIamenei'0 evstem will not week, hot t.nen the aciwn- titte In s.11 aro have hewn almost snarl( me ns against imprnvwmenta upon existing condition*. it 1. within the yet nevsaty. THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO five years that the scientists declared that railway travel at twelve miles an hour was an iwpo+ul,iltty. -To hear The Mail prate about the "Ross :cubists" ate would thiuk that WitITNIM did not have a module and hail never hoard of Aisa'a Waiuuua, Boa BIRMl]UItAM, or ' Stony Mountains Cush I,ERI.AIN. -The rumor that The Mail hod scared lion U. W. Ross so badly that he had de- cided to stay 011 ' he other aide of the At- laetic, is without foundation. He is dated to sail for Canada on Aug. 16 -The aanounuement that Hon. O N. Rues will start for home presently hu put our esteemed cont•mporsry,Tbs Mail, on the "'wither" in reference to the "popular ma- jority." And the reason has not been tun hot either. ert OF LOCAL INTEREST. Mirnisu A VIAL -II M now a year sloes Harry Oetyka disappeared from 1'lattev.11% and be lamely believe he has lien murdered. tie was employed ly en exer.ee oompsey in Buffalo, aad duappeered one day just afar bevies visited h's home to Plaskrul., H. had ea bin whoa he 1,11 Pts►tsvdl. 1100.1 wilob to malted to h4 wile 1n U.rmaov to eoms home with as soon se be marled Balalo. He was semi Malkin; to a "franker is tie clay, bat that was the wt trace of 51m. He was accounted • nod wcrknee by the Adams /express Co His melees ',ogee, $60, were waiting; tor him to °Isla. His domestic relatless were of elm happiest eater" and he had no reales to disappear volaatarlly. EDUi'ay1o11 DlPAKTMgNT•.s AMINDMRN1b. -Toe fellowt.g ameedmesu to the resalatlone for 1903, approved Judy 1902, have bees mads b the Ontario E iaoUo. D•pertmeat : Part 1 1a•i.r Lwvms.-Thare will be an ezam- -nano' 1n 1903 for potato wheel Maytag or Part 1, Jouster Leavtmg Stasdiag. (Raula- time 28 aad 45.) Part II Junior Lone i sp. -At the sssmtaatio.. for 1903 a oaadldat. for Port 11 Janke Leaving Standing wise eleota this chemistry metes may omit Latex, but be will be rsgeire4, If he sx• ernes this privilege, b obtain 60 per oat. e• the toot. (Regolattoes 43 (3) and 46 ) .lu•lor Lawler Standier.-Aller Jane, 1903 a Page Il. Junior L.avtog oeru4ate will aims fall Jester Leaving Standing. 1f e sdersed sed certified to by any bleb •cbool prbetpal or pab'Io school un.peotor e l•b a statement that the holder has cokes the required soaves is all the subjoins (gec- erep'fy, history, drawing, bookkeeping, reading. ate,) for Part 1. Junior Leaving 3: andl d • goer sari I Roper te-Iso 'id- ioms to lee requirement" preeerltd to sselatloe 43 (3) the Rano* of no csodldat. 'or • Part I1. Junior Laving oertlfioat. .ball be teeladd by i h. staff la tie 000fi- lesrsl report who bat nos m$Wfeotorlly ,ompl.ted the Mares for • Part 1 Jan'o- La.vtng oeraecete. I) strict Ceruflates - h:,aml•atloes w111 be held as heretofore for U .trlet osrttgutes, but snob certificates all be awarded only at tte nga'e: of the l •aety board of Et.m'oen where there Is soarotty e1 teachers, and with the Nc- ,arre•cie of the Minister of Education-. i Rs,ulatlees 44, 93 and 64.) Theme so- otencemesk will to no respeet effect the re a•nira@ests for matrialatlon as presorlbd tit the University Au.. (:*Maria AT TouoNTo -Taira will sot be a Province or a ploy of territory In be Dominles that will not be represented at the exhibition to b, held 1n Toronto this rest tram Monday, Sep'. 1e', to 8a'urday, lap'. 13 b. To mark their agpreolatfo, of his try Oaths of the country's oosfl fence, .5. executive have Ineraad the pr z, list Gaul sow 1t is prosily boasted that. with .paolals, .pwar's of $37 000 will be dWtrlb u ei in pro s among the azb:bitor', "iso-,ev- .ntbs of ',blob w111 fled ha way Ls the agrl w'taral ooamanliy. NMI" this large aulla ,,rove the magnitude of the exposition, the aterprlt, el lee managers, and the oompre- 1-rud.esees of the exblbits, the facts that 130,000 is te be spent la &Oraotloa and 'r eolal fe awes, tie la'est !aviation as well -e the latent; m. novelties le the amamat world, and bol•dbng 17,000 for mushy, shows that while the agricultural and lade, - trial Interests of the aottry are to be well eoked steer, the people'• ajoyment will not be s.klsot.d. Amerta aad Europe nave been assured for all the la beet in •eery Ilse of aurae:den. Rolo,+l Klrally, the ere %feet muter o1 spectacle en earth, nae bees gemmed to produce 1e all It" brll- 1,.soy and korgesaass big 'tepee/cue pro lu , IO,, ''Tb. (baa'", *blob was the woe for of L ado. Her , at Olemple for • year. sod that Wooly one o1 the rally mosey Matures that bays either bees ,'gaged er .r. being negotiated for. Thse there are he new dairy budding and the new art 0 Merv, weal will greatly loons, the value of the exhibition a a teeter in the d- uaation and Memo ion of the people. is th• lalry bedtime not only will there be exhi- bits of dairy produces, manacle, and se es, but lectures and demon 'teatime will be given twice dally In a ball provided with •eating s000tmmdalon for 600 people, Het Mood rates will, of oma se, be evallable on all Mees oI travel, Wa.rcmr FAIR, LONDON. -10 lbw days of marvelous aobtevemeok mea bays sl- aved, sewed to be enrpeleed, no matter what strange novelty may ,'poser, and yet we have jest Lareed of a ,esatlonal fat of unman okI1I sad daring that oomeale ant - eerie' wonder and admlratoa. 11 te ailed he Ovale Dazzle, and was orldwted by he world lamas king of hazardous.x- o'oits. The sot le pertormed on lbs small- est racing trek ever onoetrooled and one nalll at an angle of 74 aegrw. to this strange eiraeatre two men and two women •n Worries perform teats so marvelous that they defy dssortptla. One o.• toarcely Imagine the Needle speed tbal most be at- tained by these daring riders on snob • •rack, to net as naught oompletely the law of gravitation. Thn directors of the Was - ern kale Aswlation hays lartueately been neaoeetst in securing the sweeties for the thou.a.ds who w111 visit Leaden from Sep '.101,0, 124) te 20 h. the date of the treat .xh Winn. Another •eeattonai marvel rho he thrilled tboteande In the States '111 he at the exhibition In the person of Prof. Hatohleon, the Haman R,mh. He takes • tremendous Babe la 54. Imre..« balleei-bed makes a peraobor• drop by using projected from a booth, sa•peedd at he lower panes of the 11 •.tieg gas bag. Roes Naysos and her wonderful finok of 63 'rand tropial birds Mould win unstinted edmlratlee from 1 f ornithological steely. Taw birds are meetly 000kateee .red m,ate., and show phenomenal istell,- genee. Tse m.rveleae Moanpsdee, or one - wged aorobak, Measles aid ito Ore w, will meant their flit -slaw hoc,. Intel lar sol, which has filled vaudeville houses Is all parts el the oestt.es4 Among the other acrobat% spsoialttee will be that of the (haat-., three of the etovaest artists b the atalati° world ; and the leer Bard Brat , famous fee the atetlahmeots they have bresgbe le spell booed sedimo.., with their Ambwsrd aad forward somw- sant e. ess sway., doubles and twisters ; and then then w111 be se hand the four ralslktle OIM.e., with their amends' sMentrielsiea aad neveltee. They are an - rivalled amed(ra, •Inger, and der owe b an set over "Moaned by the °ens, les poll n. The meat flay and his wlfs am the meet enyeterfees weeder workers sed tis. Melissa appears. es any platform. O•y au ranee" any pair of handnn4. fu1sal ■ pes kis, almost latenkneeasiy, la • manner entirely feexpllabl., hot Ids prat- tler taro 10 the wonderful Creek mystery. I%Heels Monism Jews, (,aeada's great..* lady cerast vlreet ee, w111 appesreemy a/ - weeny end gamine b mashen deasedieg the matis*a of teebale•I .5111. The 9ie- weeks display bee bees pl.mael aloe, limes salsultetsd le padees use I5s $ Issmry STYUISIINESS for tbe ladies. COMFORTABLENESS for tbe fees. RUiiGEDNESS for the children. t, We've picked our stock acconling to these ideas. And style doesn't leave out durability. Neither do -e long wear sacrifice looks. It needn't and it doesn't. All-round shoe goodness for every member of every family. As low as $1.00 a pair As high as $5.00, but all worth what you are asked to pay. W. SIIARMAN of oolor ever seem Is Woolens Ootarle. Ocber spatial attractions are belay arranged for aad each steads pre eminent la 1r ohm. V..., it department of the exhibition is beton strosgth.oed and Imp/evil and In each naso a digitises adva.a ever provisoes veers has been looted. Altogether the Wasters Fair of 190E b. oo.bd.ety expected to ex eel IM iltatrloae predecessors In the *alto of exhi t bl a the excellence of epatlol programs and oonssmlet Interest to visitors from all ports of the P.orrnoe, and indeed to add to the sotnmslaIsd glory heaped up by this .xbibittea during put yawn. WHA r 01 HERS ARE SAVING. PDT 111M$IiJ OUT OF er911110+. To mato Telegram : Usltad States paper' any r oould uoderokad bow Kitchener moa d be • general aoa not want to writ* for the mages ors And now Kitoteaer has simply srruok himself off the list of great "oldie s by rdalag to tiger* in a flash light pbo ograpb. COIDIT WHIR, C*IDIT 19 DUE. The Hommel Sear : Ontario now has ltoepe.l the extern of hemlock logs to the Mloh'g an m 1 ., wbwb were begitolr g to fled them a lair subetteui• for the f, rbtddee (antdun pine pearl° ie determined to employ Ookrlo labor and capital In the e taeufactare of it raw materiel-- which W an Indication that O.rano'e bead a level. *ram. WAIL DILIVIRT AND TAVIRN9. I °solos Advs., s -e : A Mn neaplls paps my. that the .orsad of rural mall delivery la r..iabg 15. coon'ty tavern basiee's threogh.ant an" S ■t.. 'fie tavern k, aper, olalm thee an 1"r the o d regime til a farmers wall drive n'o Iowa daily te oollect tte r mal la the gaol, elu'-abio-d way, and would them adjoare M the tavern and gee - sip, or "wap et ni w, Tale sed to a prolong- ed s'ay, a -.d melee drinkhog sad trestle,. By the • • k ng of the rural delivery al. the trade has ben done away with, and the rsy- aces of the taverns much diminished to oesseq area. 0(9 WII.FRID 19 ALL RIOKT NOW. Tie Ottawa Journal: Sir Wilfrid Leads/ le to be pr.... d with IN' freedom of the city" by E.l.ah.rab, and the oom pllmost wall be p'eatene to him, io view of ban admiration of the Rabb, which he u ▪ .14 to express fee quest', le pr.va'e thatch Acoordlae to his friends, Sir W ultrld tells a story tb.t one of the 000uleus on wb'ch be las Isle that be was really sot all be should he was alien the Hen J.mes Sutherland, prier to 1896, was ono* obapereel.g him ►mead Oxford sweaty, and introduced him a "tie leader of our party," to a gigantic te oat 7.,rra Satoh Orfs. The Sarclmaa took 8.r Wilfrld'a band In bus vat par and "bo. k It for immoral minute., wltb hearty expresslem Ie brood Satoh of greet's' sad approval. Then. backlog off and serveyla, Laurier from had rola'. be e j undated, '' M a, but It's a pety y: re est Satoh." Ksdowed alts the freedom of Edinburgh, 8 r Wilfrid cath►to be Sooton •ooagh for anybdT. AN.-TARR CA01 OF OONTtNPT Weedlike -1i Sentinel -Review : rh. com- ments of else tr,•e on the oommlttsl of 5'•1 - tor McAdam. of British Colamoia to Of for orltl, sing the bench are amusing as w. I1 as for the most part tensible. Mr. • McAdams expressed the eplalos that some ase hada poll on the ooart la that Provision, la ether words, that the it: 1g.r were sub Fee to corrupt is finance. Well, we bare ewes quite as bad titers as file In (Mario. The Premier of a province le surely quit. a big • man es any of the jade's. Now the orltiol•m of Hitter MoAdaa of the boob Is mild ampere] to that levelled spalaet Premier Roes every day in the week is Oo. tare. Mr. Roes ban been celled a political fess. He has been o'seribed as a ham sod corrupt public mat, who keeps • rang o1 orlmmals Is his employ, who through soot •gemeee has corrupted Mo people, deb•ueb• d the efftclal., stolen ballots, .ad °.neral y de- moralized the public life of the Province. Mr. McAdams lies la jail in tiro i 11 Columbia for a half humorous r.fsresoe to the beoob, shite the editor' of Ootarlo fro cheerfully on In their unary career blasting with fierce lsvecttve the reputations of ma who are above the ju lies, imamate as they rake the laws, and sometimes nomineta the judges of the country. 1f 15s'sotence el Edher McAdams were warranted (which w e ere not prepared to concede) we tremble to think what measure el justice should lie meted . u to some newspaper a Ilton that we know of In O ita/ie. Jail ce lo that P ovine" ran sever get its own In the aver• age ethereal 1.fe time. The elms of tome of our edl.o • cam only be rzptated-ve'l ae shall not look late the berme. . At Your `I Door: Oar handsomely illus- trated 100 page Catalogue will be sent you on appli- cation. This will place the largest and choicest Jewelry stock in Canada at yo•r disposal. We are doing business on the closest possible margin of profit, guarantee safe delivery of goods and cheer- fully refund money if you are not thoroughly satisfied. Ryrie Bros., rag. and Adelaide SN., DIAMOND TORONTO. NALL, Established 1854. STRACHAN'S Now are You? Do you %user from cnnatipa- tion? Does your liver need re- guleting ? 1a your digestion trcn,hleeome? Do you softer from headache? Irmo, youahouldtake Salt every day. This harmless took and system cleanest- will regulate every organ and will remove all t he unpleacen I featnren t hat at lend • sluggish liver. Your health and spirit. *111 he en Improved that your friend* will sroreely know 7011. Pls•raat te fake-- hely 5.... Wei. bet be mere ttW yew gel Si. g•iiel•t " Ak0ey's. ''hose 91 �J. H. COLBORNE3[cashd$Cj DRESS MUSLINS. For the last two weeks our Drew Muslin' Bale has busn satisfac. tory. We still have about two hundred yards left, which must be cleaned out at any price. Some of theme ars pat as low es 8 CENTS A YARD -JUST NAL.P PRICE. GINGHAMS •t z 'iia Too we are selling regardless; of cost. Just note these pikes ; 280 FOR 150, AND 200 FOR 12(0. A job lot of Embroideries both in edgings and insertions, at about lief price. ' A lot of new Dress Tweeds, Homespun. and Friezes from 20e to $1 25 Cosmopolitan Patterns. 'Phone 86 J. H. COLBORNE What is a Sponge ? Some my It la the ekeletoo of a 'abater. le. mantel. 0bbereobis 11 to the vegetable king- dom. All class it as A NECESSITY. IVit have a new apply. Surpassing valuers. See our Baas from 5, to 25o. Theyare worth m.re, Fine Imported Cigars. American Toilet Articles. We pay spool •tismt"e to these Uses. Try its for web Maes at :- LYON'S TOOTH POWDER, ZYMOL8 PREPARATION'S. the hlgb-,lass antesptlo terla artistes. POZZONI'S POW UERS, TRILL/ W'8. HOYT'S, 4It:ELEY'S sad many eshee Uses. WE LEAD 1N PERFUMES. Try the sew owe, Flare lora, Pink Patsy, Cs wins Carsattese, Czarba Vlelek, etc'. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, ' - MEDFORD BLOOM' .•ds. IT'S IN THE All?. Everybody knows about S.W.P. It's success is in the air. It gains fame for itself with every gallon that's spread on a house. Uniform good quality has given it a popularity greater than any other paint on the market. When you want to paint a build - SOLD BY ing, inside or out- side THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT will do it better and more econom- ically than any other. It will wear longer, look better and cover more surface. It's a paint with a reputation found- ed on merit. Ask us for color cards. N. D. RO UGV /E, The Cash Hardware Store. Ooderich, Ont. Hammocks Our line ot Hammocks this season ranges from 75c to $15,00, We handle the famous "Stag" brand, known for their durability and fast colon. A 34 z 72 Hammock, fall colored, with pillow j1,50 A 36 t 76 Hammock. 1a11 oolored, with pillow .... ............. . 2,00 A 36 x 76 Ham rock, full adored, pillow aad dreary 3.00 A 40 z NO H.mmock, full mitered, hiss or bleak, silk wars poles, Mowdnpary Mow.. 4.50 Croquet Sets, 4 Balls, 511 Mallet, $1.25. Croquet Sets, 6 Balls, 6ti Mallet, $1.50. PING POND tte`'t;s 'ss Full se, wooden rackets, 4 balls $100 i- g,, ,,4 Fall set, skin rackets, 4 balls 2.50 2.50 i iij i i, MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP -AT THE OLD) STAND- Victoria Street, Boderich Full set, vellum rackets Serpi Paper Rackets, separate, 50c. Wood Rackets, separate, 25o. Balls, 5c each, 50c a dozen. KIDD'S BOOK STORE JAM. A. STRAUHAN hes taken over the plant and buena@ ooeduot.d "eoee•slally for so many years by hie father, the late i). K. Striatum, and Isuode militia' the 'Mop In the mal open date mem ns, possible. He will maks • speolelty of all hied% of rspairle, such ae Threshers and Engines, Binders, Mowers, and all kinds of Farm- ers' Implements Mill Machinery, Marine, 8ta- i onary and Portable Engines tioroughly overhauled andre- Dai red. Pipe and Steam Fitting. Machine and Blacksmith Work of all kinds done to order. All the Specialties manufactur- ed by the late D. K. Strachan will still be made on the prem- ises. (lap of Mate fee psrtleslars. ,. Jas. il. SUacVau PURE INGREDIENTS. Every drop of water, every ounce of flour, all of every ingredient that goes into Par- nell Dean's Bread is tested for its purity and its nutritive value. Wo use the best ingredients to m,.ko the best bread. Parnell Dean's Bread is best by far. Contains 20 per cent more gluten, is lighter, whiter, sweeter and richer than any other bread. It in made in the cleanest bakery in ('anada.. Order it from W. P. WESTOBY, /1iN St, AOLNT, i'.