HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-8-14, Page 1THREE °.A19" A v•r8 Alta AcrivE Aoarvr8 WHIN PI -AC C /N THE SIGNAL ionat. TI --11E) I.aE7ADINf3- NDW>;3PAP.E OF HVRON OOUNT T FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR. •2895 LOOKIIAT YOUR LABEL I IT SHOULD '8E MARKED PAID POR .,.1902 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : AUGUST 14, 1902' D. hi°GILLIC UDD Y, EDITOR. THE WEEKLY MAhwtT REPORT 60oYe0m. Aug. 111903 Fall Wheat, 'J09 to 00 door. ratulll.`pee Owl.... _-._1 10 to 2 10 riuur, potter. per .wt110 to r 10 thou. p ton...-.. -. - 17 01 M 1700 Shorts. It ton 10 00 to WOO Screenings, par cwt 1 00 to 1 00 Bye. per bush 069 to 0 19 Buckwheat. pet boob 0 66 to 0 50 Osr. SI bask ...... 40 to 0 ass, et bush....._.._ ....._.._75 b 0 80 Barley. par buil b 010 10 060 Pay. too sew.... Potatoss. • bush.. Butter, - Cheese. Der Ib F. ors fruit mpaoked. t 4.a.., - Wood _-._.._-_.._'.-..- Hides--•------ LDo Hoes torrid Hop Bacon. Lord per Ib. Dragged Reef, fon 4tttrt.r tressed Ideal. tressed )lad tattle. Ex (0 to 7 00 40 to 0 10 12 to 0 13 10 to 0 11 12 to 0 13 LO l3 4 00 00 to 4 0) 1) to 0 60 50607403 00 to 8 50 13 M 018 1.5 M 0 16 11 to 14 00 to 0 11 00 to 0 00 00 t0 6 00 00 to W FOP Baim. DEy1RABLE RESIDENCE FOK SALE The subsorlbre offer f w sale the res donne sod beautiful grounds atiloloing in the town "f Oodriob, owned sod occupied by the Hoo J. T. U•rrow, who le .boat to remove to Toronto. The property embraces seven of the neer buUWing. lots In the own, oo0talning n early two •ores end to ao o0e not desiring so extensive • gardeu rood be •dvaotageoue ly sabdlvldd and sold as building mites es. Yoeelon at any elms lospectioa Invited. Terme one-half omit. balance o3 mortgage at 6 per cert, Bated at OodeMoh July 141.11. 1902. DICKINSON t ()ARROW, 6317 Vehdoe'e Solicitors AFiRST-CLASS FARM FOR SALE 0K TO RKN T. to the township of West Wawauoa6 her. concession D. coOtaleleg 100 sere, more or sea. •tool 175 oleard in • rood state of cut - to stion, good fences. well watered, good orchard, buildings re, good. stables under b 12 bye!, roa,soeel to echooIa aria churches. :;old on easyterms to suit purchaser. Apply lei W. IL ('MPHEI.L, Westfield, et W. A. HA/IR :ON. Lackner 00-3m CHOICE dUILDit( LOTH POR BALK ta Rt Ororgs'a ward. AMA M DANCKY. OFR 1TALUABLE FARM PROPRRTW FOR can. Wog the properly of Mrs. Robert N'hl'ely. mn'•Ining 81 sores. brag oompoeed of lot 12 In the sib oo0oeedeo, ane 1 acres, part of Ir Itr the 146 °ot o...eloo. Oodrlch towrhlp. This a der dna farm ono 1. situ *tot stout fur males from Uodetiah. Title perfect. roe particulars apply to the raider - aligned Toted Tad J illy. If H. PHILIP HOI.T, Ooderlch. 11WO FARMS FOR SALE. -LOT 6, 1 oonoeseloo 7. Colborne. containing 100 acres Lot 67. M.'Irnd 00.oessloa. Ooderiob township. ooutsioleg 75 acres. HI oh forms are well Mooed and wall watered ; good hmldlase and first ear orchard on each farm swirly all under grass Sixty per coot. of the purchases model may remain oa rortrate at .5 per oo0t. For particulars .Pala to BURNS. Carlow. 00(0 FOK SALE UK TO KENT. - MRM Ntrachaa oilers for sale or to rent the property •t present oocuoleI by her, on the rororr of Victoria and Brune stream. There is a larao eoacrete building oontalnlog dweU- me house sal store, with all conveniences to connection Thereto also a .tory-and -• half Mme dwelling annals] on the same lot Tem. resueabie. Apr, to MHN. NTItACHAN, on the premises. A T PRIVATE SALE 11 That big stone hones with ;roomed brick rds.r; or, situated 0 Plotoo street. The bons* ia dr' sod warm, being lied throughout with 2 Inch 4l•,ak. 1t le solid and sulwtaatrl. It pros built by lJtp an Che,lf►OI when to hie prime `tot for • def ut for •II t ma. The fosc,'tatbas are about 1 feet thick and will eodurr *a long •e the Pyramids of Kir pr. A hoer peel or horror who rid lea the poteat'slitles a( fr ph paint soil paper, whloh ore rexpep•IYS. sad of flaw, wh'oh Is pent• fully .heap. by s little priming and Judicious e. pedltur. can mderniri It loo an 0o M dote mansion 1 assert most strenuously and tearlessly that • big morn will crus to the o toe awoke Investor- for the t of ell rem - rut that ho has a broad nod Id foundation All r•5tly 4 hand. The same e•nbot be rid of • shell or veneer. let those who are an the lookout for • soft soap Investigate, lit- seriatim. •seriati e. Inosettl1ygaa e . Offers eddreotord yppp THRO. J, 260014114)1191. Hayfield P.O., wldteY. teeelve $ atteotioa. 7th. 1101 (Ig.tf AuoUon Balm e ,: EAECUTOR'8 HALF or TOWN ANb VILLAGE PROPERTIES LJmspinp to the Reale el the Infr Itnn. M.(' 1 ',moron, ailworrd 4w the TOrcn of (.lnrl rirA and Village of Hag)trfd, 001. Under 4natrontlons from The Toronto Oen Aral Trner Corporation. E0005,Ior sod Trus- tees of shoo, Retate, there wilt be offered for sats bas Fondle auction by Thomas tr00dry, stammererat de auotloa rooms In the town of Oderlan on SATURDAY, TNR 16TH DAY or ADJUST (901, et the hoar of two o'clock r. r. the fol- lowing lands and premises In the Town of Uderle/5: 1. Part of lot 878 on 01.4010. street, 10ont 31,106 feel, o. wbloh Is sold to he wot.d • frame m.rbte arm. 2 Lot RM Masteries street about 1030106 feeton whldh Is said to be emoted a one storey frame dwelling house soael.l.g 4 40904. 2. The fellowlag vacant lots f Lal l�t't 223 Stanley street, Ohio"' 141/ Megaton street. 19! " 51) Yoder street, dl ' 591 ao fel " 693 do ti) " 491 dei 44) 596 do 064 ' 659 Montcalm @tree I}i " M2 Wolfe street, kl " 361 I'k'on strait • . Tart of tote 11 and 1� In Cgor,4(loe "A' Mei nal (toad. Township of Oderinh. now In tae own o(Ood.wfch containing12 acres motf or tone. Alma 46. toilnw Ing smear total, the t' i Ilage of Bayfield. I. Lots 103 to 700 loolneIvo on north tilde of Cameron street lend 743 to 718 inclusive on sant) Male Victoria strut. 2. Lots 701 to 701 4dblnsly, en north side Cameron strew and 737 to 741 tedoslve n smith side Vie 110 strut. 3. I,n47117 to 7101nrinMve on north side Cameros street nod 733 to 736 l0olndre 'tooth 2440 J,,torla .4 001. Lots 719 to 7M Inolurve on sort h side Vie - brae street, 5 Loos 766 to 760 inolrefy, on worth side Victoria Wrest 8. Lots 7M {GM Inclnsid.ti 766 and 767 01 mirth side Vintorla street Lots 311 to all Inclusive o. north Md, ('444)Ntt horst and 41A to HI l..lr.l de no south side Gins street. Oliota OM to 127 indoors on month We 1. Lots 6* to 413 (Homely, on south side Mae Omer, 10. lot. HOto 6M IDnlneivo on north side Shoes street, and 118 to 173 Memoirs on eolith aids lone street. II Lots IN to 649 inoleslye on mirth std. Ores *treat., and 441 to 167 Inelmlye se south ,144 Ju, strut 12 Ing. 54. 544 to 667 Melody* on west old. Varela street and 064 M 671 hornet ve o0 out We KI1r.b.th motet. I' lob614.Ink 110,6944$4) 611 AM, MN, Rt1 All nwe ,o Wfnol matte, j (0 Moaned to. Si to R1l I.r,m,,s. nn Hay geld Tomo*. TERMS OrSALE. Ranh parcel wilt he put up euhjent to • ee- 1rr4-. hid wild. hes been Aved at a sora low OK ore. rteen"ran'• 10 pteeBash at time of sale end _ hare In thirty days. Other benne anti nee t it,nu .4ll ha made know. at the time of " 'n'Aw rl me stlmeN appli.rllee te the or to The7srreLle 1101111801 Tram pohpee�Hoa, N, 40 CA 744wta. Ose son. Ufii.le. CHAS. M. PASIIIORE, 01440,41 and Cholrmestsr Koos okurok. Pnpp11 of Mr. A. S. Vogt Plano. Organ and Vote.. A ogler& street. 91-10 MISS COLBORNE, Teacher of Pletuher tousle method, '111 ro- oelve pupils et her studio, above 26r. N•ftel'a assurance office, 01.mllloo street. For Infor- mation apply *Rho: at studio or at trsldence. St Pottiest s street. W. GLENN CAMPBELL., Orgmlat sad mustal director of North street Methodist ohurc h. teacher of piano, pips or- gan and theory Pupils prepared for all .z- awloatloos of the Toronto Oo0servatory of Music. Will be pleas,.d to receive applies noir from all those mitring such instruct. Ron at ole new studio over Thomeoo's maslo sore. Use of piano for poodle* may he or ranged for. 0711 Mottos WAKNINU.-ANY PERSON RA1 H. Mg from the Mande. using the ferry without ponia ds's shooting, or otherwise Ovp0oolo4 upon 5.l par: of the property wilt be wrested and prosecuted E• C. ATTRILI. Ridgewood Parr. [)ROF. B. L TAUB0 a•t'r0.TI', Otto oPrtCIAN ANP ITS "P.CI A LUOr. All kinds of Munn:gas and Ele410easa made M Order. Special attention given to !Mimi the eye. Orden by moll promptly attended to. Be- ware of parties using my nanir, as 1 employ no Iradrllin, treats whateve{ Satisfaction guaranteed. 40.tablahed 1873. MI RICHMOND STRICT W., TORONTO- PubUe Notiee. BYLAW NO 33 OF 1902 OF THE TOWN Or OODERiC H. To actSorlre the Corpo- ration of the tali Town to borrow the sum of 111.(100210 for easel. sal ezpendlrum, atresty disbursed on so- ceunt of 'the waterworks aal electric light systems of the Municipallty. Whereas daring the ye1140' IW1900, 19)1 and 190ah 1. up to the present dJ, ate. there Mrs bee., expended from the current funds of the Mmielpelhy, for capital 50oou.1 of the waterworks system and M. electric light aye tom. sums aerre4at101 over 11(.000.00 And whereas, under bylaw 8 o IWJ, the sum of 15,010 was borrowed on the debentures Mind for these special purposes. And whereas the balanne of 111,00) forms port of the floating debt now due to the Bank of Montreal and which le not yet pall. And whereas It is expellent and necessary last the said dotting debt eh ruld be rduoed, by means of 18, Issue of debentures. for the sum of 111.000 es afurasald. And whereas the value of the whole rah able property of the said Mooioloality, ao. oording to the last revised and equal zed as. moment roll, lithe sum of :1,197.00 And w -errs the amount of rho ezlstind de• but are debt of the said M uololp.Jty Is now the .um of 6176.91198, of which neither prin- cipal rimclpal our Barri 4 In arrear, And whereas the total amount required to be raised annually by spec el rate upon the ratab's proper y of the said Muelolpallty for the period of twentlears, daring which the said proposed less el erred, for the re payment of the sante, by email annual instal- ments. tougher with Interest thereon at the rare of four par ceat. per annum. Is Me sum of 1829. U 1 It lherefcro eeacn3, ant It 4 hereby acted th.1 1. -It shell he lawful for the Mayor end Treasurer of the said Town of roderich to borrow from any per.un or corporation will leg to land the rme,t►o rim of 411 000,for the. purpose .(omen 1. rrpayed), In twenty (20. years with interest thereon at the rate of for Pr cent per annum, and to crus therefor the debentures of the sold Corporation, In sums of no: less then 1100. .nab whit% shall be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer of the so .1 Town. and sealed with the corporate seal, with ooapooe attached for the paymolt of Interest, which shall be signed by the Treasurer of the wild Town. •ol rho lender shall pay the money lent upon the security of the sat/ debentures unto the branch or agency of the Bonk of Mont re 11 at the laid Town of Oderich to be applied specially to the afore- said purpose of reducing the Orono liabil11, of the Corporation to the said lana, nod the said debentures and coupons as derailed be- low shall be made payabie at the ofiloe of the Honk of Montreal In the Town of Ooderlcb 0o toe 31st day of August In esoh year of the tattooing year, Tear No. l' loclpal Introit Total IPJI 3103 10 115.00 889.10 11)1 381 17 4 ti.13 sal 10 1121 N .51 109,08 809.40 14.4 115.53 .7411.87 809 40 11047 432 15 37/ 96 809.11 1908 119.43 350 96 809.30 190. 667.11 311.91 809.10 1910 4M 10 324 99 1119 3Y l vj i 605.55 303.83 809.40 I1 I i 53i. i 7 Y8162 809 39 1913 1 Mg 80 962.40 400,60 1911 11 616.68 210.774 CA3 217.99 p 40 1915 1016 11 15.1004444 191.21 00911 1917 15 �.6' 10472 109 10 1018 16 065.37 111.11 611410 1919 17 697.88 117.61 SOO 40 198) 10 710 55 914 86 1100.40 11191 19 710.33 0106 400'0 1921 20 770 98 31.13 810.39 111.000.481 $ 5.107.0 116,187.97 ? And fro toe repaTp'ent of the sold e0m of 111.400 with Interest thhereon, there shall be assessed sod levied. over and above all other rale* and taxes upon the whole taxable property within the said Monforp.li1y daring each and every year for the twenty year* next after the paring of this Bylaw, the said sum of 1809.4) for payment of Principal and in - forest. • This Bylaw shell oome Into force and effect yehen tipsily passel atter hiving re- oetve4 the se -not of the electors. 4. -The votee rf jhe electors of the said Muolclpality entitled to vote upon the Bylaw e llen be token on the 22nd day of Angoat. 1102. commenting at the hoar 4t olno o'clock le the forenoon and closingt five o'clock In the afternoon. and snob poll shall be taken l0 the various polling plac.. underumntioned Polling Nob.11vfelon No. 1, at MoClymont'e Wagon Shop, James Hreckeorldge, Deputy Returning Omcer. Polling Aub division ten 2,atThomaiVI/ - eon's Feed Bore. 1 'har:os Bates, Deputy Re turning Officer. Palling Nob nlvimion No 3, se the Town Hall, Rdgard *se Byerf. Demur HrarataaON- oer, Ib11100 R.ibdivi.loe W4 4. at J. R. Ronal - man's Marhlne Shop. John F, Bates, I0poty fteturning ()f leer. Polling Sub..livIdon NO I, at 111n.12 alton's Shop, E. R. Watson. Dep•oy Returning ONL tier Polling Solidi, tern No at Rrophe)l s furniture Store. Harty Watepn, Deputy Re tontine O4,,r, Pelting Nab Division No 7. 01 Doelr Novllle'e Bonne, J Osigir, Dopar) Rittman, Officer. 5 The 1. lark of the sold Corporation shall attend at the Town Hall to the sold Town on Na. .trday, the 23rd day of Andra, 1901. at eleven o stock In the forenoon, 40 snm rap the somber of woe M given for and against the Tr law, and the Mayor 'hall attend at the bid Town Hall on Thursday. the 21st day of Aug. net, 1901, at the hour of eleven n'clork In toe toren ton, for the appointment of person' to attend at the varin.m polling p4.oea, and at the fine slimming top of the es d votes by the (fork, es ben.lf of persons Interestd Is pro Idoti' ospordi oppo.foo the paring of this,fly- PMvldonally purr! Ihie 24th dal of July. 1902. M.O. 4'AMRRUN. WM. MITCIIKLL, Mayor. utak. Teske n'414r that the above le a trot' copy of • p100010A bylaw. which her Mea 'oaken Into o'4. old oration sod which will he finally pseud by the conned' of the menlMP.ltty fin the event of the rood of th, renter. Doing 0b Word titanium anew on, tuoot6 from the brit pnMlestlen In TH. RtoNat newspa 0'. the iota of whleh onhllerllon who JnIy64.., M and that the void of the .le0l0rs 02 the meinlrlpallty will betakes throne on rho dal and at (ha hone and duos thet.4* WM. 26111'4 I. ('(ret. �w1» -1 DR. W. 1. OALLOW. PHTSICiAN 111111m P, AROUND TOWN WILL NOT VISIT Unp1RIOM.-The follow• log tel.gram from the minister of piblro works, reoeiyld by the Myer Irl Thurso day, explains null: "Perry SJuad-I cro- w n go to G .demob •t premise. Have an e osagemeot at Halifax o4. the 14:h last. J. Israel Tart." CIVIL' HOLIDAY Exc1Jab10N.-The G. T. ft. will lassus ilokeu at aiaale fore, good gulag r a. ratios Monday, 18 h, wood to rnturo any tr•la Aug. 20.b. 9or •11 information sod Holten apply to F. F. LAwMsNcs, up, Men ticket goat. (Shoe. old Bank of Commutes building. UR. DANIVL PYSACHao,-Lindon Ad• vrllser : Rev. Dr. Wool. now of Gado Cob, but formerly ot the First Meohodist oouroh here, pruohed tote yesterdty is 46.1 doted) The se0gregstloae were pro bably the largest of the year, showing the 042.0(ioa Zeit fur t)r. Du.d. la the .t'er• nowt Dr. Dani. •ddreeae.l the Sunday school. Ht'auv MODIL SoeooL.-Toe Model School" •t (')otos sad Oodmiob will open on 'ls.d.y, Sept. 3rd, at 9 e'ulook A. M. The fiord .f Examiners will mut at Sea forth of Saturday, Aug. 237d. All th.es wishing to attend the Model Suhoo1 are re- qusated to notify the October Seboat loped -s ors before the date of mmatta4. Appliont will Were rote w6toh Model Sahoot they prefer attending. C1Vtc HoLIDAT Aon. 19ru -'1h. Mayo' 641 inured a proclamation deolariog out Tuesday, th. 19,h ls.e., our olv.o holiday. A c,mm4ttee of c1414t01 hays arranged an excursion to Port Huron for the day, Ieayioe Ood 4.r ch at 7 ♦ r. on the City of I h. Swale sad •rrtving a'. Port Huron at 11 o'ol.ok. The return trip will be made on the P,ttburg, leaving Port Huron •t Pr. M. The (or. for ►6e round trip I. only 41, and oo doubt • 'arse number of our oi6,zr0s will take adval, tage of the opportunity for a pl.a.•ot oriog. Tbe Mann. Band will s000mpsoy the exoorroo. Pt' nolo So Ho)1. [Aran) -A ■peoild met- ing of thei trustees wee oall"d on Wedoe.- day evsotbg of Oat week to 000sider the application. r.rlved for the 0dtir, mad• varot on the Central staff by M.'s Sk.4 too'. ruiglatloa Mir M'lvr, of St. David'e ward eohool, notion! the ua- •olmoua •ppolOtmeor, and M1.s gnome it,b.raoo woe appointed to ;he peslt,00 vs.' o•ted by SI tee lel olvr. The pormonent munch- ers were all rout/axed for the nest twelve months at tool. protract ularlos, and the motets y was Inttruoted to psy the prop olpal toe balance of his salary for but term AT Till If054321 -The s'r. Myles was to 03 Mo,d.y with 42 000 bushels of wheat. f-om Fort W ill ars for the Lake Huron and Manitoba M Ilo09 Co., and u t W• tondo), 'he Rmedals brought to 12,000 of wbeat al to from Fort %VUI'am ... , Work was com- menced oo !doubly In tearing down tb. Ascii water Deaf Lee's ofh x, p rapteoory to puttiog Ina new fusing. ..The Nor- way brought In 650 tons of washed stook oo.l for the big mill on Moaday, bat as the epi h'y wa. ant sathdsotery Managear Yo• t 41 redo -e 1 to take the urge. The owner was 119.01ed op yesterday te sejase the natter The John U.d.. brought to 70,000 bushel, of oorn from entre on WVsdofFlay mornlog for the ele•otor. CORONATII,N DAy Io Co,4Rl 1 -Stru- ts}, last about a q.arter to eight In the 'noroi .9 teems leer wor Is : "London -the King was Drowned at 12:21 r. r." were re- ret•ed here over the wire, asnounolog the oe0fnrtmst100 of the co -moony at West- minster, rd about ball pub nine the bell of Jr. Ceo'ge'e oberoh pealed forth In glad v0lalm, foh.wel after .bolt WI an hour's tinging by the factory whistles and the town bell,which prolonged the peso another hell hour. The banks 41,1 the pra•ofhes were oloe,4, and moat of the basinree planes took a holt boliday to oel.braUrn of the nitor(o reit. Puss ware le eetdeoos on oolitic and priv ate buildings and some private reside toes were deoorr.d with .mall solos jocks. 1' INITID ONTARIO STRUT LIAOU T. UI.IN • mN -About thirty rat the ynsoe people of North .tress llethrdtet oburob E. 1, of C. E. visited th. Lo.gue of Ontario .trot Methodist church, C'hn•oo, 260tday entitl- ing of this week. Tb. Clinton) young poop'• had the lulu,. room of tbelr oho, oh tesr.tu(ly deduret,4 fur the 0oaeton. I)r. 'Lff,rd, pastor of the Oatarr, street 0horoh, In a neat address welcomed the •iittor., and gave some g rod advioe to re- tard to the work to watch the Leagues should engage mere e.roeetly. A pm gram of vomit solos and reading. was Oen dao 1. in wbloh M,e... Moanto&t4e and Witham, of C"Inten. Mir 1,vur• Rrydge. and Mr. .1•• Thomson, of Iloderioh, took part. At the 000clusion of the program refreshments were p.rt•kee n', and after a time of social intercourse had bus spent, the homeward drive was mad., .11 agreeing that the evening's outing was both pleasant- ly and prohtab'y spent. MAHRtED TN DI'Ll'TR -The Dglath News Tribune of Actg. lit has th. Iollnwing with rehired)* to the montage of Mies Mary C.mpbell, who left here • short time, ago for that oity. Miss Campbell Ie • descend- ent of Lord Graham, the Clay.rhoo.e, Sootland : A very pretty caddies, Is whloh William Haley, of 1'rootorknott, and Moe Mary Qemphell, of (loderieh, Dot„ were the oostraotlig parties, was solemslp.d Monday Situation. Vacant. WANTED. -A 000DOENRRALSalt. rant. Apply to MRN. W. W. THOM- SON, South street. It GENERAL SERVANT WANTED TO go to Toronto. No washing. R*tr. aloesdgew RiraoodPdark.Dol r to MBB. HR 8 TON, Wanted. AfITED.-AN THE KENSINOTUN VY Tpr*ltere Co, Oodielch, 'Ins, ash or baerwo.A, great or dry. 31.11. Rooms to Int. '(10 RENT. -ROOMS ON HAILTON `` serest at present 000.pid by M.N. Lewis as law offices; will change Into small store If noore0ry. Or rooms over Mir Cameron's atom with frost and rear ,etrsnoe. k N. LEWIS. 71 1liuPontN, Ste. Ci Hem S. NRAW, 4J lRAI, iN041JR- ANC1i tad real estate saeest. OSloe. tee door out of P. 0., Odrleh. Agent for the leading motor dre Iasaran.e committee and loading stock eomtanle,. M.emantlle and manefaeturing deka t Ower rates. ('111 at otfloe. U% R. ROBERTSON. V v •1goMI1Mat and tessrawos Agent ssl/ .000.01. main op. sae Mated and rents oellsM,d, Irraora.0 In Rrltlgh tad Canadian Itemnle. Or�ses It Preudfopt 4 Hya0111. North trope OederNk Mlles, L. J. T 11A1TK . o1.NRRAL 111- aU*A11OE ;Ma4e ewe, f ieIlia, *IIbddest Stam Inelrsmsw effooted teal er plea at russet ate f Re IMAM and Oa.d6as eemeaales rep• a a.1t dw so Deere. t ..naw, flat afnr0000 at the Cathedral of the Sealed Hoerr, In Duluth. Rev. Father Dieyr per- formed the oeremooy. Ti,. bride was st- rutted/ attired la a becoming dress of Davy blue 6014..' elotbt trimmed wan lace apple oral, aril wore a bat M match the oor4umr. Mir Jewell Tull, who attended her, wore a pricey gown el white on/audio. Thomas Haley, a brother of ties bridegroom, was boat man. The young topple are very poputr lo their new home here. Mn. Haley wog one of Oodsrich a moat Mien's! society young women, and cornea of • family ot much promloseoe in that oity. Mr. Holey is ao employe of th• 1). M. & N. and one of Ito boat koowo yo054 mea uo the road, 51114.141. Szootoli or Cols''IL.-A special mooting of the town tattlers was walled for Monday .veolog for the cousldratloe of amoral business. Present the Mayor, Mews. Humber,'1'humpsu:, MoKlm, Mur sly sod Knox. A 3e1001u01Oou,0 from T. p. Wlhlamsoo, the mgrolpal•udttor, t0 re- ferencia to the bods of the treasurer and oolleotor, was referred to the doeskin esm- mtttu. The oommsaloat)oo dolled sttaa. sten to lbs loot that the 'runty of tb. bonds (snob for 110,000) was ..wawbat im- pairer by kb. death of some of the gusrao- tors, rad reoommeodod the gurants* hood" of reputtble oompa02.e as preferable to those gu•r.oteod by private Individuals. In view of 16.4104 that Mr, Reid was Dot now oolleetor of the water and light rotes, and that by the bylaw for oolleotioo of tazee toot vet panned) he le required to promptly deposit all t.1,. 001600ted to the towel's orelit, Mr. Wlldamsoa thought • toad for 15000 might be suffie4eot to (his ones. A oowm.oicatloo was also reoelved from the 'auditor In refereoo• to the summer hotel de- beotore., to his epl.!ou the objeotloo to the debtotores (awing to • olerlool ertor in oomp011044 trot amounts to be poll smuttily) or not a.essarily fatal to their mole. A oommuoloatloo was receive! from P. Holt, K C , .n solicitor for Ides. Howley, stating that Mrs. Hawley szp.eM at least a nomin- al rent for the rrouad ea which the batbiop hoar is built Th. hewn was built by the town no properly beleorlog to her without her parmis.lon, and no root has been paid. The letter woe referred to the public works ",mmittee. A letter frau Farr Bros. of the Caton Hotel. was referred to the slims oom- mates. They requested that the road to 'root of the hotel be pot In proper shape and that a proper intake pipe be &seed to nary •way the endue water. '2'410 LAT. DR. M,LIo).-On Friday morning last there pared away one of Gode- neb's highly reepsoted residents In the parson of Joho Morrison McLeod, at the are of sixty years. "Dr," McLeod, as be Wee lommonly palled, had been in feeble tealth for some time past, and last Decem• her his nephew, Davol Mackiolay, had come from Edinburgh to assist h m io his 00.10,... Hie death was doe to • oomplioa- non of rheumatism and ioflammatioo. Dr. MoL•od was the eldest son of Daniel Ma Lucid, • wealthy merchant and .hid -'weer of H.rri, comity, Ioveroeseshlre. and was thetermd in o family of two soon nod two danght.r'. He was born at i.-aoli Hb • , near Torbert, 1 ,vetoes., In 1842, rad re. mitred hu duration at the Uotyereity of E Ilnburgh earl at the 6rpit•la to E lin- burgh sod London, intending to become • msdroal mi..foo.ry of the Presbyterian church. He pr•otloed for some time In R1- mburgh with Ills uncle, a doctor, and about twenty -,lgbt years ago came to Canada. where he took up medioel work at Mont- real and Woodstock and later in the coun- ters of Brut and Orgy. Ooally tootling In Galeria' about e:ghteeo yews ago to 1985 he was marrl.d to Augusta Mary Mo. Luau. 700ogeot daughter of Mrtio Mc - Lotman. of Geduld), who died In 1892. He had one oh11d by this marriage, Mary Auguste. to 1A94 he was a,•r. id • st o red limo to • titter el his former wile, who with hie daughter, suryivea him. Hie two reten, Mrs Mack inlay, of Rlmburgh, and Mho McLeod, of [outdoo, F.og , also ear- 'lve. H's brother, M•loolm, died In Brazil to the year 1392. "lir." MoL,d w•a • grandson of John Morrlsos, the sacred bard of Harris, whose poems, written In (Mello, ore much prose] smog tbe High- landers. Toe "doctor" will bo muob missed for his kindly and ubaritabls disposition end for the aures hie remedies effeole 1. He WM most widely known es the patentee of the ".system Renovator," ''SpeolOo Cure," "Protein Re,urgam," "Soak and Swab" and "Hrmooy No. 1 and No 2," to the rums facture and sale of whlob he did a loge buslner. The funeral on Sooday afternoon was a lorgn one, Hey J.A. Aodersoo,ft A., of whoo congregation the deosaoed was a member, ooniuoted the eorvioer, and the p+II-ir. were : Wm. Acheson, H. Dun- lop, Jae, MBobell, S. Biome, Jas. W Olson sod 1). Stoddart. WONa4'm INNTITUTI MORTINn AT POINT FARtt--The regular monthly meeting of the t,dr(oh branlh of the W ase Huron 0.omeo'e lo5Lllute was held oo There lay, Aug. 7 th, a', the favorite rummer resort, Point Farm. Ahoot lily of the members and friends were present. Tots organza tion is Ina very promotions ounditlon, o0m• orloally, and a oontlnualiy adyanoing to popularloy, and usefulo.M. Mrs. Orion, of Loyd, presided. The program consisted of • oonlioustton of chats •boot 0000103, pick- ling and eery rig yegetabloa. Mn. I. Silk• old, j'., read an Interesting article on, "Two octopi* Mewls," contrasting two methods of serving • dinner, showing Hist if there Is • little more lah,r required for the more at, Unto result It is more than b•lanod Ie fa vor of .fie object lesson oceyey.d to each member of Ihe family. Mrs. Colin Comp. tall led In the disou■slno en cooking vege- tables. We often hear the remark that some would-be nook "oa000t boil potatose." The truth is few cook. prepore this dish properly. The Doulo dnas not boll. The water boils and the boat oor.vsyd by this medium c,eka the staroh and soltsor the oelluloss of the potato Under ordinary pressure, watet net. r 1000ms any warm- er after the boiling point (212 Fahrenheit) is retched, therefore show the water to r, main at boiling temperature until the hes, hoe o.oe'r•tod and cooked the vegetable Kemnvi the water at Orbe and you will have • moldy, flaky potato, 1)o Dot.od..yor to hasten the cooking proms' by addle? fool to the Orel this may oars the vegetable to Kruk, Is no ere a the oonk,og 0000mpluh• ed in 0,s time. Mrs Uuodry'ssubject, w•m "homing.' Obi said if se would deliber- ately nettled' to Iron many artlolin, we would have more time for reading. writing, motile, co, Few penpl• realize how much .month folding eaves Ironing. Wath -rags, tewele and tea towels do their work quite as .'tidlotonly wlleoot :toeing. Shiite and pillow elven for hods 4h•1 ore mud every sight are dellghtlol'y fresh when ea - ironed The addresses wee• heartily ea. domed, were I4teeed to with m.oh intoner and followed by • lively dleoeseiee. A hearty v001 of thank. was teodrnt the hostess, Mrs .1 Gsleithorp', ter her kle'I hospitality. After refreshm .nn hod bean marvel o plea.aet and profitable meot)n6 aloud by Nailer the Notional Aethem. Ties Rnap,TAi. RAP. tAR. - Wednesday and Thursday of last wo.k the 4.h,re ni the Danghlettl of tae Empire. whleh were be ton last win •r In the Demise ti0a of Lane; work, rnivilOatli in • hellllan4 5.d Mott aaee..,f.t bezoar In the rink o1 West street. ted ►he awgreisldoe o1 ..y.IMu sea do - vine fat Miaow is tidier M pen vont Ills nickels repreasoted • last amouot of work In n>oo.ptloo and ezecutlooet good deal of osdar was uud lo decoration and large fl .gs were draped to •pproprlate spcte. Fur five nor one oould have ea .1ce11eo01urtunl told by any of the mothode approved by the croft. at a wipey tent our the door. Next name • very pretty oaady stall, putty oolosed by latttoe work of pink and white tissue paper. For a nickel you (mold pluck an orange from • cedar tree, and varied Indeed were the coo - tints of the 'olden fruit. The little "old lady that lived 1 • shoe," dressed in • asp and kerubief, found purobaetra for • geed D umber of her 0am.ro0s family. The fanny work tab), of the Maple Leaf Chapter was prettily and •pproprlatsly deooretsd and was prodded ever by some very etoieot little u lulation. l0 • very meriting cry corner oat mould alt and rest (oo payment .1 a fee) and, If very much enamored of the enr- rounding., oould oarry away some of the cuebioor, for • 000ddratioo, A doh pond and the fancy work table of the Ahmsek Chep Or on the other aide of the flak did a thriving troda fes ioe oraam booth was In the ceolre of the lion, and within an eu- domes at the south tide et the building were the lonoh L•bloa. Ht,h tea was wad os Wadoaday •t 5 0 0400k and the patrons of the tables were very oumeroue. On 1'hunday lunch and •iwo-ion tea wen erred At the West end of the building • platfo-rt was ereoted and in the evening both days good programa were rendered al follows: Wednesday -Piano solo, Miss Campaign ; ,e'.ctioo by the Blackstone erohrtra ; Sootoh and Irish d•ooing, Miss Howrie ; ooroet solo, Mr. das.togthwalre ; piano solo, Mir (Iran Dyke. Thursday- Piano duet, 26toa Holt and G. it. Holt ; Soot's danc ng, Mir McLaren.' pupils ; vooal solo, Mus Parrott ; violin solo, Mr. Atbo, rat Ctooton.t• ; yooal solo, W. A. H. doff : plaoo dust, Miss Anderson and Moot MoLereo ; vocal solo, John Corte ; vtollo solo, Mist MoLoreo. Ulm Deoough, Mite N McLaren. Mies May Dania), Mt. Paasmmr, and H. K. Jordan were the a000mpentet.. Thursday evening's p'egram wooni up with on Informal denim, follow- ed. by • sale by auotloo.er Sheriff R-yoolds, who disposal of a gond cumber ot pillows and other articles. la ctnosc:loo with the bazar a unique levitation hod been soot out, Ike rein' to of whtoh helped to swell the remote materially : the way it worked is explained to the levitation, Itself, port of part of wbloh we print below. A Measuring Party we riye to you, Tu eome'hlog en fel and rather oew. Our levitation grail with this sack - We trot you will Bring or send lc book. Give • nickel for every foot ycu are tall, Measure yourself satinet door or wail - One coot for each extra look please 'lye, And thereby show hew high you live, '1'61 Sandal eohool of North street Methodist oboroh will held their alooal pronto at Lighthouse Point cn 'Tuesday, Aug. 19.6 i(avio Holiday ) Teots w111 be emoted on the 01,anb in order (hot bathers me wait, th,mselvot. A program of .porn 1b I . *hoods of a good oommlttee. CHURCH NOTES. It:v. C. A. Seager M. A , of 'lorudto, w111 prsaoh nett Sunday morning to St. Oorgi s ohutch. Rev. Dr. Meldrum, of C strand, who preached in Knox oharoh Int SabboIh evr- o log, will preach in t6o tome plaoe next Eabb•th evening. Vlotorla-,b. Methodist church Sunday .ohocl hal their pionlo on Coronation Day it Block's point. The day was dos and a very snj .fable time oat spent. Key A. E. M. 'l'homsoo, B. A., of Rainey, presohed loot Sunday ,n N. at. Methodist obaroh both morning and even - tog, the panto%, Key. 1)r. Danl.l. bemq 'agent in London, where be 000upled the pulpit of First Methodist oburob Special m0s1o•1 services were reodrd Oat Sunday lo Knox church to recognition of the King's ooroaaLlo, sod In the morn• tog a very iotoritting oddness was given by (he pastor, Rev. .1, A Anderson, on tag . abject of Coronation. The music for the day included fns following : Voluntary, ''F, logy 10G," by Lem•re; ooronation hym a, word, by Mies Whiting, meelo by the or- ganist, Mr. l'•esmor.: anthem, "Y'bte Is the I)ty," by Rruoe Steane ; posllude, Men dels,ho's "Priest's Maroh ;" prelude., Noc- turne Irom "Midsummer Night's Dream," by Meodeesoho ; solo, H, Ur.y's "Two (1(4,,," Mir Anderson, of 'l'oeooto; post ludo, -March In byre," Whitaker. In the evening, Rev. 1)r. Meldrum, of Cleveland, delivered the sermon, and the attendance was very large, all the oburohes to town be - log represented In the oongregatloe, The speaker took se his text 2 Tim. 1: 7, '• For pod Ita'h not given us the spirit of fear bot of p,wer and of love sod of • sonnet mind." Dr. Meldrum is • man of wide views and symprhe., and his di,00nrse gave • brood n000eption of whaonostitn/ea Cbrietianity. The .pso'al ' Coronation ratios" adapted from the seIv,oe oiled •t Westminster for general ale throughout the Empire, was rendered °homily on Saoday morning last •t St, p.eroe'. church. The attendants* was very large, Inoluding over ofity membra of the Mesoolo fratorioty. Moro- ioa Star lodge, Smith'. idol, and the Clinton lodge were rapresaotd, and 1.1. Cel, Vireos and Major Fink wore In r"ri- meetal uniform Toe er,loe opened with Ms anthem. "I was glad when they said pen to me, We will go Into the house of the Lord,"whloh was followed by the litany The remote deallvered am address unable to the noossl00 from the word., "Dad save the K,o44' .11., .40406 th• formal proolsma'Inn of the King and Qaoen was made. The prayers throtghoot the °Moe were tee tome am were need in W'e,tminsnr Abbey tit the coronation corm my, and the service 0000lod- d with the oarinoal anthem Jas. Thomas, H. ('uff ao I H R!aokatooe satiated on their instruments both io ecoompaevmp the hymns nod In the Inetromeetel music. The nhnroh woe appropriately detoorated for the 000edoo A log. Ueion Jock floated oyer the main entrance, and Inside small due lusting .y'. Andrew's cross, St. I'rtrlok's Bron, the royal cm., co, were artistlo ally feel. A Iaroe So. Usorae'• oro.. ornamented the front of the reading dr.k. In reporting the repeat muting ni the London Presbytery at Attu Craig, ab wbloh Rev. J. H Moo", B. A , Toronto, woe ordained and dentgn•Wd as a missionary to Honar China, The London Advertiser ✓ ye : The rectos of ohs ordination belog hold le Allem Craig II.. In the fact, that th. toter ooegregrloo of that. pl•os and (Ou- tlet, (Rey. tV H. U,ddes, patty) has re- cently deolde.l to neo'nbot. 4500 Ila for Ove year. Iowalll the support o1 one of the m!esomary oandodates who had offered for serdes, The foreign alsalnl oommtttes was highly pleased soh this prop -4100n. noosider4og the strength of the eo,reg•tloo and a1 tees silicon! the •boys named cen'I.mae The pastor asked the p•nple from the start to maks tom effort • manor of prayer, believing Mas apart from the direct result, the eoOarsgat4ee would re olve a splrhe.l benefit. Th fend w111 net represent the total missionary Hying' of the o.agregotlo, )Mag ter a spinal object. It le Meltreetiag M Wel atm Us* the tltelgh- wood (Kov. Jen. Klaus, pastor) has for some years been oeslrtbuli.g a .00atant1.1 Portion of the &rotary of Key. J. A. Slimmer .1.0 of tie Hours staff. Their los pay mot for this purpose was over 4450. This plan of indlyidual wages/clonal suppor for the foreign misatu try appears to be steadily g•lolog throughout the (brustlaa oburob, and bids fair to prove • prea Impetus towards the more rapid spread o the Christian faith, amongst the people who have heretufore lived and died to is of In .avlog truths." Rey. W. H. Geddes mentioned In the &Kiel" was formerly %rationed near Ralgrave. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. Whether It rain or whet0r it shine le J. Pridham can fit you up doe. Rememo.r nut Tuesday, Clytu holiday, (he store. will close. To4ay le Aubure's olvlo holiday. A plo- olo at the Point Farm le the attraction. J.H. W oreell has bean very Ill gigolo, but, we are pleased to know, la now so the road to recovery. Hlok• and Hamiltuo .hipped • corload of horses to Sudbury this week. They were •u except tonally floe shipment, 1)be Collegiate Ioathu'e Board did not. hold their regain. monthly mesllag last Thered•y. Nut muting will be la Sept ember, I BLYTR 4A11T t 20141118 LaAVIRu. moot dose ao0 eye oat the marks of es"oess- (ul candidates. BRUSSELS PART 1. 21114105 LOAVINO Ruby C4egg, Anna Dunlop, Emmeraes Fulton, Eleanor R. Fauna. Harry C. lloodlog, Freak W. Ham, Beatrioe H. Howe, Alex. Lamont, Daman A. MoD..ald, Barbosa McKelvey, Susan MoNslr, dear -toe McNair, Irwin K•ynard, Ada Floss, Luella Rose, Brine Soon, Kate Tenor, Wm, M. Wright, Albert R. Zimmer. PART I. JUNI01 MATRICULATION Russel Brown, Fraok H. I/elaa•ta, James M. Rlohrd.eo. Twenty-eight undulates wrote at thii metre. WINUHAM PART L 201111)4. LIAVIN. Laura A. Ansley, Jelin E Carrie, Cora O. Corry, Peri 1. Day's, 014;. K. Forgo - eon, Norman Dowdy, Wm. A. Hlgeloa, Willie F. Llokl•ter, Antler M.Ker.M, Willie J. MoLen, Jim Murray, Albert Patterns, Aloes M.1'ersoo, Jennie Rlatoal, Kobt. M. Shelli, Mary Troy. PART 1. JUNIOR MATRlt'OLATION Joel" Campbell, Annie (Blob/1st, Marjorie (lordoo, Bertha J. MOKaaae, Alberta Klotool, Herbert H. Sheriff, Mande P. Troy, Gertrude B. Troy, Tweoty-"Ight aaadidat. wrote at this Next Tuesday Wog olvio helld•y the stores 1011 be cloud. bat will remain open on Moody evening for the 000•eoiwoe of the public. Friday last we were shown a sample of cots crown by Joe. Young on bus farm, Nib 0000eseln ('alboroe, neer Loyal. The atnw runs 2 loohes over the 6 feet Jas. White, of l.olboroa, Wu brought up beton P. M. Sourer oo Satord•y by he sos- io-:aw, W, W. Fisher, under "rtiolr of the pesos," The ease was adjourned an Meoday. COMING AND GOING Mrs. T. 0, Ttpllag Is delimits bo Tomato. W. W. Thomson, of London, was to town oar Sunday. Un, Inkster lett We woek on • Celt to Port Stanley. Tom Mwoo, of Toronto, 14 spending holidays In towo. Mir S. Bell, wag visiting Woad. l0 Canted loot week. Miss C. Parsons, of Detroit, le ylelting relrlves In tows. Mies Marian Inglis le visiting friend. le Itrlo.ley this week. Miss Jessie Gibson, of Montreal, 1. visit- ing her Weber here. Mrs. Creaew.11.r, of Sarnia, le •lvltlnp 111 the reeldenoe of W. Diokuo. Miss Teo• Cowin, le home from Chl0go for a maple of weeks' vacation. Mrs- H. Collins and Mies U.rtrud• re visiting to Oodrlob.-Klooardloe Reylew. Frank Hovey, M. A., of Trinity Univer- sity, was the goes) of John Carrie oo Son. cloy. Miss Jean D,oksoo and ber brother. of Chicago, re guests at Lha mddooe of Wm. Dickson, Albert Donaldson, of Mlles City, Meo- nos, formrly, of (;oderloh, arrival in town yesterday. Mrs. Strang and Mlee R Strang returned from • visit to Owen Sound and other places 0o Friday. Mr and Mn. John T. Dioksoo, of Moro forth(formerly of l:oderloh), were In town over Sunday. The Moe.. Myth and Minnie Chester, of Sun's, re tbo gouts of their *ousts. Mies Jeanie Lawton. Mr. and hire. W. L. Shelton, of Balti- more, are •Ielelog Mrs Sheitoo'■ brother, • Proedfoo(n Mir Aortae. of 'Toronto, Is diiltlog her grandmother and aunt, Mn. Angus and Mrs. Roe, Victoria street. Meese M. E. and .1. Mair left last week for Toronto. They will visit ►ha mlllioery opening., belore retarnlog. Rye. A. E. M. Thomson and his sister, Mr.. Wooers, of Rodney, aro visiting their parson, Mr. and Mrs. lies. Thomson. Re., C. A. Seager, M. A., rector of St. Clpriao'e church, Toronto, arrived Is town on Friday to spend • month', vaoatloo. Mita Maggie Baxter, of Chiesgn, la erased - log a oouple of weeks' holidays at the home of her parenu, Mr. and -Mrs. Cape Jas. Baxter. 26aloe4m McDonald left on Friday for Toronto, ober* he will go Into • law officio until the opening of the 1•w eohool at Os - geode Hall. P. Holt, K. C , b.e been engaged by the town of Clanton to defend the suit w61oh Mrs. R It'ptisrt le bringing for Injuries so.• taloed last fall. Mr Sbrang and MIN L, M. Strung left 5. Saturday morning for New York City, where they w111 •4.14 Miss Helen Strang, professional parse, .1, 0. Tema"! returned last week from South Afrisa to hie home near Carlow. He enlisted at Winnipeg. and will return to that Aye in the near future. Ur* Stewart, et Mop,ll (allege, return d Iasi week from hie trip to the old oo.rtry, and will spend the remainder of his holidays at h1s home nor*. Mien Skelton left on Friday afternoon tor York Me, N. W. T. She was aaoompahlsd as far as Stratford by She. Yanatter, who spent I days In that o ly. Mr. W titre 1 H. Boll, after •peadlnd • lengthy visit •t Windsor and Detroit, re- turned feet auk, •000mpaold by Mr. Jame, Maw, who will spend a few days here. Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Kitchen, of Roch- ester, N. i'., after spending a pleasant twn weeks le trdrieh, the goers of their niece, Mrs.' Md)Ihlouddy, lett tows on Saturday last. They will visit at Granton and Grimsby previous M r.taralag M Rooh..Wr. PART ONE JUNIOR LEAVING. Theo 1 taede4a,s Wb. Wrn& at Snorer, Wlaihs's 4087(40, Wre,p4er meg V.rdblrb. W'ooy* below the name. nl the srrnev.- fal roost Chas wrote of the *lamination oestrous of Brunel*, Wlogham, Blyth, Wrnieter tad F'ordwloh, on the Nubile Snhonl leaving, or ea now *ailed Part 1 Junior Lorin' er+mInat no. The sobjeote ezamloed on were En/Ileo grammar, arlthmetio and msanratloe, hts- tory of (treat Britain and 1 'anda,ps00raphy ao'l English nem9rition, Eooh of the Ove Dopers a valued at 100 mark.. 1■ order to pas. a esndidate moat take 33% pr ouw. le *soh paper ; and 50 per met of oho 0g- rrogate. A oandltiates that toilet n. the total het ebte4..) pees enrollee Ilii, per ont.) In English grammar, arIShmst,n and m tion, and history of strut Britoil. and Canada le &oriented as ha•Ieg posed Part 1 ,Innis Masrteal•tt,e on these 5.b T• he • wuir•pIy paper this year downed mut of the oaelidatee that failed. Tram rertlfloabss 01 thou %kat putted Mu /larks N their .W felled were led William 0. Hoary, Mitts E. Nokias, Raymond Redmond, AsoI. M. Tell. PART 1. 30310R MATRICULATION Annie Cowan, Katie Marshall Twelve ossdld•tes wren at ON 11.49& W ROXETEK PART 1. JUNIOR LIAVIIU Garnet Campbell, Ben A Higgins, Stanley Saad.noo, PART 1. JUNIOR MATRICUi.AT2ON Etta J. Borne, Robert Higgins, Ers..b W lie;. 84* o•ndldatu 4410(008 title moire. F'ORDW ICH PART I. JUNIOR LRAVIN1 Putty te. Ashton, Hear A. Coe James T. Carter, Jemima B. (2Canoe11141., Mabel MoOatre, Aramintha B. Iaolwnoblln. Elsie Milne, Edward A..)tr.m., Lindsay ion .aodid•t a wrote at the oeotr", SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES. rise following oasdid•tee who wen pre- pared la the pobllo schools have euooerfal. Iv pasud tee Publlo 804801 Leaving or Part 1 Junior Leaving Examination. Their oma tldoatee and oleo the marks et the sat suooerlul oaodtdatee have bees meat te the tewhere of their schools. The matte for Part 1 Junior Matrlonlatloo have net rye brio received. (iodertob Cotten its lastiteta.-Cbrl.Mkel Anderson, Ames Buyer", May Biome*, Emma Craft, Alma Danny, Mlmie Delon. Arthur Geilnas, Loretta Griffin, Eno Henderson, Maggie Leigh, Mabel Tborlew, Gorden K. W lghtman. Exeter 1'.S.-Wlo.tfred Carling (honing, Vera Cobbledlok Dolly Dlokeoo, Lillian Elliott, Jobs T. Gardio.r, Winona Howard, Victoria Moore, Mary E Parnas, Arthur Wood. Dung W. Daraln, H.ler Glenn, Joho B, Yossg. Centralia P. S -Floods Baker, Climb's Howarth, James 1'. Windsor. Heoull P. S. -Oliver Jewesk, Aeh6dd schools: No, 1. -Myrtle Smola. No 2. -Carrie Flap. No. 4. -Margaret Flotsam), 8111011a - lentos. Ne. 11 011,. Foster. No, 12. -May Boyd, W. C. MoO►ager, Roderick McLeeoas. No. 13-l.ltzahetb Rutherford. Ne. 16.-Kobt. J. Solon. de (:11.olboro. schools: No. 1. -N"tta E. Tys• No, 3. -Peel Whitney, No. 9. -Harry Williams. Odertab Township eoboele i No. 1. - Hees Drydale. No 2. -Mottle A. Johnston. No. 6.-Arebor MoClokey, No. 8 -Charlotte Stlrlbg. Stanley schools : Uoloo No. 1. -John Johnston, Joho Drysdale. No. 3. -Edith Rathw.11. No. 5 -Collo Campbell, Edith Spsrkit, Edith Stogdill. No. 9 -Peroy 0, Keya, Ne. 10.-Uraos Murdock, Elizabeth Mo- GroD regor, hsso. iok, 14-Freoboro Johnston, Donald Wh U.lbIoob kno soboole: No. 10,-Clltlacd W awanoeh e.b0le : No. 3 - W m. J. 1,mlth, No. 4. -Lillian J. Clark, No. 15.-14a Davidson. No, 16.-1), W. i'attereoo, The register for 1903 have been seat M the Waohera. The literature oeleatlooe, the Ilei of authorized Moil hook,, ptomain .0 aunties, eta , for next term will be found on page, i and 4 of the *over. SUMMER SPORTS. The following soars" were made at Mu ' goo olnt,. shoot last Friday : H. Rave, 13 ; Capt. Donley, 12 ; Wm. Rotaoa, 11 Frank Pretty, 11 ; T. MODermo6b, 8 ; D. McIver, 7 ; N. D. Roagvl'. 6 . C (Arrow, 6 ; G. Johnston, 6. The deals In the howling oclteot for the Jackson trophy were played at Chalon no l'sesday and resulted In Elliott, of Mitchell orrylog off the silver nap, winning 7 games out of 8. F. Doyle, o1 Ge.lrleh, same 'moond, won 6, loot 2; Irwlo, of Brussels. won 5, lost 3 ; Norre of Kincardine, won 5, lost 3 ; 51, Rumba?, of Stratford, won 5, less 3 ; 'Orden, rat Canton, won 4, loot 4 I)erboald, 31 W le,ham, woe 1, lost 7, and Shine, of Ssaforth,Ioet 8. A couple of rlok■. consisting ot R. H. Williams, T. Oulu, S, Mooers, .1. 1). O'Connell, Sheriff Reynolds, A Ihelesoo, F: 1. Uioklnsoo and F. Davis, heti a friendly game with the 0110tea player.. Thr.. rinks of bowlers, skipped by J. 1), O'Connell, W. I.. Elliott and W. Lane, went to Mitchell on Saturday morning and defeated the 261ohe11 players by os. shat, In the afterneoe they went .. to Stratford. and M. Jordan's rtok went down from (lade. rloh. They played tour Stratford rinks and lost by one shot. Fallowing were the playa's and score, 'rTRATMRI., J. Hr l6. H. Rrfeeree C. K. Nasmyth P. Stewart Y►Ip 24 R 1)eoroobe U. Humber G. H 1losgee .las. ROOMS Skip_. 17 A (6. S.yrrs W. C. Mnarlp C Manbargey T. Treat Skip- 14 Gee Ktll.ntyne D. M. Tro aeen A R. Metelak C. R. (treks F. Jeri Ski ._2y Ts Skip -16 nnn4R1O4. R. 1. inanimateU. Sheppard Motown W. L. Rlll.AA Rklp- 11 1'. Kiel, L. M. id. A. i8.kea. .1. 1). O'Oesnell 8101) 18 T. Dorton K. S Wi111ams .1. Wyen Wm. Looe Skip- .T1 W. 1'readr«t N. Smith H. W. Ben > __111