HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-8-14, Page 2i The• C i gM al kir one pent, y h n lieu olg-a for one N�� ■i J osnl_ute vary ,tart sax-Cor-a�luartrr CURRENT CaMMENT Imported goods. k ane Imported Frevoh r'��p blab were Suitt the" In Horton fur STRT IMU WAT MoRNINO *6 at pair ; the mm,, Imxstr twiny, 161_ � fh IL roas, -rvwv. I ttl $14. We raougnlas the more Infln- - ,�_�_'r�__ • Ito variety of turWy- mule up of ell t-+n1411,ury hitt ltalfwr a legacy of THR!IWU.II', AIMi. lid Iti0l1. frawlr the cuuuing ►kill of grv,d evil In the Itilurautluu IIBI. It IS a lute dovelu{Nal ,knot exhibited. Hut r•verskWa to fifteenth ceutury mr- ' It. nue who had 11PPH a live t11cals, awlak to not Illprly to Ire tamd- REV. Utt. ItY1tRS IN, � INuy of eltty Yture aero, semi ly rubultud to by ihlgllrhUbeit. Tho plp•r prelmrml by Ur. John td still n it%#%tY yuiutg mean ----}___ ovorge Hodg:ua lea b• read al the lea lids tlt), owe fall lea Nee the great IIIN•hl linin hes tlnbnt• 1Ik1 will Ad- unve'Jing of the Imlrl of Rev. Eger- CslNu.ge from au lourrl pnn)'r worth tail dully free flee cargo of gewgaws ton jtyrroun tato twe•n puWt hod ill Madre the tariff of 181. compared wlLh which taw "effete nionlarehles" Iwmplltet form with several add'.- I with ale products unler a 1Hugley Swill decorate bhe ardent democrats bulk. Twenty-six years (Nave {war:- i Ildllwitkili. Vie Oki wouben of the 40'6 d the Now Worhl. That's real nkte. rel r!8wP Lr. Myerson, rebnpniwhed oouid go to the murkelr with $1 . -- the pw:t:olk of vllrf Nuperintend- lira[ return with supplier fur nearl) l',elc Ittat'r naval manteuhrpo lea root 'of Fwlunaltun alter thirty-two one whole week. What Can Rl bU) the ( arlida,an Hoa next winter yiurs• s•rvls•e. He lar been th•a,l fids okay lea Imauerfr fellable goods' wit milllun dullard. lyi.at (pore titan twenty ytyard, and "Balky - I � w -tend buy a bus. of brotol fur the of the younger men, now Ln the+ ('ATI1IUl.11ri Ilk '1'11111, Nl1'AI'K4. lial(-fool In the great clliw td the edunuIt:sylwl field, bave a very• In- The: Uuited Htaton receive a very Republic. tHatlllet idea of what lie really large immigration of Catholhis, er- ,tk1, more t1lau fifty yen '@ ago, in Ie.'lully from Italy anal Ireland, but Naw a 110,000,(100 oewepaper cum- IhyLtig tape fuutN/utkons of. tour rdu- ulthuugi the mldbiunr for the conver- blue is being organised to Conlrul cational system. He hull help�l to ".on of Ion-Cullhuliew are reported about fifty leer{a{seer In four estabiAll the 1' ver Vanada .laude- lea b•'' more raoeesrful than everbe- {M o furs he H er:or of a CatbuII3 dem- tit en t There will Ire n reel langur my alt ('olNoosr,r b l8S(l-a.., but (t � � when the !'ulttserr, Hexarrtw, 11cLeaur wild Iwo metal has app intment fn IuuTy eat Baltimore hue lamented ptt� wsl Flcrip{wee control alae public purr 1814 that lie uril•rturak the• tank of fadY that the visna'ti+r of the Cath- 1� Urn Uldted State@. tlevbristg mal• bringing Into elf. et n u1tC pupa) ttion, ns furui.+bed by' pariah round rywtphu of cdocatun, upp'ie- priertw, Suggest that a very great t hold plate wtrieli Charles [load- I►dslO to the Plovltler, the basis of part, of the !tmigratlun nomlually INtrte pa",ned ht order to pa)' the, 'which wss I&fd is the Rehool Art t'athvAie IS' lost to that C'hrrell of- travellslg expellee of life suit Na - of 18,50. Thr llnmpl,let "uuimar'so-o tl. Lilly after arrlvul in the Unitart pr,.leuu to the mtlitary rt,li—I al he prince est which Pr. It ermia" States. Ar proof, lie compared these p: y •�-r- Urlrnlue •Iwo been placoaf ilk alar hewn r ted, SIN] tells somethlnr of tlo• hiltTRWI "f.OR the CathtAle U{rPo- p 6 murpum ad A jacok.. d ulties Clint had to Ise over- tory : Com Lord Elga gi.ae much lir- Culholbo p,.iitd,Lt:on. 1902...10976,737 T1at C'nlcago Invention fax the l'utholle, population, lt>f.10... 8.801,867 blStaraee betw-Pell 1848 allot 18,15 ruplJ faltpnhlg of bort cattle furor l'"thoUn immlgt+ttion, 1890 His rlaeseher Aar Addresses had a t„ 1.0_,,,.,_ .., . ... ... 8,705,18i lout to fie uuthiug m(rro ear Iesr thou wonderful effect lit inuderatln. the That 14, the lnoreave In the Who- .I series eat boxer listed with www, ho l- •- o (•- a a 1 1, e fe s s ted. - i•'I t ren r vhlrh the ri v b d i rum m who, 11 1 h W o rLtlw ) I• r• reed g I W I/po IL: popal•ituat o.'ficlul) po etived wh'lo, laying the foundation• Iter than the Catholic Immigration all dust prove more lattenhng lhnu of our systpm of ldueutton. The u( the peritwl by 1,031,791. Tile In- +t'me of the tetboNb lung Udell ? syrtem wltm popuitrfse,l, ni;d that feren:'e would Seem to be that very pupularkty Isnpply Cuntinu(.1 fur a;nny' of theme. immigrants propor- Tire Mauitubs Government Is tak- 1,fa;[ after, thanks to the dignity t onully have fallen away frintheir Nig steps to prevent the landing of imparrtod ato tbn rubjmt by the per- o,our%It ear neglected to keep up any motwylew harvest excurvionlats at wamivo eloquence of Lord ElAin, n►, o'. altiou with It which permits Pul"Itr distant from the demand fur wham• em4hwrce as a distinguished their enumeration by the psrlth labor. T1wt he a good kl ea. A bat - graduate of Oxford, unsl bin genera( priest among the Catholic lopula- ter otle wuvW be a centrgJl empleyy- lito,wledKe of Europ•an mywtemm of t,)a. The SubJ'rot Lc so import•aut mend bureau, with arrangements for d t l tie n as the rrlve. (liuevatbn, Pnubh•11 him to .Sp,nk that there ore reporla abet it will W r11Nt log ale Y a with a prclsi(m and certainty r•e•ceive the momt careful attendee - whlch few could gainwhy. Sir Fran- cis Hlncks gave like cordial Nupport ter Dr. Ryerson anal ruppLued the Money to luskM the Normal unit Motl , 1 Lldlool. Anti willmul Llon Mac -a kenzie, after investigation, ap- proveif of the R, er"On lUn�ury lot~, . A number of expreNhhmsof e.pydon upon the ability of llr. R9- Argoo asd the value of Wa work are j.prRagkW; snwng others, one rectal 110x. 18riac BINlhanan, talo re'ttard- all him u Canada's greatest arm :=-r- AM'reeit 11Y.N.i10NA. Tits pN'nldelm Plaimm miring from the Idponl,da-Anlrrican war of 1894 �nre worth etudying. An exchange comparew five volunteer infantry regiments which took part in the Santiago bmattlem with the five re- gular regbnentw which di l the heav- 1 •mt fighting, Pitt ns to Show nt a glance the lolaen of each rrglment, unit the clnhnm fur pension fllml by well up to J(anuary'oTi.0 prose ' Woun.t. Masa- Pension Regiments. hlllpsl. ed. Ing. clalmm. Tolu rl l e•rw— prevented her o dinging and de- lot [►(strict of kiwrw enough to ke•repo out of hot Columbia ... ... .... ... 47- 9th Mansucho- . .' 17 16: tpltn` ... ...... ... ." �...-. 61310 Sal IsHeWsaa..-_. _ -- ......-. _ . 57.1 XUh ---- - ... ---1a---••r-- 61.1 Nth Ohio ..... ... .- ... 652' Tutal ..... ... - ... ... _',1197 1Reflulnre�61 h prevented her o dinging and de- strul:l throx0i a plece of cheereclutb kiwrw enough to ke•repo out of hot U.Klriant ry. 17 106 17 16: 7th b1.K. Int. .aa ' fM ... Calf 11111 U.K, flit. 1N 90 117 116!11 U. K. lilt. 18 107 IT 118 :'4th U.W lisp. 12 75 6 1 8 Total ...... OB 471 40 761 Whence Il njapeare that, alth,Ongh tivi records of the five volunteer re- g1ments show no battle losses what- ever, they Imre contrived to shuf- fle together about four times ns many p•nston claims an the five rp- ..._-.-[tllnr regimpnlps. In one Inntnnee of a regular rpRtment-that of the Thirteenth faulted Ktnlen inFln- tr)-it will to noted that the pen- slroe, elaimn filed up to the be•gln- lking of the present.year tb not number ns many #,ran as the roster of the wounde•,1 in tw•attle. Another tnttlure of the showing is that over ow-hnlf the nipmllerm, nut ,Onto of whom got a Scratch, of the five vol- anteer reglmeutn nnmrd and whose term of mervics- wan brief, hav,• flleA nppd4•atlons for ppnnlonm. Thr ap- p!Icnnts do not appear to believe In the old proverb about the Ingratitude of rephbllca. A D111.LAx'It WlIMI'11, 1lhrre have been great Improve- mrwita Im m�ohincry during the Inst mixly years, ant In many Ihhem pr(NhNt- lions fuin been chpnpenevl, but It seemm that the advantage is not aU on the Nl fe of the frllrwn wlto were lucky wbough to Ire birn in the latter enI to( tho nineteenth century. A Mlgw,url man of 7., whoose boyhood. dihym were F& -d 1 fe Hitt eler1c iarrr, 1+VT1.lrtphin, \s•w fork aml i canton, rny" that In fho 1810 to iS50 prrltsl, fancy con- ftotlonern t11I l'u.InppS an to-+Iny. Theh vc holly pure, cl'utit gomfw worre sod a - pure mugnr stick canly, two nine Stloka for one cent--jujult. pNaste ILINt fancies of all klnts were to Int hitt] In nr faLr If nal' better quantltIvo than tosin,v. In feet flit, penny, through ear barge an a half-4lolbar, wait tho pride of all iu)yg, ant Its purohnsirw power larger (luau al thld time. When )eu tike the purity of tion old dayr- when mugnr "-As bought. by the logr- head ab 21 2 to R cimto, and Island wig" In boxes at :11-_ to 4 cents, whllp lonf Sugar was an expensive nrtiolp, the confpotfoner list,[ to con - rise him wtlrt to clarlfl(VI g(o,Im aloin nil Utry emit l get -bet rhealer than at the pve•epnt lime. ('1muCIAre fill- VoKism of thump :1;,ym with the- o•n of Alutwwm "IN which ling taken the place tit purp Sngnr Roo.l■ then to be had ani no trth(r. Then the over- whptmlflg adelleratnna In nil cheap pnptMls, now to 1st hn,l In every •tore for PMIRY go ds. nal tin nheapleM 0f to -tiny 1■ a myth. Tip young men of the 4O'se•ould testy two gol l rlgnra by Illgh evelehiastical Authorities; and very likely It will be brought up fur disk-uveiun ut Lite coming Ch1• Mugu Convention of the C.athullc Fel- t Ialioh. The New York Sun anyn that in t'p:to of thin drawback, the Roman ('athohe Church, apparently, 11 gaining aluvil faster than organized I'rol(wtnntihm in the l'm I" I at"a. Vat rten more remarkable than that li:tc'3tlt it thi absewe of Prgteytint alarm or exsdtemPnt oa account of II. Where It is not looked on with iWifterence it stems to be viewed without apprehemlun. Not a trace u: the Old Know Nothing spirit re- h11111W Hostltlty to the ROmlan 'Vath- oGc Church and aumplelon of it seem lea have given place to respect for it ata n religious force ani to fra- ternal feeling toward It as a power- fut agency for the preservatlim of iwt+iflou, !l 1 b .. AGAIMsT' 1'111:ATIkl: John A. ,Uorayne writes to the Buffalo Express tlmt "absolute pro- hibiticon of the .liquor trafne b out of the question. Times are sot ripe for it and such a ekatge woul'1 lip too ralfcal fn the estimation of most p.oplp, and too much of an Infringe- ment toot their personal IHerly. %fail argue that they have a right to lake a drlak of liquor or beer without the interference of their neighbors and that fit, is to business of their neigh- bors to speculate upon any risk they luny klcur in so doing. Boo that an A may, you will flan very few ppo- [Ole who will uphold or defend the custom of treating one'a neigldNrr, and wino would not are glad if It went omit of fnrhlon, for economy's make. Lf for no (other reason. It Is a most (•x{enalve nal asymetlmen a most In- convenient and mortifying practice, when lrelog treated by your frlenls you find yourself short of funhr and unable to return the compliment. But viewing the question from a moral viewpolut, If a man has a right to take a drblkt himself ural believes that he incurs nu risk In doing no. he liar no right to IIN1uce has nelgh- lor to drink upon the mere nppenln- llon that there may be no danger for hM relghlor." M•r. Ronayue pro- pses the eslaMUltmont of an Antl- treating society. Wlmt for? Can- Iuot a man who dors hoot want to trp(tt, o r to drhdt, quit on file own account, without calling Upon him rrkpnrL alit neighbors to witness and approve hl• action? A few fields of wheat have already Iw•en cut In Manitoba and the Krnat rumb of Clio larvest wUl mckon are on. FverythitiR prfmtnlnen well, If the wen- llwr remalna favorable and suffielent heirs cath• are tHstaknel to harvest the imnhwse crop. The Northwrnt will Itn'7•P fflirrfry T$'ilietkI heft winter. Thr king of Italy has given to the t i tw n ns Mform 100,nflfl iWO to 1M distributed among Use por and three v'tnrttable kr►mUJltlons. Of title num id1,1100 lire he to 1p to pour, 80,000 lire to tbl tcrwon hospital, 10,000 dire to tfe Marine hospital and 10, - (XX) Are to the }ted Crow welety. F:. Frank Fuller advprllnes In a Syroacuse, N. Y., paper anking fur n jab as general bnrsmework servant. )Il- lw n widower, familiar with nil polamet ,of houppkpeplug anal anym tint 11(- rnU pickle, wngh 111141 iron, Pnnrt the lonrlm e.f the rook nna Uw wht'rtrpNN, mknl the baby. dual and Inks enrn of /he turnner. t limm�lan Jrntrnallat rphitem re- pird11r1R 'M1alrU.t and 1x11 rpoenl III. craw Ihnl when bhp doctor told Ili. (list( he oven (nal of danger, hr rr- plfrvl "It In a pity to give np the rra,ls(,ua dila At Ihp thought of death' What trublet) Wan parti- ruintly during loin IHnpag was th.nt lit- pb)airlan would not Allow the wltelowp to fie kept open. Ituoula tbfralens that fn event of the lowers refusing to juin fn nn alsf-trust eourerence sate will treat twi* increase In the dutles on her Sugar ad a tfolatlon of treaties, and will herself dlrregard the treaties when She Sees fit. Perhape She re- gards treaties as a mere matter of leer own convenience. .A cumlimt:on of the British and .IS+ ('arsadoian tron sill steel makers tu4thtgive Bebwab anti Carnegie a run for theilr money. While olo- lowest Ito combL(New In the obstruct, ',we would rut;aer I.ke to see it trial. 1f Sydney can prraluce the cheapest steel Lt the world, Britain cell find y market fur it. By the death of Ur. Thomas ('hrfa- tie, M P. for Argenteuil, ('unlatba Oars a good ettizon and lane Liberal istrty a steadfast supporter. He hast tired In 'armada for T3 years, with "an un- farnuhed rimrd on the side of mor AMY, temperance and religion." That to good rough for an epitaph . Title firm plrhg-pong . tournament ever organised and played off eat •lea was.lhehd on board tile Cunarder Campania, on Iter lad westward voyage. It was calloxl file north At- lantic pitag-psiag MMLWpiunsldp and won won by C. W. .Allen, a Mouton merelant, wise defeated H. D. heed, mu Amprican ra4ruael magnate, in flip (Llai. . TLt, lutea report of the British llk !utn CPIIh1L4 Comminrdow-r .howm that there were 2,92:1,340 C'hrl4lLan.� In llm.l a in 1901 nm compared with -81,:WJ f n IIt91-nn In•rease of 0 8 - 969, or ab:tll L'8 per cent., durinz tit,• len years. The growth of Uhriy- tL•tphy ala ludla 14 mtr•h more rnpid than the kurrease In population, yet Lilo ClarLrlLiar are but nue ler cent. of the total popidatlon. Berman agrarians got lime t(ov- rrnuwnt to mark up the tariff on bruins hunt proviw:onN; tlipn the manufacturers are now getting It further lAtcreneetl on their pro- In•tm. Both add to the oodt of liv- klk� lull prfaluotion of goailN, and Iloaw ham1wr (;ermany In forplgn markets. The masses, too, will have to pay more taxes to snake up fur Lire kiss of Import dutlem, no- ,onity; to the exC:umivenesm of the Us r1if. New 7.ettland laloor uniono l ave lont crinfllerke lea the t•omplsory nrbUrntlon courts. TltPy have pe- lliloulod fol• the removal of quem- gone invofv,ng hours of lah.or, uvt r- tlfuo Anl nollday work from the jurLodlethon of those rouitm. The farmers or the country, too, nrb or- .rnulxing against tho ny.tem. which lhey' declare to he tyramnleal In tilx "mr...", enerviionR- tharr riv- hy nrbitrarlly wh:ln having lhpm n.o me4ans of n al sing more for their rahmlue l n. Aesoy,ding to a eablegram. WII- Ibam Johndon, of Ballyklllheg, wase an eccentric in his Inst hourm an like frionole could have expretr.l. in order to suppMhrt file vitality the physicians urges► him to take Some stimulants, bnt he derilared that he w(whil not forsake Ilia Ilfpl(mg rule Of ershalsntion from stimulants. "I'll die first," hp nal[; and he dad. Far M• It frim ,,a to make light of Str(tfir feeling Against trip Abuse of liquorm. Itens.mable Nrnlimi-at of Ilial port lm to Ile Admired, but Ilio obgllnney whleb InLltem depth di- ther than make a mealielnal line of mJmulantt is n,A rpsisanAlde. ttlryrhnloe, dtgitallm, nlropino. nit. rr llyerrine. prumale Aril, opium, n1e1 many other dangerous dragn whott• lips#, may he abhnwL finite, mrvilelnally ng#,,1, anvoll Ih(mnands pr Illpa. 04ilriluoun liquors have Ilkenlop been (A sept beneflt in n psimilAr way Ahpn the akallsl phy- rhrlan adv on the ase of one of those remedies to avert ouflapme, LOBSTER. The V'g or otherwise to ward off death, ro- le nal (ural to ars ti�rm severe of ruieidal A� A word 'That Is Used Ili Nrmm mA"la. armors. s pV WJNNAS A slab has been fixed to the front ��j�1 (x,mlr"ealP(•I,r.l lrcllr rMURnhAY MOItNINe of Lhd ti►aSs wbrrp Cecil I<hoxlrs war " 1—� A U:Ikuta Julry bar givwh a vpn•tllct ax a M•nrLWCUDuv, burn ut BlrlK r Stortford, bri►rla • of $1470 (kam:ag.-r ag.alumt n a,•w: p't- '- aI1 b arelul 1,I Irrlrll.. Tr, me. of aut..rrlpa.,., lhu Laserlptbhn : ,,Thu Right *mor- Ht r a Cur•luur Instance of I ord {N,r ter lttllLlau n pea rmm n lubrl.v Q,0 Beata.. a., .1..L00 able Coell Juhu Rlpwles, the founder of itatrsrl ult"ntiuu to detallr. He lt'Iwt lite newrpupeNr para war Lt, bra•.....I, • .. 1 u ata "Bila laud a Itbafehba, was b arm la the rtwm with- I war r mel for a yoaug lady la a JuwtHlra bolt we un• unable to hay ; Ore sea•. '• a. ln, July 5, 1558." 1 a erre "Take her to 1 • Il( all tow 0,11.11lr wlao have rat On ala' aigllWl throne not tine has been crowned with fill' queen In Wert- mineter Abbey whice Fllwanf 1. and F:ipaijeare were crowned there to- gt•tiuer• that being the first our- ulaatbn in Ubt prevent abbey. Henry Walters, of Bnlllmore, r,4 cvvttly purehaseti In home tho cel,- b•attd Afawserentl 0011tectLm of pelut- lugs• one of the must Rioted In Eurup+•. When the art works arrived lea New York Aar. Waller war c imlm4l d to pay a tariff tax of $!10,000 on the ctdltrAlo s.- -. _ Should Har 'Miclluel •HlckwHOUch re- m alta ha laity premeut o:tloe fur another four years, nod thus bring tits tale of ,treat i prem re the dr uker,' be raid to the so- Ik+ltor, til order n perfectly plain dress of a Butt grey color, fitting Closely to the figure. witbout any trimming, utkt u big black flat. also lie wimple ear possible." Har advocacy, or the etritume, secured $30,000 dam- ages. In dlvuroe eased lie expected life lady clients lea pt+,stres ed In black. He tMWAi to say that al kart they ought to pretenl to be Slurry. ('eacusuber. cucumbers, W be safe outing, slwukl IN• Out thin tatil Ile In water with wilt olrinklett over them rather thick- ly. This will draw out their poison, ani Immtxrhon In bo wtater' for flt- te.•efm mluutes Sellae they are to are w:rve■1 will rtwture their orlrp fresh- flers. Jelly 'I tear 11"re. Plum J •fly ll' made lea various ways, but a well -trill re•lpe directs that , m If ever ileum who bar bran budget" up W e ler u, hw wall have tide plume should bi cut lea Halves, ) (o unlltal air. lflnduto�e's Ircoord An-] oOvr•t•t•d with water mud cooked until OaUea1 a lutorter erre to get $r.7U rabuah.e•. a.ure. 1 leader ; then stream through a oh,tb, to w h,, bad woufl tad toellugs there J. R. la Tour, 1. or co,IM, r, b.. er...p Chane l o that it any tinque F.0 ring take mal rte of Juice and sugar womdd lost he enttgh money In the Pot,," lanai l'ral.ilan8 Atr.nt f"r a -I..,, chnuceU,Or of the 1 xcft Ig glA to pity the damage", shops of Uoderica, l'abrno, ASLseid sus e{uer Burin watt bel twenty mhintes; In all jelll•en ltaak 1,l En 1,d Wswanoeh. Uhe hurt 70v1 }-,•mend the troll rhuulot tae used b•Aore ever- lea way rothLlK alsrut the owrtm. k:v- L,.o.1 pwUaaeto.r Ver (ha dl.,rlrt.r..i.. ripe nod should bot ooukod lea au contly what n unit apieaaw ween he r.povrered to rewlve .ub.erli'llo . I. toy A T.xw inp osera manger wbo lost earthen kettle, to Ila another fellow a lobilt Pr 1N but 10M.L 1 very appariNnt. Poealblv it doer nal Allo•m muad•.tlems meat be.dn r.a,.d U. KeU11.l,id Cl.l,y. fhro lett Ina r+lllwny nrcl,ICnt oft `� y hg fl` Tn[ +,ot.t� h shwa r morn the nam" the n• the Tra ueaslua Ilse had Just been �' m'ik" ru.plserry Jr•Ily, wash and Ilk 1,i laity have, in mind ear a lot rter- Tslepbnss Caa sl uodrwb b.L Main theberrlor and add one-half the rttl chnracteristle et lack of race in +awarded 1 ,poll damagon. or at the uantit of granulated sugar mud e q Y movemprK. Anuthrr may rrKnnl a - rute of j10, for each tooth. She place l.a a warm oven and let them lobsterejiferly lir rouwthltwr all lack- TH111CtiD.IY, .LUG. 11, 1!"l'_ ,tilt lb,, Luprupr.ety ear it•fWrn;g to any re-vere"d 4renllo nun us a luh- vter W nian4feru Of courme there are hrbsters unit lubrlers, Just lir there are pa round an 1 pardusew i but a care- ful ural Lata•IliAtmu editor ought ml- wayr to le Able lea dlrcrnuinate be- lwitet► the twu"rp,+eles. Ar a term of reproach the wont "lobster" haw tome Lento very general use of late. Fur runny yeu•m wahlurm were In the Iribil of referllug to tiro "Solttlere of tie• QuPen'' us to' sterd, and even went r1, far nN to refer to the ,tnr- rtwkd ad •'lobster -pots," but we n•ver heanl eat an indignant Tommy Alk rte ouelnj unyt.oAy for Islander on that acontant 0-callona Iv th • In- sult was aggravated by referring to Full Private Thomas Atkins al' n "loUe%l-lobster." nu doubt, to deli- cate allurloa to his rel coat. Late- ly, however, the term liar come Into vetch general use that all surto aiml 00iniitions of men get it applied! to th Ad.wrtlsing art.., Legal .s l oth.r ,•a.ual e1A l w •,. . F.run. far dr •L 1 .a rLlo , 4'11 I „ -. I'. or ro!``h rvto•ruu.at luvrti.,o. H..,:,,.,t .; Dasta•.e oarde W .l[ hole 1,,d uad,r. M w rear. Advorti'eutuuls of 4ANt. ruu,•.l, k. "Ituntlons V.u.rt, sti, a.lou• wehl.JrM Bu -fuer. ('banco• weat.d, Lot eww4io. t Uaes nuep roll. ti ht.r .ao,.t►. 11"uaee oo Hale end setae os Sole. ■•m y er06,d t lines. 41 fur stroll m•atlh, Ito Nr ..i, h'quaat ona.th. 1.arit.r.d.,a. a pr., ..ell„ Any .pool.) mod. -w. the,sj.,ut of wur.h I, b promote if,* peou.dary be„e11t.( .ny I, d�.Lf. aal or oamp.ny. t , b•.,r1e'derld .n Ndver,Lr ■nein and of .rse.1 ik • or linlllr, Local pot4 el' In ■oup.retl tip, "", weal p+ won]. 'to ,181106 Iw tl,.• Yar,. 1.eosl notless in ont,n.ry "&A,,,, tela to. cents per wort. No not ire for i•.. n,.0 yl,t, Nottow forrhurckee slid •.her rah,le,y 1,,d b laevoloal taetltutiow, hal( cute. tut+ecrlbers who tall to road,. Til[ miw.q =. i.rly by m all .111 eunrcr a it, o- i.y „„ tualo(Ilq usof the toot at .a Nei. sotu.r poeel to w bon a rhanme d addewse 1. d..lr.,d ,,;n Iso sod sot Ike new addrms should L.Ill..a t It imed that he los* of the teeth etan d until the juice Is drawn out ; �� In Igtr111gPr1ce that it dollar not -. -- prevented her o dinging and de- strul:l throx0i a plece of cheereclutb kiwrw enough to ke•repo out of hot TYATMLUNO GU)f)K. privet] her of a large revenue. rn n o h telt taut ooh sal t ono o1, I m pal of jslou +Jot untahalt capful of of is nhetu whoNiow and tbemt you "Beef it — - ----- - _� git i x1, lar ; boU tweut man- g y prefewdem to Iw very food d lobster. in Iota mouth tin wont AhD TILLINX RAILIA At, A South Carolina law whlrh Loll' ute*; place In glandes, cover Clio top with paraflae and Swat lobarter would not seem to b^ a term _-T oawawa become effeetive oil my t profLer I of n oaacfi I Ypt wpri• hr In n .ih W 11 It term dada �11[sA ,lean that "no {ersun may carr) u pi.(- —� A Ilmppy Titer In %,n,r. al' a of endearment to film bed girl there In no telling how hhr 11 .0 a� fs ............ .. I Y . Mlnd.......... t'•• :Il, lel about him, either ouevitlo'1 or :`to you are real) a aged, dear?" y would Utko Lt. It she did not happen . M`1, WW gglr,Poe ...I..'' I.-t,a txNoheenled- unieaw It I eat leftist yen, dear," replied her frienf, qulek- ten deo the point the pain uligbt nv.aT. twenty Im•heA Iutlg and efShot at saki Elsie, gushlnttly, to her partl- Only a canned lolrgter. lemet three puun.fe.'• Thir a fail_ cular frterid, atattge. "Yee, dear," was re to metlpurn ',, the WushLag reply, "1 am really an - at lasts" "Aad to that stern beit, ling S br nu lingerinK deulllm hm :trout Car- olina. The owner of a "wee n" gaged vtolhl-hooking felllow, Alec Wilson?" T H E MARKETS Yes, that le she li man," laugh_ I meet blow has enem0i head off r ell Idadge, "Isn't he Inclined to is ie I rrfruira from lujtning film at All.' ` .•• tnesterful . sugg(stel Elite. "Oh, e yen, dear," replied her frienf, qulek- 4Y • ' Ile often says that after we I'urontu Nrrxuar! ,inset. FrAockS Murplq, the famous tem- hear IN•relue married the meafn to message the TUrosto, Aug, 1L -The groin r,- pVchnoe apostle, u le h loop after my personal ex- oelptsat 8t. Latertsme markot to -da) dd.1Ot►t of CallfoenLa. He fine n arae- pett�ltture an, well as Ills own, and, In were nal- Farmers are very Ludy, eau I tuul home anti iw in a tiusltion to fact; Isere alb own way In every- thong"' •Good gracious! And you � afth alibin In nxlklote.l thiw I$Wmth, Hay stmt strnw Also nominal l-npv the rPrt he rel rk•h y de.enee rertotu tell me Tom main. to marry ~ In absentee of r•o•ripts. Hut that he lima not quLt fighting a man, I e that?' cried Elsie, In al'- *ON%, hoM ulouluLage.t ut tt/..1/ tho drLtk traft,c Ir ■huvrn by an ac- tutisllme t, Oh, yem, dear ; 1 $10• 1 amort of line of ilia; meetings print- wouldn't ve "P the Idea on any ac- Fullowing Ir Use ruglc of quuta- 0`116: el Wa trip Saute ititr;arm Indop nient ellltat. You e. bt wall be such full to allow Mm how atsunl such fd•av N'hent, whlte, 8 ) to-!L',e; red. 8(1 le ami an appreciation by Rev. H. F:. are -won't k and the speaker 8:'o; Spring, 7tr' : Ki/11r(5 75 to 770 ; Newtu.h i" the wane newspaper. smiled a wick amllp, which the hap- py Alec ought to have open, INTI luck. "Natal, .'A) to ..le ; let), of L $16 to #Is ; litre, $10 to $1_ . etraaw, $10 to $:U...11, Thr dowemlants of Brigham Young. the Mormon Apostle, have decided to hold nlwunl (am ly rv- ua:ons. Although he died In IST7. there are over 1.0110 direct descend- ant*, anti then• fs not In Hall Lake [`Fly an nAmidallie building large elNough to hold the "phmlly e' There era kvlag Nl.t wWows of the Motmon pttooLlent. 13ome, of these women have {,oamki :ons of high buior LR the Mormon Chun•h. Mort people Lnagone that Lord wols9ry, who completeti Ile sixty- ninth year on June 4tb, br nn Irinlu mann. As n matter of fact the ex- comhmnder-In-chlef, a tlou,gh loo m tan the Emenill. Isle, Ir4onds to an ILllcent Staffonisnirn famCy. Lord %VoLm Ly ham pioidably been In more ,•q;ngrments than any other gener- ul. Skree enteiing tile. army In 1852 he dao wrvgd in 8urmuah, Ind.a. baa t, Can.t(a Ash Lnt e. P.Ag p. an 1 (LNally the Souders. The Government ke acting vigor- ously to prifvent the spread of dmull- pox In the lumber oamfw, whence lu- fectkon spread trial mea Nun. IteKula- t1onSl have been mole rettulrinK lilt employees to be vacclitatel, and pro- vWing that me'•liCed attendance Ilium' be provldeol nod proper manftatlu" enforced. There are measures of pul,- Iic defelhce of which the country will Imwrtlly approve. - The Part of OnMI>w, mWitk,ng of tho rivalry of Britirb ports, lun- b,ttou4 it, tie la:ulc the terminal polls fur the fil"t Atlantic werLlre, payor the 1;overnm nt wo.d1 W aLtd to form a ring to mere tb•to matter fon;ght out fairly. Willlr. Liverpool, (,jusagow, Ilrinlol, Mllford Haven and LO1NIOa are leaving their mill on the other #life of the pond, let um see who•ther Montreal, Q 1,:b r., S)'ditt'y- Hallfox or St. John can win ilia belt on this sl le. Thl* 1N a ,spporting age, A routheruer who attend.d tilt• Tilden ('lift) dinner In Now York tike other evehklg liNteuPol to Cleyeland .Ind tin other mpenk•rs frith much h,ler•st, and then recalled a story of the big twin whkt originally hnll(vl from Rtrffnh,. Ihtrlrrfr'•h4or-li al-1+nn lilt 1'rraklrnt, air. ('Ipveland wan lrty- (fling In tilt• mouth ou one oerasion r nd mthwd nt wi ldrm, I V., whrtre .a crowd find amaevnbleol. An , Id bnrk- wo(•d.m Lit preNeed forward pod grnapal flip Prest(inal'a linnd, ea,ing: " I'vo vole] fur m.ur; a President, but I ne%nr and one herure.' Thoth, alter n panme, he adMal, ".and you're push n whopper, too." A contempoorary taken the t rouble to point out nt leny,th the obv;ous bvllenee to dl.prove the M:11'a fool yarn about Whitney linving 7.:.01 of a popular majority Ih ahs IAte On- tatr:o election. it calls attent:on to ndmatntrmenls of the figures of thl- vote, In every Inwtnnrp to the (crit. hong, in the dropping out of eLer 5A00 votna piled for Ind•- pMmiPnte, to flip anenting of Orit tole•n 1" mome tuna( it urnelen for Whitney and other tricks of Ihp Ma l atntlatclnn Hitt to what pnr- loee? The Unit kn w list yarn wan (nlo•; the Tory organa reproiueing It know It In falap; every reader of Intl Iligenep kanwe It In false. Let It go. ily didn't. ,rreds(rl hog),, $U.kl tar $10; LUtler, ,burl 1:: to i. cr n 1 tc "' Nervlan Qac l's lust. The Queen of gen IS n lata and dletingulSAed convert to tk4' I' that If one would pee ve a Sofa] figure she must eschew IaxnrfouS bels. Her huajpstv Is con r,l to posseek the best figure a moat *4.ataly carriage Ol all yea: wUmen In Europe. She'llas Ven up the soft bet and down pill wa nal sift" ort a hard and nnrr(hr divan spread with an onyfeldhii mattress. There fl' no ve�tlgo of pillow under her head, but her feel rest 'on a Small one. Previous to taking up with this unregal method of rest)tlg, the queen hof been a sufferer pelma IacomnlA anti night- mare, but froom both these tortured blip is ntyw entirely free. The phy- aletan wbo Inhacwl her majesty to try tliis cure is it strung advocate of brief peritxls of rest for nervous women. c , tam ry. 8 0, chl('krl,it, p•r pair, 6.) to 7:Ir : ducks. Icor palr. 6"/ to LM)o ; ,I/�N, pow dozen, 17 to I8c ; potato". hudaN, 85 to 4:.l'.. "or—L. P-rult a, 1 Vegotrbl.s. Tho recciplN of p.ea.ei • w. pear4. tip- ples, and toialo,w w, -re t.•ry Largo to -tray, anti prices rule•tl rleudy, with tnlr demand. Canadian p.•ychV IMLlket, 25 to BSc; IsNiia", tmst'tL - 110 to 600 ; pars, 8(1 to ;,lac ; Lawlor fief- rier, ho I, T to He; currants, red, bno- ket, a0 to Nle ; W:w.k eurrantn, bnr- ket, 80c to $1; ra(gti,errles, re•1, boI- eA 5% to lie; huckleberries, ta1 to ; bananas $1.:3 to $1;00; or- a ps, California, �Yalenclas, 41.73; len nw, Messina. $:1,50 to $a.:10; Call- fornlp plume, vase. $1.23 to $1..50; Cnllfu nla prare, $1;,33 lea $2.56; lip plem t. y5 to We; w.aterm-lona, ,inch, to 23c; pttatoees, tin ll••I, :15 to " 3 'arla("1I tumatoew. t:S to .Vw i'cucu s, basket, :U1 to 4((0. Apple trop. �- OnKarlo tats %xv crup, and a 311shl (lave Iirep, peltate rrpolt. - tell August 4th, A young alar very pretty Towanda days: '•'lyre roc it hrsrrleape In matron ha■ not lost her sense or sumer of the wast I sectlutio have her lot's ear coquetry since loecom1mg don,• More gaud Club harm, al' they — -- -- - a tame, aryl hue rub bpd herself to tav,J . U. •0Ait,I ,,:.t; ., eu u•, jec rrlleve...l a lull lila t o: urcfinrd" J . ce�.0-.weer to., ...L,ns el'. rr«n.. soma cauetfe crfticlsm among her 1,C surplus fruit, whl . taus loeotly n06rn ra,,,w of send wmd.dt . tar .0 r acquaintances because or her Ill -con- needed In order to ata the rrsldne unite, d.t.e+n,one er -law. aewlwr.o.— a ,e cealed penchant for flirting with to attain their normnl g t11." Ile- oas06rul.` ear kti". a.1, el' prsre.JlL[ e every goal loolci,ng man she meets garding; time Nora tlL+Otin a there Ibe Hlwb C:eurt of J..N.•, 1,a Colors,.( Arr,+l socially. Her IrWenue manner anti are diverse In.! r la Got. sS a for oMtarl•. .r la war r•1,■/r el' bt. d.t aSt r gaols tJoerL AU baLmasisc ans wrefullr and erompo$ toehy ways usually gain for tier a quality afar tivanllty, ere �lrnh•r executed. resual a 1,d V. U. sdrrwm iv monopoly of masculine attention. etnttabg that Ile Is more optlllhlslie emission, OaL ta,etf :'Ne nttenied a clay party some thiva some of him, well-p,Agte•d run- -- week@ ago, six] was as usual, sur- frerps, am, he prelbeto a good avkf- itGArIS A" ="Z"Ci rounded during the afternoon and Net• crop, whUwt others say 70 11111 evening by a bevy of gallants. ilia 75 per cowl. of ant average. The n{,- `,� uNkY TU I A LAROK AMOVNT dropped tier hlanrlkerehief, and one pie crop of trip Ulw5sal Sta,tpg wall 'a of pNvwto fa for Inex..tli eat nt bin 1 setas and exrie el' nral-elwem mono w'. ot the men, In returning It, notlewl maplestioha44y be a goal Erne, Loth of, sohhktneeat rrrow. that It was knottepl and nekwl why. Ar n• Ards r onlay snot (menial lbw ' -' - "Let-me-sp ,," she Itn!d musingly. former belemir nomilrel ;abut fie de- AVMG tt 111111;. "t knotted It to remind me of some- gree of Abut"bnoe u{rpeern to t,S '1'H Aa OUNDRT, A ?IOYF:k'c .ANTI thing ; but -what Y' soms•vvlat kn dmrbl. T later, 1►odertch. 11a1►wttrgden W in of ' rt of the (wanly. "1 Ihantly auppxsee," renNtrk#,d her IlNlbh Inve 1:t•t harttci - -. — -_._ Aunt, who was wtanding near, "that JOHN R ORNLRAL Alt , -" L-Itt you put that Isnot there to remand Iwrhdon, AnK, U.-TFrday cattle valla truuslor'G,derl.b'U'A a -r you tint yon are a marrlawl woman are 11"Cidoinged nt 1:1 to 140 per IG; las had eetwUfprabl• err -41",v a the s,e -did you?"-11h4ladelphla Time@. ndrigerator lt•et weak at from 11 Ilooworlwi lrwA"• b" to I■ a pestll.m L, d,• to 11 1-:,1c per IG s►wr�mr•• tea, l6.ro,Igl. rLl-tante@ alt osar lad,i,q ewlru.fw,I to ►I m. Urdnn kit N rurosto I,lve Stock (lark it. ■pa xbnY B.,44 or east by nail Ln hb utAn 'rip alalrh la 1)fr. `od Web P.O., earafvLr attwedoil to- J,11r) 6:rldo oodfu rhol. par owl (W rl to 1110 31 i A hrswlilnR young biNhlsss "Bila of du modluo YOZ, Oosaty ♦srUouoor, itl11 u RI hm3nd, fin., wale Pn.tag d to a gl 1 do tow. .,.... 3 So) io 4 o --- -- ----' of exinpwb•it plan@ turn of mind, on) a newher.' cattle. pirkod....... S eat to s as WAisIAO. !. 7nsa lh^ Clitango Chrt.lrl�. When the Nu4'ber: eat:le, rboi-e_...... 1 x, to a m Hutchers'catUe, fair 3 7s to 117 � g� young Indy wan beyond the hound of do 06omoa. . .." a Is-_ _MMs1r� a u his voles lip wan necustnmrxl to all• do bull. r 5', to 3 O b pllnroun forms of etpreenfon, but wan Keedem short -keep ........... 1 ao to 3 W ------ -_- -_ do t*ediuet.................. J so to 4 16 r; always moat correct of apeach In llpr Bl«kern. too to Mn, The.......... 3 st Iso .1 sI THE DUKE O. ATHO) presence. One morning when he watt belt., el' pert, 4 00 to 3 30 very busy In him store she on Ked him MLeh room, sash ........ 15 01, to /y W ale b a Ill N I err In SroU:utd p np b U IpptNoonr, nava ns lurk would aheop, www. per cwt dada. s 30 to 1 63 t t tlh«p, buck.. per cart.......... r 30 to 1 76 laayg. -- - h:lve tt the wlrpm weep world Ig badly. nb- to toaeri. Saoa....,..... t N1 to 3 W Tho )onng lady r4mld not make film laNA,.`RrMV.;orh Ili to 6Iq Thr Iinke of ,Llholl lain aerate,[ 1 tudrrotnnd, brat cmdd hpnr rcery Bar. eholce, per cwt....:...,.. i 1: to "n 00 Lofaion. Lite W one of ihr Krr,hlest word he said quite plainly. 1!l' M"@'' lkgkt, Der 0wL.....o...... 7 Int to u or of Sc•olch p"rl•M, tanl the holder Ili tlpv,fat, per cwt............... 7 Il) to Ole honglit It wan central, and provoked ninPtrpn titlam,, trot fin rsPmm prmtl- t th't delay sn61 a whole lot of Bradetroete, o■ rrada. er-,p L. the pumlllua of chj ( h things totally unmalleel for rppptltlon Trade at Umtrrli bus berm lair for ( Inn than of nny olhpr roc a a' - In n Sunday ache, 1. Half an hmhr 11LIN lime of the year. There Inn@ ,tree v"IItAKew. When the Athol[ Meet- liler h received a parcel tontalning A, f'alr Inquiry for fall amt winter flag Jlkelso place In early tiutlkmll, tilt' lbs letters anal pre@Nate ie heal sent Slturra. Ilk Tuvonto this ww k there hue Irellt- tannehrr At tore t cowl 04-4tip Io the girl, with a mote Informing haat a fair movemrrrL Lit whoo)[ �nle (el,ln`llk(•rI fn true fendnl fashion, and h!m that rile could not think or link- tra,to fox thin t1mo. ear file summer, its ono of flip few Scotch noble,, wlal fur h:,r fire to that of n man so Witt") many bunin.'rg mrh ere away kpcp up old tra ditional, rgmrts, Kallen tfteot w w - on to i or ¢ o fin ns l i t p ntt#, I M g , m h m .r of n At iqb 1, r n (• I tam pr Y SII c l 1 A the � t ., CgN•h nn throwing llr I fanit . I St wnri r fair Movement e n t vi I n a Ibmd- 7 1M f 10 Ip l N) llr• J hvrlhi, dan'Ing th to w1N.lrmule trade ofrelem. Tliere line • nkhnn, Highland fling, nal p„ on; Adtlew to Wive.. INrn a Stood ppovemen14 lea trade car- ! anal ho loretpre.4 that hla owls 1t'••1'le- cles at Hamilton, Its refMsrtwt for ntli not profr•wmlonlalN, 19110111,1 talk" ,Mac O'Rell, In lllm book, " Her Bruletreet'e, this week, The orlers pert In these contpoto an 1 Anup•e` Royal HIOuiram, Woman," given tills from'nmr-by ptiutg, nw wtp an from merits. Tfiim old family olreriAt 11wir ndtlon r wives: "To note your ling- Ute Northwest, are satletaetory, amt hrredl Jury ii.Alits, preserve m:11u ,,tr- bnrd, my dear Inds, do exactly as trnvr4lers' retorts Lnlicate that thPre amen euptromm, niti mon tet toot sa f.•w yon plpnm#,, but always prrtpnd that will Ism! A larges sorting trade lion@ r eratltoum. Tice dukpthmh of Alh- yoli do n• llr• pleases. T11nt Is whpro fills year to fall ant wlnlor lines. obi Mdrks the privilege of prp.le"I )-our #its lity comem fn Men tire• ruled, Lnlurn orf Staple, goals are f,rmly hig a enal of fnlenne to the Sovereign nm efiildron arp,.,br tin prnmprrt of heLL PA)ments are fair. At 1'nolfle nt the tifgp of a coronation; 111'1 n reward. The reward of your haw• ('oast points theire has brru a little when the reigning monarnlh vt-AI band In your nmisthilit y, •your gwMt- improyemaent In dome wholpsclp deA ilin;r Athotl, awl,nt turtge t1(•o Pero 11018, your 40votion, nod ynur prlrtmonta of trarin lately, undl the thnt tho Poke of Athotl of the day beauty, of whirr, you sll-,um take general outlook Is (x'(yplaing, At Lou- rhould prw:ent a while bNt(jurl UI constant cane. tkm ttlerp to A fair muremeW In 11:00 Ioynd $Most. Alsother tlFl cnwtdml " Alwnyn let h'm mtppmw that it wtNotl'eelle trade Mr the full. Country ptew•ri1N•v that wills" the fieir9 In for 11Im that you wish to remain retLaliere brave experienced, a I.e:ter bride p:iys tier first, visit to the• nn- bannllfnil Th^ woman who bplJevse�tberAtlld for "SkinaWs goo,ln at,," ctw.Jnl caotle. gh11 should fie r•ar. the JN neoprting her Indmpendanos t1te, first of than month. in N'innipe" ileal naromm the tlrrpghold, aml by "o every time she pits on A IIAt para the txrotintatl gtn"1 outlook for Ilia mentum walk thr/Neg1t the d.4trwn t Iirultrle dfwplen■litr to her hnmbnnol ertepw In Wing n rntlAfactory rjti-et The imnhrm of Atholl, whop ,'(` 18 no clever and Intelligent no thn, ml thedrmnnl from jibbern Retallf•re rent Illnewm hag eftnoset, tai mach nn, irlmfimnn who buya n return trip Ihr.,ugiloatlhelerotiorhnvpordrrrd 1pi, waw ]Ingo l,onlafa Non•rb•ff" tirki•t nt a rellroa,f office, and, nn litwrtuly for the fall, anal 1( Is export- daughter ref the late Mir 711,011` lel tor14R the ant, remarks to tlwe (al tlml the imn irw through flip Tort- Mo,v rlPffP,-M. A. P. ppatssenger* i ' 1 have played a Rood InR Senatft wl,l Its m(Ioh twtter than in j,kn nw th1 rovmpany i hnvp bought pr,•tl(w■ years. erttawll whoiraalo Thr Iinmh("1 holds the record nmoutR a riefurf tick t. bat i dont mean Irowe c relpe art, fairly active fur this planto for quivk growth. It hail M'"e to coke beck.' " wus,u of tie year, I krnown to grow l wo fent In 34 100111 . Mall and Kar pr....,. M all Sold xrpre-.. I l'.... sus+ Dib-NTUTar. - �1. NICHOLaON. 1. IJ. a., lel DZNT.L et'Ra[O., Itoov.s •pdD.in. u. cwt OAS& pOeld ruling. row■ sad keldss w1f rk e SY T•� 1 .,..•r•a M. MASK. D.D.A. I OAD -III\TAI Ile Surgeon ,at*" w.4approred ■,ali-aa tonal denW op•r Uwe Pre.,•rra.lem of tea a"Ural Isola w Spet:falt , Ofaee:Ll 1,e. wPt ' tL tad pQ liar• la*.t� MaLltar•e sr way Telephone No, 3L ��r t' ILA [ lit:%. D.D.N.• L.U.H.. t16NTu. • 14mrneor, maceseeer to Ur. J V Ter. bull. Metwt npprur.d. mrtb,d.lu.'0.I.p.,n swats of Roomier■ drntiat Sly, tal ladlow µu, lain Inlay o wrwtlon., nod tt".w■ cud bn,it. work hath (n m'.Id nod lea por-tub. Np11 r. altrullus pall to pratirerrrrLun..�d_,.oAin.. Orth. In -1114- lurawrly .meuph.l I,1 :,r Turnbull. - 1N♦cITR•E-w'K., THr. R'NU6:k.111:%1.1. �\ .Irutlalw, wllit-1— mruni•r"nt I...l..-t p.m. w'edres.tty■ from May to (JPS.4- Ilk els.ior- tnSrmnl. M. NN am r,. I.. U. MIvlo r. Uo'1•rfrk. flay atb, iowa. w. Y. H,s„rd -- - --- --- La1Nas. . . LL• CAMPION. QC.—�ARHfRT1:1 NULL 1'ae dim•, N.tery, t.l �. wr■r y"14, Belt. tlyuare. (lwderina. U. JUdNdltsn- I/Attl(l"Tt.(. amu.... n e,ab a -fir—�h leis. Oob~: a w•. Na",.ia da li dL .( y[w[ta• f1toubs"vfl, th•L - . PROVDPOOT t HATB. RARRISTCH! eJiuuww. net ,"e• puhbs pno I,.n in W Marlthtaa Court, tc. Ohne: }'L.rth .t . ,oast door d1waAL time.% Private Funds w tow .1 Iosad ratdo of Interest. - 4. W. PROUDFtxyr.------.---IL C. nm l!t r 1CKI\HON k0A1tROW.8ARi:l-il1:- iJ Attoru yr. duHdt(�pte�dI se{k�,. Oudero, i k. 1.. Ulckineon. Cbasis.Osorro.. 1.LJs._ nHILIP HOLT• R.O., BARRIATICK WLl 1 , I or. Notary Public. elc. llflloe r:. -t- I1 Conrt Hnu.e.quare, Money to ludo. .' In. maw of Int, rr.t. /1HA8. 89AORR — BARRISTRft• W)r. U letter, notary and cdavVaaeer Offices es HaodUton street eDpwhe tM 1lollgna He"L, Uoderleh. Prlvst• (wade be lead ea ntnrlsagss st 4 pe[ *mL la Mreol rarmrt neem osiri W V,.A' A' Wkkn P.aP a `-1-'A I C t AL �q E ,d �Pepartment of The exture or 0 a the U is ownrll important, than it■ I palet foo 1. Every ear rtakuld know, this lumpy dou w.lt lout a IN/ tatter how roue t:dy contain. A Isla) be•u produc-ng oral Ler of years msY Ile lured by one LnJudicl a wet tLse ad to growing of crul.4 to yard The Io,ury 1 I4•atlun of ft■ p!:y.l L, tilt, It•rrening of w.u.ly sub t ty slw pwatr,.l fur ter grew U the $uuhuIs, ear J rainier, be ulluweil Lt. I t becumed Zoll loops Lir molo LUre, exerrr:vely but N weather. A fLiely divided, .oil 1. mor,• p o fu: t lumpy .OLI Ot tilt- ail poAtloa. Why ? D and 1•.La Lnd Case hal more all'; it pr,st jas tU the t••Nltr; tu.1y; It host.w t' of the l's neral o 1 m v:,rinbl•-,exlremea - v tom tae {•,tial(• h1 app t ways t,'ir meal ow•n, d dors tel.• pain, b o l and nlfontm n run,: tunable place cn toy grow. Mist r•repwr 11 i■ usels'ed to " fertilisers to lamim LI proper phyotrAl the eery bent grew• thea. can the text lmp: "I f -I 7 By pot .lKI tltingP, nn,[ D 1nt•urperatlun of use of under drail appllcatlons of lime tet(un of crop tit A number of px been carried eaut ( {{,,cerhue&ter farnim. Itbaoa, N. Y., surf the results point 1 necessity of prefer Us anti, the first v��rhlch Is Ro put th pllysleel condition pari tuns to water ; will affortl a recap Free water wlthl of Rhe surface of t nus to the growt' planta. Capillary water rptainCal In empty spaces or througljout a wel the f„►fort Rogers cf and should by all servoil. Capillary hull dependm upon Ito particles. Thr elr•w the granter wt of cnplllary Julien tho finer and more capillary tubes llr flu, quantity co p the soil. In coarse gravelly anlld the L,PAk, while to sills It will be sl the cnplllary pores instill continuous under -roll to lh, HOT WEATHEI Mere LlltleOnes hal Heather 1lunlit Other H It Is a Inmentabl satltln of little onem ther allmenta, wt” lmnrnl tr Molthery Peoprr remely to m IJ Hest wrnther At /h -illy and unif orm lw pr(t;ImIll little lift, fru' hrtfre. FkUi) promptly iille•k just wt,gm.ich trAuLwks, still uth/r Inst w Tiwy also Rare, r tr(mlble'sl and prhv that crown at tills I dint- mother ahoukl BAhJ'a Own Tlblot all times. No oth r prditnpity A M inn Mai ''Isla nrp gnarantee OVAtP or harmful wn)o do goof nml f berm, And crophrd din gfve thrat to 11 sot Intent, lira. r- I-saasl Ont., arty, 1-111,1(vt with .!larrl er(trp arM rrallrgg, ml('(p 1 ihnrlJy knew b'n l Rtrt a t.I\ Of IMps, ant after Rlvl iNlw'rIN b(enme reir, ml"rp well. i tM SplenIM mrrilelnp." l o.tr on n corl Do dtnR rlore or by t.. orn,ts a broil. by williamm' Mnikiinr 0M. lir Ploltpnerin,