HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-7-31, Page 88 Tnui.•n*y, Jaly 31, 1902.
All Summer Goods must go now. None to be
carried ever into the Fall. If price will interest you
come and see what we show :
All Padfield in price for this
Regular $5.00 for $3.50.
Ready - to - wear Skirts
Black and Colors,
during this sale.
HATS, etc.
Boys' Blouse Suits
Duck Suits
at Reduced Prices.
Remember: Wthee still
Chairs giveand Ttheablesons on
Smith Bro's & Co.
BLACK" In Ooderich. on Mondays/1(1h Inst.,
so Mr. and Mr► a. Reginald Black, •
Mel VIM.- In uoderlcb on Saturday. 76th
lost, the wife of D. Molver nth ousel
of • eof ,
NArTEI. -At (icderlch. on July 21n1. 1912. to
Mr. end Mrs. A. F..1 Netted, • son.
S VRKTT6. - Int)oderloh. on Thursday July
34th. 1907, James A Islander E emits. aged
76 years, 4 months and 7 days.
Lit ANP Sitio HARP are playlet/ Dash for
good umbrella rib*.
Tb. best quality of lo. cream, also the
greatest variety of true fruit into., for
'edam, are served at the V Iobori. reetaar,.t,
West e1. Ooalnotlooery, fruit, cigars and
tob.,oes. Cuss. iII.scasVoNY, proprietor
r.l.pbo.o 70.
Ido not forget the teaser In slit of th
hospital fund, next Wedoerd.y and Teur,
day. The West -t. rink Is a Targe budding.
bat It Is era too large for the segregation of
attractions which are beteg prepared fey
the .mosemeab and edification of those who
attend the ba.....
MONDAY, July 28, 1902
Dee. Streeben, son of Wee. Strubn,
. ow of Louisville, Kentucky, visited about
hen lately.
Mies Ella Hells, formerly teacher of the
w heel here, was the guar of Min, Orate
Lewes but week.
No'rtce The local agency to Dungannon
for Two Ruivyis at the °m^. of J.O. Ward,
.1. P., non. araneer, to.. who will receive
orders for subscriptions, advertlel•g and lob
work. and le sotborised to give reoslpte for
• mounts paid for tk. same.
TrsunAv, July 20.
Mrlrlcn•AI, Corsi -AL.- rhe municipal
fathers of West W•waeosh will meat for
senniolpal business In the township hall oo
Wednesday August 6th, The public
school boar(' of trustees ars expected to
bwd to the clerk the eeUmatee for wbool
Purposes for oelleo',.o by the council for
Inrgnmenr.-The remains of M;. Mar-
garet Fowler. who died at her residents* in
Akron, Ohio, last week. were Interred to
-- Ma111.td senator y, Uoderloh, last Sandly
satp40.., Calle • Dumber of relatives and
aerwilatsenee In this vlolnity attended the
bu'W. i).oeseed'. elver, Jane, of Akron,
and two brothers, James and W,III•m John,
.f lAleeew,nklo, N 1)., •le, attended the
fr eral. The nlalver of the Peseneed have
Ike sympathy of • Tarps oirole of acquaint.
Pirinet,.At. -T G. Trimble, h., wife and
Iwo oblides., of "'militia, Michigan. after
bevies about • week's enjoyable visit among
rel•tltes and friends, lel. for home on Fed
day of lest week .... Mies Martha Y heli eft.
.f'b.M.pey V,II•g.. •%tor hrvleg a yoy FARE : $1O.00 going,
hI.eeant rylnt for some dsye last son..k with i g g,
er eater, Mn. I3. MoN.vlo, returned, $18.00 to return.
bome.... tales 'Nis MoM•th, of Winghem,'
le visiting her grandparents. Mr. sed Mrr.
W. McM•th. Wo regret to have to state
teal W. MoM•th, who has been for some
Uwe very 111. le gradually boeeming weaker
• Nd that dight hopes of renovate are enter
!deed ....Teo friends of Mn (Ur.) Wee ars
Teased that she Is gradually cnovalreolnt
frees her recent 411ners.... Master (lorries
YeNevls, of /annul', Is open/lop the holi-
olmdays pleasantly and having • toed •id1
wieb ht. 'readmits and al., his snob
mot suer, Mr. and Mrs. 1). McNevle...,
Mrs n dardlar, of A.hfldd, returned hem.
lege week eller abets% a month'. •Id4 te
frls.e. at Whitby and nt.her points out of
idle.. The reeer•ble lady report. Pavlof
'g/ a pleseaet einem. tour ....Mrs. U. R.
wad deagnter, Maes Anse, of the
roma Cbee. w the gamete el Dr and Mn.
11... 'nay .sped b.ytag • pleasant time
Ole W.d.e.d•y el lest week our genial
dirk of the nlviele. Comet, along with .
bet of by family, and T (1. Trimble,
Tremble end Irv() ehuidise, bad •
0441411 M peril AIhes1.... Rleh.rd
Wan lin boss fu the Veriest City
for some time, retained to our village last
week....Moe dime Fowler Is vtdtiog her
ti sNr, Yrs James ('user, and other
I'1ONDAY and
Annual Midsummer August 2nd,
August 4th,
Bargain Days. - August 5th.
WICE A YEAR, at the end of each season, we hold our Semi -Annual Bargain Days. They are not the whim or thought of a
Tmoment, but a settled part of our business policy. Each season must see its own goods sold. There must be no Carrying of
this summer's stocks into 1903. When the new Qeason comes we must have new goods to show, so on our Semi -Annual Bar-
gain Days we gather together all the broken lots, last ends, remnants, etc., that are left from the season's selling, and mark them
at prices that save you money and bring us the ready cash.
For Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, we are willing to work without a profit if we can clear the stock of all broken lines.
This list of bargains ought to bring us all the business we can handle on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. Every price re-
duction is genuine. There has been no juggling with prices or values, no placing of high or fictitious values on anything in order to
make the bargain appear bigger than it really is. Every item is a plain statement of what the goods are like, what they sold for and
what we are prepared to take for them on bargain days.
Remember the Days : Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, ()August 2nd, 4th and Sth.
Remember the Place : T$E AODGENS STORE, GODERIOH.
AN EX TRAORDTAARY SKIRT BARGAIN. Than thh e Costs a to Manufacture.
sh 8s'
The maker stands Die loss in this rase, not us. Yours is the benefit. Such Olt opportunity comes but once in a long tune. Inst week we cleaned out the entire stock of one of tho
leading wakers of skirts. There were over 100 garments in the lot, every one new and utatle for this season's trade. The cheapest was made to sell at $1.'25, while $2.00 t0 $2.50 would be
the prices of the best. They are made in the latest styles from ducks, linens and piques. On bargain days we will give you the biggest skirt bargain ever given in Ooderich, for We will
place the entire lot on sale at 9.55 each.
100 Dress Skirt.,, made of good piques, hu,l,om It• trimmed, Alain, striped or opo't.•d du,kn, crashe,,, linen, n'c., right up to -late
1e style, perfect fitting, male to mill at $1 25 to $2.50 each. Cho cs of the lot on Borstals Days fur i 5 ()onto eaoh.
Dress Goods for Bargain Days.
A list from the Dress Goods Department that should
Mean many an empty board when we close the doors Tuesday
night. Bigger Bargains we never gave in Dress Goods than
will be ready for Saturday horning. All are worthy quali-
ties and the prices are low enough to save you the cost of the
lining and part of the making too.
$1.00 Black Suiting, 67c.
Minch black t•hev of verse,all jure wco',
g ad weight and fin's'', regular $1
•11.1 good talu', f,r burg& n lays.. 67c
Homespuns, 60c.
All pure wco Homespuns, rummer and fall
weight, me linen, dark grey, block, 6OC
54 -int h, special, Lr bergeio days..
Navy Suitings, 70c.
1 sad only Navy sapling Serge. htr1 worst-
.• 1 fin ah, tuttahle for dream's r r
,ki.ts,'ego'.rEl, fo: barFaio lays 70C
Navy Serges, 40c.
1 cn1 Navy $ergs, 44 i ch, all wool, suit -
ft. le for 'h lire,,'. weals or,kot•. 40c
regular 60,-, for bargaia trays
$1.25 Broadcloth, 75c
eerie hoe .11 woe' It-osdrlotb, silk finish
: 4 to 56- ac+, o ,e shales tt lawn en 1
brows, resod r $1.25, f r Nog tin 75c
Skirt Tweeds, 45c.
.lust • few I•rgthe of .'kirt Tw,e'.. mostly
.mall cbreks, 54 h ghee wide, "• r 45c
alar 75e, for l arA.i3 day. .
Suitings, 50c.
2 Bode only Sul mo.. b4 -iii lb, •`a1,•, tf
brown, r,gubtr 41.00, fa bargain
friend• 4.y. jest be It peke
Trig7DA1', Jtily 29.
Hugh Cuonloghem, of Toronto, is 'pend-
ing his holidays with relatives hero.
Mn. Ales MoN•bb and her eon John. ' 1
Bitted River, aro waiting rei•tivea here.
Mise Roselle Sobosohnhs, left this moroleg
for Milsortoo, to visit her little Donato' In
that town.
Misses Ns11'e sod Lillian McKay, of ffet-
.111, ar* visiting •t the home of their aunt,
Mrs. 1' Hamlin.
Nin Donner. of the Crow Sand 14,.,.,,,
near Yorktoo, N W. T., in bon on •
mnoth's visit to her parents after 00 abreoce
of three year', end her many friend' In this
•iofnny aro glad to see her eget..
Mosinee, July 2s.
Masers I,lok!•ter and Foley have lately
erected windmills for pumping water from
their artedan wells
Tidings oame last week of the daub of •
former familiar figure among our young
people here la the perilous of Dr. W. H
1, 1'luttor, third eon of the late %Via. Clutton,
' of this plane The ' I,oeased was . saao.es-
fol student .t the Collemete lost:tuts in
• Uoderloh, pastime all examinations with
.uooesr, nod for a profession In Tote chows
i the stern duties of the medical profession.
He wan • fellow student of the late IA-
meotod 1)r..1. R. Sb•onnn, of (:oderl,b.
1 He practised his profession et Edgar, Oat
1111 within nine months. when owing to 111 -
pees he sold out. lotendin/ to take • rest
and renew work .nether field. Rut this
was not to be, end he died last Wednesday
near Eiger, leaving • wile and one dough
ter, Sells Hie egad mother survives him
end lives at Stratford, with a sister, Marr,
His brothers are Jona, rf Hamilton ; (lava,
of Strafford, ,nal Ale,, of this plane. To
the bereaved omega large circle of friends ex-
tend their deepe.t sympathy le the leased one
who was a kind hoslo-td and father, • doth
sal lea, sad • tree sad Brea friend.
Farm Laborers'
Maailoba and Assiaibeia.
Golne AUt1l1ST 21ST, 1902.
Good to return no or before
For full p.rtloel.n apply to
Aeon C. 1'. R. h Telegraph Ce.
Wen Street.
NOW lit 1111.11011111111.
WOW 1111x/ tBO.
New agttotyl
*35.000 In Premiums
3300 000 for AttraotIons.
lithe Restia.s•.f wt 61•Moti• 0.wstry,
;tea Pious'% utas
cis ? SPLre 1440USA0.
Reetixd Raga ta*Teri 11 41 12411___EO.a-
solt 7 M _tr.4aN�p•adly fare
Colored Dress Goods, 18c.
The 25c and :15c kinds.
200 yards al -red Drees Goode, nearly all
small f•noy den gas, jaet the tttog for
ehil,r,n's wear. dark and fight oolortoge,
tart etas of 25•. 35, and 40, liner, 1 Q^
oo b.rge'n d.',. all one prlc.. sass 04..
50c and 60c Dress Goods
for 38c.
About 250 yards colored D.ese Welt, In
browns, (.woe, grads, nary', oto., pare
wool mtterlale..srttes, ospt.ni tree, sauna
olott r, twills, etc , las: eade of 50e ani 609
1 ase. clearing bargela days at pa 38c
Navy Lustre, 42c.
1 en 1 only striped Novy Last re, fine vial ty,
46 lochs wide, enfeeble for sk Its or
waists, mutat 60', tar b.rgein days 4130
Wool Suiting, 45c.
1 end on'y Wool Tweed Sattleg, 54 -'soh,
will make stet ah w 1 miry -amble
skirt, regular 75,, for bargain lays 45c
Silk Grenadine, $1.00.
1 en 1 only black Silk grenadine, steal stripe.
good goal. t y, t e talar 41 65, for$ I.00
bug.ln days
Silk Grenadine, $1.15.
1 end oo:v snipe Si Ik Grroed so, head -
tome deeige, tt a last of our $1 75$1.15
110e, f,.r bargain days
Black Silk Grenadine, $2.
Lest en1 of our $3.00 Silk Oren Wine, doh
hire.'' fiol.b, r..u'ar $3 00, for$2.00
. b.fg.1a days
Brown Serge, 35c.
All .. 'I Dress N,rge, 42 -tech, Roof gealily,
s shades of ii -own, regular 60.', 35C
lot termite day.
75c-, 85c, 51.00 Black Dress
Goods, 50c.
200 yards black lire., Goode, all fancy de.
Rubber Coats, $2.25.
7 Men's Rubber Coats, with or without capes, double tex-
ture, sewn and gummed seams, strong serviceable garments,
regular $3.30 to $4.50, some more. Cle'ring at each $2 25
Remnant Tables.
Watch for the Remnant Tables at the back of the
store. On them you will find every remnant in the house
measured and marked at pries that will clear the tables
before Tuesday night.
Remnants of Silks,
Remnants of Dress Goods,
ittemnants of Prints,
Remnants of Muslins,
Remnants of all kinds.
Marked at dollar saving -prices for Bargain Daus.
Shirt Waists to go.
Bargain Ddys should see the last of our Shirt Waists
sold. They likely will too, for these prices should hustle the
last out in short order.
White Waists, $1.00.
Your choice of •'I our whirl• Shirt Waists teat sold at 41.2.5 $1 50 and 41 65
lar• an eyes dollar, all 113W this lesson, popular ny!rl.ud g of qu•Ilt e•,
bargain days ycur choles $ L00
Fine Colored Waists, $I.00.
Fme colored %Valets. ohambrys, :10004 and black nineties, all rim th a sea-
s,, just • tow lett, prices were 41 25, $1 50 and 42 00, for beri.in dsye$ I.
0•013 1•00
Colored Waists, 55c.
7 ea I ,red Shirt %tabu, dark oamhr!c prlets. strip)", 1.,: of oar 754 Hook 55c
obo•r, bats tin days
5c Laces and
Iluodrede of yard. of fine loose and Em
brolderlm to be sold oo Bargain days
at 5, a yard, worth all the way from
73, to 12i 3 and selling bargain days at
5c per yard.
Linen Bargains.
Our July sale Linen prices
will hold good for ' Bargain
Days, and we add more lines
to the list.
Damask at 19c.
Heli bleached Toile Damask, gold weight,
56 -tach, special for bareala days 19c
Damask at 3oc.
Half bleached Table Damask. will wub and
Watch well, olce floral design. spec- 3p,-
1.1 f',- bargain day • per yard
Damask at 37c.
Fine line. Table Damask. hall bleach, will
'Ns. toellect a ear, special for bar- 37C
gale days
An Extra Special at 50c.
75 yards half bleached Table Deenaek, •11
pore fl.e, very floe quality, 72 inches
wide. regu'ar 753 sod good value at
that, special ft r berg..'o daps 51/C
t inny, ion Able tor Airs. eta, 1 a3 sods
cof lear Viat •r ''odd• ::,"'°, $100, Whitewear for Bargain Days.
s ' ' Just a few lines of Whitewear to sell at Bargain l)av
Figured Lustre, 35c. plaices. You'll not make a mistake buying any of these.
75 yards Figured Lustre, good equality,
makes hood .kilts, regular 50a sod 35C
60,. for bargain day.
Dress Trimmings, 5c and 10c.
We would like to see the last of these Trimmings leave
the store on Bargain Days. That is why the prices have
been more than cut in two.
Trimmings at 5c. Trimmings at tOc.
200 yards of 'cod Drain Trimmings, block
150 Part'. of black and colored U•es,'1'rim- •ad colors, last ends of lines that sold at
m 0f.. Ise! envie of lines that sold SC 20 and 25e, clearing b.rdatn day. 4
at 101 •L'1 15 •, bargain days sass per yard IOC
The Last of the Muslins.
Tho Muslim stock is down just about where we want it.
Bargain Days should see the Last yard leave the store, for we
have put prices on them that should sell thein in short order.
Muslins at 74c.
Just •boel 200 yards of Dream Muslin, nearly every &had. 1n the lot, gut of
oar fires that 'old at 121a and 15o, Leer tale amen, clearing bargain days
•t Per yard sass ... . sass . . 74c
Fine Muslins at '17c.
150 garde floe Dress Muslim", roma of the best goods we had Ible'sass(),
add at 25', 35, and 40a. none ars to be carried over and .11 ars steeped at 17c
00. pelt, for b•rsin d.y.. Thtb !motile r
Black Muslins, 19c.
least ocds of our fine black Mus?,,., ImporleI by ourselves, rotors Ramat -
teed fest. told a 253 and 30, , clearing bargain days at par yard . 19c
Best Muslins, 25c.
Nnt m we than half a dozen dies, length. of th..o, all our vary flee Muslim,
gr, L that ,old at 504 and 60, per yard, '-gearing h irgaln day. at per yard . 25C
Prints for Bargain Days.
It. is time these Prints were sold, and if you want any
this fall you should take advantage of the prices we have put
o11 then) for Bargain Days.
Prints at 71c. 1Prints at 10c.
A I •Invi
r nsg of 21r a
300 ala of l�.ht ••ed do -k 1 scot,, 30 to 3e , them, 300
1' + (Said. of our boat et �'tiet ,mcg'. of them the
leans Was, soft cloth, good 'i'- . I I•moON (`,rum geode; sold ell over tie
gond value at 10•Moored, to be red on 1 I land es 12+13, Wearied o. !negate
bargain days al 72C I days .1 per yard 10C
Ginghanis too have the cut-
ting knife applied to their
prices, and we - have selected
these lines for Bargain Day
At Sc.
100 lard, ekerie Glogh•me, modlain 5c
cheek., apsolal for hartain days.
At 10c.
200 yard. Soot, 5 O nghsrne, the real thing,
neat cheeks and homy plaids, rag. IOC
tiler 200 and 2` c, for hardens days..
Vests for Bargain Days.
Two bargains in ladies'
Vests. Both ars makers' sec -
ends and much below their
real value.
Lot No. 1.
Gowns at 65c.
17 only white cotton Downs, made of floe
Ktglnb tattoo, nicely trimmed with In-
sertion, 1.0. and ,rn'iroldery, •o extra
p,o(al bargain for our in drummer 65c
ta-geio dsye at, each
Corset Covers, Soc.
15 oily Cones Coven, lest ones and twos of
759 sod 90o hoes, well made and nicely
trammed, texturing bargain day. at
nob . 50C
.3.11 • few good Skirts to be sold at lib-
eral price reductions for bargain days.
1 only white Skirt, fine white must n, hand
somely trlo,med wish v•Isnmrnoe• I.oe
and loserrlor, the beat we hev• la etock,
regular 35 00, for b.rg.,n day•
1 rely wh1'e Skirt, wide Intl, trimmed with
lave sod 3 rows of Insert ton, rep e�2
slat :3 00, for barraio days .. 5
1 only white Skirt, male of good English
o,'.tos, wide frill, trimmed with leo, sod
l..ertlo.. aquae 114 00, for b.r-
g•le rat' $3.25
Upstairs Bargains.
Our new Carpet and Curtain department will be well worth
a visit.on bargain days. There are big money savers in this
list and you will be well repaid if you see what we have up-
stairs on bargain days.
Two lines of Blinds to he
Both are made by Canada's
Blinds for 33c.
Good quality opaque window Blinds,
mounted on atront spring rollers, trimmed
with good cotton fringe, green or oream,
spec sl for bargain day, each 33c
cleared out on bargain days.
best maker and are new this
Blinds at 40c.
Heavy window shades, mounted on strong
spring rudders, trimmed with oras Lee,
oomplete with pall, regular 60o,
special for bargain days %VC
wide, are1 alar 653, for harbargaine days
Carpets oil Baum Daya.
If you have a room to car-. All Wool Carpet, 50c'
wocl ('erpete, ed
pet this is your chance. A Hoa widevy,allat tDolan, made from thtilnro,
good third clipped off thoj .oneredred%leanyrn,,regalar753
for barKeie dye 504
prices of both of them.
Rugs, 33r,
Cotton Chain Carpet, 40c, II Teo Anetrlan Smyrna Rage, Un 34 laches,
q50 yards notion chain Catpae. Biting cul reyernihie, regular 453, for bargain 33
pore wonl, errors last, reversible, yrrd I days a7,7c
Tweeds and Serges, 35c.
All our wool '1'wreis and Ser/es for
men's wear, nary sod black serve sad
neat patterns in tweet!', sola at 50e, 75a
and $1.00. We w•.s he ekes Masai .11
oat and you ens talc. soar asks N bar-
gain days for
73 r.*1• a yard
Parasols for Bargain Days.
Two lines of Parasols to he
cleared on our great midsum-
mer bargain days.
Fancy Parasols, 50c.
20 fanny Parasols, .11 dark /roundel with
donee in white, left of hose that are
worth 41 50 to 42 00. We won't carry
one over, and bergale day prloes
will be 50c
Black Parasols, 88c.
17 black Prrgeo4, Austrian glorl• tope.
etre! rod, hollow rib. strong trainee, will
will not oat or torn nasty, Handsome
fancy handles, regular $1 25 and Bgt
$1,35.for b.rgam dsye
Hose, 3 pairs for 25c.
75 pairs ladies' and oh thinnest ootto0 Hose,
black and grey, fast color and good west-
ing quelit,ee, lest pelts of several lla.,
clearing on bargain days at....5
3 pairs for .a C
Children's Tams, 25c.
10 ohildre,'. Tama, white and Ilgel blue,
wsohlo[, teat oats of 35, anal 40.3 2
t nes, bargain days_ ........ SC
Children's Tams, loc.
20 only Celldra.'s Tame. leather, clotb tied
velvet, regular 253 to 50,, olear ng
bargsln days.!
Men's Caps, 15c.
20 men's peaked Caps, cloth end bright
peak', regular 25o sod 351, for bar- 1
goCo day' S
Fancy Art rluslins, 12',c.
125 yards Art Moello., last end of Imes thee
'n'd at 153, 203 and 2.5', to olrar
htrg.ln day' at per yard 122c
Moire Skirting, 19c
100 yards Mr ,•e 5.,e,,,, ru,t able for crush.
ten", Beings ler skirt., r.:1, green or
block, regular 30o, for barpa'n ,Lye I90
Cotton Flannels, 6c.
200 ya•ee ('men Fleece's. bWokeaobooks
and aldose, regular 103 and 120
for herguin day.
Fancy Duck, 12te.
Lace Curtains. I Fanny eiripe Donk to- hove' bb user, bluish
ground, ear, ow stripes, regular
.itlMt two or three specials at bargain prices. Not many20,, for b.rdatn l•,. ... ..., I2
sof either lint', Silk Gloves, I5c.
Curtain Poles.
Curtains at $1 20.
Lsdfse' wblte anti preen cotton Vests. Nalsln,hsm Ino* (turning, fine quality,
slnrd.es ar ."chore else•*., mak*re' strong net, new design, regular
@ *needs of Ilem that would IP I at 10,. $1 70, for berg tin days $1.20
I21. and 150, Siegal. days .
3 fo'r 25C Curtains at $1.35.
6 pall. Nottingham Limp (senega,, strong
Lot No. 2. net, hendsame laoy pattern, reg
ular $2, for bargain date. 491.3i)
Ladies' mitten Vesta, while or areae•.
.Inv.leee nr erne short sleeves, maker.'
e mends of 184.od 204 Iles, bar
gate days 2 for 25C
Vests at 19c.
50 fine meroerised white nnitnn Vests.
7'h..a are ragniar 351 sed 40, goods.
We bought a bl[ lot ()heap and our prim
.11 season has Arms 25'+- ',est let
frac oe sale hargain days at sash . 1 9C
Odd Napkins.
1.50 odd Table Napkin+, nearly all
travellers' stmplee,hsentlfol design and
geed nesiitien, ell will go on bargeie
d y. a
teas tea. Wholesale 'News,
%Vlih the port.,,, 53) pain silk and taffeta Clove., Ll.rks sad
Here they are et bargain price's.
yon may want Pole,.
Poles at 19c.
50 only 5 (c.f. Pole', mahogany or oak floc
bah, wood or bran mountings, spec-
Ial for Oaf/Sill day., feet 19c
*more, odd pairs lett from 2.54 and
i53 lines, for bargain doge 1 5c
Cashmere Hose, 19c.
.50 pairs all wool ouhmere Hose.
epeeist for bargain davit, per pa -r 19C
Poles at 33c. Finger Purses, 39c.
Estee gnali•y mahogany Of ask e'clw, heavyFee leather Finger Purees, all we have
weed mountings, spatial for bar. sill clesrtng fdr hargale dye 39c
gain days 33c
Towels, 2 for 25c.
White Cotta Mallets, 5oc.
pn'rs whits and grey (bUon BLs-
30 kr'..,
good weithe. lofty fleish, isk es
burden, spools' for Siegel. days
M ()ruga per sett.
Linen heek.hsnk towels., good s Kt and
weight. hemmed ends. rod border,
regular 1R3, for Sar/Gln days
2for 25C
Towels 1(1c.
Linen heck Towels, fend weight, (Mewed
and hemmed, hargale days special
at .•eh OC
This does not tell of all the Bargains that will be ready when you come. There will be many another that we have not room for in the paper.
Everything mentioned here will he found just as advertised. Bring the list with you and come expecting Bargains. We will not disappoint you.
H O D G E N S B ROS •, Two Doors West of Hamilton St., GO D E R 1 C H•