HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-8-14, Page 3Don't Worry ! Cheer Up ! USE for the Octagon Sar. i?'Aic.vi, leeire%rilgifige 8132 el eencrenePal t remgargiVelLe € A LESSON IN TILLAGE. pelsartment of Agriculture, moaylure woul•I rIw to the surface, The texture or phyla -al oon.11ton I anal parr off into the atmosphere of the rota is hau•ly always more ' by evaporatlou. By making these purer very ,ouch lsrger near the wpdortan4 than its more riehnerr 10 our(aee, tiln rootsture lu a dal pont fool. • Every fernier knows, ' la Its upward movement, and Ohl. ur should tante, that 0 hard and 1 result ran be eincompii1hed by light lumpy cull w.11 K►t grow goof crops, surface cultivut'• 1, which pro- duces n "soil mule'" Thi,. mulch Of Ila natter bow 'Much plant 10011 It Ifo i roil &movers' . t the same may contain. A eta r t0.1. whkb hay purpose au n board hold in cut- est; producing cropy fur any num- 'the toff the direct r, lueelioe of num- ber of yea,* may 1w ed. air owly au- tb'' cuplllury well with e atmos phere. Ay Noon as the •11 - be - lured by one injudicious p'uughing in owed baked or encru'.tett, to est- • wet time aim to ruin It for the pillory eonneetion with th ut- gruwlug M coup. for two or throe namphPre le renewed, and ':an rim para Thu Wiury 1 to le rho ..pom l- tillage 1s rtptir0I to re-eetab h 7the ',Neil-unrh." flotation of its 1»: »►sial testes*. sot 1t 'slioul.l njwayr be remembered) k1 the lersenin,rt 1(l its frrtQUy. A that a large amount of water is ✓ oWy sob an ay also be S.rQu.if•1 n,cc ary fur a plant, because Its p,tir..1 our ti.• gruwlug� 01 say crop fool TA pi a very dilute .oiutlege, u the uncus, or (4euy4ug urgaulc and that water 14, also, used in build - mailer, be alluw.'l to •Lori• out W lilt plant beams._ it. It becomes knells,. at tielckly MepNnrr Im N-eeesayry le the. Boll, lose. ill' 111o114UP8'. 810.1 41 11‘0mee for without It the action by which excetrvoly hut 4" bright sunra7 the roots are able to capriole the weather. .olkl iarittier of mineral matter an A finely divided, mellow, friable set free plant fool cannot take place. ,ole 1+ more p olu:tIve than a bard As the t!hctritSutlon of ralufkil la lumpy IOU of the hilar ch meal 1.1101- _, beton 1 any grown control the farm-. ps,dtloa. Why Because 1, I.oy ,•r Intel plate his dep•mdrnee under awl r.Lains ties mo.rture; it ho da or,dn:u•y conditions 011 the euovrr_ wore ant'; it permute greater sur- taint► of owl ttyul>ltures .ta.0 to the nits; .1 promotes f.•r Surface tillage. a,al.1 (oeoueat•s tU.ty; It hitt. at Vie dn.uwpos:tee early In the *piing all as to conserve u( Iho m'teral •l''w.•ats; 41-lntsal lrr, for .'%Pry d:n\'s delay niter rateable ,eltrewr. of temperature, th..40,1 Ig Ida 111 ('04il.'On m o14. Ib.• w.1 It-piluvr�y 3.4.t ter vont-hold to hue. d loud Tit the plat((. 1,1 air theme and Outer A.y, hnotement with whom% ey *Wows aro al Ibis when the Skirt talks 1,1 Sampling (lues. FaelJuaed of I ae r hm'rtiaa and stet's* of sheer lawn °f ti►e Nam, width set together Fai ••• 11 r t. . cretin a Is thlr tory dOt t^afhtNre beh,rw r ntlwted. n tnc ReaI . A fairy"ik.' nicht 1(i; of t'aiew"Irlltl• W thee, �►r If title 1're t t LATE NOTES OF FASHION- AN ALLEGORICAL WEDDING GOVT til -DAINTY LINGERIE -GENERAL NOTES FOR THE FAIR SEX From green to red Doane In able's hue turned with startling sudden - neer. No owner have all women in- verted titter impure cash and. Inciden- tally, their lart peony of plc money It getliug green for hat and gown anti hove than the fickle dame who arbitrate* the mules (McLaren that green real' bo land aside and red put ut7 ineto%td. The slew real Ir out a geranium rd, Iter is It a tomato rod, nor can It be called oxrdldal, termlllwt, crimsons or any of those familiar shales. It Ie very far from being the. (lark automobile which hold the o.'Mre of the adage early In the spelug, and It. le 'rathing like the crushef strawberry whlt'l, IMP long been known ae the red of the rum- mer. It le clear fruit redo Fruit red la a diode borrowed from the ,ripe fruit. It matcher the ripe strawberry, the lureiour rap berry, the crutre of the watermelon, the outeete of the pomegranate and the rod! of the ripest ride of the peach. It le a color which hooks he though it were awake, a color wuMat, while tot brllltaut, le good w,ouglt to ant. 'Haat 1e fruit red as It actually looks. tipou hate you see it, trot In the tame alone, but in the actuality% tha stew, plum*, very rwull peached, little apples of tike variety known out "love apples," all are grouped and worntet to trim the wort( or 'separately i r w loackn of Insider the rides. Fruits are also arrairged In the middle of bunches of ribbon, rib - boo ohoux au they are called, and pat rot as hurt and belt bows. The w•mi.kirt IN rather shortening It its td(ot unless' It be worn In the Laugtry manner. Tian Langtry semi - skint Its a. fade of the 1,0141011 r/•uw,u. and. /queen Alexandra halt said that she like IL First there Ls an unlereklrt which is very loner neat very much trimmed and very fluffy around the feet ; then there awe.; the semirkirt, or over- iklrt, whhel' in Just n■ long as the bark, ua,1 elicit flue 11111 lulu )our 1uw (uelfure. 1'hn llullumd bow W rxun1lont 81101. as the naw" bltggl.+rnr, it Lower a Hoiln104sie typo. It it mada of Dolt blue Valli'. 'Thom.. are lour hlop.t. two pointing to the right and two to the left. Two Of the loops are Longer than the other two, :old from the trout the two long 1004.4 ate visible. They set out 1(t euwh rile of the head and rather frame Ola face, Tho face frame is oke of the moat cou.'plcuous th!ugr of this ammeter ■ faah.one. The halt Ie dress:vl al le at the elle and the hat trimmings are arranged to glee breadth to the head. Th., 1.4 114 014(4 far u coiffure that in low, 4y 1441 to forma aelllier for the blot of Ula huu.l, the nick and the cure. The wide hair bow accentuates this effect, for the toeing show at the side, 11 you doubt tlw bro0w'mgnls$ of the face frame, elan 1 in front of your mirror 1111:1 try beth methods. (r- t'ange your hair once very smoothly, dram it back from your face and put on your lett plainly, without any at- tempt at the little ornamentations. witch are so nollxrable in the arm - eater fashiour. Now look at yourself and see how trying the style IN. If you have defects, they are brought out. and your face Looks hard In outline, for there is nothing to frame your fea- tures, The Nlufly tilers. Try the effect of arranging your hair full at the *Ides. Wear it over the I'Ievw pompadour, wh'ch is a temple -rat." arrauged at each temple with the hair drawn aver 11. After yon have puffed your hair wave Il and lel It set out around your face like an aurrol. Nature really deetgned your hair l0 this iaeliiuu. and it Ie only your fully whrh draws It back from tb, temples, where Lt Ir meant to curl or Ile. 1'ut e:• your hat and pet tete flowers which are put realer the ways tie ree.l.,wnl i4 of ih.r 1511 'en' (*tabhrl: ant maintain a sgpfaoe dere 11).' plant i.01 more ataUable, •.iouk'li the harrow ;s %A 1:1bIP; and affords a coageu4ll and cone frequent harrowing of nn or cool furlable place to which th.• plant will greatly lessen the etapora ton may grow. from the eurfae', Where eul'av it.nr 1' J Vlret Prepare Ike Null. 1 sere ORM aim oonnerv.rs of mutate 11 144 wa ee to apply cuwmerrlul fertilisers to -lands which are not In proper pitydrnl rendition • for the eery beet growth of crops. How. thea. can the texture of hinds be Immersed 7 By Judicious pluugIiag mad tiling*, and mulches; by the incorporation of huatua; by. the are of under drains, wind break... applications of Ilse,, salt and adap- tation of crop to soli. A number of experiments have been carried out on our awn "x- periuutrtal farms, as well as at Ithaca. N Y., and ekes l.4 re, as 1 the results point generally to Ur.• necessity of preNerviug ,unisture hu 4e sol:, the first step towar1N which Is to pat the roil In 41,111 as physical condition that It will be pus Ione to water ; Hutt is, that it will afford! a reservoir (for it. emote favorably On marchy, sour lands. Free water within eighteen Inches ;.Lime, Rypvnm, a snit aro good con- e( the surface of the soil Is InJurl,;' e. ons to the grrw-th ,of cultivsteed ramie. wc. orsts plant.. Capillary water. that I. grain. ,.' best oA water retalnwl In the minute -like. May and loamy sour, leaving sandy empty sparer or tubes existing shit gravelly InnJa for cultivated throughout a well -worked! ,mt(I, Is l crops. The Immus of 1111M lands rhe 1 can be kept up by barn manures and by green mnnmeng,: Direct Retiree cf Their supply ! Th. so11 will rampant! In a large and should by nil moans be tau- measure aee)rding to the treet- served. (`apillary action of the meat It receives. If nrglect*.1 It will moll (depends upon the Dueness of fail to yield it liberal 'ncreave; but its particles. The (leer the moll- If cultivated intelligently and thor- cles the greater w111 be the num'ter engine it will well reward the owner of capillary tubes In the 11011; and f0t his diligence. the finer and more numerous these capillary tubes the greater w111 be the quantity of water retained In the soil. In coarse, Lore, ennd7 or gravelly sone the action will b1' weak, while In fine compacte•I . vile it will be strong. But Would the capillary pores In the moll re- main continuous from the motel under -soli to the surface, 'h^ many flue tent are preferable tea few d o tro: teeth', RI hgc culture un•Ioultte,Ily promo;e4 evnporat'otl: therefore Voiotia level culture ex e t in l'1011'e where tit"' roil.: air fere from an excess of free water. The roller, by eomprewdng•the eol, brlugn molelure to the murfrice. On 1,.4,84' sandy soli• 14 Is Very 11. I" bcrlure 11 parts th'• pert! Ins; Mit mala It on 'day. for it will pr ve •;lanstrous if mnec,•Mel by hen rains. Where pnrdhle follow (II roller with A ni)olhIng harrow to The use of underdralmo rend.'r■ .olio porous nbOre them, and. In removing . the free w:i3er, Showy access of air. which In not essential an moisture. LIIge ha'. a beneficial effect ,on .br'ttvy clay and on light sand, and HOT WEATHER AILMEN Es Mere L1111'0.48 1)1e Verlag the Hot Weather Maths Ilion at Amy Utter season. rib -11 a Jaanemtabla, fret that thou / tads'ot little one% 111P from hot wee- nier nitment11, whose lite. might to 'kpnrtel If mothers haat nt hand tiro 'Wows remedy to rudminieter prompt- ly 1(ot wenth,r nllm001P tomo '1'1,13'Ani aMc.e promiplly treated, n. t;hoth little life m,y tw lost In a 'ew hoiden 14111,)'14 Own Tablets promptly Cheek and our Marline/a, . a,ot„(i(t troubles, ebol,ra hdanturu and other last weather aliment.'. They plop glYn, relief to teething trouble' , and prhaent the allmonte that coats at thin 'riaL Every pru- dent mother *hosed rep n box of SRN'. Own T'Metg th.' homer el all times. No other mei. (ne nets en pr„tnptty and m Nurrly, n 11he Tale 1IMS are guarantee!. to co tab' no opiate or harmful drug. ) i11- w'n3t ell goo.! and cannot vows ly do, herrn. rind creelie t ton po,wde 1(u can give them to the ,nnnllesd, Mr 1 - ern Intent, lir., ltevt. Foote, T14'mast Ont., says: "sly baby wet troubled with dNrrhorn and was very arms and resales', an 1 got at► little .leer i hardly knew what to do with Twill 1 get a 1104. of ilnhy'n Own Talt- lels, and after eiving her pone her bowelv hoc.•ime toren' .r nn I else 4(1,411 sleep well. 1 think the T•iblets s Yon ern art I.h. T•blete nt any - dreg More or by n1 ail pw,ut p1411 at nim to n hew h3 %rltine t0 th- 1'.IIInm44' Monello. (o.. llroektak', Onrl, aim f(oh.oeetady, N. T. ++++++++++++++++4+++++++ TURN AWAY, YOU NAUGHTY MANI The Chapter Treats est Lingerie and 1. , Not For Yoe. e+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 Just a Mprap 0f nalne(o/k and it mss. of !nap heat denerihea the n ewest effects In lingerie. if there is any one thing in the way of wearing , apparel that prover ut- ' to titer'• -lair Lt 1s lovely handwronght Iingerle.l A.nov0 Inept of lace, a eunning new SMART GOWN OF SPOT ED PIQUE. WITII TRIMM1N011 OF MUSLIN ANIS 1 NC+F.RTiON. underskirt. After It 1s pet on looped or draped rand the lower of It Is 1ab11 It folds around -the and °aught 1(t the 'melt with a lis 44011n pin. '�A 1W 4. an aLsulutely ae fashion rind one which may "catch son," to use n popular phrase, Or nut, Cherries, strawbcrrlee,raNptlerrles on Jur:, 1(e ft•miuinu eyes ml•e It. ff you wont. to make such a semi - skirl put one your beet pettlooa!-one that le beautifully frilled and which looks exactly; Ike a drew nklrt. Over this pat wt your tiros. N '* loop yatr skirt ly Ilftltg It up and pinning rb In the beck. Arrange! It In tach n manner that rho front Iles In place norows the k ares ana the back hangs -wee -iw- In front of n bj4eval glass on wit get the idea. The sembklrt and, Im1101, all tom- mi't skirts, pr111 for n linin. Three thing's wlnbh lire neensary thla x101101 with every gown are a bow for the hoick of rho hair, a rlork and max, The bow for the back of the hair nifty be called the connecting link be- tween the chapeau and the 'lock. Very few women when they 1 u n hat conoid ' the wavy In which they nre going to wear their hair. There are certain hate which are built specially for the high warner. Arad there are other hale that are built for the Lew. Tlu• hat which Rows with the low oo>lfhtre tuna anti hn1►gh1R In the lack, nisi them may b• little' Ranh end' of ribbon or Yell ens of Ince or they (nay he millinery tlowrroe The effect( .d the flow,'414 le as It they had been potllhel off 11,0 hat .(1 as to hang a 11(110 ort, the hair. study Your Ilrt. 11 3 n nee In doubt rut to the way t0 weer your lint, with the Inw coif- fure Or with the high, then make for %o,trsel( n bow. whish you meet we.tr at the hawk of your nock Let 11 he pf blank 'Alla lined with valet, nim etre• PPM, UAW up the bow wit thnt It las firm lop., n win 1 -mill bow le very RANI let the loop. point In four dl- restle•s: ran a ba•lrpin (1,nugh the se.te upon the bandeau. ■how from the front and ftnirh your work with a Delft bow nt the bark. Ydn will look like x dlf(ermt per - W O. and Dame Fashion, seeing you, will mod her Approval. Fruit ret Is worn In the newest AN ALLEGORICAL BRIDAL GOWN. edging sued' 4 the J-'lubtg line, and w eta iellaO''It •t- (bn eo*ghi, Idle entire upper portion of the gored rhlrt i+ st !ped vertl- .:aily elth lace mitre d'ut to match the. resit of the lovely confection. Int ,gl.le hoe' p'riectl; ad .rab;e 1.11c11 p tllamt: :.4I111 be when worn be- , a• ah n .1.(attt drew Illm: enough :,4 .!I c: r • 1 e 11 ,atlas from waldt 10 ;t. w: :. its ,i. 441:ftelA.111y lovely 'o• ,,, ,V.•11• 44!:1•t 14 the verdict j( u. %lease wase ,a b,.:+d fortunate ( ((( 1.1 sea 106 11.1. c; i• 1114441 b Coe it Is hrunched on the market. Few pnitloOats are, however. w Little wou.ler is It that u man char -irate aim (Illy particular model, of ronsour.ltlte►y ►mall la 0141•• due. mai though It event. rather In t11e not marry, wh'u e.stu.0 comp, 1, h,un Nature of n ea we -dawn from tide to to present it only to hie bel le Nome u the our!delrr:11( rn of the other gar- r - s l gent tr.fl', lk' not u dh.suond t1 .ra or mento hint, thrg� ole uea'e pprrn hint, but oleo d,reet' that he Iheless dal t y and 4/T11 worth ale- b'$pw up a c.tcl4 1)f the 1,4.01) of i ' bhi• Ver.Ito Is the petticoat that hos girl'fr4•uJt+ with whom eau Illus to Its ,WIteyfl.trl.tglounce f •rtnrel of edrroua:i hf'raclf some coolly gift as law niter raw 07 two-inch Mechlin. wtrll• The (Mimeo Itself Is circular, and Just now the brkirrmuld'* gilt par rl:.oe Its edge Ir finished with u deep excellence la u heart shaped brooch frill 01 the gem' ett,•othe Iso(', while of t0wu4l ret luck. with dot- 111 addition to thl'. IltatvIneer there monde -tall for good look. A pearl stn, several fool rufflee also *Aged bangle Is another popular brides,- with !dacha I. It Is Busy to sen what I f sake x 81 a of p els: It of girlhood. u►a s roue o n exlr•meft• bouffant and foamy In.lulticu 0. the purity g u nial.o.• le rodse.d ,lervend the The bridegroom nowt ale° pro»We 1 pp`• P 1 wearer's, fad. ' ea( it fair one with flowers. Aprop10, of weddings, a woaderfa) bridal dress it being made for l0wriun bilks elect, the daughter of -----Wast 1'rbaruletga be Hey. The prevailing color 111 the new a (amour•. artist. Tho gown is of the yelling* la green, of a bright rhadk•, conventional white ratio, but It Is used either 18lo.a or 1n combinatiopns, decorated with numberless little Sometimes 1(r many as two or three paintings, chiefly altegoriesl ani whirs b•Ing worn on otic lint. Among npprOprleitu to the 0.•euelon, andel{ the onmbh lettere which Caiadlen painted by her f*ther'rl frlende. That buyer'. In N-ov York noticed to be alone wit ba a saleable helrkooln, , th(• wuat pr, elltie1,t wen• green and if she doer not fit It user to wear brown, green mud b'uo, and green and at her next yearn bolls and rip the eerie•. Largo• spot* are the fashion - lune oft to trim the biby'd ehrirten- 'able past vete. ler., In 1 Ing dress, as do belles whore midi- Ribbons, whether used an dress went 1e spoiled by tar exigr10'Ies of i trimmings or not, will certainly be lite. muel, worn during the coming sea - Ant here is smother strange wed- Sou. A Mt of peek ribbons hair been ding 110W11 -111111..11a 1, indeed. to 114, but bought, moue, ,o't toff to and satin worn by. every Ch•ne4e brute of (towhees b•1,g the moot favored. rank from time Immemorial. Tb•• ; T..e pupal .r black v. !vet and satin conventional po'rbl fixed for at. 11l►boas cantinas to le II In large quan- ranging the toilet le four hours, and titles, end it It expected that even at the eat of the long ceremony an Increased demand will b' exfe•ri- e .rowan apprarr In a lung vesturat mooed for them daring the coining like a tuni::, with a foundation of reason. With u cheaper rises of crimwn satin, scarcely dlaoernlble trade the rame (t 01114 for black through Its edit rn►broltteryofgold. velvet ribbons is shown, the dlf(er- A corner turned back, lined with Nice being that a poorer grade of emerald satin, reveals an underskirt goods to taken. Cotton backs are panelled In brilliant rod and blae oleo going very well. .41k ■n l pro'°e' ly trimmed with gold Moire taffeta ribbons are among embroidery ; a belt of srarlet satin, , the bout selling lines, the erecter 'studded with tablets of white (one_ widths b•1ng preferred. All light stearin, et'o4mes the waist behind, and eolure go well. phlk. cream, light a helm.t!lke erection of n m'.terl it re- blur, white, etc. rambling turquoise enamel. with gut- Tho nedrretvPrt velvet rlbb'.ne are tering artlfi i al brettes and butter- t•ow In arm end foe ►ummor wear, for flies., 18 surmounted by a tiara of awaking up Into bowel or knute. 'With ernneon silk tufts and has a velli th.‘ 10'11 ter/ tr d • these rlb'.on+ aro of red Silk, which falls to her feet, Inlets u prvrnInent feature. adding to her grotesque and preter- I 8Ik 21.41 satin strnppinge are much human, aspect, la d and, •and w111 be worn In a As a bit of brie -a -brae she would : great many d1 ferent INtttern+ among go .h•.rm'n;z, brat as s. wI(e one might the straight, waved and wrote de- prwfer bharl,ng loveliness veiled In ' stns. Lt s • t inonews are al 0 ylenvn tulle and crowned with orange Woe- 'ink many deeigue, and liege and PHI. - POMP, elan trimming) in combination, will be nodi considerably. Gristly Cheesier,. T. be thoroughly 1111.4111411 the pret- ty little chemlre meet not only be elaborately trimmed at the neck. but there rtlwld be a ruffle on the lower edge, biro ornamented with lace tot match the upper port. One chemlr0 which belongs to a set heal what Lr called the ripple trim- ming. a new effect. In wlhich narrow Imo edging le sewn .tagelsar, 0se row above the other, acid each one put on a little fuller than the one rust above, so that while there I. very little fulness at the top the flounce spreads In a very pretty rip= ple. Net on the rounded neck 0* the °beeline me.ntloued wall a ruffle or tills kind, made with five rows of new Valenciennes edging, and head- ing this there was an Inch wide bead- ing, combining lace and embroidery. A knot of pale blue ribbon was oaught In front, and there wasn't even the .ugge%tkm of a sleeve, Leo the neck frill curved up prettily to hide the armholes. The chemise was quite long, end on the bottom was a flounce of ripple lace to match that on the neck. blas too, displayed handsome bending as a finish. Theo drawers which wervt with thin gar- ment exhibited the Name ornamenta- testt, with an exception In case of the headlong. which was wider and rawly,' up at the outside of the leg. followlmg the outline of the garment. There was a bit of ribbon 011 each skIe and &tardier fastened the front of the night robe. (01 art ('01.144. Quite the newest and daintiest ef- fects io corset covers are those made to go over the petticoat top and which have net on the bottom of the Cover, at the watet line, a circular piece trimmed to match the rest of the toyer. There should be loathing ail all In the w'ny of sleeves, not even a tiny shoulder strap, for Lt. ie one of the newest fade to use rlllxme to croon over the top and (eaten on ea011 nhouIlder In pretty loops. Usually. 111 smolt .tyles, the eater is cut rtralght *crow the (sack and front: et the top, MA h,y u. -sins of the .houldrr ribbon. the cover may be made mediein or very 10w, FIR deelrei. Peoteeet Loveliest. Since the white lingerie petticoat gowns; Its color pervades the l,no supo•rrddel the alike i article de - la s ae1'ehadt a, the foulards. the elenerot base been at their twits' end bat; els and even the durable VW' V- to find on mets lug real!: novel. Per - iota ou can trace It through the in,pv the prattle.'t Idea, .end rertalnly very t in fabrics which are to be the most .11btrate, at the same time worn o r 4 tangs: ai.l you can see tory dainty, Is presented In one of IL le Mit repel *111!9( tnrtaldf ftlnme the 1IIuntentIonii. It ATO*. a flare over her shouter and whoh frames Freneil skirt fitting very smoothly her Inc.' lel becomingly. Its deep. over the hip:( and given a modish partly Subdued red casts a glow fulness be mune of the knee "deep over the Onmpller on and given you flounce vet on the bottom. flub ...r.h.:ctL.taiLIflbn1. tot hat11..l-...To_ b»r " w 11,...3ha..skotIRLt.jettl- not tno poppy red which looks coat has three face trimmed frills Po bbwsy on a hot dal, nor is it overlapping each other on the hem, the brilliant roue w�11ch la eio sae- and oily the delicate layers of Val- Octann.a tlagvo, hat 1 144 tire mer0 ----. ripple or a pretty arrangetnnnt of ✓ ibbons will make the puree gtrbage fly open quicker than a hat whit+ bear. the 'tamp of n MinoanPari- si/in nillltner or a novel conceit i. Jewelry. It Is for the consciousness of be- ing thorong•d hly well dre.N,that it woman pays extravagant price.' for her 1ligr•rle, .ince nowadny' the Inetntione are apparently Joint (1e lovely nim pinny of the foreign pro - nude. That we rely neon the ram - TM lingerie above abroad for. n greet many of the prettiest Heim IV.' /1111111t, 11111 act'nelnnally we have 14 or eeneeptienf our own that fire well 00rlh borrowing. Litre may be 'cunei lc rel the really mond' trimming for theme 1leinly undergn relent 4. F:mbroldery hen gondola11ly drifted from the rank.1 1 fashion, until now it In nelolo n. exempt onne In a while 0n pe icon 1R. The F1.114011 f01. t h IN 1140 of I . whlr•h, by the way, midst die Oneida' 11 slrrnele reame1 to explain, for Ile R101111ey 41,111 e1g1111lterieto ere far a lovely than th • most hennUfml p. tlern erehrold.•rel. Wo- Wo - men are Da Molted by dainty ef- fects, end fiannfnetarern hate leernrt to forme to his wpntnpel et the snt•rifle. ey!`spa, of dura- MIlty. of 5.valfh, and Un me tins It for -- her summer shade, the .40041441 of farhlom has demi, her dieeretlon which titer murk.' her mature Mile - merit. A New H1H.. The Rarto im glebe, who are much beauties, and who alarm so much attentlon from Ow fart that mult- ors are ever after them, doses eharml.ngly titin swim or In the pan - tot rotors They weer very pale blues, thomn that are called light' rhok'e egg, pale twnluolee. faded ultramarine nal visionary I.Iue,And, by the way, tld,anary blue Is the latent thing. It in w,mPtlling like cloud blue red n very I the like Oyster gray. it Lot A clear cloudy rotor. Truth to toll, 1t taloa on expert to dlntingdl.h Ih0s. shnd... And you intik nt a Man end A gray and won- der whk•h In which -whleh the blue nod whleh the gray. 7'wn Woa,.n, 'Rosily, 1 dei not know what to think when Prot proposal to lee elm toenail. Why, he hnnn't known mr more than a week'' Ierhapoo that seg the reason. dor."-beton Transcript. 4.44++++++4•4444. +4+4 +++44++4 i THE NEWEST IN NEW RUCHES. +++++++++++4+• Thetdlet aa:e1Mlwuc11 a :-m bslltes awns b 44,r)114 c1alled lar a r1wLrwnt leas f11tlergione a radical transforma- tion this seaubn. Tl,ere Nike a time when It clung to chirp and cheek nod ley lovingly egaisW4 the hack (lair. Now It Ilea prune and bends nil Its energies W gl)l>g the douklerr the nocessur7 1810 length and stoop. Chyme of the new rlohee reach only to the Mouldier pointy. Others droop ' far elwotglt to earn the name of pet - mine or wipe, but *II of then( are flat, rave where. ora the edge, they break out luto frill* and folly. O!leu they are merely several tbbckoereca of chiffon, mouswellne or not, pleated or 'ultiol and edged with frier or ince. Again, they have 1011- rrnl 1ayere of (shitfon with overlyhee flounce of Inc.'. M,n.ny of e h dlall1ty 7x4.41144thtaruckees fLohufor forwearm, ovamert are especially oeluarmllg ,with the flowered poiupuulour mouseeltue■ and the Trianon hats. Then there are the Empire soarfr err which the groat Paquin stands memoir, whk'h he maks as an ac- comp:udment for many of his loveliest gv)wn.. 'rimy tire -In chiffon. tnouss0- llne. net, Inc.', what you will, leo long as the material IN soft 14nd sheer ural can be drawn In artl.tlo folds nomad sloping rthouldern and fall ll Wet floating .cart■ almost to the floor. Home of these 4carfw are lace. .'n- orusled, rmbrullpred, hand painted. 1401110 are quite pbihn ,.r fini4hel with applique of face Nprayilg In from the Prko% ' Nile newer, In !net the very tatted. fancy (4 the 1'aridan woman, le the roar( of rrm'ne• mad" In the Name pro- poortbns 1141 tree feather scarf and worn the Immo way. The e11114 are usually Graded with n hosed entrn deux of very henvy Ince and ra Jew- eled einem and chain may hold the weer( fter1e44 the inlet. These ermine marls are now worn In the French fashion with the filmi- est nett 'thinnevt of summer frocks, but It le propheel.vl that In e.nlekln, ehlnchllha, and n11 the thin, flexible furs they will be a popular fad nett winter. 4J1.1L JUL Jit Jit J1t. JIt JIZ SOME DON' IS FOR GIRLS. tr.r-r ryrtee►.rirr-rr It Isou't • at all likely Omit any girl who thinks she Ir In love wit 14 lane will hoot "don'ts" of any kind, and she Isn't to be blemd but rho aught parts the following tat her 'crap look to read sometime It the future when else feels lonely: Don't merry a man with the hope of reforming hlm. if he 1■ not eager to reform Iwfore unirr*ags. It will he little short of a miracle If he does so afterward. Tar pruu( or a Roti'$ love should be his reforma- tion, and the girl who marries a eau who L still ogfagel in (ow - tug "wlkl oats,' earns the punish- es -lit (tuft Lot sure to be hers. 1►cu't marry a man out of pity, or out of mistaken sympathy. Pity may be akin Ws but tartalaly 1e not. love -nor le sympathy. Neither eenttment Ie a sufficient founds - Con for natrlmony. Don't marry a man only because he le affectionate. A good bead le 1144 neoessetry as a good heart, and protestations of devotion never yet 118141 'i butcher's bill. Don't Harry a man because of bis wail Looks It would be equally sem- r'ble to marry him twenties his clothes were well eleme4 and well titling. Duni't marry a man Meal's.) he threaten* to go to ruin If you don't. If he le so (0011.1 and weak as to go to destruction because he oannat have lila way, tie will be Baty to do the same If you grant It to him. Ilou't marry to sole another man. Remember that A so doing you w111 oertalnly punish yqurself ant very Likely two other people Clove all, don't marry Jurt be - that 1 you re- fuse u you Ont ere afraidt t 7 3y offer u not have fuse t Ills (f r nay 7 another. Rein m'wr that often '014 maids' are far happier than their married asters, and they are no - wire behind them In hr1v1ng oppor- lunettes for usefuhrese )44eewomnn (to holy who hen born rummaging the ribbon counter) '.1 think yen will like mauve; It le very slyIl.h. and 1 1 n sere It would be- cnme you, henntlfully, Lily -4111, }I didn't rime In to buy ; 1 was only looking for a friend. Saleswoman-1nd dial 3'011 eipret to find her In that ribbon box t •++••4+4.4+•••+•4.4••••••: • KITCHEN PHILOSOPHY.1 •4•••••4+•4•••4••+•••••+•• Ind outfe•e with Warm 1. quite ae refrenhing 4144 Iced tea. Make as extra amount- for breakfast, pour what is left oft the grounds lute a glass Jar anal eel down °Alar or b the ice bug to chill. At luncheon or dinner serve In el:oa es with dripped ice and silted lemon. By the way, poser allow either tea or coffee to stand on their grounds. Always strain Wore setting away 10 awl.-Wash- tug'tou Stur. Tomato.... and Dorn stewed together 111 rqu:11 glnntlller In a delieloue n. in- binatluu. A little minced 0181044 and s.lt, App pp.'s, buglr and butter should b, nd.1111 Until the oorn Is good and plenty. try race and tomatoes. Put 14 tl•Iwk layer of wooded and Shed tomotomi In a baking -dish, season highly with cayenne pepper, salt and butter. Curer tide with u layer of bulled rice, 181111 alternate tb44 tbo until the d1+11 1s full. Cot sr closely ntt d bake. A woman who lived In 1'erela for fifteen years, le In despair beeauvs flit. rice which she buys 1n title soon - try refuges t0 prat! Into the MOM that 7C'iB readily asruliea ii its native aI•orso She cllags to the Penile method of pre paring it. After putting it through several rluel a of cold water, to rem we qJl tho loose flour on the outride of the grains, the rice Is placed In • large qusatlty of cold water and put over the fire. it in allowed to b,ll very bard, until It le swollen to the fall ase and b:,glnr to mitten. Then It is turned Into n colander and cold water is turned over It until It 1s dry. The tart steep le to put butter Into the putt, m of the kettle, turn In the rice, and leave it until It Is heated through, but not browned. I1( Persia the entire mass will respond to tbis treatment by meriting Into • ligtlt, roam! co41Nistency. When the rine Is turned Into n di+h the butter goes will. It and perweatoe every kernel. --Tribune. Vanity balk.. Ile -I *wire you, Carrie, i love you an much as I love myself. Nile -Greater love than that no woman meld reasonably ask for. You needn't say any more. Henry. How does It happen. Jane." snap- 131, the angry ml4trwa, "that i laW you feeding that policeman pumpkin pre in the klteheu last evening r "I forgot ter plug the key -hole. mum." "They ray a carrier pigeon will go further than Any other bird," wd(1 the boarder between bites. "Well, I think i'll liner to try one," mild the landlady : •'i notlee • chick- en doesn't go very far." She had boon chiding lam. and be- gan her peroration`by saying: "As tar buck as I\can remember, your -- "Oh. hold on," helot aided, "let's Mirk to the nineteenth Century any- waye, The Invesers Are now trying to get the trouble patched up without tarrying it Into the courts -Cleve- land Leader ( "i like the color' In thee. stockings very mach." salt Dudeley, "but are they fast?" •'I should say," replied the sales- illltri ; even the clock. are fast," , AS TORTURED BY ECZEMA 30 YEARS A Dre %dful Case -Itching Almost Unbearable -The Flesh Raw and Flaming, DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT Mr. (1 H N('urwwdl, engineer In Fienry'n Foundry, Anrorn, Ont • Molest "I believe that Dr chess's Ointment Ie worth I4. weight In geld For about thirty year. I wan troubhl with .44.40111 anal 004111 not ob- tain Arty puri' 1 ewe lei unfortunate as to have bkod lo!wo., and tele developed to eczema. the most dread- ful of skin diseases "I lege no Loud that 1 w011111 Ret op at night A011 wretch myself until the flrwt, wen raw weal flaming The toeture 1 endured In nitmet 1.07001 deseriplafto, and now 1 enema ear mnyth4Ig 10o good for Dr ('hose's Ointment It Iwln enrol me, and 1 recommend it ise'/ut.e I knew tlw're le ,udhing so good for itching ern," I'iprc*ply during the wnmmer moot i1( ehLirwn a .re tortured by hob ter rein dfawe, chafing, 'unbar% ant a More of allmaata that are relieve, and cure) by Dr t'hnee'n (Midwest Mr .1 finer, mel{ cnrrl.r and atnge driver betwen.l I'ort EIgle land Klncar.line, Ont, states: "i Gan testily to the worth of hr. ('hare'. Ointment an n mere for ersoma M. sister, Mrs .7 Dontrnn, of I'nder- wod. Ont, haw a hn7 who tram a great sufferer from (Iola dreadful .k'n dleet.e He wan then 0111• (sir 7Mre nN, Amt though she took h'm to eesprnl defence And tr:,ed n great many remaJlra all efforts to effort n eur1' /teeme.! In vain Tht.11(11' (elbow tram hover 4 with Itehln,t wares and hlt hands and face .4ere eep.elilly bad The way b• lelffored WAR aomtttd..n4 dreadful, ami my teeter hod Iwo, dlmaplolntel with no teeny preparattens that she skid not here mown fellh In Or ('haws O:ntnw's,t I can now tret117 that Dr c'hase's Ointment made a perir'ct corp La this ease. and there le not n mark 0r near {eft on hie bol ' Dr. Cha..'. 01014.101, 00 o.hto a box at all dealers, or i'admanson, Bates & Co., Toronto, .. eyt 1 1